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R&a 2010 BEx Workbooks

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© 2010 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.

Proven Techniques to Infuse More

Interactivity and Formatting into YourReports — All with Your !isting "AP#usiness !plorer Tools

$r% #erg

&omerit Inc%

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In This "ession '

• (ighlights of this session)

Pragmatic tips and tric*s for using "AP #usiness !plorer +"AP#!, !cel Analy-er

.seful tips and tric*s related to "AP #! !cel Analy-er

"potlight on o/scure and advanced features

0ain insight into 1out of sight2 features 0et to *now how BExGetData really wor*s

$emystified with e!amples

"AP 3et4eaver5 #4 6%! 0.I upgrade and 7%! wor*/oo*s

.nderstand the pain points during 7%! wor*/oo* migration

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4hat 4e8ll &over '

• Infusing Interactivity in "AP #! 4or*/oo*s

• &reating Aesthetically Pleasing "AP #! 4or*/oo*s• .sing Advanced Features of "AP #! !cel Analy-er

• Ma*ing the Most of "AP #! !cel Analy-er — Tips and Tric*s

• Migrating 7%! "AP #! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! 9ersion

• 4rap:.p

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&reating Interactive Reports .sing "AP #! Analy-er

• Topics covered in this su/:section)

Advanced design elements and features in "AP #! aree!plained with an e!ample ; "ales Analysis Report

$esign elements covered)

Analysis 0rid ; 1<ut of sight2 features e!plained

$rop:down /o! Radio:/utton


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&reate an Interactive Report — Initial "teps

• "tep = — &lic* the Analysis 0rid icon

This item provides a lin* to the data provider +>uery,

• "tep ? — &lic* the icon that is placed in cell $@

This will pop up the Analysis 0rid properties window

&lic* the 1&reate $ata Provider2 /utton

Create a data provider 

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&reate an Interactive Report — in*ing to a $ata Provider

• "tep 7 — in* $ata Provider to a >uery

(ere select a query or an InfoProvider <ther availa/le options in the step are shown /elow

Analysis Grid Properties window

Query/InfoProvider is

linked here

Provide Results Offline – Mark this

indicator to save the query output

inside the workbook

Note! Mark this indicator if you are

workin" in #or$ula $ode

%his settin" restores the ori"inalnavi"ational state saved in the query or

query view on the server

In other words& the navi"ational state

saved in the workbook will be i"nored

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&reate an Interactive Report — Analysis 0rid Item

• "tep B — "et other relevant settings in the 0eneral ta/

"ettings relevant to Planning and Formula mode are set here

Range – Marks the location of

the Ite$ in Microsoft '(cel

%his field)s value is also used

for *Clippin"+

More about ,se #or$ulas inlater sections

Ad-usts the Microsoft '(cel

print area to the si.e of the

analysis "rid

In input ready Plannin"0queries& $arkin" this field will

lock non1input ready cells

2hen $arked& no new lines

can be entered in Input ready

Plannin"0 queries

2hen unchecked& 3AP will

relinquish workbook

for$attin" duties to '(cel

Mark this field to retain ,nit of

Measure in #or$ula $ode

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&reate an Interactive Report — Analysis 0rid Item +cont%,

• "tep B — "et other relevant settings in the 0eneral ta/ +cont%,

The 0.I Front nd Patch =CCC includes a new feature for the Analysis 0rid) D and E characters replace hierarchy icons

 Advantage – Eliminates

shape objects and improves


Open/Close is possible onlyvia context men

Analysis Grid Properties window in G,I 4( #'P 5666

7eport with standard hierarchy icons 7eport with new hierarchy icons

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&reate an Interactive Report — &lipping

• "tep @ — "et clipping properties in the Analysis 0rid item

This optional step can /e used to optimi-e screen real estate The output will /e 1clipped2 to the values specified in the

Range field

!f scroll option is set" a scroll bar appears in the otpt 

3croll bar 

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&reate an Interactive Report — $rop:$own #o!

