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· Qireenhelt Manager ltews Rtl'itw Taxgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19571121.pdf · ltews...

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· Qireenhelt ltews Rtl'itw U IIDEPEIDE'4T NEWSPAPER :.,. ..... ,.,., Dec. 2 ·Aiaa Kl8tler pre- PI'UPOMd aDieDd· olt:F ellarte - tbe · COUIICII 1 IDMtln&' on ._ It wou14 W ltoDY charter !- ...,. at.embera of ........ 1111 by a reter- wJthln 48 - clQ- COW'Icll. Gol4taden ebar- U. lltlll beLng · reao'ution .. land. lt Ia un- ; ·1rm 1 be · formally em. r>eeem- •aznencbnent wi11 · . at rule aet per- of tbe voten peeaed by , prcw.icled 20 per- ;eeMt Of 'V'Oten alp a petition 40 days of pauage by the lti!ty tmunch. Otherwt.e, the amend- ...,_tt. m». :Jnto etrect after ......... .. (. . I, , 't.. . m.uero. amendment will not tb' the "Qolcltaden aanend- · .... W .. wtn aD be acted . ... . aaa6e time. ... - -_ 'iF'lolila,v. t!ro-..em1"r to e · 'WO.eil·. So- Cb\arcb the ,' A.-old the Last Minute ltaela-BeSareYour Ouistmas Cards and Giits Arrive on Time. ·•••• Coacert Features Dilielaad Jazz Uait A six-piece Dwe!and jazz·group will br! featured as guea.-t perfor- mer' at the fall conCE'rt of the nreenbe t Community Band at the C'.entP.t" auditorium this; November 2G, at 8 p.m. The bBnd will play a pops con- cert wtth numbers to please all tas!.c.S. New pieces wblcb have been in· rehe.irsal since September wm, be included. Special soloist wltl be M:lt'B ·Connie GoWan on the .... ·artnet. Ia from Northwestern Higb, as is tb4! Dixieland group. iCJk .. bOaftl meeiinc. ..... BamU; .)Tovember . School PrA at •, .. Turkey Run. '1 :November --.. r.m:; · Coinmunity ;·. :irf.rid .. i ;penter School Auditor- Tbe band CODUDittee baa invited no:: .oJlly parent. of the band mem- bers aad their friends and nefsh- . bonr- to that par- . posst):le __ - i C!»PGttuntty. aee· · bat-.4 4n actio-D. Tbe band. which ia under the direction . of Mlcbael Ranes. .gave a concert bef<-re an ( > tt .:P.a4;;Speclal meeting of city i ·on 1968 budget. city _, .. November 28-8 to ,. St. Hugh's Teen Services oJ Planned Annual Union Tl'Ji&likairt .. c SerVIce wDJ be t.eld Th&Da.lrtnar Da7. · at 10 a.m. .lJl Green- Cburcb, In con- Xemorlal ·111114 the Jewlab J»e' &Qdtb, PaNor Me,PIO/IIiat ChurCh. Mr. Ro- the . .Tewiah Communi- Donald Kac- Kenneth Wyatt. ·Robert c. Hun of. i09a•'Uftiii;J with the ae,. .pr: acb!ng eermon. : Plabe · ,of worahlp for this U .. icm Thanlalglving Ser- J'Otated between the three thia year tarn· ag&ln of Oommunlcy !lA.lt' :people ·of the eom- &re·\cerdlal1y InVited to at- . of Tllankagiv!ng Society ot the .. 'QIIturcm will a Fril4a·v. November, 22, from ., .. , .. ,,"" ............ 'in 'front .of ·Center.· llN. s. D. caq-tan.:· . 8I1AOUfteea alao · ·· ot·t.zaar .... · audience of 400 at National . Training School for Boys on Kon- day, Novep.ber Thls was a re- turn engagement after last year's successful concert there. DiSCIII c•il4 lrewth At tbe last regula,r membe;:osbip __ of tbe Center School PTA. held o.n Novembt:r :i, 1957, Dr. Hugh Perkins of the Institute of ChDd f:.tudy. University of Maryland, and Mr. Thomas B. Ritchie, local cltfzen, spoke knowledgeably on t'"f' tO.,ic ''The Parents• Responsi- bility to tbe School and Children." It was pointed out. during the course of their talks, that the home and school are partners in Jntidlng the development · of th'e child. The community in general should a:ao participate in the :Ife ard activity of the aehooL In other words, tbe parents' reapon- . aibfllty Ia a joint · one with the teacher. and community. The de- velopment of our children. atthough started ·by the parents, Ia flexible en,.ngb to be affected by the school and · eommlllilty. As gl"'Wtb con- t'nuee, actJons, particularly of par- ents. greatly influence the t".barac- tf'r total of tbe ch=!d. A f<bort question and answer period followed. 'ASSOCIATION MEET!NG · nnt regular meeting of the Prince Gi!orges County Association fi-r Pf"·b\r.-d Children wlU be held :on Tueadav. November 26 at 8 . · p.m. Bt the Calvert Home School, Calvert Court, Riverdale. AU mem- . bf'·rs and interested persons are in- . vited to attend. .••• _._ .. COl iler Were X paroemiolog.iat , . . aJJnply. I 8hOald il'or 'io.iootber . opportwiity 'Tia better not to watt. ::i"' ·: ....... ... c Be1 Fraakli• Store E1111••• Fuililies In time for the greatly expanding need for display space -for Christ- mas mer .. handlse. the Beh Franklin Store Is now completing a major reorganization of :ts facilities, ac- cording to manager Harry Weiner, 6-H Crescent. Several new banks of she1ves have been constructed to 1lll previously unused areas of floor space, and several clothing racks have also been added. Major change in the mel'Chandlae itself is Chr!stm.as stock of all kinds. Ore section is devoted to Toyland. Supervising tbe rearrangement of supplies is .James Bancroft. store opening superintendent from the firm's office in Baltimore. Since the local store's opening on .June 7. business bas been in- creasing stPadily, Weiner stated. Probably after Christmas, when more display space will become avaHable, he expects to introduce several new lines of merchandise -drygooda, children's shoes, bouse dresses, and maternity prments. Marc• el ltl11leen Tbe week of November U has been designated aa the time the Volunteers wEi seek to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy camp- aign. During that week Volunteers will visit homes throughout Green- belt. ano:l they are hoping to be re- Cefved ln l:he true 'lpirit giving. At thi.s time of the year when we thank God for our b'less- inp--our health, you will b£: aaked . to give a little to help those who are not quite healthy as you . Muscular Dystrophy is, thus far, an lncu!'able disease that attacks Ute muscles, weakening and mak- .ing them use'ess. In time, the vic- tims !>ecome Your dollars will heip the Musc- ular Dystr!lphy chapters througb- "Ut the country to give greater serv- ice to victi:ns-wbeel chairs, braces, lifts and other orthopedic devices which make life endurable for these sufferers. Over twer.ty specal clin- ics have been established by the M•1scullu Dystrophy Associations of America. These centers, provid- ing expert medical advice, drugs and therapy treatment. must be expanded to hold the line while research advances on the disease. Here in the Washlngton Area the MD Clinic is located at the George- town University Hospital. Help, for Muscular Dystrophy victims, rests solely on the extent to which the public makes intensive research possible. Other diseues. formerly incurable, have been con- quered through research. With f'nough rontributions for research, Muscular Dystrophy can be next! Please giv.! generously to this worthy cause. ·---------------------------- 20 Years Ago The following excerpt appear- ed in tbe first laaue of the Gl'eeDbelt Cooperator, predeces- aor to The Greeabel.'t News Be- 'iew: ..GrE!f'nbelt is receiving nation- al attention time and again. No- tice the spread in Life Magazine, November 15. A week before, · November 6. Literary Digest told the world what the *First Resettlera' thought of their adopted town. Feature artfclea wDJ continue to appear and all Greenbelters can help make the facta c•ear when any c&lDera man or reporter COIIle8 a-lmock- lng at the door ... Manager 1151 ·city Of •271,318, ·led1ced. Tax l1le · By RuaaeU Greetlbca¥m City manager Charles McDonald pruented to the city eounci.f at its regular meeting on Monday, November 18, a proposed city budget for 1958 totaling $271,308 or nearly $60,000 less than the 1957 budget approve<! by the council, which was $330,259. Tbe proposed 1958 tax rate would be $1.65 per hundred a•e•ell evaluation or 1.2 cents lesll than the 1967 Agure. The council will begin consideration of the budget at a special touneil meetiDg this Monday, November 26. 'I he manager stated the sublltant- bJ decrease waa due to the fact that water and sanitary eewer service is not included in the 1118 request. since it is expected thl..t these services wfil be operated by the Washington Suburhan Sanitary Service before .January I. 191$8. However, he noted that several im· portant ltema were not Included in the budget request that he felt shou:d be given serious coMkiera- tion by the council. Among the major items he did not include in the budget fa $3.000 to provide for an increase in the rate of pay for overtime work now set by ordinance at $1.00, whlcb is l""R than the rE"gu;ar pay for some Pmployees, such as police officers. He also urged an additional clerk because of t.'Je increased workload in the city office due to the m'lny additional council meet-:- ings. This item was requested 1ut year but deleted by the councU. M{'Donald also felt that $5,000 should be included to cover the cost of curbing and gutters along CrC"SC"ert Road in front of the apart- mrnts !rom GarrleD'\11•ay to the underpass near 12 Crescent. Added !nnds needed to construct Rd<litional parking spaces ln the city, and be noted that it bas long been desired to have a pavilion with sanitary faci!ities at the lake, which would run about $6,01)0. In the reM"eation there arE' three items totaling f7,.t00 tbat Canter School PTA At: State Center School was well repteeent- ed at the Annual State Convention held on November ,. and 8 at the Lerd Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore. Md. The theme of the pNgra.JD was "Everlasting '.1•eamwork . . " by Parents, Teachers. Administra- tors. Those attending on Tburs-- day, Nev. 7, were Miss Hannah Long, Principal; Mrs. Gertrude Yeager, member of the faculty; Mrs. Dorothy Galvin. President. Center School PTA; and Mrs. Ann Jarvis, Legis:aave Chairman On Friday, November S. Russ ba um, PTA member, attended. Several workshops exploring the theme of lay-professional ::elations were held. Two of these workshops in which delegates showed great interest were concerned with the Board of Education and with cur- riculum planning and development. It was c:early demonstrated that our educators and adminl6trators nre trying to improve our educa- tional system for the and best advantage of the chUd. Center PTA Balce !;ale he ft!COIDJileftded •bould be includ- ed. About $8.SOO of this .......... -: would be for reaurfaclng tbe te.- n!a cou::ta. The manager coaun..e.t that a tenal8 hutructloa p .... --. this past 8UIIImer attracted 3D pu- sona a week for eigbt weelra, .-. that the could reall7 ....... with new courts. .A.notJMr $!,lilt would p1091Ue dugwu tor BNdlla Fie:d. which he sa1d would Jlat only greatly Improve the aeld 11M · likely lead to the poaidbllity . .., .... _ ing such big eventa ae a- ....... _.. nament for the Babe Ruth I *'I a. since dresslg rooma aact dil'i•a are already installed. Black to: a 7 ... of pla,y areaa with buketball .... ,. boards would 1'\ln $2,800. In the budget a.s submitted, is a provision for a .UGQ lnCN88e ila . the manager's salary, wblcb -.-M bring It to $9,925. In the ft•a• ' departmeJ1t McDonald baa el an extra $900 for ... extra help on the ·taet .that. during thia year the dty tr-a__. haa W'Orked' 3ft hours overtt.e. -. · The propose<" buOget. for· tJae· .-!l- ice inc:udea $l5,000 for the POI,Ieiir chief, willcb was not in tbe' liM budget. The .-lariee of tJae -... geant.. two other fuO-t!me and one part-time oftlcer ap- proximately $18,300. It Ia !IO&etC thAt Halloween ls carried u a special item,. requiring an ture of $2150 to cover an enl ...... _ depoutlzed force for three nlcbts. .McDon._.d bas again aaked tiOO for a manage-r for tbe ............ _ pool, which the QOUDcU out Iaiit year. The manaaer baa arauec1 u.t - Hthere -aile .t.Qo and detai..s. to bkf! the of the man who Ia suppo.ted to be guarding."' As a result. It w .. · ae- cesaary to have an extra Oft duty 80 percP.n•. of the time Ja.t summer. The propOsed budget. wbiela Ia presented in the same deparbnez,t- al break-down as last year. mast be appro,ved by Decem;ber 31. The council meeting aiiiO con- sidered a requeat from the city manager and police ch!ef for two new pollee cars to replace the pre- sent 19M models, which have eaeh gone a.n average of 78,000 mJlelr. ln- c1udlng the trade-in, the addltsonal C!!.eh out:ay for the cars would he- about S1,700. · Discuasfon centered mainly &n "''+h .. '"'""·nrieoo three mflka of can· alioulcl be PQI'Ciuule4 a.- ever, an extraneous matter oame up when Coundlman Jim 8lmtll complained of alleged ne«)eet of . one of the by permitting It to run out of water. In explalnlng tbe case., poDee chief Jim Williams told bow It waa neceasary to bike a man wltb a severely bleeding band on an e.e.- run to the county This led to a vlgoroue protat by Councilman Ben Goldfaden tll&t A major tm»;leet of the police cruiser should not llil.ve the Greenbelt Center SchoOl PTA gone out of the city for tluat pap. this year is a Bake Sa!e, wiD poae but that the oftlceN _,.. be held this Saturday, Ncn't!mber called the rescue Cldet 23, starting at 10:30 a.m., in the WllHams reported that the J11aft. vicinity of Hoffman'a Dry Clean- who bad been in a ftgbt at the AID- ing establishment. erican Legion home, refweed to so Parents of children who attend in an smbulance and that It later Center School are invited to •eantri- turned out be bad severed an artel7. bute baked goods <as for JDixes, In another matter, CounelhniUt let your conscience be your Stan Edwarda asked about p!Mia&' home-made specialties auc:b as a atop sign on Northway Ext:enGed baked beans, salads, picklefl, ete.. to halt cars coming up the biD tb- or cash. Offerings from we:a-wtsb- ward Woodland Way. He _.d Uiat ers among the general public are youngatere play on WOOdlaDcl W.y also welcome. ' and cannot be seer? b7 mot.al'lllta Contributions should be dw..lvoi!red coming up Northway. Tile Jnallapl'. to Hoffman's place .early who cOih!liented that be waa rel- If llick-'llp eervlice fa uetant to encoura.ce playing Ia tlte necessary, please can GR 11-3832, street, wu uked to look IDto lille and a volunteer worker will &8lll8t matter you. .'l'be manapr announced t.hllt a.. The public is urgently req111eM.ed tbfee-da,y trub collection ..aM to support thia project, thi! pro- beeome lltaDclat« fo!' all ·am -- - ceeda of wh!ch wiD be . ..- :to -. · _,. · with a 11Dtf01'D1 1'7 .,..._ a fray the eost of apelldltu.rel lbted mOaUI ··IIMireMe · In in the current bQdglet._ ...... Ja.. · Ule OBI lloenJ. repofted It ..,.. elucte. 1118117 .._... ·. . Mt ·, .... \. ,_ , .. } .. •••

