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tsW j. - "Vol. H, 3STo. 27 IS PUBLISHED Every EXCEPT SOXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts. .The. paper is delivered by Carriers in the town and suburbs. Single Copies far Sale at the News Dealers and at the Office of publication. Edmund Editor Norrie, - - ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ, - Manager jSTOTICE. All Business Communications should be addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Hono- lulu, H. I. Correspondence and Communications for publication should be addressed to the ixiitor Hawaii Holomua. No notice trill be paid to any anonymous communications. Business Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaabumanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. OHABLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. - PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. Old Capitol Building, (Honolulu Hale), adjoiniug Tost Office, Honolulu. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. ISO, Residence 07. A. EOSA, ATTORNEY AT 2AW, No. id Kaahumanu St, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JOHN LOTAKAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, corner King & Bethel Sts. LETflS J. LEYEY, Seal Ifetate and General Auctioneer. Corner Fort afidQaeea Streets, Hesofehi Personal attention given to Sales t of Furniture, Real Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. rtl tl gllllgf fffb M fcfr TO2.e Life of t3ae XjSirLd. Is Established, ixa. Kig"33.teo-o.sza.es- s- Business Cards H. E. McINTIEE & BRO., Gbocehy, Feed Stoke & Bakery, Corner of Kingand Fort Sts., Honolulu. MACFARLANE & CO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 King St, Bell Telephone 107. F. H. BED WARD, CONTRACTOR and BUHNER, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. dr. Mclennan, 131 Fort Street. Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.: 3 to 5 P.M. Office Tel. Tel. 2S7. Bell Telephone SSI. P. O. Box 32 W. TV. WRIGHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I. Elias Kau I ulaau Wright S3P DENTIST, Comer of jiving nnd Bethel Sts., Upstairs, Entrance on King Street. Office Hours From 0 a.m. to 12 ra., 1 to 4 p.m. 3" Sundays excepted. J. PHILLIPS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS-FITTE- COPPER-SMITH,- " S3T House and Ship Job "Work-Promptl- y Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolulu. H. LOSE, Notary 3?ublic. Collector and General Business Agent. Sub-Age- nt for several of the Best FIRE INSURANCE COS. Mutual Telephone a. P. O. Box 33S. Merchant street, Honolulu. WING W0 TA1 & Co., No. 214 Nuuanu Street, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Importers and Dealers in GE2TL MERCHANDISE Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japanese Crock' lywnre.Mattings, Vases of all kinds, Camphorwood Trunks, Battan Chairs, a Fine Aisortuont of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Chinese and Japanese jToas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Goods Re spectfully Solicited. BEohoItxLti, Tlmrsday, Business Cards G.W.IUF1BLUE100., Importers and Commission. Merchants, 1 Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands THOMAS LINDSAY. Mannfaclitring Jeweler and Watchviaker, Mclnemy Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu. HARRISON BROS., EF" CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 208 Fort St. , Honolulu. MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, . S. I. SHAW, Proprietor, CHOICE LIO UORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nunauu Sts. , Mutual Tel. 123. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. GARTWRIGHT l Business of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted: Prompt attention given to the management of Estates, Guardianships, Trusts, etc., etc., etc. Offices, : Carlivright Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. "FAT BOY." BAY HORSE SALOON! P. MclNERNY, Proprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Corner Bethel asd Hotel Sts. PACIFIC SALOON, Corner King and Nuuanu Streets. EDW. WOLTER.... Manager. The Finest selection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold anywhere in the town. First-clas- s &ttendencev Call and judge for yourself. no SO-t-f. .Empire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Proprietor. Fine tfinefc Liqnoift Beep, ALWAYS OX HAND. Comer Nuuanu and Hotel Streets Bell Telephone 3S1. Post Office Box 32. WJty.WRIGKT&SON Camaffe eft am Bite o In All Its Branches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. - MutualTeL366,P.O.Boxl5879 sad.80 King St.Honolala JPebx'uax'y 1, lS94r. -- Advertisements Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WETLAND m AILS LAqs BEER Also, a Fresh Invoice of YST1SIS -- FOR- rfSfi COCKf! L L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Citysa Mea Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, rAjiiLY Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Theh. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 289. WO CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor iKing street, Thomas Block, next door to Holomua office. All Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STILE, Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. no27 ."- - i N., 3?er THE Provisional -:- - Goverament OFFICIAL LIST OF MEM- BERS AND LOCATION OF BDREADS. Executive Council. S. B. Dole, President of the Provisional Govern- ment ni the Hawaiian Islands, and Minister of Forelsrn Affairs. J. A. Kin?, MinUter t the Interior. S. M. Dimon, Minister of Finance. W. O. smith, Attorney-Genera- l. Advisory Council. W. a Wilder, of the Provisional Government of the tiawaiUn Islands. C. Bnlte, John Emraeluth, Cecil Brown, E. D. Tenner, John Nott, W. F. Allen, John Ena. , Henry Wntcrhouie, Jmnes F. Morgan A. Younr, Fd.S hr. F.il. Hatch, Jos. P. Mcdnncs. Ch. T. Rodgcrs, Secretary Ex. and Adv. Councils. Stpreme Court. Hon. A. F. Jndd, Chlf Justice. Hon. K, F. Bfckerton, First Associate Jntiee. I'on. W. F. Frer, Second Associate Justice. Henry Smtti, Chief Clerk. Geo. Luc s, Deputy Clerk. a F. Peters tn.sec nd Deputy Clerk. J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. Circuit Judges. First Circuit: j) lg O.hn SVcoi.d C'rcu't: ptu ) A. v. Kepnlkai. Th-r- and Fourth C'rc its: (Hawaii) S. L. Austin Fifth Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy. Offices and Court-roo- in Court Honsf, Mnjr strett. Sitting in IInlnIii The first Mo diyin Ftbrujry, May, August and X vein ber. DErAKT3in;.T or Foueiok Arritas. OfHcein Capitol Huildi-- g. King street. His Excellency Sauford B. Do.e, minister of Foreign - - AlHlrs. GeorC. Potter, Secret ry. W. Horace Wnaut, Lsonel nart, Clerks. Defaktxsxtof Istsriob- - Offlce In Executive Building, King street. His nxcelleney J. A. KtnifrM'nlsterof Interior. Chief Clem, Joh i A. Hss ngr. .VssisUnt Clerks: J,nnes U. Bovd, M. K. Keoho- - kioic Stephen Mahaulu, Georce C. Russ. Edward S. Boyd. BnEE.vc of Agriculture ad Fobestrt. Pres'deut: His Exeellencv fe Minister of Inter'or. Wm. G Invln, Alltn Herbert, Jofiu Em, Joseph Mirsdea, Commlssloaer and Secretary. CJIIEK3 OF BURK.VUS, IifTERIOR nEPARTMET. Surveynr-GeueM- l, W. D. Alexander. Supt. Pnbl c Works, W. E. Ro tell. Supt. Water W irks, Andrew Brown. Inspector, Electric Lights, John Regfstrr f C nveyaiices, T. O. Thrum. Rod Supervisor. II nolum, W. H Cummings. Chief Enginerr Fire DeDt., Jas. II. Hunt. Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. jicWayne. Depabtxest of Fisxscz. Office, Executive Building, King street, Minister of Fimnee, His Excellency S. M. Damon. Andit George J. Ross. Registr r of Acecu&ts, W. G. Ashley. Clerk of Fiuance Office, E. A. Mclnerny. Col ector-Guer- of Custom, J .s. B C istle. Tax Asesor, O hu, J n . S'i tr. Deputy Tax Assss..r,W. a Weetlon. Postnjittr-Generl- , J. Mort Oit, Ccstoju Bureau. Office, Custom House. EspHrudej Fort street. Coilcctor-Genen- l, J 'S. B Ctstle. Depnty-Cos.e- r F. 8. Mct cker. HrborMiuter,Ca:.tiin A. Fnller. Port S.irveyor, M. s S ndirs. Storeteepi r, George C Stratemeyer. Depaetjcext of Office in Executive Building, King street. Attomey-Gener-i- l. W. O.Srnita. Deputy Attorney.Geucril, t,. K. Wilder. Clerk, J. Jt. Kos. ilarsnal, E. G. IlitchcocV. Ci rk to 31 rshi, II. il. Dotr. Deputy Marshal, Arttinri. Br wn. Jailor 0hn Prisoa, J..I. loxr. l"risin Physician, lr. C B. C r per. Board of Imhigxatiox. Prsidnt, it Excellenev J. A. King. Meaber of the lkurd of Imra!ratl-a- - jon. J. B. Atheiion, Jas. B. Cst!e, Hon. A. S. Ogn rn, James G. spencer, Mark P. Rnbins .n. SecreUry, Wray Taylor. BoAsn or Health. OSieein eronndsci Court Bone Bcllding, corn r of H liiunl and Que.--n suteta. Members Dr. Day, Tr. MIn-- r, Dr. A ndrew, J. T. WaterhHise Jr John En. Theo. F. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- Sstith. President ion. W. O s'mith. Sertry Chas. W Icox. Executive OScer C. B. Reynold. Inspector a d .n&jerof Garbage Service L. L La Pierre. Inspect rC.W.C Jones. PitPaysicU , Dr.O. B. Jlndreur. Disp nsarjvDr tl.W. Ho-rar- d. Leper SetUaedt, Dr. R. K. OUver. BOAXD OF XfiCCATIO-- f. Ooort EtmsaBoIUing, Kia? street. ' President, loa. C. E. Bfahoa. Secretary, V. James Sajit i. Inspeet-- r el SeiwoU, a. t. Aiki-ue- a, Po!4e antfc BaCdinf, XertSst ttreet A,C. X.KaberiMB, .Vrcbtrate. Jiafe A..Thv-a-e- i, Cm " " " Month. 50 Cts. JIT OLD SKIFFEBS. Dearnre Nantucket's stand to me. Its wrinkled sands, and bro-r- a; Dear are the open moor That slurt the dear old fares. Bat dearer far its skippers are, The skippers whom I sing; And to me more than moor or shore The moorings where they cling. When rounding Brant Point on the rij-h- t, You corns upon the-- to-x- My siippers, too, loom into Tie-- r, Sun-drie- and seamed, and brown. Ton see them sitting on the trharf. Where they last snmmer sat The good old wharf that berth alike The sea-do- g and his cat. Oft in that cat, with sheet hauled flat, 'Adxooks! Fve sailed the ripa. While Obed rolled his quid and told What he had seen in ships t Of dying fiVh that came at night And roosted in the tops: Of chariot wheels that fonl the flukes When down an anchor drops. Though Bed the sea where this should be, The Black he oft would name; And if yon doubted but the wheel, Up Pharaoh's chariot came! He told ns, too, how cannibals Would waver and retreat, If he but showed his pictured arm And their tattoo was beat! The wind the while was dead ahead, But right into its eye Good Obed talked 1 mean he steered As straight as he could lie All vain to praise the paths of truth And point the happy goal To him whose heaven "Scunset was. And sheol but a shoal. Becalmed, with reminiscent breath They fill their threadbear sails, And on the wharf of afternoons Would speak of and whales How on some ground just off Japan They grappled with typhoons. Or in the life of great sperm-whalt- a Drove deeptheir red harpoons. Ah, me! the loitering winters come, The swift-winge- d summers go; One season come with joy and guesU But found not Captain Joe! " And now with ppprehensive glance I question wharf and wave; A boat swings idly to its chain But where is Captain Dave? Is it that in yon blue nboTe These missing seamen sail? And manning Argo in the skies, Strike they the starry Whale? For mo it were no sorry fate, Free from all moil below, To cruise in some celestial craf, With Captain Dave or Joe! The harbor light burns clear and bright, Bot past its ruddy glare Do sails still glide to seas outside And no wave tell us where? Still as of yore stretch moor and shore. Ami still I sail the rips; But where are they, these skippers gray. Who sailed not hence in ships! Charles Hesut Webr. LEWIS & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Grocers AN'D PJROYISIOK DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALMON ON ICE By Every Kan Francis? Steamer. Salt Salmon' r.v Barp.els a Specialty. nj Fori St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. Rational ton Wori QrjEX Stbeet, Between Alakea fc "Ricliard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED ate prepared to I -- sake rll kinds of Iron Brass, Bronze. Zinc, Tin aad Lead Castings. . Also a General Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Bice Hills, Com Mills, Water Wheels, Wisd UHLs, etc Hiciines for the Cfeanlag of Coffee, CaatorOib, Beans, Sarnie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves k other Fibrotw Plants, And Paper Stock 1 Afee ifackises for Extracting Starch frasa the Manioc, Arrow Boot, etc. J3T All Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN (t CO; SJSIj ' ' j i - . K 1 , & .v ? 1
Page 1: rfSfi...tsW j.-"Vol. H, 3STo. 27 IS PUBLISHED Every EXCEPT SOXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts..The. paper



