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Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)




    Prepared by

    Md. Raju Ahmed 113-0846-560Syeef Amin 121-0988-060Shura! Sharif 113-00"9-060S.M. A#-Amin 121-0314-660

    Submi$$ed $Prof. Dr. Abdur Rab Khan

    Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)

    Date of submission !"thAu#ust$ "%!&

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    Comparative Case Studies of

    Bangladeshi Business Houses:

    ORO! Group

    "S#MM$ Group

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    Letter of Transmittal

    12thAugust, 2015

    Prof& 'r& A(dur Ra( )han


    Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)

    North South ni!ersity

    Su"# Su"mission of the $eport%

    Dear Sir,

    & am pleased to su"mit this report, 'hich is prepared for the Comparative Case Studies of

    Bangladeshi Business Houses: ORION Group & S!!IT"#& ha!e tried my "est to complete

    the report properly and "ring out a meaningful insight 'ithin the constraints% & had to face some

    difficulties 'hile gaining information for the proect% *oreo!er, the study has gi!en me the

    opportunity to relate lots of theoretical and "usiness +no'ledge 'ith the practical 'orld%

    & appreciate your +ind ad!ice, cooperation, patience and suggestions regarding this report 'hich

    'ill definitely help me to go ahead as a "rilliant guideline% & 'ill "e a!aila"le for any uery and

    clarification regarding this report 'hene!er necessary%

    Sincerely yours,

    'd. Ra(u Ahmed !!)*%+,-*&-%Seef Amin !"!*%/++*%-%Shoura0 Sharif !!)*%%1/*%-%

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    S.'. A2*Amin !"!*%)!,*--%%ab#e f &n$en$'ORION 3ROUP............................................................................................................ !


    Vision$ 'ission 5 3oa2s 5 Va2ues of Orion 3rou6....................................................."

    Vision................................................................................................................... "

    'ission................................................................................................................. "

    Ob(e4ti0e.............................................................................................................. "

    Va2ues of the 7om6an........................................................................................)

    8ua2it Po2i4........................................................................................................)

    The 9ourne to Su44ess........................................................................................... )

    De#ree of di0ersi:4ation......................................................................................... ,

    Pharma and Hea2th4are........................................................................................ ,

    Infrastru4ture De0e2o6ment.................................................................................&

    'a(or Te4hni4a2 detai2s.........................................................................................&

    Uni;ue 7ha22en#es fa4ed in de0e2o6ment of this ean#2a 'ushroom ?td..............................................................................!!

    Orion A#ro Produ4ts ?td.....................................................................................!"

    7osmeti4s and Toi2etries.....................................................................................!"

    Tee0era#e............................................................................................ !&

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    @oot=ear and @oot4are....................................................................................... !&

    Home A662ian4e................................................................................................. !1

    @uture 6ro(e4tion for Internationa2 >usiness.........................................................!+

    Referen4e................................................................................................................ !/

    SU''IT 3ROUP........................................................................................................ "%


    Vision................................................................................................................. "!

    'ission............................................................................................................... "!

    Ob(e4ti0e............................................................................................................ "!

    The 9ourne to Su44ess......................................................................................... ""

    Summit &ndustrial - *ercantile .orporation (P!t%) /imited (S&*./)...................................""

    Summit Po=er ?imited SP?B..............................................................................""

    Summit 'e#hna#hat Po=er 7om6an ?imited S'P7?B.....................................""

    United Summit 7oasta2 Oi2 ?imited US7O?B......................................................""

    IP7O De0e2o6ment ?imited................................................................................""

    De#ree of di0ersi:4ation....................................................................................... ""

    Summit Industria2 5 'er4anti2e 7or6oration P0t.B ?imited SI'7?B...................""

    Summit Po=er ?imited SP?B..............................................................................")

    Summit 'e#hna#hat Po=er 7om6an ?imited S'P7?B.....................................")

    Summit >ibiana II Po=er 7om6an ?imited S>P7? IIB......................................",

    Summit 7ommuni4ations ?imited S7?B.............................................................",

    Summit Oi2 and Shi66in# 7om6an ?imited SOS7?B........................................."&

    Summit Asia Pa4i:4 Pte. ?td..............................................................................."-

    Summit Te4hno6o2is ?imited..............................................................................."-

    Summit A22ian4e Port ?imited SAP?B.................................................................."-

    Khu2na Po=er 7om6an ?imited KP7?B............................................................."1

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    United Summit 7oasta2 Oi2 ?imited US7O?B......................................................"1

    7osmo6o2itan Traders P0t.B ?imited 7TP?B......................................................."1

    7osmo6o2itan @inan4e ?imited 7@?B.................................................................."+

    IP7O De0e2o6ment ?imited................................................................................"+

    @uture 6ro(e4tion of the 7om6an........................................................................"/

    7on42usions.............................................................................................................. )%

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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    ORO! GRO#P


    $&N $P is one of the leading industrial conglomerates in angladesh o!er the years%

    3ith the support of a highly s+illed management structure and 14000 dedicated professionals,

    $&N has achie!ed a degree of success that is unparalleled in the countrys "usiness history%

    $&N has assumed the leadership role 'ith its operations in the Pharmaceuticals, .osmetics -

    6oiletries, &nfrastructure De!elopment, $eal 7state - .onstruction, Po'er, 8igh9tech Agro

    Products, 8ospitality, 6e:tiles - arments, A!iation *anagement sectors% Some of the units are

    successfully listed in the Stoc+ 7:change%

    $&N is the mar+et leader in Pharmaceuticals and .osmetics - 6oiletries sectors o!er the

    years in the country% esides these, $&N has e:tensi!ely focused on &nfrastructure

    De!elopment and Po'er eneration "usinesses through maor in!estment underta+ings and

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    significantly contri"uted to the countrys national economy;s sta"ility through the right "usiness

    to "usiness strategy%

    6he roups main o"ecti!e follo's the principle to reduce rural po!erty and foster sustaina"le

    economic de!elopment of the country.

