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pW-YORK TRIBÜNE. -rtfiSEW-TORK -^i^hcntheypiefer...

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pW-YORK TRIBÜNE. -rtfiSEW-TORK DAILY TUIBL'NE IS PUBLISHED STORY MOKMNG, bl'NDAV EXCEPTED. ¿ffivÄCity?*a?S¿¿ ,-, MNE CENTS,.. -^i^hcntheypiefer, tteycimnapinadrance at the ff t i>r »ix months,OS * rear -t the same rate, binsle *^ TWO CENTS. Mail Subscrib»;is $'. per «tnnniu, tùî>î?..î,* and die p-i""' i" '1° «.*.* ctondnaed b-r/ond the Sífor wï_ch it .i Said. Subscriptions taken foi Sis VcdlnVi^ce allowed on Daily Exchanges with -any .,th- . piper. Terms o I Ad vertis 1 ng. n-f-al LINE'S orless,(overSix,)Fimtinseruon.. »Cents. *.. " for each suba«*tt**nt insertion.21 ' || " for Six insertions, or one week.. % 1 M ' . » for TwEîsrr-FivEinsertîoua.'.0"i " ,***--* LcnA*" Adveró* menu at equally favorable rates. THE IÍEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE » Very L*rge I'a'.er, for thi Country. [jrCBLlSHED 1 vv.lvV SATl'BfAV M0HMN1 A¿i0W price of TWO UOLLAKSM.eraniium.inadvdiir,- .Hijutuogs, R_x,MiioT3saud Fgbe_s_ Notices, notex- ttedwt five liuei. . cei.'.. TÏHE TRIBÜNE. letters from Italy.N». Mill. Foreign Corr.pori<li:iiCC of The New-York Tribune. A MOONLIGHT VISIT TO THE COLlSt'.'M. ROME, April 13- Holy week is over and Rome is emptying her- jdf of her crowded population. The streets al¬ ready arc quite deserted, and English seems nu iager the language of the people. Last night tfSa beautiful clear night, and " the full round aoon" seemed sailing the heavens on purpose to ¿eJiow mysterious and solemn a light ¿he could ¿row over' the ruins of ancient Rome. Byron -a« the Coliseum should always be visited by monnlight, as the glare of day is loo strong for it. So acting under his advice 1 sallied forth at mid. -¿ht to visit it. It »¿ at least a mile or a mile 3Iid a half from the centre of the city, and the dark and deserted streets and Trajan's lonely co- ¡am that stood in the way, naturally put me in the mood to enjoy a ramble through these old ruins. I passed through the ruins of the Basi¬ lica of Constan tine, climbed over its fallen co¬ lumns, and finally emerged into the open moon. iirht right before the Coliseum. Its high and uneven top stood against the blue sky, with the pile and yellow light falling all over it, while the arches opened like caverns beneath, and the rjamberinir ivy glistened and rustled in the pass. w night wind. Here, said I to myself, one can for once romance and dream with nothing but the moonlight and the Coliseum to criticise him. But alas, my expectations were sonn blasted, for to my surprise, as I approached, I saw a long line of carriages drawn up under the arches. Other people knew the Coliseum looked well by moon- Ijr/ht beside myself. 1 was half inclined to turn back, but finally concluded to enjoy it another .rav.by seeing how the fashionable world took Rich a scene. After groping through one of the arches, by which a carriage stood, with the driver fast asleep on the box, I stepped into the arena and looked around me. Ârch above arch, seat above scat, arose that vast amphitheatre, the ruined corridors, the black cavernous arches, the rustling ivv, the mysterious grandeur of the whole, and the sudden rush of centuries over the weak and staggering memory, completely swept every thing but the past from my vision. I felt afraid where I stood.I could not wholly grasp the scene.I seemed amid something awful, and yet could hardly tell what. 1 turned, and lo ! I was leaning over the lion's den. I started, as if a sudden roar had burst up around me. The next moment it was all gone. The quiet moon was sailing along the quiet sky.the night breeze sighed mournfully by and nature was breathing long and peacefully. A gay laugh dispersed the whole, as a fashionable couple passed near me, speaking of some one's grand soiree. I wander¬ ed around, meeting groups of sauntering idle.rt, talking French, Italian and German. A Trench couple promenaded backward and forward acroso the arena, without once looking up to the moon¬ light ruin. They spoke low and earnestly, and their walk i\as of that slow and steady pace which always denote» an absorbed mind. 1 stood for a long while in the shadow of the rums and rdtched them. It was a love scene in the Coli¬ seum, but the Coliseum itself was quite forgot¬ ten. The voice of one man thrilled deeper in that fair one's heart than a thousand-tongued ruin around her. Her heart was busy amid other scenes. Under its magic jwwer the Coliseum ivas buried and Rome forgotten, and a fabric more beautiful titan both, in their glory was reared above them.a fairy fabric where love dwelt and fate spun her golden thread. Alas, 1 sighed, as 1 turned away, there are more ruins in the world than the Coliseum, and more awful. The saddest fragments are not those that mctt the eye, and the light that memory flings over buried hopes is lonelier than moonlight here. This second dream was also dispelled by a shout above me, a company, guided by a man with a torch, now emerged in view above me, and again «-rapped through the corridors. Suddenly a French girl near me exclaimed, as they again came on to «*n arch and stood looking down upon us. " C'est tres joli."' " Oui,*'was the answer. " C'est inag- ûtëqne," and then a laugh as clear and mirthful 88 ever rung from a careless heart. 1 wished also to ascend the ruin for the view, but kept de¬ ferring it as it was necessary to have a guide ami torch to prevent one from venturing over weak «ches and tumbling down ruined flights of steps. It was abominable to be compelled to tro! around fr-ter a sleepy guide who was thinking the while W the paul each was to give him. It seemed cownright sacrilege, but I must'do it or not %o ««tall. So I joined a mixed parly of ladies and Çentlemen and commenced the ascent just as -.aedoes an unpleasant duty. I followed doggedly the guide and torch awhile, when, seizing a fa- arable opportunity, 1 dodged one side, threaded toy way amid the darkness tn t|ic top of the building, and clambering over a ruined parapet ky down, determined to take my own time tu ¦".cw the Coliseum. The-hum drum guide did °ot miss me, and 1 was left alone with the Coli- -arnand the night. One by one the groups rc- toed, and 1 heard with joy the last carriage rat- «.ea.vay toward the city. Behind me stood the «eh of Constantine.on my left was the Palatine ****** the Roman forum with its few rcmainin¡>; clorons aud the Capitol.beneath me was the ***-.* where thousands had been " butchered to ^e a Roman holiday." Up those very stone .^ps below me had passed hasty tort more thin .1 ^ousand yeirs ago. Rieht around me had been Je bustle and hum of the eager assembly. Be- *** me, through that grand archway in which &°w the bayonet of a solitary sentinel glistened, *.*»- passed the triumphant Ctesars, while the ^fhty edifice rocked to the shout of the people, ^eath me, far down in the arena, on which the ^alight lay so peacefully, had stood the gladia- r while his quick ear caught the roar of the £n» aroused for the conflict. « Hie habet," had j touted from where I lay, as the steel en- cret«5omc poor fellow's bosom. * There the dying BY GRÉËLEY & McELRATH. VOL. ï?I. NO. 139. j»jh- j> ii.j 11 mi,>jn .¦>»»».«-M.*-»*»' ..¦'-" "-*' gladiator had lain as the life stream ebbed slowly away, while his thoughts, far from the s-'cne of strife, reckless who was the victor, were .. When !" rud< hut by the Danube lay.¦ Win» «irrt his young barbarians -.11 at play There «à-» tbeii Daciaa mother." " Danube with his young barbarians and their Oh, u!ut wild heart-breakings had been in that arena! Every inch of it had been soaked in blood, an d yet not a stain was left.not a ccar remained to tell of the death-strug. gles these walls had witnessed. The Ctesars and the people, the slave and the martyr»:d Christian, had all passed away. The spot where the one looked and the other suffered alone was left.. Thought crowded upon thought as I looked down upon iu till the solitude and silence became too painful for me. I seemed to have lived years in those few minutes. I turned to descend, but alas, I was without a guide or a torch, locked up on the Coliseum after midnight. To thread mv way through the dark galleries and down the niched slip?, war- no easy task ; but after v:oln^ and returning, mounting and descending for near a quarter of an hour, -and which seemed an hour. I found the way, and landed safely at the en¬ trance. After some thumping, the guide came and set me free. Í returned through the Basilica of Constan¬ tino, and standing by one of its fallen columns, paused to hear the scream of a night bird which came from the Palatine hill, and was echoed back bv another from near the Capital. I had never heard it then, though I have often heard it since. It was a shrill, single cry, that, heard amid those ruins at midnight, was indescribably thrilling.. Right above me, on a ruined front, leaned several marble statues, in attitudes s-o natural that it was almost impossible to believe they were not human being-- keeping watch among the ruins. Just then the wind began to sweep by in gusts, shak¬ ing the ivy over my head, while the wild, mourn¬ ful cry of that night bird seemed like the wail of .1 ghost ;>::iid the surrounding desolation. The hour, the place, and the silence, made it too lone- ly. It was fearful. I would stand and listen, anxious yet afraid to hear it repeated, and when again it rung over the ruins it sent the blood back with a quick flow to my heart. I passed under the great arch and began to enter the city feeling as if I had henrd lhe ghost of Rome cry¬ ing out amid her ancient ruins, lîut I know all description must seem rhodomontadc to you at this distance, yel to a heart thai has not lost all worship for tin-great and the old, it is widely dif¬ ferent. The only _ood description I have ever seen is in Byron's .Manfred. It is much better than in ('bilde Harold : .. I do remember me tint m my youtli When I iva-, wandering : npon -ucli a night stood within the Coliseum'* wall "Mii!.,t the chief relics of Almight] l!"m» ; Th»- iTtes which grew along the Hr-.k'-n arche.-? Waned dark in the blue midnight, and the stai i Slum.- through the rents of ruin ; fri.ni afar The watch-dog bayed beyond tlieTibei ; and Moie near fr-nn out the Ctcsars' julac»' came The owl's 1 «¦ ti-_-; cry, .-.ml in', rruptedly i>f distant sentinel** ih" distant «.our* Began ;uid <li-d upon the gentle wind. Souk cypress beyond tin* lime-worn beach Appe ii- J to skin, the horizon, yet they s'.ood Within a bow-shot w!i»tc thu Ciesars dwelt And tho h didst »bine, 11 »--»i tolling moon, i'prm All this and ra..t -i wide and teudei li^la \\'!u- li oftened down tlie hoar ansli rity ( mgg, j desolation, and filled lip, As 'iweifi anew, i lie f*aps of èntt L-.o ing that beautiful which ."till ivs, so, And making tliat winch '.va* not, till the place Bei une i- ligioo, and the heart ran o'ci With silent worship of tbi ^r-at and old ' Th- .- ad bul so ptred sovi ;-. igns ««ho still r\']* Our spirits from theii ruins." H A M ER It:A N i'i; ( -DUCTIONS PROMOTE Sx. HEALTH..It is strängt that many shouldranwck che wiile «m!.! foi antidotes to disease when the kind AUTHOR OF NATURE has furnished i:m- ry clime tlie best prevent¬ ives i,..11 me. for iheir own peculiar diseas*. THE WILD CHERRY IS OUR PANACEA for nil af f- ctions of the Lungs and Lirer..-Listen !" the proof; Haddomfiüld, N.J. Api i120, ISO. On oi about the 13th day of October, 1811, I was ; iken with *. violent pain in the side neai the In er, which continued aboui Sv( «I lys, and iva* follow. .1 by the breaking ..!" au ulcei .; 'li¬ st-ess ¡nwaiilly, which relieved tin sin a hule, but cau ed ci¬ to ihruv.- upa gre^t quantity of offensiv» matter, and also much blood. Being greatlv alarmed at this, I ipplied to a physician, í>ut h»- %rti«l h- could d.« but little ior ine except to ko»' mesóme MERCURY Pills, which refused to take.. Many other renn dies were theu procured by my wife and friends, but none did m»- any good, i he »Jt^i;!i ir<- of blood and corruption still continued, every few diys, till at last it became so offensive that 1 could -i .!¦ ly br ithe. I was alsoseized witha violent cough which at times caused me to raisi much more blood than before. My diseas« »till grew worse till February, when ¦ill hopes of recovery weit given uii, aud my friends u!l thought 1 must die ol a galloping Consumption.. At this time, when apparently my lili was drawing near it- close. 1 heard of Dr. wiçtart Balsam of Wild Cherry, audgot i bottle,which relieved me immediately, aud by the use ol only three bottles »>f tins medicine .til my pains were n m ived; my cough aud j:-it tin:; of blood and corrnptioui ntirely ¡topped, and in ifew weeks my healill was sq.- fai restored to enable me toWork at my trade, (that of a carpenter,) and up to this tiim I have enjoyed good health. Thomas Cozens. Xtw Jersey, Gloucestei Co ts..Personally came befor m-, the subscriber, one of theJu.«tic< . of the Peace in and foi ..i:d county, Tlioma- < u/.ni.», and liein^ duly .iffirtned accoid- ing tolaw.sailh the above statement ¡small things true..-Af¬ firmed before me on the 20th d .-.¦ of April, ir.13. J. Clement, J. P. The original affidavit and many other* may be seen at 125 Fulton-street. The IJ ilsaui will .-i!]«' Asthma in any stace.no matter ofhow long ¿undine;. AskA. Williams, Em. Counseiloi at Lr-r, V ..:: VVilliain-st, wtiom it cured yl Asthma of 2V years' standing) after trying oui most distinguished physicians iu vrfin Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, obstinate ( oughs, Bleed¬ ing if the Lung«, Stc. have bei n cured in many cases v. hen all ordinär) means had proved useless. We .;>k_iK. one to take our simple assertion, but wi'l satisfy any our of the extraordinary virtues of this medicine who will cauat the office, bt thi production of evidence tliat < luuotbe ,u tioued Ptici !>l i" : bottle. Sold only by Isaac Butts, 125 Fulton-street, New-York, to whom sil orders should be addressed;.Dexter, Albany- si-ot!. ,v Fowl.-, ¡:: Washiuctou-st. Boitou. Gorbam, ,«- û lii\»-:-. and t>> aïeuls throughout tlie Northern and Eastern States. !.. Lm _ rVfkw SILK AND SHAWL STORK, 1> 3S7 BROADWAY. Just received, New Silk* suiUble lor thr Fill Trade of uew srj !> Muslin uid Craiie De Lain«, of new and desirable patterns. Bombazines -oui Ali>« is,at .di pnce.-.. Cassimeie,*i!k,and Wolen Shawls ofnil qualities. To<etherwith i general issoitment of Linen and Domestic ¡ »ds, all of which will rv »old cheap. WILLIAM H BUTTS. 3B7 Broadway. Also, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs ofall qualities from 2s. to Si: and the bestquality Kid Gloves. Please apply a.« above. s21m W. 11. C. To Country Merchants. C. H. DARLlNCx, IMTORTER AM» IM.lLK IN FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS, 7 ji MAIl»K\" LANE and 5 Uberty street, has I *-fc.! reci ntly received, and of!, rsfoi sale.00 the most lil .-i.il terms, for cash, i complete »saortment of Hair, Tooth and Sharing] Gillott's and o'hexs' Steel Brashes ¡ Pen. Percussion Caps .,.,] Powderl Gold and Gilt Jewelrj Flasks p u ..;.. PocketKnivi Bone And P»tI Shirt Buttons Razors and Razor Stror« Hemminc Dr-ll-Eyed Ne dl - IShell. lv iry and 1! ira .inh» !>-«! Koitting fins and Bod-'.Suuil and Tobacco Box-, f'Ui Slates ;;id Slate Pencils, &c HERÇUA.XTS .-ni Peddlers buyuiR for cash will find it to tageto call before purcrMuing elsewhere, as all in tlie above line will be sold on tht m it favorable !___._______ _?]____ FIRST PREMIUM rsJà£TB& ?00T AXD SHOE STORE. T-Hi. SUBSCRIBERS would respecifuUv M ":!,Vr?,.""** Ladii? * ¦¦¦-- t! úroa* orp-rdiasing good Shoes ttut lan.