• "tep — "how a list of Product 0roups for selection

3tep 8

3tep 9 – 2orkbook display

3tep 5 – Click on :rop1down bo( icon

3tep ; – 3et read $ode

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&reate an Interactive Report — $rop:$own #o! +cont%,

0.I FP =CCC features a drop:down /o!

 with an option to select query views in the


All the availa/le query views for the

specified data provider will /eavaila/le as a drop down

#i" 8! Query/2orkbook result now shows list of query views

#i" 5! <ew option to select list of Query views

  "tep — Insert a drop:down /o!

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&reate an Interactive Report — Radio #utton

• "tep 6 — Provide an easy way to select &alendar YearG>uarter

Insert a radio /utton item

3tep 8

3tep ;

3tep 93tep =


3tep 5

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&reate an Interactive Report — &hec* #o!es

• "tep H — &ustomi-e the display of *ey figures

.se the &hec* /o! item 

3tep 5

3tep 8

3tep ;

3tep 93tep =

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4hat 4e8ll &over '

• Infusing Interactivity in "AP #! 4or*/oo*s

• &reating Aesthetically Pleasing "AP #! 4or*/oo*s• .sing Advanced Features of "AP #! !cel Analy-er

• Ma*ing the Most of "AP #! !cel Analy-er — Tips and Tric*s

• Migrating 7%! "AP #! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! 9ersion

• 4rap:.p

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&onvert to Formula — Introduction

• 4hat is 1&onvert to Formula2

This option converts a Jey Figure cell of the Analysis 0rid Iteminto an !cel formula 

• 4hy do you use 1&onvert to Formula2 option To leverage M" !cel8s formatting capa/ilities

• (ow to switch on 1&onvert to Formula2 in "AP #! Analy-er

Inside the Analysis 0rid itemK get the conte!t menu

&hoose the option 1&onvert to Formula2

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&onvert to Formula — Features

• 4hat happens when 1&onvert to Formula2 is ena/led

Analysis 0rid item will /e automatically deleted Context men of Analysis Grid item disappears

3um/er format will /e set to standard

#o can $eep the %A& nmber format by s'itching on the

 Analysis Grid item(s property beforehand 

"AP #! Analy-er8s responsi/ility is to /ring in the data 

<nus is on M" !cel to format the query output

<nce convertedK there is no turning /ac*

#o have to reinsert the Analysis Grid item and lin$ to Data


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$ata Flow of a &ell with #!0et$ata Function

• $ata cell in the wor*/oo* contains a /usiness value

The cell has an !cel formula named #!0et$ata • ach #!0et$ata cell is connected to a $ata Provider $PL=K asshown in the /elow e!ample !ample) #!0et$ata+$PL=KNO==KNF=?KN0=?KN(=?, ach cell8s data fetch is independent of other cells

• $ata Provider is connected to a query !ample) C$L"$L&C7L$M<L>CC@

• >uery is connected to an InfoProvider !ample) C$L"$L&C7

'(cel #or$ula




>oo$ cell


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"ynta! of #!0et$ata 

• Mainly three parameters are passed in the sequence

Q$ata ProviderK &olumn 3ameK Row 3ame+s, An easy way to represent #!0et$ata synta! is)

)Data &rovider" *ey +igre" Characteristic,s-.

"upply the characteristics in sequence separated /y a comma 

If the characteristic shows as 1Te!t2 not 1Jey2 valueK then passthe characteristic value in 1Te!t2 form

#e cautious while typing in the values% They are case:sensitive%

Any typos will result in S39 +3o 9alue, in the output

Three different types of #!0et$ata synta!

