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. pi« win i nmnpow" *•.« ta, **• STOKES, N. C. We have sub-divided the J. L. Perkinsland, right in front of the school house, into 30 Ideal Building Lots to be Sold at Auction 3. 1914 AT 10:30 A. M. to the highest bidder on very EASY TERMS of 1-4 cash and balance in 1, 2, and 3 years. Stokes is bound to come to the front, their is to be built in the near future a big merchantile establishment, and the long needed station, so come to Stokes next Tuesday find get on the ground floor by purchasing one or more of these valuable lots. Our All Star Band will make music while Col. W. T. Burton & Bro. sell a lot a minute FREE PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FREE We sell Rain or Shine. Everybody invited. For further information see A. B. Windham, Stokes, N. C. Atlantic Coast Realty Company, GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA IWWJ TO nt\ illi: M ii AGAISST SESATOH GORE OKI IHOMA Cl IV. I k . n. -• j Wh a the strli' art I Aklabo- tni ' ' I ' : term nexi the tlrsi - i t up I tri.d. . Nona wilt to ( Kit Julion It Bond ol I i eloqu I! tli Bid i ID I hint tliitt the trlul will d <H>I . brought light agaii- itor Goi Irod I \V: . . Mrs. Bond. 1 il I lrtv-| on.' 1 Jlll- len I!. Bond I i Ity. She is o( medlu pi aram Her and «;is a dentist, whom she married at 18 while he itiii had another wife. Af- (IT her first marrlagi had been an- nailed she became teacher of shorthand and was thus employed when .he met and married Bond. In her suit against Senator Gor* the * « . HI aaki 150 BOO I i damagct to her reputation following alleged advance* made to he* in w, ihlngton when ahe called to see the senator In the inter, ita of her I ns ! : r : iir Internal revenue collector. Mrs. Bond aald thai first aw Senator Gore In hit private of- (lc:e be tell d hold of one I r hands, and her ' -' >ond thai wh- 'i he nelii d i old of i ac of her feet - ahi ii talking t" him thought ii to I Hi to! : I r In 91 I I. nnd time i met In room al her hotel, »h« s.iid. ,\t that time hi atti n pi 1l«e hold of hi r a he aal i i the bed, .ha I that when I" r gl ISSi broken In trying to avoid n ealleil for help and 1. It in con I with men ' ,; " tante to h< :i anre. Friends of Mr Qon havt not Itated from the atari to dei lare their belief that the whole affair, as d> - aerllied by the woman in her teall mony In Washington, was a "plant" framed up liy the political ene-nles of the blind senator to ruin his pub He eareer. Others asedlbe the wo- man's aetlon to a desire for revenge upon Senator (lore beesus" he did rot secure for her husband the po lltical appolutmi nt he Bought. In view of the fact that Senator Gon is now a candidate for re-elec- tion the approaching trial and Ita outcome are await d with keen In- t In political cln lea In Okla- homa. Man., i" nons well known in i | : r lea ar i in t: i .:- ' Jami a la lormi r ; y clalrman of I Di central klahon.a, '.- ..' : , ... I : .::.' re. Al Flt2| tate 1 Congn Pitzpal i Xew Vcik Stale League Heeling. wi : - Pa Jan. 20. - i ncri ol i. York stni, Base Ball League mcl bl re today to discuss the Bl heduli and make thor neceaaary arrange- ments preliminary to the opening or Hi.- playing aeason The league cir- cuit "ill remain the name ;,- year. Is not a but Ii r lookli than Greenville, i the gcrnu «t i xx"! . \ ij I i<i i l i I.''. S ..... I I - *"*'i SAVE WK HOPS mm*/*] I em Red Devil Lye. IV Bin CANS r- - <•• it roe only t>|. Hall ! I inlHt lu iJ ' . Save My Mrs. Frank Wilson al Home. On Tuesday afternoon at her home HI girth stre.t. in her easy and graceful manner, Mrs. Frank Wllsm charmingly entertained her friends, I from "i 30 to 6:30, in honor of her guesl -. M rac - Stal on, Koi I an I Hassell am Hisses V aldrop and larti Masti rs Fr ink Wilson, Jr., and , si the door to take I H ' EI i r elved at i ti nl do ir .;... . 0 ; and K. II Fickleo. i ' . : ; ived In the Mr.-. .1. \V. Per II and Ml Warren si rved ti ,i and wafi i \t ii p libra ry d r thoj wi i r i. ived Mi ad imi S, T. White at d W. II. Ball, dr.. and in the re, line |n the library were Mrs. Frank Wilson, the hostess. Mrs. C. D. Has- sell, of Williams ton; Mrs. John But- ton, Of Bethel; Mrs. W. B. Wilson. Mrs .Inn.- I.eel. of Rocky Mount; Mrs. Zeno Brown, Miss l.illiain Wal- drop, of Hendersonvllle; sUsa i.iii Wilson and Miss Lena Harwell of Raleigh, The guests were received at thi dining room door by Itesdames 1.1- blon Dunn. G, B. Ferguson. II. E. Batts, .1 i.. Wooten, T, it. Hook- er, and Miss Ivey Taylor. Refreshments consisting ol I i, cream, mints and salted ' mondB •' e- ' aer i - I ' i Hob n i.aui'i Novella Moye, Heli u '" rimes. Minnie Eium Sugg, Mary and Linda Warren. During the afternoon the Italian I orchestra, stationed in the rear hall. entertained the guest* with delight- ful music. The houae was very, handsomely , i orab l with cut flowers and pot ti The color scl erne i was red, the library white am dining room pink. WIXTKRVJLLE (| 0 nissni.i n»i\ NOTICE. i ne i.i a, ,.i ,\. i . v, ooten nnd * 'iin- pany being owned by w. L Wuottna iBd D( I A, Move, linve this day dis- solved partnership b.r mutual COB sent. W. I,. Wootton will collect a'l asconnis and pay all ln4shts4naM, W. L. WOOTTOM. DR. B A MOTE 1 27 2t Ninety carloads of pecan", valued at 1100.000, were gathered In central Texas in 1111, WIN i ICRV'ILLE, Jan -1. tin next :. i. Jan. 30, In the High 8 : , ,,; ..'.,: [to ini 1 om Llndsi i \, ill give an i nt> I ilnmenl coi ucs, and lau lin'olo n .,'ns. An evenh ; ' hear and enjoj j ill >i If. i . in | on ni rebuilding I - > J. Co and n I1KJU.II \ t nice fresh i pri si right. Coi and got your stalk cutter: now for », i ave a nice supply it them. Harringt in Barbi r and Com pany i pre havi been Quite a number ol i e domnltorles w ho ha\ c In en very .-.i' k from vaccination. If you arc looking for fanning Im- plements we have them. We carry plows single and double plow traces 'leek hands and line-; also paints. varnishes and paint brushes, s are practicing baai ball i . verj day. They are exp 11- ing to bave si me m the best games in the history of the school. i,iniv by purcha lag your hay. oats, shlpstuff and cotton . from Klttrell and Co, i" p to compi le with it time... The literary societies ol Wlnti rvlll« High School are arranging for a de- bate «t Hi. Di II High B hi d \ hich »ill take plai o i. i lati r I Man li the Bfti .-nth. Don't forgel the Hunt Club We a i oflertng s] ecla! pi l< es on them. B i> Forrest and Co. Oo to Si s !'.. W, II nl for your fruits, i .a, y caki I all kinds of gi ind i tl Karris Barbi and Cor., i red a large shipment i win p i. you t" lee them. Klttrell and Co . say the] I, IVS p I cl'Bsed '-a underground "Wayne Qai Oline Tank" Which »ill be put in pt rattl .. I :'..' iime in tin near future We Invite the young men to come and look over out line of sprint i lollies, we have a nice line. II D, Forrest »nd Co. When you are in town go to see J. Cox and Son., for your soft drinks They have the moat up-to-date place ticonomy means that you are a aav- Ing citizen, if you purchase your i .mto supplies from Kit- i . ...; t',,. you will continue b save. \V i good driver to drive a nice i r of hi and Irl pi Ivate draylng A. O. Cos Mfg. ( u HlN'OTON i). C. 0' bill foi tin ... n ., t lea N.w fork Stock Kxi I ... .,.. | govi ; ntnenl II ild do it -.•• oka to make the i ichi ngc !-!!-1. i hi bill i ,,-i utgi : i of the l'uj > "monoj trust" Inquiry. it gives the New fork 81 k change the option of Incorporating under the New York laws or plac- ing itself under the direction of the Postiuaster General. The representatives ol the exchange will argue against incorporation on the ground that disciplinary powers 1 would be largely taken away by the disruption of the present club or- ' ganlxatlon In lieu of the provlsl- i of tl D bill i,i safeguard in ,.-, by ntaklng the listing re- ts more stringent the e\ pri ..ii,,. «iii argue t | rnment itself, through a ldll similar to the Companies act, should con- trol t of i orporatlon BP- tlnth Escaped I nburined aud Wer. Sliel ul by the lutrader. ,\e Clue as V't is Iteport of Ofne.rs, WILSON, Jan. ^i^ Then is Intensi Interest here today over an attempt .a assault Saturday night Two youni girls, Mi,', Lula Hamilton and Ml r Kthel '..,i :: , r, .-1 ; IS and 10 yoan 1 wi n- on tin lr waj to tl i from a ni Ighbor rcsldi m es win a a lui i i wi aring .i long black ked np to H. in »itii gi lure an.I : ..i i ' DU dare," line i i Mis sci, aii.i : and t: , n pit tol an I l ly ll ' !. ol the gll Is and tin ir i.-iap. \- miraculous, in telling I story, om , . in (.-iris says that with the api ol the gun, they both dodg d and the younger girl fell to the sidewalk. Tlie negro probably .hough) that I bad (hi: ;'. girl tor he Immedlati ly ran away, lloth girls j almost i lazed rushed into the home ol j I. A. Corbett, close by, and gave the 1 alarm. The police were notillcd and made a close search. The affair waa kepi quiet yesterday in an effort to catch the negro, if possible, bit it .-'•ems that there is little chance, for the reason that the girls cannot glv< a description except that given in thin •lory. ' II, il, glrll I'. of g| .,1 families and Incident occured on the leading Idi in e Btrei I. Wi al Nash, and With" j in five blocks of the business section. The stri t is u.ll lighted, but (hi i i re the girls net the man i' ; ; i deep Bhadow because ol the closely i Why Take a Chance ol Forming a Drug H3l:ii When by thi uae ol G King ol Externals, for that tx Id croup, you ran no i It k ni drugs or Inhaledfunv \ -i rub Oni ens oo, ii pwu< lr l.s || seallcis tolls I a Pold i- COBjl -lion of iiillaini,, lion. One bottle i oi k ondi t Your druggist will rci ad y or Bunei If Oowans fails to do ail claimed for it. Ho on the safe Hide. Keep away from the drug habit and use the King of Externals. G«wan Medical Co. CONCORD, N. C. Por Weakness and Loss of Appetite Tip OM standard v neral 'if ,uTK-HUIK tonic. imovi ^ lAMi-i.i .., I,;,; TONIC, arhwa out np ! ', - --. ni. A Ir-ic Ionic appetiser. Poi adults sad childrco. BOc. »TI tM'IC COAST liKil.TV CO/8 BALES CREW HI Kl Afte.