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PYLYPIVKA (ADVENT) PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN ......warmly by spontaneously singing along with them....

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VOL. 73 - No. 20 NOVEMBER 18, 2012 . (continued on next page) PYLYPIVKA (ADVENT) PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY OF THE U.S.A. TO OUR CLERGY, HIEROMONKS AND BROTHERS, RELIGIOUS SISTERS, SEMINARIANS AND BELOVED FAITHFUL. Praise Be Jesus Christ! When a child is to be born, family and friends throw a baby shower. The shower helps the new mother with baby clothes and other necessary items. I wonder if Mary’s’ relatives were able to provide her with some of the necessary baby items as she and Joseph began their journey to Bethlehem. Distinguished persons in the East were greeted with gifts. Three wise men travel to Bethlehem bearing gifts. They are highly respected men, educated, students of philosophy, nature, astrology. Some even call them kings. They had heard of Israel’s expectation of a Messiah. They studied the stars and the prophesies. The expectation was well known by surrounding neighbors: Persia, Chaldea, Mesopotamia and Arabia. An unusual and bright star appears in the heavens. The three wise men travel west to Judea. No obstacles impede their journey. They hurry to Bethlehem, and lo, in a poor stable, they find the infant Jesus. “They prostrated themselves and did Him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh” (Mt. 2:11). Gold for the King. Incense for God. Myrrh for the Man. Our journey to Christmas — the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ — begins now with St. Phillip’s Fast (This photo is from an icon at the Cathedral.) Îô³ö³éíèé äðóêîâàíèé îðãàí Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Öåðêâè Óêðà¿íñüêà Âåðñ³ÿ
Page 1: PYLYPIVKA (ADVENT) PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN ......warmly by spontaneously singing along with them. Reverend Monsignor James Melnic, who was pastor of Annunciation for twenty-six years

VOL. 73 - No. 20 NOVEMBER 18, 2012


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Praise Be Jesus Christ!

When a child is to beborn, family and friendsthrow a baby shower. Theshower helps the newmother with baby clothesand other necessary items.I wonder i f Mary’s’relatives were able toprovide her with some ofthe necessary baby itemsas she and Joseph begantheir journey to Bethlehem.

Distinguished persons inthe East were greeted withgifts. Three wise men travelto Bethlehem bearing gifts.They are highly respectedmen, educated, studentsof philosophy, nature,astrology. Some even callthem kings. They hadheard of Israel’sexpectation of a Messiah.

They studied the stars andthe prophesies. Theexpectation was wellknown by surroundingneighbors: Persia,Chaldea, Mesopotamiaand Arabia.

An unusual and bright starappears in the heavens.The three wise men travelwest to Judea. Noobstacles impede theirjourney. They hurry toBethlehem, and lo, in apoor stable, they find theinfant Jesus. “Theyprostrated themselves anddid Him homage. Thenthey opened theirtreasures and offered himgifts of gold, frankincenseand myrrh” (Mt. 2:11).Gold for the King. Incensefor God. Myrrh for theMan.

Our journey to Christmas— the birth of our LordJesus Christ — begins nowwith St. Phill ip’s Fast

(This photo is from an icon at the Cathedral.)

Îô³ö³éíèé äðóêîâàíèé îðãàí Ô³ëàäåëüô³éñüêî¿ Àðõèºïàðõ³¿ Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Êàòîëèöüêî¿ Öåðêâè

Óêðà¿íñüêà Âåðñ³ÿ

Page 2: PYLYPIVKA (ADVENT) PASTORAL OF THE UKRAINIAN ......warmly by spontaneously singing along with them. Reverend Monsignor James Melnic, who was pastor of Annunciation for twenty-six years

2November 18, 2012

(Pylypivka) November15th. This is a time ofpenitence and lasts untilthe Eve of Christmas.Voluntary abst inence(meatless meals) and actsof penance (prayer, fasting,charitable works) areencouraged. Abstinencefrom meat, and one fullmeal and a snack (milkproducts al lowedaccording to local custom)is permitted on ChristmasEve.

And as we prepare tocelebrate Christmas again,we think of gifts. But whatgifts will we offer Jesus?Already the psalmist KingDavid (Ps. 71 [72]:10) andthe prophet Isaiah (6:16)had foretold the gifts ofthe wise men. The paganworld pays homage to theLord. What about us?What will we give Jesus?Can we do no less? Youknow what gift God wantsmost? God wants you andme.

Believe it or not, we alsocan bring gold. Who?How? Gold is brought bythose who offer for theglory of God and in theservice of their neighbortheir resources and goods.Helping the needy is gold.Do many people offergold to the Lord?


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Unfortunately more issquandered on worthlessand fleeting things. Suchis our attitude to the Onewho “became pooralthough He was rich, sothat by His poverty youmight become rich” (2 Cor.8:9).

And who offers the Lordfrankincense? Frankincenseis offered by those whouse their talents andabilities to praise God andfor the benefit of theirneighbor. Talents andabilities are not bought.They are more preciousthan silver and gold. Theyare God-given gifts. Usingthem properly pleases theLord like fragrant incense.All of us have receivedcertain talents. Thereforewe al l have theresponsibility to use thesetalents, to bring incense tothe Lord.

The third gift which the wisemen brought to Jesus inBethlehem was myrrh,possibly the best gift. Whooffers this gift today?Myrrh, like incense, isfragrant. But myrrh is alsobitter. It may well representour afflictions, our sorrows,our anxiet ies.Preoccupations that ladenour day. It is clear whooffers myrrh to the Lord.

The one who has had abad day or suffers atragedy, the one who isunjustly accused, the lonelyand the sick, and who donot despair but place alltheir hope in the Lord, inHis healing grace, Myrrhcan be bitter, but it issweetened by the Lord. Notall understand this. Blessedare they who understandand accept it for they offera precious gift to Jesus.They offer Him fragrantmyrrh.