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&onvert to Formula — &apa/ilities

• 4hat else can 1&onvert to Formula2 do

You can cut and paste rows of report into different sections 4hen refreshedK "AP will not reassem/le your report

<verwrite and Fetch capa/ility

It gives you dynamic data selection capa/ility

#o can over'rite vales of a characteristic to anothervale and get the reslt of that characteristic

In the a/ove e!ampleK copy line = +>= ?CC7, to line =6%

&hange value in line =6 from >= ?CC7 to >? ?CC7% You will

notice the change in *ey figure values%

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.nderstanding <verwriting &apa/ility

• #oundaries of data access

The overwriting value must e!ist within the data selection &onsider this scenario) A report is run for B quarters in

?CC7% It is then converted to formula%

!n the otpt" if yo change the cell vale from 01

 12234 to 01 1225"4 the otpt 'ill sho' 678  9o'ever" in the otpt" if yo change the cell vale

from 01 12234 to 03 1223"4 the otpt 'ill sho' the

correct vale:

To e!tend the /oundaries of data access) Refresh the wor*/oo* with selection criteria that covers the

data range that you are loo*ing for

For the a/ove e!ampleK refresh the report for ?CC7 and ?CCB

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&onvert to Formula — Miscellaneous

• To see results offline

4hen you open a wor*/oo* that is saved after the convertingto formulaK you may find the *ey figures show S39 +3o value,

To avoid this errorK chec* the data provider property ;

1Provide the Result <ffline2

• &an I use any query for 1&onvert to Formula2

The answer is 7o

The query should have elements in /oth row and column

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4hat Is 1.se Formulas2

• ;se +ormlas is another method to generate #!0et$ata in the

data cells It is set as a property of Analysis 0rid item

.nli*e 1&onvert to FormulaK2 1.se Formulas2 does not delete

the Analysis 0rid design item Access is still availa/le to the conte!t menu functions

"tandard formatting is retained

• For generating formatted reportsK 1&onvert to Formula2 is a /etter

option than 1.se Formulas2

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.se Formulas — <ther Points

• #efore you chec* the 1.se Formulas2 /o!K remove the 1"uppress

Repeated Jey 9alues2 option <therwiseK you will see S39 in most data cells

• 1.se Formulas2 will convert data cells to #!0et$ata


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4hat 4e8ll &over '

• Infusing Interactivity in "AP #! 4or*/oo*s

• &reating Aesthetically Pleasing "AP #! 4or*/oo*s• .sing Advanced Features of "AP #! !cel Analy-er

• Ma*ing the Most of "AP #! !cel Analy-er — Tips and Tric*s

• Migrating 7%! "AP #! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! 9ersion

• 4rap:.p

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ocal Formula — To Add a 3ew Jey Figure &olumn

• Add a ocal &alculation — e%g%K Add 1Plan vs% Actual 2

.se the option 1ocal Formula2 in the query result section .se the secondary mouse /utton to select the 1Add ocal

Formula2 option

nter your formula  #o can perform simple arithmetic and some scientific fnctions

 A ne' colmn 'ill be appended to the end of the table

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ocal Formula — Features

• (ow to retain the ocal Formula

In the query outputK save the ocal Formula as a 1view2 +queryview,

The ocal formula will /e saved along with the query

.se the saved view +query view, in your wor*/oo*

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(ow &an I &reate an 1Input:Ready2 >uery +Planning ayout,

• 4hat is an 1input:ready query2

The *ey figure column+s, in the output of an 1input:ready2query can /e made availa/le for entering data 

Input:ready queries form the /asis of manual planning layout

in "AP 3et4eaver #I Integrated Planning

Manually entered data can /e saved /ac* to the cu/e This type of query is created on a real:time Info&u/e

+transactional cu/e, or at an aggregation evel

• A regular query is converted into an 1input:ready query2 /y

setting parameters in the Planning ta/ <ther prerequisites apply for query use in planning% They are

/eyond the scope of this presentation%

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Jey Figure8s Planning Ta/ "ettings

• "tep =) "et planning options for a *ey figure +JF,

In 1&hange data2 section of *ey figureUs properties ta/ <ption S? or S7 ma*es JF or Restricted JF +RJF, input:ready

Dring planning" a loc$ 'ill be set on this *+ or <*+ 

$isaggregation and types of distri/ution

.sed for 1top:down2 distri/ution• "tep ?) "et planning options at a query level

For input:readinessK this flag +Fig% ?, must

/e set

"et in 1>uery:level2properties

#i" 8! Query)s Plannin" property#i" 5! ?ey #i"ure)s Plannin" %ab

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• In "AP #!K you can specify currency translation in ? places)

