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Question 4 evaluation

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Ellie Money
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How did you use media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

Ellie Money

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CameraTo begin, the most paramount piece of technology we used was a camera. This piece of hardware allowed us to capture our footage and began the entire process. This was due to the camera allowing us to construct our initial research. For example, from using a camera it enabled us to construct location recee research. As a result of this task our creative ideas were expanded as it lead us to discover multiple filming shots. Furthermore, the use of a camera enabled us to gauge diverse shots. For example, we had a mini tour around the college and were inspired by different buildings. On the whole we found the camera significant as it is essentially the core technical device for our main product, being the documentary. In addition, the camera was easy to navigate which played to our advantage as it avoided us wasting time and instead gave us the opportunity to try different camera shots, angles and movements out. Overall, I believe my group and I used the camera during our research and construction stage effectively by experimenting with it and using it to its full advantage. Moreover, I feel the use o a camera was extremely beneficial to our work.

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TripodMoreover, the tripod was an essential piece of hardware that we felt was extremely necessary to use as it ensured our footage would be steady and ‘correct’. This is because the tripod allows you to set the camera in a stiff positon of your chose. Once the camera is locked in place you can use the handles, which tilt the camera to an angle of your choice. Furthermore, we found this very useful especially when constructing background footage of students walking as the tripod simply allowed us to just tilt the camera rather than having to re-lock in in place- however on a different position. On the whole I believe the tripod worked to our advantage as it made certain that the footage we were obtaining was still and steady – not wobbly or slanted.

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Microphone Firstly, we used a boom mic in order to capture our sound. We initially found this piece of technology extremely useful as it was capable of picking up good sound levels – even if they were far away. For example, when shooting our background footage; when watching this back we realised how strong the boom mic was in terms of capturing sound as minor background noise could be heard very clearly. Overall, the boom mic was used throughout the construction process during our vox pops and background footage as it was capable of picking up good sound levels even over immense background noise. Therefore this is why we choose to use this piece of technology during our vox pops as we knew there was going to be a lot of background noise due to the fact we were shooting within a canteen. Overall, this piece of technology as extremly helpful as it allowed us to grasp significant sound levels that added to the effectiveness of our documentary overall.

However, when constructing our expert interviews we changed the technology in terms of how we collected sound. Instead we used a clip-on mic to do this. One reason to why we made this decision was because we thought the clip on mic looked far more professional and therefore connoted the mood of the interview. Also, because we only wanted to capture what the interviewee was saying, we had no intention of grasping what the interviewer/presenter was asking. This was because as a group we had already discussed that we would edit parts of the interview into our documentary and use a voiceover to introduce it. Overall I believe the clip on mic’s were useful and effective as they were barely noticeable yet picking up immense sound that sounded extremely efficient and professional once played back.

During the construction process we used two different types of microphones.

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Apple MACThroughout the entire process we have been given the opportunity to use the MAC computers which have benefitted us immensely due to them being so technically advanced. For example, during the research stage I believe our group was supported through this piece of technology being available as they are super fast and easy to navigate. Therefore we were able to complete research such as research into other documentaries within a suitable time. Additionally from using the Apple Mac’s we were able to demonstrate our time management skills as we were not hindered by the computer taking time to load due to Apple Mac’s being so advanced. Moreover, the software's embedded within apple macs were tremendously helpful as they enabled us to create our own music for example, which only added to our creative ideas.

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BloggerBlogger has played a massive role in terms of all stages of this unit as it has allowed me to document and report all of my work. As a result of this I can easily access previous work and see my progress throughout the entire process. Later on in this course I will massively benefit from Blogger as it will allow me to identify strengths and weaknesses of my coursework as all of the work will be organized on this software. Overall, blogger made a positive impact to my coursework as it brought organization and structure to my work.

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SlideShareThis particular software was useful through both the planning and evaluation stages to the process as it allowed me to upload work onto blogger. For example, work that was produced through software's such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint do not have an embedded code attached with them, preventing me from uploading them straight to blogger. Therefore in order to display them on their I had to use slide share to do so. In addition, once I had uploaded my documents onto slide share I was obtained with a embedded code, which then allowed to me upload the work on to my blog. From this I was organized an structured throughout the process.

