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Random objects, and objects of low complexity

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Random objects, and objects of low complexity André Nies The University of Auckland August 5 André Nies (The University of Auckland) Randomness and complexity August 5 1 / 38
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Random objects, and objects of low complexity

André Nies

The University of Auckland

August 5

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Part I

Introduction to randomness and complexity

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To see where the English word randomness comes from, we look in

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Etymology of “randomness”Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte D’Arthur, Book I.10 (1485):

The old French noun “raundon” is derived from randir, “to gallop”. Ithas been used in English since the 14th Century.Metaphorically, “raundon” also meant ‘impetuousity’.

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Randomness in other languagesFrench chance(lucky chance) German ZufallRussian sluchainostPolish losowosc (‘Los’ means ‘fate’)Georgian shemtkhvevitobaSpanish aleatoridad (Latin ‘alea’ means ‘dice’)Hebrew mikriyut (‘mikre’ - occurrence, incident)Greek τυχαιoσ (tuchaios) (identical in ancient Greek)


· 1 ·

(Sui ji).

Humans have an intuitive concept of randomness. This is evidencedby the fact that there is a word for it in different cultural contexts, andthat the word stems in different languages are usually unrelated. Theconnotations of the concept can vary depending on the culturalcontext.

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Clarifying the intuitive notion of randomness

I Random event: the change from an initial situtation to one ofseveral possible end situations. There is no cause for this particularend situation.

I If one repeats the experiment, the same initial situation can lead toa different end situation.

I Examples:

I radioactive decay of a particleI tossing a coin.

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Quantum random number generator

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Quantum random number generator

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Random continuous functions (Mathieu Hoyrup)

0 1

0 1

I These pictures are actually random walks with time intervals oflength 1/n, where n = 4000. Such random walks look more andmore like random continuous functions as n gets large.

I The slope at each step is ±√

n.I We toss a coin to decide whether to go up or down.

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Two more examples of random functions

0 10 1

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Random continuous functions and the Dow-Jones

0 1

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Random continuous functions and exchange rates

0 1

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I The complexity measures the information contained in an object.

I A system consists of parts and relationships between them.

I The interdisciplinary area of complex systems connects statisticalphysics, life sciences, nonlinear dynamics, probability theory andalgorithmic information theory.Reference: G. Nicolis and C. Nicolis, Foundations of Complex Systems,World Scientific 2007.

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Visual representation of major paths in the internet (2006)

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Network of neurons

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Interaction of randomness and complexity: evolution

Evolution: random changes and selection lead to complex systems


I human genome

I natural languages

I internet?

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(Pseudo)randomness vs. low complexity : Green/TaoI Szemerédi’s Theorem states that a set A of natural numbers with

positive density (i.e., 0 < lim supn |A ∩ 0, . . . ,n|/n) containsarbitrarily long arithmetic progressions.

I Terence Tao’s 2006 ICM paper surveys how each of the threeknown proofs of the theorem proceeds by splitting an object into apseudorandom and a structured (low complexity) part.This is surprising as the proofs of Szemerédi’s Theorem are fromrather different areas:

I graph theory (Szemerédi himself, 1975),I ergodic Theory (Furstenberg, 1977), andI Fourier Analysis (Gowers, 2001).

I Green and Tao (Ann of Math., to appear) use these ideas to showthat the set of primes (a set of density 0) contains arbitrarily longarithmetic progressions.

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Part II

Studying randomness via computability

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Basics of computability theory 1A Turing machine in action looks like this:

The finite control holds a Turing program. A function F : N→ N iscalled computable if there is a Turing program which, with n in binaryon the input tape, outputs F (n) in binary.

n // Turing program // F (n)

N can be replaced by domains that are effectively encoded by naturalnumbers, such as the rationals Q.

A real r ∈ R is computable if there is a computable sequence (qn)n∈Nof rational numbers such that |r − qn| ≤ 2−n for each n.

Examples of computable reals are π,e,√

2, . . .André Nies (The University of Auckland) Randomness and complexity August 5 19 / 38

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Randomness in probability theory

Imagine we toss a fair coin repeatedly. In probability theory this ismodelled as follows.

I We have a sequence (Xn)n∈N of 0,1-valued random variables on aprobability space (M,B,P).

I The Xn are independent. We have P[Xn = 0] = 1/2 for each n.