- a tour of .,.-•:' ,. .. i through Florida and other southern stati ( b ii- * i ew of the I Atlantic Coast Realty Camprny with their pi ,1 car "Mary Ix>u" arrl. eo In tows tl lit morning froic Un<- lierson where they conducted a land sale yesterday. The crow ri port some of tbo be«t Bales they have ew-r held w.-re down In Florida. They will leave here tomorrow for another long trip with a sale tor nearly e»- erv dsv for several weeks to come. I GREENVILLE IS THE HEART OF EASTERN VORTII CAROLINA. IT HAS A POPULATION OF FOUR THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED iND ONE. AND IS SUR- ROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING COUNTRY. INDUSTRIES OF ALL KINDS ARE INVITED TO LOCATE HERE FOR WE HAVE EVERYTHING TO .FFEB IN THE WAY OF LABOR, CAPITAL AND TRIBUTARY FACILITIES. WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE JOB AND NEWSPAPER PLANT. WE HAVE A CIRCULA- TION OF TWELVE HUN DRED AMONG TBK BEST PEOPLE IN THE EASTERN PART OF NORTH CABO LISA AND INVITE TBOSB WHO WISH TO GET BET- TER ACQUAINTED WITH THESE GOOD PEOPLE IN A BUSINESS WAY TO TAKE 4 FEW INCHES SPACE AND TELL THEM WHAT ¥01 HAVE TO BRING TO TBB1B ATTENTION. OUR ADVERTISING tATES ARE LOW AND CAN BE HAD UPON APPLICA TION. Agriculture Is the Most Useful, the Most Healthful, the Moat Noble Employment of Man.—Oeorge Washington. itll.MIK XXXIT. t.KiiWH il . H. C, FRIDAY ATBRHOON, FEBRUARY «, 1114. NUMBER S». sja Will Permit Mexican Rebels to Export Arms From United States It Will Place Them On Equal Footing With the Federals um E Only Military Lhlcfs Will he Per- mitted to Ship War Munitions Across the Mexlcun Border. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.—The em- bargo against exportation of muni- tions of war from the United States to Mexico is about to bo lifted. Pi,-..1,lent Wilson and the cabined tcday gnally decided that because the embargo, by practically depriving the ;onstitutionaltats of arms, whil the Huerta government Is free to get them from many sources, really puts the United States in a position of showing partiality rather than neutrality. The embargo is to bo lifted with the Idea that rather than contribut- ing to bloodshed, the importation of arms by hastening an end of the war will reduce bloodshed. An official statement outlining the purposes ol the administration Will nr issued from the White House. Foi-'ign governments have been ad- vised of the pending action of the United siates through the embassies ind li gallons abroad, and diplomatic representatives in Washington have been notified. It was said that the development would not affect the America embassy in Moxlco City nor the American troops on the border. Tuft larred Exportation of Arms. President Taft Issued the proela- tion of arms to all sides on March 14. 1912. Ho did that under author- ity of congressional resolution em- powering the president to take such action whenever he should find that "in any American country conditions if domestic violence exist which are promoted by the use nf arms and mu- nitions of war procured from the United States." Tho only word that came from the White House wan that an itnporc- ent announcement would be made a' S p. m. today. Th-jre is every reason to believe that under authority of tho resolu- tion of March 14. 1912. President Wilson Will continue to exercise dis- cretionary power in Issuing permits for exportation of arms so that they may not fall Into Irresponsible hands So far as possible only military chiefs on both sides of Mexico will obtain tho munitions. Kxactly how that win bedone has not yet been worked out The president's decision was reach- ed after many month's of careful smdy and while in the first instance the belief of the administration was that the denial of nrnm was a human, act. the conviction has grown upon the Washington government that its rolicy has operated unequally toward the warring factions. Embargo Fostered Partlnllty. Partiality Instead of neutrality was the result of the policy in the opin- ion of the president nnd the members of the cabinet who finally determined th.-» the real no'ral course would lie io put both factions on an over. footing. Tho administration also bellevtv that to permit the situation to drift tlong would be merely contributing to an Incessant struggle. Although constiutionallst chiefs have declared they had captured sufficient ammunition from the fed- erals the Washington government, while realizing the important effect normally throughout Mexico that its act will produce, is insistent that Its position as neutral shall be main- tained. I.'egard Action of V. S. as Last Resort It was understood in official circles that announcement of the president's determination to life the embargo bad gone forward to Charge O'Shaugh- nessy In Mexico City, probably with inst.-uctions to advise the Huerta government. Fir many weeks senators of the forel ; relations committee have been urging President Wilson to permit free Importation of arms to the bat- the fields In the hope that the war •Gon might be ended and peace re- stored. Those close to the president said he would take such action as only on-j ol the last resorts In his Mexican pol- icy, preferring to depend for the time being on tho "moral pressure' nnd the "financial blockade" which has so far estopped the Huerta gov- ernment from obtaining credit abroad. Sells 59 Lots in Forty-Five Minutes Breaking Any Previous Record One of the most successful auction sales of real estate ever held in this section was that conducted by the At lantic Coast Realty Company at Stokes yesterday. In order to prove to those In attendance that they are at all times on the Job and know how to dispose of real estate in a hurry tney on yesterday broke all previous tccords made by the company, when in forty-five minutes they sold fifty- nine ideal building lots at satisfactory prices. In fact every lot sold higher than was expected, which goes to show that the people in and around Stokes realise that the little town is wide-awake and is compelled to go forward. On next Saturday, February 7th tne company will hold two sales a' Bethel of city tots. At 10:30 In the morning a sale will be held for the whjt.e people, and fot; the colored at 2:31/ Mr. H. S. Shoppard Ul the re- presentative on this sale and it I safe to say that it will be a success under his personal supervision. Commissioners Draw Up Jury Lists For March Term Superior Court During their sessions on Monday and Tuesday the County Commission- ers drew up the lists of jurors to serve fir the first and second week of the .larch term of Pitt supeiioi Court which begins on March 16. First Week. W. 8. Fulford, F. S. llrown, J. K Ill-own, W. G. Stokes, J. H. Ilrlley J. A. Moore, C. U. Joyncr, J. It Lewis, 1). W. Hardee, C. A. Tuck- er. George Gornto, Richard Hardee WILSON ITEMS. Rebels at llisiilviintngc. Officials here who have been In cons ant touch with tho Mexican campaigns say the constitutionalist forces have been at a greater fl|»- advantage because ol the enparloi artillery of the Huerta army. The coostltuionallBts, while plentifully supplied with small arm ammunition land materials for their rapid Arc guns have been almost entirely with- out heavy artillery. Superior artillery lias enabled the Huerta forces to hold the large cltie nl the south. Torreon. Tampico. Mon- ti icy, Saltillo, San Luis l'otosi and others against which Villa and a rebel armv estimated at 1.1,000 men now is preparing to move as the first step in a campaign against Mexico City. Act Only to flhe ltehels Square Heal Every administration official who was let into the confidence of the few let into the confidence of the few who knew of the Impending step, took pains to emphasize that tbo Wash Ingtor. government was not raising t'.e embargo to aid the constitution- allsts nor as any evidence of sympttb) i.ith their cause, but merely to cor- tect an Inequality In tho warfare which has been brought about by the operation of the proclamation of 191-' Favorable Report Made By Inspector For Free Delivery Of the Mails AS TOURIST IfJEXT OF THE SEAItOAKI) I harles H liuttis, Formerly IMstrlct I'li-snger Agent, Heturns to En- ler on This >ew Work. (The News and Observer I Raleigh Is soon to have a tourist agency, and from this point there will be arranged tours covering ull si-c- 'ions of this country. And it will be J. II. House, W. S. Belcher^ W^ H. , lea8ant ncWB to the people of Ral- eigh and North Car inn that this Crawford, L. B. Fleming, J. S. Pitt- man, J. W. Hurney. Second Meek. .T. W. Crawford, J. I). Rollins. W. T. llarnhili, J. I). Andrews, J. J Martin, O. G. Little, W. II. Con- gleton, W. J. Little, R. A. Gaskins. J. B. Carroll. J. H. Edwards, Da- vid Hrock, A. W. Flake, Peter Flem- ing. W. J. Fleming, J. J. Sattcrth- waitc, J. T. Moore, L. C. Iturney. SATMiVU. COltX SHOW BEADY FOB OI'EM.X; Merchants to Go to School. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Feb. 4. What is believed to be the first school for merchants ever conducted ,-i this country was opened under the auspfces of the extension depart- ment of the University Of Minnesota The course Is modeled after the short courses conducted in the various states for the farmers. The instruc- tion will be carried over a period of I've days and will embrace lectures by experts on Important questions connected with the buying, selling nnd displaying of goods. Salesman |hlp, store management, pricinl, ad- wrtlslng. window trimming, store ac- counting and methods ol meeting mall order competition are some c" the subject's that will be dealt with 'ii the lectures. WILSON, N. C. Feb. 2,—Dear Re- dactor: A s I have not written tl. yen In some lime will attempt to send tew items. Mr. llaywooil Best who bad ben paralyzed for four or live years, not being able to walk nor talk, but ha .nnd cheerful until he died a few d .,'.; ago at the age of ii'.' yea.s. lie MI- taken to Snow Hill for burial. He was the father of Dr. Henry Best. vho was taking care of him and lives in Park avenue. Though it has been a week since I commenced my letter and thinking it will be news to some of your leaders 1 concluded to let It be. Our neighborhood is drapjed in mourning and sadness today. Tho death angel came this morn- ing about 4 o'clock and took from Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Prlvltt their d'Ming little son (Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Mayo's grand son). He was two months and eight days old last night. Ho was a sweet baby, thought he seem id to suffer nearly all of his life. We sympathise greatly with all the he* real i d ones. The burial Will take place at .1 p. m. today. We hear of a sad tragedy In th" (northwestern part of Wilson this morning up Nash street. Mr. Rufflu Watson went to the barn to feed his horse and a murderer shot his face nearly all off and his gun was lying by him. They asked him if he shot himself and be motioned no. and they asked him if someone shot him and he motioned yes. It seems a I if thy failed this morning to find OUl who it was that done the Bhool ing. 1 beard about one o'clock that he was dead. I did not learn Ml age. He was a good citizen and a ttrj nice man. I did not learn bo.v ranch family he left. 1 heard some few days ago that a ludy somewhere In town left her baby to attend to something and when she went back in the house he found her baby burned to death I did not learn the name. PALLAS, Texas. Feb. 4.—All ar- rangements are practically eonipb't id for the opening of the sixth Na- tional lorn Show in this city next week. The exhibits already In pla e give assurance that the exhibition will be the largest ami most repre- sentative or Its kind that has ever been held In the United states. Though corn anil corn products wil form the bulk of the exhibits brings back Mr. Charles H. Gattis formerly district passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line, who resigned in 1310 to becomo general passenger agent of the Georgia and Florida Railroad at Augusta. Having beer, appointed tourist agent of tho Sea- board Air Line Railway, he will es- tablish here "The Gattis Tourist Agency," with offices la the Tucker building. Mr. Gattis will be In charge with Mr. W. A. Swallow as assistant. Mr Gattis has extensive experience along this line, and prior to severing his connection with the Seaboard worked up and personally conduct- ed large parties successfully to nun,.' I lints of Interest in tho Cnltod Stati a Canada and Cuba, and this success ' is proof of his equipment for the work lor which there is a large Held 111 the smith The i'.nr. m'« wink will I a i romplete plans for all kind- ol ex pensc tours tl "oughout the ci ut I ol tourists and will be interesting displays ol man; t|,r fie coiivenlcnoi ,lher varieties of farm products pleasure seekers, will trl for Indi- •.idiials. families and private parties. A majorltt of the states have re- sponded to the Invitation to make exhibits at the show. Practically cry state of the south aval middle WSSt will have displays. Many of tho states of t'.ie far west will be represented for the first time. Idaho will be represented with a wool dis- play, and Wyoming will show some methods of dry farming that were originated In that state. California will exhibit some of her choicest pro ducts of the garden, orchard and vineyard, and Arizona. Nevada and Utah will show the wonderful results accomplished by Irrigation. .Haine Progressives Active. PORTLAND, Me.. Feb. 4.—The members of the Progressive state com mitte- of Maine are rounding up here for a meeting tomorrow, when a date win be fixed for the state convention and other plans dfcKUM I'd for the coming state < ampaicn Ity getting Into the fl Id early ami waging i vigorous campaign tin- leaden believe that tln-ir party uill make an even better showing at the polls this year than it did in thi ei, i lion in November, IMS, when Maine returned i v IM votes tor Room \elt M against 86,546 for Taft The party has already decided to nomi- nate complete State, congressional and COtinty tickets this year « itb all ib tails work) d out, a liu- i-aii to have on band maps, silled nlea and full Information 08 to tours throughout the world, which \ it be ivallable to all. Mr. Gat'is p' as to I irsonally conduct all large tours and these will be chaperoned by Mrs. Gat- tis. tho social feature of the tours to i.e emphasised. Already Mr. Gattis is arranging to tako a party through Florida, and Ciiba In March, one to Washington at Easter, through the eastern cities and Canada this summer and to the Pan- ama-PadflC Exposition at San Fi an cisco next year. We are glad to welcome him back to Raleigh and With him much Bill cess. OPPOSE COLD STORAGE nil l. Th,- international Brotherhood or lariienlers and Joiners of America may not hold Its .ext convention in ludia'.apolls because of the alleged hostile attitude of the business men of that city toward organised lagor Wo are having some beautifi'l weather just now but it is most too cool to plant gardens. T. K. I. 'in dm -- Conference Tonight. The regular annual business con- ference of tho Baptist church will be held tonight after the regular mid- week prayer meeting service A large rttendance 1. desired. I'Hiitpa to Entertain Vi-itors. TAMPA. Fla. I'-IL 4 From many parts of the I'nited State*, and Cm ada delegates are arriving in Tam- pa to attend the midwinter sessions of the National Association of Real EttatS Kxchanges The gathering will open tomorrow and continue through the remainder of the week. The lo- cal trade organizations have nrovid cd elaborate entertainment for the visiting real estate men. many ol whom are accompanied by ihdr wives and families. Says Letter to Mayor J. I James From Congressman Small QUICK ACTION IS PHiHE It is Xo« up Ut Congress H hither UP Sbull lieeene liimi, iliaii At- tention or be Held Oier Ull July I. Through the efforts ol Mayor J. B James and Congressman John H. fmall the government postal officials I ave at last sent out a few encourag- ing items relative to the free delivery of mails in Greenville. Several weeks ago when pwloflk* Inspector. Hemmelwrigbt was here he, was Instruct,si by tlie government officials to go over the situation while Lire and make his report to the de- partment, which he did. Since, that time Mayor James has written several letters to Mr. Small asking that he urge the department to make a re- port on the inspection of Mr. Ilennntl wrljht, ..On yesterday Mr. James received a communication from Representative Bmall containing the letter from the department In which thej advised t .it a verj law rable report had beer, made by the in- pi i ior bul thai the di partmi nt « . iinabb i,> take ai - tion in II n itter al pri si nl owing i , ih fai t that tl ipp oprlatit new .ei->ie.• during the current BBlcal mi i id be.n prai ticall) i hair ted. The di i m taken up with congn as tin ol i ovl Ing a C |, li.ien, > Item if '' •• bill an II ba- ldly passes contains additional funds :-,r new service for the current year It will be possible to gi'e eai ly con- sideration to the establishment or the service in Greenville, otherwise a'-tion cannot be taken until Julj 1st. in \t. it is to be hoped that congress will provide the deficiency Item ami that it will contain additional funits ft r new service and that Greenville may get the first hand-out Postmaster 1). J. Whichard who has also been exerting himself in i,-half of earl) establishment ol frco delivery, is also al work on sonic other Improvement. In the mar, ser- vice for Qreenvlllt which it is hop- ed will be accomplished in the near future, Public Hearing nil II > >li hellar I old Storage Bill. WASHINGTON, l>. C. Feb. i with a view to ascertaining the opinions ol those most close ' , erneii the House Committee on In terstate and Foreign Commerce I" il ly began a series ,,t public iugs on the Mi Keiiar cold storagi till, which proposi i to limit thi time of perishable commodities from in six months The cold storage In- terests and the produi s men i nl from the coountrj arc pint,-.-ting vi. orously against uie measure it is claimed thai its enactment win dis- courage production, destroy the col- lateral value of perishable products •i,ni be detrimental to the consumi i ii the end. because sold storage wan houses are necessary, t,> not regulate prices and are used to Store goodl in tines of overproduction to meet •he necessity of the time of a short supply, Norway. Sweden and other forcl-tn countries have also i-rotost- 11 through the etate department IgaJnSt the provisions of the bill, al- legitii' that il would seriously em- barrass their trade with the I sited Slates In salt and preserved fish. I III Ml TKICIIEUS BHSOriA- TION HEETM El It. 14 Hating rcci Ived a number ef in- n : gard to tlie time ol hold- ing the Feiruarv meeting of the Pitt County Teacl T Association, I take i of notifying all t, achera thai the regular monthly meeting of \ tion iin be held in Oreeu- ill- Saturday, February the 14tll. iiie BI cud Baturday. Reports from , head of ail departments Indicate. that this will be an unusually int-rst- lng meeting, and I urge all b ai I i is ! , attend. II 11. H, 1.1 V p--i,i. i.t Pitt Co. Teacben «^s'n. Ohio Mate HowliiiK Toursej. TOLEDO, Fi ib i Beginning today and continuing lot a period cf two i lid possibly three w-eks Toledo la to entertain the annual meeting and tournament Of tho Ohio State Bowl- lag Associate.. Individual and team bowlers are already here from num- erous points ,nd many more are ex- pected when tho tournament gets ll.ially under way. 1 I I I I I - V sssaiiptsflsua n
  • . pi win i nmnpow"