"Vol. H, 3STo. 27



Holomua Publishing Co.

At King St (Thomas block),Honolulu, H. I.

SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts.

.The. paper is delivered by Carriers in thetown and suburbs. Single Copies far Saleat the News Dealers and at the Office ofpublication.

Edmund EditorNorrie, - -


jSTOTICE.All Business Communications should be

addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Hono-lulu, H. I.

Correspondence and Communications forpublication should be addressed to the ixiitorHawaii Holomua. No notice trill be paidto any anonymous communications.

Business Cards



Office: 113 Kaabumanu Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



Office: 113 Kaahumanu Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



314 Merchant Street, Honolulu,Mutual Telephone 415.




Office. Old Capitol Building, (HonoluluHale), adjoiniug Tost Office,




306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual)Tel. ISO, Residence 07.



No. id Kaahumanu St, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.



Office, corner King & Bethel Sts.


Seal Ifetate and General


Corner Fort afidQaeea Streets, Hesofehi

Personal attention given to Sales t

of Furniture, Real Estate,Stock and General



gllllgf fffb M

fcfr TO2.e Life of t3ae XjSirLd. Is Established, ixa. Kig"33.teo-o.sza.es- s-

Business Cards


Gbocehy, Feed Stoke & Bakery,

Corner of

Kingand Fort Sts., Honolulu.


Dealers in Wines and Spirits

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.



86 King St, Bell Telephone 107.



No. 506 King Street, Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands.

dr. Mclennan,131 Fort Street.

Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.: 3 to 5 P.M.

Office Tel. Tel. 2S7.

Bell Telephone SSI. P. O. Box 32


Carriage and Wagon Builders


79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Elias Kau I ulaau Wright


Comer of jiving nnd Bethel Sts., Upstairs,

Entrance on King Street.

Office Hours From 0 a.m. to12 ra., 1 to 4 p.m. 3" Sundaysexcepted.



S3T House and Ship Job "Work-Promptl- y


No. 71 King Street. Honolulu.

H. LOSE,Notary 3?ublic.

Collector and General Business


Sub-Age- nt for several of theBest


Mutual Telephone a. P. O. Box 33S.Merchant street, Honolulu.

WING W0 TA1 & Co.,

No. 214 Nuuanu Street,


Importers and Dealers in


Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese andJapanese Crock' lywnre.Mattings,Vases of all kinds, CamphorwoodTrunks, Battan Chairs, a FineAisortuont of Dress Silks, BestBrands of Chinese and Japanese

jToas of Latest Importations.Inspection of New Goods Respectfully Solicited.

BEohoItxLti, Tlmrsday,

Business Cards


Importers and Commission.


Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands


Mannfaclitring Jeweler andWatchviaker,

Mclnemy Block, 405 Fort St., Honolulu.



208 Fort St. , Honolulu.


. S. I. SHAW, Proprietor,



Corner of King and Nunauu Sts. ,

Mutual Tel. 123. Honolulu.


lBusiness of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted:

Prompt attention given to the managementof Estates, Guardianships, Trusts,

etc., etc., etc.

Offices, : Carlivright Building,Merchant Street. Honolulu.



P. MclNERNY, Proprietor,

Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer.

Corner Bethel asd Hotel Sts.


Corner King and Nuuanu Streets.

EDW. WOLTER.... Manager.

The Finest selection of LIQUORS andBEER, sold anywhere in the town.

First-clas- s &ttendencev Call and judgefor yourself. no SO-t-f.

.Empire Saloon,JAMES OLDS, Proprietor.

