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Resumes of Applicants

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  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants



    NYS CERT IFIED R.E. GENERAL APPRAISER#4600000522INJS CERTIFIED 12 E. GENERAL APPRA ISER#42RG00084900FHA APPROVED APPRAISERFormal EducationBachelor of Science Degree - Brockp ort University, Rochester, NY .Major in Bu siness Adm inistrationMinor in Real Estate Economics and Mathem aticsDesignationsSRA designated mem ber of the Appraisal InstituteCCIM designated mem ber of the Com mercial Investment Real Estate InstituteMA I designated mem ber of the Appraisal InstituteMembershipsagarassjanglALallagmMember, NYS Society of Real Estate AppraisersMe mber, N ational Association of RealtorsMember, NYS Association of RealtorsPresident, Hudson Va lley Appraisal CorporationReal E state-Related ExperienceTown of Olive Assessor - 1982Treasurer, Ulster County B oard of Realtors - 1984-1987Board of Directors, Ulster County B oard of Realtors, 1984-198 7Vice President, Ulster County M ultiple Listing, 1989Broker-Ow ner, Prudential Hudson V alley Properties -completed over 2000 transactions - million dollar seller 1977-1987App raiser - full time, self-emp loyed - 1977 - PresentPresident- Hudson V alley Appraisal Corporation - 1983 - PresentSociety of Real Estate Appraisers Courses

    101 - An Introduction to Appraising Real Property102 - A pplied Residential Property ValuationDemonstration Lock-InAw arded an Educational Scholarship


  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    Michael J. Semholz, CCIM, SRA , MAIAppraisal Institute Courses201 - Principles of Incom e Property App raising202 - Applied Income Prop erty Valuation

    1410 - S tandards of Professional Practice, Part A., 4/19/96-4/20/960274 - 110 Standards of P rofessional Practice, Part B, 10/3/97 - 10/4/9711430 - Standards of Professional Practice, Part C, 9/21/012185-07 App raisal of Local Retail Properties, 11/8/012814-07 D ynam ics of Office Building Valuation, 11/9/01CCIM Courses through the Realtors National Marketing InstituteCCIM Course 101, Fundam entals of Real Estate Investment and TaxationCCIM Course 102, Fundam entals of Creating a Real Estate InvestmentCCIM Course 103, Real Estate Taxation and Marketing Tools For Investment Real EstateCCIM Course 104, Impact of Hum an Behavior on Com mercial Investment Decision M aking

    CCIM Course 105, Case Studies in Commercial Real EstateGR I 1 & 3 through the N ational Association of RealtorsContinuing EducationHow to fill out F.H.L.M.C. form 70/FNMA form 40How to fill out revised FNM A form 1004Employees Relocation Council, September 1988Marshal Sw ift Valuation Service Segregated Method, October 1988Sem inar on Professional Practice, Society of Real Estate App raisers, 1989Sem inar on Uniform Industrial. & Com mercial Appraisal ReportsSem inar on "Boundary Law In New York", National Business Institute, Inc.

    Seminar on Assessment and Easements, 1993The New Uniform Residential Appraisal Report, 1993App raisal Reporting of Com plex Residential Properties, 1994Understanding Limited Appraisals-General, 1994Planning and Zoning Law Seminar, 1995The Appraiser and Expert Testimony, 1995Sem inar on Appraising Conservation and Preservation Easem ents, 1995The Appraiser's Complete Review, 1996Special-Purpose Properties: The Challenges of Real Estate App raising in Limited M arkets, 10/96Contem porary Valuation Issues as They Relate To Ad Valorem Tax ation, .1997Em inent Domain for Attorneys & A ppraisers: National Highw ay Institute, 19981999 Proposed USPAP Changes: Mid Hudson Chapter, 1999Litigation Appraising - Cu rrent Issues in Tax C ertiorari, 1999Litigation Case Studies, 5/12/99Attacking & Defending an A ppraisal In Litigation, 1999Case Studies in Comm ercial Highest & B est Use, 6/9/2000Subdivision Analysis Seminar, 6/15/20018''' Annual Sp ring App raisal Conference, 4/19/2002


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    4111P0. MatMichael J. Bernholz, CCIM, SRA, MAI

    Scope of W ork: Expanding Your Range of Services, 9/16/03USPA P U pdate, 10/8/03Sm all, Mixed -Use Properties, 11/21/03Mathem atically Mo deling Real Estate Data, 3/15/04Uniform S tandards for Federal Land Acquisitions, 7/7/04Appraising for FHA 2005, 12/21/04Conservation Easements Valuation & Case Studies, 4/25-27/06USPA P U pdate Course, 9/21/06App raisal of Local Retail Properties, 5/17/07FHA Appraising and the Lending Process, #3178-07, 5/19/08USPA P U pdate Course, 12/17/08Green Cons truction #2985, 3/26/09Business Practices and Ethics #2586-08, 9/27/09Quality Assurance in Residential Appraisals #2968-07, 10/29/09Environmental Issues in Hom e O wnership #3695-03, 03/24/112010-2011 National USPAP Update Course, #2365-07, 4/28/11An Appraisal Guide to Understanding the UAD, #3734, 6/20/11The Ap praiser as an Expert W itness: A Case Study and Mock T rial, #3769 -05, 10/19/11Online Professional's Guide to the Fannie Mae 2-4 Un it Form 1025, 11/29/20.11

    Government/State/Federal Agency ClientsN.Y .S. Department of TransportationNY C D epartment of Environmental Protection (one of six com panies selected statewide toappraise for the DEP's Land A cquisition Program in the w atershed areas serving New York C ity)NY S D epartment of ConservationW atershed Agricultural. CouncilNY S Job D evelopment AuthorityNY S D ormitory AuthorityNYS Thruway Authority and Canal CorporationNY S A ttorney General 's OfficeNYS Office of General ServicesNYSUTNYS Office of Mental RetardationFarmers Home AdministrationF.D.I.C.US. MarshallTown of UlsterCity of KingstonTown of RosendaleTow n of PlattekillTown of ShandakenCounty of OrangeCounty of ColumbiaTown of CortlandtHUDSON VALLEY APPRAISALCORPORATION

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    Michael J. Bernholz, CCIM, SRA, MA IReview App raiserReview er of comm ercial, narrative reports for numerous lending institutions.Court TestimonyTestified as Real Estate expert in Supreme C ourt on numerous occasions.Types of Property App raisedSingle-family, Multi-family, Coop, Apartment Com plexes; Condom inium Projects, SubdivisionAnalyses, Industrial Properties, Mixed-Use, M otels, Restaurants, Hotels, Resorts, Golf Courses,Mobile Hom e Parks, Bowling Alleys, Vacant Land, Farms, Marinas and Regional Malls, et al. Alsoexperienced in appraisals of Avigation Easements, Permanent and Temporary Easem ents,Conservation and Agricultural Easements.


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    Gerald M . Brown, CIC, LUTCF336 Hasbrouck AvenueKingston, NY 12401Ph-845-338-0763

    CEFebruary 1 s t , 2012EB 0 3 2012Honorable Terry BernardoL S T E R C O M I T Y L E G I S L A T U R ELegislative ChairwomanUlster CountyP.O. Box 1800Kingston, NY 12402Dear M s. Bernardo,I am very interested in serving on the Local Development Corporation Board and I am committed tobeing objective and to complying with the Corporate Mission.Professional Experience (from 19814 when I moved to Kingston):Gateway Com munity Industries, Inc. C ontroller; 1981 -- 1988.The Reis G roup, -- Controller; 1988-1996.Robert J. Ryan, Inc./ Ulster Insurance Services, Inc. (subsidiary of Ulster Savings Bank); SV P-InsuranceOperations; 1996 current.Currently holding NYS and (other states) licenses for Property & Casualty Insurance and Life & HealthInsurance.I have achieved two industry designations / credentials, and I am also currently engaged in achieving athird designation.I am experienced and knowledgeable in Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advanatage Plans,and Long Term C are Insurance. Both of w hich are critically important when dealing with anyone 6 5 andover.Currently serving on the Board of the Professional Insurance Ag ents Association (PIA) of NY S, I aminvolved in four ( 4) other trade associations (IIABN Y, NA IFA, NAH U and AB IA). Since the beginningof my career, I have always been invo lved with Assoc iations relative to the work I was doing.I serve on several Insurance Company advisory committees (for both Property & Casualty Insurance aswell as Life & Health).In my current position, I manage thirty (30) staff, negotiate contracts with and m anage nearly fifty (50)Insurance Carriers, and manage operations for an agency serving thousands of customers.

