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rise and join us for the invocation.'' people everywhere may enjoy … · 2007-02-28 · people...

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STATE OF ILLINOIS 86th GENERAL ASSEMBLY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVBS TRANSCRIPTION DEBATE 141st Legislative Day November 13 , 1990 Speaker Mcpike: ''The House will come to order . The chaplain Ior today is Father Gene Weitzel, from Saint Alexius Catholic Church in Beardstown. Father Weitzel is a guest oi Representative Tenhouse. Guests in the balcony may wish to rise and join us for the invocation.'' Father Weitzel: ''Thank you very much , Mr. Speaker. A1l mighty and eternal God you know the language of peoples hearts and You protect their rights in your goodness. Watch over those in authority, those in this august chambers , so that people everywhere may enjoy true freedom, a deep sense of security and peace. And, Lord, speaking of peace , give our nation peace in the Middle East and in other troubled spots througbout the world. Bless us Lord. Keep us , love us and guide us tor You are with us forever and ever . Amen.'' Speaker Giglio: ''We will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Representative Roppo'' Ropp - et al: ''I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States ot America, and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation under God? indivisible, with liberty and justice for al1.'' *speaker Mcpike: ''Roll Call for Attendance . Just a minute Tony, hold on that please. The Rules Committee is still meetin: so We'1l stand at ease for a few seconds. Come to order . Roll Call for Attendance...Mr. Clerk. l17 Members answering the Roll Call, a quorum is present . Page three of the Calendar, Total Veto Motions. House Bill 2924 , Representative Terzich. House Bill 2966, Representative Ropp. Mr. Ropp.'' Ropp: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members of the House . This is a Bill that we'd had two years ago that the Governor Amendatorily changed and House Bill 2966 was the exact wording that the Governor had proposed (n his Amendatory
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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

Speaker Mcpike : ''The House will come to order . The chaplain Ior

today is Father Gene Weitzel, from Saint Alexius Catholic

Church in Beardstown. Father Weitzel is a guest oi

Representative Tenhouse. Guests in the balcony may wish to

rise and join us for the invocation.''

Father Weitzel: ''Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. A1l mighty

and eternal God you know the language of peoples hearts and

You protect their rights in your goodness. Watch over

those in authority, those in this august chambers, so that

people everywhere may enjoy true freedom, a deep sense of

security and peace. And, Lord, speaking of peace, give our

nation peace in the Middle East and in other troubled spots

througbout the world . Bless us Lord. Keep us, love us and

guide us tor You are with us forever and ever . Amen.''

Speaker Giglio: ''We will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by

Representative Roppo''

Ropp - et al: ''I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United

States ot America, and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation under God? indivisible, with liberty and justice

for al1.''

*speaker Mcpike: ''Roll Call for Attendance. Just a minute Tony,

hold on that please. The Rules Committee is still meetin:

so We'1l stand at ease for a few seconds. Come to order.

Roll Call for Attendance...Mr. Clerk. l17 Members

answering the Roll Call, a quorum is present. Page three

of the Calendar, Total Veto Motions. House Bill 2924,

Representative Terzich. House Bill 2966, Representative

Ropp . Mr. Ropp .''

Ropp: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members of the House . This is

a Bill that we'd had two years ago that the Governor

Amendatorily changed and House Bill 2966 was the exact

wording that the Governor had proposed (n his Amendatory

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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

Message a year ago. We so passed it. It passed the house

with a large majority, it passed the Senate with a large

majority. And what it attempts to do is to create an

awareness for young people in school to be aware of the

potential careers that are out there and how they can apply

the basics that they are learning in school. The State

Board of Hiqher Education, the board of...state Board of

Education is in support of this. And many of the people

that 1 have spoken to are aware oi this and we're doing

exactly what the Governor had proposed a year ago and I'd

welcome your either comments or and support.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Is there any discussion? Motion is to override

the Governor's veto. On that, Representative Hartkep''

Hartke: ''Would the Sponsor yield for a question?''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Yes.''

Hartke: HRepresentative Ropp, I understand that the Governor's

concern is there is no funding for this program . Where

would it be financed with?''

Ropp: ''Well: the funding in the fiscal note by the board , the

State Board of Education said that it was so minimal that

they couldn't even determine how much it was.''

Hartke: ''How much?''

Ropp: 'Q t's left up to the administrators of each school district

to determine that, so it's minimal at best.''

Hartke: ''How much is minimal do you think?''

Ropp: ''Well, I don't think should cost each school district

more than a hundred bucks.''

Hartke: '': mean many of our school districts are minimal Ehey

don't have the dollars to continue the programs that they

have now.''

Ropp: ''We11, the point of this is that when you get involved with

the state JTPA program as I am a member of that and we see

the need for acquainting young people with job preparedness


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141st Legislative Day November l3 , 1990

and preparing those people for the world of work

opportunity, if we do not in fact begin to plant that seed

in the minds of young people at a very early aqe,

certainly makes more difficult to make them aware of

what jobs are available When they qet through With high and

awaits to go into the job market. To be real honest my

wlfe is already doins this in the third grade . It doesnft

cost any money and it's the kind of thing that think

every administrator is welcoming.''

Hartke: ''This is another mandate though right?e

Ropp: ''It's a mandate because it's helping people prepare

themselves for the World of work opportunity . In terms of

dollars, does not mandate the need for additional


Hartke: ''Well, I have no further questions.fr

Speaker Mcpike: ''Further discussion? Representative Ropp to


Ropp: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In attempts to encouraqe younî

people to look into the future for what kind oë career they

should be entering and to applying the very basic skills

that they have in school, I urge your support of this so

that younq people can be aware of what's ahead for them

when they graduate in the world of work opportunity .''

Speaker Mcpike: ''The questions is, fshalk House Bill 2966 pass

the veto of the Governor notwithstanding?' A11 in favor

vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have all voted? Have all

voted who wish? Have al1 voted who wished? The Clerk will

take the record. On this Motion there are 82 'ayes'. Mr.

clerk, did you take the record? 82 'ayes' and 15 'nos'.

This Motion having received the required Three-Fifth:

Majority is adopted and this Bill is hereby declared

passed, Ehe veto of the Governor notwlEhstandlnq.

Committee Report.''


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141st Legislative Day November l3r 1990

Clerk Leone: ''Committee Report. On November l3, 1990, the

Committee on Rules met and pursuant to Rule 46 .1 makes the

followlnq report on Bills Amendatorily vetoed by the

Governor. Compliance with Rule 46.1 (b) House Bills 493,


Speaker Mcpike: ''Dxcuse me.m.excuse me just a minute.

Representattve Stephens. Representattve Stephens.''

Stephens: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 1 wonder if you could be of

some assistance. There seems to be blood a1l over the

aisle on this side. I wonder if you could come and give us

some assistance Sir..''

Speaker Mcpike: *Moi.''

Stephensk ''Well, it onlye..You are in the Cbair and we do need

your assistance.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Stephens, we're glad Eo have you

here for the next couple of monthsm''

Stephensk ''My pleasurej''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Mr. Clerk, proceed.''