Fine tfinefc Liqnoift Beep,


Comer Nuuanu and Hotel Streets

Bell Telephone 3S1. Post Office Box 32.


Camaffe eft am Biteo

In All Its Branches.

HorseshoeingA SPECIALTY. -

MutualTeL366,P.O.Boxl5879 sad.80 King St.Honolala

JPebx'uax'y 1, lS94r.


Criterion Saloon


another Invoice of the celebrated





Also, a Fresh Invoice of


rfSfiCOCKf! L

L. H. DEE,


Citysa Mea

Oppo. Queen Emma Hall,

Established 1883.



Maker of the Celebrated

Cambridge Pork Sausage !

Try Theh.

Meat Delivered to Any Part of

the City and Suburbs.

Mutual Telephone Number 289.


Merchant TailoriKing street, Thomas Block,next door to Holomua office.

All Suits Guaranteedto Fit, and


Clothes Cleaned and Repaired.no27

."- - iN.,



Provisional -:-- Goverament




Executive Council.

S. B. Dole, President of the Provisional Govern-ment ni the Hawaiian Islands, and Ministerof Forelsrn Affairs.

J. A. Kin?, MinUter t the Interior.S. M. Dimon, Minister of Finance.W. O. smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

Advisory Council.

W. a Wilder, of the ProvisionalGovernment of the tiawaiUn Islands.

C. Bnlte, John Emraeluth,Cecil Brown, E. D. Tenner,John Nott, W. F. Allen,John Ena. , Henry Wntcrhouie,Jmnes F. Morgan A. Younr,Fd.S hr. F.il. Hatch,Jos. P. Mcdnncs.Ch. T. Rodgcrs, Secretary Ex. and Adv.


Stpreme Court.

Hon. A. F. Jndd, Chlf Justice.Hon. K, F. Bfckerton, First Associate Jntiee.I'on. W. F. Frer, Second Associate Justice.Henry Smtti, Chief Clerk.Geo. Luc s, Deputy Clerk.a F. Peters tn.sec nd Deputy Clerk.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.

Circuit Judges.

First Circuit: j) lg O.hnSVcoi.d C'rcu't: ptu ) A. v. Kepnlkai.Th-r- and Fourth C'rc its: (Hawaii) S. L. AustinFifth Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy.

Offices and Court-roo- in Court Honsf,Mnjr strett. Sitting in IInlnIii The firstMo diyin Ftbrujry, May, August and X veinber.

DErAKT3in;.T or Foueiok Arritas.

OfHcein Capitol Huildi-- g. King street. HisExcellency Sauford B. Do.e, minister of Foreign-- AlHlrs.

GeorC. Potter, Secret ry.W. Horace Wnaut, Lsonel nart, Clerks.

Defaktxsxtof Istsriob- -

Offlce In Executive Building, King street.His nxcelleney J. A. KtnifrM'nlsterof Interior.Chief Clem, Joh i A. Hss ngr..VssisUnt Clerks: J,nnes U. Bovd, M. K. Keoho- -

kioic Stephen Mahaulu, Georce C. Russ.Edward S. Boyd.

BnEE.vc of Agriculture ad Fobestrt.

Pres'deut: His Exeellencv fe Minister ofInter'or. Wm. G Invln, Alltn Herbert,Jofiu Em, Joseph Mirsdea, Commlssloaerand Secretary.


Surveynr-GeueM- l, W. D. Alexander.Supt. Pnbl c Works, W. E. Ro tell.Supt. Water W irks, Andrew Brown.Inspector, Electric Lights, JohnRegfstrr f C nveyaiices, T. O. Thrum.Rod Supervisor. II nolum, W. H Cummings.Chief Enginerr Fire DeDt., Jas. II. Hunt.Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. jicWayne.

Depabtxest of Fisxscz.

Office, Executive Building, King street,Minister of Fimnee, His Excellency S. M.

Damon.Andit George J. Ross.Registr r of Acecu&ts, W. G. Ashley.Clerk of Fiuance Office, E. A. Mclnerny.Col ector-Guer- of Custom, J .s. B C istle.Tax Asesor, O hu, J n . S'i tr.Deputy Tax Assss..r,W. a Weetlon.Postnjittr-Generl- , J. Mort Oit,

Ccstoju Bureau.

Office, Custom House. EspHrudej Fort street.Coilcctor-Genen- l, J 'S. B Ctstle.Depnty-Cos.e- r F. 8. Mct cker.HrborMiuter,Ca:.tiin A. Fnller.Port S.irveyor, M. s S ndirs.Storeteepi r, George C Stratemeyer.

Depaetjcext of

Office in Executive Building, King street.Attomey-Gener-i- l. W. O.Srnita.Deputy Attorney.Geucril, t,. K. Wilder.Clerk, J. Jt. Kos.ilarsnal, E. G. IlitchcocV.Ci rk to 31 rshi, II. il. Dotr.Deputy Marshal, Arttinri. Br wn.Jailor 0hn Prisoa, J..I. loxr.l"risin Physician, lr. C B. C r per.

Board of Imhigxatiox.

Prsidnt, it Excellenev J. A. King.Meaber of the lkurd of Imra!ratl-a- -

jon. J. B. Atheiion, Jas. B. Cst!e, Hon. A.S. Ogn rn, James G. spencer, Mark P.Rnbins .n.

SecreUry, Wray Taylor.

BoAsn or Health.

OSieein eronndsci Court Bone Bcllding,corn r of H liiunl and Que.--n suteta.Members Dr. Day, Tr. MIn-- r, Dr. A ndrew, J. T.

WaterhHise Jr John En. Theo. F. Lansingand Attorney-Gener- Sstith.

President ion. W. O s'mith.Sertry Chas. W Icox.Executive OScer C. B. Reynold.Inspector a d .n&jerof Garbage Service L.

L La Pierre.Inspect rC.W.C Jones.PitPaysicU , Dr.O. B. Jlndreur.Disp nsarjvDr tl.W. Ho-rar- d.

Leper SetUaedt, Dr. R. K. OUver.


Ooort EtmsaBoIUing, Kia? street. 'President, loa. C. E. Bfahoa.Secretary, V. James Sajit i.Inspeet-- r el SeiwoU, a. t. Aiki-ue- a,

Po!4e antfc BaCdinf, XertSst ttreetA,C. X.KaberiMB, .Vrcbtrate.Jiafe A..Thv-a-e- i, Cm " " "

Month. 50 Cts.


Dearnre Nantucket's stand to me.Its wrinkled sands, and bro-r- a;

Dear are the open moorThat slurt the dear old fares.

Bat dearer far its skippers are,The skippers whom I sing;

And to me more than moor or shoreThe moorings where they cling.

When rounding Brant Point on the rij-h-t,

You corns upon the-- to-x-

My siippers, too, loom into Tie-- r,

Sun-drie- and seamed, and brown.Ton see them sitting on the trharf.

Where they last snmmer satThe good old wharf that berth alike

The sea-do- g and his cat.Oft in that cat, with sheet hauled flat,

'Adxooks! Fve sailed the ripa.While Obed rolled his quid and told

What he had seen in ships tOf dying fiVh that came at night

And roosted in the tops:Of chariot wheels that fonl the flukes

When down an anchor drops.Though Bed the sea where this should be,

The Black he oft would name;And if yon doubted but the wheel,

Up Pharaoh's chariot came!He told ns, too, how cannibals

Would waver and retreat,If he but showed his pictured arm

And their tattoo was beat!The wind the while was dead ahead,

But right into its eyeGood Obed talked 1 mean he steered

As straight as he could lieAll vain to praise the paths of truth

And point the happy goalTo him whose heaven "Scunset was.

And sheol but a shoal.Becalmed, with reminiscent breath

They fill their threadbear sails,And on the wharf of afternoons

Would speak of and whalesHow on some ground just off Japan

They grappled with typhoons.Or in the life of great sperm-whalt- a

Drove deeptheir red harpoons.Ah, me! the loitering winters come,

The swift-winge- d summers go;One season come with joy and guesU

But found not Captain Joe! "

And now with ppprehensive glanceI question wharf and wave;

A boat swings idly to its chainBut where is Captain Dave?

