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ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange...

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ROCKWOOL ® REDArt ® Solutii sustenabile pentru izolarea fatadelor de cladiri Emilian Grigore Director Tehnic 0731731227 1
Page 1: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 5 lines

Subheader maximum 5 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert picture

Size: H: 16.32 x W: 22.7 cm

Position: 1.35 x 1.37

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

3. If you cannot see text in red box:

Right click on picture and

select ‘Send to Back’


Solutii sustenabile pentru izolarea fatadelor de cladiri

Emilian Grigore

Director Tehnic 0731731227


Page 2: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Subheader maximum 1 line

ROCKWOOL in general


Page 3: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’


Ce este vata bazaltica? Vata minerala este un produs obtinut dintr-o combinatie optima de materiale naturale …

Vata bazaltica contine: aer 85%-95%, fibre de roca 5-15%,

lianti pe baza de rasini si uleiuri minerale in proportii foarte mici

Fibre foarte subtiri, lungime pana in 5 cm

Page 4: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Text maximum 5 lines Beneficii ale vatei bazaltice


Page 5: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Insert picture

Size: H: 16.26 x W: 22.64 cm

Position: 1.39 x 1.39

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

3. If you cannot see text in red box:

Right click on picture and

select ‘Send to Back’

Headline maximum 5 lines

Subheader maximum 5 lines

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Produsele ROCKWOOL protejeaza cladirile si oamenii impotriva frigului si a caldurii excesive λ=0,033 W.m-1.K-1

Page 6: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Insert picture

Size: H: 16.26 x W: 22.64 cm

Position: 1.39 x 1.39

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

3. If you cannot see text in red box:

Right click on picture and

select ‘Send to Back’

Headline maximum 5 lines

Subheader maximum 5 lines

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Page 7: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert picture

Size: H: 14.99 x W: 9.35 cm

Position: 13.43 x 0

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

Rezistenţă la foc

Ati vazut vreodata o roca arzand?

Rezistă la temperaturi de până la


Nu generează fum

Izolaţiile Rockwool funcţionează

ca o veritabilă barieră anti-


Toate produsele Rockwool sunt


Clasa de reacţie la foc A1

Produsele noastre încetinesc

sensibil focul, oferind astfel timp

preţios pentru operaţiunile de

salvare a oamenilor şi, de

asemenea, a clădirii

Page 8: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert picture

Size: H: 14.99 x W: 9.35 cm

Position: 13.43 x 0

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

Confort acustic

Pentru a creşte nivelul de confort, am redus zgomotul!

Datorita structurii fibroase

produsele Rockwool oferă

proprietăți acustice excelente

Se reduce semnificativ zgomotul

provenit din exterior, cât şi cel

produs în interiorul clădirii.

La instalarea pe pereții exteriori ai

fațadei, precum şi în mijlocul

pereților de compartimentare, vata

minerală bazaltică reduce în mod

substanţial nivelul de zgomot din

cameră, asigurând astfel în casă

un mediu confortabil și sănătos

Page 9: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert picture

Size: H: 14.99 x W: 9.35 cm

Position: 13.43 x 0

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’


Cand vine vorba de durabilitate nimeni nu ne poate


Stabilitate dimensionala mare

Vata minerală bazaltică Rockwool

este inertă la fenomenele climatice

externe și la intemperii

Isi păstrează proprietățile

izolatoare pe perioade lungi

Vata minerala bazaltica nu

absoabe apa, fiind hidrofobizata

Produsele Rockwool sunt

permeabile la vapori şi permit

trecerea vaporilor de apă din

interior spre exterior prevenind

astfel condensul.

Page 10: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert pictures

Size: H: 5.44 x W: 6.68 cm

Position: 16.1 x 0,

16.1 x6,12, 16.1 x 12.2

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’


Nu dauneaza sanatatii

Toate produsele ROCKWOOL au marcajul CE

Produse conforme standardelor europene

Certificate de Constanta a Performantei

Declaratii de performanta DoP

Declaratii de mediu EPD

Contribuie la obtinerea certificarilor verzi

de tip : LEED & BREEAM

Page 11: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 5 lines

Subheader maximum 5 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert picture

Size: H: 16.32 x W: 22.7 cm

Position: 1.35 x 1.37

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

3. If you cannot see text in red box:

Right click on picture and

select ‘Send to Back’

Solutii complete de termoizolare a fatadelor ROCKWOOL® REDArt®


Page 12: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Clip ROCKWOOL REDArt montaj


Page 13: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’



Sistem complet lansat si pe piata din Romania

Page 14: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’








Page 15: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’








Page 16: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’ 16 16

Eficienta energetica

λ = 0,034 W.m-1.K-1

λ – garantat pentru minim 30 ani

Stabilitate dimensionala- Durabilitate Nu se dilata sau contracta

Finisajul implicit mult mai durabil

Climat sanatos Datorita structurii sale deschise va permite transferul

vaporilor de apa în atmosferă prin perete

Material natural

Rezistenta la foc

Izolatie fonica Rw 55 dB


Avantaje ?

Page 17: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 2 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Materiale disponibile


ROCKWOOL REDArt Catalog Comericial

ROCKWOOL REDArt Catalog Montaj

REDArt cartela culori disponibile

–pana la 400 culori

REDArt Mostre reale tencuiala/culori

REDArt Mostre termosistem

Page 18: ROCKWOOL Group in general - aaecr.roaaecr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ROCKWOOL-REDArt.pdfChange the Header field via >Insert >Header & Footer 1. Check in Footer 2. Fill in field

Change the Header field via

>Insert >Header & Footer

1. Check in Footer

2. Fill in field

3. Click ‘Apply to All’

Headline maximum 5 lines

Subheader maximum 5 lines

To view drawing guides:

1. Click “View” and select

’Gridlines’ and/or Guides’

Insert picture

Size: H: 16.32 x W: 22.7 cm

Position: 1.35 x 1.37

1. Click on ‘picture icon’

2. Locate the picture and ‘Insert’

3. If you cannot see text in red box:

Right click on picture and

select ‘Send to Back’