    *i'in+ Mi''in , a#' , *a#ue' f rin rup

    rion &nfusion /td% - rion /a"oratories /td%


    6o "e regarded as the most trust 'orthy sterile products manufacturer in angladesh%

    6o "e regarded as a 'orld9class pharmaceutical company in the field of generic finished



    6o impro!e the health of people of angladesh and achie!e sta+eholders satisfaction "y

    manufacturing and mar+eting sterile products%

    6o impro!e peoples health achie!e sta+eholders satisfaction "y manufacturing and mar+eting

    pharmaceutical finished product%


    6o sustain a significant sales gro'th a"o!e industry a!erage

    6o de!elop employees s+ills through continuous training and de!elopment programs

    6o "e esta"lished as one of the most preferred pharmaceuticals companies in

    angladesh to 'or+ for%

    6o upgrade manufacturing facilities continuously in order to cope 'ith changes in the

    "usiness en!ironment%

    6o assure uality products from our manufacturing facilities

    6o focus on total customer satisfaction

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    Va2ues of the 7om6an

    &n order to achie!e our aspired !ision 'e shall su"scri"e to the follo'ing !alues#

    001#2000 ?5 rion Pharma (ear2ier 4a22ed Orion ?aboratories ?imited)

    1>42 &ncorporated "y *r% *ohammad "aidul @arim

    1>45 ounded

    1>4> rion &nfusion started its ourney

    1>>0 rion 8ome Appliance /td%

    1>>B rion roup acuired the then ailing @ohinoor .hemical .o% /td

    1>>4 ish - .o%

    1>>> rion as /imited 'as incorporated

    2005 rion Acuired Cafflong 6ea200> rion oot'ear /td%

    eree f di!er'i)a$in

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    Pharma and Hea2th4are

    Orion Pharma .td&

    rion Pharma a mem"er of rion roup 'as founded as a pharmaceutical manufacturing

    company in 1>?5% 3ith the mission to ser!e the ailing humanity around the glo"e orion pharma

    started its operation nearly four decades ago, and after a great run of success the company today

    has proliferated out into one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in angladesh% &t has

    already esta"lished itself to the doctor;s community, other health care professionals, chemists and

    patients as a pro!ider of uality medicines and health care ser!ices through 50 "rands and 51

    presentations of !arious formulations%

    3ith the mission to ser!e the ailing humanity around the glo"e, rion Pharma has proliferated

    into one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in angladesh manufacturing and mar+eting

    general drugs% &t has already esta"lished itself to the doctor;s community, other healthcare

    professionals, chemists and patients as a pro!ider of uality medicines and healthcare ser!ices

    through 115 "rands and 250 presentations of !arious formulations complying ood

    *anufacturing Practices (*P) and the guidelines of &S9>001# 2004

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    Infrastru4ture De0e2o6ment

    Orion nfrastru/ture .imited

    $eali=ing the critical importance of 6 proects in infrastructure de!elopment, rion

    &nfrastructure /imited too+ the initiati!e of "eing a pioneer in this gro'th model, 'hich

    facilitates direct pri!ate sector in!estment in large scale infrastructure proects% 3ithin the

    frame'or+ of 6 proects, the company has selected transportation as its focus sector gi!en

    that an efficient and 'ell Eintegrated transport system not only sustains and dri!es economic

    de!elopment "ut more importantly promotes and strengthens national integration%

    *ayor *ohammad 8anif lyo!er is an outcome of inno!ati!e technical and financial

    engineering and it is the most e:citing de!elopment in angladesh transport history% &t is

    e:pected to help people as 'ell as "usinesses "y pro!iding a free9flo' mo!ement to traffic

    coming and going out of National .apital% 6his facility could "e "enchmar+ed 'ith "est

    e:press'ays in the 'orld as "est of the design and engineering technologies has "een incorporate

    in this proect to "ring in the class of "est e:press'ays 'orld'ide%

    'a(or Te4hni4a2 detai2s

    11+m long 7le!ated lyo!er ha!ing F lane di!ided carriage'ay, starting at Palashi

    near ulistan Cunction and ending at @utu"+hali%

    4 7ntry and 7:it $amps at maor unctions for smooth inflo' and outflo' of traffic%

    A mi: of "oth i%e% precast &9irders and o: girders used in the construction%

    Se!en toll Pla=as, ha!ing B1 6oll /anes in total%

    State of the Art 6oll .ollection system 'here toll payment can "e made "y .ash or

    Prepaid Smart .ard or Non Stop 796ags (installed on 3indscreen of Gehicle)%

    7ach and e!ery !ehicle crossing the toll pla=as is issued 'ith toll receipt ha!ing all

    payment details, there"y ma+ing toll collection fully transparent and audita"le%

    *ore than 200 Poles and /7D lighting i:tures used for illuminating the flyo!er%

    /7D lighting used to +eep po'er consumption to minimum%

    Uni;ue 7ha22en#es fa4ed in de0e2o6ment of this e

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    &mplementation of access control in an e:tensi!e ur"an en!ironment%

    $estricted right of 'ay of the proect road% *anagement and relocation of

    nderground and !erhead tilities%

    ormulation and implementation of an effecti!e toll strategy in an ur"an en!ironment%

    *aintenance and corridor control of the high'ay throughout the construction andconcession period%


    Orion Po0er Meghnaghat .td&

    rion Po'er *eghnaghat Po'er Plant (P*/) is a Po'er generation .ompany of capacity 100