Is it that in yon blue nboTe

These missing seamen sail?And manning Argo in the skies,

Strike they the starry Whale?For mo it were no sorry fate,

Free from all moil below,To cruise in some celestial craf,

With Captain Dave or Joe!The harbor light burns clear and bright,

Bot past its ruddy glareDo sails still glide to seas outside

And no wave tell us where?Still as of yore stretch moor and shore.

Ami still I sail the rips;But where are they, these skippers gray.

Who sailed not hence in ships!Charles Hesut Webr.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers




By Every Kan Francis? Steamer.

Salt Salmon' r.v Barp.els

a Specialty.

nj Fori St., Honolulu. Tel. 240,

P. O. Box 297.

Rational ton WoriQrjEX Stbeet,

Between Alakea fc "Ricliard Sts.

THE UNDERSIGNED ate prepared toI --sake rll kinds of

Iron Brass, Bronze. Zinc,Tin aad Lead Castings. . Also a

General Repair Shop for Steam Engines,Bice Hills, Com Mills,

Water Wheels, Wisd UHLs, etc

Hiciines for the Cfeanlag of Coffee,CaatorOib, Beans, Sarnie, Sisal,

Pineapple Leaves k other Fibrotw Plants,And Paper Stock 1

Afee ifackises for Extracting Starch frasathe Manioc, Arrow Boot, etc.

J3T All Orders promptly attended to.


SJSIj ' 'j i -.







Page 2: rfSfi...tsW j.-"Vol. H, 3STo. 27 IS PUBLISHED Every EXCEPT SOXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts..The. paper

asIflWiiii Mslmmm0"'y O'PROGRESS.

TkeLtfceffke Land is Established

hi Righteousness.

HONOLULU, FEB. 1, 1894

The Emperor, Tne Diet,

And the Privy Council.

Experience had led the publicto anticipate thai, the Emperor'sreply t tbe House of BepresenUtives' address on the subject ofOfficial Discipline, would cot beiiliogetbor favourable to either of

the panics'concerned. Absoluteimpartial ity is the Sovereign'sfirst attribute in judging betweenhis subjects. Whatever topic iscurried for decision to the first of

the Throne, the Emperor main-

tains an altitude of unbiasedjustice. The House of, BepreBontativos, during the presentsession, has betrayed marked es

of Japanese traditions.It has shown itself curiouslylucking in the sense of reverence'towards the Throno that has al-

ways been regarded as n domi-

nant trait of Japanese character.Approaching the Sovereign ontho most petty subjects, it hassought to make His Majesty aJudge of appeal between itself andthe Cabinet. If grave issues werein question, if the House weredealing with materials at allsufiicient to constitute an iinpeachment of tho Ministers ofthe Crown, there might bo someoxcnso for reference to theThrono. But when tho points to

bo determined are tho proprietyof a Minister's dining with mer-

chants, or of a Vice-Minister- 's

rocoiviug n gold watch in publicpresentation, or of a judicialprecedent being followed afterthirty years of unquestioned ob-

servance, or of tho Sovereign'sname boing used in a Court ofLaw, as are tho names of all."Western monarchs whon suchtrivialities as these alone are atstake, tho Honsq of Bcpreseuta-tivo- s'

constant appoals to theThrone amount to an attempt todrag tho Sovereign down into thearena of political bickerings,and to divest His Majesty of therespect and reverence hithertoaccorded to him by every one ofhis subjects. We entertain nodoubt that many loyal Japanesehave watched these frivolous proceedings with strong mdigna-tion- ,

and that dissolutionof tho Diet on tho de-

clared ground of tho LowerHouse's failuro to appreciate itsresponsibility towards thothrono, would havo been a tho-

roughly popular measure with a.

large section of tho nation. ButHis Majesty's present ministersmust naturally hositato long be-fo- ro

having recourse to such a

stop. Thoy doubtless arguo thattho loss hi'odful tho House'saction towards the Emperor, thoinoro solicitous should HisMajesty's trusted statesmen bo tothrust back tho waves of politicaldissonsion from tho foot of thethrone. This convictiou, wo

may fairly assnmo, led them alsoto conusol ligid absence pf part-iality in the sovereign's reply totho address, though it did notrestrain, and need, not, haverestrained, tho Privy Gonncilfrom expressing, in terms singularly strong and unequivocal forsuch a document, emphaticdisapproval of tho Houso's-irro-spousibl-

levity. Neither sido isawarded a complete victory bytho Emperor. Tho House ofBoproseutatives is distinctly reminded that the Sovereign recog-nizes no right in auy of hissubjects to iuterforo with theexercise of the Imperial Preroga-tive of appointing and removingofficials, and is informed by im-

plication that the charges pre-ferred by it havo no validity asan impeachment of Ministers ofState. On tho other hand, thelanguage used by thoPrivy Coun-- H

cil and its apparent endorsementby tho Sovereign lead the publicto infer that some laxity has beenfound to exist in tho Departmentof Agriculture and Commerce,and to that oxtent the action ofthe House of Bepreeentaiivesreceives justification. Weaiust

OttfeM that tkM thiags do aot

interpret themselves as clearly asmight be desired. If the conductof Department of State is suff-

iciently deserving of censure tocall for direct comment In anImperial Bescript. then surely it j

may also be held to hive warranted some step on the part ofthe House of representatives.As the matter stands, ' thepublic is apparently Invitedto conclude that whereas officialdisc pline does not attain analtogether high standard, it isyet not low enough to demandstrong measures of reform. Theconrse of events will perhapsunriddle this preplexity, but atpresent it looks like a compromisebetween expediency and justice.

Of wider importance and interest in the declaration containedin the. paragraph of the Bescriptnamely that the appointment andremoval of Ministers of Statedepend entirely upon the Sover-eign's pleasure, acd that no .in-

terference with the exercise ofthat Prerng tive will be tolerat-ed. In these significant wordsthe House of Bepreseutitives re-

ceives from the Emperor annneqnivocal intimation that its

.continued attempt? to raakeMinisterial tenure of office dependupon a Parliamentary vote are adirect invasion of the Prerog-tive- s

of the Crown. That fact,indeed, has always been consider-ed a fundamental principleof the Japanese Constitu-tion but we are by nomeans certain that the text of theConstitution will bear so rigid arendering. The words "TheMinisters of State givo advice tothe Emperor and are responsiblefor it," do not forbid the inter-pretation that a portion, at anyrate, of the responsibility mightultimately have been held toexist towards the Diet, had theHouse of Bepiesentatives, as atpresent inspired, has deraoustrated its complete unfitness to beinvested with the function ofselecting and commissioning thecountry's administrators, and theSovereign, having that convic-tion forced upon him by prac-tical experience, now publiclyproclaims for the Constitution adifinition fatal to the pretensionswhich the House has been attempting to set up.

It will bo observed that theBescript travels beyond the immediate subject that elicited it.and refers to the topic at presentoccupyiug so prominent a placein the nation's attention, namely,the country's foreign relations.His Majesty's conveys to the Dietand to the public an intimation,not to be misunderstood, thattho intention of tho Crown is tocontinue the amicable and pro-

gressive policy hitherto pursued,and that every obstruction ofsuch a policy must be countedhostile to the Emperor's purpose.

Tho advocates of enforcing thestrict letter of the treaties, there-

by imposing fresh and irksomebarriers on liberty of intercourseand commerce, as well as tho opponeuts of mixed residence whowould maintain in Japan a stateof isolation inconsistent with theuuive.rsally recognised principlesof civilization, receive in thisBescript a warning that ought toinduce serious reflection. JapanMail.

Lottery and Missionaries.

-- The Neio York Observer is not asa rule a proper paper which is laiduuder our napkin on our break-fast plate. It does oot rank ex-

actly with Mr. Henry Castle'smorning issue of the poor olddilapitated Advertiser in fact it isa missionary paper aud we areboth shocked and disgusted byhaving received a copy in whichreferences to the "Williams' Col- -

ict inu uiauc. ii u cuouoi ai-fo- rd

to devoto sufficient space toail tho merits and demerits ofthe college mentioned. But weconsider it a solemn duty tomention that from that collegeappeared the men whom we to-da-y

call American Missionaries.Tho article from whichwe gain our informationsays that "it was the birth placeof American missions," and weaaturally ask how was the birth-day place erected. And what isthe answer? Simply this! "We

quote from the OimctWl '

Their first building teas WestCollege.