· Qireenhelt


.·~me..dinent :.,. ..... ,.,., Dec. 2

·Aiaa Kl8tler pre­PI'UPOMd aDieDd·

olt:F ellarte - tbe · COUIICII 1 IDMtln&' on

._ It wou14

!~t1J;:Jt::: W ltoDY charter !- ...,. at.embera of :•••·~··J-·t ........ 1111 by a reter-

wJthln 48

- clQ- COW'Icll. Gol4taden ebar­U. lltlll beLng · reao'ution

;~ .. ~tor, land. lt Ia un­; ·1rm 1be · formally ·~ell em. r>eeem­

•aznencbnent wi11 · . p~tation at

rule aet per­of tbe voten

peeaed by , prcw.icled 20 per-

;eeMt Of 'V'Oten alp a petition ~n 40 days of pauage by the lti!ty tmunch. Otherwt.e, the amend­...,_tt. m». :Jnto etrect ~ d~ after ......... :~ .. (.

. I, ~ , 't..

. m.uero. amendment will not ;a.,~· tb' the "Qolcltaden aanend-·....W .. ~.~ -~ wtn aD be acted . • ... . aaa6e time. ~-'''i't'·l"~ ... -~!~,·:1-' - -_

'iF'lolila,v. t!ro-..em1"r ~:ao to e · 'WO.eil·. So­

·-~IMDIIt Cb\arcb ~ the .C:.t~r~ ~ ,' ~-

A.-old the Last Minute ltaela-BeSareYour Ouistmas Cards and Giits Arrive on Time.

