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rega.kuleuven.be...Prof. Dr. Johan Neyts Curriculum Vitae Personalia Name: Johan Hendrik NEYTS ....

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1 Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021 Prof. Dr. Johan Neyts Curriculum Vitae Personalia Name: Johan Hendrik NEYTS Date of birth: January 21 st , 1966, Blankenberge, Belgium Career 2020- Member of The Belgian National Advisory Board COVID 19 Data Portal 2008-present Full Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven 2019-present Honorary Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong University, P.R. China 2018- 2020 President International Society for Antiviral Research (www.isar-icar.com) 2009-2014 Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Okapi Sciences (Antivirals for Animals), a KU Leuven spin-off (acquired in 2014 by Aratana Therapeutics). 2005-2008 Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven 2002-2004 Associate Professor of Virology Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven 1999-2002 Assistant Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven Rega Institute for Medical Research, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Herestraat 49 box 1043, 3000 Leuven, Belgium +32 16 37 90 20 +32 494 56 76 22 [email protected] Clickable icons
Page 1: rega.kuleuven.be...Prof. Dr. Johan Neyts Curriculum Vitae Personalia Name: Johan Hendrik NEYTS . Date of birth: January 21st, 1966, Blankenberge, Belgium : COVID-research Manuscripts


Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

Prof. Dr. Johan Neyts Curriculum Vitae

Personalia Name: Johan Hendrik NEYTS

Date of birth: January 21st, 1966, Blankenberge, Belgium

Career 2020- Member of The Belgian National Advisory Board COVID

19 Data Portal

2008-present Full Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven

2019-present Honorary Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong University, P.R. China

2018- 2020 President International Society for Antiviral Research (www.isar-icar.com)

2009-2014 Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Okapi Sciences (Antivirals for Animals), a KU Leuven spin-off (acquired in 2014 by Aratana Therapeutics).

2005-2008 Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven

2002-2004 Associate Professor of Virology Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven

1999-2002 Assistant Professor of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven

Rega Institute for Medical Research, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Herestraat 49 box 1043, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

+32 16 37 90 20 +32 494 56 76 22

[email protected]

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Page 2: rega.kuleuven.be...Prof. Dr. Johan Neyts Curriculum Vitae Personalia Name: Johan Hendrik NEYTS . Date of birth: January 21st, 1966, Blankenberge, Belgium : COVID-research Manuscripts


Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

1995-1996 Post-doctoral researcher at the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Lab of Prof. Dr. J.S. Pagano, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, USA

1994-1999 Post-doctoral Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research (Flanders) Laboratory of Virology and Chemotherapy, Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium

1993-1994 Military service at the Laboratory of Zoonosis, Military Hospital, Brussels (8 months)

1989-1993 Research Assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research Laboratory of Virology and Chemotherapy, Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium

1988-1989 Assistant, (promotor Prof. Dr. E. De Clercq) Laboratory of Virology and Chemotherapy, Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium

Head of research group Webpage lab: www.antivirals.be - 15 PhD students, 9 post-docs, 14 lab technicians, 1 scientist, 1 research manager, 1 research expert, 2 innovation (IOF) managers, 1 senior staff.

Publications in international journals: 517 publications in peer-reviewed journals (PubMed), Citations: 16.973; H-index: 64 (Web of Science – ORCID); Citations: 25.784; H-index: 81, i10-index: 420 (Google Scholar)

Mentorship: So far, 25 persons obtained their PhD under the mentorship of J. Neyts (see www.antivirals.be link “Doctorates”). So far, ~75 students (bachelor & master level) have been trained in the Neyts-lab (see www.antivirals.be link “Students & Interns”)].

Teaching: Medical Virology (2nd Bachelor, School of Dentistry, KU Leuven) [B-KUL-E05B7B]; Medical Virology (3rd Bachelor, Medical School, KU Leuven, Campus Kortrijk) [B-KUL-U00C7A] Capita selecta “Treatment and pathogenesis of viral infections” (3rd Bachelor Biomedical Sciences) Coordinator [B-KUL-E00V2A].

Other duties at KU Leuven: Member of board of directors Rega VZW; Member of IOF-council KU Leuven; Member of TransFarm council.

Organisation of scientific meetings: Trends in Virology, Mérieux Foundation (24-26 June 2007), Annecy, France (co-organizer).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

EMBO-workshop: RNA viruses; replication, evolution and drug design, (27-30 August 2007), Vienna, Austria (co-organizer). Trends in Virology, Mérieux Foundation, (January 2013), Annecy, France (co-organizer). 18th International Picornavirus Meeting, [www.europic2014.eu] (9-14 March 2014) Blankenberge, Belgium. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd (Amsterdam) & the 4th Antivirals Meeting Elsevier (Sitges, Spain). Organizer of the 32nd (2019, Baltimore) and 33rd (2020, Seattle) International Conference on Antiviral Research (ICAR).

Patents: Inventor and/or was the responsible KU Leuven investigator of the research that gave rise to following patent families as represented by the PCT family member: WO2004/005286, WO2005/063744, WO2008/062206, WO2008/133669, WO2014/174078A1. Each of these patent families comprises at least one granted family member, which is still in force in a national or regional jurisdiction. Inventor on 11 pending patent applications all related to viral treatment or prevention.

Editorial activities: Former editor and currently advisory editor of “Antiviral Research”. Editorial board “Biochemical Pharmacology and ACS (American Chemical Society) Infectious Diseases. Ad hoc reviewer for ~60 international journals including Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Communication, Science, The Lancet, The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, PLoS Pathogens, Gut, Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Journal of Hepatology, Journal of Virology. Member SAB “Merieux Foundation”.

Innovations: Potent HCV inhibitors discovered in the Neyts-lab made it to advanced clinical trials. Tegobuvir which was a component in the first ever all oral HCV combination therapy was shown to be active in 7 phase II clinical studies (in different combinations) but later replaced by a drug with broader genotype coverage. Alisporivir was developed until in phase III. With the Leuven Center for Drug Design & Development (www.cd3.eu) and support of the Wellcome Trust, a class of highly potent and pan-serotype dengue virus inhibitors was developed, licensed to Janssen Pharmaceutica (J&J); currently in clinical development. Together with the Korean Institute for Chemical Technology (KRICT, www.krict.re.kr/eng) a class of ultra potent and pan-serotype rhino- and enterovirus inhibitors was developed, it was licensed to Novartis. When Novartis stopped their entire infectious disease program, the class has been diverted to Gilead Sciences where it is in further development.

Lay-press communication: Numerous interviews in Belgian lay-press, national radio and TV (including TV news in prime-time), newspapers and magazines

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

Awards: Laureate of the Dr. P. Janssen Award for Medicinal Chemistry, 1993; Dr. J.B. Van Helmont Award (Royal Belgian Academy of Medicine), 1994; Award Centrum "Princess Joséphine-Charlotte" (Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research), 1995. (Shared with Catherine Sadzot-Delvaux, Robert Snoeck and Graciela Andrei); Prijs van het Fonds Dr. en Mevr. Schamelhout-Koettlitz, Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van Belgie, 2002. (Shared with Paul Proost and Dominique Schols); William Prusoff Memorial Award from the International Society for Antiviral Research (ISAR). Savannah, GA, USA, April 2003; award Centrum "Princess Joséphine-Charlotte" (Fund for Scientific Research), 2005. (Shared with Pieter Leyssen and Nathalie Charlier).

Founding spin-off company: Co-founder in 2009 and Chief Scientific Officer of Okapi Sciences (Antivirals for Animals) [www.okapi-sciences.com]; First license deal (with Novartis Animal Health) in 2013. Five years after its founding Okapi Sciences NV was acquired by Aratana Therapeutics (www.aratana.com). Currently scientific advisor to ViroVet (www.virovet.com), KU Leuven spin-off.

Education 1988–1993 PhD, KU Leuven, with congratulations from the Jury

PhD thesis: ‘Novel strategies for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infections’

1993 Teaching qualification for higher secondary education, KU Leuven, Belgium.

1984-1988 Master in Biological Sciences, magna cum laude, KU Leuven, Belgium


(see www.antivirals.be link “Publications”).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

Publications of Prof. Dr. Johan Neyts in international peer-reviewed journals

1. Wauters, E., Van Mol, P., Garg, A., Jansen, S., Van Herck, Y., Vanderbeke, L., Bassez, A., Boeckx, B.,

Malengier-Devlies, B., Timmerman, A., Van Brussel, T., Van Buyten, T., Schepers, R., Heylen, E., Dauwe, D., Dooms, C., Gunst, J., Hermans, G., Meersseman, P., Testelmans, D., Yserbyt, J., Tejpar, S., De Wever, W., Matthys, P., CONTAGIOUS collaborators (Bosisio, F., Casaer, M., De Smet, F., De Munter, P., Humblet-Baron, S., Liston, A., Lorent, N., Martinod, K., Proost, P., Raes, J., Thevissen, K., Vos, R., Weynand, B., Wouters, C.), Neyts, J., Wauters, J., Qian, J., Lambrechts, D. (2021). Discriminating mild from critical COVID-19 by innate and adaptive immune single-cell profiling of bronchoalveolar lavages. Cell Research. doi:10.1038/s41422-020-00455-9. (Impact factor: 20.51).

2. McCallum, M., Marco, A., Lempp, F., Tortorici, M.A., Pinto, D., Walls, A.C., Beltramello, M., Chen, A., Liu, Z., Zatta, F., Zepeda, S., di Iulio, J., Bowen, J.E., Montiel-Ruiz, M., Zhou, J., Rosen, L.E., Bianchi, S., Guarino, B., Fregni, C.S., Abdelnabi, R., Caroline, Foo S.Y., Rothlauf, P.W., Bloyet, L.M., Benigni, F., Cameroni, E., Neyts, J., Riva, A., Snell, G., Telenti, A., Whelan, S.P.J., Virgin, H.W., Corti, D., Pizzuto, M.S., Veesler, D. (2021) N-terminal domain antigenic mapping reveals a site of vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2. bioRxiv [Preprint] doi: 10.1101/2021.01.14.426475.

3. Jansen, S., Smlatic, E., Copmans, D., Debaveye, S., Tangy, F., Vidalain, P.O., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2021) Identification of host-factors binding to dengue and Zika virus subgenomic RNA by efficient yeast three-hybrid screens of the human ORFeome. RNA Biol. 18:1-13. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2020.1868754 (Impact factor: 5.35).

4. Sanchez-Felipe, L., Vercruysse, T., Sharma, S., Ma, J., Lemmens, V., Van Looveren, D., Prasad Arkalagud Javarappa, M., Boudewijns, R., Malengier-Devlies, B., Liesenborghs, L., Kaptein, S. J. F., De Keyzer, C., Bervoets, L., Debaveye, S., Rasulova, M., Seldeslachts, L., Li, L-H., Jansen, S., Yakass, M. B., Verstrepen, B.E., Böszörményi, K. P., Kiemenyi-Kayere, G., van Driel, N., Quaye, O., Zhang, X., ter Horst, S., Mishra, N., Deboutte, W., Matthijnssens, J., Coelmont, L., Vandermeulen, C., Heylen, E., Vergote, V., Schols, D., Wang, Z., Bogers, W., Kuiken, T., Verschoor, E., Cawthorne, C., Van Laere, K., Opdenakker, G., Vande Velde, G., Weynand, B., Teuwen, D. E., Matthys, P., Neyts, J., Thibaut, H. J. & Dallmeier, K. (2020). A single-dose live-attenuated YF17D-vectored SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-3035-9 (Impact factor: 42.78).

5. Boudewijns, R., Thibaut, H.J., Kaptein, S.J F., Li, R., Vergote, V., Seldeslachts, L., Van Weyenbergh, J., De Keyzer, C., Bervoets, L., Sharma, S., Liesenborghs, L., Ma, J., Jansen, S., Van Looveren, D., Vercruysse, T., Wang, X., Jochmans, D., Martens, E., Roose, K., De Vlieger, D., Schepens, B., Van Buyten, T., Jacobs, S., Liu, Y., Martí Carreras, J., Vanmechelen, B., Wawina, T., Delang, L., Rocha-Pereira, J., Coelmont, L., Chiu, J.H W., Leyssen, P., Heylen, E., Schols, D., Wang, L., Close, L., Matthijnssens, J., Van Ranst, M., Compernolle, V., Schramm, G., Van Laere, K., Saelens, X., Callewaert, N., Opdenakker, G., Maes, P., Weynand, B., Cawthorne, C., Vande Velde, G., Wang, Z., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2020). STAT2 signaling restricts viral dissemination but drives severe pneumonia in SARS-CoV-2 infected hamsters. Nature Communications, 11 (1), 5838-5838. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19684-y (Impact factor: 12.12) Open Access

6. Neumann, J., Prezzemolo, T., Vanderbeke, L., Roca, C. P., Gerbaux, M., Janssens, S., Willemsen, M., Burton, O., Van Mol, P., Van Herck, Y., CONTAGIOUS co-authors (Bosisio, F. M., De Smet, F., Dooms, C., Garg, A. D., Gunst, J., Hermans, G., Lambrechts, D., Lorent, N., Martinod, K., Matthys, P., Meersseman, P., Neyts, J., Proost, P., Raes, J., Tejpar, S., Testelmans, D., Thevissen, K., Vos, R., Weynand, B., Wilmer, A., Wouters, C., Yserbyt, J.), Wauters, J., Wauters, E., Liston, A., Humblet-Baron, S. (2020). Increased IL-10-producing regulatory T cells are characteristic of severe cases of COVID-19.. Clin Transl Immunology, 9(11), e1204. doi:10.1002/cti2.1204 (Impact factor: 6.46).

7. Bauer, L., Manganaro, R., Zonsics, B., Hurdiss, D.L., Zwaagstra, M., Donselaar, T., Welter, N.G E., van Kleef, R.G D M., Lopez, M.L., Bevilacqua, F., Raman, T., Ferla, S., Bassetto, M., Neyts, J., Strating, J.R P M., Westerink, R.H S., Brancale, A., van Kuppeveld, F.J M. (2020). Rational design of highly potent

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

broad-spectrum enterovirus inhibitors targeting the nonstructural protein 2C. PLoS Biol, 18 (11). doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000904 (Impact factor: 7.08) Open Access

8. Ter Horst, S., Fernandez-Garcia, Y., Bassetto, M., Günther, S., Brancale, A., Neyts, J., Rocha-Pereira, J. (2020). Enhanced efficacy of endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir acid against orthobunyaviruses when used in combination with ribavirin. J Antimicrob Chemother, 75 (11), 3189-3193. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa337 (Impact factor: 5.44).

9. Rut, W., Groborz, K., Zhang, L., Sun, X., Zmudzinski, M., Pawlik, B., Wang, X., Jochmans, D., Neyts, J., Młynarski, W., Hilgenfeld, R., Drag, M. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitors and activity-based probes for patient-sample imaging. Nat Chem Biol. doi: 10.1038/s41589-020-00689-z (Impact factor: 12.59).

10. Kaptein, S.J F., Jacobs, S., Langendries, L., Seldeslachts, L., Ter Horst, S., Liesenborghs, L., Hens, B., Vergote, V., Heylen, E., Barthelemy, K., Maas, E., De Keyzer, C., Bervoets, L., Rymenants, J., Van Buyten, T., Zhang, X., Abdelnabi, R., Pang, J., Williams, R., Thibaut, H.J., Dallmeier, K., Boudewijns, R., Wouters, J., Augustijns, P., Verougstraete, N., Cawthorne, C., Breuer, J., Solas, C., Weynand, B., Annaert, P., Spriet, I., Vande Velde, G., Neyts, J., Rocha-Pereira, J., Delang, L. (2020). Favipiravir at high doses has potent antiviral activity in SARS-CoV-2-infected hamsters, whereas hydroxychloroquine lacks activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2014441117 (Impact factor: 9.58)

11. Fernández-García, Y., Horst, S.T., Bassetto, M., Brancale, A., Neyts, J., Rogolino, D., Sechi, M., Carcelli, M., Günther, S., Rocha-Pereira, J. (2020). Diketo acids inhibit the cap-snatching endonuclease of several Bunyavirales. Antiviral Res. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104947 (Impact factor: 4.13)

12. Tortorici M.A., Beltramello M., Lempp F.A., Pinto D., Dang H.V., Rosen L.E., McCallum M., Bowen J., Minola A., Jaconi S., Zatta F., De Marco A., Guarino B., Bianchi S., Lauron E.J., Tucker H., Zhou J., Peter A., Havenar-Daughton C., Wojcechowskyj J.A., Case J.B., Chen R.E., Kaiser H., Montiel-Ruiz M., Meury M., Czudnochowski N., Spreafico R., Dillen J., Ng C., Sprugasci N., Culap K., Benigni F., Abdelnabi R., Foo S., Schmid M.A., Cameroni E., Riva A., Gabrieli A., Galli M., Pizzuto M.S., Neyts J., Diamond M.S., Virgin H.W., Snell G., Corti D., Fink K., Veesler D. (2020). Ultrapotent human antibodies protect against SARS-CoV-2 challenge via multiple mechanisms. Science. doi: 10.1126/science.abe3354 (Impact factor: 41.04).

13. Muñoz-Fontela, C., Dowling, W.E., Funnell, S.G P., Gsell, P-S., Balta, X.R., Albrecht, R.A., Andersen, H., Baric, R.S., Carroll, M.W., Cavaleri, M., Qin, C., Crozier, I., Dallmeier, K., de Waal, L., de Wit, E., Delang, L., Dohm, E., Duprex, W.P., Falzarano, D., Finch, C.L., Frieman, M.B., Graham, B.S., Gralinski, L., Guilfoyle, K., Haagmans, B.L., Hamilton, G.A., Hartman, A.L., Herfst, S., Kaptein, S.J F., Klimstra, W., Knezevic, I., Krause, P.R., Kuhn, J.H., Le Grand, R., Lewis, M., Liu, W-C., Maisonnasse, P., McElroy, A.K., Munster, V., Oreshkova, N., Rasmussen, A.L., Rocha-Pereira, J., Rockx, B., Rodríguez, E., Rogers, T., Salguero, F.J., Schotsaert, M., Stittelaar, K., Jan Thibaut, H., Tseng, C-T., Vergara-Alert, J., Beer, M., Brasel, T., Chan, J.F W., García-Sastre, A., Neyts, J., Perlman, S., Reed, D.S., Richt, J.A., Roy, C.J., Segalés, J., Vasan, S.S., Henao-Restrepo, A.M., Barouch, D.H. (2020). Animal models for COVID-19. Nature. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2787-6 (Impact factor: 43.07).

14. Li, L-H., Kaptein, S.J F., Schmid, M.A., Zmurko, J., Leyssen, P., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2020). A Dengue type 2 reporter virus assay amenable to high-throughput screening. Antiviral Res. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104929 (Impact factor: 4.13).

15. Gurard-Levin, Z.A., Liu, C., Jekle, A., Jaisinghani, R., Ren, S., Vandyck, K., Jochmans, D., Leyssen, P., Neyts, J., Blatt, L.M., Beigelman, L., Symons, J.A., Raboisson, P., Scholle, M.D., Deval, J. (2020). Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 3C-like protease inhibitors using self-assembled monolayer desorption ionization mass spectrometry. Antiviral Res. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104924 (Impact factor: 4.13).

16. Funnell, S.G P., Dowling, W.E., Muñoz-Fontela, C., Gsell, P-S., Ingber, D.E., Hamilton, G.A., Delang, L., Rocha-Pereira, J., Kaptein, S., Dallmeier, K.H., Neyts, J., Rosenke, K., de Wit, E., Feldmann, H., Maisonnasse, P., Le Grand, R., Frieman, M.B., Coleman, C.M. (2020). Emerging preclinical evidence does not support broad use of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients. Nat Commun, 11 (1), 4253. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17907-w (Impact factor: 11.88).

17. Hwu, J.R., Panja, A., Jayakumar, S., Tsay, S-C., Tan, K-T., Huang, W-C., Hu, Y-C., Leyssen, P., Neyts, J. with Hwu, J.R. (corresp. author), Neyts, J. (corresp. author) (2020). Enterovirus Inhibition by Hinged

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

Aromatic Compounds with Polynuclei. Molecules, 25, Art.No. 17. doi: 10.3390/molecules25173821 (Impact factor: 3.06).

18. Ter Horst, S., Fernandez-Garcia, Y., Bassetto, M., Günther, S., Brancale, A., Neyts, J., Rocha-Pereira, J. (2020). Enhanced efficacy of endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir acid against orthobunyaviruses when used in combination with ribavirin. J Antimicrob Chemother,. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa337 (Impact factor: 5.11).

19. Lemmens, I., Jansen, S., de Rouck, S., de Smet, A-S., Defever, D., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K., Tavernier, J. (2020). The Development of RNA-KISS, a Mammalian Three-Hybrid Method to Detect RNA-Protein Interactions in Living Mammalian Cells. J Proteome Res, 19 (7), 2529-2538. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00068. (Impact factor: 3.78).

20. Wauters, E., Thevissen, K., Wouters, C., Bosisio, F. M., De Smet, F., Gunst, J., Humblet-Baron, S., Lambrechts, D., Liston, A., Matthys, P., Neyts, J., Proost, P., Weynand, B., Wauters, J., Tejpar, S., Garg, A. D. (2020). Establishing a Unified COVID-19 “Immunome”: Integrating Coronavirus Pathogenesis and Host Immunopathology. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 1642. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01642. (Impact factor: 4.72).

21. Sharma, S., Schmid, M., Sanchez Felipe, L., Grenelle, J., Kaptein, S., Coelmont, L., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2020). Small-molecule inhibitors of TBK1 serve as an adjuvant for a plasmid-launched live-attenuated yellow fever vaccine. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 1-8. doi:10.1080/21645515.2020.1765621 (Impact factor:2.59).

22. Torneri, A., Libin, P., Vanderlocht, J., Vandamme, A-M, Neyts, J., Hens, N. (2020). A prospect on the use of antiviral drugs to control local outbreaks of COVID-19. BMC Medicine, 18:191. doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01636-4. (impact factor: 8.28).

23. Michiels, E., Roose, K., Gallardo, R., Khodaparast, L., Khodaparast, L., van der Kant, R., Siemons, M., Houben, B., Ramakers, M., Wilkinson, H., Guerreiro, P., Louros, N., Kaptein, S.J F., Ibañez, L.I., Smet, A., Baatsen, P., Liu, S., Vorberg, I., Bormans, G., Neyts, J., Saelens, X., Rousseau, F., Schymkowitz, J. (2020). Reverse engineering synthetic antiviral amyloids. Nat Commun, 11 (1), 2832. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16721-8. (Impact factor: 11.88).

24. Panda, S.K., Castro, A.H F., Jouneghani, R.S., Leyssen, P., Neyts, J., Swennen, R., Luyten, W. (2020). Antiviral and Cytotoxic Activity of Different Plant Parts of Banana (Musa spp.). Viruses, 12 (5). doi: 10.3390/v12050549. (Impact factor: 3.81).

25. Moesslacher, J., Battisti, V., Delang, L., Neyts, J., Abdelnabi, R., Purstinger, G., Urban, E., Langer, T. (2020). Identification of 2-(4-(Phenylsulfonyl)piperazine-1-yl)pyrimidine Analogues as Novel Inhibitors of Chikungunya Virus. ACS Med. Chem. Lett., 11 (5), 906-912. doi: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.9b00662. (Impact factor: 3.74).

26. de Zwart, A.E., Riezebos-Brilman, A., Verschuuren, E.A., Alffenaar, J.C., Kerstjens, H.A., Neyts, J., Jochmans, D. (2020). Mycophenolic Acid Has Intrinsic Antiviral Properties and Potentiates the Antiviral Effect of Ribavirin on Parainfluenza Virus. J Heart Lung Transplant, 39 (4S), S46-S47. doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2020.01.1218. (Impact factor: 8.58).

27. Fares, M., McCosker, P.M., Alsherbiny, M.A., Willis, A.C., Clark, T., Neyts, J., Jochmans, D., Keller, P.A. (2020). Regioselective convergent synthesis of 2-arylidene thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidines as potential anti-chikungunya agents. RSC Advances, 10 (9), 5191-5195. doi: 10.1039/d0ra00257g. (Impact factor: 3.05).

28. Delang, L., Neyts, J. (2020). Medical treatment options for COVID-19. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 9 (3), 209-214. doi: 10.1177/2048872620922790 (Impact factor: 3.73).

29. Abdelnabi, R., Kovacikova, K., Moesslacher, J., Donckers, K., Battisti, V., Leyssen, P., Langer, T., Puerstinger, G., Quérat, G., Li, C., Decroly, E., Tas, A., Marchand, A., Chaltin, P., Coutard, B., van Hemert, M., Neyts, J., Delang, L. (2020). A novel class of chikungunya virus small molecule inhibitors that targets the viral capping machinery. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 64 (7), e00649-20. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00649-20 (Impact factor: 4.72).

30. Joshi, B., Panda, S.K., Jouneghani, R.S., Liu, M., Parajuli, N., Leyssen, P., Neyts, J., Luyten, W. (2020). Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, and Anthelmintic Activities of Medicinal Plants of Nepal Selected Based

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on Ethnobotanical Evidence. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2020:1043471. doi: 10.1155/2020/1043471 (Impact factor:1.98).

31. Li Q, Groaz E, Rocha-Pereira J, Neyts J, Herdewijn P. (2020) Anti-norovirus activity of C7-modified 4-amino-pyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazine C-nucleosides. Eur J Med Chem., 195:112198. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2020 (Impact factor: 4.83).

32. Ferla, S., Manganaro, R., Benato, S., Paulissen, J., Neyts, J., Jochmans, D., Brancale, A., Bassetto, M. (2020). Rational modifications, synthesis and biological evaluation of new potential antivirals for RSV designed to target the M2-1 protein. Bioorg Med Chem, 28 (8). doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115401 (Impact factor: 2.80).

33. Mishra, N., Boudewijns, R., Schmid, M.A., Marques, R.E., Sharma, S., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2020). A Chimeric Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Protects against Lethal Yellow Fever Virus Infection without Inducing Neutralizing Antibodies. mBio, 11 (2). doi: 10.1128/mBio.02494-19 (Impact factor: 6.75).

34. Musiu, S., Castillo, Y.P., Muigg, A., Pürstinger, G., Leyssen, P., Froeyen, M., Neyts, J., Paeshuyse, J. (2020). Quinolinecarboxamides Inhibit the Replication of the Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus by Targeting a Hot Spot for the Inhibition of Pestivirus Replication in the RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase. Molecules, 25 (6). doi: 10.3390/molecules25061283 (Impact factor: 3.06).

35. Kum, D.B., Boudewijns, R., Ma, J., Mishra, N., Schols, D., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2020). A chimeric yellow fever-Zika virus vaccine candidate fully protects against yellow fever virus infection in mice. Emerg Microbes Infect, 9 (1), 520-533. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2020.1730709 (Impact factor: 6.21).

36. Zhang, L., Lin, D., Kusov, Y., Nian, Y., Ma, Q., Wang, J., von Brunn, A., Leyssen, P., Lanko, K., Neyts, J., de Wilde, A.H., Snijder, E.J., Liu, H., Hilgenfeld, R. (2020). Alpha-ketoamides as broad-spectrum inhibitors of coronavirus and enterovirus replication Structure-based design, synthesis, and activity assessment. J Med Chem. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01828 (Impact factor: 6.05).

37. Spizzichino, S., Mattedi, G., Lauder, K., Valle, C., Aouadi, W., Canard, B., Decroly, E., Kaptein, S.J F., Neyts, J., Graham, C., Sule, Z., Barlow, D.J., Silvestri, R., Castagnolo, D. (2020). Design, Synthesis and Discovery of N,N'-Carbazoyl-aryl-urea Inhibitors of Zika NS5 Methyltransferase and Virus Replication. ChemMedChem. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.201900533 (Impact factor: 3.02).

38. Martinez-Gualda, B., Sun, L., Marti-Mari, O., Noppen, S., Abdelnabi, R., Bator, C.M., Quesada, E., Delang, L., Mirabelli, C., Lee, H., Schols, D., Neyts, J., Hafenstein, S., Camarasa, M-J., Gago, F., San-Felix, A. (2020). Scaffold Simplification Strategy Leads to a Novel Generation of Dual Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Enterovirus-A71 Entry Inhibitors. J. Med. Chem., 63 (1), 349-368. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01737 (impact factor: 6.05).

39. Abdelnabi, R., Jacobs, S., Delang, L., Neyts, J. (2019). Antiviral drug discovery against arthritogenic alphaviruses: tools and molecular targets. Biochem Pharmacol., 174:113777 doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2019.113777. (Impact factor: 4.82).

40. Bryden, S.R., Pinge, M., Lefteri, D.A., Miltenburg, J., Delang, L., Jacobs, S., Abdelnabi, R., Neyts, J., Pondeville, E., Major, J., Muller, M., Khalid, H., Tuplin, A., Varjak, M., Merits, A., Edgar, J., Graham, G.J., Shams, K., McKimmie, C.S. (2019) Pan-viral protection against arboviruses by targeting inoculation site-based skin macrophages. Science Translational Medicine https://doi.org/10.1101/566885 (Impact factor: 17.16).

41. Pezzi, L., Diallo, M., Rosa-Freitas, M.G., Vega-Rua, A., Ng, L.F P., Boyer, S., Drexler, J.F., Vasilakis, N., Lourenco-de-Oliveira, R., Weaver, S.C., Kohl, A., de Lamballerie, X., Failloux, A-B., GloPID-R chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong and Mayaro vir us Working Group (…, Neyts, J.,…), (2019). GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 5: Entomological aspects. Antiviral Res, 174. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104670. (Impact factor: 4.13)

42. Kum Buh, D., Mishra, N., Vrancken B., Thibaut, H., Wilder-Smith, A., Lemey, P., Neyts, J., Dallmeier, K. (2019) Limited evolution of the yellow fever virus 17D in a mouse infection model. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 8(1):1734-1746. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2019.1694394 (Impact factor: 6.21).