We, your bishops, hopeand pray that you may beable to renew yourselfduring this season ofpreparation for the birthof our Lord. Before wecelebrate Christmas,

prepare yourself andbecome precious gifts ofgold, frankincense andmyrrh for the Lord.

+Stefan SorokaMetropolitan-Archbishopof Philadelphia

+Richard SeminackEparch of St. Nicholas inChicago

+Paul Chomnycky, OSBMEparch of Stamford

+John Bura (author)Apostolic Administratorof St. Josaphat in Parma

November 2012

(Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka at the Cathedral.)

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3November 18, 2012

November 14

Feast of St. Phillip, Apostle

St. Phillip, Apostle, one of the Twelve, was from Bethsaida of Galilee,and was a compatriot of Andrew and Peter. He was instructed in theteachings of the Law, and devoted himself to the study of theprophetic books. Therefore, when the Lord Jesus called him to thedignity of apostleship, he immediately sought out and found Nathanaeland said to him, “We have found Him of Whom Moses in the Lawand the Prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph”(John 1.45).

Having preached Jesus the God-man throughout many parts ofAsia Minor, and having suffered many things for His Name’s sake,he was finally crucified upside down in Hierapolis of Phrygia.


The Theological Significance of Phillip’s Fast

Unlike the Great Fast before the Feast of the Resurrection (Pascha), the Phillipian fast is seldom known orpracticed in the Byzantine Church. Often it is confused with the Roman Catholic practice of Advent.

Since the Nativity / Theophany events hold less importance than Pascha - the Feast of Feasts - (theResurrection), a detailed structure never evolved for the Phillipian Fast. Yet the Phillipian Fast is an ancientpractice in preparation for the Incarnation and Theophany of the Lord Jesus Christ. This 40 day fast isimportant and should be preserved and practiced. The Phillipian Fast can help us to better understand andappreciate all of God’s saving plan.

Without the structure and public events to guide us, the practice of the Phillipian Fast has gradually fallenoff. Theologically, the birth and the public ministry of Christ are inextricably linked. The Phillipian Fast wascreated to prepare us to receive Christ into the world and begin His public ministry. They are two sidesof a single coin. The Phillipian fast prepares us to receive the public ministry of Christ announced atTheophany.

On arriving at Bethlehem and the Nativity on December 25th, we begin to prepare for the Theophany. Wedo not stop at the Nativity. In our joy at God’s arrival, we press forward and see the Theophany. WithTheophany we experience the beginning of Christ’s revelation to us of the mysteries of God. Mostimportantly, this event points out the Mystery of the Trinity, a mystery long hinted in the Old Testament.

—Steve Puluka

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4November 18, 2012



The Annunciation of the BlessedVirgin Mary in Melrose Park,Pennsylvania, joyfully and withgratitude to God, celebratedits Golden Jubilee on Sunday,October 28, 2012. Thechurch, beautifully decoratedwith flowers, was filled tocapacity.

Led by the children of the parishand altar boys, His GraceMetropoli tan-ArchbishopStefan Soroka, Most ReverendBishop-Emeritus Basil Losten ofStamford Eparchy and clergy,walked in a procession fromthe parish house to the churchwhere Maria Kondrat andPeter Labiak greeted theMetropol i tan with thetraditional bread and salt. Twoyounger parishioners, Marta Penkalskyj and Ostap Royik, jointly recited a poem and presented flowers to theMetropolitan and to Bishop Losten. Father Ihor Royik, Pastor, presented the Metropolitan with a cross withwhich he blessed the church and the congregation.

The celebration continued with His Grace MetropolitanStefan as the main celebrant of the Divine Liturgy ofThanksgiving. The concelebrants included Most ReverendBishop- Emeritus Basil Losten, Rev. Ihor Royik, Rev. MonsignorJames Melnic, Very Rev. Ivan Demkiv, Rev. AndriyDudkevych, Rev. Volodymyr Kostyuk, and Very Rev. ArchpriestDaniel Troyan. Rev. Paul Makar served as Master ofCeremonies. The parish choir under the direction ofAlexandra Penkalskyj and Irena Pelech-Zwarych sang theresponses.

In his inspirational homily, Metropolitan Stefan praised thepioneers for their vision in building the church of Annunciationof BVM and he encouraged the parishioners to be

passionate and zealous in bringing Christ to the world.

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(Photo: J. Hill)

(Photo: J. Hill)

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5November 18, 2012

Immediately following the DivineLiturgy, approximately 300 guestsgathered for a celebratory galabanquet at Spring Mill Manor inIvyland, Pennsylvania.

After a pleasant cocktail hour whereall were entertained by banduristsBohdanna Yaroshevych and RomaDockhorn, everyone proceeded tothe banquet room. When seated,parishioners and guests werewelcomed by Myroslawa MazurokHill, Jubilee Chairperson, who thenintroduced Ihor Kusznir as Masterof Ceremonies for the evening.

The program began with theAnnunciation Church Choir leadingthe singing of the Lord’s Prayer,which was followed by the Invocation offered by his His Grace, Metropolitan Stefan. A moment of silence wasobserved in tribute to the deceased members of the parish. The founding members of the parish wererecognized along with the representatives of organizations. The dignitaries at the head table were introduced.They were Most Reverend Metropolitan Stefan Soroka, Most Reverend Bishop-Emeritus Basil Losten, Rev. IhorRoyik, Rev. Monsignor James Melnic, Very Rev. Ivan Demkiv and Sister Thomas Hrynewich SSMI, who for manyyears was the catechetical director at Annunciation.

After an enjoyable dinner, the Men’s Choir,"Dzvin", Nestor Kyzymyshyn, conductor, sang several selections tothe delight of the audience.