    *. ta, **

    STOKES, N. C. We have sub-divided the J. L. Perkinsland, right in front of the school

    house, into

    30 Ideal Building Lots to be Sold at Auction

    3. 1914 AT 10:30 A. M.

    to the highest bidder on very EASY TERMS of 1-4 cash and balance in 1, 2, and 3 years.

    Stokes is bound to come to the front, their is to be built in the near future a big merchantile establishment, and the long needed station, so come to Stokes next Tuesday find get on the ground floor by purchasing one or

    more of these valuable lots. Our All Star Band will make music while Col. W. T. Burton & Bro.

    sell a lot a minute

    FREE PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FREE We sell Rain or Shine. Everybody invited. For further information see

    A. B. Windham, Stokes, N. C.

    Atlantic Coast Realty Company, GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA


    TO nt\ illi: M ii AGAISST SESATOH GORE

    OKI IHOMA Cl IV. I k . n. - j Wh a the strli' art I Aklabo-

    tni ' ' I ':

    term nexi the tlrsi - i t up I

    tri.d. . Nona wilt to ( Kit Julion It Bond ol I


    eloqu I! tli Bid i ID I hint tliitt the trlul will d I . brought light agaii- itor Goi Irod I \V: . .

    Mrs. Bond. 1 il I lrtv-| on.' 1 Jlll- len I!. Bond I i Ity. She is o( medlu pi aram Her and ;is a dentist, whom she married at 18 while he itiii had another wife. Af- (IT her first marrlagi had been an- nailed she became teacher of shorthand and was thus employed when .he met and married Bond.

    In her suit against Senator Gor* the * . HI aaki 150 BOO I i damagct to her reputation following alleged advance* made to he* in w, ihlngton when ahe called to see the senator In the inter, ita of her I ns! : r : iir Internal revenue collector.

    Mrs. Bond aald thai first aw Senator Gore In hit private of- (lc:e be tell d hold of one I r hands, and her ' -' >ond thai wh- 'i he nelii d i old of i ac of her feet - ahi ii talking t" him thought ii to I Hi to! : I r In 91 I I.

    nnd time i met In room al her hotel, h s.iid. ,\t that time hi

    atti n pi 1le hold of hi r a he aal i i the bed, .ha I that when I" r gl ISSi broken In trying to avoid n ealleil for help and 1. It in con I with men ' ,;" tante to h< :i anre.

    Friends of Mr Qon havt not Itated from the atari to dei lare their belief that the whole affair, as d>- aerllied by the woman in her teall mony In Washington, was a "plant" framed up liy the political ene-nles of the blind senator to ruin his pub He eareer. Others asedlbe the wo- man's aetlon to a desire for revenge upon Senator (lore beesus" he did rot secure for her husband the po

    lltical appolutmi nt he Bought. In view of the fact that Senator

    Gon is now a candidate for re-elec- tion the approaching trial and Ita outcome are await d with keen In-

    t In political cln lea In Okla- homa. Man., i" nons well known in

    i | : r lea ar i in t: i .:-' Jami a la

    lormi r;y clalrman of I Di central klahon.a,

    '.-..' : ,

    ... I :


    re. Al Flt2| tate 1

    Congn Pitzpal i

    Xew Vcik Stale League Heeling.

    wi : - Pa Jan. 20. - i ncri ol i.

    York stni, Base Ball League mcl bl re today to discuss the Bl heduli and make thor neceaaary arrange- ments preliminary to the opening or Hi.- playing aeason The league cir- cuit "ill remain the name ;,- year.

    Is not a but Ii r lookli than Greenville,

    i the gcrnu t ixx"! . \ ij

    I i I ilnmenl coi

    ucs, and lau lin'olo n .,'ns. An evenh

    ; ' hear and enjoj j ill >i If.

    i . in | on ni rebuilding I -

    > J. Co and n I1KJU.II

    \ t nice fresh i pri si right.

    Coi and got your stalk cutter: now for , i ave a nice supply it them. Harringt in Barbi r and Com pany

    i pre havi been Quite a number ol i e domnltorles w ho ha\ c

    In en very .-.i' k from vaccination. If you arc looking for fanning Im-

    plements we have them. We carry plows single and double plow traces

    'leek hands and line-; also paints. varnishes and paint brushes,

    s are practicing baai ball i . verj day. They are exp 11-

    ing to bave si me m the best games in the history of the school.

    i,iniv by purcha lag your hay. oats, shlpstuff and cotton

    . from Klttrell and Co, i" p to compi le with it time...

    The literary societies ol Wlnti rvlll High School are arranging for a de- bate t Hi. Di II High B hi d \ hich ill take plai o i. i lati r I Man li the Bfti .-nth.

    Don't forgel the Hunt Club We a i oflertng s] ecla! pi l< es on them. B i> Forrest and Co.

    Oo to Si s !'.. W, II nl for your fruits, i .a, y caki I all kinds of gi

    ind i tl Karris Barbi and Cor., i

    red a large shipment i win p i. you t" lee them.

    Klttrell and Co . say the] I, IVS p I cl'Bsed '-a underground "Wayne Qai Oline Tank" Which ill be put in

    pt rattl .. I :'..' iime in tin near future We Invite the young men to come

    and look over out line of sprint i lollies, we have a nice line. II D, Forrest nd Co.

    When you are in town go to see J. Cox and Son., for your soft drinks They have the moat up-to-date place

    ticonomy means that you are a aav- Ing citizen, if you purchase your

    i .mto supplies from Kit- i . ...; t',,. you will continue b save.

    \V i good driver to drive a nice i r of hi and Irl pi Ivate draylng A. O. Cos Mfg. ( u

    HlN'OTON i). C.

    0' bill foi tin ...

    n ., t lea

    N.w fork Stock Kxi I

    ... .,.. |

    govi ; ntnenl II ild do it -. oka to make the i ichi ngc

    !-!!-1. i hi bill i ,,-i utgi :i of the l'uj > "monoj trust" Inquiry. it gives the New fork 81 k change the option of Incorporating under the New York laws or plac- ing itself under the direction of the Postiuaster General.

    The representatives ol the exchange will argue against incorporation on the ground that disciplinary powers

    1 would be largely taken away by the disruption of the present club or-

    ' ganlxatlon In lieu of the provlsl- i of tl D bill i,i safeguard in

    ,.-, by ntaklng the listing re- ts more stringent the e\

    pri ..ii,,. iii argue t | rnment itself, through

    a ldll similar to the Companies act, should con-

    trol t of i orporatlon BP-

    tlnth Escaped I nburined aud Wer. Sliel ul by the lutrader. ,\e

    Clue as V't is Iteport of Ofne.rs,

    WILSON, Jan. ^i^ Then is Intensi Interest here today over an attempt .a assault Saturday night Two youni girls, Mi,', Lula Hamilton and Ml r Kthel '..,i :: , r, .-1 ; IS and 10 yoan

    1 wi n- on tin lr waj to tl i from a ni Ighbor rcsldi m es win a a lui

    i i wi aring .i long black ked np to H. in itii .

    gi lure an.I : ..i i ' DU dare,"

    line i i Mis sci, aii.i : and t: , n pit tol an I l

    ly ll ' !. ol the gll Is and tin ir i.-iap. \- miraculous, in telling I story, om , . in (.-iris says that with the api ol the gun, they both dodg d and the younger girl fell to the sidewalk. Tlie negro probably .hough) that I bad (hi: ;'. girl tor he Immedlati ly ran away, lloth girls

    j almost i lazed rushed into the home ol j I. A. Corbett, close by, and gave the 1 alarm. The police were notillcd and made a close search. The affair waa kepi quiet yesterday in an effort to catch the negro, if possible, bit it .-'ems that there is little chance, for the reason that the girls cannot glv< a description except that given in thin lory.

    ' II, il, glrll I'. of g| .,1 families and Incident occured on the leading

    Idi in e Btrei I. Wi al Nash, and With" j in five blocks of the business section. The stri t is u.ll lighted, but (hi

    i i re the girls net the man i' ;; i deep Bhadow because ol the closely


    Why Take a Chance ol Forming a Drug H3l:ii

    When by thi uae ol G

    King ol Externals, for that tx Id

    croup, you ran no i It k ni drugs or Inhaledfunv \ -i rub Oni ens oo, ii pwu< lr l.s || seallcis tolls I a Pold i- COBjl -lion of iiillaini,,

    lion. One bottle i oi k ondi t Your druggist will rci ad y or

    Bunei If Oowans fails to do ail claimed for it. Ho on the safe Hide. Keep away from the drug habit and use the King of Externals.

    Gwan Medical Co. CONCORD, N. C.

    Por Weakness and Loss of Appetite Tip OM standard v neral 'if ,uTK-HUIK tonic. imovi ^ lAMi-i.i .., I,;,; TONIC, arhwa out

    np !', - --. ni. A Ir-ic Ionic appetiser. Poi adults sad childrco. BOc.


    Afte.- a tour of .,.-:' ,. .. i through Florida and other

    southern stati (b ii- * i ew of the I Atlantic Coast Realty Camprny with their pi ,1 car "Mary Ix>u" arrl. eo In tows tl lit morning froic Un take ai - tion in II n itter al pri si nl owing i , ih fai t that tl ipp oprlatit new .ei->ie. during the current BBlcal

    mii id be.n prai ticall) i hair ted. The di i m taken up with congn as tin ol i ovl Ing a C|, li.ien, > Item if '' bill an II ba- ldly passes contains additional funds :-,r new service for the current year It will be possible to gi'e eai ly con- sideration to the establishment or the service in Greenville, otherwise a'-tion cannot be taken until Julj 1st. in \t.

    it is to be hoped that congress will provide the deficiency Item ami that it will contain additional funits ft r new service and that Greenville may get the first hand-out

    Postmaster 1). J. Whichard who has also been exerting himself in i,-half of earl) establishment ol frco delivery, is also al work on sonic other Improvement. In the mar, ser- vice for Qreenvlllt which it is hop- ed will be accomplished in the near future,

    Public Hearing nil II > >li hellar I old Storage Bill.