43. Giancotti, G., Rigo, I., Pasqualetto, G., Young, M.T., Neyts, J., Rocha-Pereira, J., Brancale, A., Ferla, S., Bassetto, M. (2019). A new antiviral scaffold for human norovirus identified with computer-aided

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

approaches on the viral polymerase. Scientific Reports, Art.No. 18413. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54903-7. (Impact factor: 4.12)

44. Tassini, S., Langron, E., Delang, L., Mirabelli, C., Lanko, K., Crespan, E., Kissova, M., Tagliavini, G., Fontò, G., Bertoni, S., Palese, S., Giorgio, C., Ravanetti, F., Ragionieri, L., Zamperini, C., Mancini, A., Dreassi, E., Maga, G., Vergani, P., Neyts, J., Radi, M. (2019). Multi-Target CFTR Modulators Endowed with Multiple Beneficial Side Effects for Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Toward a Simplified Therapeutic Approach. J Med Chem. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01416. (Impact factor: 6.05)

45. Akkina, R., Garry, R., Bréchot, C., Ellerbrok, H., Hasegawa, H., Menéndez-Arias, L., Mercer, N., Neyts, J., Romanowski, V., Segalés, J., Vahlne, A. (2019). 2019 meeting of the global virus network. Antiviral Res., 172:104645. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104645. (Impact factor: 4.13)

46. Pezzi, L., LaBeaud, A.D., Reusken, C.B., Drexler, J.F., Vasilakis, N., Diallo, M., Simon, F., Jaenisch, T., Gallian, P., Sall, A., Failloux, A.B., Weaver, S.C., de Lamballerie, X., GloPID-R chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus Working Group (…, Neyts, J.,…), (2019). GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 2: Epidemiological distribution of o'nyong-nyong virus. Antiviral Res, 172:104611. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104611. (Impact factor: 4.13)

47. Pezzi, L., Rodriguez-Morales, A.J., Reusken, C.B., Ribeiro, G.S., LaBeaud, A.D., Lourenço-de-Oliveira, R., Brasil, P., Lecuit, M., Failloux, A.B., Gallian, P., Jaenisch, T., Simon, F., Siqueira, A.M., Rosa-Freitas, M.G., Vega Rua, A., Weaver, S.C., Drexler, J.F., Vasilakis, N., de Lamballerie X, , GloPID-R chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus Working Group (…, Neyts, J., …), (2019). GloPID-R report on chikungunya, o'nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part 3: Epidemiological distribution of Mayaro virus. Antiviral Res, 172:104610. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.104610. (Impact factor: 4.13)

48. Van Dycke, J., Ny, A., Conceição-Neto, N., Maes, J., Hosmillo, M., Cuvry, A., Goodfellow, I., Nogueira, T.C., Verbeken, E., Matthijnssens, J., de Witte, P., Neyts, J., Rocha-Pereira, J. (2019). A robust human norovirus replication model in zebrafish larvae. PLoS Pathogens., 15(9):e1008009. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008009 Open Access. (Impact factor: 6.16)

49. Wilder-Smith, A., Preet, R., Brickley, E.B., de Alencar Ximenes, R.A., Miranda-Filho, D.D B., Turchi Martelli, C.M., Barreto de Araujo, T.V., Montarroyos, U.R., Moreira, M.E., Turchi, M.D., Solomon, T., Jacobs, B.C., Pardo Villamizar, C., Osorio, L., de Filipps, A.M B., Neyts, J., Kaptein, S., Huits, R., Arien, K.K., Willison, H.J., Edgar, J.M., Barnett, S.C., Peeling, R., Boeras, D., Guzman, M.G., de Silva, A.M., Falconar, A.K., Romero-Vivas, C., Gaunt, M.W., Sette, A., Weiskopf, D., Lambrechts, L., Dolk, H., Morris, J.K., Orioli, I.M., O'Reilly, K.M., Yakob, L., Rocklov, J., Soares, C., Ferreira, M.L B., Franca, R.F D O., Precioso, A.R., Logan, J., Lang, T., Jamieson, N., Massad, E. (2019). ZikaPLAN: addressing the knowledge gaps and working towards a research preparedness network in the Americas. Global Health Action, 12 (1), Art.No. ARTN 1666566. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2019.1666566. (Impact factor: 1.82)

50. Hernandez, N., Bucciol, G., Moens, L., Le Pen, J., Shahrooei, M., Goudouris, E., Shirkani, A., Changi-Ashtiani, M., Rokni-Zadeh, H., Sayar, E. H., Reisli, I., Lefevre-Utile, A., Zijlmans, D., Jurado, A., Pholien, R., Drutman, S., Belkaya, S., Cobat, A., Boudewijns, R., Jochmans, D., Neyts, J., Seeleuthner, Y., Lorenzo-Diaz, L., Enemchukwu, C., Tietjen, I., Hoffmann, H. H., Momenilandi, M., Poyhonen, L., Siqueira, M. M., de Lima, S. M. B., de Souza Matos, D. C., Homma, A., Maia, M. L. S., da Costa Barros, T. A., de Oliveira, P. M. N., Mesquita, E. C., Gijsbers, R., Zhang, S. Y., Seligman, S. J., Abel, L., Hertzog, P., Marr, N., Martins, R. M., Meyts, I., Zhang, Q., MacDonald, M. R., Rice, C. M., Casanova, J. L., Jouanguy, E., Bossuyt, X. (2019). Inherited IFNAR1 deficiency in otherwise healthy patients with adverse reaction to measles and yellow fever live vaccines. J. Exp. Med., 216(9), 2057-2070. doi:10.1084/jem.20182295. (Impact factor: 10.89)

51. Remy, S., Solis, D., Silland, P., Neyts, J., Roussi, F., Touboul, D., & Litaudon, M. (2019). Isolation of phenanthrenes and identification of phorbol ester derivatives as potential anti-CHIKV agents using FBMN and NAP from Sagotia racemosa. Phytochemistry, 167, 112101. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2019.112101. (Impact factor: 2.55)

52. Dufkova L, Sirmarova J, Salat J, Honig V, Palus M, Ruzek D, Fooks AR, Mansfield KL, Tordo N, Jochmans D, Neyts J, Martina B, Koraka P, Osterhaus ADME; ASKLEPIOS consortium. Mannitol treatment is not

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

effective in therapy of rabies virus infection in mice. Vaccine, 37(33), 4710-4714. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.12.028 (Impact factor: 3.29).

53. Jochmans, D., & Neyts, J. (2019). The path towards effective antivirals against rabies. Vaccine, 37(33), 4660-4662. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.12.051 (Impact factor: 3.29).

54. Sun L, Tijsma A, Mirabelli C, Baggen J, Wahedi M, Franco D, De Palma A, Leyssen P, Verbeken E, van Kuppeveld FJM, Neyts J, Thibaut HJ. (2019) Intra-host emergence of an enterovirus A71 variant with enhanced PSGL1 usage and neurovirulence. Emerg. Microbes Infect. 8(1):1076-1085. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2019.1644142. (Impact factor: 6.21)

55. Tănase CI, Drăghici C, Hanganu A, Pintilie L, Maganu M, Volobueva A, Sinegubova E, Zarubaev VV, Neyts J, Jochmans D, Slita AV. (2019) New HSV-1 Anti-Viral 1'-Homocarbocyclic Nucleoside Analogs with an Optically Active Substituted Bicyclo[2.2.1]Heptane Fragment as a Glycoside Moiety. Molecules. 24(13). pii: E2446. doi: 10.3390/molecules24132446. (Impact factor: 3.06)

56. Martínez-Gualda B, Sun L, Martí-Marí O, Mirabelli C, Delang L, Neyts J, Schols D, Camarasa MJ, San-Félix A. (2019) Modifications in the branched arms of a class of dual inhibitors of HIV and EV71 replication expand their antiviral spectrum. Antiviral Res. 168:210-214. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.06.006.

57. Abdelnabi R., Geraets J.A., Ma Y., Mirabelli C., Flatt J.W., Domanska A., Delang L., Jochmans D., Kumar T.A., Jayaprakash V., Sinha B.N., Leyssen P., Butcher S.J., Neyts J. (2019) A novel druggable interprotomer pocket in the capsid of rhino- and enteroviruses. PLoS Biology, 17(6):e3000281 (Impact factor: 9.2).

58. Sun L, Lee H, Thibaut H, Lanko K, Rivero-Bucetac E, Bator C, Martinez-Gualda B, Dallmeier K, Delang L, Leyssen P, Gagod F, San-Félix A, Hafenstein S, Mirabelli C, Neyts J. (2019) Viral engagement with host (co-)receptors blocked by a novel class of tryptophan dendrimers that targets the 5-fold-axis of the enterovirus-A71 capsid. PLoS Pathogens, 15 (5), doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007760. (impactfactor 6.16).

59. Jacobs S., Delang L., Verbeken E., Neyts J, Kaptein SJF. (2019). A Viral Polymerase Inhibitor Reduces Zika Virus Replication in the Reproductive Organs of Male Mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(9).

60. Vincetti P., Kaptein SJF., Costantino G., Neyts J., Radi M. (2019). Scaffold morphing approach to expand the toolbox of broad-spectrum antivirals blocking dengue/Zika replication. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 10(4):558-563.

61. Pezzi L., Reusken CB., Weaver SC., Drexler JF., Busch M., LaBeaud AD., Diamond MS., Vasilakis N., Drebot MA., Siqueira AM., Ribeiro GS., Kohl A., Lecuit M., Ng LF P., Gallian P., De Lamballerie X., GloPID-R Chikungunya, O'nyong-nyong and Mayaro vir, Boyer S., Brasil P., Diallo M., Failloux AB., Jaenisch T., Lourenço-de-Oliveira R., Neyts J., Rios M., Rodriguez-Morales AJ., Rosa-Freitas MG., Sall A., Simmons G., Simon F., Vega Rua A. (2019). GloPID-R report on Chikungunya, O'nyong-nyong and Mayaro virus, part I: Biological diagnostics. Antiviral Res. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2019.03.009. (Impact factor: 4.31).

62. Bassetto M., Van Dycke J., Neyts J., Brancale A., Rocha-Pereira J. (2019). Targeting the viral polymerase of diarrhea-causing viruses as a strategy to develop a single broad-spectrum antiviral therapy. Viruses, 11 (2), Art.No. 173, doi: 10.3390/v11020173. (Impact factor: 3.76).

63. Ter Horst S., Conceição‐Neto N., Neyts J., Rocha-Pereira J. (2019). Structural and functional similarities in bunyaviruses: Perspectives for pan‐bunya antivirals. Reviews in Medical Virology, doi: 10.1002/rmv.2039. (Impact factor: 5.03).

64. Olivon F., Remy S., Grelier G., Apel C., Eydoux C., Guillemott J-C., Neyts J., Delang L., Touboul D., Roussi F., Litaudon M. (2019). Antiviral compounds from codiaeum peltatum targeted by a multi-informative molecular networks approach. Journal of Natural Products, 82 (2), 330-340. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.8b00800. (Impact factor: 3.89).

65. Lanko K, Ma Y, Delang L, Mirabelli C, Neyts J. (2019) Antiviral effects of selected nucleoside analogues against human parechoviruses A1 and A3. Antiviral Res. 162:51-53. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.12.009.

66. Ma Y., Cong W., Huang H., Sun L., Mai AH., Boonen K., Maryam W., De Borggraeve W., Luo G., Liu Q., Schoofs L., Van Kuppeveld F., Neyts J., Mirabelli C., Luyten W. (2019). Identification of fukinolic acid from Cimicifuga heracleifolia and its derivatives as novel antiviral compounds against enterovirus A71 infection. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 53 (2), 128-136. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2018.07.014. (Impact factor: 4.25).

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67. Kum D., Mishra N. (joint first author), Boudewijns R. (joint first author), Gladwyn-Ng I., Alfano C., Ma J., Schmid MA., Marques RE., Schols D., Kaptein S., Nguyen L., Neyts J., Dallmeier K. (2018). A yellow fever–Zika chimeric virus vaccine candidate protects against Zika infection and congenital malformations in mice. npj Vaccines, 3, Art.No. 56, doi: 10.1038/s41541-018-0092-2. (Impact factor: 3.14).

68. Delang L., Harak C., Benkheil M., Khan H., Leyssen P., Andrews M., Lohmann V., Neyts J. (2018). PI4KIII inhibitor enviroxime impedes the replication of the hepatitis C virus by inhibiting PI3 kinases. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 73 (12), 3375-3384. doi: 10.1093/jac/dky327. (Impact factor: 5.22).

69. Van Dycke J., Arnoldi F., Papa G., Vandepoele J., Burrone OR., Mastrangelo E., Tarantino D., Heylen E., Neyts J., Rocha-Pereira J. (2018). A Single Nucleoside Viral Polymerase Inhibitor Against Norovirus, Rotavirus, and Sapovirus-Induced Diarrhea. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 218 (11), 1753-1758. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy398. (Impact factor: 5.19).

70. Guerrero NA S., Sharma S., Neyts J., Kaptein SJ F. (2018). Favipiravir inhibits in vitro Usutu virus replication and delays disease progression in an infection model in mice. Antiviral Research, 160, 137-142. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.10.026. (Impact factor: 4.31).

71. Ledoux A., Cao M., Jansen O., Mamede L., Campos P-E., Payet B., Clerc P., Grondin I., Girard-Valenciennes E., Hermann T., Litaudon M., Vanderheydt C., Delang L., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Frederich M., Smadja J. (2018). Antiplasmodial, anti-chikungunya virus and antioxidant activities of 64 endemic plants from the Mascarene Islands. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 52 (5), 622-628. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2018.07.017. (Impact factor: 4.25).

72. Jacobs S., Wavreil F., Schepens B., Gad HH., Hartmann R., Rocha-Pereira J., Neyts J., Saelens X., Michiels T. (2018). Species specificity of type III interferon activity and development of a sensitive luciferase-based bioassay for quantitation of mouse interferon-lambda. Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, 38 (11), 469-479. doi: 10.1089/jir.2018.0066. (Impact factor: 2.42).

73. Panda SK., Das R., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Luyten W. (2018). Assessing medicinal plants traditionally used in the Chirang Reserve Forest, Northeast India for antimicrobial activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 225, 220-233. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2018.07.011. (Impact factor: 3.12).

74. Xie X., Kum DB., Xia H., Luo H., Shan C., Zou J., Muruato AE., Medeiros DB A., Nunes BT D., Dallmeier K., Rossi SL., Weaver SC., Neyts J., Wang T., Vasconcelos PF C., Shi P-Y. (2018). A single-dose live-attenuated Zika virus vaccine with controlled infection rounds that protects against vertical transmission. Cell Host & Microbe, 24 (4), 487-+. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2018.09.008 (Impact factor: 17.87).

75. Bardiot D., Koukni M., Smets W., Carlens G., McNaughton M., Kaptein S., Dallmeier K., Chaltin P., Neyts J., Marchand A. (2018). Discovery of indole derivatives as novel and potent dengue virus inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 61 (18), 8390-8401. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b00913. (Impact factor: 6.25).

76. Da Costa L., Scheers E., Coluccia A., Casulli A., Roche M., Di Giorgio C., Neyts J., Terme T., Cirilli R., La Regina G., Silyestri R., Mirabelli C., Vanelle P. (2018). Structure-based drug design of potent pyrazole derivatives against rhinovirus replication. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 61 (18), 8402-8416. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b00931. (Impact factor: 6.25).

77. Benkheil M., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J., Van Haele M., Roskams T., Liekens S. (2018). HCV-induced EGFR-ERK signaling promotes a pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic signature contributing to liver cancer pathogenesis. Biochemical Pharmacology, 155, 305-315. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2018.07.011. (Impact factor: 4.24).

78. Zeippen C., Javaux J., Snoeck R., Neyts J., Gillet L. (2018). Antiviral effect of the nucleoside analogue cidofovir in the context of sexual transmission of a gammaherpesvirus in mice. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 73 (8), 2095-2103. doi: 10.1093/jac/dky161. (Impact factor: 5.22).

79. Kaptein SJ F., Vincetti P., Crespan E., Rivera JI A., Costantino G., Maga G., Neyts J., Radi M. (2018). Identification of broad-spectrum dengue/Zika virus replication inhibitors by functionalization of quinoline and 2,6-diaminopurine scaffolds. ChemMedChem, 13 (14), 1371-1376. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.201800178. (Impact factor: 3.01).

80. Mirabelli C., Jaspers M., Boon M., Jorissen M., Koukni M., Bardiot D., Chaltin P., Marchand A., Neyts J., Jochmans D. (2018). Differential antiviral activities of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) inhibitors in human

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airway epithelium. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 73 (7), 1823-1829. doi: 10.1093/jac/dky089. (Impact factor: 5.22).

81. Van Dycke J., Neyts J., Rocha-Pereira J. (2018). Assessing the Efficacy of Small Molecule Inhibitors in a Mouse Model of Persistent Norovirus Infection. Bio-Protocol, 8 (9), Art.No. e2831, doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2831.

82. Weising S., Dekiert P., Schols D., Neyts J., Meier C. (2018). Synthesis of enantiomerically pure 1′,2′- cis - dideoxy , - dideoxydi-dehydro , - ribo and - deoxy Carbocyclic nucleoside analogues. Synthesis (Germany), 50, 2266-2280. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1609493. (Impact factor: 2.72).

83. Giancotti G., Cancellieri M., Balboni A., Giustiniano M., Novellino E., Delang L., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Brancale A., Bassetto M. (2018). Rational modifications on a benzylidene-acrylohydrazide antiviral scaffold, synthesis and evaluation of bioactivity against Chikungunya virus. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 149, Art.No. S0223-5234(18)30191-0, 56-68. (Impact factor: 4.82).

84. Remy S., Olivon F., Desrat S., Blanchard F., Eparvier V., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Roussi F., Touboul D., Litaudon M. (2018). Structurally diverse diterpenoids from sandwithia guyanensis. Journal of Natural Products, 81 (4), 901-912. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b01025. (Impact factor: 3.89).

85. Gomez-SanJuan A., Gamo A-M., Delang L., Perez-Sanchez A., Amrun SN., Abdelnabi R., Jacobs S., Priego E-M., Camarasa M-J., Jochmans D., Leyssen P., Ng LF P., Querat G., Neyts J., Perez-Perez MJ. (2018). Inhibition of the Replication of Different Strains of Chikungunya Virus by 3-Aryl-[1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-7(6H)-ones. ACS Infectious Diseases, 4 (4), 605-619. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.7b0219. (Impact factor: 4.33).

86. Harvala H., Broberg E., Benschop K., Berginc N., Ladhani S., Susi P., Christiansen C., McKenna J., Allen D., Makiello P., McAllister G., Carmen M., Zakikhany K., Dyrdak R., Nielsen X., Madsen T., Paul J., Moore C., Von Eije K., Piralla A., Carlier M., Vanoverschelde L., Poelman R., Anton A., López-Labrador FX., Pellegrinelli L., Keeren K., Maier M., Cassidy H., Derdas S., Savolainen-Kopra C., Diedrich S., Nordbø S., Buesa J., Bailly J-L., Baldanti F., MacAdam A., Mirand A., Dudman S., Schuffenecker I., Kadambari S., Neyts J., Griffiths MJ., Richter J., Margaretto C., Govind S., Morley U., Adams O., Krokstad S., Dean J., Pons-Salort M., Prochazka B., Cabrerizo M., Majumdar M., Nebbia G., Wiewel M., Cottrell S., Coyle P., Martin J., Moore C., Midgley S., Horby P., Wolthers K., Simmonds P., Niesters H., Fischer TK. (2018). Recommendations for enterovirus diagnostics and characterisation within and beyond Europe. Journal of Clinical Virology, 101, Art.No. S1386-6532(18)30008-8, 11-17. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2018.01.008. (Impact factor: 3.10).

87. Belfrage AK., Abdurakhmanov E., Åkerblom E., Brandt P., Alogheli H., Neyts J., Danielson UH., Sandström A. (2018). Pan-NS3 protease inhibitors of hepatitis C virus based on an R-elongated pyrazinone scaffold. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 148, Art.No. S0223-5234(18)30162-4, 453-464. (Impact factor: 4.82).

88. Rashad AA., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Keller PA. (2018). A reassessment of mycophenolic acid as a lead compound for the development of inhibitors of chikungunya virus replication. Tetrahedron, 74 (12), 1294-1306. (Impact factor: 2.38).

89. Delang L., Abdelnabi R., Neyts J. (2018). Favipiravir as a potential countermeasure against neglected and emerging RNA viruses. Antiviral Research, 153, Art.No. S0166-3542(18)30017-2, 85-94 (Impact factor: 4.31).

90. Knegendorf L., Drave SA., Dao Thi VL., Debing Y., Brown RJ P., Vondran FW R., Resner K., Friesland M., Khera T., Engelmann M., Bremer B., Wedemeyer H., Behrendt P., Neyts J., Pietschmann T., Todt D., Steinmann E. (2018). Hepatitis E virus replication and interferon responses in human placental cells. Hepatology Communications, 2 (2), Art.No. 10.1002/hep4.1138, 173-187.

91. Tardugno R., Giancotti G., De Burghgraeve T., Delang L., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Brancale A., Bassetto M. (2018). Design, synthesis and evaluation against Chikungunya virus of novel small-molecule antiviral agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 26 (4), Art.No. S0968-0896(17)32342-8, 869-874. (Impact factor: 2.88).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

92. Debing Y., Schmid MA., Neyts J. (2018). New models to study hepatitis E virus replication and particular characteristics of infection: The beedle hides in the hay stack. Gastroenterology, 154 (1), Art.No. S0016-5085(17)36372-2, 20-22. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2017.11.014. (Impact factor: 20.77).

93. Mandour M., Vliegen I., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J. (2018). Rational design of antiviral drug combinations based on equipotency using HCV subgenomic replicon as an in vitro model. Antiviral Research, 149, Art.No. S0166-3542(17)30419-9, 150-153. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.11.010. (Impact factor: 4.31).

94. Abdelnabi R., Jochmans D., Verbeken E., Neyts J., Delang L. (2018). Antiviral treatment efficiently inhibits chikungunya virus infection in the joints of mice during the acute but not during the chronic phase of the infection. Antiviral Research, 149, Art.No. S0166-3542(17)30482-5, 113-117. (Impact factor: 4.31).

95. Rocha-Pereira J., Jacobs S., Noppen S., Verbeken E., Michiels T., Neyts J. (2018). Interferon lambda (IFN-λ) efficiently blocks norovirus transmission in a mouse model. Antiviral Research, 149, Art.No. S0166-3542(17)30608-3, 7-15. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.10.017. (Impact factor: 4.31).

96. Tricot T., Helsen N., Kaptein SJ F., Neyts J., Verfaillie CM. (2018). Human stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells support Zika virus replication and provide a relevant model to assess the efficacy of potential antivirals. PLoS One, 13 (12), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209097. (Impact factor: 2.77).

97. Rogee S., Larrous F., Jochmans D., Ben-Khalifa Y., Neyts J., Bourhy H. (2018). Pyrimethamine inhibits rabies virus replication in vitro. Antiviral Research, 161, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.10.016. (Impact factor: 4.31).

98. Wolthers KC., Susi P., Jochmans D., Koskinen J., Landt O., Sanchez N., Palm K., Neyts J., Butcher SJ. (2018). Progress in human picornavirus research: New findings from the AIROPico consortium. Antiviral Research, 161, 100-107. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.11.010. (Impact factor: 4.31).

99. Wilder-Smith A., Preet R., Renhorn KE., Ximenes RA., Rodrigues LC., Solomon T., Neyts J., Lambrechts L., Willison H., Peeling R., Falconar AK., Precioso AR., Logan J., Lang T., Endtz HP., Erasmus MC., Massad E. (2017). ZikaPLAN: Zika Preparedness Latin American Network. Global Health Action, 10 (1), Art.No. 10.1080/16549716.2017.1398485, doi: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1398485. (Impact factor: 1.91).

100. Da Costa L., Scheers E., Coluccia A., Rosetti A., Roche M., Neyts J., Terme T., Cirilli R., Mirabelli C., Silvestri R., Vanelle P. (2017). Heterocyclic pharmacochemistry of new rhinovirus antiviral agents: A combined computational and experimental study. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 140, Art.No. S0223-5234(17)30750-X, 528-541 (Impact factor: 4.82).

101. Ma Y., Abdelnabi R., Delang L., Froeyen M., Luyten W., Neyts J., Mirabelli C. (2017). New class of early-stage enterovirus inhibitors with a novel mechanism of action. Antiviral Research, 147, Art.No. S0166-3542(17)30472-2, 67-74. (Impact factor: 4.31).

102. Mirabelli C., Scheers E., Neyts J. (2017). Novel therapeutic approaches to simultaneously target rhinovirus infection and asthma/COPD pathogenesis. F1000Research, 6, Art.No. 10.12688/f1000research.11978.1, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11978.1.

103. Panda SK., Padhi L., Leyssen P., Liu M., Neyts J., Luyten W. (2017). Antimicrobial, anthelmintic, and antiviral activity of plants traditionally used for treating infectious disease in the Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Odisha, India. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8, Art.No. 10.3389/fphar.2017.00658, (Impact factor: 3.83).

104. Olivon F., Allard P-M., Koval A., Righi D., Genta-Jouve G., Neyts J., Apel C., Pannecouque C., Nothias L-F., Cachet X., Marcourt L., Roussi F., Katanaev VL., Touboul D., Wolfender J-L., Litaudon M. (2017). Bioactive natural products prioritization using massive multi-informational molecular networks. ACS Chemical Biology, 12 (10), Art.No. 10.1021/acschembio.7b00413, 2644-2651. (Impact factor: 4.59).

105. Lanko K., Eggermont K., Patel A., Kaptein S., Delang L., Verfaillie CM., Neyts J. (2017). Replication of the Zika virus in different iPSC-derived neuronal cells and implications to assess efficacy of antivirals. Antiviral Research, 145, 82-86. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.07.010. (Impact factor: 4.31).

106. Sargiacomo C., El-Kehdy H., Dallmeier K., De Kock J., Hernandez-Kelly C., Rogiers V., Ortega A., Neyts J., Sokal E., Najimi M. (2017). Upregulation of sodium taurocholate cotransporter polypeptide during hepatogenic differentiation of umbilical cord matrix mesenchymal stem cells facilitates hepatitis B entry. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 8 (1), Art.No. 10.1186/s13287-017-0656-5, (Impact factor: 4.96).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

107. Gigante A., Gómez-SanJuan A., Delang L., Li C., Bueno O., Gamo AM., Priego E-M., Camarasa M-J., Jochmans D., Leyssen P., Decroly E., Coutard B., Querat G., Neyts J., Pérez-Pérez M-J. (2017). Antiviral activity of [1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-7(6H)-ones against chikungunya virus targeting the viral capping nsP1. Antiviral Research, 144, Art.No. S0166-3542(17)30059-1, 216-222. (Impact factor: 4.31).

108. Oslovsky VE., Drenichev MS., Sun L., Kurochkin NN., Kunetsky VE., Mirabelli C., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Mikhailov SN. (2017). Fluorination of naturally occurring N⁶-benzyladenosine remarkably increased its antiviral activity and selectivity. Molecules, 22 (7), Art.No. E1219, (Impact factor: 3.10).

109. Esposito M., Nothias L-F., Retailleau P., Costa J., Roussi F., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Touboul D., Litaudon M., Paolini J. (2017). Isolation of premyrsinane, myrsinane, and tigliane diterpenoids from Euphorbia pithyusa using a Chikungunya virus cell-based assay and analogue annotation by molecular networking. Journal of Natural Products, 80 (7), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b00233, 2051-2059. (Impact factor: 3.89).

110. Kim J., Jung YK., Kim C., Shin JS., Scheers E., Lee J-Y., Han SB., Lee C-K., Neyts J., Ha J-D., Jung Y-S. (2017). A novel series of highly potent small molecule inhibitors of rhinovirus replication. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 60 (13), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b00175, 5472-5492. (Impact factor: 6.25).

111. Abdelnabi R., Morais AT S D., Leyssen P., Imbert I., Beaucourt S., Blanc H., Froeyen M., Vignuzzi M., Canard B., Neyts J., Delang L. (2017). Understanding the mechanism of the broad-spectrum antiviral activity of favipiravir (T-705): key role of the F1 motif of the viral polymerase. Journal of Virology, 91 (12), Art.No. e00487-17, (Impact factor: 4.37).

112. Moens L., Van Eyck L., Jochmans D., Mitera T., Frans G., Bossuyt X., Matthys P., Neyts J., Ciancanelli M., Zhang S-Y., Gijsbers R., Casanova J-L., Boisson-Dupius S., Meyts I., Liston A. (2017). A novel kindred with inherited STAT2 deficiency and severe viral illness. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139, Art.No. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091674916314403, 1995-1997. (Impact factor: 13.26).

113. Sayed IM., Verhoye L., Cocquerel L., Abravanel F., Foquet L., Montpellier C., Debing Y., Farhoudi A., Wychowski C., Dubuisson J., Leroux-Roels G., Neyts J., Izopet J., Michiels T., Meuleman P. (2017). Study of hepatitis E virus infection of genotype 1 and 3 in mice with humanised liver. Gut, 66 (5), Art.No. gutjnl-2015-311109, 920-929 (Impact factor: 17.02).

114. Wang W., Wang Y., Debing Y., Zhou X., Yin Y., Xu L., Herrera Carrillo E., Brandsma JH., Poot RA., Berkhout B., Neyts J., Peppelenbosch MP., Pan Q. (2017). Biological or pharmacological activation of protein kinase C alpha constrains hepatitis E virus replication. Antiviral Research, 140, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30628-3, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.01.005. (Impact factor: 4.31).

115. Abdelnabi R., Neyts J., Delang L. (2017). Chikungunya virus infections: time to act, time to treat. Current Opinion in Virology, 24, Art.No. S1879-6257(16)30128-6, 25-30 (Impact factor: 5.64).

116. Albulescu L., Bigay J., Biswas B., Weber-Boyvat M., Dorobantu CM., Delang L., Van der Schaar HM., Jung Y-S., Neyts J., Olkkonen VM., Van Kuppeveld FJ M., Strating JR P M. (2017). Uncovering oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP) as a target of the anti-enteroviral compound TTP-8307. Antiviral Research, 140, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30556-3, 37-44. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2017.01.008. (Impact factor: 4.31).

117. Abdelnabi R., Amrun SN., Ng LF P., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Delang L. (2017). Protein kinases C as potential host targets for the inhibition of chikungunya virus replication. Antiviral Research, 139, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30519-8, 79-87. (Impact factor: 4.31).

118. Martínez-Gualda B., Sun L., Rivero-Buceta E., Flores A., Quesada E., Balzarini J., Noppen S., Liekens S., Schols D., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Mirabelli C., Camarasa M-J., San-Félix A. (2017). Structure-activity relationship studies on a Trp dendrimer with dual activities against HIV and enterovirus A71. Modifications on the amino acid. Antiviral Research, 139, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30622-2, 32-40. (Impact factor: 4.31).

119. Abdelnabi R., Delang L., Neyts J. (2017). Glutathione is a highly efficient thermostabilizer of poliovirus Sabin strains. Vaccine, 35, Art.No. S0264-410X(17)30150-0, 1370-1372. (Impact factor: 3.29).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

120. Sun L., Delang L., Mirabelli C., Neyts J. (2017). In vitro assay to assess efficacy of potential antiviral compounds against enterovirus D68. Bio-protocol, 7, Art.No. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.2183.

121. Heylen E., Neyts J., Jochmans D. (2017). Drug candidates and model systems in respiratory syncytial virus antiviral drug discovery. Biochemical Pharmacology, 127, Art.No. S0006-2952(16)30297-0, 1-12. (Impact factor: 4.24).