·•••• Coacert Features Dilielaad Jazz Uait

A six-piece Dwe!and jazz·group will br! featured as guea.-t perfor­mer' at the fall conCE'rt of the nreenbe t Community Band at the C'.entP.t" ~bool auditorium this; M~n,day. November 2G, at 8 p.m.

The bBnd will play a pops con­cert wtth numbers to please all tas!.c.S. New pieces wblcb have been in· rehe.irsal since September wm, be included. Special soloist wltl be M:lt'B ·Connie GoWan on the .... ·artnet. w.~:«» Ia from Northwestern Higb, as is tb4! Dixieland group.

iCJk .. bOaftl meeiinc. .ii+J;ij!..~-..... ~~~· b~~... BamU;

.)Tovember . ~Bak.t lO!i~te!r School PrA at

• , ~~ .. Turkey T~ Run. ·.~t~. '1 :November --.. r.m:; · ·ecm~n..Cireenbelt Coinmunity ;·. :irf.rid .. i ;penter School Auditor-

Tbe band CODUDittee baa invited no:: .oJlly parent. of the band mem­bers aad their friends and nefsh­

. bonr- to attend~-but urpp~ that par-. ~!mts::0.9t: posst):le luta~re ~~ber:a __ - ~:· .th~ i C!»PGttuntty. ~ aee· ~e ·

bat-.4 4n actio-D. Tbe band. which ia under the direction . of Mlcbael Ranes. .gave a concert bef<-re an

..._···~ (

> tt .:P.a4;;Speclal meeting of city ~anc•J i ·on 1968 budget. city

_, .. ~~~-!:

~u~. November 28-8 to , . &~Jr~. St. Hugh's Teen

,._c»mm~•n•'tY· Services oJ Planned

~th Annual Union Tl'Ji&likairt .. M'l·~· c SerVIce wDJ be t.eld

Th&Da.lrtnar Da7. 114l~W:I:Ikll•li':\A · at 10 a.m. .lJl Green-

Cburcb, In con­Xemorlal

¥4!Pta•-.:~t~reb ·111114 the Jewlab

w.~J J»e' ~ducted ,~.:•·~··>oj~'.1Vl~ti~ &Qdtb, PaNor

Me,PIO/IIiat ChurCh. Mr. Ro­the . .Tewiah Communi­the~- Donald Kac-~. Kenneth Wyatt.

·Robert c. Hun of. i09a•'Uftiii;J C:b~J~ with the ae,. H~!Ce:nz!!e: .pr: acb!ng th~ eermon.

: Plabe · ,of worahlp for this ~hUla!. U .. icm Thanlalglving Ser­

J'Otated between the three ~~cipating, thia year

tarn· ag&ln of Oommunlcy !lA.lt' :people ·of the eom­

:~un:Q &re·\cerdlal1y InVited to at-. of Tllankagiv!ng


Society ot the .. 'QIIturcm will ~ a b~e

Fril4a·v. November, 22, from ., .. , .. ,,"" ............ 'in 'front .of tilt!·~

·Center.· llN. s. D. caq-tan.:· . 8I1AOUfteea alao

· ·· ot·t.zaar ....

· audience of 400 at t~ National . Training School for Boys on Kon­day, Novep.ber • Thls was a re­turn engagement after last year's successful concert there.

DiSCIII c•il4 lrewth At tbe last regula,r membe;:osbip

r-t~tfng __ of tbe Center School PTA. held o.n Novembt:r :i, 1957, Dr. Hugh Perkins of the Institute of ChDd f:.tudy. University of Maryland, and Mr. Thomas B. Ritchie, local cltfzen, spoke knowledgeably on t'"f' tO.,ic ''The Parents• Responsi­bility to tbe School and Children." It was pointed out. during the course of their talks, that the home and school are partners in Jntidlng the development · of th'e child. The community in general should a:ao participate in the :Ife ard activity of the aehooL In other words, tbe parents' reapon-

. aibfllty Ia a joint · one with the teacher. and community. The de­velopment of our children. atthough started ·by the parents, Ia flexible en,.ngb to be affected by the school and · eommlllilty. As gl"'Wtb con­t'nuee, actJons, particularly of par­ents. greatly influence the t".barac­tf'r ~d. total deve~opment of tbe ch=!d. A f<bort question and answer period followed.

'ASSOCIATION MEET!NG Th~ · nnt regular meeting of the

Prince Gi!orges County Association fi-r Pf"·b\r.-d Children wlU be held :on Tueadav. November 26 at 8

. · p.m. Bt the Calvert Home School, Calvert Court, Riverdale. AU mem­

. bf'·rs and interested persons are in­. vited to attend.

.••• _._ .. COl iler Were X paroemiolog.iat , . . ~ aJJnply. I 8hOald ~tate:

il'or 'io.iootber . opportwiity 'Tia better not to watt. ::i"' ·: .......

... c

Be1 Fraakli• Store E1111••• Fuililies

In time for the greatly expanding need for display space -for Christ­mas mer .. handlse. the Beh Franklin Store Is now completing a major reorganization of :ts facilities, ac­cording to manager Harry Weiner, 6-H Crescent. Several new banks of she1ves have been constructed to 1lll previously unused areas of floor space, and several clothing racks have also been added. Major change in the mel'Chandlae itself is Chr!stm.as stock of all kinds. Ore who~e section is devoted to Toyland.

Supervising tbe rearrangement of supplies is .James Bancroft. store opening superintendent from the firm's office in Baltimore.

Since the local store's opening on .June 7. business bas been in­creasing stPadily, Weiner stated. Probably after Christmas, when more display space will become avaHable, he expects to introduce several new lines of merchandise -drygooda, children's shoes, bouse dresses, and maternity prments.

Marc• el ltl11leen Tbe week of November U has

been designated aa the time the Volunteers wEi seek to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy camp­aign. During that week Volunteers will visit homes throughout Green­belt. ano:l they are hoping to be re­Cefved ln l:he true 'lpirit ~ giving. At thi.s time of the year when we thank God for our b'less­inp--our health, you will b£: aaked

. to give a little to help those who are not quite &J~ healthy as you .

Muscular Dystrophy is, thus far, an lncu!'able disease that attacks Ute muscles, weakening and mak­.ing them use'ess. In time, the vic­tims !>ecome help~ess.

Your dollars will heip the Musc­ular Dystr!lphy chapters througb­"Ut the country to give greater serv­ice to victi:ns-wbeel chairs, braces, lifts and other orthopedic devices which make life endurable for these sufferers. Over twer.ty specal clin­ics have been established by the M•1scullu Dystrophy Associations of America. These centers, provid­ing expert medical advice, drugs and therapy treatment. must be expanded to hold the line while research advances on the disease. Here in the Washlngton Area the MD Clinic is located at the George­town University Hospital.

Help, for Muscular Dystrophy victims, rests solely on the extent to which the public makes intensive research possible. Other diseues. formerly incurable, have been con­quered through research. With f'nough rontributions for research, Muscular Dystrophy can be next! Please giv.! generously to this worthy cause.

·----------------------------20 Years Ago

The following excerpt appear­ed in tbe first laaue of the Gl'eeDbelt Cooperator, predeces­aor to The Greeabel.'t News Be­'iew:

.. GrE!f'nbelt is receiving nation­al attention time and again. No­tice the spread in Life Magazine, November 15. A week before,

· November 6. Literary Digest told the world what the *First Resettlera' thought of their adopted town. Feature artfclea wDJ continue to appear and all Greenbelters can help make the facta c•ear when any c&lDera man or reporter COIIle8 a-lmock­lng at the door ...

Manager Pret~l'* 1151 ·city ;.1~1'1 Of •271,318, ·led1ced. Tax l1le ·

By RuaaeU Greetlbca¥m • City manager Charles McDonald pruented to the city eounci.f

at its regular meeting on Monday, November 18, a proposed city budget for 1958 totaling $271,308 or nearly $60,000 less than the 1957 budget approve<! by the council, which was $330,259. Tbe proposed 1958 tax rate would be $1.65 per hundred doU~ a•e•ell evaluation or 1.2 cents lesll than the 1967 Agure. The council will begin consideration of the budget at a special touneil meetiDg this Monday, November 26.

'I he manager stated the sublltant­bJ decrease waa due to the fact that water and sanitary eewer service is not included in the 1118 request. since it is expected thl..t these services wfil be operated by the Washington Suburhan Sanitary Service before .January I. 191$8. However, he noted that several im· portant ltema were not Included in the budget request that he felt shou:d be given serious coMkiera­tion by the council.