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    Page 2, Gerald M. Brown

    Community Experience and Involvement:United Way of U lster County -- Board Chair from July P', 2009 through June 30", 2011 (2 yrs, andthen Vice Ch air 2 years before that, Treasurer before that).Rotary Club of K ingston 1985-- 1991; 1995-2010, serving as Treasurer, Club President and ProgramChair.Twaalfskill Golf Club member from 2010, currently serving on the Board.Committeeman City of Kingston Republican Committee since 2010.In the past, I have been involved with the YM CA and Big Brothers Big Sisters as well volunteering forthe St. Patrick's Race (before the parade). Along the way , on the initial com mittee to start and developRotary Park at K ingston Point, and in 1997 , I was the co-chair for the initial , revived, re-enactment of theBurning of Kingston ( m yself and a friend/customer, Jim Mahoney , developed the idea).

    Summary:I have both the know ledge and the experience to bring value to the Board. Further, because of myprofessional experience and my comm unity involvement, I am comm itted to achieving what is in thebest interests for the Tax Payers of Ulster County.


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    Brian Drabkin711 Berme Road High Falls, N Y12440Phone: 845-687-4711 Fax: 845-687-4713 E-Mail: Drabkinland@AOL .COMResumeJanuary 31st, 2012Business Experience:President982-Present:Lewis Lumber Ltd.igh Falls, N. Y .

    Semi retired lumber wholesaler working from home office. During 1989 sold inventory located in Manseau, P. Q ., (7 million feet of spruce lumber used for bedframe m anufacture) to Leg gett & Platt, Inc., Carthage, Mo., in return for an agreement not to com peteselling bed frame components.President968-1982Mott Haven Lumber Corp. Bronx, N. Y.holesale lumber business specializing in the scaffold, concrete, crating and other industries.upplied lumber and building materials for brownstone and hi-rise apartment construction.ired, trained and directed as many as 25 em ployees in 3 locationsCommunity Involvement:Town of Rochester Environmental Commission- Member 1994Town of Rochester Planning Board: Chairman 1 . 998- 2002 1995-2002Town of Rochester Town Board: Councilman 2002-2003Town of R ochester Zoning Board of Appeals: Chairman: 2008 2011Town of Rochester Town Board: Councilman CurrentUnited Way: Allocations Volunteer 1997-1998Ulster County Com munity Foundation: Mem ber Advisory Board since the foundation was inaugurated in 200NY LTA Club (a N. Y. metropolitan area business fraternity)Treasurer and past President994 to 2007 Directed effort to find a perma nent home for our archives dating over 100 y ears. They now are part ofcollection at the Long Island Studies Library of Hofstra University. Convinced m embership at our annual m eeting to contribute from our treasury to the followingorganizations: American Chestnut Foundation, Temperate Forest Foundation, State University of N. YCollege of Env ironmental Science and Forestry Rese arch Foundation, Connecticut AgriculturalExperimental Station, Longleaf A lliance. During 2007 convinced the m embers to terminate the club and contribute the balance of the treasury(over $20,000) to the Am erican Chestnut Foundation to help purchase acclimatization chambers for th

    SUN Y E nvironmental College of Science and Forestry for chestnut seedling growth.Education:Bronx Com munity College Bronx, N. Y. A ccounting Major959 - 1961Hobbies: Cooking, bread baking and m aple syrup gathering Landscaping: M y gardens have been included in the Marbletown G arden Tour 3 times Photography and aspiring botanist: I have taken about 3000 pho tos of plants on my property, includiweeds. I try to identify them. Reading: History & Biography

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    M atthew C . Hall, CPAPO Box 1040Kingston, NY 12402(845) 338-2088Personal data: Born in Ohio, raised and currently lives in Kingston N Y.

    Education: Kingston High S chool, Class of 1991King's College, W ilkes-Bane, PA Class of 1995BS in Accounting

    Professional: Thom as J. Doerr, CPA January 1996 -June 30, 2001Staff accountant, obtained CPA license October 1998M atthew C. Hall & C o., CPA s, LLP, July 1, 2001-presentManaging partner (firm w as F/K/A TJ D oerr & Assoc.and Doerr & H all)

    Civic: Kingston Kiw anis Club, mem ber since 1996 , past president,current district finance chairSaw kill Volunteer Fire Co, mem ber since 1997, past president,current treasurerTow n of Esopus Volunteer Ambulance Squad, mem ber sinceM ay 2004 , current treasurerAm erican Red C ross of Ulster County, mem ber from July 2006Thru June 2011, served as treasurer

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    SUNY OrangeStroke and T ransient Ischemic A ttack - University of Connecticut , Farmington, CTGeriatrics: A Whirlwind Tour: Part II - South Central Connecticut Agency on A ging,New H aven, CTInternal Medicine G rand R ounds: Geriatrics Jeopardy M oderator -University of Connecticut, Farmington, C TPneumonia in the Elderly - New Britain General Hosp ital Housestaff Conference, NewBritain, CTSurgical M anagem ent of Parkinson's Disease -University ofConnecticut Geriatric Fellows' Conference, Farmington, CTOsteoporosis: Diet, Exercise, and Medical Management - Healthy BonesOsteoporosis Support Group , Hainesport, NJSome of the publications I have authored or co-authored include.,Osteoporosis in Older M en - Michele lannuzzi Sucich and P amela Taxel inAging M en's Hea lth, Thieme New York.Osteoporosis in O lder Men - Michele lannuzzi Sucich and Anne M . Kennyin Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases, Vol 3, E lsevier, Inc.Fall-Risk Assessment and M anagem ent in Clinical Practice: Views fromHealthcare Providers - Richard Fortinsky, Michele Iannuzzi-Sucich, DorothyBaker, Margaret Gottschalk, Mary King, Cy nthia Brown, and M ary Tinetti inJAGS 52:1522-1526.Precepting Via Innovative Use of Tech nology - Michele Iannuzzi Sucich andEugen e Orientale, Jr. in Family M edicine. 2003;35(10):699 -701.O ptimal Strategies for Pain Control in Elderly Patients - Michele IannuzziSucich in C onsultant. 2003;43(12):1461-1466.Prevalence of Sarcopenia and P redictors of Skeletal M uscle Mass in Non-O beseW omen W ho Are Long-Term Users of Estrogen Replacement Therapy - Anne M.Kenny, L aticia D awson, A llison Kleppinger, Michele Iannuzzi Sucich, and Jam es 0. Judgein J Gerontol Biol Sci Med S ci. 2003;58A(5):436-440.Prevalence of Sarcopenia and P redictors of Skeletal M uscle Mass in Healthy,Older Men and W omen - Michele Iannuzzi Sucich, Karen M. Prestwood, and A nne M.Kenny in J G erontol Biol Sci Med Sci. 2002;57(12):M772 -777.