122. Bassetto M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Yerukhimovich MM., Frick DN., Brancale A. (2017). Shape-based virtual screening, synthesis and evaluation of novel pyrrolone derivatives as antiviral agents against HCV. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 27 (4), Art.No. S0960-894X(16)31366-X, 936-940. (Impact factor: 2.44).

123. Tassini S., Sun L., Lanko K., Crespan E., Langron E., Falchi F., Kissova M., Armijos-Rivera JI., Delang L., Mirabelli C., Neyts J., Pieroni M., Cavalli A., Costantino G., Maga G., Vergani P., Leyssen P., Radi M. (2017). Discovery of multitarget agents active as broad-spectrum antivirals and correctors of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator for associated pulmonary diseases. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 60 (4), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.6b01521, 1400-1416. (Impact factor: 6.25).

124. Scuotto M., Abdelnabi R., Collarile S., Schiraldi C., Delang L., Massa A., Ferla S., Brancale A., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Filosa R. (2017). Discovery of novel multi-target indole-based derivatives as potent and selective inhibitors of chikungunya virus replication. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 25, Art.No. S0968-0896(16)31094-X, 327-337. (Impact factor: 2.88).

125. Venkatesham A., Saudi M., Kaptein S., Neyts J., Rozenski J., Froeyen M., Van Aerschot A. (2017). Aminopurine and aminoquinazoline scaffolds for development of potential dengue virus inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 126, Art.No. S0223-5234(16)30870-4, 101-109. (Impact factor: 4.82).

126. Bassetto M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Yerukhimovich MM., Frick DN., Courtney-Smith M., Brancale A. (2017). In silico identification, design and synthesis of novel piperazine-based antiviral agents targeting the hepatitis C virus helicase. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 125, Art.No. S0223-5234(16)30905-9, 1115-1131. (Impact factor: 4.82).

127. Kulabas N., Ozakpinar OB., Ozsavci D., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Kucukguzel I. (2017). Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of thioureas, acylthioureas and 4-thiazolidinones as anticancer and antiviral agents. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 21 (2), 371-384. doi: 10.12991/marupj.300913.

128. Kumarasamy D., Roy BG., Rocha-Pereira J., Neyts J., Nanjappan S., Maity S., Mookerjee M., Naesens L. (2017). Synthesis and in vitro antiviral evaluation of 4-substituted 3,4-dihydropyrimidinones. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 27 (2), Art.No. S0960-894X(16)31277-X, 139-142. (Impact factor: 2.44).

129. Bassetto M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Yerukhimovich MM., Frick DN., Brancale A. (2016). Computer-aided identification, synthesis and evaluation of substituted thienopyrimidines as novel inhibitors of HCV replication. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 123, Art.No. S0223-5234(16)30583-9, 31-47. (Impact factor: 4.82).

130. Weidmann M., Avsic-Zupanc T., Bino S., Bouloy M., Burt F., Chinikar S., Christova I., Dedushaj I., El-Sanousi A., Elaldi N., Hewson R., Hufert FT., Humolli I., Jansen van Vuren P., Koçak Tufan Z., Korukluoglu G., Lyssen P., Mirazimi A., Neyts J., Niedrig M., Ozkul A., Papa A., Paweska J., Sall AA., Schmaljohn CS., Swanepoel R., Uyar Y., Weber F., Zeller H. (2016). Biosafety standards for working with Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus. Journal of General Virology, 97, Art.No. 10.1099/jgv.0.000610, 2799-2808. (Impact factor: 2.51).

131. Abdelnabi R., Staveness D., Near KE., Wender PA., Delang L., Neyts J., Leyssen P. (2016). Comparative analysis of the anti-chikungunya virus activity of novel bryostatin analogs confirms the existence of a PKC-independent mechanism. Biochemical Pharmacology, 120, Art.No. S0006-2952(16)30303-3, 15-21. (Impact factor: 4.24).

132. Saudi M., Zmurko J., Kaptein S., Rozenski J., Gadakh B., Chaltin P., Marchand A., Neyts J., Van Aerschot A. (2016). Synthetic strategy and antiviral evaluation of diamide containing heterocycles

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

targeting dengue and yellow fever virus. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 121, Art.No. S0223-5234(16)30441-X, 158-168. (Impact factor: 4.82).

133. Xie X., Zou J., Shan C., Yang Y., Kum DB., Dallmeier K., Neyts J., Shi P-Y. (2016). Zika virus replicons for drug discovery. EBioMedicine, 12, Art.No. S2352-3964(16)30420-0, 156-160. (Impact factor: 6.18).

134. Rocha-Pereira J., Van Dycke J., Neyts J. (2016). Norovirus genetic diversity and evolution: implications for antiviral therapy. Current Opinion in Virology, 20, Art.No. S1879-6257(16)30141-9, 92-98. (Impact factor: 5.64).

135. Li C., Debing Y., Jankevicius G., Neyts J., Ahel I., Coutard B., Canard B. (2016). Viral macro domains reverse protein ADP-ribosylation. Journal of Virology, 90, Art.No. JVI.00705-16, 8478-8486. (Impact factor: 4.37).

136. Dallmeier K., Neyts J. (2016). Zika and other emerging viruses: aiming at the right target. Cell Host & Microbe, 20 (4), Art.No. S1931-3128(16)30388-2, 420-422. (Impact factor: 17.87).

137. Kaptein SJ F., Neyts J. (2016). Towards antiviral therapies for treating dengue virus infections. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 30, Art.No. S1471-4892(16)30050-9, 1-7. (Impact factor: 6.31).

138. Debing Y., Mishra N., Verbeken E., Ramaekers K., Dallmeier K., Neyts J. (2016). A rat model for hepatitis E virus. Disease Models and Mechanisms, 9, Art.No. dmm.024406, 1203-1210. (Impact factor: 4.40).

139. Debing Y., Ramière C., Dallmeier K., Piorkowski G., Trabaud M-A., Lebossé F., Scholtès C., Roche M., Legras-Lachuer C., De Lamballerie X., André P., Neyts J. (2016). Hepatitis E virus mutations associated with ribavirin treatment failure result in altered viral fitness and ribavirin sensitivity. Journal of Hepatology, 65, Art.No. S0168-8278(16)30187-8, 499-508. (Impact factor: 14.91).

140. Tijsma A., Thibaut HJ., Franco D., Dallmeier K., Neyts J. (2016). Hydantoin: The mechanism of its in vitro anti-enterovirus activity revisited. Antiviral Research, 133, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30355-2, 106-109. (Impact factor: 4.31).

141. Rocha-Pereira J., Kolawole AO., Verbeken E., Wobus CE., Neyts J. (2016). Post-exposure antiviral treatment of norovirus infections effectively protects against diarrhea and reduces virus shedding in the stool in a mortality mouse model. Antiviral Research, 132, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30210-8, 76-84 (Impact factor: 4.31).

142. Rivero-Buceta E., Sun L., Martínez-Gualda B., Doyagüez EG., Donckers K., Quesada E., Camarasa M-J., Delang L., San-Félix A., Neyts J., Leyssen P. (2016). Optimization of a class of tryptophan dendrimers that inhibit HIV replication leads to a selective, specific, and low-nanomolar inhibitor of clinical isolates of enterovirus A71. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60 (8), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.00626-16, 5064-5067. (Impact factor: 4.26).

143. Plačková P., Šála M., Šmídková M., Dejmek M., Hřebabecký H., Nencka R., Thibaut H-J., Neyts J., Mertlíková-Kaiserová H. (2016). 9-Norbornyl-6-chloropurine (NCP) induces cell death through GSH depletion-associated ER stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 97, Art.No. S0891-5849(16)30292-1, 223-235. (Impact factor: 6.02).

144. Debing Y., Moradpour D., Neyts J., Gouttenoire J. (2016). Update on hepatitis E virology: Implications for clinical practice. Journal of Hepatology, 65, Art.No. S0168-8278(16)30011-3, 200-212. (Impact factor: 14.91).

145. Jochmans D., Van Nieuwkoop S., Smits SL., Neyts J., Fouchier RA M., Van den Hoogen BG. (2016). Antiviral activity of favipiravir (T-705) against a broad range of paramyxoviruses in vitro and against human metapneumovirus in hamsters. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60 (8), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.00709-16, 4620-4629 (Impact factor: 4.26).

146. Delang L., Li C., Tas A., Quérat G., Albulescu IC., De Burghgraeve T., Segura Guerrero NA., Gigante A., Piorkowski G., Decroly E., Jochmans D., Canard B., Snijder EJ., Pérez-Pérez MJ., Van Hemert MJ., Coutard B., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2016). The viral capping enzyme nsP1: a novel target for the inhibition of chikungunya virus infection. Scientific Reports, 6, Art.No. 10.1038/srep31819, (Impact factor: 4.12).

147. Drave SA., Debing Y., Walter S., Todt D., Engelmann M., Friesland M., Wedemeyer H., Neyts J., Behrendt P., Steinmann E. (2016). Extra-hepatic replication and infection of hepatitis E virus in neuronal-

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

derived cells. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 23 (7), Art.No. 10.1111/jvh.12515, 512-521. (Impact factor: 4.24).

148. Belfrage AK., Abdurakhmanov E., Kerblom E., Brandt P., Oshalim A., Gising J., Skogh A., Neyts J., Danielson UH., Sandström A. (2016). Discovery of pyrazinone based compounds that potently inhibit the drug-resistant enzyme variant R155K of the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 24, Art.No. S0968-0896(16)30194-8, 2603-2620. (Impact factor: 2.88).

149. Da Costa L., Roche M., Scheers E., Coluccia A., Neyts J., Terme T., Leyssen P., Silvestri R., Vanelle P. (2016). VP1 crystal structure-guided exploration and optimization of 4,5-dimethoxybenzene-based inhibitors of rhinovirus 14 infection. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 115, Art.No. S0223-5234(16)30231-8, 453-462 (Impact factor: 4.82).

150. Dao Thi VL., Debing Y., Wu X., Rice CM., Neyts J., Moradpour D., Gouttenoire J. (2016). Reply. Gastroenterology, 150 (7), Art.No. S0016-5085(16)34340-2, 1690-1691. (Impact factor: 20.77).

151. Kolawole AO., Rocha-Pereira J., Elftman MD., Neyts J., Wobus CE. (2016). Inhibition of human norovirus by a viral polymerase inhibitor in the B cell culture system and in the mouse model. Antiviral Research, 132, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30130-9, 46-49. (Impact factor: 4.31).

152. Behnam MA M., Nitsche C., Boldescu V., Klein CD. (2016). The Medicinal Chemistry of Dengue Virus. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59 (12), 5622-5649. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b01653. (Impact factor: 6.25).

153. Musiu S., Leyssen P., Froeyen M., Chezal J-M., Neyts J., Paeshuyse J. (2016). 3-(imidazo[1,2-a:5,4-b']dipyridin-2-yl)aniline inhibits pestivirus replication by targeting a hot spot drug binding pocket in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Antiviral Research, 129, Art.No. S0166-3542(16)30137-1, 99-103. (Impact factor: 4.31).

154. Zmurko J., Marques RE., Schols D., Verbeken E., Kaptein SJ F., Neyts J. (2016). The viral polymerase inhibitor 7-deaza-2'-C-methyladenosine Is a potent inhibitor of in vitro Zika virus replication and delays disease progression in a robust mouse infection model. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10 (5), Art.No. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004695, (Impact factor: 4.37).

155. Abdelnabi R., Neyts J., Delang L. (2016). Antiviral strategies against Chikungunya virus. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1426, Art.No. 10.1007/978-1-4939-3618-2_22, 243-253.

156. De Vleeschauwer AR., Lefebvre DJ., Willems T., Billiet A., Murao LE., Neyts J., Goris N., De Clercq K. (2016). A refined guinea pig model of foot-and-mouth disease virus infection for assessing the efficacy of antiviral compounds. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 63 (2), Art.No. 10.1111/tbed.12255, (Impact factor: 3.50).

157. Staveness D., Abdelnabi R., Schrier AJ., Loy BA., Verma VA., DeChristopher BA., Near KE., Neyts J., Delang L., Leyssen P., Wender PA. (2016). Simplified bryostatin analogues protect cells from Chikungunya virus-induced cell death. Journal of Natural Products, 79 (4), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b01016, 675-9. (Impact factor: 3.89).

158. Staveness D., Abdelnabi R., Near KE., Nakagawa Y., Neyts J., Delang L., Leyssen P., Wender PA. (2016). Inhibition of Chikungunya virus-induced cell death by salicylate-derived bryostatin analogues orovides additional evidence for a PKC-independent pathway. Journal of Natural Products, 79 (4), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b01017, 680-4. (Impact factor: 3.89).

159. Drenichev MS., Oslovsky VE., Sun L., Tijsma A., Kurochkin NN., Tararov VI., Chizhov AO., Neyts J., Pannecouque C., Leyssen P., Mikhailov SN. (2016). Modification of the length and structure of the linker of N(6)-benzyladenosine modulates its selective antiviral activity against enterovirus 71. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 111, Art.No. S0223-5234(16)30036-8, 84-94. (Impact factor: 4.82).

160. Helsen N., Debing Y., Paeshuyse J., Dallmeier K., Boon R., Coll M., Sancho-Bru P., Claes C., Neyts J., Verfaillie C. (2016). Stem cell-derived hepatocytes: A novel model for hepatitis E virus replication. Journal of Hepatology, 64, Art.No. S0168-8278(15)00771-0, 565-573 (Impact factor: 14.91).

161. Leyssen P., Franco D., Tijsma A., Lacroix C., De Palma A., Neyts J. (2016). Identification and analysis of antiviral compounds against poliovirus. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1387, Art.No. 10.1007/978-1-4939-3292-4_17, 325-38.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

162. Rocha-Pereira J., Van Dycke J., Neyts J. (2016). Treatment with a nucleoside polymerase inhibitor reduces shedding of murine norovirus in stool to undetectable levels without emergence of drug-resistant variants. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60 (3), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.02198-15, 1907-11. (Impact factor: 4.26).

163. Talley DC., Delang L., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Smith PJ. (2016). Exploring the importance of zinc binding and steric/hydrophobic factors in novel HCV replication inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 26, Art.No. S0960-894X(16)30035-X, 1196-1199. (Impact factor: 2.44).

164. Tsay S-C., Lin S-Y., Huang W-C., Hsu M-H., Hwang KC., Lin C-C., Horng J-C., Chen I-C., Hwu JR., Shieh F-K., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2016). Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of imidazole-coumarin conjugates against hepatitis C virus. Molecules, 21 (2), Art.No. 10.3390/molecules21020228, (Impact factor: 3.10).

165. Dao Thi VL., Debing Y., Wu X., Rice CM., Neyts J., Moradpour D., Gouttenoire J. (2016). Sofosbuvir inhibits hepatitis E virus replication in vitro and results in an additive effect when combined With Ribavirin. Gastroenterology, 150, Art.No. S0016-5085(15)01355-4, 82-85. (Impact factor: 20.77).

166. Khan H., Paeshuyse J., Murad S., Neyts J. (2016). Assessment of the activity of directly acting antivirals and other products against different genotypes of hepatitis C virus prevalent in resource-poor countries. Antiviral Research, 125, Art.No. S0166-3542(15)30009-7, 43-45. (Impact factor: 4.31).

167. Thibaut HJ., Lacroix C., De Palma AM., Franco D., Decramer M., Neyts J. (2016). Toward antiviral therapy/prophylaxis for rhinovirus-induced exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: challenges, opportunities, and strategies. Reviews in Medical Virology, 26, Art.No. 10.1002/rmv.1856, 21-33 (Impact factor: 5.03).

168. Debing Y., Neyts J., Delang L. (2015). The future of antivirals: broad-spectrum inhibitors. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, 28 (6), 596-602. (Impact factor: 3.78).

169. Sun L., Meijer A., Froeyen M., Zhang L., Thibaut HJ., Baggen J., George S., Vernachio J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M., Leyssen P., Hilgenfeld R., Neyts J., Delang L. (2015). Antiviral activity of broad-spectrum and enterovirus-specific inhibitors against clinical isolates of enterovirus D68. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 59 (12), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.01375-15, 7782-5. (Impact factor: 4.26).

170. Bassetto M., Ferla S., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Yerukhimovich MM., Frick DN., O'Donnell R., Brancale A. (2015). Novel symmetrical phenylenediamines as potential anti-hepatitis C virus agents. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 24, Art.No. 2040206616676353, 155-160. doi: 10.1177/2040206616676353.

171. Corsten M., Heggermont W., Papageorgiou A-P., Deckx S., Tijsma A., Verhesen W., Van Leeuwen R., Carai P., Thibaut H-J., Custers K., Summer G., Hazebroek M., Verheyen F., Neyts J., Schroen B., Heymans S. (2015). The microRNA-221/-222 cluster balances the antiviral and inflammatory response in viral myocarditis. European Heart Journal, 36 (42), Art.No. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv321, 2909-19. (Impact factor: 23.43).

172. Bhakat S., Delang L., Kaptein S., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Jayaprakash V. (2015). Reaching beyond HIV/HCV: nelfinavir as a potential starting point for broad-spectrum protease inhibitors against dengue and chikungunya virus. RSC Advances, 5 (104), 85938-85949. (Impact factor: 2.94).

173. De Colibus L., Wang X., Tijsma A., Neyts J., Spyrou JA B., Ren J., Grimes JM., Puerstinger G., Leyssen P., Fry EE., Rao Z., Stuart DI. (2015). Structure elucidation of Coxsackievirus A16 in complex with GPP3 informs a systematic review of highly potent capsid binders to enteroviruses. PLoS Pathogens, 11 (10), Art.No. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005165, (Impact factor: 6.16).

174. Da Paixão Soares F., Groaz E., Lescrinier E., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Herdewijn P. (2015). NMR-based conformational analysis of 2',6-disubstituted uridines and antiviral evaluation of new phosphoramidate prodrugs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23, Art.No. S0968-0896(15)00570-2, 5809-5815. (Impact factor: 2.88).

175. Abdelnabi R., Neyts J., Delang L. (2015). Towards antivirals against chikungunya virus. Antiviral Research, 121, Art.No. S0166-3542(15)00148-5, 59-68. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

176. Lacroix C., George S., Leyssen P., Hilgenfeld R., Neyts J. (2015). The enterovirus 3C protease inhibitor SG85 efficiently blocks rhinovirus replication and is not cross-resistant with rupintrivir. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 59 (9), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.00534-15, 5814-8. (Impact factor: 4.26).

177. Nothias-Scaglia L-F., Dumontet V., Neyts J., Roussi F., Costa J., Leyssen P., Litaudon M., Paolini J. (2015). LC-MS(2)-Based dereplication of Euphorbia extracts with anti-Chikungunya virus activity. Fitoterapia, 105, Art.No. S0367-326X(15)30036-8, 202-209. (Impact factor: 2.64).

178. Peters HL., Jochmans D., De Wilde AH., Posthuma CC., Snijder EJ., Neyts J., Seley-Radtke KL. (2015). Design, synthesis and evaluation of a series of acyclic fleximer nucleoside analogues with anti-coronavirus activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25, Art.No. S0960-894X(15)00501-6, 2923-2926. (Impact factor: 2.44).

179. Delang L., Scheers E., Grabner M., Verpaalen B., Helsen N., Vanstreels E., Daelemans D., Verfaillie C., Neyts J. (2015). Understanding the molecular mechanism of host-based statin resistance in hepatitis C virus replicon containing cells. Biochemical Pharmacology, 96, Art.No. S0006-2952(15)00319-6, 190-201. (Impact factor: 4.24).

180. Vliegen I., Paeshuyse J., Zhong W., Neyts J. (2015). In vitro combinations containing Tegobuvir are highly efficient in curing cells from HCV replicon and in delaying/preventing the development of drug resistance. Antiviral Research, 120, Art.No. S0166-3542(15)00131-X, 112-121. (Impact factor: 4.31).

181. Chen Z., Jochmans D., Ku T., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J., Seley-Radtke KL. (2015). Bicyclic and tricyclic "expanded" nucleobase analogues of sofosbuvir: new scaffolds for hepatitis C therapies. ACS Infectious Diseases, 1 (8), 357-366. (Impact factor: 4.33).

182. Lacroix C., Laconi S., Angius F., Coluccia A., Silvestri R., Pompei R., Neyts J., Leyssen P. (2015). In vitro characterisation of a pleconaril/pirodavir-like compound with potent activity against rhinoviruses. Virology Journal, 12, Art.No. 10.1186/s12985-015-0330-4 (Impact factor: 2.47).

183. Zmurko J., Neyts J., Dallmeier K. (2015). Flaviviral NS4b, chameleon and jack-in-the-box roles in viral replication and pathogenesis, and a molecular target for antiviral intervention. Reviews in Medical Virology, 25 (4), Art.No. 10.1002/rmv.1835, 205-23. (Impact factor: 5.03).

184. Nothias-Scaglia L-F., Pannecouque C., Renucci F., Delang L., Neyts J., Roussi F., Costa J., Leyssen P., Litaudon M., Paolini J. (2015). Antiviral activity of diterpene esters on chikungunya virus and HIV replication. Journal of Natural Products, 78 (6), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b00073, 1277-83. (Impact factor: 3.89).

185. Vincetti P., Caporuscio F., Kaptein S., Gioiello A., Mancino V., Suzuki Y., Yamamoto N., Crespan E., Lossani A., Maga G., Rastelli G., Castagnolo D., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Costantino G., Radi M. (2015). Discovery of multitarget antivirals acting on both the dengue virus NS5-NS3 interaction and the host Src/Fyn kinases. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 58, 4964-4975. (Impact factor: 6.25).

186. Vashist S., Urena L., Gonzalez-Hernandez MB., Choi J., De Rougemont A., Rocha-Pereira J., Neyts J., Hwang S., Wobus CE., Goodfellow I. (2015). Molecular chaperone hsp90 is a therapeutic target for noroviruses. Journal of Virology, 89 (12), Art.No. 10.1128/JVI.00315-15, 6352-63. (Impact factor: 4.37).

187. Hwu JR., Kapoor M., Tsay S-C., Lin C-C., Hwang KC., Horng J-C., Chen I-C., Shieh F-K., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2015). Benzouracil-coumarin-arene conjugates as inhibiting agents for chikungunya virus. Antiviral Research, 118, Art.No. S0166-3542(15)00077-7, 103-109. (Impact factor: 4.31).

188. Techer S., Girard-Valenciennes E., Retailleau P., Neyts J., Gueritte F., Leyssen P., Litaudon M., Smadja J., Grondin I. (2015). Tonantzitlolones from Stillingia lineata ssp lineata as potential inhibitors of chikungunya virus. Phytochemistry Letters, 12, 313-319. (Impact factor: 1.58).

189. Olivon F., Palenzuela H., Girard-Valenciennes E., Neyts J., Pannecouque C., Roussi F., Grondin I., Leyssen P., Litaudon M. (2015). Antiviral activity of flexibilane and tigliane diterpenoids from Stillingia lineata. Journal of Natural Products, 78 (5), Art.No. 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b00116, 1119-28. (Impact factor: 3.89).

190. Albulescu L., Strating JR P M., Thibaut HJ., Van der Linden L., Shair MD., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2015). Broad-range inhibition of enterovirus replication by OSW-1, a natural compound targeting OSBP. Antiviral Research, 117, Art.No. S0166-3542(15)00052-2, 110-114. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

191. Jadav SS., Kaptein S., Timiri A., De Burghgraeve T., Badavath VN., Ganesan R., Sinha BN., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Jayaprakash V. (2015). Design, synthesis, optimization and antiviral activity of a class of hybrid dengue virus E protein inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25 (8), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.02.059, 1747-52. (Impact factor: 2.44).

192. Bernard A., Lacroix C., Cabiddu MG., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Pompei R. (2015). Exploration of the anti-enterovirus activity of a series of pleconaril/pirodavir-like compounds. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 24 (2), Art.No. 10.1177/2040206615589035, 56-61.

193. Van der Linden L., Vives-Adrián L., Selisko B., Ferrer-Orta C., Liu X., Lanke K., Ulferts R., De Palma AM., Tanchis F., Goris N., Lefebvre D., De Clercq K., Leyssen P., Lacroix C., Pürstinger G., Coutard B., Canard B., Boehr DD., Arnold JJ., Cameron CE., Verdaguer N., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2015). The RNA template channel of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase as a target for development of antiviral therapy of multiple genera within a virus family. PLoS Pathogens, 11 (3), Art.No. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004733, (Impact factor: 6.16).

194. Rivero-Buceta E., Carrero P., Doyagüez EG., Madrona A., Quesada E., Camarasa MJ., Peréz-Pérez MJ., Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Balzarini J., Neyts J., San-Félix A. (2015). Linear and branched alkyl-esters and amides of gallic acid and other (mono-, di- and tri-) hydroxy benzoyl derivatives as promising anti-HCV inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 92, Art.No. S0223-5234(15)00053-7, 656-671 (Impact factor: 4.82).

195. Xiao F., Fofana I., Thumann C., Mailly L., Alles R., Robinet E., Meyer N., Schaeffer M., Habersetzer F., Doffoël M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Zeisel MB., Baumert TF. (2015). Synergy of entry inhibitors with direct-acting antivirals uncovers novel combinations for prevention and treatment of hepatitis C. Gut, 64, 483-494 (Impact factor: 17.02).

196. Hansson MJ., Moss SJ., Bobardt M., Chatterji U., Coates N., Garcia-Rivera JA., Elmér E., Kendrew S., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Nur-E-Alam M., Warneck T., Wilkinson B., Gallay P., Gregory MA. (2015). Bioengineering and semisynthesis of an optimized cyclophilin inhibitor for treatment of chronic viral infection. Chemistry & Biology, 22, Art.No. S1074-5521(14)00454-2, 285-292 (Impact factor: 5.92).

197. Taffin E., Paepe D., Goris N., Auwerx J., Debille M., Neyts J., Van de Maele I., Daminet S. (2015). Antiviral treatment of feline immunodeficiency virus-infected cats with (R)-9-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)-2,6-diaminopurine. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17 (2), Art.No. 10.1177/1098612X14532089, 79-86. (Impact factor: 1.47).

198. Strating JR P M., Van der Linden L., Albulescu L., Bigay J., Arita M., Delang L., Leyssen P., Van der Schaar HM., Lanke KH W., Thibaut HJ., Ulferts R., Drin G., Schlinck N., Wubbolts RW., Sever N., Head SA., Liu JO., Beachy PA., De Matteis MA., Shair MD., Olkkonen VM., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2015). Itraconazole Inhibits Enterovirus Replication by Targeting the Oxysterol-Binding Protein. Cell Reports, 10 (4), Art.No. S2211-1247(14)01121-8, 600-615. (Impact factor: 8.03).

199. Tararov VI., Tijsma A., Kolyachkina SV., Oslovsky VE., Neyts J., Drenichev MS., Leyssen P., Mikhailov SN. (2015). Chemical modification of the plant isoprenoid cytokinin N(6)-isopentenyladenosine yields a selective inhibitor of human enterovirus 71 replication. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 90, Art.No. S0223-5234(14)01080-0, 406-413. (Impact factor: 4.82).

200. Rocha-Pereira J., Jochmans D., Neyts J. (2015). Prophylactic treatment with the nucleoside analogue 2'-C-methylcytidine completely prevents transmission of norovirus. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 70 (1), Art.No. 10.1093/jac/dku363, 190-7. (Impact factor: 5.22).

201. Manvar D., Pelliccia S., La Regina G., Famiglini V., Coluccia A., Ruggieri A., Anticoli S., Lee J-C., Basu A., Cevik O., Nencioni L., Palamara AT., Zamperini C., Botta M., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Kaushik-Basu N., Silvestri R. (2015). New 1-phenyl-5-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamides inhibit hepatitis C virus replication via suppression of cyclooxygenase-2. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 90, Art.No. S0223-5234(14)01074-5, 497-506. (Impact factor: 4.82).

202. Dejmek M., Šála M., Hřebabecký H., Dračínský M., Procházková E., Chalupská D., Klíma M., Plačková P., Hájek M., Andrei G., Naesens L., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Boura E., Nencka R. (2015). Norbornane-based nucleoside and nucleotide analogues locked in North conformation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23 (1), Art.No. S0968-0896(14)00798-6, 184-191. (Impact factor: 2.88).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

203. Lefebvre DJ., De Vleeschauwer AR., Goris N., Van Borm S., Chimirri A., Monforte AM., Valdazo-Gonzalez B., King DP., Neyts J., De Clercq K. (2014). A thiazepino[4,5-alpha]benzimidazole derivative hampers the RNA replication of Eurasian serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 455 (3-4), 378-381. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.11.023. (Impact factor: 2.56).

204. Lefebvre DJ., De Vleeschauwer AR., Goris N., Kollanur D., Billiet A., Murao L., Neyts J., De Clercq K. (2014). Proof of concept for the inhibition of foot-and-mouth disease virus replication by the anti-viral drug 2'-C-methylcytidine in severe combined immunodeficient mice. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 61 (6), Art.No. 10.1111/tbed.12069, (Impact factor: 3.50).

205. Lefebvre DJ., De Vleeschauwer AR., Goris N., Van Borm S., Chimirri A., Monforte AM., Valdazo-Gonzalez B., King DP., Neyts J., De Clercq K. (2014). A thiazepino[4,5-a]benzimidazole derivative hampers the RNA replication of Eurasian serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 455 (3), Art.No. S0006-291X(14)02033-6, 378-381. (Impact factor: 2.56).

206. Debing Y., Emerson SU., Purcell RH., Neyts J., Dallmeier K. (2014). Complete genome sequence of a rat hepatitis e virus strain isolated in the United States. Genome Announcements, 2 (6), Art.No. 10.1128/genomeA.01096-14,.

207. Tijsma A., Franco D., Tucker S., Hilgenfeld R., Froeyen M., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2014). The capsid binder vapendavir and the novel protease inhibitor SG85 inhibit enterovirus 71 replication. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58 (11), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.03328-14, 6990-6992. (Impact factor: 4.26).

208. Debing Y., Gisa A., Dallmeier K., Pischke S., Bremer B., Manns M., Wedemeyer H., Suneetha PV., Neyts J., Debing Y. (joint first author), Gisa A. (joint first author) (2014). A mutation in the hepatitis E virus RNA polymerase promotes its replication and associates with ribavirin treatment failure in organ transplant recipients. Gastroenterology, 147 (5), 1008-1011. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2014.08.040. (Impact factor: 20.77).

209. Saudi M., Zmurko J., Kaptein S., Rozenski J., Neyts J., Van Aerschot A. (2014). Synthesis and evaluation of imidazole-4,5- and pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxamides targeting dengue and yellow fever virus. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 87, Art.No. S0223-5234(14)00880-0, 529-539. (Impact factor: 4.82).