The keynote address was given by Most Reverend Bishop- Emeritus Basil Losten who reminisced about the visitof His Eminence Patriarch Josef Slipyj to Annunciation. Bishop Losten also stressed that our faith is built onstone, not sand and for faith to be preserved, we must continue to build it on stone. This theme was echoedthroughout the evening.

After a brief interlude, the program continued with the beautiful singing of soprano Marta Zaliznyak,accompanied by pianist Irena Pelech-Zwarych.

Once again, bandurists Bohdanna Yaroshevych and Roma Dockhorn performed and the audience respondedwarmly by spontaneously singing along with them.

Reverend Monsignor James Melnic, who was pastor of Annunciation for twenty-six years and who is nowpastor of St. Michael’s and St. Mary’s in Pennsylvania, spoke next. He too remembered the past, the pioneers


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(Photo: J. Hill)

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6November 18, 2012

of the church and the people whoare no longer with us, but urgedto look toward the future with faithin Jesus Christ and His BlessedMother.

The last speaker was the currentpastor, Father Ihor Royik. In hisremarks Father Royik said, "Thereal story of our parish is found inthe hearts and souls of thehundreds of individuals who,throughout the years, have cometo know Our Lord and Savior JesusChrist and have found in Him themeaning of life and eternalsalvation. Our parish has beenblessed these 50 years withdedicated clergy, religious andfaithful who have worked tirelesslyto make the Kingdom of Godpresent in the world in every generation. It is this spirit that we celebrate today. Indeed, it is this spirit that wedesire with all our hearts to pass on to the generations that follow us." Father Ihor concluded his remarks witha Jubilee Prayer.

Both Father Ihor and Msgr. James were honored for their service to the parish by standing ovations.

Unfortunately, Most Reverend Bishop Robert Moskal, the only other living pastor of Annunciation, was too illto attend but sent a congratulatory greeting.

The choir "Dzvin" and Mrs. Zaliznyak returned to sing the heart touching prayer "Lord of Heaven and Earth"(Vladyko Neba i Zemli) from the opera "Zaporozhets Za Dunayem".

The evening concluded with the Benediction by Very Rev. Ivan Demkiv, Dean of Philadelphia.

Each guest was presented with an Icon of the Blessed Mother, a commemorative book featuring photographstaken over the past 50 years, church history, greetings from the Church Hierarchs, the President of the UnitedStates, state and local officials as well as greetings from parishioners, organizations and friends.

This joyous and memorable day was made even more special by the return of some original parishioners whoalthough in their 90’s and not in the best of health, made the extra effort to return for the celebration. Oneof the older parishioners summed up the day by saying, "This is my church, my home and my heart."

Submitted by: John Rittenhouse Hill


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7November 18, 2012

Watch videos and see more pictures fromthe Liturgy on our blog at www.thewayukrainian.blogspot.com


(Photos on this page by: T. Siwak)

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8November 18, 2012

The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - November 21

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village wherea woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sistercalled Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. ButMartha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. Shecame to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left meto do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” theLord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but fewthings are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better,and it will not be taken away from her.” As Jesus was saying thesethings, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother whogave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are thosewho hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 10, 38-42; 11, 27-28)

The Feast of the Entrance into the Temple of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary iscelebrated on November 21 each year. The Feast commemorates when as a young child, the Virgin Maryentered the Temple in Jerusalem.

The birth and early life of the Virgin Mary is not recorded in the Gospels or other books of the New Testament,however this information can be found in a work dating from the second century known as the Book of Jamesor Protevangelion.

When Mary was three years old, Joachim and Anna decided that the time had come to fulfill their promiseand to offer her to the Lord. Joachim gathered the young girls of the neighborhood to form an escort, andhe made them go in front of Mary, carrying torches. Captivated by the torches, the young child followedjoyfully to the Temple, not once looking back at her parents nor weeping as she was parted from them.

The holy Virgin ran toward the Temple, overtaking her attendant maidens and threw herself into the arms ofthe High Priest Zacharias, who was waiting for her at the gate of the Temple with the elders. Zacharias blessedher saying, “It is in you that He has glorified your name in every generation. It is in you that He will reveal theRedemption that He has prepared for His people in the last days.”

Then, Zacharias brought the child into the Holy of Holies—a place where only the High Priest was permittedto enter once a year on the Day of Atonement. He placed her on the steps of the altar, and the grace of theLord descended upon her. She arose and expressed her joy in a dance as wonder seized all who saw thishappen.

The Virgin Mary dwelt in the Temple for nine years until, reaching an age for marriage, she was taken fromthe Temple by the priests and elders and entrusted to Joseph as the guardian of her virginity.

The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple signifies her total dedication to God and her readiness for herfuture vocation as the Mother of the Incarnate Lord. This is a feast of anticipation. As honor is shown to Mary,the faithful are called to look forward to the Incarnation of Christ, celebrated in a little more than a month bythe Feast of the Nativity on December 25.


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9November 18, 2012

OSBM Sisters Visit

Basilian Sisters from Holy Trinity Province in Ukraine will bevisiting a number of parishes within our Archeparchy in thecoming months to solicit financial support for their ministryin Yavoriv (in the Lviv region of western Ukraine). They aredesperately in need of providing a suitable monastery forSisters who are involved in catechetical ministry, youthwork, educating orphans and children, visiting the sick,and providing retreats for faithful. Interestingly, BasilianSisters who originally came to minister in the USA werefrom this monastery. Let us help them in their time of needso as to enable their valued and needed ministry. Theirneed is essential for their well- being and enabling theirministry to spread to neighboring cities and villages beyondthe boundaries of Yavoriv.