-s ar- ill maUeof the finest French material*, .i. baUA suited tu theshapeoi the foot -, that none but snperioi rvovkmen roe employe-]; thnt our rnancfactory is un-fcrtbi «upermtendenceol¦ .x very competent fcrernantnnd that wi love on hand, at all times, an eiiruM»-. _sortnie»t, cousutius- ;' e»;«! f«uhiiMablestyle of Ladies, Misses. Boy's and Chif Iren s Boot« <t.ud fbhV^ :lTiU,,1 i1*«?» «n»»'°rt iCrfct from the nrsi make is m 1 arts, Lauies t rench Sh.M»s ; a lar-*» assortment îl waysouh^nd. TUTTLE Si HÀYWARD, No. 289 Broaidwiy, on« door above lleade-stieft. N. B..T. & H. received a silver Mrtlal aad Diploma foi inpeiior sample* of Ladies Gaitex Boou and Shoes, at the lat«: Fair in this city. Measures taken, and crdro promptly eiecuted. ,¡-.29 3m OFFICE NO. 160 XEW-YOKR, TIESDAV ?ÍOlll F-jx-vçH Laäccack..Monesca?* Oral System - ¦M-,un- i. Manesca Durand inform- bei tcholars that Ule advanced classes ol lh< pa : ¡eason 1rs resumini foi tin "'"t'-r- Ladies and gentlemen who wi.h to enter classes in ti»e2nd,3rd or lîh courses, would do Well : -..¦!¦ A new venine < lass fur gentlemen will commence on Mon- .'i r ,",2j]'i '-' September : th ....» wishing t... join ..¦ ill 1- .. rill -md |-ave tli-ir names. Al>. - Ladi- ¦. morning da* ^'^ i.- ; few daj -. I'.m ¦:¦ instruction during the d 1.. 7S E ranklm .trect. TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, :-.-. 160 NASSAU-STREET. A11 k c d s 0 J 0 h P r 1 '; 11 n ç , suchas ".¦.¦-1HLLT5, C*»T__OGt*£3, Checes, Cards, !.*:*t;i:à.-.(.k Policisi, Bills ok Lading. Circulars, "Mammoth Show ""ills. Lecture Cii.l-¡, .'-.-.. mit Billj. flam cad Fancy, Political Bills, Circulars, (neat) fee i.--.-,, -j ,-. tecuted at the Office of Th- Tribune, No. 160 S u san-street-.opposite th* ftrk. TRIBUNE BOOK BINDERY, No. 7 Spruce street, (Tribuno II nil dings.) JAMES pltlNGLE, P L A I N A N L) UP. N A M E N T A L B O O K B I N D E R . JOBS OF ALL KIÎÎDS IM!' [TED *.V nt ' ...''.. ¦>!'. PI "'.' rUALITY ON THE .-I"1 MOSI RE.VSO.VABLE TEPJllS. 'J'o the Friend- of ."»Ir. Clay*. Life ami Speeches of Him¡v <. lay..The publish¬ ers --I tliia work are now prepared 10 executi orders to any extept. The work compris» .1 in two octavo rolume .. on- tainiii-» ¡n the whole upwards of 1,100 paces, and is illus- bj a splendid steel Portrait of Mr. < lav, h V~i«w of his L.i!;i place in Virginia, md a Fae Simile of one if his letters -thewholefoi One Dollar'. It is believed to he the 1 !:. <¡.e-,t work ever published in America. These Sjieeches form an important portion of the H iston' of our Country for th« last thirty )<-ars, and are interesting to all classes of readers, without reference to politics. Ht ICES.Well done up in strong flexible covers, in the French style : Single copy, 2 vols, octavo, upwards of 1100 pages.. ,*1 00 Twelve copies fur.Ill 00 Twenty-five copies for.20 00 One hundred copies for.SO 00 Donna with Cloth Backs d_ Gilt Lettering. 'P3 fl ...-. Twelve copies for.1*2 iw Twenty-ñve copies for.-21 00 One hundred copies for.P-'i 00 None sent on commission. Terms Cash. Ordi r* mu-r be iddressed to GB.EELEY '- McELRATH, New-York. [H~-* Sylvania Association..Office No. 25 Pine st. third story. Open fr-.m to Kl A. M. and from 3 to 4 P. -M. Information cheerfully (riven. The Constitution civt-n._jylOtf \Tr~ Cant fon..Ti.' Traveling Public are c.îtitioned againstpaying their fire at Albany, Schenectadv or Utica any f.-.r'her West tlian Syracuse, or suffering their baggage to !-.. put in tha Cars coin-; West of Utica, as there ire other mod..; of conveyance from that place to Rochester. Lew iston, Niag¬ ara Falls and Buffalo, much cheaper and pfeasanter. As the agentsnf these lines are not permitted to enter rie- (J,ir Houses along the line of the Railroad, it becomes necessary far the; Proprietors ol these cneaper rr.od.-5 of conveyance to put the Travel i ni; Public on^then -riiard lgainst tii-_: impositions of these odious monopolies, by this notice. Syracuse. Mai ifcO. my29 4meod TV/TONE Y TO !."AX ou Mortage uu Real iVJL Estate in this cirv, by the HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, tiaim _No. 3i Wall street. ~PRI N t "WARE 110 US E IN NEW-YORK. BF. LEE, formerly «it the firm of L-ord& tees, . Lee« Babcnck. &c and U. B. BREWSTER,under the firm of LEE .V BREWSTER,have established at 113 PEARL STREET, ( ii ......'r S.;ua/e.) New-York, a waw house on ..¡i extensive scale, EXCLUSIVELY PR I NT ED CA LICOES, to supply theCityand DiteriorTrade, bythe piece or package. By confinins their attention entirely and exclusively to this one hi tic!.-, L. ¿x. B. are enabled not only to exhibit a mor»» ex- rentire tr.d beautifulaasortment tlian is to I»- found elsewhere, (there being no similar eit.ibli.inn-/iit lor Prints in th. United States,) but t" sell always at priesa'; low, and generally lower than ii.iu-»-s whose attention and means are divided uniMj^ a large variety of article: The Stock, embracing Sonie Thousands of Different Pat¬ terns and Culoiimts. comprises .-Il 11¦ . latest «mil choicest it* las; to which will he constantly added alj new and desira¬ ble patterns as they appear in the market, besides many which will be got up exclusively lor iln-ir own sales. Purchaser-of this arti.-le «ill lind it to theT iiitt rest toex- uii.tl 1. Stock before buj inu* their Prints. Even if they do not purchase the-.- will .»t least ha\. tliead« mtaRe ofseeing all the new ityles, and learnin*; the Lowest market pries. B_?*" Caialogues of Prices, correi ti d w ¡th every variation of tin ¡Market, are placed in the hands of Buyers. All orders mil lei.-.-i- tl,. "... .: uT'i.t. a.12.1 3111D&.W INDIA Hl BBEK SHUE-S..Tli.» sn^crib^r is ¦ now receivinj; his Fall supply of India Rubber Shoos, and ctfully solicits a call. Dealers may rely upon the assort- meut'béin-r a* general and complete as c^n be found in th<» m irkct, a Ii- is supplied by tie ¡different manufacturera with :».'i\ saleable ttj 1. of >h »i Il\s stock of lined Rubbers is decidedly tin b< slevei offered; is besides, lining good Sh - 1, thi ue Iini 1 in .1 verrsuperioi nanner; of plain and figured Rubbers, Men's and Womeu's, :he supply ij la.-x'e and well seasoned. Sli»et and Cloth Rubber Shoes, Buskins, Sandals, manul ic- ur-d Rubbers, &_-, can b~ found at this establishment, made n .i superior manner and warranted. Also, India R'ibbei Carriage Cloth, Hose foi tin- Crotón IVatei, Machine Banding,Life Preserijers, Pill» ivs.« ushions, .¿¦.. ice Tad all (itlur manufacturad g^ods on hand, md m m i factored to order. C, L. ROSS, s2 121 Maiden lane. Vetween Pearl and'VVater-sts. Y^/Tn LU »\V"<[ 1A OF.S..TlKi greatesl variety of V V Shades to be found at any ïtorcMs at No. 7 Spruce-sL. ?rices varying from Sl to $50. Shades shown with thegrea& ?st of pleasure and no chante made. Persons buying Shadejs if n -, i.-.v. great advant ige ovei othi places as all our ].atteru¡, ire original, and we arc adding to tlic stock every day. Sikh*- ii.-l B -.mi-.-. ¡1 tint! d !. ord« (. si m. BARTOL it DE MAURYI I aAV CARD.John M. Dutfield, of Natchez, J.^\li»;.i.Ji|.|.i. will attend ro legal business that may lie con¬ fided to In tu in the Circuit Courts of Adamsand the adjactnt counties, and in tin Superior Courts t<f the Snt^. A favora¬ ble professional connection in Louisiana will enable hiin to attend to business also in the Parishes of ihat State, n-ar Natchez. He refers to. Grant & Barton, Van Ar&dale, Cauldwell and Rob. Cochrac, agent foi Br-.mi VYarnock, Broth«is& < 0. Malcolm \ Gaul, Sam. Cochran, Henry Laverty, Willis m Kain._ slf.Dii.Wi>' _ LOOK A.TT1ÜS!.Just received, a lot of fine Bbmbizine, at only Ss, 6d. per yard; lot Cotton Flannels ,it ij .-eiiLs pei yard; loi Silk Fringe at 9 cent.-, per van!, lot of ('.m Buttons at 2 .-n;* 1-1 dozen; lot fine Watt red Ala-iaccas .it l5.6d; lot Silk Cord at only s cents per yaid; lot Lotton Hose it ..ni. Gcenu; lot line Satinetts at2s. 6d; fine Cassi- mi.- .' onl* 6s. Rd; loi Pearl Buttons at 1 cent per dozen; lot Silk Gimp at I cent yard; lot tine Muslins at i cents ¡-r yard; lot Calicoes at only 1 cents nei yard; lot Umbrellas at I. Cd. All thai v. ml Dry Goods cheap, call -jii _HAWKINS, 501 Greenwich street. OLMSTED PATENT STOVES. ü 1Í. TÄOWBKJDGE, 210 Water street, has »for salea laiçeand complete assortment of Stoves/01 halls, p-irhirs. nurseries, and stores. His stoves are made in 1 superior manner, and for economy, durability and beauty, cannot be surpassed. Those in want are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere._sl! lw CÖMMISSIOXPÄPER WAREHOUSE, NO 43 JOHN-STREET. "C-LMOT, BURNAF 5c BABCOCK are con- Í-Á stantly supplied with a large .md general assortment of PAPERS, suited to all dcrpartments of.t)te tmle, amonx' which aie the following :_ Hubbard's colored I'ajiers, in great variety ; Boston Copperplate Papers, of ¡.ui-rinr quality; Ce..,k and News Prii.iin^: Cap, Letter, Folio I' ad Blank Book l'.ij»rrs; Printers, Clotjuers'and Carpet- makers' Press-Boards; Druggists', Hardware and Cloth Pa¬ pers; Binders'and Trunk Boaids; Sheathing and Wrapping Papers, i¿c. iic. Pdper-ini-eis.-.upiilied with all kinds of stock and mate rials. )e30 tf CORK LEG», ARMS. vVc. rr\\Y. LOSS OF FEET AND LEGS NO HIS- 1 DRAXCE TO THE ACT OF WALKING..JOHN F. THOMAS. Cork Le- Maker, Sec respectfully informs the public that he has returned from Philadelphia to No. t?2 Wa- ter-street, comer of Pike-street, New-York City, where he continues to Manufacture Artificia] Limbs, on a plan the most ccriect ami k-ast complicat^i. havinK. ihrou^h necessi- ty, invented, made :md worn an artificial le-,: lor 40 years h:i.1 been a manufacturer foi 33 years, feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who cM on him for LLGS, HANDS, ARMS. ..r ti.e COMMON' WOODEN LK(i. att2 3m- ¦VTEW-VOKK «MTV "KHEL'MÄTICT>I.SPEN- JLl SARV. 1OT Greenwich-street..Geo. W. GARDNER, M. D.. Graduate from ihn Pittsfield Medical Institution] re- spectfully announces to the citizens ofN-York his arrival from the city nft'tici, prepared by long experience in the curt of thousands, (testimonials of which may lie s<~u at tli- Dispeu» sary«) to ei'adicatc Rheumatism, either acute or chronic, i> A vtKV KKW »IINMT1-. Pt n M a > >. NTLV. Persons arUicred are invited to call md \a!i\fij :he:n*clvc\ of the etSracy of his means. A few minut--* will satisfy the most scei-tical. N. V. <"itv Disi»eii».ir-.-. ¡tKl <i..-nwich-jt. s8 lin H-rtibrd Kit- Lnsuraacc.CTomp-uy. I TIRE [NSURANCE at the lowest rates bythe Hartfc-rd Kire lnsuraiic- Company..( Iucorjxjrated lSlO. Charter peipetnal») This Ions established and weil known Institution, havias been in active operation u^waids of thirty years, continue- to insure Houses, Furnitur«-, Stores, Merchandise, and every de- icripäon of property agiinst loss or damaxte by tire on the mosi favonble turms. JOHN NEILSON, Jr. Agent, je20 3m**_¿6 Wall street. r-pHE HOWARD INSURANCE rjk>mnany.. X Capî-al S3OO.0O0; OfEce No. Si Wall it. Thi-. Company .-ontinues to make ini*ir-.r,.-* i-;air_t loss or d2in_ge by ñr»», *md mluud mvigatioa. oiaccTORs: Reasseher Hivea. Naiah Taylor, Corls. W. Lawrence, J. Phillips Ph.uii, William «"onch, Micah Baldwu, John Morrison. B. L. Woolley, Nathaniel Weed, Joseph B. Viraom, i»'-uiiun-:C.Tack«r,Johfl Raakin, David Lee. Mri^» D.Beajamm,John D. Wolfe, Caleb O.il listed, William W. Todd.F-rdiiiand Snyaam. Henry G. Thompson, IL HAVENS, President. Lv.wis Piiili.ip». Secrctarv. ¦!3 D APERS.50 Bales Russia. Diapers for sale by GRJN'NELL, MINTTJRN & CO. T3 South-street fASS_Ll7-STREET. ÍINC, SEPTEMBER 19. _8_3. ««. ¦ i.. ¦¦¦¦¦*¦*¦¦¦*¦¦¦*»¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ TV/TRS. ROBINSON ible Clear-Starcher, 1TX89 Mercer st.. fifi .. §¦ ring it Embroi !i Lac»n. rarlton Muslins, Silk 11 e, Sec. made to look :., new , .-!.:«... M. -¡nos, !.. al ird SiU-.Mouseln d- taint 'I íolr i -.. .v.-.. leaned Im* voi/n; laüies, at 32 the Fe- andall DAY ¿I EiOOL KO_ LÎIRLS.--MRS. Ki__r_o,D wishes to receive ismall numberof pupils .1 a tion in all¡the usual brancha Person oVsirom placing their dau**htei nnderhei care, may have an opportnnil"* of con vi rsing with herei . tween I "'clock md 13 73 Leonard-it._ _si6eod2w* QËLECT SCHO'uL K< >R BUYS. 17 Amttv-st". i~J This Schoolwill bere-opened on Monday* the 4th Sept. ( in nsting ol on, y ... limited nuinbei of upib, its design is to '¦" means of giving their son . thorough pre- paratoi iQon Jl qU_ifj tie-m for either the eonotmc ni -. lieg : .: RII HARD P. JENKS, Teach« OEMINARY FOE «- Rii ¡net treei Also, a Select School i ..- small B .-. u m from male S< Each depertment a pro« ¡«Jed with distinct Ti ichi : »». li : th< iui ervision f thi Principal. Ti mi to suit thi s2 lm* V. THOMPSON; Principal. \' ITJNG LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY I >. HOOL..Mrs. BAILÉ Y respectfully informs her pa- tromi and tlie.public that she will re-open her Seminary, it No. in Larndl Place, Blcecker-street, on Thursday, the7th of S ptember next, rhe same system of Instruction is pursued is formerly, and th «me Teachers employed, aided by oth-| ers of similar ability. Mrs. Bai lei solicits tlie patronage ol thi - who are disposed to give ibeir daughters a solid and ac* omplished »due lion A French l-overuess wanted. Apply as ibove. au2G lm* PERTH AMBOY SFTMINAHY . Scientific, I Math -niM.-.l., d( lassical..The Princijtals fully intend t'i-i'^1.»I shall be second tit no» in point ol merit. Tlie \vinter Se_ion will commend on Monday, November 6. Terms moderate, in accordance with the times. Circnlars with testimonials and reft-renca maj behad of John S.Tay¬ lor, Brick Chapel, oi of tlie Pri ici| il S. K. WOODBRIDGE, >I2 6w«_ S. G. WOODBRIDGE. p W. FEEKS' CLASSIC AND ENGLISH *_". SCHOOL,619 Broadway (near Stuyvesant Institut»-) will i..- re-o¡»t-nedon Momia Ith September. Teachers..-C. E. Washbum. A. M. (latelvi tutor in Amherst College) Latin and G .. !:: A. Pestiaux, French; E. Pu reell, Drawing; W. Davisou, Penmanship; \v. Ii. Brad- bury* V cal Music. The Engli hand Mathematical Departments will he under the supei inteudeuce of the Prim ijwl. Circulars.c lutaining terms, ice. may !». had on application to Mr. Briant,C*5 Broad« iy, . r;o the Prim m il. au31tf rpH I-: SUBSCB I r.KIÏ prenses to take" into hiV JL family» few lads to educate in a thorough manner, eithei for the I liversiry, the couiitin***! iom.au agricultural life, or as teachers; After fifteen years -.; rience in the oral method of instruction he .'¦ Is .!:.-.. <.. nfidi-nce in seeking the public ¦¦ i-.--. His residence at Walpole, N, H.. o the Co n. tient riv-r, is one of the most moral, healthy, quiet and beauti¬ ful villages iu New Emtl nid, a .il can be reached in l''< hours from thi if. of New Y- r!:. Terms, includingboard, tuition, washing, &c. S2O0 a year. Verj t'-w books requited. For 'arth'ir particulars, applj to Rev. Hen rv W. Bellow.-, No. 30 Union Place, New York. JI » 1 i N N. BELLOWS. Wal pole. N. H 20th Vug 11. _a nil I liueo-1« *DEV. J. F. MESSENGER'S CLASSICAL XX SCHOI >L.( rnerofCH itonand Pacific streets, Brook¬ lyn. )-.This School will re-open on the 1st day of September. Puni'tn .i attend in v of the pupils is requested. The cour.-'' nl instruction in ;!n- institution i^ full and tho¬ rough,, embracing the Kaiglbh Classical, Mathematical and Scientific branches. Strict attentron i* paid to tlie formation ol'rh" moral is well a.-, intellectu il ch iracter of pupils. The first masters are employed iu th.t several departments, and the mode of instruction i ntinued .