210. Di Mola A., Peduto A., La Gatta A., Delang L., Pastorino B., Neyts J., Leyssen P., De Rosa M., Filosa R. (2014). Structure-activity relationship study of arbidol derivatives as inhibitors of chikungunya virus replication. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 22, Art.No. S0968-0896(14)00649-X, 6014-6025. (Impact factor: 2.88).

211. Delang L., Segura Guerrero N., Tas A., Quérat G., Pastorino B., Froeyen M., Dallmeier K., Jochmans D., Herdewijn P., Bello F., Snijder EJ., De Lamballerie X., Martina B., Neyts J., Van Hemert MJ., Leyssen P. (2014). Mutations in the chikungunya virus non-structural proteins cause resistance to favipiravir (T-705), a broad-spectrum antiviral. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 69, Art.No. dku209, (Impact factor: 5.22).

212. Tijsma A., Thibaut HJ., Spieser SA H., De Palma A., Koukni M., Rhoden E., Oberste S., Pürstinger G., Volny-Luraghi A., Martin J., Marchand A., Chaltin P., Neyts J., Leyssen P. (2014). H1PVAT is a novel and potent early-stage inhibitor of poliovirus replication that targets VP1. Antiviral Research, 110, Art.No. S0166-3542(14)00202-2, 1-9. (Impact factor: 4.31).

213. Lacroix C., Querol-Audí J., Roche M., Franco D., Froeyen M., Guerra P., Terme T., Vanelle P., Verdaguer N., Neyts J., Leyssen P. (2014). A novel benzonitrile analogue inhibits rhinovirus replication. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 69 (10), Art.No. 10.1093/jac/dku200, 2723-32. (Impact factor: 5.22).

214. Debing Y., Neyts J. (2014). mTOR-inhibitors may aggravate chronic hepatitis E. Journal Of Hepatology, 61 (4), 720-722. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.07.016. (Impact factor: 14.91).

215. Debing Y., Neyts J., Thibaut HJ. (2014). Molecular biology and inhibitors of hepatitis A virus. Medicinal Research Reviews, 34 (5), Art.No. 10.1002/med.21292, 895-917. (Impact factor: 8.29).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

216. Rocha-Pereira J., Neyts J., Jochmans D. (2014). Norovirus: Targets and tools in antiviral drug discovery. Biochemical Pharmacology, 91 (1), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bcp.2014.05.021, 1-11. (Impact factor: 4.24).

217. Corlay N., Delang L., Girard-Valenciennes E., Neyts J., Clerc P., Smadja J., Guéritte F., Leyssen P., Litaudon M. (2014). Tigliane diterpenes from Croton mauritianus as inhibitors of chikungunya virus replication. Fitoterapia, 97, Art.No. S0367-326X(14)00145-2, 87-91. (Impact factor: 2.64).

218. De Wilde AH., Jochmans D., Posthuma CC., Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC., Van Nieuwkoop S., Bestebroer TM., Van den Hoogen BG., Neyts J., Snijder EJ. (2014). Screening of an FDA-approved compound library identifies four small-molecule Inhibitors of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus replication in cell culture. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58 (8), 4875-4884. (Impact factor: 4.26).

219. Rocha-Pereira J., Nascimento MS J., Ma Q., Hilgenfeld R., Neyts J., Jochmans D. (2014). The enterovirus protease inhibitor rupintrivir exerts cross-genotypic anti-Norovirus activity and clears cells from the Norovirus replicon. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58 (8), 4675-4681. (Impact factor: 4.26).

220. Dejmek M., Sála M., Plačková P., Hřebabecký H., Mascarell Borredà L., Neyts J., Dračínský M., Procházková E., Jansa P., Leyssen P., Mertlíková-Kaiserová H., Nencka R. (2014). Synthesis of novel purine-based coxsackievirus inhibitors bearing polycylic substituents at the N-9 position. Archiv der Pharmazie, 347 (7), Art.No. 10.1002/ardp.201300431, 478-85. (Impact factor: 2.29).

221. Dejmek M., Hřebabecký H., Sála M., Dračínský M., Procházková E., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Nencka R. (2014). From norbornane-based nucleotide analogs locked in South conformation to novel inhibitors of feline herpes virus. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 22 (11), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bmc.2014.04.004, 2974-83. (Impact factor: 2.88).

222. Wang Y., Zhou X., Debing Y., Chen K., Van der Laan LJ W., Neyts J., Janssen HL A., Metselaar HJ., Peppelenbosch MP., Pan Q. (2014). Calcineurin inhibitors stimulate and mycophenolic acid inhibits replication of hepatitis E virus. Gastroenterology, 46, Art.No. S0016-5085(14)00278-9, 1775-1783. (Impact factor: 20.77).

223. Musiu S., Pürstinger G., Stallinger S., Vrancken R., Haegeman A., Koenen F., Leyssen P., Froeyen M., Neyts J., Paeshuyse J. (2014). Substituted 2,6-bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)pyridines: A novel chemical class of pestivirus inhibitors that targets a hot spot for inhibition of pestivirus replication in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Antiviral Research, 106, Art.No. S0166-3542(14)00084-9, 71-79. (Impact factor: 4.31).

224. Nothias-Scaglia L-F., Retailleau P., Paolini J., Pannecouque C., Neyts J., Dumontet V., Roussi F., Leyssen P., Costa J., Litaudon M. (2014). Jatrophane diterpenes as inhibitors of chikungunya virus replication: structure-activity relationship and discovery of a potent lead. Journal of Natural Products, 77 (6), Art.No. 10.1021/np500271u, 1505-12. (Impact factor: 3.89).

225. Gigante A., Canela M-D., Delang L., Priego E-M., Camarasa M-J., Querat G., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Pérez-Pérez M-J. (2014). Identification of [1,2,3]Triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-7(6H)-ones as Novel Inhibitors of Chikungunya Virus Replication. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 57 (10), Art.No. 10.1021/jm401844c, 4000-8. (Impact factor: 6.25).

226. Verpaalen B., Neyts J., Delang L. (2014). Are statins a viable option for the treatment of infections with the hepatitis C virus? Antiviral Research, 105, 92-99. (Impact factor: 4.31).

227. Osiceanu A-M., Murao LE., Kollanur D., Swinnen J., De Vleeschauwer AR., Lefebvre DJ., De Clercq K., Neyts J., Goris N. (2014). In vitro surrogate models to aid in the development of antivirals for the containment of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks. Antiviral Research, 105, Art.No. S0166-3542(14)00052-7, 59-63. (Impact factor: 4.31).

228. Thibaut HJ., Van der Linden L., Jiang P., Thys B., Canela C., Aguado L., Rombaut B., Wimmer E., Paul A., Pérez-Pérez M-J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M., Neyts J. (2014). Binding of glutathione to enterovirus capsids is essential for virion morphogenesis. PLoS Pathogens, 10 (4), Art.No. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004039, (Impact factor: 6.16).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

229. Saudi M., Zmurko J., Kaptein S., Rozenski J., Neyts J., Van Aerschot A. (2014). In search of Flavivirus inhibitors part 2: Tritylated, diphenylmethylated and other alkylated nucleoside analogues. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 76, Art.No. S0223-5234(14)00131-7, 98-109. (Impact factor: 4.82).

230. Manfroni G., Manvar D., Barreca ML., Kaushik-Basu N., Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Cannalire R., Iraci N., Basu A., Chudaev M., Zamperini C., Dreassi E., Sabatini S., Tabarrini O., Neyts J., Cecchetti V. (2014). New Pyrazolobenzothiazine Derivatives as Hepatitis C Virus NS5B Polymerase Palm Site I Inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 57 (8), Art.No. 10.1021/jm401688h, 3247-62. (Impact factor: 6.25).

231. Roche M., Lacroix C., Khoumeri O., Franco D., Neyts J., Terme T., Leyssen P., Vanelle P. (2014). Synthesis, biological activity and structure-activity relationship of 4,5-dimethoxybenzene derivatives inhibitor of rhinovirus 14 infection. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 76, Art.No. S0223-5234(14)00080-4, 445-459. (Impact factor: 4.82).

232. Bourjot M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Dumontet V., Litaudon M. (2014). Trigocherrierin a, a potent inhibitor of chikungunya virus replication. Molecules, 19 (3), Art.No. 10.3390/molecules19033617, 3617-27. (Impact factor: 3.10).

233. Manfroni G., Cannalire R., Barreca ML., Kaushik-Basu N., Leyssen P., Winquist J., Iraci N., Manvar D., Paeshuyse J., Guhamazumder R., Basu A., Sabatini S., Tabarrini O., Danielson UH., Neyts J., Cecchetti V. (2014). The versatile nature of the 6-aminoquinolone scaffold: identification of submicromolar hepatitis C virus NS5B inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 57, 1952-1963. (Impact factor: 6.25).

234. Thibaut HJ., Van der Schaar HM., Lanke KH W., Verbeken E., Andrews M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2014). Fitness and virulence of a Coxsackievirus mutant that can circumnavigate the need for phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase class III beta. Journal of Virology, 88 (5), Art.No. 10.1128/JVI.03177-13, 3048-51. (Impact factor: 4.37).

235. Van der Linden L., Ulferts R., Nabuurs SB., Kusov Y., Liu H., George S., Lacroix C., Goris N., Lefebvre D., Lanke KH W., De Clercq K., Hilgenfeld R., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2014). Application of a cell-based protease assay for testing inhibitors of picornavirus 3C proteases. Antiviral Research, 103, Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00381-1, 17-24. (Impact factor: 4.31).

236. Debing Y., Neyts J. (2014). Antiviral strategies for hepatitis E virus. Antiviral Research, 102, Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00374-4, 106-118. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.12.005. (Impact factor: 4.31).

237. Debing Y., Emerson SU., Wang Y., Pan Q., Balzarini J., Dallmeier K., Neyts J. (2014). Ribavirin inhibits in vitro hepatitis E virus replication through depletion of cellular GTP pools and is moderately synergistic with alpha interferon. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58, 267-273. (Impact factor: 4.26).

238. Obeid S., Alen J., Nguyen VH., Pham VC., Meuleman P., Pannecouque C., Le TN., Neyts J., Dehaen W., Paeshuyse J. (2013). Artemisinin analogues as potent inhibitors of in vitro hepatitis C virus replication. PLoS One, 8 (12), Art.No. 10.1371/journal.pone.0081783, (Impact factor: 2.77).

239. Rocha-Pereira J., Jochmans D., Debing Y., Verbeken E., Nascimento MS J., Neyts J. (2013). The viral polymerase inhibitor 2'-C-methylcytidine inhibits Norwalk virus replication and protects against norovirus-induced diarrhea and mortality in a mouse model. Journal of Virology, 87 (21), 11798-11805. (Impact factor: 4.37).

240. Vrancken R., Boutier M., Ronsmans M., Reschner A., Leclipteux T., Lieffrig F., Collard A., Mélard C., Wera S., Neyts J., Goris N., Vanderplasschen A. (2013). Laboratory validation of a lateral flow device for the detection of CyHV-3 antigens in gill swabs. Journal of Virological Methods, 193 (2), Art.No. S0166-0934(13)00302-9, 679-682. (Impact factor: 1.76).

241. Debing Y., Winton J., Neyts J., Dallmeier K. (2013). Cutthroat trout virus as a surrogate in vitro infection model for testing inhibitors of hepatitis E virus replication. Antiviral Research, 100 (1), 98-101. (Impact factor: 4.31).

242. Ayala-Nuñez NV., Jarupathirun P., Kaptein SJ F., Neyts J., Smit JM. (2013). Antibody-dependent enhancement of dengue virus infection is inhibited by SA-17, a doxorubicin derivative. Antiviral Research, 100 (1), Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00221-0, 238-245. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

243. Van der Schaar HM., Leyssen P., Thibaut HJ., De Palma A., Van der Linden L., Lanke KH W., Lacroix C., Verbeken E., Conrath K., Macleod AM., Mitchell DR., Palmer NJ., Van de Poël H., Andrews M., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2013). A novel, broad-spectrum inhibitor of enterovirus replication that targets host cell factor phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIIβ. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 57 (10), Art.No. 10.1128/AAC.01175-13, 4971-81. (Impact factor: 4.26).

244. Chatelain G., Debing Y., De Burghgraeve T., Zmurko J., Saudi M., Rozenski J., Neyts J., Van Aerschot A. (2013). In search of flavivirus inhibitors: Evaluation of different tritylated nucleoside analogues. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 65 (7), Art.No. S0223-5234(13)00266-3, 249-255. (Impact factor: 4.82).

245. MacLeod AM., Mitchell DR., Palmer NJ., De Poel HV., Conrath K., Andrews M., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2013). Identification of a Series of Compounds with Potent Antiviral Activity for the Treatment of Enterovirus Infections. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 4 (7), 20-24. (Impact factor: 3.79).

246. Spickler C., Lippens J., Laberge M-K., Desmeules S., Bellavance E., Garneau M., Guo T., Hucke O., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Vaillancourt FH., Décor A., O'Meara J., Franti M., Gauthier A. (2013). Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III beta is essential for the replication of human rhinovirus and its inhibition causes a lethal phenotype in vivo. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 57, (Impact factor: 4.26).

247. Backer JA., Vrancken R., Neyts J., Goris N. (2013). The potential of antiviral agents to control classical swine fever: A modelling study. Antiviral Research, 99 (3), Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00170-8, 245-250. (Impact factor: 4.31).

248. MacLeod AM., Mitchell DR., Palmer NJ., De Poel HV., Conrath K., Andrews M., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2013). Identification of a Series of Compounds with Potent Antiviral Activity for the Treatment of Enterovirus Infections. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 4 (7), 20-24. doi: 10.1021/ml400095m. (Impact factor: 3.79).

249. Enguehard-Gueiffier C., Musiu S., Henry N., Véron J-B., Mavel S., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Gueiffier A. (2013). 3-Biphenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridines or [1,2-b]pyridazines and analogues, novel Flaviviridae inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Art.No. S0223-5234(13)00214-6, 448-463. (Impact factor: 4.82).

250. Vliegen I., Delang L., Neyts J. (2013). Selecting and characterizing drug-resistant hepatitis C virus replicon. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1030, Art.No. 10.1007/978-1-62703-484-5_8, 93-103.

251. Van Cleef KW R., Overheul GJ., Thomassen MC., Kaptein S., Davidson AD., Jacobs M., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M., Van Rij RP. (2013). Identification of a new dengue virus inhibitor that targets the viral NS4B protein and restricts genomic RNA replication. Antiviral Research, 99 (2), Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00142-3, 165-171. (Impact factor: 4.31).

252. Haegeman A., Vrancken R., Neyts J., Koenen F. (2013). Intra-host variation structure of classical swine fever virus NS5B in relation to antiviral therapy. Antiviral Research, 98 (2), Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00059-4, 266-272. (Impact factor: 4.31).

253. Delang L., Neyts J., Vliegen I., Abrignani S., Neddermann P., De Francesco R. (2013). Hepatitis C virus-specific directly acting antiviral drugs. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 369, 289-320. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-27340-7-12. (Impact factor: 5.83).

254. Bassetto M., De Burghgraeve T., Delang L., Massarotti A., Coluccia A., Zonta N., Gatti V., Colombano G., Sorba G., Silvestri R., Tron GC., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Brancale A. (2013). Computer-aided identification, design and synthesis of a novel series of compounds with selective antiviral activity against chikungunya virus. Antiviral Research, 98 (1), Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00004-1, 12-18. (Impact factor: 4.31).

255. Ulferts R., Van der Linden L., Thibaut HJ., Lanke KH., Leyssen P., Coutard B., De Palma A., Canard B., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ. (2013). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine inhibits replication of human enteroviruses B and D by targeting viral protein 2C. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 57, 1952-1956. (Impact factor: 4.26).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

256. Debing Y., Jochmans D., Neyts J. (2013). Intervention strategies for emerging viruses: use of antivirals. Current Opinion in Virology, 3 (2), Art.No. 10.1016/j.coviro.2013.03.001, 217-24. (Impact factor: 5.64).

257. Tan J., George S., Kusov Y., Perbandt M., Anemüller S., Mesters JR., Norder H., Coutard B., Lacroix C., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Hilgenfeld R. (2013). 3C Protease of Enterovirus 68: Structure-Based Design of Michael Acceptor Inhibitors and Their Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Effects against Picornaviruses. Journal of Virology, 87 (8), Art.No. 10.1128/JVI.01123-12, 4339-51. (Impact factor: 4.37).

258. Debing Y., Kaplan GG., Neyts J., Jochmans D. (2013). Rapid and convenient assays to assess potential inhibitory activity on in vitro hepatitis A replication. Antiviral Research, 98 (2), 325-331. (Impact factor: 4.31).

259. Krečmerová M., Jansa P., Dračínský M., Sázelová P., Kašička V., Neyts J., Auwerx J., Kiss E., Goris N., Stepan G., Janeba Z. (2013). 9-[2-(R)-(Phosphonomethoxy)propyl]-2,6-diaminopurine (R)-PMPDAP and its prodrugs: Optimized preparation, including identification of by-products formed, and antiviral evaluation in vitro. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 21 (5), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bmc.2012.12.044, 1199-208. (Impact factor: 2.88).

260. Barreca ML., Manfroni G., Leyssen P., Winquist J., Kaushik-Basu N., Paeshuyse J., Krishnan R., Iraci N., Sabatini S., Tabarrini O., Basu A., Danielson UH., Neyts J., Cecchetti V. (2013). Structure-based discovery of pyrazolobenzothiazine derivatives as inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 56 (6), Art.No. 10.1021/jm301643a, 2270-82. (Impact factor: 6.25).

261. Delang L., Neyts J., Vliegen I., Abrignani S., Neddermann P., De Francesco R. (2013). Hepatitis C virus-specific directly acting antiviral drugs. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 369, Art.No. 10.1007/978-3-642-27340-7_12, 289-320. (Impact factor: 5.83).

262. De Burghgraeve T., Selisko B., Kaptein S., Chatelain G., Leyssen P., Debing Y., Jacobs M., Van Aerschot A., Canard B., Neyts J. (2013). 3',5'Di-O-trityluridine inhibits in vitro flavivirus replication. Antiviral Research, 98 (2), Art.No. S0166-3542(13)00053-3, 242-247. (Impact factor: 4.31).

263. Dallmeier K., Neyts J. (2013). Simple and inexpensive three-step rapid amplification of cDNA 5' ends using 5' phosphorylated primers. Analytical Biochemistry, 434 (1), Art.No. S0003-2697(12)00550-7, 1-3. (Impact factor: 2.28).

264. Zahid MN., Turek M., Xiao F., Dao Thi VL., Guérin M., Fofana I., Bachellier P., Thompson J., Delang L., Neyts J., Bankwitz D., Pietschmann T., Dreux M., Cosset F-L., Grunert F., Baumert TF., Zeisel MB. (2013). The postbinding activity of scavenger receptor class B type I mediates initiation of hepatitis C virus infection and viral dissemination. Hepatology, 57 (2), Art.No. 10.1002/hep.26097, 492-504. (Impact factor: 14.08).

265. Tsay S-C., Hwu JR., Singha R., Huang W-C., Chang YH., Hsu M-H., Shieh F-K., Lin C-C., Hwang KC., Horng J-C., De Clercq E., Vliegen I., Neyts J. (2013). Coumarins hinged directly on benzimidazoles and their ribofuranosides to inhibit hepatitis C virus. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 63, Art.No. S0223-5234(13)00094-9, 290-298. (Impact factor: 4.82).

266. Paganelli M., Dallmeier K., Nyabi O., Scheers I., Kabamba B., Neyts J., Goubau P., Najimi M., Sokal EM. (2013). Differentiated umbilical cord matrix stem cells as a new in vitro model to study early events during hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology, 57 (1), Art.No. 10.1002/hep.26006, 59-69. (Impact factor: 14.08).

267. Bourjot M., Delang L., Nguyen VH., Neyts J., Guéritte F., Leyssen P., Litaudon M. (2012). Prostratin and 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate are potent and selective inhibitors of chikungunya virus replication. Journal of Natural Products, 75 (12), Art.No. 10.1021/np300637t, 2183-2187. (Impact factor: 3.89).

268. Delang L., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J. (2012). The role of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate during viral replication. Biochemical Pharmacology, 84 (11), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bcp.2012.07.034, 1400-1408. (Impact factor: 4.24).

269. Alen MM F., Dallmeier K., Balzarini J., Neyts J., Schols D. (2012). Crucial role of the N-glycans on the viral E-envelope glycoprotein in DC-SIGN-mediated dengue virus infection. Antiviral Research, 96 (3), Art.No. S0166-3542(12)00246-X, 280-287. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

270. Rocha-Pereira J., Jochmans D., Dallmeier K., Leyssen P., Cunha R., Costa I., Nascimento MS J., Neyts J. (2012). Inhibition of norovirus replication by the nucleoside analogue 2'-C-methylcytidine. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 427 (4), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.10.003, 796-800. (Impact factor: 2.56).

271. Van der Schaar HM., Van der Linden L., Lanke KH W., Strating JR P M., Pürstinger G., De Vries E., De Haan CA M., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ M. (2012). Coxsackievirus mutants that can bypass host factor PI4KIII beta and the need for high levels of PI4P lipids for replication. Cell Research, 22 (11), 1576-1592. doi: 10.1038/cr.2012.129. (Impact factor: 15.39).

272. Verbinnen T., Jacobs T., Vijgen L., Ceulemans H., Neyts J., Fanning G., Lenz O. (2012). Replication capacity of minority variants in viral populations can affect the assessment of resistance in HCV chimeric replicon phenotyping assays. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 67, 2327-2337. (Impact factor: 5.22).

273. Jafar NN A., Al-Masoudi NA., Baqir SJ., Leyssen P., Pannecouque C. (2012). Exploration of the in vitro antiviral activity of a series of new pyrimidine analogues on the replication of HIV and HCV. Antivir Chem Chemother, 23 (3), 103-112. doi: 10.3851/IMP2400.

274. Ribbens S., Goris N., Neyts J., Dewulf J. (2012). Classical swine fever outbreak containment using antivirals: a potential alternative to emergency vaccination and stamping-out. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 106 (1), 34-41. (Impact factor: 1.92).

275. Jochmans D., Leyssen P., Fouchier R., Neyts J. (2012). A novel method for high-throughput screening to quantify antiviral activity against viruses that induce limited CPE. Journal of Virological Methods, 183 (2), Art.No. 10.1016/j.jviromet.2012.04.011, 176-179. (Impact factor: 1.76).

276. Roelandt P., Obeid S., Paeshuyse J., Vanhove J., Van Lommel A., Nahmias Y., Nevens F., Neyts J., Verfaillie C. (2012). Human pluripotent stem cell derived hepatocytes support complete replication of hepatitis C virus. Journal of Hepatology, 57 (2), 246-251. (Impact factor: 14.91).

277. Moss SJ., Bobardt M., Leyssen P., Coates N., Chatterji U., Xie D., Foster T., Liu J., Nur-e-Alam M., Suthar D., Chen Y., Warneck T., Zhang M-Q., Neyts J., Gallay P., Wilkinson B., Gregory MA. (2012). Sangamides, a new class of cyclophilin-inhibiting host-targeted antivirals for treatment of HCV infection. MedChemComm, 3 (8), 938-943. doi: 10.1039/c1md00227a. (Impact factor: 2.34).

278. Thibaut HJ., De Palma A., Neyts J. (2012). Combating enterovirus replication: state-of-the-art on antiviral research. Biochemical Pharmacology, 83 (2), 185-92. (Impact factor: 4.24).

279. Mastrangelo E., Pezzullo M., De Burghgraeve T., Kaptein S., Pastorino B., Dallmeier K., De Lamballerie X., Neyts J., Hanson AM., Frick DN., Bolognesi M., Milani M. (2012). Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 67 (8), 1884-94. (Impact factor: 5.22).

280. Rocha-Pereira J., Jochmans D., Dallmeier K., Leyssen P., Nascimento MS J., Neyts J. (2012). Favipiravir (T-705) inhibits in vitro norovirus replication. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 424 (4), Art.No. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.07.034, 777-80. (Impact factor: 2.56).

281. Wittine K., Stipković Babić M., Makuc D., Plavec J., Kraljević Pavelić S., Sedić M., Pavelić K., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Mintas M. (2012). Novel 1,2,4-triazole and imidazole derivatives of l-ascorbic and imino-ascorbic acid: Synthesis, anti-HCV and antitumor activity evaluations. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 20 (11), 3675-85. (Impact factor: 2.88).

282. Hebner CM., Han B., Brendza KM., Nash M., Sulfab M., Tian Y., Hung M., Fung W., Vivian RW., Trenkle J., Taylor J., Bjornson K., Bondy S., Liu X., Link J., Neyts J., Sakowicz R., Zhong W., Tang H., Schmitz U. (2012). The HCV non-nucleoside inhibitor tegobuvir utilizes a novel mechanism of action to inhibit NS5B polymerase function. PLoS One, 7 (6), Art.No. 22720059, (Impact factor: 2.77).

283. De Burghgraeve T., Kaptein S., Ayala-Nunez NV., Mondotte JA., Pastorino B., Printsevkaya SS., De Lamballerie X., Jacobs M., Preobrazhenskaya M., Gamarnik AV., Smit JM., Neyts J. (2012). An analogue of the antibiotic teicoplanin prevents flavivirus entry in vitro. PLoS One, 7, (Impact factor: 2.77).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

284. Hrebabecky H., Dejmek M., Sala M., Mertlikova-Kaiserova H., Dracinsky M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Nencka R. (2012). Synthesis of novel thienonorbornylpurine derivatives. Tetrahedron, 68 (15), 3195-3204. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2012.02.050. (Impact factor: 2.38).

285. Aguado L., Canela M-D., Thibaut HJ., Priego E-M., Camarasa M-J., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Pérez-Pérez M-J. (2012). Efficient synthesis and anti-enteroviral activity of 9-arylpurines. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49, 279-88. (Impact factor: 4.82).

286. Sála M., Hřebabecký H., Leyssen P., Dejmek M., Dračínský M., De Palma A., Neyts J., Nencka R. (2012). Novel substituted 9-norbornylpurines and their activities against RNA viruses. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 22 (5), 1963-1968. (Impact factor: 2.44).

287. Glorieux S., Vandekerckhove AP., Goris N., Yang X-Y., Steukers L., Van de Walle GR., Croubels S., Neyts J., Nauwynck HJ. (2012). Evaluation of the antiviral activity of (1'S,2'R)-9-[[1',2'-bis(hydroxymethyl)cycloprop-1'-yl]methyl]guanine (A-5021) against equine herpesvirus type 1 in cell monolayers and equine nasal mucosal explants. Antiviral Research, 93 (2), 234-8. (Impact factor: 4.31).

288. Manfroni G., Meschini F., Barreca ML., Leyssen P., Samuele A., Iraci N., Sabatini S., Massari S., Maga G., Neyts J., Cecchetti V. (2012). Pyridobenzothiazole derivatives as new chemotype targeting the HCV NS5B polymerase. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 20 (2), 866-76. (Impact factor: 2.88).

289. Hrebabecky H., Dejmek M., Dracinsky M., Sala M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Kaniakova M., Krusek J., Nencka R. (2012). Synthesis of novel azanorbornylpurine derivatives. Tetrahedron, 68 (4), 1286-1298. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2011.11.035. (Impact factor: 2.38).

290. Vliegen I., Yang G., Hruby D., Jordan R., Neyts J. (2012). Deletion of the vaccinia virus F13L gene results in a highly attenuated virus that mounts a protective immune response against subsequent vaccinia virus challenge. Antiviral Research, 93 (1), 160-166. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2011.11.010. (Impact factor: 4.31).

291. Delang L., Froeyen M., Herdewijn P., Neyts J. (2012). Identification of a novel resistance mutation for benzimidazole inhibitors of the HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Antiviral Research, 93 (1), 30-38. doi: 10.1016/j.antivira1.2011.10.012. (Impact factor: 4.31).

292. Delang L., Vliegen I., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2012). In vitro selection and characterization of HCV replicons resistant to multiple non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors. Journal of Hepatology, 56, 41-48. (Impact factor: 14.91).

293. Vliegen I., Yang G., Hruby D., Jordan R., Neyts J. (2012). Deletion of the vaccinia virus F13L gene results in a highly attenuated virus that mounts a protective immune response against subsequent vaccinia virus challenge. Antiviral Research, 93 (1), 160-6. (Impact factor: 4.31).

294. Delang L., Vliegen I., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2012). In vitro selection and characterization of HCV replicons dually resistant to various non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors. J. Hepatol. 56:41-48 (Impact factor: 14.91).

295. Paeshuyse J., Dallmeier K., Neyts J. (2011). Ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus infection: a review of the proposed mechanisms of action. Current Opinion in Virology, 1 (6), 590-598. (Impact factor: 5.64).

296. Dejmek M., Hrebabecky H., Dracinsky M., Neyts J., Leyssen P., Mertlikova-Kaiserova H., Nencka R. (2011). Conformationally locked nucleoside analogues based on the bridgehead substituted 7-oxonorbornane and their antiviral properties. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 76 (12), 1549-1566..

297. Brezillon N., Brunelle MN., Massinet H., Giang E., Lamant C., Dasilva L., Berissi S., Belghiti J., Hannoun L., Pürstinger G., Wimmer E, Neyts J., Hantz O., Soussan P., Morosan S., Kremsdorf D. (2011). Antiviral activity of Bay 41-4109 on Hepatitis B Virus in humanized Alb-uPA/SCID mice. PLoS One, 6 (12), (Impact factor: 2.77).

298. Billioud G., Pichoud C., Pürstinger G., Neyts J., Zoulim F. (2011). The main Hepatitis B virus (HBV) mutants resistant to nucleoside analogs are susceptible in vitro to non-nucleoside inhibitors of HBV replication. Antiviral Research, 92 (2), 271-276. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

299. Delang L., Vliegen I., Froeyen M., Neyts J. Delang L. (joint first author), Vliegen I. (joint first author) (2011). Comparative Study of the Genetic Barriers and Pathways towards Resistance of Selective Inhibitors of Hepatitis C Virus Replication. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55 (9), 4103-4113. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00294-11. (Impact factor: 4.26).

300. Shih IH., Vliegen I., Peng B., Yang H., Hebner C., Paeshuyse J., Pürstinger G., Fenaux M., Tian Y., Mabery E, Qi X., Bahador G., Paulson M., Lehman IS., Bondy S., Tse W., Reiser H., Lee WA., Schmitz U., Neyts J., Zhong W. (2011). Mechanistic characterization of GS-9190 (Tegobuvir), a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor of hepatitis C virus NS5B polymerase. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55, 4196-4203. (Impact factor: 4.26).

301. Barral K., Weck C., Payrot N., Roux L., Durafour C., Zoulim F., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Canard B., Priet S., Alvarez K. (2011). Acyclic nucleoside thiophosphonates as potent inhibitors of HIV and HBV replication. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 46 (9), 4281-4288. (Impact factor: 4.82).