    *3 under the go!ernment policy 2 'or+ers and stuffs are 'or+ing round the cloc+ in three shift,

    shifting is 4 hrsDay% &t is connected 'ith National rid, Sonargaon Su"station% 6otal Plant area

    is around 4 acore%

    'ut/h Bangla Po0er " Asso/iates .td&

    Dutch angla Po'er and Associates /td (DP/), a 100 *3 8 fired engine "ased month%

    6here are t'o engine halls and a common control room at the centre, a 'or+shop for the

    maintenance 'or+s, a 3arehouse, a /a"oratory, a 'or+ers dormitory, a canteen and an admin

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    "uilding% 3e ha!e 8 - / (/u"e9oil) purification plant% *oreo!er, there is 8, / - /

    storage and ser!ice tan+%

    'igital Po0er " Asso/iates .td&

    Digital Po'er and Associates /td is a 102 *3 8 "ased Po'er Plant under the scope of

    o!ernment proect &PP% &t is a sister concern of rion roup, one of the largest company in

    angladesh% &t 'as started for commercial operation from >th Cune, 201F and running

    continuously from then% &t is situated in the "an+ of the uriganga ri!er at ognagar, @ashipur in

    Narayangan district% 3e are ta+ing 8 as a fuel and producing electricity and dispatching

    po'er to our national grid% 6his po'er e!acuated to 1B2 @G line at Shitalaa+ha su"station% 3e

    usage of 'orld class euipment and 7P. contractor has ena"led us to finish this proects in due

    time, the erection period of this period is only > month%

    Orion Po0er 'haa .td&

    PD/ is the "iggest &PP and the first coal "ased ad!anced super9critical po'er plant in

    angladesh to "e implemented in .har"eta+i, o=aria, *unshigan 'ith a net capacity of ?B0

    *3 (ross ?40*3)% 6a+ing the ad!isory and engineering consultancies from 'orlds most

    reno'ned consulting firms and 'ith financing participation "y S 7:im and @97:im for the first

    time in angladesh, PD/ has already started implementation of the proect% 6o implement the

    proect PD/ is also using "est technology and euipment from 7 of the SA and Doosan of

    @orea7urope% 6he plant has "een designed "ased on .lean .oal 6echnology to ensure most

    relia"le, a!aila"le and efficient operations 'ith compliance of all en!ironmental regulations%

    Orion Po0er )hulna .td&

    P@/ is also the "iggest &PP of rion and the first coal "ased ad!anced super9critical po'er

    plant to "e implemented in urirdanga, *ongla 'ith a net capacity of ?B0 *3 (ross ?40*3)%

    6a+ing the ad!isory and engineering consultancies from 'orlds most reno'ned consulting firms

    and 'ith financing participation "y 8armes and Sinosure, P@/ has already started

    implementation of the proect at site% 6o implement the proect P@/ is also using "est

    technology and euipment from Alstom of 7urope% 6he plant has "een designed on .lean .oal

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    6echnology to ensure relia"le, a!aila"le and efficient operations 'ith compliance of all

    en!ironmental regulations%

    6he plant shall ha!e a "uilt9in 76P system, all reected 'aste 'ater 'ill "e accumulated in the

    oily 'ater sludge tan+ then through separator pure 'ater 'ill drain in the rain pit and sludge 'ill

    "e accumulated in the sludge tan+% 6his sludge 'ill then ta+e a'ay "y the !endors 'ho ha!e the

    license of the use of the sludge%


    Orion Gas .td&

    eing the one of the largest conglomerate in the field of 7nergy - Po'erH Sector in

    angladesh, rion as /imited (/) is committed to ensure the "est possi"le ser!ices to all

    categories of consumers (i%e%, Domestic, &ndustrial - .ommercial) and other di!ersified

    sectorsusers to come% 3ith a mission to ser!e the complete rural mass people as 'ell as city

    population of angladesh including e:port mar+et a"road and to pro!ide the rapidly gro'n

    ur"ani=ed areas of angladesh

    Rea2 Estate

    Cit3 Centre

    .&6I .7N6$7, a mem"er company of $&N $P one of the largest "usiness domains in

    angladesh 'ith di!ersified "usiness interests% J.ity .entreJ, the archetype real estate

    de!elopment proect and the pride of angladesh% .ity .entre has added a ne' hori=on in the

    construction field of the country "y constructing this huge BK9storied tallest "uilding

    commercial9cum9par+ing comple: "uilding 'ith 10 floors car par+, at the heart of Dha+a .ity%

    .onsidering the acute shortage of par+ing space in the city, the "uilding 'ill ha!e e:clusi!ely ten

    par+ing floors% &t 'ill also ha!e all the characteristics of a technologically smart "uilding, as it

    shall "e earthua+e resistant and fully euipped 'ith the most modern fire fighting euipments%

    .ity .entre is a place 'here the "ig .orporate houses need to ha!e office to get the competiti!e

    edge o!er competitors% .ity .entre 'ill not only change the face of Dha+a, it 'ill also

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    incorporate some uniue features% 6his BK9storey s+yscraper 'ill thus "e the country;s first

    "uilding to offer multi9storied car par+ing%

    .&6I .7N6$7, more than 500,000 S6 edifices, is the tallest "uilding e!er "uilt in angladesh%

    &t is con!eniently situated at the heart of *otiheel, the commercial hu" of Dha+a city - is in

    close pro:imity of the city;s Lero Point% 6his state9of9the9art office comple: is ser!ing as a Jcity

    'ithin a cityJ - offering more features in it than any other "uilding comple: in Dha+a% 6his

    state9of9the9art "uilding has the perfect synergy "et'een employer and employee aspirations