Among the major items he did not include in the budget fa $3.000 to provide for an increase in the rate of pay for overtime work now set by ordinance at $1.00, whlcb is l""R than the rE"gu;ar ~urly pay for some Pmployees, such as police officers. He also urged an additional clerk because of t.'Je increased workload in the city office due to the m'lny additional council meet-:­ings. This item was requested 1ut year but deleted by the councU.

M{'Donald also felt that $5,000 should be included to cover the cost of curbing and gutters along CrC"SC"ert Road in front of the apart­mrnts !rom GarrleD'\11•ay to the underpass near 12 Crescent. Added !nnds w~re needed to construct Rd<litional parking spaces ln the city, and be noted that it bas long been desired to have a pavilion with sanitary faci!ities at the lake, which would run about $6,01)0.

In the reM"eation a~L there arE' three items totaling f7,.t00 tbat

Canter School PTA At: State C.tw~on

Center School was well repteeent­ed at the Annual State Convention held on November ,. and 8 at the Lerd Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore. Md. The theme of the pNgra.JD was "Everlasting '.1•eamwork . . " by Parents, Teachers. Administra­tors. Those attending on Tburs-­day, Nev. 7, were Miss Hannah Long, Principal; Mrs. Gertrude Yeager, member of the faculty; Mrs. Dorothy Galvin. President. Center School PTA; and Mrs. Ann Jarvis, Legis:aave Chairman On Friday, November S. Russ G~en­ba um, PTA member, attended.

Several workshops exploring the theme of lay-professional ::elations were held. Two of these workshops in which delegates showed great interest were concerned with the Board of Education and with cur­riculum planning and development. It was c:early demonstrated that our educators and adminl6trators nre trying to improve our educa­tional system for the ben~it and best advantage of the chUd.

Center PTA Balce !;ale

he ft!COIDJileftded •bould be includ­ed. About $8.SOO of this ..........-: would be for reaurfaclng tbe te.­n!a cou::ta. The manager coaun..e.t that a tenal8 hutructloa p....--. this past 8UIIImer attracted 3D pu­sona a week for eigbt weelra, .-. that the p~ could reall7 ....... with new courts. .A.notJMr $!,lilt would p1091Ue dugwu tor BNdlla Fie:d. which he sa1d would Jlat only greatly Improve the aeld 11M · likely lead to the poaidbllity . ..,...._ ing such big eventa ae a-......._.. nament for the Babe Ruth I *'I a. since dresslg rooma aact dil'i•a are already installed. Black to: a 7 ... of pla,y areaa with buketball ....,. boards would 1'\ln $2,800.

In the budget a.s submitted, ~ is a provision for a .UGQ lnCN88e ila . the manager's salary, wblcb -.-M bring It to $9,925. In the ft•a• ' departmeJ1t McDonald baa l'efJII-'~ el an extra $900 for overt.~JtJ.e ... extra help b~ on the ·taet .that. during thia year the dty tr-a__. haa W'Orked' 3ft hours overtt.e. -. ·

The propose<" buOget. for· tJae· .-!l­ice inc:udea $l5,000 for the POI,Ieiir chief, willcb was not in tbe' liM budget. The .-lariee of tJae -... geant.. two other fuO-t!me ~ and one part-time oftlcer ~ ap­proximately $18,300. It Ia !IO&etC thAt Halloween ls carried u a special item,. requiring an ~ ture of $2150 to cover an enl......_ depoutlzed force for approxJm~ three nlcbts.

.McDon._.d bas again aaked tiOO for a manage-r for tbe ............_ pool, which the QOUDcU out Iaiit year. The manaaer baa arauec1 u.t

- Hthere -aile .t.Qo ~ .~ and detai..s. to bkf! the -~ of the man who Ia suppo.ted to be guarding."' As a result. It w .. · ae­cesaary to have an extra ~ Oft

duty 80 percP.n•. of the time Ja.t summer.

The propOsed budget. wbiela Ia presented in the same deparbnez,t­al break-down as last year. mast be appro,ved by Decem;ber 31.

The council meeting aiiiO con­sidered a requeat from the city manager and police ch!ef for two new pollee cars to replace the pre­sent 19M models, which have eaeh gone a.n average of 78,000 mJlelr. ln­c1udlng the trade-in, the addltsonal C!!.eh out:ay for the cars would he-about S1,700. ·

Discuasfon centered mainly &n "'"~""' "''+h .. '"'""·nrieoo three mflka of can· alioulcl be PQI'Ciuule4 a.-ever, an extraneous matter oame up when Coundlman Jim 8lmtll complained of alleged ne«)eet of . one of the ~rs by permitting It to run out of water.

In explalnlng tbe case., poDee chief Jim Williams told bow It waa neceasary to bike a man wltb a severely bleeding band on an e.e.­~ency run to the county ~ This led to a vlgoroue protat by Councilman Ben Goldfaden tll&t

A major fund-nWd~JB tm»;leet of the police cruiser should not llil.ve the Greenbelt Center SchoOl PTA gone out of the city for tluat pap. this year is a Bake Sa!e, whlo~b wiD poae but that the oftlceN _,.. be held this Saturday, Ncn't!mber ha~ called the rescue a~quad- Cldet 23, starting at 10:30 a.m., in the WllHams reported that the J11aft. vicinity of Hoffman'a Dry Clean- who bad been in a ftgbt at the AID­ing establishment. erican Legion home, refweed to so

Parents of children who attend in an smbulance and that It later Center School are invited to •eantri- turned out be bad severed an artel7. bute baked goods <as for JDixes, In another matter, CounelhniUt let your conscience be your J~e), Stan Edwarda asked about p!Mia&' home-made specialties auc:b as a atop sign on Northway Ext:enGed baked beans, salads, picklefl, ete.. to halt cars coming up the biD tb­or cash. Offerings from we:a-wtsb- ward Woodland Way. He _.d Uiat ers among the general public are youngatere play on WOOdlaDcl W.y also welcome. ' and cannot be seer? b7 mot.al'lllta

Contributions should be dw..lvoi!red coming up Northway. Tile Jnallapl'. to Hoffman's place .early Sa1~rday who cOih!liented that be waa rel­morninr:'~ If llick-'llp eervlice fa uetant to encoura.ce playing Ia tlte necessary, please can GR 11-3832, street, wu uked to look IDto lille and a volunteer worker will &8lll8t matter • you. .'l'be manapr announced t.hllt a..

The public is urgently req111eM.ed tbfee-da,y trub collection ..aM to support thia project, thi! pro- beeome lltaDclat« fo!' all ·am -- -ceeda of wh!ch wiD be . ..- :to -. · _,. · with a 11Dtf01'D1 1'7 .,..._ a fray the eost of apelldltu.rel lbted mOaUI ··IIMireMe · In ~ ·~ in the current bQdglet._ ...... Ja.. · Ule OBI lloenJ. repofted It ..,.. elucte. 1118117 ~ .._... ·. . Mt IMIIItlle·~~ ·,.... ...~~·



, ..

} ..




Edwud H. BirDer, P..ter 18-L Bidp Baed • GB ......

SUNDAY SEBVICICS . .~llbll.._MJ eftl7 'l'bu~ b7 ONeabelt Cloc~PeraUve Pabl•...,,.. ....._ lao. . Delivered eacb week tn ~ bome lD Greellbelt

.;j : Edlter • llarrJ' zaa.... (GB ._..1) .: .;;~, ' . •. . . . • . Bdltorlal .... ' .

;. ~t-ACkerman. Vlrclnla Beaucham~ Qluck Boynton. Leeter Citron, -~~Greenbaum, Rhea G. Kahn. Ana l..e9ine, Al J...ong..Iadore ~arker,

Sunday School 9:30a.m. Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Bible Forum 8:00 !).m.

: ~:::~118. Leldie RoblDIIOD. JE:Sil Sclmelder, A1 Skoln!k, Elalne ,, ~ridk.: .· :d ...... ....... ... ............. Dl*lbldloa


Bev. Glean w. Samuelaoa. Pastor ~E IIIJiside Baed - OB 4-MM

SUNDAY SEBVIOBS ' .: : ;Jl " ·;~ere.~. . ~~=-lnelus .Jim O'NeW <GR 4-e338)

'•' ~: .bea 0. Jr.alul: Vice PnL: Iudore Parker; Seq.: AI Skolldk; : ~{·~ 0.... <ex ofU; 11a.rr7 Zabko!r, Ruuel1 Greellbaum.

Swlday School 8:46a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

'·c::.: ..... . ~ IIIJBliOBIPDON a&Bs ..... .- 78R . ··. -~Jialr ·~Dq be :.abmltted b7 IIIAII (Box II. GneDbelt> or de1lverecl

T1..ml11.g Union 8:00p.m. EvenlDg Worship 7:00p.m.

