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RHS Presentation Evening Programme 2010

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Electronic version of our 2010 Presentation Evening Programme.
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Order of Ceremony

1. Welcome from the Chair of Governors Steve Anderson

2. Head teacher’s address John Pout

3. First interlude

4. Address by our Guest Speaker Mark Featherstone-Witty

5. Second interlude

6. Presentation of Certi�cates

7. Presentation of Special Awards

8. Vote of thanks: Head Boy – Michael Schenck Head Girl - Charlotte Foster

9. Closing remarks Steve Anderson

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The A level results were also excellent with an ALPS score of 2 for A2, 2 for BTEC and 4 for AS. This is a 1-9 data score, with 1/2/3 considered outstanding. 646 children applied for 240 places in Year 7, and the Sixth Form is full with 250 students. Attendance hit an all time high of 94.9%, marred only by the taking of holidays, by a minority of parents in term time.

Rainhill High is a genuine family school, and the friendly relationships, mutual support and celebration of success ARE a credit to all involved.

Curriculum enrichment continued with more trips and visits, ranging from: New York to Berlin, from Holland to Spain. At lunchtime and after school there are numerous extra-curricular activities and sports events, including teams, with our football teams doing extremely well. Our elite athletes, supported by the school, continue to work towards lofty ambitions. For some 2012 and 2016 are a genuine possibility. We have established a unique partnership with Liverpool FC that places some of their younger players at the school. This has been good for our pupils on several levels, a full programme for Arts events with the Dance Show at the Brindley and the Visual Art exhibition being the pinnacle. On top of this is the huge e�ort made by sta�, students and parents to support a full pro-gramme of revision classes for all.

The Year 11 and 13 Proms are an annual highlight for me, and a well deserved celebration for everyone concerned.

All of this despite, the snow closures and the false start Ofsted process, shows that the school is operating at the highest level. All in all it has been a fun- �lled and excellent year.

Thank you to all our students who contributed to this success. I am and will remain, very proud of all of you.

You remain, for life, part of the Rainhill family.


John Pout

5+ A*-C including English and Maths 68%5+ A*-C 88%5+ A*-G 100%

Headteacher’s Review of the Year2009/10 was yet another year when the school’s exam results and other indicators showed improve-ment. Year 11 produced the best set of results in the school’s history.

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He was born in London. Not particularly enjoying his secondary school because of its lack of opportunities in the performing arts, Mark still managed to produce, direct and act in a play. As a result he left school determined to be an actor and involved with theatre. His acting career was not that successful. His last portrayal was a hairdresser in 'Deadly Encounter' which was �lmed in the States, where he was studying for a Masters degree. The �lm was of such quality that his �lm professor, at the time, warned him not to get involved with any publicity should the �lm be distributed in Europe. It was that good.

In his early professional life Mark was a teacher, publisher, and writer as well as running a television production company (Rainbow Education) which developed a six part televi-sion series, ‘Whose Town Is It Anyway?’ for Channel Four.In the early 1980's, he was inspired by Alan Parker's �lm 'Fame' to develop a school that would provide performing arts training for a sustained career. With help from many, he cre-ated The British Record Trust School (The BRIT School) in Croydon, London. Paul McCartney, when he was writing his Liverpool Oratorio, decided to relive his school-days by visiting his old school, the Liverpool Institute for Boys. He was dismayed by the der-elict and abandoned building. Someone had suggested that Liverpool needed a perform-ing arts school. The former Beatles producer, George Martin, suggested to Paul McCartney that he meet with Mark Featherstone-Witty.It is extremely rare for a Higher Education Institution to start from scratch in the UK. Led by Mark, £20m funding was raised via Liverpool City Challenge, The European Union, Paul McCartney and Grundig.

LIPA celebrated its tenth birthday in January 2006 and remains signi�cantly oversub-scribed and extremely successful, all under Mark’s leadership.Mark has had a number of books published, one being ‘LIPA - The First Ten Years’.He is on the board of the Liverpool Royal Court Theatre Trust to assist in the refurbishment of this magni�cent venue. LIPA and Rainhill High School, together with St Helens College, are founding partners of Rainhill Learning Village Trust.

