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Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago (1)

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Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago Jose’s death cell in Fort San
Page 1: Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago (1)

Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago

Jose’s death cell in Fort Santiago

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Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago

Malacanang Palace for Interview by Governor General Despujol

Handbillsfound in Lucia’s pillow

Anti-friar articles, Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars) supposedly authored by Fr. Jacinto and printed by Imprenta de los Amigos in Manila.

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Rizal Arrested and Jailed in Fort Santiago

Activities on previous days aggravated the case

Placed under arrest and escorted to Fort Santiago by Ramon Despujol (nephew, aide of Governor General Despujol)

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Diary entry while he was kept Incommunicado:

  “They assigned me a fairly furnished room with a bed, a dozen chairs, one table a wash basin and a mirror. The room had three windows; one without grill which opens on a patio, another with grills which looks out on the city walls and the beach and another which was the door closed with a padlock. Two artillery men as sentinels guarded it. They had orders to fire on anyone who might signal from the beach. I could not write nor speak with anyone except the officer on duty.”

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Gaceta de Manila – published story on Rizal’s arrest

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Exile in Dapitan

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Exile in Dapitan

July 14, 1892 boarded the steamer Cebu, under heavy guard and shrouded with utmost secrecy

Under Captain Delgas reached Dapitan on Sunday, June 17, handed the prisoner to Captain Ricardo Carnicero, politico-military Governor of Dapitan, an isolated Spanish outpost in Northern Mindanao.

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Exile in Dapitan

Fr. Pablo Pastells, S. J sent a letter to Fr. Antonio Obach to invite Rizal to live in mission house. Rizal was not amenable to these conditions and chose to live in the house of Capt. Carnicero.

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Exile in Dapitan

The Spaniards Colonized the Zamboanga peninsula in order to serve as the first line of defense against the raiding Muslims from the south.

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Exile in Dapitan

Fort Zamboanga : 1635 ; Fort Pillar was constructed in Cagang Cagang (now Rio Hondo)

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Exile in Dapitan

Missions established by Missionaries of the Society of Jesus

The relations between Carnicero (the warden) and Rizal (the prisoner) were warm and friendly. He came to know Rizal was not a common felon, much less a filibuster. He gave good reports on his prisoner to Governor Despujol.

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Exile in Dapitan

Rizal had complete freedom to go anywhere, reporting only once a week to Carnicero’s office and was permitted to ride a chestnut horse as he was a good equestrian.

Rizal admired the kind, generous Spanish Captain. He wrote a poem, A Don Ricardo Carnicero for the captain’s birthday.

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Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion

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Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion

Started when Father Pastell sent a book by Sarda to Rizal and advised him to view religion based on his personal judgment and self esteem.

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Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion

According to Rizal, individual judgment is a gift from God and everybody should use it like a lantern to show the way and self esteem, if moderated by judgment, saves man from unworthy acts. He stated his absolute belief in the existence of God and his total trust in a just, fatherly and loving God.

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Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion

Father Pastel gave Rizal Imitacion de Cristo (Imitation of Christ) by Father Thomas à Kempis and Rizal in return gave him a bust of St. Paul which he had made

Rizal’s Catholicism was the one that inquires and enlightens, the “Catholicism of Renan and Teilhard de Chardin”

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Rizal Won Lottery

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Rizal Won Lottery

September 21, 1892 a boat from Butuan arrived carrying a welcome information.

Rizal , Carnicero, and Francisco Equilor (Spaniard  resided in neighboring town of Dipolog) won second prize in lottery= P20000.

Rizal got P6,200 à 2000 to his father, 200 to his friend Jose Basa in Hongkong and remaining amount used to buy lands in Dapitan.

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Rizal challenges a Frenchman to a duel.

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Rizal challenges a Frenchman to a duel

Mr. Juan Lardet a businessman.

Logs from Rizals land

Lardet to Antonio Miranda expressed his disgust through a letter:

“If he (Rizal- Z) were a truthful man, he would have told me that the lumber not included in the account were bad”.

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Rizal challenges a Frenchman to a duel

Rizal’s sensitivity made him flare up in anger and challenged him to a duel.

Carnicero told Lardet to apologize:

“My friend, you have not a Chinaman’s chance in a fight with Rizal on a field of honor. Rizal’s an expert in martial arts, particularly in fencing and pistol-shooting.”

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Rizal challenges a Frenchman to a duel

Lardet heed the advice, wrote a letter to Rizal and Rizal well versed in pundonor (Hispanic chivalric code) accepted the apology.