The Sisters will be visiting St. Nicholas Church in Passaic on Nov. 4th; Annunciation of Blessed Virgin MaryChurch in Melrose Park on November 11th; St. Michael the Archangel Church in Shenandoah on Nov. 11th;National Shrine of the Holy Family in Washington, DC on December 9th;and St. John the Baptist Church inNewark on December 23rd. Presentations by the Sisters will be made generally following the Liturgies, andwill include a short video. I ask all of our pastors to look kindly and generously on the needs of these BasilianSisters and encourage the financial generosity of the parishioners. I encourage the parishes to consider givinga donation from the parish funds as a thoughtful observance of the upcoming St. Philip’s Fast.

The Basilian Sisters have provided more information to the parishes via a separate mailing. Please inform yourparishioners of their need and invite their generosity in charity. Thank you. God bless in ways only He canthose who respond generously to needs of others. The heartfelt thanks and prayers are offered by MetropolitanStefan for all who share from their abundance.

Metropolitan Stefan’s Schedule for November 2012

November 4 50th Anniversary concert “Prometheus Choir”, Philadelphia.November 11 100th Anniversary of St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church, Baltimore, MD.November 12-15 Annual Fall meeting of United States Catholic Conference of Bishops.November 12 Luncheon meeting of Aid to Catholic Churches in Central and Eastern Europe.

Dinner meeting of National Advisory Council of St. John Vianney Center.November 13 Dinner meeting of Catholic Home Missions Committee.November 17 80th Commemoration of “Holodomor”/Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33,

St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City.November 18 125th Anniversary of Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church,

Jersey City, NJ.November 19 Meeting of Priests’ Beneficial Fund, Philadelphia, PA.November 27 Clergy Conference, Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.November 28 Meeting of Presbyterial Council, Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.November 29 Mysteries of Initiation for Damian Myronyuk, son of Rev. & Mrs. Myron Myronyuk,

St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church, Scranton, PA.

(l to r:) Sr. Dorothy Ann, Provincial (USA), Sr.Adriana (Ukraine), Metropolitan Stefan, Sr. Lucia(Ukraine), and Sr. Joann (USA).

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1 0November 18, 2012

Ukrainian Sisters of St. Basil Working to Revive Yavoriv Monastery

In 2011, the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great celebrated the centennial of their arrival in the UnitedStates of America. The first sisters who came to this country from Ukraine came from the Sviato-PokrovskyjMonastery in Yavoriv. In the decades to come, other Sisters from Yavoriv also came to the United States,helping to build and nurture the Jesus, Lover of Humanity Province their predecessors had founded.

Ironically, as the American province grew and flourished, the Sisters in Ukraine faced numerous hardshipsimposed by Soviet rule. Persecuted by the authorities and forced underground, they now relied on thesolidarity of the Sisters in America for material and spiritual assistance. During the first years of independence,when the Church was finally able to emerge from the catacombs, the American Basilian Sisters were amongthe first to return to Ukraine to help rebuild the Ukrainian Catholic Church and Ukrainian society.

Today, twenty-one years after independence, life in Ukraine continues to be turbulent and difficult. In thisuncertain environment, the community of sisters in Yavoriv is striving to renew and restore the spiritual traditionsof their ancient monastery. They are working in the local community and beyond—preparing children for firstConfession and Holy Communion, running Sunday schools, and organizing youth groups, retreats for girls,and children’s summer camps. They visit the sick in hospitals and give food and shelter to those in need.

Unfortunately, the original monastery, now owned by the government, serves as a hospital and the Sisters areliving in the monastery’s old laundry building, which is crumbling and nearly uninhabitable. They are hopingto build a new monastery building, but this endeavor is beyond their financial means. It is for this reason thatSister Lucia and Sister Adriana of Yavoriv have embarked on a fund-raising mission in the United States. Duringtheir stay, they will be visiting the following parishes in the Philadelphia and Stamford Eparchies:

Nov. 4 St. Nicholas in PassaicNov 11 Annunciation in PhiladelphiaNov 11 St. Michaels in Shenandoah (4pm)Nov. 18 St. Nicholas in ChicagoNov. 25 Mississauga, CanadaDec. 2 St. George, New York CityDec. 9 Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family,Washington, D.C.Dec. 16 St. Michael, Yonkers, New YorkDec. 23 - St. John the Baptist, Newark, N.J.

Sisters Lucia and Adriana will also be visiting branches of the UkrainianSelfreliance Federal Credit Union, the Providence Association, and theSt. Sophia Association. The Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great,Jesus, Lover of Humanity Province encourage all Ukrainian AmericanCatholics to help the Yavoriv community in its noble cause and givegenerously. Those unable to meet with Sisters Lucia and Adriana duringtheir visits to individual parishes can contribute by sending donations incare of the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great, 710 Fox ChaseRoad, Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046. Please specify that your donationis for Yavoriv. All donations are tax deductible.

Photo caption: Sister Lucia Murashko, OSBM andSister Adriana Kuryliuk, OSBM

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Admissions for Dinner: Adult - $15, children 4 - 12 years - $7, up to 4 years - free

Our address:830 North Franklin StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19123Phone: 215-922-2845

Pastor: Fr. Ivan Demkiv

Parking available

 Íåä³ëþ, 18-ãî ëèñòîïàäà 2012 ðîêó ïðè Êàòåäð³ Íåïîðî÷íîãî Çà÷àòòÿ â Ô³ëàäåëüô³¿, ç 10-¿ ãîäèíèðàíêó äî 4-¿ ãîäèíè ïîïîëóäí³ â³äáóäåòüñÿ ùîð³÷íèé гçäâ’ÿíèé Áàçàð. Ùèðî çàïðîøóºìî âñ³õ.

Annual Christmas Bazaar will be held on Sunday, November 18, 2012 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. at the Cathedralof the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia. Everyone is welcome.