$uring query definition for individual *ey figure

At run time in "AP #! Analy-erK using conte!t menu

• &urrency selection in >uery $esigner

"elect the properties of an amountGprice field

Then choose the ta/ name 1&onversions2 %elect Conversion type

=arget Crrency 

#o can introdce

a variable for=arget Crrency 

&urrency Translation

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&urrency Translation in "AP #! Analy-er

• In the query outputK get the conte!t menu of any amount field

"elect 0ery properties option ThenK choose 1&urrency &onversion2 ta/

%elect =arget crrency 

%elect =ranslation type Q  u  e  r   y  

 P   r  o   p  e  r  t   i   e  s  



Query output now shows adifferent currencyQuery properties pop1up screen

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&reate 4or*sheets #ased on &haracteristic 9alues

• In the Filter sectionK access the conte!t menu using the secondary

mouse /utton "elect Add drilldown in new wor*sheets +"ee Fig ?%,

3ew wor*sheets will /e created for each value of the


ach design item and data provider used in the current

 wor*sheet is copied to the new wor*sheet

2orkbook 3ettin"s shows ori"inal data provider duplicated

#i" 8 Conte(t $enu in the #ilter section

<ew worksheet for each characteristic value

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$rill Across 4or*sheets

• >uery output in each sheet shows the characteristic value

• Prerequisites "elected characteristic must not e!ist in rows or columns

3o display hierarchy is active on that characteristic

•  A ma!imum of ?CC characteristic values will /e used to createsheets

#i" 5 3a$ple worksheet contents after drill across worksheets

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&opy "heet Feature

• All design elements in an !cel sheet can /e copied to another

sheet A time:saving feature

All data providers in the sheet are copied

Menu location for Copy 3heet function

<ew sheet after invokin" copy sheet function

Copied data providers are visible in 2orkbook 3ettin"s

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4or*/oo* "ettings

• "ettings relevant for the current wor*/oo* can /e made here

0eneral functionsK themesK settings for varia/le processingK

etc%K can /e configured here

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>uery Properties in "AP #! Analy-er

• >uery properties — <ne:stop shop to maintain all settings

pertaining to a query Access >uery Properties from the conte!t menu of query


1&hange local view2 in "AP #4 7%! is now em/edded in >uery

properties under the ta/ 13avigational "tate2#i" ; – Chan"e local query view in 3AP 2 ;(

3econdary $ouse


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Properties in the "AP #! Analy-er &onte!t Menu

• The property as show in Fig% = corresponds to the property of that

individual o/Vect The result row suppressionK result value selectionK and display

format are set here

"ort /y attri/utes value is possi/le

"uppressing result rows for all characteristics at once is notsupported

#i" 5 – Property of 6CABQ,A7%'7

3econdary $ouse


l / l i

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0lo/al "ettings

• &onfigure glo/al wor*/oo* templateK the trace fileK local historyK

"AP 0.IK etc% "ee 1Resources section2 for 0lo/al wor*/oo* template details

• You can also temporarily switch on #4 statistics for the


ehavior tab in Global 3ettin"s Confi"urin" Global 2orkbook %e$plate

 7esult after pressin" *:isplay 3tatistics+ button

h ll &

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4hat 4e8ll &over '

• Infusing Interactivity in "AP #! 4or*/oo*s

• &reating Aesthetically Pleasing "AP #! 4or*/oo*s• .sing Advanced Features of "AP #! !cel Analy-er

• Ma*ing the Most of "AP #! !cel Analy-er — Tips and Tric*s

• Migrating 7%! "AP #! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! 9ersion

• 4rap:.p

l i h i i i l h

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"election "hortcuts — $irect ntry .sing "pecial &haracters

• Type an e!clamation point +W, in the selection screen for entering

13<T >.A T<2 "aves @ to 6 clic*s as compared to clic*ing the

Possi/le entries /utton

• Type a semi:colon +X, for separating individual values

Type a num/er sign +S, for 1unassigned2 value• Type a hyphen +:, /etween intervals

:irect entry shortcuts 1 D E

Possible entries button

" l ti "h t t $i t t 3 FB # tt

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"election "hortcuts — $irect ntry — 3o FB #utton

• Type an asteris* +, as a wildcard character to show a pattern

Allowed only for 1select:option2 characteristic varia/les• Type 1Z[2 for 1greater than or equal to2

• 9alue Range field — (ow to enter values directly

"tandard /ehavior — $irect entry is not permitted

"olution — Place cursor in field and press &trlDJ Alternative solution

%elect *ey from

the men

Ctrl F ?