-. ich has so long given satis- The limited number of ox pi nils will be received i:itn the Piincipal's family, ud receive ne care of a parent. Circulars stating teims. A.c. niaî be had on application nt the Church Depository, No. 20 rohn-sr, oi it the bookstore of Mr. A. V". Blake, Fulton-it. N w-York. and at Mr. A.M. Wilder7« Bwokstore,51 Fulton-st. Brooklyn. auJOtf TTNlVERSTfY GRÁlMMAR SCHOOL, Com-- »L' mercial Department..Mr. HUBBS, Master of this De- irtment for the la«t year and a halfj organized his School on the tth iu-t. at 13 West VV ishinj ton Place, under the uatne of im mercial and Collegiate Scl iol." Thi iri ingementr.f the Juni« r Department in large classes, with verj few actual teacheis.*he consequently superficial ittainments with which its sch daraawere required1 to enter the ommercial Department in ordi r to finish their preparation foi business; and the restrictions i pon this Department, beyond lh.» control pf the in inter, led Mr. Hubbs, in obedience to the V*. -Ii--* <f his fri«mds. tn de.-i.-..-. dissolution of his connection w i*li the Universit) Grammar School. TI.sti mate of-his rel itiou with his School maj be inferred from the following uotes: " University ok NewYork, June nth. m¡3. " Mr. Hubbs ivtii.-i from tli»- Cirainmar ¡School not Ix-cause >r -any t!i»*.atlsraction or disapprobation On my parr. AíH«.»i¡ Master ofh is Department, Mr. Htubbs has been diligent; faith* ful andsaccessful; and he a tut s with our best w ¡sties for his iin-1-.-.s. Sigimd, C. MASON, Itectoi." "Commercial Defartment.-.Isaac George Hubbs. (,i »i ido ..;- of Pi inceton and long >**cpei ienced in teaching,) Head Master, h as at no time stood so high as at present, either as t its numbers or the state of its discipline and study." [Re- piort of Universitj to the Regents of the State. Feb. 1st, 1843 Attested by oatliof the Rector and of the President of the n. ml.] Tint this new arrangement ol Mr. Hubbs i.s not contrary to Jie wishes of a large number of his scholars »ml patrons at the University, is eridi »it from ihe fact, tliat with a tingle excep¬ tion, his pupils lure returned to him instead of going to the LTuiversity. ¡t is dsotrue, thai some gentlemen now send to Mr. Hubbs insi ad of Mr. Hobby who have tried the Junioi Department of tlu I nn-i-if- loi years, aud declined to pa- ii'iiir- h lurthi i. Iu order th >t li-- might more ..!. ctually accomplish Ins pnr* fjose of uniting the advantages of public and private educa* .ion,.md bringing atV pupils of the school uii.fer the instruc¬ tion of i-esponsible luidefncient :. achers, heh isasso» i it.'.l witli limself, Geo. W. I l.trk»-, A. M. who hasl.n foi the N -r t w.. years, ;ucc**ssfulL . .:- ged.in this city, iu.tht bnsinessof En- ;li h md . sil il insti ncti**»n. The Assist int in the la ¡ics.the Professoi of French.the Professor ol Spanish md Italiai .the Teacher ofPenmanship, ml the Ti ichei of Dravi iug ue all gentlemen ofeminent qu u lii'- 'tloliS. Circulars of the Commercial md Collegiate School may be -obtained n Raynor's Bookstore, "*> Bowei»-. the Stuyvesant Bookstore, Broadway,oi ai the Scl.I. 13 VVest Washington Place, J G HUBBS. ? sin iw G. W. CLARKE, s [. Principals. rPHK GRA_v]MAH .-l'il' K »L nf tlie LTuivcrsiiy on Monday lai A gre it numbei of parents h id desired that their sons should omi lete ,! eii coui -.. of educ ition lor business under tlie c ire of Mr. Hobby instead of going to the Commercial Department. It was accordingly arranged at die last session to extend ih>- course-of instruction in Mr. Hobby's department so .is to em- br;tce all the studies iu tlie English and modern languages pre* paratory to business, and to dissolve the Commercial Depart¬ ment. In this way we secure r.j ,tl| pupils m this department the experience and skill of ,i mastei who has had more than thiity years of succei.who is w* teaching tlie spnsol lus former Pupils, and wh<> is widely known m this city for his mode of disci pi im md his success in forming the minds and characters of nis pupils. Mr. Hobby's assistants are Uiose who have been long con¬ nected with Tii- School. . Mr. Edgar, at th- bead of the < lassical Department, now enters on his seventli year. He is assisted by Mr. I rpmwell and Mr. Wheelock, botli favori te pupils ol the 1-t- Mr. Lsckie; thej both learned to teach under hia direction; and both have been teachers many ye in. The pn..fmition in this denartmenthas been reduced to meet the wishes of pitre»,. ¦'. MASON, ll.-etor. so ¦;»¦. rpH -"M iSSKS-'!' 1LI )EN'S.F,( >AR 1.)tNG A N D J. DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies; at Jamaica Plain. four miles from Bo-,' ... Mas ., at reduced terms. Board and tuition, including the English, ranch and Latin lamruages,S200per annum. Instruction in music, fromS. to $20 "¡id 830 a term, according to the teachers employed. In Drawing aud Dancing, S10 .. tenu. For anyother laneuageor accomplishment, the charges will be reasonable. The au* tüinii term commences Sei t. 15*.i. The pupils can attend the Episcopal or Congregational < burches, as may be desired. J'h- \ iciuity of Jamaica Plain to Boston, affords every fa- triUiy for obtaining tlie best Teachers the city affords, while ¡he beautiful and retired situation of *!.- School, re;ul-rs it pe¬ culiarly attractive in both parents and pu¡.i!s. ., -, .. p. t Charles W. Grei*«', Esq. References iti Jamaica i lam, J >TKPHKV yL \yK,..,. Esq. v Ho-.. Joseph Tildkn. " Boston, vHorr- Abbott. Lawrence, r !'.kv. E. S. Gait-vett. ("H.IN. ^-loal.s H. GR1>>i:LL, " New York, <Wm. EsiERSorr, Esq. aii2ß 2tw3w* ( Mr. J. B. BRIGHT._ /^TlaSSICAX, FRENCH AND ENGLISH «L/^CHOOL, do. "?> Broadwaj*, opposite Astor Place. PERR1NE -< FOIGNET, Pi_cipals, (lit»- i'etil/eau 6c V.Mr' PERRINE lugs leave to inform his friends and the '' he decease <»f his o'i>eii ou ih»* Uf-tt Monday i.n Srp*eml>er. »». r> t. IT ^^^ ._......U.- ..I/I »1,5, Messrs. P- ií- F. respectfully add. that the French will still be __U_iveJy taught and il¿e¡¡ ihrer hours a day, and that 'he mr.si untiring efforT3 will be in ule to render pupils at home in every branch of a Kr-uch education. M tuesta s Oral svstem will be followed for those whose parents may desire it. Boys are r.c-i^ed :i at any stage of education and thoroughly ,.renàred for college ur business. Foi tenus- iefei-r.c<rs, itc. s«? Circulars with Messrs. Be- nrd and Mondón, 36 Conrtlandt str«t, S. J. Crowen, No 633 Broadway, and at the school. au30 lm" DK. L.AKl'NKK'S LVCEl'M OF POPULAR AND PRACTICAL SI 1ENCE.-The public is rts; .-.-.- fully iutorme.1 that Dr. Ludner, baring collected a splendid and novel -urpaxatûs, consisting ofSeveral humired Telescopic Drawings, f**c*aac Bin*.rations Meteorological and other Di¬ oramas, and t. '.vii:^- ob: lined th« chief share in the proi»erty i-¡ KL*i?ELL'S PLANETARIUM, theeshihitiou of which excited such general approbation in this city la«t -ei.sou.wil! in , few daj»S ojxn a saloon for a short rime, in which he will givea. *_c_s oi popular lectu -n Astronomy a ..! other branches of physic. and meclmitc-ii science, and in which theirwDl Iva »Uily exhibition ..f the :ium, instmeüre and up.tís:-.- experiments iu physics, am! other objects Ol scientific iuterxt, winch will be particu- luir »i-:.'»tied in future announcements. TO INVENTORS, PATENTEES, MANUFACTUR¬ ERS» SÎC.Dt Larlne.- iiilnrms invent».« and all persons en- t£f*d m tí'« A:t< and Mauuiàctures, that lie will receive -n.»- els. drawi'it:*. prodnc.Otts <-f .irr, and specimens of maaitfa- I... Pares, :'<-.* es.nibi:i»>n in the Lyceum, sml'tint such objerts will ;. ceh-e rjccasioûàl apace a--..î trplanation at his lectures. Ap¬ plications I») be made to Lapu John H¿tér, 75 Barday-st. Dr. Lardner maybe c.5n--tilt»-t) .a subjects co.ir.Kted with eiieiueenae and pr-ctical icien--- during his visit to New -York. New-Yo.k. S-:.rei:iber !;, 1ML_sl5 Iw rfx) DEBATING SOCIETIES, Lyceums and X Societies for Public Worship : A LARE ROOM, occupied by the Mile Department of the Sew England School, .7 Bowery, opposite Bond-street, to lei to respectable Societies, icç., oí» the Sabbath and each evening of lite week, eaceot Fridar TeRMi reasouabU. Inr-uire of Moore & Fish, at the Scbool Rooms, or No. 30 Bleecker-st. sl6 Iw» FIVE DOLLARS A YEAH. WHOLE NO. 760. î [VER !¦( >0L COA L ÄFF.' >AT--50 tonsol good -1.¿quality Coal, carefully lowered into the hold, forsaleby W. x J.T. TAPS« OTT. LEHlGU COAL.Delivered direct from yard al the« .impur.'« prices. Orders left with the iuoscribei promptly attended to T. STOKES DICKERS« IN, No. 107 Anthony-st. ¡ lo p ÊÂi I day 3IDDLED NEWCASTLE COAL AFLOAT. *- .Suitable foi Smiths. Cargo of brig Ceres, fot sale m lots to suit, by WARD k BROWNE, "-J__çorner Laight and Waahingtow-sts. \'"H ORCHARD STOVE COAL..This .. discharging from .*anil B-ut Mary Jane, footof l light -::-'. i tuoenoi am. U-, carefully screened ti time of .lupment, foi de by. AVARD & BROWNE, _ HI Vît bington coru-i Laight-st. DLi »NDELL'S ÜRREL COAL-« >] v»-rv ¦»..¦-- ÀJ nor quality, for familv use. now discharging from ship N rth« irouna, and for sale in¡quantities to suit purchasers WARD Ji. BROWN K ""'.'l i! Washington comer Laight -t DK.H'il iRCHAKD COAL.Sowdischarging i from boats foot ol Amos-street, Broken size..>! J7 size .$1 ¿a Lndothei »constantly n hand, by the rir_óor:ton,at low prices, from j ud J. TERBELL, sH Im cor. Hudson and Vmos-sts. J LVERPOOL pRJlEL COAL..Now dis- 4-.«charging from ship North Carolina, at fier No. 13. East nver, a suprior article for family use Inquire on board, oi of WARD ü BROWNE, comer Liight and Washington streets. On Saturday weslial] be unloading a bo-rt load of very *u- perior Stone i oil. For sale at lowest market price. *.> C^OALS. Large nut .~i/e. >'.! ó«»: stove 84 7.">: / .\iA fresh ken and egg, S3 00 per ton, from the y ml, cornei of Kingaud"Greenwich streets. Consumers may rely on getting the best Peach Orchard Red A*h Coal, well screer.- eii in the yard, and delivered at the above price* for cash. A reduction ol ¿5 cents ¡«-r ton will be given if taken direvr from che boats._ aul7_m PETER CLINTON. D EACH ORCHARD RED ASH COAL from J. the v.v|| kijoMii Saletn Yein of all «.¡/.es. screened uni de« livered from the boat or yard belou the market prices. Liv¬ erpool $750.Lehigh, any sixe, $150. No se.-c::-! quality of ( ..».!. No Agents. All Coal weighed by a City Weigher.. i argoes s, m up the North nid East Rivers at a reduce rite. i ard jot Washington st. near Spring. _u2 6m GUERNSEY St ro. Oi Qr>.COAL! COAL!!.Best"qua!ity~of O -i.^'J red ash Peach Orchard Coal delivered from the boat.lame Nut Si 25, Stow $i 50, Broken »ud Egg Si Ti.. An additional charKe of 50 cents per ton will be maeeifdou- ble screened and delivered (rom the yard. B'stofgrey ash, Broken and Eks*S5---50 rents per toil less If taken from the boat. Orders received -it the yard, No. 195 Stanton-street, or thronghthe despatch post, will he promptly attended to. -I. ur.» JAMES BO ÏCE, Agent. COAL! COAL!.At '-10 West street, lower cor¬ ner of Franklin ¿t..A superior article of Peach Orchard, Red Ash and Broadmouutaiii Grey Ash ( oal, Broken, Egg¡ Stove and Nul Sizes, handsomelj screened and delivered '-> in< part of the it. fret» of cat tage at the very lowest market prices. -: The besl t,-- ahvaj ; ihe cheapest. OrJ.-rs re¬ ived .it ii.e Sugar Reuuery, 28 Leonard street, md at :he V r.l. 50 cenl. deduction in id if delivered from bo il.. .12 1111* TYLER & M APES. DEAC1-] ORCHARD COAL..Thesiibscriberis X i..i« prepared t-- r> eeñ .- orders for < -oalofilii Broken. Egg, Nut or Stove si/. >, lo be delivered direct from boat on arrival, at the lowest market price. Orders left at the office. No. 10" Anthony-streer,near Broadway, will be promptly delivered on the arrival of the boats. The above Coals are carefully screened before being pu ton board, and are ofsujwriorqiulity. T. STOKES DICKINSON, s 13 lw R. arof iiro.Aw.iy Tabernacle. LACKAWANA COAL, 17RESH from the Mine?, .;t theYards of thf DELAWARE i- HUDSON CANAL CO., corner Beach -.id West streets, Kiiiu and Greeuwich streets, Gouv¬ erneur slip and Front street, N. V. : 13 Adams street, and cor- i;.-r of St ite and Purman stre.-ts, Brooklyn. Egg and Broken.Si ."in Delivered. Stove. 4.50 do. Lump. i 26 do. Nut.-I 25 do. Sunll Nut. I 00 do. Orders ilso received at the Delaware & Hidso> Bank, Cuiner of William and Pine streets, si» loi ~"CÔALTcOAL! COAL' THE WORKING MAN'S COAL YARD having been removed, is now permanently located at the well known st ind, comer of Greenwich and Christopher-sis., where ih*propriétor- ir» now reeeivths and will continue to receive, direct fiom their collieries, owned by themselves, the choicest quality of Peach Orchard. Red Ash Coal, which they |.r- -use losell ,,t je-ul 7 |.er cent, lower than any in the city. The business of the Yard will he conducted by the subscri¬ bers, and they.solicit the patronage of the public, thair old customers and friends. Coil by the carro. A note through the Post-Office will receive prompt attention. WM. DAVIS. mv3 Bin_JAS. FERGUSON. COA!. VAKI), No- lt>7 Anthortv-street, near Broadway. The subscriber having the Yard formerly oc¬ cupied by Williams »v. Ferguson, fur the saleol «'oils, would advi».. hjs friend; and customers, together with the customer. of the V.'rd, that he has now on hand and for sale. Peach Orchard Red Ash Coil, of superior quality, of the broken, egg, oi nut size; an article suitable lor Parlor Grates anil Kitchen Hanges. Also, for sale,-Liverpool (Oro-!,) Lehigh. L ick i%i ana, and White Ash Coal. The usual deduction will be made to those rec» ivin; their Coal direct from the vessel. As m my uersous have not the con ven lene« for laying in but small quantities'; the lubscriber is ready to contract to supply consuméis during the winter mouths at a low price, to be agreed hi on. The subscriber having b»-en fur many years engaged in the trade with the late linn of Henry Stokes ¿¿ (.<>., feels confident that he ¡s capable of selecting for his customers au aiticle that will give satisfaction. T. STOKES DICKERSON, s 13 lw lor Anthony-street, rear of Broadway, Tab-niacle. REFINED SUGARS, \T THE FOLLOWING LOW CASH PRICES. IXTOOLSEY & Wooi.sKY offer tlitá etand- V\ ardquali'j DoubleKefined Sugar as follows, nameljr: Loaf.Hi cents |»ei lb.J) When less than i package« aie Crushed..Ill .> purchased halfa cent per pound Powdeied.12 " " " S additional. T!ie above are |>acked sslollows: Loaves in boxes of .Wii lbs.) Crushed in bids. r,f 2m " V- Powdered in " " 230 " ) ApplytotheNew-York Patent Sugar Refinery, corner of South and Monfi.'oinery-str'et.s, <war 89Wall-street. N. B..Order» out ol the city mu^t. \¡-. accomi>anied hv a remittance._»7 im* R"EFlÑL'Ü SÜGAKS..K. L. ¿c A."STUART offer for sale the virions qualities of their Refined Suirar», inhuantities of five packages and upwards, at the fullowing cash prices: Standard Double L-.M Sugar, lit cent.-, per pound. Crushed " ni ;; " " Ground " 12 Ground Sugar, 2d quality, Hi " '' Th- above are packed as follows, without charge for pack¬ age :. Loaves m boxes >d 300. Crushed in barrels of200. Ground m barrels of 250. Apply at the Rvfiiierv, No 2n'> Greenwich, comer oft ham- bersstnet. Orders oui of the city must be accompanied by a remittance._"'"..'"-_ G1ENUINE TEAS! Wholesale and Retail.-. E*TheCanton Tea C*mpany have just completed very ex¬ tensive arrangements for the approaching fall Trade ; in these they have j.-^u eminently successful, ami their well- known superior judgement and simple resources have been most fully devoted tothe interests of their patrons. Indeed, th.-ir entile regar»] tothe ri_hls of their customers is tOOgenez aliy known to need com incut (the misrepresentations by inter¬ ested and unprincipled persons, to the contrary, notwithstand¬ ing.) Their Gredn ana Black Teas, which have hitherto ob¬ tained til-- ¿reates: notoriety, will now b^ found tosnrp_u| any that they have introduced, and, they think, fit b-fore any that can he possibly ««Id for the pnce in the United States, «juu- powden», Imperials, Twankays \nd Skin 'IV^s, in great varie¬ ty.13 iju^lities of Black Teas'; The unrivalled " How.