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Brigham Young University Law School BYU Law Digital Commons Utah Supreme Court Briefs (pre-1965) 1964 Raymond Oeson v. M. K. Baird et al : Plaintiff- Brief of Respondent Utah Supreme Court Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalcommons.law.byu.edu/uofu_sc1 Part of the Law Commons Original Brief submied to the Utah Supreme Court; funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library, and sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library; machine- generated OCR, may contain errors. Udell R. Jensen; Aorney for Plaintiff-Respondent; William H. Henderson; Aorney for Defendant-Appellant; is Brief of Respondent is brought to you for free and open access by BYU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah Supreme Court Briefs (pre-1965) by an authorized administrator of BYU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Brief of Respondent, Oeson v. Baird, No. 10018 (Utah Supreme Court, 1964). hps://digitalcommons.law.byu.edu/uofu_sc1/4436 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by Brigham Young University Law School
Raymond Otteson v. M. K. Baird et al : Plaintiff-Brief of RespondentUtah Supreme Court Briefs (pre-1965)
Raymond Otteson v. M. K. Baird et al : Plaintiff- Brief of Respondent Utah Supreme Court
Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.byu.edu/uofu_sc1
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Original Brief submitted to the Utah Supreme Court; funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library, and sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library; machine- generated OCR, may contain errors. Udell R. Jensen; Attorney for Plaintiff-Respondent; William H. Henderson; Attorney for Defendant-Appellant;
This Brief of Respondent is brought to you for free and open access by BYU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah Supreme Court Briefs (pre-1965) by an authorized administrator of BYU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Recommended Citation Brief of Respondent, Otteson v. Baird, No. 10018 (Utah Supreme Court, 1964). https://digitalcommons.law.byu.edu/uofu_sc1/4436
brought to you by COREView metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk
provided by Brigham Young University Law School
RAYMOND OTTESON. F \ L E 0 Plaintiff-Respondent, : MA'i l S 1964
Defendants, Case No.
On Appeal from a Judgment of the District Court or Juab County, Utah, Honor­
able C. Nelson Day, Judge.
William H. Henderson 711 Boston Building Salt Lake C 1 ty, Utah Attorney tor Defendant-
Udell R. Jensen 125 No. Main St. Nephi, Utah Attorney for Plain-
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Nature of Case 1.
D1apoait1on ot Case 1.
Introduction and Issues 2.
ugument 15 •
&&mmarJ 26 •
Conclusion 28.
McCollum v. Clothier. 121 u. 311, Syl 1; 241 P2d, 468 15.
Lockw1tz et al v. Fine Tree Mining & Milling Co., 37 U. 349, 108 P. ll~ 00.
jggeller & Musser Seed Co. v. Blood 73 U. 120, 272 P. 933 20.
71 c. J. sec. 16, p. 52 21.
2 Am. Jur. seo • 322. p • 252 22.
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Pla1nt1tt and Rea­ pon4•n•
JU. I. BAIRD, HUGO EMERY, FRED MICKELSON, EUG~ ~. WILKEY, dba Silicon Milling Co., and SILICO MILLING COll.lPA.NY, a oor­ poratioa,
Defendant a,
tift tor $276.00 on the first count and tor
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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t221.10 on the seoond oount. Aa part ot
ooata on the t1rat count tlOO.OO waa
taxed tor attorney's tees, pursuant to
section i'-V-1 u.c.A. '53, aa amendel b7
Ch. 69 s.L.U. '61. Judgment was asainet
the defendants, M. E. Baird, BUso Emer.r
and Eugene E. Wilkey. '!'he juqment 41a­
m1saed the oase against the detendanta,
rre4 Miokelaon and Silico M1111as Co~
paDJ, a corporation.
TO have the judgment ot the low.r
oourt att1rme4.
will be referred to as "Ba1r4"; the de­
fendant, Bugo Emery, will be reterre4
to as •:1ae17"; the defendant, Euseae 1.
Wilkey, as "lf1li8J'"; the defendant, lrecl
Mickelson aa "Miokelaon• and the defend­
ant, Silioo .Milling Company, a corpora-
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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tion, will be referred to as "S111oo•.