Guest SpeakerMark Featherstone-WittyMark Featherstone Witty is the Founding Principal and Chief Executive of the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts.

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Head of Year: Dr M BeswickAssistant Head of Year:Miss B WilliamsForm Tutors: Mr A Slocombe (11A): Ms D Barker (11B): Miss E Iphofen (11C) : Dr G Pugh (11D): Mrs H Lee (11E): Mr G Potter (11F): Miss J Caton (11G): Miss P Graves (11H)

Name Reg Name RegCharlotte Adams 11E Shannah Cunningham 11CDanielle Allen 11C Leanne Daverin 11FJames Allen 11H James Davey 11GDale Anders 11D Emma Davies 11HJames Anderson 11C Jamie Davies 11DLewis Arnold 11H Paul Davies 11HNathan Arrowsmith 11D Darian Day 11CEricka Askew 11D Adam De-Gray Birch 11BDrew Atherton 11C Jack Denton 11BLaura Atherton 11F Amy Deri 11HLauren Atherton 11D Russell Dickinson 11FDavid Atkinson 11H Kimberley Dooley 11BAbigail Avis 11G Sean Douglas 11BEmma Bannan 11G Lauren Doyle 11CSamantha Bathgate 11B Jack Du�y 11HJacob Baxendale 11F Jessica Dunn 11HPatrick Benson 11C Lewis Edwards 11GAndrew Berry 11F Lauren Elliott 11HJack Birkett 11G James Evans 11EChloe Bishop 11A Thomas Farley 11BJessica Boyce 11D Michael Fenney 11FRachel Boyer 11F Gia Foster 11HRachel Boyle 11F Lauren Foster 11BAmy Bradshaw 11B Jonathan Friar 11BLouise Brady 11A Harry Gallagher 11ARebecca Brannelly 11F Emily Gardner 11GJessica Briers 11E Sophie Gaskell 11APeter Brimelow 11B Rebecca Giblin 11ECharlotte Brook 11F Matthew Gill 11FEmma Brook 11D Matthew Gillick 11AAlexander Brown 11E Alexandra Giubertoni 11BGemma Brown 11E Melissa Glaister 11BLucas Brown 11B Harriet Glover 11BRyan Burke 11E Matthew Gornall 11FSamantha Burrows 11C Sarah Grady 11DAdam Butler 11G Andrew Green 11FStephanie Cahill 11H Thomas Green 11CAlexander Canning 11F Hannah Greenough 11C

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Name Reg Name RegEmma Carlisle 11H Tony Hall 11ELaura Carrier 11G Liam Halligan 11C Stuart Carter 11A Daniel Halpin 11HLauren Cassells 11A Emma Hampson 11AJonathan Caton 11D Rebecca Hayes 11EAbbie Chadwick 11H Nicole Hayhurst 11D Nicole Clarke 11A Joseph Head 11B Jason Cli�e 11A Amelia Heyes 11GGeorgina Connelly 11G Rebecca Hobin 11FConnor Conway 11G Adam Hodgkinson 11ESarah Cooke 11H Jessica Hodgson 11CJack Cooper 11A Joshua Homer 11AGrace Corns 11C Nathan Homer 11AJames Cotterill 11D Katie Honnor 11C Rebecca Craig 11H Sean Hopkins 11FSamuel Cross 11C Melissa Horner 11EMatthew Crowther 11H Christopher Houghton 11C Dylan Crummy 11G Hannah Howard 11FJake Cunningham 11G Richard Howard 11D Tyler Je�ries 11G Scott Partington 11FBenjamin Jones 11A Samantha Peters 11EClaire Jones 11F Stephanie Phelan 11EJack Jones 11B Elliot Platt 11BKatie Jones 11F Rebecca Porter 11ALeila Jones 11H Sherrin Redmond 11EMelissa Jones 11G Katie Ricketts 11GRebecca Jones 11H Daniel Rigby 11GLeonie Kearns 11C Molly Rigby Steel 11HZachary Kennerdale 11E Dylan Riley 11GHelena Kerr 11D Carina Roberts 11AAbigail Key 11D John Roberts 11DThavachsalvam Kogulatheepan 11E Mark Roberts 11GWaion Kwan 11E Matthew Roberts 11GMichael Lace 11B Olivia Roper 11HCaroline Lane 11A Peter Rush 11CHarry Langley 11B Thomas Rush 11EEmma Larne 11H Matthew Ryan 11AAshleigh Latham 11E Amelia Scales 11F Stacey Lea 11F Michael Scott 11DHayley Leadbetter 11C Liam Se 11EAmy Leather 11B Rachel Shaw 11FAndrew Lee 11B Katie Simpson 11DLiam Leight 11D Amy Smallshaw 11HJoseph Lewis 11H Chloe Smith 11CRebecca Lewis 11E Jack Smith 11E