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    Parkinson's Disease: Pharmacologic and Surgical Management in the NewMillennium - Michele Iannuzzi Sucich and Sandra B ellantonio Ravelli in Fam ilyPractice Recertification. 2002;24(7):35-4 8.Preventive Medicine for Older W omen : Gynecologic Screening Gu idelines -Michele Iannuzzi-Sucich and Anne Kenny in Fam ily P ractice R ecertification.2004;26(6):53-58.Aside from time out of U lster County relating to m y education, I am a life-long residentof Ulster Coun ty. My m edical training and education have focused on geriatricm edicine, which is an area of particular interest to me.W hether one is for or against the sale of Golden Hill, as a D octor I am concerned abo utthe quality of care which will be offered to those who reside there now , and may d o soin the future. I believe the prop er sale of Golden H ill naturally will take into account thebusiness end of the sale, expertise on M edicaid and healthcare finance, and of course,the quality of healthcare a potential purchaser will offer to the residents (now and inthe future) of Golden Hill or its successor. I understand each aspect of each of thoseconsiderations, but naturally feel I could be a particular asset in querying potentialpurchasers on healthcare issues, and how they treat their residents and ensuring thecontinuation of a high standard of care for those who live there.I would welcome the opportunity to be considered for this position and am available tomeet on this m atter at a mutually conv enient time to discuss the LD C in greater detail,including Directors Insurance (which I have previously discussed with you), anticipatedmeeting schedules, and any other related matters.


    Michele Iannuzzi Sucich, M.D.

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    REJAN 3 0 2012

    t I L S I E B I C O U N T Y t i l I S L A T M ELeslie Kalmus68 Suom inensLaneUlster Park, NY 12487845-658-8140

    Les is a highly motivated dynam ic professional with a record of continued growth and ch ange leading tosuccess in each of his endeavors. H is experience spans over thirty-five years in man agement, businessadministration, finance and information technology and consulting services.

    As President, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of CyberStaff America, Ltd., a successfulInformation Technology consulting and staffing firm, Les Kalmus took CyberStaff from startup tonumber 3 7 on Inc. Magazine's list of the 500 fastest growing companies in the U.S. in 2000. C yberStaffcustomers included Fortune 500 corporations in the pharmaceutical, banking and brokerage industries.He h as sold Cy berStaff and is currently retired.

    As V ice President in the Client Technology G roup of Do wJones/Telerate, a global financial informationprovider, Les directed their product marketing group which led to the developm ent of new products usedby clients to access and analyze the financial market data provided by the com pany. Prior to this, Leswas Vice President at Drexel Burnham Lambert managing a budget of $6M and a staff of 45. Hedirected the implementation of risk managem ent and trading systems for stocks, corporate bonds andU.S. Gove rnment securities.Les also had a distinguished career with Merrill Lynch Capital Markets. As a First Vice President, Les,along with his team, imp lemented a m ajor fully autom atic trading system, w hich dramatically reducedcosts and increased business capabilities and for which he holds the patent.

    Prior experience included the IBM subsidiary, Service Bureau Corporation where his systemsexperience began and a senior member of several consulting organizations, active in banking andbrokerage system development.

    Les and B arbara, his wife of 31 y ears, have three grown and su ccessful daughters and three beautifugrandchildren.

    Les has a BA from the City College of New Y ork and attended NY U Graduate School of Business.

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    S t e v e n L . K e l l e y , F A C H ECamphyraxegmail.com71 Swartekill Road, Highland, NY 12528(914)466-2036 CellS u m m a r yAccomplished results-oriented leader.Strong f inancial, organizational, planning and implementation abili t ies.

    Excellent presentation, negotiation and communication skills.Leadership with commitment and integrity.Profess ional Ski l ls

    s Vision and Leadership: Thirty years of progressive/entrepreneu rial leadership positions. Dem onstrated expertiHea lthcare Adm inistration. Visible, "M ake it Personal" leadership approac h at operational and enterprise leTactical and strategic planning and implementation. Aligned stakeh olders in dynamic political environment. Integphysician practices for mutual hospital/physician benefit. Strong crisis management and turn-around exp erience. profile comm unity involvement. Makes hard decisions.s F in an ce: Engaged financial leader. Sound cons ervative financial judgm ent. Fiscal accountability; strong bud get

    and cash management. Turnaround at ERH from $7million loss (2002) to $2.4M positive bottom-line (2Improved cash position from 3 days to 120 days. 10 consecutive profitable years at ICASC. Consistent profitabilitzero reliance on debt at E RH.s Opera t ions : Quality focused for operational performance. Achieved operational measuremen ts while improquality care. Improv ed quality processes including physician peer review. Responsible for: manag ement persoselection, supervision, and ev aluation; successful leadership b etween internal and external groups including physicclinical support staff; and regulatory representatives.s Qua l i ty : Changed organizational structure to measure operations for quality on a monthly basis similar to financial repoReceived regional and national awards for q uality and patient salty. (examples: 92-m inute Average Length of Stayfrom HA NY S Dec. 2010. Received four national awards for patient safety from HR SA (Dec. 2009)).s Mar ket in g : Professionally trained in sales by IBM and Control Data Corp oration. Top performer in class. Deveand implem ented successful marketing p lans to meet organizational goals and objectives. Increased revenue oveat HASC and ERH . Increased most HM O reimbursement rates by 80-100% at ERH. Strong negotiating skills personal touch.s M a n a g e m e n t in f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s : Strong background in management reporting, financial, and accounting syand clinical dashboards. Applied industrial technology and CQI techniques to health care settinproductivity/cost/quality improvem ent, and research. Implementation of HIM .

    Educat ionUnion CollegeMaster of Science, Health Systems Managem ent, G.P.A. 3.8Accredited by the A ccrediting Com mission on Education for H ealth Services AdministrationRochester Institute of TechnolonBachelor of Science, Business A dministration; Concentration in Comp uter Systems, G.P.A. 3.7Am erican College of Healthcare Executives (FACH EIFellow (Board C ertification for Healthcare Executives)

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    Em plo ym e n t H is t o ryEllenville Regional Hospital, Ellenville, NY(current)s President and Chief Executive OfficerReporting to ERH Board of Directors responsible for: all operational activities, financial performance,quality performance, and strategic planning.

    Turn-around situation, 51 bed severely financially distressed comm unity hospital under managem entagreement between Westchester Medical Center (owner at that time) and KRHCS. Saved hospital fromclosure. Operated under bankrup tcy supervision. Reconfigured to Critical Access Hosp ital sustainabilitymodel. Managed with little cash. Renegotiated union contract to favorable terms to ERH. Crisismanagem ent with vision. Mobilized comm unity, county, state, and federal governmental leaders.Growth. Projects/programs: swing bed; new laboratory; completely overhauled radiology and cardiologyincluding all new equipment and PACs; new emergency department; Art in Healing; establishedFoundation, Physical Therapy Cen ter; $30M senior residential project (second phase com pleted Aug.2010); Energy conservation including new Main Entrance, insulation and re-facing, and windows; newpatient rooms. Implementing HIM system.Significant physician relationship activity: Innovative "H ealthMatch" recruitment program with localAHEC; recruited many new primary and specialty physicians. Second hospital in NYS to grant"adm itting" status to nurse practitioners first hospital in the world to have N P becom e President ofmedical staff. Established family physician residency program. Cross pollination of boards with FQHC.Prosperity. Achieved 21% profitability in 2007. Improved cash position to approximately 100 days. Oneof "few hosp itals" to achieve all benchmarks in national survey of 118 7 CAH hospitals for last 5 years.First hospital in EPIC to imp lement access to primary ca re patient record in ED. Reg ional and Nationalawards for quality. High level of com munity leadership.