The pla1nt1tt, Raymond Otteson will be
referred to as •otteson" an4 hie eon, Don­
ell Otteaon, as "Donell". The same deai&­
aation ot •a• will be used 'o 4ea1gnate
Wilkey's teatimony; an4 •o• to designate
plaintiff Otteaon's testimony; and "D• to
designate Donell Otteaon'a testimonJ. Ez•
cept as otherwiee designated, reference to
.lusust u4 September, mean A.uguat an4 Bep'b­
ember ot 1961.
with the statement ot facts by appellant
Wilkey. The eaaential tact• were and are
in 411Pute on the question ot--at whose in­
stance and request and to:r whom 'the plain­
tift and his son. Donell, rendered their
servioea tor whioh no payment has been
made' V.ilke7 contends 1t was S1l1co, Ot­
teson uintaina it was Wilkey, Baird and
EmerJ. Whether the $7ti .oo crecl1ted on the
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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3u4gment was an advancement upon wage••
is in d1apute.
reaaonablJ or ta1rl7 eatabliahed the tol~
lowins, or any or them:- (l) that the de­
fault or S111oo admitted Otteaons were ita
emplorees; (2) that Otteaons' teatimony ea­
ta,l1ahe4 Ottesons ecree4 with S1l1oo to
work as S1l1oo•a emplorees; (3} tha' the
Ottesona aotually worked tor Silioo; and
that Otteaona' services were accepted b7
S111oo; (') that between Ausust 6 and sept­
ember l, phJa1oal possession of ~1lker'•
buainesa properties were deliTered to S1-
11oo; (6) that S1l1co worked the properties
(lilkey•s at Nephi) and tilled ordera; (6)
that on or about .August 16, l;llkey d1aoou­
t1nued hia rock business; (?) that WilkeJ
had an agreement with S111oo whereb7 Wilkey
was to receive twenty per cent ownership
ot Silioo; and (8) that either Wilker or
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Baird waa an agen-t ot S111oo to emploJ ot-
t1e4 'o do bua1aeaa 1D Utah, Julf 25, 1g11.
He agreea that Baird was ita, or one ot ita
p~omo,era; and that Ba1r4 waa not an ott1•
oer or director ot S111oo until S.ptemhe~
1,, 1961. Bai!'d was then made a d1reo-.ezt
an4 Vioe-Preaident.
lllkey OWDed ud was ensage4 1D the zaook­
oruahing bua1n••• a• Nephi, Utah. Bis
~ook crusher was looate4 near Nephi, Utah.
ID July, 1961. he emplore4 the pla1nt1t~
and hia aon, Donell, to WOI'k for Willte7
at or in oonneotion with hie rook-cruah­
iDC (tr. •w• ll•ll, •o• 40, •D• 57).
£bollt the middle ot August, WilkeJ
'old Ottesons he was trrins to--(they Wil-
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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keys) were going to aell his outfit, or
lease it, or something, to S111oo; and
that when 'ilkey 4i4 that, Otteaona would
be working tor them (tr. "O" 41).
TOwards the end ot Ausust, 1961 Ot•
teaona had a conYeraation with Baird, Em­
ery and Wilker. They wanted Otteaons to
show them some rook aamples; and they per•
aonally paid the Otteaons $10.00 to make
the t~1p (tr. 42). Otteaona made the trip
and 414 the work (tr. no" 42, 62-3, "D"
58). Alao, towards the en4 ot £Ugus,,
lg&l there wea a conTeraation between ot­ teaons and ailkey, when Wilkey sa14 he
ha4 his tranaaction completed with Ba1r4
and others and from the beginning ot the
lat ot September, Ottesons would be work-
1Dg tor Silioo with Baird; that Mr. Bair4
would pay Otteaons ( tr. --o• 43) • But
there waa no change on or after the lst of
september. Wilkey controlled the work end
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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told Otteaone where and what to 4o; and
the rate ot pay wee the same (tr. ftO"
64-~. "D" 66-7). Orders were taken trom 44-f>, "D"
Wilkey (tr.wo'V6o-7J, b7 Otteaona until
their last work on September 20, 1961 (tr.
Wilkey had no other writing ot an
agency between himself and any ot the
other defendants oonoern1ng the employ­
ment ot Otteson• or either ot them (tr.