|ua Mixtur«-." frehl; and in great perfection. # An extensive assort¬ ment ..f Hysons and Young Hysons, suitable for city retail in lots of any quantity. Proportionable varieties of oiiier <ir-.-r.s. Genume Java Coffee roasted daily. All goods sub¬ ject to be returned, ifnot approved of. Orders promptly exe¬ cuted to all ¡.arts of the country. T-rms cash. Principal Store 121 Chatham street, New York. Br^nph«--..318 Bleecker j-;'»;, near Christopher, New York, _nd"Tl6 Fulton street, Brooklyn. OBSERVE..The original, and only warehouse in the United "state, for the sale ol" the only true and genuine How- ;.i..'; Black Teas. _' s61m FIRE ENGINES.HOSE AND PUMPS." DL. FARNAM,'at247 U'ate-r-st. nmnulactures . Fir^ Engines, of every »ixe, f rcities, rillages, factories, pi intitions. Sec. « i trden Engii.^î, Fire Hooks, Fire Buckets and Fire Caps. Hemp Hose, Learner Hose, of any size required; Suction Hose, Coupling Screw», kc. Lilt and Force Pumps, to lift and force water any distance, from 10 to ji'JI ¡pilous a minute. Wind Milli, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, kc. lor working pumpj. Ship and Steamboat Pumps for filling boilers, Sec. and for use in case of lire. Air Pumps, for vacuum or condensation, of any required size. Lea.! and Iron Pipe, Brass ' '«cks. Ornamental Fountains, Stc. N*. B..The Pumps of his manufacture are double action of great str-ngth, and very »umple iu their construction, being particularly well calculated for the Southern and West India market i sit 3m "Â,f« >R Rl>- improvlL7 raTësT upríntg I'JLBEDAND BKDSTLAD..This valuable improvement in beds and bedsteads; wbicbis .:.--Iculat-d~nti-relytotun.»rv»le the ijid-fashioned one»now in use.cousiats. in the first place, in its perfect ease, to the occupant; and in the second, iu go-it econo-my. It» construction i* »imple : it is easily taken apart and put together ; it is not liable to get out of repair, and can he manufactured at le>* than half tiie cost of the common ouw, and the improvement can be applied to those now iu use. This is no ..ret^n-led improvement of no real value, -snd as justice could not be done to it by a mere description, ihe cuiious.and all who are fond of ease and comfort, are iespec¬ ially invited to call and examine for themselves. It can he veeuatD. K. CROFFL'T'S, No. 31 Bowery, entrance in Bayard meet _.J?J.,-^~ G Ü D B RVELL'S G E RM AN PL ASTER. ArntiSt t-fi>ctual remedy lor the toiiowing com¬ plaints : Corns. Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scaldn. P**o_s Salt Rh-nai. Agu»», Frosted Feer, Rheumatism, Sore Thro-t, Fever S^-res, Hip complaint, &cr. la boxes from one to four shillings. . . e ... i., This ¡daster has been usxd wiüi great n|cce« for -be ten year», «ml those who make use of it will lind it veo ate- ful in iheir familie», as thousands can already testify *£¦ willbeasutÛcient recommeudatimi. Sold by Mrs- »-«'"J' Proprietor. Lu« Wooster street, near Houstou-st.; J- «ft*** ' 176 Bowery ; E. H. Trap, KJ 2}^°fÍ^^¿?AsxSaTa 130 Houstos-street ; Mrs- Sparling. 11 Second A venue, -_ Sanford. comer Houstcu and Canuon-.ueet. £room^ i Miles Cüoke, corner of Prospect and B^^*^'^1; Reed',, thrrad and needle store, FuRon-»*- »«P*> ruvmmtmmms «il .. .-¦ \X" ANTED.A Girl 14or 15 vears et .-:.*. to , ,V__t H»'"'-.*1*«* *«.©¦*. *M-rnU «.eje «u the cuv. and ^sPrJr urd*,» thev ou, corne ..roj-rîv nn.-im«J.'. .\ r. al .*. i. nnreb stj-tet, r.r«r P-,ik ; _g ;.» \VA N T,í: ^-^'¦«.''.."^ by tu«. ,.¦-!>..<; » * yonnf. U ,unen, with K»>od citvVcferruces. m - prit s:- f.-ni! y, one to do chamber work, the otl«r L-tn.Jr-»*- - Tfwyarawülincto malts t_»r_lm^Sty^ffi *t. sls WANTED.A Partner a.¡öd moral .n<i b » » n»»»habits,and s-ome capital, in th«. B.**uk."»iU-»tf d i bias bcainesi alratd**e»t»b!uhetl. JJlOno will Û» «ußv. ci- ne Andre»* M H N it ths office A \,rAN TKD. A sitnation by aTeachej » » fui \ ii.ju.iiteil with th.» French. < «enn-.it and Sjnnuh lugu ,ci-s. Ampia testimonials as to ability <nd tr-.ni ch*.-- t- :.-r can be given» He has L«-vti tetchim; for tier >>*.ir one of the most resjpecublc institution» in th« country. .*j.>i w -iild like to obtain .t -uitsMe kiluaciou eithn in t!.e . Ci untry. A line.-ent to H. Heimaa, Irving Institute, Tan town, will be promptl) res|s>inJed t... alt *>t* O0ARD.--.Apleasa_t parlor and bedroom can be ¿J had by a -*-*ntJeman and hi. ladj, with (v.vtrd, at iîD.Or- [ cJiardstreet. Reference»exchanged, ill B! 'A RI »..A family, or a few* single gentlemen of dmonlr,can hare board and spacious room-, in ipri« \ ite family.a rarj deairabU location, 181 Ex,t Broadway.-. House md ipartmeats umaaallj ple.iojut and a^reeablr*. BOARJDLNC IT >1 GREENWICH-STREET The hon - it l.-u?e*ai.d the rc^m» are furnished v .h ni i-.e.! f.<r i'aiiiiiie.-. i-r iiu^le gecrV*n--n: <>n- parloi -'i the f'r>t tl.-.-r. Lodging s-l j^r week. r..u..»ieiu board a »I iiUings i". day. MeaLet-ually low. Please call and see. mK ;»». Bi >AR D.-A front parlor vvitli i back room con- cti u the tirst iloor, n. wl\»painted »-.papered Alto lor with i la;.:.'b-lioom. on th» M-.-.ÜI.I il.*.. ,--,t ..ti.-t -'u .!! rooms, if required. may p.- cow had atSt) Kouitl« >tf.v.. Families «e**kti g respectableaaccommodations foi tbe wiatet. c nnot find them more eligible as n-gard* couvenience ami pleasantness of situation. *n iw*- rpö PRINTERS AND iTI.LlsitKl'S.-- a. l> I TAYLOR (formerly Foreman for R. Hoe & Co.) bavin« late); made frreat improvements in the Napiei Printing p*_ . nkes thismode.ofinvitinc Printers, Edit»»«,, and Pub' .i> call and » *_m»u* one of his presse* at the offict "i the Tiit> une. where it may be seen inoperatioi from 1 to 3 o'clock 1*. M.daily. Havine establish»*«! himselfat No. ST Eldridj-e-atreet, ia tbe city-of New-York, he is now prepared to execute all orden necessary for a printing office or bindery at short notJct. and on is good t.-ruis is any other eatablishraant in the I'. Si - N. B. Jobbing work md repairing done at short notic». One lecond liand double Napier Press on ¡und am! loi »«Ir '.<.'.-. si Mm PRINTERS AND BINDERS VVAREROOM ¦¦ 1. No«. 29 and II Gold-»treet. New-York..April, 1841 PRICES GREATLY REDUCED..The *' HOEMPrint ill*- Press. Machine and Saw Manufactory, m couaqiieuce ofthe addition of new and improved machin->ry to their workx, ind the reduction in the cost of materiali aud labor, are cu- bled grpatljrto reduce thepricea oftheii Pres*«-s, *u«J of Prin¬ ters'and Bsndpr8.'materials iceueratl y ; will be seen by ihrix newly priuted Circular, to w Inch they bei* leave t»t refer. This Establishment is still under the iwnonal supennfen- deuce of Richard M. Hoe and l!oli*rt Hoe, ami the» ll.eu friends that liotw ithstalnlinr; the great ledlictiou In prti*es, all articles manufactured by this Establishment shall the hieb reputation which they have hitherto sustained. I' « ill also b»- thi-ircoiistant < udeavor to improve tit** quality oi tliwuiiii eiyry pnrticiilar. They Hattet their.«*lvi»s, site their old friends will not only continue their favors, but th l Printers generally will appreciate their endeavors to furnish the very be-t articles at barely reiiiuiit-ratiug prices. Ui-.lrrx from any pan of the country for all articles used by Printers or.Binders,iuclndiug Type, Ink, Papei. etc., will b* executed with t!ie irieatpst care an»! promptitude, auu on the best terms. Jobbing work <!>1 repairing will b-<h-.i'<« at rX'.- lowest ble prices, witli every attention aud expedition. N. ii..All articles manufactured by this Establisítm-.-.i will lie stainpv.l It. Mo«- u I "o., so thi* persons frotn may not be imposed upon with spurious anieles, inaile iu ir ^. t iti on of theirs, Print» is of oe.ws] apers who publish thisadvertUementv^with tins uot<», three times before thiifirstof jnly nest, . ot'rheir papers to tis, will btteutitied to iT.iu.it ol .'' -. on bm in»» four times thttamonul of i I QALTRHEUM! ï.v.v Rhej u '.l SoltRliemnlî! k-/Rin*eworm, Tetter, Barber's Ir. h, Scalded H- id,and othi .,'u'ises of the 'km, ne safely, c. Mainly, and expefH-iouil*/, cured hi the use ofSaiiJs't celebrated remedy for Salt IM..11111. m Inch 1rs now beeu thorotuihlytiwled in rising fifteen thou¬ sand dineren erases, witliou; having failed m » .:., where di- rec ions arejittended (... Every person aftlictrd with eitherof the above diseases, is invited to mike immediate um of tin's vliiable remedy, ami get curvd without del at,-. When used accordiu)* t.. tie directions, with SatutVj SartvtpafiUa, tin disease is eiitiiety eradic »teil from the system. Mrs M \r¿ i-et 1 lurW. Grand-streer, New-York,lias usth en cu-.d of a l.uu'-itJi.diiig case of Salt Rheum. Dr. Sands.After noticing the wonderful cuie of Mrs. 1 hap* man,79Chatham-screet, New-York, 1 w.s induced t.- pui chase some of your remedy. Immediately on applying it'l began to recover. I un now entirely well. ALMIRA GARDNER, Norwich,< t. Thecaseof Eli/.iheth S|iear, of Bllnulnm, Ms. a id) 13 years of age, is tiuly an interesting one.one b »> -113 a bo tie of Sirsaparilli removed t!»- disease, and she is now perfect!) Well. Prepared and sold by A. B. St D. SANDS, wholes, le Dru*. gis's 79 Foltt-n-stieet, 'Zl'i Broadway, ami 77 Eatt Broadway. N. B. Due of the firm is a practical physician and advice to p -.ri.-at* irivt-.i Kratbitéualv. »if« 'in M ORISON'S Vl-ArKTAliLL ÜN1VEKSAL MEDICINES.«.Caution to the People of Am.nca.- We hereby certify that M-ssrs. FIKTIÍ fk'HALL.of Frank¬ lin Square, New Vork, are our only GEN_RAL AGENTS for the United State» of America; ami that neither HnjtsTf»» Sukthkaan Most norOeOBOK Tavi.or. our late Agenta, are in any way authorised to vend Morison'a Vegetable Uni- versa) Medicines. As many imitations are iu cir». ul ttiou, this Çantion becomes highly necessary. All iieraoni selling uu* Medicints in the Unit-"1 States must have the authority of th» before-named Messrs. FinTtifit Haix. (Signed) M0RI3DN, MOAT & Co., Hygeists. British Collegeof Health, New Road. London, Jan. IW3. The above caution, emanating from the "Britiih CoRase ol Health, London," will be. hailed with the warmest enthusi- asm by the friends of the Hygcian System, inasmuch at it f'iids to capos* and oppose th* worthless counterfeits which h 1 ve been extensively circulated by those who are as destitute of moral principle, as they are ignorant of the "healinf art," The invaluable medicines of the British College may b-» ob¬ tained iu their original purity of several gentlemen who have taken agencies in suvemlof the different Sutes, whose names will be found in the "New York Courier aud Eiujuirer.". They can be had also in the original packages of the follow- ing sub-Agents, viz: Messrs. Paul Pou St Co. % John it. " H. H. Schieftclin & Co. loi and |n>> John it. " J. C Whitmore, Esq. 1Í» South st. '* Is-iac Suell, 190 Green wichst. ret« r Hampton, 190 Canal »t., New York cit/ Messts. Post &.L»!wis, Jericho, L. I. H. 1). B-trdwell, Troy, New York. Mrs. GoodlüT, Utica, d»i Mr. W. II. Burtii, Ilo<he*icr, do Messrs. Coruwll St Butler, Polseepaie, N. Y W. J. Styles. Rhinebeck, do i't( KIKTH HALL. General AgMnta.î Franklin »»juare THOMPSON'S TRUSSES.--.0ÍTÍC e removed to 13 Beekman street About 200 of the first physicians and surgeons of Ne,w York hav.» given their decid*d rreferenoe to this Truss, as you can gr.uiuate the pressure from 1 to 50 pounds on the rupture without a back pad, which does so much injury to the spine. A fair trial being* the best test of its surK-riorily, it is applied and six days trial given, and if it doe» not retain the rupture, while performing evrry kind of exer¬ cise or couj-hitig. and give jierfect ease.in a word, if it is not satisfactory in e\*-ry respect, the mon»»y is cheerfully returned, and tliis is th* only condition 011 which you should buy any tnus. A permanent cure is easily effected, and wirranted t{ du-clion.s are followed. Uflices are fitted up at No. 13 Bexkman street.one door from Nassau, exclusively for applying this truss, and all are invited to come and try for themselves. s7 1m* HL'LL'STRUSSES.--*Notire to Kup- Itured Persons..Persons afflict»"! with rupluiea may rely unon the best instruira ntal aid iii<« world afforda, on application at tlie (.fTiix', No. I Vesey-str.'et, or to either of the-cent., in the principal towns in the United Stall's. Be careful to cxan.inv the back pad of Hull's Truss»*s, to te*» if they are endorsed by Dr. Hull in wri- tiTig. None are genuine, or to be relied upon as good, w ith; out his signature. .... Many.persons hare un-nrtakcn to vend imitations ol Hull's celebrated Trusses and thousands are imposed u|«m iu coure- rjueiice. These imitations carniot be relied noon; they at<» made by unskilful mechanic«, and are no belter thau the ordin¬ ary Trusses. Rooms hav* been fitted up at No. 4 Vtuwy street, exclusively for ladies, having a separate entrance from the. busmen» depart¬ ment, where a f-rmle is in constant attendance to wail uixm fe¬ male palienr» «31 rf [AMERICAN COOPERS'TÔÔLS land TOOLS in general, can beobtainidi ^ all their variety, at WHOLKSALKa RETAIL, at 33 KULTON-STÍIEET, XWYOB&f the most celebrated Mauulacturers, {wan anted Cast >teei.) ALBERTSO.VS, CONGERS. BARTON St SMITH'S. HORTON'S, ÍJIFFORDS. and other niakrrfc_ Al-o AMKRICAN' IRON RIVETS. COOPERS TRUSS HOOPS HEAD»AND STAVE JOINT Kl S. STOCK HOVVELL AND CROZE'S BRACES, DOW¬ ELING BITTSTBECK IRONS, TAP AND BV>G BORERS, COMPASSES, to-tt. A liberal discount on Edge T^^«^»^ j7l3m* CHARLES S. LITTLE. 0 HOli.SL-SHUES.Warranted superior in every respect t»') any heretofore use»!, 't about the pnce v m of tiie iron in bar. All donbti on this subject nuy o removed, as by sending Sj by mail or otherwise. KO lb-,» as¬ sorted n», will immediately be forw-ixdad-wwiant«! t » nk th* section of country f«r which they »^1**«^ by applying to the mbscriber at th- works, or »M» t Co.. Warr«ns, H-trt t L-sley, J. C, Heartt ic Brothrr. Troy; Lewis Benadict t Co., John Towr.send. AH»ny¿« Piersö.i« t Co.j New-York; Clvarlo Smith. Boston; A, >1. * B W. Jones, Ph.Ulelphia,aad E. Pratt t Brother, Baltimore, where farther infonnarion may be ^.^«»^ff^rjc- N*. Troy Iron and Nul Factory. HENRY BL«¦..»**- an21 tf_- a___W A NO FORTES TUNED for FlF- __5S3ty ' ENTS-. W. C. RAYNER tune, A-Ogtra Instruction on the Piano, °Stch P-t. orper on moaerateterm,., Appk through the DespatcU i.»^ somdly, .: hi» re..,.Ie,ce, ._ t .rat ave«ae._ ------ RKMr)VAl^-LVDIA RUBBER "¦^ . ^-r. V\tii7RSliOES-*-Just received SHOES AND ,«VaLSUatorTment of India Wry for »>J1 .rfr .._« and fi**ur«l lined and furred n_» Elastic Lpper V.r*ri ' .- fl. __ ,;v^:. from our factory Rabbersh/vr«, com-i» aud Chihlrrn prÄ>mirs L*à"* and "-î-13 ,B«hb« Slviei. figuren and &' i.-' ii,?fVsr. or trimmed and clean»»»! b*,- tlie dozen. p\fÍÍÍSSíS¡¡* l¡B*d and fur bound Rubber*, ..'lercriajits are r-i-uesTed to examine the stock after Septem- v.*, >«r a: our m**-v «tore, No. 25 Maiden las». Ur',c'8 HORACE H. DAY, Successor to Roxbury 1. R- Co. an23 1m ur.til September 1st at O Maiden Ian-». JUST FINISHED.Elr-itn: Nutria FurHata (ordinarily termed Beav»»r) at th* low price of $3; su- .* -«w perior short nap of Prussian Moleskin at $-ï-I.^5'e»e Hau axe tripul iu durability and lastre t»> those solaat». Also, an article at $2 50. a very ne\t dress Hat. ,- . , A<i2ñ im» BROWN P-aetVcal Hatur. ¡46 Canal-st MADDER..I casks prime Ombros, for nnlc by QRINNELL. MINTURN t CO.. 7S SottüVsU-t
Page 1: pW-YORK TRIBÜNE. -rtfiSEW-TORK -^i^hcntheypiefer ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1843-09-19/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · pW-YORK TRIBÜNE.-rtfiSEW-TORKDAILYTUIBL'NEISPUBLISHED