Clerk Leone: ''Continuing with Bills that comply with Rule 46 .l(b)

House 5ill 10S5, 1220, 1268, 2700, 3058, 3136, 3152, 3164,

3183, 3261, 3337, 3356, 3562, 3613, 3656, 3755, 3766, 3771,

4038 and 4159. Noncompliance with Rule 46. l(b); House

Bills 2872, 3042, 3146, 3580, 3585, 3639, 3852 and 4124.

And a Committee on Rules has met pursuant to Rule 29(c)3

and the following Bills have been ruled exempt on November

l3, 19907 Senate Bill 543, signed by Chairman John


Speaker Mcplke: ''Returning to House 5ill 2924. The Chair

recognizes Representative Terzlch.''

Terzich: *Mr. fpeaker, I move that we...override the Governor's

veto with reqard to House Bill 2924. This propösal passed

both the House and the Senate by a very large majority, and

the reason for it was that it was, a very strong case wasI



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141st Legislative Day November l3: 1990

made ior this proposal. Let me refresh your memory while

you have the Veto Message and synopsis in front of you. 1

feel there are several pertinent facts that have to made so

that this Motion can be fully understood and justified.

Several years ago during the waning hours oi the Session,

the General Assembly passed legislation which shifted the

responsibility of misdemeanor prisoners from the state to

the county because of the overcrowding in the state

penitenttaries. And I'm Gure that you can understand that

with this shift in responsibility other things we're

shifted also. Thousands of prisoners were left in the

counties and millions ot dollars which vere the

responsibiltty of the state became the responsibility of

the counties. At this point in time the sheriffs have

assured, by their Leaders and other Members of the General

Assembly: that they would be compensated for this

additional responsibility. As you can see from the

Governor's Message, a small amount of money of $212,000 is

to be distributed categoricallg to those sheriffs who

qualify. This is a little compensation when considerinq

the responsibility to relief.w.in large amounts of savings

the state has enjoyed because of the shift in

responsibilities, and :'m sure that you will aqree. ! know

that you will be fair in this matter and support this

Motion and I thank you for your consideration.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''lny discussion? Js there any discussion of the

issue? Representative Countryman.''

Countrymant ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. T don't remember this Bill, but this is a pay

raise. lE's a pay raise for sherijfs. And I've never

stood for these stipendsr whether they be to county clerks

or county treasurers or whatever, but I just think the

Members ought be aware that you're talkinq about a $2,000 a



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1141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990 .

year pay raise to operate the jail by sheriffs and tbat's a '

part of the sheriffs responsibility by statutes. So, if' - ;

t to vote for it go ahead, but from one lame duck to Iyou wan

another lame duck who's the Sponsor, I don't intend to vote

for it. Thank you.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Dunn.''

Dunn: ''Thank you: Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. f rise in support of the Motion. The Members will

recall a few years ago, Governor Thompson r to alleviate

prison crowding, introduced and saw to the passage of

leqislation which would require the housing of misdemeanor

offendants in county jails. The purpose of this

legislation of course, was to relieve the expense of that

confinement from the State Treasury and to place the burden

upon county government. The impact of that legislation

means greater administrative duties and responsibilities

for those who are in charge of administerinq the local

county jails, the sheriffs. That responsibility has gone

unrewarded all these years and this is good legislation.

It compensates the sheriffs for the duties incurred as a .

result of our action right here in this room , in this

chamber, and 1 think it's a good Bil1...a good Motion ,

pardon me, and I urge your support of Representative

Terzich's Motion to override the Governor and urge a green

V O 6 6 * P

Speaker Mcpi ke : ''Representat i ve Hart ke . ''

Hartke : n'Phank you very much , Mr . Speaker . Would the sponsor

X i e l d ? ''

Speaker Mcpi ke : '' Yes . ''

Hartke : ''Representat ive Terz ich , are we already giving the

sher i i f s a st ipend and th i s would be a second st i pend? ''

Terz ich : ''No we a re not . As a ma tter of f ac t , the respons i bi l i ty

f or these pr i soners were transf erred over to the sher i f f s


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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

and this is just an additional compensation for those that

are maintaining these prisoners.''

Hartke: recall, think, it was difficult to hear,

Representative Dunn talked about the stipends we 've given

the county clerk and so forth. That was éor a set...$3,500

wasn't it?''

Terzich: ''No, the shertffs are not getting any stipends. So they

are not. This particular Bill provides for a stipend to

certain sheriffs who are in control of prisoners based upon

the population of the prisoners.''

Hartke: ''For those counties that do not have jails, they would

receive no compensation or extra stipend. Is that


Terzich: ''That's correct. The sheriffs are the only ones that I

know of a countg office that do not receive a stipend.f

Hartke: ''But in every cther stipend case we've given the county

officeholder a stipend of equal amount?''

Terzich: ''That's correct.''

Hartke: ''That's correct. Correct? I have no further questions .''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Terzich to closew''

Terzich: ''yes. As I mentioned before that this of course has

been supported by the Sheriff's Association and it's simply

a small compensation when considerinq the responsibility

and the reltef of a large amount of savings that the state

has enjoyed because of the fact that these prisoners...the

responsibility was transferred over to the sheriffs.

a small amount of money and certainly well deserved by the

sheriffs in the State of Iklinois. Appreciate your


Speaker Mcpike: ''Question is, 'Shall House Bill 2924 pass, the

veto of the Governor notvithstandinqa' àll those in favor

vcte 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Representative Terzich.''

Terzich: HMr. Speaker, :'d just like to mention that this


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

probably Bob Terzich's last Bill. Yeah, : mean you wont j

havem..you Wont have Bob to kick around anymore. It's only

$2l 2 , 0 00 . Give me a break . ''

Spea ker Mcpi ke : ''Representat ive Shaw . Have al 1 voted? Have a 11

voted who wi sh? Have all voted who wi sh? The Clerk Wi 11

take the record . Halloc k ' aye ' . On thi s Mot ion there are

43 ' ayes ' and 52 ' nos ' and the Mot ion f ai l.s . House Bi 11

31 0 9 , Representat ive Ste rn . Grace Mary Stern . f'

Stern : ''Mr . Speaker and Members of the House . I am asking f or

your vote in l ieu of Lee Preston who was unable to present

thi s Bi 11 on the requi rement that there be a parent ing

sect ion added to the educat ion and high school of our

youngsters . We have only to read the newspapers everyday

to knov that young people unprepared ior the challenges of

being parents abuse thei r chi ldren , don ' t cace f or them

appropr iately , starve them and beat them . I f we can

prevent the kinds of traqedies that I am talk ing about , i f

we can see to i t that youn: people know what i s coming when

they have a chi ld , we can in the last analysi s save costs

in pr i sons , save cost in school , save costs in chi ld abuse


expenses . ! t #s of the greatest importance that thi s kind

of i ssue be included in the curr iculum of our schools in

I llinoi s . I ask your ' aye ' vote on the overr ide Motion . ''

Speaker Mcpi ke : f'And on the Mot i on , Represen tat i ve Pullen . ''

Pullen : ''Mr . Speaker , I guess thi s is a par liamentary inqui ry .

