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Reducing water wastage in the UK Annual Report 2008-2009
Page 1: Reducing water wastage in the UK...Reducing water wastage in the UK Annual Report 2008-2009 Waterwise Annual Report 2009 1 This year – Waterwise’s fourth – has been extremely

Reducing water wastage in the UKAnnual Report 2008-2009

Page 2: Reducing water wastage in the UK...Reducing water wastage in the UK Annual Report 2008-2009 Waterwise Annual Report 2009 1 This year – Waterwise’s fourth – has been extremely

Waterwise Annual Report 2009 1

This year – Waterwise’s fourth – has been extremely productive, and the Waterwise team is delighted with the progress we have made in driving water efficiency across the economy and society, working with all our stakeholders. This increased interest in water efficiency across governments, regulators, the water industry, consumers, retailers, manufacturers and NGOs has stretched our organisation’s resources. We were very pleased that our Waterwise water efficiency conference, with principal sponsor Grohe, brought together all the key stakeholders and focused on the practical delivery of water efficiency. This year’s conference once again formed part of the UN’s World Water Day events programme and was sold out. Our monthly e-Newsletter has doubled in circulation and now goes out to around 2000 key stakeholders and interested individuals.

This year has seen some changes in Waterwise with an expansion in staff. We have responded to the stakeholders’ expectations by developing our capabilities. We have been talking to stakeholders a lot about the role of the organisation, as we have been developing a strategy for the next phase of Waterwise after our current remit comes to an end in September 2010. There is a growing consensus that the new Waterwise should continue with many of our current functions and in addition increase the focus on the practical delivery of water efficiency. We have entered a crucial year for Waterwise and we look forward to continuing dialogue with you, including at our annual conference on 22 – 23 March 2010, which has become a reunion for all of us interested in water efficiency.

Jacob Tompkins

How this report works

This report has been structured around Waterwise’s objectives. Under each we have listed our key achievements for the Waterwise financial year (Sept 2008 – Sept 2009). Please note that many of the outputs and activities could be placed in several objectives as there is much overlap.

Contents1 Welcome from Jacob Tompkins, Managing Director, Waterwise

2 This year: 2008-2009Waterwise stakeholder survey

4 Objective 1 Championing water efficiency within the water industry Water company liaison Communicating with water companiesShower Power – How long do you take?

5 Objective 2 Shaping a positive regulatory framework for water efficiencyPeriodic Review 2009 – Ofwat’s draft determinationsWater efficiency targets

6 Objective 3 Building the evidence base for large-scale water efficiency through large scale pilot schemes and other researchThe Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in HomesWater and energy implications of personal washingEvaluation of the water saving potential of social housing stock in the Greater London Area

8 Objective 4 Ensuring water efficiency in the built environment sectorEngaging with retailers and manufacturers Waterwise East – successes and highlightswww.water-efficient-buildings.org.uk

10 Objective 5 Influencing government policies on water efficiency Waterwise policy influencing and consultation responses Waterwise UK and EU ManifestoesWalker Review of Charging for Household Water and Sewerage ServicesCave Review of Competition and Innovation in Water MarketsBlueprint for WaterRivers on the EdgeSaving Water in Scotland NetworkWater Saving Group

14 Objective 6 Understanding and changing consumer perceptions of water efficiency and encouraging wise use of water Waterwise MarqueRegional Environmental Networks for Energy and Water (RENEW)Future FriendlySavewater Awards AustraliaWaterwise media coverage

17 Objective 7 Promoting the social benefits of and addressing the barriers to water efficiency

The Preston Water Efficiency InitiativeSHARE: Social Housing Action on Resources and EnvironmentMetering

19 On the way to a new phase for Waterwise – looking into the future, post 2010

20 About usOur aimOur objectivesOur boardOur staffOur consultants Our interns

Welcome from Jacob Tompkins, Managing Director, Waterwise

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Waterwise Stakeholder SurveyTo deliver its objectives, Waterwise works and communicates directly with key stakeholders to drive water efficiency. To support this, and to aid development and planning of a new Waterwise post 2010, Waterwise this year conducted a stakeholder survey. The results are tabled below but in summary:

Waterwise achieved an average rating of 4 out of 5 (where 5 is strongly positive) when stakeholders were asked ‘to what extent do you believe that Waterwise has technical expertise, promotes water efficient products, has a consistent voice on water efficiency, communicates water efficient messages,

has wide-scale political influence, conducts good quality research, has raised the profile of water efficiency and appears to act independently?’

When asked to describe Waterwise, a large proportion (70%) of respondents used words like, ‘cooperative’, ‘accessible’, ‘high expertise’, ‘proactive’ and ‘esteemed’.

Waterwise performed less well in its capacity to deal with the large volume of work. This has been largely due to the small staff team with which Waterwise operates. It is being addressed.

This year: 2008-2009

To what extent do you believe that Waterwise...

Overall Waterwise rating

Has technical expertise

Promotes water efficient goods

Has a consistent voice on water efficiency

Communicates water efficient messages

Has wide-scale political influence

Conducts good quality research

Raised profile of water efficiency

Seen to be independent










Which words would you use to best describe Waterwise?



High expertise

Meets expectations






Agree No answer Disagree

“The group welcomes the creation of Waterwise, which has become a leading authority on water efficiency”All Party Parliamentary Group on Water

The draft determinations of the water company price review have allowed a record number of large-scale water efficiency programmes. This represented significant progress in taking forward water efficiency in the industry. Reviews (such as the Walker and Cave reviews), legislation, policies, strategies and select committee reports have taken forward the water efficiency agenda, and paved the way for new opportunities.

Waterwise has been working closely with the water companies to deliver ‘Shower power’ – an educational campaign designed to encourage shorter showering. This campaign been designed to help water companies meet Ofwat’s water efficiency targets.

We have seen an increase in the number of Waterwise Marque products. We have seen the roll out of a Waterwise/Energy Saving Trust programme providing joint water and energy advice funded by EU Life Plus.

Waterwise has played a role in all of these developments – highlighting our important function as a facilitator and enabler. Waterwise has also continued to shape the agenda on water efficiency through a great deal of work on the links between water and energy, particularly in relation to joint retrofitting opportunities and some very detailed work around the Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency. A lot of staff time has been dedicated to working with and influencing product manufacturers and retailers to promote water efficient goods.

Finally, Waterwise has benefitted from partnership working and delivering at the local level through projects such as ‘SHARE – Social Housing Action on Resources and Environment’, ‘Rivers on the Edge’ and ‘RENEW – Regional Environmental Networks for Energy and Water’.

Over the past year there has been a lot of progress towards a water efficient society. The water companies are now undertaking water efficiency projects of a much larger scale than in the past, and developing new partnerships, with Waterwise and others.

Above:Keble College, Oxford – venue for the Waterwise water efficiency conference and exhibition.

Above left: Paul Flowers, Senior Vice President of Design, Grohe – key note speaker at the conference dinner.

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Water company liaisonWaterwise has this year maintained a close working relationship with the water companies through regular visits, joint project advice and two way communication which has shaped Waterwise’s work, including on the Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes (for detail see objective 3). Waterwise values this partnership with the water companies as their knowledge and expertise contributes significantly to our achievements. This work assists Waterwise in better establishing the reliability of water efficiency measures and improving the reliability of assumptions underlying investments targeted at water efficiency. In turn it helps to inform water company water efficiency work.

Communicating with water companiesIn the past year Waterwise has worked closely with water companies to communicate water efficiency. In this way Waterwise ensures consistent delivery of messaging across the country. This is coordinated through building partnerships with water efficiency managers and communication managers at water companies. One example of this is the large national water efficiency campaign that Waterwise has coordinated for the last three years on behalf of water companies promoting key water saving messages both indoors and outdoors. Waterwise has now developed a good brand reputation and is seen as a credible authority on water efficiency by the media.

Shower Power – How long do you take?In September 2009 Waterwise launched Shower power – an educational campaign encouraging shorter showering and spearheaded by multi medal winning Olympic athlete and motivational speaker, Kriss Akabusi. The campaign was delivered by Waterwise and Talisman Communications on behalf of 12 UK water companies, supported by the Energy Saving

Trust and endorsed by the Minister for the Natural and Marine Environment, Huw Irranca – Davies: ‘I am delighted to support this campaign, which shows there are simple things we can all do which save water and energy that will help us in the battle against climate change.’ (Huw Irranca-Davies MP)

The campaign targeted both billpayers (aged 26-55) and the younger ‘more wasteful’ age group (18 – 26) through an integrated social norms approach. Key messages were promoted through advertorial in Virgin Electric Ezine, Virgin Trains Hotline Magazine and Your M&S Magazine to an audience of over 3 million people. In addition, promotion of research findings secured coverage in various media outlets including 23 regional radio stations, national newspapers and numerous environmental websites. Advertorial and PR activity has driven traffic to a campaign webpage www.waterwise.org.uk/showerpower where visitors have a chance to enter a competition to win water efficient products and calculate their shower water consumption.

The campaign highlighted research to break the age old myth that women take much longer than men in the shower and found that on average women spend just 39 seconds longer in the shower than men. In addition, the research found that most people do not actually take as long in the shower as their peers believe. Asked how long they thought people spent in the shower, men in particular overestimated how long women spend in the shower, but women did too. While the average shower time for women is 10 minutes 40 seconds, men estimate that it is 14 minutes 59 seconds and women estimate that it is 12 minutes 14 seconds.

Objective 1

Championing water efficiency within the water industry

In the past year Waterwise has been working hard to champion water efficiency within the water industry and is now frequently described as ‘The leading authority on water efficiency’.

Periodic Review 2009 – Ofwat’s draft determinationsWaterwise warmly welcomed Ofwat’s draft determinations for PR09, published in July 2009, in which a record six enhanced water efficiency schemes were approved. This represented significant progress in taking forward water efficiency in the industry. The water companies are now delivering a large number of water efficiency programmes, representing an exponential increase in both number and scale from the schemes that were in place a few years ago. The six enhanced water efficiency programmes which were approved in the draft determinations will lead to the retrofitting of tens of thousands of homes a year for water efficiency.

Some of the water efficiency programmes which water companies are now taking forward are being delivered through innovative partnerships, including with Waterwise, social housing providers and energy companies, and piggybacking other initiatives.

Regina Finn, Chief Executive of Ofwat, has acknowledged the contribution of Waterwise’s Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes, produced for the UK Environment Minister’s Water Saving Group in October 2008. The Evidence Base has played a key role in company and regulatory decisions around PR09 to date, being used by both the companies and Ofwat (it is now being updated and improved.) Waterwise has played a role in the increased dialogue this review has seen.

Waterwise has worked through its UK manifesto (for detail see objective 5) and other discussions with government and regulators to develop a new regulatory settlement for water with climate change mitigation and adaption at its heart. This includes seeking to correct the bias towards capital expenditure in the regulatory system.

Water efficiency targetsWaterwise welcomes Ofwat’s water efficiency targets on the water companies, which are now in place. This process has placed more emphasis on water efficiency in the boardroom of every water company and has also provided a framework within which the enhanced water efficiency programmes described above could be taken forward. Waterwise has this year played a key role in the development of the specifications for allowances for water efficiency measures within Ofwat’s water efficiency targets.

Objective 2

Shaping a positive regulatory framework for water efficiency

In the past year, Waterwise has played a key role on the Water Saving Group (for detail see objective 5), which held its last meeting in November 2008, and has worked closely with government and regulators to drive the policy and regulatory agenda surrounding the water industry and more widely – including through the Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes (for detail see objective 3).

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Water and energy implications of personal washingWaterwise, with the support of the Energy Saving Trust, conducted a desk review of all available data and reports relating to water and energy use due to personal washing in the home. The report reviews the evidence for baths and showers and makes suggestions based on identified policy, research, and retrofit gaps and opportunities. The report found that knowledge of the drivers of showering and bathing behaviour needs further development, as does performance indicators and baselines for acceptance. It concluded that product development and marketing must not rely solely on environmental messaging, and that an upgrade in plumbing and shower technology may lead to the opportunity to replace electric showers.

Evaluation of the water-saving potential of social housing stock in the Greater London AreaWaterwise conducted a survey of social housing authorities to assess the current standards for water efficiency. Data suggested that up to 80% of social housing stock in Greater London has a bath and no shower installed. Scenarios for installing showers under an updated Decent Homes standard were discussed and potential water, energy, and carbon savings highlighted. Carbon and utility cost impacts were found to be highly uncertain due to different cost and carbon weightings of electricity and gas sources for heating water.

The Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in HomesWaterwise has been working with an array of stakeholders to try to understand the value of water efficiency retrofitting carried out on a scale of tens of thousands of homes. We work closely with the water companies, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, (the Department for) Communities and Local Government, Ofwat, the Environment Agency, social housing providers, manufacturers and retailers of water efficient devices, NGOs, environmental consultants and academics to ensure that the real costs and benefits of large scale water efficiency are taken into account as part of a twin track approach to water resource management.

In October 2008, Waterwise published the Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes. This study was the first to bring together data from water company led large-scale water efficiency trials and analyse the data from these using a common methodology. The report was produced with the support of a Steering Group drawn from all members of the Water Saving Group (WSG). At its final meeting in November 2008, WSG colleagues ‘welcomed this useful report and agreed that it should be kept updated to reflect the evidence of future water efficiency projects as they become available in the future’. An action was agreed for ‘Waterwise to discuss with CLG the role that Housing Associations could potentially play working with water companies to promote greater water efficiency’. The Evidence Base was also widely quoted in the Interim Report of the Walker Review.

The Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes is now being updated and kept live in a two year project funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Communities and Local Government, the Environment Agency and Ofwat. A work plan detailing the objectives and the approach to updating the Evidence Base was published in April 2009. The updated Evidence Base – a second phase of work containing new, robust data as well as more rigorous analysis and an improved methodology will provide an improved source of information about costs and benefits of retrofits, as well as advice on how best to carry these out. It will therefore be highly relevant to water companies, government policy and regulation.

The project is now on track to provide further insight into water efficiency retrofitting to inform industry practice, regulation and policy. To ensure that the needs of all our stakeholders are taken into account, the Evidence Base Steering Group has been set up, with representation from the water companies, the Environment Agency, Ofwat, Defra and Communities and Local Government.

Waterwise has undertaken significant research in the last year to underpin water efficiency policies, contribute to the agenda and to assist stakeholder delivery – including the Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes, research into the links between water and energy and research for the Mayor of London.

Objective 3

Building the ‘Evidence Base for water efficiency’ through large-scale pilot schemes and other research

Cover examples of Waterwise research publications

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www.water-efficient-buildings.org.ukThe water efficient buildings website was launched earlier this year and has two main sections, providing support to planners and developers. Both areas aim to increase the users’ understanding of why water-efficient development is important, as well as providing support to them fulfilling their roles in water efficient development. The website has been warmly welcomed by government and regulators.

Local planning authorities are able to require development to meet any given level of the Code provided the requirement is included in a development planning document and there is demonstrable need. The water and planning guidance section of this website refers planners to all the documentation and supporting policies relating

to water and gives advice on how to integrate relevant policies into their Local Development Framework.

The development guide of the website provides information on regulations, costs of water efficiency, householder attitudes and case studies and provides all the information a developer needs to produce a water efficient home.

Engaging with retailers and manufacturersWaterwise works closely with product manufacturers and inventors to produce, develop and guide new products to market. Waterwise’s involvement with Future Friendly (for detail see objective 6) aided in bringing the Water Pebble, an innovative water measurement tool, to consumers in the UK.

Waterwise works with buyers and CSR staff of major retailers to ensure that more water efficient products are available in stores. Waterwise has developed joint point of sale information with retailers such as B&Q to ensure customers understand the need to use water wisely.

We are developing closer links with plumbing organisations to ensure delivery and installation of water efficient products as well as using them as water efficient champions as they have close contact with consumers.

Waterwise East – successes and highlightsWaterwise East is the regional centre of excellence for water efficiency in the East of England. It aims to reduce water wastage in the region and is primarily focused on development and the built environment.

In the past year much of the hard work laid down in the past has come to fruition. The biggest success has been the launch of the website

www.water-efficient-buildings.org.uk which has sections for planners and developers detailing how they can play their part in building water efficient buildings. In Spring 2009 research commissioned by Waterwise East was published which looked at householder attitudes to water efficiency. This research has been combined with other research and evidence available and communicated to stakeholders in an effort to ensure water efficiency is done in a sustainable manner, which is acceptable to the end-user.

Waterwise East has run a series of successful events throughout the past year, including – ‘Planning for Water’ event for planners and development control officers, February 2009; ‘Regional Water Conference’ for specialists in water, environment and construction, 30 October 2008, in conjunction with ICE, IMechE and Anglian Water; and a ‘Water Efficiency Seminar for Housing Associations’, 30 Sept 2008. These events have provided support to over 125 individuals, with excellent feedback from attendees, including 100% of delegates from the housing association event changing specifications as a result of attending the event.

In addition Waterwise East has offered advice and support to other individuals, businesses, the media and local authorities in the region and around the UK due to an increasing interest in water efficient developments. This has included participation in several events.

In the past year Waterwise has worked towards driving and embedding water efficient practices in the built environment sector. This has included work with homebuilders and developers, engaging with community-based organisations and social housing associations, and increasing the availability of water-efficient products. This work has largely been driven by Waterwise East.