    'hile housing the "est corporate in the country%

    &n addition to its architectural splendor, the "uilding is the first of its +ind in the country to offer

    multistoried car par+ing% &n fact, considering the acute shortage of par+ing space in the city, the

    "uilding has made e:clusi!ely ten par+ing floors% &t has all the characteristics of a

    technologically smart "uilding, as it shall "e earthua+e resistant and fully euipped 'ith the

    most modern fire fighting euipments% .onsidering all these attractions, .ity .entre is a place,

    'here one needs to ha!e an office to get the competiti!e edge o!er contemporaries%

    7onstru4tion and A22ied

    nterior A//om Consortium .td&

    &nterior Accom .onsortium /td, a concern of rion roup, had "een a'arded "y 8otels

    &nternational /td% (8&/) authority for the reno!ation of the Pan Pacific Sonargaon 8otel in

    Dha+a, angladesh% &nterior Acccom .onsortium /td% one of the proect "uilding - construction

    'ings of rion roup in mainly in!ol!ed in ci!il construction, architecture, and all engineering

    consultancy including interior decoration and management%

    And acclaimed fact a"out the proect "eing that, the refur"ishment of Pan Pacific Sonargaon

    8otel proect 'as a'arded through and internationally in!ited tendering process for the entire

    reno!ation of one of the countrys prestigious 5 Star hotels% As per the reuirement of 8otel

    &nternational /td% they ha!e already made a moc+ up room 'hich is appro!ed "y 8otel

    &nternational /imited (8&/) authority%

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    Hi#h Te4h A#ro Produ4ts

    6a7ong $ea Compan3 .td&

    Cafflong 6ea .ompany /td has "een acuired "y rion roup in the year 2005% &t is located at

    Cafflong under o'ainghat pa=illa, Sylhet% C6./ is the only lat /and tea estate in north east

    region of the country% &t stands at the foot of *eghalaya mountain range and !ery near to the

    Cafflong 6ourism .entre "eside the Peyain $i!er 'hich is especially familiar for its most

    attracti!e natural "eauty%

    6he entire tea estate encompasses an area of 4K5%K4 hectors of land 'here BB0%5? hectors are

    "eing utili=ed for 6ea plantation% 6he operation of the 6ea estate is under an efficient andprofessional management team 'ho are 'or+ing hard to impro!e the har!est and uality


    6hey ha!e ta+en !arious de!elopment programs for "oth ield and actory after ta+ing o!er

    from ames inlay 'ho esta"lished this tea estate in 144F% 6hey ha!e raised tea, shade and

    forestry plant in o'n nursery for the de!elopment of field% No', around K00 la"ors are 'or+ing

    in the estate daily and 1F super!ision staffs as 'ell%

    6hey ha!e also impro!ed the factory 'ith modern machineries li+e $otar!ane, B?J Cum"o 5cut

    .6. *achine, .ontinuous ermentation *achine (.*), .oal 8eater, GD Dryer Shorting

    *achine 'ith fully con!eyorsed system% 6hey are producing high9uality "lac+ tea 'hich is

    usually sent to .hittagong tea auction% 6he production of the estate is increasing e!ery year at a

    constant gro'th rate maintain the glo"al standard% &n 201B, our annual production 'as BBB,52B+g

    and gradually heading to'ards a target of F00,000+g 'ithin short period%

    7!er since it;s ta+ing o!er, $&N has "een running the company successfully and 'ith the

    prudent guidance recei!ed from the management the production graph and also the re!enue

    graph ha!e e:perienced a positi!e gro'th e!ery year% rom C6./ e:perienced a positi!e gro'th

    in the total production as recognition of its rapid de!elopment Cafflong 6ea 'as categori=ed as

    one of the superior uality tea in the 2004%

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    Cafflong 6ea .ompany contri"utes significantly to social and community de!elopment on its

    estates through comprehensi!e la"or 'elfare programs that offer free housing, healthcare and

    other "enefits% 6he company has set9up and manages medical centre, adult9literacy centers, and

    schools to educate the children of its employees%

    Panbo >an#2a 'ushroom ?td.

    *ushrooms are one of the most !alua"le agricultural products and has an all set demand in the

    glo"al mar+et%

    Pan"o angla *ushroom /td% (P*/) is a fully e:port9oriented mushroom gro'ing, processing

    and free=ing plant in angladesh% &t is a oint !enture company "et'een rion roup of

    angladesh and Pan"o System G of the Netherlands% P*/ is the first in angladesh tocommercially culti!ate 3hite utton *ushroom (Agaricus "isporus) "y using ra' materials,

    technology and e:perts from the Netherlands% 6he o"ecti!e of the angladesh9Netherlands

    funded *ushroom proect is to "ring an agro9re!olution in the country and to "uild up the

    angladeshi nation "y creating more o" opportunity%

    6he +ey ad!antage to thri!e an e:port oriented *ushroom industry in angladesh is significant

    lo' la"our cost% Pan"o;s production of 3hite utton *ushroom and the rapid gro'ing demand

    has the uniue opportunity to step in this !ery prospecti!e glo"al agro industry%

    P*/ already acuired food safety standard certificates from "oth &nternationally and

    Nationally recogni=ed certification authorities% 6hese certificates are $. (ritish $etail

    .onsortium) lo"al Standard for food safety, &S 22000#2005, /A/%A%P, 8A..P

    (8a=ard Analysis and .ritical .ontrol Point) and S6& (angladesh Standards - 6esting

    &nstitution) etc% 6he 3estin a i!e Star .hain 8otel also issued a certificate of 7:cellency after

    ha!ing P*/;s produce%

    Orion A#ro Produ4ts ?td.

    rion Agro is the 2nd unit mushroom gro'ing, processing and free=ing plant in Dha+a,

    angladesh% A 100M e:port oriented 'ith state9of9the9art manufacturing facility, the company