¿ffivÄCity?*a?S¿¿ ,-, MNE CENTS,..-^i^hcntheypiefer, tteycimnapinadrance at the

ff t i>r »ix months,OS * rear -t the same rate, binsle*^ TWO CENTS. Mail Subscrib»;is $'. per «tnnniu,

tùî>î?..î,* and die p-i""' i" '1° «.*.* ctondnaed b-r/ond the

Sífor wï_ch it .i Said. Subscriptions taken foi Sis

VcdlnVi^ce allowed on Daily Exchanges with -any .,th- .

piper. Terms o I Ad vertis 1 ng.

n-f-al LINE'S orless,(overSix,)Fimtinseruon.. »Cents.*.. " for each suba«*tt**nt insertion.21 '

|| " for Six insertions, or one week.. % 1 M '

.» for TwEîsrr-FivEinsertîoua.'.0"i "

,***--* LcnA*" Adveró* menu at equally favorable rates.

THE IÍEW-YORKWEEKLY TRIBUNE» Very L*rge I'a'.er, for thi Country.

[jrCBLlSHED 1 vv.lvV SATl'BfAV M0HMN1

A¿i0W price of TWO UOLLAKSM.eraniium.inadvdiir,-.Hijutuogs, R_x,MiioT3saud Fgbe_s_ Notices, notex-

ttedwt five liuei. . cei.'..

TÏHE TRIBÜNE.letters from Italy.N». Mill.

Foreign Corr.pori<li:iiCC of The New-York Tribune.


Holy week is over and Rome is emptying her-

jdf of her crowded population. The streets al¬

ready arc quite deserted, and English seems nu

iager the language of the people. Last nighttfSa beautiful clear night, and " the full round

aoon" seemed sailing the heavens on purpose to

¿eJiow mysterious and solemn a light ¿he could

¿row over' the ruins of ancient Rome. Byron-a« the Coliseum should always be visited bymonnlight, as the glare of day is loo strong for it.So acting under his advice 1 sallied forth at mid.

-¿ht to visit it. It »¿ at least a mile or a mile

3Iid a half from the centre of the city, and the

dark and deserted streets and Trajan's lonely co-

¡am that stood in the way, naturally put me in

the mood to enjoy a ramble through these old

ruins. I passed through the ruins of the Basi¬

lica of Constan tine, climbed over its fallen co¬

lumns, and finally emerged into the open moon.

iirht right before the Coliseum. Its high and

uneven top stood against the blue sky, with the

pile and yellow light falling all over it, while thearches opened like caverns beneath, and the

rjamberinir ivy glistened and rustled in the pass.w night wind. Here, said I to myself, one can

for once romance and dream with nothing but

the moonlight and the Coliseum to criticise him.

But alas, my expectations were sonn blasted, for

to my surprise, as I approached, I saw a long lineof carriages drawn up under the arches. Other

people knew the Coliseum looked well by moon-

Ijr/ht beside myself. 1 was half inclined to turn

back, but finally concluded to enjoy it another

.rav.by seeing how the fashionable world tookRich a scene. After groping through one of thearches, by which a carriage stood, with the driverfast asleep on the box, I stepped into the arena

and looked around me. Ârch above arch, seat

above scat, arose that vast amphitheatre, theruined corridors, the black cavernous arches, the

rustling ivv, the mysterious grandeur of the whole,and the sudden rush of centuries over the weakand staggering memory, completely swept everything but the past from my vision. I felt afraidwhere I stood.I could not wholly grasp thescene.I seemed amid something awful, and yet

could hardly tell what. 1 turned, and lo ! I was

leaning over the lion's den. I started, as if a

sudden roar had burst up around me. The next

moment it was all gone. The quiet moon was

sailing along the quiet sky.the night breezesighed mournfully by and nature was breathinglong and peacefully. A gay laugh dispersed thewhole, as a fashionable couple passed near me,

speaking of some one's grand soiree. I wander¬ed around, meeting groups of sauntering idle.rt,talking French, Italian and German. A Trench

couple promenaded backward and forward acrosothe arena, without once looking up to the moon¬

light ruin. They spoke low and earnestly, andtheir walk i\as of that slow and steady pacewhich always denote» an absorbed mind. 1 stoodfor a long while in the shadow of the rums andrdtched them. It was a love scene in the Coli¬seum, but the Coliseum itself was quite forgot¬ten. The voice of one man thrilled deeper inthat fair one's heart than a thousand-tongued ruinaround her. Her heart was busy amid otherscenes. Under its magic jwwer the Coliseumivas buried and Rome forgotten, and a fabricmore beautiful titan both, in their glory was

reared above them.a fairy fabric where lovedwelt and fate spun her golden thread. Alas,1 sighed, as 1 turned away, there are more ruinsin the world than the Coliseum, and more awful.The saddest fragments are not those that mctt

the eye, and the light that memory flings over

buried hopes is lonelier than moonlight here.This second dream was also dispelled by a shout

above me, a company, guided by a man with a

torch, now emerged in view above me, and again«-rapped through the corridors. Suddenly a Frenchgirl near me exclaimed, as they again came on to«*n arch and stood looking down upon us. " C'esttres joli."' " Oui,*'was the answer. " C'est inag-ûtëqne," and then a laugh as clear and mirthful88 ever rung from a careless heart. 1 wishedalso to ascend the ruin for the view, but kept de¬ferring it as it was necessary to have a guide amitorch to prevent one from venturing over weak«ches and tumbling down ruined flights of steps.It was abominable to be compelled to tro! aroundfr-ter a sleepy guide who was thinking the whileW the paul each was to give him. It seemedcownright sacrilege, but I must'do it or not %o««tall. So I joined a mixed parly of ladies andÇentlemen and commenced the ascent just as

-.aedoes an unpleasant duty. I followed doggedlythe guide and torch awhile, when, seizing a fa-arable opportunity, 1 dodged one side, threadedtoy way amid the darkness tn t|ic top of thebuilding, and clambering over a ruined parapetky down, determined to take my own time tu¦".cw the Coliseum. The-hum drum guide did°ot miss me, and 1 was left alone with the Coli--arnand the night. One by one the groups rc-

toed, and 1 heard with joy the last carriage rat-

«.ea.vay toward the city. Behind me stood the«eh of Constantine.on my left was the Palatine****** the Roman forum with its few rcmainin¡>;clorons aud the Capitol.beneath me was the***-.* where thousands had been " butchered to^e a Roman holiday." Up those very stone.^ps below me had passed hasty tort more thin .1

^ousand yeirs ago. Rieht around me had been

Je bustle and hum of the eager assembly. Be-*** me, through that grand archway in which&°w the bayonet of a solitary sentinel glistened,*.*»- passed the triumphant Ctesars, while the

^fhty edifice rocked to the shout of the people,^eath me, far down in the arena, on which the

^alight lay so peacefully, had stood the gladia-r while his quick ear caught the roar of the

£n» aroused for the conflict. « Hie habet," had

jtouted from where I lay, as the steel en-

cret«5omc poor fellow's bosom.*

There the dying


j»jh- j> ii.j 11 mi,>jn .¦>»»».«-M.*-»*»' ..¦'-" "-*'

gladiator had lain as the life stream ebbed slowlyaway, while his thoughts, far from the s-'cne of

strife, reckless who was the victor, were

.. When !" rud< hut by the Danube lay.¦Win» «irrt his young barbarians -.11 at playThere «à-» tbeii Daciaa mother."

" Danube with his young barbarians and their

Oh, u!ut wild heart-breakings had been in

that arena! Every inch of it had been soakedin blood, an d yet not a stain was left.nota ccar remained to tell of the death-strug.gles these walls had witnessed. The Ctesars andthe people, the slave and the martyr»:d Christian,had all passed away. The spot where the one

looked and the other suffered alone was left..Thought crowded upon thought as I looked downupon iu till the solitude and silence became too

painful for me. I seemed to have lived years inthose few minutes. I turned to descend, butalas, I was without a guide or a torch, locked upon the Coliseum after midnight. To thread mvway through the dark galleries and down theniched slip?, war- no easy task ; but after v:oln^and returning, mounting and descending for near

a quarter of an hour, -and which seemed an hour.I found the way, and landed safely at the en¬

trance. After some thumping, the guide came

and set me free.Í returned through the Basilica of Constan¬

tino, and standing by one of its fallen columns,paused to hear the scream of a night bird whichcame from the Palatine hill, and was echoed backbv another from near the Capital. I had never

heard it then, though I have often heard it since.It was a shrill, single cry, that, heard amid thoseruins at midnight, was indescribably thrilling..Right above me, on a ruined front, leaned severalmarble statues, in attitudes s-o natural that it wasalmost impossible to believe they were not human

being-- keeping watch among the ruins. Justthen the wind began to sweep by in gusts, shak¬

ing the ivy over my head, while the wild, mourn¬

ful cry of that night bird seemed like the wail of.1 ghost ;>::iid the surrounding desolation. Thehour, the place, and the silence, made it too lone-

ly. It was fearful. I would stand and listen,anxious yet afraid to hear it repeated, and when

again it rung over the ruins it sent the bloodback with a quick flow to my heart. I passedunder the great arch and began to enter the cityfeeling as if I had henrd lhe ghost of Rome cry¬ing out amid her ancient ruins, lîut I know all

description must seem rhodomontadc to you at

this distance, yel to a heart thai has not lost all

worship for tin-great and the old, it is widely dif¬ferent. The only _ood description I have ever

seen is in Byron's .Manfred. It is much betterthan in ('bilde Harold :

.. I do remember me tint m my youtliWhen I iva-, wandering : npon -ucli a nightstood within the Coliseum'* wall

"Mii!.,t the chief relics of Almight] l!"m» ;Th»- iTtes which grew along the Hr-.k'-n arche.-?Waned dark in the blue midnight, and the stai iSlum.- through the rents of ruin ; fri.ni afarThe watch-dog bayed beyond tlieTibei ; andMoie near fr-nn out the Ctcsars' julac»' cameThe owl's 1 «¦ ti-_-; cry, .-.ml in', rruptedlyi>f distant sentinel** ih" distant «.our*

Began ;uid <li-d upon the gentle wind.Souk cypress beyond tin* lime-worn beachAppe ii- J to skin, the horizon, yet they s'.oodWithin a bow-shot w!i»tc thu Ciesars dwelt

And tho h didst »bine, 11 »--»i tolling moon, i'prmAll this and ra..t -i wide and teudei li^la\\'!u- li oftened down tlie hoar ansli rity( i¡ mgg, j desolation, and filled lip,As 'iweifi anew, i lie f*aps of ènttL-.o ing that beautiful which ."till ivs, so,And making tliat winch '.va* not, till the placeBei une i- ligioo, and the heart ran o'ciWith silent worship of tbi ^r-at and old '

Th- .- ad bul so ptred sovi ;-. igns ««ho still r\']*Our spirits from theii ruins." H

A M ER It:A N i'i; ( -DUCTIONS PROMOTESx. HEALTH..It is strängt that many shouldranwck chewiile «m!.! foi antidotes to disease when the kind AUTHOROF NATURE has furnished i:m- ry clime tlie best prevent¬ives i,..11 me. for iheir own peculiar diseas*.THE WILD CHERRY IS OUR PANACEA for nil af

f- ctions of the Lungs and Lirer..-Listen !" the proof;Haddomfiüld, N.J. Api i120, ISO.

On oi about the 13th day of October, 1811, I was ; iken with*. violent pain in the side neai the In er, which continued abouiSv( «I lys, and iva* follow. .1 by the breaking ..!" au ulcei .; 'li¬st-ess ¡nwaiilly, which relieved tin sin a hule, but cau ed ci¬

to ihruv.- upa gre^t quantity of offensiv» matter, and also muchblood. Being greatlv alarmed at this, I ipplied to a physician,í>ut h»- %rti«l h- could d.« but little ior ineexceptto ko»' mesómeMERCURY Pills, which refused to take.. Many otherrenn dies were theu procured by my wife and friends, but nonedid m»- any good, i he »Jt^i;!i ir<- of blood and corruption stillcontinued, every few diys, till at last it became so offensivethat 1 could -i .!¦ ly br ithe. I was alsoseized witha violentcough which at times caused me to raisi much more bloodthan before. My diseas« »till grew worse till February, when¦ill hopes of recovery weit given uii, aud my friends u!lthought 1 must die ol a galloping Consumption..At this time, when apparently my lili was drawing near it-

close. 1 heard of Dr. wiçtart Balsam of Wild Cherry, audgoti bottle,which relieved me immediately, aud by the use olonly three bottles »>f tins medicine .til my pains were n m ived;my cough aud j:-it tin:; ofblood and corrnptioui ntirely ¡topped,and in ifew weeks my healill was sq.-fai restored a» to enableme toWork at my trade, (that of a carpenter,) and up to thistiim I have enjoyed good health. Thomas Cozens.Xtw Jersey, Gloucestei Co ts..Personally came befor

m-, the subscriber, one of theJu.«tic< . of the Peace in and foi..i:d county, Tlioma- < u/.ni.», and liein^ duly .iffirtned accoid-ing tolaw.sailh the above statement ¡small things true..-Af¬firmed before me on the 20th d .-.¦ of April, ir.13.

J. Clement, J. P.The original affidavit and many other* may be seen at 125

Fulton-street.The IJ ilsaui will .-i!]«' Asthma in any stace.no matterofhow

long ¿undine;. AskA. Williams, Em. Counseiloi at Lr-r,V ..:: VVilliain-st, wtiom it cured yl Asthma of 2V years'standing) after trying oui most distinguished physicians iuvrfin Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, obstinate ( oughs, Bleed¬ing if the Lung«, Stc. have bei n cured in many cases v. hen allordinär) means had proved useless.We .;>k_iK. one to take our simple assertion, but wi'l satisfy

any our of the extraordinary virtues of this medicine who willcauat the office, bt thi production of evidence tliat < luuotbe,u tioued Ptici !>l i" : bottle.Sold only by Isaac Butts, 125 Fulton-street, New-York, to

whom sil orders should be addressed;.Dexter, Albany- si-ot!.,v Fowl.-, ¡:: Washiuctou-st. Boitou. Gorbam, ,«- û lii\»-:-.and t>> aïeuls throughout tlie Northern and Eastern States.

!.. Lm_

rVfkw SILK AND SHAWL STORK,1> 3S7 BROADWAY.Just received, New Silk* suiUble lor thr Fill Trade of

uew srj !>Muslin uid Craiie De Lain«, ofnew and desirable patterns.Bombazines -oui Ali>« is,at .di pnce.-..Cassimeie,*i!k,and Wolen Shawls ofnil qualities.To<etherwith i general issoitment of Linen andDomestic

¡ »ds, all of which will rv »old cheap.WILLIAM H BUTTS. 3B7 Broadway.

Also, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs ofall qualities from 2s.to Si: and the bestquality Kid Gloves. Please apply a.« above.

s21m W. 11. C.

To Country Merchants.C. H. DARLlNCx,



7 ji MAIl»K\" LANE and 5 Uberty street, hasI *-fc.! reci ntly received, and of!, rsfoi sale.00 the most lil

.-i.il terms, for cash, i complete »saortment ofHair, Tooth and Sharing]Gillott's and o'hexs' SteelBrashes ¡ Pen.

Percussion Caps .,.,] Powderl Gold and Gilt JewelrjFlasks p u ..;.. PocketKnivi

Bone And P»tI Shirt Buttons Razors and Razor Stror«Hemminc Dr-ll-Eyed Ne dl - IShell. lv iry and 1! ira .inh»!>-«! Koitting fins and Bod-'.Suuil and Tobacco Box-,

f'Ui Slates ;;id Slate Pencils, &cHERÇUA.XTS .-ni Peddlers buyuiR for cash will find it to

tageto call before purcrMuing elsewhere, as allin tlie above line will be sold on tht m it favorable

!___._______ _?]____FIRST PREMIUM

rsJà£TB& ?00T AXD SHOE STORE.T-Hi. SUBSCRIBERS would respecifuUvM ":!,Vr?,.""** Ladii? * ¦¦¦-- t! úroa* orp-rdiasing goodShoes ttut lan.-s ar- ill maUeof the finest French material*,.i. baUA suited tu theshapeoi the foot -, that none but snperioirvovkmen roe employe-]; thnt our rnancfactory is un-fcrtbi«upermtendenceol¦ .x very competent fcrernantnnd that wilove on hand, at all times, an eiiruM»-. _sortnie»t, cousutius-;' e»;«! f«uhiiMablestyle of Ladies, Misses. Boy's and ChifIren s Boot« <t.ud fbhV^ :lTiU,,1 i1*«?» «n»»'°rt iCrfct from the nrsimakeis m 1 arts, Lauies t rench Sh.M»s ; a lar-*» assortment îlwaysouh^nd. TUTTLE Si HÀYWARD,No. 289 Broaidwiy, on« door above lleade-stieft.N. B..T. & H. received a silver Mrtlal aad Diploma foi

inpeiior sample* of Ladies Gaitex Boou and Shoes, at thelat«: Fair in this city.Measures taken, and crdro promptly eiecuted. ,¡-.29 3m



F-jx-vçH Laäccack..Monesca?* Oral System -

¦M-,un- i. Manesca Durand inform- bei tcholars thatUle advanced classes ol lh< pa : ¡eason 1rs resumini foi tin"'"t'-r- Ladies and gentlemen who wi.h to enter classes inti»e2nd,3rd or lîh courses, would do Well : -..¦!¦

A new venine < lass fur gentlemen will commence on Mon-.'i

r ,",2j]'i '-' September : th ....» wishing t... join ..¦ ill 1- ..rill -md |-ave tli-ir names. Al>. - Ladi- ¦. morning da* ^'^

i.- ; few daj -.