The committee on monev g--.- t

S2.000 from the people o"f thevilhigM and uiifJrr Legislative san-tio- n

the Br khans of a lottery.Pounds "Sterling, 1 037, 1S:2."And yet the very men who evergot their hold and their feet onthese Islands under the protectionand through the high patronageof the Williams' college today,are howling against and using asan excuse the fact that the law-

ful legislators of this countrypassed a law granting a franchisefor a lottery Avhicb might havesaved Hawaii nei from financialdisastrous and barbarous.

THE P. G. has gained thepowerful aid of Mr. Kapahu ofHan, Hawaii, who now is paradedin tho Advertiser as a firm annex-ationist, and as a solid supporterof the P. G; Of course we feeldisiuciined to be inquisitive andwe are not selling gin at present,but we "do feel justified in reminding the Advertiser of the comments which were used at onetime in its columns about Mr.Kapahu. The Advertiser was farfrom complimentary nor are wetoday. But we suggest that Mr.Kapahu if ho. desires to becomea public character explain afew transactions during his lastlegislative experience which tosay the least, make him lookwell, say funny. Mr. "Box"has got the floor.

When the National Band playto-nig- ht at the Boyal HawaiianHotel the boys remember thatone year ago they were dismissedby Mr. S. B. Dole and left toshift for themselves. The boyshave stood together shoulder toshoulder, and in spite of themany temptations offered to themnot one of them has ever goneback on the principle which ledthem to loyally stay with thecause for which all Hawaiianshave fought patiently, and per-sistently. ' Wo believe that tonight's concert will gather to-

gether a bigger and ' moreenthusiastic an assembly thanever Las been the case so far.May it indicate that the feelingsof Hawaii's Sons are unaltered,and tint the day of relief isspeedily approaching.

The wreck of the C. B. Bishopwhich we mention elsewhere isto bo much deplored. The pro-

prietors of that popular littlesteamer have the sympathy ofthe whole community. We differpolitically from the men who runthe Inter Island Steamship Corn-pan- ',

but wo are always readyto acknowledge the great servicewhich is done to the countrythrough their agency. Weunderstand that tho officers ofthe company place no blame onthe shoulders of the acting com-

mander, but call ' tho disasterdue to bad judgment. It isfortunate that very few accidentshavo happened in these Islandswhich can justify adverse criticisra and it is worthly of notice,,that tho Inter Island SteamshipCompany have excelled anyknown record through their care-fully selected and competentofficers.

Undoubtedly Mr. HcnrvCastle struck a distiller' whenhe mot Messrs. Neuin nn andCornwell yesterday. The claretflowed !

The Minister of "Finance isalways parading. himself and hisfinancial statements in such amanner that any ordinary citizenwould certainly believe that thotreasury was in tho most healthyacd opulent condition. How isit taen that school-teache- rs wereasked to wait for their Januarysalary- - till Saturday? Mr. Da-

mon, rise and explaini

" Truthful Jaxes " underwhich name Mr. Girvin, formerlyof Wailuku, and later on fromSan Diego, was known, has notyet Teceived the 'billet --whichwas offered and promised to himby Mr. Damon at the request ofhis friend not relation Mr. W.O.Smith. What is the matter!Aro onr great and good rulersafraid of Mr. Mulligan and hisguard?

The Advertiser has undertakena most laborious and impossibletask in defending Mr. W. N.Armstrong against tho accusa-tions of unfaithfulness to hisduty and treason to his King.How much the Advertiser chaosesto sqnirm and how many snbterfcges which the Befurm sheetsees fit to use the fact remainsthat Kalakaua's 'barber" was ahypocrite, and a f.ilse friend andan untrustworthy servant.

The Advertiser fills columns to-

day in describing the allegedoutrage committed on the sacredperson of Hennery yesterday byHoU. Pan! Nenm inn. The casti-gitio- n

of the young would-b- e

philosopher is described as a

cowardly attack. We object asa matter of principle (and ex-

pediency) to any predecentwhich could - justify street-braw- ls

and attacks on editors,kbot we do consider the case of

Mr. Castle, in persistently andwithout cause persecuting Mr.Neumann who not lately hasappeared as a public man,cowardly and Uncalledfor. An editor should not shieldhimself under the privilege ofjournalism and ' doing good forhis country" when he simplyindulges in personalities againstprivate citizens such act ismore cowardly than the attackwhich occasionally follow.

Mr. Henry Castle of the Ad-

vertiser who is suffering from asore pate has evidently lost hismemory in tho coutuct of hisempty brain-bo- x with Paul Neu-

mann's ebony cane. We haveinterviewed a number of personswho witnessed Henry's" spankingand every one of them states em-

phatically that Henry lies whenhe says that Hon.W.H. Cornwellin any may impeded the chancesof Mr. Castle to defend himself.Mr. Castle is trying, in fact, tomake capital out of the littleepisode, and he is remarkable

I incos:stent when he tries to insinuate that his "interview" withMr. Neumann was the result of adeep-lai- d royalist plot. The dayprevious he stated that Paul wasan annexationist!

We publish to-da- y an editorialfrom the Japan Mail which weconsider very appropriate at" atime when our local press istrying to heap abuses on thegovernment of the people whonow compose the best, the mostfaithful, the most industriousand tho most honest of the resi-

dents of Hawaii. Japan is pre-sented to us all along as acountry which roaches the sub-lime standing of civilization audwe believe that the sentimentsused by a government organ area good indication that the civi-

lization is there although it verymuch diftvrs from the ideas oftho Hawaiian P. G.

Queen Lilinokalani'sCharacter.

To the Editor of The EveningPost:Sir: I am informed by several

reputable citizens whose opportu-nities of information are unques-tionable, that the charges andinsinuations against the privatecharacter of Liliuokalani, thedeposed Hawaiian Queen, so dili-

gently circulated by ter

Stevens and tho friends of theprovisional government, are cruelfalsehoods, absolutely withoutfoundation. This lady has beena welcome guest in Americanfamilies of the highest socialstanding, has corresponded withsome of their members for years,aud the publication of these vilestories is received with great andnatural indiguation by her friendsin this country. So far frombeing tbe semi-barbaro- us personwhom she is represented to be, Iam informed that she wasbrought up under the strictestChristian influences, received agood education, can read andconverse in several languages, isthe author of creditable musicalcompositions, afid in every wayworthy to move in good society.Her., personal autograph letters,which I have been permitUd to

read, confirm these statements.For the honor of American msn-- .

hood, is it not time that this'. partisan warfare on the privatcharacter of a defenceless woman .

! (whose brother and husband were

33 decrees) 5.000 miles away,should cease, and the Hawaiianquestion be decided on its merits?

Philip Sydney.

What say -- e, Gcntbzmcn of theStar and Advertiser! Or must we,

in defence of a woman, delve invour closets and bring forth yourskeletons?


An Ardent Annexation-

ists lietter.


The following letter is published in a paper which has its originin a city "not a thonsaud miles"from San Francisco. It is a good

j sample of man men's minds

Annexation Club's roll:"Below id published an excerpt

from a letter from fthej youngestson of Charles and Man-A- . Howas born January 2, 1S68, in theold house where his parents stillreside. He was a graduate of '8Sof Santa Clara College and after-ward of Coo per' s Medical College,Sau Francisco. For tho pastyear he has been following hisprofession within sixteen milesfrom Honolulu. The expressionin the letter, "I am a Democratand a Catholic, let no man .me

don'," is a familiar joke from anIrishman, who had been taking afew drops extra on election day,meaning he Would not deny hiscountry, pol itics or faith:

Jannary 4, 1S94.

"Deur Father and Mother: Jreceived your kind letter by theAustralia, by which steamer thiswill be carried to you. I return-ed from tho Island of Hawaii,arriving in Honolulu last Friday.I was glad to get home again to

, for while on Hawaii I hadto do much hard riding. On oneoccasion I received a telephonemessage that a man had been runover by an ox-ca- rt and his ab-

domen enshed so that his intest-ines were hanging out. My horsewas ready and rode tho fifteenmiles in exactly one hour overtho roughest, rocky road I oversaw. Sewed up the man's bellyand let him easy. Wonderful tosay he recovered, and is as big arascal as ever. I left behind me

the record of having made thequickest trip known over thesame road. It could hardly bo.c died a road, for it is over rough,sharp beds of lava from the vol-

cano. I bunged the horse up,but there are plenty horses there.

