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Report from Amsterdam Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova.

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Report from Amsterdam Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova
Page 1: Report from Amsterdam Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova.

Report from Amsterdam

Massimo SgaravattoINFN Padova

Page 2: Report from Amsterdam Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova.

Amsterdam events Global Grid Forum (GGF) 1 DataGrid workshop

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Global Grid Forum Focuses on the promotion and development of

Grid technologies and applications via the development and documentation of "best practices," implementation guidelines, and standards

Global GF efforts are also aimed at the development of a broadly based Integrated Grid Architecture that can serve to guide the research, development, and deployment activities of the emerging Grid communities


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Global Grid Forum History

GF BOF (Orlando)

GF1 (San Jose — NASA Ames)

GF2 (Chicago — iCAIR)

eGrid and GF BOFs (Portland)

GF3 (San Diego — SDSC)

eGrid1(Posnan — PSNC)

GF4 (Redmond — Microsoft)

eGrid2 (Munich — at Europar)

GF5 (Boston — Sun)

Global GF BOF (Dallas)

1999 2000

Asia-Pacific GF Planning (Yokohama)

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Global Grid Forum 2001

GGF1 (Amsterdam) March 4-7, 2001w/ DataGrid “Kickoff” (March 7-9)Hosts: Amsterdam Science and Technology Center(SARA, Univ. Amsterdam, NIKHEF)

325 participants192 organizations28 countries

GGF2 (Washington, DC)July 15-18, 2001

GGF3 (Rome)October 7-10, 2001W/ DataGrid workshop (October 2-5)Frascati (Rome)


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Global GF Working Groups Account Management Applications and

Testbeds Grid Information

Services Remote Data Access Security Advanced

Collaborative Environments

Grid Protocol Architecture

Advanced Programming Models

Grid Computing Environments

Grid Performance Scheduling User services JINI

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How to Be Involved Electronic Participation

Each working group uses email distribution lists for discussions

Contributing to Grid Working Drafts Volunteer to help write a planned paper Submit an abstract/outline to propose a paper

Architectures / Models API, Protocol, or other specification Survey or Current Practice Description

Lead a Group Volunteer to start a working group or a sub-

group within an existing working group

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Scheduling & Resource Management WG Charter: generate best practice scheduling

and resource management documents and API specifications to enable interoperability Co-chairs: Jenny Schops, Bill Nitzberg, Uwe

Schwiegelshohn Web site:

http://www.cs.nwu.edu/~jms/sched-wg Mailing list: [email protected] General meetings at Grid forum events and


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Scheduling WG @ GGF 1 3 documents discussed

10 actions for superscheduling Goal: list the basic steps and capabilities involved in

resource reservation, acquisition and use Basically done

Advanced reservation API Just an API because not yet advanced for a protocol Basically done

Attributes for communication about scheduling instances

Goal: define a set of attributes that a higher level scheduler can ask of a lower level scheduler

In progress

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Scheduling WG @ GGF 1 Suggested new documents

Advance reservation protocol Allow advance reservation between systems

Scheduling dictionary List of tokens and definitions to coordinate with

the dictionary group (common glossary of important terms across the Grid forum)

Already started (terms only, no definitions) (www.sdsc.edu/~mthomas/GF/terms/sched-terms.cgi)

Document to move this effort forward

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Distributed Accounting WG Purpose

Develop a prototype Grid accounting architecture such as is required for resource economies

Define interactions with other Grid components and existing systems

Create a specification that can be used to build and evaluate prototype systems

Co-chairs: Tom Hacker, William Thigpen Web site: http://www.nas.nasa.gov/~thigpen/accounts-wg Mailing list: [email protected] Working drafts we may be interested in:

Distributed accounting on the Grid An economy Grid architecture for service-oriented grid


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GGF and WP 1 Should we/how do we contribute to

the GGF effort ? Dictionary ? Accounting ? … ?

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DataGrid ATF Progress Report Joint Parallel meetings

WP 1-5 (Middleware) WP 6-7 (Testbed) WP 8-10 (Applications)

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ATF Progress Report Documents

(http://gridatf.web.cern.ch/grid-atf/documents.html) DataGrid Architecture version 1 Month 9 release

We have to provide reactions Implementation plan for M9 release by

the next PTB (April 19)

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WP 1 –5 Information Services

Relational vs. LDAP Scope

WP 3 is going to provide only APIs (for producers and consumers) and interfaces

What will be there in M9 ? Current Globus GIS implementation (WP 3) WP 1: many shortcomings and open issues (performances,

incomplete schema,…) in the current Globus GIS implementation, and therefore it is probably unsuitable

Discussion with S. Tuecke (Globus team) Aware of problems We may use/test Globus alpha releases

Workshop (Convenior WP 3 ) April 28,29 @ Cern

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WP 1 - 5 Job

Partition/Checkpoint of jobs ? At GRID level but also inside fabric ? Applications have to help us, otherwise it is

difficult how to split/checkpoint jobs Job input/output

Files ? Objects ? …? Is the input/output known at schedule time ? Scheduling policies ?

