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qu&n- -, M, ex- l-sues two gallons ofgreen tomatoes, five:;c-uu- u ol ground mustard mm, two ot...

Date post: 06-Oct-2020
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AGRICULTURAL. PEOM'ING UPHtUIT TREES, a tree loaded with fruit, to Prevent the branches from breaking down Any IrancL or tree which requires propping, La3 more fruit than it ought to carry, eith- er for the good of the tree or the good of the fruit. The first thing to do 13 to remove - immediately all the smaller poor or knotty e pecimcna. If this is done before growth has ceased, and sometimes after ripening has commenced, the improvement of the remain inr nortinn will more than compensate for tho reduction in number. In those regions where the peach bears only occasionally, the owners often attempt to get all they can by allowing an'over-abunda- nt crop to -- remain, They will get quite as many bushels by re- moving one-ha-lf or two-third- s, and obtain an immense superiority in flavor. This is the plan we follow and hare recom mended it to others every year in season, The folly of supposing that more fruit can be obtained by allowing all to cemain on the tree, causes it to be small and poor, and com- pletely exhaustisg the tree- for a full year, is bo glaring that we would think it would nev- er be' repeated. But it is, and it seems im- possible to convince those who do so of the Injury and loss. On some of our owa .pear trees we have left but one-four- th of the crop remain, and the consequence is that these are about three times as large, will be full-flavor- ed and will leave the trees in a healthy condition for a similar crop nest year. Ger- man town Telegraph. Salt Fob Animals. At a late meeting of the New-Yor- k Farmer's Club, the ques- tion of giving salt to animals was discussed, vhen Prof. Nash said, "that is an essential dement of animal life. When partaken of beyond proper limits, it is injurious. In cer- tain localities it is essential to render food palatable.- It is a good aperient many times. In some parts of the world it exists in the food as in salt hay, for example in sufS-- , cient quantities not to require any more. Shut off a human being from food contain- ing saline material and he could not survive only a short time, and would die a most death. There is salt in the soil and it passes into the plants that form hu- man food and the subsistence for dumb ani- mals.- The correct rule is, let every animal Lave access to salt or saline material at plea- sure. The taste will direct when the system needs salt If animals in a state of nature did not really need salt they would' have no appetite for it.-"- " Fowls Eating Their Featiieii3. This is one of the most annoying habits to which domestic fowls are addicted. It is a-- morbid appetite, apparantly induced' in the outset by the impatience of the fowls under confine- ment. It is very difficult" to cu-e- , and we have known if to be kej)t up till some indi- viduals of the flock who were made special victims, were " almost entirely denuded of their feathers, and sometimes have even had their entrails torn out. The best preventives are animal food, raw bones, oyster shells and charcoal, broken fine, and arvaricty of grains with dear water and clean apartments. Sometimes a particular fowl shows a more inveterate dispo si tion to eat feathers tha n the rest of the flock ; it is best to remove or kill-suc- h fowls.- - It is supposed that this habit is first induced while the fowls are moulting, and their pin-feathe- are filled with blood of which they are very fond. Country Gentleman.' PRESFJIVINOTOJIATOES. Canneso. Tomatoes will soon become Very cheap, and the following recipes may afford some hints to housewives desirous of preparing them for future use : By canning and bottling them in abund- ance during the' summer we can secure for our tables next winter a nice and cheap dish. For winter use peel ripe and fresh tomatoes p rocured as late as possible in the season ; season with-sa- and pepper, as for immedi- ate eating, put them in bottles or tin cans, bottles are jnst aa good as cans, cork them ttp, leaving a hole in the centre of the corks, put them in a pot of cold water and ect it over & fire where the water will boilfor en take them up, cork and peal them tight, and keep in a cool place. They shouldnot be opened until the weather becomes cold, Vzut TTell Put. Some one writes both gracefully and forcibly : "I would be glad to see more parents understand that when they spend 'money judisiTCsly to improve and adorn the house and the grounds around it, they are in effect paying their cllildren a pro-mu- m to stay at home, as much as posiible, to enjoy it; but that when they spend mon- ey unneccessarilym fine clothing and jewel- ry for their children, they are paying them a premium to-- spend thei tim away, from home that is, in those places where they can attract the most attention and make the laost display." Seeding Meadows in England. Mr. Willard says, "Meadows arc seeded with the following, per acre : 12 quarts of - common .8 crrorta Italian -- rye four rye grass; - grass ; quarts red- - clover ; pearl clover, 4 pounds : or in lieu of this last, two of trefoil and two pounds of timothy. The system it to cut one crop, and then turn to pasture and keep in pasture three or four years, and then break up. "When meadows arc not fed down in Fpring, the crop is about four tons to the acre.". Tomato Wixe: It may not be known to all our readers that an excellent wine can be made from tomatoes.- - We hare drank wine cf this kind which good- - judgssr unaware of ita nature, pronounce still catawba. The fol- lowing is said to-b- e a good recipe for making tomato wine, which is said to retain all the well-know- n medicinal propertiesof the fruit : llxpresa the juice of ripe tomatoes,, put one ppund of sugar to each quart of the juice, and bottle. . Ina few weeks it will have the and flavor of tho pure wine of ; i it kind. No alcohol is needed to pre-u- ve it. Germantown Telegraph, Svrx. Green Tumo Pickle. Peel sues two gallons of green tomatoes, five :;c-uu- u ol ground mustard mm, two ot xirastitrd seetl, two table?poonfub of d a nnan ion ono taLIespoonful ofcloves, 70 pound of brown-sujrAr- . three quarts of vinegar, JJod all together until quite done. It yu-- choose, you may use one spoonful of -- round cinnamon and a portion of cinnamon , nk. Celery tops improve the flavor. They -- excellent.- 1 BONE MILL? II PURE BONE DUST." Guaranteed by printed Certificate to be entirely free from adulteration. "Concentrated Bone Fertilizer" a reliable quick yielding manure. O- - Farmers con order direct or through any dealers. ZJ A """VbrNIG U Aug"t 1 . 1366 -- Sm. AHentown, P.. TTURR Alt FOR CATAWISSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS with stringency of the Money nooda to compare y. . .... ,1 ..nnnra aril-p- a . Durrhi.il- - AlarKCli iiuuft nu bvuifviu r - ins elsewhere. Juot call at the favorite busioesa stand of McNinch As Shu man. and you will be met their Clerke and shown by toe obliging Proprietors or . k ...;. .t vori.iv Store free of charge, of courae. they will give you a fair chance to spend your loose change, they trust much more profitably than it can be a pent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in air it varieties man usual. Their Ladies Dress Goods areof the nicest styles in Market. They have a fine assortment-o- f Hats, Caps, Hoots and Shoe., Summer Cloths. CasineU. Cassimers and Vestings, and numerous articles common to such establish- ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE. TINWARE. Queensware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. 1 liey WIkU io couuuci mui -- uufiiioii tuu system, of "PAY AS YOU UU ' and they think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return toeir tnana lor many psi lavors, ami auk the future natrnnagn of their former customers and the public generally. May 16, 1306. tf. GREAT ATTRACTION AT OS-1- 2 02, G? 3D X-- T 9 553 noci:irv SI O.&E. TUB undersigned begs leave to announce to the of Bloomsburg and the surrounding country that he keeps eonslan lly on hand nt his old stand, on Uie south vast corner of Main and Iron sis., a prime lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Coffee, Sugar, Syrups. Tobacco, Cigar. Dried Fruit. loal Oil, tfitun, Spices, Butler. Kgg. lard Cheese. Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Taints of all kinds, and paint brushes. Dye Bluffs, Dry Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear. Soaps, Flour, Chop, C.ieensar. Glass. Put- ty, Salt. Fish. Meat, Candies Buckets, Brooms. Hosiery. Rooks, Writing Paper, fnic, Hardware, l'orket knives. 4'embs, Sec. tec. Ice. He keeps in facte very thinj appertaining to a first clasa Urocery and- - Variety Store. He is determined nol to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having just received anew Hock, the people arc earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. By strict attention to business, he hopes not only to re- tain his patronage but to increase it. He feels thank- ful for past favors, and with' mauy years experience in the business, he feels confident he can render sat isfactiun to all who fav or hiui with their paUonaire. JOHN K C1UTON, Bl oinHburg, June 29, 18tV. IlEAD ! AHEAD ! ! Latest and Grandest opening of the season at , BOGART & KREAMER'S Clieap and Extensive Dry Goods Empori- um at Where they will o(fif the newrpt and mrFt ileoir.il! stylcsaud qualities W FOREIGN AMI) BO.rf iZ&V iC V DRY GOODS, embracing all the latest Vdrieties and styles in the market. In the Dry Go.-i- line they offr the following, among nrany other articles 'sold by them, at" PA.MC TKICES, riain Clack and Fancy Dress of cvr;ry description and figure. Black and i.'olored Mohair Alpaccas. Real Organdy Jacouct Lawns ; xllusli:i,, Sht'clins, I'iUoAV Cac Itislins and Linens. Ti kings. Checks. Cotton r.intaloon EtufTi, Linen Drillings, Flannels. Cotton and , Uoen Table Cloths. For the latent stylo of PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, for Ladies and Cbi'dren. mil upon BOGART & KREAMEll. They also keep on hand a complete assortment of Solions ami 'rocciic, consisting, in part, Glorr-s- . Hosiery of all kin ls, Balmoral?, ttonnet Bibhons. tsummur Hat for m-i- i, women and children. Head dresses, lace vi-i'- pnn knivea, combs of every description. pencils, pen paper and ink ; AIo, Sugars. Violas-en- , ;g.x.l syrups.) ialt, pepper and spices. Mackerel of govd quality , cheese, butler and eggs, homs, shoulders and erJu. 1 hey also have a full assortmeut of ' 3,,.? CgnpdDLssacgf; such as axes, nails and spikes, screws, hinges and bolts. Taints and Oils, Cedar Buckets ami Wilier Baskets, 4c. Jte. BOG ART & KREA3IER, sell cheap for Cash, or Country Proluce, which will betaken in ez bange fur goods. Give them a rail and ex inline their extensive assortment for your- selves before purchasing elsewb"re BOGART i. K REAMER. July 4. nca.-- tr gL003ISBURG FANCY TRIMMING AND BOOK S70BE, Second dcor below ilartmau's Maia Street. Just received a new rtock of 7.EPH f SL3, WOOLEM AXD COT-TO- V YARNS, COSSETS. LACE, EMBROIDESI23, MUSLIN, EDGINGS. DBEdd TRIMMLVCd, aud every variety of articles usually kept in a ; FAINCY STORK. AtsaSciinol Dnoks. Hymn Rooks, Bibles, Sunday. School Books, and a large let of MISUELLAXEO US B 0 OKS, Account and Memorandum Books. Blank Deeds. Bunds and Mortgages, and a general and well-selecte- d assort men of Paper. Envelopes, ice. A.D.WEBB. Blooinsbarg, June 20, 1SG6, -- tf W THE undersigned respectfully announces to the that be keeps constantly on band, at bis old (laud, one door below Lutz's Drujr glore. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Paper Window Shades, Cord. Tas-se- ls and Pi x to res, for Pictures., A.c. ot the very latest styles, and M prepared.to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. E. J. TI10RT0N. Cloom.'burg, April 4 lftW. If ' M- - WHITMOYER, AXTOIIWEY - AT -- LAW, ' BLOOMSBURG P4, Office opposite Post cjjkl, over Ilarlman's store. Back Bay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov trtiment claims promptly collected. Bl ootngburg, Apr. 4, '66.- - RAPPING AND MINING PA- - PER. Havinr thoronrhlv nvirhanlid tn Pa per itma t Mill Grove, near Bloomsbnrg, Columbia wU!l!i!.'n.V ,B "owrtP" to fi all order for kl . " a r and Water rroorfaper, on ho,,. iB WHken-Bar,V.'.4J";- i, oprnea a ware 1 Jninh It row n oi mc nin oi Brom.G of my paper m Luerc Cout: 7 10 a'P ' TUOMAd Sloe aisbut, Sept. 16,4565, TIlS PERUVIAN SYRUP 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE Protoxide ot Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES. AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE!, DY supplying the Blood with its vital prihcipl. ob lavaa elimemt IRON. . This is the aecret of the wonderful success of his remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Ferergy Humors, Loss of Consti- tutional vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low stale of the system Being free from Alcohol in any form, its enerpiz. ing effects are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor and Hew 1.1 ie mie an pnrnoi ine system, ana building up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AXD DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon Si'OTT. D. n. Dun ii am. Canada Eat, March M, 18tj. l am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 23 years" Handing." 'I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during Which 1 have used the Pe ruvian sjrup.that lean scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who havo known me are aston- ished at the change. I am widely known and can but recommend to others that which has dono so much for me A CASE OF 27 YEARS' STANDING CURED. From INSLEY JEWETT, NoMS Avon r lace. Boston "I have suffered, and sometimes severely, lor 27 years, from dyspeptic, I commenced taking the Pe- ruvian Syrup, and found iuuiiediale benefit from it. In the course of three or four week I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed nuiu- - tcrruptecl health pver xmce " AN EMINENT DIVrNE OF BOSTON, PAYS: "I have been using the Peruvian Pvruu for some lime past; it gives me new Vigor, Buoyancy of spir its. Elasticity of iu.cl.n 'Jouands ct" been changed bg the use o f this remedy Crew ittak, icklf .suffering creates, to tl'tong. healthy: and kappf, me aud tcome; and invalids cannot reasona- bly htsitale to gist a m trial. A pauiplilet id J'i pages containing certifica.tes of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent ran loany address. 0""tJec that each botllehas PkRoviH vBur blown iu the glaitf. FOR SALE BY J. 1. DINSMORE, Proprietor. 3t Doy St. New York bOLU UV ALL UllUGGlSTd. , s CKOFULA. All Mediral Men agree th;it IODINE i tlie PEfT REMEDY for Scrcfula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The dithculty has been to obtain a Purs Si.nTtO! of it. Ilr. II. Antlers' IoSinc Water !s a Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL-VF.N- Tt! Containing a Full Grain to each ouucu of water. A. most Powerful Vitalizic'Agcnt and le..tirative. H3 etrred and will cure H'RoFl'LA in all iUmani-ful- d forum. ULCERS. CANCERd. SYPHILIS.SALT RHEUM ; and it has been used with astonishing success in ca- ses of Rheumatism. Iv s pep i uf Con sumption. Female Complaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Dijm: ises.te. Circular will be sent rt to auy one seniling their address. Price $1.1 0 a boUle, or 6 for $j.(0 Prepared by Dr. II. ANDEKS, Physician Sc. Ch Miiist.J For Sale by J. P. DI.NSM0R1, 30 Dey St. New Y And by all Cruggiss. Y"ISTA1S BALSAM OF' WILD ( HKKIiY HAS BEEN USED FOB NEARLY. HALF A CENTURY," with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sure Throat luflueuzt, NVhoi)j.iD cough, Croup, Liver complaint, BronchitiSjL'ifS-cult- y of BrealLior. AslLma, aJ ever y alfcc-tio- n of THE TUIiOAlLUXGS ?y CUES'. wliirh carries off more victims than anv oth"r dis ease and which bntn a the ski J uf Hie Phy jii iuiia to a greater extent than airy other malady, oilen 1 t.l.DH TO Tills UE.Mt.DY wilcn alt ethers prove metrectnal. AS A .MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, safj in its Oper- ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! whireas a preparation, free from noxious inrredinent poisons, or minerals ;'inllinz skill, gri:-- n- e.aud medi cal knowledee; c"mhim:i all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom lor tins class of diea-e,i- t is INCOMPARABLE- - f and is entitted. merits, and receives the gerreral con fidence ol tne puBiic, SEYMOUU TIIATCnER, M. D., of Herman. N. Y.. w rites as follows : "WisTia's Ui.sm or Wild OutRnr-rive- s universal salifa tion. It seems to cureaiouh by lot. ning and clranring the luncs.and allaying irritaiion thus removing the cause, iiiblend of drying up the rnnli and leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Hal nam Ho d as any. if not the best. Cough me-ici- with which 1 am accriaiiited." llcv. Jacob Sechler, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respected among the German population in this country. makes the following state- ment (or the benefit of the atBicted, Daa Sirs Having realized in mv familv in tiiir. tant benctils fruui the use of your valuable prepara tion Wistars Balsam or Wild Cukrry it affords me pleasure to recumuivnd it to the public. ome eight years ago one of my daughters see.ned lobe in a rie- - clinr an-- i little hvpe of her recovery were eniertain-e- d I then procured a bottle cf your excclleni Kalsam, and before she had taku I he whole of the mounts of the bottle there Was a great improvement in ber health. I hwve.in my individual cae made frequent use of your Valuable lucdicme.aud have always been benefitted by it. JCOB SECHLER. Trice One Dollar a iiotUe. F.R salk by JT P. DIX9MORE.76 Dey Street. New York . SLT11 W FOVVLE. it fco.. Proprietors,, Boston. AD BV ALL DRL'UOuilS. Q 11 ACES Celebrated Salvo CURES CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS." Grace's Celebrated SaWc CURES VYOUNDS.BKU'dES, SPRAINS; Grace 9 Celebrated Salve CURES BOILS. ULCERS, CANCERS. Grace's Celebrated i alvc CURES SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve c CURES r CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salva HEALS OLD SORES .FRESn WOUNDS,4.c ' It is prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and re duces the most angry-lookin- g swellings and irufla-mation- as if by magie thus afibrdimg relief and a compete cure. ' Only 3 eenu a box ! (Sent by ma fl for 25 cents,) For Sale by X. P. DIVSMORE 36 Dey Street. New York. S. VV. FOWE . SON, Proprieto.s.Boston, and by all Druggists, Grocers, and Country store Jaomajy 27, BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chetcut Streets. PHILADELPHIA, The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busi- ness or Commercial College in the country. The only one in tho city possessing a Legislative Charter, and the only one in the United States author ized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor- porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by geutieinfcn of liberal education and eilensive experience in business, and affording une- qualled advantages for the thorough theoretical and practical education of young men for the various du- ties and employ merit of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and practical, giving the stu- dent in the shortest time a romp lete iptiahl into the routine, detals. customs and farms of business in general. as conducted in the commer- cial and financial establishment. THEORETICAL BOOKKEEPING Upon a new plan, with air original exposition of the science of accounts, arraned and published bv the proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his own use. saving one-hal- f the ordinary labor of the student and giving him a complete knowledge of tbi practice of the lel accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE ESIBRACES Booteeping, Commercial Ariihmetic,Pe Business CorrerpondeDce, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Commer- cial l'a?tom8, Forms, and Actual Busi- ness Practice. Special branches tlgebra end the Higher Mathematics, FUnogrcphy, Or namental Penmanship, the jlrt o, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Engineering A'arigalion, and YlrgTnpliig TELEURAPHI VO. The arrancements for 'I eiegrapning are far more ad- vance of anything of the kind ever ohVred to.the pub- lic A regular Tele raph Line is connected with the Institution wih twenty branch olficeg in various parts of the ci'y, where public business is transacted, aud in Which the studeHts of this Institution are per- mitted to practice. No regular office practice can be bad in anv otker school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Young men are cautioned aeainst the deceptive representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend In teach Telegraphiug. PATRONAGE. Thifi Institution is now enjoying the largest patron-tronas- n ever betowed upon any Commercial school in lfe State. Over five hundre students were in atten- dance the first year, and over seven hundred: during the past year. The best class of students may inva- riably be found here, and all its associations are first clarb. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the mosi central part of the city , and its accommodations, for extent, ele- gance and convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have'ieen fitted up in the very best style with BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, STATIONARY tSTORB. AUD A RIOrLAR RANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in the Department of Actual Business. . TO YOl'IV Jlliitf who desire the very best facilities for a Practical Ldacatiuu lor Business, we guaran tee a course of Instruction no where else ciuallud, whi'e the reputation and standing of the Institution among busintss men make ita endorse meiit the beat passport to success and advancement. Ail contemplating entering nny Commercial College, are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, aud full particulars of the course of instruction, terms, &.c L. FAIRBANKS, A. 31., President, T. E. MERCHANT, SupL of Office Business. Nov. 4, lai5 liim. JRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicines, nt John R. M oyer's Drugstore, corner oi Main aud Market Streets. A good assort- ment of - Pi'KE ii:iros, Medicines, Paints. Oils and Variiishof?, always on hard, and will be sold cheaper than at any other Dri g Sloro in hiivn. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescriptions' carefully compounded at" Mdycr's Drug Store, Ayersand Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug Store, g Tar Cordial. Raker's Cod Liver Oil, Window's Soothing Syrup, sold at i oyer's Drue Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drug Store. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's Drue Store, Bloouisburg, Pa. Aiay 2, ltoti. tf. TEW QOAL y ARD. The unJersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Hlootihurz nnd Columbia county , that they keep II the tli:r. rent numbers of stove coal and sefected lump coal for suiij'iing purpose, on their wharf, ad- joining MrKolvv, Ncul &Co's Furnace ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the w harf.to weigh coal, bay and straw .ikenisea horse and wagon, to deli ver coal to those who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article, and sell at the very lowest prices. Pleae call and examine for your biLvcs before purchasing elsewhere. J. V. IIKN DKhS-IOT- . AUGUSTUS MASON. rrTIE undersigned will lake, in exchange for Cor.f I and Groceries, the following rained articles : Wheat. Rye, Corn. Oats. Potatoes. I.ard, I! am. Shonl der, and side meat. Butter, Eggs, Hay. 4c , at lh: highest cash prices, at his Grocerv tore. adjoining Hi. ir coal vird. J. V. HE NDERSIIOT. Blonmslturg, April 2.T, ISiiti, ly. NATIONAL FOUND liiT. .l;!V LUMBIA CO., PA. IT HE subscriber, proprietor of the ahnve named e- - ive cstahlishment. i now ii" J ikta- - prepared to rcccuu orders - for All Kinds of Machinery, for CnMerie. ftlast Furnaces, Ptalionary Engines, M1LI, THHESHIXG M At.'H IN ES. fcC A.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sixes and patterns. pow-irons- , and everything usually made io riist-clas- s Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war- - ant hi in in receiving the largest contracts ou the m t reasonable terms. (E7 Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. This establishment is lca.ed near the t.ackawa-n- a S. Uloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER EILLMYER.. Ulaoinsburg, Sept. 12. 103. DENTISTRY. n. C. II O W E R. SURGEON DENTIST. RFSPEt'TFULLY offers his profess- ional services to the ladies aud gentle men of Bl oinsburzand vicinity, lie is prepared to atiend to all tho vnrions op rations in the line of his profession. anjis provided wlh 1'ie l.ilest improved PQHCKI1L TF.ETH; whirl, w II hointerled ou gold. platina.silver and rubber br. e to look w II as the uatuial teeth Ml ter il plate and bli ck teeth manufactured ar all O) en lions on teeth .carefully and properly attended to. Ilei.'ence and oiiire a few doors above the Court II iue. same side. Ill jouisburg, June G 1;C3 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, lScarly opposite the Episcopal Chinch. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MY stock is composed of fine clothing," medium low priced adapted to all conditions, tastes and wants. He has the latest stylea for the season a fine assortment of Orercoats and Gentlemen's Shaw.s, from low to the very best" His Goods are laxhiunuble and well .Made. In addition to my stock of ready-mad- e clothing, I have piece goods for custom orders, Cloth!. Cassimcrey, &c., &c. And having one of the first class cotters, I yuaran tee a fit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of H 00LEX AND LINEN SIiIRIS, Stockings, Neckties. Collars, Stocks, Handkerchiefs everything In' the gentlemen's line of clothing. Also, flats. Boots and Shoes, Trunks' and Carpet bags. 1 will sail at the lowest Market prices. Please give me a call before parchaning elsewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS, Eloomsburg, Not. 15. ieC5. $90 A. TIO.VTII I Agenta wanted for tr entirely nrm artW't. lust'eut. " Ad. dress O. T. GARRY. City Building, Bedford. Mains. Ixs. 23, lSC3.Jr. ilJ I I.I, LIU'S STOKE. or Spring and Summer Goods. TH E subsrriber has just returned from the cities with another large and select assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest figure, and which be la determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in llloomsburg. , His rtock comprises LADiES OHESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions together with a large assortment of DRY-GOOD- S, MUSLINS,' CLOTflS, and Vtstings. Ano, Groceries, Hardware, Cedar-War- e, Hollow-ware- , Nails, irou, SOOTSAHJi SHOES, Hats nnd Caps, Jlc In short, everything usually kept in a country stores, to which he invites the at- tention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. , S. LI. MILLER. P.loomsburg. Nov. ISR5. WYOMING W1LKES-BARR- E, PENNA. CAPITAL AXD SUufuTs, -- $150, A SSETS. SrorX not eaTed in. ijO,0IO Bills receivable, -- U. 40.0,1(1 S. 5-- 20 Bonds, ... DIM) Temporary and call loans. ti.OOU 1113 shares Wyoming bank Stork, 50 shares First National Hanlf hi Wi 5,(KX) 70 shares hecond ational Hank at W ilkcs-Karr- e 7,Hm 4d shares U Ukes-Uarr- e tiridgu Stock. - . li.HO Real Estate, 1,51'J Judgments, -- Due Ironi Agents and others, ... 7,414 Cash in aand and in Bank, .... l,ril DIRECTORS. G. M. HOT.t.ENRACK, I.. D. SHOEMAKER. JOHN REICHAPD. 1. M. HOYT, stMirrx vvAiiiiAvis, o. oli.ivs, CHARLES DoRRANCE, Wu. S. ROSS, R D. I. At OU. t HARI.E-- ) A MINER, Si E'.VART PIERCE, G M HARDING. G. M HOLI.KNRACK, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vice Pre 7. K. C. SMITH, Secratart. F. DROWN. Agent, March 34. 03 Pa. iSzlLS awB1, feli A QR1LVT DUTiOVEMENT IN S Elf ING MACHINES. Lmpire Slmtllc Iflncliinc PAI.FRXMS. 5:10 Broadway. N. Y., 250 Washineton 11 eet, Boston( 'Ji Che. nut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEB. II, IM.0. M ACH IXE is constructed on entirely new I-'HI- principles of uierliniii.-m- , possessing many rare ami valuable inpr veuients, having been eximiueil by the mol profound e.rpe.ls. and pronounced t o Simplicity and Perfect idn- omhim1. It hs a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the I.OL K or SHI T TLE STITCH, which will neither RIP aor KAVEL. and is a'ike on both sides ; performs perfect tewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest NansooS muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from th coarsest to the Psest number. Having neither CA M or COG WHEEL and th.sleast possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It req-iire- s FIFTY PERCENT. lesspowcr to drive it I tun any other machine in tho market. A girl twelve years f ace can work HsltaJily. witnout fatigue or Injury to health lis Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construc- tion rcn 1eri i'. almost impossible to gel out of order, and is GUAR AN f EbU by the company to give en- tire satisfai u'on. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. One ball hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work' this machine lo their entire Eat islaction. Agents wanted for all towns ii the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also, for Cuba. Mexico. Central and South America, lo whom a lili'-r.i- l discount will be civ.-n- . LMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MF G CO.. 530 Broadway, N. Y, gTOVES AXD TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to his many fiiendsand numerous mi-- t oniers that lie continue the aliove business at bis old place of business on MAIN fcTUEEr, BV.OO.V1S-BLRG- . Ids customers aud others can" be accommod ited with FANCY STOVES of all kind, Stovepipes.Tiu are, and every article found in all well regulated STOVE AND TIN WAKE ISTAlJI.lsU.YIENTS in the ei: ties. an d on t he mnt reasonable terms. CJy" SPOUTING, for houses aud b rns. will be put up on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing dono promptly and upon liberal terms. He also keeps on hand a lar-'- e supply of Milk Pans, of different sizes and prices ; b.;iils a fine as- sortment of Fisner's Pateni s'clf-Sealin- g Fruit Pre- serving Can. Give hi in a call July Id. Ir'iW. tf. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Jntt Pul'iihcd.in a grated F.nrelope rnee siz cents. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spermatoribooa, or Seminal Weakness. In- voluntary Sexual Debility, aud Impedi- ments to Marriage generally, Ner vouuc?. Con- sumption, Kpiledsy. and Ft s ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, tc By'lli J CULVKIUVELL. M. D Aotlior of the 'Green Book.1 Ato. Tne world-reno- w .led author, ia tlii admirable Lec- ture, c early proves from Ins own experience that the awfui consequences rf Self Abuse may be effect- ually removed without medicine, and without dan-cero- us su gical operations, bougies," instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by wnich every sulferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure him-s-l- f chcapl y. privatelv, ana radically. THIS LEC- TURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, post paid, on receipt of six cunts, or two poet-ag- e tluiups, by addressing CHAS J, C. KLINE JL CO, 127 Bowery, New York, Post OJlice b( x, 4orC July id, ISoG. ly Wm. c. ntxezET, CCO. W. CAKHkKTlR. Eitablished 1828. G. Y. CARrEXTEIl, IIEXSZE V & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 737 Market St. one door below gib, Pi'iLADELeni, DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ' PAINTS OILS. GLA.-- S, VARNISHES, DYE, And every other article appertaining to the business, of th; bett quality, and at the lowest Market Rales. March 23. IPtifi. J 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FENCING BOARDS FOR sale. The undersigned oilers for sale upon the most rasonaile terms, at his place of business, in BENTON. COLUMBIA COUNTY, one hand red thou- sand shingles and a la rge lot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. McUJiNRY. Benton, M ay 9, 1686. T TCU ! ITCH ! ITCU ! JL SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WH EATON'S OINTMENT H HI lure The Itch iu 48 Hours. Also cures' SALT RHEUM. UI.CER9. CHIL- BLAINS, and alt ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. ?rice 50 cents. For Sale bv nil Druggists. By sending CO cents to WEEKS Sc. POTTER.Sole Agents, 170 Wash ington street, Borton, ll bo forwarded by mail free of postage, to any part of Ute United States. J una 8, 18btt. If. JYcw Stock of Clothing. S prills aaid Summer Joods. 1NVITF.S attention to bis stock of cheap and Clothing et lijs Store, on MJilN STREET. BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the Jlmtrican House, where he has Just received from New York and Phi ladelpbia, a full assortment of a Men and Roy's Clclmi, including the most fesliionabln, durable and hand seme, DUESS GOODS, consisting of liox, Sack, Frock f Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Bants, of nil sorts, size, and colors. He also has renn ished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Miawlg; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts cravats, etocks. collars, handki-rclnvfs- , gloves, bus penders and faney articles. N H. He hns constantly on band a large and well selected assortment of Cloths nnd Vustiuzs. which he is prepaied to make up to order, into any kind of cmming 011 very short notice and in the best ol m m ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of il is Of liomc manufacture. AND "f cvpiv Descrintinn. Fip.A ml f'Ki.nn Hi. r-- rr Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex- amine his general attortmem of Clothing, Watches, lewtiry, ate. fitc. DAVID LOWEN'DURG. Elooinsburg, April 20. ie3. E Ri:sil ARRIVAL, AT I'ETKK KN'I '.S NT0IIE, IN LIGHT STREET, op sii:bi AiR sujajiftR GREA T RED UCT1UN IN PRICES HAS just received from the Eastern and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assoitii'eut of 2L g& tr cs ea m cQ. a. Z2 . e which will be sold cheap for CA.SIl OK COUNTRY IMIODUOK ! His Ftock consists of Ladies' Dress Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions, (JALIUOES.MU.SI.INS, GINGHAMS, FJjA NN E LS, 11 OS 1 12 It Y, (J A R 1 KT S, sil.KS, SHAWLS, llcadv I?J:wle Clolhill?, SAT1NHTS, CSS1M-- E R liS.U O IK) N A I ) KSf KE N T U CK Y JEANS, THREAD, On- - 1X2. CO WL3i 012122 S3 QUEENS WAKE, C EI) A It WARE, HARDWARE. .MEDICI NES,DRUGS, COOTS AND SllOi:s,.H.TS and CATS, In khort, everyth ng usually kept in a country store. The pa'ronace of hi o'd friends, and the puclic generally, is respectfully solicited. 