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Name Reg Name RegAimee Leyden 11C Jack Smith 11E Kevin Li 11D Adam Starkey 11FDavid Lloyd 11D Emily Stockley 11AConnor Lowe 11D Alex Suart 11EKathryn Lynch 11A Ryan Sullivan 11CAdam Lyon 11A Kevin Syder 11AAshleigh Lyons 11A Lauren Taylor 11DHolly Maddrell 11C Matthew Taylor 11ALaura Margetts 11D Jack Tierney 11FJoseph Massey 11F Natalie Tomkinson 11HCharlotte Massie 11G Mark Towers 11HEllen Mather 11F Daniel Turner 11HRebecca Mather 11F Kevin Verdin 11GDenise McDonald 11C Sophie Vickers 11GChelsea McKay 11G Hannah Vose 11CRobert McKeown 11A James Waine 11DVictoria McMahon 11C Elizabeth Walker 11BJay Melling 11A Steven Walsh 11ARachel Miranda 11D Rachel Waring 11GJennifer Mitchell 11E Adam Waterhouse 11DLiam Mitchell 11E James Whitaker 11DSamuel Mobbs 11B Jamie White 11CAdam Molyneux 11F Luke Wilkinson 11AAlexandraMontgomery 11B Joseph Williams 11B Kirsten Moran 11B Rebecca Williams 11ABeth Morgan 11G Rebecca Williams 11GMelissa Morgan 11B Ryan Williams 11EHeatherMugglestone 11F Katherine Wilson 11FHenoc Mukendi 11B Jonathan Wood 11AKerry Mulville 11C Kieran Woods 11BBenjamin Murray 11H Dale Woodward 11EMatthew O’Neill 11C Leon Yau 11GLee Owen 11C

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Prizes and Trophy Winners for Year 11Headteacher's Prize for best overall GCSE results

The Suzanne Anders Prize for Service to the School

Prize for Head Boy - Michael Schenck

Prize for Head Girl - Charlotte Foster


Subjects AwardArt Business Studies . Catering Construction Mrs J DavisDance Drama English Steven QuilliamEnglish Literature French Geography A J TeasdaleHealth & Social Care History Charlotte HughesICT Mathematics Liam McGannMedia Studies Music Sneha Sangyam Physical Education Mark BrownPhotography Product Design Mark FrenchReligious Studies Science Velissarios Velississ Sociology Spanish Textiles

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Head of Sixth Form: Mr A Cunningham: Assistant Head: Mrs A Walsh

Tutors: Mr R Jones: Mr P Walsh: Mr G Benbow: Mrs C Garner: Mr G Hobson: Mr M Binns: Mr H Jones: Mr T Kleinhans: Miss W Tre�a: Mrs M Kleinhans: Mr P Nightingale: Mrs R Tomlinson:

Surname Forename University CourseAnderson Graeme Liverpool University LawAnten Charlotte Aspinall James Kent University Politics & International RelationsAtherton James Bangor University ZoologyAyling-O'Sullivan Kelly-Jay Liverpool University DramaBall Anthony Liverpool University GeographyBannan Matthew Bates-Lawlor Jack Binns Laurie Carmel College Art FoundationBird Andrew Brookes Sophie University of Chester Creative Writing/EnglishBruce Ellen John Moores University PsychologyButler Kimberley Manchester Metro PsychologyByrne Kathryn Liverpool University LawCaton Adam Employment ApprenticeshipClague Steven Bolton University Sport & Exercise ScienceCooper Krisjan Liverpool John Moores LawCorbett Ryan Employment University 2011Craig Laura Carmel College Art FoundationCritchley Lisa University of Chester Adult NursingCross Andrew Liverpool University EngineeringCurzon Joshua Davies Holly Davies Marc She�eld University LandscapingDe Asha Karl Employment Dean Nathan Scholarship to USA Denton Rebekah Douglas Laura Manchester Met PsychologyDowdle Jessica Bangor University EnglishDunn Lucy UCLAN Music TheatreEdmundson Benjamin Employment Edwards Kate St Helens College Health & BeautyFahey Ryan Edge Hill University P E and School SportForster Ashleigh Edge Hill University Children & Young PeopleForster Zara Edge Hill University Religious EducationFoster Jonathan Liverpool University Maths/Music Dual HonoursGraham Michael Employment Liverpool Cathedral OrganistGrove Connor Gulliver Adam Bangor University Law

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Surname Forename University CourseHargreaves Lewis Harris Samantha Liverpool Hope Disability StudiesHarrison Calum Employment RAFHobday Caroline Hodgson Aysha Edge Hill University EnglishHynes Melissa Liverpool John Moores Tourism & Leisure ManagementIrwin Sean Jones Jamie Jones Jessica Edge Hill University LawJones Robert Joyce Laura RADA London ActingKavanagh Amy Leeds University Public RelationsKeogh Andrew Exeter University GeographyKerr Daniel Manchester Met Web DevelopmentKhwaja Ateeka Knott Daniel Liverpool John Moores ZoologyKnowles Adam Lavery Daniel Trainee Lewis Ryan Employment Li Michelle Liverpool John Moores PharmacyLittle James Lomas Fiona Manchester University Environment ScienceLowe Sara-Jane St Helens College ChildcareLyon Adele Liverpool Hope University Primary TeachingLyon Charlotte Liverpool John Moores Law and Criminal JusticeMartin Samantha Liverpool John Moores Children & Young PeopleMather Alexandra McGowan Luke St Helens College PhotographyMcKeown Danielle Liverpool John Moores CriminologyMcNulty Sian MCAT Fashion & Clothing TechnologyMercer Rebecca Molyneux Andrew Mullin Ben Nabi Ashley Liverpool Hope Drama & Theatre StudiesNavis Anna Manchester University PharmacyO'Neill Michael Liverpool John Moores Business StudiesPhelan Laura Liverpool Hope English Language & PsychologyPilkington Andrew Plaistow Lauren Apprenticeship ChildcarePorter Charlotte Bolton University Education & Community StudiesPrince Daniel Manchester Metro Social ChangeRoberts Casey

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Surname Forename University CourseRoberts Katie Liverpool Hope Religion, Theology & HistoryRoberts Natasha Robertson Sophie Lancaster University LawRobinson Faye Rossington Robert Savage Sascha Schumacher Sally Liverpool John Moores Sports ScienceSedman Jessica Smith Christopher Liverpool John Moores BiologySmith Daniel Bangor University LawSmith Elizabeth Edge Hill University Early Childhood StudiesSood Rohini Carmel College Art FoundationSrivastava Devika Coventry University Business StudiesStevenson Megan Sumner Liam Supria Charlotte Bradford University OptometrySwift Thomas Coventry University EnglishThompson Joseph Liverpool Hope Ancient HistoryTierney Amy 2011 NursingTran Gary Manchester Metro Advertising & Brand ManagementVaughan Paul Veacock Philip Bangor University Sport, Health & Physical EducationVernon Hazel Liverpool Hope Primary TeachingVose Chloe Uni of Central Lancashire Social WorkWales Alistair She�eld University BiologyWales Michael Walsh Megan London Metro Journalism & Media StudiesWatson Lauren Liverpool John Moores English and Media Cultural StudiesWilkinson Emma Chester Adult NursingWilliams Hayley University of Cumbria RadiographyWilliams Jade UCLAN DanceWilliams Lauren Liverpool John Moores PharmacyWilson Adam Woodward Natalie Chester University DanceWright Chloe Edge Hill University Child NursingWright Jessica Yates Shaun

