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Quark Matter Feb. 2008 - Jaipur, India

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Highlights from PHENIX I: looking into the center of the colored matter Achim Franz, BNL for the PHENIX Collaboration. Quark Matter Feb. 2008 - Jaipur, India. QM87 - Nordkirchen. Z.Phys. C 38, 3. Z.Phys. C 38, 117. Z.Phys. C 38, 79. Z.Phys. C 38, 51. First look at global variables - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
1 Slide : Highlights from PHENIX I: looking into the center of the colored matter Achim Franz, BNL for the PHENIX Collaboration Quark Matter Feb. 2008 - Jaipur, India

1Slide :

Highlights from PHENIX I:looking into the center of the colored matter

Achim Franz, BNLfor the PHENIX Collaboration

Highlights from PHENIX I:looking into the center of the colored matter

Achim Franz, BNLfor the PHENIX Collaboration

Quark Matter Feb. 2008 - Jaipur, India

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 2Slide :

QM87 - NordkirchenQM87 - Nordkirchen

Z.Phys. C 38, 3

Z.Phys. C 38, 51

Z.Phys. C 38, 79

Z.Phys. C 38, 117

First look at global variables

• Multiplicity

• Transverse Energy


• J/

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 3Slide :


A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 4Slide :

PHENIX Data-SetsPHENIX Data-Sets

Collided 4 different species in 8 years: AuAu, dAu, pp, CuCu6 energies run: 9.2 GeV, 19 GeV, 22.5 GeV, 62.4 GeV, 130 GeV, 200 GeV





Year Species √s [GeV ] ∫LdtNtot (sampled)Data SizeRun1 2000 Au - Au 130 1 µb-1 10 M 3 TB

Au - Au 200 24 µb-1 170 M 10 TBAu - Au 19 < 1 M

p - p 200 0.15 pb-1 3.7 B 20 TBd - Au 200 2.74 nb-1 5.5 B 46 TBp - p 200 0.35 pb-1 6.6 B 35 TB

Au - Au 200 241 µb-1 1.5 B 270 TBAu - Au 62.4 9 µb-1 58 M 10 TBCu - Cu 200 3 nb-1 8.6 B 173 TBCu - Cu 62.4 0.19 nb-1 0.4 B 48 TBCu - Cu 22.4 2.7 µb-1 9 M 1 TB

p - p 200 3.8 pb-1 85 B 262 TBp - p 200 10.7 pb-1 233 B 310 TBp - p 62.4 0.1 pb-1 10 B 25 TB

Run-7 2007 Au - Au 200 725 µb-1 4.6 B 570 TBd - Au 200 81 nb-1 160 B 437 TBp - p 200/500

Au - Au low energy










Run4 2003/04

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 5Slide :

PHENIX Data-SetsPHENIX Data-SetsTOF-W: MultiGapResistive Plate chambers with strip readout, ~75ps time resolution,PID at high pT

Muon Piston Cal:400 PbWO4 crystalsForward physics in ppReaction plane determination in AA3.1< || < 3.7

Reaction Plane Detector: 2 x 2 rings with 12 scintillator counters each.Reaction plane determination in AATrigger counter for low energy runs = 1.0 1.5, = 1.5 2.8

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 6Slide :

Global VariablesGlobal


A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 7Slide :

meson pT spectra - p pmeson pT spectra - p pFit only 0’s with modified Hagedorn function, then apply only mT scaling to describe other spectra. Absolute scale only fit parameter.

many different detection and analysis methods, PHENIX is a very versatile detector.

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 8Slide :

Transverse EnergyTransverse Energy

dET/dNpart increases with √s and Npart

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 9Slide :

No strong indicators of critical phenomena over central to mid central

normalized multiplicity

Au Au 200 GeV/cCu Cu 200 GeV/c

Au Au 200 GeV/cAu Au 62.4 GeV/c

Phys.Rev.C 76, 034903 (2007)K.Homma, Session XVII, 02/09 15:20h

Multiplicity Fluctuations - space Multiplicity Fluctuations - space

• = correlation length • correlation strength varies monotonically unless a critical phenomena is reached

normalized multiplicity




Z.Phys. C 38, 51

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 10Slide :

Particle Ratio FluctuationsParticle Ratio Fluctuations

K.Homma, Session XVII, 02/09 15:20hPoster by E.Haslum

Fluctuation in the ratio of two particle species:

dyn = 0 : only statistical fluctuations

dyn > 0 : larger fluctuations

dyn < 0 : damped fluctuations

dyn K,π( ) =π π −1( )

π2 +

K K −1( )

K2 +

K π

C. Pruneau, S.Gavin, S.Voloshin, Phys. Rev. C 66 044904 (2002)

Particle ratio fluctuation show no indication of critical behaviour

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 11Slide :

R.Lacey, Session XVIII, 02/09 14:20h


3D source imaging reconstructs source parameters

reverse engineer the correlation function by an input source function.