Objective 4

Ensuring water efficiency in the built environment sector

The Water Efficient Buildings Website provides advice and support to planners and developers

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Waterwise has responded formally to the following consultations:• Individual water company draft Water Resource

Management Plans• Government consultation on amendment to

Part G of the Building Regulations (to bring water efficiency into Building Regulations for the first time)

• the Cave Review• the Walker Review’s interim report• Ofwat’s consultation on future water

efficiency targets• Government consultation on the definition of

zero-carbon homes and non-domestic buildings• Government draft Planning Policy Statement on

Eco-Towns• Government consultations on the Heat and

Energy Saving Strategy, the Community Energy Saving Programme, changes to the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target, and smart metering for electricity and gas

• The draft Floods and Water Management Bill• The Scottish Water Industry Commission’s draft

determination• Government consultation on the Adaptation

Reporting Power (in the Climate Change Act)• The Welsh Assembly Government’s consultation

on the Climate Change Strategy

Waterwise has tabled written evidence to Select Committee reports on: PR09, the Draft Floods and Reporting Bill, the Decent Homes social housing standard, and adapting to climate change.

Waterwise UK and EU ManifestosIn April 2009, Waterwise launched its UK and EU Manifestoes – a call to arms to the political parties to deliver water-efficient homes, buildings and businesses. The manifestoes set out the steps which need to be taken to help ensure a climate-resilient UK economy through water efficiency, as well as the detailed case for the contribution water efficiency can make.

Waterwise’s manifesto for the UK focuses on ensuring that water efficiency is mainstreamed alongside energy efficiency, and that homes and businesses in the future are climate-resilient (so that less water goes further) as well as not contributing to climate change themselves. It also highlights the need for incentives to water companies to make sure homes and businesses are wasting less water, and to make it cheaper and easier for us all to buy products which don’t waste water.

Waterwise has been discussing its UK Manifesto with UK government Ministers, Special Advisers and officials, and with the relevant Spokespersons for the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. In Scotland, we have discussed it with Ministers, officials and Opposition spokespersons. The aim is to influence the manifestoes of all of the political parties for the General Election which will be held by June 2010.

At the same time, Waterwise launched its manifesto for the European Parliament, calling on MEPS to ensure that European funding policies and investments are targeted at developing water-related green jobs and to launch a debate on incentives to foster water efficiency. Waterwise has been discussing its EU manifesto with Members of the European Parliament across the political parties, and with EU officials, in the hope of influencing the European Parliamentary policy agenda.

Waterwise policy-influencing and consultation responsesThe policy agenda for water this year, across which Waterwise has been active and influential, has included:• the independent reviews set up by the

government to make recommendations on charging for household water and sewerage services, and on competition and innovation in water markets (the Walker and Cave Reviews respectively)

• the publication of the draft Floods and Water Bill which includes measures to update the 100-year old hosepipe ban regulations (and through which the government has committed to respond to any legislative recommendations from the Walker and Cave Reviews which it is taking forward)

• the 2009 Price Review, and the Scottish Water Industry Commission’s 2010-2014 price review

• Water Resource Management Plans• water efficiency coming into Building Regulations

for the first time ever, and the continuing development of Eco Towns

• government strategies and policies to tackle climate change and take forward the low-carbon economy – including ambitious plans to retrofit every home for water efficiency, developing the definition of zero carbon homes and buildings, and plans for a smart energy meter in every home within ten years

• the Climate Change Act which became law in November 2008, and will require key sectors including the water industry and Ofwat to report on their climate change adaptation plans, and measures taken forward alongside this to ensure the government itself adapts to climate change, and the setting-up of the Adaptation Sub-Committee to advise government and assess progress on UK adaptation to climate change

• a new duty on Scottish Water to promote water conservation and water-use efficiency through the Climate Change (Scotland) Act, which became law in August 2009

• the Environment Agency’s Water Resources Strategies for England and Wales

• Parliamentary Select Committee inquiries into PR09, the draft Floods and Water Management Bill, the Decent Homes standard for social housing, and adapting to climate change

• The Welsh Assembly Government’s Climate Change Strategy

Periodic prolonged rainfall and floods have led to misunderstandings around the need to save water

This year has seen a vast amount of policy and regulatory activity on water efficiency, and on other issues which provide the potential to take water efficiency further. Waterwise has been active in these policy and regulatory discussions, including through its membership of the Environment Minister’s High-Level Water Saving Group (which held its last meeting in November 2008), and its presence at a stakeholder meeting with Defra Secretary of State Hilary Benn, and individual Waterwise meetings with Defra, CLG and Treasury Ministers, as well as with senior officials across Whitehall (Defra, CLG, DECC, BERR (as then was), DECC and HM Treasury), and opposition parties. Waterwise has also continued to deliver the Saving Water in Scotland network.

Objective 5

Influencing government policies on water efficiency

Orpington ponds in Kent during the drought in the summer of 2006.

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Saving Water in ScotlandIn February, Waterwise co-convened (with Waterwatch Scotland) the 4th Meeting of the Saving Water in Scotland Network, which Waterwise set up to bring together policymakers, Members of the Scottish Parliament, regulators, Scottish Water, NGOs, housing providers, retailers, manufacturers and others, to progress the water efficiency agenda and develop specific partnerships to deliver it. The 4th meeting focussed on the links between water and energy, and was again Chaired by Sarah Boyack MSP, former Environment Minister and now Scottish Labour’s spokesperson on the Environment, Rural Affairs and Climate Change. Following the meeting, Waterwise sent MSPs on four relevant Parliamentary Committees a paper on the water-energy nexus in Scotland, which elicited a great deal of interest. Waterwise also received a request to meet the Scottish Climate Change Minister, Stewart Stevenson, who was very interested in the contribution water efficiency can make to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Water Saving GroupWaterwise was the only NGO to sit on the UK Environment Minister’s High-Level Water Saving Group, alongside the water industry, its regulators, the Consumer Council for Water and Communities and Local Government. The Water Saving Group was set up to increase water efficiency in households in England. Waterwise’s workstream for the Water Saving Group delivered the Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes – this was published in October 2008, and at the WSG’s final meeting in November 2008 it ‘welcomed this useful report and agreed that it should be kept updated to reflect the evidence of future water efficiency projects as they became available in the future’. An action was also agreed for ‘Waterwise to discuss with CLG the role that Housing Associations could potentially play working with water companies to promote greater water efficiency’.

Walker Review of Charging for Household Water and Sewerage ServicesWaterwise submitted evidence to the Walker Review, and has responded in depth to its interim report. Equally importantly, Waterwise has worked extremely closely with the Walker Review team as its report and ideas have developed. This has included Waterwise presenting at a Walker Review workshop on the environment.

The Interim Report of the Walker Review (June 2009), quotes Waterwise and its Evidence Base for Large-scale Water Efficiency in Homes extensively, and makes the following proposal:

‘The UK government should encourage the use of more water-efficient fittings and appliances by:• ensuring that only water-efficient products can be

sold on the UK market• reviewing the efficacy of the current and

proposed labelling schemes and deciding what information consumers need as a matter of priority. Government should work with Waterwise, water companies, manufacturers and retailers to ensure voluntary schemes are effective or to decide whether a mandatory scheme is needed.’

Many of the proposals in the Interim Report, including on linking water and energy efficiency incentives and frameworks, and addressing the bias towards capital expenditure, tie in closely with Waterwise’s priorities as set out in its UK manifesto.

In its response to the Interim Report of the Walker Review (August 2009), the well-regarded and influential All Party Parliamentary Group on Water, said that:

‘The review’s interim findings call for a national education strategy and leadership on reducing water use. We support this entirely and call for national leadership to send the message to the public that we need to value water. The group welcomes the creation of Waterwise, which has become a leading authority on water efficiency, and the work it is currently carrying out to promote greater levels of efficiency. We would like to see its work in building an evidence base for large scale water efficiency projects to continue and expand to ensure that the issue of water efficiency remains high on the sector’s

agenda. The group would be interested to see whether a greater ‘multi-utility’ approach could be used to promote greater water efficiency by using best practice from other utilities.’

Cave Review of Competition and Innovation in Water MarketsWaterwise submitted evidence to the Cave Review and responded to its interim report. Waterwise has particularly stressed the need to include innovative approaches to water efficiency, such as retrofitting partnerships, in any new regulatory framework to incentivise or require greater innovation in the water industry.

Blueprint for WaterWaterwise remains a key player in the Blueprint for Water coalition of NGOs in England, to drive policy and regulatory change towards water efficiency. In March 2009, Blueprint for Water launched “2009 – a time to act”, setting out our priorities for water for 2009, in particular for PR09 and the Water Resource Management Plan process. This was followed by a small roundtable event with the Water Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies, opposition spokespeople and a few Blueprint Members, including Waterwise, at which the Minister and opposition spokespersons stressed the continuing usefulness of the Blueprint for Water coalition and its work.

Rivers on the EdgeWaterwise has been working in partnership with WWF on Rivers on the Edge, a project to link water efficiency in the home with the quality of local rivers. Waterwise’s role has included developing a retrofit partnership with Thames Water and WWF, which it is hoped will retrofit the whole of Swindon for water efficiency; developing a series of policy targets to deliver the aims of Rivers on the Edge; and engaging consumers. The Rivers on the Edge document was launched in May 2009.

Influencing government policies on water efficiency continued

2009 update from the Blueprint for Water

Waterwise’s UK Manifesto

The average family emits the equivalent of two transatlantic flights in carbon through their water consumption each year.

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Regional Environmental Networks for Energy and Water (RENEW)In autumn 2008, The Energy Saving Trust and Waterwise received EU Life+ Funding to pilot a water and energy efficiency advice service, the first of its kind in Europe. The main focus of the project was to develop integrated energy and water saving advice, to be piloted in three urban areas – London, Edinburgh and Cardiff – over a three year period from January 2009 to December 2011. Work undertaken through the bid will be used as a template for future activity in Europe.

This campaign aims to influence consumer behaviour to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, preserve natural resources and move towards a water-saving culture. This is in line with the EU’s objectives on climate change, adaptation and mitigation, sustainable consumption and production, and water scarcity and droughts. It brings together two very compatible topic areas (water and energy) that, to date, have often been treated as separate entities, and exploits the obvious synergies.

Waterwise has reviewed all water and energy advice for any potential conflicts, and identified the priority areas for advice-giving. Waterwise also delivered a water and energy advice training package to three Energy Saving Trust advice centres in Cardiff, Edinburgh, and London.

Waterwise MarqueMore than 60 water efficient products have now been awarded the Waterwise Marque across a broad spectrum of products for use both indoors and outdoors for the domestic and commercial market. Waterwise accepts entries for the Marque all year round, with judging now taking place twice a year in September and February. This year saw the number of products with the Marque double which shows that manufacturers are taking water efficiency seriously as a selling point. Indeed a number of manufacturers have a complete range of high quality water efficient products. Water efficient products are no longer cheap and basic in design but of high quality design and optimised to ensure a similar

performance as high flow water using products. The Waterwise Marque is awarded to products

that reduce water wastage or raise the awareness of water efficiency. The Marque guarantees that a product is water efficient or promotes water efficiency, is widely available on the UK market, of high quality performance and good design. Bathroom products with the Waterwise Marque also have achieved the Bathroom Manufacturers Association water efficiency label to prevent confusion at point of sale. The Waterwise Marque may be found on the product itself, packaging, at point-of-sale, in catalogues, promotional material and company websites.

Waterwise works in partnership with other organisations to campaign for water efficiency. This is a very effective model for Waterwise and one which we thrive on. This year, we have conducted focus groups and surveys in order to better understand consumer behaviour around water efficiency and what messages people respond to. By running campaigns and achieving widescale national media coverage Waterwise aims to change consumer perceptions of water efficiency change behaviours and encourage the wise use of water. In addition to running our own campaigns Waterwise also supports other water efficiency campaigns: for example, Waterwise provided input to Defra’s Act on CO2 water campaign throughout July and August 2009.

Objective 6

Understanding and changing consumer perceptions of water efficiency and encouraging wise use of water

Above left:Jacob Tompkins, Olympic swimmer Mark Foster and Karen Lawrence, the Energy Saving Trust at the launch of RENEW in London.

Above right:Mike Thornton, Director of Scotland, Chris Philpot, Waterwise and Dumbrae School at the Edinburgh launch of RENEW.

Examples of Waterwise Marque Award winning products – the Watergreen, Terracottem soil conditioner, Wirquin dual flush toilet retrofit device, and the Twyford Galerie Flushwise. NB: these are just a select few of the many Waterwise Marque products available.

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Future FriendlyIn 2007, Waterwise, Wastewatch and the Energy Saving Trust formed a partnership with Proctor and Gamble to bring Future Friendly to consumers. Future Friendly brings together P&G brands and leading experts to help educate, inspire and enable consumers to do their bit to contribute to a more sustainable future. Currently, the brands Fairy, Ariel, Lenor and Flash actively participate in the Future Friendly scheme.

The 2nd Future Friendly awards programme was launched in November 2008 and was designed to celebrate local heroes in the community who help make a difference for tomorrow. A bursary worth £20,000 was presented to Ravenscliffe High School to help them further their work promoting sustainable living at the awards ceremony at London’s eco-friendly restaurant, Acorn House.

Savewater Awards AustraliaThis year Waterwise supported Australia’s savewater! awards® in the Product Innovation Award. For the first time, through this partnership all products from around the globe were invited to enter the 2009 national savewater! awards®. The Product Innovations Award rewards the development and commercialisation of innovative products that minimise water consumption – it is designed to recognise products that are leading the way in water saving initiatives.

Waterwise media coverageIn the past year, despite some weather conditions adverse to promoting water efficiency, Waterwise has continued to receive extensive coverage in all areas of the trade and consumer media across both national and local press, radio and broadcast. Media coverage may be:• proactive – as a direct result of a Waterwise press

release, in relation to a specific campaign; • reactive – we frequently provide information

and supporting quotes to journalists. Waterwise provides comment on drought and water resources in the UK and internationally: why we need to save water, water saving tips and information on water saving devices, the economic case for saving water, climate change impacts; water efficiency and new housebuilding programmes.

• in conjunction with other organisations – we provide supporting quotes for other organisations’ press releases.

Examples include:• Coverage across 23 regional radio stations to

an audience of almost two million promoting ‘Shower Power’ and encouraging shorter showers.

• Responding to media enquiries around wasteful use of water eg: Starbucks use of water story which attracted global coverage, and Ben and Jerry’s in the News of the World.

• Coverage of the Waterwise Annual Conference on Sky News, BBC Radio Oxford, and Kitchen and Bathroom News.

• Frequent mentions of Waterwise and quotes from Waterwise in major national newspapers eg: The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph.

Understanding and changing consumer perceptions of water efficiency and encouraging wise use of water continued

The Preston Water Efficiency InitiativeThe Preston Water Efficiency Initiative achieved water savings of 14-25 percent across 500 homes in the Preston neighbourhood, about three kilometres south east of Epsom, Surrey. The project was the first of its kind in social housing, and also included rainwater harvesting retrofit trial, a school retrofit and a leisure centre audit. The project was rolled out as a collaboration between Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, Raven Housing Trust, Sutton and East Surrey Water, Waterwise, Environment Agency and Surrey County Council with funding from the

New Growth Points Scheme.The aim of the project was to reduce water

consumption using a range of water saving fixtures and fittings alongside an educational programme in order to offset demand from new homes to be built in the area. The project was divided into four parts: 1) a rainwater harvesting trial (12 flats); 2) a bathroom refurbishment programme (160 homes); 3) a demand management retrofit programme (340 homes); and, 4) a school programme that included refurbishing water fittings and educating children.

Waterwise has been investigating the issues that act as a barrier to the uptake of water-efficient equipment and behaviour by using innovative approaches to deliver water efficiency to achieve social outcomes and objectives. Over the past year, Waterwise has been working in partnership with water companies and social housing associations to instigate a number of initiatives and projects that combine retrofits and behavioural changes messages to gain a better understanding of the social aspects linked to water efficiency.

Objective 7

Promoting the social benefits of and addressing the barriers to water efficiency

For every glass of water we use in our homes and businesses, we need to take 1.4 glasses from the natural environment.

Installation of rainwater harvesting beside a new block of flats for the Preston Water Efficiency Intiative.

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SHARE: Social Housing Action on Resources and EnvironmentIn June 2009, Waterwise was announced as one of eight winners of funds from Defra’s Greener Living Fund. The application process began in autumn 2008 and was highly competitive, with more than 100 applications reviewed by Defra.

The programme will roll out on the ground between December 2009 and March 2011 with our delivery partners, Global Action Plan and Kathryn Rathouse Social Research. Waterwise will be working in three regions of England with local water companies and social housing providers.

The programme’s aims are to achieve significant environmental savings and to prompt residents in social housing to make pro-environmental changes to lifestyles and attitudes. The main focus will be on delivering durable water savings – both technological and behavioural – as well as positively affecting people’s environmental and community attitudes. Each project will have three components:

1. Water efficiency retrofits: water wasting fixtures and fittings in homes will be replaced or refitted with water wise alternatives.

2. EcoTeams: environmental support groups will be set up to help households reduce their impact on the environment and to save money. Each team will be made up of about seven people that will meet once or twice a month for about three months to take action on water, waste and energy. At each meeting, participants will decide together on the actions that they are able and willing to do at home, and share experiences of actions they have already taken.

3. Creating a supportive environment: the retrofits and EcoTeams will form two strands of a multi-stranded approach to creating a community in which being water wise is the norm. We’ll be working with the local government, community groups and the media.

At the end of the programme, about 10,000 residents will have been engaged.