"W" 21).
He was putting S111oo together; he waa
a promoter tor the purpose ot puttins
thia eomp8Jl1 tose-ther. He did m.8D.J
thiDgs without the oompanJ' a knowleqe
in preparation tor the tinal:--wbich was
to ~e 4one by the ottioera of the oo~
PaDJ (tz-. 35-36). Baird and E.Ble:ry ha4
talked with ~ilkey about organizing Sill•
oo as early as May~ 1961 (tr. 38).
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Prior to September 1, Otteaone were
pa14 about each two weeks. Wilkey did
not diapute the amount the plaintitt an4
h1• aon earned; and that they had not been
pail (tr. "l" 19-20). Wilkey aa14 he was
'o pay Otteaone tor their work up to Sept­
ember 1, 1961, and from then on it was to
be Baird (tr. "0" 43, 46) •
.&bout the aid4le of Septeaber, Otte-
son a aated Wilkey tor their pay. Wilkey
sa14 Bair4 wee to make the payments. Wil­
key called (phoned) Baird. Wilkey report­
•4 Baird aaid he (Baird) would send the mon­
ey down right away (tr. "O" 46-4?).
Thereatter Otteson asked Wilkey sever.
el t1mee tor the money. It was always with
the aame result--Baird had not sent it (tr.
"0" 4:>-6) • Atter plain tift asked Wilkey
tor the moner, and he said Baird hadn't
•nt the money, Otteaona went to Salt Lake
about September 1& to 20, and tound Bairl
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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an4 ~ery at their orueher (in thetr trail­
er houee). Otteeons then asked Baird and
lmerJ who was going to pay Otteaona. Baird,
in Lmery'e presenoe, answered, -we are go-
ing to pf11 you--that Emery • a been mak1Ja&
out the par ~olls \o48J• (tr. •o• 48, "D"
Dt-&1, 68·9). "We' 11 pay it'' (tr. "D" '13,
"W" 92) • Wilkey aai4 he • d oalle4 Miokel­
aon and r.~iokelaon had said tha1i it they
(Baird and Emery) didn't send the money he
(M1okelaon) would take it out ot h1a own
pooket and pay us (tr. "O" ,9, "D8 72).
Both Miokelaon an4 Wilkey denied this (tr.
"\\'" ~; tr. 109).
waa on september 20, when Ottesons helpe4
take down Wilkey • s oruaher on WUlc:ey' a
lan4 east ot Nephi, preparatory to moviD&
same (tr. "C" 50, Ex. P-1, P-5). ~ben Don­
ell preaented his time for paymen1i (Ex.P-6)
about septem)er 18, 1961, lilkey kept it at
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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hia plaoe as part ot "our" records (tr. "~"
ber 26 and 27, 1961, getting some rook read7
tor ahlpment ( tr. "0" Dl, "D" 61-2, "W"' 101,
tx. P-5, P-&). Donell 414 the work on sep'­
ember 26 and 27, 1961 at the request of ~11-
teJ (tr. D" 62). Wilkey told Donell that
lilkey had aome ruah orders for some rooks.
Donell aaid he'd stick with him (Wilkey).
No one else aaked Donell to perform the ser­
Yioea. He thought the oruaher had lett at
the 'lme he 414 his last two 4ay'a work (tr.
"D" 61•2, 6&, Ex f-5, P-6.
Donell requested Wilkey to let hia
haYe some money; and on September 23, Wilkey
let him have his personal check tor $10.00
(Ex. "D" l) and on september 26 Wilkey let
him have his peraonal check tor $15.00 (Ex
"D" 3). Donel1 promised he'd pay it back
in a tew days. Otteson told Wilkey he had
to haYe some money; that he had to make a
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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\h1D8 about gettlq it baok, ae Donell.
lilkeJ then gaTe plaintiff hie personal
oheok tor *50.00 (~D" Ez 2 "w" 86-89). On
oheoka Wilkey wrote "Silicon". He wrote
1t to identify his buaineea on Silioo baais.
It pertained to that part ot the operation
(tr. "W" 10').
ten on their taoes "~ages". This was writ•
ten by Wilkey's wite, tor book work (tr.
n:,," i0-91, 101) • That the failure of wr1 t­
ins "Wagee" on Defendant's Exhibit 2 wsa
just an oTersight (tr. •w• 105).