.. ~""' ~ omc. Ill tbe bell •eat of • ~ EaR HUt). opea , -~~-:.ao·p..: oru..Jay. Newa clead1Jae.8:10 p.m. Tuelday. _ METHODIST CHURCH : ·;, VOL~~· . TbUnday, ~ 21, 195.7 No. 16

' '

40 Bldale Boa4 Walter. C. Smith, M'-'-'­


Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Youth Fellawllhip groups 7:00p.m.

lttr• Eleols OHioen '-,JW,7MM ' ·'~; <¥·";~.,~· . -' . .

·~i:lljt- c-.e_......,. '2S.a:~l!!n1'~ .. of i.A ·IUdp .. )Ul

. Rhea G. Kahn waa reelec.:ed pl'e:lldent of the board of directors of the Greenbelt Cooperative Pub­tllblng .U.OClatkm publlaber of tlie iOreealtelt News Bevehr. Other IDcumhenbi reelected at u.e apeclal IQMtlnc of the board laat Frldq Jl1cht Were Al Skolnik, eecretaz7, aa4 ~ Creas, treasurer. Vlqtn­.&,i.· Beaucbamp, a newcomer to the -~ wu ebalen 'rice-prelldent.

CIIUBOI SCBO()L Primary througil adults 9:30a.m. Nursery, Kiudergarten 11:00 a.m.

· ·.· · wbo WrM' to '~ . . . that need dolq'.

1a1a ~Ia Dl~.of ·:al· (lei)J'Irl .• -~ Clvll De­

. he toOk on tbe · Job )eiU'8 ..., it ..... vk­

pollb:lon. ·:...-.18 a polltic&l·~

COMMUNITY CHURCH JIIDelde ... Creaoeat --­

Doaald :N. MacKeasle .... Boberi C. IIUII. Jllllhtl!n KaaDIAilB.W~

MIDister of ~ SUNDAY Sl!lBV'ICa

Morning' Worship 9 and 11:00a.m. Jt ~pP.aect. tb&t ~

· Frank t..ltner --i~sr;=::. ..... ~ • "'" -~~n on olvU defeftl!e wblCh .~

.Ill the ~. Re-

The board NIUL1Iled B.arr7 Zubkoff .. · editor of the N~ Bevlew. ZUbkoff, whoee present term. aa edi­tOr·~ :in September,. 19M. state a preference for havtnc the edi­tor'• job rotated among tbe staff. He waa prevaUecl upon. however, to oont!Que as editor for an lDdeft­lllte perlod.

CIIUBCB 80BOOL Nursery, Lower Juniors 9:00a.m. Junior through adults 10:00 a.m.

·~~:~~Mq~ C»ncreamman Laak· . ~~~~fil'-..... Silvers Ia al8o an 'acthre

Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary u:ooa.m.

the· state Dem~ ;.,,·~~41)~ Laatner tabbed hbn

courity CD director, tlea With &11 the pollee and fire de­eA~me• no ftnanclat nmun- partinenta in the county.· In fact,

·~~a. lui· It tQiued out, Lalbler his . prlDclpal job in an emergency ~*"'t have found a better.· man.. would be' to coordlDate the opera·


Bev. VIctor J. Dowglallo. Pastor 58-A Crescent Boad - OB 8-MU

SUNDAY MASSES Masse.J: 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

job If he had conduCted .tiona pf th~ already established . SUvers·appolnt- · organlzaUorui, which would do CHURCH OF GOO

· · • <lncldentany, shvera apolnt- much of the ~rlL · · ~~uty director who ha.ppena Toward this end, these organi-

... a Republican.> . zaUona are able to obtain surplws really hU two tull~e equipment· through the county civil

One,. •hleb suppUea hla in- defense agency at a fractl'3n of .,..,...,.,.,. •• .,..1_ .. the' ·pc)llt. of national aec· · orlclnal cOst. strangely enough, the !:1~~~· ~~ the Amer.lean Veterans Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Depart iO*"~·· t1. tee, which he bas hel~ for ment and Rescue Squad ill just

But he dev~ al- about the only one which hasn't energy, If not' ~e, to taken advantage of this. In fact,

~ d~E!DBe. It is· not too well Greenbelt, the closet to county CD ;tt.,dll'li. t.hat through his efforbl tbls headquarters, .has. shown the least \:.~iji11~·' obas the 'beat equipped and interest in the program.

eBlclently organized eh'J1 de- . Pe~ps tb~ major reason for. this , organlzaUon In the Wash· lack 0: Interest ts that too many · · area and wOuld pl'Obably PeoPle connect civil defense mainly

,hJch. nationally.· .. With the dropping of ~ atomic . . ui more, he bas accomplisb- 'bomb: ACtually, Civil defense <per­

vtrtuany on a shoe string. -.·haps· they .vill eventually change be ~ into1 oftlce, the the name to civil emergency or

:i:~~!,Qty,budget .for .Civil def~ ~ civil dlaaBter aid> has a far broad-It baa . grad~y lncieaaed er and, to my mind, far more prac­

·lt ill now aometbing more than ·.tical value in dealing with natural , i4:!1~Q) .·but .wt Unan in compari- · disasters. Two years ago a young

· · nelchbOrlnC counties which WQman received tralDlng from Sll· paid dlr~ra ~ std. Bow- ·vl!trs' o~izatJon as a civil de­

thl'oupa shrewd. bQYing of fenae officer deapite the fact that ~ll;lbl8 pvemment property. su- 8~ has . four children. When the

powerful radfG. ecpllpment can tra.n.'Jqdt aa w u a_.•

· up the Sputnik wtU shortly be added for which he ilhowed

DU.t.- ··~LOW and ...n elcht­bOth of which wm

plal.ea of tbe c;,ounty J)efetllae UlatiOn Wine. located

8eltsriue Airport. ·Bverl'· be obtains be fint· . makes in cOod :)perating · Cond!Uon.

btc!UC.Ib hW aa.J.eman•Jdp. fea· '-Y .an overpowering aow of

•IINIIIL ..ad hill . enthualasm for hJa .

hurricanes struck her community, · cau.aing floods and other damage, ber advance preparations allowed

;tfle reeldents to ride GUt the emer­gency without panic or fuss. When a community recently bad a water main break and no pipe available to

' repair lt, Silvers quickly got the · pipe to them.·

Meanwhile, the radio equipment lr being used by Greenbelt teen­agers who are opera.Ung a radio ainateur club, meetlDg at the Arm­

. ory on Saturday Bights. .Super­-vteed by the county clvfi defense comlnunclatlons o1Bcer, an NBC en .glneer. they transmit and receive ,messages from all over the world.

Donald s. Rice, MIDWer Center school recreatloD room

Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Young Peoples' Endeavor 6 p.m. Evangelistic Service 6:!0 p.m.

Greenbelt: , Theater


Fess Parker Jeff Hunter




Robby The Robot in



Kim Novak Jeff Chandler



1r.e ~iter'• le1lehek LibRA:;~~ a..._. .

On Tburedq. Nov. 21, tb1a evening between the houn, of .even

d ten, the Prince George • OCMmty :'emorial Llbrat'Y Bo&r4 and Staff

By IIAI'I7 .......

I have received ae•veral calla lu.tely to the effect that the ~ REVIEW is devoting too :m.u space to feature columiUS. and not E·nough space to news !torlea Thla is true, I'm afraid, but the reason we do it is because we are unable, with out limited staff tacillUes, to l!'&ther as much news 8.11 we would llke to see in the paper. For ex­ample we have been tr:rlng for

' · rter whO some time to cet a repo uld be wWlng to co•"r the -co­wo ...... of

op news beat. A good .JMI:rceD-e · f our residents are llll.....,. ·0

Greenbelt CoJuiUJQeJ' ~~~~ -~d llB such are naturallY illte:e&~ in the activities of tbat al'88"nc.tton GCS these dqs Ia ~IDe a .peat deal of news, much of w.blch Ia un­reported and unknown to the ~­bership A reporter would have to cov;r board meetJnp twice a month, congress meetJnp arid area f''reenbelt> meeUnP. lmd ~ ~ This iiJ not and annual ~ngs. · d :as big a job as it !ounds, .an :furthermore, memben• of the C'..CS ooard and man~~ll11ent team would help a repor1:er in manY ways. Stlll, we have 1l<lt been a.ble to find a reporter, a~ld if any of our readers are lntere~sted. or knOW of an:~one else wbo might be, we would appreciate bearing from· them.