MeteringWaterwise has been engaging into the debate on metering at the national level. This year, Waterwise has actively participated in the Walker Review process (see Objective 5) and has been working with water companies to roll out metering programmes that do not disproportionately impact on vulnerable customers. Waterwise considers metering to be an effective means by which to encourage water efficiency, recover costs of supply accurately, achieve a fair water charging system with carefully designed tariffs that ensure affordability and through innovative technology, provide enhanced information to consumers on pro-environmental behaviour. Waterwise would like to see a meter in every home in England and Wales by 2020, as agreed under the Blueprint for Water. In areas of water stress, full metering should be achievable by 2015. We recognise that ‘full’ metering does not necessarily mean ‘universal’ metering, since in some cases it is not technically feasible and/or economically justifiable to meter every single property. Some allowance must be made. Waterwise also note that as meter expansion proceeds, issues of affordability and fairness will surface.

Promoting the social benefits of and addressing the barriers to water efficiency continued

2009 is an important year for Waterwise: it is preparing its next phase. Waterwise was originally set up for five years (2005 – 2010). Responding to stakeholder expectations as expressed in the survey carried out in 2008, and with the agreement of the Waterwise Board and the UK water companies, Waterwise will be continuing its activities beyond the deadline of the 1st of September 2010 and is developing its plans and strategy accordingly.

On the way to a new phase for Waterwise – looking into the future post 2010

One of the Preston Water Efficiency Initiative’s plumbers installing a new toilet.

Over the last four years, Waterwise has considerably moved the water efficiency agenda forward through its policy, communication and research activities. Examples of water efficiency progress on which Waterwise activity has had a positive impact are the funding of six enhanced water efficiency programmes in Ofwat draft determinations, the recognition of the importance of water efficiency in policy and regulation and the shift in political attitudes towards metering, the increased sales of water-efficient products resulting from joint campaigns with manufacturers and retailers, the success of the Waterwise Marque and the increasing number of participants at the Annual Waterwise Conference. These are just a few examples: many more can be found in this Annual Report.

The challenge of establishing and delivering the long-term commitment which is needed in order to bring about changes in attitudes, beliefs and, ultimately, practices on a mass-scale is now well-recognised, as is how critical this work is in bringing about sustainable change in society. Waterwise has created a strong platform from which to take forward this critical work in the second phase.

Key elements for the future will be to undertake further work on research, policy and communication: to keep developing the Evidence Base, to continue shaping the agenda on water efficiency in partnership with the relevant bodies and stakeholders and influencING political decisions AND PROGRESS regarding responsible use of water in the UK, to keep testing water efficiency products so there is confidence in using them, and to continue research the adoption, acceptability and appropriateness of water efficiency mechanisms. We will also increase our work around consumer behaviour and in the area of water and energy links. Above all we will focus on ensuring water efficiency is actually delivered in homes and businesses. All these elements will progressively contribute to ensure that water efficiency is embedded in everyone’s life.

During this transitional year, Waterwise will continue its discussions with its partners and stakeholders to build awareness and understanding of Waterwise post 2010.

This process will include a wide-scale consultation on the future of water efficiency at the UK level, individual meetings; a technical conference; water and behaviour change master class; and various other communication channels, including the Annual Conference in March 2010.

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20 Waterwise Annual Report 2009 Waterwise Annual Report 2009 21Designed and produced by Mark Noad DesignPrinted by Seacourt

Our board Maria Adebowale (Chair) – Director of Capacity Global

Richard Aylard – Director and Special Adviser to the Chief Executive , Thames Water

Ian Barker – Head of Water, Environment Agency

David Butler – Director of Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter

Karen Gibbs (Observer) – Policy Manager, Consumer Council for Water

Paul Hope (Observer) – Head of Water Resource Economics, Ofwat

Peter Jiggins (Observer) – Head of Water Supply and Regulation, Defra

Walter Menzies – Chief Executive, Mersey Basin Campaign

Pamela Taylor – Chief Executive, Water UK

Jacob Tompkins – Managing Director, Waterwise

David Walton – Managing Director, Veolia Water Southeast

Our staffMelanie Cooper – Human Resource and Finance ManagerVictoria Higgins – Communications ExecutiveIke Omambala – Technical Research ManagerChris Philpot – Communications ManagerNicci Russell – Policy DirectorGaetane Suzenet – Operations DirectorJacob Tompkins – Managing DirectorGareth Walker – Research AssociateClare Watters – Waterwise East Water Efficiency CoordinatorJoanne Zygmunt – Head of Research

Our consultants Brian Hooper – Senior Technical Consultant, Waterwise ConsultingKathryn Rathouse – Social Research Consultant

Our internsHeather Murphy, July 2009 – September 2009Krystina Mitchell, February 2009 – September 2009Linda Waireri – University of Kent, June 2009 – August 2009Nicholas Linville – DePauw University, Indiana, January 2009 – May 2009Clifford Rose – Wake Forest University, North Carolina, October 2008 – December 2008Morgan Harries – Rollins College, Florida, October 2008 – December 2008

About usWaterwise is a not for profit non government organisation promoting water efficiency in the UK. The key to water efficiency is reducing waste not restricting use.

Our aimOur aim is to reduce the amount of water we all use at home and at work. We are developing a framework to demonstrate the benefits of water efficiency in the UK supported by a robust social, economic and environmental ‘Evidence Base’. Water companies will carry out large-scale water efficiency projects alongside new resource developments. Water efficiency will be part of everyone’s lives.

Our objectives • Championingwaterefficiencywithinthewaterindustry• Shapingapositiveregulatoryframeworkforwaterefficiency• Buildingthe‘EvidenceBaseforwaterefficiency’through

large-scale pilot schemes and other research • Ensuringwaterefficiencyinthebuiltenvironmentsector• Influencinggovernmentpoliciesonwaterefficiency• Understandingandchangingconsumerperceptionsofwater

efficiency and encouraging wise use of water • Promotingthesocialbenefitsofandaddressingthebarriers

to water efficiency

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Waterwise1 Queen Anne’s Gate London SW1H 9BT

+44 (0) 207 344 [email protected]


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Aable[1], 6about[3], 2, 5, 10Above[4], 3, 9above[1], 4academics[1], 5acceptable[1], 6acceptance[1], 5accepts[1], 9Accessible[1], 3accessible[1], 3account[2], 5achieve[1], 10achieved[3], 3, 9-10achievements[2], 2, 4achieving[1], 9acknowledged[1], 4Acorn[1], 10across[10], 2, 4, 7, 9-10Act[4], 7, 9act[3], 3, 8, 10Action[2], 2-3action[2], 5, 8Active[1], 3active[2], 7actively[1], 10activities[1], 2activity[3], 4, 7, 9actually[1], 4Adaptation[2], 7adaptation[4], 7-9

adapting[2], 7adaption[1], 4adapts[1], 7addition[5], 2, 4, 6, 9addressed[1], 3addressing[3], 2, 8, 10adverse[1], 10Advertorial[1], 4advertorial[1], 4advice[12], 3-6, 9advise[1], 7Advisers[1], 7Affairs[3], 5, 8after[1], 2again[2], 2, 8against[1], 4age[2], 4aged[1], 4Agency[5], 5, 7, 10agenda[8], 3-5, 7-8ago[1], 4Agree[1], 3agreed[4], 5, 8aid[1], 3aided[1], 6aim[4], 2, 6-7, 10aims[4], 6, 8-9Akabusi[1], 4All[2], 3, 8all[16], 2-7, 9-10allowances[1], 4allowed[1], 3almost[1], 10alongside[4], 7-8, 10also[11], 3-5, 7-10

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ambitious[1], 7amendment[1], 7amount[1], 7analyse[1], 5analysis[1], 5and[315], 2-10Anglian[1], 6Annual[19], 1-10annual[1], 2answer[1], 3any[4], 6-9appears[1], 3appliances[1], 8approach[4], 4-5, 8approaches[2], 8, 10approved[2], 4April[2], 5, 7are[20], 3-10Area[2], 2, 5area[1], 10areas[5], 6, 9-10Ariel[1], 10arms[1], 7around[9], 2-4, 6-7, 9-10array[1], 5Asked[1], 4asked[2], 3aspects[1], 10Assembly[2], 7assess[2], 5, 7assist[1], 5assists[1], 4Association[1], 9association[1], 6Associations[3], 5-6, 8associations[2], 6, 10assumptions[1], 4athlete[1], 4attendees[1], 6attending[1], 6attitudes[2], 6attracted[1], 10audience[2], 4, 10audit[1], 10August[3], 7-9Australia[3], 2, 10authorities[3], 5-6authority[4], 3-4, 8autumn[1], 9availability[1], 6available[7], 5-6, 8-9average[4], 3-4, 8Award[3], 9-10awarded[2], 9Awards[2], 2, 10

awards[4], 10awareness[1], 9

Bban[1], 7Banstead[1], 10barrier[1], 10barriers[2], 2, 10Base[17], 2-5, 8base[2], 2, 8based[2], 5-6baselines[1], 5basic[1], 9bath[1], 5bathing[1], 5Bathroom[3], 9-10bathroom[1], 10baths[1], 5battle[1], 4BBC[1], 10became[3], 7-8become[4], 2-3, 5, 8been[25], 2-10behalf[2], 4behaviour[4], 5, 9-10behavioural[1], 10behaviours[1], 9being[5], 3-5believe[3], 3-4below[1], 3Ben[1], 10benefits[4], 2, 5, 10benefitted[1], 3Benn[1], 7BERR[1], 7beside[1], 10best[3], 3, 5, 8better[3], 4, 9-10between[4], 3, 5, 8, 10bias[2], 4, 8bid[1], 9biggest[1], 6Bill[4], 7billpayers[1], 4bit[1], 10bjective[7], 2block[1], 10Blueprint[7], 2, 8board[1], 2

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boardroom[1], 4Borough[1], 10Both[1], 6both[6], 4, 9-10bout[1], 2Boyack[1], 8brand[1], 4brands[2], 10break[1], 4bring[4], 5, 7-8, 10bringing[1], 6brings[2], 9-10broad[1], 9broadcast[1], 10brought[1], 2Building[5], 2, 5, 7building[3], 4, 6, 8Buildings[1], 6buildings[8], 2, 6-7built[5], 2, 6, 10bursary[1], 10businesses[5], 6-7, 10but[3], 3-4, 9buy[1], 7buyers[1], 6

Ccalculate[1], 4call[3], 7-8calling[1], 7campaign[13], 3-4, 9-10campaigns[3], 9can[5], 4, 6-8capabilities[1], 2capacity[1], 3capital[2], 4, 8Carbon[2], 5, 7carbon[7], 5, 7-9Cardiff[2], 9carried[1], 5carry[1], 5carrying[1], 8case[3], 6-7, 10catalogues[1], 9Cave[7], 2-3, 7-8celebrate[1], 10centre[2], 6, 10centres[1], 9ceremony[1], 10

Chaired[1], 8champion[1], 4Championing[2], 2, 4champions[1], 6chance[1], 4Change[7], 7-8change[15], 4, 7-10changes[3], 2, 7, 10changing[4], 2, 6, 9-10Charging[2], 2, 8charging[1], 7cheap[1], 9cheaper[1], 7Chief[1], 4children[1], 10Chris[1], 9circulation[1], 2CLG[4], 5, 7-8Climate[7], 7-8climate[13], 4, 7-10climatewater[1], 7close[2], 4, 6closely[7], 3-6, 8closer[1], 6coalition[2], 8Code[1], 6collaboration[1], 10colleagues[1], 5College[1], 3combine[1], 10combined[1], 6come[1], 6comes[1], 2coming[1], 7comment[1], 10commercial[1], 9commercialisation[1], 10Commission[2], 7commissioned[1], 6committed[1], 7Committee[3], 7committee[1], 3Committees[1], 8common[1], 5communicate[1], 4communicated[1], 6Communicates[1], 3communicates[2], 3Communicating[2], 2, 4communication[2], 4Communications[1], 4Communities[4], 5, 8Community[1], 7community[2], 6, 10companies[24], 2-5, 7-8, 10

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company[9], 2-5, 7, 9compatible[1], 9Competition[2], 2, 8competition[2], 4, 7complete[1], 9concluded[1], 5conditioner[1], 9conditions[1], 10conducted[4], 3, 5, 9Conducts[1], 3conducts[1], 3Conference[2], 6, 10conference[5], 2-3conflicts[1], 9confusion[1], 9conjunction[2], 6, 10consensus[1], 2conservation[1], 7Conservatives[1], 7consistent[3], 3-4construction[1], 6consultants[2], 2, 5consultation[7], 2, 7consultations[2], 7Consumer[1], 8consumer[7], 2, 9-10consumers[7], 2, 6, 8, 10consumption[5], 4, 8-10contact[1], 6containing[1], 5Contents[1], 2continue[2], 2, 8continued[5], 3, 7-8, 10continuing[3], 2, 7-8contribute[2], 5, 10contributes[1], 4contributing[1], 7contribution[3], 4, 7-8control[1], 6convened[1], 8Cooperative[1], 3cooperative[1], 3coordinated[2], 4correct[1], 4cost[2], 5costs[3], 5-6could[5], 2, 4-5, 8Council[3], 8, 10country[1], 4County[1], 10Cover[1], 5Coverage[2], 10coverage[7], 2, 4, 9-10creation[2], 3, 8credible[1], 4

crucial[1], 2CSR[1], 6culture[1], 9current[4], 2, 5, 8Currently[1], 10currently[1], 8customers[1], 6

DData[1], 5data[4], 5date[2], 4, 9Davies[3], 4, 8Day[1], 2deal[3], 3, 8debate[1], 7DECC[2], 7December[1], 9Decent[3], 5, 7decide[1], 8deciding[1], 8decisions[1], 4dedicated[1], 3definition[2], 7Defra[5], 5, 7, 9delegates[1], 6delighted[2], 2, 4deliver[7], 3, 7-8, 10delivered[4], 4, 8-9delivering[2], 3-4delivery[5], 2, 4-6demand[2], 10Democrats[1], 7demonstrable[1], 6Department[3], 5depth[1], 8describe[2], 3described[2], 4Design[1], 3design[3], 9designed[4], 3, 10desk[1], 5despite[1], 10detail[5], 4, 6detailed[2], 3, 7detailing[2], 5-6determination[1], 7determinations[5], 2-4develop[4], 4, 6, 8-9

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developed[3], 4, 6, 8developer[1], 6developers[4], 6developing[8], 2-3, 6-8Development[1], 6development[13], 3-7, 10developments[2], 3, 6device[1], 9devices[2], 5, 10dialogue[2], 2, 4did[1], 4difference[1], 10different[1], 5dinner[1], 3dioxide[1], 9direct[1], 10directly[1], 3Director[3], 2, 9Disagree[1], 3discuss[2], 5, 8discussed[2], 5, 7discussing[2], 7discussions[2], 4, 7divided[1], 10document[2], 6, 8documentation[1], 6does[1], 5domestic[2], 7, 9don[1], 7done[1], 6double[1], 9doubled[1], 2down[1], 6Draft[1], 7draft[11], 2-4, 7drawn[1], 5drive[3], 3-4, 8driven[2], 4, 6drivers[1], 5driving[2], 2, 6drought[2], 7, 10droughts[1], 9dual[1], 9due[4], 3, 5-6Dumbrae[1], 9during[1], 7duty[1], 7

Eeach[2], 2, 8earlier[1], 6easier[1], 7East[9], 2, 6, 10east[1], 10Eco[2], 7eco[1], 10economic[1], 10economy[3], 2, 7Edge[6], 2-3, 8Edinburgh[3], 9educate[1], 10educating[1], 10education[1], 8educational[3], 3-4, 10effective[2], 8-9efficacy[1], 8Efficiency[16], 2-6, 8, 10efficiency[109], 2-10Efficient[2], 3, 6efficient[30], 2-10effort[1], 6elcome[1], 2Election[1], 7Electric[1], 4electric[1], 5electricity[2], 5, 7elicited[1], 8embedding[1], 6Emissions[1], 7emissions[1], 9emits[1], 8emphasis[1], 4enable[1], 10enabler[1], 3encourage[3], 3, 8-9encouraging[5], 2, 4, 9-10end[2], 2, 6endorsed[1], 4Energy[12], 2-5, 7, 9-10energy[19], 2-5, 7-9Engaging[2], 2, 6engaging[2], 6, 8England[4], 6-8enhanced[3], 4enquiries[1], 10ensure[12], 5-9ensures[1], 4Ensuring[2], 2, 6ensuring[2], 7-8

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enter[2], 4, 10entered[1], 2entirely[1], 8entities[1], 9entries[1], 9Environment[15], 2-5, 7-8, 10environment[7], 2, 6, 8, 10Environmental[3], 2-3, 9environmental[3], 4-5Epsom[1], 10Equally[1], 8equipment[1], 10equivalent[1], 8establishing[1], 4Esteemed[1], 3esteemed[1], 3estimate[2], 4Europe[2], 9European[4], 7Evaluation[2], 2, 5event[4], 6, 8events[4], 2, 6ever[1], 7every[4], 4, 7, 10Evidence[17], 2-5, 8evidence[9], 2, 5-8example[2], 4, 9Examples[2], 9-10examples[1], 5excellence[1], 6excellent[1], 6Executive[1], 4exhibition[1], 3expand[1], 8expansion[1], 2expectations[2], 2-3expenditure[2], 4, 8expertise[5], 3-4experts[1], 10exploits[1], 9exponential[1], 4extensive[1], 10extensively[1], 8extent[2], 3extremely[2], 2, 8Ezine[1], 4

