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Randy W. Lande

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INDY DRUG PAGE 021'10 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURI AT INDEPENDENCE COMPLAINT STATE OF MISSQ'U'H Randy W, La.nde 43 5 W. Pnrrm~er Independence, MO 64050 DOB: 02/19/1965; RaeeISex: W/M; I V Defendant. Count I. Forcible Rape - child less than 12 years o f a ge (11005030) The Pros~cuting Attorney o f th.e County of Jackson, State o f Missouri, upon information . and belief, that th e defendant, Randy W. Lande, in violation of Section 566.030, RSMo, committed the felony of fcrcib1,e rape, punishable upon canviction under Section 566.030, RSMo, a n d subject to lifetime supemision under Sectjan 217.735, RSMo, in ' that bctween Fcbmary 2,20 11 and February 3,20 1 ., in th e County of Jackson, State of Missouri, t he defendant bowingly had sexual intercourse wit13 L.C., (DOB: 06/26/2002), a child less than twelve years o f age, by thc use of forcible compulsion. Count 11. Forcible sodomy - child less than 12 years of a p 110821,40) The Prose~uting Attorney of t h e County of Sackson, State of Missouri, upon information and bdjef, ch,arges that the defenddant, Randy W. Laade, i n vjolation a E Section 566.060, RSMo, committ~ed the felony of forcible sodomy, punishable upon conviction under Section 566.060, RSMo, and subject to lifetime supervi,si,on und,er Section 217.735, RSMo, in that between February 2,201 1 an d February 3,20 1 1 , in the County of Jachson, State of Missouri, the
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Randy W, La.nde43 5 W. Pnrrm~erIndependence, MO 64050DOB: 02/19/1965; RaeeISex: W/M;IV


Count I. Forcible Rape - child less than 12 years o f age (11005030)

The Pros~cuting Attorney o f th.e County of Jackson, State o f Missouri, upon information .

and belief, charges that the defendant, Randy W. Lande, in violation of Section 566.030,RSMo, committed the felony o f fcrcib1,e rape, punishable upon canviction under Section566.030, RSMo, and subject to lifetime supemision under Sectjan 217.735, RSMo, in' that

bctweenFcbmary 2,20 11 and February 3,20 1 ., in the County of Jackson, State o f Missouri, thedefendant bowingly had sexual intercourse wit13 L.C., (DOB: 06/26/2002), a child less thantwelve years o f age, by thc use of forcible compulsion.

Count 11. Forcible sodomy -child less than 12 years of a p 110821,40)

The Prose~utingAttorney of the County of Sackson, State of Missouri, upon informationand bdjef, ch,arges that the defenddant,Randy W. Laade, in vjolation aE Section 566.060,RSMo, committ~ed the felony of forcible sodomy, punishable upon conviction under Section566.060, RSMo, and subject to lifetime supervi,si,onund,er Section 217.735, RSMo, in thatbetween February 2,201 1 and February 3,20 1 1, in the County o f Jachson, State of Missouri, the

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belwee1-1February 2,201 1 and February 3,20 11, in the County o f Jackson, State of Missouri, thedefendant f ~ rthe purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of defendant bad deviatesexual i~itercoursewith L.C., (DOB: 06/26/2002), a child bss than twelve years of age, byputting his finger in L.C.'s anus by the use of forciblecompulsion.

Count VII. Kidnapping-


Felony (16020030)The Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Jackson, State a f Mis,~ouri,upon i n fma t ion

an d beli,ef, charges that the defe~~dant,Randy W. Lande, in violation of Section 565.110,RSMo, committed the class B Eelony of kidnapping, punishable upon con,victionunder Section558.011., RSMo, in that between February 2 , 2011 and Febnorry 3, 2011, the defendantunlnwfully removed L.C. witl~o~zt er conrent from a bedroom at 620 N. Pleaant, the p l a ~ ewhere she was found by the defmd,ant,for the purpose of facilitating tb,e ~o~nmissionof th,efe1,on.yo f the forcible sodomy o f L.C.

The facts that farm the basis for this information m,d belj,ef are contained in the attachsdstatement(s)o f facts, made a part hercof and submitted as a basis upon which this court may findthe existence o f probable cause.

m e r e f m e , the Prosecuting Att0rn.e~prays that an anest warrant be issued as provid,edby1.aw.

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