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Research market analysis

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Research market analysis

Research market analysis

Most successful films Introduction http://www.boxofficemojo.com/yearly/chart/?view2=worldwide&yr=2015 This website shows the 10 most popular recent drama films of 2014-1015. This shows that the Mangelehorn, Hungry hearts and if I stay were the most popular films on the short time that they have been out however if I stay and the hundred footed journey were the most popular in long term.I will research into some of the top films in order to strengthen my trailer.

This shows the most popular genres of 2014 with the genre that I will focus on drama

ranking third.

These are the top films of 2014 ranking as the most popular is fault in our stars, Noah ned heavens for real I will now begin to conduct research into these movies to find out why they became so popular and how I can apply

this to my own trailer.

Fault in our stars research The fault in our stars• Through research on this film I believe it to be a success for many different

reasons for example it has characters that are easy to relate to because of their ages the film also consisted of a love story that would draw in the majority of a female audience to want to see it. I also believe the film to be a success because it has a story line of a cancer patient and her journey that would appeal to most of the audience because they feel sympathy.

Another reason I believe this to be a success because before it was a film it was a book that did quite well.• Who were the audience? I believe that the majority of the audience were teenage girls because a love story would most likely be relatable to women. However this film could also reach out to both genders of couples that want to see this type of film together.

Noah I believe that this movie ranked second in 2014 for most popular for different reasons, for example the movie was based around the ideas of the bible and would draw in a lot of religious people that could want to see how it could be interpreted In a visual way. Another reason the movie was so successful because it had a well know cast that have been seen in other large films, this could then convince the audience to want too see it.The audience for this would most likely be

Heaven is for real I believe that this movie was successful because it is said to be a true story, and the majority of the audience believe like story that has reality in it because it allows them to feel that they could also experience the same sort of things in the storyline.The audience for this film would be people that either have a religious belief or both genders most likely of all ages.

Conclusion In conclusion I believe that this research into the top dramatic films has helped me find out what audience needs to be aimed out in order to be successful. I have also found out that drama is rising up the rankings of genres so this will be a good fit for my trailer because it shows there is room in the market for it.