Ffacilitator[1], 3Fairy[1], 10family[1], 8Fast[1], 3February[3], 6, 8-9feedback[1], 6few[3], 4, 8-9final[2], 5, 8Finally[1], 3financial[1], 2findings[2], 4, 8Finn[1], 4first[6], 5, 7, 9-10fittings[3], 8, 10fixtures[1], 10Flash[1], 10flats[2], 10flights[1], 8Floods[4], 7floods[1], 7flow[1], 9Flowers[1], 3flush[1], 9Flushwise[1], 9focus[3], 2, 9focused[2], 2, 6focuses[1], 7focussed[1], 8followed[1], 8Following[1], 8following[2], 7-8Food[2], 5For[2], 10for[102], 2-10formally[1], 7formed[2], 2, 10former[1], 8forward[9], 2-4, 7Foster[1], 9foster[1], 7found[5], 4-5, 9four[2], 8, 10fourth[1], 2Framework[1], 6framework[4], 2, 4, 8frameworks[1], 8Frequent[1], 10frequently[2], 4, 10Friendly[7], 2, 6, 10friendly[1], 10

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from[19], 2-10fruition[1], 6fulfilling[1], 6function[1], 3functions[1], 2funded[2], 3, 5Funding[1], 9funding[2], 7, 10further[5], 5, 7, 10Future[7], 2, 6, 10future[9], 2, 5, 7-10

Ggain[1], 10Galerie[1], 9Gamble[1], 10gaps[1], 5gas[2], 5, 7General[1], 7given[1], 6gives[1], 6giving[1], 9glass[1], 10glasses[1], 10global[1], 10globe[1], 10goes[2], 2, 7good[4], 3-4, 9goods[2], 3Government[12], 5, 7-8government[14], 2, 4-8governments[1], 2great[2], 3, 8Greater[3], 2, 5greater[6], 5, 8green[1], 7Grohe[2], 2-3Group[13], 2-5, 7-8group[4], 3-4, 8groups[1], 9growing[1], 2Growth[1], 10guarantees[1], 9Guardian[1], 10guidance[1], 6guide[2], 6

Hhard[2], 4, 6harvesting[3], 10Has[3], 3has[73], 2-10have[21], 2-4, 6-9heart[1], 4Heat[1], 7heating[1], 5held[3], 4, 7help[6], 3-4, 7, 10helps[1], 4heroes[1], 10High[4], 3, 7-8, 10high[6], 3, 8-9highlighted[2], 4-5highlighting[1], 3highlights[3], 2, 6-7highly[2], 5Hilary[1], 7his[1], 2home[5], 5-8homebuilders[1], 6Homes[13], 2, 4-5, 7-8homes[12], 4-5, 7, 10hope[1], 7hoped[1], 8hosepipe[1], 7Hotline[1], 4House[1], 10housebuilding[1], 10Household[2], 2, 8household[1], 7householder[2], 6households[1], 8Housing[6], 2-3, 5-6, 8, 10housing[13], 2, 4-8, 10How[3], 2, 4how[5], 4-6Huw[3], 4, 8

IICE[1], 6ideas[1], 8identified[2], 5, 9

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IMechE[1], 6impacts[2], 5, 10implications[2], 2, 5important[2], 3, 6importantly[1], 8improved[3], 4-5improving[1], 4incentives[3], 7-8incentivise[1], 8include[2], 8, 10included[8], 6-8, 10includes[2], 4, 7including[13], 2, 4-8increase[5], 2-4, 6, 8increased[2], 2, 4increasing[2], 6Indeed[1], 9independent[2], 3, 7independently[1], 3indicators[1], 5Individual[1], 7individual[1], 7individuals[3], 2, 6indoors[2], 4, 9Industry[2], 7industry[11], 2-5, 7-8influence[4], 3, 7, 9Influencing[3], 2, 7-8influencing[4], 2-3, 7influential[2], 7-8inform[2], 4-5information[7], 5-6, 8, 10Initiative[3], 2, 10initiatives[3], 4, 10Innovation[3], 2, 8, 10innovation[2], 7-8Innovations[1], 10innovative[5], 4, 6, 8, 10input[1], 9inquiries[1], 7insight[1], 5inspire[1], 10Installation[1], 10installation[1], 6installed[1], 5installing[1], 5instigate[1], 10integrate[1], 6integrated[2], 4, 9interest[3], 2, 6, 8interested[4], 2, 8Interim[4], 5, 8interim[4], 7-8internationally[1], 10interns[1], 2

Intiative[1], 10into[10], 2, 5-7, 10inventors[1], 6investigating[1], 10investments[2], 4, 7invited[1], 10involvement[1], 6Irranca[3], 4, 8issue[1], 8issues[2], 7, 10its[24], 3-5, 7-10itself[2], 7, 9

JJacob[4], 2, 9January[1], 9Jerry[1], 10jobs[1], 7joint[4], 3-4, 6journalists[1], 10judging[1], 9July[2], 4, 9June[2], 7-8just[2], 4, 9

KKaren[1], 9Keble[1], 3Kent[1], 7kept[3], 5, 8Key[1], 4key[11], 2-4, 7-8kilometres[1], 10kind[2], 9-10Kitchen[1], 10knowledge[2], 4-5Kriss[1], 4

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Llabel[1], 9labelling[1], 8Labour[1], 8laid[1], 6Large[11], 2-5, 8large[11], 2-5, 8largely[2], 3, 6larger[1], 3last[4], 4-5, 7launch[4], 6-7, 9launched[7], 4, 6-8, 10law[2], 7Lawrence[1], 9lead[2], 4-5leadership[2], 8leading[5], 3-4, 8, 10led[2], 5, 7left[2], 3, 9legislation[1], 3legislative[1], 7leisure[1], 10Lenor[1], 10less[3], 3, 7Level[2], 7-8level[2], 3, 6levels[1], 8liaison[2], 2, 4Liberal[1], 7Life[2], 3, 9like[2], 3, 8line[1], 9link[1], 8linked[1], 10linking[1], 8links[4], 3, 5-6, 8listed[1], 2live[1], 5living[1], 10Local[6], 5-6, 8local[5], 3, 6, 8, 10London[8], 2, 5, 9-10long[5], 2, 4longer[3], 4, 9look[1], 2looked[1], 6looking[1], 2lot[3], 2-3low[1], 7

Mmade[1], 2Magazine[2], 4main[2], 6, 9mainstreamed[1], 7maintained[1], 4major[2], 6, 10make[6], 7-8, 10makes[2], 5, 8Management[5], 7-8management[2], 5, 10managers[2], 4Managing[2], 2mandatory[1], 8Manifesto[2], 7-8manifesto[5], 4, 7-8Manifestoes[2], 2, 7manifestoes[2], 7Manifestos[1], 7manner[1], 6Manufacturers[1], 9manufacturers[10], 2-3, 5-6, 8-9Many[1], 8many[3], 2, 9March[2], 2, 8Marine[1], 4Mark[1], 9market[4], 6, 8-9marketing[1], 5Markets[2], 2, 8markets[1], 7Marque[12], 2-3, 9material[1], 9matter[1], 8May[1], 8may[3], 5, 9-10Mayor[1], 5measurement[1], 6measures[4], 4, 7medal[1], 4Media[1], 10media[8], 2, 4, 6, 9-10meet[3], 3, 6, 8Meeting[1], 8meeting[7], 4-5, 7-8meetings[1], 7Meets[1], 3Members[3], 7-8members[1], 5membership[1], 7men[4], 4

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mentions[1], 10MEPS[1], 7message[1], 8messages[6], 3-4, 9-10messaging[2], 4-5meter[1], 7Metering[1], 2metering[1], 7methodology[2], 5Mike[1], 9million[2], 4, 10minimise[1], 10Minister[8], 4, 7-8Ministers[3], 7minutes[3], 4misunderstandings[1], 7mitigation[3], 4, 8-9model[1], 9monthly[1], 2More[1], 9more[7], 4-6, 8, 10most[1], 4motivational[1], 4move[1], 9MSP[1], 8MSPs[1], 8much[4], 2-4, 6multi[2], 4, 8must[1], 5myth[1], 4

Nnational[8], 4, 8-10Natural[1], 4natural[2], 9-10need[10], 6-8, 10needed[1], 8needs[3], 5-6neighbourhood[1], 10Network[2], 2, 8network[1], 7Networks[3], 2-3, 9New[1], 10new[13], 2-8, 10News[3], 10Newsletter[1], 2newspapers[2], 4, 10next[1], 2nexus[1], 8

NGO[1], 8NGOs[4], 2, 5, 8non[1], 7norms[1], 4not[3], 4-5, 7note[2], 2-3November[6], 4-5, 7-8, 10now[13], 2-5, 8-9number[7], 3-4, 9-10numerous[1], 4

OObjective[7], 4-7, 9-10objective[5], 4, 6objectives[7], 2-3, 5, 9-10obvious[1], 9October[4], 4-6, 8offered[1], 6officers[1], 6officials[4], 7offset[1], 10often[1], 9Ofwat[13], 2-5, 7old[2], 4, 7Olympic[2], 4, 9once[1], 2One[1], 4one[1], 9only[2], 8operates[1], 3opportunities[3], 3, 5opportunity[1], 5Opposition[1], 7opposition[3], 7-8optimised[1], 9order[2], 9-10org[4], 2, 4, 6organisation[2], 2organisations[5], 6, 9-10Orpington[1], 7other[12], 2, 4-10others[2], 3, 8Our[7], 2our[14], 2-5, 8-10out[11], 2-3, 5, 7-8, 10outcomes[1], 10outdoors[2], 4, 9outlets[1], 4outputs[1], 2

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Over[2], 3, 10over[3], 4, 6, 9Overall[1], 3overestimated[1], 4overlap[1], 2own[1], 9Oxford[2], 3, 10

Ppackage[1], 9packaging[1], 9paper[1], 8Parliament[3], 7-8Parliamentary[5], 3, 7-8Part[1], 7part[3], 2, 5-6participate[1], 10participation[1], 6particular[2], 4, 8particularly[2], 3, 8parties[4], 7partnership[8], 3-4, 8-10partnerships[5], 3-4, 8parts[1], 10Party[2], 3, 8past[11], 3-4, 6, 10Paul[1], 3paved[1], 3Pebble[1], 6peers[1], 4people[4], 4, 9percent[1], 10perceptions[4], 2, 9-10performance[3], 5, 9performed[1], 3period[1], 9Periodic[3], 2, 4, 7personal[3], 2, 5phase[3], 2, 5Philpot[1], 9piggybacking[1], 4pilot[3], 2, 5, 9piloted[1], 9place[3], 4, 9placed[2], 2, 4Plan[1], 8plan[1], 5planners[5], 6Planning[2], 6-7

planning[4], 3, 6Plans[2], 7plans[3], 7play[3], 5-6, 8played[5], 3-4player[1], 8Please[1], 2pleased[1], 2plumbing[2], 5-6Plus[1], 3point[4], 6, 9Points[1], 10policies[9], 2-3, 5-8Policy[1], 7policy[12], 2, 4-5, 7-8policymakers[1], 8political[5], 3, 7ponds[1], 7positive[3], 2-4post[2], 2-3potential[5], 2, 5, 7, 9potentially[2], 5, 8Power[4], 2, 4, 7, 10power[2], 3-4practical[2], 2practice[2], 5, 8practices[1], 6presence[1], 7presented[1], 10presenting[1], 8preserve[1], 9President[1], 3press[3], 10Preston[5], 2, 10prevent[1], 9Price[1], 7price[2], 3, 7primarily[1], 6principal[1], 2priorities[2], 8priority[2], 8-9Proactive[1], 3proactive[2], 3, 10process[2], 4, 8Proctor[1], 10produce[2], 6produced[2], 4-5Product[2], 10product[5], 3, 5-6, 9production[1], 9productive[1], 2products[22], 3-4, 6-10profile[2], 3Programme[1], 7programme[7], 2-3, 10

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programmes[6], 3-4, 10progress[6], 2-4, 7-8project[9], 4-5, 8-10projects[6], 3, 5, 8, 10prolonged[1], 7promote[6], 3, 5, 7-8promoted[1], 4Promotes[1], 3promotes[2], 3, 9Promoting[2], 2, 10promoting[4], 4, 10promotion[1], 4promotional[1], 9proportion[1], 3proposal[1], 8proposals[1], 8proposed[1], 8provide[5], 5, 7, 10provided[4], 4, 6, 9providers[3], 4-5, 8provides[4], 6, 10providing[3], 3, 6public[1], 8publication[1], 7publications[1], 5published[5], 4-6, 8

Qquality[6], 3, 8-9quoted[1], 5quotes[4], 8, 10

RRadio[1], 10radio[3], 4, 10rainfall[1], 7rainwater[3], 10raise[1], 9Raised[1], 3raised[1], 3range[2], 9-10rating[2], 3Raven[1], 10

Ravenscliffe[1], 10reactive[1], 10real[1], 5receive[1], 10received[2], 8-9recognise[1], 10recommendations[2], 7record[2], 3-4reduce[4], 6, 9-10Reducing[1], 1reducing[1], 8Reduction[1], 7refers[1], 6reflect[2], 5, 8refurbishing[1], 10refurbishment[1], 10regarded[1], 8Regina[1], 4region[2], 6Regional[4], 2-3, 6, 9regional[3], 4, 6, 10regular[1], 4regulation[2], 5Regulations[3], 7regulations[2], 6-7regulators[6], 2, 4, 6, 8regulatory[10], 2, 4, 7-8Reigate[1], 10related[1], 7relating[2], 5-6relation[2], 3, 10relationship[1], 4release[1], 10releases[1], 10relevant[4], 5-8reliability[2], 4rely[1], 5remains[2], 8remit[1], 2RENEW[5], 2-3, 9replace[1], 5Report[22], 1-10report[12], 2, 5, 7-8Reporting[2], 7reports[3], 3, 5, 7representation[1], 5represented[2], 3-4representing[1], 4reputation[1], 4request[1], 8require[3], 6-8requirement[1], 6research[15], 2-6resilient[2], 7Resource[3], 7-8

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resource[1], 5Resources[3], 2-3, 7resources[3], 2, 9-10respectively[1], 7respond[2], 7, 9responded[4], 2, 7-8respondents[1], 3Responding[1], 10response[1], 8responses[2], 2, 7restaurant[1], 10result[2], 6, 10results[1], 3retailers[9], 2-3, 5-6, 8retrofit[8], 5, 7-10retrofits[2], 5, 10retrofitting[5], 3-5, 8reunion[1], 2Review[16], 2, 4-5, 7-8review[5], 3-5, 7-8reviewed[1], 9reviewing[1], 8Reviews[3], 3, 7reviews[3], 3, 5, 7rewards[1], 10right[1], 9rigorous[1], 5Rivers[6], 2-3, 8rivers[1], 8robust[1], 5role[9], 2-5, 8roles[1], 6roll[1], 3rolled[1], 10round[1], 9roundtable[1], 8run[1], 6running[2], 9Rural[3], 5, 8

Ssaid[1], 8sale[3], 6, 9same[1], 7Sarah[1], 8save[3], 4, 7, 10Savewater[2], 2, 10savewater[2], 10Saving[22], 2-5, 7-10

saving[10], 2, 4-5, 9-10savings[2], 5, 10saw[1], 9scale[23], 2-5, 8scarcity[1], 9Scenarios[1], 5Scheme[1], 10scheme[2], 8, 10schemes[6], 2, 4-5, 8School[2], 9-10school[2], 10Scotland[9], 2, 7-9Scottish[7], 7-8second[1], 5seconds[4], 4Secretary[1], 7section[1], 6sections[2], 6sector[4], 2, 6, 8sectors[1], 7secured[1], 4see[7], 4, 6, 8seeking[1], 4Seen[1], 3seen[6], 2-4, 7Select[2], 7select[2], 3, 9selling[1], 9Seminar[1], 6send[1], 8Senior[1], 3senior[1], 7sent[1], 8separate[1], 9Sept[3], 2, 6September[3], 2, 4, 9series[2], 6, 8seriously[1], 9service[1], 9Services[2], 2, 8services[1], 7set[6], 5, 7-8setting[2], 7-8settlement[1], 4several[2], 2, 6Sewerage[2], 2, 8sewerage[1], 7shape[1], 3shaped[1], 4Shaping[2], 2, 4SHARE[2], 2-3shorter[3], 3-4, 10should[5], 2, 5, 8Shower[5], 2-4, 10shower[9], 4-5

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showering[3], 3-5showerpower[1], 4showers[4], 5, 10shows[2], 4, 9significant[3], 3-5significantly[1], 4similar[1], 9simple[1], 4sit[1], 8six[2], 4Sky[1], 10small[2], 3, 8smart[2], 7Social[2], 2-3social[16], 2, 4-7, 10society[2], 2-3soil[1], 9sold[2], 2, 8solely[1], 5Some[1], 4some[3], 2-3, 10source[1], 5sources[1], 5south[1], 10speaker[2], 3-4spearheaded[1], 4Special[1], 7specialists[1], 6specific[2], 8, 10specifications[2], 4, 6spectrum[1], 9spend[2], 4spent[1], 4spokespeople[1], 8spokesperson[1], 8Spokespersons[1], 7spokespersons[2], 7-8sponsor[1], 2Spring[1], 6staff[5], 2-3, 6Stakeholder[1], 3stakeholder[4], 2-3, 5, 7stakeholders[10], 2-3, 5-6standard[3], 5, 7standards[1], 5Starbucks[1], 10State[1], 7Statement[1], 7stations[2], 4, 10Steering[2], 5steps[1], 7Stevenson[1], 8Stewart[1], 8stock[3], 2, 5stores[1], 6

story[1], 10Strategies[1], 7strategies[2], 3, 7Strategy[3], 7strategy[2], 2, 8stressed[2], 8stretched[1], 2strongly[1], 3structured[1], 2studies[1], 6study[1], 5Sub[1], 7submitted[2], 8success[1], 6successes[2], 2, 6successful[1], 6such[4], 3, 6, 8suggested[1], 5suggestions[1], 5summary[1], 3summer[1], 7support[10], 3-6, 8supported[2], 4, 10supporting[3], 6, 10supports[1], 9sure[1], 7Surrey[3], 10surrounding[1], 4Survey[1], 3survey[3], 2-3, 5surveys[1], 9sustainable[4], 6, 9-10Sutton[1], 10swimmer[1], 9Swindon[1], 8synergies[1], 9system[1], 4