1 he highest market price pan lor country produce. PETER EM'. Light Street. May 2, leoc. Lackawanua & Bloorusburg Kailroad. feir TWO DAILY TRAINS, -- fca AND AITFR NOVEMBER 27, li, ON E!t TRAIN'S WILL KIN Ar FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUP II WA It D. P M I'M AM. Leave Scrariton, 4 Id t VI Kingston, SIM) .r ' Rloouisl urg. rV-- fl '.! Arrive at Northumberland 10 'Si I. EA V t NOR T JI W ARD. AM PM Leave Northuinbcrlaud, 7.00 5 if) " Danville, l Ti 40 ' lllooiiisliurg, fi 21 Arrive nt Scrai:ton. VH Mia Trsins leavinn Kingston at 8 30 A: M for Scrauloii connect with Tiiiln arriving nt New York rr5 M l.e ivine Norlliiiinlie'l.ind at f.fltr A M.anil K.'uvston 2 30 P. M , connect with Train arriving at New Vorfc at 10,53 P. M. Passengers taking Train Sorilh from Scrapton at 5 .')') A M via Nielhiiiiiucrluud.reaih llarrisburc 'i J P M. lialtiiunre 5 'Ml P M.. IU OU PM via Ru- pert reach Philadelphia at 7 00 P M. , ii. a. r'oxDA. supt. Kineston, Nov .25. 1805. ' rjMlENEW spring; Sc Summer SctliCiiic. AIISA1'AISI lI.V COM DIN ED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PREPARED FOR C. W. PETTE3. BOSTON, By JA3IES R. MCIIOLS & CO. Mu ii if ict iring CV em itx, MA X UFA CTU R I'.RS OF TH E ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH. Irooi!c ol" Bi'cn, Which has become to favorably known as a rO.V. C Jl.-- D REb TURA 1 H E, By Pliyriciaus and Invalids in all parts of the coun ')'. The new preparation. in combina- tion iih li.ili.le of Lime," presents one of the most prompt alterative aseni. in a form capable of exert-in- s lull action upon th; system, ami this inminote nnd pleasant doses. Il is conceded that the altera- tive, resolvent, or tonic cllccts of Iodine are exert- ed most decidedly WLen associ ited with other alter-a- . i ves . in continuation : and the Sarsap.iri'la seems lo fulfill perfectly all the favorable reiiihitious. The tirt eir. c t usually observed hou "SARSAPAK II. I. A WITH IODIDE OF LI E" it;il n. is an Inrrease of appetite showing that it has tonic properties of a marked character. Us effects are niamlest in ils ready combina- tion with Hie blnml ami tissues Pale, (croluloui w omen and childre n improve rapidly under ils use, and the vital functions assume a tiealthy condition. Il is admirably adapted to a large nuibher oi chron- ic or acute atT- - clious pecul iar to children. Il is suit- ed to them both by the mildnes a nd efficiency of medicinal elli.-c- l and the pleasant, Httra' live forin .f the remedy. It may be given fr a lo'it; period where constitutional influences are ileifed. an. I no rcpuir-nan- i e, or disincimat on t' take tlie pyrup. cncoiin-t- - red. In White-Swedings- . Hip Joiut Disease, and Distortions of the Spiue.it should b; givn p rsiit-ently- . in moderate dotes, until relief is obtained. Li the Spring ft' the Ymr, and during the J'i-- t Weather, the accumulation of morbid matters in rhe system seems to become manifest and very troublesome .as-i!- le, Headache, Boils, Cos?iveii:ss, Loss of ippe. tite. Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc , are very common. Nothing ever devised i better adapted to ex te i nun ate or d M ve offt liese a If ion. Than tins tie w comhixaiioii of SARS.tTARlLLA Willi IODIDE OF LIME. A" preyaraft-'- like it, or which nnprorimatct t ; oi an Alterative, or Blond Parifi'r-- has crrr before been plnrrd wit Mn the reach of 'inraids. Indeed, ii is an entirely nsw and fnmi.iu combina- tion, in no rest, ect resembling anything hilheito em- ployed. The opinion of modical men concerning it. the de- scription of its chemical character, therapeutic val- ue, manner of use, etc., are given iu a circular, 'which can be had at the store of any and ail first-clas- s Druggists. LZr Sold in Bloomsbnrg. wholesale nnd rxtail, by Ever c Mnyer, and all Druggists June 0, IcC. I X V E TOI iSMiT FlfESl D EPINEUIL & EVANS. Civil Engineers and Pat"nt Solicitors. No.:i5 WALNUT S J R t ET., PuiLDKLPiiiA. PATENTS solicited Consultations on Ensineering and Sketches ..Models and .Machinery of a'l kinds mahi and skil'ullv attended to. Special a'tenticn given to I! EJ ECTED CASES a"d INTER- FERENCES. Authentic Copies of all Docomeuts "from Patent Cflice procured. N. B. Save yourselves uelezs trouble and trav- eling expenses. as there is no actuai ueed for person- al interview with us. All business w ith these itfi-ce- s can be transacted in writing. For further infor- mation direct as above, with stamp enclosed for Cir- cular with references. April Id. IrtW, jy, J W. SAMUEL KNORR. ATTO 2: I E 1-VT- -LA W, CL003ISBIRG, PA. Office over llarlman's Store, opposite Po't Office . Bloomsburjr, April 4,'ISCG tf. CHARLES 0. BROOKWAY, Altornej-at-Iiai- V. - Bounties,' Beck-pa- y, Pensions, collected. P.iocial attration paid to matters arrising under the Internal Revenue Laws '0 OFFICE, one door west uf the Court House, Bloomsburg. Tai January 17,'liC6. - rJ . SLaSKATBS - Hotsb anil Cattle PoMers.- - This prtparatleSA, long and favorably knowa, will thor- oughly relarlforato brokca-dow- n aa4 low-spirit- horses, by strengtheBiaf and cleansing- - th stomach and late, tines. . It Is m sura pre- ventive of all dis-- i easaa iacMent tr. this animal, such l LUNG FXYR, CUoJiDSRd, YELLOW WA- TER, HEAVES, COUGH 8, DI- STEMPER. FE- VERS. FOUNDER LOSS OP APPE- TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &o. IU use Improves the wind, increases the appetite-giv- es a smooth and glossy skin and transforms the miserable skeleton into 4 g and spirited horse. - To keepers of Cows this preparation is invaluable It increases the quantity and Improves the quality: oi iue milk, it aaa bsen proven by ao-- taal experiment to Increase the qu&n- -, ilSi l- ' ; iCr I tity of milk and cream twenty per. cent, and make the, butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It gives them an appetite, loosens their n 1 a e , ana. i - make them thviva much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such si Cough, Ulcers ha Ihe Luries. Liver. Kc, this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-hal- f a paper to a paper in a fmrrel of swill the above disease will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, ft oertaln preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. , Price 2S Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for SL S. .A.. &, UHO., AT THUS 4 MHOLF.SALK DRI 6 AND MEDICINE DEPOT, Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Drnggisu and Storekeeper! threugl cut the United Slates. -- . - . For sale at the Drug ?tore of EYEK f MOYERy litoomsburg Ta. Rlfonishnrj, Jan 6. IPGfi. 12mo. DR. W. II. WIIITMOR, AS been in successful practice for a jinmber 6 n years, with the experience of the different l-i i Euroi, also a member of the Analyical Medical Institute of New Yc rk, ronti tucs to attend to all profssional caes at his cities No. Did Filbert Street, l'hiladelpt.ia. i. No pateni Meilicine are used or recommended : thn remedies aduiiuislered are tho:e which will not break rown the contilutinn. but renovate the sys- tem from all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the system in a healthy and perfectly cured condition, 3. DYSI'EPSI . that distressing disease and fell degwycr of health and happines. undermining the con tilutiint.nl yeaily earring thousands lo un- timely raves. can most empha.ically be cured. 4. Alelancbol v. Ahberraliou. that state ot Allna-tiu- n aud wakuess of the mind which renders per sunk incapable ot enjoying the pleasures or perforat- ing the duties of life, 5. RHEUM AT!M,in nny form or condilion.rhron-i- a or acute, warranted cursbln. t. EPI I. HPS v. or falling siokuess, all chronic of' stubborn case of Ftt.lIAI'Fs DISEASES radica'ly removed ; Sa t Rheum and every Arrrtp., tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases which have battled all previous medical skill, can bn cured by my treatment ; and I do say all diseases, Cyes Cowsumitiow) can be cured by wearing my Mrrcii-rate- d Jicket. which is a protection to the lungs against all rlianres of w eather in all climates liar., ing tnvestis-ite- for year' the ceuse and character i interiiufents (fever and rgue) in all parts of the United States will cure permamnlly all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous piseaes ia a few ' '1a'8- - . .... lancer Cured unhonl lac Knire or U'hwid; B:ood. Tar'o .Worm, that dread to the Human Family for years, can Le removed with two or Ihjve doses of nr new I discovered remedy, warranted in all cases. t'onsulialion in the English and Ccrman languages free ot charge. Will make visits any distance, if desired. May be addresse by letter (confidential! v.) and Medicine s?rt. with proper directions to any part ol the country. ' OFFICE No, 923 Filbert St. Phila.' April 4. 18Gfi ly. DRTjrh. EVANSJ riivsician aud Sursreou.' 'AVlNli loa'rf! pprtnaiitfuily on Hl'arn 1 Sirer-t- . BLOOMSBITKC. Pa., wnnl.l ia- - lorm the public generally . tti.Tt he is prepr'.in d lo attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intruteil to bis Care, outerins commensu- rate with the limes', ITT" lie pays ytrict attention to Surgery as wall as medicine. Nov.'ii. 1 S63, ly. M. M. TBAUGII, ATTO II A IiY-AT-- ls W, PL OOMSB URG, Pa. Will pra nice in the several Courts of ColunibRr and aljoiiiins counties. XJT All Collections promptly attended to. June "), iMiii. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Atforiiev nl Tj.'iit, DLOOMSUtllti. 10LCMBIA CO., PA.' J ILL prartlc in the several Cntjrtsof Columbia" i' I'nunlv ....... . .... All ft. h ....... - In 1.. ' - - .fim. v.afirv tup, ,v ail ttii .11,111 iru nc pri'itjj.i niieiiiaon. tufice n Main Mreet, Exchange Buildings, ever ' MiiU r's Siore. Llooms-biirg- . Apr il 13, led Jutivc ol'lSic IVnce, Licensed Lonrtymccr, Scrivener, and1 Sarvcyor. Oliicc Rearer Valley Va' Will attend totiking Acknowleilgements Write ire -- cis. ,,iiinnj'-- , l.e.ies. tfonds. lotes, yisnee- - iiieuts, Ac. Surveying atleuded 10 w ith despatch Cliirges nioderat". UKUCEKIES AND Ent. n.wriJ.. havirf boucbl L. Runyon's P STORE is i.ow prepared to sell Cro ies at Whole vale or Retail, as Ll'cap as the est. YOLT CAA TIA' -- J Sugars. t.;'a: t oF?F.r.s. ' SYftUFS. SPICES, CRrVCKERis ST A RCm. SODA CORNSTARCH DRIED FRUIT CANNED r7RUIT,' Y00DEN-W- A RE. FI.OUR FISH EEANS. ONIONS, kc.,kc. EPH. IV. ELWELL. RlooinsViirg Ecb 14, ISCO; ( mt -- t f fi irtt Vl'inll U'. a l,UliU asenla every wlirt to n. our improved gJO Sewing Machines. Tbre.n pPWJ kinds. Under and-upp- feed. Warranted ftva years. Above salary or largo romruissions pif-- . The I V I . V mirltinna in , ft. --. I r ...... .1 C: . - . u - e , than $4l, whirt are fully licensed by Howe.Wbeel-- t r St Mi son, Crorex ft. Ilaker. Si nger is Co., and Bachelder. All of ner cheap Machines are Infringe- ments and the seller or usei are liable to arrest. Ann and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or ri; upon Shaw &UIaik, Biddcf'ord, Me., or Chicago III. December 20. lrU ly. OMNI BUS LINE. THE undersigned would respectfully anhonhce tcj citizen of Bloomsburg, and the public Ben- -' erallv. that he is running an OMNIBUS LINK, be tween this j lace aud the dif- - r' ferenl Rail Una, I llnnt. Hn. 0Cr ly. (Sundays excepted) to is SlA connect wnn t?te several. 1 rams goinj; Srotb a Wes t n the C'atawissa and Williamsport, Rail Aoad and" with lhna ffninft? SJ.irth n n H ft2,,I, A -- w . . . Bloomsburg Road. . His OMNI BUSpES are in good condition, commo- dious and comfortable, and charj.es reasonable. By Persons wishisg to meet or see thsir friends depart, can be accommodated, upon ieasnnable charges, by leaving' timely notice at any of tbe Ho- - tela. JACOB L. GIRT0N, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. BLANKS I BLANKS '. I Of etcrj debcripiion lor eate anbu eiScc'
Page 1: qu&n- -, M, ex- l-sues two gallons ofgreen tomatoes, five:;c-uu- u ol ground mustard mm, two ot xirastitrd seetl, two table?poonfub of d annanion onotaLIespoonful ofcloves, 70 pound