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    produces a"y utton *ushroom (3hite utton or Agaricous isporus) to meet the rapid

    gro'ing demand and to lead the country step ahead in this sector glo"ally%

    7osmeti4s and Toi2etries

    )ohinoor Chemi/al Compan3 9B' .td&

    @ohinoor .hemical .o% (angladesh) /td% (J@../) is a pioneer manufacturing company in high

    uality "eauty, toiletries and personal care products% 6he state9of9the9art machineries and ra'

    materials from the 'orld;s "est possi"le sources, it has "ench mar+ed high standard in

    manufacturing uality products% 6he 'ell +no'n J6i"etJ "rand of toiletries of the @ohinoor

    .hemicals has "een !ery popular among the middle income and rural people of the country forages%

    rion roup acuired the then ailing @ohinoor .hemical .o% /td &n 1>>B under the pri!ati=ation

    policy and soon transformed the age9old, loss ma+ing state9enterprise into profita"le one% @../

    has not only regained its lost glory "ut also had "een a"le to penetrate into the hori=on of e:port


    rion roup acuired the then ailing @ohinoor .hemical .o% /td &n 1>>B under the pri!ati=ationpolicy and soon transformed the age9old, loss ma+ing state9enterprise into profita"le one% @../

    has not only regained its lost glory "ut also had "een a"le to penetrate into the hori=on of e:port


    @../;s success is also attri"uted to its compact setting of a num"er of nation9'ide mar+eting

    net'or+s in addition to its commitment to uality% 6he goal is success and to +eep success on9

    going @../ has de!oted itself to update its 8$D resources and maintaining standard "atch9"y

    "atch, e!en piece "y piece%

    nder the a"le leadership of rion roup, @../ had not only regained its lost glory, "ut also

    had "een a"le to penetrate into the hori=on of e:port mar+ets% 6herefore, @../ is constantly

    conducting prolong program of *$7 'ith full foreign colla"oration to ensure uality and

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    efficiency amongst its 1500 plus 'or+force including technical and management e:ecuti!es 'ith

    !arious 'elfare measures li+e su"sidi=ed canteen, free uniform, *edicare facilities, 'elfare

    center etc% E ready to respond to any consumer need and program of action% 6he unit has "een

    successful in attaining one of the high9rated producti!ity in the country%

    $ecently, @ohinoor .hemical .ompany (angladesh) /td% (@../) has !entured out in the

    e:port mar+et as 'ell% Products of @../ are no' e:ported to !arious parts of the 'orld% @../

    has opened ne' frontiers to "e conuered "y the leading 6oiletries and .osmetics .ompany of


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  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    @ood and >e0era#e

    % 6he leather foot'ear has also "een the fastest gro'ing sector in

    the leather industry and one of the promising sectors in angladesh%

    6he moderni=ation of the foot'ear industry in angladesh, 'hich has gro'n since the colonial

    era, occurred during the late 1>40s% .urrently, the country resides more than B000 foot'ear

    production units% 6he composition of the production units includes around 2B relati!ely large

    units ha!ing mechani=ed and semi9mechani=ed technology% 6he rest of the units are of small and

    medium production entities%

    angladesh is among the top Asian producers of foot'ear, 'ith production in 2011 of2K? million

    pairs and a 1%B percent 'orld mar+et share% According to the World Footwear 2012 Yearbook,

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    angladesh produced 2K? million pairs and consumed 2?4 million pairs of shoes in 2011

    (AP&..APS 2012), ma+ing its per capita consumption 1%K pairs% 6he report also ran+ed

    angladesh in the se!enth position among the top ten foot'ear producers 'orld'ide "y uantity%

    6he foot'ear sector of angladesh earned re!enues in e:cess of SD BB5%51 million in 2011912

    'ith gro'th rate of 12%??M 'hich is !ery encouraging and sho's off the underlying potentiality

    of the sector%

    *eeting 'ith representati!es of the foot'ear su"9sector highlighted an optimistic sentiment

    a"out "usiness% 6hey !ie' their products as price and uality competiti!e% oot'ear

    manufacturers in the country rate themsel!es as "eing a"le to respond uic+ly to "uyer inuiries,

    possessing the a"ility to offer competiti!e prices, uality products, and prompt fulfillment of

    orders% Another positi!e feature emerging in the foot'ear su"9sector is the de!elopment of

    possi"le "ac+'ard lin+ages%

    *oreo!er, the entire leather industry is aiming to earn SD 1? "illion 'ithin the ne:t ten year

    and the leather foot'ear sector of angladesh 'ould play the most important role in the pursuit%

    *ar+et analysts and e:perts are "etting on the countrys foot'ear sector to achie!e this target%

    6he local mar+et for foot'ear in angladesh is also huge and is treated as gro'ing and !irgin

    mar+et for the mar+eter% 3ith the pace of economic de!elopment, ha!ing all these positi!e

    factors, many angladeshi entrepreneurs are loo+ing for'ard to gra" this opportunity 'ith "oth


    oot'ear 'ill "e the core product for the "usiness and 'ill ser!e as one9stop store of shoes for

    all the mem"ers of the family% 6here 'ill "e "road range of products including dress, casual and

    sports and some e:tent of shoe9carefoot9care items and range of non9foot'ear items including

    casual apparels matching 'ith the lifestyle and fashion% 6he product 'ill "e mar+eted

    committing the "est uality, comfort and ser!ices in the name of rion "rands under !arious

    pri!ate la"els%

    &nitially the product 'ill "e outsourced locally and internationally% &n addition there 'ill "e fe'

    international "rands to "e mar+eted under the licensee or franchisee agreement%

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    Home A662ian4e

    Orion Home Applian/e .td&

    angladesh is e:periencing a steady economic gro'th 'hich has fueled a huge demand for