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Idyllic life in Dapitan

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Rizal’s letter to Blumentritt

“I shall tell you how we live here. I have three houses, one square, another hexagonal and a third, an octagon, all of bamboo and nipa. In the square house we live, my mother, sister Trinidad, a nephew and I. In the octagonal live my boys or some good youngsters whom I teach arithmetic, Spanish and English. In the hexagonal live my chickens. From my house I hear the

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Rizal’s letter to Blumentritt

murmur of a crystal clear brook which comes fro the high rocks; I see the seashore, the sea where I have small boats, two canoes or barotos as they say here. I have many fruit trees mangoes, lanzones, guyabanos, baluno, nangka, etc. I have rabbits dogs, cats, etc. I rise early-at five- visit my plants, feed the chickens, awaken my people, put them in movement. At half

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Rizal’s letter to Blumentritt

past seven, we breakfast with tea, pastries, cheese, sweetmeats, etc. Later, I treat my poor patients who came to my land; I dress I go to the town in my baroto, treat the people there and return at 12 when my luncheon awaits me. Then I teach the boys until 4 p.m. and devout the afternoon to agriculture. I spend the night reading and studying.”

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Rizal as a farmer

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Rizal as a farmer

Lands in Talisay, planted fruit-bearing trees

Introduced European methods of Farming and bought farming machinery

Farming colony in Sitio Ponot, near Sindingan Bay : project did not prosper ‘cause Spanish Government in Philippines ignored Rizal’s suggestion

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Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy

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Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy

Early days of Nov. 1893 living peacefully in his house in Talisay, a kilometer away from Dapitan 

with Narcisa and Trinidad and some nephews

Spy: assumed name: “Pablo Mercado”

Posing as a relative and secretly visited Rizal on November 3, 1893

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Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy

Showed photo of Rizal and button with initial of P.M (Pablo Mercado)

Offered his services as a confidential courier of Rizal’s letters and writings fro patriots in Manila

Rizal being a man of prudence let him stay for the night due to heavy rainfall even if he’s an unwanted visitor, and early next day he was sent away.

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Rizal’s Encounter with the Friar’s Spy

Spreading that he’s a beloved relative of Rizal to people in Dapitan, Rizal went to Comandancia and denounced impostor to Captain Juan Sitges (succeeded Captain Carnicero on May 4, 1893 as commandant of Dapitan)

Real name of P.M was Florencio Namanan: Native of Cagayan de Misamis – hired by recollect friars to spy on his activities

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Rizal as a businessman

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Rizal as a businessman

Ramon Carreon, Dapitan businessman, Rizal undertook trading business in hemp.

Introduced modern ways of planting, harvesting and manufacturing

People in dapitan acquired means of living and rizal had a stable income

Concept of association for people to manage hemp industry for themselves

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Rizal’s contribution to science

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Kept constant contact with scientists friends in Europe:Dr. Rost of Library of London: philosophical

articles for the English magazines and a treatise on Philippine dialect

Dr. Joest consulted 2 pieces of bamboos used by moro chiefs of Mindanao of ancient times for transmission of written messages

Dr. N. M Kheil of Prague asked for Collection of butterflies

Dr. S. Knuttel of Suttgart solicited reports from volcanic eruptions in the archipelago


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Dr. A. B Meyer of Dresden in turn, sent him scientific books for the samples of plants and

animals in Mindanao that he sent for European scientists.

Prof essor Boettger, frog sent by Rizal was named Rhacophorus Rizali for it was a new specie

Dr. Carl M. Heller named Rizal’s discovered beetle Apogonia Rizali

Rizal also discovered a flying dragon and was named Draco Rizali

He also conducted anthropological, ethnographical, archaeographical, geological and geographical studies.

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Facsimile of Rizal's drawings of fishes caught at Dapitan.

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Three new species discovered by Rizal and named after him

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The Mother's Revenge

Statuette modeled by Rizal in 1894.

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Rizal’s sketch of the Dapitan waterworks project

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Rizal as an educator

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Rizal as an educator

Opened school and was attended by selected boys from prominent families of Dapitan.

16 students who don’t pay tuition but worked on different projects he undertook.

taught them reading, writing, languages( Spanish and English) geography, history, mathematics, geometry, industrial work,

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study of nature, morals and different sports: gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, stone throwing, swimming, arnis and boating.

Curriculum was patterned more on the European model

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Teodora’s operation

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Rizal successfully operated on his mother’s eyes when his mother and sister came to live with him for a year

He practiced medicine for his poor patient without charging them & gave them medicines

His fame spread beyond the boundaries of Dapitan

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Josephine Bracken

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Josephine Bracken

Irish girl

Adopted by Mr. George Tauffer– Introduction from Julio Llorento

Catholic Church refused to marry them

Mr. Tauffer and Rizal’s sisters were against them

Josephine accompanied Mr. Tauffer to Manila & remained at Rizal’s residence

Gave birth to “Francisco”

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To Josephine

Josephine, JosephineWho to these shores have comeLooking for a nest, a home,Like a wandering swallow;If your fate is taking youTo Japan, China or Shanghai,Don't forget that on these shoresA heart for you beats high.