a tree loaded with fruit, toPrevent the branches from breaking downAny IrancL or tree which requires propping,La3 more fruit than it ought to carry, eith-

er for the good of the tree or the good of thefruit. The first thing to do 13 to remove

- immediately all the smaller poor or knottyepecimcna. If this is done before growth hasceased, and sometimes after ripening hascommenced, the improvement of the remaininr nortinn will more than compensate for

tho reduction in number. In those regionswhere the peach bears only occasionally, theowners often attempt to get all they can byallowing an'over-abunda- nt crop to --remain,They will get quite as many bushels by re-

moving one-ha-lf or two-third- s, and obtain animmense superiority in flavor.

This is the plan we follow and hare recommended it to others every year in season,The folly of supposing that more fruit can beobtained by allowing all to cemain on thetree, causes it to be small and poor, and com-

pletely exhaustisg the tree- for a full year, isbo glaring that we would think it would nev-

er be' repeated. But it is, and it seems im-

possible to convince those who do so of theInjury and loss. On some of our owa .peartrees we have left but one-four- th of the cropremain, and the consequence is that theseare about three times as large, will be full-flavor- ed

and will leave the trees in a healthycondition for a similar crop nest year. Ger-

man town Telegraph.

Salt FobAnimals. At a late meetingof the New-Yor- k Farmer's Club, the ques-

tion of giving salt to animals was discussed,vhen Prof. Nash said, "that is an essentialdement ofanimal life. When partaken ofbeyond proper limits, it is injurious. In cer-

tain localities it is essential to render foodpalatable.- It is a good aperient many times.In some parts of the world it exists in thefood as in salt hay, for example in sufS-- ,cient quantities not to require any more.Shut off a human being from food contain-ing saline material and he could not surviveonly a short time, and would die a most

death. There is salt in the soiland it passes into the plants that form hu-

man food and the subsistence for dumb ani-

mals.- The correct rule is, let every animalLave access to salt or saline material at plea-

sure. The taste will direct when the systemneeds salt If animals in a state of naturedid not really need salt they would' have noappetite for it.-"- "

Fowls Eating Their Featiieii3. Thisis one of the most annoying habits to whichdomestic fowls are addicted. It is a-- morbidappetite, apparantly induced' in the outsetby the impatience of the fowls under confine-

ment. It is very difficult" to cu-e-, and we

have known if to be kej)t up till some indi-viduals of the flock who were made specialvictims, were


almost entirely denuded oftheir feathers, and sometimes have even hadtheir entrails torn out. The best preventivesare animal food, raw bones, oyster shells andcharcoal, broken fine, and arvaricty of grainswith dear water and clean apartments.Sometimes a particular fowl shows a moreinveterate dispo si tion to eat feathers tha nthe rest of the flock ; it is best to remove orkill-suc-

h fowls.- - It is supposed that thishabit is first induced while the fowls aremoulting, and their pin-feathe- are filledwith blood of which they are very fond.Country Gentleman.'

PRESFJIVINOTOJIATOES.Canneso. Tomatoes will soon become

Very cheap, and the following recipes mayafford some hints to housewives desirous ofpreparing them for future use :

By canning and bottling them in abund-ance during the' summer we can secure forour tables next winter a nice and cheap dish.For winter use peel ripe and fresh tomatoesp rocured as late as possible in the season ;

season with-sa- and pepper, as for immedi-ate eating, put them in bottles or tin cans,bottles are jnst aa good as cans, cork themttp, leaving a hole in the centre of the corks,put them in a pot of cold water and ect itover & fire where the water will boilfor en

take them up, cork andpeal them tight, and keep in a cool place.They shouldnot be opened until the weatherbecomes cold,

Vzut TTell Put. Some one writes bothgracefully and forcibly : "I would be gladto see more parents understand that whenthey spend 'money judisiTCsly to improve andadorn the house and the grounds around it,they are in effect paying their cllildren a pro-mu- m

to stay at home, as much as posiible,to enjoy it; but that when they spend mon-ey unneccessarilym fine clothing and jewel-ry for their children, they are paying thema premium to-- spend thei tim away, fromhome that is, in those places where theycan attract the most attention and make thelaost display."

Seeding Meadows in England. Mr.Willard says, "Meadows arc seeded with thefollowing, per acre : 12 quarts of - common

.8 crrorta Italian --rye fourrye grass; - grass ;quarts red-- clover ; pearl clover, 4 pounds :

or in lieu of this last, two of trefoil and twopounds of timothy. The system it to cutone crop, and then turn to pasture and keepin pasture three or four years, and then breakup. "When meadows arc not fed down inFpring, the crop is about four tons to theacre.".

Tomato Wixe: It may not be known toall our readers that an excellent wine can bemade from tomatoes.- - We hare drank winecf this kind which good-- judgssr unaware ofita nature, pronounce still catawba. The fol-

lowing is said to-b- e a good recipe for makingtomato wine, which is said to retain all thewell-know- n medicinal propertiesof the fruit :llxpresa the juice of ripe tomatoes,, put oneppund of sugar to each quart of the juice,and bottle. . Ina few weeks it will have the

and flavor of tho pure wine of; i it kind. No alcohol is needed to pre-u- ve

it. Germantown Telegraph,

Svrx. Green Tumo Pickle. Peelsues two gallons of green tomatoes, five

:;c-uu- u ol ground mustard mm, twoot xirastitrd seetl, two table?poonfub ofd a nnan ion ono taLIespoonful ofcloves,70 pound of brown-sujrAr- . three quarts of

vinegar, JJod all together until quite done.It yu-- choose, you may use one spoonful of--round cinnamon and a portion ofcinnamon, nk. Celery tops improve the flavor. They

-- excellent.-



Guaranteed by printed Certificate to be entirelyfree from adulteration.

"Concentrated Bone Fertilizer"a reliable quick yielding manure.

O-- Farmers con order direct or through any

dealers. ZJ A """VbrNIGU Aug"t 1 . 1366 -- Sm. AHentown, P..



with stringency of the Moneynooda to comparey. . .... ,1 ..nnnra aril-p- a .Durrhi.il- -AlarKCli iiuuft nu bvuifviu r -

ins elsewhere. Juot call at the favorite busioesastand of McNinch As Shu man. and you will be met

their Clerke and shownby toe obliging Proprietors or. k ...;. .t vori.iv Store free of charge, ofcourae. they will give you a fair chance to spend yourloose change, they trust much more profitably thanit can be a pent elsewhere. Their

STOCK OF DRY GOODS,this Spring is much larger in air it varieties manusual. Their Ladies Dress Goods areof the niceststyles in Market. They have a fine assortment-o-f

Hats, Caps, Hoots and Shoe.,Summer Cloths. CasineU. Cassimers and Vestings,and numerous articles common to such establish-ments, besides a general assortment of

HARDWARE. TINWARE.Queensware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I

prices. 1 liey WIkU io couuuci mui -- uufiiioii tuusystem, of

"PAY AS YOU UU 'and they think they can afford to sell very cheap.They return toeir tnana lor many psi lavors, amiauk the future natrnnagn of their former customersand the public generally.

May 16, 1306. tf.


OS-1- 2 02, G? 3D X--T 9 553

noci:irv SI O.&E.TUB undersigned begs leave to announce to the

of Bloomsburg and the surroundingcountry that he keeps eonslan lly on hand nt his oldstand, on Uie south vast corner of Main and Iron sis.,a prime lot of

GREEN AND BLACK TEAS,Coffee, Sugar, Syrups. Tobacco, Cigar. Dried Fruit.

loal Oil, tfitun, Spices, Butler. Kgg. lardCheese. Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor

and Hand Lamps, Taints of all kinds,and paint brushes. Dye Bluffs, Dry

Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy'swear. Soaps, Flour, Chop,

C.ieensar. Glass. Put-ty, Salt. Fish. Meat,

Candies Buckets,Brooms.

Hosiery. Rooks, Writing Paper, fnic, Hardware,l'orket knives. 4'embs, Sec. tec. Ice.

He keeps in facte very thinj appertaining to a firstclasaUrocery and- - Variety Store.

He is determined nol to be undersold. All kinds ofproduce taken at the

HIGHEST MARKET PRICES.Having just received anew Hock, the people arc

earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. Bystrict attention to business, he hopes not only to re-

tain his patronage but to increase it. He feels thank-ful for past favors, and with' mauy years experiencein the business, he feels confident he can render satisfactiun to all who fav or hiui with their paUonaire.

JOHN K C1UTON,Bl oinHburg, June 29, 18tV.


Latest and Grandest opening of the seasonat

, BOGART & KREAMER'SClieap and Extensive Dry Goods Empori-um at

Where they will o(fif the newrpt and mrFt ileoir.il!stylcsaud qualities W FOREIGN AMI) BO.rf iZ&V iC

V DRY GOODS,embracing all the latest Vdrieties and styles in themarket.

In the Dry Go.-i- line they offr the following,among nrany other articles 'sold by them, at"

PA.MC TKICES,riain Clack and Fancy Dress of cvr;ry

description and figure. Black and i.'oloredMohair Alpaccas. Real Organdy Jacouct

Lawns ;

xllusli:i,, Sht'clins, I'iUoAVCac Itislins

and Linens. Ti kings. Checks. Cotton r.intaloonEtufTi, Linen Drillings, Flannels. Cotton and

, Uoen Table Cloths. For the latent styloof PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS,for Ladies and Cbi'dren. mil upon

BOGART & KREAMEll.They also keep on hand a complete assortment of

Solions ami 'rocciic,consisting, in part, Glorr-s- . Hosiery of all kin ls,Balmoral?, ttonnet Bibhons. tsummur Hat for m-i- i,

women and children. Head dresses, lace vi-i'- pnnknivea, combs of every description. pencils, pen paperand ink ; AIo, Sugars. Violas-en- , ;g.x.l syrups.) ialt,pepper and spices. Mackerel of govd quality , cheese,butler and eggs, homs, shoulders and erJu.

1 hey also have a full assortmeut of' 3,,.? CgnpdDLssacgf;such as axes, nails and spikes, screws, hinges andbolts. Taints and Oils, Cedar Buckets ami WilierBaskets, 4c. Jte.

BOGART & KREA3IER,sell cheap for Cash, or Country Proluce, which willbetaken in ez bange fur goods. Give them a railand ex inline their extensive assortment for your-selves before purchasing elsewb"re

BOGART i. K REAMER.July 4. nca.-- tr


AND BOOK S70BE,Second dcor below ilartmau's Maia Street.

Just received a new rtock of7.EPH f SL3, WOOLEM AXD COT-TO- V



aud every variety of articles usually kept in a; FAINCY STORK.

AtsaSciinol Dnoks. Hymn Rooks, Bibles, Sunday.School Books, and a large let of

MISUELLAXEO US B 0 OKS,Account and Memorandum Books. Blank Deeds.Bunds and Mortgages, and a general and well-selecte- d

assort men of Paper. Envelopes, ice.A.D.WEBB.

Blooinsbarg, June 20, 1SG6, --tf

WTHE undersigned respectfully announces to thethat be keeps constantly on band, at bisold (laud, one door below Lutz's Drujr glore.

WALL PAPER,Oil Cloth, and Paper Window Shades, Cord. Tas-se- ls

and Pi x to res, for Pictures., A.c. ot the verylatest styles, and M prepared.to do all kinds of paperhanging to order.