When the moner wasn't sent down from
salt Lake to pay Otteaons, Wilkey didn't so
to or aek Miokeleon, Secretary-Treasurer ot
Silioo tor the money to pay pla1nt1tt and
Donell. The people whom Wilkey asked for
the money was Baird and ~ery peraonall7
(tr. 'T' 94·5).
aon was the Seoretar -Treasurer of S111co.
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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In september, on behalf ot said oo~poration,
be turned 4own the requests ot Otteaon and
Donell, tor payments tor the labor on which
thia oase ia b:rouaht ( tr. llO). Their names
were neYer on the payrolls of aaid oorpora­
tion. Miokeleon told Kmery and Baird ot the
requirements ot S111oo, that its employees
were to be turniahed with W-2 tor.ma; and ita
orticera knew of such requirements. No
auoh tol'IU were furnished Ottesons (tr- 110-
lll). It wasn't Wilkey's deoiaion that Ot­
teaona were not listed as amplorees of S111-
oo. It was tor Mickelson or Eae17 ( tr. "~If •
rogatory to Silico, number •z•, tiled May
10, 1962,· whether Silioo contended Ottesons
wor.ked tor Silico, and it ao, to diaoloee
such recorda ( "R" 24:), .Miokelaon answered
he did not contend Otteaona were emplo7ed
by &DJ peraon, tirm or corporation (R 50).
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Wilkey knew that Silioo didn't in .S.pt­
eaber, 1961. list Otteson and Donell as its
wortm.n. iilkey didn't know whose deo1a1on
it waa not to list them as em.ploJeee ot said
oorporatioa (tr. 99-100).
July 25 and september 14, lg6lJ and there ia
nothing in the minutes of the corporation
ooncernlns the acquisition ot any proper\J of
Eugene E. Wilkey, or the return ot said pro­
perty to Wilkey, des1gnate4 in the Bill of
Sale P-1 (tr. 77-78).
Baird, and. aery and a .Mr. i1111ams about Aug­
ust 16 in S111oo's ottice at Salt Lake City
(tr. "W" 25). There were other papera signecl,
but \hey all boiled down to the Bill of Sale.
elated september 6' 1~61 ( "~-" 27) • By 1 ta
terms Wilkey agreea to and does hereby sell
to S111oo for $500.00 and other valuable oon­
a4.1erat1on paid. by Silioo, willcey' a rook equip­
ment. subject ~o certain mortgages (Ex R•l).
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Wilkey exeouted plaintiff's Exhibit "1"
(Bill ot Sale) to help the·L get tinancea;
and they never got the moner. ~hen he got
baok aa14 Exhibit, ~·ilkey knew S111oo dl4n't
haYe the money to paj' these billa ( inYolved
herein ) (tr. "W• gg).
t600.00 as a monthlJ income. Be called him­
aelt en amploT••; and the money wages (tr.
"W" 30); Wilkey was working tor them, or
with them, tor about 6 or a months (court•
106). •·1lkey expected a man by the name of
Crossman to p~t in $5,000.00; an4 1\ wasn't
put in ( tr. 1'W" 106-7).
The court eummarized Wilkey's teati•
aoDJ:--1n substance that it "Jou" (Wilkey,
Baird and ~ry) sot an operation that was
workin~~ and ao on, they would get capital
from some plaoe and make a financial success
ot it; but \hey 4idn'ti and therefore the
whole thing collapsed (tr. 107).
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Wilkey attacks the judgment on the
grouada that the evidence does not sustain
the judgment. On euch an a~peal our oour•
baa aa14:
"The plaintiff having preYailed, he is entitled to the benefit ot the eTi• dence T1ewe4 in the light moat taYor­ able to him, toge,her with every infer­ ence and iDten4ment ta1~1J and reaon• a~l7 arising therefrom."
McCollum v. Clothier, 121 u. 311, Syl 1; 2•1 P2d '68.
~aid case was an action to recover up­
on quantum merit tor services rendered.
Said MoCollum case gives the rule ot law
which should govern this caee. The lower
court's judgment •hould be sustained.