    !arious household products% 6he angladeshi economy is significantly helped household sector,

    'hich contri"utes more than 1BM of the country;s trade% angladesh has e:perienced a gro'th

    rate of 5M since 1>>0% Added to this angladesh has a young population 'ith e!er increasing

    income le!els 'ho are trendy and demands premium ser!ices to cater to their needs% 6he young

    populations of the country are highly glo"ali=ed in terms of thoughts, needs, and choices% 6a+ing

    this study, rion has started trade in home appliance sector initially 'ith assem"ling free=e in

    angladesh% ree=e refrigerators ha!e "ecome "asic essential need of almost e!ery family and

    indi!idual "achelors% 6raditionally, all rich and upper middle class families use num"er of units

    in e!ery family% *iddle9class and lo'er middle9class families use free=e at least one in each

    family% Present demand for refrigerators is gro'ing at B0M annually and there 'ill "e a demand

    of a"out 1%5 million in 201?% 3ithin 10 years the demand 'ill reach a"out B%0 million units%

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    u$ure prje)$in fr (n$erna$ina# u'ine''

    rom studying the e!olution and di!ersification of rion roup, 'e can see that although this

    conglomerate currently does some international trading, "ut they are currently not in!ol!ed in

    any international "usiness% *ost of their "usinesses are in the local mar+et of angladesh% 6he

    types of "usiness rion roup is in!ol!ed has a !ery lo' possi"ility to reuire to set up

    production facility a"road% *oreo!er, the target mar+et of rion roup is not saturated yet%

    rion roup has to acuire more +no'ledge in terms of operating "usiness on the "asis of

    decentrali=ation% ecause it is !ery important to ha!e in depth +no'ledge "efore going


    6ill no', 'e dont see any proection from rion roup to start international "usiness% y the

    nature of their "usiness, most of their ser!ices 'ill not need international operation% ut as stated

    earlier, this group can "e "enefited largely "y operating internationally for its technology

    intensi!e products% 6hey can operate more efficiently and can target the international mar+et

    "etter "y an appropriate internal "usiness strategy% 6his 'ill reduce their cost and increase sales


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    https#en%'i+ipedia%org'i+i"aidulO@arim http#'''%orionpharma"d%comc"oard%php



    power-plant-23556 https://www.linkedin.com/company/orion-group_3653


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    S#MM$ GRO#P


    Summit Po'er /imited (SP/), sponsored "y Summit roup, is the first angladeshi

    &ndependent Po'er Producer (&PP) in angladesh and until no' the only local company in

    pri!ate electricity generation and supply "usiness pro!iding po'er to national grid% SP/ 'as

    incorporated in angladesh on *arch B0, 1>>K as a

    Pri!ate /imited .ompany% n Cune K, 200F the .ompany 'as con!erted to

    Pu"lic /imited .ompany under the .ompanies Act 1>>F%Summit Po'er /imited has

    successfully esta"lished in the year 2001 three po'er plants each 'ith 11 *3 capacity for sale

    of electricity to $ural 7lectrification oard ($7) under uild, 'n and perate "asis at Sa!ar,

    Narsingdi and .omilla% .apacity of these plants had

    %8 | P a # e

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    "een e:panded to 105 *3 during 200? and 200K% &n 200> Summit Po'er /imited has

    commissioned another F ne' po'er plants increasing its cumulati!e production capacity to 215

    *3 in K po'er plants% &n esta"lishing these four ne' po'er plants SP/ has formed t'o >>M

    o'ned su"sidiary companies namely Summit Pur"anchol

    Po'er .ompany /imited (SPP./) and Summit ttaranchol Po'er .ompany /imited

    (SP./)%.onsidering the immense opportunities, the company is stri!ing to esta"lish more

    po'er plants around the country% 6he fast9gro'ing company has set a mission to e:pand the

    company 'ith a po'er generation capacity to the tune of 1000 *3, 'hich is a modest 20M of

    the electricity reuirement in angladesh.


    6o pro!ide uality - uninterrupted electricity to the !ast maority of rural angladesh for their

    personal, social - economic de!elopment%


    7mpo'ering angladesh, 'e can - 'e 'illH 6o e:pand the company into a po'er generation

    capacity to the tune of 1000 *3 'hich is 20M of the electricity reuirement of angladesh and

    maintain that le!el%


    enerate and pro!ide uninterrupted reasona"ly priced electricity to our customers

    7fficient utili=ation of capital, machines, material and human resources%

    .ontinuous impro!ement of customer satisfaction and resource management%

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    %he /urney $ Su))e''

    $%' &ncorporated "y *r% *uhammed A=i= @han

    $%' Summit &ndustrial - *ercantile .orporation (P!t%) /imited (S&*./)


    Summit Po=er ?imited SP?B

    Summit 'e#hna#hat Po=er 7om6an ?imited S'P7?B

    Summit i"iyana && Po'er .ompany /imited (S&&P./

    Summit .ommunications /imited (S./)

    $%% Summit il and Shipping .ompany /imited (SS./)

    )*$+ Summit Asia Pacific Pte% /td

    Summit techno polis ltd

    )**+ Summit Alliance Port /imited (SAP/

    $%%( @hulna Po'er .ompany /td (@P./

    United Summit 7oasta2 Oi2 ?imited US7O?B

    .osmopolitan 6raders (P!t%) /td%

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    .osmopolitan inance /imited

    IP7O De0e2o6ment ?imited

    eree f di!er'i)a$in

    Summit Industria2 5 'er4anti2e 7or6oration P0t.B ?imited SI'7?B

    Summit roup is one of the leading pri!ate sector conglomerates of angladesh comprising of