. l dG$ l d " l ti i " l ti "

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.ploadG$ownload "elections in "election "creen

• .pload ; An easy option for entering large set of selection values

• The selections can /e uploaded from a te!t file

Individual selections are separated /y semicolon +X, or new line

The selection screen shortcuts such as WK K etc%K can /e used

• $ownload of a selection is also possi/le after entering values

Invokin" ,pload selections

#ile contents alues after file upload

3econdary $ouse click

"h i " l ti " 9 l i th R t

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"howing "election "creen 9alues in the Report

• The standard template doesn8t show selection screen values used

7%! "AP #! Analy-er showed this /y default in the first fewrows• "howing report selection helps to interpret the results

Report selection can /e shown in columns & and $ /elow Filter Filter /utton hidesGun:hides columns & and $

#i" 5 – ;( 3AP '( Analy.er shows selection screen values#i" 8 – 4( 3AP '( '(cel Analy.er workbook showin"selection screen values

"h i " l ti " 9 l i th R t + t ,

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"howing "election "creen 9alues in the Report +cont%,

• In 6%! "AP #! !cel Analy-erK insert two design elements

Te!t lements

 "tatic Filters Filter "ection in >uery $esigner

3avigation Pane $imensions

&an /e used to display $ynamic Filters

Defalt vales section in 0ery Designer 

%e(t 'le$ent

<avi"ation Pane

( t P l t #l * & l ( di i th R t

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(ow to Populate #lan* &olumn (eadings in the Report

• &hallenge) Pivot ta/les cannot /e created if the header is /lan*

• "olution) 4rite 9#A code to copy header title

&ode in &all#ac* macro located in $efault4or*/oo* module

.se 1$eveloper2 ta/ +!cel ?CC6, or press AltDF== to accessthe 9#A code

9arname+, has theaddress of results area%&all#ac* is ocated

in $efault4or*/oo*module

(ow to Populate #lan* &olumn (eadings in the

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(ow to Populate #lan* &olumn (eadings in theReport +cont%,

• &all/ac* macro coding considerations

"imple scenario — <nly one header row </Vective) All the columns in the wor*/oo* should have

column headings

"ample code for simple scenario is on the ta*e:home &$

efore e(ecution of custo$ code in Callack $acro

After e(ecution of custo$ code in Callack $acro

(ow to Populate #lan* &olumn (eadings in the

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(ow to Populate #lan* &olumn (eadings in theReport +cont%,

• &all/ac* macro coding considerations +cont%,

&omple! scenario — More than one header row <nly Jey figures +JF, are present in rowsK &haracteristics

+&har, in columns

3othing e!ists in rowsX &har and JF are in columns

Complex scenario 'ill re>ire additional coding to chec$cell styles

• Add the &all#ac* code to your company8s default wor*/oo*


'(a$ple of a Co$ple( scenario – Multiple headin" rows

4hat 4e8ll &over

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4hat 4e8ll &over '

• Infusing Interactivity in "AP #! 4or*/oo*s

&reating Aesthetically Pleasing "AP #! 4or*/oo*s• .sing Advanced Features of "AP #! !cel Analy-er

• Ma*ing the Most of "AP #! !cel Analy-er — Tips and Tric*s

• Migrating 7%! "AP #! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! 9ersion

• 4rap:.p

&onversion of !isting 7 ! 4or*/oo*s to 6 !

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&onversion of !isting 7%! 4or*/oo*s to 6%!