    Kingston Regional Health Care System, Kingston, NY(1996 to January 2006)s Assignments include:

    s President and C hief Executive Officer: Ellenvi lle Regional H ospi tal . See aboveo Chief Executive O fficer: Kingston Am bulatory Surgical Center .Initial turn-around situation. Reporting to ph ysician Board of D irectors; responsible for: all operationalactivities, fmancial p erformance, managed care contracting, and strategic planning. R efocused operationsto deliver highest quality services. 99% patient satisfaction rate. Significantly improv ed financial andoperational performance of C enter. Profitable for ten consecutive years. Engineered mu tually beneficiapartnership between HASC and KRH CS to operate Center.

    s Senior staf fo K R H C S S y st em C E O : physician practice developm ent, physician recruitment, analysiand recommendation for business acquisitions/ventures: ambulatory services, real estate ventures,residential/LT care facilities, and hospitals; managed care contracting; Internal hospital assignments asdirected. High level of comm unity leadership p ositions.R ESU ME O F ST EVEN L . KEL L EY , F AC H Epage 2 o f 3

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    E m p l o y m e n t H i s t o ry (Continued)Albany M edical Center Hospital, Albany, NYroject Director1993-1995s Director for the NY S Em ergency Department Case M ix/Finance Project. Project objective: to develop and preparefor implementation a patient classification system for Emergency Department services. Resulting system to become

    the basis for managed care capitation and/or a prospective reimbursement system.Project magnitude: 25 NY S hospitals participated; training of over 1500 ph ysicians, nurses and other emergencydepartment staff in prospective data collection techniques; assimilating /analyzing data on over 500,000 ED visits..Responsibilities: Financial Accountability/Budget ($1.2 million); Planning, Operations, Sponsor, (DOH)interaction/reporting; Personnel m anagemen t; Research design, m ethodologies, systems, analysis, and results.Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NYesearch Scientist(1992-1993)s Member of project team. Project objective: to re-weight and enhance the RUG II long term care reimbursementsystem for the New Y ork State Department of Health.s Impact areas: Project design, Planning and implementation, Staffrecruitment and training, Data collection, Systemprocedure and protocol development with significant vendor neg otiation/liaison, Equipm ent selection/acquisition,Facility recruitment (project marketing), Sponsor (D OH) interface.In . ustrial. Comp ter Marketine and Consuitine Experience(1981-1992)Starting with IBM in 1981 , my first career in information technology provided an interesting series of experiences:s Progressively responsible leadership positions in computer and management consulting firms. Responsible forstrategic planning, market evaluation, and business objectives. Partner in startup recycling/manufacturing v enture.s Directed marketing operations: Supervised sales representatives. Designed and implemented m arketing plans.Developed sales objectives and compensation plans. Accountable for achieving revenue results.s Consultant for: management design and structure; computer information network/systems design, applications, andimplementation. Industry specialist for Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Manufacturing, Construction, PropertyManagem ent, and other application solutions.s Developed com plementary m arketing p rograms with IBM through Business Partner relationship.

    Co m m un i ty le ade r s h ips Cu rrent act iv i ties : American Heart A ssociation (Board Chair); Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association(Treasurer); Institute for Family Health NY S's largest FQHC (Treasurer); Gateway C omm unity Industries(immediate past Board Chair), Catskill-Hudson Area Health Education Center (founder and Treasurer), HealthAssociation of New York State (Medicaid Redesign Com mittee - housing); Roundout Valley Business Assoc(Board member)s Pas t act iv i t ies : Mob ilized Ellenville commu nity. Developed relationships with, and confidence oflocal, county, and state political leaders to save Ellenville Regional Hospita;lUlster County Board of Health (BoardChair); Ulster County B lue Ribbon Com mission on Health Care (Vice Chair); Greene Rural Health Network (BoarPresident), Alzheimer's Association (Board Member negotiated merger), United Way (Allocations Committeand Loaned Executive), Ulster County Chamber of Comm erce (Director, Leadership Development Institute


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    D avid S. LentBorn in Highland, moved to N ew P altz when I w as three. Graduated form New PaltzSchools and Union College. Spent two years in the US Army and then worked at IBM for 34years of which approximately 25 years were spent in various management positions.In 1989 I was elected N ew P altz Town Su pervisor and served three terms. In the late 90's I waappointed as an U lster Cou nty Legislator and later elected and served one term. I have beenvery active in the Community serving as Little League Coach, Boy Scout leader, Library Boarmem ber and former President of the Paltz Club, Deacon and Senior Elder of the ReformedChurch, Past Master Adonai Lodge #718 F &A M, former Treasurer and Trustee of theHu guenot H istorical Society I am also Gen eral Partner of Waring Storage, a self storagefacility, and at present am serving on Town P ublic TV A ccess Com mittee. I also for the lastseveral years have been an A ARP volunteer Tax p reparer in New Paltz.

    W hy I'm interested in this assignment:Ov er 300 years ago in the early history of our comm unities you find that one of the first jowas to app oint a person to address the needs of the poor or less fortunate. Our gov ernmentshave continued to adm inister to this need, sometimes poorly since then. W e have now ch osennew approach and I w ould like to be sure, as much as po ssible, that whoever takes ov er thisresponsibility has the financial wherew ithal to do the job, the com passionate approach and theexperience and track record to assume and do a job that 5, 10 ,15 years from now the Cou ntycan be proud of.

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    David F. O'Halloran230 Boice Mill Road, Kerhonkson NY 12446845-626-7345 (B) 845-626-7365 (F) 845-853-4967 (C)[email protected]

    ECEFEB 0 3 2012

    U L S T E R C O U N T Y L E G I S L A T U R E

    Summarywner-Operator of Pinegrove Ranch & Family Resort, 126 room year round fullservice, western themed a ll inclusive resort.Areas of Expertise Resort Management

    Sales Management & Marketing Equine Management Property Development Tourism M arket Analysis

    Business Holdings Pinegrove Ranch, Inc PresidentR e s o r t m a n a g e m e n t c o m p a n y o ve r s e e in g 1 0 0 to 1 75 e m p lo y e e s a n d a l l r e s o r to p er a t i o n sCoordinated Ranches, Inc PresidentBuilding & Land holding corporatton; development, renovation, repair &maintenance of multiple buildings and landTaroh Holdings, Inc PresidentR e s id e n ti a l & C o m m e r c ia l L a n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m p a n yCrossriver Properties, Inc PresidentResident ial & Retai l Rental CompanyTara Ventures, Inc PresidentFarming b ased com pany special iz ing in hay p roduct ion & graz ing pastures

    Communitympire State Hospitality TrustBoardsllenville Regional Hospital FoundationRochester Mapping, Zoning & Codes CommitteeRochester Republican ClubUlster County Chamber of CommerceUlster County Economic Development Transition CommitteeUlster County Lodging CoalitionUlster County Lodging Political Action Committee

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    K a r e n LB i n d e r / L e g i s l a t u r e / U l s t e rC o u n t y0 1 / 2 6 /2 0 1 2 1 0 : 2 7 A M

    To Fa wn Ta nt il lo /Leg is la tu re /U ls ter Co unty@U ls ter Co untyCC

    bccSubjec t ano ther resume

    S a v e d i n t h e n e w f i l e w h i c h I c re a t e d .K a r e n L . B i n d e r , C l e r kUlster C ounty Le gislature2 4 4 F a i r S t r e e tP O B o x 1 8 0 0Kingston, NY 1240 2( 8 4 5 ) 3 4 0 - 3 6 9 6orwarded b y Karen L B inder /Leg i s la tu re /U ls te r Coun ty on 01 /26 /2012 10 :27 AM" S t e v e P e r f i t "< s p e r f i t @ p y r a m id b r o k e r a g e . co o m > CC

    0 1 / 2 6 /2 0 1 2 0 7 : 0 4 A M Subject

    T o T h o s e c o n c e rn e d :Attached is my personal and p rofessional resumes. I have serve d impa rtial ly on the Ulster County ID A forthe pa st 5 yea rs. I bel ieve my rea l estate and f inancial ba ckground w ill assist the Co unty in ma king thebest and wisest decis ion f inancial ly for the County. Please a dvise i f you nee d reference s or have a nyq u e s t i o n s .S t e v e P e r f i t , C C IM , S IO RManag ing Director, BrokerP y r a m id B r o k e r a g e C o m p a n y3 5 6 M e a d o w A v e . , 2 n d F l o o rNewburgh, NY 1255 0Off ice: 845-522-5900 Cel l : 845-399-0521F a x # : 8 4 5 -5 2 2 - 5 9 7 0A liCU Sitr i I A l t . _ P y r a m i d B r o k e r a g eWAK IUD alias. Company


    S t e v e 's r e s u m e . d o c S P e r f i t f o r p u b l ic a t io n r e s u m e & p o r t r a it _ m a y 2 0 1 0 . d o c

  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    akti,P yr am id BrokerageC o m p a n yCOMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS

    M anag ing D i rec t o r and P r inc ipa l B roke r o f theP y r a m id B r o k e ra g e C o m p a n y 's H u d s o n V a l le y o f f i c e .Sp ec ia l iz ing in Indus t r ia l , O f fice and Inves tme ntc o m m e r c ia l re a l e s t a te s e r v ic e s ,S t e p h e n J P e r fit , CC/M, SIORM a n a g i n g D ir e c to rP y r a m id B r o k e ra g e C o m p a n y o f th e H u d s o n V a l l e y , L L C .