Wulkey's statement that he resided at
Nephi during the summer and tall ot 1961;
and that during that time he owned and was
engaged in the rook buaineaa (tr. 11•12),
ot itaelt is sutticient 'o show Ottesons
were his empl07ees, when they at that time
worked at his ea14 business.
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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I' waa not antll at'•~ september 20.
li61 that •llkey took his rook-crushing
equipment 'o Salt Lake CltJ. It is a reason­
able and ta1r deduot1on l'rom the evidence
that Wilkey offered the sale of sa14 equip­
ment, or a lease ot same, to Sil1co; an4
that he took his machinery to salt Lake CitJ
in an ettort to acoompliah the aale or lease.
But he ~aa not auccesatul ln ao doing. He
reoeive4 no consideration on the executory
oontract (Ex. P-1).
The evidence ea,abl1ahea that it was a paper
or straw corporation without asaets. The
evidence is also clear tha' Baird was one ot
ita promoters. Wilkey an4 Emery Joined him
as membera ot a promoters• synclioate, to try
'o secure equipment from iilkey Which the
said corporation might accept aa the -asia
tor raiains finances to launch the untinanae4
oorporation lacking aaeeta into a hoped-tor
solng buaiaesa. rro.motera are in law liable
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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There 1e en agreed novation between all par­
ties by Which the corporation is substituted
as a debtor to third party creditors with
\he full knowledge and consent ot the cre41-
tora to such novation.
t1on :rrom the evidence that Wilkey wee ever,
at any ttme, appointed bJ corporate officers
ot S111oo to employ Ottesons; or that he had
any authority from said corporation so to 4o.
There 1a no substantial testimony that
Baird was an agent or manager ot S1l1eo to
employ workmen for S1lieo at Bephi during
September, 1961. Baird was doing thiace
which the officers ot S1l1oo knew nothins
about towards the final--and to be later
approved by the officers ot S111co. It was
only a tew days after Baird first became en
ottioer ot "S111eo", September 14, 1961,
that ita secretary-Treasurer refused to pa7
the Otteaons. He refused to recognize that
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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they bed been or were employed by said cor­
poration. Otteaons' names were never put
on ita recorda es its workmen.
It ia a logioal deduction from the tacts
thet when Baird beoame an oftioer or Silico
on Slp\eaber 1,, that it Otteaons were its
emplo1•••• he would he.ve seen thet their
names were put upon S111co's records as em•
plor•••• and paid. But Baird did net, af'er
beooming Vice-~resident, aen4 Otteaons to
the seoretary•Treaaurer of Silica tor pay­
ment. Instead, he said nwe'll P87•·
Silioo had no rock-crushing equipment
or business at Nephi during September. The
rook-crushing equipment and business was
11lkey•s. Wilkey was never a stockholder
or ott1oer ot S111co. The only writing be­
tween Wilkey and S1lico was plaintiff's Ex•
hibit "1", a tendered, not not accepte4
Bill ot Sale. This waa in the nature ot a
continuing orter to purchase or eubsoribe
tor stock in exchange tor sa14 property, sub•
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Jeot to the debts thereon. Wilkey reoeive4
no payment tor aaid Bill of sale, either
oaah or stook.
txh1b1t "1", Jilkey'a Bill ot sale, as such
waa delivered to or accepted by S111co. It
was Baird an4 mery wi"h whom Wilkey was d~l.­
ing. They were to .ake the payments accord­
ins to iilkey.
ity to &nJ person to acquire the property
ot ~ilkey deaignatea in the Bill ot Sale tor
eaid corporation to~ issuance ot its stock,
or other basis. en \he eontrary the evidence
ahowa there waa no corporate aeeting ot the
board or directors; and there was no general
manager authorized to act tor aaid corpora­
tion• Our Utah law appears to be that to
bind a corporation there must be a mee\iDI
or the board aa such and authorit7 by them
s1ven. Lookwita et al v. Pine Tree Minins
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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t Y1111DI co. 37 u. 349; 108 P. 1128 an4
ASaelle~ & Musaer Seed Co. T. Blood, 73 U.
