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Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Date post: 08-May-2015
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Our January Link Removal Tips and Techniques Webinar covers 3 Basic Rules for Success, then covers the 10 Mistakes You Never Want to Make When Removing Links.
10 Mistakes You Never Want to Make When Removing Links Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov http://www.rmoov.com Presenter: Sha Menz Brought to you by: Rmoov From Web Based Innovations http://www.slideshare.net/ShaMenz/rmoov-webinar-10-link-removal-mistakes
Page 1: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

10 Mistakes You Never Want to Make

When Removing Links

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov


Presenter: Sha Menz

Brought to you by:

Rmoov From Web Based Innovations http://www.slideshare.net/ShaMenz/rmoov-webinar-10-link-removal-mistakes

Page 2: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Basic Do’s and Don’ts for every

Link Removal Project

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov


Ignore them at your peril!

Page 3: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

3 Basic Rules for Success

Be brutally honest when analyzing links

Remember that every interaction is Human to Human

Do everything you can to Protect your Brand

Following these three basic rules through every step of the link removal process

will vastly improve the likelihood of achieving the results you want.

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

Page 4: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

How Hard Could it Be?

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

Your approach to the task is key

Attitude is an important element for success. If you are feeling angry

or persecuted, think it is all a waste of time, or just want to do as

little as possible, consider getting someone else to do the job.

What should I do?

Understand your situation

Decide whether you are dealing with penguin or a penalty

Document everything meticulously (for both)

Gather link data and determine what to keep or remove

Be prepared to do the work!

Page 5: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Link Removal Mistake # 1

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

This is where Basic Rule #1 comes into play. Remember, good link analysis

means being brutally honest, most especially with yourself. Link analysis is

about the link. If it was created rather than earned, you have a problem,

regardless of page or site quality (or perhaps because of it)

Making excuses for manipulative links

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Link Removal Mistake # 2

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

If you’re still stuck at the point of changing anchor text so “Google thinks it’s

OK”, I’m afraid I have bad news. You still haven’t worked that taste for

manipulation out of your system. Mindset is everything and Google wants

most of all for you to prove that yours has changed.


Reinventing link manipulation techniques

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Link Removal Mistake # 3

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

If you are faced with a manual spam action, there is one thing you know for

certain. The penalty is going nowhere until you have met Google’s

expectations for improvement. Trying to remove as few links as possible and

hoping for a result can only lead to disappointment (and multiple

reconsideration requests). Don’t kid yourself those links you think are “not too

bad” will save you.

Protecting a link profile that is doing you harm

Page 8: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Link Removal Mistake # 4

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

Did I mention mindset?

Making a good faith effort means trying every avenue available to get

those links removed. Spend the time to find all the contact information you

can. If email doesn’t work, submit a form, pick up the phone, post a letter, or

send a tweet...heck, get in the car and drive over if it will get the result you

need! Yes, it takes some effort, but keep your eye on the prize!

Cutting corners and not “doing the work”

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Link Removal Mistake # 5

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

Establishing a mailbox for link removal and calling it something offensive

will not win you friends or get links removed. Yes, I have real world

examples, but I really wish I didn’t!

[email protected] hmmm...you think that is a good idea?

[email protected] OH NO! You didn’t !?!

Treating webmasters as the enemy

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Link Removal Mistake # 6

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

The content of your email template is critical to the success of your request.

Own your mistakes, show some understanding for the webmaster’s situation

and ask politely. It all comes down to Basic Rule #2.

Always remember that you are talking to humans (both webmasters and

Webspam team members). Be polite and respectful – you get what you give.

Still treating webmasters as the enemy

Page 11: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Link Removal Mistake # 7

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

Don’t morph from link spammer into email spammer! Bombarding people with

email dusk to dawn, 24/7 will get you nothing but enemies with the power to

hurt you! Getting your server tagged for Spamming is remarkably easy if

you lose sight of Basic Rule #3! Likewise trying to “score points” on someone

who didn’t answer your email or remove a link. DON’T put your Brand at risk

for a cheap win by lodging frivolous DMCA requests or spam reports!

Just can’t stop treating webmasters as the enemy

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Link Removal Mistake # 8

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

You shouldn’t be surprised to find that the “human” element of this whole

process will occasionally bring an email response that is less than friendly.

Don’t be tempted to respond in kind. Nothing good will come of going to war

over someone else’s bad disposition. Be conciliatory and apologize for the

imposition. You may be surprised how often a little human kindness will turn

the situation around and get those links removed!

Pouring fuel on a flame

Page 13: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Link Removal Mistake # 9

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

OK, if you’re wasting time sending email to registered owners of personal

blogging platforms like Blogspot, Wordpress, Tumblr and Twitter, it’s clearly

time for some straight talking. Don’t waste your time or theirs, & don’t think of

submitting a reconsideration request that says you tried, but got no result

Don’t waste time emailing Article directories you could fix yourself either.

Spending time sending futile requests

Page 14: Rmoov Webinar 10 Link Removal Mistakes You Never Want to Make

Link Removal Mistake # 10

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov

Google’s Disavow Links Tool is not the big fix that most people like to think

it is. Manual penalties cover way more than just links.

Penguins might be satisfied after munching through a few thousand fishy

links, but the real people in the Webspam team have a whole lot more on

their minds!

Thinking the Disavow Tool fixes everything

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10 Mistakes You Never Want to Make

When Removing Links

Twitter: #rmoovinar @ShahMenz @rmoov


Presenter: Sha Menz

Brought to you by:

Rmoov From Web Based Innovations http://www.slideshare.net/ShaMenz/rmoov-webinar-10-link-removal-mistakes