    Office: 845-522-5900F a x : 845-522-5970soerf i teovramldbrokeraue .com

    mtriit:Inr i v i v a t i c tALLIANCE

    Currently Manag ing D i rec tor /Pr inc ipa l Broker o f P yramid 's Hudson Val ley o f f ice located in New burgh, NY wi th17 ag ents and of f ice staf f . Comme rcial Broker Licensed in New Yo rk for 20 yea rs. Forme rly Manag ing Directoron W al l Street (198 9) spe c ia li z ing in mortgage backed se cur it ies in the Fixed Income Secur it ies D epa r tment,broker ing to sma l l to me dium sized f inancia l insti tut ions, and Contro l ler for a ma nufacturing com pa ny pr ior tothat . Owned a successfu l reg iona l Comme rc ia l brokerage co mpa ny, Upsta te Co mme rc ia l Group, for 12. .yearsprior to me rger with Pyramid Brokerag e at the end o f 200 7. BS in Business Administration, NYU, MBA FinanceP a c e U n i v e r s itl ifessiciffal; E x ee r i e n ceQua l if ied fo r CCIM (Com me rc ia l Inves tment Ins ti tu te ) in 19 96 and S IOR (Soc ie ty o f Indus tr ia l and Of f iceREALTOR S) in 20 03 . Brokered sales and lea ses of of f ice, industr ial prope rties for 20 years.

    ionvOnSIOR, CCIM, President o f NYS Co mme rc ia l Assoc ia t ion o f REALTORS 20 04-2 005 , Treasurer o f the CCIMIns ti tu te 20 06-2 008 . Pres iden t Uls te r Co unty Chap te r Am er ican Red Cross , Ol ive F i rs t A id U n i t-EMT,Cap tain, P resident . Current ly Treasurer and B oa rd Mem be r of the Ulster County ID A and Ulster CountyC a p i ta l R e s o u r c e C o r p o r a t i o n .

    a t W eb in li tenaA t iQnNYS Comme rcia l Associat ion REALTOR of the Yea r 1998 , 1999, 20 05.

    nifiCallVer izon W ire less Leases - Dutchess County NYK u t s h e r s R e s o r t a n d C o u n t r y C lu b - S u l l i v a n C o u n t y N Y O p t i o n / P u r c h a s eE x p e r io r A s s e s s m e n t L e a s e s ( N Y S c o n t r a c to r ) H u d s o n V a l le y N YRosen Group to Kruescher Acres Sale-Ulster County NYR u g e r to P e p s i c o - S a l eN o r th P o in t e C e n t re t o W i l b u r S m i t h A s s o c ia t e s L e a s e D u t c h e s s C o u n t y

    $ 1 ,5 4 0 , 0 0 0$ 3 ,500,000 opt ion- $35 mi ll ion sa le$ 8 9 0 ,0 0 0$ 3 ,300 ,000$ 1 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0$ 5 7 8 , 6 9 5

    1 1 , 1 1 / 1 a " O r d C l i o n t sP e p s i c o - F r i t o L a yAtlantic De troit D ieselVer izon W ire lessW i l b u r S m i t h E n g i n e e r i n gGloba l Country of W or ld Pe ace

    C h iq u i t a B a n a n aUS Army Corps of EngineersThylan AssociatesAG P roper t iesR o s e n G r o u p

  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    Persona l In format ion Sum m aryS t e v e P e r f it , C C I M , S I O RM a n a g i n g D ir e c to r /P r i n c ip a l B r o k e rP y r am id B r o k e ra g e C o m p a n y3 56 M e a d o w A v e . , N e w b u r g h , N YH o m e A d d r e s s: 6 1 8 B e a v e r k ill R d ., O liv e b r id g e , N Y 1 2 4 6 1E d u c a t i o n & D e s i g n a t io n s : B S , N Y U ; m a j o r - F in a n c e , M B A , P a c e U n i v e r s it y; m a j o r -F in a n c e , C C I M D e s ig n e e , 1 9 9 6 , S I O R D e s ig n a t io n , 2 0 0 3B u s i n e s s E x p e r ie n c e : 1 2 y e a r s B r o k e r/O w n e r U p s ta t e C o m m e r c ia l G ro u p , 1 8 y e a r s inC o m m e r c ia l R e a l E s ta t e B r o k e ra g e a n d C o n s u l tin g ; P r e v io u s l y M a n a g i n g D ir e c to r ,B e a r S te a r n s & C o m p a n y s p e c i a l iz i n g in m a r ke t in g m o r tg a g e b a c k e d a n d f ix e din c om e se c u r it ie s t o b a nk s and o t h e r f inanc i a l in s tit u tions a nd m ana ge d a 6 0 pe r sond e p a r tm e n t. A ls o p r e v io u s l y o w n e d a n d o p e r a te d a s m a l l c o n s t ru c tio n c o m p a n y f o r

    8 years and first post college career; Budget Manager, Internal Auditor, CostAcc ou n t an t an d Op e r a t ion s Co n t ro l le r f o r L i gh t o l ie r I n c .R e a l E s t a t e B u s i n e s s A c c o m p l is h m e n t s : R E A L T O R o f th e Y e a r ; 1 9 9 9 , 2 0 0 5 - N e w Y o r kS t a te C o m m e rc ia l A s s o c ia t io n o f R E A L T O R S ( N Y S C A R ) , 1 9 9 8 H u d s o n V a l le yC h a p t e r o f N Y S C A R , R E A L T O R o f th e Y e a rCCIM Institute Committees and Offices Held- Treasurer 2006-2008, ExecutiveC o m m i tte e , M a n a g e m e n t Te a m 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 8 , B o a r d o f D ire c to r s 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 8 , 2 0 0 5V ic e C h a ir , B u d g e t C o m m itte e , 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 5 B u d g e t C o m m i tte e M e m b e r ; 2 0 0 3R e s e r v e P o l ic y T a s k F o r c e ( I I) , 2 0 0 3 B u d g e t a n d F i n a n c e C o m m i tte e T r a n s it io n