302. Oelschlaeger S., Neyts J., Guenther S. (2011). Depletion of GTP pool is not the predominant mechanism by which ribavirin exerts its antiviral effect on Lassa virus. Antiviral Research, 91 (2), 89-93. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2011.05.006. (Impact factor: 4.31).

303. Priet S., Zlatev I., Barvik I., Geerts K., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Dutartre H., Canard B., Vasseur JJ., Morvan F., Alvarez K. (2011). Erratum: 3′-deoxy phosphoramidate dinucleosides as improved inhibitors of hepatitis C virus subgenomic replicon and NS5B polymerase activity (Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2010) 53 (6608-6617) DOI: 10.1021/jm100102v). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 54 (13), doi: 10.1021/jm200628q. (Impact factor: 6.25).

304. Deterding K., Naesens L., Buti M., Janssen H., Kirschner J., Guerrero A., Reijnders J., Neyts J., Zoulim F., Wedemeyer H. (2011). Adefovir serum levels do not differ between responders and nonresponders. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18 (7), (Impact factor: 4.24).

305. Sala M., De Palma A., Hrebabecky H., Dejmek M., Dracinsky M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Mertlikova-Kaiserova H., Nencka R. (2011). SAR studies of 9-norbornylpurines as Coxsackievirus B3 inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 21 (14), 4271-4275. (Impact factor: 2.44).

306. Thibaut HJ., Neyts J., De Palma A. (2011). Towards the design of combination therapy for the treatment of enterovirus infections. Antiviral Research, 90, 213-217. (Impact factor: 4.31).

307. Obeid S., Printsevskaya S., Olsufyeva E., Dallmeier K., Durantel D., Zoulim F., Preobrazehenskaya M., Neyts J., Paeshuyse J. (2011). Inhibition of hepatitis C virus replication by semisynthetic derivatives of glycopeptide antibiotics. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66 (6), 1287-1294. (Impact factor: 5.22).

308. Alen M., De Burghgraeve T., Kaptein SJ F., Balzarini J., Neyts J., Schols D. (2011). Broad antiviral activity of carbohydrate-binding agents against the four serotypes of dengue virus in monocyte-derived dendritic cells. PLoS One, 6 (6), (Impact factor: 2.77).

309. Gregory MA., Bobardt M., Obeid S., Chatterji U., Coates N., Foster T., Gallay P., Leyssen P., Moss SJ., Neyts J., Nur-el-Alam M., Paeshuyse J., Piraee M., Suthar D., Warneck T., Zhang M-Q., Wilkinson B. (2011). Preclinical characterisation of naturally occurring polyketide cyclophilin inhibitors from the sanglifehrin family. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55, 1975-1981. (Impact factor: 4.26).

310. Hwu JR., Lin SY., Tsay SC., De Clercq E., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2011). Coumarin-purine ribofuranoside conjugates as new agents against hepatitis C virus. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 54 (7), 2114-2126. (Impact factor: 6.25).

311. Willems T., Lefebvre DJ., Neyts J., De Clercq K. (2011). Diagnostic performance and application of two commercial cell viability assays in foot-and-mouth disease research. Journal of Virological Methods, 173 (1), 108-114. (Impact factor: 1.76).

312. Norder H., De Palma A., Selisko B., Costenaro L., Papageorgiou N., Arnan C., Coutard B., Lantez V., De Lamballerie X., Baronti C., Sola M., Tan J., Neyts J., Canard B., Coll M., Gorbalenya AE., Hilgenfeld R. (2011). Picornavirus non-structural proteins as targets for new antivirals with broad activity. Antiviral Research, 89, 204-218. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

313. Coelmont L., Delang L., Froeyen M., Herdewijn P., Neyts J., (2011). Pharmacology and mechanisms of action of antiviral drugs: polymerase inhibitors.In: “Advanced Therapy for Hepatitis C”, chapter 6, pp. 43-52. (BOOK CHAPTER)

314. Hwu JR., Lin S-Y., Tsay S-C., Singha R., Pal BK., Leyssen P., Neyts J. (2011). Development of new sulfur-containing conjugated compounds as anti-HCV agents. Phosphorus sulfur and silicon and the related elements, 186 (5), 1144-1152. doi: 10.1080/10426507.2010.520284. (Impact factor: 0.67).

315. Elayadi H., Smietana M., Pannecouque C., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Vasseur J-J., Lazrek HB. (2010). Straightforward synthesis of triazoloacyclonucleotide phosphonates as potential HCV inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 20 (24), 7365-7368. (Impact factor: 2.44).

316. Salim MT A., Goto Y., Hamasaki T., Okamoto M., Aoyama H., Hashimoto Y., Musiu S., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J., Froeyen M., Herdewijn P., Baba M. (2010). Highly potent and selective inhibition of bovine viral diarrhea virus replication by γ-carboline derivatives. Antiviral Research, 88 (3), 263-268. (Impact factor: 4.31).

317. Kaptein SS J., De Burghgraeve T., Froeyen M., Pastorino B., Alen M., Mondotte JA., Herdewijn P., Jacobs M., De Lamballerie X., Schols D., Gamarnik AV., Sztaricskai F., Neyts J. (2010). A derivate of the antibiotic doxorubicin is a selective inhibitor of dengue and yellow fever virus replication in vitro. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 54 (12), 5269-5280. (Impact factor: 4.26).

318. Lefebvre DJ., Neyts J., De Clercq K. (2010). Development of a foot-and-mouth disease infection model in severe combined immunodeficient mice for the preliminary evaluation of antiviral drugs. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 57 (6), 430-433. (Impact factor: 3.50).

319. Gaumet V., Moreau E., Taleb A., Leal F., Neyts J., Paeshuyse J., Lartigue C., Chavignon O., Gueiffier A., Teulade J-C., Métin J., Chezal J-M. (2010). Short and efficient access to imidazo[1,2-a]pyrrolo[3,2-c]pyridine derivatives. Tetrahedron Letters, 51 (47), 6082-8085. (Impact factor: 2.13).

320. Verbinnen T., Van Marck H., Vandenbroucke I., Vijgen L., Claes M., Simmen K., Neyts J., Fanning G., Lenz O. (2010). Tracking the evolution of multiple in vitro HCV replicon mutants under protease inhibitor selection pressure by 454 ultra deep sequencing. Journal of Virology, 84, 11124-11133. (Impact factor: 4.37).

321. Coelmont L., Hanoulle X., Chatterji U., Berger C., Snoeck J., Bobardt M., Lim P., Vliegen I., Paeshuyse J., Vuagniaux G., Vandamme A-M., Bartenschlager R., Gallay P., Lippens G., Neyts J. (2010). DEB025 (Alisporivir) inhibits hepatitis C virus replication by preventing a cyclophilin A induced cis-trans isomerisation in domain II of NS5A. PLoS One, 5 (10), Art.No. e13687, (Impact factor: 2.77).

322. Krecmerová M., Holý A., Andrei G., Pomeisl K., Tichý T., Brehová P., Masojídková M., Dracínský M., Pohl R., Laflamme G., Naesens L., Hui H., Cihlar T., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Balzarini J., Snoeck R. (2010). Synthesis of ester prodrugs of 9-(S)-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]-2,6-diaminopurine (HPMPDAP) as anti-poxvirus agents. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 53 (19), 6825-37. (Impact factor: 6.25).

323. Fletcher NF., Yang JP., Farquhar MJ., Hu K., Davis C., He Q., Dowd K., Ray SC., Krieger SE., Neyts J., Baumert TF., Balfe P., McKeating JA., Wong-Staal W. (2010). Hepatitis C virus infection of neuroepithelioma cell lines. Gastroenterology, 139 (4), 1365-1374. (Impact factor: 20.77).

324. Priet S., Zlatev I., Barvik IJ., Geerts K., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Dutartre H., Canard B., Vasseur J-J., Morvan F., Alvarez K. (2010). 3'-Deoxy phosphoramidate dinucleosides as improved inhibitors of Hepatitis C Virus subgenomic replicon and NS5B polymerase activity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 53, 6608-6617. (Impact factor: 6.25).

325. Rohayem J., Bergmann M., Gebhardt J., Gould E., Tucker P, Mattevi A., Unge T, Hilgenfeld R., Neyts J. (2010). Antiviral strategies to control calcivirus infections. Antiviral Research, 87 (2), 162-178. (Impact factor: 4.31).

326. Assenberg R., Delmas O., Morin B., Graham SC., De Lamballerie X., Laubert C., Coutard B., Grimes JM., Neyts J., Owens RJ., Brandt BW., Gorbalenya A., Tucker P., Stuart DI., Canard B., Bourhy H. (2010). Genomics and structure/function studies of Rhabdoviridae proteins involved in replication and transcription. Antiviral Research, 87 (2), 149-161. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

327. Bollati M., Alvarez K., Assenberg R., Baronti C., Canard B., Cook S., Coutard B., Decroly E., De Lambellerie X., Gould EA., Grard G., Grimes JM., Hilgenfeld R., Jansson AM., Malet H., Mancini EJ., Mastrangelo E., Mattevi A., Milani M., Moureau G., Neyts J., Owens RJ., Ren J., Selisko B., Speroni S., Steuber H., Stuart DI., Unge T., Bolognesi M. (2010). Structure and functionality in flavivirus Ns-proteins: perspectives for drug design. Antiviral Research, 87, 125-148. (Impact factor: 4.31).

328. Van der Linden L., Van der Schaar HM., Lanke KH., Neyts J., Van Kuppeveld FJ. (2010). Differential effects of the putative GBF1 inhibitors golgicide A and AG1478 on enterovirus replication. Journal of Virology, 84, 7535-7542. (Impact factor: 4.37).

329. Charlier N., Davidson A., Dallmeier K., Molenkamp R., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2010). Replication of not-known-vector flaviviruses in mosquito cells is restricted by intracellular host factors rather than by the viral envelope proteins. The Journal of general virology, 91, Art.No. 10.1099/vir.0.019851-0, 1693-7. (Impact factor: 2.51).

330. De Clercq E., Férir G., Kaptein S., Neyts J. (2010). Antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV). Viruses, 2, 1279-1305. (Impact factor: 3.76).

331. Sala M., De Palma A., Hrebabecky H., Nencka R., Dracinsky M., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Holy A. (2010). Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel coxsackievirus B3 inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 18 (12), 4374-4384. (Impact factor: 2.88).

332. Liu Y., Xia Y., Li W., Cong M., Maggiani A., Leyssen P., Qu F., Neyts J., Peng L. (2010). S-Aryltriazole acyclonucleosides: synthesis and biological evaluation against hepatitis C virus. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 20, 3610-3613. (Impact factor: 2.44).

333. Chezal JM., Paeshuyse J., Gaumet V., Canitrot D., Maisonial A., Lartigue C., Gueiffier A., Moreau E., Teulade JC., Chavignon O., Neyts J. (2010). Synthesis and antiviral activity of an imidazo[1,2-a]pyrrolo[2,3-c]pypridine series against the bovine viral diarrhea virus. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45, 2044-2047. (Impact factor: 4.82).

334. Derudas M., Brancale A., Naesens L., Neyts J., Balzarini J., McGuigan C. (2010). Application of the phosphoramidate ProTide approach to the antiviral drug ribavirin. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 18 (7), 2748-2755. (Impact factor: 2.88).

335. Delang L., Coelmont L., Neyts J. (2010). Antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus: beyond the standard of care. Viruses, 2, 826-866. (Impact factor: 3.76).

336. Barral K., Priet S., De Michelis C., Sire J., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Canard B., Alvarez K. (2010). Synthesis and antiviral activity of boranophosphonate isosteres of AZT and d4T monophosphates. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 45 (2), 849-856. (Impact factor: 4.82).

337. Aguado L., Thibaut HJ., Priego EM., Jimeno M-L., Camarasa M-J., Neyts J., Pérez-Pérez M-J. (2010). 9-Arylpurines as a novel class of enterovirus inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 53 (1), 316-324. (Impact factor: 6.25).

338. Delang L., Neyts J. (2010). New Translational Research on Novel Drugs for Hepatitis C Virus 1b Infection by Using a Replicon System and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reply. Hepatology, 51 (1), 345-345. doi: 10.1002/hep.23414. (Impact factor: 14.08).

339. Sala M., Hrebabecky H., Dracinsky M., Masojidkova M., De Palma A., Neyts J., Holy A. (2009). Norbornane as the novel pseudoglycone moiety in nucleosides. Tetrahedron, 65, 9291-9299. (Impact factor: 2.38).

340. Ciesek S., Steinmann E., Wedemeyer H., Manns MP., Neyts J., Tautz N., Madan V., Bartenschlager R., Von Hahn T., Pietschmann T. (2009). Cyclosporine A inhibits hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein 2 through cyclophilin A. Hepatology, 50 (5), 1638-1645. (Impact factor: 14.08).

341. Vrancken R., Haegeman A., Dewulf J., Paeshuyse J., Puerstinger G., Tignon M., Le Potier M-F., Neyts J., Koenen F. (2009). The reduction of CSFV transmission to untreated pigs by the pestivirus inhibitor BPIP: a proof of concept. Veterinary Microbiology, 139, 365-8. (Impact factor: 2.52).

342. Betzi S., Eydoux C., Bussetta C., Blemont M., Leyssen P., Debarnot C., Haiech J., Hibert M., Gueritte F., Grierson DS., Romette JL., Guillemot JC., Neyts J., Alvarez K., Morelli X., Dutartre H., Canard B. (2009). Identification of allosteric inhibitors blocking the hepatitis C virus polymerase NS5B in the RNA synthesis initiation step. Antiviral Research, 84 (1), 48-59. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

343. McGuigan C., Perrone P., Madela K., Neyts J. (2009). The phosphoramidate ProTide approach greatly enhances the activity of beta-2'-C-methylguanosine against hepatitis C virus. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 19 (15), 4316-4320. (Impact factor: 2.44).

344. Li W., Fan Y., Xia Y., Rocchi P., Zhu R., Qu F., Neyts J., Iovanna JL., Peng L. (2009). Cu-Mediated selective N-arylation of aminotriazole acyclonucleosides. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 92 (8), 1503-1513. (Impact factor: 1.08).

345. Delang L., Paeshuyse J., Vliegen I., Obeid S., Leyssen P., Durantel D., Zoulim F., Op de Beeck A., Neyts J. (2009). Statins potentiate the in vitro anti-hepatitis C virus activity of selective hepatitis C virus inhibitors and delay or prevent resistance development. Hepatology, 50 (1), 6-16. (Impact factor: 14.08).

346. Vrancken R., Haegeman A., Paeshuyse J., Pürstinger G., Rozenski J., Wright M., Tignon M., Le Potier M-F., Neyts J., Koenen F. (2009). Proof of concept for the reduction of classical swine fever infection in pigs by a novel viral polymerase inhibitor. Journal of General Virology, 90 (6), 1335-1342. (Impact factor: 2.51).

347. Kandil S., Biondaro S., Vlachakis D., Cummins A-C., Coluccia A., Berry C., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Brancale A. (2009). Discovery of a novel HCV helicase inhibitor by a de novo drug design approach. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 19 (11), 2935-2937. (Impact factor: 2.44).

348. Vrancken R., Haegeman A., Paeshuyse J., Puerstinger G., Rozenski J., Wright M., Tignon M., Le Potier M-F., Neyts J., Koenen F. (2009). Proof of concept for the reduction of classical swine fever infection in pigs by a novel viral polymerase inhibitor. Journal of General Virology, 90, 1335-1342. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.008839-0. (Impact factor: 2.51).

349. Paeshuyse J., Letellier C., Froeyen M., Dutartre H., Vrancken R., Canard B., De Clercq E., Gueiffier A., Teulade J-C., Herdewijn P., Puerstinger G., Koenen F., Kerkhofs P., Baraldi PG., Neyts J. (2009). A pyrazolotriazolopyrimidinamine inhibitor of bovine viral diarrhea virus replication that targets the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Antiviral Research, 82 (3), 141-147. (Impact factor: 4.31).

350. Manfroni G., Paeshuyse J., Massari S., Zanoli S., Gatto B., Maga G., Tabarrini O., Cecchetti V., Fravolini A., Neyts J. (2009). Inhibition of subgenomic hepatis C virus RNA replication by acridone derivatives: identification of an NS3 helicase inhibitor. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 52 (10), 3354-3365. (Impact factor: 6.25).

351. Januszczyk P., Fogt J., Boryski J., Izawa K., Onishi T., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2009). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of 2 '-c-methyl analogues of 5-alkynyl- and 6-alkylfurano- and pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine ribonucleosides. Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 28 (5-7), 713-723. doi: 10.1080/15257770903128870. (Impact factor: 0.83).

352. Vliegen I., Paeshuyse J., De Burghgraeve T., Lehman LS., Paulson M., Shih I-H., Mabery E., Boddeker N., Reiser H., Oare D., Lee WA., De Clercq E., Zhong W., Bondy S., Pürstinger G., Neyts J. (2009). Substituted imidazopyridines as potent inhibitors of HCV replication. Journal of Hepatology, 50 (5), 999-1009. (Impact factor: 14.91).

353. De Palma A., Thibaut HJ., Van der Linden L., Lanke K., Heggermont W., Ireland S., Andrews R., Arimilli M., Al-Tel TH., De Clercq E., Van Kuppeveld F., Neyts J. (2009). Mutations in the non-structural protein 3A confer resistance to the novel enterovirus replication inhibitor TTP-8307. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 53 (5), 1850-1857. (Impact factor: 4.26).

354. De Palma A., Thibaut HJ., Li S., Van Aelst I., Dillen C., Swinnen M., Verbeken E., Neyts J., Opdenakker G. (2009). Inflammatory rather than infectious insults play a role in exocrine tissue damage in a mouse model for Coxsackievirus B4-induced pancreatitis. Journal of Pathology, 217 (5), 633-641. (Impact factor: 6.25).

355. Alen M., Kaptein S., De Burghgraeve T., Balzarini J., Neyts J., Schols D. (2009). Antiviral activity of carbohydrate-binding agents and the role of DC-SIGN in dengue virus infection. Virology, 387 (1), 67-75. (Impact factor: 3.37).

356. Neyts J., De Clercq E., Singha R., Chang YH., Das AR., Chakraborty SK., Hong SC., Tsay S-C., Hsu M-H., Hwu JR. (2009). Structure-activity relationship of new anti-hepatitis C virus agents: heterobicycle-

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

coumarin conjugates. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 52 (5), Art.No. 10.1021/jm801240d, 1486-1490. (Impact factor: 6.25).

357. Coelmont L., Kaptein S., Paeshuyse J., Vliegen I., Dumont J-M., Vuagniaux G., Neyts J. (2009). Debio 025, a cyclophilin binding molecule, is highly efficient in clearing hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicon-containing cells when used alone or in combination with specifically targeted antiviral therapy for HCV (STAT-C) inhibitors. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 53 (3), 967-976. (Impact factor: 4.26).

358. Wan J., Xia Y., Liu Y., Wang M., Rocchi P., Yao J., Qu F., Neyts J., Iovanna JL., Peng L. (2009). Discovery of novel arylethynyltriazole ribonucleosides with selective and effective antiviral and antiproliferative activity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 52 (4), 1144-1155. (Impact factor: 6.25).

359. De Clercq E., Neyts J., (2009). Antiviral agents acting as DNA or RNA chain terminators. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (189), Art.No. 10.1007/978-3-540-79086-0_3, 53-84. (BOOK CHAPTER)

360. De Palma A., Verbeken E., Van Aelst I., Van den Steen P., Opdenakker G., Neyts J. (2008). Increased gelatinase B/matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity in a murine model of acute coxsackievirus B4-induced pancreatitis. Virology, 382 (1), 20-27. (Impact factor: 3.37).

361. Kolocouris A., Spearpoint P., Martin SR., Hay AJ., Lopez-Querol M., Sureda FX., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2008). Comparisons of the influenza virus A M2 channel binding affinities, anti-influenza virus potencies and NMDA antagonistic activities of 2-alkyl-2-aminoadamantanes and analogues. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 18 (23), 6156-6160. (Impact factor: 2.44).

362. Tempesta M., Crescenzo G., Camero M., Bellacicco AL., Tarsitano E., Decaro N., Neyts J., Martella V., Buonavoglia C. (2008). Assessing the efficacy of cidofovir against herpesvirus-induced genital lesions in goats using different therapeutic regimens. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 52 (11), 4064-4068. (Impact factor: 4.26).

363. De Palma A., Vliegen I., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2008). Selective inhibitors of picornavirus replication. Medicinal Research Reviews, 28 (6), 823-884. (Impact factor: 8.29).

364. Gruez A., Selisko B., Roberts M., Bricogne G., Bussetta C., Jabafi I., Coutard B., De Palma A., Neyts J., Canard B. (2008). The crystal structure of coxsackievirus B3 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in complex with its protein primer VPg confirms the existence of a second VPg binding site on Picornaviridae polymerases. Journal of Virology, 82 (19), 9577-9590. (Impact factor: 4.37).

365. Naesens L., Andrei G., Votruba I., Krečmerová M., Holý A., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Snoeck R. (2008). Intracellular metabolism of the new antiviral compound 1-(S)-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]-5-azacytosine. Biochemical Pharmacology, 76 (8), 997-1005. (Impact factor: 4.24).

366. Fogt J., Januszczyk P., Framski G., Onishi T., Izawa K., De Clercq E., Neyts J., Boryski J. (2008). Synthesis and antiviral activity of novel derivatives of 2'-{beta}-C-methylcytidine. Nucleic acids symposium series (52), 605-6.

367. Pürstinger G., De Palma A., Zimmerhofer G., Huber S., Ladurner S., Neyts J. (2008). Synthesis and anti-CVB 3 evaluation of substituted 5-nitro-2-phenoxybenzonitriles. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 18 (18), 5123-5125. (Impact factor: 2.44).

368. Zlatev I., Dutartre H., Barvik I., Neyts J., Canard B., Vasseur JJ., Alvarez K., Morvan F. (2008). Phosphoramidate dinucleosides as hepatitis C virus polymerase inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 51 (18), 5745-5757. (Impact factor: 6.25).

369. Collett MS., Neyts J., Modlin JF. (2008). A case for developing antiviral drugs against polio. Antiviral Research, 79 (3), 179-187. (Impact factor: 4.31).

370. Paeshuyse J., Vliegen I., Coelmont L., Leyssen P., Tabarini O., Herdewijn P., Mittendorfer H., Easmon J., Cecchetti V., Bartenschlager R., Pürstinger G., Neyts J. (2008). Comparative in vitro anti-hepatitis C virus activity of a selected series of polymerase, protease and helicase receptors. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 52 (9), 3433-3437. (Impact factor: 4.26).

371. Thys B., De Palma A., Neyts J., Andries K., Vrijsen R., Rombaut B. (2008). R 75761, a lead compound for development of antiviral drugs for late stage poliomyelitis eradication strategies and beyond. Antiviral Research, 78 (3), 278-281. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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372. Zhu R., Wang M., Xia Y., Qu F., Neyts J., Peng L. (2008). Arylethynyltriazole acyclonucleosides inhibit hepatitis C virus replication. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 18 (11), 3321-3327. (Impact factor: 2.44).

373. De Palma A., Heggermont W., Lanke K., Coutard B., Bergmann M., Monforte A-M., Canard B., De Clercq E., Chimirri A., Pürstinger G., Rohayem J., Van Kuppeveld F., Neyts J. (2008). The thiazolobenzimidazole TBZE-029 inhibits enterovirus replication by targeting a short region immediately downstream from motif C in the nonstructural protein 2C. Journal of Virology, 82 (10), 4720-4730.

374. De Palma A., Pürstinger G., Wimmer E., Patick AK., Andries K., Rombaut B., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2008). Potential use of antiviral agents in polio eradication. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14 (4), 545-551. (Impact factor: 7.42).

375. Coutard B., Gorbalenya AE., Snijder EJ., Leontovich AM., Poupon A., De Lamballerie X., Charrel R., Gould EA., Gunther S., Norder H., Klempa B., Bourhy H., Rohayem J., L'hermite E., Nordlund P., Stuart DI., Owens RJ., Grimes JM., Tucker PA., Bolognesi M., Mattevi A., Coll M., Jones TA., Aqvist J., Unge T., Hilgenfeld R., Bricogne G., Neyts J., La Colla P., Pürstinger G., Gonzalez JP., Leroy E., Cambillau C., Romette JL., Canard B. (2008). The VIZIER project: Preparedness against pathogenic RNA viruses. Antiviral Research, 78 (1), 37-46. (Impact factor: 4.31).

376. Ptak RG., Gallay PA., Jochmans D., Halestrap AP., Ruegg UT., Pallansch LA., Bobardt MD., De Béthune M-P., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Dumont J-M., Scalfaro P., Besseghir K., Wenger RM., Rosenwirth B. (2008). Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication in human cells by Debio-025, a novel cyclophilin binding agent. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 52 (4), 1302-1317. (Impact factor: 4.26).

377. Carrouée-Durantel S., Durantel D., Werle B., Pichoud C., Naesens L., Neyts J., Trépo C., Zoulim F. (2008). Suboptimal response to adefovir dipivoxil therapy for chronic hepatitis B in nucleoside-naive patients is not due to pre-existing drug resistance mutants. Antiviral Therapy, 13 (3), 381-388. (Impact factor: 2.15).

378. Leyssen P., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2008). Molecular strategies to inhibit the replication of RNA viruses. Antiviral Research, 78 (1), 9-25. (Impact factor: 4.31).

379. Vrancken R., Paeshuyse J., Haegeman A., Puerstinger G., Froeyen M., Herdewijn P., Kerkhofs P., Neyts J., Koenen F. (2008). Imidazo[4,5-c]pyridines inhibit the in vitro replication of the classical swine fever virus and target the viral polymerase. Antiviral Research, 77 (2), 114-119. (Impact factor: 4.31).

380. Hwu JR., Singha R., Hong SC., Das AR., Vliegen I., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2008). Synthesis of new benzimidazole-coumarin conjugates as anti-hepatitis C virus agents. Antiviral Research, 77 (2), 157-162. (Impact factor: 4.31).

381. Férir G., Kaptein S., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2008). Antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infections: the past, the present and the future. Reviews in Medical Virology, 18 (1), 19-34. (Impact factor: 5.03).

382. Painter GR., Almond MR., Trost LC., Lampert BM., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Korba BE., Aldern KA., Beadle JR., Hostetler KY. (2007). Evaluation of hexadecyloxypropyl-9-R-[2-(Phosphonomethoxy)Propyl]-adenine, CMX157, as a potential treatment for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and hepatitis B virus infections (vol 51, pg 3505, 2007). Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 51 (12), 4538-4538. (Impact factor: 4.26).

383. Krecmerová M., Holý A., Pohl R., Masojídková M., Andrei G., Naesens L., Neyts J., Balzarini J., De Clercq E., Snoeck R. (2007). Ester prodrugs of cyclic 1-(S)-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]-5-azacytosine: synthesis and antiviral activity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 50 (23), 5765-5772. (Impact factor: 6.25).

384. Paeshuyse J., Chezal J-M., Froeyen M., Leyssen P., Dutartre H., Vrancken R., Canard B., Letellier C., Li T., Mittendorfer H., Koenen F., Kerkhofs P., De Clercq E., Herdewijn P., Pürstinger G., Gueiffier A., Chavignon O., Teulade J-C., Neyts J. (2007). The imidazopyrrolopyridine analogue AG110 is a novel, highly selective inhibitor of pestiviruses that targets the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase at a hot spot for inhibition of viral repliation. Journal of Virology, 81 (20), 11046-11053. (Impact factor: 4.37).

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385. Painter GR., Almond MR., Trost LC., Lampert BM., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Korba BE., Aldern KA., Beadle JR., Hostetler KY. (2007). Evaluation of hexadecyloxypropyl-9-R-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine, CMX157, as a potential treatment for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and hepatitis B virus infections. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 51 (10), 3505-3509. (Impact factor: 4.26).

386. Puerstinger G., Paeshuyse J., Heinrich S., Mohr J., Schraffl N., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2007). Antiviral 2,5-disubstituted imidazo[4,5-c]pyridines: From anti-pestivirus to anti-hepatitis C virus activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 17 (2), 390-393. (Impact factor: 2.44).

387. Puerstinger G., Paeshuyse J., Heinrich S., Mohr J., Schraffl N., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2007). Antiviral 2,5-disubstituted imidazo[4,5-c]pyridines: further optimization of anti-hepatitis C virus activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 17 (18), 5111-4. (Impact factor: 2.44).

388. Silva PA G C., Molenkamp R., Dalebout TJ., Charlier N., Neyts JH., Spaan WJ M., Bredenbeek PJ. (2007). Conservation of the pentanucleotide motif at the top of the yellow fever virus 17D 3 ' stem-loop structure is not required for replication (vol 88, pg 1738, 2007). Journal of General Virology, 88, 2361-2361. doi: 10.1099/vir.0.83216-0. (Impact factor: 2.51).

389. Brunelle MN., Lucifora J., Neyts J., Villet S., Holy A., Trepo C., Zoulim F. (2007). In vitro activity of 2,4-diamino-6-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)ethoxy]-pyrimidine against multidrug-resistant hepatitis B virus mutants. Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy, 51 (6), 2240-2243. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01440-06. (Impact factor: 4.26).

390. Zhang X., Amer A., Fan X., Balzarini J., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Prichard M., Kern E., Torrence PF. (2007). Synthesis and antiviral activities of new acyclic and "double-headed" nucleoside analogues. Bioorganic Chemistry, 35 (3), 221-232. (Impact factor: 3.93).

391. De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2007). Avian influenza A (H5N1) infection: targets and strategies for chemotherapeutic intervention. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 28 (6), 280-285. (Impact factor: 12.11).

392. Jabafi I., Selisko B., Coutard B., De Palma AM., Neyts J., Egloff M-P., Grisel S., Dalle K., Campanacci V., Spinelli S., Cambillau C., Canard B., Gruez A. (2007). Improved crystallization of the coxsackievirus B3 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Acta Crystallographica F, Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Online, 63, 495-498. (Impact factor: 0.99).

393. Silva PA., Molenkamp R., Dalebout TJ., Charlier N., Neyts J., Spaan WJ., Bredenbeek PJ. (2007). Conservation of the pentanucleotide motif at the top of the yellow fever virus 17D 3' stem-loop structure is not required for replication. Journal of General Virology, 88, 1738-1747. (Impact factor: 2.51).

394. Garre B., Van der Meulen K., Nugent J., Neyts J., Croubels S., De Backer P., Nauwynck H. (2007). In vitro susceptibility of six isolates of equine herpesvirus 1 to acyclovir, ganciclovir, cidofovir, adefovir, PMEDAP and foscarnet. Veterinary Microbiology, 122 (1-2), 43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2007.01.004. (Impact factor: 2.52).