During the last week there Iwent up to the volcano (a thirty-fiv- e

mile trip), and gazed on oneof the most wonderful and grandsights to be seen in the world,namely, the sea of fire in thecrater of "Kilanea. Ton descendfirst into the original crater, 1000feet down, which is about threemiles wide, and across a solid bedof lava, quite hot in some places,while the steam issues np fromcracks all around you. and quitefrightens a person at first. Afterwalking about two miles thegrand sea of red-ho- t molten lavais before you. Yon can see thered-h- ot lava rolling in Waves and '

seething, while now and then ajet of fire shoots up into the airand falls again with a seething,roaring noise. This lake is about300-40- 0 feet long and as wide,and I never expect to look npona more awe-inspiri- ng or grandersight With a good guide wewent to the edge of the fire andput our sticks in until they wereburned on tlie end. It was im-

possible to remain there long asour feet were nearly blisteredwith the heat and tbe sulphurousflames drove us away. The secondtime I went down, I remained ata safe distance, Tor I consideredhow foolish we were before on thefirst occasion, for the edges ofthe lake are liable to cave in atany time. Yon must go to IbeMidwinter Fair in San Francisco,and see the panorama of the vol-

cano, people who have seen itdeclare it is Tery realistic.

I am back again to my old

life and surroundings, and theywere all glad of ray return. Poli-

tics are at a standstill now, await-n- g

news, bat a few weeks agothings were exciting. The Pro-

visional Government will resistwith arms any attempt to restorethe Queen. I, like many others,am a member of the AnnexationClub, ,iin a Democrat and aCatholic, let no man me deny."and have promised to doall in my power to promote an-

nexation to the United States,but I will not fight against myown country, not for all tho Pro-visional Government so. If it re-

sists an attempt of the UnitedStates war vessels to restore theQneen, they will find me missing.With best regards to everybody.Good bye. Your affectionateson."




Spirits, r:

& Beers.HOTEL ST., between Fort and

Bethel .streets. -- 1


The undersigned beg leave tocall tho attention to a largo as-

sortment of tasteful and elegant "

Jewelry, suitable for Christmas .


Hawaiian. - --:

I? iris ;

in different sizes. ". .Jm'

?. --.: .v

Hawaiian - - gW?tJewelr3irk i4--- .


a specialty. .;;.

If you want to buy an elegantand at the same time an inexpen-sive Christmas Present, callaround. and inspect my stock.

THOS. LIND SAY,Mclnfirny Block, Fori St.Hono tain

deel tf

Sans. Sailci.,t ;.

HDTE-- I 'J1


First-Cla- ss Accommooa- -

tions for izz

Tourists and Island


Superior Bathing Facilities,

Private Cottages for Families.


ct$ , Masaftr,

S-- . VSjSt...:.








Page 3: rfSfi...tsW j.-"Vol. H, 3STo. 27 IS PUBLISHED Every EXCEPT SOXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts..The. paper

She golonura (SnUntfar.

Januaiy. 1894.M ITm WiTh I Fr Sathloon'u Phases

4 5 6 Se Mood,January 6.

9! Iff Hi 12 13 jFiwt Quarter,lanunry 14.

14 1S1 W 17 IS: 19 20 Full Moon,21' 22 13l J4) 1 26 27 ' January 21.

,Last ynaner,2S sa, so si; i j January 23.

Foreign. Mail Service.

St&unehips will leave for nnd arr'vetttMM San Francisco and othvr foreignvstv, on fir abont the following dates,

Vilt UHj close of 1SW.

Lbatb lIo.vouiur(DcE at Hoyoun.nran. Sax Frasjci6co.,Fm. Sax Fkaxcuot

Asstodia Feb. 3 Jlaripoa.. Jan. ISjtAX2l8ua. . . . . .eu O "ij.iuw, from Tan- -Oceanic rcb. iu oouver.. ...Jan. 23

Australia liar. 3 Australia .. . . Jan. 27Mariposa Mar. S Arawa .... ..Feb 1- -2

China Mflr.20Chiaa . . ...Feb. 7Australia. ...Mar. 31 Monowai.. ..Feb. 15

Monowai .....Apr.5 Australia.. ..Feb. 24

Anstnlk Apr. 23'Oceanie . .,...Mar. G

Ala wed Slay 3 ALunefla'. . ..Mar.' 15Genlie.. May 14i Australia.. ..Mar. 24Australia May va iianposa. ..Apr. 12UmifVMa Mar 31 China ... ...Apr. 17

Australia Jane 23 Australia. . ..Apr.UlMonowai June 23 Monowai.. ..3fav 10

Australia Jnly2l Australia.. ..May 19

Aknwtla July 2CjUnnietla . - ...June 7Aastralia . . . . An r. lStAns.tralia. , ..June 1G

Mariposa. . . . Ang. 23 Mnnposa. . . . July 5Australia Sapt. 15 Australia. . . . July 14

MBUtwai....Sopt. 20 Monowai.. ...Ang. 2i Australia.. ..Ang. 11

Alameda... . Aug. 31'Australia.. ...Sepi. 3Mariposa.. . .Sept. 2G

Anstralia. . ....Oct. S

Monowai . . ..Oct. 25

xm ill Wntrc-ron-t.

Vessels in Port.NAVAL VESSELS.

H B Ms S Champion, Roofce.U S S Adams, Nowon.U S S Philadelphia, Barker.U I J M'x S Kaniwa, Togo, Japan


Ger Bk J. 0. Ffiuger, Woltcrs, Bremen.Am bkt Wrestler, Bergmann, K" Cabtle.Am bk S 0 Allen, Thompson, S F.Am bkt Irmgard, Schmidt, 8 F.Bark C D Bryant, Jcob-e- n, S F.Huvr bk Mauim Alls Smith, S F.Am bkt Geo C Perkins, Mnas, S F.Am bk Colusa, Backus, Departure Bay.Am bk S N Castle, Hubbard. S F.

Foreign Vessels Expected.

This Libt does .not Include Steamers

vessels. where from. due.Ger bk Nautilus Lpool...Jan 1G--19

M Hackfeld (sldSept 25) .L'pool. .Dec 25-3- 1

Ger bk Gnlvutnn Amoy Jan 10-- 20

Am bkt Iibcoory S F Jan 1G

Gorsh Terpsichore.... N S W... Nov 20-3-0

Ambk Harvester SF (llilo)...lan 21Haw bk Helen Brewer (bid Nov 7J.N 1

Mar 1- -5

Am bkt Skagit Port Gamble. .Dec 31Urshp Fjwtcraft (slcl Nov 25)NSV. Jan 1- -5

Am bgt Lnrliuo SF (Hilo) Jan 14

Ger bk J C Glade . . Liverpool Apr 1- -10

Am 8chrBhtLewere..SF Jnn 15Am SF Jan 17

Bk Xantippe NSW Jan 20-- 31

Am schr Salvator NSW Jau 29Am bkt Hilo NSW. JanSlHaw bk Lenhi N S V.. .....Feb 5--10

Lyman D Foster NSW Feb 12Am wh bk Gayhemi . New Zealand, . . .Mar


Konn oranges are plentifulnnd cheap.

, Not much news in police cir-

cles to-da- -.

Sugar is coming in, in goodlyquantities, from the other islands.

All tho flags displayed were

flying to a strong N. E. breezetodav. '

Mr. J. "W. Xarudly., an ableviolinists, has returned oncemore to tho Paradise of thoPacific. . -

Don't fOrget the auction sale ofelegant furnituro at L. J. Levey'stomorrow tuoruius .

Tho bark Bithot arrived fromSan Francisco yesterday in a

seventeen days pissage.

Mr. and MrsGhas!! ITurner;

very excelleut vocalists . areby the Alameda from


The Misses Alba accompaniedby their gouial managof Mr. M.

li. M. Plunkett intend now to

take a look at Hawaii's heritage,the Volcano of Kilauea.