    T a s k F o r c e , 2 0 0 2 C o u n c ilo r , 2 0 0 1 B u d g e t C o m m itte e T a s k F o r c e o n R e s e r v eP o l ic y , 2 0 0 2 V P , R e g i o n 1 1 , 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 5 P ro f e s s io n a l S ta n d a r d s C o m m i tte e , 2 0 0 1 -2 0 0 2 R e g io n a l A c t iv i tie s C o m m i tte e , 2 0 0 1 1 s t V P , R e g i o n 1 1 , 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 C h a p t e rA c t iv i tie s C o m m itt e e , 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 P r e s id e n t , N Y S C h a p t e r , 1 9 9 8 S e c r e ta r y , N Y SC h a p te r , 1 9 9 7 T r e a s u re r , N Y S C h a p t e rL o c a l a n d S t a te B o a r d o f R E A L T O R A c t iv i ti e s : 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 N Y S C A R , P r e s id e n t, 2 0 0 2 -2 0 0 3 1 s t V P , N Y S C A R , 2 0 0 1 2 n d VP NYSCAR, 2000-2001 Chair, NYSCARE d u c a t io n a n d F in a n c e C o m m i tte e s , 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 4 D ire c t o r, U ls te r C o u n ty B o a r d o fR E A L T O R S , 1 9 9 6 - 1 9 9 8 P r e s id e n t H u d s o n V a lle y C h a p t e r , N Y S C A R , 1 9 9 6 - 1 9 9 9G o v e r no r , N Y S C A R , 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 2 N Y S L i c e n s e d R e a l E s ta t e I n str uc to rC iv ic Affa i rs and Ac t iv it ies : 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 1 2 , U ls te r C o u n t y I D A , T re a s u r e r , B o a r d M e m b e r ,1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 , P r e s id e n t , U l ste r C o u n t y C h a p t e r o f th e A m e r ic a n R e d C r o s s , 1 9 9 6 -1 9 9 8 T r e a s u re r A R C , 1 9 9 3 - 1 9 9 9 B o a rd o f D ire c to r s A R C , 1 9 9 0 - 2 0 0 1 C a p t a in ,C h a i r o f th e B o a r d , E M T , T re a s u r e r , S q u a d L e a d e r , O liv e F i rs t A i d U n i t, 1 9 9 5P la n n i n g B o a r d , T o w n o f O l iv e , N Y

  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    RECEIVEDJAN 3 0 2012

    CANDIDATE EXPERIENCELSTER COUNTY LEGISLATUREAssociate in Science, Emp ire State College1972 - 1982 Unit Clerk to Charge Nurse at Kingston Hospital.Responsible for transcribing physicians orders. Performed many dutiesrelating to patient with the exception of patient care.1982 - 1987 Part owner/operator of a Convenient Food Market1986 - 19 87 Elected U lster County Le gislator representing the City ofKingston1987 - First wom an to be nominated by a M ajor Party as their candidate forMay or, City of Kingston1988 - 1990 - Served as Ulster County Representative for NYS SenatorArt Gray (Senator lost re-election)1991 - 1993 - Legislative Aide for NYS Assemblyman Larry Bennett(Assemblyman retired)1992 - Elected to Ulster County Leg islature representing the Towns ofHurley; Marbletown, U lster and Town of K ingston1993 - 2004 - Executive Secretary to Board of Commissioners, CivilService Office, City of Kingston. Responsible for monitoring all CivilService Exams for City of Kingston employees as well as KingstonConsolidated School District and City Library. Supervise lists for CivilService employment, Personnel issues and Health Benefits for City ofKingston employees. (Retired in January of 2005)1993 - First wom an Minority Leader, Ulster County Legislature, served inposition for 6 consecutive years.2002 - Elected to U lster County Legislature representing the City ofKingston (mov ed from the Tow nship to Kingston at time of election)2004 - Elected first wom an M ajority LeaderServing my 22 n d year representing Ulster County residents.

  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    2008 - App ointed by Chairman D onaldson to serve as Chair ofAdm inistrative Services Com mittee: Chaired a special Bi-Partisancomm ittee existing of Legislators and Union representatives to examine thepossibility of a self-insurance program for Ulster County Go vernment. TheCom mittee recognized the need to reduce the number of providers theCounty offered so accurate benefit payouts could be analyzed. Wedeveloped an RFP w ith the help of the Director of Purchasing. All mem bersof the comm ittee were involved in scoring the Bids by agreed upon p ointsallowed from a list of criteria incorporated in the RF P. The cho ice of afirm with experience in self-insurance was approved w ith an unanimousvote. This action saved the county m illions of dollars the first year of itsimplementation.Served as Co-C hair of Task Force, formed by the Legislature, to exam ine alloptions available regarding the future of the Ulster County Infirmary. Alsoserved on many other special committees throughout my Leg islative career.Available upon request.+++ I pledge to abide by all By-Laws adopted by the LDC Board ofDirectors.

    Jeanette Provenzano

  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    KATHRYN R. REED, M HA, CM PE5 9 5 O l d P o s t R o a d , N e w P a l tz , N e w Y o r k 1 2 5 6 1E - m a i l: K R e e d 0 3 2 0 @ g m a l l. c o m Residence: (845) 384-6249Office: (845) 883-7260E XE C UTIV E M ANAG E ME NT PR O F ILE

    Strateg ic P lann ing & Imp lementat ion Market ing & Publ ic Re lations B us iness & Co rporate Deve lopm entP ub l ic Sp e a k i n g C o m mu n i c a t io n s a n d W r it in g Gra n ts De v e lo p m e n t a n d M a n a g e m e n t T e a m B u i ld i n g &Lea der sh i p B u d ge t D eve l opment & M a na gem ent C omm er c ia l Des i gn & C ons t r u c ti on M a na gem ent Pro jec t Manageme nt Government Re lations Med ica l Practice Managem ent

    H a r d w o r k in g , s e n i o r l e v e l e x e c u t i v e w i t h a c a r e e r r e f l e c t i n g c o n t i n u a l p r o g r e s s io n , a r e c o r d o f o u t s ta n d i n g m a n a g e m e n t p e r fo r m a n c ea n d a c h i e v e m e n t s in d r i v in g m a r k e t in g , b u s i n e s s / c o r p o r a t e d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d p u b l i c r e l a ti o n in i t ia t iv e s t h a t h a v e d e l iv e r e d o u t s t a n d i n gresults. Possesses strong ability to communicate organizational strategies and manage multiple, concurrently running projects.Successful in recruiting top- level talent and in bui ld ing loyal , h igh p erforming teams. Professional appearance an d d emean or;m a i n t a in s t h e h i g h e s t l e v e l o f p e r s o n a l / p r o fe s s i o n a l e t h i c s a n d i n t e g r i ty . C a r e e r d i s ti n c t io n : Inst rumen ta l in a com pany 's accelera ted growth f rom in i t ia l incorpora t ion o f a $500 ,000 annua l bud get progressing toi ts current $22 mill ion.

