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Research presentation 2 audio

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2. LDRD 623LDRD 623 INTRODUCTION Education is a key element in any society. Universities are the well-spring of culture and the dissemination of knowledge. Industries are the heart of any countrys production; they represent a nations economic power and its capacity for development. Universities and industries are consequently called upon to work together in order to produce beneficial outcomes for society Industrial property governanc e Entrepreneurshi p Learning process 3. LDRD 623LDRD 623 PURPOSE STATEMENT The purpose of this case study is to discover the needs of Pueblas automotive cluster to reduce the time invested by newly graduated students from the UPAEPs School of Business in finding their first professional job, by aligning the university curricula to industry requirements 4. LDRD 623LDRD 623 GENERAL RESEARCH QUESTION What characteristics of recent university graduates do industry leaders from the Pueblas automotive cluster identify as the most desirable in new hires? N / V 5. LDRD 623LDRD 623 SPECIFIC RESEARCH QUESTIONS What are industry leaders expectations for international preparation when hiring new human talent? What are industry leaders expectations for leadership skills when hiring new human resources? Is another language (besides English) proficiency attractive to industries when recruiting new personnel? Does university preparation allow graduates to be incorporated in industries in a managerial or higher position as the first job? 6. LDRD 623LDRD 623 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The reality of industrial needs in talent attraction will be addressed by: theories related to competitiveness (Ruan and Gopinath, 2010) recruitment process theories (Henry and Temtime, 2010) I/U collaborative arrangements research (McGinnis and Kessler, 2012) 7. LDRD 623LDRD 623 DATA SOURCES AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE Sources of information: Secondary data sources (industries + sectors + labor market) Primary source: Interviews with industry leaders Geographical research setting: The potential participants are located in Puebla city and the suburban area 8. LDRD 623LDRD 623 SAMPLE 24 automotive industry leaders from the cluster located in Puebla Representative sample It will be essential for participating leaders to be aware of industry needs for human resources and that they occupy a managerial role within their companies. Use of a snowball sampling process (Ellis and Chen, 2013) 21,662 15,546 40% 9. LDRD 623LDRD 623 DATA COLLECTION STRATEGY Case study approach: Face-to-face interview process Open-ended questions Interviews conducted in the participants offices Approximate interview length: 60 minutes INTERVIEWS 10. LDRD 623LDRD 623 DATA ANALYSIS STRATEGY: CASE STUDY All is data approach (Ostovar-Namaghi, 2011) Umbrella terms for more salient factors, derived from industry needs The three phases of coding (Creswell, 2013) : Open, axial, and selective 11. LDRD 623LDRD 623 ETHICAL CONCERNS Privacy Confidentiality Consent Cultural differences (Davis, Bernardi, and Bosco, 2013) 12. LDRD 623LDRD 623 LIMITATIONS Generalization of findings Avoiding the researchers bias Limited available time in respondents agenda Linguistic ambiguities Lack of statistical significance 13. LDRD 623LDRD 623 DELIMITATIONS Sampling procedures Lack of budget Time Geographical limits 14. LDRD 623LDRD 623 SIGNIFICANCE Enhanced I/U partnership Curricula improvement Improved human resources recruitment processes Graduates prepared for immediate placement INDUSTRY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY 15. LDRD 623LDRD 623 REFERENCES Creswell, J. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. (3rd. Edition). 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Retrieved from http://proxy.cityu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=4759562&site=ehost- live
