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Date post: 14-Apr-2022
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Project overview Liberty Industrial carried out the demolition of several redundant installations at the Collinsville Open Cut mine in Queensland Australia. The redundant Train Load Out facility was demolished first, starting with a 120-metre long inclined conveyor. A 55-metre long section of this conveyor, weighing 45 tonnes, was straddling a live rail line hence could not be demolished in situ. Instead the conveyor segment was lifted using two mobile cranes working in tandem. The Train Load Out bin was then prepared for an induced collapse. The pre- weakening works were completed in accordance with the detailed specifications from our structural engineer then the structure pulled down with the aid of two 38 tonnes excavators. The rest of the installation was then demolished in situ using a range of excavators fitted with demolition shears. The redundant Raw Coal Crushing facility was straddling a live conveyor line so the removal works were carefully planned and engineered to prevent any damage to the surrounding live plant as well as minimise impact to operations. The structure was methodically rigged, separated from the structures beneath, then lifted using a range of mobile cranes. The Road Load Out installation, along with an adjoining 200 metre long inclined conveyor was also demolished. The conveyor reached the top of the redundant Load Out bin, a concrete silo of approximately 10 metres in diameter and 34 metres high. For the demolition of this installation, Liberty Industrial’s 200 tonne Kocurek modified Hitachi Ex1200 High Reach Demolition Excavator was deployed. The machine was fitted with a 7 tonne shear to demolish the inclined conveyor first. Then, changing the attachment for a 6 tonne Concrete Cracker, the concrete bin was demolished from the top down in less than two days. A significant part of the works described above would have normally required a complete shutdown of key operational assets, however, the demolition methodologies employed by Liberty Industrial allowed for all works to be carried out with minimum disruption to Glencore’s operations, keeping shutdowns and outages to minimum occurrences and durations. CLICK TO WATCH or visit vimeo.com/libertyindustrial Location Collinsville, QLD Client Glencore Duration 3 months REMOVAL OF REDUNDANT COAL INFRASTRUCTURE AT COLLINSVILLE OPEN CUT MINE.

Project overviewLiberty Industrial carried out the demolition of several redundant installations at the

Collinsville Open Cut mine in Queensland Australia.

The redundant Train Load Out facility was demolished first, starting with a

120-metre long inclined conveyor. A 55-metre long section of this conveyor,

weighing 45 tonnes, was straddling a live rail line hence could not be demolished

in situ. Instead the conveyor segment was lifted using two mobile cranes working

in tandem.

The Train Load Out bin was then prepared for an induced collapse. The pre-

weakening works were completed in accordance with the detailed specifications

from our structural engineer then the structure pulled down with the aid of two 38

tonnes excavators. The rest of the installation was then demolished in situ using a

range of excavators fitted with demolition shears.

The redundant Raw Coal Crushing facility was straddling a live conveyor line so the

removal works were carefully planned and engineered to prevent any damage to

the surrounding live plant as well as minimise impact to operations. The structure

was methodically rigged, separated from the structures beneath, then lifted using

a range of mobile cranes.

The Road Load Out installation, along with an adjoining 200 metre long inclined

conveyor was also demolished. The conveyor reached the top of the redundant

Load Out bin, a concrete silo of approximately 10 metres in diameter and 34

metres high.

For the demolition of this installation, Liberty Industrial’s 200 tonne Kocurek

modified Hitachi Ex1200 High Reach Demolition Excavator was deployed. The

machine was fitted with a 7 tonne shear to demolish the inclined conveyor first.

Then, changing the attachment for a 6 tonne Concrete Cracker, the concrete bin

was demolished from the top down in less than two days.

A significant part of the works described above would have normally required

a complete shutdown of key operational assets, however, the demolition

methodologies employed by Liberty Industrial allowed for all works to be carried

out with minimum disruption to Glencore’s operations, keeping shutdowns and

outages to minimum occurrences and durations.

C L I C K T O WAT C Ho r v i s i t v i m e o . c o m / l i b e r t y i n d u s t r i a l

Locat ionC o l l i n s v i l l e , Q L D

Cl ientG l e n c o re

Durat ion3 m o n t h s