E. J. TI10RT0N.Cloom.'burg, April 4 lftW. If



Office opposite Post cjjkl, over Ilarlman's store.Back Bay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov

trtiment claims promptly collected.Bl ootngburg, Apr. 4, '66.- -

RAPPING AND MINING PA--PER. Havinr thoronrhlv nvirhanlid tn Paper itma t Mill Grove, near Bloomsbnrg, Columbia

wU!l!i!.'n.V ,B "owrtP" to fi all order forkl . " a r and Water rroorfaper, on

ho,,. iB WHken-Bar,V.'.4J";- i,oprnea a ware1 Jninh It row noi mc nin oi Brom.G

of my paper m Luerc Cout: 7 10 a'P' TUOMAdSloe aisbut, Sept. 16,4565,


Protoxide ot Iron,a new discovery in medicine which

STRIKES. AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE!, DYsupplying the Blood with its vital prihcipl. oblavaa elimemt IRON. .This is the aecret of the wonderful success of hisremedy in curing

Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplaint, Dropsy,Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous

Affections, Chills and FerergyHumors, Loss of Consti-tutional vigor, Diseases

of the Kidneys &Bladder, Female

Complaints,and all diseases originating in a

BAD STATE OF THE BLOODor accompanied by Debility or a low stale of the

systemBeing free from Alcohol in any form, its enerpiz.

ing effects are not followed by corresponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor andHew 1.1 ie mie an pnrnoi ine system, ana buildingup an IRON CONSTITUTION.

DYSPEPSIA AXD DEBILITYFrom the Venerable Archdeacon Si'OTT. D. n.

Dun ii am. Canada Eat, March M, 18tj.l am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more

than 23 years" Handing."'I have so wonderfully benefitted in the

three short weeks during Which 1 have used the Peruvian sjrup.that lean scarcely persuade myselfofthe reality. People who havo known me are aston-ished at the change. I am widely known and canbut recommend to others that which has dono somuch for me


"I have suffered, and sometimes severely, lor 27years, from dyspeptic, I commenced taking the Pe-ruvian Syrup, and found iuuiiediale benefit from it.In the course of three or four week I was entirelyrelieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed nuiu- -tcrruptecl health pver xmce "

AN EMINENT DIVrNE OF BOSTON, PAYS:"I have been using the Peruvian Pvruu for somelime past; it gives me new Vigor, Buoyancy of spirits. Elasticity of iu.cl.n

'Jouands ct" been changed bg the use o f this remedyCrew ittak, icklf .suffering creates, to tl'tong. healthy:and kappf, me aud tcome; and invalids cannot reasona-bly htsitale to gist a m trial.

A pauiplilet id J'i pages containing certifica.tes ofcures and recommendations from some of the mosteminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will besent ran loany address.

0""tJec that each botllehas PkRoviH vBur blowniu the glaitf.

FOR SALE BYJ. 1. DINSMORE, Proprietor. 3t Doy St. New York


sCKOFULA.All Mediral Men agree th;it IODINE i tlie PEfT

REMEDY for Scrcfula and all kindred diseases everdiscovered. The dithculty has been to obtain a PursSi.nTtO! of it.

Ilr. II. Antlers' IoSinc Water!s a Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL-VF.N- Tt!

Containing a Full Grain to each ouucu ofwater.

A. most Powerful Vitalizic'Agcnt andle..tirative.

H3 etrred and will cure H'RoFl'LA in all iUmani-ful- d


and it has been used with astonishing success in ca-ses of Rheumatism. Iv s pep i uf Con sumption. FemaleComplaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Dijm: ises.te.Circular will be sent rt to auy one seniling their

address.Price $1.1 0 a boUle, or 6 for $j.(0

Prepared by Dr. II. ANDEKS, Physician Sc. Ch Miiist.JFor Sale by

J. P. DI.NSM0R1, 30 Dey St. New YAnd by all Cruggiss.



HALF A CENTURY,"with the most astonishing success in curing

Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sure Throatluflueuzt, NVhoi)j.iD cough, Croup,

Liver complaint, BronchitiSjL'ifS-cult- y

of BrealLior. AslLma,a J ever y alfcc-tio- n


wliirh carries off more victims than anv oth"r disease and which bntn a the ski J uf Hie Phy jii iuiia toa greater extent than airy other malady, oilen

1 t.l.DH TO Tills UE.Mt.DYwilcn alt ethers prove metrectnal.

AS A .MEDICINERapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, safj in its Oper-


whireas a preparation, free from noxious inrredinentpoisons, or minerals ;'inllinz skill, gri:--n- e.aud medical knowledee; c"mhim:i all that is valuable in thevegetable kingdom lor tins class of diea-e,i- t is


and is entitted. merits, and receives the gerreral confidence ol tne puBiic,

SEYMOUU TIIATCnER, M. D.,of Herman. N. Y.. w rites as follows :

"WisTia's Ui.sm or Wild OutRnr-rive- s universalsalifa tion. It seems to cureaiouh by lot. ningand clranring the luncs.and allaying irritaiion thusremoving the cause, iiiblend of drying up the rnnliand leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Hal namHo d as any. if not the best. Cough me-ici- withwhich 1 am accriaiiited."llcv. Jacob Sechler, of Hanover, Pa.

Well known and much respected among the Germanpopulation in this country. makes the following state-ment (or the benefit of the atBicted,

Daa Sirs Having realized in mv familv in tiiir.tant benctils fruui the use of your valuable preparation Wistars Balsam or Wild Cukrry it affords mepleasure to recumuivnd it to the public. ome eightyears ago one of my daughters see.ned lobe in a rie- -

clinr an-- i little hvpe of her recovery were eniertain-e- dI then procured a bottle cf your excclleni Kalsam,

and before she had taku I he whole of the mounts ofthe bottle there Was a great improvement in berhealth. I hwve.in my individual cae made frequentuse of your Valuable lucdicme.aud have always beenbenefitted by it.

JCOB SECHLER.Trice One Dollar a iiotUe.

F.R salk byJT P. DIX9MORE.76 Dey Street. New York .SLT11 W FOVVLE. it fco.. Proprietors,, Boston.





Grace 9 Celebrated SalveCURES BOILS. ULCERS, CANCERS.

Grace's Celebrated i alvcCURES SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS.

Grace's Celebrated Salve cCURES r CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS,

Grace's Celebrated SalvaHEALS OLD SORES .FRESn WOUNDS,4.c '

It is prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and reduces the most angry-lookin- g swellings and irufla-mation-

as if by magie thus afibrdimg relief and acompete cure. '

Only 3 eenu a box ! (Sent by ma fl for 25 cents,)For Sale by

X. P. DIVSMORE 36 Dey Street. New York.S. VV. FOWE . SON, Proprieto.s.Boston, and by allDruggists, Grocers, and Country store

Jaomajy 27,

BUSINESS COLLEGEN. E. Cor. Tenth and Chetcut Streets.

PHILADELPHIA,The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busi-

ness or Commercial College in the country.The only one in tho city possessing a Legislative

Charter, and the only one in the United States authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diaplomas awardedto graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor-porate seal by authority of law.

Conducted by geutieinfcn of liberal education andeilensive experience in business, and affording une-qualled advantages for the thorough theoretical andpractical education of young men for the various du-

ties and employ merit of business life.THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED


original and practical, giving the stu-dent in the shortest time a romp lete iptiahl into theroutine, detals. customs and farms of business ingeneral. as conducted in the commer-cial and financial establishment.

THEORETICAL BOOKKEEPINGUpon a new plan, with air original exposition of thescience of accounts, arraned and published bv theproprietor of this Institution exclusively for his ownuse. saving one-hal- f the ordinary labor of the studentand giving him a complete knowledge of tbi practiceof the lel accountants.


Booteeping,Commercial Ariihmetic,PeBusiness CorrerpondeDce,

Commercial Law, Lectures onBusiness Affairs, Commer-

cial l'a?tom8, Forms,and Actual Busi-

ness Practice.Special branchestlgebra end the Higher Mathematics, FUnogrcphy, Or

namental Penmanship, the jlrt o, DetectingCounterfeit Money, Engineering

A'arigalion, andYlrgTnpliig

TELEURAPHI VO.The arrancements for 'I eiegrapning are far more ad-

vance of anything of the kind ever ohVred to.the pub-lic A regular Tele raph Line is connected with theInstitution wih twenty branch olficeg in variousparts of the ci'y, where public business is transacted,aud in Which the studeHts of this Institution are per-mitted to practice. No regular office practice can bebad in anv otker school of instruction in the country,without which no one can obtain a position as a practical operator. Young men are cautioned aeainst thedeceptive representations of those who, without anysuch facilities, pretend In teach Telegraphiug.

PATRONAGE.Thifi Institution is now enjoying the largest patron-tronas- n

ever betowed upon any Commercial school inlfe State. Over five hundre students were in atten-dance the first year, and over seven hundred: duringthe past year. The best class of students may inva-riably be found here, and all its associations are firstclarb.

LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS.This Institution is located in the mosi central part

of the city , and its accommodations, for extent, ele-gance and convenience, are unsurpassed. All therooms have'ieen fitted up in the very best style with



supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes usedas a circulating medium in the Department of ActualBusiness.

. TO YOl'IV Jlliitfwho desire the very best facilities for a

Practical Ldacatiuu lor Business,we guaran tee a course of Instruction no where elseciuallud, whi'e the reputation and standing of theInstitution among busintss men make ita endorsemeiit the beat passport to success and advancement.Ail contemplating entering nny Commercial College,are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED

CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUEcontaining complete interior views of the College,aud full particulars of the course of instruction,terms, &.c

L. FAIRBANKS, A. 31.,President,

T. E. MERCHANT, SupL of Office Business.Nov. 4, lai5 liim.

JRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS.Pure Medicines, nt John R. M oyer's Drugstore,

corner oi Main aud Market Streets. A good assort-ment of -

Pi'KE ii:iros,Medicines, Paints. Oils and Variiishof?, always onhard, and will be sold cheaper than at any otherDri g Sloro in hiivn.

QUALITY GUARANTEED.Prescriptions' carefully compounded at" Mdycr's

Drug Store,Ayersand Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug

Store,g Tar Cordial. Raker's Cod Liver Oil,

Window's Soothing Syrup, sold at i oyer's DrueStore.

For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer'sDrug Store.

Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R.Moyer's Drue Store, Bloouisburg, Pa.

Aiay 2, ltoti. tf.


The unJersigned respectfully informs the citizensof Hlootihurz nnd Columbia county , that they keep

II the tli:r. rent numbers of stove coal and sefectedlump coal for suiij'iing purpose, on their wharf, ad-joining MrKolvv, Ncul &Co's Furnace ; with a goodpair Buffalo scales on the w harf.to weigh coal, bay andstraw .ikenisea horse and wagon, to deli ver coalto those who desire it. As we purchase a largeamount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article,and sell at the very lowest prices. Pleae call andexamine for your biLvcs before purchasing elsewhere.



rrTIE undersigned will lake, in exchange for Cor.fI and Groceries, the following rained articles :

Wheat. Rye, Corn. Oats. Potatoes. I.ard, I! am. Shonlder, and side meat. Butter, Eggs, Hay. 4c , at lh:highest cash prices, at his Grocerv tore. adjoiningHi. ir coal vird. J. V. HE NDERSIIOT.

Blonmslturg, April 2.T, ISiiti, ly.



IT HE subscriber, proprietorof the ahnve named e- -

ive cstahlishment. i nowii" J ikta- - prepared to rcccuu orders- for

All Kinds of Machinery,for CnMerie. ftlast Furnaces, Ptalionary Engines,

M1LI, THHESHIXG M At.'H IN ES. fcC A.C.He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sixes and

patterns. pow-irons- , and everything usually made ioriist-clas- s Foundries.His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war- -

ant hi in in receiving the largest contracts ou them t reasonable terms.