    PR O F E S S IO NAL E X PE R IE NCEInstitute for Family Health ( formerly Mid-Hud son F amily Health insti tute)ew Paltz , NO r g a n i za t io n p r o m o t e s p r im a r y c a r e e d u c a t io n , h e a l th c a r e s e r v i c e s , a n d m e d i c a l re s e a r c h i n t h e M a n h a t t a n a n d t h e M i d -H u d s o nV a l le y r e g i o n , a n d i s l ic e n s e d b y t h e N e w Y o r k S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t s o f E d u c a t io n a n d H e a l th .Senior Program Associate Planning and Development/Executive Director, Catski l l Hud son AHEC (2007 to Present)Executive Director Integrated Delivery System s (200 2-Present)Senior V ice President, Administrat ive Affairs (19 96 to 20 02) / V ice President, Administrat ive Affairs (199 4 to 199 6)Chief Op erating Off icer (1992 to 19 94) / Assistant Administrator (1981 to 1984 )Initially responsible for the incorpo ration process of the orga nization in 198 1 and p layed an instrum ental role in its growth from$ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l b u d g e t t o i t s c u r r e n t $ 2 2 m i l li o n .C a r e e r r e s p o n s i b il it ie s in c l u d e s t r a t e g i c p l a n n i n g , c o r p o r a t e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d a d m in i s t ra t iv e o p e r a t io n s in c l u d i n g b u d g e t d e v e l o p m e n ta n d f in a n c i a l o v e r s ig h t o f a d m i n i s t ra t iv e d e p a r t m e n t a n d p r o j e c t s a n d a l l a s p e c t s o f d a i ly o p e r a t io n s o f m e d i c a l p r a c t i c e s o f I n s t it u t eR e s p o n s i b l e f o r m e d i c a l p r a c t ic e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d m a n a g e m e n t a s w e l l a s p r a c t ic e m a n a g e m e n t tr a in i n g o f re s i d e n t p h y s i c ia n s ,c o n t ra c t s /g r a n t s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d m a n a g e m e n t , C e r t i f ic a t e o f N e e d p r o c e s s e s , c o o r d i n a t io n o f m e d i c a l f a c il it ie s d e s i g n / c o n s t r u c t io nm a n a g e m e n t a n d n e w b u s i n e s s d e v e l o p m e n t . L i a is o n f o r c o m m u n i t y r e la t io n s , m a r k e t in g , P R , a n d l o c a l / s ta t e - le v e l l e g i s l a t i v e a f f a ir sH i g h l i g h t s : C o n t r a c t e d o u t to s e r v e a s I n t e r i m C h i e f E x e c u t iv e o f E l le n v i l l e R e g i o n a l H o s p i ta l , a n o n - p r o f i t, fi n a n c i a ll y d i s tr e s s e d 5 0 - b e d a c u t ec a r e f a c i li t y ; p r o v i d e d m a n a g e r ia l o v e r s i g h t t o a l l a s p e c t s o f o p e r a t io n s a n d c u r r e n t ly o r c h e s t r a t in g a f in a n c i a l r e s t r u c t u r in gp r o g r a m t o a v o i d b a n k r u p t c y fo r th e o r g a n i za t io n .P l a n n e d , e x e c u t e d a n d m a n a g e d a r a n g e o f m a r k e t i n g a n d P R p r o g r a m s i n v o l v in g c o r p o r a te " b r a n d i n g " , im a g e b u i ld i n g , p u b l is p e a k i n g a t l o c a l a n d s t a te l e v e l s , a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e c a m p a i g n .

    Respons ible for design and d evelopm ent of f ive me dical centers totaling 105,036 square feet, with a pro ject value of $16.6+m i l l i o n . S e c u r e d a n d m a n a g e d $ 2 . 9 m i l li o n i n f e d e r a l a n d s t a te g r a n t s fo r o r g a n i z a ti o n S a v e d t h e o r g a n i z a ti o n $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l ly I n t a x e s / in t e r e s t s t h r o u g h s e c u r in g t a x e x e m p t b o n d f in a n c i n g o f a $ 1 . 5 m i l l io n p r o j e c t Oversigh t of project which ge nerated a cas h infusion of $1.5 million in the form of a capital grant through c oordinating andm a n a g i n g m e r g e r /p a r t n e r s h i p s b e t w e e n t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d W e s t c h e s t e r C o u n t y H e a l th c a r e C o r p o r a t io n . Establ ished an d m anages the C atski l l Hud son Area Health Edu cation center, a partner of the New York Statewide AHECS y s t e m , c o v e r in g a n 1 1 - c o u n t r y r e g i o n i n r u r a l N e w Y o r k . E s t a b l is h e d H e a l t h M a t c h , a c o m m u n i t y - s p e c i f ic p h y s i c ia n r e c r u it m e n t , r e t e n t io n a n d p r a c t ic e m a n a g e m e n t s e r v i c e o f C a t s k iH u d s o n A H E C .

  • 8/3/2019 Resumes of Applicants


    CONSU LTANTS FOR HU MAN SERVICES , INC. ; New P a l tz , NY988 t o 199C o n s u l ti n g f ir m s p e c i a l iz i n g i n t h e p la n n i n g , d e v e lo p m e n t a n d im p l e m e n t a t io n o f m e d i c a l e d u c a t io n p r o g r a m s , c u r ri c u lu m , a n d c l i n ic a lp r a c t ic e s f o r c l i e n ts i n t h e M id - H u d s o n r e g io n o f N e w Y o r k .Pa r tn e rN ice P res i den tP ro v i ded co n su lt in g a n d ad v i so ry se r v es i n med i ca l p ra c t ic e d ev e l opme n t , g ran t w r it in g , p ra c t ic e m an ag em en t cu r ri cu lu mdeve lopmen t / tra in ing , and med i ca l educa t i on p rogram deve lopmen t w i th an e mphas is on es tab l ish ing /manag ing a f ami ly p rac t iceresident training p rogram. H ighlights: Establ ished the St . Francis Hosp i ta l Fami ly Pract ice Residency P rogram , Inc lud ing a l l regu latory ap pl icat ions/ap prov als andresident applicat ion, site v isit and a pprov al from Accreditat ion Council for Gradua te Medical Educ at ion.Mana ged res idency o u tpa t ien t f ac i li ty de s ign and co nst ruc t ion m anag eme nt , and es tab l ished a suppor t s ta f f and op era t iona lsystems for residency. Ser ved as Re s idency Ad min is t ra t i v e D i rec to r and a s an ad junc t f acu l ty mem ber f o r p r ac t ice m ana gem en t cu r ri cu lumdeve lopment and t ra in ing.MEM ORIAL HOSPITAL OF RHODE ISLAND; Pawtucket, RI984 t o 1 9294 -bed c o m m u n i ty h o s p i ta l s e r v in g B l a c k s t o n e V a l le y a n d s o u t h e a s t e r n M a s s a c h u s e t ts ; h o s p i t a l h a s t e a c h i n g a n d r e s e a r c h f a c i li tie sa n d is t h e i n p a t ie n t a n d o u t p a t ie n t s i te f o r t h e B r o w n M e d i c a l S c h o o l 's r e s i d e n c y p r o g r a m s i n f a m il y p r a c ti ce a n d i n te r n a l m e d i c in e .

    Prac t i ce Manage r Fam i ly P rac t ice Residency ProgramMana ged day- to -day o pera t ions o f the outpat ient , long i tudina l tra in ing s i te , inc luding sta f f recrui tment and personne l mana gem ent o16 non-c l in ica l and 43 c l in ica l sta f f members, depar tmenta l budget preparat ion and f inancia l management and residency pract icemanag eme nt cur riculum de ve lopme nt /t ra in ing ; a lso served as l ia ison be tween Brown Univers ity Medica l Schoo l D epar tment o f Fam ilyMed icine and hospital adm inistrat ion. Highlights: De ve lop ed 8 0-hour requ ired cur r icu lum in med ica l p rac t i ce mana ge ment and se rved a s ad junc t f acu l ty prov id ing prac t icemanagement training. Spea rheaded a p at ient team ap proach to mana gem ent o f pa t ient care and behav ior . Invo lved a l l s ta f f mem bers and estab l ishefour teams that inc luded c l in ica l and non-c l in ica l pe rsonne l w i th equal representa t ion and input , resul t ing in a bet ter coordinat ioo f pa t ient care , more e f f ic ient use o f resources and t ime and bet ter contro l over pa t ient abuse o f opera t ing and f inanc ia l systemsP r e v i o u s E x p e r i e n c e : Held po si tions as Pa ralega l /Exe cut ive Assistant wi th f i rms in Conne ct icut , F lor ida, and W ashington, D CGa ined broad expe r ience in business adm inist ra t ion and ma nagem ent , corpora te a ccount ing, tax prepara t ion and lega l a f fa i rs .