I'.m ¦:¦ instruction during the d 1.. 7S E ranklm .trect.


A11 k c d s 0 J 0 h P r 1 '; 11 n ç , suchas".¦.¦-1HLLT5,C*»T__OGt*£3,Checes, Cards,!.*:*t;i:à.-.(.k Policisi,Bills ok Lading.Circulars,

"Mammoth Show ""ills.Lecture Cii.l-¡,.'-.-.. mit Billj. flam cadFancy,

Political Bills,Circulars, (neat) feei.--.-,, -j ,-. tecuted at the Office of Th- Tribune, No. 160 S u

san-street-.opposite th* ftrk.TRIBUNE BOOK BINDERY,

No. 7 Spruce street, (Tribuno IInildings.)JAMES pltlNGLE,

P L A I N A N L) UP. N A M E N T A LB O O K B I N D E R .

JOBS OF ALL KIÎÎDS IM!' [TED *.V nt' ...''.. ¦>!'. PI "'.' rUALITY ON THE


'J'o the Friend- of ."»Ir. Clay*.Life ami Speeches of Him¡v <. lay..The publish¬ers --I tliia work are now prepared 10 executi orders to anyextept. The work compris» .1 in two octavo rolume .. on-tainiii-» ¡n the whole upwards of 1,100 paces, and is illus-

bj a splendid steel Portrait of Mr. < lav, h V~i«w ofhis L.i!;i place in Virginia, md a Fae Simile of one if hisletters -thewholefoi OneDollar'. It is believed to he the1 !:. <¡.e-,t work ever published in America. These Sjieechesform an important portion of the H iston' of our Country forth« last thirty )<-ars, and are interesting to all classes ofreaders, without reference to politics.Ht ICES.Well done up in strong flexible covers, in

the French style :

Single copy, 2 vols, octavo, upwards of 1100 pages.. ,*1 00Twelve copies fur.Ill 00Twenty-five copies for.20 00One hundred copies for.SO 00Donna with Cloth Backs d_ Gilt Lettering.

'P3 fl ...-.Twelve copies for.1*2 iw

Twenty-ñve copies for.-21 00One hundred copies for.P-'i 00None sent on commission. Terms Cash. Ordi r* mu-r be

iddressed to GB.EELEY '- McELRATH, New-York.[H~-* Sylvania Association..Office No. 25

Pine st. third story. Open fr-.m f» to Kl A. M. and from 3 to4 P. -M. Information cheerfully (riven. The Constitutioncivt-n._jylOtf\Tr~ Cant fon..Ti.' Traveling Public are c.îtitioned

againstpaying their fire at Albany, Schenectadv or Utica anyf.-.r'her West tlian Syracuse, or suffering their baggage to !-..put in tha Cars coin-; West of Utica, as there ire other mod..;of conveyance from that place to Rochester. Lew iston, Niag¬ara Falls and Buffalo, much cheaper and pfeasanter. As theagentsnf these lines are not permitted to enter rie- (J,ir Housesalong the line of the Railroad, it becomes necessary far the;Proprietors ol these cneaper rr.od.-5 of conveyance to put theTravel i ni; Public on^then -riiard lgainst tii-_: impositions ofthese odious monopolies, by this notice.Syracuse. Mai ifcO. my29 4meod

TV/TONE Y TO !."AX ou Mortage uu RealiVJL Estate in this cirv, by the

HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY,tiaim _No. 3i Wall street.


BF. LEE, formerly «it the firm of L-ord& tees,. Lee« Babcnck. &c and U. B. BREWSTER,under

the firm of LEE .V BREWSTER,have established at 113PEARL STREET, ( ii ......'r S.;ua/e.) New-York, a wawhouse on ..¡i extensive scale,


to supply theCityand DiteriorTrade, bythe piece or package.By confinins their attention entirely and exclusively to this

one hi tic!.-, L. ¿x. B. are enabled not only to exhibit a mor»» ex-rentire tr.d beautifulaasortment tlian is to I»- found elsewhere,(there being no similar eit.ibli.inn-/iit lor Prints in th. UnitedStates,) but t" sell always at priesa'; low, and generallylower than ii.iu-»-s whose attention and means are divideduniMj^ a large variety of article:The Stock, embracing Sonie Thousands of Different Pat¬

terns and Culoiimts. comprises .-Il 11¦ . latest «mil choicestit* las; to which will he constantly added alj new and desira¬ble patterns as they appear in the market, besides many whichwill be got up exclusively lor iln-ir own sales.Purchaser-of this arti.-le «ill lind it to theT iiitt rest toex-

uii.tl 1. Stock before buj inu* their Prints. Even if they donot purchase the-.- will .»t least ha\. tliead« mtaRe ofseeing allthe new ityles, and learnin*; the Lowest market pries.B_?*" Caialogues of Prices, correi ti d w ¡th every variation of

tin ¡Market, are placed in the hands of Buyers. All ordersmil lei.-.-i- tl,. "... .: uT'i.t. a.12.1 3111D&.W

INDIA Hl BBEK SHUE-S..Tli.» sn^crib^r is¦ now receivinj; his Fall supply of India Rubber Shoos, and

ctfully solicits a call. Dealers may rely upon the assort-meut'béin-r a* general and complete as c^n be found in th<»m irkct, a Ii- is supplied by tie ¡different manufacturera with:».'i\ saleable ttj 1. of >h »i

Il\s stock of lined Rubbers is decidedly tin b< slevei offered;is besides, lining good Sh - 1, thi ue Iini 1 in .1 verrsuperioinanner; of plain and figured Rubbers, Men's and Womeu's,:he supply ij la.-x'e and well seasoned.Sli»et and Cloth Rubber Shoes, Buskins, Sandals, manul ic-

ur-d Rubbers, &_-, can b~ found at this establishment, maden .i superior manner and warranted.Also, India R'ibbei Carriage Cloth, Hose foi tin- Crotón

IVatei, Machine Banding,Life Preserijers, Pill» ivs.« ushions,.¿¦.. ice Tad all (itlur manufacturad g^ods on hand, md m mifactored to order. C, L. ROSS,

s2 121 Maiden lane. Vetween Pearl and'VVater-sts.

Y^/Tn LU »\V"<[ 1A OF.S..TlKi greatesl variety ofV V Shades to be found at any ïtorcMs at No. 7 Spruce-sL.?rices varying from Sl to $50. Shades shown with thegrea&?st of pleasure and no chante made. Persons buying Shadejsif n -, i.-.v. great advant ige ovei othi places as all our ].atteru¡,ire original, and we arc adding to tlic stock every day. Sikh*-ii.-l B -.mi-.-. ¡1 tint! d !. ord« (.

sim. BARTOL it DE MAURYII aAV CARD.John M. Dutfield, of Natchez,J.^\li»;.i.Ji|.|.i. will attend ro legal business thatmay lie con¬

fided to In tu in the Circuit Courts of Adamsand the adjactntcounties, and in tin Superior Courts t<f the Snt^. A favora¬ble professional connection in Louisiana will enable hiin toattend to business also in the Parishes of ihat State, n-arNatchez. He refers to.Grant & Barton, Van Ar&dale, Cauldwell andRob. Cochrac, agent foi Br-.mi VYarnock,

Broth«is& < 0. Malcolm \ Gaul,Sam. Cochran, Henry Laverty,Willis m Kain._ slf.Dii.Wi>'


LOOK A.TT1ÜS!.Just received, a lot of fineBbmbizine, at only Ss, 6d. per yard; lot Cotton Flannels

,it ij .-eiiLs pei yard; loi Silk Fringe at 9 cent.-, per van!, lot of('.m Buttons at 2 .-n;* 1-1 dozen; lot fine Watt red Ala-iaccas.it l5.6d; lot Silk Cord at only s cents per yaid; lot LottonHose it ..ni. Gcenu; lot line Satinetts at2s. 6d; fine Cassi-mi.- .' onl* 6s. Rd; loi Pearl Buttons at 1 cent per dozen; lotSilk Gimp at I cent 1» yard; lot tine Muslins at i cents ¡-ryard; lot Calicoes at only 1 cents nei yard; lot Umbrellasat I. Cd. All thai v. ml Dry Goods cheap, call -jii

_HAWKINS, 501 Greenwich street.

OLMSTED PATENT STOVES.ü 1Í. TÄOWBKJDGE, 210 Water street, has-Í »for salea laiçeand complete assortment of Stoves/01halls, p-irhirs. nurseries, and stores. His stoves are made in 1

superior manner, and for economy, durability and beauty,cannot be surpassed. Those in want are invited to call beforepurchasing elsewhere._sl! lw


"C-LMOT, BURNAF 5c BABCOCK are con-Í-Á stantly supplied with a large .md general assortment ofPAPERS, suited to all dcrpartments of.t)te tmle, amonx'which aie the following :_ Hubbard's colored I'ajiers, ingreat variety ; Boston Copperplate Papers, of ¡.ui-rinrquality; Ce..,k and News Prii.iin^: Cap, Letter, FolioI' ad Blank Book l'.ij»rrs; Printers, Clotjuers'and Carpet-makers' Press-Boards; Druggists', Hardware and Cloth Pa¬pers; Binders'and Trunk Boaids; Sheathing and WrappingPapers, i¿c. iic.

Pdper-ini-eis.-.upiilied with all kinds of stock and materials. )e30 tf


F. THOMAS. Cork Le- Maker, Sec respectfully informs thepublic that he has returned from Philadelphia to No. t?2 Wa-ter-street, comer of Pike-street, New-York City, where hecontinues to Manufacture Artificia] Limbs, on a plan themost ccriect ami k-ast complicat^i. havinK. ihrou^h necessi-ty, invented, made :md worn an artificial le-,: lor 40 yearsh:i.1 been a manufacturer foi 33 years, feels confident ofgivingsatisfaction to all who cM on him for LLGS, HANDS,ARMS. ..r ti.e COMMON' WOODEN LK(i. att2 3m-

¦VTEW-VOKK «MTV "KHEL'MÄTICT>I.SPEN-JLl SARV. 1OT Greenwich-street..Geo. W. GARDNER,M. D.. Graduate from ihn Pittsfield Medical Institution] re-

spectfully announces to the citizens ofN-York his arrival fromthe city nft'tici, prepared by long experience in the curt ofthousands, (testimonials of which may lie s<~u at tli- Dispeu»sary«) to ei'adicatc Rheumatism, either acute or chronic, i>A vtKV KKW »IINMT1-. Pt n M a > >. NTLV. Persons arUicred are

invited to call md \a!i\fij :he:n*clvc\ of the etSracy of hismeans. A few minut--* will satisfy the most scei-tical.N. V. <"itv Disi»eii».ir-.-. ¡tKl <i..-nwich-jt. s8 lin

H-rtibrd Kit- Lnsuraacc.CTomp-uy.ITIRE [NSURANCE at the lowest rates bythe

Hartfc-rd Kire lnsuraiic- Company..( Iucorjxjrated lSlO.Charter peipetnal»)This Ions established and weil known Institution, havias

been in active operation u^waids of thirty years, continue- toinsure Houses, Furnitur«-, Stores, Merchandise, and every de-icripäon of property agiinst loss or damaxte by tire on the mosifavonble turms. JOHN NEILSON, Jr. Agent,

je20 3m**_¿6 Wall street.

r-pHE HOWARD INSURANCE rjk>mnany..X Capî-al S3OO.0O0; OfEce No. Si Wall it. Thi-. Company.-ontinues to make ini*ir-.r,.-* i-;air_t loss or d2in_ge by ñr»», *mdmluud mvigatioa.

oiaccTORs:Reasseher Hivea. Naiah Taylor, Corls. W. Lawrence,J. Phillips Ph.uii, William «"onch, Micah Baldwu,John Morrison. B. L. Woolley, Nathaniel Weed,Joseph B. Viraom, i»'-uiiun-:C.Tack«r,Johfl Raakin,David Lee. Mri^» D.Beajamm,John D. Wolfe,Caleb O.il listed, William W. Todd.F-rdiiiand Snyaam.Henry G. Thompson, IL HAVENS, President.Lv.wis Piiili.ip». Secrctarv. ¦!3

D APERS.50 Bales Russia. Diapers for sale byGRJN'NELL, MINTTJRN & CO. T3 South-street


««. ¦ i.. ¦¦¦¦¦*¦*¦¦¦*¦¦¦*»¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦

TV/TRS. ROBINSON ible Clear-Starcher,1TX89 Mercer st.. fifi .. §¦ ring it Embroi !iLac»n. rarlton Muslins, Silk 11 e, Sec. made to look:., new , .-!.:«... M. -¡nos, !.. al ird SiU-.Mouseln d- taint'I íolr i -.. .v.-.. leaned sá Im*

voi/n; laüies, at 32the Fe-andall

DAY ¿I EiOOL KO_ LÎIRLS.--MRS. Ki__r_o,Dwishes to receive ismall numberof pupils .1 a tion

in all¡the usual brancha Person oVsirom placing theirdau**htei nnderhei care, may have an opportnnil"* of convi rsing with herei . tween I "'clock md 1373 Leonard-it._ _si6eod2w*QËLECT SCHO'uL K< >R BUYS. 17 Amttv-st".i~J This Schoolwill bere-opened on Monday* the 4th Sept.( in nsting ol on, y ... limited nuinbei of upib, its design is to

'¦" means of giving their son . thorough pre-paratoi iQon Jl qU_ifj tie-m for either theeonotmc ni -. lieg

: .: RII HARD P. JENKS, Teach«OEMINARY FOE«- Rii ¡net treeiAlso, a Select School i ..- small B .-. u m from

male S<Each depertment a pro« ¡«Jed with distinct Ti ichi :

»». li : th< iui ervision f thi Principal.Ti mi to suit this2 lm*V. THOMPSON; Principal.

\' ITJNG LADIES' BOARDING AND DAYI >. HOOL..Mrs. BAILÉ Y respectfully informs her pa-tromi and tlie.public that she will re-open her Seminary, itNo. in Larndl Place, Blcecker-street, on Thursday, the7th ofS ptember next, rhe same system of Instruction is pursuedis formerly, and th «me Teachers employed, aided by oth-|ers ofsimilar ability. Mrs. Bai lei solicits tlie patronage olthi - who are disposed to give ibeir daughters a solid and ac*omplished »due lionA French l-overuess wanted. Apply as ibove. au2G lm*

PERTH AMBOY SFTMINAHY. Scientific,I Math -niM.-.l., d( lassical..The Princijtals fully intendt'i-i'^1.»I shall be second tit no» in point ol merit. Tlie\vinter Se_ion will commend on Monday, November 6.Terms moderate, in accordance with the times. Circnlars

with testimonials and reft-renca maj behad of John S.Tay¬lor, Brick Chapel, oi of tlie Pri ici| il


p W. FEEKS' CLASSIC AND ENGLISH*_". SCHOOL,619 Broadway (near Stuyvesant Institut»-)will i..- re-o¡»t-nedon Momia Ith September.Teachers..-C. E. Washbum. A. M. (latelvi tutor inAmherst College) Latin and G .. !:: A. Pestiaux, French; E.Pu reell, Drawing; W. Davisou, Penmanship; \v. Ii. Brad-bury* V cal Music.The Engli hand Mathematical Departments will he under

the supei inteudeuce of the Prim ijwl.Circulars.c lutaining terms, ice. may !». had on application

to Mr. Briant,C*5 Broad« iy, . r;o the Prim m il. au31tf

rpH I-: SUBSCB I r.KIÏ prenses to take" into hiVJL family» few lads to educate in a thorough manner, eitheifor the I liversiry, the couiitin***! iom.au agricultural life, oras teachers; After fifteen years -.; rience in the oral methodof instruction he .'¦ Is .!:.-.. <.. nfidi-nce in seeking the public

¦¦ i-.--. His residence at Walpole, N, H.. o the Co n.tient riv-r, is one of the most moral, healthy, quietand beauti¬ful villages iu New Emtl nid, a .il can be reached in l''< hoursfrom thi if. of New Y- r!:. Terms, includingboard, tuition,washing, &c. S2O0 a year. Verj t'-w books requited. For'arth'ir particulars, applj to Rev. Hen rv W. Bellow.-, No. 30Union Place, New York. JI » 1 i N N. BELLOWS.Wal pole. N. H 20th Vug 11. _a nil I liueo-1«

*DEV. J. F. MESSENGER'S CLASSICALXX SCHOI >L.( rnerofCH itonand Pacific streets, Brook¬lyn.)-.This School will re-open on the 1st day of September.Puni'tn .i attend in v of the pupils is requested.The cour.-'' nl instruction in ;!n- institution i^ full and tho¬

rough,, embracing the Kaiglbh Classical, Mathematical andScientific branches. Strict attentron i* paid to tlie formationol'rh" moral is well a.-, intellectu il ch iracter of pupils. Thefirst masters are employed iu th.t several departments, and themode of instruction i ntinued .-. ich has so long given satis-

The limited number of ox pi nils will be received i:itn thePiincipal's family, ud receive ne care of a parent.Circulars stating teims. A.c. niaî be had on application nt

the Church Depository, No. 20 rohn-sr, oi it the bookstore ofMr. A. V". Blake, Fulton-it. N w-York. and at Mr. A.M.Wilder7« Bwokstore,51 Fulton-st. Brooklyn. auJOtfTTNlVERSTfY GRÁlMMAR SCHOOL, Com--»L' mercial Department..Mr. HUBBS, Master of this De-irtment for the la«t year and a halfj organized his School on

the tth iu-t. at 13 West VV ishinj ton Place, under the uatne ofimmercial and Collegiate Scl iol."Thi iri ingementr.f the Juni« r Department in large classes,

with verj few actual teacheis.*he consequently superficialittainments with which its sch daraawere required1 to enter theommercial Department in ordi rto finish their preparation foi

business; and the restrictions i pon this Department, beyondlh.» control pf the in inter, led Mr. Hubbs, in obedience to theV*. -Ii--* <f his fri«mds. tn de.-i.-..-. dissolution of his connectionw i*li the Universit) Grammar School.TI.stimate of-his rel itiou with his School maj be inferred

from the following uotes:" University ok NewYork, June nth. m¡3.