    WASHINGTON, l>. C. Feb. i with a view to ascertaining the opinions ol those most close ' , erneii the House Committee on In terstate and Foreign Commerce I" il ly began a series ,,t public iugs on the Mi Keiiar cold storagi till, which proposi i to limit thi time of perishable commodities from in six months The cold storage In- terests and the produi s men i nl from the coountrj arc pint,-.-ting vi. orously against uie measure it is claimed thai its enactment win dis- courage production, destroy the col- lateral value of perishable products i,ni be detrimental to the consumi i ii the end. because sold storage wan houses are necessary, t,> not regulate prices and are used to Store goodl in tines of overproduction to meet he necessity of the time of a short supply, Norway. Sweden and other forcl-tn countries have also i-rotost- 11 through the etate department IgaJnSt the provisions of the bill, al- legitii' that il would seriously em- barrass their trade with the I sited Slates In salt and preserved fish.


    Hating rcci Ived a number ef in- n :gard to tlie time ol hold-

    ing the Feiruarv meeting of the Pitt County Teacl T Association, I take

    i of notifying all t, achera thai the regular monthly meeting of

    \ tion iin be held in Oreeu- ill- Saturday, February the 14tll.

    iiie BI cud Baturday. Reports from , head of ail departments Indicate. that this will be an unusually int-rst- lng meeting, and I urge all b ai I i is ! , attend.

    II 11. H, 1.1 V p--i,i. i.t Pitt Co. Teacben ^s'n.

    Ohio Mate HowliiiK Toursej. TOLEDO, Fi ib i Beginning today

    and continuing lot a period cf two i lid possibly three w-eks Toledo la to entertain the annual meeting and tournament Of tho Ohio State Bowl- lag Associate.. Individual and team bowlers are already here from num- erous points ,nd many more are ex- pected when tho tournament gets ll.ially under way.


    I I I





    sssaiiptsflsua n

  • I"*""

    Former Greenville Lady Offers Suggestions to Recently

    Organized Club Muntce. lnd Jan. -'. IMS,

    Kdilor Reflector: HM: Sir: Hating Nad in TIM Be

    Bettor Ol January 13. your artel- A Woman's Organization in tin- in- terests or the Qradad Schools of Greenville" and feeling that we ha* happily soiled tliat problem ben in Muaice.l iiiougin l would mention 11 rou thai "The Parent-Teacher Clubs" Ui : arc doing just the very thing rou sa) ere needful there A thoi ought) organized Pareut-Ti

    i . vice president :,. :.uv wd treasurer, to have meei )n^., weekly, monthly or semi-month- I, u enw 81 to discuss and do things ri and ti achi a work in together (or the benetlt of the child and through the child, the com- m mlty Tb< Be 'luiis have also been Instrumental hi getting legislators to enact better school laws, child's wel fan laws, etc, it is the law In In il. i now that not only shall the school bouses be thrown open at all times to be used as social cenb r i ant the play grounds Open to all in the community, but also thai where there Is not sufflch nl ground tor this purpose the school board shall b< compelled to pun base and prorid< more grounds I'slng the bouses for social community purpose1

    also goes far twos d solving the boy and girl problem, keeping them oB the streets and from loss desirable places Would ii" clad to see "Par- ent-Teacuer Clubs" organised 1< Greenville, for I Know the resuli would be of Incalculable value to the community as it .-II as to the in divlduala

    Very truly. I-1MMA TAPT-LESH

    Honor Koll. The fourth month of the public

    bool at King's Cross Roads ended Jan. loth. The following are the ..moo of the pupils uieetiag the re-

    auiresneata (or the honor roll. First grade: Lee Harris. Jaek Lit-

    tle. Jasper Howard, LaWOy I'arker. Second grade: Joseph Forbes. Roy

    Manning. Maggie Manning. Berthi Little, Louisa Atkinson.

    Third grade Huldah Smith, Ulliai Smith, Alice Keel Bssie skinner Martha Little. Julius Smith

    Fourth grad' Lela Harris, Eistelli Little. Nannie Bryan Parker, Man .lane Forbes.

    Fifth grade: Anna Forbes,


    Mamie Ruth Smith. Benashley Atkinson.

    May Belle Tyson. Heber Bmlth Sixth grad.': Roland I'arker, Chris-

    tine Smith. William Forbes. Seventh grade- Mattie Smith, .1.

    Clifton Corbett, Robbie Smith. Those making the highest average

    \ ,re: Leroy I'ark.r. Roland Parker. ristlne So 1th, Mattie Smith.




    Varrfagff Licenses.

    i Register of Deeds, Braaeoe Bell is- sued the following marriage licenses las) week;

    WHITE i., on Cox and Uiite Hardse Joseph J Harris and Kronla Jones V'annle Lee Johnson ami Huldah

    Leona Staton. Richard Butts and Annie Teel. B, B. Roebuck and Reba Cray

    COLORED. Haywood Barretl and Nora Joyner, Willi Howard and M.itlldia Bneed Fred Cox and I'arnle Chapman. Qabe Blnle and Isbella Thomas. Abr.im Moor,- and Psnnie I'.rav

    ton. Jim Snnirell and Beadle Lane. Will Woolen and Mamie Bi St Jasper Thigpen and Kldora Jen-

    kins. Frank Johnson and Clara Ham



    Mr. C. L. Wilkinson, Agent. Greenville, N. C.

    Dear Sir:

    Please accept my thank* for your check for J503.33 covering my recent diability on account of sickness, ours Is a great policy and I heartily recommend you and the Fidelity & Cas- ualty Company to those desiring a Health and Accident Policy.

    Youru very truly, J. W. TIMBERLAKI

    %a ^ NOTH t 10 CREDITORS.

    Having duly qualified before the superior court clerk ol Pitt county ;..- administrator of the estate of C. B. llarnhill, deceased, notice is lier.it given to all persons indebted to th ,-tate to make immediate payment b the undersigned; and all persona bat- US: claims against tald estate art 11 tiii. i to present the same to the undersigned for payment on of be i re the Hist day of January, 1915, or this notice will be plead In bar il recovery.

    This Hist day of January, l'.'ll. CORTEZ BANBILL,

    Admr. of t'. 11. llarnhill. deceased, l ;:i L't.i Itw

    WASHINGTON, Ii. C Feb. - Transplant the tobacco crop as early as possible in order to mature it be- fore the appearance ol the most di - structivc generation of the tobacco splltworni, advises bulletin No. M of il o Hi iNittini nt ol Agriculture, In making mmendatlon for the con- trol ni (Ills won.:. When the early in- rectation is rery severe, prime ofl ami destroy tlie inti cted leaves; d Stray Bll tobacco stubble as soon a the crop is harvested to prevent tlio brooding of a hibnali.ig generation. clean up and destroy all Hash in and around 'bids and tobacco barns. do not follow potatoes by tobacco if the inrectatlon of tobacco has beer more severe In such eases Hum when different rotation was followed; grow potatoes as r.-.r as possible from lo- I si CO Holds.

    In Cuba and the I'nited Slates 111. split* n in is known on tobacco as > baooo leaves are affected unless th' leaf-miner only. Only the older to- Infestation is very severe; and in these, the lower leaves, grayish. Ir- regular blotches are produced, Which later turn brown and become fraglh so thai the tobacco is unfit for wrap- pers, At Clarkavtlle. Tennessei where the Infectatlon Is very slight the larva in most cases begins work in the "ruffles" along the midrib and they afterward migrate and from mine- in various parts of the leaf,

    I rr.4


    If 59

    THIS DATE IN HISTIIHV. Kehruurj i.

    Talleyrand, one of the most notable diplomats in European history, born in Paris. Died there May 17, 1888, -Assembly Of the first parlia- ment &f the United Kingih m ol Great Britain and Ireland. General Zuloaga resigned thi presidency of Mexico.

    President Lincoln and the threi foil federate commissioners Stephens. Hunter and Camp bellheld a peace conferem

    WAITED. Kur County Home Slle.

    A tract of land, containing from 50 to 75 acres, located on railroad from Oreenvllle, on either railroad either direction, on either railroad. . few miles from Greenville.

    Please submit your proposition: slating location number of acres of- tered, price per acre, whether clear- ed or not. to any member of the Hoard of county Commissioners or Regis- ter of Heeds.

    F. M WOOTEN, Member of Committee Appointed

    I 24 tf

    Cabbage Plants MILLIONS OF IliOKOKill BHEd


    The folluningtarietles: Jersey Wake- it-Id, CsHawtM Hakelleld, Sacees stea and Large Late Drum Head This selection should glre continu- ous headings through the summer. ..Prepared for shipment I ntlosshro

    Prepared for shipment In lots fron. I eon t lu.uu" at *'i.--'. per thoasaad; oier 10.000 at iflJin per thousand f 0, Ii. (ireeniille, N. ('. t'ss sappli orders any size.

    Count and satisfaction gnaranteen

    L. C. Arthur din:N>ii.LK, v C.

    12 5 tfd

    Fine Furniture

    Wherein the quality is self-

    ei id. nt lheii a modest price

    tagcomprise the dlsplav

    awaiting your buying here.

    Why not make the gift a

    comfortable rorker, arm

    chair or a decorative piece of furniture that will gle the re-

    ii. mt lasting satisfaction?

    Prices unchanged here"o special holiday over-pricing.

    Taft & Vandyke i


    1807 Pennsylvania Slat.- Capitol il Harrisburg was deetroped by fire.

    IS68 Lord Lisgad assumed office ai Governor General of t'anada.


    Grimeslaud School District. Pitt County, North Carolina, offers for sale to the highest bidder, SIX THOU- SAND DOLLARS of bonds, bearing date January 1st, 1914, to run for thirty years, bearing iaterest at UIJ rate of 5 per cent per annum, pay- able annually, on the 1st day of Jan- uary of each year. These bonds will be Issued by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly, Extra Session, 1913, and ratify by a unanimous vote of the said District at an election held under said Act, and will be sold In denominations of $106 and $500 re- spectively.