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1 2November 18, 2012



By Metropolitan Stefan Soroka

Annually, our faithful participate in the CatholicHome Missions Collection taken in all Catholicchurches in the United States. Approximately8 million dollars are gathered for distributionto approximately ninety Catholic dioceses andeparchies in USA. Our own Archeparchy, justas most Eastern eparchies, received $ 110,000in 2012, and our share of that which wascollected was in excess of $ 9,000. The intentof the collection is to assist poorer dioceses and eparchies in their various programs. The funds which wereceive assist with the education of seminarians, and evangelization and catechetical programs offeredwithin the Archeparchy.

The Catholic Home Missions Committee meets twice annually to allocate the funds in response to a rigorousreview of applications for funding assistance. Often one of the meetings is held within a mission dioceseso as to acquaint the bishop members of the ministry which is assisted with the funds. In October, 2012,the Committee of Bishops allocating the funds met in the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.The bishops, mostly of the Latin Church, desired to familiarize themselves with our Ukrainian Catholic Churchin the USA. A full day was devoted to this purpose. Rev. Msgr. Peter Waslo, Chancellor, gave aninformative presentation on Eastern Catholic Churches in the world and in the USA, pointing out thecommonalities and the differences among them, and with the Latin Church. The presentation was followedby an instructive tour of our Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia,with attention given to the distinctive liturgical characteristics of our Ukrainian Catholic Church. A tour ofthe ‘Treasury of Faith’ Museum and to the Bishop Ortynsky Evangelization Center followed. The visitingbishops and staff of Catholic Home Missions concluded their tour at the Byzantine Church Supply Store.

The bishops concelebrated the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God in ourCathedral, and daily Divine Liturgies in the Chapel in the Bishops’ Residence. The opportunity to reside inthe Bishops’ Residence and in the Evangelization Center throughout the meetings allowed for mutualsharing in a manner typical of generous Ukrainian hospitality. They also visited with the staff of theChancery and shared daily lunch with them. A full day of deliberations allocating the available fundsconcluded the meetings of the Catholic Home Missions to our Archeparchy. .

We are thankful for the opportunity to vividly share the rich traditions of our Ukrainian Catholic Church withour brother bishops and staff of the Catholic Home Missions Committee of the United States CatholicConference of Bishops. We are also very grateful to the staff of the Archeparchy who so generously sharedin offering our guests an educational and spiritual enlightenment of our Ukrainian Catholic Church in theUSA, in an environment of genuine Ukrainian hospitality.

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1 3November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving to Whom?

During November, the month when the bright scarlet and orange leavesfade to a lifeless sienna, when morning frosts give way to snow flurries andthoughts of winter, and the sun hides its bright warm rays giving us longdark nights, our thoughts turn to Thanksgiving Day and the traditionalturkey dinner with all the trimmings we will enjoy with family and friends.

Surveys show, Thanksgiving Day is the most traveled day of the year.Relatives traverse great distances to be with fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles,grandsons and granddaughters. The inconveniences of driving or flying pale in comparison to the warmth andtogetherness of being together with loved ones and maintaining this tradition. People do not travel hundredsof miles for a turkey dinner and pumpkin pie, they travel to share the love and togetherness of family andfriends.

Thanksgiving Day, observed on the fourth Thursday in November is a time when our nation pauses to givethanks. But give thanks to whom? When you give thanks, you give them to someone. You express gratitudeto another. On Thanksgiving Day we do give thanks, and what makes it special, is that we, as a nation givethanks to GOD. (We better not tell the ACLU, or someone may try to find a court to stop the celebration ofThanksgiving Day.)

A day of Thanksgiving to God is a tradition in this nation, going back to the first Thanksgiving observance inVirginia. Virginia? Yes Virginia. On December 4, 1619, the 38 English settlers who arrived on the banks ofthe James River placed in their charter that this day of arrival be observed yearly as a day of thanksgivingwith prayer and feasting.

A year later, in 1620, the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth. The following fall, in 1621, Governor William Bradfordarranged a three-day harvest festival to give thanks to God for delivering the colonists through the harshwinter.

In 1789, our first president, George Washington by proclamation declared November 26 a day of nationalThanksgiving to God.

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as “a day of thanksgiving toour beneficent Father” a tradition that continued until 1939, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt set the dateas the fourth Thursday in November. In 1941 Congress made it a federal legal holiday, the custom we followtoday.

Thanksgiving Day is special because as a nation we give thanks to God. It is special because it is our nationalholy day. It is special because, regardless of how an atheist may try to conceal the fact, it is a day when ournation formally acknowledges the existence of God. It is a day we thank Almighty God for His blessings uponthis great nation, penned so aptly by the lyricist with these words, “America, America, God shed His grace onthee. . . .”

Take time this Thanksgiving Day to attend religious services, to pray a meaningful grace before the meal, andto reflect upon the many blessings God has bestowed upon us, our families and our great nation.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

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Saturday 10:00AM – 7:00PM Sunday 10:00AM – 2:00PM









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1 5November 18, 2012

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1 6November 18, 2012

A Legislative Session in ReviewBy Joelle Shea

As the 2011-2012legislative session comes toa close this month, someare already looking to nextsession and hoping forlegislative victories onissues of importance. But,as the saying goes, to getwhere you’re going, you’vegot to know where you’vebeen. So, before we turnthe calendar to the newlegislative session, let’slook at how issues ofconcern to Catholics faredin the 2011-2012legis lat ive session.

On the pro-life front, thelegislature passed theAbortion Facilities ControlAct, which holds abortionclinics to the same healthand safety standards asother ambulatory surgicalfacilities. Prior to thepassage of this legislation,it was clear that the lawfavored the abortionindustry – not women’shealth, as is so oftenclaimed. Legislation waspassed that gave parentsof stillborn children acert i f icate of bir th.Previously, parents ofstillborn children weregiven no off ic ialrecognition of their child,and pro-abort ionadvocates balked at therequest to recognize achild in the womb. Thepassage of this legislationis important for the parents

PCC - November Column

who experience this mostpainful and heartbreakingdeath. Further pro-lifesuccess can be found inthe state budget, whereline item to fund the state’salternatives to abortionprogram, RealAlternatives, contained a5.2% increase. In a yearwhere many programswere cut or level-funded,the PCC is pleased withthis recognition of the valueof life from conception.