I Each w in the space determines a sequence (Xn(w))n∈N of cointosses.

I To say that a property holds for a “random” sequence means thatthe property holds with probability 1. Thus, the set of exceptions isa null set, i.e. has measure 0.

I An example of such a property is the law of large numbers.

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The probability spaces

In the following, the probability space will be either

I Cantor space 0,1N with the product topology, and the productmeasure, where 0,1 is equipped with the measure such thatboth 0,1 have probability 1/2, or

I the unit interval [0,1] of reals, with Lebesgue measure.

The two spaces are equivalent via the binary representation of reals.The intuition on randomness is different in each case, though.

I For Cantor space we think of a sequence of coin tosses.I For the unit interval, we pick an “arbitrary” real in one go.

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Algorithmic randomness notions

The idea in algorithmic randomnessz is random⇐⇒ z avoids each algorithmic null set.

I We have to specify what we mean by an algorithmic null set.

I For instance, having more than 3/4 zeros on arbitrarily long initialsegments will be an algorithmic null set in the sense of Martin-Löf.

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Algorithmic null sets in the sense of Martin-Löf (1966)An open set U ⊆ [0,1] is called effective if it is the effective union ofopen interval with rational endpoints. We require the followingconditions on a sequence (Un)n∈N of open sets:

the Un are effective opensets, uniformly in n, and

Un has measure at most 2−n

for each n.

0 1



DefinitionA sequence (Un)n∈N as above is called a Martin-Löf test.The real r is Martin-Löf random if r 6∈

⋂Un for each such test.

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Functions of bounded variation are differentiableoutside a null set

A function f : [0,1]→ R is of bounded variation if it doesn’t “wiggle” toomuch:

∞ > supn∑


|f (ti+1)− f (ti)|,

where the sup is taken over all collections t1 ≤ t2 ≤ . . . ≤ tn in [0,1].

Theorem (Classical Analysis)Let f : [0,1]→ R be of bounded variation. Then

f ′(r) exists for each r outside a null set (depending on f ).

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Complexity of the exception set

Theorem (Demuth 1975/Brattka, Miller, Nies ta)Let r ∈ [0,1]. Thenr is ML-random⇐⇒

f ′(r) exists, for each function f of bounded variation suchthat f (q) is a computable real, uniformly for each rational q.

I The implication “⇒” is an effective version of the classical theorem.I The implication “⇐” has no classical counterpart. To prove it, one

builds a computable function f of bounded variation that is onlydifferentiable at ML-random reals.

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Excerpt from Demuth’s 1975 paper

и, следовательно,

в) если с РЧ и 8 ПЧ такие, что

с б # ^ & 1, С ^ е # ^ ) & 1' т ' . I ГГс ) I 2: I ^ 1 с I ,

то 1 л ^ ( ! ^ п ^ & 5 « ^ А ^ а ^ ) 1Лемма 6, Пусть ф функция, которая не может не быть

функцией слабо ограниченной вариации, а С р»п# множество

НЧ такие, что сегменты, е б ^ ^ , ; X е С ; не перекрываются и

Чх(\?Ы)\>0эЭ1(1еС8<Эл<&^)^*<:Эъ(&^Аз>» •

Тогда У | ( | с П ^ В 1 1 1 . В ^ ( ^ б С & | е Ф ^ Ь Я * * ™ , ^ Р >

и для всяких НЧ /т, и Л существуют последовательность ра-

циональных сегментов ^ $ Й » ^ ^ , неинфинитное р .п . множест-

во НЧ 3) и неубывающая последовательность НЧ ^^^^, т а "

кие, что

^ ^ ^ Ч / ^ 1 ^ 1 < 4 г ) & ^С!еП8<11а^СХ!С&|!

с ^ Х ^ & п З ^ л С & е Р ^ б ^ .

Доказательство» Пусть ^ алгорифм, построенный со-

гласно лемме 5, а гт, НЧ. Существуют последовательность от-

личных друг от друга пар НЧ < е ^ а т ^ ^ и последователь-

ность рациональных сегментов < Х^1Ьи, т « к и е , что

У^ гСЗт,С6^а^х^аа>аСЗ^А<Х!СС (^4Чс с^)&

Ьи^^т,^ а % г * < ^ ЗХСХ е С С ^^С<^ ^ ^ асСа л (^б ^ 4^Ь




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Part III

Studying computability via randomness

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Basics of computability theory 2

A function ψ : N→ N is partial computable if there is a Turing programwhich, with n on the input tape, outputs ψ(n) if ψ(n) is defined, andloops forever otherwise.

n // Turing program // ψ(n) if ψ(n) is defined

n // Turing program / if ψ(n) is undefined

We say that A ⊆ N is computably enumerable (c.e.) if A is the domainof a partial computable function. Equivalently, one can effectivelyenumerate the elements of A in some order.

