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Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    r. 4 o J 0 I FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e p o r t R e q . i ,. ~ a b ~ , ,~ t ~in Government Act of 1978~ e v . m O W FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (~ u . . s~c, a p p . ~

    !, Person Reporting (la,~l name, first, middle inltial) 2. Court or Organ izat ion 3. Date of Repor tLeighton, Ronald B. U.S. District Court 5/I 1/2010

    4. Title (Article III judges indic ate active or se;lior s~utus; I 5a. R eport T ype (check appropriate type) 6. R eporting Periodmagistratc judges indicate I~ll- or part-time)] Nomination, Date 01/01/2009U.S DislrictJadge [] Initial [] a .... I [] Final to12/31/20095b. [] Amended Report

    7. C h a m be rs o r O ffic e A d d re ss 8. Oo tbe bas is o f the in fo rm alio n co n ta in ed in this R ep o rt an d anymod ificat ions pertain ing thereto , i t is , in my op in ion , in com pl ianceU.S. Courthouse with applicable laws and regulations.t 717 Pa c i f i c Av e n u eTacon~ta, W A 98402-3241 Reviewing Ofl icer Date

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The instructions accompanying this Jbrm must be followed. Complete all parts,checking the NONE box for each part where you have no repvrtable it~)rmation. Sign on I~t page.

    I . P O S I T I O N S . n , , , , r , i , . g i n a i v i d u ~ t onty; see p p . 9 - 1 3 of finng imtrucdotts.)N O N E ( N o ~-eportable positions.)

    POSIT ION N A M E O F O R G A N I Z A T I O N /E N T I T Y1.

    3. ~

    5. ~

    1 I . A G R E E M E N T S . m w , ,r , i~ g m d i v l d u a t o n t y ; see p p . 1 4 - 1 6 o f f i l in g instructions.)~ N O N E (No reportable agreements.)


  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Name of Person Report ing ] Date of ReportFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTLeighlon, Rona d B.age 2 of 14 [ 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 0

    I II . N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . m,.po,a,g individual and sp ..... ; seel,p. I7-24 o/filing instructions.)A. Filers Non-Investment Income

    N O N E (No reportable non-im.,estment income.)D A T E S O U R C E A N D T Y P E INCOME

    (yours , not spouses )




    B . S p o u s e s N o n - I n v e st m e n t I n c o m e - i f yo u were murried during a~O, portion of the reporting year, complete this sectlog(Dollar a mount not required e.~cept for honoraria.)~ N ONE ~Vo reportable non-investment income.)

    D A T E S O U R C E A N D T Y P E1. 2009 Burgess & Fitzer



    I V . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S - transportation, lodging, food, entertai ....... t.(h~clucles those to spouse ztnd de, t~emtent chi!dren: see pp. 25-27 o] ~ing instructions.)

    ~ NONE 6Vo reportable reimbu~weme~ts.)SO UR C E D A T E~ LOCATJON PU~OSE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDED

    I. The Aspen Institute 1/29-2/I/2009 Ne~ York, NY Speaker at CoMkrence Tr~sportation, Meals, Lodging2. American College of Trial 2."26-31U2009 Pu e r to R ic o Spezkcr at Conference Transpo~ation, Meals, LodgingLa wy e r s3.4.

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT . ~ ,~ o f P e r s o n R e p o r t in g]

    D a t e o f R e p o r tPage 3 of 14 Leighton, Ronald B . 5/I 1/2010

    V . G I F T S . a , , , .l , ,, i .. ~ , h . , ~ , o ~ o . ~ ~ . a a , , p ~ , , a ~ . , children; see pp. 28-31 of f!ling ~,struction3:)NONE (No reportable g~s.)


    3.4 .5.

    [] NONE (No reportable liabilities.)( . .R EDITOR DESCRIPTION VALUE CODE

    1 .23.4 .5.

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSUP~2 Pd~PORT ~ .....IP .....Reporting [ Dale of ReporlPage 4 of t4 Leighton, Ronald B.]