395. Tempesta M., Camero M., Bellacicco AL., Thiry J., Crescenzo G., Neyts J., Thiry E., Buonavoglia C. (2007). Cidofovir is effective against caprine herpesvirus 1 infection in goats. Antiviral Research, 74 (2), 138-141. (Impact factor: 4.31).

396. Krecmerová M., Holý A., Pískala A., Masojídková M., Andrei G., Naesens L., Neyts J., Balzarini J., De Clercq E., Snoeck R. (2007). Antiviral activity of triazine analogues of 1-(S)-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]cytosine (cidofovir) and related compounds. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 50 (5), 1069-1077. (Impact factor: 6.25).

397. Ying C., Colonno R., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2007). Ribavirin and mycophenolic acid markedly potentiate the anti-hepatitis B virus activity of entecavir. Antiviral Research, 73 (3), 192-196. (Impact factor: 4.31).

398. Silva P., Dalebout T., Molenkamp R., Charlier N., Neyts J., Spaan WJ M., Bredenbeek PJ. (2007). Conservation of the pentanucleotide motif in the yellow fever virus 3’ stem-loop structure is not required for replication. J. Gen. Virol. (Impact factor: 2.51).

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399. Goris N., De Palma A., Toussaint J-F., Musch I., Neyts J., De Clercq K. (2007). 2'-C-Methylcytidine as a potent and selective inhibitor of the replication of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Antiviral Research, 73 (3), 161-168. (Impact factor: 4.31).

400. De Palma A., Heggermont W., Leyssen P., Pürstinger G., Wimmer E., De Clercq E., Rao A., Monforte A-M., Chimirri A., Neyts J. (2007). Anti-enterovirus activity and structure-activity relationship of a series of 2,6-dihalophenyl-substituted 1H,3H-thiazolo[3,4-a]benzimidazoles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 353 (3), 628-632. (Impact factor: 2.56).

401. Tataridis D., Fytas G., Kolocouris A., Fytas C., Kolocouris N., Foscolos GB., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2007). Influence of an additional 2-amino substituent of the 1-aminoethyl pharmacophore group on the potency of rimantadine against influenza virus A. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 17 (3), 692-696. (Impact factor: 2.44).

402. Tempesta M., Camero M., Bellacicco AL., Tarsitano E., Crescenzo G., Thiry J., Martella V., Decaro N., Elia G., Neyts J., Thiry E., Buonavoglia C. (2007). Potent inhibition of genital herpesvirus infection in goats by cidofovir. Antiviral Therapy, 12 (6), 977-979. (Impact factor: 2.15).

403. Jahnz-Wechmann Z., Boryski J., Izawa K., Onishi T., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2007). New analogs of acyclovir substituted at the side chain. Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 26 (8-9), 917-920. doi: 10.1080/15257770701506442. (Impact factor: 0.83).

404. Roy V., Kumamoto H., Berteina-Raboin S., Nolan SR., Topalis D., Deville-Bonne D., Balzarini J., Neyts J., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Agrofoglio LA. (2007). Cross-metathesis mediated synthesis of new acyclic nucleoside phosphonates. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 26, 1399-402. (Impact factor: 0.83).

405. Broggi J., Joubert N., Aucagne V., Berteina-Raboin S., Diez-Gonzalez S., Nolan S., Topalis D., Deville-Bonne D., Balzarini J., Neyts J., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Agrofoglio LA. (2007). Alkyne-azide click chemistry mediated carbanucleosides synthesis. Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 26 (10-12), 1391-1394. doi: 10.1080/15257770701534139. (Impact factor: 0.83).

406. Vliegen I., Paeshuyse J., Zhong W., Lehman LS., Roofthooft S., Dutartre H., Selisko B., Canard B., Bondy S., Oare D., De Clercq E., Lee WA., Pürstinger G., Neyts J. (2007). The substituted imidazopyridine GS-327073 is a potent inhibitor of HCV replication. (Impact factor: 14.91).

407. Jahnz-Wechmann Z., Boryski J., Izawa K., Onishi T., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2007). New analogs of acyclovir substituted at the side chain. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 26 (8), 917-920. (Impact factor: 0.83).

408. Garré B., Van der Meulen K., Nugent J., Neyts J., Croubels S., De Backer P., Nauwynck H. (2007). In vitro susceptibility of six isolates of equine herpesvirus 1 to acyclovir, ganciclovir, cidofovir, adefovir, PMEDAP and foscarnet. Veterinary Microbiology, 122 (1), 43-51. (Impact factor: 2.52).

409. Barral K., Priet S., Sire J., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Canard B., Alvarez K. (2006). Synthesis, in vitro antiviral evaluation, and stability studies of novel alpha-borano-nucleotide analogues of 9-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)ethyl]adenine and (R)-9-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49 (26), 7799-7806. (Impact factor: 6.25).

410. Setaki D., Tataridis D., Stamatiou G., Kolocouris A., Foscolos GB., Fytas G., Kolocouris N., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2006). Synthesis, conformational characteristics and anti-influenza virus A activity of some 2-adamantylsubstituted azacycles. Bioorganic Chemistry, 34 (5), 248-273. (Impact factor: 3.93).

411. Coelmont L., Paeshuyse J., Windisch MP., De Clercq E., Bartenschlager R., Neyts J. (2006). Ribavirin antagonizes the in vitro anti-hepatitis C virus activity of 2'-C-methylcytidine, the active component of valopicitabine. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 50 (10), 3444-3446. (Impact factor: 4.26).

412. Puerstinger G., Paeshuyse J., Herdewijn P., Rozenski J., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2006). Substituted 5-benzyl-2-phenyl-5H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridines: a new class of pestivirus inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 16 (20), 5345-5349. (Impact factor: 2.44).

413. Severi T., Ying C., Vermeesch JR., Cassiman D., Cnops L., Verslype C., Fevery J., Arckens L., Neyts J., Van Pelt JF. (2006). Hepatitis B virus replication causes oxidative stress in HepAD38 liver cells.

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Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 290 (1-2), 79-85. doi: 10.1007/s11010-006-9167-x. (Impact factor: 2.56).

414. Wan J., Zhu R., Xia Y., Qu F., Wu Q., Yang G., Neyts J., Peng L. (2006). Synthesis of 5-aryltriazole ribonucleosides via Suzuki coupling and promoted by microwave irradiation. Tetrahedron Letters, 47 (38), 6727-6731. (Impact factor: 2.13).

415. Neyts J., De Palma A. (2006). Selective inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication. Antiviral Research, 71 (2), 363-371. (Impact factor: 4.31).

416. Paeshuyse J., Coelmont L., Vliegen I., Van hemel J., Vandenkerckhove J., Peys E., Sas B., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2006). Hemin potentiates the anti-hepatitis C virus activity of the antimalarial drug artemisinin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 348 (1), 139-144. (Impact factor: 2.56).

417. Balzarini J., Andrei G., Naesens L., Neyts J., Pannecouque C., Schols D., Snoeck R. (2006). Introduction to the special issue dedicated to Prof. Erik De Clercq for reaching the professor emeritus status at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Antiviral Research, 71 (2-3), 75-76. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2006.06.003. (Impact factor: 4.31).

418. Neyts J. (2006). Selective inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication. Antiviral Research, 71 (2-3), 363-371. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2006.06.006. (Impact factor: 4.31).

419. Heymans S., Pauschinger M., De Palma A., Kallwellis-Opara A., Rutschow S., Swinnen M., Vanhoutte D., Gao F., Torpai R., Baker AH., Padalko E., Neyts J., Schultheiss H-P., Van de Werf F., Carmeliet P., Pinto YM. (2006). Inhibition of urokinase-type plasminogen activator or matrix metalloproteinases prevents cardiac injury and dysfunction during viral myocarditis. Circulation, 114 (6), 565-573. (Impact factor: 18.88).

420. Rahman MM., Escobedo-Bonilla CM., Wille M., Sanz VA., Audoorn L., Neyts J., Pensaert MB., Sorgeloos P., Nauwynck HJ. (2006). Clinical effect of cidofovir and a diet supplemented with Spirulina platensis in white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infected specific pathogen-free Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles. Aquaculture, 255 (1-4), 600-605. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2005.10.050. (Impact factor: 2.71).

421. Zoidis G., Fytas C., Papanastasiou I., Foscolos GB., Padalko E., De Clercq E., Naesens L., Neyts J., Kolocouris N. (2006). Heterocyclic rimantadine analogues with antiviral activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 14 (10), 3341-3348. (Impact factor: 2.88).

422. Georges-Courbot MC., Contamin H., Faure C., Loth P., Baize S., Leyssen P., Neyts J., Deubel V. (2006). Poly(I)-poly(C12U) but not ribavirin prevents death in a hamster model of Nipah Virus infection. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 50 (5), 1768-1772. doi: 10.1128/AAC.5-.5.1768-1772.2006. (Impact factor: 4.26).

423. Rahman MM., Escobedo-Bonilla CM., Wille M., Alday Sanz VA., Audoorn L., Neyts J., Pensaert MB., Sorgeloos P., Nauwynck HJ. (2006). Clinical effect of cidofovir and a diet supplemented with Spirulina platensis in white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infected specific pathogen-free Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles. Aquaculture, 255 (1), 600-605. (Impact factor: 2.71).

424. Leyssen P., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2006). The anti-yellow fever virus activity of ribavirin is independent of error-prone replication. Molecular Pharmacology, 69 (4), 1461-1467. (Impact factor: 3.98).

425. Tabarrini O., Manfroni G., Fravolini A., Cecchetti V., Sabatini S., De Clercq E., Rozenski J., Canard B., Dutartre H., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J. (2006). Synthesis and anti-BVDV activity of acridones as new potential antiviral agents. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49 (8), 2621-2627. (Impact factor: 6.25).

426. Paeshuyse J., Kaul A., De Clercq E., Rosenwirth B., Dumont J-M., Scalfaro P., Bartenschlager R., Neyts J. (2006). The non-immunosuppressive cyclosporin DEBIO-025 is a potent inhibitor of hepatitis C virus replication in vitro. Hepatology, 43 (4), 761-770. (Impact factor: 14.08).

427. Stittelaar KJ., Neyts J., Naesens L., Van Amerongen G., Van Lavieren RF., Holý A., De Clercq E., Niesters HG M., Fries E., Maas C., Mulder PG H., Van der Zeijst BA M., Osterhaus AD M E. (2006). Antiviral treatment is more effective than smallpox vaccination upon lethal monkeypox virus infection. Nature, 439 (7077), 745-748. (Impact factor: 41.58).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

428. Keyaerts E., Vijgen L., Maes P., Duson G., Neyts J., Van Ranst M. (2006). Viral load quantitation of SARS-coronavirus RNA using a one-step real-time RT-PCR. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10 (1), 32-37. (Impact factor: 3.20).

429. Paeshuyse J., Leyssen P., Mabery E., Boddeker N., Vrancken R., Froeyen M., Ansari I., Dutartre H., Rozenski J., Gil L., Letellier C., Lanford R., Canard B., Koenen F., Kerkhofs P., Donis RO., Herdewijn P., Watson J., De Clercq E., Puerstinger G., Neyts J. (2006). A novel, highly selective inhibitor of pestivirus replication that targets the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Journal of Virology, 80 (1), 149-160. (Impact factor: 4.37).

430. Terzioglu N., Karali N., Gürsoy A., Pannecouque C., Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2006). Synthesis and primary antiviral activity evaluation of 3-hydrazono-5-nitro-2-indolino derivatives. Arkivoc 109-18. (Impact factor: 1.05).

431. Torii T., Onishi T., Izawa K., Maruyama T., Demizu Y., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2006). Synthesis of 6-arylthio analogs of 2 ',3 '-dideoxy-3 '-fluoroguanosine and their effect against hepatitis B virus replication. Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 25 (4-6), 655-665. doi: 10.1080/15257770600686394. (Impact factor: 0.83).

432. Barral K., Balzarini J., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Hider RC., Camplo M. (2006). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of cyclic and acyclic 2-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone nucleoside derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49 (1), 43-50. (Impact factor: 6.25).

433. Ying CX., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2005). Selective inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by RNA interference (vol 309, pg 482, 2003). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 336 (4), 1300-1300. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.09.002. (Impact factor: 2.56).

434. Yang G., Pevear DC., Davies MH., Collett MS., Bailey T., Rippen S., Barone L., Burns C., Rhodes G., Tohan S., Huggins JW., Baker RO., Buller RL M., Touchette E., Waller K., Schriewer J., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Jones K., Hruby D., Jordan R. (2005). An orally bioavailable antipoxvirus compound (ST-246) inhibits extracellular virus formation and protects mice from lethal orthopoxvirus Challenge. Journal of Virology, 79 (20), 13139-13149. (Impact factor: 4.37).

435. Keyaerts E., Vijgen L., Maes P., Neyts J., Van Ranst M. (2005). Growth kinetics of SARS-coronavirus in Vero E6 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 329 (3), 1147-1151. (Impact factor: 2.56).

436. Ying C., Holy A., Hocková D., Havlas Z., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2005). Novel acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogues with potent anti-hepatitis B virus activities. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 49 (3), 1177-1180. (Impact factor: 4.26).

437. Leyssen P., Balzarini J., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2005). The predominant mechanism by which ribavirin exerts its antiviral activity in vitro against flaviviruses and paramyxoviruses is mediated by inhibition of IMP dehydrogenase. Journal of Virology, 79 (3), 1943-1947. (Impact factor: 4.37).

438. Barral K., Courcambeck J., Pèpe G., Balzarini J., Neyts, J., De Clercq E., Camplo M. (2005). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of cis-substituted cyclohexenyl and cyclohexanyl nucleosides. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 48 (2), 450-456. (Impact factor: 6.25).

439. De Clercq E., Andrei G., Balzarini J., Leyssen P., Naesens L., Neyts J., Pannecouque C., Snoeck R., Ying C., Hocková D., Holý A. (2005). Antiviral potential of a new generation of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates, the 6-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)alkoxy]-2,4-diaminopyrimidines. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 24 (5), 331-341. (Impact factor: 0.83).

440. Keyaerts E., Vijgen L., Maes P., Neyts J., Van Ranst M. (2004). In vitro inhibition of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus by chloroquine. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 323 (1), 264-268. (Impact factor: 2.56).

441. Charlier N., Leyssen P., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2004). Rodent models for the study of therapy against flavivirus infections. Antiviral research, 63 (2), 67-77. (Impact factor: 4.31).

442. Sellner J., Leyssen P., Heiland S., Rau P., Neyts J., Martinez-Torres F., Schramm P., Hacke W., Meyding-Lamadé U. (2004). In vivo monitoring of acute flavivirus (Modoc) encephalitis with regional and whole-brain quantitative diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of neurovirology, 10 (4), 255-9. (Impact factor: 3.23).

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443. Charlier N., Molenkamp R., Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Drosten C., Panning M., De Clercq E., Bredenbeek PJ., Neyts J. (2004). Exchanging the yellow fever virus envelope proteins with Modoc virus prM and E proteins results in a chimeric virus that is neuroinvasive in SCID mice. Journal of Virology, 78 (14), 7418-26. (Impact factor: 4.37).

444. Neyts J., Leyssen P., Verbeken E., De Clercq E. (2004). Efficacy of cidofovir in a murine model of disseminated progressive vaccinia. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48 (6), 2267-73. (Impact factor: 4.26).

445. Friedrichs C., Neyts J., Gaspar G., De Clercq E., Wutzler P. (2004). Evaluation of antiviral activity against human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) by a quantitative real-time PCR assay. Antiviral research, 62 (3), 121-3. (Impact factor: 4.31).

446. Padalko E., Verbeken E., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2004). Inhibition of coxsackie B3 virus induced myocarditis in mice by 2-(3,4-dichlorophenoxy)-5-nitrobenzonitrile. Journal of medical virology, 72 (2), 263-7. (Impact factor: 1.99).

447. De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2004). Therapeutic potential of nucleoside/nucleotide analogues against poxvirus infections. Reviews in medical virology, 14 (5), 289-300. (Impact factor: 5.03).

448. Padalko E., Nuyens D., De Palma A., Verbeken E., Aerts JL., De Clercq E., Carmeliet P., Neyts J. (2004). The interferon inducer ampligen [poly(I)-poly(C12U)] markedly protects mice against coxsackie B3 virus-induced myocarditis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48 (1), 267-74. (Impact factor: 4.26).

449. Padalko E., Verbeken E., Matthys P., Aerts JL., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2003). Mycophenolate mofetil inhibits the development of Coxsackie B3-virus-induced myocarditis in mice. BMC Microbiology, 3, Art.No. ARTN 25, doi: 10.1186/1471-2180-3-25. (Impact factor: 2.83).

450. Stamatiou G., Foscolos GB., Fytas G., Kolocouris A., Kolocouris N., Pannecouque C., Witvrouw M., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2003). Heterocyclic rimantadine analogues with antiviral activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 11 (24), 5485-92. (Impact factor: 2.88).

451. Barral K., Hider RC., Balzarini J., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Camplo M. (2003). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of 3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridin-4-one dideoxynucleoside derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13 (24), 4371-4. (Impact factor: 2.44).

452. Ying C., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2003). Selective inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by RNA interference. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 309 (2), 482-4. (Impact factor: 2.56).

453. Leyssen P., Croes R., Rau P., Heiland S., Verbeken E., Sciot R., Paeshuyse J., Charlier N., De Clercq E., Meyding-Lamadé U., Neyts J. (2003). Acute encephalitis, a poliomyelitis-like syndrome and neurological sequelae in a hamster model for flavivirus infections. Brain Pathology, 13 (3), 279-90. (Impact factor: 6.19).

454. Helliot B., Panis B., Frison E., De Clercq E., Swennen R., Lepoivre P., Neyts J. (2003). The acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogues, adefovir, tenofovir and PMEDAP, efficiently eliminate banana streak virus from banana (Musa spp.). Antiviral Research, 59 (2), 121-6. (Impact factor: 4.31).

455. Zoidis G., Kolocouris N., Foscolos GB., Kolocouris A., Fytas G., Karayannis P., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2003). Are the 2-isomers of the drug rimantadine active anti-influenza A agents?. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 14 (3), 153-64.

456. Stylianakis I., Kolocouris A., Kolocouris N., Fytas G., Foscolos GB., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2003). Spiro[pyrrolidine-2,2'-adamantanes]: synthesis, anti-influenza virus activity and conformational properties. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13 (10), 1699-703. (Impact factor: 2.44).

457. Charlier N., Molenkamp R., Leyssen P., Vandamme A-M., De Clercq E., Bredenbeek P., Neyts J. (2003). A rapid and convenient variant of fusion-PCR to construct chimeric flaviviruses. Journal of Virological Methods, 108 (1), 67-74. (Impact factor: 1.76).

458. Leyssen P., Drosten C., Paning M., Charlier N., Paeshuyse J., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2003). Interferons, interferon inducers, and interferon-ribavirin in treatment of flavivirus-induced encephalitis in mice. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 47 (2), 777-82. (Impact factor: 4.26).

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459. Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Charlier N., Van Lommel A., Drosten C., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2003). Impact of direct virus-induced neuronal dysfunction and immunological damage on the progression of flavivirus (Modoc) encephalitis in a murine model. Journal of Neurovirology, 9 (1), 69-78. (Impact factor: 3.23).

460. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2003). Therapy and short-term prophylaxis of poxvirus infections: historical background and perspectives. Antiviral Research, 57 (1-2), Art.No. PII S0166-3542(02)00197-3, 25-33. doi: 10.1016/S0166-3542(02)00197-3. (Impact factor: 4.31).

461. Van Aerschot A., Schepers G., Busson R., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Herdewijn P. (2003). Synthesis and antiviral evaluation of ribavirin congeners containing a hexitol moiety. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 22 (5), 849-851. (Impact factor: 0.83).

462. Leyssen P., Charlier N., Paeshuyse J., De Clercq E., Neyts J., (2003). Prospects for antiviral therapy. In: “The Flaviviruses: Detection, Diagnosis and Vaccine Development”, T.J. Chamers & T.P. Monath (eds.). Advances in Virus Research, Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, vol. 61, pp. 511-53. (Impact factor: 5.64). (BOOK CHAPTER)

463. Van Aerschot A., Schepers G., Busson R., Rozenski J., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Herdewijn P. (2003). Ribavirin derivatives with a hexitol moiety: synthesis and antiviral evaluation. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 14 (1), 23-30.

464. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2003). Therapy and short-term prophylaxis of poxvirus infections: historical background and perspectives. Antiviral Research, 57 (1), 25-33. (Impact factor: 4.31).

465. Gáspár G., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2002). Human herpesvirus 8 gene encodes a functional thymidylate synthase. Journal of Virology, 76 (20), 10530-2. (Impact factor: 4.37).

466. De Lamballerie X., Crochu S., Billoir F., Neyts J., De Micco P., Holmes EC., Gould EA. (2002). Genome sequence analysis of Tamana bat virus and its relationship with the genus Flavivirus. Journal of General Virology, 83, 2443-54. (Impact factor: 2.51).

467. Gáspár G., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2002). Gammaherpesviruses encode functional dihydrofolate reductase activity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 297 (4), 756-9. (Impact factor: 2.56).

468. Snoeck R., Andrei G., Bodaghi B., Lagneaux L., Daelemans D., De Clercq E., Neyts J., Schols D., Naesens L., Michelson S., Bron D., Otto MJ., Bousseau A., Nemecek C., Roy C. (2002). 2-Chloro-3-pyridin-3-yl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroindolizine-1-carboxamide (CMV423), a new lead compound for the treatment of human cytomegalovirus infections. Antiviral Research, 55 (3), 413-24. (Impact factor: 4.31).

469. Neyts J., Verbeken E., De Clercq E. (2002). Effect of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine on vaccinia virus (orthopoxvirus) infections in mice. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 46 (9), 2842-7. (Impact factor: 4.26).

470. Charlier N., Leyssen P., Pleij CW A., Lemey P., Billoir F., Van Laethem K., Vandamme A-M., De Clercq E., De Lamballerie X., Neyts J. (2002). Complete genome sequence of Montana Myotis leukoencephalitis virus, phylogenetic analysis and comparative study of the 3' untranslated region of flaviviruses with no known vector. Journal of General Virology, 83, 1875-85. (Impact factor: 2.51).

471. Charlier N., Leyssen P., Paeshuyse J., Drosten C., Schmitz H., Van Lommel A., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2002). Infection of SCID mice with Montana Myotis leukoencephalitis virus as a model for flavivirus encephalitis. Journal of General Virology, 83, 1887-96. (Impact factor: 2.51).

472. Vogel J-U., Michaelis M., Neyts J., Blaheta RA., Snoeck R., Andrei G., De Clercq E., Rabenau HF., Kreuter J., Cinatl J., Doerr HW. (2002). Antiviral and immunomodulatory activity of the metal chelator ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid against cytomegalovirus in vitro and in vivo. Antiviral Research, 55 (1), 179-88. (Impact factor: 4.31).

473. Ying C., Van Pelt J., Van Lommel A., Van Ranst M., Leyssen P., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2002). Sulphated and sulphonated polymers inhibit the initial interaction of hepatitis B virus with hepatocytes. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 13 (3), 157-164.

474. Leyssen P., Charlier N., Lemey P., Billoir F., Vandamme A-M., De Clercq E., De Lamballerie X., Neyts J. (2002). Complete genome sequence, taxonomic assignment, and comparative analysis of the

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untranslated regions of the Modoc virus, a flavivirus with no known vector. Virology, 293 (1), 125-40. (Impact factor: 3.37).

475. Proost P., Schutyser E., Menten P., Struyf S., Wuyts A., Opdenakker G., Detheux M., Parmentier M., Durinx C., Lambeir A-M., Neyts J., Liekens S., Maudgal P., Billiau A., Van Damme J. (2001). Amino-terminal truncation of CXCR3 agonists impairs receptor signaling and lymphocyte chemotaxis, while preserving antiangiogenic properties. Blood, 98 (13), 3554-61. (Impact factor: 15.13).

476. Meerbach A., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Helbig B., De Clercq E., Wutzler P. (2001). In vitro activity of polyhydroxycarboxylates against herpesviruses and HIV. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 12 (6), 337-45.

477. Bijsterbosch MK., Ying C., De Vrueh RL., De Clercq E., Biessen EA., Neyts J., Van Berkel TJ. (2001). Carrier-mediated delivery improves the efficacy of 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine against hepatitis B virus. Molecular Pharmacology, 60 (3), 521-7. (Impact factor: 3.98).

478. Stamatiou G., Kolocouris A., Kolocouris N., Fytas G., Foscolos GB., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2001). Novel 3-(2-adamantyl)pyrrolidines with potent activity against influenza A virus-identification of aminoadamantane derivatives bearing two pharmacophoric amine groups. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11 (16), 2137-42. (Impact factor: 2.44).

479. Heider H., Ziaja B., Priemer C., Lundkvist A., Neyts J., Krüger DH., Ulrich R. (2001). A chemiluminescence detection method of hantaviral antigens in neutralisation assays and inhibitor studies. Journal of Virological Methods, 96 (1), 17-23. (Impact factor: 1.76).

480. Liekens S., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Verbeken E., Ribatti D., Presta M. (2001). Inhibition of fibroblast growth factor-2-induced vascular tumor formation by the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate cidofovir. Cancer Research, 61 (13), 5057-64. (Impact factor: 9.13).

481. Liekens S., Verbeken E., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2001). Potent inhibition of hemangiosarcoma development in mice by cidofovir. International Journal of Cancer, 92 (2), 161-167. doi: 10.1002/1097-0215(200102)9999:9999<::aid-ijc1183>3.0.co;2-k. (Impact factor: 7.36).

482. De Clercq E., Andrei G., Snoeck R., De Bolle L., Naesens L., Degrève B., Balzarini J., Zhang Y., Schols D., Leyssen P., Ying C., Neyts J. (2001). Acyclic/carbocyclic guanosine analogues as anti-herpesvirus agents. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 20 (4), 271-285. (Impact factor: 0.83).

483. Liekens S., Verbeken E., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2001). Potent inhibition of hemangiosarcoma development in mice by cidofovir. International Journal of Cancer, 92 (2), 161-7. (Impact factor: 7.36).

484. Liekens S., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2001). Angiogenesis: regulators and clinical applications. Biochemical Pharmacology, 61 (3), 253-70. (Impact factor: 4.24).

485. Varvaresou A., Iakovou K., Filippatos E., Souli C., Calogeropoulou T., Ioannidou I., Kourounakis AP., Pannecouque C., Witvrouw M., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Tsotinis A. (2001). Synthesis, antiretroviral and antioxidant evaluation of a series of new benzo[b]furan derivatives. Arzneimittel-Forschung, 51 (2), 156-62.

486. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2001). The anti-herpesvirus activity of (1'S,2'R)-9-[[1',2'-bis(hydroxymethyl)-cycloprop-1'-yl]methyl]guanine is markedly potentiated by the immunosuppressive agent mycophenolate mofetil. Antiviral Research, 49 (2), 121-7. (Impact factor: 4.31).

487. Neyts J., Naesens L., Ying C., De Bolle L., De Clercq E. (2001). Anti-herpesvirus activity of (1'S,2'R)-9-[[1',2'-bis(hydroxymethyl)-cycloprop-1'-yl]methyl] x guanine (A-5021) in vitro and in vivo. Antiviral Research, 49 (2), 115-20. (Impact factor: 4.31).

488. Leyssen P., Van Lommel A., Drosten C., Schmitz H., De Clercq E, Neyts J. (2001). A novel model for the study of the therapy of flavivirus infections using the Modoc virus. Virology, 279 (1), 27-37. (Impact factor: 3.37).

489. De Clercq E., Andrei G., Snoeck R., De Bolle L., Naesens L., Degreve B., Balzarini J., Zhang Y., Schols D., Leyssen P., Ying C., Neyts J. (2001). Acyclic/carbocyclic guanosine analogues as anti-herpesvirus agents. Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 20 (4-7), 271-285. doi: 10.1081/ncn-100002298. (Impact factor: 0.83).

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490. De Clercq E., Naesens L., De Bolle L., Schols D., Zhang Y., Neyts J. (2001). Antiviral agents active against human herpesviruses HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8. Reviews in Medical Virology, 11 (6), 381-95. (Impact factor: 5.03).

491. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (2001). Efficacy of 2-amino-7-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)purine for treatment of vaccinia virus (orthopoxvirus) infections in mice. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 45 (1), 84-7. (Impact factor: 4.26).

492. Landuyt W., Theys J., Nuyts S., Drijkoningen M., Fowler J., Reijnders A., Liekens S., Neyts J., De Bruijn E., Anné J., Lambin P. (2001). Effect of TNP-470 (AGM-1470) on the growth of rat rhabdomyosarcoma tumors of different sizes. Cancer Investigation, 19 (1), 35-40. (Impact factor: 2.05).

493. Varvaresou A., Iakovou K., Filippatos E., Souli C., Calogeropoulou T., Ioannidou I., Kourounakis AP., Pannecouque C., Witvrouw M., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Tsotinis A. (2001). Synthesis, antiretroviral and antioxidant evaluation of a series of new benzo[b]furan derivatives. Arzneimittel-Forschung-Drug Research, 51 (2), 156-162.

494. Ying C., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2000). Ribavirin and mycophenolic acid potentiate the activity of guanine- and diaminopurine-based nucleoside analogues against hepatitis B virus. Antiviral Research, 48 (2), 117-24. (Impact factor: 4.31).

495. Neyts J., Kristmundsdóttir T., De Clercq E., Thormar H. (2000). Hydrogels containing monocaprin prevent intravaginal and intracutaneous infections with HSV-2 in mice: impact on the search for vaginal microbicides. Journal of Medical Virology, 61 (1), 107-10. (Impact factor: 1.99).

496. Wyde PR., Moore-Poveda DK., De Clercq E., Neyts J., Matsuda A., Minakawa N., Guzman E., Gilbert BE. (2000). Use of cotton rats to evaluate the efficacy of antivirals in treatment of measles virus infections. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 44 (5), 1146-52. (Impact factor: 4.26).

497. Ying C., De Clercq E., Nicholson W., Furman P., Neyts J. (2000). Inhibition of the replication of the DNA polymerase M550V mutation variant of human hepatitis B virus by adefovir, tenofovir, L-FMAU, DAPD, penciclovir and lobucavir. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 7 (2), 161-5. (Impact factor: 4.24).

498. Andrei G., Snoeck R., Neyts J., Sandvold ML., Myhren F., De Clercq E. (2000). Antiviral activity of ganciclovir elaidic acid ester against herpesviruses. Antiviral Research, 45 (3), 157-67. (Impact factor: 4.31).

499. Leyssen P., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2000). Perspectives for the treatment of infections with Flaviviridae. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 13 (1), 67-82. (Impact factor: 20.64).