In the coming session, pro-life advocates will againwork for legislation that willremove abortion fundingfrom the yet-to-be-createdstate health care exchangeunder the new federalhealth care law. Pro-lifeadvocates also hope torevisit legislation that givesa pregnant woman theoption to view herultrasound when it ispreformed to allow for amore ful ly informeddecision. An ultrasoundexamination is already astandard pract ice inabort ion cl inics todetermine gestational ageor if the pregnancy isectopic; it should be themother’s right to choosefor herself whether to viewthe ultrasound or not.

In the area of education,the popular EducationalImprovement Tax Credit (continued on next page)

program was expandedfrom $75 million to $100million and is now helpingthousands more low andmiddle income families.Further, a new program,nicknamed EITC 2.0, willhelp thousands more bycreating specialscholarships particularly forincome eligible students inthe lowest performing 15%of public schools. This newlegislation also allowsindividual school districts toset up their own localvoucher program. Formore information on thisprogram and eligibility,visit www.pacatholic.org.

A piece of education-related legislation that waskick-started in this sessionand will be passed nextsession would protectrel igious educationalministries of young childrenfrom governmentinterference. Under thecurrent law, the stateDepartment of PublicWelfare (DPW) has blank-check authority to regulateall aspects of a church’spre-school teachingministry, includingcurriculum. This is a classicchurch-state struggle, andafter a positive vote in theSenate EducationCommittee and pledgesfrom critical members ofleadership in the Senateand the House, the PCC

expects this legislation topass in the next session.

In the area of concern forthe poor in our state, thelegislature reopened theHomeowners’ EmergencyMortgage AssistanceProgram (HEMAP). Thisprogram has helpedthousands ofPennsylvanians over theyears by providing loansto homeowners who werefaced with foreclosurethrough no fault of theirown. In the first drafts ofthe state budget, theHuman Services BlockGrant, which includes statedollars that go to countiesto provide a wide rangeof human services, wasslated for a 20% cut. Uponfinal passage of thebudget, the grant was cutby 10%. While the PCCwas pleased that the full20% cut was not made,we continue to advocatefor funding for these vitalservices. Further budgetcuts saw the shuttering ofGeneral Assistance. Thisprogram, which allowedfor a $205 stipend to thetruly needy who had noother place to turn, wasnot funded and there isno program to replace it.Advocates for the poor,including PCC, areextremely disappointed

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1 7November 18, 2012

with the elimination of theGeneral Assistanceprogram and will workcooperatively with thegovernor and DPW to findalternatives to assist thoseimpacted, as the statebudget must ref lectconcern for the most poorand needy in Pennsylvania.

Several bills dealing withimmigrat ion wereintroduced this session, butonly one of these, the

(continued from previous page)

A Legislative Session in Review

Public Works andEmployment VerificationAct, was passed andsigned into law. This actrequires contractors andsub-contractors on publicworks projects to verifynew employee eligibility byusing the federal E-Verifysystem. Other proposalsranging from denyingpubl ic benefi ts toundocumented immigrantsto revoking theprofessional licenses of

employers who knowinglyemploy illegal immigrantsdid not pass.

The 2013-2014 legislativesession will bring evenmore activity on issues thatare of importance toCatholics in Pennsylvania.And the legislature needsto hear from you – theirconst i tuents . Vis i twww.pacatholic.org tosign up for the CatholicAdvocacy Network and

become an agent ofchange in Pennsylvania.Imagine the voices of PA’s3 mil l ion Cathol icsspeaking together for thecommon good!

Joelle Shea is the Directorof Outreach for thePennsylvania CatholicConference – the publicaffairs arm ofPennsylvania’s Catholicbishops and the Catholicdioceses of Pennsylvania.

New Website Connects Mother, Families with Adoption Agencies

To mark NationalAdoption Month, theCatholic social serviceagencies acrossPennsylvania launchedwww.adoptionpa.org, awebsite that connectsmothers and families witha Cathol ic adoptionagency in their area andalso offers encouragementand support to those whoexperience unintendedpregnancies. .

Kelly Bolton, the ProgramDirector for AdoptionServices and Foster Carefor Catholic Charities ofthe Diocese of Harrisburg,said “A statewide websitethat features eachCathol ic diocesanadoption program allowsbirth parents to have aone-stop shop forassistance. We are hereto assist birth mothers

considering adoption as apro-life alternative toparenting. As always, wewill coordinate services forany pregnant womanregardless of where shelives in the state—— thereis a Catholic agencynearby and ready to help.”

By vis i t ingwww.adoptionpa.org andclicking “Find Help NearYou,” the website user canenter his or her zip codeand be directed to thenearest Catholic socialservice agency. A phonenumber, email, drivingdirections and website linkare provided for eachfaci l i ty . .

“Recent legislative changeshave made open adoptiona reality in Pennsylvania,and the website will helpconnect birth parents with

By Joelle Shea

our comprehensiveservices. Catholics canshare this website addresswith their parish, friendsand family. We do notwant to be a ‘hiddentreasure,’ we want thecommunity to know thatwe are here to help, andthis website will assist us.”Bolton said. .

The website is intended toserve as an initial point ofcontact with pregnantwomen and their familiesand friends, says Fr. SeanCode, the moderator ofthe Social ConcernsDepartment of the PACatholic Conference. Thedepartment, made up ofdirectors of Catholic SocialService agencies inPennsylvania, oversaw theproject . .