Another loeal newBbeat which would yield a great dee! of interest• ing news i& the pol¥:e beat. Agaln, however, we have been unable to find a reporter for Ulls aasign­ment, and would welcome applica­tions for it. •!'his, I should stress, is a very delica.te job, iuvolving access to information which is of-ten confidential in nature. It calls for an experlen;::ed reporter who can handle sucb an assign· ment with skill and tact. The.re are certainly people here who can meet these qualifications, though, if only they would volunteer.

Last, but not least, the many, many organizations i·n· town who seek publicity could do much. to get the news of their activities in· to the paper. !f ttLelr puhUclty chai:-men would get in touch with me we can work out :some mut.ual­ly ~atisfactory arrang<ements. There is no question but that local Gr­ganizations are the backbone of any community, and the more news of their activities that reacheR the general public, the bEtter informed the general public, and the strong­er these organizations will grow.

• • *

boldin.,. open hOuse for the are • Ub oftl.ce bile at the . new rary pu ted at M03 Aanapol18 Rd., Bla-loca: Thl.a ill an opportunity densburg. d be·

to see the new ofBce an for you ted lth the work that come acquain w wUl be is done there, tor the staff on duty at their at~polnted .,ota and t;aaks. Come vialt ua betWeen 7 and 10 p.m. tonlght. Tho lib~ i 'rital part of your coxnmunlty, t~: is )tour opportunity to become acquainted with that pvt. of ,our community library which ..-u behind the scenes.

sume of you may have the date of Nov. 26 noted for a publlo meet.­ing at which the eoUA~ Ubrary sltuaUon as it exlata todaY and some plans for the future wDl be discuased. Unfortunately tbat meet­ing h~ had to be postponed. When another date for· thla meetlna ha8 . been determined, lt · wUl be an-nounced.

prlint any letter which . doea ·.BOt g0 beyond the bounda of ~ and good taste. . We wlll, it the author so dealrea, alp ~ letter with a· pen name, but we mua -repeat must - know the. lde.ntlt.lr of the author beforeban4. ()tiler­wise the letter gc,ea rleht Into tbe ,..-aste baaket. I am atUl boW~ ·a few letters which came In ~­signed lD the last few ,weeka ead which I will prlDt if the authorfj wm eommumc&te with me and identify themselves.

• • ~g

~th. L,lke ·

After so many years as editor of this newspaper, l don't know why I should be sut"P.rised at the number of tnonymc)\JS letters I get. but I &m. Now there are two kinds of people whc• send anony­mous letters; and I have no use for either kind. First is the kind who writes a fair:.y reasonable, intelagible letter, con d emning someone or ·something and pre­senting a point of ·~iew which is at least worthy of discasslon. Sec· ond is the kind wbc write£ a lot of gibberish or nonsense, someti~es nasty or vicious, sometimes JUSt p:ain meaningless. The !act that neither of these two types signs these letters indicates to me that they are either asban1ed to acknow­ledge autborshlp or ~lse they have not got the guts of a jackrabbit and won't stand behind what they say. Yet they obvloualy expect I

their letters to be printed, or they wouldn't bother sending them. For the record, let n&e once again make it clear - thla newspaper will

·for contractors

. he baa been able to .corral ...... ._~)lea ~a, one an;lu.T. .... Me. tu:ad-·~ PIQ~

· 'l'bl8 ·o-Pe of activity Ia one of the chief \wa.ys of combatln~ juvenu~ ~···················~~······················ ... ~-

1 You are invited to attend £

florists --water coolers

•nat•· UM!lr services to the .:.!OtJ "l!:anl~.atlo.-. The ~

;pe.rtl~ In the eivll d~ ,.,. ... ~ .. 1101• t_. the G~ Anal­

. ;p~ GJ.'901111llie­a.et up· :U ~~

*'OPI~Jto111t ctbe eouaty ....... ilf';;c~ ........ ~~·

JI:UI..DI .. ,...., ..... ..., ~

deUnquency. P .S. I sW1 think that clvU de­

fenae Ia an inappt'QPI'late subject for the annual joint Greenbelt PTA meeUng when ~r educaflonal probleina ·demand att.entlon. I must acbnlt. .however, that Hal Sllvera la

.. 'iiOt. ea.n,. denied and that he will tnake the evenmc a llvebr o~


~ihanksgiuing Struil~ti

I Thunclay, Ncr"'ember 28 10- 11 a.m.

CENTER SCHOOL Deacotaa wm LeGd The Be1"Uice

~ Ct:liTOl G*l Cll.u.rclt. OMiTs Will Biag Beu. 01etm W. ~ Will Speak


'<iretnhelt llaptbit Church

• j . -· : ~

or any ~r product or service, look first In the YELLOW PAGES in the back rA your local Telephone Director)

F1ncllt faet In The

.Yellow fages

~ •.. , ...... ~~~--····-

LASSI.FI·ED NoYember 21. 111T QR&:ii!NBIL'f JIBWB U:Vl&W ftN6

Tueeday at OeDter 8cl!ool At ,..._ ~ T. HUGH'S T££111 DANCE sent there Ia not a ve17 laqe - ......_... ·

BTAlJ.eac Recreation ia avallable to every--ODie in the communlq. Lelaure time is sometimes acarce u.dl some­times abundant. In wbichever category you may fall. jolD our program and have a ball.

attendance. which I.'D8J' cancel tJae St. RU8b .. Teen a~ •- - a .. dance OD 'rbtandq. N~ ..

Laat week wu aD bltenletiDC one . with HeVeral uewsw~ bappeu-

1 iDga which will probably be lporad ' by the staid CDlUJDIUI of the News


program in the near future. rrim 8 to 11:30 p.m. Adlnlwloa wtJl The Recreation Department la be 2DC a penon. Dreu will be .,...

also considering a new activity ua1, but no jeaU w1U be ~ called MOTHER'S NIGHT OUT.

.. First of an. several Greenbelt Wo­

men's Club members were mBdly .surprised to ~ one of thelr lead­en gaily wave fro!:ll the town trash truck ~ it ambled through town on the way to the dump.

"What hi the world 4o you sup­pose VUma Cormack is up to now!" they chorused excitedly. an4 oou14 hardly contatn their ladyllke curl­oalty when abe only cbortied back. "Tm OD my way to the clump to ~

Touch FootiJe8 At the close of league play the

St. Hugh's team coached and .managed by Et'l Boyer emerged as clty champions. Four teams com­peted for the teem trophy offered

. by the Recreation Depe.rtment. All games were played on ~nday and Thursday evenlup under the lights at Braden Fielcl. Some fine gamN were played in the ovenll

The plan would 'b:; to meet once a month and exch:ange information on ha.ndic:i."&.ft and cooking. Aa­otber night would be for eoetal ~reatlon and a third night to dl.s-· cuss home fnrnlahinp and beauti­fication. The group can a iao apeud, if it desire~, an hour on the SYJilD&­slwn floo!!" ln caUathenlca, ?byth­mics and same&·


Tbe Greenbelt CommuJllty ' Band will hold ita ibwt bead CODcert Oil November IS at 8 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Center ~lchooL

. some stuff to sen at the Communlty

competition. FlDa1 StancllDP

Woa 1..-t Tle Team

If there are any wome~a in· terested Ill audl a club, ple&lle con­tact the recreatkm deputment by phone or mall. leavlng ,-our name

Church Annual Bazaar." · · St. Hugh's G. A. C. Lions Club Kool Kats

• 0 : and addresa.

c. ......

.. :Oia·how nove FaD. . Leaves red. yellow. aad brown. ·~ loveliest of an. le· to w.atch them hpbhl•uc down. . .

.LcJokatllWesqui~ Running up· a tree TbBt fU!lllY Uttle face . Spylll.g df;Jwn at met . I feel ·a wluter breese, ,

. . A. uorthttm wind a-'bloWlq • '1 · .AAd aoon ~u"ll hear'me .sqeeze.

·. : .'¢ause look! Already an~ng!

And eo abe was. She had made some lovelY and clever bbject a•ut, wrappecl them carefully and -.!ely. placed tham on . the porch liDCier a piece of wblte sheeting for fur­ther protecl:Jon. whne she went to get her car. But abe hadn't ftcured on the speed and thoroughness of the traah eoUectors. As quick UJ· a cat can wlnk her eye. they arrived on tbe scene and whlskecl the whole package otr to the dump.