Ttabled[2], 3, 7tackle[1], 7take[7], 2, 4, 7, 10taken[6], 3-5, 7taking[6], 3-4, 7, 9Talisman[1], 4talking[1], 2Target[1], 7targeted[3], 4, 7targets[7], 2-4, 7-8

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team[3], 2-3, 8technical[2], 3technology[1], 5Telegraph[1], 10template[1], 9ten[1], 7tens[2], 4-5Terracottem[1], 9Thames[1], 8than[4], 3-4, 9that[41], 2-10The[59], 2-10the[341], 1-10their[10], 4, 6-8, 10them[3], 6, 10themselves[1], 7then[1], 7There[1], 2there[4], 2-4, 6therefore[1], 5These[1], 6these[5], 3, 5, 7, 9they[5], 4-6, 8things[1], 4This[28], 2-10this[19], 2-8, 10Thornton[1], 9thought[1], 4thousands[2], 4-5three[5], 4, 9-10thrive[1], 9through[18], 2-5, 7-10throughout[2], 6, 9tie[1], 8time[7], 3-4, 7-8, 10Times[1], 10tips[1], 10together[5], 2, 5, 8-10toilet[1], 9tomorrow[1], 10Tompkins[4], 2, 9too[1], 4tool[1], 6topic[1], 9towards[6], 3-4, 6, 8-9Towns[2], 7track[2], 5trade[1], 10traffic[1], 4training[1], 9Trains[1], 4transatlantic[1], 8Treasury[2], 7treated[1], 9trial[2], 10

trials[1], 5Trust[8], 3-5, 9-10try[1], 5turn[1], 4twice[1], 9twin[1], 5two[6], 4-6, 8-10Twyford[1], 9

Uuncertain[1], 5Under[1], 2under[1], 5underlying[1], 4underpin[1], 5understand[3], 5-6, 9Understanding[3], 2, 9-10understanding[2], 6, 10undertaken[2], 5, 9undertaking[1], 3update[2], 7-8updated[6], 4-5, 8updating[1], 5upgrade[1], 5uptake[1], 10urban[1], 9use[14], 2-3, 5-10used[4], 3-4, 8-9useful[2], 5, 8usefulness[1], 8user[1], 6users[1], 6using[6], 5-6, 8-10utilities[1], 8utility[2], 5, 8

Vvalue[2], 5, 8values[1], 4various[1], 4vast[1], 7venue[1], 3very[5], 2-3, 8-9

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Vice[1], 3Virgin[2], 4visitors[1], 4visits[1], 4voice[2], 3volume[1], 3voluntary[1], 8

WWales[1], 7Walker[12], 2-3, 5, 7-8warmly[2], 4, 6was[26], 2, 4-10washing[3], 2, 5wastage[3], 1, 6, 9waste[1], 7wasteful[2], 4, 10Wastewatch[1], 10wasting[1], 7Water[72], 2-10water[230], 1-10Watergreen[1], 9Waterwatch[1], 8Waterwise[156], 2-10waterwise[1], 4way[5], 2-4, 10weather[1], 10webpage[1], 4Website[1], 6website[5], 6websites[2], 4, 9weightings[1], 5Welcome[1], 2welcomed[4], 4-6, 8welcomes[3], 3-4, 8well[9], 3, 5-8Welsh[2], 7were[9], 2-5, 10what[4], 3, 8-9When[1], 3when[1], 3where[2], 3-4whether[2], 8Which[1], 3which[34], 2-4, 6-10While[1], 4Whitehall[1], 7who[2], 8, 10whole[1], 8

why[2], 6, 10wide[2], 3widely[3], 4-5, 9widescale[1], 9will[8], 4-5, 7-9win[1], 4winning[2], 4, 9Wirquin[1], 9wise[4], 2, 9-10wisely[1], 6with[69], 2-10within[6], 2, 4, 7women[6], 4words[2], 3Work[1], 9work[17], 3-6, 8, 10worked[5], 4, 6, 8working[11], 2-5, 8, 10works[5], 2-3, 6, 9workshop[1], 8workstream[1], 8World[2], 2, 10worth[1], 10would[3], 3, 8written[1], 7WSG[3], 5, 8WWF[2], 8www[4], 2, 4, 6

Yyear[33], 2-10years[3], 4, 7you[6], 2-4younger[1], 4Your[1], 4

Zzero[2], 7

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Aable[1], 6about[3], 2, 5, 10Above[4], 3, 9above[1], 4academics[1], 5acceptable[1], 6acceptance[1], 5accepts[1], 9Accessible[1], 3accessible[1], 3account[2], 5achieve[1], 10achieved[3], 3, 9-10achievements[2], 2, 4achieving[1], 9acknowledged[1], 4Acorn[1], 10across[10], 2, 4, 7, 9-10Act[4], 7, 9act[3], 3, 8, 10Action[2], 2-3action[2], 5, 8Active[1], 3active[2], 7actively[1], 10activities[1], 2activity[3], 4, 7, 9actually[1], 4Adaptation[2], 7adaptation[4], 7-9

adapting[2], 7adaption[1], 4adapts[1], 7addition[5], 2, 4, 6, 9addressed[1], 3addressing[3], 2, 8, 10adverse[1], 10Advertorial[1], 4advertorial[1], 4advice[12], 3-6, 9advise[1], 7Advisers[1], 7Affairs[3], 5, 8after[1], 2again[2], 2, 8against[1], 4age[2], 4aged[1], 4Agency[5], 5, 7, 10agenda[8], 3-5, 7-8ago[1], 4Agree[1], 3agreed[4], 5, 8aid[1], 3aided[1], 6aim[4], 2, 6-7, 10aims[4], 6, 8-9Akabusi[1], 4All[2], 3, 8all[16], 2-7, 9-10allowances[1], 4allowed[1], 3almost[1], 10alongside[4], 7-8, 10also[11], 3-5, 7-10

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ambitious[1], 7amendment[1], 7amount[1], 7analyse[1], 5analysis[1], 5and[315], 2-10Anglian[1], 6Annual[19], 1-10annual[1], 2answer[1], 3any[4], 6-9appears[1], 3appliances[1], 8approach[4], 4-5, 8approaches[2], 8, 10approved[2], 4April[2], 5, 7are[20], 3-10Area[2], 2, 5area[1], 10areas[5], 6, 9-10Ariel[1], 10arms[1], 7around[9], 2-4, 6-7, 9-10array[1], 5Asked[1], 4asked[2], 3aspects[1], 10Assembly[2], 7assess[2], 5, 7assist[1], 5assists[1], 4Association[1], 9association[1], 6Associations[3], 5-6, 8associations[2], 6, 10assumptions[1], 4athlete[1], 4attendees[1], 6attending[1], 6attitudes[2], 6attracted[1], 10audience[2], 4, 10audit[1], 10August[3], 7-9Australia[3], 2, 10authorities[3], 5-6authority[4], 3-4, 8autumn[1], 9availability[1], 6available[7], 5-6, 8-9average[4], 3-4, 8Award[3], 9-10awarded[2], 9Awards[2], 2, 10

awards[4], 10awareness[1], 9

Bban[1], 7Banstead[1], 10barrier[1], 10barriers[2], 2, 10Base[17], 2-5, 8base[2], 2, 8based[2], 5-6baselines[1], 5basic[1], 9bath[1], 5bathing[1], 5Bathroom[3], 9-10bathroom[1], 10baths[1], 5battle[1], 4BBC[1], 10became[3], 7-8become[4], 2-3, 5, 8been[25], 2-10behalf[2], 4behaviour[4], 5, 9-10behavioural[1], 10behaviours[1], 9being[5], 3-5believe[3], 3-4below[1], 3Ben[1], 10benefits[4], 2, 5, 10benefitted[1], 3Benn[1], 7BERR[1], 7beside[1], 10best[3], 3, 5, 8better[3], 4, 9-10between[4], 3, 5, 8, 10bias[2], 4, 8bid[1], 9biggest[1], 6Bill[4], 7billpayers[1], 4bit[1], 10bjective[7], 2block[1], 10Blueprint[7], 2, 8board[1], 2

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boardroom[1], 4Borough[1], 10Both[1], 6both[6], 4, 9-10bout[1], 2Boyack[1], 8brand[1], 4brands[2], 10break[1], 4bring[4], 5, 7-8, 10bringing[1], 6brings[2], 9-10broad[1], 9broadcast[1], 10brought[1], 2Building[5], 2, 5, 7building[3], 4, 6, 8Buildings[1], 6buildings[8], 2, 6-7built[5], 2, 6, 10bursary[1], 10businesses[5], 6-7, 10but[3], 3-4, 9buy[1], 7buyers[1], 6

Ccalculate[1], 4call[3], 7-8calling[1], 7campaign[13], 3-4, 9-10campaigns[3], 9can[5], 4, 6-8capabilities[1], 2capacity[1], 3capital[2], 4, 8Carbon[2], 5, 7carbon[7], 5, 7-9Cardiff[2], 9carried[1], 5carry[1], 5carrying[1], 8case[3], 6-7, 10catalogues[1], 9Cave[7], 2-3, 7-8celebrate[1], 10centre[2], 6, 10centres[1], 9ceremony[1], 10

Chaired[1], 8champion[1], 4Championing[2], 2, 4champions[1], 6chance[1], 4Change[7], 7-8change[15], 4, 7-10changes[3], 2, 7, 10changing[4], 2, 6, 9-10Charging[2], 2, 8charging[1], 7cheap[1], 9cheaper[1], 7Chief[1], 4children[1], 10Chris[1], 9circulation[1], 2CLG[4], 5, 7-8Climate[7], 7-8climate[13], 4, 7-10climatewater[1], 7close[2], 4, 6closely[7], 3-6, 8closer[1], 6coalition[2], 8Code[1], 6collaboration[1], 10colleagues[1], 5College[1], 3combine[1], 10combined[1], 6come[1], 6comes[1], 2coming[1], 7comment[1], 10commercial[1], 9commercialisation[1], 10Commission[2], 7commissioned[1], 6committed[1], 7Committee[3], 7committee[1], 3Committees[1], 8common[1], 5communicate[1], 4communicated[1], 6Communicates[1], 3communicates[2], 3Communicating[2], 2, 4communication[2], 4Communications[1], 4Communities[4], 5, 8Community[1], 7community[2], 6, 10companies[24], 2-5, 7-8, 10

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company[9], 2-5, 7, 9compatible[1], 9Competition[2], 2, 8competition[2], 4, 7complete[1], 9concluded[1], 5conditioner[1], 9conditions[1], 10conducted[4], 3, 5, 9Conducts[1], 3conducts[1], 3Conference[2], 6, 10conference[5], 2-3conflicts[1], 9confusion[1], 9conjunction[2], 6, 10consensus[1], 2conservation[1], 7Conservatives[1], 7consistent[3], 3-4construction[1], 6consultants[2], 2, 5consultation[7], 2, 7consultations[2], 7Consumer[1], 8consumer[7], 2, 9-10consumers[7], 2, 6, 8, 10consumption[5], 4, 8-10contact[1], 6containing[1], 5Contents[1], 2continue[2], 2, 8continued[5], 3, 7-8, 10continuing[3], 2, 7-8contribute[2], 5, 10contributes[1], 4contributing[1], 7contribution[3], 4, 7-8control[1], 6convened[1], 8Cooperative[1], 3cooperative[1], 3coordinated[2], 4correct[1], 4cost[2], 5costs[3], 5-6could[5], 2, 4-5, 8Council[3], 8, 10country[1], 4County[1], 10Cover[1], 5Coverage[2], 10coverage[7], 2, 4, 9-10creation[2], 3, 8credible[1], 4

crucial[1], 2CSR[1], 6culture[1], 9current[4], 2, 5, 8Currently[1], 10currently[1], 8customers[1], 6

DData[1], 5data[4], 5date[2], 4, 9Davies[3], 4, 8Day[1], 2deal[3], 3, 8debate[1], 7DECC[2], 7December[1], 9Decent[3], 5, 7decide[1], 8deciding[1], 8decisions[1], 4dedicated[1], 3definition[2], 7Defra[5], 5, 7, 9delegates[1], 6delighted[2], 2, 4deliver[7], 3, 7-8, 10delivered[4], 4, 8-9delivering[2], 3-4delivery[5], 2, 4-6demand[2], 10Democrats[1], 7demonstrable[1], 6Department[3], 5depth[1], 8describe[2], 3described[2], 4Design[1], 3design[3], 9designed[4], 3, 10desk[1], 5despite[1], 10detail[5], 4, 6detailed[2], 3, 7detailing[2], 5-6determination[1], 7determinations[5], 2-4develop[4], 4, 6, 8-9

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developed[3], 4, 6, 8developer[1], 6developers[4], 6developing[8], 2-3, 6-8Development[1], 6development[13], 3-7, 10developments[2], 3, 6device[1], 9devices[2], 5, 10dialogue[2], 2, 4did[1], 4difference[1], 10different[1], 5dinner[1], 3dioxide[1], 9direct[1], 10directly[1], 3Director[3], 2, 9Disagree[1], 3discuss[2], 5, 8discussed[2], 5, 7discussing[2], 7discussions[2], 4, 7divided[1], 10document[2], 6, 8documentation[1], 6does[1], 5domestic[2], 7, 9don[1], 7done[1], 6double[1], 9doubled[1], 2down[1], 6Draft[1], 7draft[11], 2-4, 7drawn[1], 5drive[3], 3-4, 8driven[2], 4, 6drivers[1], 5driving[2], 2, 6drought[2], 7, 10droughts[1], 9dual[1], 9due[4], 3, 5-6Dumbrae[1], 9during[1], 7duty[1], 7

Eeach[2], 2, 8earlier[1], 6easier[1], 7East[9], 2, 6, 10east[1], 10Eco[2], 7eco[1], 10economic[1], 10economy[3], 2, 7Edge[6], 2-3, 8Edinburgh[3], 9educate[1], 10educating[1], 10education[1], 8educational[3], 3-4, 10effective[2], 8-9efficacy[1], 8Efficiency[16], 2-6, 8, 10efficiency[109], 2-10Efficient[2], 3, 6efficient[30], 2-10effort[1], 6elcome[1], 2Election[1], 7Electric[1], 4electric[1], 5electricity[2], 5, 7elicited[1], 8embedding[1], 6Emissions[1], 7emissions[1], 9emits[1], 8emphasis[1], 4enable[1], 10enabler[1], 3encourage[3], 3, 8-9encouraging[5], 2, 4, 9-10end[2], 2, 6endorsed[1], 4Energy[12], 2-5, 7, 9-10energy[19], 2-5, 7-9Engaging[2], 2, 6engaging[2], 6, 8England[4], 6-8enhanced[3], 4enquiries[1], 10ensure[12], 5-9ensures[1], 4Ensuring[2], 2, 6ensuring[2], 7-8

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enter[2], 4, 10entered[1], 2entirely[1], 8entities[1], 9entries[1], 9Environment[15], 2-5, 7-8, 10environment[7], 2, 6, 8, 10Environmental[3], 2-3, 9environmental[3], 4-5Epsom[1], 10Equally[1], 8equipment[1], 10equivalent[1], 8establishing[1], 4Esteemed[1], 3esteemed[1], 3estimate[2], 4Europe[2], 9European[4], 7Evaluation[2], 2, 5event[4], 6, 8events[4], 2, 6ever[1], 7every[4], 4, 7, 10Evidence[17], 2-5, 8evidence[9], 2, 5-8example[2], 4, 9Examples[2], 9-10examples[1], 5excellence[1], 6excellent[1], 6Executive[1], 4exhibition[1], 3expand[1], 8expansion[1], 2expectations[2], 2-3expenditure[2], 4, 8expertise[5], 3-4experts[1], 10exploits[1], 9exponential[1], 4extensive[1], 10extensively[1], 8extent[2], 3extremely[2], 2, 8Ezine[1], 4

Ffacilitator[1], 3Fairy[1], 10family[1], 8Fast[1], 3February[3], 6, 8-9feedback[1], 6few[3], 4, 8-9final[2], 5, 8Finally[1], 3financial[1], 2findings[2], 4, 8Finn[1], 4first[6], 5, 7, 9-10fittings[3], 8, 10fixtures[1], 10Flash[1], 10flats[2], 10flights[1], 8Floods[4], 7floods[1], 7flow[1], 9Flowers[1], 3flush[1], 9Flushwise[1], 9focus[3], 2, 9focused[2], 2, 6focuses[1], 7focussed[1], 8followed[1], 8Following[1], 8following[2], 7-8Food[2], 5For[2], 10for[102], 2-10formally[1], 7formed[2], 2, 10former[1], 8forward[9], 2-4, 7Foster[1], 9foster[1], 7found[5], 4-5, 9four[2], 8, 10fourth[1], 2Framework[1], 6framework[4], 2, 4, 8frameworks[1], 8Frequent[1], 10frequently[2], 4, 10Friendly[7], 2, 6, 10friendly[1], 10