Deadline? Best fit ?, …? Applications should provide their view

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WP 1 –5 Storage Model

Boundaries between WP2, WP4, WP 5 Global vs. local filenames Who does the house keeping … Workshop: Convenior WP 2

March 27, 2001 @ Cern ? Accounting

Economic model (WP 1) ? WP 1 to investigate and circulate thoughts

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WP 6 –7 Testbed organization

Permanent Group (partner representatives, technical committee, site contacts, testbed support)

Release team (one team for each release validation phase)

Working model WP test activity (WPx) WP release (WPx + testbed +appl.) Testbed release (WPs + testbed + appl.) Official testbed release (+ users)

Waiting for test requests

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WP 6 –7 Testbed 0

Grid basic services deployment, based on Globus toolkit

Resources Mainly Linux machines (also Suns, SGI) LSF, Condor, PBS, BQS > 100 people > 40 sites

Main issues Information Services Resource access (certification, security and policies

management) Installation toolkit

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GIS Topology EU GIIS


INFN (Italy)dc=infn,dc=it,o=datagrid0


LIP (Portugal) dc=lip,dc=pt,o=datagrid0



... ...... ...

(root server at Cern)

–Support for GIS deployment in place

(Top level server)

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WP 6 –7 Globus installation toolkit

3 toolkits available (INFN, UK, FR) Working group to converge on common tools and common

environment (within 3 weeks) Security

CA group (chaired by D. Kelsey) already in place Support for certificates signed by the various national CA’s

Access policies for Testbed 0 Globus grid-mapfiles Only one account per certificate (no group accounts) Requests for accounts for Testbed 0 via WP managers to WP6

General security group (chaired by D. Kelsey) is going to set up Security Workshop (29, 30 March @ Cern, Convenior: D. Kelsey)

Representatives from WP’s Security experts/officers/reps from Testbed sites Other interested people

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WP 8 - 10

OS & Net services

Bag of Services (GLOBUS)

DataGRID middlewarePPDG, GriPhyn, EuroGRID

HEPVO common application layer

Earth Obs. Biology


Specific application layer

WP9 WP 10

WP8-9-10 TWG

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WP 8 – 10 User cases for testbed 0 & 1

Basically ready for WP 8 Available for WP 9

User cases for testbed 2 & 3 Draft in one month for WP 8

Common (WP8-10) user requirements First draft in one month First release at M6

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WP 8 –10 Preliminary reactions to ATF

Objects or files when interacting with the middleware ? Access to middleware services from applications via API

(C++ API) RW databases Interactive jobs

They will propose use cases Required job resources unknown at schedule time Middleware portability

Linux and Solaris is not enough The code should be written to run on any machine with a

reasonable cc/java MPI and Corba Worries about the use of Condor (open source)

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Other issues (not tackled) Grid global queues or local queues Gateway functionality

Sharing of WP1 and WP4 tasks on the gateway Language translation Translation of Grid credentials to local credentials

WP4: Will other WPs only query for information of the current state or is there a need to query for future changes ?

Central middleware repository Coding convention and tools …

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Informal discussions WP 2

Agent-based query optimization WP 4

For month 9 they basically agree to consider queues as resources

Resource monitoring info We are consumer, they are producer We have to specify the attributes needed for M 9

release, and they will tell us if they can implement the corresponding information providers

… depends on what exactly WP 3 plans to deliver concerning information and monitoring service

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Condor In the first year we are allowed to

use the Condor stuff Then we can rely only on open

source software Probably possible for the Condor

matchmaking library More complicated for Condor-G

Possibility to have the source code

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Condor: what’s new New Condor grid-manager and old Globus

job manager (basically ready) Fixes for existing shortcomings (scalability in

the submitting machine, logging, …) Globus GRAM client APIs

New Globus job manager (in testing phase) 2-phase submit protocol Support for reattaching to an existing job

New Condor grid-manager (4-6 weeks) Able to exploits the new Globus job manager

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Agenda DataGrid topical (IS, DM, Security) workshops at

CERN (week of March 26) DataGrid technical visit to Globus at ANL April 5-7 Agent technology workshop in Trento (ITC/IRST)

May 17 INET 2001 5-8 June in Stockholm EuroGlobus 16-22 June EU-US coordination in Rome on 23/6/2001 Next project conference at Oxford 2-5 of July GGF2 in Washington 15-18 of July HPDC 7-10 of August in the US

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Agenda CHEP2001 in Beijing (Grid sessions) 3-7 of

September CERN school of Computing (Grid session) 16-29

September in Santander, Spain 6th Globus retreat and iDG-1 17-21 of September in

Chicago DataGrid+GGF3 in Frascati+Rome 2-5 + 7-10 of

October IST2001 in Brussels end of October-early November

(DataGrid booth, presentations and demos?) SC’2001 10-16 November (DataGrid participation?)
