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Robots, Ninjas, Pirates and Building an Effective Vulnerability Management Program

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Robots, Ninjas, Pirates and Building an Effective Vulnerability Management Program © Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Paul Asadoorian Day: Product Strategist, Tenable Network Security Nights & Weekends: Founder & CEO, Security Weekly

Robots, Ninjas, Pirates and Building an Effective Vulnerability

Management Program

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Paul Asadoorian Day: Product Strategist, Tenable Network Security Nights & Weekends: Founder & CEO, Security Weekly

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Slide 2

About Paul


• Some slides with random pictures from the Internet

• Paul talks about vulnerability management over said slides

• Folks may have questions or challenge my thoughts/ideas (please do)

• More random Internet pictures

• Paul ranting a bit more while laughing at ridiculous pictures

• These are the only bullets in this presentation…

• End with tips on how to be successful

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Slide 3

Vulnerability Management…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Slide 4

You have all the right tools…

A Robot, Ninja & Pirate Get Into a Fight, Who Wins?

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Slide 5

We have arguments like this all the time.


Sometimes they center around vulnerability management…

Why Do We Need Vulnerability Management?

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Slide 6

YouThe Internet

Don’t Be Blind…

You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Meet The Robots, Ninjas and Pirates in the Security Dept.

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

The Robot

Without a care in the world…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

“Going to scan the network!”

The Robot

Cares even less how long the report will be…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

File -> Print…Reporting!!!!

The Robot

What your network looks like after the scan…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

The Robot

What the sysadmins, network admins, developers, help desk and operations are saying about you…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Robots reporting to management

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

“The chances of cross-site scripting being exploited are 725 to 1. Its quite possible the buffer

overflow attacks aren’t quite stable. The odds of successfully surviving an attack on the Apache web server are…[Shut up 3po!]. They’ve encased the web server in a WAF, it should be quite well protected, unless there is a

bypass. I noticed the IPS pre-processor rules are damaged, its impossible to block attacks.”

Moral of the story…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

The Ninjas

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Wrote Nmap script

to patch everything and

disable TELNET.

The Report

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

The Network

Problems can be mysterious….

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Sysadmins be like…

Sysadmins be like…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Ninjas be like…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015


To find the booty…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

I’m gonna scan your network.


During the scan…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

The Report

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015


Pirate in meeting after report has been distributed

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Patch your shit! Aaaaaaaaaarrgh!!

Pirates Lack Social Skillz

Sysadmins: Fear them…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Meet the Robots, Ninja and Pirate Attackers

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Perception Of Scanning

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

“Your slave?”

“You wish! You'll do shitwork, scan, crack


Attackers, like robots, automate…

Attacks above are common, but less severe (typically)

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Or APT, or Cyber<something>

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© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Cyber Pirate Attackers

Pirates will steal bandwidth, often very loud.

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Now We Understand Some Of The Dynamics

What we learned up to this point: !

Vulnerability Management is HARD, attackers will not let up.

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015 Slide 32

Shortcuts Are Trouble

“We’ll just scan once per quarter” !

“We can just use the default scan policy” !

“We can just scan parts of the network”

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

“We don’t care about finding all the vulnerabilities. Just show me the important ones. I can’t fix everything, so don’t bother

showing me everything.”

5 Reasons Why This Will End Badly

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

#1 What you don’t know will probably be the thing that

hurts you

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

#2 Ask any evil bad guy or penetration tester and they

will tell you “we string together seemingly low

severity vulnerabilities to achieve a goal”

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Example: Chris Gates from Low to Pwned (2012) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u68QvWXYW_Q

#3 External conditions change, so not patching a

vulnerabilities because there is no public exploit today

doesn’t mean there will not be an exploit in the future (or

someone has it already)

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

#4 Internal conditions change. Not discovering

vulnerabilities in XYZ software because you don’t

use XYZ software is dangerous


Someone could be installing XYZ software as we speak

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For Example…

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

#5 Vulnerability management is a historical

reference. !

You may not care which USB device were plugged into your systems today, but

when malware spreads via USB devices tomorrow…

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Malware Here?

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015


“Just send them the raw results”


“Just patch CVSS > 8.0”

Goals & Results Matter…© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Results Matter, Don’t Be Lazy

No one reads raw results

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Can You Make That 8 a 7?

CVSS is subjective

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Vulnerability Management


© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Prevention – prevent bad things with the resources

you have

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Stop waiting around for the perfect


Goal: Detection


Know where you

are vulnerable

and monitor © Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: React - Define priorities and enable people to take


Vulnerability management is a repeatable process.

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Do it yourself.


Vulnerability scanning is not

what a pen tester should

do for youTools have matured to allow for continuous scanning.

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Evaluate tools – Define the evaluation criteria

Virtualization, Cloud, Mobile, Patch Management, Agents, Web Apps.© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Checks and Balances: How are my other defenses

working or not?

Anti-Virus, Firewalls, Compliance/System Hardening Programs

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Metrics: Don’t Give Up On Them

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Searches for “dating tips”

Searches for “fleshlight”

What does management want to see?

Goal: Threat Modeling

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Don’t just find a standard or copy what may

work for others

Be a LEADER and set your own standards.

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Goal: Get people to understand and change their


Become a remarkable IT Security Leader© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015

Some Fun Facts

Podcasts/Blogs/Videos: http://securityweekly.com Contact Me: [email protected]

© Copyright Defensive Intuition, LLC 2004-2015


Security Weekly & Tenable are always hiring. !

You can some to our studio on Thursday nights and watch the show live. !

I post all my slides to http://slideshare.net/securityweekly !

Larry really does have a tattoo in “that place”. !

Jack is really old. !

Also, Ninja is the winner.
