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Researched and Presented by: Samuel Fleming Media.

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To understand Nixon’s ascension to power and the effect of media upon it, one must look into his years before the presidential campaign. Shaped and formed by public opinion ever since graduating from Duke University Law School in 1937 Despite the image that media had made Nixon – Crook – Thief – Liar Politically, he was very successful as he was elected twice to Congress, once to the Senate, twice to the vice presidency, and twice to the presidency itself.

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Researched and Presented by: Samuel Fleming Media Thesis The media- especially the visual media- is proven to have the power needed to sway public opinion as well as determine the image and legacy of a man. Media influenced Richard Nixons political career dramatically as it determined and shaped his public image and dictated his career. To understand Nixons ascension to power and the effect of media upon it, one must look into his years before the presidential campaign. Shaped and formed by public opinion ever since graduating from Duke University Law School in 1937 Despite the image that media had made Nixon Crook Thief Liar Politically, he was very successful as he was elected twice to Congress, once to the Senate, twice to the vice presidency, and twice to the presidency itself. Nixon in Congress 1946 victory against Jerry Voorhis by appealing to the public and shaping his future image Campaign emphasizing his participation in the Navy Proclaimed Voorhis to be a communist Poisoning of Nixons political career begins at the beginning as campaign funding came from men from oil, agribusiness, insurance, banking, real estate gambling, drug trafficking, and other rampant vices of the moment Nixon creates the reputation of a shady Politian. Jerry Voorhis Senate Campaign (resulting power of words) -In Nixons 1950 Senate campaign, Nixon open accused his running mate, Helen Gahagan Douglas of being a communist, dubbing her as the pink lady. -Nixon was able to turn the election from one based on sexism to a red scare. This gained him votes from even the pro-women voters in California -Successful, but the right thing? Politics. He was elected as a congressman twice and once as a senator, but also received the public nick-name Tricky Dick for using the media against his competition and thus tricking the public Blue = Douglas Red = Nixon Helen Gahagan Douglas Wasnt Nixon? Nixon had a campaign manager named Murray Chotiner throughout his congressmen and Senate campaigns. He was originally considered to be a mud- slinging ogre by the men in Nixons camp for his near slanderous rumors that he used to damaged the reputations of the running mates. Communism wasnt Nixons idea, but through his campaigning, it was made to appear as his political stance. Nixon made enemies that would return because he trusted an untrustworthy man to manage his campaign. Through Nixons campaigning, the media began shaping Nixons image as one who slanders those who stand against him; as a Tricky Dick He advised linking Voorhis with a political action committee, believed to be communist- dominated Chotiner realized that Nixon could not beat Douglas by advocating more social welfare programs, so he advised his candidate to attack Douglas on the issue of communism, seen as a Democratic vulnerability. Nixons Vice Presidency: Eisenhower Regardless of Chotiners involvement in Nixons campaign, Nixon was still new to the political world as Eisenhower took a liking to the young politician, incorporating him as his VP. Nixon became the second youngest VP in US history at 40 years old. People were supporting him. Sudden appearance of the New York Post headline: SECRET RICH MANS TRUST FUND KEEPS NIXON IN STYLE FAR BEYOND HIS SALARY, jeopardized Nixons public image Alleged involvement in a secret slush fund where he supposedly accepted $18,000 from secret benefactors came to light and threatened his political career. Nixon went to the television and gave his famous checkers speech saying that the only gift he received in office was his daughters cocker spaniel. The speech saved his political career yet, he was ever labeled as a crook and a thief from then on. Nixon will have to prove he is as clean as a hounds tooth. -Eisenhowers response when asked his stance on Nixons accusations After the Checkers Speech Eisenhower says: Dick, youre my boy. VP Nixon So much good for and evil man -Nixons foreign focuses were considered acts of good -Dec. 1956: Traveled to Hungary where thousands of refugees were crossing the border to escape Russia after a crushed Hungarian rebellion -obtained clearance victims to enter the country -1958: Traveled to Latin America on an 18-day good will tour and encouraged a more stable relationship between Latin America and the U.S.A -1959: Traveled to Moscow, Russia to engage in the Kitchen Debate with Premier Khrushcow during which Nixon stated, no nation is strong enough to issue an ultimatum to another without running the risk of self-destruction. -The media focused on his philanthropist nature raising Nixons public image as a leader and gained him strong supporters that would aid him to the presidency VP Nixon Government Dirty Laundry Nixon did however, have his hands in some other rather unsavory pies at the instruction of the President Eisenhower Urged the use of nuclear weapons in French Indochina in 1954 Supported commitment to the Diem regime in Vietnam Encouraged CIA covert interventions in the Middle East, Latin America, Indonesia, and other unclear targets Started his steady involvement in secret and even illegal activities through the rest of his political career, activities that the media will later exploit to determine how he would be remembered for the rest of history Nixon Let Go After Eisenhower suffered a heart attack, his party (with the presidential nod) attempted to remove Nixon from office. Claimed that Nixons rabid partisanship would loose votes The Dump as it was named, was initiated as a statement against Nixons clumsiness in office, but was really to get Nixon and his unsavory pies out of the White House. Debatably because of Nixons numerous supporters, there was a political uprising and the firing of Nixon posed more of a threat than a benefit to Eisenhowers campaign. Because of good publicity, and a healthy face in the media, Nixon was able to prolong his stay in the White House Media is proven to have the power needed to sway public opinion Election of 1960 The experienced Nixon verses the vigorous Kennedy A televised debate between Nixon and Kennedy was perhaps the greatest show televisions power yet in politics. Just recovering from illness, Nixon was to formally debate the suave and handsome Kenney over political issues Nixon was pale because of the illness