Does the Lady have wr i tten permi ssion f rom the Sponsor to

ca r ry t h i s B i 11 ? ''

S te rn : '' Ye s . ''

Pullen : ''Has that permi ssion been f i led? ''

Ste rn : O I t was sent to Speaker Madtgan . I recelved a copy of i t .

hi nk j rece i ved a copy of i t . fr 1: tSpeaker Mcpi ke $ ''Representat i ve Stern . . .Representat ive Pullen

, lwe ' 11 take this Bi 11 out of the record . And the Clerk does


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141st Legislative Day November l3: 1990

Inot have anything in writing at this time, so we'll take it

Iout of the record . House Bi 11. 3655, Representat ive Hicks .

Mr . Hic ks . 3655 Mr . Clerk . ?'

Cler k Leone ; ''House 5 i l l 3655 . Mot ion to over r ide f i led by

Representat ive Hic ks . 'f

Hic ks : ''Mr . Speaker , Ladi es and Gentlemen of the House . 1 Would

move to overr ide House Bi 11 . . .the Amendatory Veto on House

B i l l 3 6 5 5 . ''

Spea ker Mcpi ke : 'f I s there any di scuss ion? Be i ng

none . . vRepresentat ive Stephens . f'

Stephens : ''Wel 1 than k you Mr . Spea ker . I th i nk we need to know

that i f we overr ide thi s veto that the f i scal impact i s $4

mi 1.1 ion . And knowing that you guys are goi ng to be here

and have to balance the budget next year and deat w i th thi s

lost revenue , f think i t only makes good sense to l i sten to

what the Governor sa id and to uphold thi s veto . so J r ise

in oppos i t ion to the Gentlemen ' s Motion . ''

Spea ker Mcpi ke : ''Further di scuss i on ? Mr . Hic k s to c lose . ''

Hicks : ''Thank you , Mr . Speaker , Ladies and Gentlemen cf the

House . Xou know it was good judgement when we passed thi s

B i 11 i n the f i rst place and I thtnk i t i s st i l 1 qood

judgement . 1 think we ought to overr ide the Governor on

thi.s Ei 11 . tt ' s a sood 3i 11 and it ' s going to take care of

a lot of f i ne people . ''

Speaker Mcpt ke : ''The queGt ion i.s , ' Sbzakk House Bi 11 3655 pass ,

the veto oi the Governor notwi thstandinq? ' Al1 those i n

f avor vote ' aye ' p opposed vote ' no ' . Have all voted? Have

a11 voted who wi sh? T17e Clerk wi 11 take the record . On

thî s Mot ion there are 67 I ayes ' and 46 ' nos ' . Thi s Mot ion

hav l n: f a i 1ed to rece i ved the Three-F i f ths Maj or i ty , f a i ls .

House Bi kl 3671 , Representat ive Keane . Out of the record .

House Bi 11 3699 , Representat ive Novak . Out cf the record .

House Bi 11 3910 , Regresentat (ve Satterthwa i te . House Bi 11


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l4lGt Legtslative Day November 13, 1990 '1

3952, Representative Hovak. The Chair is qoing to go tc 11A

mendatory Vetoes on compliance Motions only. The first

Motion is on House Bill 493 bg Representative Homer. Mr.

Homer. The Gentleman asks the Bill be taken out of the

record. Representative Hasara on House Bill 1055.',

Hasara : ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. House 3i1l 1055 provides for a

coniidential intermediary to be appointed by tHe court (n

cases of adoption. Subsequent part of the Bill included

5ome information upon the death of the biological relative

to be included in the Department of Public Healths file .

The Governor took that part out because he felt that this

was a breech of confidentiality of adoptions. So I move to

accept the Amendatory Veto to House Bill 1055.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Is there any digcussion? Tbere being no

discussion the question is, 'Shall the House accept the

specific recommendations for change with respect to House

Bill 1055?' All those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote

'no'. Have a11 voted? Have all voted Who wish? The Clerk

will take the record. On this Motion there are lO7 'ayes',

and no 'nays'. This Motion has received the required

Constitutional Majority, Motion is adopted, and the House

accepts the Governor specific recommendations for change.

Returnin: to House 193, Representative Weller.''

Weller: 'fThank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. I move to accept the specific recommendations in

the Governor as to House Bill 493. The Governor's changes

and recommendations were purely technical changes at the

suggestion of the Secretary oë State. And I ask for an

'aye' vote.''

Speaker Mcpike: f'Is there any discussion? On that Representative


Cullerton: ''Yes. Would the Gentleman yield?''

kWelter: ''Yes.n


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990


Cullerton: ''Could you further explain what the effect of the I1IG

overnor's Amendatory Veto is and how it changes your 3i1l '

and why you've decided to except it?''

Weller: ''The Governorls changes were at the recommendation of the

Secretary of State to ease administration of the Bill so

that it complies with these current administration of

driver's license cancellation and suspension programs.''

Cullerton: ''Well when you say the Secretary of State, do you#

mean the current Secretary of State or the Secretary of

State elect?''

Weller: ''The current Secretary of State, Representative .''

Cullerton: ''We11, this sill is qoing tc apply to . . .the Secretary

of State's Ojiice for the next four years , isn't it?''

Weller: ''That's correctm''

Cullerton: *So have you thought about maybe talking to Georie

Ryan about what he thinks about it before we take a vote on

this? Have you talked to George Ryan?''

Weller: 'fLieutenant Governor Ryaa , the Secretary electr has no

problems with the :ill.''

Cutlecton: ''Wel1 now ...you see a11 we have here ts theF

Governor's recommendations, and he says with the exception

of Sections 6-107, and 6-108 and 6-201. Could you telk me

what they are?''

Weller: ''àre you on the Governor's letter?''

Cullerton) ''Xeah. The Governor'sm . .specific changes refer to

three sections, and of course they're not included in the

Governor's actual Amendatory Veto. So if you could tell me

what those three refer to.p

Weller: ''The section We're referring, Eo Representative, is the

section that deals with the cancellation of drivecs

license. This Legislation allows for the cancellation of

drivers llcense for convicted drug offenders for cannibus

Ior narcotic offenses, and so that section needed to be


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

amended to provide for this.'f

Cullertonl ''Yes. Representative Weller, thank you very much for

answerin: that question. And by the way: Representative

Weller, let me take this opportuniey to congratulate you on

your re-election.''

Weller: ''Thank you.''

Cullertonl ''This has been I think your second election to the

House Representatives?''

Weller: ''Representative, glad to be here. It was my third

election where stood etection and a 1ot of good people

Worked hard. And I look forward to working with you the

next two years.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Excuse me: Representative Weller. Excuse me, I

wonder we could have a little quiet? wonder if we

could have som/ quiet on the House tloor so that

Representative Weller can answer the question? wonder if

We could have some quiet in this aisle over here? I wonder

if...on the Democratic aisle wonder if we could have a

little bit of quiet? Thank you. Representative Weller,

answer the question now if you would please, Sir?''

Weller: ,1 believe the Representative congratulated me on my

rê-election and asked me how many times I've stood

election. The 1990 election was the third time stood

election before the voters of the 85th District, and 1'm

honored and privileged to be comtng back as a

Representative and I look forward to working with you.e

Cullerton: want to congratulate you at this time and also 1'd

like to congratulate...l'd like to conqratulate Judge

Slater who was a former Representative on his election.

And also Representative...ls he here? I understand he

might even be here. Judge Slater. And also Representative

Pullen. I'd like to also congratulate Representative

Pullen on her election.''