(E7 Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange forcastings.

This establishment is lca.ed near the t.ackawa-n- a

S. Uloomsburg Railroad Depot.PETER EILLMYER..

Ulaoinsburg, Sept. 12. 103.



ional services to the ladies aud gentlemen of Bl oinsburzand vicinity, lie isprepared to atiend to all tho vnrions

op rations in the line of his profession. anjis providedwlh 1'ie l.ilest improved PQHCKI1L TF.ETH; whirl,w II hointerled ou gold. platina.silver and rubber br. eto look w II as the uatuial teeth

Ml ter il plate and bli ck teeth manufactured ar allO) en lions on teeth .carefully and properly attended to.

Ilei.'ence and oiiire a few doors above the CourtII iue. same side.

Ill jouisburg, June G 1;C3


lScarly opposite the Episcopal Chinch.CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS.

MY stock is composed of fine clothing," mediumlow priced adapted to all conditions,

tastes and wants. He has the latest stylea for theseason a fine assortment ofOrercoats and Gentlemen's Shaw.s,from low to the very best"

His Goods are laxhiunuble and well .Made.In addition to my stock of ready-mad- e clothing, I

have piece goods for custom orders,

Cloth!. Cassimcrey, &c., &c.And having one of the first class cotters, I yuarantee a fit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also avariety of

H 00LEX AND LINEN SIiIRIS,Stockings, Neckties. Collars, Stocks, Handkerchiefs

everything In' the gentlemen's line of clothing.Also, flats. Boots and Shoes, Trunks' and Carpet

bags.1 will sail at the lowest Market prices. Please give

me a call before parchaning elsewhere.ANDREW J. EVANS,

Eloomsburg, Not. 15. ieC5.

$90 A. TIO.VTII I Agenta wantedfor tr entirely nrm artW't. lust'eut. " Ad.

dress O. T. GARRY. City Building, Bedford. Mains.Ixs. 23, lSC3.Jr.



Spring and Summer Goods.TH E subsrriber has just returned from the cities

with another large and select assortment ofSPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,

purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at thelowest figure, and which be la determined to sellon as moderate terms as can be procured elsewherein llloomsburg. ,

His rtock comprises

LADiES OHESS GOODSof the choicest styles and latest fashions togetherwith a large assortment ofDRY-GOOD- S, MUSLINS,' CLOTflS,and Vtstings. Ano, Groceries, Hardware, Cedar-War- e,

Hollow-ware- , Nails, irou,

SOOTSAHJi SHOES,Hats nnd Caps, Jlc In short, everything usuallykept in a country stores, to which he invites the at-

tention of the public generally.The highest price will be paid for country produce

in exchange for goods., S. LI. MILLER.

P.loomsburg. Nov. ISR5.



CAPITAL AXD SUufuTs, - - $150,A SSETS.

SrorX not eaTed in. ijO,0IOBills receivable, --


S. 5-- 20 Bonds, ... DIM)

Temporary and call loans. ti.OOU1113 shares Wyoming bank Stork,50 shares First National Hanlf hi Wi 5,(KX)70 shares hecond ational Hank at W ilkcs-Karr- e 7,Hm4d shares U Ukes-Uarr- e tiridgu Stock. - . li.HOReal Estate, 1,51'JJudgments, --

Due Ironi Agents and others, ... 7,414Cash in aand and in Bank, .... l,ril


G. M HOLI.KNRACK, President.L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vice Pre 7.

K. C. SMITH, Secratart.F. DROWN. Agent,

March 34. 03 Pa.

iSzlLS awB1,feli A


SElf ING MACHINES.Lmpire Slmtllc Iflncliinc

PAI.FRXMS. 5:10 Broadway. N. Y.,250 Washineton 1 1 eet, Boston('Ji Che. nut Street. Philadelphia,

PATENTED FEB. II, IM.0.M ACH IXE is constructed on entirely new


principles of uierliniii.-m- , possessing many rareami valuable inpr veuients, having been eximiueilby the mol profound e.rpe.ls. and pronounced t o

Simplicity and Perfect idn- omhim1.It hs a straight needle, perpendicular action,

makes the I.OL K or SHI T TLE STITCH, which willneither RIP aor KAVEL. and is a'ike on both sides ;

performs perfect tewing on every description ofmaterial, from Leather to the finest NansooS muslin,with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from th coarsestto the Psest number. Having neither C A M or COGWHEEL and th.sleast possible friction, it runs assmooth as glass, and is

Emphatically a Noiseless Machine.It req-iire- s FIFTY PERCENT. lesspowcr to drive

it I tun any other machine in tho market. A girltwelve years f ace can work HsltaJily. witnoutfatigue or Injury to health

lis Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construc-tion rcn 1eri i'. almost impossible to gel out of order,and is GUAR AN fEbU by the company to give en-

tire satisfai u'on.We respectfully invite all those who may desire to

supply themselves with a superior article, to comeand examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE.

One ball hour's instruction is sufficient to enableany person to work' this machine lo their entire Eatislaction.

Agents wanted for all towns i i the United States,where agencies are not already established. Also,for Cuba. Mexico. Central and South America, lowhom a lili'-r.i- l discount will be civ.-n- .



A. M. RUPERT,Announces to his many fiiendsand numerous mi-- toniers that lie continue the aliove business at bis

old place of business on MAIN fcTUEEr, BV.OO.V1S-BLRG- .

Ids customers aud others can" be accommod itedwith

FANCY STOVESof all kind, Stovepipes.Tiu are, and everyarticle found in all well regulated STOVEAND TIN WAKE ISTAlJI.lsU.YIENTS in the ei: ties.an d on t he mnt reasonable terms.

CJy" SPOUTING, for houses aud b rns. will be putup on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing donopromptly and upon liberal terms.

He also keeps on hand a lar-'- e supply of MilkPans, of different sizes and prices ; b.;iils a fine as-sortment of Fisner's Pateni s'clf-Sealin- g Fruit Pre-serving Can. Give hi in a call

July Id. Ir'iW. tf.


Jntt Pul'iihcd.in a grated F.nrelope rnee siz cents.A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical

Cure of Spermatoribooa, or Seminal Weakness. In-voluntary Sexual Debility, aud Impedi-ments to Marriage generally, Ner vouuc?. Con-sumption, Kpiledsy. and Ft s ; Mental and PhysicalIncapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, tc By'lli

J CULVKIUVELL. M. D Aotlior of the'Green Book.1 Ato.Tne world-reno- w .led author, ia tlii admirable Lec-

ture, c early proves from Ins own experience thatthe awfui consequences rf Self Abuse may be effect-ually removed without medicine, and without dan-cero- us

su gical operations, bougies," instruments,rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure atonce certain and effectual, by wnich every sulferer,no matter what bis condition may be, may cure him-s-l- f


Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad-dress, post paid, on receipt of six cunts, or two poet-ag- e

tluiups, by addressingCHAS J, C. KLINE JL CO,

127 Bowery, New York, Post OJlice b( x, 4orCJuly id, ISoG. ly

Wm. c. ntxezET, CCO. W. CAKHkKTlR.

Eitablished 1828.G. Y. CARrEXTEIl, IIEXSZE V & CO.

WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS.737 Market St. one door below gib, Pi'iLADELeni,


PAINTS OILS. GLA.--S, VARNISHES, DYE,And every other article appertaining to the

business, of th; bett quality, and at thelowest Market Rales.

March 23. IPtifi.

J 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGELOT OF FENCING BOARDS FORsale. The undersigned oilers for sale upon themost rasonaile terms, at his place of business, inBENTON. COLUMBIA COUNTY, one hand red thou-sand shingles and a la rge lot of fencing boards, ofthe very best quality, both pine and hemlock.

J. J. McUJiNRY.Benton, M ay 9, 1686.


WH EATON'S OINTMENTH HI lure The Itch iu 48 Hours.

Also cures' SALT RHEUM. UI.CER9. CHIL-BLAINS, and alt ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. ?rice50 cents. For Sale bv nil Druggists. By sending COcents to WEEKS Sc. POTTER.Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Borton, ll bo forwarded by mailfree of postage, to any part of Ute United States.J una 8, 18btt. If.

JYcw Stock ofClothing.S prills aaid Summer Joods.

1NVITF.S attention to bis stock of cheap andClothing et lijs Store, on

MJilN STREET. BLOOMSBURG,two doors above the Jlmtrican House,

where he has Just received from New York andPhi ladelpbia, a full assortment of a

Men and Roy's Clclmi,including the most fesliionabln, durable and handseme, DUESS GOODS, consisting ofliox, Sack, Frock f Gum and Oil Cloth

Coats, and Bants,of nil sorts, size, and colors. He also has rennished his already large stock of Fall and WinterMiawlg; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirtscravats, etocks. collars, handki-rclnvfs- , gloves, buspenders and faney articles.

N H. He hns constantly on band a large and wellselected assortment of Cloths nnd Vustiuzs. whichhe is prepaied to make up to order, into any kind ofcmming 011 very short notice and in the best ol m mner.

All his clothing is made to wear and most of il isOf liomc manufacture.


"f cvpiv Descrintinn. Fip.A ml f'Ki.nn Hi. r-- rrJewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex-amine his general attortmem of Clothing, Watches,lewtiry, ate. fitc.

DAVID LOWEN'DURG.Elooinsburg, April 20. ie3.

E Ri:sil ARRIVAL,AT I'ETKK KN'I '.S NT0IIE,IN LIGHT STREET,op sii:bi AiR sujajiftR


HAS just received from the Easternand is now opening at the old stand a

splendid assoitii'eut of

2L g& tr cs eam cQ. a. Z2 . ewhich will be sold cheap forCA.SIl OK COUNTRY IMIODUOK !

His Ftock consists of Ladies' Dress Goods, choiceststyles and latest fashions,(JALIUOES.MU.SI.INS, GINGHAMS,FJjA N N E LS, 1 1 OS 1 12 It Y, (J A R 1 KT S,sil.KS, SHAWLS, llcadv I?J:wleClolhill?, SAT1NHTS, CSS1M-- E



COOTS AND SllOi:s,.H.TS and CATS,In khort, everyth ng usually kept in a country

store.The pa'ronace of hi o'd friends, and the puclic

generally, is respectfully solicited.1 he highest market price pan lor country produce.

PETER EM'.Light Street. May 2, leoc.

Lackawanua & Bloorusburg Kailroad.



Leave Scrariton, 4 Id t VIKingston, SIM) .r

' Rloouisl urg. rV-- fl '.!Arrive at Northumberland 10 'Si


Leave Northuinbcrlaud, 7.00 5 if)" Danville, l Ti 40' lllooiiisliurg, fi 21

Arrive nt Scrai:ton. VH MiaTrsins leavinn Kingston at 8 30 A: M for Scrauloii

connect with Tiiiln arriving nt New York rr5 Ml.e ivine Norlliiiinlie'l.ind at f.fltr A M.anil K.'uvston2 30 P. M , connect with Train arriving at New Vorfcat 10,53 P. M.Passengers taking Train Sorilh from Scrapton at 5 .')')

A M via Nielhiiiiiucrluud.reaih llarrisburc 'i J P M.lialtiiunre 5 'Ml P M.. IU OU P M via Ru-pert reach Philadelphia at 7 00 P M. ,

ii. a. r'oxDA. supt.Kineston, Nov .25. 1805.


spring; Sc Summer SctliCiiic.