    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -- i . . . . e , va lu e , t ....... ions (Includes those ,~sp ..... d dependent chiMren; see pp . 34-60 of filing in.vtructions.)NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. ~. C. ~. ~ ............Descriptkm o f A ssets Incom e d urin g Gross value a~ cud Transact ions during rein ing period(including lmst assets) ~_ repe~ing peri~ of reporting periodPlace "(X)" after each asset [ Am~unl Type (e.&. Value ] Value Type (e.g . , I Date [ Value Gain Idenlitv ofexempt from prior disclosure C ~ d ~ l : d iv ., rent, Cod e 2 Melhod ~ buy. sell, mm/d~yy Code 2 Cudc ] buyer!so er(-) orint.) (J-P) Co de3 redemption} i I (JP) (A-HI [ ( i fprivatc, . . . . . . .


    2, -Alberto Culver Co (comm on) A Dividend J T3, -Boeing Co. (common) Distribuled 1 2 / 1 5 , t 0 9 J

    4. -Brist.ol-Myers Squibb Co. (common) A Dividend J Ti 5 . -Cisco Systems (common) None K T: 6 . -Conocophillips (common) A Dividend J T7. -Coming Inc. (common) Distributed 12/t 5/09 J8. -CSX Corp. (common) A Dividend K T9. - S p r i n t N e x t e l C o i o n ~ Distributed 1 2 / 1 5 1 0 9 J

    1 0 , -Qwest Comm. (common) A Dividend J TI I - A T & T .& Dividend J T1 2 . -Wash Mtnual Inc. (comm on) None J T13 -Kidd er Morgan Energy Partners C Interest L T1 4 . -Briglgs & Strlmon Corp. Distributed 12/15/09 J1 5 . -Get~eral Grov,th Prop. None J T1 6 . -Schlumberger I.,td A Dividend J T1 7 . -Iulq Business Machines Corp A Dividend J T

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ] ~ ..... fPe .....| , leporiing 1}ate of ReportP a ge 5 o f 1 4

    [ Leightolt, Ronald B. 5 /11/2010

    VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS - ~, ......... ~,~, transactions Oncludes those of sp ....... d dependent children; seepp. 34-60 offilingN O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    2. " ..... ] -- ~. ~ ............................... D. - .............................Description of Assets ~ lncome during Gross value a~ end Transactions during reporling period(ineludin8 trust asse~s) ] reporting period of repoSing periodi {~ {.2) {~) {2) o} {2} ....b} F-]~- { 5 }Placc"{X)" after cad; a~set Amounl T ype (e .g ., V alue Value Ty p e ( c . g , Date Value ]: Gain Ide y ofexempt [~om p6or d i scIosure Cndc I div.. rent. Ct~e 2 Me~o d buy. sell. mmi d~yy Code 2 Code I buycr/sc~ler(A-H) or int.) (J-P ) Cod e 3 redempt ion) : (J-P) [ (A-H) (ifpr~w~tc{ Q - W } L transaction)I8. -Baird Money Market (X) D Int./Div. K1 9 . INVESTMENT CLUB E Dividend N T

    2 0 . -Microsoft Corp.

    21 . -Proctor & Gamble

    2 2 . -CVS Co~p,

    2 3 . -Apple Computer B uy 12/04/09 K2 4 . -China Mobile Ltd. Sold 09/14/09 J C2 5 . -3MCompany2 6 . -ABB LT D ADS

    2 7 , -Berkshire lqathawayI8 . -Costco" ~ 9 -l)iageo Plc A DR3 0 . -EMC Corp

    3 I . -FcdEx Corp

    3 2 . - T e v a P h a n l ~

    3 3 , -VEOL]A Em Sold 02/07/09 J34 , -Boeing(X) Sold 12104/09 K

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g Date of Report IPage 6 of 1 4 L e i g h t o n , R o n a l d B . 5 / 1 1 i 2 0 1 0V II. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS-i . . . . . . . . . . o ~ u , , , , . . . . . . a o ~ . a . a . d L . . ~ , h , , s . o Z . , r ...... d d e p e n d e n t c h i l d r e n ; s e e p p . Z 4 - 6 0 o f f ! l l n g i n s t r u c t i o n s . )~ NONE (No repormble income, assets, or transactio~ts.)