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Premier ProThis was a paramount software that essentially created my main media product, being the documentary, “Social media: life online”. Premier pro had a wide range of tools implemented within it that allowed us to; trim, edit sound levels, add transactions, add video effects and many more in order to cerate the best documentary possible. We used this software during the construction stage of the process and spent an excessive amount of time editing our documentary in order for it to look professional and appealing to viewers. For example, we created a whole montage through the use of premier pro, which now looks aesthetically pleasing after the work we spent on it as a group.

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Sound cloud Furthermore, we used sound cloud during the research, planning and construction stages of our coursework so that we could display voice clips and our radio trailer on our blog. Furthermore, Sound cloud provides you with an embedded code which therefore enables you to upload the piece onto your blog. I believe sound cloud was an extremely useful piece of technology that we used throughout the process as it permitted sound on to our blog and therefore made it more advanced. Likewise, it also added to the range of sources/technologies I was complying with.

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IndesignInDesign was the software we used to create our double page spread. This software was extremely useful as it included a range of tools and features that reflected codes and conventions we needed to follow. For example, InDesign has a specific tool that grants you with columns of which are completely equal. We found this very appealing and helpful as as a group we were all certain on the idea that our columns needed to be equal to another. One reason behind this was that our double page spread could look professional and presentable, so that it could achieve. Overall InDesign was a very efficient piece of software that we used as it helped us to manipulate our main image in order to make it appear more ascetically pleasing.

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PhotoshopWe used Photoshop during the construction part of the process to manipulate the main image to our double page spread. We found this task fairly easy as we were already familiar with the software due to the basis of our AS coursework last year. Therefore this task was not time consuming or extremely difficult as we were already aware of the navigation of the software, which worked it our benefit as it meant we could adapt the colours to the image in an efficient amount of time. Overall, this software allowed us to manipulate our image so that it would look more ascetically pleasing and appealing to the eye, only attracting the audience further.

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PowerpointPowerPoint was a further software we used for presenting information or data collected. I feel this was a good software to use to display detailed information or analyses as it gives you options to write lots and isn't overly complicated in terms of transactions or spacing like some software's are. Furthermore, PowerPoint gave us the option to select different designs, from doing so it limited the chance of our blog from looking repetitive, as we have used it regularly due to it being so quick and easy to use and later upload. Overall, PowerPoint was used throughout all stages to display progression or analyses.

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PreziPrezi was a software I used both this year and last year for my AS portfolio. Therefore I was already aware on how to navigate the site and later upload it onto my blog. From this it was immensely beneficially as it prevented me from wasting time as I already had the knowledge of the tools worked. Furthermore, Prezi was useful as it allowed me to present findings from my research and planning as well as my evaluation process. Overall, Prezi was a software which came into use on both my research stage and my evaluation stage as it enabled me to present findings and data.

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EmazeMoving forward, a further software I used to help me display data and my findings was emaze. I similarly had used emaze previously last year therefore I was again already knowledgeable on how to use and navigate the tools/features. In addition I used this software to present findings from my research and planning as I found it simple and easy to use, therefore decreasing the chances of it being time consuming.

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YoutubeThis piece of software was used mainly throughout the research and planning stage as we used it to distribute our focus group and our official documentary once it was finished. Furthermore, we felt inclined into using videos throughout our research and planning as it highlighted our creative ideas as it was visually something different for the viewer. In addition, from posting our documentary onto the internet which is accessible by the entire world we opened our audience up to many cultures and ages for example. Therefore we were capable of receiving more feedback through YouTube comments and likes.

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Microsoft word Microsoft word was a main software we used throughout the research and planning stage as we took many notes on it due to it being so simple to use. This was efficient to take notes on as it was a quick and easy process, meaning we wasn’t wasting time. For example, our script for our documentary and radio trailer required us to piece together a script. In order to do this we had to create plans and drafts, therefore we used word to do this as it was a simple software to use.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Overall, I believe as a group we have used a wide range of media technologies throughout the process of our A2 coursework to help us in all stages : research and planning, construction and evaluation. I believe from us using so many different technologies we have made our blog appear far more advanced as well as developing our media skills as our knowledge has massively increased. To conclude I believe the wide range of technologies used has also helped to demonstrate our creativeness.