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

Speaker Mcpike: ''And Judge Countryman.''

Cuklerton: 'fKnd Judqe Countryman? Yes, that's right, he won as

well. And 1'd also Would like to congratulate at this time

Mr. Speaker, if itfs in order, the House Elections


Speaker Mcpike: ''Yes.''

Cullerton: ''It met, I think, six years ago. You may recall there

was some controversy. That was the matter of...''

Speaker Mcpike: ''The Chair recalls that.''

Cullerton: ''Yes. That was the matter of Christensen versus

Weller and we... it was alleged that we stole the election

in that time. Therefs a 1ot of controversy. As a matter

of fact, I even have the transcripts here irom the debate

on the House floor and 1 vas...1 can quote to you from

Judge..vnow Judge ...now Appellate Court Judge Slater. He

said, 'In election law, the most elementary principle is

that uninitialed ballots shall not be counted . The

Illinois Election Code is clear.' That's what Judge Slater

said then on the House floor.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''What did Representative Pullen say?''

Cullerton: 'fWell, Representative Pullen said, 'No he was wrong

that uninitialed ballots should be counted . And

fortunately the Supreme Court.o .the 'Supremes'. The

Supreme Court in a recent decision said that Judge Slater,

had he held this opinton as a judge would bave been

absolutely 100% wrong, that uninitialed ballots should be

counted. And so I was...I wanted to take the opportunity

to congratulate Representative Pullen because there was

another excellent lawyer by the name of Representative

Mccracken, and Representative Mccracken also qaid thaE tHe

law is clear. He said thts back on April 2, 1987. He

said, 'The laW is clear the statutes are clear. Computer

ballots cannot be counted other than by use of the voting


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111st Legislative Day November l3, 1990


Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative.ff

Cullerton: ''lf the Moting machine does not register the vote, the

vote is disreqarded.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Mccracken said that.''

Cullerton: ''Representative Mccracken said that. He said , 'The

question shcukd not be whether or not you can hold up a

ballot and see if the light can shine through the hole .' ''

Speaker Mcplke: ffWhat did Representative Pullen say to tbat?l

Cullerton: ''Representative Pullen said Representative Mccracken

was wrong. Representative Pullen said, 'Ho, you should

look to the voter's intent.' And you know what Mr.

Speaker, the Supreme Court, the 'Supremes' think in an#


unanimous decision decided that Representative Mccracken

was wrong, Judge Slater was wrong, the lawyers for Mr.

Weller were wrong that penny Pullen, Representative Pullen

and the House Elections Committee were right to hold those

ballots up and try and do what the voters wanted to do.

For that reason I want to take this opportunity to

congratulate both of them on their re-election .''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Congratulations, Representative Pullen. And

Representative Pullen personally from the Chair I would

like to thank you for your excellent legal advice to the

Supreme Court because feek like I've been vindicated too .

Thank you very much. Representative Pullen.?

Pulken: ''Well, thank you, Mr. Speaker anQ ï think it's quite

interesting that the Gentleman on the other side is the one

to first bring this up here today. Since he repeatedly

during the year told me with what regret he personally had

that my case was goinq through the court so that he could

not give me a Jerry Weller style recount. And so am

grateful to God that Mr. Cullerton is not a judge and that

I had the opportunity to receive justice from the Illinois


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

Supreme Court and that they have established case law that

Will guide future election recounts, I hope, if anyone pays

attenkion to their decision in the future in Illinois .

Thank you, and it's good to be back.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Mr. Weller, did you want to take the 3i11 out of

the record or answer the question?''

Weller: ''I believey Mr. Speaker, I've answered the question and

at this time I move to accept the specific recammendations

of the Governor as to House Bill 493 and ask for an 'aye'

V 0 6 6 * ''

Speaker Mcpike; ''Alright. The question is, 'Shall the House

accept House Bill 493 with specific recommendations for

change.wdlet me restate that. 'Shall the House accept the

specific recommendations for change with respect to House

Bill 493. All those in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote

'no'. Have all voted? Have al1 voted who kish? The

Clerk vill take the record. Take the record , Mr. Clerk.

On this Motion there are l0l 'ayes' and 7 'nos'. This

Motion has received the required Constitutional Majority.

The Motion is adopted and the House accepts the Governor's

specific recommendations for change. House Btll 1220,

Representative Curran. Mr. Curran, on a Motion. Out of

the record. Represenkative Currie, House Bill 1268 . House

Bill 2700, Representative Stephens.''

Stephens: ''Well thank you, Mr. speaker. I move that we accept

the spectfic recommendations for change in House Bill 2700,

a technical change. This Bill affected the Fish Code and

it offered protectton for reptiles under the Figh Code and

had a technical problem that the Governor changed . I would

move (ts acceptance.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Cullerton.''

Cullerton: ''We1l, if you can refresh my memory as to What the

original Bill did. The original sill amended the Fish Code



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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

prohibiting the taking of amphibians and reptiles and then

there was the turtle and frog exception, is that correct?''

Stephens: ''It brought in...it was meant to bring in protection of

a11 reptiles under the Fish Code. Turtles and frogs were

already excluded, so when we excepted them we made a


Cullerton: ''Okay, and then what did the Governor do?''

Stephens: ''Struck that language.''

Cullerton: ''So, he took out turtles and frogs?''

Stephens: ''The exception, yes.''

Cullerton: ''So...''

Stephens: ''They were already exempt. We were not aware of that

when we drafted the Bill and''

Stephens: ''Oh# see. So was just simply...it would have been

there twice. The exception would have been in the 1aw


Stephens: ''Yes.''

Cullerton: ''Wel1 I've been asked to ask you .''

Stephensk ''Why doesn't Representative Lapaille ask ,me himseli?''

Cullerton: ''We11, he doesn't have a seat here and he doesn't have

a microphone.''

Stephens: ''Neither do 1.99

Cullerton: ''Wel1, you do now. We wanted to know if this was your

re-election Bill, because was we're suppose to

support you on

Stephens: can't explain why a1l those Democrat tickets came

out and voted straight ticket in our district, can just

live the results.''

Cullerton: ''Because they wanted lower taxes, that's why?''

Stephens: ''Well, then they certainly made an mistake, didn't


Speaker Mcpike: ''The question is, 'Shall the House accept the

specific recommendations for change with respect to House


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141st Legislative Day November 13 , 1990

Bill 2700?' All in favor vote 'age', opposed vote 'no'.

Have al1 voted? Have all voted who wish? The Clerk will

take the record. On this Motion there are l07 'ayes' and 2

'nos'. This Motion has received the required

constitutional Majority. The Motion is adopted and the

House accepts the Governors specific recommendations for

change. House 3i11 3058, Representative Cullerton. Mr.

Clerk? announcement.''

Clerk Leone: ''Suppiemental 41 to the House Calendar is now bein:


Speaker Mcpike: 1'3058 Representative Cullerton.''