    Those bonds are non-taxable.


    The Greenville Drug Company Oir Siock catiists oi Pare D.ugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi-

    cines, Sundries, Stationary, School Supplies, Girths' Cnliet, Foultiin Peas, S-iJi, Cigirs, and Cigaretti.

    All Sick Rjorn Requisitiet. Prompt Deliveries

    Prescriptions Most Carefully Compounded

    J. Key Brown, Phar. D.

    8ealed bids will be received by the

    undersigned at his office in Greenville,

    N. C., for these bonds till February

    1st. 1914. A deposit of .0 per cent of amount of bid must accompany eacn

    bid. W. H. RAGSDALE,

    Chairman Board of Trustees, Dec. 15, 1913. 12 16 tfd ltw

    J. C. Lanier OSUaUSTS AH* .LEAD eMwIgf.

    AH faei ruci* a/..UH.i.a% R*n I'ABMJWA l* is d-w

    JfST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF Terra Cotta pipe, 4 and 6 inch. S.

    T Hieks. Phone 60. 1 8 tf


    nt Hampton Roads.

    Major's lourl This Mm nine

    There were a few drank and dis- oido ly .as.--, befori Mayor Jam< this morning, and it required onl; ,i ihorl while to dlap use of t-'-- m as luey ri celt ed a fine i'i' -- M P ' I

    To the Public | I have secured the 1>. w. Hardeej

    store at Five Points and will car-1 ry a complete line ol Heavy and j Pane) Groceries.

    Will sell for CASH ONLY but will] make close prices. Your patronag will lie appreeipteri.

    ,f. P DAVENPORT, Agent l 31 if

    $100 Reward. $100 The readers of Hits paper w-in bf

    plcasod to Irarn ilio there is m l.asi ons dreaded disease thai soli ncs has been able !. curs In all Us staaes. and iliai Ii Catarrh. Hall's r.n.urii Cure Is the onlj p tivu cure now known to Hi. medical

    . lernlty. Catarrh being a constllullonal i. . n i . . -i constitutional ir u ,.. ,i Hairs Cat rrh Cure Is tali- n m- -,., iij ., dl ily i pen thn bl-Kid ,,,1 . -- , f ill-- system, tin

    :h ,! i r..undatinn >-f Ihs dli ., i .- [ thr patient -ir. n.iiii by ,,. iitna in- r nnsth ill Ion and asslstlna Us woi T ii pr iprlelors

    o mui'l 'o'li In lt eurailvi i ers tliat they oiler O i Ifund id Dollui

    in in .- -i i .1 f i- -o- '-- i .. , > A en . v...,-'.--. ' -

    V.*:..- ii.iir- : ,.--r - PUN foeeoni tipati..o.

    Greenville Banking & Trust Co. JANUARY 13th, 1914


    Loans and Discounts N. C. Bonds Banking House Furniture and Fixtures Overdrafts Cash and due from Banks

    $665,774.03 6,000.00

    24,928.63 8,951.90

    133,59320 $839,247.76


    Capital Stock $ 91,600.00

    Surplus and Profits _ 29,118.00

    DEPOSITS 718,529.76




    JANUARY 13, 1914.


    Loans and discounts Overdrafts Real Estate owned Furniture and Fixtures United States Bonds Exchanges Cash and due from banks

    $644,516.40 7,364.00 4,200.00 9,966.12

    25,000.00 11,821.98


    Capital Surplus Profits net Circulation Bond Account Dividends unpaid Deposits

    $ 100,000.00 11,000.00 12,041.93 25,000.00 10,000.00

    25,00 715,931.70

    JAMES L. LITTLE, President F. G. JAMES, Vice-President W. E. PROCTOR, Vice-President F. J. FORBES, Cashier

    Coward wooten Drug Co. LWmj Omif *b d S-Jmai

    O/i/v the Bat


    bud in Oi




    CREAM Sussriw to *r&.

    All ,Wu Femnftn IMlnk,

    Toilet Article:

    Fell Urn a/ Stallnnuy,

    Conklln Fountain Pens,

    Kodak Supplk*

    Sttfi Coward-Wooten Drug Co. GnmtfU. N. C.rtli..


    Parmele Industrial Institute PARMELE. NORTH CAROLINA

    F-' Tli; IC*JBJft f Colored Youihs

    Courses in Domestic Science, Music, and Agriculture. Tuition free to teachers and tho^e who are planning to teach in Pitt. M "tin. and Edgecombe Counties. Healthy location, splendid

    n\i!road facilities. For further information, write.

    William Claudius Chance, President & Founder.

    .&yO Lanterns Strong amd Durable

    For Fishing, Camping, and Hard Use under All Condition*.

    Give steady, bright light Easy to light Easy to clean and rewick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak.

    At dealer* everywhere

    STANDARD OIL COMPANY Waahlnaton. D. C. Richmond. V- Norfolk. Vm.

    (New Jer.er) BALTIMORE

    Charlotte. N. C Charleaton. W. V. Charleston. S. C

    MOON SOTICE! Salr of Valuable Snail Tract ef Lead.

    ON MO.NIJAV. FKUKUARY 2nd. 1K14. It being the First Monday ir. K.-liruary at 12 o'clock m at the court house door In Greenville, I liall offi-r for sale, to tlie highest bid- der the following described tract of land in Greenville township, I'itt county, beginning at a titako on the road, then south 76 1-2 K.. to the canal; then with said canal to Joe Teel's line, thence with said Teel's line and with a ditch to said road. then the street or road, north r.7 K 22 poles; then south 15 K. 21 poles to fie road, north 57 K. 22 poles; then j St :. 15 E. 21 poles to the beginning containing 45 acres, more or less Also live acres, known as the Piney woods land, sold to John Hard.. I 1 H. Ii. Brown, tho said land being known as a part of the H. W. Brown lands. This land Is in a high state of cultivation, with all ncceesary ten- ant houses.

    This land Is to be oold for the purpose of making division between the owners.

    Terms of sale: One-third cash, bal- ance In one and two years time.

    This Jan. 17. 1914. C. C. PIERCE.

    20 ltd 2tw

    You Need a Tonic There are limes in every woman's life when she

    needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time conies to you, you know what tonic to takeCardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com- posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you.

    You can't make a mistake in taking

    CARDUI The Woman's Tonic

    Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.' Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers.

    Has Helped Thousands. IIIII

    LAM) SALE. By virtue of a decree of the 6u

    perior court of Pitl county in tlie ease of Launa Haddock, widow, ft. K. W. Smith, admr.. et als., the un deraigned commissioner will ofTer fo- sule bofer the court house door '.n Greenville on Monday, February 2nd. 11114, the following described tract Of land; Situate In the county of Pitt and in Chlcod township, that tract of land lying on the east side of Fork swamp, hounded on the north by the lands of F. A. Haddock, on the sontl. by the lands of Mrs II. L. Cox r.nd others, containing 200 acres more or

    i lees, and being the same tract of land

    JiOTH E OF SALE. North Carolina. Pitt County. In the Superior Court. Before

    C. Moore. Clerk. Leila E. Williams (Skinner) Ad-

    ii'im-tratrix of the estate of B. F. Williams

    vs. Verla Wllllaats. and Leila Williams, minors and heirs at law of E. F. \\illlan.s. deceased.

    Hv virtue of a ibcri nf the su- perior court of Pitt county made by 11 ('. Moore, clerk of the superior court ol Pitt county, on the 23rd day of December. 1913, in the above en- tltled eanse the undersigned com- i:ii.-,M"iii-r will on Monday, the 2nd day of March, 1914, expose to pub- lic sale before the court house door in Greenville, to tho highest bidder for cash, the following described Li acts or parcels of land, to-wlf.

    "Lying and being In Falkland township, Pitt county. North Caro- lina and being lt. No. 3. in the di- vision of tlie H. P. Williams land and beginning at a stake on the Snow Hill road near tlie crossing of Pasture Brand; and running with said road north 58, east 34 poles, than north 45 1-2. east 8 poles, then north 29. cast 14 1-2 poles to the bridge across a ditch, than with said ditch south 56, west 12 poles to a sweat gum. T. L. and K. F. Williams' corner, then south 41. east 68 poles to a Poplar In a prong of Jacob's north 47 1-2. east 25 poles to a stake, then south 80 1-2, west to a White Oak. thence north 41, west 117 poles to the beginning, containing 38 1-2 acres more or less."

    "Also one other tract in said town- ship, county and state and beginning at a stake Emma J. Dupree's corner and runs south 1 3-4. west 100 piles

    | to a Popular in a prong of Jacob's Branch, then down the run of Ja- cob's Branch to a stake, corner of W. R. Williams. Jr., then with his line north 1 3-4, east 100 poles to a stake at Emma J. Dupree's corner,

    ast 45 poles to Uie

    Local Company Continues lo Attract Attention Through

    The Southland

    conveyed to John H. Haddock by Mary A. Haddock, and belns the land up. then south SO 1- on which John R. Haddock resided I beglnntaf, conu at the time of his death. Terms cf sale: one-half cash, balance in twelve months.

    This January 12th. 1914. R. W. SMITH. Commlssione.-

    NOTICE. i The firm of I). G. Moore and Com !

    pany, Composed of D, G. Moore an 1 j. j, Elks, doing a general mercan- tile business at Grimeslaud, N. C.I has this day dissolved by mutual consent pt said two partners, Mr. i>. (I. Moore having sold his Interest III the business to K. M. Blfcs, and th* business will hereafter be conducted under tho firm name of J. J. Elks and Bro.

