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Rank power index check RPI Check for Ranking Videos

Date post: 21-Jan-2018
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Ranking videos in YouTube and Google has evolved but most video marketers haven't evolved with it. I'm going to show you how to rank videos on YouTube and Google using Rank Power Index. Ed Kirwan

Ranking videos in YouTube and Google has evolved but most video marketers haven't evolved with it.

I'm going to show you how to rank videos on YouTube and Google using Rank Power Index.

Ed Kirwan

I’ll walk you through exactly what it takes to increase your Rank Power Index (RPI) on your channel or any video.

For instance, you have a video with high Rank Power Index (RPI) but a channel with low RPI.

And I have a channel with high RPI and a video with low RPI.

I know I can easily beat you anytime.

I know because it is much easier to increase any video RPI when you have high channel RPI, than it is to do it the other way around.

OK, so how do you increase your RPI?

Simple really.

None of it is difficult at all... it's just a series of simple steps.

In fact, I'm going to walk you through exactly what it takes to increase the RPI on your channel or any video, right now.

You just do some smart and targeted commenting.

Here are the steps you take...

Stay with me through these steps to put yourself in front of your competition

Step 1 - Building Your Foundations

Search for the main keyword in YouTube and one by one check the RPI of each video.

Yes, the first 5 pages, meaning you'll need to check the RPI of the top 100 videos.

It isn't so hard, especially when you have software doing it for you.

For example , you may only want to record URL of the videos that have a minimum RPI value of 47.

Save the URL and RPI value into a text file or spreadsheet.

Step 2 - Sorting Your List

Now go back to each video on your list and check the channel RPI for each of them using the same criteria.

This time do not add them to your list, remove them

Each channel that does NOT have an RPI of 47 or above, remove that video from your list.

Little time consuming but not difficult.

Step 3 - Set Up Your Channel

From the original 100 videos you will now have a list of around 20 video URLs.

These are the true hard core authority driven machines! Each one you have now gives you sheer power.

Each one has high channel RPI as well as high video RPI for your target keyword.

Create a channel naming it your main big keyword, the same keyword you used to find all those authority sites.

You see, it gets easier.

Step 4 - This is important so pay attention.

Now you want to start adding relevant comments to those videos...

But be careful. Only do a maximum of 5 comments per day from your account.

You also want to randomize things. Don't just drop 5 comments on the first 5 videos.

Spread it out and change up your actions. Watch one and leave without a comment.

Watch another and give it a thumbs up or subscribe or both.

Go to the next one on your list and comment, leave or share.

Just do something a little different each time.

Doing this will put out strong signals that you are very interested in the niche.

Don't be so aggressive that you look like you are spamming or YouTube will start ghosting your comments.

In other words, you will see your comments when you are logged in but no one else will.

Make notes on your list about what you did on each video.... did nothing, commented, shared, subscribed, liked etc.

If you have videos for this niche, upload one each day and SEO it for your keyword.

If you have no videos yet, don't worry, its fine to be a little slow at this point.

This is a simple process and gets serious results.

Step 5 - Randomize

Use this random pattern everyday making sure that 5 is your maximum.

In the example we had 20 videos so it will take just 4 days to complete.

On the 5th day, go to Fiverr or your backlink place and buy a few ultra high quality backlinks and point those at your channel URL.

Volume is not important, quality is. This is not a vital step but it will speed up the process a little.

Step 6 - You are not done yet...

Rinse and repeat these steps 1-4 again using another highly targeted, high competition keyword in the exact same niche.

Once you have gone through 4 complete cycles, go ahead and add a few more high quality backlinks... again, not compulsory but it helps.

Continue doing steps 1-4 for 4-6 weeks. It may sound like a lot of work but it's not compared to what you're getting.

After about week 3, start running the RPI checker on your own channel so you can see the progress and when you get an RPI boost (this can be both frustrating and exciting)

Once you reach the 4-6 week mark (can take longer or may be shorter) you will check your RPI one day and see that your own channel now has an RPI of 47 or higher.

This is simple to achieve, just be consistent.

Step 7 - Own Any Niche

Now that you have an authority channel, you'll find it exceedingly simple to rank for mid-competition keywords that you were never able to touch before.

But why stop there when you are so close?

The reality is that now you can easily rank for the highest competition keywords on the planet and know with absolute certainty that you'll be nailing those highly competitive keywords on demand.


The exact same way you already built up your channel RPI.

That is how you can OWN ANY niche you want.

It does take some work and now there is an easier way.

I use RPI Check custom software.

Basically what RPI Check does is determines the authority of the video I am targeting.

It tells me exactly what I need to know in order to put myself on a level playing field with the person I want to beat in seconds.

Let’s have a look at the software…

RPI Check Software