    "usinesses in!esting in po'er to shipping to communications%

    S&*./ is at the core of Summit roup% &t is a holding company esta"lished in 1>45 sponsoring

    the companies of Summit, 'ith a significant focus in integrated infrastructural de!elopment%

    S&*./ spearheads the financing and de!elopment of proects underta+en "y its su"sidiary

    companies% 3hile S&*./ itself is a pri!ate limited company, Summit Po'er /imited, Summit

    Alliance Port /imited and @hulna Po'er .ompany /imited are pu"licly listed in the Dha+a

    Stoc+ 7:change (DS7) and .hittagong Stoc+ 7:change (.S7)%

    As a part of its "usiness strategy Summit continues to gro', implanting inno!ati!e and

    pioneering ideas to empo'er the infrastructure of angladesh% S&*./ is highly regarded for its

    efficient and ethical "usiness practices 'ith a reputation of e:cellence and inno!ation, ha!ing a

    net 'orth of SD FB5 million%

    Summit Po=er ?imited SP?B

    Summit Po'er /imited (SP/), a su"sidiary of Summit roup is the first angladeshi

    &ndependent Po'er Producer (&PP) in angladesh in pri!ate sector pro!iding po'er to national

    grid% SP/ 'as incorporated in angladesh on *arch B0, 1>>K as a Pri!ate /imited .ompany% n

    Cune K, 200F the .ompany 'as con!erted into Pu"lic /imited .ompany under the .ompanies

    Act 1>>F%

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    6oday Summit Po'er /imited o'ns and operates 04 (eight) po'er plants at different locations

    across the country ha!ing a total capacity of B1K *3% &ts plants are manufactured "y 'orld

    famous technote: companies, i%e% 3artsila E inland, .aterpillar 9 SA, and 7 Cen"acher,

    Austria% All of its po'er plants run 2F hours a day to support the national grid% Due to

    .ompanys practice of &ntegrated *anagement System, it has "een certified "y &S >001# 2004 9

    ibiana II Po=er 7om6an ?imited S>P7? IIB

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    Summit i"iyana && Po'er .ompany /imited (S&&P./) is implementing i"iyana && BF1 *3

    gas9fired com"ined cycle po'er plant, one of the largest &PP (&ndependent Po'er Producer)

    proects in angladesh, at Par+ul !illage, Na"igan 6hana in 8o"igan District, appro:imately

    140 +m northeast of Dha+a%6his proect consists of one (1) 7 > A as 6ur"ine enerator, one

    (1) 8eat $eco!ery Steam enerator from 8ang=hou oiler roup and one (1) Steam 6ur"ine

    enerator from 8ar"in 6ur"ine .orporation%

    S&&P./, the proect company 'ith 40M o'nership "y Summit &ndustrial and *ercantile

    .orporation (P!t%) /imited (S&*./) and 20M "y eneral 7lectric (7), has "een incorporated

    in angladesh in 2011% 6he consortium of S&*./ and 7 has "een selected, though

    international competiti!e "idding process, "y angladesh Po'er De!elopment oard (PD)

    and o!ernment of angladesh () as the proect sponsor% &t has e:ecuted Po'er PurchaseAgreement (PPA), as Supply Agreement (SA), &mplementation Agreement (&A) and /and

    /ease Agreement (//A) 'ith PD, and the and their line agencies on 12 *ay 2011%


    Summit 7ommuni4ations ?imited S7?B

    Summit .ommunications /imited (S./) is a leading end to end infrastructure support pro!ider

    ha!ing Nation'ide 6elecommunication 6ransmission Net'or+ and ate'ay licenses% S./ has asingular focus of aggregating the e:isting infrastructure of different operators in order to

    eliminate in!estments "y multiple operators and e:panding its o'n net'or+ into areas that ha!e

    "een pre!iously unreacha"le% S./ pro!ides high capacity transmission ser!ices through optical

    fi"er net'or+, and pro!ides internet ser!ices and international "and'idth ser!ices, through its

    State9of9the9Art net'or+ 'ith latest a!aila"le technologies (D3D*, &P*P/S, *etro 7thernet,

    SD8 etc)% Aggregating a nation'ide net'or+, S./ has "uilt access to 1B,200 @* net'or+ and

    has an am"itious plan of "eing the largest fi"er optic infrastructure operator in the country 'ith

    100M nation'ide co!erage "y 201K%

    Summit Oi2 and Shi66in# 7om6an ?imited SOS7?B

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    Summit il and Shipping .ompany /imited (SS./), an enterprise of Summit roup, 'as

    incorporated in 1>>4 as a pri!ate limited company, 'hich has since "een con!erted as a pu"lic

    limited company in Cune, 2010% 6he present authori=ed and paid up capital of the .ompany are

    6+ 200 crore and 6+ 50 crore respecti!ely% Since its inception, SS./ has "een successfully

    carrying on its "usiness in the field of import and inland transportation of liuid fuel oil 'ith its

    o'n fleet of oil tan+ers%

    Presently, SS./ o'ns ? coastal oil tan+ers 'ith an accumulated carrying capacity of >,?00

    *6% SS./ o'ns and operates a K,?00 *6 capacity tan+ terminal at *adangan, to facilitate the

    storage capacities reuired "y the 102 *3 Po'er Plant of Summit Narayangan Po'er /imited%

    SS./ also leases a storage facility in .hittagong of 50,000 *6, also for pro!iding storage

    facilities for 8 "ased Po'er Plants% SS./ 'as initially set up to transport 8ea!y uel il(8) at the po'er plant site of @hulna Po'er .ompany /imited% SS./ has since successfully

    "een transporting 8 to @hulna Po'er plant for the last 15 years% At present, the

    6ransportation Agreement has also "een rene'ed 'ith @hulna Po'er .ompany /imited, @hulna

    Po'er .ompany /imited nit92 and 'ith @han Cahan Ali Po'er .omapny%

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    Summit Asia Pa4i:4 Pte. ?td.