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from[19], 2-10fruition[1], 6fulfilling[1], 6function[1], 3functions[1], 2funded[2], 3, 5Funding[1], 9funding[2], 7, 10further[5], 5, 7, 10Future[7], 2, 6, 10future[9], 2, 5, 7-10

Ggain[1], 10Galerie[1], 9Gamble[1], 10gaps[1], 5gas[2], 5, 7General[1], 7given[1], 6gives[1], 6giving[1], 9glass[1], 10glasses[1], 10global[1], 10globe[1], 10goes[2], 2, 7good[4], 3-4, 9goods[2], 3Government[12], 5, 7-8government[14], 2, 4-8governments[1], 2great[2], 3, 8Greater[3], 2, 5greater[6], 5, 8green[1], 7Grohe[2], 2-3Group[13], 2-5, 7-8group[4], 3-4, 8groups[1], 9growing[1], 2Growth[1], 10guarantees[1], 9Guardian[1], 10guidance[1], 6guide[2], 6

Hhard[2], 4, 6harvesting[3], 10Has[3], 3has[73], 2-10have[21], 2-4, 6-9heart[1], 4Heat[1], 7heating[1], 5held[3], 4, 7help[6], 3-4, 7, 10helps[1], 4heroes[1], 10High[4], 3, 7-8, 10high[6], 3, 8-9highlighted[2], 4-5highlighting[1], 3highlights[3], 2, 6-7highly[2], 5Hilary[1], 7his[1], 2home[5], 5-8homebuilders[1], 6Homes[13], 2, 4-5, 7-8homes[12], 4-5, 7, 10hope[1], 7hoped[1], 8hosepipe[1], 7Hotline[1], 4House[1], 10housebuilding[1], 10Household[2], 2, 8household[1], 7householder[2], 6households[1], 8Housing[6], 2-3, 5-6, 8, 10housing[13], 2, 4-8, 10How[3], 2, 4how[5], 4-6Huw[3], 4, 8

IICE[1], 6ideas[1], 8identified[2], 5, 9

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IMechE[1], 6impacts[2], 5, 10implications[2], 2, 5important[2], 3, 6importantly[1], 8improved[3], 4-5improving[1], 4incentives[3], 7-8incentivise[1], 8include[2], 8, 10included[8], 6-8, 10includes[2], 4, 7including[13], 2, 4-8increase[5], 2-4, 6, 8increased[2], 2, 4increasing[2], 6Indeed[1], 9independent[2], 3, 7independently[1], 3indicators[1], 5Individual[1], 7individual[1], 7individuals[3], 2, 6indoors[2], 4, 9Industry[2], 7industry[11], 2-5, 7-8influence[4], 3, 7, 9Influencing[3], 2, 7-8influencing[4], 2-3, 7influential[2], 7-8inform[2], 4-5information[7], 5-6, 8, 10Initiative[3], 2, 10initiatives[3], 4, 10Innovation[3], 2, 8, 10innovation[2], 7-8Innovations[1], 10innovative[5], 4, 6, 8, 10input[1], 9inquiries[1], 7insight[1], 5inspire[1], 10Installation[1], 10installation[1], 6installed[1], 5installing[1], 5instigate[1], 10integrate[1], 6integrated[2], 4, 9interest[3], 2, 6, 8interested[4], 2, 8Interim[4], 5, 8interim[4], 7-8internationally[1], 10interns[1], 2

Intiative[1], 10into[10], 2, 5-7, 10inventors[1], 6investigating[1], 10investments[2], 4, 7invited[1], 10involvement[1], 6Irranca[3], 4, 8issue[1], 8issues[2], 7, 10its[24], 3-5, 7-10itself[2], 7, 9

JJacob[4], 2, 9January[1], 9Jerry[1], 10jobs[1], 7joint[4], 3-4, 6journalists[1], 10judging[1], 9July[2], 4, 9June[2], 7-8just[2], 4, 9

KKaren[1], 9Keble[1], 3Kent[1], 7kept[3], 5, 8Key[1], 4key[11], 2-4, 7-8kilometres[1], 10kind[2], 9-10Kitchen[1], 10knowledge[2], 4-5Kriss[1], 4

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Llabel[1], 9labelling[1], 8Labour[1], 8laid[1], 6Large[11], 2-5, 8large[11], 2-5, 8largely[2], 3, 6larger[1], 3last[4], 4-5, 7launch[4], 6-7, 9launched[7], 4, 6-8, 10law[2], 7Lawrence[1], 9lead[2], 4-5leadership[2], 8leading[5], 3-4, 8, 10led[2], 5, 7left[2], 3, 9legislation[1], 3legislative[1], 7leisure[1], 10Lenor[1], 10less[3], 3, 7Level[2], 7-8level[2], 3, 6levels[1], 8liaison[2], 2, 4Liberal[1], 7Life[2], 3, 9like[2], 3, 8line[1], 9link[1], 8linked[1], 10linking[1], 8links[4], 3, 5-6, 8listed[1], 2live[1], 5living[1], 10Local[6], 5-6, 8local[5], 3, 6, 8, 10London[8], 2, 5, 9-10long[5], 2, 4longer[3], 4, 9look[1], 2looked[1], 6looking[1], 2lot[3], 2-3low[1], 7

Mmade[1], 2Magazine[2], 4main[2], 6, 9mainstreamed[1], 7maintained[1], 4major[2], 6, 10make[6], 7-8, 10makes[2], 5, 8Management[5], 7-8management[2], 5, 10managers[2], 4Managing[2], 2mandatory[1], 8Manifesto[2], 7-8manifesto[5], 4, 7-8Manifestoes[2], 2, 7manifestoes[2], 7Manifestos[1], 7manner[1], 6Manufacturers[1], 9manufacturers[10], 2-3, 5-6, 8-9Many[1], 8many[3], 2, 9March[2], 2, 8Marine[1], 4Mark[1], 9market[4], 6, 8-9marketing[1], 5Markets[2], 2, 8markets[1], 7Marque[12], 2-3, 9material[1], 9matter[1], 8May[1], 8may[3], 5, 9-10Mayor[1], 5measurement[1], 6measures[4], 4, 7medal[1], 4Media[1], 10media[8], 2, 4, 6, 9-10meet[3], 3, 6, 8Meeting[1], 8meeting[7], 4-5, 7-8meetings[1], 7Meets[1], 3Members[3], 7-8members[1], 5membership[1], 7men[4], 4

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mentions[1], 10MEPS[1], 7message[1], 8messages[6], 3-4, 9-10messaging[2], 4-5meter[1], 7Metering[1], 2metering[1], 7methodology[2], 5Mike[1], 9million[2], 4, 10minimise[1], 10Minister[8], 4, 7-8Ministers[3], 7minutes[3], 4misunderstandings[1], 7mitigation[3], 4, 8-9model[1], 9monthly[1], 2More[1], 9more[7], 4-6, 8, 10most[1], 4motivational[1], 4move[1], 9MSP[1], 8MSPs[1], 8much[4], 2-4, 6multi[2], 4, 8must[1], 5myth[1], 4

Nnational[8], 4, 8-10Natural[1], 4natural[2], 9-10need[10], 6-8, 10needed[1], 8needs[3], 5-6neighbourhood[1], 10Network[2], 2, 8network[1], 7Networks[3], 2-3, 9New[1], 10new[13], 2-8, 10News[3], 10Newsletter[1], 2newspapers[2], 4, 10next[1], 2nexus[1], 8

NGO[1], 8NGOs[4], 2, 5, 8non[1], 7norms[1], 4not[3], 4-5, 7note[2], 2-3November[6], 4-5, 7-8, 10now[13], 2-5, 8-9number[7], 3-4, 9-10numerous[1], 4

OObjective[7], 4-7, 9-10objective[5], 4, 6objectives[7], 2-3, 5, 9-10obvious[1], 9October[4], 4-6, 8offered[1], 6officers[1], 6officials[4], 7offset[1], 10often[1], 9Ofwat[13], 2-5, 7old[2], 4, 7Olympic[2], 4, 9once[1], 2One[1], 4one[1], 9only[2], 8operates[1], 3opportunities[3], 3, 5opportunity[1], 5Opposition[1], 7opposition[3], 7-8optimised[1], 9order[2], 9-10org[4], 2, 4, 6organisation[2], 2organisations[5], 6, 9-10Orpington[1], 7other[12], 2, 4-10others[2], 3, 8Our[7], 2our[14], 2-5, 8-10out[11], 2-3, 5, 7-8, 10outcomes[1], 10outdoors[2], 4, 9outlets[1], 4outputs[1], 2

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Over[2], 3, 10over[3], 4, 6, 9Overall[1], 3overestimated[1], 4overlap[1], 2own[1], 9Oxford[2], 3, 10

Ppackage[1], 9packaging[1], 9paper[1], 8Parliament[3], 7-8Parliamentary[5], 3, 7-8Part[1], 7part[3], 2, 5-6participate[1], 10participation[1], 6particular[2], 4, 8particularly[2], 3, 8parties[4], 7partnership[8], 3-4, 8-10partnerships[5], 3-4, 8parts[1], 10Party[2], 3, 8past[11], 3-4, 6, 10Paul[1], 3paved[1], 3Pebble[1], 6peers[1], 4people[4], 4, 9percent[1], 10perceptions[4], 2, 9-10performance[3], 5, 9performed[1], 3period[1], 9Periodic[3], 2, 4, 7personal[3], 2, 5phase[3], 2, 5Philpot[1], 9piggybacking[1], 4pilot[3], 2, 5, 9piloted[1], 9place[3], 4, 9placed[2], 2, 4Plan[1], 8plan[1], 5planners[5], 6Planning[2], 6-7

planning[4], 3, 6Plans[2], 7plans[3], 7play[3], 5-6, 8played[5], 3-4player[1], 8Please[1], 2pleased[1], 2plumbing[2], 5-6Plus[1], 3point[4], 6, 9Points[1], 10policies[9], 2-3, 5-8Policy[1], 7policy[12], 2, 4-5, 7-8policymakers[1], 8political[5], 3, 7ponds[1], 7positive[3], 2-4post[2], 2-3potential[5], 2, 5, 7, 9potentially[2], 5, 8Power[4], 2, 4, 7, 10power[2], 3-4practical[2], 2practice[2], 5, 8practices[1], 6presence[1], 7presented[1], 10presenting[1], 8preserve[1], 9President[1], 3press[3], 10Preston[5], 2, 10prevent[1], 9Price[1], 7price[2], 3, 7primarily[1], 6principal[1], 2priorities[2], 8priority[2], 8-9Proactive[1], 3proactive[2], 3, 10process[2], 4, 8Proctor[1], 10produce[2], 6produced[2], 4-5Product[2], 10product[5], 3, 5-6, 9production[1], 9productive[1], 2products[22], 3-4, 6-10profile[2], 3Programme[1], 7programme[7], 2-3, 10

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programmes[6], 3-4, 10progress[6], 2-4, 7-8project[9], 4-5, 8-10projects[6], 3, 5, 8, 10prolonged[1], 7promote[6], 3, 5, 7-8promoted[1], 4Promotes[1], 3promotes[2], 3, 9Promoting[2], 2, 10promoting[4], 4, 10promotion[1], 4promotional[1], 9proportion[1], 3proposal[1], 8proposals[1], 8proposed[1], 8provide[5], 5, 7, 10provided[4], 4, 6, 9providers[3], 4-5, 8provides[4], 6, 10providing[3], 3, 6public[1], 8publication[1], 7publications[1], 5published[5], 4-6, 8

Qquality[6], 3, 8-9quoted[1], 5quotes[4], 8, 10

RRadio[1], 10radio[3], 4, 10rainfall[1], 7rainwater[3], 10raise[1], 9Raised[1], 3raised[1], 3range[2], 9-10rating[2], 3Raven[1], 10

Ravenscliffe[1], 10reactive[1], 10real[1], 5receive[1], 10received[2], 8-9recognise[1], 10recommendations[2], 7record[2], 3-4reduce[4], 6, 9-10Reducing[1], 1reducing[1], 8Reduction[1], 7refers[1], 6reflect[2], 5, 8refurbishing[1], 10refurbishment[1], 10regarded[1], 8Regina[1], 4region[2], 6Regional[4], 2-3, 6, 9regional[3], 4, 6, 10regular[1], 4regulation[2], 5Regulations[3], 7regulations[2], 6-7regulators[6], 2, 4, 6, 8regulatory[10], 2, 4, 7-8Reigate[1], 10related[1], 7relating[2], 5-6relation[2], 3, 10relationship[1], 4release[1], 10releases[1], 10relevant[4], 5-8reliability[2], 4rely[1], 5remains[2], 8remit[1], 2RENEW[5], 2-3, 9replace[1], 5Report[22], 1-10report[12], 2, 5, 7-8Reporting[2], 7reports[3], 3, 5, 7representation[1], 5represented[2], 3-4representing[1], 4reputation[1], 4request[1], 8require[3], 6-8requirement[1], 6research[15], 2-6resilient[2], 7Resource[3], 7-8

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resource[1], 5Resources[3], 2-3, 7resources[3], 2, 9-10respectively[1], 7respond[2], 7, 9responded[4], 2, 7-8respondents[1], 3Responding[1], 10response[1], 8responses[2], 2, 7restaurant[1], 10result[2], 6, 10results[1], 3retailers[9], 2-3, 5-6, 8retrofit[8], 5, 7-10retrofits[2], 5, 10retrofitting[5], 3-5, 8reunion[1], 2Review[16], 2, 4-5, 7-8review[5], 3-5, 7-8reviewed[1], 9reviewing[1], 8Reviews[3], 3, 7reviews[3], 3, 5, 7rewards[1], 10right[1], 9rigorous[1], 5Rivers[6], 2-3, 8rivers[1], 8robust[1], 5role[9], 2-5, 8roles[1], 6roll[1], 3rolled[1], 10round[1], 9roundtable[1], 8run[1], 6running[2], 9Rural[3], 5, 8

Ssaid[1], 8sale[3], 6, 9same[1], 7Sarah[1], 8save[3], 4, 7, 10Savewater[2], 2, 10savewater[2], 10Saving[22], 2-5, 7-10

saving[10], 2, 4-5, 9-10savings[2], 5, 10saw[1], 9scale[23], 2-5, 8scarcity[1], 9Scenarios[1], 5Scheme[1], 10scheme[2], 8, 10schemes[6], 2, 4-5, 8School[2], 9-10school[2], 10Scotland[9], 2, 7-9Scottish[7], 7-8second[1], 5seconds[4], 4Secretary[1], 7section[1], 6sections[2], 6sector[4], 2, 6, 8sectors[1], 7secured[1], 4see[7], 4, 6, 8seeking[1], 4Seen[1], 3seen[6], 2-4, 7Select[2], 7select[2], 3, 9selling[1], 9Seminar[1], 6send[1], 8Senior[1], 3senior[1], 7sent[1], 8separate[1], 9Sept[3], 2, 6September[3], 2, 4, 9series[2], 6, 8seriously[1], 9service[1], 9Services[2], 2, 8services[1], 7set[6], 5, 7-8setting[2], 7-8settlement[1], 4several[2], 2, 6Sewerage[2], 2, 8sewerage[1], 7shape[1], 3shaped[1], 4Shaping[2], 2, 4SHARE[2], 2-3shorter[3], 3-4, 10should[5], 2, 5, 8Shower[5], 2-4, 10shower[9], 4-5

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showering[3], 3-5showerpower[1], 4showers[4], 5, 10shows[2], 4, 9significant[3], 3-5significantly[1], 4similar[1], 9simple[1], 4sit[1], 8six[2], 4Sky[1], 10small[2], 3, 8smart[2], 7Social[2], 2-3social[16], 2, 4-7, 10society[2], 2-3soil[1], 9sold[2], 2, 8solely[1], 5Some[1], 4some[3], 2-3, 10source[1], 5sources[1], 5south[1], 10speaker[2], 3-4spearheaded[1], 4Special[1], 7specialists[1], 6specific[2], 8, 10specifications[2], 4, 6spectrum[1], 9spend[2], 4spent[1], 4spokespeople[1], 8spokesperson[1], 8Spokespersons[1], 7spokespersons[2], 7-8sponsor[1], 2Spring[1], 6staff[5], 2-3, 6Stakeholder[1], 3stakeholder[4], 2-3, 5, 7stakeholders[10], 2-3, 5-6standard[3], 5, 7standards[1], 5Starbucks[1], 10State[1], 7Statement[1], 7stations[2], 4, 10Steering[2], 5steps[1], 7Stevenson[1], 8Stewart[1], 8stock[3], 2, 5stores[1], 6

story[1], 10Strategies[1], 7strategies[2], 3, 7Strategy[3], 7strategy[2], 2, 8stressed[2], 8stretched[1], 2strongly[1], 3structured[1], 2studies[1], 6study[1], 5Sub[1], 7submitted[2], 8success[1], 6successes[2], 2, 6successful[1], 6such[4], 3, 6, 8suggested[1], 5suggestions[1], 5summary[1], 3summer[1], 7support[10], 3-6, 8supported[2], 4, 10supporting[3], 6, 10supports[1], 9sure[1], 7Surrey[3], 10surrounding[1], 4Survey[1], 3survey[3], 2-3, 5surveys[1], 9sustainable[4], 6, 9-10Sutton[1], 10swimmer[1], 9Swindon[1], 8synergies[1], 9system[1], 4

Ttabled[2], 3, 7tackle[1], 7take[7], 2, 4, 7, 10taken[6], 3-5, 7taking[6], 3-4, 7, 9Talisman[1], 4talking[1], 2Target[1], 7targeted[3], 4, 7targets[7], 2-4, 7-8