Tho case against Messrs. Mc-Pow- all

efeal, brought by T. Nott,in re sorvices due in attemptingto jloat tho Miowora has beendecided iu favor of defendants byJudge Bobertson.

Tho Chineso of the city are nowendeavoring to control tho manufacturtng branch of the localcigar trade. They do so very ef-

fectually iu the import trade incigars especially in Manilabra&tk.

"Bain showers prevailed daringyesterday evening and this morn- -

Don't forgef the concert at theHawaiian Hotel by the NationalBand thfs evening.

The volcano is reported as be-

ing in a state of great and con-

stant activity.

A large nnmber of people whoviewed aud listened to the Hawai-ian National band last evening atthe raerry-g- o round.

Gentlemen don't usually fight,nor pride themselves on theirab;lities as "knockers ont."Such belongs to the caneille.

Monday next the 5th is thecommencement of the ChineseNew Tear. The United ChineseSociety will receive, as usual.

Joe Tinker is the most famousdispenser of beef whichHonoluluget holds. Bead his advertise-ment and be sure that you gettho most juicy chops, steaks andcutlets procurable in the market.

Charles Girdler is getting hisstore iu shape. We reserve ourspace and our ink until he isready to boom forward as theleading seller of the best, andyet the cheapest goods. Mr.

Girdler doesn't ask for 50 percent.

Tho daily Holojiua has had apressure of patronage of latewhich has been very satisfactory.Tho cry of the Hawaiian friendsof tho paper is now being met bytho publication of an Hawaiianedition of the paper and whichmakes its bow to its patrons intheir own language to-da- y.

Tho "laddies" vt Engine Co.

No. 4, broko up housekeeping theother daj' and concluded toauction off their belongings.Harry Armitago the familiar ad-

junct in many an auction scenewas pressed into service, wieldedtho hammer at an impromptuauction sale and with a resultwhich added 157 to No. 4'streasury.

Charles J. McCandless a youngHawaiian has displayed for sometime back handiwork of hisability as an artist. No helpinghaud has ever been extended to

him by any of the moneyed peo-

ple of the community and itlooks as though he, like more of

his race, that have disphryedability, will be allowed to be a

youth to "fortune and to fume


We give space to a letter fromMr. Conrardy in our columnsbecauso it shows how uureliablostatements appearing in Mr. Kawainui's paper are. The "Ivno-koa- "

will print almost anythingit doesn't cost much as tho mis-

sionaries pay for it, but the"Kuokoa" will never succeededin getting either the confidenceof the people or. the standiugwhich its unfortunate editor do

sires to gain. Tho "Kuokoa" cjuyet be had manuuhi from theold stand. Tho Daily HawaiiHolomoa is for sale from to dayno gratis copies delivered.

The National Band.

Tho mombors of the HawaiianNational Baud have been joinedtogether in nnity for just oneyear to-da- y, and in recognitionof the continued unison ofbrotherhood, which was estab-

lished ou the basis of patriotismand principle, they will give an 4

anniversary concert, this eveningat the Hawaiian Hotel. Follow-

ing is the programme.

PaktL1. March "Mai Poina Oe lAV...Libarnia2. Overiare "Poet and PesantM.. .Sapep3. Corset Solo "Prettv Jim" Hartmaa4. Duett Atils" (new) Verdi


Part IT- -

5. Medley "Bosfaw Bake".. .Brooks6. Polka 'Star' olo Skzopkoae)....

,.... ,,...., Iibarsio7. Waltz "Eatra Fores' (AawBg &e . .,

Flowwsl lws? .............liwttABAwflS. Marek CotabMtfGBd,..,..Bfiiike

Hawaii Pwtoi.


To Rtpompr H T?.--RiTinn"

.ajsnui-- e at .rxa.ua.i- -

The news was received here'hntnnt finnn i,ai,t'enfflast evening by the steamer Iwa- - 1

lani, Captain Freeman that thesteamer u. J. xJisnop or tneInter Island S. S. Co. had goneashore at Kauai at a point aboutthree miles from Nawiliwili andindications seemed to point to-

ward the vessel becoming a totalloss. Communication was imme-

diately established with peoplewho had the best informationrelative to the disaster and as aresult the Holoiiua is enabled tostate the following circumstances:

Captaiu Le Claire who isknown to be one of the mostcareful and trustworthy of themaster mariners in the employof the Company was the captainof the steamer, but, a sudden


indisposition caused him to beunable to be at his post at thetime of tho steamer's departure,on last Tuesday and the commandwas given to the chief officer,

Andrews, who left port here, ontho departure of the vessel, on

the 30th inst., as acting captain.The steamer was fully loadedwith the usual - miscellaneouscargo of lumber, machinery andmerchandise for Hauamaulu audKiluaea, but had only a few passengers.

Tho C. B. Bishop had a plea-

sant passage from port here,weather pleasant with occasion-ally rain-shower- s. At midnighttho loom of Kauai was easilymade out. About 1:30 o'clocka. in. the hhoro being approachedacting Captain Andrews wassatisfied that he was in tho vicinity of his first port of c.ill andthe landmarks seemed familiar.About 1:10 a heavy r.iiu squallset in shorewards and the mistconfused objects so that thecaptain but had little opportunityto verify his opinions on points.At 2 a. m. without the slightestprevious premonition of danger,the first intimation .was given,of the .rocky road which tiesteamer had taken, by the suddenshock of a strike against an im-

movable- body and tho latergrinding of the hull upon an un-

welcome element, a rocky bottom.Tho officer in charge discover-

ing his error eudeavortd, as faras lay in his judgment aud power,to overcome the d.fficulty andengines were reversed, lines putout, but all too late; the steamerBishop which had had numerousnarrow escapes formerly was nowhard and fust upon the curalrocks which bordered the Kauaishore.

There was but little excitementon board, the shock being sosuddeu and unexpected that, be-

fore the situation had been real-

ized, tho prompt measures takenfor extrication from the difficultyclaimed attention more than thesituation, and the few passengersbeing all Hawaiians no dread ofdrowning, in such close cantest j

with land, was thought of.The efforts made to "get the

vecseLoft have.beeu .reported tobo futile, and it is with regretthat the good steamer C. B.Bishop is proclaimed to be atotal wreck.

Tho ste.wner has quite a history"of her own having been engagedin several voyages which hadmade her name famous amongstHawaiian vessels. In the firstpart of 'SO she was engaged by j

tho Government to search fur tho !

steamer Suez then overdue at this ;

port from Sau Francisco. Outhat mission nuder the command j

of Gapt- - Cameron the Bishopnuulu j

a vm-an-ts to San Francisco, the i-o ,--

Suez having returned ther pre-- j

vioasly. Later the schoonerKapiolani was stated to Lave beenstolen and the Government aidwas again called in and theBishop sent on a search after her,the Bishop being then commanded by Captiin D.ivies. TheKapiolani was found and the par-sers concerned iu her theft werecharged with barratry. OnFebruary last the aid of the steamer was again called into use by.the Provisional Government andshe made a 3,000 mile trip to

HHUIIl Uliyu Vj,l-w- "- - - jonnyfnr m an prrand of metCV. I

via; attempted succor to a missing

a v"-

a &5

bait's crew of the Hawaiian barkLady Lampsou wrecked at Kings- -

' man's shoal. Captain Le Claire

.who then had command, made a

j searchingcruise visiting Palmyra., Fannm ,! vtKy. ;Ur,,i--r, -- -. .o.,u.,b..w.resulting in establishing thewrecked of the Lsdv LamDSon.

Jd, was afterward learned tonave been picked up by a passinggan Francisco schooner six Livsbefore the Bishop had started onher "errand of mercyJ

Captun Campbell of the InterIslund S. S. Co, will leave bythe steamer James Makee thisafternoon to suprintend the workof wrecking on saving thosteamer.

J. M. Tivas aud Frank Farrei-r- a

who have been mentioned inthese columns as being underarrest for being unlawfully onthe premises of Mr. J. Benniecame before Judge Bobertsonyesterday, for trial, and were '--discharged



This First-clas- s Bathing Besorthns been enlarged and Is now

.open to the public. It is thebest place on the "islands to enjoya bath and there is no betterplace to lay ofF. Special accom-modations for Ladies. Tramcarspass the door every half hour audon Saturdays and Sundays evenfifteen minutes.