• 4or*/oo*s are automatically converted when opened in the

"AP #! Analy-er 6%! 0.I

Manual intervention is required for wor*/oo*s with)

&ustom 9#A coding on "AP#\onRefresh

Any hardcoded reference to query I$ ; 1"AP#\qCCC=K2

1"AP#\qCCC?K2 etc% Any hardcoded reference to 1"AP#\queries2 sheet

• If "AP#!onRefresh is already present in the 7%! wor*/oo*

Add the macro +Fig ?, "AP#!onRefresh to 6%! wor*/oo*

9ia 4or*/oo* "ettings

Invoke 2orkbook 3ettin" fro$ 4( 3AP '( Analy.er toolbar 

 Click on Add Macros to add 3AP'Hon7efresh to 4( workbook

&onversion of !isting 7 ! 4or*/oo*s to 6 ! +cont ,

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&onversion of !isting 7%! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! +cont%,

• "AP#!onRefresh code changes

=, Add e!tra parameter +see "AP 3ote =?@H=], 7%! definition %b %A&BE?on<efresh,>ery!D As %tring" resltArea As

<ange- 6%! definition

%b %A&BE?on<efresh,>ery!D As %tring" resltArea As<ange" &aramArray varname,--

?, If UqueryI$ [ "AP#\qCCC=U chec* is presentK then replace with UqueryI$ [ $PL=U

• For M" <ffice "P? support Install "AP 3et4eaver #4 6%! Front nd

Patch ]C? or =CCC

#'P 5666 Patch :ata fro$ the About) screen

4hat 4e8ll &over

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4hat 4e ll &over '

• Infusing Interactivity in "AP #! 4or*/oo*s

&reating Aesthetically Pleasing "AP #! 4or*/oo*s• .sing Advanced Features of "AP #! !cel Analy-er

• Ma*ing the Most of "AP #! !cel Analy-er — Tips and Tric*s

• Migrating 7%! "AP #! 4or*/oo*s to 6%! 9ersion

• 4rap:.p


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•  www%/i:e!pertonline%comG

3ed Fal*K 1verything You 3eed to Jnow A/out FormattingPart =) #! Analy-er and #! >uery $esigner2 +B! Expert"Fe/ruary ?CCH,%

Mu*e A/delna/yK 1A 3ew 4ay to &hange >ueries in "AP3et4eaver #I 6%C #! Analy-er2 +B! Expert K Fe/ruary ?CCH,%

• http)GGhelp%sap%com 4or*ing in formula mode


"AP #! Analy-er design items http)GGhelp%sap%comGsaphelpLnw6CGhelpdataGenGd]G/fdf/B@B/


* Requires appropriate credentials to access full text of article

Resources +cont ,

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Resources +cont%,

• "AP &ommunity 3etwor*

Pra*ash $arViK 1"etting the 0lo/al 4or*/oo* Template in "AP3et4eaver ?CCBs #I or #4 7%!2 +"eptem/erK ?CC,%


Also search in "$3 for Pra*ash $arVi ; You will get very

useful articlesK /logs and comments 1ReportingK Analysis and Planning2 section in "$3



 A portal for accessing good reporting information Requires registration

6 Jey Points to Ta*e (ome

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6 Jey Points to Ta*e (ome

• Ma*e use of the new design elements such as chec* /o!esK drop:

down listsK etc%K to create reports that enhance user e!perience

• BExGetData marries !cel formatting and "AP #! data to

produce aesthetically pleasing reports% Ma*e use of this feature%

• .se shortcuts and favorites in "AP #! !cel Analy-er for fast

entry of selection screen values

• .se 1ocal2 formula to enhance the reusa/ility of e!isting queries

• &reate a company:wide wor*/oo* template and save it in a central


Pay attention to "AP#!onRefresh8s code while converting 7%! wor*/oo*s to 6%! format

• .se 9# macros and third:party tools as a last resort to solve

formatting challenges — e!plore "AP #! Analy-er8s capa/ilities


Your TurnW

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Your TurnW

(ow to contact me)

$r% #Varne #erg&<MRIT Inc%



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