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team[3], 2-3, 8technical[2], 3technology[1], 5Telegraph[1], 10template[1], 9ten[1], 7tens[2], 4-5Terracottem[1], 9Thames[1], 8than[4], 3-4, 9that[41], 2-10The[59], 2-10the[341], 1-10their[10], 4, 6-8, 10them[3], 6, 10themselves[1], 7then[1], 7There[1], 2there[4], 2-4, 6therefore[1], 5These[1], 6these[5], 3, 5, 7, 9they[5], 4-6, 8things[1], 4This[28], 2-10this[19], 2-8, 10Thornton[1], 9thought[1], 4thousands[2], 4-5three[5], 4, 9-10thrive[1], 9through[18], 2-5, 7-10throughout[2], 6, 9tie[1], 8time[7], 3-4, 7-8, 10Times[1], 10tips[1], 10together[5], 2, 5, 8-10toilet[1], 9tomorrow[1], 10Tompkins[4], 2, 9too[1], 4tool[1], 6topic[1], 9towards[6], 3-4, 6, 8-9Towns[2], 7track[2], 5trade[1], 10traffic[1], 4training[1], 9Trains[1], 4transatlantic[1], 8Treasury[2], 7treated[1], 9trial[2], 10

trials[1], 5Trust[8], 3-5, 9-10try[1], 5turn[1], 4twice[1], 9twin[1], 5two[6], 4-6, 8-10Twyford[1], 9

Uuncertain[1], 5Under[1], 2under[1], 5underlying[1], 4underpin[1], 5understand[3], 5-6, 9Understanding[3], 2, 9-10understanding[2], 6, 10undertaken[2], 5, 9undertaking[1], 3update[2], 7-8updated[6], 4-5, 8updating[1], 5upgrade[1], 5uptake[1], 10urban[1], 9use[14], 2-3, 5-10used[4], 3-4, 8-9useful[2], 5, 8usefulness[1], 8user[1], 6users[1], 6using[6], 5-6, 8-10utilities[1], 8utility[2], 5, 8

Vvalue[2], 5, 8values[1], 4various[1], 4vast[1], 7venue[1], 3very[5], 2-3, 8-9

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Vice[1], 3Virgin[2], 4visitors[1], 4visits[1], 4voice[2], 3volume[1], 3voluntary[1], 8

WWales[1], 7Walker[12], 2-3, 5, 7-8warmly[2], 4, 6was[26], 2, 4-10washing[3], 2, 5wastage[3], 1, 6, 9waste[1], 7wasteful[2], 4, 10Wastewatch[1], 10wasting[1], 7Water[72], 2-10water[230], 1-10Watergreen[1], 9Waterwatch[1], 8Waterwise[156], 2-10waterwise[1], 4way[5], 2-4, 10weather[1], 10webpage[1], 4Website[1], 6website[5], 6websites[2], 4, 9weightings[1], 5Welcome[1], 2welcomed[4], 4-6, 8welcomes[3], 3-4, 8well[9], 3, 5-8Welsh[2], 7were[9], 2-5, 10what[4], 3, 8-9When[1], 3when[1], 3where[2], 3-4whether[2], 8Which[1], 3which[34], 2-4, 6-10While[1], 4Whitehall[1], 7who[2], 8, 10whole[1], 8

why[2], 6, 10wide[2], 3widely[3], 4-5, 9widescale[1], 9will[8], 4-5, 7-9win[1], 4winning[2], 4, 9Wirquin[1], 9wise[4], 2, 9-10wisely[1], 6with[69], 2-10within[6], 2, 4, 7women[6], 4words[2], 3Work[1], 9work[17], 3-6, 8, 10worked[5], 4, 6, 8working[11], 2-5, 8, 10works[5], 2-3, 6, 9workshop[1], 8workstream[1], 8World[2], 2, 10worth[1], 10would[3], 3, 8written[1], 7WSG[3], 5, 8WWF[2], 8www[4], 2, 4, 6

Yyear[33], 2-10years[3], 4, 7you[6], 2-4younger[1], 4Your[1], 4

Zzero[2], 7

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Aable[1], 6about[3], 2, 5, 10above[5], 3, 4, 9academics[1], 5acceptable[1], 6acceptance[1], 5accepts[1], 9accessible[2], 3account[2], 5achieve[1], 10achieved[3], 3, 9, 10achievements[2], 2, 4achieving[1], 9acknowledged[1], 4acorn[1], 10across[10], 2, 4, 7, 9, 10act[7], 3, 7, 8, 9, 10action[4], 2, 3, 5, 8active[3], 3, 7actively[1], 10activities[1], 2activity[3], 4, 7, 9actually[1], 4adaptation[6], 7, 8, 9adapting[2], 7adaption[1], 4adapts[1], 7addition[5], 2, 4, 6, 9addressed[1], 3addressing[3], 2, 8, 10

adverse[1], 10advertorial[2], 4advice[12], 3, 4, 5, 6, 9advise[1], 7advisers[1], 7affairs[3], 5, 8after[1], 2again[2], 2, 8against[1], 4age[2], 4aged[1], 4agency[5], 5, 7, 10agenda[8], 3, 4, 5, 7, 8ago[1], 4agree[1], 3agreed[4], 5, 8aid[1], 3aided[1], 6aim[4], 2, 6, 7, 10aims[4], 6, 8, 9akabusi[1], 4all[18], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10allowances[1], 4allowed[1], 3almost[1], 10alongside[4], 7, 8, 10also[11], 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10ambitious[1], 7amendment[1], 7amount[1], 7analyse[1], 5analysis[1], 5and[315], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10anglian[1], 6annual[20], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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answer[1], 3any[4], 6, 7, 8, 9appears[1], 3appliances[1], 8approach[4], 4, 5, 8approaches[2], 8, 10approved[2], 4april[2], 5, 7are[20], 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10area[3], 2, 5, 10areas[5], 6, 9, 10ariel[1], 10arms[1], 7around[9], 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10array[1], 5asked[3], 3, 4aspects[1], 10assembly[2], 7assess[2], 5, 7assist[1], 5assists[1], 4association[2], 6, 9associations[5], 5, 6, 8, 10assumptions[1], 4athlete[1], 4attendees[1], 6attending[1], 6attitudes[2], 6attracted[1], 10audience[2], 4, 10audit[1], 10august[3], 7, 8, 9australia[3], 2, 10authorities[3], 5, 6authority[4], 3, 4, 8autumn[1], 9availability[1], 6available[7], 5, 6, 8, 9average[4], 3, 4, 8award[3], 9, 10awarded[2], 9awards[6], 2, 10awareness[1], 9

Bban[1], 7banstead[1], 10barrier[1], 10barriers[2], 2, 10

base[19], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8based[2], 5, 6baselines[1], 5basic[1], 9bath[1], 5bathing[1], 5bathroom[4], 9, 10baths[1], 5battle[1], 4bbc[1], 10became[3], 7, 8become[4], 2, 3, 5, 8been[25], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10behalf[2], 4behaviour[4], 5, 9, 10behavioural[1], 10behaviours[1], 9being[5], 3, 4, 5believe[3], 3, 4below[1], 3ben[1], 10benefits[4], 2, 5, 10benefitted[1], 3benn[1], 7berr[1], 7beside[1], 10best[3], 3, 5, 8better[3], 4, 9, 10between[4], 3, 5, 8, 10bias[2], 4, 8bid[1], 9biggest[1], 6bill[4], 7billpayers[1], 4bit[1], 10bjective[7], 2block[1], 10blueprint[7], 2, 8board[1], 2boardroom[1], 4borough[1], 10both[7], 4, 6, 9, 10bout[1], 2boyack[1], 8brand[1], 4brands[2], 10break[1], 4bring[4], 5, 7, 8, 10bringing[1], 6brings[2], 9, 10broad[1], 9broadcast[1], 10brought[1], 2building[8], 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8buildings[9], 2, 6, 7

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built[5], 2, 6, 10bursary[1], 10businesses[5], 6, 7, 10but[3], 3, 4, 9buy[1], 7buyers[1], 6

Ccalculate[1], 4call[3], 7, 8calling[1], 7campaign[13], 3, 4, 9, 10campaigns[3], 9can[5], 4, 6, 7, 8capabilities[1], 2capacity[1], 3capital[2], 4, 8carbon[9], 5, 7, 8, 9cardiff[2], 9carried[1], 5carry[1], 5carrying[1], 8case[3], 6, 7, 10catalogues[1], 9cave[7], 2, 3, 7, 8celebrate[1], 10centre[2], 6, 10centres[1], 9ceremony[1], 10chaired[1], 8champion[1], 4championing[2], 2, 4champions[1], 6chance[1], 4change[22], 4, 7, 8, 9, 10changes[3], 2, 7, 10changing[4], 2, 6, 9, 10charging[3], 2, 7, 8cheap[1], 9cheaper[1], 7chief[1], 4children[1], 10chris[1], 9circulation[1], 2clg[4], 5, 7, 8climate[20], 4, 7, 8, 9, 10climatewater[1], 7close[2], 4, 6closely[7], 3, 4, 5, 6, 8

closer[1], 6coalition[2], 8code[1], 6collaboration[1], 10colleagues[1], 5college[1], 3combine[1], 10combined[1], 6come[1], 6comes[1], 2coming[1], 7comment[1], 10commercial[1], 9commercialisation[1], 10commission[2], 7commissioned[1], 6committed[1], 7committee[4], 3, 7committees[1], 8common[1], 5communicate[1], 4communicated[1], 6communicates[3], 3communicating[2], 2, 4communication[2], 4communications[1], 4communities[4], 5, 8community[3], 6, 7, 10companies[24], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10company[9], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9compatible[1], 9competition[4], 2, 4, 7, 8complete[1], 9concluded[1], 5conditioner[1], 9conditions[1], 10conducted[4], 3, 5, 9conducts[2], 3conference[7], 2, 3, 6, 10conflicts[1], 9confusion[1], 9conjunction[2], 6, 10consensus[1], 2conservation[1], 7conservatives[1], 7consistent[3], 3, 4construction[1], 6consultants[2], 2, 5consultation[7], 2, 7consultations[2], 7consumer[8], 2, 8, 9, 10consumers[7], 2, 6, 8, 10consumption[5], 4, 8, 9, 10contact[1], 6containing[1], 5

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contents[1], 2continue[2], 2, 8continued[5], 3, 7, 8, 10continuing[3], 2, 7, 8contribute[2], 5, 10contributes[1], 4contributing[1], 7contribution[3], 4, 7, 8control[1], 6convened[1], 8cooperative[2], 3coordinated[2], 4correct[1], 4cost[2], 5costs[3], 5, 6could[5], 2, 4, 5, 8council[3], 8, 10country[1], 4county[1], 10cover[1], 5coverage[9], 2, 4, 9, 10creation[2], 3, 8credible[1], 4crucial[1], 2csr[1], 6culture[1], 9current[4], 2, 5, 8currently[2], 8, 10customers[1], 6

Ddata[5], 5date[2], 4, 9davies[3], 4, 8day[1], 2deal[3], 3, 8debate[1], 7decc[2], 7december[1], 9decent[3], 5, 7decide[1], 8deciding[1], 8decisions[1], 4dedicated[1], 3definition[2], 7defra[5], 5, 7, 9delegates[1], 6delighted[2], 2, 4deliver[7], 3, 7, 8, 10

delivered[4], 4, 8, 9delivering[2], 3, 4delivery[5], 2, 4, 5, 6demand[2], 10democrats[1], 7demonstrable[1], 6department[3], 5depth[1], 8describe[2], 3described[2], 4design[4], 3, 9designed[4], 3, 10desk[1], 5despite[1], 10detail[5], 4, 6detailed[2], 3, 7detailing[2], 5, 6determination[1], 7determinations[5], 2, 3, 4develop[4], 4, 6, 8, 9developed[3], 4, 6, 8developer[1], 6developers[4], 6developing[8], 2, 3, 6, 7, 8development[14], 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10developments[2], 3, 6device[1], 9devices[2], 5, 10dialogue[2], 2, 4did[1], 4difference[1], 10different[1], 5dinner[1], 3dioxide[1], 9direct[1], 10directly[1], 3director[3], 2, 9disagree[1], 3discuss[2], 5, 8discussed[2], 5, 7discussing[2], 7discussions[2], 4, 7divided[1], 10document[2], 6, 8documentation[1], 6does[1], 5domestic[2], 7, 9don[1], 7done[1], 6double[1], 9doubled[1], 2down[1], 6draft[12], 2, 3, 4, 7drawn[1], 5drive[3], 3, 4, 8

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driven[2], 4, 6drivers[1], 5driving[2], 2, 6drought[2], 7, 10droughts[1], 9dual[1], 9due[4], 3, 5, 6dumbrae[1], 9during[1], 7duty[1], 7

Eeach[2], 2, 8earlier[1], 6easier[1], 7east[10], 2, 6, 10eco[3], 7, 10economic[1], 10economy[3], 2, 7edge[6], 2, 3, 8edinburgh[3], 9educate[1], 10educating[1], 10education[1], 8educational[3], 3, 4, 10effective[2], 8, 9efficacy[1], 8efficiency[125], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10efficient[32], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10effort[1], 6elcome[1], 2election[1], 7electric[2], 4, 5electricity[2], 5, 7elicited[1], 8embedding[1], 6emissions[2], 7, 9emits[1], 8emphasis[1], 4enable[1], 10enabler[1], 3encourage[3], 3, 8, 9encouraging[5], 2, 4, 9, 10end[2], 2, 6endorsed[1], 4energy[31], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10engaging[4], 2, 6, 8england[4], 6, 7, 8enhanced[3], 4

enquiries[1], 10ensure[12], 5, 6, 7, 8, 9ensures[1], 4ensuring[4], 2, 6, 7, 8enter[2], 4, 10entered[1], 2entirely[1], 8entities[1], 9entries[1], 9environment[22], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10environmental[6], 2, 3, 4, 5, 9epsom[1], 10equally[1], 8equipment[1], 10equivalent[1], 8establishing[1], 4esteemed[2], 3estimate[2], 4europe[2], 9european[4], 7evaluation[2], 2, 5event[4], 6, 8events[4], 2, 6ever[1], 7every[4], 4, 7, 10evidence[26], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8example[2], 4, 9examples[3], 5, 9, 10excellence[1], 6excellent[1], 6executive[1], 4exhibition[1], 3expand[1], 8expansion[1], 2expectations[2], 2, 3expenditure[2], 4, 8expertise[5], 3, 4experts[1], 10exploits[1], 9exponential[1], 4extensive[1], 10extensively[1], 8extent[2], 3extremely[2], 2, 8ezine[1], 4

Ffacilitator[1], 3fairy[1], 10

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family[1], 8fast[1], 3february[3], 6, 8, 9feedback[1], 6few[3], 4, 8, 9final[2], 5, 8finally[1], 3financial[1], 2findings[2], 4, 8finn[1], 4first[6], 5, 7, 9, 10fittings[3], 8, 10fixtures[1], 10flash[1], 10flats[2], 10flights[1], 8floods[5], 7flow[1], 9flowers[1], 3flush[1], 9flushwise[1], 9focus[3], 2, 9focused[2], 2, 6focuses[1], 7focussed[1], 8followed[1], 8following[3], 7, 8food[2], 5for[104], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10formally[1], 7formed[2], 2, 10former[1], 8forward[9], 2, 3, 4, 7foster[2], 7, 9found[5], 4, 5, 9four[2], 8, 10fourth[1], 2framework[5], 2, 4, 6, 8frameworks[1], 8frequent[1], 10frequently[2], 4, 10friendly[8], 2, 6, 10from[19], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10fruition[1], 6fulfilling[1], 6function[1], 3functions[1], 2funded[2], 3, 5funding[3], 7, 9, 10further[5], 5, 7, 10future[16], 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Ggain[1], 10galerie[1], 9gamble[1], 10gaps[1], 5gas[2], 5, 7general[1], 7given[1], 6gives[1], 6giving[1], 9glass[1], 10glasses[1], 10global[1], 10globe[1], 10goes[2], 2, 7good[4], 3, 4, 9goods[2], 3government[26], 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8governments[1], 2great[2], 3, 8greater[9], 2, 5, 8green[1], 7grohe[2], 2, 3group[17], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8groups[1], 9growing[1], 2growth[1], 10guarantees[1], 9guardian[1], 10guidance[1], 6guide[2], 6

Hhard[2], 4, 6harvesting[3], 10has[76], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10have[21], 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9heart[1], 4heat[1], 7heating[1], 5held[3], 4, 7help[6], 3, 4, 7, 10helps[1], 4heroes[1], 10high[10], 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

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highlighted[2], 4, 5highlighting[1], 3highlights[3], 2, 6, 7highly[2], 5hilary[1], 7his[1], 2home[5], 5, 6, 7, 8homebuilders[1], 6homes[25], 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10hope[1], 7hoped[1], 8hosepipe[1], 7hotline[1], 4house[1], 10housebuilding[1], 10household[3], 2, 7, 8householder[2], 6households[1], 8housing[19], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10how[8], 2, 4, 5, 6huw[3], 4, 8