Cullerton: uYes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen

of the House. move to accept the Governor's changes to

this particular Bill. The Bill was an Agreed Bill that we

worked on with the Department of Public Aid. It created

the Homelessness Prevention Act. Jt would allow for the

department at their discretion to establish a program to

provtde onetime grants to people bousebolds time of

crisis order to help prevent homelessness. This was

contingent upon the iact that iederal dollars would

havepw.we believed would be eligible for federal fundiog

and it was only if federal funding came through that the

program would go into effect. And also it was clear that

the money could not come from an existing programs for the

homeless. Now, in determining whether or not the applicant

should receive any funds, they must demonstrate an ability

to meet the perspective rental obligation after the

assistance has been granted. That assistance would cover

only three months of rent arrearage but the way we drafted

the Bill it cannot be qreater than three months of rent

arrears or three times the monthly tair market rent

established for the applicant's jurtsdlctlon by the federal

department of Housing and Urban Development. That language


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

is put in there at the request of, believe, the

Department ot Public àid. Now, the Governor was concerned

about settin: assistance limits based on rent arrearages

that are greater than the actual rent...or the Department

oi Housing and Urban Developments fair market rent. So the

Governor deleted that HUD rent standard but he retained the

Btll...the substance of the Bill and J think it's an

important Bill because I think people are aware now that

the whole face of homelessness is really changing . Were

not talking about elderly males who happen to be alcoholic,

who are the traditional skid row bums. The people who we

are finding are homeless now are many sinqle women raising

children. And this is designed to help people right

before they become homeless so that hopejully it can be

avoided. So I would move to accept the Governor's

Amendatory Veto. It keeps intact a very a very good Bill

which I hope Will be enacted the Department of Public Aid .''

Speaker Mcpike: >Is there any discussion? Being none , the

question is, 'Shall the House accept the specific

recommendations for change with respect to House Biil

3058?' All in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote Al1

voted? Have a1l voted? Have all voted who wish? The

Clerk vill take the record . Hicks 'aye'r Tony .

Representative Hicks faye'. On this Motion there are llO

'ayes' and no 'nays'. This Motion has received the

required Constitutional Majority. The Motion is adopted

and the House accepts the Governor's specific

recommendation for change. House 3il1 3136, out ot the

record . House Bill 3152, Representative Homer. Mr. Homer,


Homer: 'fThank you, Mr. Gpeaker, Ladies and Gentlemen . The Bill

had three parts to it. It makes the alternative enterprise

zone sales tax exemption requirement a $40 million


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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

investment and 90% job retention into a combined

requirement, as opposed to the current 1aw which had them

as alternate requirements. It also expanded the enterprise

zone sales tax exemption for manufacturing to include

printing consumables, machinery and equipment. And finally

the Bill authorized DCCA to create seven additional

enterprise zones in calendar year 1990. The Governor

approved the first provision unchanged . He limited the

second provision With regard to the enterprise zone sales

tax exemption to counties that have a population between

4,000 and 45,000 specifically to limit the application to

specifically those counties in which World Color Press is

located and operating, and finally with respect to the

creation of the new enterprise zones the governor wants to

qive DccA until January of 1991 to process the applications

which would certainly be a reasonable request . So, Mr.

Speaker, vould move to accept the Amendatory Veto of

House Bill 3182.1'

Speaker Mcpike: ''Is there any discussion? Being none, the

question is, 'Shall the House accept the specific

recommendations for change with respect to House Bill 3152.

Al1 in favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have a1l

voted? Have a1l voted who wish? The Clerk will take the

record. On this Motion there are l10 'ayes' and 'no'.

This Motion has received the required Constitutional

Majority, the Motion is adopted and the House accepts the

Governor's specific recommendation: for change . House Bill

3164, Representative Trottero''

Trotter: PGood afternoon, Sir. move to accept Ehe Governor's

Amendatory Veto of House 3ill 3161. The changes that he

requested do not change the intent of the 3iIl at all. And

I believe that the good work that we did in the Sprinq

Session still remains and : would like to accept.''


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

Speaker Mcpike: ''ls there any discussion on the Gentleman's

Motions? Being none, the question is, 'Shall the House

accept the specific recommendations for change With respect

to House Bill 3164?' A1l in favor vote 'age', opposed

vote 'no'. All voted? Have al1 voted who vish? The Clerk

will take record. On this Motion there are ll2 'ayes' and

no 'nays'. This Motion has received the required

Constitutional Majority, the Motion is adopted and the

House accepts the Governor's specific recommendations for

change. House Bill 3183, Representative Kulas. Out o: the

record. Representative Kulas, out of the record at this

time. House Bill 3261, Representative Hicks . Larry Hicks.

House Bill 3337, Representative Homer. Mr. Homer. House

Bill 3356, Representative Doederlein.''

Doederlein: ''Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House .

rise in to make a Motion to accept the Amendatory Veto of

House Bill 3356. It removes a provision requiring the

court to provide for restitution to dog ovners if the dog

is found not vicious. I think it's an acceptable Motion to

the Bil1.''

speaker Mcpike; ''Is there any dlscussion? There being none, the

question is, 'Shall the House accept the specific

recommendations éor change with respect to House Bill

3356?f All favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have

al1 voted? Have a1l voEed who wish? The Clerk will take

the record. On this Motion there are 107 fayes' and no

'naysf. Thi: Motion has received the required Constitution

Majority. The Motion is adopted and the House accepts the

Governor's specific recommendations tor change .

Representative Homer. Mr. Homer. House Bill 3562 ,

Representative White. Representative White.

Representative Homer, I'm sorry I didnlt see you . House

Bill 3337, Representative Homer.''


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

Homer: RThank you, Mr. Speaker: Ladies and Gentlemen. This is

the Drug Free Work Place Act legislation that was changed

by the Governor insofar as delaying the effective

implementation date by one year from January 91 to

January 92, order to allow for the...for procedures

to be established under the Administrative Procedure Act

for the debarment of contractors who violate the provisions

of the Act. As the Governor pointed out it will take some

period of time in order to develop the scheme under the

Administrative Review Act. I think itfs a reasonable

change and would move that we accept the Amendatory Veto.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Is there any discussion? Being none , the

question is, 'Shall the House accept the specific

recommendations for change with respect to House Bill 3337.

Al1 in favor vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'. Have all

voted? Have al1 voted who wish? The Clerk will take the

record. On this Motion there are 108 'ayes' and no

'nays'. This Motion has received the requlred

Constitutional Majority, the Motion is adopted and the

House accepts the Governor's specific recommendations jor

chanqe. House Bill 3562, Representattve Whlte.''

White: 1'Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the House .

move to accept the Governor's Amendatory Veto on House Bill

3562. Wefre talking about some technical changes and that

is the gist of the Bill. move for its adoption.''

Speaker Mcpikek 'Q s there any discussion? Being none, the

question is, 'Shall the House accept the specific

recommendations for change with respect to House Blll

35627' All favor vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have

all voted? Have all voted kho Wish? The Clerk will take

the record. Have all voted? Have a11 voted who wish? The

Clerk will take the record. On this Motion there are

'ayêf and no 'nays'. The Motion hag received the required


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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

Constitutional Majority, the Motion is adopted and the

House accepts the Governor's specific recommendation for

change. House Bill 3613, out of the record. House Bill

3656, Representative Leverenz.''