    ,v ~. " .......... C ~ .................................. ~ .........................Description of Assets income during Gross vatue at end Yrm~sactions duriug repotting period(mch~ding trust assets) ret~ rting p-6o~ ~ of repos ing per iodPlace "(Xy after each asset ~Amount [ Type (e.g ., , Value Value Yy~ (e.g, i Dnte ~ Value ~ Gain Identity ofexempt from priur disclosure ~ : Co d e I t d iv ., re in , C~c 2 Met ~od b uy , s el l, ~ m ~d ~ y y ~ Co de . 2 C~e I buyer/seller( A - H } ] ur int.) ( J -P) Code 3 redcmpt ionJ (J-P) (A-H) (if private( Q - W ) transaction)

    35 . - J o h n so n & J o h n s o n

    3 6 . -McDonaMs Corp

    3 7 . -Goog|e Inc. B uy 0 2 : 0 7 / 0 9 K3 8 . -lntl Busiaess Machines B uy 02/07/09 K3 9 . -Andarko Petroleum B uy 1 0 / 0 2 , " 0 9 J40. BROK ERAGE ACCT. #4

    41 . -Bristol-Myers (cmnmon) 1 3 Dividend K T42 . -Chevron Texaco Corp. (common) A Dividend K T

    . . o , 3 . - l n t l [ ~ lus in e s s Ma c h in e s ( c o mm o n ) A Dividend K T

    44 . -Microsoft Corp. (common) A Dividend Sold 09/04,09 K D45. - N o k i a C o r p . ( c o m m o n ) A Dividend d T46 . -Strattee Security (common) A Dividend Sold 09/04/09 J A47 . -Vodafimc Group (common) A Div id end So ld 09/04/09 J D4 8 . -Zimmcr Iloldings (common) None Sold 09/04/09 J A4 9 . -Ceatennial Motaey Market (Wetls Fargo A h ~ t . i D i v . K TBank Deposit Sweep)5 0 . BROK ERAGE ACCT. 55 1 . -Centennial Money Market (now Wells A lnt./Div. K TFargo Bank Deposit Ssveep

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    N a m e o f P e r so n R e p o r t i n g [ D a t e o f R e p o r lP a g e F I N A N C I A L 7 o f 1 4 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T Leighton, Ronald B.1 5/11/2010

    V I 1 . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - ~ , , . o m e , , . o ~ e , t r . . . . . . , i , , ~ , ~ (Includes ~ose of .~ouse and dependent children; see p p . 3 4 - 6 0 ,iling instruttion~)~ N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactiona.)..................... A. ...................~. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ......I .......................~ : .......................D e s c r i p t i o n o f A s s e t s I n c o m e d u r i n g Gross value at end [ Transitions during rcpofling ~rind(including t~s~ ~scts) k rc~rting period o f r e p r o v i n g p e r i o d

    C o d e I div rcat ~ Code 2 Method [ buy sc I m n ~ d ~ I v y [ C o d ~ i C o d e I I, b u y c r / s c l l e rt f r o ~ p r i o r d i s c l o s u r e.................. i ........ ~ ........... ~ ...... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .._..~ ..................

    5 2 . -Boeing Company (common) A Dividend J T5 3 . -Columbia B ankingSyslem (comm on) A Dividend J T5 4 . -lntel Corp. (comm on) A Dividend J T5 5 . -Schlttmbcrger (com rnon) A Dividend J T5 6 . -Transocean (common) Nooe Sold 09/01/09 J5 7 . -New Perspective Mutual Fund A Dividend K T5 8 . -W ash Mutual Investors Fund A Dividend J T

    5 9 . -Proctor & Gamble A Dividend Sold 09/0!/09 J A6 0 . -Russell Frank Inv. Co. Imtmml fund) D Dividend Sold 01122/09 L

    i61.Pierce WA Sch Disl Sumner 321) Bond K Try A Dividend6 2 . -Chishoh-u Creek Ulil. A Dividend K T6 3 . -Montgomery AI School Bond A DNidend K T6 4 . -SF CA City & Cry AMB AC A Dividend K T6 5 . -lndiam~ Bond 13ank Roy A Dividend K T6 6 . -Glouchester Cry NJ IMPT A Dividend K T6 7 . -Emerakl Coast FL Utils B Dividend K T6 8 . -Wash (it), UT Sales B Divideud K T