Well, vu.a 18 DOt tile 8il'l to flO all paul~ in the face of such a ~y. She' quickly persuaded.. coerced or cllrely tmeatenecl (de­peudlng on ~ point of view) the drivers to take her lmmedJately to the dump and unload the truck. By a p.m. abe hlld IIOld out an ,tJ:ae reoovered beautielt at the :Bazaar &.l)d .. had sufllclently J"eg81ned ber cOmPosure to pU:r cliecu88 the proc­livities of the trash men to 4o a thoroup job in baullng away stuff to the dump. · .

I understand :Mr.rCormaek IB busy preparlng to Diarlcet a clever sad­get to prOtect uon-rtibblah items from belng picked up ·lD errot> by the collectors. n is sbrple and In­genious-consisting merely of a small but legiblP. sign which reads "'This is Rubbish. Please take to the dump." You·place l.t on the ob-ject you wish . to protect and it stays on your porch forever, safe t"'m the trash colleCtor.

••• :J~Nnih :commjnity · t:enter ·. · ·~~~~~~ ~J~Y ~GifT ::~ with 8n opportunity

Also, la!it week Russ Greenbuam decided to go back to school. and started in again in the first grade. He's going to work up to PTA sta­tus if it kills him.

chUdren and adults to ;:,!ii; .. ::.partlell~e. will be helcl on N~­

at 7:30 p.m. Rnbbl :Morris •••

2 2 1 2 0 3 ...........

0 1 1

All organtzaUons and Churches lntere:~ted in subm.lWng a roster for a city league to l;e formed must do so by November 30. The leagUe will &tart play on Thursday, December 12. AJ:. present three churches have entered the teague. A team trophy wm be awarded the winner.

BoBer flrMIJI& Our Friday ulght program which

runs from 8 p.m. to :..0:45 p.m. wtU admit Junlor Hlch Scbt>ol and High School student& only. The Saturday afternoon program which runs from 1 p.m. ~ 3 p.m. will admit •th. 5th. and 6th ~es only. If a boy or girl is U yea.-s old and attends the .Junior High School, he or shi! must attend on Friday night. There will be no age dis­tinction; it must be by grades. This is the major request.

TurkeY Trot Bml All entries for tbe two (2) mile

run to be held on Saturday, Novem­ber 23rd at 11:30 a.m. must be in the Recreation Oftlce by Thursday. November 2L Entry blanks may be picked up at the City Office .

Adult ReenatloD for W(llll('.ll At present the Recreation De­

partment has as part of its pro­gram a Women's Gym night on

~'4- ~.OVUV.UV447~4P~~---------------------~

Go1!'do:n. Chaplain fol~ National !J!~IItitutli!S ·of Health. ,1lll conduct

M!rvlc!eS and deliver the ser-,. lnoD. . . 'i'he Habonim YouUt Group of

:'. "Washington. dancing :md ~npg . . Is~ folk music. wru• provicle the

Qneg Shabbat foUowlDg the ._.,rv-, .. ,oe.,. .

Then there was the beginning of some town pc)Utics rumbllnp of which I hope· to write more later. In the meanwhile, don't sell your vote too chea}1ly. I want you to study the ~.pue very carefully. make up your own mind. and then vote the way I tell· you.

Breenbelt Realty

Company announces a


.,, ·-BER ' <


' .,, ... · .

·:/~ ... · ·.fridaY, ·aovemblr 22

~ .

See Our Mew·~ement Of Toys T~ys For· Every Age Stariing Monday, November 25,

we will bllt open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. everY.. _clay ·TiiiCh~

• k~ Thanksgiving Day) .. Use Our J.ay~way Plcm


·.See Our Specials


:- . ~ ~ '"i! : <: ," ,./.


PLAN AB a member o~ the Multiple

Listing Service of the Prince George's County Real Estate Beard. we have an excellent selection of hunllreda of houses of all types. ranging in prioe from $8.ISOO to $38.000.

If you want a larger bouse -a detached house - a house with a recreatlun room - with more bathrooms - with rnore ground . • . we have just the house for you.

And - you . may be able to trade your present bouse for the house you want with LIT­TLE OR NO DOWN PAY­KENT!!!!

You are conUall.y invited to come in and look at pictures and descriptions of our wl.de selection ef houses - pick out the house you want - get an appraisal of your bouse - and And out how easy ft w to



lneabelt .., Co.


fJJir 'M 1-1111 ~ 1-011

Your '


CREDD UNION Uberal Dividends on Savings

Low c.t Loans

Automobile I'IDPuciDC AppllaDc. V acat1o1:111 Debt Co1180UdatloD


We make loaDs to help the ~ finance the purchase of Greenbelt homM.

~. w~. PrWa)' __ 1100 p.m. to •• ..-. Moaday, Wedn~. ~ --·~ 1:80 to. 8:18p.m.

~ -··--·-·-·---·------·-----·-- te:08 a.m. tie Uaetl!i.O.

133 Cent.wway QR 3-2481

. ;

Be.atnong the fi,'rBt to· know about NA'J.'~ONWIDE'S aet.D •••••

FAMILY PG.UCYeu ,_t for fathers with growing families! Nationwide's new FAMILY i"'UCY provides life insurance for your entire family- and aUIDmatlcolly lnsuns et~eh addition to the family

(~1er- aae 14 day"') AT NO ADDmONAL COST!.

Under this plan. Dad• a life can be inlurecl up tO $ u.ooo­and. at aac 6S, protection continues bill your ptqttJ611U ·*'~

Mother- and the children are also covered ia ou 00111venient poUey ••• with one low premium 10 ,.,..

F04rtlll tlu tacu. be,., to'.u me~

AN.1'HOIY 11. MADDEN 111 .,_,. N" a.&,..._,

OiEIZ'leli oa.altle a-tU1

............. _., ............. ..........................


~ '

. ~ember 21, 1957 - Mr. and .M.nt. Eli DonBoullian n.~!d J..fr. and Mrs. Vernon lseU S:.--are long-time residents of '-r~nbe!t.


87 ,E~oe Skolnik -~ 4-41080 · c.ge two.

Tho ba.b!e.s thla week are aJ1 Dr. :u>d Mrs. TLJ Bergemann, d:Ni!t&!d In pink: , 3 D Crescent, are the proud par-

J.i:r. and. Mrs. .Johrt' H. Cf:ockett. e:-tts ~: a daughter born October 7·L 'Reaearcb. announce th8 birth 30. Carol Sarah weighed 8 lba. of. a dA.ughter. . Caren Elkabeth, 1 oz. and joins a al~ter .Till, 24 a Ant cbJid. waa bona OD Oc;t.ober l!'onths. Oa.ro~ gTandmother. U and weighed 5 lbL.it or&. · · Mn. Stamler of Lakeland, Fla., is

. Tbey haiDed her Thereaa May. · hel"f! 0.1 a visit. Her· parenq are Mr. and Kn. There's a new baby in the Bruno

, ieennetb .~. a:; '•k-.Jde. Zanln household, 30" Lakeside. · · 'l"berea lnade ber debut on Novem- Jeanette Louiae made her debut · ber s. welpinc e 1-. a or&. 8be . on October 29, weighing 8 lbs. 9 ..... ~ ·.u.ter Kendra, e,ce 20. · oz. She has two aiaten and two

Fr_e:tds of Larry Roby of Belts­vi!Ie will be g~ad to hear that he s dom~ u:.e after an accid(mt in H:~hpoir.t. Larry wiL be in Leland Ho:·n·ta· for several weeks, and

· would like to hear !rom his class­lna;:Es_

Birthday greetings to Jennie Lee Simonson, 8-C Ridge, who ce::ebra­ted her fourth birthday, NovE~mbcr 15.

The Mel Peb!a, 2-B Cre,~ent. had Dorothy's llistet', Mrs. Riebard Innes of Warrenaburgh, Mlsos"uri, vislting last weekend. Mrs. Innes had been attending the Girl l~ut Convention in Phlladelphia.

Happy birthday to Irv~•in Abra-

.----·------- . ' • ·~ CA~iH PRIZES - j

BINGO j Every W•ednesday Night

TniE - 8:80 P.M.

PLACE - .J.C.a BUWDING W~aodB&djp

-F B Ji: E A D II I 8 @I I 0 N•

....... dist. Church went to tbe Takoma Park Coop Store Ja..,t "'eek aad witnessed a home demoiUitratlon on the '"holiday bird ...

.. ·. , . ·r. ,, ·'·. :: . , ·r . :I' :~· .. . .

North5;'nd H~8tem~lt••·

Acc•pt .New Memlte,. , Accepted into m-!mbeNblp ia. tJ:ie.