as well as stuttering, sweating, and becoming greatly nervous Those who watched the debate via the television said Kennedy had won due to his calm and collective nature, whereas those who heard it on the radio said Nixon won because of what he had to say was stronger than Kennedys getting the country moving again VP Nixon under fire Nixon Back Home One of the ironies of his [Nixons] almost obsessive effort to defeat and discredit his enemies is that it destroyed much of the very claim to greatness that it was designed to protect. One of the ironies of his [Nixons] almost obsessive effort to defeat and discredit his enemies is that it destroyed much of the very claim to greatness that it was designed to protect. Robert Morris Full of bitterness after his defeat, Nixon returned to California to find even more complications waiting Nixon ran a doomed campaign for governor, old enemies Voorhis and Douglas were waiting using his own slanderous techniques to degrade Nixons public image causing him to loose even his governor campaign However, Nixons fall allowed for his strongest comeback Used media this time to reinvent himself as a New Nixon a wiser, chastised man; an advocate for foreign policy, and stable and reliable leader Nixons Back in Politics Nixons Presidency After a six year retirement from politics as a private lawyer, Nixon ran and won for president against Hubert Humphrey in 1969 Nixon felt the presidency was his just deserves after his trying career. He had no idea what was in store. Nixons Rise: China Nixon considered himself an expert in foreign policy after traveling to 56 countries and 5 continents as a VP for Eisenhower In 1972, Nixon traveled to China in an effort to establish the first of many predicted healthy relations The trip was a media triumph Nixons meetings with Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai significantly altered the Chinese-American relationship, thus beginning the deeply set economical and political ties the two countries share today, both favorable and non. People began to trust Nixon He was doing good things Bringing the world together. The Rise and the Fall: Vietnam Began Vietnamization Reduce American troops Strengthen South Vietnamese Troops Nixon announced that a new offensive was to be taken into Cambodia to clean out communist sanctuaries. Justified the attack To the Public it looked like a step in the right direction -He believed it would slow and eventually stop American involvement in the war Do You approve of how Nixon is handling Vietnam? (1973) Do You approve of how Johnson is handling Vietnam? (1968) But Television has the last say Johnson worried that any critical TV report would jeopardize public support for the war effort. He assumed that television, because it was a visual medium, had a powerful effect on public attitudes toward the war, although he had little, if any, evidence to sustain his belief. Even though many television reports from Vietnam emphasized U.S. military success, the president paid far more attention to stories about difficulties on the battlefield or problems with pacification. He became so convinced that television news coverage of Vietnam Americas first television warwas slanted and sensationalist that he told journalists at a dinner party in March 1967 that CBS and NBC were controlled by the Vietcong. Television says Vietnam is wrong What the hell is going on, he asked when the news of the first attacks reached him. I thought we were winning the war. -When Cronkite, a trusted television anchor, spoke the quote above over the air, the public was shocked and eventually broke into frenzy -Nixon had said it was justified, so the public believed and supported him. -Cronkite said it was not, and the public believed him. Television has the power to begin and quiet riots. Ultimately, people live or die because to television so. Peoples careers continue or end if the television says so. The media becomes the most powerful political tool. Nixons image degrades Now branded as a liar for not speaking truth concerning Vietnam Problems continue to arise as the Pentagon Papers were leaked to the public describing sensitive and often illegal activities spurred by Nixon ever since his admission into office The public refused to trust government any further as the media influenced riots. Anti-war platforms rose and the counterculture movement gained support as the media fueled pacifist beliefs against Vietnam The final blow: Watergate The Watergate was a hotel in which the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was headquartered. Nixon gave the presidential nod for the FBI and CIA to bug the head quarters, forming a group called the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). November 7, 1972: October Gallup poll shows less than half the American Pop. had ever even heard about the break-in Nixon defeats his running mate, McGovern, in a landslide with 60.8% of the popular vote and 520 of the 537 electoral votes McGovern only has Mass. And Washington D.C. However, the media has the last say. I dont give a shit what happens, I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover-up or anything else, if itll save the plan. -Richard Nixon in the White House recordings President Nixon Dies Through the Television April : Nixon gives a televised speech in which he denies all ties to the cover-up or the break-in. July : Secret White House tapes concerning the scandal are found Oct : Nixon hands over all recordings save two April : Nixon reads edited 1,200 page transcript of the tapes on national television August : In another televised address, Nixon releases that six days after the break-in he canceled the FBI investigation of the affair, calling this information a serious omission Losses ALL remaining congressional and public support August 8, 1974: Richard Nixon resigns from office Conclusion Through the political career of Richard Nixon, the devastating and redeeming power of the media is demonstrated for the first time. Nixon used the influence of media to corrupt the reputations of his running mates in the early years of his career. In his Vice Presidency, Nixon utilizes the television to redeem his public image and save his political career with the Checkers Speech. In the election of 1960, the visual media illustrates how it can dramatically influence the publics opinion, thus resulting in Nixons first electoral defeat. The media bolstered Nixons presidency after his travels in China and abroad as it shaped his image of a strong leader for the public resulting in early support in his Vietnam plans. The visual media demonstrates its power to arouse the public to injustice when the truth about Vietnam rose. And through Nixons last days as a leader, the visual media proves that it can alter and determine the legacy of man who is now branded as a mistake, a fraud, a crook, and the origin to our country troubles today.