Leverenzk 'Q thank ycu , Mr Speaker. woukd simpky move to

accept the Governor's recommendations for change on House

Btll 3656. lt's a one line change. I ask for your 'aye'

V O t' 6 * P

Speaker Mcpike: ''Any discussion? Being none, the question is,

'Shall the House accept the specific recommendations for

change with respect to House Bill 36567' A1l in favor vote

'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have a11 voted? Have a11 voted

who wish? Mr. Wait. The Clerk will take the record. On

this Motion there are l12 fayes' and no 'nays'. The Motion

has received the required Constitution Majority. The

Motion is adopted: and the House accepts the Governor's

specific recommendations for change. House Bill 3755,

Representative Levin. Representative Levin, do you have an

announcement? Would you make that first7''

Levin: ''Alri:ht. Yes. Mr. Speaker, before we get to the Bill

1'd like to announce that the previously scheduled meeting

of the House Committee on Public Utilities for tomorrow

morning at 9:30 has been cancelled. There will be no

hearing tomorrow morning. People can sleep late.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Alrtght. On your Motion now, Sir.'!

Levin: ''Thank you? Mr. Speaker. I would move to accept the

Governor's specific recommendations for change With respect

to House Bill 3755. The 5ill amends the Public Aid Code ln

relation to medicare nursing home payments. The changes in

the Governor's Message are very consistent with what we

lntended and simply make kechnical changes. If there are

any questiong...ask, otherwise would simply ask for

support for the Governor's changes.''


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141st Leqislative Day November l3, 1990

Speaker Mcpike: ''Any discussion? There being none, the question

is, 'Shall the House accept the specific recommendations

for change with respect to House 5i11 37557' All in favor

vote 'aye', opposed vote 'no'. Have all voted? Hav/ al1

voted who wish? The Clerk will take the record. On this

Motion there are ll0 'ayes' and no 'nays'. This Motion has

received the required Constitution Majority. The Motion is

adopted and the House accepts the Governor's specific

recommendations for change. House Bill 3766,

Representative Homer.''

Homer: ''Speaker, are we taking Override Motions?''

Speaker Mcpike: ''No.''

Homer: ''Alright, then out of the record. This is an overrideo''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Well, the Chair stands corrected. We will take

an Override Motion, yes. Mr. Homer: proceed. Yes,

proceed . Representative Homer, proceed on your overrideq''

Homer: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This Bill had two part one part

the Governor approved standardized the annual fee for

persons making child support payments at $36 per gear in

order to make it uniform throughout all the counties in

fllinois. The second part which he Amendatorily Vetoed,

vould provide a $10,000 supplemental payment per year to

the counties in which correctional institutions are

located. In order to allow the circuit clerk's offices in

those counties to hire one additional emplcyee to

accommodate the additional paperkork that results from

filings of by inmates that are located within that county

only by virtue of their involuntary commitment the

correctional center. It's a fact that in these counties

that a great volume of paperwork is filed by these inmates

resulting in a burden on the circuit clerk's office. And

this $10,000 award is designed to help them bire an

employee and must be used solely jor that purpose. And


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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

there's one part of the Bill that the Governor also

approved that 1 neglected to point out. That is a...to

include for purgoses ot reimbursement to counties States

Attorneys where correctional institutions are located those

counties where there is a two plus two baccalaureate degree

program in conjunction with a community college and a four

year state educational institution oi higher learning. So

would move that we override the Governor's Veto and would

eneourage your green votes.''

Speaker Mcpike: l'On the Motion, Representative Black.''

Blackl nThank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Could 1 ask a question

of the Sponsor?''

Speaker Mcpike: RYes, proceed.''

Black: ''Representative Homer, you've explained the veto quite

succinctly, but could : ask you a question about the Bill

as oriqinally passed? 1 assume I can. Representative, if

you would, didn't this Bill as originally passed remove a

power from county boards and mandated a child support

collection fee?''

Homer: ''VeG. It made standard throu:hout the counties. There

had been an inconsistency in the way in which county to

county had implemented the authority to charge these fees.

So this would make it uniform, would make it a flat $36

annual iee for every county.''

Black: RThank you, very much. 1 appreciate your forthrightness

on that issue. Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House, this might be a good time and might be the only

opportunity to bring this Bill back for a complete

overhaul. This child support fee is not supported by many

of your constituents and would urge that you be very

careful in your vote on this 5ill.''

Speaker Mcpike: lRepresentative Countrgman.'f

Countryman: ''Thank you. Mr. Speaker. Will the Gentleman yield?''


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141st Leqislative Day November l3r 1990

tSpeaker Mcpike: ''Yes. '' I1

Countryman: RRepresentative Homer, our analysis says that this

provideo that the fee requlrements of the circuit clerk for

Cook County and Dupage Counties do not apply to the

Attorney General or any State's àktorney. Is that a

provision of the Bi11?''

Homer: *1 had a hard time hearing that. Repeat that please?''

Countryman: ''Our analysis says that the Bill provides that the

fee requirements of the circuit clerk for Cook and Dupaqe

Ccunties do not apply to the Attorney General or the

State's Attorney. Is that a part of this Bi1l?''

Homer: ''What fee are they talking about?''

Countryman: ''We1l, 1 assume that they're the filing fees. :ut

I...and 1 assume that they don't apply but I don't

understand why they wouldnft apply or why this would sinqle

out Dupage and Cook County as opposed to the other hundred

counties in the state.'!

Homer: ''Speaker.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative..wYes.''

Homer: ''The Gentleman's asked a question which.s.for which :'m

not prepared to answer at this time. I would ask that the

Bill be removed from the record.''

Speaker Mcptke: ''Out of the record. House Bill 3771,

Representative Breslin.''

Breslin: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Ladies and Gentlemen I move to

override the Governor's Amendatoçy Veto on House Bill 3771 .

In my view the Governor misread the Bill. The

recommendations that he bas made do not go against the

intent of tbe B(l1, but they are unnecessary and, in fact,

1 believe will deter agencies with a small number of

1employees and a small number of children being served, to II

lgroup together. So I think the Bill as originally passed I

1and worked out with Central Manaqement Services was the



'''*x. .

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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

most appropriate Bill. would advise you that the

Governor has put in a specific Anendment here that would

allow an exception, and that exception is that those

buildings which are considered unsafe would not address the

needs of...of child care for those state employees. The

State police are building a new building. They do not want

a child care facility on their premises and their reason is

that they believe the children will be unsafe. Well I ask

you, our children are not safe with Illinois' finest,

who are they safe with? think it is appropriate that

this House override the Governor's Amendments in this


Speaker Mcpike: HAnd on that, Representative Ewing.f'

Ewing: ''Yes. Mr. Speaker, don't think anybody's listening.

Could we have a little quiet? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

reluctantly rise to oppose the Motion to override the

Amendatory Veto. The Governor has taken a Bill that

certainly wasn 't perject but had some good parts, and he's

made it better. He's made more adaptable to the needs

of this state. He's made it more adaptable to institutions

like the universities, major institutions that have more

than one building. think that the Sponsor of this Bill,

whoever drafted made so narrow and so difficult to

administer that was going to be very expensive and very

difficult to administer. The àmendatory Veto which the

Governor has put tn this Billp makeo it mucb more

administratively proper. ask everyone to look at this

closely. It's an important thing, it deals with child

care. The original Bill would have had us have a child

care in every buildlng tha: had 50 employees. The Governor

says that really isn't practical, let's have it tor every

place where there's 50 children. And it also allows us to

use it on campuses. It can be outside the building, so it


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141st Legislative Day November l3 , 1990

can serve more than one facility. There's much good in l

this Amendatory Veto and I would suggest that we reject the

Override Motion and come back to adopt the Amendatory Veto. i

Thank you.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Pedersen.''