North End HOUtemalcera' Club at tllt>lr regular bualnea meetl• on. 1\tonday ~·.tenJng, November 18, "'"'re .Mrs. Roee Pratt, Ht11. 1M Kratt. Mrs. Mary Lcoa Bres&lnll. Mn. Faye LeFever. and Mn. Jmotee Mlller.

. »:r. &Del Mn. WIJUam ·Bioob, brothen.

~.· Noltl!wll,y, umounce tbe ar- It was a pink bundle tor the rl~ of Beve=ty .Jean on Ncmn..a.er . _ Edward llonBouUian's of Asbury

1 ··22. IJevertT .JeaJt, wetchlnc e .• .,._ Park. New .Jersey, formerly of IS 0... ~ a sister, ~ an.J Greenbe:t. Brenda Ann was bom

: : · .two . briJtbl'!ra, Babe and ·Ronnie. on the 9th of November and welgb­.Stie &bro. baa a nepb.-, IUebard, ed. 3 lba. 14 ozs. Her grandparents

movitz, 2-H Northway, who was 10 Years old on November 5 and to brother Louia, who was five years o:d on November 11.

Mrs. Ruth MacKenzie, lO-S Pla-

A group of WOlDen tram the Wo­men's Society of Chl'iatli&D Ser­vice are at-tending a C0111ne ·on Wednesdays, UO a.m. - ' p.m.> at St. Elizabeth"11- hospital. ~sere they are learning b.ow to help the !Den­tany ill Upon completlcnn of .tbla course, they will be dobalr VOlun­teer work at the hoepltal once a month. ·They will alao be elit:lble to train other women tor this speci3l service.. There is a deti­perate need for volunteen. If th<!re are womoe-n in the community who would like to extend a help. ing hand,· call .Ten Johnaon, 1382.

The club. which Ia affttlated with the Exte~lve Service of the Unf· Vt>rsity of Maryland and with the county extension ot the U. S. De­partment of Apteulturv. QODIIOn a number of world!t,Qpe ~­month in the bome8 or ~....._. ldeu e.nd content for t.bece wods- · lthopa belnt: broqbt back _. .. tile club's reprnentatlw. to eaola of aeverat worlubOINt apouond bY the county ext4tnal0a-•moe. ,_. of thae workaboptt are bome ...,.._ gement. nowe.- ana.AC~nc. eloUI­ing, Chrlatmu deootatlon. ud arts and crafta.



Wines ·::~"In ,!rlllle· For ~! · .. '~ -~.,_~~.~ afld I~ tDUA ~ , : ; of fAeee .....,,.,., ~ toiftea ••• at great BGtJin,gs!

. : FREHCH WINE . Regular Veterans You

.Price · Price Save Francais Remy ·~ ~ -----h-------'· 1.59 .98 .61 ~ • ......._rei .. Fils . __. 1.69 . -... .. ' ..... -------------- 1.19 .so ChwliiNiuneuf • table ------- 3.99 2.89 1.10 ._. ._. Wine· . · 1.89 1.39 .so .._... .. Due.,.. Rhone ___ 1.89 1.39 .so $peclal Vlnta.,e·- MONOPoLE ALFRED ROTHSCHILD Mecloc -~---------...:~~_:____ 1.89 1.a9 .50 ' ...... .:Superieur8 ____ ;_ __ ~ ___ _:_,__ 1.89 1.39 .so Saint. Juhen ---1.--------------- 1.89 1-.39 ' .so Macon· lUane _______ ,;_ ____ ..:____ _ 1. 79 1.29 .so-••••rve ·Rose O.UX .. .;._~------------ 1. 79 1.29 .,so lflonople Blanc ----,------~------ 1.79 1.29 .50 Cotes-du Luberoft • red Rhone ___ 1.89 1.39 .50

: ... :

GERMAN .. WINE . White lt.ine ~::.~----1~----------- ____ , 1. 79 Ueblraumilch _;~---L----------- 1.79 loselbJUernchen ----~~--------·------ 1. 79 Jungbrunnen ·--.. -------. _______ 1. 79 Moselle ___________ _________ _____ ____ ____ 1. 79

ITALIAN. ·WINE Still Whi .. wu.. ' ___ .;;., ____ ;.. _________ 1'.89

&REEK WINE' Evzone - light :dr.y table - full qt. 2.69

SPANISH WINE .~ · llofa. reel- ........ :---;;_ _ _.:. ___ 1.79


1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29





.so ~50 .so .50




VIntage 1945 ...,..., ____ 1.59 .98 .61 Italian Fnllalti - light Nd __ 1.59 1.09 .so :~·any two' bOttles of tile cmove and sCrve an

· additional 20 centsl fltls is a special lntRHiuo­·~o~y offer ••• opfy ut Veterans# · .


.. - Also A Complete ~n Of Domestic Wines -~ . · ... ··SP:EC:IAi.

· . . ltnport6d Danish· Cordia..· I with Built-in Music Box ' ' ~price ~ ss.oo

, . At ·veterans ••• only $4.49 - save $3.511 ' . '· '

: lfaDy Natioua.Uy-)Q,Iown :Bnmds of Whiskey - Reduced from $5.00 to ~.79 .eo aDCi 86 Proot

Jb:NTuCKY Boim.BoN , -. j

reg. ~70

,-·IJ'l'!L£ ON BALli -......... ·Braud Veteraaa · ·

·L JR..11:Nb. GIN, BOURBON : - fifth $3.49

. At Vetera.Da

Only $3.79

teau, was honored last Saturday night for her service as Grand Organist of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State of Maryland. The celebrat11)n was held by the Bir-­mingham Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in the lOdge hall, Beltsville.

Greetings to Billy Rowland, who had a birthday last week. BUly was seven.

VIsiting the Seibert Meades, 19-. H Hillside, was Mra. Meade Camp,

Jr. and her two year old son, Meade,· from the West Coast. ,

A very happy birthday to Susan Meade, 19--H Hillside, who is sweet sixteen.

Don't forget the Methodiat Wo­men's bezaar and bake aale on Frida:v. November 22, from f p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Center .

A majority of mHAlwtra are eu... renUy enrolled in the art. and cratta workabop. me«iq renlaf· ly on Tbunday evenlnp under the c:-hR'nnansh'p t~f Mrs. .Jbany wtJ­kinaon. Of partlet'!lar lnten.t to membel.-: '• work In ceramt• 1\"\Pde poaalble bY the loan of a kiln by the oounty atenelon. N:­cording to Mn. .Jaaet Speth. · spoketnr~an for the club, various ktnds of expe.,atw equipment are ~ Rvallable on Joan, maklnc PGMible. ~ a wide variety of actlvltlea.

' The Women's Soclety of Christ­ian Service of the Greenbelt Metho-

ifl!ESSUEDJ J32HiSHii5!!!EEEE2EZ!!P:!U@&f!li®J£'!0 xWk !!ZCiEe!lii£!!!!8 l!!1!!U!i!Ui8!!l!t1P

For rre ~' AniiJur.e Diall -ION 4-1122 POUCE-- Dial 2011

Greenbelt l-lomes, Inc. CONSULT YOUR lEAL OFFICI c

located at Ridge and Hamilton Pierce To Buy end Sell Your Corporation


Open for Safes 7 Days A Weefc· GR 3-4161

r·#~~-~---~ :::;<;:: ~:_::;c-:,:.c~__,:::-~::._~::-::-:;-_ -·-- __.=-;.,

I See King Kong Saturday Only at Year Cemm1nity Servioeater

Your Community Servicenter wishes to an­nounce that due to circumstances beyond our control we will no longer be able to supply our customers with Pre:stone Anti-Freoze at our reduced price. However we have obtained a comparable anti-freeze at even a lower price.

We now offer you Goodyear Permanent Anti­Freeze at $1.99 per gal. carry-out price.

For the benefit of the community we have imported a muJI!er expert. This Saturday King Kong, a killer in his own right. will be here to inspect your exhaust system in an effort to trap a deadly killer you may not even realize exists. With very little urging, Kfng Kong will be glad to expound on the merits of our fabulous Haremont VuJDers, wbkh carry a one year unconditional guarantee.


., 1·. :.r·• ,·!,!

Balloons and l.olllpoJM lor· tiHt lcids

Free! Free! F ,. ree •. Lulnicc:Jtion Mid Ba.fety I~tior.

WitA Jl"Jery Oi? CAonge - Baturcfta.tl

U. S. Royal BaHeriea $11.95 up 2 Year Guarantee


Snow · T~rea . .. . . $11.95 up - plua ~

· BDd your recappable tire


I J '



f I I



I f I I