“This new website acts asa portal to direct womenand their families, especiallythose who may not befamiliar with Catholiccharities, to the helpnearest to them. We hopethis website enhances ourother outreach efforts andinvites more women toconsider adoption throughour agencies,” said Fr.Code. .

The homepage of thewww.adopt ionpa.orgwebsite states “Decidingthe best option for you andyour unborn or newbornchild is difficult. We’re hereto help you get the answersyou need about adoptionand the support to helpyou make the bestdecis ion.” .

Visit www.adoptionpa.orgfor more information.

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1 8November 18, 2012

Ukrainian Catholics commemorate Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky

1 November 2012

The head of UkrainianGreek Catholic Church,Metropol i tan AndreySheptytsky, died in Lviv onNovember 1, 1944.

During his 44-year tenure,he guided the church andUkrainian society throughtwo world wars and sevenchanges of regime:Austr ian, Russian,Ukrainian, Polish, Soviet,Nazi and Soviet. He wasborn in Prylbychi, nearLviv, on July 22, 1865, toan ancient aristocraticUkrainian family which inthe nineteenth century hadbecome polonized, LatinCathol ic and French

speaking. Despite thestrong opposition of hisfather, he returned to hisroots to serve what wasregarded as the peasantUkrainian Greek CatholicChurch as a monk of theBasi l ian Order.

Blessed with extraordinaryspiritual charisms, at theage of thirty-six Sheptytskybecame head of theUkrainian Greek CatholicChurch. He workedtirelessly for reconciliationbetween ethnic groupsand left a rich legacy ofwritings on social issuesand spir i tual i ty. Hedeveloped modernmethods of ministry,founded the Studite and

Ukrainian Redemptoristorders, other religiouscommunities, a hospital,the national Museum, theTheological Academy andsponsored variousreligious, cultural andeducational institutions.

Sheptytsky was a patronof art is ts, students,including many OrthodoxChristians, and a pioneerof ecumenism. He learnedHebrew so that he couldspeak with Jews. Duringpastoral visits to towns hewas met by Jewishcommunities with theTorah. He harboredhundreds of Jews in hisresidence and in GreekCathol ic monasteries

during the Nazioccupation. He issued thepastoral letter, “Thou ShaltNot Kill,” a bold outcryagainst Nazi atrocities. Hedied on November 1,1944, and the process forhis beatification lasts fordecades.


Most Reverend Michael Hrynchyshyn, C.Ss.R., Apostolic Exarch for UkrainianCatholics in France, Benelux and Switzerland Falls Asleep in the Lord

PARIS—On November12, the Most ReverendMichael Hrynchyshyn,C.Ss.R., Apostolic Exarchfor Ukrainians in France,Benelux and Switzerland,fell asleep in the Lordhere at the age of 83.

Funeral services werescheduled to be held hereon Saturday, November17, and final funeral ritesand Divine Liturgy will beheld in Winnipeg onFriday, November 23 at10:00 a.m. in St .Joseph’s UkrainianCatholic Church followedby burial in Holy Family

Cemetery. .

Bishop MichaelHrynchyshyn wasborn on February18, 1929, inB u c h a n a n ,Saskatchewan,Canada andmade his religiousprofession on July 28,1946 with theRedemptorist Order inYorkton.

The late Bishop MaximHermaniuk ordained himto the episcopacy on May25, 1952 in Toronto. Heministered in New York,

Winnipeg andSaskatoon. In1955 hedefended hisdoctoral workat the PontificalO r i e n t a lInst i tute inRome. For atime he also

taught in seminaries inCanada. Since 1970 hehas been a postulator inthe beatification process ofMetropol i tan AndreySheptytsky. From 1972until 1981 he served asthe proto-hegumen for theRedemptorist Fathers inCanada and the United

States. On November27, 1982, he wasappointed ApostolicExarch for Ukrainians inFrance.

His successor asApostolic Exarch, theMost Reverend BorysGudziak was ordainedBishop August 26, 2012,and his formal installationwas scheduled forDecember 2, 2012,when BishopHrynchyshyn would haveformally retired.

(Adapted from the articleon http://risu.org.ua)


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His Beatitude Sviatoslav: “We live in a society in which thegap between the wealthy and the poor widens daily”

06.11.12 .

UGCC Primate, HisBeati tude Sviatoslav(Shevchuk) addressed thisin his sermon dealing withthe parable about the richman and Lazarus at thePatriarchal Cathedral ofthe Resurrection of Christon November 4th in Kyiv.

Joining Patr iarchSviatoslav in co-celebrating the DivineLiturgy were: RomanCatholic Bishop AntonKosha of the KyshynivEparchy of the Republic ofMoldova, responsible forall Catholics in there,particularly for UkrainianGreek-Catholics, BishopKen (Nowakowski), Bishopof UGCC NewWestminster Eparchy (inthe far western part ofCanada), as wel l asBishop Bohdan (Dziurakh),Secretary of UGCC Synod.

In his homily His BeatitudeSviatoslav reminded theassembled that therecomes a moment ineveryone’s life — be theyrich or poor, happy orunhappy — which unitesthem al l – death.Thereafter, they againdisperse into two oppositesites: one ends up in theplace of eternal bliss, andanother – into the placeof unending punishment,

a place of cries andsuffering. This is whathappened to the rich manand Lazarus in theevangelical parable. TheEvangelist Luke describesthat the rich man at thebottom of hell raises hiseyes and sees a poorperson, whom he knew inhis life but whom hewanted to ignore. .. Andhe says, “BrotherAbraham, send that poorman to me, so that with atleast one finger he can wetmy tongue because I amsuffering greatly in thisheat. And it is only thenthat the earthly mission ofLazarus manifests itself,because the word “lazar”means “God helps.” Therich man in hell is beggingfor at least the touch ofone finger of God’s handto help him out; however,when during his earthly life,God extended to him awhole hand of assistanceand care, he refused it,believing that he was self-sufficient. However, thatabyss which heconstructed during hisearthly life becomes theabyss between heavenand hel l in eterni ty.