500. Ying C., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (2000). Lamivudine, adefovir and tenofovir exhibit long-lasting anti-hepatitis B virus activity in cell culture. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 7 (1), 79-83. (Impact factor: 4.24).

501. Neyts J., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Meerbach A., De Clercq E., (2000). Methods in anti-HCMV research. In: “Methods in Molecular Medicine”, vol. 33. “Cytomegalovirus Protocols”, J. Sinclair (ed.). Humana Press, Totowa, N.J., pp. 129-152. (BOOK CHAPTER)

502. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1999). Hydroxyurea potentiates the antiherpesvirus activities of purine and pyrimidine nucleoside and nucleoside phosphonate analogs. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 43 (12), 2885-92. (Impact factor: 4.26).

503. Wera S., Degrève B., Balzarini J., De Clercq E., Thevelein J., Neyts J. (1999). Budding yeast as a screening tool for discovery of nucleoside analogs for use in HSV-1 TK suicide-gene therapy. BioTechniques, 27 (4), 772-4. (Impact factor: 2.10).

504. Figueira MJ., Blanco JM., Caamaño O., Fernández F., García-Mera X., López C., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Padalko E., Neyts J., Balzarini J., De Clercq E. (1999). Synthesis and antiviral and cytostatic activities of carbocyclic nucleosides incorporating a modified cyclobutane ring. Part 1: Guanosine analogues. Archiv der Pharmazie, 332 (10), 348-52. (Impact factor: 2.29).

505. Ying C., Van Pelt J., Yap SH., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (1999). Use of digoxigenin-labelled probes for the quantitation of HBV-DNA in antiviral drug evaluation. Journal of Virological Methods, 81 (1-2), 155-158. doi: 10.1016/s0166-0934(99)00070-1. (Impact factor: 1.76).

506. Liekens S., Leali D., Neyts J., Esnouf R., Rusnati M., Dell'Era P., Maudgal PC., De Clercq E., Presta M. (1999). Modulation of fibroblast growth factor-2 receptor binding, signaling, and mitogenic activity by

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heparin-mimicking polysulfonated compounds. Molecular Pharmacology, 56 (1), 204-13. (Impact factor: 3.98).

507. Liekens S., Verbeken E., Vandeputte M., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (1999). A novel animal model for hemangiomas: inhibition of hemangioma development by the angiogenesis inhibitor TNP-470. Cancer Research, 59 (10), 2376-83. (Impact factor: 9.13).

508. Gong ZJ., De Meyer S., Clarysse C., Verslype C., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Yap SH. (1999). Mycophenolic acid, an immunosuppressive agent, inhibits HBV replication in vitro. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 6 (3), 229-236. (Impact factor: 4.24).

509. De Clercq E., Andrei G., Balzarini J., Hatse S., Liekens S., Naesens L., Neyts J., Snoeck R. (1999). Antitumor potential of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 18 (4), 759-771. (Impact factor: 0.83).

510. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1999). The immunosuppressive agent mycophenolate mofetil markedly potentiates the activity of lobucavir [1R(1alpha,2beta,3alpha)]-9-[2,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)cyclobutyl]guanine against different herpes viruses. Transplantation, 67 (5), 760-4. (Impact factor: 3.96).

511. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1999). Potentiation of the anti-herpesvirus activity of guanosine analogues by the immunosuppressive agent mycophenolate mofetil. International Antiviral News, 7 (9), 134-141.

512. De Clercq E., Andrei G., Balzarini J., Hatse S., Liekens S., Naesens L., Neyts J., Snoeck R. (1999). Antitumor potential of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 18 (4-5), 759-771. doi: 10.1080/15257779908041563. (Impact factor: 0.83).

513. Leydet A., Moullet C., Roque JP., Witvrouw M., Pannecouque C., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Neyts J., Schols D., De Clercq E. (1998). Polyanion inhibitors of HIV and other viruses. 7. Polyanionic compounds and polyzwitterionic compounds derived from cyclodextrins as inhibitors of HIV transmission. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 41 (25), 4927-32. (Impact factor: 6.25).

514. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1998). Mycophenolate mofetil strongly potentiates the anti-herpesvirus activity of acyclovir. Antiviral Research, 40 (1-2), 53-56. doi: 10.1016/S0166-3542(98)00047-3. (Impact factor: 4.31).

515. Neyts J., Andrei G., De Clercq E. (1998). The antiherpesvirus activity of H2G [(R)-9-[4-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)butyl]guanine] is markedly enhanced by the novel immunosuppressive agent mycophenolate mofetil. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 42 (12), 3285-9. (Impact factor: 4.26).

516. Balzarini J., Gamboa AE., Esnouf R., Liekens S., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Camarasa MJ., Perez-Perez MJ. (1998). 7-Deazaxanthine, a novel prototype inhibitor of thymidine phosphorylase. FEBS Letters, 438 (1-2), 91-95. doi: 10.1016/S0014-5793(98)01271-X. (Impact factor: 3.00).

517. Witvrouw M., Daelemans D., Pannecouque C., Neyts J., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Vandamme A-M., Balzarini J., Desmyter J., Baba M., De Clercq E. (1998). Broad-spectrum antiviral activity and mechanism of antiviral action of the fluoroquinolone derivative K-12. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 9 (5), 403-411.

518. Nieto MI., Blanco JM., Caamaño O., Fernández F., García-Mera X., Balzarini J., Padalko E., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1998). Synthesis, antiviral and cytostatic activities of carbocyclic nucleosides incorporating a modified cyclopentane ring. Part 2: Adenosine and uridine analogues. Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 17 (7), 1255-66. (Impact factor: 0.83).

519. Liekens S., Andrei G., Vandeputte M., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (1998). Potent inhibition of hemangioma formation in rats by the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogue cidofovir. Cancer Research, 58 (12), 2562-7. (Impact factor: 9.13).

520. Meerbach A., Holý A., Wutzler P., De Clercq E., Neyts J. (1998). Inhibitory effects of novel nucleoside and nucleotide analogues on Epstein-Barr virus replication. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 9 (3), 275-82.

521. Balzarini J., Degrève B., Andrei G., Neyts J., Sandvold M., Myhren F., De Clercq E. (1998). Superior cytostatic activity of the ganciclovir elaidic acid ester due to the prolonged intracellular retention of

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

ganciclovir anabolites in herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene-transfected tumor cells. Gene Therapy, 5 (3), 419-26. (Impact factor: 3.20).

522. Neyts J., Andrei G., De Clercq E. (1998). The novel immunosuppressive agent mycophenolate mofetil markedly potentiates the antiherpesvirus activities of acyclovir, ganciclovir, and penciclovir in vitro and in vivo. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 42 (2), 216-22. (Impact factor: 4.26).

523. Neyts J., Sadler R., De Clercq E., Raab-Traub N., Pagano JS. (1998). The antiviral agent cidofovir [(S)-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonyl-methoxypropyl)cytosine] has pronounced activity against nasopharyngeal carcinoma grown in nude mice. Cancer Research, 58 (3), 384-8. (Impact factor: 9.13).

524. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1998). In vitro and in vivo inhibition of murine gamma herpesvirus 68 replication by selected antiviral agents. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 42 (1), 170-2. (Impact factor: 4.26).

525. Neyts J., Balzarini J., Andrei G., Chaoyong Z., Snoeck R., Zimmermann A., Mertens T., Karlsson A., De Clercq E. (1998). Intracellular metabolism of the N7-substituted acyclic nucleoside analog 2-amino-7-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)purine, a potent inhibitor of herpesvirus replication. Molecular Pharmacology, 53 (1), 157-65. (Impact factor: 3.98).

526. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1997). Antiviral drug susceptibility of human herpesvirus 8. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 41 (12), 2754-6. (Impact factor: 4.26).

527. Zimmermann A., Michel D., Pavić I., Hampl W., Lüske A., Neyts J., De Clercq E., Mertens T. (1997). Phosphorylation of aciclovir, ganciclovir, penciclovir and S2242 by the cytomegalovirus UL97 protein: a quantitative analysis using recombinant vaccinia viruses. Antiviral research, 36 (1), 35-42. (Impact factor: 4.31).

528. Shuto S., Obara T., Saito Y., Yamashita K., Tanaka M., Sasaki T., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Neyts J., Padalko E., Balzarini J., DeClercq E., Matsuda A. (1997). Nucleosides and nucleotides .154. New neplanocin analogues .8. Synthesis and biological activity of 6'-C-ethyl, -ethenyl, and -ethynyl derivatives of neplanocin A. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 45 (7), 1163-1168. (Impact factor: 1.26).

529. Liekens S., Neyts J., Degrève B., De Clercq E. (1997). The sulfonic acid polymers PAMPS [poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid)] and related analogues are highly potent inhibitors of angiogenesis. Oncology Research, 9 (4), 173-81. (Impact factor: 3.14).

530. Naesens L., Snoeck R., Andrei G., Balzarini J., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1997). HPMPC (cidofovir), PMEA (adefovir) and related acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogues: a review of their pharmacology and clinical potential in the treatment of viral infections. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 8 (1), 1-23.

531. Kolocouris N., Kolocouris A., Foscolos GB., Fytas G., Neyts J., Padalko E., Balzarini J., Snoeck R., Andrei G., De Clercq E. (1996). Synthesis and antiviral activity evaluation of some new aminoadamantane derivatives. 2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 39 (17), 3307-18. (Impact factor: 6.25).

532. Neyts J., Meerbach A., McKenna P., DeClercq E. (1996). Use of the yellow fever virus vaccine strain 17D for the study of strategies for the treatment of yellow fever virus infections. Antiviral Research, 30 (2-3), 125-132. doi: 10.1016/0166-3542(96)89697-5. (Impact factor: 4.31).

533. Reymen D., Witvrouw M., Esté JA., Neyts J., Cushman M., De Clercq E., Schols D., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Hejchman E. (1996). Mechanism of the antiviral activity of new aurintricarboxylic acid analogues. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 7 (3), 142-152.

534. Leydet A., El Hachemi H., Boyer B., Lamaty G., Roque JP., Schols D., Snoeck R., Andrei G., Ikeda S., Neyts J., Reymen D., Este J., Witvrouw M., De Clercq E. (1996). Polyanion inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus and other viruses. Part 2. Polymerized anionic surfactants derived from amino acids and dipeptides. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 39 (8), 1626-34. (Impact factor: 6.25).

535. Himpens B., Proot P., Neyts J., De Smedt H., De Clercq E., Casteels R. (1995). Human cytomegalovirus modulates the Ca2+ response to vasopressin and ATP in fibroblast cultures. Cell Calcium. 18 (2), 111-9. (Impact factor: 3.72).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

536. Neyts J., Reymen D., Letourneur D., Jozefonvicz J., Schols D., Este J., Andrei G., McKenna P., Witvrouw M., Ikeda S., Clement J., De Clercq E. (1995). Differential antiviral activity of derivatized dextrans. Biochemical Pharmacology, 50 (6), 743-51. (Impact factor: 4.24).

537. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1995). Effect of polyanionic compounds on intracutaneous and intravaginal herpesvirus infection in mice: impact on the search for vaginal microbicides with anti-HIV activity. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association, 10 (1), 8-12.

538. Tatebayashi M., Neyts J., Besen G., Flores-Aguilar M., Smith IL., Wiley CA., Spector SA., Bergeron-Lynn G., Maudgal PC., De Clercq E. (1995). Absence of infectious retinitis after injection of human cytomegalovirus into rabbit eyes. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 171 (4), 782-7. (Impact factor: 5.19).

539. Neyts J., Jähne G., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Winkler I., De Clercq E. (1995). In vivo antiherpesvirus activity of N-7-substituted acyclic nucleoside analog 2-amino-7-[(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxy)methyl]purine. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 39 (1), 56-60. (Impact factor: 4.26).

540. De Hauwere B., Lutz A., Maudgal PC., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1995). An ocular model of Adenovirus type 5 infection in the rabbit. Bulletin de la Société belge d'ophtalmologie, 259, 33-42.

541. Cushman M., Wang P., Reymen D., Esté J., Witvrouw M., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1995). Anti-HIV and anti-HCMV activities of new aurintricarboxylic acid analogues. Antivir. Chem. Chemoth., 6, 179-186.

542. Neyts J., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Jähne G., Winkler I., Helsberg M., Balzarini J., De Clercq E. (1994). The N-7-substituted acyclic nucleoside analog 2-amino-7-[(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxy)methyl]purine is a potent and selective inhibitor of herpesvirus replication. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 38 (12), 2710-6. (Impact factor: 4.26).

543. Ikeda S., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1994). Host defense mechanisms against murine cytomegalovirus infection induced by poly I:C in severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 207 (2), 191-6. (Impact factor: 2.41).

544. Wera S., Neyts J. (1994). Calcineurin as a possible new target for treatment of Parkinson's disease. Medical Hypotheses, 43 (3), 132-4. (Impact factor: 1.12).

545. Damonte E., Neyts J., Pujol CA., Snoeck R., Andrei G., Ikeda S., Witvrouw M., Reymen D., Haines H., Matulewicz MC., Cerezo A., Coto CE., De Clercq E. (1994). Antiviral activity of a sulphated polysaccharide from the red seaweed Nothogenia fastigiata. Biochemical Pharmacology, 47 (12), 2187-92. (Impact factor: 4.24).

546. Clement J., Colson P., Thomas I., Mckenna P., Neyts J., Coeck J., Vandergroen G., Leirs H., Verhagen R. (1994). Hantavirus infection in Belgium. Annales de Médecine Véterinaire, 138 (4), 257-262.

547. Ikeda S., Neyts J., Verma S., Wickramasinghe A., Mohan P., De Clercq E. (1994). In vitro and in vivo inhibition of ortho- and paramyxovirus infections by a new class of sulfonic acid polymers interacting with virus-cell binding and/or fusion. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 38 (2), 256-9. (Impact factor: 4.26).

548. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1994). Mechanism of action of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates against herpes virus replication. Biochemical Pharmacology, 47 (1), 39-41. (Impact factor: 4.24).

549. Clement J., Colson P., Thomas I., McKenna P., Neyts J., Coeck J., Van Der Groen G., Leirs H., Verhagen R. (1994). Hantavirose en Belgique. Ann. Méd. Vét. 138, 257-62.

550. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1993). Efficacy of (S)-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine for the treatment of lethal vaccinia virus infections in severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) mice. Journal of Medical Virology, 41 (3), 242-6. (Impact factor: 1.99).

551. Ikeda S., Neyts J., Matsuura M., Kiso M., Hasegawa A., Nishimura C., De Clercq E. (1993). Protective activity of lipid A analogue GLA-60 against murine cytomegalovirus infection in mice. Journal of Medical Virology, 40 (3), 222-7. (Impact factor: 1.99).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

552. Ikeda S., Neyts J., Matsuura M., Kiso M., Hasegawa A., Nishimura C., De Clercq E. (1993). Protective activity of the lipid A analogue GLA-60 against murine cytomegalovirus infection in immunodeficient mice. Journal of General Virology, 74, 1399-403 (Impact factor: 2.51).

553. Snoeck R., Andrei G., Neyts J., Schols D., Cools M., Balzarini J., De Clercq E. (1993). Inhibitory activity of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase inhibitors against human cytomegalovirus replication. Antiviral Research, 21 (3), 197-216. (Impact factor: 4.31).

554. Neyts J., Stals F., Bruggeman C., De Clercq E. (1993). Activity of the anti-HIV agent 9-(2-phosphonyl-methoxyethyl)-2,6-diaminopurine against cytomegalovirus in vitro and in vivo. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 12 (6), 437-446. (Impact factor: 2.54).

555. Neyts J., Sobis H., Snoeck R., Vandeputte M., De Clercq E. (1993). Efficacy of (S)-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)-cytosine and 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)-guanine in the treatment of intracerebral murine cytomegalovirus infections in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 12 (4), 269-79. (Impact factor: 2.54).

556. Naesens L., Neyts J., Balzarini J., Holý A., Rosenberg I., De Clercq E. (1993). Efficacy of oral 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)-2,6-diaminopurine (PMEDAP) in the treatment of retrovirus and cytomegalovirus infections in mice. Journal of Medical Virology, 39 (2), 167-72. (Impact factor: 1.99).

557. Ikeda S., Neyts J., Yamamoto N., Murrer B., Theobald B., Bossard G., Henson G., Abrams M., Picker D., De Clercq E. (1993). In vitro activity of a novel series of polyoxosilicotungstates against myxo-, herpes- and retroviruses. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 4, 253-62.

558. Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1993). Strategies for the treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus infections. Internat. J. Antimicrob. Agents, 3, 187-204. (Impact factor: 4.25).

559. Yamamoto N., Schols D., De Clercq E., Debyser Z., Pauwels R., Balzarini J., Nakashima H., Baba M., Hosoya M., Snoeck R., Neyts J., Andrei G., Murrer BA., Theobald B., Bossard G., Henson G., Abrams M., Picker D. (1992). Mechanism of anti-human immunodeficiency virus action of polyoxometalates, a class of broad-spectrum antiviral agents. Molecular Pharmacology, 42 (6), 1109-1117 (Impact factor: 3.98).

560. Neyts J., Snoeck R., Schols D., Balzarini J., Esko JD., Van Schepdael A., De Clercq E. (1992). Sulfated polymers inhibit the interaction of human cytomegalovirus with cell surface heparan sulfate. Virology, 189 (1), 48-58. (Impact factor: 3.37).

561. Balzarini J., Neyts J., Schols D., Hosoya M., Van Damme E., Peumans W., De Clercq E. (1992). The mannose-specific plant lectins from Cymbidium hybrid and Epipactis helleborine and the (N-acetylglucosamine)n-specific plant lectin from Urtica dioica are potent and selective inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus and cytomegalovirus replication in vitro. Antiviral Research, 18 (2), 191-207. (Impact factor: 4.31).

562. Neyts J., Balzarini J., Naesens L., De Clercq E. (1992). Efficacy of (S)-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine and 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine for the treatment of murine cytomegalovirus infection in severe combined immunodeficiency mice. Journal of Medical Virology, 37 (1), 67-71. (Impact factor: 1.99).

563. Neyts J., Snoeck R., De Clercq E. (1992). Therapy for herpesvirus infections. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, 5 (6), 816-826. (Impact factor: 3.78).

564. Neyts J., Snoeck R., Wutzler P., Cushman M., Klöcking R., Helbig B., Wang P., De Clercq E. (1992). Poly(hydroxy)carboxylates as selective inhibitors of cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus replication. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 3 (4), 215-222.

565. Neyts J., Snoeck R., Schols D., Himpens B., De Clercq E. (1991). Sensitive, reproducible and convenient fluorometric assay for the in vitro evaluation of anti-cytomegalovirus agents. Journal of Virological Methods, 35 (1), 27-38. (Impact factor: 1.76).

566. Neyts J., Snoeck R., Balzarini J., De Clercq E. (1991). Particular characteristics of the anti-human cytomegalovirus activity of (S)-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine (HPMPC) in vitro. Antiviral Research, 16 (1), 41-52. (Impact factor: 4.31).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

567. Snoeck R., Schols D., Andrei G., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1991). Antiviral activity of anti-cytomegalovirus agents (HPMPC, HPMPA) assessed by a flow cytometric method and DNA hybridization technique. Antiviral Research, 16 (1), 1-9. (Impact factor: 4.31).

568. Balzarini J., Schols D., Neyts J., Van Damme E., Peumans W., De Clercq E. (1991). Alpha-(1-3)- and alpha-(1-6)-D-mannose-specific plant lectins are markedly inhibitory to human immunodeficiency virus and cytomegalovirus infections in vitro. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 35 (3), 410-6. (Impact factor: 4.26).

569. Hosoya M., Neyts J., Yamamoto N., Schols D., Snoeck R., Pauwels R., De Clercq E. (1991). Inhibitory effects of polycations on the replication of enveloped viruses (HIV, HSV, CMV, RSV, influenza A virus and togaviruses) in vitro. Antiviral Chem. Chemother., 2, 243-48.

570. Neyts J., Snoeck R., Schols D., Balzarini J., De Clercq E. (1990). Selective inhibition of human cytomegalovirus DNA synthesis by (S)-1-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)cytosine [(S)-HPMPC] and 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (DHPG). Virology, 179 (1), 41-50. (Impact factor: 3.37).

571. Vanden Broeck J., Cardoen J., Neyts J., Swinnen K., De Loof A. (1990). Detection of substances recognized by antisera directed against vertebrate somatotropin, prolactin and placental lactogen, within the brain of the insect Locusta migratoria - a comparison of immunocytochemical localization patterns. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 97 (1), 35-40.

572. Schols D., De Clercq E., Balzarini J., Baba M., Witvrouw M., Hosoya M., Andrei G., Snoeck R., Neyts J., Pauwels R., Nagy M., Györgyi-Edelényi J., Machovich R., Horváth I., Löw M., Görög S. (1990). Sulphated polymers are potent and selective inhibitors of various enveloped viruses, including herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and toga-, arena- and retroviruses. Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy, 1, 233-240.

573. Schols D., Snoeck R., Neyts J., De Clercq E. (1989). Detection of immediate early, early and late antigens of human cytomegalovirus by flow cytometry. Journal of Virological Methods, 26 (3), 247-54. (Impact factor: 1.76).

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

Invited lectures

1. J. Neyts- Science communications on a pandemic during the pandemic, Open Science KU Leuven, 3 May 2021.

2. J. Neyts- Pharmacotherapy – COVID19 – Repurposed drugs and treatment, 25th EAHP Congress, 27 March 2021.

3. J. Neyts- De ontwikkeling van een krachtig coronavaccin, Forumavond COVID-19 vaccin, Alumni ingenieurs KU Leuven, 18 March 2021.

4. J. Neyts- Corona vaccinatie, online voordracht voor Vlaamse artsen, Accreditering Thuis, 11 March 2021. 5. J. Neyts- The different COVID vaccines, a short overview, “The changing landscape in Dermatology”,

Belgian Dermatology Days (BDD), 6 March 2021. 6. J. Neyts- Opening the Future KU Leuven, 3 March 2021. 7. J. Neyts- Driven by Health - onze wereld gevaccineerd, 2 March 2021. 8. J. Neyts- SARS-CoV2 virologie, vaccins en antivirale therapie, Almirall Webinar voor de dermatologische

gemeenschap in Vlaanderen, 25 February 2021. 9. J. Neyts- Infosessie vaccinaties voor anderstaligen, Diversiteit en gelijke kansen - directie samenleving,

Stad Leuven, 23 February 2021. 10. J. Neyts- SARS-CoV2, vaccins, therapie en pandemic preparedness, Scameleon, 18 February 2021. 11. J. Neyts- The road to a Corona vaccine at KU Leuven, Departmental day of the Department of

Development and Regeneration, KU Leuven, 11 February 2021. 12. J. Neyts- Recent work on a live-attenuated YF-vectored SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, bi-weekly virtual COVID-

19 Networking Meetings, International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), 11 February 2021. 13. J. Neyts- Covid vaccinatie: waar staan we? Pentalfa Sessies, KU Leuven/UZ Leuven “Vaccinaties bij

volwassenen”, 28 January 2021. 14. J. Neyts- An overview of current vaccine platforms and the development of a new vaccine: Regavax,

EUFEMED (European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development, 28 January 2021. 15. J. Neyts- Vaccines for COVID, Webinar Celltrion Healthcare BeLux, 26 January 2021. 16. J. Neyts- Informatieve sessie over vaccins en vaccinatie, o.l.v. Prof. Peter Carmeliet (Laboratory of

Angiogenesis and Vascular Metabolism, Center for Cancer Biology, VIB), 17 December 2020. 17. J. Neyts- Animal models and vaccine development against SARS-CoV-2, RespiDART & Emerging

Viruses 2020: Frontiers in Drug Development for Respiratory Viruses, 17 December 2020. 18. J. Neyts- Virology - Drug Targets for Therapeutic Interventions, COVID-19 Clinical Management

Workshop, Virology Education, 14 December 2020. 19. J. Neyts- A SARS-CoV2 hamster infection model to study the effect of vaccine candidates and antivirals,

NIH Workshop on Validation of Animal Models and Tools, 10 December 2020. 20. J. Neyts- Towards antivirals against SARS-COV2, CHAINS 2020 (Chemistry as Innovating Science), 8-

9 December, 2020. 21. J. Neyts- keynote lecture on Antivirals for Influenza, RSV and Covid-19, 7th ESWI Influenza Conference

in Valencia, Spain, 8 December 2020. 22. J. Neyts- SARS-CoV2; virologie, vaccins en therapie, vergadering Koninklijke Geneeskundige Kring

Leuven, 1 December 2020. 23. J. Neyts- Animal models for emerging coronavirus, progress and new insights, SciLifeLab Covid19

symposium/webinar on "Accelerating the process from basic drug discovery to clinical trial for Covid19" in Uppsala, Sweden, 1 December 2020.

24. J. Neyts- The importance of ensuring that all populations are represented in vaccine clinical trials, USF Health 3rd Annual IPE Day, 18 November 2020.

25. J. Neyts- Panelgesprek Health House “The Way out of this Crisis?”, 17 November 2020. 26. J. Neyts- A single-dose live-attenuated YF17D-vectored 1 SARS-CoV2 vaccine candidate, the 6th World

One Health Congress - Virtual Edition 2020, 1 November, 2020.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

27. J. Neyts- Animal models for SARS-CoV-2 compound and vaccine development screening, Update on HIV and SARS-CoV2 (online symposium), Annual Symposium of the HIV Cure Research Center in Ghent, Belgium, 22 October 2020.

28. J. Neyts- SARS-CoV-2: virology, transmission, status of vaccine development and expectations, Gilead-sponsored virtual meeting entitled "Unlocking the pandemic: key scientific insights from the frontline", 20 October 2020.

29. J. Neyts- A SARS-CoV-2 infected hamster model that recapitulates mild disease to assess the efficacy of candidate drugs, Virtual Grand Challenges Meeting, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 20 October, 2020.

30. J. Neyts- De ontwikkeling van een krachtig single-dose SARS-CoV2 vaccin met het gele koorts vaccin als vector, VGSO-Congres 2020 (livestream), 10 October 2020.

31. J. Neyts- Alles wat u wil weten over COVID19, Maandelijkse voordrachten bibliotheek/stadsbestuur van Blankenberge; interview door Jan Knudde, diensthoofd VRT Radio 1, 7 October, 2020.

32. J. Neyts- SARS-CoV2, virologie, antivirale therapie, vaccins en lessen voor de toekomst, Webinar geneeskundige kring Dodoens i.s.m. UZ Leuven & KU Leuven, 3 October, 2020.

33. J. Neyts- De weg naar een Corona vaccin aan de KU Leuven, Najaars LOK van de WALGO, 16 September, 2020.

34. J. Neyts- Towards the development of antivirals against SARS-CoV2 and future pandemic preparedness, Virtual FISV Symposium on Sars-Cov-2, September 16th 2020.

35. J. Neyts- Vaccinatie en antivirale therapie, Webinar COVID-19: Preventie en behandeling - een update, UZ Leuven & KU Leuven, 10 September, 2020.

36. J. Neyts- Anti-virals for the next epidemic/pandemic, GloPID-R synergies meeting “Ending COVID-19: Therapeutics” Webinar, July 17th, 2020.

37. J. Neyts- The COVID case, Webinar keynote at Leuven Mindgate, June 25th 2020. 38. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy against COVID, Webinar of J&J Innovation Center JLABS, June 24th 2020. 39. J. Neyts- The SARS-COV2 hamster model, Webinar of Flanders Vaccine, June 19th 2020. 40. J. Neyts- The SARS-COV2 hamster infection model, Webinar of the Global Virus Network, June 18th,

2020. 41. J. Neyts- Vaccins en therapie tegen SARS-CoV-2. Video lecture Rotary Club Leuven, 28 April 2020. 42. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the Medical Center,

University of Freiburg, 24 February 2020, Germany. 43. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the Faculty of Medicine,

University of La Réunion, 28 October 2019, France. 44. J. Neyts– An introductory course to small molecule antivirals. Lectures for Master2 students at the

University of La Réunion, 29 October 2019, France. 45. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, including against zoonotic viruses.

9thEuropean Meeting on Viral Zoonoses, St. Raphaël, France, 29 September – 2 October 2019. 46. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. ISAR-ICAR mini-symposium on

Antivirals, Fudan University and the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, 25 September 2019, Shanghai, PR China.

47. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong University, 23 september 2019, Jinan, PR China.

48. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. The 8th Wuhan Symposium on Modern Virology, 18-20th September 2019, Wuhan, PR China.

49. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. XV Congress of the Spanish Society of Virology and 11thInternational Meeting of the Global Virology Network, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 June 2019.

50. J. Neyts– Behandeling van infecties met nieuwe virussen (MERS-CoV, Ebola …). 47steLeuvense Internistendagen, Leuven, 28-29 May 2019.

51. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Targets & Ligands: 35 Years of Structure-Based Drug Design, University of Lübeck, Germany, 5-7 April 2019.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

52. J.Neyts - Towards novel antivirals and vaccines against neglected & emerging viral infections, Seminar at the London School for Health and Tropical Medicine, London, 15 April 2019.

53. J.Neyts - Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) & Gilead Sciences, Prague, 1 April 2019.

54. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. 10th International Global Virus Network (GVN) Meeting, Les Pensières Center For Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac, France, 28–30 November 2018.

55. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminar of Evotec (www.evotec.com), Lyon, France, 27 November 2018.

56. J. Neyts– De behandeling van virale infecties. Stedelijke bibliotheek Blankenberge, Belgium, 14 November 2018.

57. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology, Baltimore, MD, USA, 22-25 October 2018.

58. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Strasbourg, France, 19 October 2018.

59. J. Neyts– The Plasmid Launched Live-Attenuated Virus (PPLAV) vaccine platform technology; highly thermostable vaccines for epidemic preparedness. Grand Challenges Annual Meeting 2018, World Health Summit, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 October 2018.

60. J. Neyts– The Plasmid Launched Live-Attenuated Virus (PLLAV) vaccine platform technology; highly thermostable vaccines for epidemic preparedness. Seminars of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Umeå, Sweden, 12 October 2018.

61. J. Neyts – Towards antivirals for Zika and other flaviviruses: lessons from HCV drug development. “Joint meeting of the ZikAlliance, ZikaPlan and ZikAction H2020 consortia, Marseille, France, 6 June 2018.

62. J. Neyts– The need for highly potent and safe antivirals in the polio endgame. “European Conference on Picornaviruses, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 3-7 June 2018.

63. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. “Course on Virology for PhD students and postdocs”, Department of Virology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 31 May 2018.

64. J. Neyts – Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Virus vaccines, a revolutionary novel vaccine platform technology, Community-based Solutions for Better Global Health Security: A Joint Initiative of the Pasteur Institute Dakar and the Praesens Fund, Dakar, Senegal, 25 May 2018.