Iice[1], 6ideas[1], 8identified[2], 5, 9imeche[1], 6impacts[2], 5, 10implications[2], 2, 5important[2], 3, 6importantly[1], 8improved[3], 4, 5improving[1], 4incentives[3], 7, 8incentivise[1], 8include[2], 8, 10included[8], 6, 7, 8, 10includes[2], 4, 7including[13], 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8increase[5], 2, 3, 4, 6, 8increased[2], 2, 4increasing[2], 6indeed[1], 9independent[2], 3, 7independently[1], 3indicators[1], 5individual[2], 7individuals[3], 2, 6indoors[2], 4, 9

industry[13], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8influence[4], 3, 7, 9influencing[7], 2, 3, 7, 8influential[2], 7, 8inform[2], 4, 5information[7], 5, 6, 8, 10initiative[3], 2, 10initiatives[3], 4, 10innovation[5], 2, 7, 8, 10innovations[1], 10innovative[5], 4, 6, 8, 10input[1], 9inquiries[1], 7insight[1], 5inspire[1], 10installation[2], 6, 10installed[1], 5installing[1], 5instigate[1], 10integrate[1], 6integrated[2], 4, 9interest[3], 2, 6, 8interested[4], 2, 8interim[8], 5, 7, 8internationally[1], 10interns[1], 2intiative[1], 10into[10], 2, 5, 6, 7, 10inventors[1], 6investigating[1], 10investments[2], 4, 7invited[1], 10involvement[1], 6irranca[3], 4, 8issue[1], 8issues[2], 7, 10its[24], 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10itself[2], 7, 9

Jjacob[4], 2, 9january[1], 9jerry[1], 10jobs[1], 7joint[4], 3, 4, 6journalists[1], 10judging[1], 9july[2], 4, 9june[2], 7, 8

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just[2], 4, 9

Kkaren[1], 9keble[1], 3kent[1], 7kept[3], 5, 8key[12], 2, 3, 4, 7, 8kilometres[1], 10kind[2], 9, 10kitchen[1], 10knowledge[2], 4, 5kriss[1], 4

Llabel[1], 9labelling[1], 8labour[1], 8laid[1], 6large[22], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8largely[2], 3, 6larger[1], 3last[4], 4, 5, 7launch[4], 6, 7, 9launched[7], 4, 6, 7, 8, 10law[2], 7lawrence[1], 9lead[2], 4, 5leadership[2], 8leading[5], 3, 4, 8, 10led[2], 5, 7left[2], 3, 9legislation[1], 3legislative[1], 7leisure[1], 10lenor[1], 10less[3], 3, 7level[4], 3, 6, 7, 8levels[1], 8liaison[2], 2, 4liberal[1], 7life[2], 3, 9like[2], 3, 8

line[1], 9link[1], 8linked[1], 10linking[1], 8links[4], 3, 5, 6, 8listed[1], 2live[1], 5living[1], 10local[11], 3, 5, 6, 8, 10london[8], 2, 5, 9, 10long[5], 2, 4longer[3], 4, 9look[1], 2looked[1], 6looking[1], 2lot[3], 2, 3low[1], 7

Mmade[1], 2magazine[2], 4main[2], 6, 9mainstreamed[1], 7maintained[1], 4major[2], 6, 10make[6], 7, 8, 10makes[2], 5, 8management[7], 5, 7, 8, 10managers[2], 4managing[2], 2mandatory[1], 8manifesto[7], 4, 7, 8manifestoes[4], 2, 7manifestos[1], 7manner[1], 6manufacturers[11], 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9many[4], 2, 8, 9march[2], 2, 8marine[1], 4mark[1], 9market[4], 6, 8, 9marketing[1], 5markets[3], 2, 7, 8marque[12], 2, 3, 9material[1], 9matter[1], 8may[4], 5, 8, 9, 10mayor[1], 5measurement[1], 6

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measures[4], 4, 7medal[1], 4media[9], 2, 4, 6, 9, 10meet[3], 3, 6, 8meeting[8], 4, 5, 7, 8meetings[1], 7meets[1], 3members[4], 5, 7, 8membership[1], 7men[4], 4mentions[1], 10meps[1], 7message[1], 8messages[6], 3, 4, 9, 10messaging[2], 4, 5meter[1], 7metering[2], 2, 7methodology[2], 5mike[1], 9million[2], 4, 10minimise[1], 10minister[8], 4, 7, 8ministers[3], 7minutes[3], 4misunderstandings[1], 7mitigation[3], 4, 8, 9model[1], 9monthly[1], 2more[8], 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10most[1], 4motivational[1], 4move[1], 9msp[1], 8msps[1], 8much[4], 2, 3, 4, 6multi[2], 4, 8must[1], 5myth[1], 4

Nnational[8], 4, 8, 9, 10natural[3], 4, 9, 10need[10], 6, 7, 8, 10needed[1], 8needs[3], 5, 6neighbourhood[1], 10network[3], 2, 7, 8networks[3], 2, 3, 9new[14], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

news[3], 10newsletter[1], 2newspapers[2], 4, 10next[1], 2nexus[1], 8ngo[1], 8ngos[4], 2, 5, 8non[1], 7norms[1], 4not[3], 4, 5, 7note[2], 2, 3november[6], 4, 5, 7, 8, 10now[13], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9number[7], 3, 4, 9, 10numerous[1], 4

Oobjective[12], 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10objectives[7], 2, 3, 5, 9, 10obvious[1], 9october[4], 4, 5, 6, 8offered[1], 6officers[1], 6officials[4], 7offset[1], 10often[1], 9ofwat[13], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7old[2], 4, 7olympic[2], 4, 9once[1], 2one[2], 4, 9only[2], 8operates[1], 3opportunities[3], 3, 5opportunity[1], 5opposition[4], 7, 8optimised[1], 9order[2], 9, 10org[4], 2, 4, 6organisation[2], 2organisations[5], 6, 9, 10orpington[1], 7other[12], 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10others[2], 3, 8our[21], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10out[11], 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10outcomes[1], 10outdoors[2], 4, 9outlets[1], 4

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outputs[1], 2over[5], 3, 4, 6, 9, 10overall[1], 3overestimated[1], 4overlap[1], 2own[1], 9oxford[2], 3, 10

Ppackage[1], 9packaging[1], 9paper[1], 8parliament[3], 7, 8parliamentary[5], 3, 7, 8part[4], 2, 5, 6, 7participate[1], 10participation[1], 6particular[2], 4, 8particularly[2], 3, 8parties[4], 7partnership[8], 3, 4, 8, 9, 10partnerships[5], 3, 4, 8parts[1], 10party[2], 3, 8past[11], 3, 4, 6, 10paul[1], 3paved[1], 3pebble[1], 6peers[1], 4people[4], 4, 9percent[1], 10perceptions[4], 2, 9, 10performance[3], 5, 9performed[1], 3period[1], 9periodic[3], 2, 4, 7personal[3], 2, 5phase[3], 2, 5philpot[1], 9piggybacking[1], 4pilot[3], 2, 5, 9piloted[1], 9place[3], 4, 9placed[2], 2, 4plan[2], 5, 8planners[5], 6planning[6], 3, 6, 7plans[5], 7play[3], 5, 6, 8

played[5], 3, 4player[1], 8please[1], 2pleased[1], 2plumbing[2], 5, 6plus[1], 3point[4], 6, 9points[1], 10policies[9], 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8policy[13], 2, 4, 5, 7, 8policymakers[1], 8political[5], 3, 7ponds[1], 7positive[3], 2, 3, 4post[2], 2, 3potential[5], 2, 5, 7, 9potentially[2], 5, 8power[6], 2, 3, 4, 7, 10practical[2], 2practice[2], 5, 8practices[1], 6presence[1], 7presented[1], 10presenting[1], 8preserve[1], 9president[1], 3press[3], 10preston[5], 2, 10prevent[1], 9price[3], 3, 7primarily[1], 6principal[1], 2priorities[2], 8priority[2], 8, 9proactive[3], 3, 10process[2], 4, 8proctor[1], 10produce[2], 6produced[2], 4, 5product[7], 3, 5, 6, 9, 10production[1], 9productive[1], 2products[22], 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10profile[2], 3programme[8], 2, 3, 7, 10programmes[6], 3, 4, 10progress[6], 2, 3, 4, 7, 8project[9], 4, 5, 8, 9, 10projects[6], 3, 5, 8, 10prolonged[1], 7promote[6], 3, 5, 7, 8promoted[1], 4promotes[3], 3, 9promoting[6], 2, 4, 10promotion[1], 4

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promotional[1], 9proportion[1], 3proposal[1], 8proposals[1], 8proposed[1], 8provide[5], 5, 7, 10provided[4], 4, 6, 9providers[3], 4, 5, 8provides[4], 6, 10providing[3], 3, 6public[1], 8publication[1], 7publications[1], 5published[5], 4, 5, 6, 8

Qquality[6], 3, 8, 9quoted[1], 5quotes[4], 8, 10

Rradio[4], 4, 10rainfall[1], 7rainwater[3], 10raise[1], 9raised[2], 3range[2], 9, 10rating[2], 3raven[1], 10ravenscliffe[1], 10reactive[1], 10real[1], 5receive[1], 10received[2], 8, 9recognise[1], 10recommendations[2], 7record[2], 3, 4reduce[4], 6, 9, 10reducing[2], 1, 8reduction[1], 7refers[1], 6reflect[2], 5, 8refurbishing[1], 10

refurbishment[1], 10regarded[1], 8regina[1], 4region[2], 6regional[7], 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10regular[1], 4regulation[2], 5regulations[5], 6, 7regulators[6], 2, 4, 6, 8regulatory[10], 2, 4, 7, 8reigate[1], 10related[1], 7relating[2], 5, 6relation[2], 3, 10relationship[1], 4release[1], 10releases[1], 10relevant[4], 5, 6, 7, 8reliability[2], 4rely[1], 5remains[2], 8remit[1], 2renew[5], 2, 3, 9replace[1], 5report[34], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10reporting[2], 7reports[3], 3, 5, 7representation[1], 5represented[2], 3, 4representing[1], 4reputation[1], 4request[1], 8require[3], 6, 7, 8requirement[1], 6research[15], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6resilient[2], 7resource[4], 5, 7, 8resources[6], 2, 3, 7, 9, 10respectively[1], 7respond[2], 7, 9responded[4], 2, 7, 8respondents[1], 3responding[1], 10response[1], 8responses[2], 2, 7restaurant[1], 10result[2], 6, 10results[1], 3retailers[9], 2, 3, 5, 6, 8retrofit[8], 5, 7, 8, 9, 10retrofits[2], 5, 10retrofitting[5], 3, 4, 5, 8reunion[1], 2review[21], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8reviewed[1], 9

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reviewing[1], 8reviews[6], 3, 5, 7rewards[1], 10right[1], 9rigorous[1], 5rivers[7], 2, 3, 8robust[1], 5role[9], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8roles[1], 6roll[1], 3rolled[1], 10round[1], 9roundtable[1], 8run[1], 6running[2], 9rural[3], 5, 8

Ssaid[1], 8sale[3], 6, 9same[1], 7sarah[1], 8save[3], 4, 7, 10savewater[4], 2, 10saving[32], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10savings[2], 5, 10saw[1], 9scale[23], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8scarcity[1], 9scenarios[1], 5scheme[3], 8, 10schemes[6], 2, 4, 5, 8school[4], 9, 10scotland[9], 2, 7, 8, 9scottish[7], 7, 8second[1], 5seconds[4], 4secretary[1], 7section[1], 6sections[2], 6sector[4], 2, 6, 8sectors[1], 7secured[1], 4see[7], 4, 6, 8seeking[1], 4seen[7], 2, 3, 4, 7select[4], 3, 7, 9selling[1], 9seminar[1], 6

send[1], 8senior[2], 3, 7sent[1], 8separate[1], 9sept[3], 2, 6september[3], 2, 4, 9series[2], 6, 8seriously[1], 9service[1], 9services[3], 2, 7, 8set[6], 5, 7, 8setting[2], 7, 8settlement[1], 4several[2], 2, 6sewerage[3], 2, 7, 8shape[1], 3shaped[1], 4shaping[2], 2, 4share[2], 2, 3shorter[3], 3, 4, 10should[5], 2, 5, 8shower[14], 2, 3, 4, 5, 10showering[3], 3, 4, 5showerpower[1], 4showers[4], 5, 10shows[2], 4, 9significant[3], 3, 4, 5significantly[1], 4similar[1], 9simple[1], 4sit[1], 8six[2], 4sky[1], 10small[2], 3, 8smart[2], 7social[18], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10society[2], 2, 3soil[1], 9sold[2], 2, 8solely[1], 5some[4], 2, 3, 4, 10source[1], 5sources[1], 5south[1], 10speaker[2], 3, 4spearheaded[1], 4special[1], 7specialists[1], 6specific[2], 8, 10specifications[2], 4, 6spectrum[1], 9spend[2], 4spent[1], 4spokespeople[1], 8spokesperson[1], 8

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spokespersons[3], 7, 8sponsor[1], 2spring[1], 6staff[5], 2, 3, 6stakeholder[5], 2, 3, 5, 7stakeholders[10], 2, 3, 5, 6standard[3], 5, 7standards[1], 5starbucks[1], 10state[1], 7statement[1], 7stations[2], 4, 10steering[2], 5steps[1], 7stevenson[1], 8stewart[1], 8stock[3], 2, 5stores[1], 6story[1], 10strategies[3], 3, 7strategy[5], 2, 7, 8stressed[2], 8stretched[1], 2strongly[1], 3structured[1], 2studies[1], 6study[1], 5sub[1], 7submitted[2], 8success[1], 6successes[2], 2, 6successful[1], 6such[4], 3, 6, 8suggested[1], 5suggestions[1], 5summary[1], 3summer[1], 7support[10], 3, 4, 5, 6, 8supported[2], 4, 10supporting[3], 6, 10supports[1], 9sure[1], 7surrey[3], 10surrounding[1], 4survey[4], 2, 3, 5surveys[1], 9sustainable[4], 6, 9, 10sutton[1], 10swimmer[1], 9swindon[1], 8synergies[1], 9system[1], 4

Ttabled[2], 3, 7tackle[1], 7take[7], 2, 4, 7, 10taken[6], 3, 4, 5, 7taking[6], 3, 4, 7, 9talisman[1], 4talking[1], 2target[1], 7targeted[3], 4, 7targets[7], 2, 3, 4, 7, 8team[3], 2, 3, 8technical[2], 3technology[1], 5telegraph[1], 10template[1], 9ten[1], 7tens[2], 4, 5terracottem[1], 9thames[1], 8than[4], 3, 4, 9that[41], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10the[400], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10their[10], 4, 6, 7, 8, 10them[3], 6, 10themselves[1], 7then[1], 7there[5], 2, 3, 4, 6therefore[1], 5these[6], 3, 5, 6, 7, 9they[5], 4, 5, 6, 8things[1], 4this[47], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10thornton[1], 9thought[1], 4thousands[2], 4, 5three[5], 4, 9, 10thrive[1], 9through[18], 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10throughout[2], 6, 9tie[1], 8time[7], 3, 4, 7, 8, 10times[1], 10tips[1], 10together[5], 2, 5, 8, 9, 10toilet[1], 9tomorrow[1], 10tompkins[4], 2, 9too[1], 4tool[1], 6topic[1], 9

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towards[6], 3, 4, 6, 8, 9towns[2], 7track[2], 5trade[1], 10traffic[1], 4training[1], 9trains[1], 4transatlantic[1], 8treasury[2], 7treated[1], 9trial[2], 10trials[1], 5trust[8], 3, 4, 5, 9, 10try[1], 5turn[1], 4twice[1], 9twin[1], 5two[6], 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10twyford[1], 9

Uuncertain[1], 5under[2], 2, 5underlying[1], 4underpin[1], 5understand[3], 5, 6, 9understanding[5], 2, 6, 9, 10undertaken[2], 5, 9undertaking[1], 3update[2], 7, 8updated[6], 4, 5, 8updating[1], 5upgrade[1], 5uptake[1], 10urban[1], 9use[14], 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10used[4], 3, 4, 8, 9useful[2], 5, 8usefulness[1], 8user[1], 6users[1], 6using[6], 5, 6, 8, 9, 10utilities[1], 8utility[2], 5, 8

Vvalue[2], 5, 8values[1], 4various[1], 4vast[1], 7venue[1], 3very[5], 2, 3, 8, 9vice[1], 3virgin[2], 4visitors[1], 4visits[1], 4voice[2], 3volume[1], 3voluntary[1], 8

Wwales[1], 7walker[12], 2, 3, 5, 7, 8warmly[2], 4, 6was[26], 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10washing[3], 2, 5wastage[3], 1, 6, 9waste[1], 7wasteful[2], 4, 10wastewatch[1], 10wasting[1], 7water[302], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10watergreen[1], 9waterwatch[1], 8waterwise[157], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10way[5], 2, 3, 4, 10weather[1], 10webpage[1], 4website[6], 6websites[2], 4, 9weightings[1], 5welcome[1], 2welcomed[4], 4, 5, 6, 8welcomes[3], 3, 4, 8well[9], 3, 5, 6, 7, 8welsh[2], 7were[9], 2, 3, 4, 5, 10what[4], 3, 8, 9when[2], 3where[2], 3, 4

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whether[2], 8which[35], 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10while[1], 4whitehall[1], 7who[2], 8, 10whole[1], 8why[2], 6, 10wide[2], 3widely[3], 4, 5, 9widescale[1], 9will[8], 4, 5, 7, 8, 9win[1], 4winning[2], 4, 9wirquin[1], 9wise[4], 2, 9, 10wisely[1], 6with[69], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10within[6], 2, 4, 7women[6], 4words[2], 3work[18], 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10worked[5], 4, 6, 8working[11], 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10works[5], 2, 3, 6, 9workshop[1], 8workstream[1], 8world[2], 2, 10worth[1], 10would[3], 3, 8written[1], 7wsg[3], 5, 8wwf[2], 8www[4], 2, 4, 6

Yyear[33], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10years[3], 4, 7you[6], 2, 3, 4younger[1], 4your[1], 4

Zzero[2], 7

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