Pedersen: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. I agree with the previous speaker about the

benefits of the Amendments to this 3i11. It certainly does

provide for more safety, for more flexibility and I think

that it...really it improves the Bill. And I think it's

very important for us to go along with itr so I wculd

recommend that we do not go along with this override.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representatlve Harris.''

Harris: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Question of the Sponsor?''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Yes, proceed.''

Harris: ''Repregentative, I understand your...l understand your

objective here and I think it's a laudable one. I also

understand what the Governor has done and I think he has

made some reasonable corrections in the 3ill. And

specifically I'd like you to address if you would , how do

you handle the Governor's argument that some state

buildings such as laboratories and highway maintenance

garages and some other institutions might not be suitable?

I think he makes a legitimate claim there.'f

Breslin: ''Those issues are already addressed through day care

licensure requirements. They don't need to be rewritten

all over again in this Bill. Ië they meet day care

licensure requlrements then they are safe. So, you don't

need a11 of the extra exceptions.'l

Harris: ''Has he in the languagew..''

Breslin: ''I have to tell you Representative, we discussed a11 of

that last June... May and June, because these issues that I

he's brought up were a1l digcussed then and we ptcked what


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141st Legislative Day November 13, 1990

we thought was useful and we rejected those that were notq''

Harris: !'Wel1, is his...I hear you. Is his languaqe that he has

inserted, specifically...on page after line is

that...: mean you find that to be objectionable language?

Js that harmful to the Bill? Where he says, 'Providing

such child care services to state agencies shall consider

whether the child care site is safe for children, child

care employees and parents, whether the child care site is

within a reasonable distance.' Isn't that a reasonable . . .:

mean it sounds like a reasonable Amendatory Veto to me . Am


Breslin: ''That provision in particutar is consistent with the

intent of the Bill, but again unnecessary based on what is

already requirement for licensure. Hcwever, the Bikl

doesv..the other part of the Bill is that he limits this to

where only 50 children or more would be served.''

Harris: 'foh 1 see. So that is what you...your. . .You éind#

particular objection to the...''

Breslin: ''Yesy definitely.''

Harris: ''Okay. Alright, thank you very much.n

Speaker Mcpike: ''Further discussion? Representative Breslin to


Breslin: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Bill

that we worked on in June is a Bill that addrcssed aLk of

the issues that the Governor raised. We went over them

line by ltne with Central Management Service: and the

universities and we addressed aI1 of their issues. I think

is more appropriate that we 9o with the original 3il1

and especially not deter groupings of state employees to

have etfective child care on site, especîally in the

Capttol Complex. I'd appreciate your vote to override.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''The question isp 'Shall House Bill 3771 pass the

specific recommendations for change of the Governor


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

notwithstanding?' A11 in favor vote 'aye', oppose vote

'no'. Have al1 voted? Have all voted who Wigh? The Clerk

will take the record. Mulcahey 'aye'. Bugielski 'aye '.

On this Motion there are 37 'ayes' and 27 'nos'. This

Motion having received the required Three-Fifths Majority,

the Motion to override prevailsp and House Bill 3771 is

declared pasGed the specific recosmendations ior change of

the Governor notwithstanding. House Bill 4038 ,

Representative Hallock. Mr. Hallock. House Bill 4159,

Representative Wennlund.'r

Wennlund : ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the

House. I move to accept the Governor's Amendatory Veto

which merely changes the effective date to coincide with

the issuance of the commercial driver's license to Aprii o:

1992, April 1. And this Bill as you may recall originally

altered the requirenent with respect to school bus driver's

and when they must undergo mandatory testing for alcohol

and drugs as a result of an accident tnvolving a school bus

and any other vehicle or any other person. So I move to

accept the Gcvernor's Amendatory Veto which was just to

change the effective date.''

Speaker Mcpike: f'Any discussion? Question is, 'Shall the House

accept the specific recommendations for change with respect

to House Bill 4159?f Al1 in favor vote 'aye': opposed vote

'no '. Have a11 voted? Have al1 voted who wish? The Clerk

will take the record. On this Motion there are 106 'ayes'

and no 'nays'. This Motton has received the required

Constitution Majority. The Motion is adopted and the House

accepts tbe Governor's specific recommendations for change .

Returning to a few Bill that were taken out of the record.

Representative Currie, House Bill 1268./

Curries: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker and Members o: the House .

move to accept the Governor's Amendatory Veto. He was


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990


concerned about the impact of a legal decision that has to

do with brothers and sisters and was concerned about the

constitutionality, Aristotle P. versus Johnson case and I

think his changes are certainly consistent with the theory

behind the Bill. I'd appreciate your support.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Any discussion? Question is, 'Shall the House

accept the specific recommendations for change With respect

to House Bill 1268?' A1l in favor vote 'aye', opposed vote

'no '. Have al1 voted who wish? The Clerk will take the

record. On this Motion there are lO4 'ayes and l 'no'.

Motion has received the required Constitution Majority.

The Motion is adopted and the House accepts the Governor's

specific recommendations for change . Returning to Total

Veto Motions. House Bill 3109, Representative Stern. This

Bill was taken out of the record on a question from

Representative Pullen as to vhether or not we had written

permission from the Sponsor. Mr. Clerk , do you have that?''

Clerk Leone: ''There's a Motion on file at the well . . .a letter is

on file at the well.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Pullen, the letter is now on

file. Representakive Stern, proceed .''

Stern: ''Mr. Speaker and Members of the House. I gave a rather

halting inadequate description of what this Bilï is . I am

standing in the shoes of Representative Preston and this is

the Parenting Education Bill which vould require that

youngsters in grades 9 thru 12 be given at least one unit

of instruction in parenting. This would go a long way: we

feel, in preventing the kind of traqic child abuse and

child neglect that we have seen rife in our society in

1990. How often do we notice a story about a young parent

who out of temper with a crying baby has hurled it against

the wall or done some dreadful thing because no one

prepared him or her for the challenges that a new baby can



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' ' U .



141st Legislative Day November 13 , 1990

present. think this a very important piece of

legislation. It will in the end save money for the State

of Illinois and prisons and in child abuse care and in

health care, and urge an 'aye' vote on the override

Motion on House Bill 3109.'1

Speaker Mcpike: ''On the Motionr Representative Satterthwaite.''