“Yet in this life, polarized,wherein human dignity isnot respected, Christ’sChurch continues toproclaim the Good News– the blessings of Christ’s

Gospel. Christ’s Churchcontinues to strengthenthose, whom the rich manbeckoned in hell,” statedthe pastor to the faithful.

As proof of his wordsduring the Divine Liturgy,His Beatitude Sviatoslavordained deacon AndriyKhim’yak and elevated sixsub-deacons to deacons.

“Today we place our handson the next priest whosegoal is to preach God’sWord, the blessing ofGod’s people through theHoly Sacraments — thehighest of which is thesacredness of the Bodyand Blood of Christ —the Holy Eucharist ,”emphasized UGCC Head.

“We rejoice with you, Fr.Andriy,” states the Primate.And, today truly so manyclergy have gathered tothank Almighty God for thegift of your vocation, to

express their gratitude toeveryone who led you tothis day – your family,parents, the Lviv SpiritualSeminary which educatedyou. Nevertheless, aspecial appreciation toBishop Bohdan (Dziurakh),who truly guides you notonly as a supervisor butas a spiritual father.”

The newly-ordained priest,Fr. Andriy, received “withjoy” his responsibility toproclaim God’s Word andpledged to “fulfill his priestlyduties to the best of hisabi l i t ies.” .


1 9November 18, 2012

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2012 ARCHEPARCHY OF PHILADELPHIA STATISTICS (Figures ending 30 September, 2012)

Clergy Mysteries Archbishop 1 Infant Baptisms 230 Retired Archbishop 1 Minor Baptisms 4 Archeparchial Priests 41 Adult Baptisms 7 Retired Priests 9 Received into Full Communion 7 Total 50 Confirmations 233 Religious Priests 4 Communions 240 Total Priests 58 Marriages 68 External Priests 6 Catholic 58 Permanent Deacons 7 Interfaith 10 Sisters 49 Deaths 461 Households 7,999 Total Population 15,689 Parishes Parishes 67 Resident Archeparchial Clergy 40 Resident Religious Clergy 1 Without Resident Pastor 26 Mission 1 Sisters 45 Lay Ministers 2 Social Homes for the Aged 2 Number assisted 279 Education Seminary 1 Students from Archeparchy 2 Students from other Eparchies 3 Student in other seminary 1 Total Seminarians 3 College 1 Students 982 High School, Private 1 Students 312 Elementary Schools 3 Students 426 Religious Education Programs High School Students 38 Elementary Students 486 Teachers (Full Time) Priest 1 Sisters 15 Lay Teachers 91 This information does not include the following parishes: Palmerton, Ramsey, Sayre, Simpson, Whippany (Partial Passaic)

2 0November 18, 2012

Nativity of BVM Ukrainian Catholic Church, Reading, PA

Our CHRISTMAS BAZAAR will be on Sat., Dec. 1. We will be selling pyrohy, rolls,bread, halushki, holupchi, pastries and cakes, crafts, Ukrainian items, etc. Thekitchen will sell and serve hot lunches and soups. We will also have raffles andTreasure Hunt. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church islocated at 630 Laurel Street, Reading, PA 19602.

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Editorial and Business Office:827 N. Franklin St.

Philadelphia, PA 19123Tel.: (215) 627-0143

Established 1939Online: www.ukrarcheparchy.us

E-MAIL: [email protected]

THE WAY StaffVery Rev. Archpriest John Fields, Director of

Communication;Teresa Siwak, Editor;

Fr. Ihor Royik, Assistant Editor

Articles and photos proposed for publication should be in theEditor's office at least two weeks before requested date ofpublication. For advance notice of the upcoming events, kindlysend one month in advance. All articles must be submitted in bothEnglish and Ukrainian languages, THE WAY will not translateproposed articles. All materials submitted to THE WAY becomethe property of THE WAY.

Blog: www.thewayukrainian.blogspot.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Archeparchy-of-Philadelphia/197564070297001



Happy Birthday!Ç Äíåì íàðîäæåííÿ!

December 7: Rev. Stepan BilykDecember 17: Rev. Mykola IvanovDecember 21: Rev. Deacon Michael WaakDecember 21: Rev. Orest KunderevychDecember 27: Rev. Msgr. Stephen Hrynuck

May the Good Lord Continue toGuide You and Shower You with His

Great Blessings. Mnohaya Lita!

Íåõàé ÄîáðèéÃîñïîäü Òðèìàº

Âàñ ó Ñâî¿é Îï³ö³òà Ùåäðî

Áëàãîñëîâèòü Âàñ.Ìíîãàÿ ˳òà!

Congratulations on yourAnniversary of Priesthood!

³òàºìî ç г÷íèöåþ Ñâÿùåíñòâà!

December 6: Rev. Volodymyr Kostyuk(14th Anniversary)

December 10: Rev. D. George Worschak(34th Anniversary)

December 11: Rev. Ihor Royik(20th Anniversary)

December 19: Rev. Andriy Rabiy(11th Anniversary)

December 20: Rev. Ihor Bloshchynskyy(9th Anniversary)

December 21: Rev. Leonard Sinatra(45th Anniversary)

May God Grant You Many Happy andBlessed Years of Service in the Vineyard

of Our Lord!

Íåõàé Áîã Îáäàðóº ÁàãàòüìàÁëàãîñëîâåííèìè Ðîêàìè Ñëóæ³ííÿ â

Ãîñïîäíüîìó Âèíîãðàäíèêó!

December 2012 - Ãðóäíÿ 2012

2 1November 18, 2012