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~ .....fP .....Reporting Da,eofRepor~Page 8 of 14 L e i g h to n , R o n a l d B , 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 0

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i , 0 c o ....... ~.~ ,, ........ ,io., a.~t.d~.~ ~,o.~ ,,/.V,, . .. .. . a a ~ . d .. ~ ~ u ~ , ~ . : ~ p p . ~ 4 . ~ 0 o / y .i , ,~ i , , , ~ , , .~ U o . ~ . )N O N E ~Vo reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    .... L .............. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ........ ~ . . . . . . . .. . . (. " ............................... ~ .......................Description of A ssc~s Income during Gross ~alue a~ e~d T~nsaclio~s during reposing periodrcpoaing period ~ of ~cporting periodPlace "(X)" after each asset Amoum ~: T~c (e.g., Value ~ Value T~e (e.~.. Dale ~ Value ~ ~ain Idemi~y ofexempt from prior disclosure Code I div. ren t I Code 2 Me,of buy sell m~6~ ~ Code ~ Code 1[ (A-H) [ or int.) ( J -P) C o d e 3 rcdc;;pfion) ~ :~] (J-P) (A-H)

    buyer/seller(if private ,: [ ( Q - W ) transactim~)............................................... ...................~ ................... I ......... ......~ .......

    69 . -JEA FL WTR & SWR SYS REV B D i v i den d K B uy 09/01/09 K?0 . BRO~GE ACCT. 6

    7 1 , ~Cisco Systems (common) None J T72. Dell Computer Corp. (cnmmon) No n e J T7 3 . SCHWAB MONEY MARKET FUND

    74 . - Federated Muni Oppt (common) None J T7 5 . -Kimberly-Clark (common) A Dividend Sold 09/03/09 J7 6 . - Adobe Systems Inc. A Dividend Sold 09/03/09 J A77. -Proctor & Gamble (common) A Dividend K "1"7 8 . - Qualcomn~ Inc. (common l A Dividend Sold 09/03/097 9 . - Qwest Comm [common) A Dividend Sold 09/03/09 J8 0 , - AT& F Inc. B Dividend K T8 1 . - Starbucks (comm on} A Dividend Sold 0 9 1 0 3 . , " 1 ) 9 K8 2 . - Time Warner A Dividend Sold 0 9 / 0 3 , 0 9 J8 3 , - AIM Health Sciences Fnnd None K T8 4 . - DW S Global Them atic (tbrmerly Scudder None K TG[obal)

    8 5 . - I)W S ]ntl Fund (fi~rmerly Scudder Int] None J TFund

    }. hlcomc Gaitl Codca: A -$1,0(ff~ or )~.s B =$ I,{R}L - $2,500 C =$2.501 - $5,tR}~ D = $5,001 + $15.tR)O E =$[5.tXU - $50,0{Y0

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    [Namef Person Report ingI

    F I N A N C I A L D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T [ Leigblorl. Roltald B, D a t e o f R e p o r lPage 9 of 14 5 / 1 v 2 o ~ o

    V I I . IN V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - - ~ . e o m , . . ~ . , , , , . . .. . .. . , io . ~ l n c l u d e s t h o s e of,W ....... d dependent children; see p p . 3 4 ~ 0 of illing instructions.)N O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. . B. C. " .......................... D. ...............Dcscription of Assels :: h co nc d ur ing [ Gross va uc a end Yransaclions during reporting period(includ ng t~st m ~ s e t s ~ I . - ~ ., ~ reaming pcn~ of reporting periodPlace "(X)" aftcr each asset : A m o m u ~ T~c(c.g. V~lue ~alue I Try(e.g.. Dmc Vate I Gain l d c n d ~ y o fexempt t~om prior disclosure Cndc I d iv ., rent. Cod e 2 Method ~ buy. sell, m~r~dd/yy ~, Code 2 : Code 1 buyeffseller~ {A-H) or int,) (~-P) Uode 3 redempt ion) (~-P) ~ {A-H) (ifprivalc