    All persons indebted to the old firm of 1). G. Moore and Company will make payment to J. J. Elks and Bro. and all persona holding claims again-1 the said iirm of J. J. Elks snf.Cr tho said firm of D. G. Mooro and Company will present their claims to J. J. Elks for payment, he having cally described as follows:


    By virtue of a power of sale con- tained In a certain mortgage deed executed and delivered by K. D. Ha- zel mid wife Martha Hazel, to H. 1 Williams dated the 1st day of Janu- ary 1011, and recorded In the regis- ter's office In Pitt county, In booh E-10, page 357, the undesigned, will on MONDAY, tho 0th day of FEB- RUARY, 1914, at 12 o'clock NOON expose to public sale, before the court house door In Greenville, to the high- est bidder, for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land to-


    Situated in Chlcod township, Pitt county, North Carolina, and specill-

    I door in sale, tWO February cash.

    assumed and promised to pay same.

    This January 9th, 1914. D. G. MOORE), J. J. ELKS, R. M. ELKS.

    1 9 ltd Stw


    NOTICE. North CarolinaPitt county. In tlie superior courtJanuary

    term, 1914. Suillc Adams vs. David Adams.

    The defendant David Adams will herewith take notice that a summons has been Issued out oC the office oi the clerk of the superior ( rt ol I'iti county, rsqulrlni Mm t" be preseni to defend a suit Instituted by nil Wits Budte AdamS for divorce anil that he will lake notion that II h does not appear nil or li.-lorc tin- Bra Monday or March. 1014, being Un u;ih day of that month ami answer .,r demur to the compliilnt llled by the plaintiff In this office, or the plaintiff "in be mniti-d the releasi sought.

    Thh tnnuarj 11th, mn. D. C. MOOKK,

    Clerk Superior Court

    Beginning at a etake, Isaac Hell's corner on the Laiighinghouse road and runs will' Hell's line north 24 1-2. east 192 DOlOl said Bell's corner, also corner of the T. C. Cannon land; thence with the Cannon lino s. 5. w. IH poles to stake and gum pointers In Dam Branch: thenco S. 879 4-5 poles ti a stake with holly and pino polnt- irs, Bailie Proctor's corner; thence With her line S. 34 3-4 W, S3 poles to 8. G. Wenthcrlngtnn's corner on the Laughlngbouse road; thence with said road N. 31, W. 66 poles to the I.ginning, containing 4", acres more or less, and is the Hani'- land deeded to K. 1>. Hazel by H. J. Williams, on this the 1st day of January. 1913.''

    This sale Is made to satisfy tin

    terms of said mortgago deed. This the 9th day of January, 1914

    H. J. WILLIAMS. Mortgager HARDING A PIERCE, Attys. 1 10 ltd Jtw


    Under Mortgage. By virtue of the power and author-

    ity given by a certain mortgage deed executed by C. L. Barrett and wife. Nora L. Barrett, to J. R. Garrctt, which Is recorded In the office of the register of deeds for the county of Pitt, In book L-10, page 485, the fol- lowing property will be sold nt pub- lic auction, vis:

    A certain house and lot In the town of Farmvllle, N. C. hounded on the east by Main street, on the south by the graded school lot, on tho west by'the Belcher heirs land, on the north by the lands of W. H, Wilkin- son, and known as the Nora L. Bar- rett house and lot and containing one acre more or less.

    Place of sale, court houv Greenville, N. C. Timo of o'clock P. m. Wednesday, 26th, 1914, Terms of sale,

    This January 20th. 1914. j. R. GARRETT. Mortgagee,

    WINSTON & MATTHEWS, Attorneys

    1 U2 4tw

    LAND SAI.R. By virtue of the power nf sale con-

    tained In a certain mortgage execut- ed and delivered by Geo. A. Knox and wife to Ida L. Knox to W. C. James on the 30th day of December. 1907, which mortgage was duly re- corded In tho office of register ol deeds of Pitt county In hook Q-8, page 363, the undersigned will sell for cash before the court house door in Greenville, on Tuesday, February 24th, 1914, at 2:00 p, m. a one-half undivided Interest In the following described tract of land: "That tract of land In Bethel otwnshlp, adjoin Ing the lands of Reuben James, Jr, Sallie A. Matthews and others, con- taining by estimation 45 acres more or los.i. and being the land Inherited b> Ida L. Knox from her mother Ro- ll,n s A. BsrrlS, said interest being Subject to the life estate of Theophe- lus Bryan, said land known as the Rebecca A. Harris tract ol land,'' To satisfy said mortgage.

    W. 0 JAMES Mortgagee. V. Q, JAMES a SON. Attys. i i':: ltd ltw

    or less. The two tracts constituting Lot No. 3 In the division of H. P. Williams' lands, which was allotted to E. F. Williams by division deed dated the 14th day of June. 1907. as appears of record in the register's of- fice In Pitt county in book T 8, page

    528". This sale will be made for the pur-

    pose of making assets of the estate of E. F. Williams, deceased, and said sale will also include the dower In- terest of Leila E. Williams (Skinner), widow of the said E. F. Williams and the purchaser at said sale will take the entire fee simple title, clear of all encumbrances.

    This the 23rd day of January. 1914 F. C. HARDING. Commissioner.

    HARDING & PIESCE, Attorneys,

    1 28 Id 3tw

    The exti-n-ii'ii - i- quite bus] under the hat of the officers of the Atlantic Coast Realty Company, and :i is a common occurrence- to read rrtlcles in papers trom several dif- I -rent States tilling of the visit ol the company to their town. The fol- lowing article is taken from the AuguMa, (Ga.) Herald:

    The latest innovation is the "Ca- taret on Wheels'' as demonstrated in the Augusta inion Station Saturday, when the private car "Mary Lou' containing officers of the Atlantic

    Coast Realty Company, of Greenvill, H. C, departed on the Southern Railway's Southeastern Limited a' 2:25 p. m. for the north.

    The officers of the Realty Company have been traveling over the south.

    stopping ut certain points where they have had large auction sales oi both farm and city properties. They spent i.ie day in Augusta looking Into cer- tain real estate matters here. It was Lie first visit of some of the officers to Augusta and they were greatly Im- pressed with the beauties of the city and its epl'-ndld advantages of loca- tion, climate, etc.

    Those in the party included Messrs. J w. Ferrell, president; E V. Ferrcll. rice president; W. L I'. rr.il. rice president: W. 7. Mor- ion, secretary; H. M. White, treasur- er. Burton brothers, auctioneers, and the Atlantic Coast Realty Company :-. 1-sUr band of ten pieces under di- rection of Professor Coble.

    The band feature will serve to fur- nish passengers on this Southern Railway train the "cabaret on wheels", as stated, as there were sev- eral In the party with good voices. No doubt the time Will soon come when the cabaret, vaudeville and other forms of entertainment on limited trains of the great railway

    the I'nited States will become a rmanent feature for the attraction

    of passenger travel.

    Every leek Brings Them Ou! for Various Offices



    ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrato1.

    ii the estato of H. T. Oglesby, de ceased, late of the county of Pitt State "i North Carolina, this Is t3 notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned o.i or before the 10th day of Januar] 1916, or this notice will be pleaded ii- bar ot their recovery.

    All persons indebted to the lat< If T. Oglesby will make prompt pay- n :it to the undersigned.

    '.his 9th day or January. 1914. J. T. SKINNER,

    Admr, estate ot H. T. Oglesby, Dec I in ltd Stw

    Information was received here tliir morning that the fifteen year old son f Mr. Levy Corbett, who resides the neighborhood of Grlmesland had the misfortune on Saturday to have a gun to discharge in his hands while lie was attepting to take 1; from a rack over a door and the entire load entered his arm Just about the elbow. Physician was at once summoned and after examina- tion found it impossible to save the ; rm, consequently it had to be am-


    Minimum Wage l'r Wi'tnen Workers. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 2.Actlns

    ' in the belief that a seW-respectlng | woman cannot live in comfort on | leas than MO " month or work to her full efficiency if employed more than 51 hours a week, the Industrla" Welfare Commission today put Into effect a ruling establishing tin- min- imum wage and hours of labor for woman Office workers in this elt) Two thousand women are affected bj the ruling, the list of employments Including stenographers, bookfceci - era, Office Clerks and cashiers stores, moving picture theatres other establishments,


    (I. JAMBS 18 ltd Jtw

    It SON, Attys.

    1 15 4tw n - TT

    Por Weakness and Loss of Appetite TlirOM simi.lm.l nfril lirnfthenlns tool*, llllllVK'S TATKI.HH chill TUNIC, drina mil Malaria anrt hiillja 111 th" evatem. A Imp lonu A auie Appcliacr. Pol lultaand children. 30c.

    r'lcrtrl-iil rsnUaMSWI Oriranl/.r.

    WATKRI.OO, la.. Feb. I.Electri- cal contractors front nearly all of the leading cities ard towns of lows gathered In convention hero today] for tho purpose of forming a state ais..-lailoir, The uew organliatb 11' will be affiliated with the Nations Electrical Contractors' Aasoclstlon


    OW EMBARRASSING Nothing is more em- barrassing than to be constantly throwing

    off gaa.

    Tutt's Pills will atop it and at the same ASn\-a m''i

    tweet antf ye your breath

    sweet ana your .nm clear. At your druggist sugar coated or plain.

    There Is a question that BUISllk

    the whole world, and that Is why , some people even eilst?

    Leading Feature In Mew York's Soda! Beaten.

    NEW YORK, Feb. 2. in the name of charity Society will don its pret- tiest frocks and dance to its merriest tunes next Thursday evening at the Waldorf-Astoria, With the comfort- able assurance tucked away down in the heart that a worth) deed is to ii. performed In a manner Infinitely agreeable to the dispenser of charlt] the avodage Bocletj person will start oul for the ball In a he ivi nly frame ol mini of complete satisfaction with blmsolf ami his neighbor, which i Itself :- :i Mire guarantee of the pleas- ant evening which Invariably is ex pi rieiici ii on these ' islons.