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 12Slide :

Deuterons - B2Deuterons - B2




= B2(E p

d3N p



Detailed d and d pT spectra in multiple centralities


H.Valle, Session I, 02/05 15:20hPoster: R.Belmont

Inverse of the coalescence parameter B2 is increases with Npart, i.e. expanding source size similar to /K HBT results

deuteron pT = 1.5deuteron pT = 3.0

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 13Slide :


A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 14Slide :


pt = px2 + py






pTdpTdy1+ 2ν i cos i ϕ − ΨRP( )( )


∑ ⎡

⎣ ⎢

⎦ ⎥

1 =px


= cos ϕ − ΨRP( )

• azimuthal anisotropy, • pressure gradient

from initial spatial asymmetry or eccentricity

• second moment of Fourier coefficient, v2, shows good agreement with hydrodynamical models of low viscosity fluid

2 =px






⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟ = cos2 ϕ − ΨRP( )

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 15Slide :

v2 - constituent quark flow - QM06v2 - constituent quark flow - QM06Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 052301 (2007)

Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 162301 (2007)

v2 - constituent quark flowv2 - constituent quark flow

observed quark DOF scaling up to KET/nq ~ 1GeV/c2 for p,K,p,d,S.Huang, Session XII, 02/08 15:20h, Poster by A.Taranenko

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 16Slide :

v4 - scales with v2v4 - scales with v2


pT (GeV/c)


KET /nq (GeV/c2)KET (GeV/c2)

S.Huang, Session XII, 02/08 15:20h, Poster by A.Taranenko

v2 scales with nq, v4 with nq2 partonic degree of freedom

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 17Slide :

Cumulants - unidentifiedCumulants - unidentified

v2{2} > v2{RP} at pT ~3.5GeV/c indicates onset of non-flow effects

M.Issah, Session XII, 02/08 14:40h €

cn 2{ } = e in φ1 −φ2( ) = vn2 + e in φ1 −φ2( )

ccumulant method Borghini, Dinh and Ollitrault (Phys.Rev.C 64 054901 (2001))


A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 18Slide :

v2 - identified particles @ high pTv2 - identified particles @ high pT

S.Huang, Session XII, 02/08 15:20h


pT (GeV/c)

V2 V2

pT (GeV/c) pT (GeV/c)

TOF-W allows test of KET/nq scaling


A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 19Slide :

v2 - identified particles @ high pTv2 - identified particles @ high pT

V2 V2

+ + - + 0

pT (GeV/c) pT (GeV/c)

S.Huang, Session XII, 02/08 15:20h

+ + - + 0

charged and neutral pions agree well

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 20Slide :

v2 - high pT - rescaled v2 - high pT - rescaled

S.Huang, Session XII, 02/08 15:20h



KET scaling seems breaks for KET/nq > 1GeV/c2 = pT ~ 3.5GeV/c for p change in underlying process, hard scattering ?



A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 21Slide :

v2 - J/e+e-v2 - J/e+e-

First ever at RHIC,

v2 - J/µ+µ- coming soon

C.Silvestre, Session XVII, 02/09 15:00h, Poster: C.Luiz da Silva

J/Psi coalescence ?

in process, less than half the dataset, muons will helpno clear model predictions

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 22Slide :

2 ParticleCorrelations

2 ParticleCorrelations

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 23Slide :

2 particle angular correlations2 particle angular correlations

C Δφ( ) ≡Ysame Δφ( )Ymixed Δφ( )

×Ymixed Δφ( )dφ∫Ysame Δφ( )dφ∫

C Δφ( ) ≡ b0 1+ 2 v2assoc v2

trig cos 2Δφ( )[ ] + J Δφ( )



Associated track

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 24Slide :

jet parametersjet parameters

Phys.Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008)

Phys.Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008)

study how medium is affected on the away side

study jet peak widths and position

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 25Slide :

away side - shape and widthsaway side - shape and widths

μn ≡ (Δφ −π )n ,n = 2,4K rms ≡ μ2 kurtosis ≡ μ4


J Δφ( ) =G Δφ( ) +G Δφ −π −D( ) +G Δφ −π + D( )

NpartPRL 98, 232302 (2007)

With increasing Npart the away side jets broaden and move away from each other but flat over most of Npart

Phys.Rev. C 77, 011901 (2008)

h - h correlations1 < pTa < 2.5 < pTt< 4GeV/c

M.McCumber, Session VIII, 02/05 16:30hA. Adare, Session IX, 02/08 14:20h

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 26Slide :

Jet compositionJet composition

M.McCumber, Session VIII, 02/05 16:30h

particle ratios in jet approach measured inclusive p/(+K) ratios.

high pT particles in peripheral collisions close in on vacuum fragmentation


Au Au 200GeV/c

h - b(m) correlations1 < pTa < 2.5 < pTt< 4GeV/c

AS Shoulder study: Jet Medium response -> properties of bulk

Phys.Rev.C 69, 034909 (2004)

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 27Slide :

Ridge and Shoulder pTRidge and Shoulder pT

Ridge and shoulder pT softer than pp

no jet fragmentation

slope close to bulk matter

head and shoulder show similar behavior consistent with medium response

M.McCumber, Session VIII, 02/05 16:30h, H.Pei, Session IX, 02/08 14:20h

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 28Slide :

2+1 -h correlations2+1 -h correlations

H.Pei, Session IX, 02/08 14:20h

Trigger 0


charged hadron

at high-pt

MediumAssoc h

trigger on high momentum 0, require a charged hadron in the back hemisphere of the 0 and integrate the yield of hadrons on the 0 side.

yield increases with decreasing centrality for pTcond < 4GeV/c and is flat for > 4GeV/c

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 29Slide :


A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 30Slide :

Jets vs Reaction PlaneJets vs Reaction Plane

M.McCumber, Session VIII, 02/05 16:30h

in central collisions indication of a change in the shape of the correlation function when moving away from the Reaction Plane

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 31Slide :

h-h correlations - jet functionsh-h correlations - jet functions

M.McCumber, Session VIII, 02/05 16:30h

unchanged near-side peak in the final jet functions when moving away from Reaction plane, indication for away side modification.

A.Franz, BNL, PHENIX Highlights - QM08 Jaipur India, 04-10 February 2008 32Slide :


• mT scaling• v2 baryon/meson scaling broken • Coalescence in J/Psi ?• Medium response to jets