    Summit Asia Pacific Pte% /td% Singapore, is a 'holly o'ned su"sidiary of Summit il and

    Shipping .o% /td% (part of Summit roup), angladesh incorporated in e"ruary 201B%

    eing the sole trading arm of Summit roup, Summit Asia Pacific Pte%(SAP) /td% has "een

    acti!ely in!ol!ed in the mo!ement of fuelfurnace oil trade9shipments to !arious po'er plants in

    angladesh since her inception in 201B% 3e ha!e a highly dedicated and efficient operations

    team that ena"les the customers of SAP the fastest turnaround time, speedy action, trou"le

    shooting and on time deli!eries%

    Summit Te4hno6o2is ?imited

    .oncessionaire from the angladesh 8iE6ech Par+ Authority (86PA) under the *inistry of

    Posts, 6elecommunications and &nformation 6echnology, o!ernment of the Peoples $epu"lic

    of angladesh to de!elop the 8iE6ech &ndustry of angladesh comprising of &6&67S ioEtech

    companies, nonEpolluting manufacturing assem"ly lines and precision engineering companies in

    a total land area of >1 acres di!ided into 2 "loc+s%

    Summit A22ian4e Port ?imited SAP?B

    An initiati!e of Summit roup and Alliance 8oldings /imited, Summit Alliance Port /imited

    (SAP/) 'as initially incorporated as a pri!ate company under the .ompanies Act, 1>>F on

    Decem"er 0?, 200B and con!erted to a Pu"lic .ompany on *arch 0?, 2004% 6he .ompany;s

    registered office is at @atghar, South Patenga, .hittagong E F20F and .orporate ffice at

    Summit .entre, 14 @a'ran a=aar .A, Dha+a E 1215% 3ith the permission of Securities -

    7:change .ommission (S7.) !ide its letter S7..&&P910104BFB dated Culy 01, 2004 the

    .ompany offered its shares to the Pu"lic and after completing all the reuired formalities, the

    shares of the .ompany commenced its trading through "oth the "ourses of the .ountry effecti!e

    from cto"er 1?, 2004% &n 2012 SAP/ acuired cean .ontainers /imited, the pioneer in pri!ate

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    sector ff9Doc+ in angladesh, "y amalgamation and the synergy thus achie!ed has further

    strengthen our capa"ility "oth in terms of capacity and uality of ser!ice there"y gi!ing us

    significant competiti!e edge o!er others

    Khu2na Po=er 7om6an ?imited KP7?B

    &n 1>>K the angladesh Po'er De!elopment oard (PD) 'as faced 'ith the challenge to ease

    a critically short po'er supply in the South 3estern Lone of angladesh% 6he electrical demand

    had "een consistently higher than a!aila"le capacity, and generation costs in the area had "een

    !ery high due to the lo' efficiency of e:isting euipment and the hea!y use of e:pensi!e, lo'9

    a!aila"ility fuel%

    angladesh Po'er De!elopment oard (PD) thus signed a Po'er Purchase Agreement (PPA)

    in 1>>K 'ith @hulna Po'er .ompany /td (@P./) to set up a po'er plant at @hulna to alle!iate

    the se!ere po'er crisis as a fast9trac+ solution%

    United Summit 7oasta2 Oi2 ?imited US7O?B

    S./ is an oil management company set up to complement the acti!ities of some other

    !entures of the group% &ts the first pri!ate organi=ation of its +ind in angladesh%

    7osmo6o2itan Traders P0t.B ?imited 7TP?B

    .osmopolitan 6raders (P!t%) /td% is a support entity of the Summit group chiefly in!ol!ed in

    trading ser!ice% 6his holding company is engaged in port9related "usinesses 'hich includes

    container depot, liuid storage terminal, gas terminal, share trading "usiness and shipping agency

    ser!ice in .hittagong port%


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    .osmopolitan inance /imited is a fully9licensed *erchant an+ing &nstitution in angladesh%


  • 7/23/2019 Report BUS-685 ( Final) (1)


    u$ure prje)$in f $he &mpany

    rom studying the e!aluation and di!ersification of Summit group, 'e ha!e find out they are not

    in!ol!ed in any +ind of international "usiness% 3e they are mainly po'er generated company in

    the angladesh "ut some of case they are 'or+ing 'ith oint !enture 'ith international company

    li+e (.hinese and American as 'ell as &ndian) for their support of e:isting plant% &f they are get

    opportunity in the international mar+et to produce po'er in that case they 'ill consider "ut not

    sure specially for small plant in the S$A. region country li+e Nepal, hutan said "y company

    secretary *ahmud 8asan, Secretary of Summit group% Not only po'er side they are in!ol!ing in

    another side "usiness for their "usiness gro'th li+e in ser!icing sector "ut not in international


    Still no', there is no possi"ility on "ehalf of Summit group to operate the "usiness in

    international country% So, in conte:t of international "usiness operation, there is no future plan to

    operate "usiness in the foreign country of summit group at present time%

    ,-es. tomorro/ /e shall have a golden Bengal"#

    rom the a"o!e statement of Summit group, they are more aggressi!e to enhance their "usiness

    locally not internationally%

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    &ts our finding that "oth the companies $&N and S**&6 group has no intention to go

    glo"al or international "usiness in close future% 6hey ha!e demand pressure in the local mar+etand international e:port% 6hey need to more e:pansion and gra" ne'er opportunity in local

    "usiness as 'ell as e:ported items% oth companies are highly di!ersified%

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