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Q2 evaluation

Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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Suhail patel

How does your poster, movie magazine and trailer link?

ICONOGRAPHY- The iconography in all three tasks was quite evident, Firstly to portray that it was a gangster crime film we had the gun as our main iconography to show the violence and crime which would occur in the film. Another main iconography would be the clothing of each character which we showed in all three as you can see the detective/mafia is wearing a suit in all three tasks, the reason why is to show the audience the characters role and also to get across that he seems to come across as someone powerful in all three tasks as a suit shows someone's identity. Another main iconography shown in the trailer and poster which was the main plot of the trailer was the briefcase shown. As you can see in my poster I included a briefcase to indicate to the audience that the briefcase does play a main part in the trailer which is quite evident in the trailer

ACTORS- As you can see in the ancillary tasks the two main actors were present in them to show the audience what film they are associated with. Although we had more characters in our trailer I wanted to keep my poster simple by including the main two characters who will appeal to the majority audience SETTINGS- The setting of our trailer was based in London and the urban areas of London, this is shown in the trailer where we see many shots of the urban streets and the landscape of London. It is also shown in my poster where we see the famous London building called the Gherkin in order to show the audience where the film is based, however it is not shown in my magazine.

FILM USPWe had quite a few unique selling points in our trailer. Firstly I would say the main one would be the cat and mouse chase between the innocent civilian and the mafias, which is the main plot of our film. The reason being is because we see in all gangster films where the rivalry could between a few gangs but to make it different and unique we wanted to include the chase between a normal civilian and a mafia crew. Another unique selling point would be the character of the mafia boss which is played by a female (bottom right picture) The reason why we had done this because we always see in trailers where a mafia gang is always run by a male dominant character however to make ours different to others we decided to keep our mafia boss a female dominant character. Another USP would be the location of the film. The reason being is because we tend to see all gangster films based in America or city areas however we decided to keep our in London where we do not see many gangster crime films taking place. Finally having a diverse cast was also crucial. Although we subverted to having a black innocent character we wanted to keep this a USP for the audience to see that not all black people are criminals and we also wanted the audience to sympathise them. Overall the main plot of having the cat and mouse chase of the briefcase was the main USP as it created the whole plot of our trailer.

What marketing package would you use?

For the marketing of my poster, I had to be very careful on the format of my poster whether to keep it landscape or portrait and what would appeal more to my target audience. However I decided to go with a portrait format because it could be displayed in various settings such as bus stops, stations and newspapers. As we see with these type of locations posters are seen with more clarity by the audience as they do not see it at speed etc. And would attract more people in comparison to a landscape poster where we see it on billboards or on sides of buses. We tend to see them as a teaser poster with less information which would not make it so attractive unless your film is well known. So in order to give more information about the film I chose to keep it in a portrait format. I also chose this format so I could create a full poster in comparison to a teaser poster so the audience understand the concept of my poster. Another area where we see a market growing is social media such as facebook, twitter, instagram etc. So places like this would be a great option to consider advertising for as we see a lot of teenagers using these social websites, which is ideal for our trailer as our target audience is mainly focusing on young teenagers.