Satterthwaite: ''Mr. Speaker and Members of the House. I think

that we should really pay attention to What We are doing

here. And I remind you that current law already allows

school districts to provide parenting education for grades

6 thru 12. What fear will happen with the passage of

this legislation which was my position earlier in the year

and still trying to express that for the Members, is

that many oi our school districts feel that this parenting

education is most beneficial if it is done in the earlier

grades at 6th or 7th or 8th grade. Under the conditions of

this Acty While that would still be permissible the iact

that tbe school districts would have to provide a unit

whatever that means, of parenting education at the high

school level means fear that many school districts will

give up the parenting education that they already have in

place at the 6th or 7th grade Level because they have to do

this later on. think that although it is well intended

is misplaced. 1 believe that our school districts

should have the authority to decide when it is most

beneficial for the students to have this parenting

education and to leave the discretions the hands of the

local school board. Unfortunately, I think this

legislation although well intended : will be

counterproductive and that we will find we are educating

the students at a time when is not appropriate for them

to have that in their curriculum. Tn addition, of course,

then this does become a mandate and your local school



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141st Legislative Day November l3: 1990

districts are asking that we not give additional mandates .

But that we instead give them the tlexibility to design the

best proqram oi education tcr the children. I rekuctantly

rise in opposition to the Lady's Motion.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''On the Motion, Representative Black.''

Black: ''Well, thank you very much, Mr. Speaker . It's a little

noisy in here. lt's very difiicult to hear over here .

Would the Sponsor yield? Thank you, Representative...''

Speaker Mcptke: ''Bxcuse me. Excuse me. Representative


Cullerton: l'Excuse me. Just for the purposes of clarification,

is Representative Black the new floor leader?n

Black: ''I dondt know Senator.''

Cullerton: ''Just for the purposes of Veto Session only.''

Black: ''Where was 1, Mr. Speaker. Oh , yes, would the Sponsor

yield? Thank you.''

Speaker Mcpike: 1'Yes.''

Black) ''Representative, I didn't hear and I apologize, but is Mr .

Preston not with us today? Oh, he is here? He is not

here? You may wish to check the Roll Call for Attendance ,

if that be the case. But be that as it may, Mr. Speaker ,

to the Bill. Ladies and Gentlemen of the House think the

previous Speaker on the Democrat side of the aisle summed

up why you should not vote to override this veto. I would

remind all of you in this chamber that as we sit here today

a lawsuit has been filed making a1l of us parties to that

lawsuit on how education is funded the State of

Illinois. Now, vote to override this veto and create a

curricula mandate that you have no tntention of funding,

then you beEter be prepared to answer your constituents on

that lawsuit. think the Governor's Veto is clearly

stated. There is no fundinq...there vas no funding

provided to meet this mandate. The lawsuit has been filed ,


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141st Legislative Day November 13 , 1990

now 1et us get serious. We cannot continue to mandate

curricula on the school districts in this state if we are

not going to fund them. would suggest to you that you

perhaps should sustain the Governor's Veto on House Bill


Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Ropp.H

Ropp: 'fThank you, Mr. Speaker and Members of the House . know

every time the word comes up mandate some of us really get

kind of excited around here and always throw up a red flag .

visited a school just last week called Dusable Hiqh

Schcol in Which something like more than 90% of those

students are coming from families of single parenting .

not opposed to single parenting, but certainly seems to

me like those kinds of situations we need to address as

early as possible in our educational system what it means

to be a parent and what it means to maintain the family

values that some of us use to think were important .

think, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an opportunity in a

small way to begin to restore the values of family living

and may have to start in school. We may have to

consider where our priorities are and certainly creating a

wholesome kind of family with the morals that we thought

were important a few years ago, but seems to have vanished

lately, that this is the kind of thing we need to initiate

and start in gome Way. would urge your support of this

override so that we can once again create in the minds of

a11 young chtldren ln school that famllies are important

that families require mother, father and that union should

last as long as you live. Now, it seems like we have some

what gone astray and l hope this Bill would in some small

measure help to bring us back in line with traditional

American values.''

speaker Mcpike: ''Purther discussion? Representative Stern to


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990


Stern: ''I would just underscore Representative Ropp's remarks.

In this day and age we are raising young people who are

looking out for their own opportunities and their own

futures and not thinking in terms of the kind of o1d

fashioned truths that we al1 knew when we were going up

which is that the human infant is totally dependent upon

the goodwill and care of its parents. I don't think we can

do too much to persuade them that infants need the full

attention and concern of their parents. If this Bill will

teach these youngsters ln high school, before they become

parents, about this need and about what should be expected

of them it will be a blessing to society and to the future

generations. I urge an 'aye' vote on this override .''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Representative Cullerton . The Lady closed.''

Cullertcn: ''Mr. Speaker, have a parliamentary inquiry .

wondered if you could see if this Motion is order. Ij you

could check with the Parliamentarian behind you and find

out this is in order I'd be...lt's okay?''

Speaker Mcpike: ''I will...If you want me to check with the

parliamentarian behind me?''

Cullerton: ''No, f didn't...''

Speaker Mcpike: ''We1l, this Parliamentarian behind me is a good

frlend of mine. This is Helen Kittery and she's 90 years

Old ''

Cullerton: ''Oh that's qreat. She'd know .''


Speaker Mcpike: ''She's from Representative Kirkland's district in

Elgin. Alright, the question is, 'Shall House Bill 3109

pass, the specific recommendations for change of the

Governor notwithskanding?' Al1 those in favor vote 'aye',

opposed vote 'no'. Representative Hoffman to explain his

V O 6 C * î'

Hoffman: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the


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141st Legislative Day November l3# 1990

House. 1 rise to oppose the Override Motion. We spent a

1ot of time on this House talking about local control and I

guess it all depends on what the issue is. School

districts can require this now they care to . Let's

leave this in the hands of the local people.''

Speaker Mcpike: ''Further discussion? Have al1 voted? Have all

voted who wish? The Clerk will take the record .

Representative Weaver did you wish to speak? I didn't see

your light. On this Motion there are 46 'ayes and 55

'nos '. And the Motion having failed to receive its

Three-Fifths Majority, the Motion fails. Representative


Weaver: NThank you very much, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen

of the House. I'd like you all to join me ln wishing a

Happy Birthday to a couple of seatmates, Linda Williamson

and Bill Black, b0th of whom had birthdays on the 11th .

Linda, we don't know how o1d she and Bill we know he's

older than dirt. There will be cake available for those

who wish in the back of the chamber over here . Happy


Speaker Mcplke: ''Representative Brunsvold, Ehe Committee on

Constitutional Oféicers is going to meet . Representative

Brunsvold for an announcement.''

Brunsvold: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker . The Committee on

Constitutional Officers will meet right after Session in

the. Stratton Building, C-l. We have one Bill, Senate Bill

543. It shouldn't take more than about 10 minutes .

Appreciate quick attendance.''

Speaker 'McPlke: ''Any announcements? Any announcements? There

being none, Representative Cullerton moves that the House

stand adjourned until tomorrow at the hour of 10:30 A.M.,

allowin: Perfunctory time for Committee Reports.

favor say 'aye', oppose 'no'. The 'ayes' have it and the


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141st Legislative Day November l3, 1990

House stands adjourned until tomorrow at the hour oi 10:30

A * Z @ O

Clerk O'Brient ''The House will be Perfunctory Session .

Committee Report. Representative Brunsvold, Chairman of

the Eommittee on Constitutional Officers, to whicb the

followinq Bills were referred, action taken November l3,

1990 and reported the same back with following

recommendation: 'do pass as amended' Senate Bill 543.

There being no further business the House, the House.p.now

stands adjourned.''


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NOkEMBER l3, 1990










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