120, 272 P. 938.
atatutory requirement ot a transfer of pro­
perty \o S111oo tor its etook. Article tour
ot the Articles ot Inoorpo•ation ot S111ao
authorise a the issuance ot 100,000 share a
at a par Yalue ot One Dollar per share, Sec­
tion 16-10-17 u.c.A. '53 aa amended by seo- 17, Ch. 28, s.L.U. '61 provides that tbe
aaid ahares mar be issued tor such consider­
ation expressed in dollars. Here the Bill
ot Sale proTidea the conaicleration ot
•t500.00 and other conaideration". There­
oord lhows no consideration paid; and none
authorized or agree4 to be paid by Sillco.
The logical 4educ\ion from the ev14ence 1a
that this Bill of Se.le was cltellvered to a
promoter to see if funds oould be raised to
etteot a aale; that ao tunds were obtained;
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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that no eale wae made; and the whole promo­
tion scheme tailed.
liable herein would mean that he could aSk
workmen to perform labor on and with his
property, and by a hopeful statement that
some one else would pay, to thereby deprive
workmen of their wages, and to give to those
reoeiv1ns their services rewards tor their
m1e-statements. It would be an unjust en•
riohment by f.1ltey, who received fruits ot
Ottesona' work, and then leave Otteaons
without wages.
"A promise to pay tor services render­ ed will be implied against a wrongdoer who never intended to pay, or who intend­ ed deceitfully t..) avoid payment, 000 "
71 c.J. see. 16 p. 52--Work and Labor.
It may be that lilkey, by some straJl6e
construction, believed he was an agent tor
Silica when he told Ottesons that after
Septe~ber 1, 19&1 they'd be working tor
"them". Neither the facts nor the law sua-
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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tain tba\ oonatruction. Even it he so be-
lieYed, such does not entitle him to free­
dom rrom liability herein. In such event,
it waa a statement which was an impl1e4 war­
ranty that he was such agent; and •hat tail­
in this, ~e waa and ia personally lia~le.
•Aooor41n& to the rule now prevailing in a majority ot 'he Juriediotiona, which 1e in aocor4 with the rule a4opted by the !merican Law Institute, an agent who, in contracting with a th1r4 party on be­ halt or his pr1no1pal, so exceeds his authority that the pr1no1pal is not boua4 upon the oontraot, becomes liable to the third partJ, aaaum1ng tha' suoh partJ has no knowledge of the agent's lack or author~ tJ, upon an 1mpl1e4 warranty ot aathor• ity though the agent acts in good taith and believes he has the authority which he aeaumea to exercise.
2 Am. Jur. p. 252, sec. 522.
Wlokelaon's explanation of the connec­
tion ot Baird with Silico does not give
Baird authority tor or on behalf of Silioo.
to emploJ Otteaons. ~ckelson's answers to
hie own oounael queetions in su:bstance were:
Baird's aaaoc1at1on with the company was
that or a promoter. He waa not e:n~)loyed by
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aaid oo~pora,ion--he waa putting it together
( t:r. 36) •
tor relief out81de the u•ual oonatructioa of
plea41nga. aaking tor an attirmative judg­
ment tor the t76.00 advancemen• to Ottaaona,
it auoh relief is eought on behalt of •aid
i1lkeJ, oer,ainlJ he would be liable tor a
nesligent misrepresentation that others woul4
pay Otteaona, and eatopped to aay when S1l1oo
was inaolvent, it 1a liable.
