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RaZORLIne Hosted IP telePHony offers flexibility and

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IMAGINE THAT A prolonged power outage or a disaster hits your company’s physical location. How would you communicate with your clients? How would customers call you? Would you lose valuable business? With RazorLine’s voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) communication system, you could still take phone calls, regardless of where you are— and your business wouldn’t miss a beat. Disaster-proof business continuity is just one service offered by RazorLine, a Metairie-based company that provides local and long-distance service us- ing VoIP technology. Because RazorLine’s system is located in a secure, off-site facility with multiple network con- nections, it provides virtually uninterruptible service. “A user’s calls are an- swered by our hosted switch rather than at a user’s loca- tion, which allows us to send calls to alternate offices,” says Gene Dry, RazorLine’s managing director. “We keep businesses operating—even when there is no place to operate. That’s important for Gulf Coast companies.” But RazorLine’s products and services— which also include wireless, Internet, private data networks, video conferencing, meet-me conferencing, hardware and call recording—are not just for when disaster strikes. They simplify everyday business too. By providing both the system and the ser- vice, RazorLine gives businesses one point of contact—instead of four or five vendors—for all of their communication needs, resulting in expanded features at a lower cost. RazorLine tailors a system to meet each client’s specific communication needs, whether the company has five or 5,000 employees. RazorLine begins with a free analysis of the client’s phone bill, a task that often highlights how a company has molded its business around its phone system, instead of the other way around. “I see many businesses who tailor their op- erations to fit their 12-year-old phone system,” Dry says. “A company doesn’t need a monthly investment in multiple phone lines.” RazorLine allows a business to blur the line between phone line and location. By serving a company’s multiple locations on the same plat- form, RazorLine enables a whole enterprise to run like one office. For example, a company may have 10 locations, with employees working in several groups—such as sales—at each location. RazorLine can set up a system where all employ- ees in a specific group are on the same system. “So, you become just one sales group instead of 10 salespeople in 10 different cities.” Customers don’t have to call multiple num- bers—their calls become part of a queue that can be answered by anyone in the group, de- pending on how the business wants the system set up. With VoIP, users can take their phones anywhere there is broadband access and calls will follow. The phone number, which is simply an IP address to which you direct certain traffic, stays the same. “We have phones with local numbers that are on someone’s desk in Brazil, England, Qatar and Mexico. We have users who essentially carry their whole office with them when they travel,” Dry says. “Businesses can do so many more things than they thought possible because their phone basically has become a computer.” And RazorLine’s phone system expands with a business’s changing needs, an added benefit for companies that have no idea what the future holds. Razorline’s customers come from a range of industries, including banks, restaurants, attor- neys, physicians, oil and gas service companies, and a state agency. “Most large companies have a phone bill that’s five or six hundred pages long; it just becomes a line item in their budget. They don’t know what they’re paying for.” “There’s no reason for that complexity,” Dry says. “We allow a company to operate outside the box of restrictive phone systems by expand- ing their thinking to consider what works best for their customers and for them.” AT A GLANCE PRIMARY PRODUCT/SERVICE: Provides phone systems and services to business customers using a hosted IP telephony system TOP LOCAL EXECUTIVES: Gene Dry, Kim Williams NO. OF LOCAL EMPLOYEES: 5 YEAR FOUNDED: 2004 PHONE: (225) 214-4404 or (504) 274-1717 WEBSITE: razorline.com EMAIL: [email protected] HOSTED IP TELEPHONY OFFERS FLEXIBILITY AND SECURITY RAZORLINE ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1 SPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE

ImagIne that a prolonged power outage or a disaster hits your company’s physical location. How would you communicate with your clients? How would customers call you? Would you lose valuable business?

With RazorLine’s voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) communication system, you could still take phone calls, regardless of where you are—and your business wouldn’t miss a beat.

Disaster-proof business continuity is just one service offered by RazorLine, a Metairie-based

company that provides local and long-distance service us-ing VoIP technology. Because RazorLine’s system is located in a secure, off-site facility with multiple network con-nections, it provides virtually uninterruptible service.

“A user’s calls are an-swered by our hosted switch rather than at a user’s loca-tion, which allows us to send calls to alternate offices,”

says Gene Dry, RazorLine’s managing director. “We keep businesses operating—even when there is no place to operate. That’s important for Gulf Coast companies.”

But RazorLine’s products and services—which also include wireless, Internet, private data networks, video conferencing, meet-me conferencing, hardware and call recording—are not just for when disaster strikes. They simplify everyday business too.

By providing both the system and the ser-vice, RazorLine gives businesses one point of contact—instead of four or five vendors—for all of their communication needs, resulting in expanded features at a lower cost. RazorLine tailors a system to meet each client’s specific communication needs, whether the company has five or 5,000 employees. RazorLine begins with a free analysis of the client’s phone bill, a task that often highlights how a company has molded its business around its phone system, instead of the other way around.

“I see many businesses who tailor their op-

erations to fit their 12-year-old phone system,” Dry says. “A company doesn’t need a monthly investment in multiple phone lines.”

RazorLine allows a business to blur the line between phone line and location. By serving a company’s multiple locations on the same plat-form, RazorLine enables a whole enterprise to run like one office. For example, a company may have 10 locations, with employees working in several groups—such as sales—at each location. RazorLine can set up a system where all employ-ees in a specific group are on the same system. “So, you become just one sales group instead of 10 salespeople in 10 different cities.”

Customers don’t have to call multiple num-bers—their calls become part of a queue that can be answered by anyone in the group, de-pending on how the business wants the system set up. With VoIP, users can take their phones anywhere there is broadband access and calls will follow. The phone number, which is simply an IP address to which you direct certain traffic, stays the same.

“We have phones with local numbers that are on someone’s desk in Brazil, England, Qatar and Mexico. We have users who essentially carry their whole office with them when they travel,” Dry says. “Businesses can do so many more things than they thought possible because their phone basically has become a computer.”

And RazorLine’s phone system expands with a business’s changing needs, an added benefit for companies that have no idea what the future holds.

Razorline’s customers come from a range of industries, including banks, restaurants, attor-neys, physicians, oil and gas service companies, and a state agency.

“Most large companies have a phone bill that’s five or six hundred pages long; it just becomes a line item in their budget. They don’t know what they’re paying for.”

“There’s no reason for that complexity,” Dry says. “We allow a company to operate outside the box of restrictive phone systems by expand-ing their thinking to consider what works best for their customers and for them.” ≤


Provides phone systems and services to business customers using a hosted

IP telephony system

ToP LoCAL ExECuTIVES: Gene Dry, Kim Williams


yEAR FouNDED: 2004

PHoNE: (225) 214-4404 or (504) 274-1717

WEBSITE: razorline.com

EMAIL: [email protected]

Hosted IP telePHony offers flexibility and security


ANNuAL REPoRT 2013 1