    86. -tdearc lnc. A Dividend Sold ]09/03/09 J87, BURGESS FITZER PS 401K PS PLAN No n e N TTRUST88. US Bank, Tncoma, WA A Interes t J T89. V a ng ua rd W i nd so r 1 1 A D i v i den d J T9 0 . Columbia A cord Fund-Z None L T9 t. Cohlmbia Ac orn In t ernat iona l Fund-Z None K T92. Eoscene Series A Preferred None K T9 3 . Eoscene Series B Preferred None J T9 4 . Nine Audio Technologies A Dividend J T9 5 . Drcyftts M idcap Value Fund None K T96 . B R O K E , R A G E A C C T . 9

    9 7 . - Borders Group Inc, A Dividend Distributed 02/03/09 L9 8 . IRA NO. 6 None Pl T

    9 9 , - Capital Income Bldr FundI00. Capital World Growth & lncome Fund

    10l. - !:undamenta[ htvestors

    1 0 2 . - Growth Fund America

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~ame of P ..... Reporting Date o, .eport IPage 1 0 of 14 L e ig h t o n , R o n a l d B . 5 / I 1 / 2 0 1 0 IV I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d TRUSTS - i . c o m e , v a t u e , t ....... tions (Includes those of s. ...... d dependent children; seepp. 34-60 offiling instructions.,)

    [~ N O N E (No reportab& income, assets, or transactions.)A . - . . . . . . . . . . ~? ..... c . D .Description of Assets Income during Gross value al end Transactions during reporting period

    (including l~st asscls) rcpoaing period of reporting period

    Place "(X)" afi ..... h .....t 5m?u,~tl Type(e.g., Value [ Value Type(e.g.. Date I Value [Gain [ Identityof{~H} ~ or inl.) (J-P) [ Code 3 redemption) (J-p} (ifprival


    1 0 3 . - Investment Company America1 0 4 . - N e w W o r ld F u n d

    1 0 5 . - S m a l lc a p W o r l d F u n d

    1 0 6 . - Tamarack Invt Fds Prime ( n o w R B LMoney Market Fund)1 0 7 . -Discover BK Greenwood Del

    1 0 8 . -First Business Bank Madison1 0 9 . -Choice Finl Group Crafion MD

    1 0 . - M a g n e t B k S a l t L a k e C i t y

    1 I . - G o l d m a n S a c h s B K U S A , S a l t L a k e C i t y ,U t a h1 2 . - C a p i t a l O n e B a n k G l e n A t le n V A

    1 3 . - C a p it a l O n e N a t l A s s o c M c L e a n

    1 1 4 . -Southpoint BK Birmingham ALA Open 02/18/09 M1 1 5 . -Bank Blue VY Overland KS Open 02/04/09 M1 1 6 . -Citicorp Mtg Sec urities Open 03/16/09 K1 1 7 . -Bank of America Funding Corp. Open 05/20/09 LI t8 . -CIlL Mtg Pass-Through Open 02/27/09 L1 1 9 . -Deutsche ALT-A SECS Open 1 2 / 1 8 / 0 9 K

    I.icom e Gain Codt~: A = $ 1.000 or less t~ = $ 1.001 - $ 2,500 C = $ 2.501 - $ 5.000 D =$5.001 - $15.000 E =$ 15,001 - $50.000Vat uc Codes J =$15.000 or less K =$ I 5.0{~ I - $ 50.000 L =$50.001 - $ I t)O,/)00 M ~ $ 100,001 - $250.000(See Columns CI and D32 N = $250,001 - $ 500.000 O = $500,001 - $ 1.000.000 PI =$ 1.000.00t - $5,000,000 P2 =$ 5,000.001 - $25.000.000P3 =$ 25.000.001 - $ 50.000.000 P4 =Mote than $ 50.000,000Value Method Codes Q =Appraisal R -Cost (Real Estalc Only) S ~As.sessment T =Cash Market

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT[ ~ , . ~ . e o ~ P e r ~ o n ~ e p o r ~ i . g [

