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Reinhart and Rogoff Charts

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  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Professor Carmen Reinhart is DennisWeatherstone Senior Fellow at the PetersonInstitute for International Economics

    Kenneth Rogoff is Thomas D. Cabot Professor ofPublic Policy and Professor of Economics atHarvard University

    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts





    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    government debt defaults

    currency crasheshigh and hyper ination

    resulting unemployment

    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    government debt defaults

    currency crasheshigh and hyper ination

    resulting unemployment

    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    A composite index ofnancial instability:external default, domesticdefault, currency crashes, and

    ination outbursts.

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  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts

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    “A sovereign default on external debt is agovernment default on its own external debt orprivate sector debts that were publiclyguaranteed.”

    “A serial default is repeated sovereign default.”

    Reihart and Rogoff 2008: 3, 5

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    “...contrary to much contemporary opinion,domestic debt constituted an important part ofgovernment debt in most countries, includingemerging markets, over most of their existence.”

    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 9

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    “...domestic debt averages almost two-thirds of total public debt”

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    “long-term debt constitutes a large share of the total debt

    stock over a signicant part of the sample”Monday, August 27, 12

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    “...overt de jure defaults on domestic public debt, whileless common than external defaults, are hardly rare.Our data set includes 68 cases of overt default(compared to 250 post-1800 external debt defaults).These de jure defaults took place via a poutpourri ofmechanisms, ranging from forcible conversions, to lowercoupon rates, to unilateral reduction of principal(sometimes in conjunction with a currency

    conversion), to suspensions of payments.”

    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 10

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    “...both components rise rapidly, at about the

    same rates, just before default.

    But domestic debt buildups often happen in theaftermath of external default, precisely becausecountries have difculty borrowing abroad.”

    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 12

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  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    “...median duration of default spells in the post-World War II period is one-half the length ofwhat it was during 1800-1945 (3 years versus 6years, ...).”

    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 12

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    Why borrow money? Or, why go into debt?

    To nance spending--public and private sectors

    External and domestic sources:Governments can borrow from WB, IMF, bilateral

    institutions and commercial banks

    Private companies can borrow from commercialsources or from government banks

    Individuals can borrow from public and privatebanks or from other individuals (informal)

    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    end here

    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    “Periods of high international capital mobilityhave repeatedly produced international bankingcrises, not only famously as they did in the1990s, but historically.”

    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 7

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    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    “Favorable trends in countries’ terms of trade (meaningtypically, high prices for primary commodities) typicallylead to a ramp-up of borrowing that collapses into

    defaults when prices drop.” (page 31)Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    “Since World War II, ination and default havegone hand-in-hand.”

    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 11

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    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    “...ination crises and exchange rate crises travelhand-in-hand in the overwhelming majority ofepisodes across time and countries (with amarkedly tighter link in chronic ination


    Reinhart and Rogoff 2008: 49

    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Monday, August 27, 12

  • 8/19/2019 Reinhart and Rogoff Charts


    Avoiding crisis

    Monday, August 27, 12

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