Mu ii if ict iring CV em itx,M A X U F A CTU R I'.RS OF TH E


Which has become to favorably known as arO.V. C Jl.--

D REb TURA 1 H E,By Pliyriciaus and Invalids in all parts of the coun')'.

The new preparation. in combina-tion iih li.ili.le of Lime," presents one of the mostprompt alterative aseni. in a form capable of exert-in- s

lull action upon th; system, ami this inminotennd pleasant doses. Il is conceded that the altera-tive, resolvent, or tonic cllccts of Iodine are exert-ed most decidedly WLen associ ited with other alter-a- .

i ves . in continuation : and the Sarsap.iri'la seemslo fulfill perfectly all the favorable reiiihitious.The tirt eir. c t usually observed hou

"SARSAPAK II. I. A WITH IODIDE OF LI E"it;il n. is an Inrrease of appetite showing that ithas tonic properties of a marked character. Us

effects are niamlest in ils ready combina-tion with Hie blnml ami tissues Pale, (crolulouiw omen and childre n improve rapidly under ils use,and the vital functions assume a tiealthy condition.

Il is admirably adapted to a large nuibher oi chron-ic or acute atT-- clious pecul iar to children. Il is suit-ed to them both by the mildnes a nd efficiency ofmedicinal elli.-c- l and the pleasant, Httra' live forin .fthe remedy. It may be given fr a lo'it; period whereconstitutional influences are ileifed. an. I no rcpuir-nan- i

e, or disincimat on t' take tlie pyrup. cncoiin-t- -

red. In White-Swedings- . Hip Joiut Disease, andDistortions of the Spiue.it should b; givn p rsiit-ently- .

in moderate dotes, until relief is obtained.Li the Spring ft' the Ymr, and during the

J'i-- t Weather,the accumulation of morbid matters in rhe systemseems to become manifest and very troublesome .as-i!-

le, Headache, Boils, Cos?iveii:ss, Loss of ippe.tite. Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc , are verycommon. Nothing ever devised i better adapted toex te i nun ate or d M ve offt liese a If ion. Than tins tie wcomhixaiioii of SARS.tTARlLLA Willi IODIDEOF LIME.A" preyaraft-'- like it, or which nnprorimatct t ; oi an

Alterative, or Blond Parifi'r--has crrr before been plnrrd wit Mn the reach of 'inraids.Indeed, ii is an entirely nsw and fnmi.iu combina-tion, in no rest, ect resembling anything hilheito em-ployed.

The opinion of modical men concerning it. the de-scription of its chemical character, therapeutic val-ue, manner of use, etc., are given iu a circular,'which can be had at the store of any and ail first-clas- s

Druggists.LZr Sold in Bloomsbnrg. wholesale nnd rxtail, by

Ever c Mnyer, and all DruggistsJune 0, IcC.


Civil Engineers and Pat"nt Solicitors.No.:i5 WALNUT S J R t ET., PuiLDKLPiiiA.

PATENTS solicited Consultations on Ensineeringand Sketches ..Models and .Machinery

of a'l kinds mahi and skil'ullv attended to. Speciala'tenticn given to I! EJ ECTED CASES a"d INTER-FERENCES. Authentic Copies of all Docomeuts"from Patent Cflice procured.

N. B. Save yourselves uelezs trouble and trav-eling expenses.as there is no actuai ueed for person-al interview with us. All business w ith these itfi-ce- s

can be transacted in writing. For further infor-mation direct as above, with stamp enclosed for Cir-cular with references.

April Id. IrtW, jy, J W.


CL003ISBIRG, PA.Office over llarlman's Store, opposite Po't Office. Bloomsburjr, April 4,'ISCG tf.

CHARLES 0. BROOKWAY,Altornej-at-Iiai- V.

- Bounties,' Beck-pa- y, Pensions,collected.

P.iocial attration paid to matters arrising underthe Internal Revenue Laws'0 OFFICE, one door west uf the Court House,

Bloomsburg. TaiJanuary 17,'liC6. -


Hotsb anil Cattle PoMers.--

This prtparatleSA,long and favorablyknowa, will thor-oughly relarlforatobrokca-dow- n aa4low-spirit- horses,by strengtheBiafand cleansing- - thstomach and late,tines.

. It Is m sura pre-ventive of all dis-- ieasaa iacMent tr.

this animal, such l LUNG FXYR, CUoJiDSRd,YELLOW WA-TER, HEAVES,COUGH 8, DI-STEMPER. FE-VERS. FOUNDERLOSS OP APPE-TITE AND VITALENERGY, &o. IUuse Improves thewind, increasesthe appetite-giv- es

a smooth andglossy skin andtransforms themiserable skeleton into 4 g and spiritedhorse.

- To keepers of Cows this preparation is invaluableIt increases the quantity and Improves the quality:

oi iue milk, it aaabsen proven by ao--taal experiment toIncrease the qu&n- -,ilSi l- ' ; iCr I tity of milk andcream twenty per.cent, and make the,butter firm andsweet. In fatteningcattle, It gives theman appetite, loosenstheir n 1 a e , ana.i- make them thviva

much faster.In all diseases of Swine, such si Cough, Ulcers ha

Ihe Luries. Liver.Kc, this articleacts as a specific.By putting fromone-hal- f a paperto a paper in afmrrel of swill theabove diseasewill be eradicatedor entirely prevented. If given in time, ft oertalnpreventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. ,Price 2S Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for SL

S. .A.. &, UHO.,AT THUS 4


Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.For Sale by Drnggisu and Storekeeper! threugl

cut the United Slates. -- . - .

For sale at the Drug ?tore ofEYEK f MOYERy

litoomsburg Ta.Rlfonishnrj, Jan 6. IPGfi. 12mo.

DR. W. II. WIIITMOR,AS been in successful practice for a jinmber 6n years, with the experience of the different l-i

i Euroi, also a member of the AnalyicalMedical Institute of New Yc rk, ronti tucs to attendto all profssional caes at his cities No. Did FilbertStreet, l'hiladelpt.ia.

i. No pateni Meilicine are used or recommended :thn remedies aduiiuislered are tho:e which will notbreak rown the contilutinn. but renovate the sys-tem from all injuries it has sustained from mineralmedicines, and leave the system in a healthy andperfectly cured condition,

3. DYSI'EPSI . that distressing disease and felldegwycr of health and happines. undermining thecon tilutiint.nl yeaily earring thousands lo un-timely raves. can most empha.ically be cured.

4. Alelancbol v. Ahberraliou. that state ot Allna-tiu- n

aud wakuess of the mind which renders persunk incapable ot enjoying the pleasures or perforat-ing the duties of life,

5. RHEUM AT!M,in nny form or condilion.rhron-i- a

or acute, warranted cursbln.t. EPI I. HPS v. or falling siokuess, all chronic of'

stubborn case of

Ftt.lIAI'Fs DISEASESradica'ly removed ; Sa t Rheum and every Arrrtp.,tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseaseswhich have battled all previous medical skill, can bncured by my treatment ; and I do say all diseases,Cyes Cowsumitiow) can be cured by wearing my Mrrcii-rate- d

Jicket. which is a protection to the lungsagainst all rlianres of w eather in all climates liar.,ing tnvestis-ite- for year' the ceuse and character iinteriiufents (fever and rgue) in all parts of theUnited States will cure permamnlly all chronic oracute cases of ague and nervous piseaes ia a few

''1a'8- - . ....lancer Cured unhonl lac Knire or U'hwid;

B:ood.Tar'o .Worm, that dread to the Human Family for

years, can Le removed with two or Ihjve doses ofnr new I discovered remedy, warranted in all cases.t'onsulialion in the English and Ccrman languagesfree ot charge. Will make visits any distance, ifdesired. May be addresse by letter (confidential! v.)and Medicine s?rt. with proper directions to anypart ol the country. '

OFFICE No, 923 Filbert St. Phila.'April 4. 18Gfi ly.

DRTjrh. EVANSJriivsician aud Sursreou.'

'AVlNli loa'rf! pprtnaiitfuily on Hl'arn1 Sirer-t- . BLOOMSBITKC. Pa., wnnl.l ia- -

lorm the public generally . tti.Tt he is prepr'.in d loattend to all business faithfully and punctually thatmay be intruteil to bis Care, outerins commensu-rate with the limes',

ITT" lie pays ytrict attention to Surgery as wallas medicine.

Nov.'ii. 1 S63, ly.


PL OOMSB URG, Pa.Will pra nice in the several Courts of ColunibRr

and aljoiiiins counties.XJT All Collections promptly attended to.June "), iMiii.

CHAS. G. BARKLEY,Atforiiev nl Tj.'iit,


J ILL prartlc in the several Cntjrtsof Columbia"i' I'nunlv....... . ....All ft. h ....... - I n 1.. '- - .fim. v.afirv tup, ,v ail

ttii .11,111 iru nc pri'itjj.i niieiiiaon.tufice n Main Mreet, Exchange Buildings, ever '

MiiU r's Siore.Llooms-biirg- . Apr il 13, led

Jutivc ol'lSic IVnce,Licensed Lonrtymccr, Scrivener, and1


Oliicc Rearer Valley Va'Will attend totiking Acknowleilgements Write

ire -- cis. ,,iiinnj'-- , l.e.ies. tfonds. lotes, yisnee--iiieuts, Ac. Surveying atleuded 10 w ith despatchCliirges nioderat".


Ent. n.wriJ.. havirf boucbl L. Runyon's PSTORE is i.ow prepared to sell Cro

ies at Whole vale or Retail, as Ll'cap as theest.


Sugars. t.;'a: t oF?F.r.s. 'SYftUFS. SPICES, CRrVCKERisST A RCm. SODA CORNSTARCH



RlooinsViirg Ecb 14, ISCO; (

mt --t ffi irtt Vl'inll U'. a

l,UliU asenla every wlirt to n.our improved gJO Sewing Machines. Tbre.n pPWJkinds. Under and-upp- feed. Warranted ftvayears. Above salary or largo romruissions pif-- .

The I V I . V mirltinna in , ft. --. I r ...... .1 C: . - . u - e ,

than $4l, whirt are fully licensed by Howe.Wbeel-- tr St Mi son, Crorex ft. Ilaker. Si nger is Co., andBachelder. All of ner cheap Machines are Infringe-

ments and the seller or usei are liable to arrest. Annand imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or ri;upon Shaw &UIaik, Biddcf'ord, Me., or Chicago III.

December 20. lrU ly.

OMNI BUS LINE.THE undersigned would respectfully anhonhce tcjcitizen of Bloomsburg, and the public Ben- -'erallv. that he is runningan OMNIBUS LINK, between this j lace aud the dif- - r'

ferenl Rail Una, I llnnt. Hn. 0Crly. (Sundays excepted) to is SlAconnect wnn t?te several. 1 rams goinj; Srotb a Wes tn the C'atawissa and Williamsport, Rail Aoad and"with lhna ffninft? SJ.irth n n H ft2,,I, A -- w . .

.Bloomsburg Road.. His OMNI BUSpES are in good condition, commo-dious and comfortable, and charj.es reasonable.By Persons wishisg to meet or see thsir friendsdepart, can be accommodated, upon ieasnnablecharges, by leaving' timely notice at any of tbe Ho--tela.

JACOB L. GIRT0N,Proprietor.Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864.

BLANKS I BLANKS '. IOf etcrj debcripiion lor eate anbu eiScc'