65. J. Neyts– The battle against viruses. “and& summit & festival”, Leuven, 4 May 2018. www.andleuven.com 66. J. Neyts– The latest on development of antivirals against respiratory viruses that may cause

exacerbations of CF, Scandinavian Cystic Fibrosis Master Class meeting. Stockholm, 3 May 2018. 67. J. Neyts– PPLAV (Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Viruses), a revolutionary novel vaccine technology.

Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum (GVIRF), Bangkok, Thailand, 20-22 March 2018. 68. J. Neyts– Towards highly potent antivirals for the treatment and prophylaxis of dengue, chikungunya and

other emerging viruses. International conference on “Strategies for therapeutics, control and prevention of dengue and other emerging viral disease in Pakistan”, The University of Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, 1-2 March, 2018.

69. J. Neyts– Treatment of viral infections. Belgian Week of Gastroenterology, Hilton, Antwerp, Belgium, 21 February 2018.

70. J. Neyts– PPLAV, a novel revolutionary vaccine technology. “Departmental Day KU Leuven Microbiology & Immunology”, Rega Institute, 9 February 2018.

71. J. Neyts- PLLAV (Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Viruses), Efficient immunization and full protection from lethal challenge by PLLAV-YF17D, a novel thermostable and readily scalable plasmid-launched life-attenuated yellow fever vaccine candidate produced in E. coli. Belgian Seminar on Travel Medicine, Military Hospital Neder-Over-Heembeek/Brussels, Belgium, 25 January 2018.

72. J. Neyts- Towards antivirals for the treatment and prevention of viral infections in the tropics. Belgian Seminar on Travel Medicine, Military Hospital Neder-Over-Heembeek/Brussels, Belgium, 25 January 2018.

73. J. Neyts- Antivirals: much accomplished, far to go" Webinar of the International Society for Antiviral Research, 4 December 2017.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

74. J. Neyts- Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the Department of Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences, Utah State University, Logan UT, USA, 23 October 2017.

75. J. Neyts - Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, Doylestown PA, USA, 5 October 2017.

76. J. Neyts- Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars of the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland, Baltimore MD, USA, 4 October 2017.

77. J. Neyts – Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Cell Symposium on “Emerging and Reemerging Viruses”, organized by the journal Cell, Arlington VA, USA, 1-3 October 2017.

78. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Annual Meeting of the Swedish Society for Virology, Smögen, Sweden, 24 August 2017.

79. J. Neyts– An introduction to antivirals. Virology Workshop of Swedish Society for Virology, Smögen, Sweden, 22 August 2017.

80. J. Neyts – Antivirals a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go (keynote lecture), 17thInternational Conference of Virology (Int. Union Microb. Soc.), Singapore, 17-21 July 2017.

81. J. Neyts– Selective inhibitors of the dengue and zika virus, Symposium “Towards New Therapeutics for Diseases of the Developing World”, GSK, Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain, 18-20 June 2017.

82. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Workshop of the Belgian Society for Virology (BELVIR), Leuven, Belgium, 31 May 2017.

83. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, Seminars of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, 23 May 2017.

84. J. Neyts- Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Viral Vaccines, a robust vaccine platform technology for the production of live attenuated vaccines that do no longer require a cold chain. Flanders Vaccine, Academia-Industry Connect Meeting, Leuven, 18 April 2017.

85. J. Neyts – Antivirals, a lot achieved, yet a long way to go, Journées Francophones de Virologie, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France, 30-31 March 2017.

86. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK, 24 March 2017.

87. J. Neyts- Antivirals against entero- and rhinoviruses. European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV) Enterovirus Workshop, Oxford, UK, 22 March 2017.

88. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, Gilead Antivirals Symposium, Diegem, Belgium, 9 March 2017.

89. J. Neyts- Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go. Seminars at the Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery, University of Dundee, UK, 8 March 2017.

90. J. Neyts- The Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Virus vaccine platform, a novel and versatile vaccine technology. Wellcome Trust Researchers Meeting, London, UK, 2 February 2017.

91. J. Neyts– PPLAV (Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Virus) vaccines, a novel and versatile vaccine platform technology, Wellcome Researcher Meeting, London, UK, 1-2 February 2017.

92. J. Neyts– Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de behandeling van infecties met HBV en HCV. Studiedag der Vlaamse Ziekenhuisapothekers (VZA), Leuven, Belgium, 10 January 2017.

93. J. Neyts-Towards novel antivirals for the treatment and vaccines for the prevention of viral infections. Translating Research Ideas into Future Therapeutics Conference, 29-30 November 2016, Leuven, Belgium.

94. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, Seminars of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Umeå, Sweden, 1 November 2016.

95. J. Neyts– Virus diversity and molecular evolution: impact on product development, WHO and Wellcome Trust meeting – Mosquito-borne viruses: can we build on commonalities to pre-empt the future?, London, UK, 5-7 October 2016.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

96. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot achieved, yet a long way to go, Seminars at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA, 29 September 2016.

97. J. Neyts– Introduction to a novel vaccine approach: The iDNA-YVax Platform”, European Health Science Match, Heidelberg, Germany, 26 September 2016 (replaced by co-worker Dr. Lotte Coelmont).

98. J. Neyts– Developing antivirals against neglected and emerging viral infections. 4thAntivirals Congress, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 September 2016.

99. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, XXIV National Meeting in Medicinal Chemistry, Perugia, Italy, 11-14 September 2016.

100. J. Neyts– Towards highly potent and pan-enterovirus inhibitors, European Study Group on the Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 4-8 September 2016.

101. J. Neyts– Towards the development of antivirals against dengue, Zika and Chikungunya , Tofo Advanced Study Week on Arboviruses: Dengue – Zika – Chikungunya, 28 August – 1 September 2016 (replaced by senior post-doc Suzanne Kaptein) http://www.emerging-viruses-org/

102. J. Neyts – Drug Development in Academia, Consortium meeting of the EU H2020 ITN project Antivirals, Heidelberg, Germany, 29 June 2016.

103. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, Seminars of the Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Siena, Italy, 14 June 2016.

104. J. Neyts – Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, Seminars of the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), Ghent, 20 May 2016.

105. J. Neyts– Antivirals against neglected and emerging viral infections, VI EWDSy European workshop in drug synthesis, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy, 15-19 May 2016 (replaced by co-worker Dr. Leen Delang).

106. J. Neyts– Towards the development of antivirals against flavi-, alpha-, noro- and other +ssRNA viruses, Keystone Symposium Conference “Positive-strand RNA viruses (N1), Hyatt Regency Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, 1-5 May 2016.

107. J. Neyts– A Zika virus mouse model to assess the efficacy of antivirals and vaccines. International Zika virus Summit, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, 25-26 April 2016.

108. J. Neyts– Antiviral and vaccination strategies against the Zika virus. 29thInternational Conference on Antiviral Research, La Jolla, CA, USA, 17-21 April 2016.

109. J. Neyts- The Zika virus and other neglected tropical viral infections. Biomedical Congress organized by the (bio)Medical Students of the KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 22 March 2016.

110. J. Neyts– Animal models for Zika infection, WHO global consultation of research related to Zika virus infection, Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-9 March 2016.

111. J. Neyts– Developing antiviral strategies against the emerging and neglected viruses Zika and Chikungunya, Johnson & Johnson Lecture, Hilton Antwerp Old Town, Antwerp, Belgium, 27 January 2016.

112. J. Neyts– Molecular targets to inhibit RNA virus replication. International symposium on Viral Pathogens. - Organized by Oxford University and the Pasteur Institute, Oxfordshire, UK, 24th -25th November 2015.

113. J. Neyts– Towards antivirals against flavi-, alpha- and noroviruses, Lecture at Alios BioPharma, South San Francisco, CA, USA, 1 October 2015.

114. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, yet a long way to go, Symposium on Antiviral Therapy of the German Pharmaceutical Society, Düsseldorf, Germany, 23 September 2015.

115. J. Neyts– Towards potent antivirals against dengue and the Chikungunya virus, Seminars at AiCuris (www.aicuris.com), Wuppertal, Germany, 22 September 2015.

116. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot achieved, yet far to go, Seminars at the Istituto Pasteur – Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 23 July 2015.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

117. J. Neyts– Drugs interfering with the HEV life cycle, The Global Viral Hepatitis Summit (15thInternational Symposium on Viral Hepatitis & Liver Disease), Berlin, Germany, 26 June 2015.

118. J. Neyts– HCV, de verschillende antivirale moleculen en hun werkingsmechanisme – Pentalfasessie: Hepatitis C: nieuwe ontwikkelingen, organized by the Division of Hepatology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 28 May 2015.

119. J. Neyts– Drug discovery in the academic setting and joining forces with industry, ANRS-HBV Cure Workshop, Paris, France, 19 May 2015.

120. J. Neyts– Antiviral resistance: Following the path of Antibiotics?, 3rdInternational One Health Congress (Science Policy Interface), Amsterdam, 16 March 2015.

121. J. Neyts- Lessons learnt from HCV Drug Discovery, The Courage Fund Infectious Diseases Conference (CFIDC 2015), Singapore, 11 March 2015.

122. J. Neyts– Antivirals, Thematic Week in Virology, Liège, Belgium, 16 December 2014. 123. J. Neyts- HEV infection, current options for treatment and the need for efficient therapy, Cross-

border symposium on viral hepatitis, Lille, France, 5 December 2014. 124. J. Neyts– Antivirals, a lot achieved, yet far to go. Seminar Series: Frontiers in Science (FoS)

Seminar, University of Turku, Finland, 6 November 2014. 125. J. Neyts– Strategies and screening of novel antivirals. Mikro Seminars of Infection Biology and

Infectious Diseases, Turku, Finland, 5 November 2014. 126. J. Neyts– Antiviral Therapy: Much achieved, but far to go. 3rdAntivirals Congress, Amsterdam, The

Netherlands, 11 October 2014. 127. J. Neyts– Antivirals against polio. Workshop: Translational and Regulatory Science of Polio

Vaccines and Antivirals, Washington DC, USA, 21 September 2014. 128. J. Neyts – Novel potent and pan-serotype inhibitors of dengue. Dengue Conference, Singapore,

30 August 2014. 129. J. Neyts– New antiviral drugs in development – overview. 2ndEuropean Seminars in Virology,

Bologna, Bertinoro, Italy, 13 June 2014. 130. J. Neyts – Antivirals, a lot has been achieved, but still many viruses to go. Spring Meeting of the

Royal Dutch Society of Microbiology, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 14 April 2014. 131. J. Neyts- Dengue drug discovery at the University of Leuven. Dengue Therapeutics Workshop,

Oxford University Clinical Research Center for Tropical Infectious Diseases, Ho Chi Mingh City, Vietnam, 5-6 December 2013.

132. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, a lot has been achieved, still many viruses. Seminars of the Department of Biology, University of Cambridge, UK, 28 November 2013.

133. J. Neyts- Towards antiviral treatment for Chikungunya virus infections. The international conference Chikungunya, October 18-23rd 2013, Langkawi, Malaysia. (replaced by Dr. L. Delang, post-doc Neyts-team)

134. J. Neyts- Developing antiviral strategies (keynote lecture). AIMECS AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-18 October 2013.

135. J. Neyts - Towards antiviral treatment and prophylaxis of norovirus infections, Fifth International Calicivirus Meeting, October 12-15th, 2013, Beijing, China (replaced by Dr. J. Rocha-Pereira, post-doc Neyts-team)

136. J. Neyts- Antiviral strategies to control FMDV outbreaks. 7th Annual Epizone Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 1-4 October 2013.

137. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, still many viruses to go (keynote lecture). European Congress of Virology, Lyon, France, 11-14 September 2013.

138. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, still many viruses to go. Seminars of the Department of Virology, ViroSciences, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 21 June 2013.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

139. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, a lot has been achieved, still many viruses to go. Biovision, The World Life Sciences Forum - From Life Sciences to Sciences for Life, Lyon, France, 24-26 March 2013.

140. J. Neyts- Novel antiviral approaches. Seminar at Gilead Sciences, Foster City, CA, USA, 16 May 2013.

141. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, still many viruses to go. Eyckman Lecture, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 19 April 2013.

142. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, still many viruses to go. Opening of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Chemical Epigenetics and Antiinfectives, Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM), Vienna, Austria, 1 March 2013.

143. J. Neyts- Treatment of viral hepatitis. Leuven Stem Cell Institute, Leuven, Belgium, 25 February 2013. 144. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, still many viruses to go. Seminar Gilead Sciences Benelux, Belgium, 22

February 2013. 145. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy, still many Viruses to go. Astbury Centre Seminar Series, University of Leeds,

UK, 7 February 2013. 146. J. Neyts- Design of HCV inhibitors. The 4th C. Mérieux Conference “Trends in Virology”, Recent Progress

in Antiviral Therapy, Fondation Mérieux Conference Center, Les Pensières, Veyrier du Lac, France, 27-29 January 2013.

147. J. Neyts- Small molecule inhibitors of HCV replication. Cross Border Symposium on Hepatitis C virus, organized by UGent Center for Vaccinology, Ghent Marriott Hotel, Belgium, 20 December 2012.

148. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy against HBV and HCV. Thematic Week in Virology, Virology & Immunology, University of Liège, Belgium, 12 December 2012.

149. J. Neyts- Ontwikkeling van selectieve inhibitoren van het mond- en klauwzeervirus ter aanvulling van het bestaande controlebeleid (invited). Federale Overheidsdienst – DG Dier, Plant en Voeding, 5de Jaarlijks Symposium Contractueel Onderzoek, Brussels, Belgium, 22 November 2012.

150. J. Neyts- Building antivirals for dengue. Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases, Symposium on Dengue, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 16-19 September 2012.

151. J. Neyts- Promising antiviral targets. Wellcome Trust Symposium on Understanding Bottlenecks in the Discovery of New Therapies for RSV Infection, London, UK, 10 September 2012.

152. J. Neyts- Antivirals. 9th Hong Kong Pasteur Virology Course, 18 July 2012. 153. J. Neyts- Small molecules against picornaviruses. 17th International Picornavirus Meeting, St. Raphael,

France, 3-7 June 2012. 154. J. Neyts- Novel antiviral strategies. Lecture at the occasion of the visit of Dr. B. Hait, Global Head Janssen

Research and Development, Faculty Club, Leuven, Belgium, 22 May 2012. 155. J. Neyts- Towards a cure for HCV (keynote lecture). 14th Meeting of the European Society for Clinical

Virology, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 21-24 September 2011. 156. J. Neyts- Towards antivirals for the prophylaxis and treatment of dengue. Dengue Therapeutics

Workshop, Oxford University Clinical Research Center for Tropical Infectious Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 19-20 September 2011.

157. J. Neyts- Novel HCV inhibitors. 39th Leuvense Internistendagen, Leuven, Belgium, 9-10 June 2011. 158. J. Neyts- Virale infecties:nieuwe trends in preventie en behandeling. Post Universitair Onderwijs

Farmacie, Leuven, Belgium, 6 June 2011. 159. J. Neyts- Ontwikkeling van antivirale middelen tegen picornavirussen. Future Virology, Universiteit

Nijmegen. Afscheidssymposium ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van Prof. J. Galema. Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 19 April 2011.

160. J. Neyts- Antivirals in the polio endgame. Bi-Annual Meeting of the Polio Research Committee of the WHO, Chateau de Penthe, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-15 April 2011.

161. J. Neyts- Chairman Session “HCV Drug Development”. Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL 2011 Congress), Berlin, Germany, 1 April 2011.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

162. J. Neyts- Novel HCV inhibitors (keynote lecture). 9th European Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis, Treatment Strategies & Antiviral Drug Resistance, Paphos, Cyprus, 23-25 March 2011.

163. J. Neyts- Towards the development of potent therapy against the hepatitis C virus, The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at http://hstalks.com/bio), 2011.

164. J. Neyts- Antivirals. Thematic Week in Virology, Virology & Immunology, University of Liège, Belgium, 14 December 2010.

165. J. Neyts -The control of epizootic diseases by antivirals. Meeting of the. European Federation for Animal Health and Sanitary Security (FESASS), Pacheco, Brussels, Belgium, 1 December 2010.

166. J. Neyts- The use of potent antivirals to rapidly contain outbreaks with highly pathogenic viruses in livestock. Antivirals Congress, Celebrating 30 Years of the journal Antiviral Research , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7-9 November 2010.

167. J. Neyts- In vitro anti-HCV activities, resistance profile and possible mode of action of Alisporivir. Cyclophilin Inhibitors for Hepatitis C: From Bench to Bedside - A Novartis Workshop, Boston, USA, 29 October 2010.

168. J. Neyts -Antivirals. Cours de Virologie Fondamentale, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, 17 September 2010.

169. J. Neyts- Picornaviruses, eradication and disease control. 16th International Picornavirus Meeting, St. Andrews, Scotland, 11-16 September 2010.

170. J. Neyts- Towards the development of potent inhibitors of picornaviruses (keynote lecture). Meeting of the International Consortium on Antivirals, Lübeck, Germany, 9-11 September 2010.

171. J. Neyts - Towards the development of potent inhibitors of HCV replication. Schauinsland Retreat (annual meeting of a consortium of German, Swiss and French top laboratories with a focus on HBV and HCV), Freiburg, Germany, 6-8 May 2010.

172. J. Neyts– Molecular targets for HCV therapy (keynote lecture and chair) “Advances in HCV Virology and New Therapeutic Targets” at the Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL 2010 Congress), Vienna, Austria, 14-18 April 2010.

173. J. Neyts- New Antivirals , EASL School of Hepatology, (keynote lecture) “Hepatitis B and C, molecular virology and antiviral strategies”, Lecture HCV, Lausanne, Switzerland, 25-27 February 2010.

174. J. Neyts- Stratégie de développement des antiviraux (invited). Diplôme Universitaire de Virologie Médicale de l'Université de Lyon, France, 19 January 2010.

175. J. Neyts- Antiviral strategies against picornaiviruses. Seminars of Tibotec, Mechelen, Belgium, 9 December 2009.

176. J. Neyts- Antiviral strategies. Seminars of the Korean Research Institute for Chemical Technology (KRICT), Daejon, Korea, 4 December 2009.

177. J. Neyts- Antiviral viral strategies to control outbreaks of CSFV and FMDV, Maisons- Alfort, Paris, France, 19-20 November 2009.

178. J. Neyts- Antiviral strategies against rhinoviruses. International Workshop: Novel Strategies to Fight Respiratory Viral Infections, Berlin, Germany, 12-13 October 2009.

179. J. Neyts- Preclinical models for HCV drug development (keynote lecture). 16thInternational Symposium on HCV and Related Viruses, Nice, France, 3-7 October 2009.

180. J. Neyts- Antivirals in the toolbox for polio eradication. 8th ICAV International Symposium. Ajaccio, Corsica, 3-6 October 2009.

181. J. Neyts- Antivirals against the dengue virus. Conference of the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases on Dengue; Manila, The Philippines, 31 August-4 September 2009 (replaced by post-doc Kai Dallmeier).

182. J. Neyts- Le projet VIZIER: impact de la génomique structurale virale dans le domaine des antiviraux. Journée Francophone de Virologie, Paris, 23-24 April 2009.

183. J. Neyts- Workshop “Human RNA Viruses”, Trieste, Italy, 30 September-3 October 2008.

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184. J. Neyts- Possible antiviral strategies against CCHFV. The International Symposium on Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and Other Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Infections, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-28 June 2008.

185. J. Neyts- Towards antivirals for neglected viruses. 4th Global Symposium on Filoviruses, Libreville, Gabon, 27-29 March 2008 (replaced by post-doc Pieter Leyssen).

186. J. Neyts- Cyclophylin inhibitors and HCV replication. International Symposium on Cyclophylins as Drug Targets, DebioPharm, Lausanne, Switzerland, 17-18 March 2008.

187. J. Neyts- Recent developments in antiviral research. Seminars of the Faculty of Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 7 March 2008.

188. J. Neyts– Antiviral strategies to control outbreaks of epizootic diseases. Symposium Diergezondheid, FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu, Brussels, Belgium, 4 March 2008.

189. J. Neyts– Phenotypic assays to study inhibition of HCV replication. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Conference on HBV and HCV Resistance to Antiviral Therapy, Paris, France, 15-16 February 2008.

190. J. Neyts - Recent developments in the therapy of HBV infecties. Intern. Symposium “New insight in HBV Diversity, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment. Center for Experimental Vaccinology, UZ Ghent, Belgium, 12-14 December 2007.

191. J. Neyts–Novel strategies to inhibit HCV replication. HepDART Leeting, Frontiers in Drug Development Against Viral Hepatitis, Hawai, 9-13 December 2007 (lecture cancelled by speaker because of travel issues).

192. J. Neyts- Recent developments in the search for novel antivirals against RNA viruses. Seminars Center for the Study of Hepatitis C, Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA, 4 December 2007.

193. J. Neyts- The development of novel inhibitors of HCV replication. Erasmus Liver Day, Erasmus Ziekenhuis, University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6 December 2007.

194. J. Neyts- Strategies to inhibit the replication of RNA viruses. Seminar at Tibotec, Mechelen, Belgium, 29 November 2007.

195. J. Neyts- Selective inhibition of HCV replication. Cours de Virologie Fondamentale, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, 22 October 2007.

196. J. Neyts- Nieuwe strategieën voor de behandeling van infecties met het hepatitis C virus. Alumni van de Faculteit Geneeskunde vzw – Alfagen, Therapiedag “Virussen, Nieuwe Strategieën van Preventie en Therapie, Leuven, Belgium, 29 September 2007.

197. J. Neyts- Towards the design of antivirals against RNA viruses. EMBO workshop RNA viruses: replication, evolution and drug design, Vienna, Austria, 27-30 August 2007.

198. J. Neyts- Discovery of new HCV inhibitors. Trends in Virology, C. Mérieux Conference, Annecy, France, 24-27 June 2007.

199. J. Neyts- Inhibition of RNA virus replication. The Fourth European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses (4th EMVZ), St-Andrews, Scotland, 2-5 June 2007 (cancelled last minute because of health issues)

200. J. Neyts- New insight on anti-HCV combination therapy from studies in the replicon model. Annual International Virgil Symposium on Antiviral Drug Resistance, Lyon, France, 23 May 2007.

201. J. Neyts- Discovery of antiviral drugs. International Vizier Workshop on Discovery of Antiviral Compounds, Lübeck, Germany, 25-29 April 2007.

202. J. Neyts- Towards potent inhibitors of dengue virus replication. Symposium DenFrame, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, 4 April 2007.

203. J. Neyts- Viral Enzymes Involved in RNA Virus Replication. 5th Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Research Meeting – American Society for Microbiology, Washington DC, USA, 27-29 February 2007.

204. J. Neyts- Ribavirin: an antiviral drug? NIAID/NIH Workshop on Treatment of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, Washington DC, USA, 25-27 February 2007.

205. J. Neyts- Nieuwe strategieën voor de behandeling van infecties met het hepatitis C virus. Belgische Vereniging HCV, Antwerp, Belgium, 29 September 2007.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

206. J. Neyts- Towards the development of selective inhibitors of HCV replication. Seminars of the CBIG, University of Liège, Belgium, February 2007.

207. J. Neyts- Novel therapies for the treatment of infection with the HCV virus. Dominique Dormont International Conferences (DDIC), Bordeaux, France, 7-9 December 2006.

208. J. Neyts- Novel therapies for the treatment of infections with the hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus. 8th European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection (ECC-8), Budapest, Hungary, 25-28 October 2006.

209. J. Neyts- Towards the design of selective inhibitors of HCV replication. Seminars of the Centrum for Vaccinology, University of Ghent, Belgium, 20 September 2006.

210. J. Neyts- Design of influenza virus inhibitors. Cours de Virologie Fondamental – Pasteur Institute, Paris. Approaches Thérapeutiques Antivirales, Paris, France, 15 September 2006.

211. J. Neyts- Influenza and avian influenza, recent advances and options for therapy. Seminars of the Medical School and School of Pharmacy, University of Reykjavik, Iceland, 7 July 2006.

212. J. Neyts- Towards the development of potent drugs for the treatment of HCV infections. Seminars of the Medical School and School of Pharmacy, University of Reykjavik, Iceland, 5 July 2006.

213. J. Neyts- Towards the development of selective inhibitors of hepatitis C virus replication. The postgraduate course “Extending the Boundaries of Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis B and C” at the 12th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Paris, France, 1-5 July 2006.

214. J. Neyts - Towards the design of selective inhibitors of HCV replication. Seminars of the Institute for Virology, University of Erlangen, Germany, 7 June 2006.

215. J. Neyts- Towards the design of selective inhibitors of HCV replication. Seminars of the Bernard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, 6 March 2006.

216. J. Neyts- Influenza and avian influenza. Lecture for journalists of the Belgian (Flemish) Radio and TV (VRT), Brussels, Belgium, 20 and 27 October 2005.

217. J. Neyts- Animal models for flavivirus diseases. Novartis Foundation Symposium “New strategies for the treatment of dengue and other flaviviral diseases”, Singapore, 26-27 September 2005.

218. J. Neyts- Antiviral therapy against HBV and HCV. Postgraduate Course Hepatology “Liver Day in Honour of Prof. Dr. J. Fevery”, Leuven, Belgium, 16 September 2005.

219. J. Neyts- History and current state of drugs against respiratory viruses. The 2nd Pasteur-Asia Virology Course”, Hong Kong, 16 July 2005.

220. J. Neyts- Novel animal models for flavivirus infections. Seminars of the Institute of Virology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 29 June 2005.

221. J. Neyts- New HCV inhibitors and update on HCV resistance to antivirals. “International Virgil Workshop on Antiviral Drug Resistance”, Lyon, France, 8 June 2005.

222. J. Neyts- Current and future strategies for the inhibition of RNA virus replication. “International Consortium on Antivirals”, Paris, France, 8-10 March 2005.

223. J. Neyts- Future therapies for the treatment of HCV infections. Seminars of the Department of Virology, UZ Gent, Belgium, 17 February 2005.

224. J. Neyts- Towards selective inhibitors of Dengue virus; Symposium on Dengue, Pasteur Institute (Co-organized by EEMI and Virology Departments), Paris, France, 10 January 2005.

225. J. Neyts- Anti-HBV drugs, molecular structure and antiviral activity. European Seminar on HBV Virology (organizer Gilead Sciences), Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 December 2004.

226. J. Neyts- Towards the design of selective inhibitors of RNA viruses. VIZIER-meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 1-3 December 2004.

227. J. Neyts- Towards selective therapy for flavivirus infections, lessons from HCV. Seminars of the Department of Virology, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, 16 November 2004.

228. J. Neyts- Models for flavivirus infections.Seminars, Tibotec, Mechelen, Belgium, 12 December 2003.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

229. J. Neyts- HCV therapie in de toekomst. Herfstsymposium “Vlaamse Vereniging voor Gastro-enterologie”. Leuven, Belgium, 28-29 November 2003.

230. J. Neyts- Possible Strategies for the treatment of viral hemorrhagic fevers - Symposium on Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 14-17 October 2003.

231. J. Neyts- Strategies for the treatment of infections with herpes-, pox-, entero-, and flaviviruses. Lecture presented at the occasion of the “William Prusoff Lecture Award” 16th International Conference on Antiviral Research, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 27 April-1 May 2003.

232. J. Neyts- SARS en andere respiratoire virale infecties, Belgische Vereniging “Respiratoire Kinesitherapie”, VUB, Jette, Belgium, 18 June 2003.

233. J. Neyts- Selective Inhibition of EBV replication, Rencontres EBV- Grenoble, France, 20-21 March 2003. 234. J. Neyts- Strategies for the treatment of orthopox virus infection (keynote lecture lecture). 12th

International Congress of Virology, Paris, France, 27 July-1 August 2002. 235. J. Neyts- Molecular basis for the inhibition of (–)SSRNA viruses. Seminar in the “P4” lab, Unité de Biologie

des Infections Virales Emergents, Centre de Recherche Mérieux Pasteur à Lyon, Lyon, France, 28 November 2001.

236. J. Neyts- Molecular basis for the inhibition of (–)SSRNA viruses. Seminar in the “P4” lab, Unité de Biologie des Infections Virales Emergents, Centre de Recherche Mérieux Pasteur à Lyon, Lyon, France, 28 November 2001.

237. J. Neyts- Bioterrorisme: de mogelijke agentia. Vereniging Verpleegkundigen Intensieve Zorgen & Spoedgevallen, U.I.A. Antwerp, Belgium, 22 November 2001.

238. J. Neyts- Possible strategies for the treatment of infection with HCV and other flaviviridae. Lecture in a series of seminars for Ph.D. and bachelor students of the “Faculté de Médecine de Marseille”, Marseille, France, 6 November 2001.

239. J. Neyts- Antiviral strategies for the treatment of emerging viral diseases. Seminars of the Institute of Preventive Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, February 2000.

240. J. Neyts- A novel animal model for the study of flavivirus infection. Vereniging voor Infectieziekten, Antwerp, Belgium, 18 June 1999.

241. J. Neyts- Flaviviruses. Vergadering van de ‘Koninklijke Belgische Academie voor Geneeskunde’, Brussels, Belgium, 27 March 1999.

242. J. Neyts- Nucleoside analog inhibitors of viral replication. Seminars of the Department of Virology, University of Ulm, Germany, 25 January 1999.

243. J. Neyts- A review of the antiviral activity of acyclic nucleoside phosphonate analogs. Seminars of the Institute for Medical Virology, University Hospitals, University Frankfurt, Germany, 20 January 1999.

244. J. Neyts- Antiviral drug resistance of cytomegalovirus. Meeting of the Biomed CMV Group, Erlangen, Germany, 25-26 October 1996.

245. J. Neyts- Inhibition of EBV-reactivation from latency. ‘Industry meets Academia” Univeristy of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , 4 March 1996.

246. J. Neyts- The antiviral activity of cidofovir: an overview. Seminars of the Department of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 26 February 1996.

247. J. Neyts- Polyanions and monoglycerides for the prevention of infections with herpesviruses and HIV via the vaginal route. EC Meeting on Vaginal Microbicides: Research Issues, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, 29 June-1 July 1995.

248. J. Neyts- Considerations in therapy of herpesvirus infections. Seminars of the School of Pharmacie, U.C. Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 30 May 1995.

249. J. Neyts- New therapies for the treatment of herpesvirus infections and their use in a gene therapy approach for the treatment of cancer. Seminars of the Cancer and Metastasis Group of the University of Liège, Belgium, 11 January 1995.

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Johan Neyts long Curriculum Vitae (CV + publications + lectures) - February 18, 2021

250. J. Neyts- Strategies for the treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection. Seminars of the Department of Immunology, Rhône-Poulenc Rorer, Vitry-sur-Seine, France, 11 December 1994.

251. J. Neyts- New inhibitors of herpesvirus replication. Seminar of the Department of Immunology & Microbiology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, 15 December 1993.