    E D U C A T I O N I C E R T I F I C A T I O N / A F F I L I A T I O N S Master o f Sc ience, Hea l th Administra t ion 2008 W arren Nat iona l Univers ity Che yenne, W Y, magna cum laude Cert if icat ions: Cer ti fied Medica l P ract ice Ex ecut ive (CMP E) Ame r ican Co l lege of Med ica l Pract ice Exe cut ives, Me dicaGroup M anagem ent Assoc ia t ion Membe r/Go vernor 's Appointment Rural Heal th Counci l o f New Yo rk State / Member Nat iona l AHEC Organiza t ion (2004 to Present ) Ulster County Wo rkforce Investment Board m ember 2 010 to Present Boa rd of Directors / Pa st-President of Boa rd Always There, Inc., parent corpo rat ion of Always There Home Ca re, Inc., and

    Always there Home He alth Services, Inc. (2004 to P resent). Rotary C lub of H ighland Vice P res ident (2005 to 200 7) Treasurer (2007 to P resent)P U B L I C A T I O N S

    Reed, Kathryn (201 0) I s T h e r e a D o c t o r i n th e H o u s e ? P h y s ic ia n R e c r u i tm e n t a n d R e t e n t io n i n th e H u d s o n V a l le y (CRREOD iscussion Br ie f 3 , W inter 201 0). New P a l tz , NY: SUNY Ne w Pe i tz Center fo r Research, Reg iona l Educa t ion and O utreach

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    mesii.Plantun9 :991frit

    ,4,41171:60004"0,04400*IiiinagemenPPYP*1?:(9000s:D otaio t isk4t . Staff Training / Development;"Nee4.4*100001:041.914***0-

    MATTHEW S. WATKINS 3039 New Prospect Road Pine Bush, NY 12566Ph: 845.744.5386 Cell: 914.850.1776Email: [email protected] MANAGEMENT

    Chief Executive Office / Director of Operations

    Visionary executive leader with effective mix of leadership, trustworthiness, client focus, business savvy andinnovation. Outstanding financial, operational development, turnaround and strategic business planning strengthsmerge to exceed achievement expectations in revenue growth, productivity and cost control within volatile competitivemarkets. Diversely q ualified in all functions of operations improvem ent, revenue and profit growth strategies, hiring andteambuilding. Possess broad understanding of business and operational issues with respect to strong financialperformance and overall business success drivers, particularly within Middletown Community Health Center andexperience with organization for twenty y ears.Proven ability to m erge efforts of all parties toward common goal through combination of continued procesimprovements, expert staffing/training, strong leadership and ability to see the big picture; frequently serve as catalystfor change and growth. Experienced building operations from the ground up and revitalizing existing operations toensure sustainable results in financial control, organizational productivity, human resource and related support /personnel functions. Widely respected for innovative problem solving and tenacious commitment to achieving bothpersonal and corporate ob jectives.


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY & ACHIEVEMENTSWATKINS FINANCIAL: Pine Bush, NYFOUNDER (2009 -Present)Overview: Asset Management, including Financial Advisory in Personal, Business, Finance, Real Estate and EstatePlanning/Design and ManagementGOALS DEVELOPM ENT COMPANY Pine Bush , NY( S t a r t u p o r g a n i z a t io n p r o v i d i n g c o n s u l ti n g e x p e r t i s e o n s t a r tu p a c t iv i t ie s a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f b u s i n e s s p l a n s )PRESIDENT (1985 to Present)Overview: Launched this organization to provide startup and reorganization expertise and planning for restaurantManaged all startup activities including business development, client cultivation, marketing/promotions, financiamanagement and proposal development. Company operates as "think tank" of new marketing products and strategiesroutinely creating new products and services to bring to market, service-oriented for variety of industries. Assumeconsulting consignments for variety of industries based on success w ith restaurant business.

    &y Client A ctivities Built company from the ground up to viable, profitable entity with expansion from providing onman agem ent developm ent services to restaurants to serving retail, legal and restaurant industries with additional Iinstallation and maintenance services. Facility size varied from 25 to 15 0 staff m embers. Led numerous initiatives to help launch or turnaround client-restaurant operations including:

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    MATTHEW S. W AT KINS Resume Page Two

    4 Perform comprehensive review of all operations including staffing, policies/procedures, inventory,product ordering, sanitary operations with respect to regulations and budgeting/cost control.Established new marketing plans, budgets and P&Ls.4 Work closely with staff, retraining entire staff on expected service ties, order writing, consistentcustomer communications, service strategies, food presentation and table service. Provide training tobar staff on instituting tighter product con trols, proper billing procedures and sanitary requirements.4 Perform extensive research on client base with focus on expanding current customer base beforeinstituting new marketing, sales and promotional strategies. Provide advice in selection/purchase of"Point of Sale" software and hardw are, oversee implem entation, assist in setup and training.

    Set up proper security procedures, ensure compliance with all federal and state safety standards,review/train on current labor laws, employee rights and O SHA standards.

    WE ALTH M ANAG EME NT, Inc Middletown, NY($10M W ealth Counseling Service focused on advanced estate planning, asset protection, l iability protection, real estate investments and assegrowth)SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (12.2005-7.2009)Overview: Design and implement an aggressive marketing, advertising campaign and a series of informative seminarson Advanced Financial Strategies; Estate Planning, Retirement and Pension implementation. Oversee day to dayoperations and imp lementation of current business strategies. Principal Passed in 2007MIDDLETOWN COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Middletown, NY(P M Com mun ity Health Center incorporated in 1977 as clinic for medically uninsured/ underinsured. Currently five operating locationswith in one comb)ACTING CHIEF EXEC UTIVE OFFICER (2.2005 to 12.2005)Board of Directors, Chairman Finance Comm ittee, Mem ber, Vice President (1985 to 2005)Overview: Retained to assess and review current operations, evaluate financial positions and review policies andprocedures in order to revitalize organization including operational efficiency, cost management, patient increases,greater grant revenues and return to positive cash flow.Key Accomplishments Successfully turned around financial results by eliminating negative cash flow w hile turning a positive cash flowand cut losses by 85% . Reduced bad debt by approximately 10%. Significantly reduced costs and improved productivity through num ber of initiatives including:

    4 Reducing use of Locum Tennans (savings of $20K/month)4 Filling 110% of positions previously vacant for a year by offering incentives/sign-on bonus4 Opened previously strained communications between administration, management and staff.4 Built relationships with local hospital, Orange Regional Medical Center.4 Identified additional grant opportunities

    Boosted visibility and improve business development activities by cultivating relationships between MCHCMed ia, fellow not-for-profits, state and federal politicians. Other activities included:4 Created and spearheaded first annual MCHC Cares day.4 Developed new interactive web page, creating new theme for company

    Increased patient visits by 33% and reduced waiting times by refocusing efforts on customer service. Hiretwo new dentists, to improve dental patient visits by 65% . Restructuring of organization to allow for better patient flow, appointment availability, provider productivityand increasing patient visits. F il in g o f Fe de ra l 330 G ra nt an d HPSA Research for organization.

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    MAT THEW S. WAT KIN S Resume Page Three

    AAA LAW N CARE Pine Bush, NYPRESIDENT / OWNER (1997 - 2005) Built company from the ground up to profitable organization with 100 customers and six employees. Annual Salesif $350K.EARLY CAREER PROGRESSIONInside Sales/ Customer Service R epresentative Nelco, INC. (1988 to 1995)Senior Associate Positivities (1985 to 1988)Unit Manager S&R Restaurants, dba Wendy's (1984 to 1988)

    EDUCATION & AFFILIATIONSBBA, G eneral Business Management Penn State University, Major Concentration, Management & FinanceAM Management, State University of New York Major Concentration, Marketing ManagementAssociate Member: R esource Associates Corp. Strategic Panning, Exec. Training, Cycle time education, and TQ ICouncilman-elect, Town of Shawangunk 2008-PresentTrustee, Pine Bush Area Public Library 2007- PresentCommitteeman, Town of Shawangunk Comprehensive Rezoning/Planning Committee, 2001 to 2007Town of Shawangunk Republican Comm ittee ( 1999 Present)Ulster County Planning Board, 2000 to 2005Mem ber M iddletown Com munity Health Center, 1985 to 2005 President & Board of D irectors, 2003 to 2005

    Vice President, Board of D irectors, 1991, 2001- 2003Relevant A ctivities:Instructor, Orange County Com munity College (Continuing E d)(1991 to 1992)