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Prizes & Trophy Winners for Year 13Chair of Governor's prize for the best overall A Level results

The Margaret Hanrahan prize for Service to the Sixth Form

A-Level Subject PrizesSubject Art (Mike Doyle) Business StudiesChemistry DanceEconomics EnglishGeography GermanHealth & Social Care HistoryICT Maths (Pam Hatten)Media Studies MusicPE (Rebecca Clague) PhysicsPolitics Product DesignPsychology Religious StudiesSociology TextilesTheatre Studies

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PrizesA number of our prizes have been donated by individuals or families. They are:-HMI Davis: Subject Award For Construction. Joan Davis was Deputy Headteacher from 2004 to 2010. She has now been promoted to HMI. She feels her prize, for construction, represents the transformation at the school where the success of every student is important.Councillor Mike Doyle: Award for Sixth Form Achievement in Art.Councillor Mike Doyle was Chair of Governors from 1987 until his death in 2008. A distinguished local politician, his contribution to the Rainhill community was immense.Pam Hatten: Award for Sixth Form Achievement in Maths.This award is in memory of Pam Hatten, a highly valued and respected member of the support sta�, as Secretary in the Sixth Form from 1986 to 2006Rebecca Clague: Award for Sixth Form Achievement in PE.This award is in memory of Rebecca, a very popular, bright student who was highly regarded by both her peer group and members of sta� Steve Quilliam: Award for English Language.A talented sportsman and hard working student, Steven was universally respected by sta� and students for his strength of character and kindness to othersA J Teasdale: Award for Geography.Antony Teasdale, who still has links with the school, dedicated this prize to Geography in recogni-tion of his time here as a Geography teacher and Head of Year Charlotte Hughes: Award for History.Charlotte is remembered by all those who knew her for her remarkable, positive attitude and out-standing commitments to her studies, and her resilience during her long term illnessLiam McGann: Award for Mathematics.Liam is remembered for his excellence in this subject and his contribution to all aspects of school life.Sneha Sangyam: Award for Music.This award is in recognition of Sneha’s talent as a musician and her contribution to the school band during her seven years at schoolMark Brown: Award for PEThis award for PE, in Mark’s memory, is in recognition of his contribution to, and love of, sport and outdoor pursuitsMark French: Award for Product Design.A talented Technology student, who is remembered for his excellent work in this subjectVelissarios Velississ: Award for Science.This award is dedicated to Velissarios who is remembered, by all who knew him, as a kind, gentle and diligent student whom everyone liked and respected Suzanne Anders: Award for Services to the School.A caring member of the school community, this award is in recognition of Suzanne’s service to the schoolChair of Governors: Presented by the Chair to the Student with the Best A Level Results.Mr Steve Anderson has been Chair of Governors since 2008.Headteacher: Presented by the Headteacher to the Student with the Best GCSE Results.Mr John Pout has been Headteacher since 2004.

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Governing Body 2010/11Chair Mr S Anderson

Vice Chair Mr JP Boyer

Chair of Achievement Committee Mrs D Boyer

Chair of Finance Committee Mr D Sharpe

Chair of Pastoral Committee Mrs C Mobbs

Chair of Personnel Committee Mr M Sanderson

Sta� Governor Mr M Binns

Trust Governor Mr B Dean

Sta� Governor Mr A Eyre

Trust Governor Miss M Gammo-Felton

Local Authority Governor Cllr B Grunewald

Parent Governor Mr B Lyon

Parent Governor Mr B Makepeace

Local Authority Governor Mrs A O'Ryan

Local Authority Governor Mrs P Robinson

Parent Governor Mr G Rooney

Community Governor Mrs S Schenck

Sta� Governor Mr G Tully

Parent Governor Mr D Williams

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