" Mr. Hubbs ivtii.-i from tli»- Cirainmar ¡School not Ix-cause>r -any t!i»*.atlsraction or disapprobation On my parr. AíH«.»i¡Master ofh is Department, Mr. Htubbs has been diligent; faith*ful andsaccessful; and he a tut s with our best w ¡sties for hisiin-1-.-.s. Sigimd, C. MASON, Itectoi.""Commercial Defartment.-.Isaac George Hubbs. (,i

»i ido ..;- of Pi inceton and long >**cpei ienced in teaching,) HeadMaster, h as at no time stood so high as at present, either as t

its numbers or the state of its discipline and study." [Re-piort of Universitj to the Regents of the State. Feb. 1st, 1843Attested by oatliof the Rector and of the Presidentof the

n.ml.]Tint this new arrangement ol Mr. Hubbs i.s not contrary to

Jie wishes ofa large number of his scholars »ml patrons at theUniversity, is eridi »it from ihe fact, tliat with a tingle excep¬tion, his pupils lure returned to him instead of going to theLTuiversity. ¡t is dsotrue, thai some gentlemen now send toMr. Hubbs insi ad of Mr. Hobby who have tried the JunioiDepartment of tlu I nn-i-if- loi years, aud declined to pa-ii'iiir- h lurthi i.Iu order th >t li-- might more ..!. ctually accomplish Ins pnr*

fjose of uniting the advantages of public and private educa*.ion,.md bringing atV pupils of the school uii.fer the instruc¬tion of i-esponsible luidefncient :. achers, heh isasso» i it.'.l witlilimself, Geo. W. I l.trk»-, A. M. who hasl.n foi the N -r t w..

years, ;ucc**ssfulL . .:- ged.in this city, iu.tht bnsinessof En-;li h md . sil il insti ncti**»n.The Assist int in the la ¡ics.the Professoi of French.the

Professor ol Spanish md Italiai .the Teacher ofPenmanship,ml the Ti ichei of Dravi iug ue all gentlemen ofeminent qu ulii'- 'tloliS.Circulars of the Commercial md Collegiate School may be

-obtained n Raynor's Bookstore, "*> Bowei»-. the StuyvesantBookstore, Broadway,oi ai the Scl.I. 13 VVest WashingtonPlace, J G HUBBS. ?sin iw G. W. CLARKE, s[. Principals.rPHK GRA_v]MAH .-l'il' K »L nf tlie LTuivcrsiiy

on Monday laiA gre it numbei of parents h id desired that their sons shouldomi lete ,! eii coui -.. of educ ition lor business under tlie c ire

of Mr. Hobby instead of going to the Commercial Department.It was accordingly arranged at die last session to extend ih>-course-of instruction in Mr. Hobby's department so .is to em-

br;tce all the studies iu tlie English and modern languages pre*paratory to business, and to dissolve the Commercial Depart¬ment. In this way we secure r.j ,tl| pupils m this departmentthe experience and skill of ,i mastei who has had more thanthiity years of succei.who is w* teaching tlie spnsol lusformer Pupils, and wh<> is widely known m this city for hismode of disci piim md his success in forming the minds andcharacters of nis pupils.Mr. Hobby's assistants are Uiose who have been long con¬

nected with Tii- School..

Mr. Edgar, at th- bead of the < lassical Department, nowenters on his seventli year. He is assisted by Mr. I rpmwelland Mr. Wheelock, botli favori te pupils ol the 1-t- Mr. Lsckie;thej both learned to teach under hia direction; and both havebeen teachers many ye in.The pn..fmition in this denartmenthas been reduced to

meet the wishes of pitre»,. ¦'. MASON, ll.-etor. so ¦;»¦.

rpH -"M iSSKS-'!' 1LI )EN'S.F,( >AR 1.)tNG A N DJ. DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies; at Jamaica Plain.four miles from Bo-,' ... Mas ., at reduced terms.Board and tuition, including the English, 1» ranch and Latin

lamruages,S200per annum. Instruction in music, fromS.to $20 "¡id 830 a term, according to the teachers employed. InDrawing aud Dancing, S10 .. tenu. For anyother laneuageoraccomplishment, the charges will be reasonable. The au*

tüinii term commences Sei t. 15*.i. The pupils can attend theEpiscopal or Congregational < burches, as may be desired.

J'h- \ iciuity of Jamaica Plain to Boston, affords every fa-triUiy for obtaining tlie best Teachers the city affords, while¡he beautiful and retired situation of *!.- School, re;ul-rs it pe¬culiarly attractive in both parents and pu¡.i!s.., -, .. p. t Charles W. Grei*«', Esq.References iti Jamaica i lam, J >TKPHKV yL \yK,..,. Esq.

v Ho-.. Joseph Tildkn." Boston, vHorr- Abbott.Lawrence,

r !'.kv. E. S. Gait-vett.("H.IN. ^-loal.s H. GR1>>i:LL,

" New York, <Wm. EsiERSorr, Esq.aii2ß 2tw3w* ( Mr. J. B. BRIGHT._

/^TlaSSICAX, FRENCH AND ENGLISH«L/^CHOOL, do. "?> Broadwaj*, opposite Astor Place.PERR1NE -< FOIGNET, Pi_cipals, (lit»- i'etil/eau 6c

V.Mr' PERRINE lugs leave to inform his friends and the'' he decease <»f his

o'i>eii ou ih»* Uf-tt Monday i.n Srp*eml>er.»». r> t. IT ^^^ ._......U.- ..I/I »1,5,Messrs. P- ií- F. respectfully add. that the French will still

be __U_iveJy taught and s¡ il¿e¡¡ ihrer hours a day, and that'he mr.si untiring efforT3 will be in ule to render pupils at

home in every branch of a Kr-uch education. M tuesta s Oralsvstem will be followed for those whose parentsmay desire it.Boys are r.c-i^ed :i at any stage of education and thoroughly,.renàred for college ur business.Foi tenus- iefei-r.c<rs, itc. s«? Circulars with Messrs. Be-

nrd and Mondón, 36 Conrtlandt str«t, S. J. Crowen, No 633Broadway, and at the school. au30 lm"


fully iutorme.1 that Dr. Ludner, baring collected a splendidand novel -urpaxatûs, consisting ofSeveral humired TelescopicDrawings, f**c*aac Bin*.rations Meteorological and other Di¬oramas, and t. '.vii:^- ob: lined th« chiefshare in the proi»erty i-¡

KL*i?ELL'S PLANETARIUM,theeshihitiou of which excited such general approbation inthis city la«t -ei.sou.wil! in , few daj»S ojxn a saloon for a

short rime, in which hewill givea. *_c_s oi popular lectu-n Astronomy a ..! other branches ofphysic. and meclmitc-iiscience, and in which theirwDl Iva »Uily exhibition ..f the

:ium, instmeüre and up.tís:-.- experiments iu physics,am! other objects Ol scientific iuterxt, winch will be particu-luir »i-:.'»tied in future announcements.

TO INVENTORS, PATENTEES, MANUFACTUR¬ERS» SÎC.Dt Larlne.- iiilnrms invent».« and all persons en-

t£f*d m tí'« A:t< and Mauuiàctures, that lie will receive -n.»-

els. drawi'it:*. prodnc.Otts <-f .irr, and specimens of maaitfa-I...Pares, :'<-.* es.nibi:i»>n in the Lyceum, sml'tint such objerts will;. ceh-e rjccasioûàl apace a--..î trplanation at his lectures. Ap¬plications I») be made to Lapu John H¿tér, 75 Barday-st.

Dr. Lardner maybe c.5n--tilt»-t) .a subjects co.ir.Kted witheiieiueenae and pr-ctical icien--- during his visit to New -York.New-Yo.k. S-:.rei:iber !;, 1ML_sl5 Iw

rfx) DEBATING SOCIETIES, Lyceums andX Societies for Public Worship :

A LARE ROOM, occupied by the Mile Department ofthe Sew England School, .7 Bowery, opposite Bond-street,to lei to respectable Societies, icç., oí» the Sabbath and eachevening of lite week, eaceot FridarTeRMi reasouabU. Inr-uire of Moore & Fish, at the Scbool

Rooms, or No. 30 Bleecker-st. sl6 Iw»


WHOLE NO. 760.

î [VER !¦( >0L COA L ÄFF.' >AT--50 tonsol good-1.¿quality Coal, carefully lowered into the hold, forsaleby

W. x J.T. TAPS« OTT.

LEHlGU COAL.Delivered direct from yard althe« .impur.'« prices. Orders left with the iuoscribei

promptly attended to T. STOKES DICKERS« IN,No. 107 Anthony-st.


p ÊÂiI day

3IDDLED NEWCASTLE COAL AFLOAT.*- .Suitable foi Smiths. Cargo of brig Ceres, fot sale m

lots to suit,by WARD k BROWNE,"-J__çorner Laight and Waahingtow-sts.

\'"H ORCHARD STOVE COAL..This.. discharging from .*anil B-ut Mary Jane, footof

l light -::-'. i tuoenoi am. U-, carefully screened ti time of.lupment, foi de by. AVARD & BROWNE,

_HI Vît bington coru-i Laight-st.

DLi »NDELL'S ÜRREL COAL-« >] v»-rv ¦»..¦--ÀJ nor quality, for familv use. now discharging from shipN rth« irouna, and for sale in¡quantities to suit purchasers

WARD Ji. BROWN K""'.'l i! Washington comer Laight -t

DK.H'il iRCHAKD COAL.Sowdischargingi from boats foot ol Amos-street,Broken size..>! J7

size .$1 ¿aLndothei »constantly n hand, by the rir_óor:ton,atlow prices, from j ud J. TERBELL,

sH Im cor. Hudson and Vmos-sts.

J LVERPOOL pRJlEL COAL..Now dis-4-.«charging from ship North Carolina, at fier No. 13. Eastnver, a suprior article for familyuse Inquireon board, oi of

WARD ü BROWNE,comer Liight and Washington streets.

On Saturday weslial] be unloading a bo-rt load of very *u-perior Stone i oil. For sale at lowest market price. *.>

C^OALS. Large nut .~i/e. >'.! ó«»: stove 84 7.">:/ .\iA fresh ken and egg, S3 00 per ton, from the y ml,

cornei of Kingaud"Greenwich streets. Consumers may relyon getting the best Peach Orchard Red A*h Coal, well screer.-eii in the yard, and delivered at the aboveprice* for cash. Areduction ol ¿5 cents ¡«-r ton will be given if taken direvr fromche boats._ aul7_m PETER CLINTON.DEACH ORCHARD RED ASH COAL fromJ. the v.v|| kijoMii Saletn Yein of all «.¡/.es. screened uni de«livered from the boat or yard belou the market prices. Liv¬erpool $750.Lehigh, any sixe, $150. No se.-c::-! quality of( ..».!. No Agents. All Coal weighed by a City Weigher..i argoes s, m up the North nid East Rivers at a reduce rite.

i ard jot Washington st. near Spring._u2 6m GUERNSEY St ro.

Oi Qr>.COAL! COAL!!.Best"qua!ity~ofO-i.^'J red ash Peach Orchard Coal delivered from theboat.lame Nut Si 25, Stow $i 50, Broken »ud Egg Si Ti..An additional charKe of 50 cents per ton will be maeeifdou-ble screened and delivered (rom the yard. B'stofgrey ash,Broken and Eks*S5---50 rents per toil less If taken from theboat. Orders received -it the yard, No. 195 Stanton-street,or thronghthe despatch post, will he promptly attended to.

-I.ur.» JAMES BOÏCE, Agent.

COAL! COAL!.At '-10 West street, lower cor¬nerof Franklin ¿t..A superior article ofPeach Orchard,

Red Ash and Broadmouutaiii Grey Ash ( oal, Broken, Egg¡Stove and Nul Sizes, handsomelj screened and delivered '->

in< part of the it. fret» of cat tage at the very lowest marketprices. -: The besl t,-- ahvaj ; ihe cheapest. OrJ.-rs re¬

ived .it ii.e Sugar Reuuery, 28 Leonard street, md at :heV r.l. 50 cenl. deduction in id if delivered from bo il...12 1111* TYLER & M APES.DEAC1-] ORCHARD COAL..ThesiibscriberisX i..i« prepared t-- r> eeñ .- orders for < -oalofilii Broken. Egg,Nut or Stove si/. >, lo be delivered direct from boat on arrival,at the lowest market price. Orders left at the office. No. 10"Anthony-streer,near Broadway, will be promptly deliveredon the arrival of the boats. The above Coals are carefullyscreened before being puton board, and are ofsujwriorqiulity.

T. STOKES DICKINSON,s 13 lw R. arof iiro.Aw.iy Tabernacle.

LACKAWANA COAL,17RESH from the Mine?, .;t theYards of thf

DELAWARE i- HUDSON CANAL CO., corner oíBeach -.id West streets, Kiiiu and Greeuwich streets, Gouv¬erneur slip and Front street, N. V. : 13 Adams street, and cor-i;.-r of St ite and Purman stre.-ts, Brooklyn.

Egg and Broken.Si ."in Delivered.Stove. 4.50 do.Lump. i 26 do.

Nut.-I 25 do.Sunll Nut. I 00 do.

Orders ilso received at the Delaware & Hidso> Bank,Cuiner of William and Pine streets, si» loi


THE WORKING MAN'S COAL YARDhaving been removed, is now permanently located at the

well known st ind, comer of Greenwich and Christopher-sis.,where ih*propriétor- ir» now reeeivths and will continue to

receive, direct fiom their collieries, owned by themselves, thechoicestquality of Peach Orchard. Red Ash Coal, which they|.r- -use losell ,,t je-ul 7 |.er cent, lower than any in the city.The business of the Yard will he conducted by the subscri¬

bers, and they.solicit the patronage of the public, thair oldcustomers and friends. Coil by the carro.A note through the Post-Office will receive prompt attention.


COA!. VAKI), No- lt>7 Anthortv-street, nearBroadway. The subscriber having the Yard formerly oc¬

cupied by Williams »v. Ferguson, fur the saleol «'oils, wouldadvi».. hjs friend; and customers, together with the customer.of the V.'rd, that he has now on hand and for sale. PeachOrchard Red Ash Coil, of superior quality, of the broken,egg, oi nut size; an article suitable lor Parlor Grates anilKitchen Hanges. Also, for sale,-Liverpool (Oro-!,) Lehigh.L ick i%i ana, and White Ash Coal. The usual deduction willbe made to those rec» ivin; their Coal direct from the vessel.As mmy uersous have not the con ven lene« for laying in but

small quantities'; the lubscriber is ready to contract to supplyconsuméis during the winter mouths at a low price, to beagreed hi on.The subscriber having b»-en fur many years engaged in the

trade with the late linn of Henry Stokes ¿¿ (.<>., feels confidentthat he ¡s capable of selecting for his customers au aiticle thatwill give satisfaction. T. STOKES DICKERSON,s 13 lw lor Anthony-street, rear of Broadway, Tab-niacle.


IXTOOLSEY & Wooi.sKY offer tlitá etand-V\ ardquali'j DoubleKefined Sugar as follows, nameljr:Loaf.Hi cents |»ei lb.J) When less than i package« aie

Crushed..Ill .> purchased halfa cent per poundPowdeied.12 " " " S additional.T!ie above are |>acked sslollows:

Loaves in boxes of .Wii lbs.)Crushed in bids. r,f 2m " V-Powdered in " " 230 " )ApplytotheNew-York Patent Sugar Refinery, corner of

South and Monfi.'oinery-str'et.s, <war 89Wall-street.N. B..Order» out ol the city mu^t. \¡-. accomi>anied hv a

remittance._»7 im*

R"EFlÑL'Ü SÜGAKS..K. L. ¿c A."STUARToffer for sale the virions qualities of their Refined Suirar»,

inhuantities of five packages and upwards, at the fullowingcash prices:Standard Double L-.M Sugar, lit cent.-, per pound.

Crushed " ni ;; "

" Ground " 12Ground Sugar, 2d quality, Hi " ''

Th- above are packed as follows, without charge for pack¬age :.

Loaves m boxes >d 300.Crushed in barrels of200.Ground m barrels of 250.

Apply at the Rvfiiierv, No 2n'> Greenwich, comer oft ham-bersstnet. Orders oui of the city must be accompanied by a

remittance._"'"..'"-_G1ENUINE TEAS! Wholesale and Retail.-.

E*TheCanton Tea C*mpany have just completed very ex¬

tensive arrangements for the approaching fall Trade ; inthese they have j.-^u eminently successful, ami their well-known superior judgement and simple resources have beenmost fully devoted tothe interests of their patrons. Indeed,th.-ir entile regar»] tothe ri_hls of their customers is tOOgenezaliy known to need com incut (the misrepresentations by inter¬ested and unprincipled persons, to the contrary, notwithstand¬ing.) Their Gredn ana Black Teas, which have hitherto ob¬tained til-- ¿reates: notoriety, will now b^ found tosnrp_u| anythat they have introduced, and, they think, fit b-fore any thatcan he possibly ««Id for the pnce in the United States, «juu-powden», Imperials, Twankays \nd Skin 'IV^s, in great varie¬ty.13 iju^lities of Black Teas'; The unrivalled " How.|uaMixtur«-." frehl; and in great perfection. #

An extensive assort¬ment ..f Hysons and Young Hysons, suitable for city retailin lots of any quantity. Proportionable varieties of oiiier<ir-.-r.s. Genume Java Coffee roasted daily. All goods sub¬ject to be returned, ifnot approved of. Orders promptly exe¬

cuted to all ¡.arts of the country. T-rms cash. PrincipalStore 121 Chatham street, New York. Br^nph«--..318 Bleeckerj-;'»;, near Christopher, New York, _nd"Tl6 Fulton street,Brooklyn.OBSERVE..The original, and only warehouse in theUnited "state, for the sale ol" the only true and genuine How-;.i..'; Black Teas. _'s61m

FIRE ENGINES.HOSE AND PUMPS."DL. FARNAM,'at247 U'ate-r-st. nmnulactures

. Fir^ Engines, ofevery »ixe, f rcities, rillages, factories,pi intitions. Sec.