(We)e∈N is an effective listing of all the c.e. sets.

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Basics of computability theory 3

The halting problem is a universal c.e. set:

H = 〈x ,e〉 : x ∈We.

For sets X ,Y ⊆ N, we write

X ≤T Y

(X is Turing below Y ) if an oracle Turing machine computes X with Yon the oracle tape.

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Machines, and descriptive string complexity K

A machine M is a partial computable function from binary strings tobinary strings. It is called prefix-free if its domain is an antichain underthe prefix relation of strings.

I There is a universal prefix-free machine U.I The prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity is the length of a shortest

U-description of y :

K (y) = min|σ| : U(σ) = y.

I One can show that

2−K (y) is proportional to Prob[U(σ) = y ].

Thus, K (y) is the self-information, or surprisal, of y (in the sense ofShannon/Tribus).

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Degree of randomness for sequences of bits00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000. . .

10100100 01000010 00001000 00010000 0001. . .

00100100 00111111 01101010 10001000 1000 . . .

10010100 00010001 11110100 00101101 1111 . . .

11101101 01111010 10101111 11001110 1110 . . .


Only zeros∏i 0i1

π − 3 in binary

Coin tossing

Coin tossing

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Schnorr’s 1973 Theorem

For an infinite sequence of bits Z let

Z n = Z (0) . . .Z (n − 1).

We think of a string τ as random if K (τ) ≥ |τ | − b for some smallconstant b. An infinite sequence of bits Z is Martin-Löf random iff eachof its initial segments is random (incompressible) as a string:

Theorem (Schnorr 1973)Z is ML-random⇐⇒ there is b ∈ N such that ∀n [K (Z n) > n − b].

An example of a ML-random real is Chaitin’s halting probability

Ω =∑

U(σ)↓ 2−|σ|.

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Definition of K -trivialityIn the following we identify a natural number n with the string that is itsbinary representation. For a string τ of length n, up to constants wehave K (n) ≤ K (τ), since we can compute n from τ .

Definition (Chaitin, 1975)A sequence of bits A is K -trivial if, for some b ∈ N,

∀n [K (An) ≤ K (n) + b],

namely, all its initial segments have minimal K -complexity.

It is not hard to see that K (n) ≤ 2 log2 n + O(1).

Z is ML-random ⇔ ∀n [K (Z n) > n −O(1)]

A is K -trivial ⇔ ∀n [K (An) ≤ K (n) +O(1)]

Thus, K -triviality means being far from random.

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Existence of K -trivials

I Solovay (1976) built a non-computable K -trivial set.

I This was improved to a computably enumerable example byDowney, Hirschfeldt, Nies, and Terwijn (2002).

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Lowness for Martin-Löf randomnessThe following specifies a sense in which a set A is computationallyweak when used as an oracle.

DefinitionA is low for Martin-Löf randomness if every ML-random set Z isalready ML-random with “oracle” A.

Kucera and Terwijn (1999) built a computably enumerable, butnon-computable set of this kind.The following shows that

far from random⇐⇒ close to computable.

Theorem (N, Adv. in Math., 2005)Let A ⊆ N. Then

A is K -trivial⇐⇒ A is low for ML-randomness.

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Lowness for K

A is called low for K (Muchnik, 1998) if enhancing the computationalpower of the universal machine by an oracle A does not decreaseK (y):

∀y [K (y) ≤ K A(y) + O(1)].

I The straightforward implications arelow for K ⇒ low for ML andlow for K ⇒ K -trivial.

I In N (2005) we show the converseimplications. Low for K

Low for ML



Low for K

Low for ML




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My book “Computability and Randomness”,Oxford University Press, 447 pages, Feb. 2009.

Forthcoming book “Algorithmic randomness and complexity” , >800pages, by Downey and Hirschfeldt.

These and other slides, on my web page.

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