    DateofRepor lPage 11 of 14 L e i g h t o n . R o n a l d B . 5/I 1/2010

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i , , , .o, . , , ~ t .~ , transat iot , s ant i .des tho ,~e of .~O.Se a n d d e p e n d e n t children; see pp. 3 4-60of filing instructions.)~ NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    D c s c H p r o n o [ A s : ~ c ts I n c o m e d u r i n g G r o s s v a l u e a l e n d T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i n g r c p o a i n g p e r i o d( i n c l u d i n g t r u s t a s s e t s } ~ r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d o f r e p o a i n g p e r i o d~i~ [ ,:~ ............. ~ i 7 . . . .. ( 2 ) (~) -~ --7~V7 -i~;P l a c e " ( X ) " a l ~ c r e a c h a s s c l ~ A m o m a ] T y p e ( e . g . . V alue V alue T y p e ( e . g . [ Date Value ~ Gain den y ofe x e m p t # o r e p r io r d i s c k ~ s u r c [ C o d e ~ [ d { v . r e n L C o d e 2 Mc~od b u y , s e I n = f f d& y y Code 2 Code I b u y e f f s e t l e r:~ (A-ll)~ or int.) , J -P )~;~: 3}

    redemp~on) ~ (J-P) (A-H)

    1 2 1 . -M~tr Asset Securitizatim~ Tm s~ Open 05/25/091 2 2 . -W ells ~argo M1g Backed Securities Open 09/25/09 K1 2 3 . fl~ANO. 7 None L T1 2 4 . - Tamarack Money Market (now RBLMoney Market Fund)1 2 5 . - Capital Income Buikler1 2 6 . - Capitol World Growth1 2 7 . - Fundamanetal Invrs

    1 2 8 . - Growth Fund America1 2 9 . - Inves. Co. America1 3 0 . - New W orld Fund

    1 3 1 . - Smallcap World Fund1 3 2 . -Capital One Natl Assoc. McLean1 3 3 , -E]s Ill Ltd, Parmership1 3 4 . -Hanc Amer FDG Trust Open 09/03i09 K1 3 5 . [ ]ROKERAGE A CC[ #10

    ~ 3 6 . -RBC Money Market A lnt,iDiv. J T Open 0 7 / 0 8 1 0 9

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Name of Person Report ing ] Date of ReportINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTLeighton, Iage 12 of 14

    V II. INVESTMENTS and T R U S T S - i . . . . . . . . .. t . e , , . . . . . . , i ,, . . a ., q . a ~ . , h o ~ e o : , p o[~] NONE (No reportable income, a,~sets, or transactions.)

    ............ ;V .......... i ~ ! ~51 ........ D .Description of Assets Income duri~Ig (?ross value at end Transaclions during reporting period(includ ing trusl assets) reporting period ; of reporting periodiii ~ii ..... ~7- ~,~ .......Placo"(X)"aflereachassel Amount/ Type(e.g., Value I Value Ty p e (e . g . . Date ! Value / Gain Ident i tyofexempt from prior disclosure Code I ,I div., rent. Code 2 I Me th o d buy. sell, nuwdd!yy ICode 2 / Code I i buyer/seller(A-It) I or int.)

    i (J-P) I C o d e ( Q . W ) 3redcmptkn;)

    i [[ (JP) (a-H) il(if private

    .................................................................137. -Western Bank A Int.iDiv. K T Op e n 07/08/09 J138. -Midfirst Bank Okla Cry A tnt./Div. K T Op e n 07/08/09 J139. -Bane Amer FDG Trust A [nt/Div. J T Op e n 07/08;t)9 J140. -Citico~p Mortgage Securities Trust A lnt.[Div. K T Op e n 07/08/09, J

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT r~me of P ......Report ing Date o1" ReportPag e 13 of 14 Leighton, Ronald B. 5/I 112010V III. AD.DITIONAL INFORMATION OR EXPLANATIONS. (It~dlcatepartofRepor,.)

  • 8/3/2019 Ronald B Leighton Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N a = e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g [ ) a t e o f R e p o r tPage 14 of 14 L e i g h t o n , R o n a ~ a B . 5 / ~ 1 ; 2 0 1 0

    IX. CERTIFICATION.I cer t ify that al l information given above (including information pertaining to m y spouse and minor or dep endent children, if any) is

    accurate , true, and com plete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable sta tutoryprovisious permitting non-disclosure.i further certify that earned incom e frnm outside em ployment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 et. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.


    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Committee on Financial DisclosureAdministrative Office of the Unitcd States CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E.Washington, D.C. ~0~44