These are eatabliahe4 by the tecta, or
are reasonable and tair 4eduotions trom the
taotss- (l) that Ba1r4, Emery and Wilkey,
1n the latter pert ot August, 1961 asked ot­ teaona to explore tor rooks for them, and
paid Otteaons therefor; and thereafter 'o­ gether, ea a pl'oaoter syndicate. they tried
to etteot 'h• transfer of iilke7' e rock­
oruahing equipment and business to S111co but
tailed to so do; (2) that ailkey paid Otte-
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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eona tor their labor in .August. He eaid he
paid them "what I owed them" (tr. 82); (3)
tha\ otteaona looked to iiliey tor their
pay; (') that 'llkey neYer went to the secre­
tary-Treasurer of ~ilico tor the money to
pay Otteaone, but went to Baird an4 Emery per­
aonallJ; (5) thet the work done by Ottesone
waa upon the property ot Wilkey; (6) that the
manner ot pertor.rnanoe was controlled by Wilkey,
and ocoaeionally directed by Baird; (7) that
Otteaons were the emplOJees ot Wilkey, or ot
Wilkey, Baird and ~mery; (8) that the bene­
tita from said emploJment oa.me to Wilkey as
ouer ot the rock-crushing equ1paent, and
1n41rectlJ to Ba1r4 and Emery as members of
the unaucoesatul promoters' syndicate; that
nel ther W1U:ey, Ba1r4 or Emery was an agent
ot S111co to employ ottesons; (9) that Sili•
co DeTer ratified said employment, but on
the toatrary. retuaed it and retuae4 to pay
tor aa14 work; (10) that the $75.00 was an
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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a4Yanoement by \:.llkey; and the ore41t or
aame on acoount by court was proper; (11)
that when Otteaona aeked Wilkey tirat and
then Baird and Emery tor the pay~ Baird's
answer in the preaence ot Eae~y was "~e'll
par"; that when Wilkey aaid you'll be work­
ing tor "'hem" he deaignated iilkey, Baird
and Emery, or 1t was but a toreoaat. Thia
11 atransthene4 by the tact that it was
lilkey who would get the benetit had the pro­
ao\ion been suooesatul. He had a buaiaess
to aell; and during its operation he reoe1Ye4
IIODe)' •
oourt and \~ilkey appears ooatrolling:
The court: What you (Wilkey) are say­
ing in aubatanoe 1s. ~hat it you got an opera­
tion that was working and ao on, then 70U·
would set eastern oapital or oapital trom
some plaoe to make a financial success of
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The witness: ~ell--
and therefore the whole thing oollapaed an4
that's the problem 1a it'
The witneaa: Yah.
an4 1a, that in the summer and tall ot 1961,
Wilkey was the owner and operator of a roelc­
cruahing business at Nephi; that in lulJ he
emplore4 the Otteaons to work tor him in Wil­
key's buaineaa; that from Julf to November
22, 1961 Wilkey tr1e4 to efteet a aale ot
his rook-cruahlng equipment to Silioo, and
aleo to aeoure tor himself a poa1\1on ot •~
ployaent with the proapeotive purchaser--s111-
oo; that to accomplish this he Joined hands
with the p:romoter of said compaey. Baird, and
one ot its otticera,Emery, as a promoter syndi­
cate; and as an ettort to produce this reault
11lkey and his wife siped a Bill ot Sale to of­
fer to said S111co on Sept~ 6, 1961; but that
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it 414 not beoome errective as auch beoause
aa14 l1lk:ey, Baird and ~mery coul4 not ae­
oure tlie finance to do what was required to
Join aaid ~111oo; and on November 22, 19&1
said Bill ot Sale was returned to Wilkey;
that Otteaona neYer oeaaed to be emploreea
ot '1lkey; that Wilkey direoted and con•
trolled their servioea; until september 27.
lg61 to till orders tor his crushed rook;
and that Otteaona were a141ng Wilkey to con­
tinue his operation to give him the oppor­
tunity to etteot the sale.
It la a reasonable and fair deduction,
as found by the court, that it was a' the
lnatance and request of wilkey, Baird an4
Emery the' said Otteeona 414 'he work herein
iavol ved to~ V.ilkey, Baird and Eaery; and
1n taot and. law they promised to pay there­
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.·~eaordinglJ Otteaon sulh.il ts the Judg­
ment ahould be af.tirmed with ooata to rea•
pondent. -ated ~ey ________ 1a _________ , 1964.
Reapeo\tully subm1,te4,
re aponden\ 121 North Main Ltreet, lfeph1, Utah.
I hereby certify that I mailed two oopiea ot the foregoing Plaintiff-respondent's Brief to ~. William H. Bendereon, Attorney tor De­ fendant and &ppellant, at 711 ~ston Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. on the 8 day ot May, 19&,.
/s/ Udell R. Jensen
Sponsored by the S.J. Quinney Law Library. Funding for digitization provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Utah State Library.
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Brigham Young University Law School
BYU Law Digital Commons
Raymond Otteson v. M. K. Baird et al : Plaintiff-Brief of Respondent
Utah Supreme Court