« i trden Engii.^î, Fire Hooks, Fire Buckets and Fire Caps.Hemp Hose, Learner Hose, of any size required; Suction

Hose, Coupling Screw», kc.Lilt and Force Pumps, to lift and force water any distance,

from 10 to ji'JI ¡pilous a minute.Wind Milli, Horse Powers, Water Wheels, kc. lor working

pumpj.Shipand Steamboat Pumps for filling boilers, Sec. and foruse in case of lire.Air Pumps, for vacuum or condensation, ofany required size.Lea.! and Iron Pipe, Brass ' '«cks. Ornamental Fountains, Stc.N*. B..The Pumps of his manufacture are double action of

great str-ngth, and very »umple iu their construction, beingparticularly well calculated for the Southern and West Indiamarket i sit 3m

"Â,f« >R Rl>- improvlL7 raTësT upríntgI'JLBEDAND BKDSTLAD..This valuable improvementin beds and bedsteads; wbicbis .:.--Iculat-d~nti-relytotun.»rv»lethe ijid-fashioned one»now in use.cousiats. in the first place, in

its perfect ease, to the occupant; and in the second, iu go-itecono-my. It» construction i* »imple : it is easily taken apartand put together ; it is not liable to get out of repair, and can

he manufactured at le>* than half tiie cost of the commonouw, and the improvement can be applied to those now iuuse. This is no ..ret^n-led improvement of no real value, -sndas justice could not be done to it by a mere description, ihecuiious.and all who are fond ofease and comfort, are iespec¬ially invited to call and examine for themselves. It can heveeuatD. K. CROFFL'T'S, No. 31 Bowery, entrance in


ArntiSt t-fi>ctual remedy lor the toiiowing com¬plaints : Corns. Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scaldn. P**o_s

Salt Rh-nai. Agu»», Frosted Feer, Rheumatism, Sore Thro-t,Fever S^-res, Hip complaint, &cr. la boxes from one to four

shillings. . . e ... i.,This ¡daster has been usxd wiüi great n|cce« for -be a«

ten year», «ml those who make use of it will lind it veo ate-

ful in iheir familie», as thousands can already testify ,» *£¦willbeasutÛcient recommeudatimi. Sold by Mrs- »-«'"J'Proprietor. Lu« Wooster street, near Houstou-st.; J- «ft*** '

176 Bowery ; E. H. Trap, KJ 2}^°fÍ^^¿?AsxSaTa130 Houstos-street ; Mrs- Sparling. 11 Second A venue, -_Sanford. comer Houstcu and Canuon-.ueet. £room^ i

Miles Cüoke, corner of Prospect and B^^*^'^1;Reed',, thrrad and needle store, FuRon-»*- »«P*> "«

ruvmmtmmms «il .. .-¦

\X" ANTED.A Girl 14or 15 vears et .-:.*. to

, ,V__t H»'"'-.*1*«* *«.©¦*. *M-rnU «.eje «u the cuv. and^sPrJr urd*,» thev ou, corne ..roj-rîv nn.-im«J.'..\ r. al .*. i. nnreb stj-tet, r.r«r P-,ik ; _g ;.»

\VA N T,í: ^-^'¦«.''.."^ by tu«. ,.¦-!>..<;» * yonnf. U ,unen, with K»>od citvVcferruces. m - prit s:-f.-ni! y, one to do chamber work, the otl«r L-tn.Jr-»*- -Tfwyarawülincto malts t_»r_lm^Sty^ffi*t. sls

WANTED.A Partner oí a.¡öd moral .n<i b» » n»»»habits,and s-ome capital, in th«. B.**uk."»iU-»tf d ibias bcainesi alratd**e»t»b!uhetl. JJlOno will Û» «ußv.

ci- ne Andre»* M H N it ths officeA \,rAN TKD. A sitnation by aTeachej» » fui \ ii.ju.iiteil with th.» French. < «enn-.it and Sjnnuhlugu ,ci-s. Ampia testimonials as to ability <nd tr-.ni ch*.--

t- :.-r can be given» He has L«-vti tetchim; for tier >>*.irone of the most resjpecublc institution» in th« country. .*j.>iw -iild like to obtain .t -uitsMe kiluaciou eithn in t!.e .

Ci untry. A line.-ent to H. Heimaa, Irving Institute, Tantown, will be promptl) res|s>inJed t... alt *>t*

O0ARD.--.Apleasa_t parlorand bedroom can be¿J had by a -*-*ntJeman and hi. ladj, with (v.vtrd, at iîD.Or-

[ cJiardstreet. Reference»exchanged, ill

B! 'A RI »..A family, or a few* single gentlemen ofdmonlr,can hare board and spacious room-, in ipri«

\ ite family.a rarj deairabU location, 181 Ex,t Broadway.-.House md ipartmeats umaaallj ple.iojut and a^reeablr*.

BOARJDLNC IT >1 GREENWICH-STREETThehon - it l.-u?e*ai.d the rc^m»are furnished v

.h ni i-.e.! f.<r i'aiiiiiie.-. i-r iiu^le gecrV*n--n: <>n- parloi -'ithe f'r>t tl.-.-r. Lodging s-l j^r week. r..u..»ieiu board a

»I iiUings i". day. MeaLet-ually low. Please call and see.mK ;»».

Bi >AR D.-A front parlor vvitli i back room con-cti u the tirst iloor, n. wl\»painted »-.papered Altolor with i la;.:.'b-lioom. on th» M-.-.ÜI.I il.*.. ,--,t ..ti.-t

-'u .!! rooms, if required. may p.- cow had atSt) Kouitl« >tf.v..Families «e**kti g respectableaaccommodations foi tbe wiatet.c nnot find them more eligible as n-gard* couvenience amipleasantness of situation. *n iw*-

rpö PRINTERS AND iTI.LlsitKl'S.-- a. l>I TAYLOR (formerly Foreman for R. Hoe & Co.) bavin«late); made frreat improvements in the Napiei Printing p*_ .

nkes thismode.ofinvitinc Printers, Edit»»«,, and Pub'.i> call and » *_m»u* one of his presse* at the offict "i the Tiit>une. where it may be seen inoperatioi from 1 to 3 o'clock 1*.M.daily.Havine establish»*«! himselfat No. ST Eldridj-e-atreet, ia tbe

city-of New-York, he is now prepared to execute all ordennecessary for a printing office or bindery at short notJct. andon is good t.-ruis is any other eatablishraant in the I'. Si -

N. B. Jobbing work md repairing done at short notic».One lecond liand double Napier Press on ¡und am! loi »«Ir'.<.'.-. si Mm


1. No«. 29 and II Gold-»treet. New-York..April, 1841PRICES GREATLY REDUCED..The *' HOEMPrintill*- Press. Machine and Saw Manufactory, m couaqiieuceofthe addition of new and improved machin->ry to their workx,ind the reduction in the cost ofmateriali aud labor, are cu-

bled grpatljrto reduce thepricea oftheii Pres*«-s, *u«J of Prin¬ters'and Bsndpr8.'materials iceueratly ; a« will be seen by ihrixnewly priuted Circular, to w Inch they bei* leave t»t refer.This Establishment is still under the iwnonal supennfen-

deuce of Richard M. Hoe and l!oli*rt Hoe, ami the»ll.eu friends that liotw ithstalnlinr; the great ledlictiou In prti*es,all articles manufactured by this Establishment shallthe hieb reputation which they have hitherto sustained. I'« ill also b»- thi-ircoiistant < udeavor to improve tit** quality oitliwuiiii eiyry pnrticiilar. They Hattet their.«*lvi»s, sitetheir old friends will not only continue their favors, but th lPrinters generally will appreciate their endeavors to furnishthe very be-t articles at barely reiiiuiit-ratiug prices.

Ui-.lrrx from any pan ofthe country for all articles used byPrinters or.Binders,iuclndiug Type, Ink, Papei. etc., will b*executed with t!ie irieatpst care an»! promptitude, auu on thebest terms.Jobbing work <!>1 repairing will b-<h-.i'<« at rX'.- lowest

ble prices, witli every attentionaud expedition.N. ii..All articles manufactured by this Establisítm-.-.i

will lie stainpv.l It. Mo«- u I "o., so thi* persons frotnmay not be imposed upon with spurious anieles, inaile iu ir ^.

t it ion of theirs,Print» is of oe.ws] apers who publish thisadvertUementv^with

tins uot<», three times before thiifirstofjnly nest, .

ot'rheir papers to tis, will btteutitied to iT.iu.it ol .'' -.

on bm in»» four times thttamonul of i I

QALTRHEUM! ï.v.v Rhej u '.l SoltRliemnlî!k-/Rin*eworm, Tetter, Barber's Ir. h, Scalded H- id,and othi.,'u'ises of the 'km, ne safely, c. Mainly, and expefH-iouil*/,cured hi the use ofSaiiJs't celebrated remedy for Salt IM..11111.m Inch 1rs now beeu thorotuihlytiwled in rising fifteen thou¬sand dineren erases, witliou; having failed m » .:., where di-rec ions arejittended (... Every person aftlictrd with eitherofthe above diseases, is invited to mike immediate um of tin'svliiable remedy, ami get curvd without del at,-. When usedaccordiu)* t.. tie directions, with SatutVj SartvtpafiUa, tindisease is eiitiiety eradic »teil from the system.Mrs M \r¿ i-et 1 lurW. Grand-streer, New-York,lias usth encu-.d ofa l.uu'-itJi.diiig case of Salt Rheum.

Dr. Sands.After noticing the wonderful cuie ofMrs. 1 hap*man,79Chatham-screet, New-York, 1 w.s induced t.- puichase some ofyour remedy. Immediately on applying it'lbegan to recover. I un now entirely well.

ALMIRA GARDNER, Norwich,< t.Thecaseof Eli/.iheth S|iear, of Bllnulnm, Ms. a id) 13

years of age, is tiuly an interesting one.one b »> -113 a bo tieof Sirsaparilli removed t!»- disease, and she is now perfect!)Well.

Prepared and sold by A. B. St D. SANDS, wholes, le Dru*.gis's 79 Foltt-n-stieet, 'Zl'i Broadway, ami 77 Eatt Broadway.N. B. Due of the firm is a practical physician and advice to

p -.ri.-at* i» irivt-.i Kratbitéualv.»if« 'in

MORISON'S Vl-ArKTAliLL ÜN1VEKSALMEDICINES.«.Caution to the People of Am.nca.-

We hereby certify that M-ssrs. FIKTIÍ fk'HALL.of Frank¬lin Square, New Vork, are our only GEN_RAL AGENTSfor the United State» of America; ami that neither HnjtsTf»»Sukthkaan Most norOeOBOK Tavi.or. our late Agenta,are in any way authorised to vend Morison'a Vegetable Uni-versa) Medicines. As many imitations are iu cir». ul ttiou, thisÇantion becomes highly necessary. All iieraoni selling uu*Medicints in the Unit-"1 States must have the authority of th»before-named Messrs. FinTtifit Haix.

(Signed) M0RI3DN, MOAT & Co., Hygeists.British Collegeof Health, New Road. London, Jan. IW3.The above caution, emanating from the "Britiih CoRase ol

Health, London," will be. hailed with the warmest enthusi-asm by the friends of the Hygcian System, inasmuch at itf'iids to capos* and oppose th* worthless counterfeits whichh 1 ve been extensively circulated by those who are as destituteofmoral principle, as they are ignorant of the "healinf art,"The invaluable medicines of the British College may b-» ob¬tained iu their original purity of several gentlemen who havetaken agencies in suvemlof the different Sutes, whose nameswill be found in the "New York Courier aud Eiujuirer.".They can be had also in the original packages of the follow-ing sub-Agents, viz:Messrs. Paul Pou St Co. % John it." H. H. Schieftclin & Co. loi and |n>> John it." J. C Whitmore, Esq. 1Í» South st.'* Is-iac Suell, 190 Greenwichst.

ret« r Hampton, 190 Canal »t., New York cit/Messts. Post &.L»!wis, Jericho, L. I.

H. 1). B-trdwell, Troy, New York.Mrs. GoodlüT, Utica, d»iMr. W. II. Burtii, Ilo<he*icr, doMessrs. Coruwll St Butler, Polseepaie, N. Y

W. J. Styles. Rhinebeck, doi't( KIKTH HALL. General AgMnta.î Franklin »»juare

THOMPSON'S TRUSSES.--.0ÍTÍC eremoved to 13 Beekman street About 200 ofthe first physicians and surgeons of Ne,w Yorkhav.» given their decid*d rreferenoe to thisTruss, as you can gr.uiuate the pressure from 1

to 50 pounds on the rupture without a back pad, which does somuch injury to the spine. A fair trial being* the best test of itssurK-riorily, it is applied and six days trial given, and if it doe»not retain the rupture, while performing evrry kind of exer¬cise or couj-hitig. and give jierfect ease.in a word, if it is notsatisfactory in e\*-ry respect, the mon»»y is cheerfully returned,and tliis is th* only condition 011 which you should buy anytnus. A permanent cure is easily effected, and wirranted t{du-clion.s are followed.

Uflices are fitted up at No. 13 Bexkman street.one door fromNassau, exclusively for applying this truss, and all are invitedto come and try for themselves. s7 1m*

HL'LL'STRUSSES.--*Notire to Kup-Itured Persons..Persons afflict»"! with rupluieamay rely unon the best instruira ntal aid iii<«world afforda, on application at tlie (.fTiix', No.

I Vesey-str.'et, or to either of the-cent., in the principal townsin the United Stall's. Be careful to cxan.inv the back pad ofHull's Truss»*s, to te*» if they are endorsed by Dr. Hull in wri-

tiTig. None are genuine, or to be relied upon as good, w ith;out his signature. ....

Many.persons hare un-nrtakcn to vend imitations ol Hull'scelebrated Trusses and thousands are imposed u|«m iu coure-rjueiice. These imitations carniot be relied noon; they at<»made by unskilful mechanic«, and are no belter thau the ordin¬ary Trusses.Rooms hav* been fitted up at No. 4 Vtuwy street, exclusively

for ladies, having a separate entrance from the. busmen» depart¬ment, where a f-rmle is in constant attendance to wail uixm fe¬male palienr» «31 rf

[AMERICAN COOPERS'TÔÔLSland TOOLS in general, can beobtainidi^ all their variety, at WHOLKSALKa

RETAIL, at 33 KULTON-STÍIEET, XWYOB&fthe most celebrated Mauulacturers, {wan anted Cast >teei.)



0 HOli.SL-SHUES.Warranted superior in

every respect t»') any heretofore use»!, 't about the pncev m of tiie iron in bar. All donbti on this subject nuy o

removed, as by sending Sj by mail or otherwise. KO lb-,» as¬

sorted n», will immediately be forw-ixdad-wwiant«! t »

nk th* section of country f«r which they »^1**«^by applying to the mbscriber at th- works, or »M»t Co.. Warr«ns, H-trt t L-sley, J. C, Heartt ic Brothrr.Troy; Lewis Benadict t Co., John Towr.send. AH»ny¿«Piersö.i« t Co.j New-York; Clvarlo Smith. Boston; A, >1. *

B W. Jones, Ph.Ulelphia,aad E. Pratt t Brother, Baltimore,where farther infonnarion may be ^.^«»^ff^rjc- N*.Troy Iron and Nul Factory. HENRY BL«¦..»**-an21 tf_-

a___W A NO FORTES TUNED for FlF-__5S3ty ' ENTS-.W. C. RAYNER tune,

A-Ogtra Instruction on the Piano, °Stch P-t. orperon moaerateterm,., Appk through the DespatcUi.»^somdly, .: hi» re..,.Ie,ce, ._ t .rat ave«ae._ ------


. ^-r. V\tii7RSliOES-*-Just receivedSHOES AND ,«VaLSUatorTment of IndiaWry for »>J1 .rfr .._« and fi**ur«l lined and furred

n_» Elastic Lpper V.r*ri '.- fl. __ ,;v^:.

from our factoryRabbersh/vr«, com-i»

aud ChihlrrnprÄ>mirs L*à"* and "-î-13 ,B«hb« Slviei. figuren and&' i.-' ii,?fVsr. or trimmed and clean»»»! b*,- tlie dozen.p\fÍÍÍSSíS¡¡* l¡B*d and fur bound Rubber*,..'lercriajits are r-i-uesTed to examine the stock after Septem-

v.*, >«r a: our m**-v «tore, No. 25 Maiden las».Ur',c'8 HORACE H. DAY,Successor to Roxbury 1. R- Co.

an23 1m ur.til September 1st at O Maiden Ian-».

JUST FINISHED.Elr-itn: Nutria FurHata(ordinarily termed Beav»»r) at th* low price of $3; su-

.* -«w perior short nap of Prussian Moleskin at $-ï-I.^5'e»eHau axe tripul iu durability and lastre t»> those solaat».Also, an article at $2 50. a very ne\t dress Hat.

,- . ,A<i2ñ im» BROWN P-aetVcal Hatur. ¡46 Canal-st

MADDER..I casks prime Ombros, for nnlc byQRINNELL. MINTURN t CO.. 7S SottüVsU-t