C. J. SHERWOODProprietor.

Chas. T. (Mick


For tho Island of Oahu.

Agent to. Take Acknowledgmentsto Labor Contracts.

Agent to Grant Marriage Licen-ses, Honolulu,-Oah-u.

Agent for the Haw'n Islands of

"Pitt tScoTTs Freightand Parcels Express.

Agont for the Burlington Bonte.

Real Estate Broter and General Agent

Bell Tel. 318; Mut. Tel.139; P. O. Box 415.

OFFICE: No. 38 MEKCHAXTStreet, Honolulu, H. 1.


"Wine and 'SpiritAilex-chan- t -

dl Fire-pro- of Block,





Uffiw. 04 Gtpttol BniWtng. Hoaolnln. --Kale), adjoining Pool QfSce,


Ifor Sale '


Ivenue, two miles from town,Mr. Coit Hobron's place,

containing 12 acres, partly


about 150 feet,, on Nnuann AvenneA sjslfcll house, on jt, .alb fenced.A good iuvcatmenL No reason-able fig" ire refused. For furtherparticulars, plHse apply io thisoffice: jan 13-2- wd


i fashionable Tailo?



Good Variety of Fine Cloth

Jn, Slock.

(jleapiny and RepairingNeatly Done.

Terms Seasonable. Give me a Trial.


OPP- -H ah3" fHTO0""fel

Bmehamelffi School

--Will OPEN

Monday, February 12


For admission should bo madeiminediiitery, stating age audstmding of applicant to

HPiLncipal.ja29 lw '



Importer and Commission



J. & P. Goats' Machine Thread

Jonas Brooks' Machine Thread- Barbour's Linen Thread

Pears' Soap

P. O. Box 35S. Mntnal Telephone 356

1.1 Kaahaniann Street.

(JEffiElIT Wtrtf$AND

ataqite linking Laid.

Estimates given on all kindsof

j&onef doqeuete pi&ei1 Vifor

Concrete a Specialty.

JXO. F. BOWLEB.janlT 3m





The Schoooner MAH1MAHI,

will ran regularly between this port andWiiLdua. Kuwaihupai, Mokuleia, Keawenuind Kniki on the island of Oahn.For Freight, etc , apply to the Cnptain.- "-

Office: With Wright Bros., : Fon Street.decI6-t- f f- t

t rC. T.' A-KAJS-

lyjepcgaqt -:- - Mop!

32i Nurianu Street

All Suits G aaranteedTo Fiaujl Hn m EafeC


M Stvle.'

Clothes Cleaned and Repaiied.io17



I?aliiting, &c.

J3T "We.also keep on hand

Bedsteads, Mattrasses,

Tables, bookcases,

Mirrors, Etc..


No. 21G King st. . Honoluludo4 3m


H. MAY, & Co,.

Tea Dealers, 'Coffee

Roasters. AND


9S Fort' Street, - Honolulu,

Families, Plantations aud Ships,

supplied with choicest

Eurojyean tfc American Grocqries

California Produce by .Every


MM YD-gpOgp-A


Several Kind of

Cotton Crape,

Latest Style of Shirts

in different qualities.

ml Aortmenfe of porcelain

Tea Sets a Specialty

Japanese Lanterns and manyCurios suitable for ChristmasGoods.

411 KTNG STREET, Honolulu.

Telephones, Tfell 474: P.O. Box 3SG.Mutual Si 1. nol3 lm




eAfiySj: W1

WMh- -


T VT .It. I? Tfl TPCT'P ...t TTVTJ VGA.. A. L. MU A.AJ Jb A. AA.1I


Sewing; Machines

Ham) Sewixg Machines,

; .;:'! ..aEAIl-With-th- e Latwt IaiproTpmenUnn3F


Organs, G-uitar- s

Aad Other Musical Icstramenbt.

: Wines,, Liquors, Beer




King St.. opix. Caetk Se Cooic'a.



Page 4: rfSfi...tsW j.-"Vol. H, 3STo. 27 IS PUBLISHED Every EXCEPT SOXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts..The. paper


; -

M r. .... .. ,:-- .. ...& ",t-- - - -- fW.

Insurance Notices G-ener- Advertisements- fy .


,,ity-..s- - --- - lrv

The Uxdersigked is authorized to take Fire and

Marine Risks on

Buildings, Mercnaiidisei' Hulls, Cargoes,

!Frei2;nts and


Com m issions,



;' it Current Rates in the following Companies, viz:

Royal Insurance Co- - Liverpool

Alliance Assurance Fire Marine, London

Wilhelma of Madgeburg Gen'l. Ins. Co.

Sun Insurance Co., San Francisco

J. S. TV'.AJL.KER..,

Agent for Hawaiian Islands

Fire, Life & MarineINSURANC- E-



- -




Assets, $7,109,825.49


Assets, 4,317,052.00f -


Assets, $6,124,057.00'


Assets, $137,499,198.99- -


''.' ' General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, .

Honolulu, H. I.


Bell 351.Mutual 417.

Residence :



Contractor '4 Builder

Estimates.. G-ive- n on A.H KZinds :



All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade,Attended to.' . !'


410.P.O. Box IF.



Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings,' ' Old New Corrugated Iron, JMinton Tiles , '

Qoarry Tilee, assorted sizes and colprs;

.California and Sfonterey Sand,

Granite Garbing and Blocks, etc., etc. - .

, 4 t Corner King tffc Smith Sts;brFICE ;YARD:Office Hours," to la M.;

' -- ''C x.M4P,Mi , tj.

'it J,


v --S


& z:- -

-- -


3 .








A. Journal issued. Zaily9

(Sunday excepted)

In the English language, and pledged impolicy to supportthe Rights iND Pbevileges of the Hawaiian People, theinterests of the laboring men, and good and honest Govern-

ment for the whole country.

:&;-- .

'. A & t A


; :-- : ALSOOF THE


ffHa"waii H-Dlnmua-


'A. Jornal Issued. "Weelrly in tlieJETa-vvaiia-n JLanprtiage,



The Ijaro-es-t Ci-rcuiitipn- ;

Of any. paper published in the Huwaiiun iBJunds.

'. Job Printers

'All .Books and Job Pbdotng neatly. executediat short notice

and at moderate figures



etc., Finished in FirstrGIass style.

Island Orders solicited ud promptly atiendad to.

?Dtkcb: Thomas Block, King Sjbret;


--,' a .

-- sr;.-

i -nmwiii iim nfi mut "mi Mir ri" -




Owing to our constantly increasing business and thegreat demand of an appreciating community, we have con- -,

eluded to offer an opportunity to all parties having capital.Our LINE of SCHOONERS may be seen gliding OTer theBAR filled to their utmost carrying capacity with clear,cool and invigorating

Fredericksburg )




At the "Anchor Saloon."

To accommodate our Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have

built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost.

Is the only place where a Cool Glass of FredericksburgBeer on draught can bo had in Honolulu. Stop forward

-- gentlemen, UOWS the Time. ocU 3m

NOTICE.The undersigned has received from the Eastern States,

The Largest Single Order

of Billiard Material

:-- ever imported to the Islands. Itconcludos as follows: .. ..

ft -

Cloth, 3 grades; -

Cues, asssorted;Cushions, b' Block, patent;Billiard Balls, Composition and Ivoiy,Pool, " " " " .

Tips, Ubalk, -j-k--Pocket C.istings with leathers, and'friugq.v ;-- Vi

complete; '" ,'K-:-.

Pocket nettings, fringe and leathers; v i 't-C--

Rubber fcovers; f :Court Plaster, green and black:New style chalk holders;Triangles:Shake balls and leather bottles; '- -

Pool pins;Markers, etc., etc.

The above goods have been purchased at reduced rates',

and the undersigned is now prepared to do any and allkinds of


' Jat reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new and second ' v'hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. ' lVr;



Please apply to J. P. BOWEN,Perry Block, Hotel St. Honolnln




: Provisions -

s -- , ,






By every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe.

Fresh California Produce by every steamer.

All Orders faithfully attended to, and GoodsTdeliveredto any part of the City Free of Charge.

. Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.:Pftr,OffxbBxJ?&. 14&

"Tzuml&m No, 92