    For upwards ot hall -i century the 1 harlty Ball has been one of the leading features ot New York's so clal season, During the whole of this long period the pr eds of the sn i. rtalnmi nl have b i n devoted to the prods of the Kursen and Child's Hos- pital, one of tin oldest charltabh orj inlsatlona In N Lork. The ball Ibis year promises to be as lirilli.iiil si any "f its pradi cessors, it i* bop ,-i. thai the president's wife and daughters iii come on from Wash-

    ..1 gad there will be present of- fi,-.v u f;-,,ni Qovemorj island and the navy yard, who with their 11: Iformi always add to the brilliancy of the occarlon.

    It's easier to hide your light un-

    der i bushel than t.i keep your sbailv

    side dsrk.

    Brothers Fare Trial for Murder. BCRANTON, Pa.. Feb. 2-The most

    Important case to come up at th- term of court which convened here today is that of Antonio and Frank Viola, who are under indictment for the murder of Philip La Ross at Nay Aug on December n last. An- tonio Viola Confessed to hating kill- ed Ia Rosa when he was arrested ir. New York shortly after the erimi

    .-.ii! tbal in his confession he Implicated his brother, Prank Viola. but the latter maintains thai knows nothing of the crime

    >ew Bern Oilicers Pulled till a Mick One on About 200 RcglSts

    Wb Catted at the F\- press Office.

    MOW BBRN, Ben. I.Then is probably no section of the state aiore fertile with candidates for the >a- rtous . ffioes than the third district. I' became known today that another candidate will this week announ-e that he is in the race for the eolici- toiship of the superior court o the district This is .1. Paul Frizioll ol Snow Hill. Mr. Prtasell has not BHMte his formal announcement, tui bis

    friends say this will be forthcoming during the next day or two.

    A letti r received hen todaj Irom Mr and Mrs. Thur'.ow Allen Keams, ol High Point, who weie nun red in this city last wednesdaj night told how narrowly tiny missed beiBf on the lllfated steamer Monroe when she went down early Friday iiiornini Mr, and Mrs. Keanis left New Hern Thurs day morning en route lo Norfolk, and from there it was their Intention In sail for New Y'ork. Arrangi n;. I it ' for passage on the Monroe had keen made and the bride was BUXlO 19 to make the trip by that route. In her letter to friends here she stated lhat Mr. Keams was averse to making the trip by boat, .'earing that he would be- come seasick and that he finally per- suaded her to go by rail and theii pas- sage on the Monroe was cam lied. Friends and relatives lure felt mncll concern for their safety When in ' of the disaster first reached this City

    After several weeks of delay, during Which time a large amount of erk has accumulated, United States Mar- shal W. T. Dortcb has appointed . de- puty marshal for this district. The new deputy Is Charles Ange, a well known citizm of Jacksonville On- slow county. This position for- mally held by Samuel Lilly, a Republi.au. and when Mr, III rich took charge of this offlee Mr Ullj au- tomatically went out

    Monday afternoon the much talked shout saae in which the I'nited States government is suing the Norfolk- Southern railroad for alleged liola- tion of the rivers and harbors a. I by l-lo.-kiiig Newport river between ' h.-ad City and Beaufi rt with 'I drawbridge, will be taken up Theee alleged vlolatii n ured durlni II latter part of 1913 and thi goven i nl has i" witnesses to hold up theli i of the case. 'I'!-1 i ompnny's i ridge tender at Morehi ad Cltj was i-v ceil under arrest n rew days ago ai i brought to New Bern and required to gitc bond for his i'1'l" '' '' u,m' tiny afternoon,

    During the past wei mo i than 20Q negroes who wi nl to the loi al ol lu-e of the Southern Express Compi... tc purchase money orders to send for whiskey and also those who wen) there to receive shipments ol u-ii> which had previously bei ii ordered were placed under arrest and token before Mayor Haiig.-rt. where tl.e.v were given a hearing in a .barge --f vagrancy, it the negroes provi it-..t ill. > were employed they will be al- lowed to go; it not they were seal to the count) roads tor a period ol 80 days, since the authorities began such a (Igorous crusade against Ihi vagrants and those who were believ- ed to be encaged in the "blind It- I uslnees, the local mills and manuiai - Hiring plautS have had im Hoiilb ill

    , ing all the labor thai thi y teuld veil handle

    in and



    in .1. l-l Marsh, who mine here about elghl months ago and open

    i ,i gn throughout the co, ti ., . rts ol il"' i nvml Ion

    mate Uinl the n dm lion In Iw sverai boul seventeen per rcnl The '' -iirni Ion" ordi r for red I

    - also reqnln i Ihi i pri - companies to on -, I) "Itb i ni > - gulatloni for Imi iw ) i nil- ,ii service.


    Atlantic CwSt Lint. North Hound Bolth BOttaf

    No. 58 8:18 a. m. No, 72 1:18 p. U No 72 5:22 p. m. No. 5S 6:30 p i-

    Norfolk Southern. Kast Bound West Bound

    No. 4 1:02 a, ni. No. 3 3:19 a. n> No. 2 8:32 a. ui. No. 17 7:'5 a. m No. 18 :35 p. m. No 1 5:02 p. a

  • 9



    Publlahed by MB atH.H IOB COHPAM, 1Mb

    U 1 WH1CHARU. Editor. UttliNVlULK. ..OKTH CAROLINA.

    ubr>rl.->Uou. ue ysar, . . Il.oo It uiontne 60

    AlJveiiiaif rules ma; be bad upon application at tbe business office in Tba Redactor Buildlug, corner Kvaus Slid T.iird streets

    All cards of tbauas acd resolution! ft respect will be charged Ijr it 1 eeut per word

    Coinniuuleatioua advertising caudl- aai.-a will be charged f-ir at three o ..- per line, up to Bfty lines

    Kulered as second class matter August 20. 1*10. si the post office a; Orc-uvUle. North Carolina, undei act of March 3. 1879.

    FRIDAY, piCliRI ARY ; 1911

    Kren i dead husband gl I .. wide gome advantage over an old maid o

    To a nan love la onlj a aide dish n i woman it's tin whole feasf

    Traveling people who used to dodge Qreeattlle lor want of ncconunodv tioa, are glad to stop here now. S)

    much lor a modern hotel.

    BU is THI: UODtVT. If our memory is correct, it has

    b. aa no great while e-inee Wilson

    was looked upon as a model of mu

    nieipal ownership of public utilities,

    February looks just like it i, get * ****** "K1" s*" Kas Bald

    ting read* to begin some mtttrX bo yielding handsome revenue stunt In pimlicatior. of the ground the town. Now we see from cor-

    respond .> in the Raleigh Times,

    that Wilson's lighting plant Is in a

    We are la favor or women roUaa 1,;"' w- iUUl a s"'""!: '-""""'"l l if thej want to. Bui in Nortli Car-1 "Prat* .1 among the foremost dti-

    oitna verj feu ol Ihem have Urn:."*** * the town In sell the plain and quit the) iiumiiipal ownership

    .illslm : I

    This leads us to say 0OCS more


    HUM HUH IH> YOI 1MV l'Ol'K


    In the February Woman'* Home

    Companion appears a most inleiest-

    iiig discussion of women in business

    The following extract from the dis-

    cussion shows how business women

    are paid definitely for their work aim

    how most housewives recciw- DO dm

    inite compensations (or their labors at home:

    Something .i- said i while back about a decline In the wholesale that every municipal!!) ol any con-

    Iherc is no ev-|*Q.uence ought to n* oommla- Ion form of government to look af- ter every department ol public ad tclnlatratloBi Thl waj of leaving thi

    ipcnditure ol large MUMS of money

    It's harder to got around a wlf i Ui IMI i -i " > - ' . mi i

    Cape Horn without a compass


    it la an old saying that "every dog

    haa his day.'' And so does the crourd

    hog have his today for Inatai


    Poverty is only a retatii ! affali

    aftea all; ii I* x minus the things

    you want.

    Y. n don't know how mui h \ on

    must know in order i,. know how

    little you do know.


    It is said that money is the root

    f all evil, but the ark of it is a

    greater evil .

    Hen used to marry good rooks ant'

    dirt uith chorua girls: now they : air. < horns girls ind hire g3od


    ii the scan li i-.- made -.:o! an'

    i HI -. the lair of some mori "blind

    tig .'i an be dlsi losed. They uro doiu ' business.

    Hai dly a day passes on w hich

    II ,. . a.i .i.'

    comment that North Carolina has

    Thing? we are looking lor

    ruary snows, monument on the .our:

    house square, free delivery of malls,

    and tlr iville in tho lineup of the been able to got the large share t'

    Mi-lorn Carolina League. One al recognition that has conn- in appoinl- a time please.

    A mws dispatch from New York .-ays there are 331 men "in ol

    employment in that city, .lu.-i think

    of .sue]! a number ol people utavine

    in idleness around a larfc city, whei

    in the south there i- plent) ol -..irk

    ai [air wages for nil i nl ' o

    (in his return homi Monday. Mr. (Jround Hog must hnve taken ihe wroig patli cr got mixed up with ime oi Greenville's blind tiger whls- i j and fell by the uaysldc as tin r< Is no ilgnv of tliosi 'old wintry i\y.



    golaW are i - i arlng -i dometers attai heil to their gar- ters in order thai they may not p ped thi speed limit, Wonder who

    i:ih mi the speed.' o

    It Ii, bi n argui i thai "Paddy a ma- llllne name". We 111 I gill tl.al Pad i n I itia.-i ulin lit)

    wouldn't say a word thai would mak<

    the holies- think we wen tall

    aboul them.

    ineiil-. This would not hav. he. n so but for the standing of our sen ators and representatives. It takes a congressman a long time to make much reputation and command much Influence and when Nortli Carolina haa a delegation that takes such high rank a at present, it is time to hi well enough alone.

    We are reminded to say this now from seeing the announcement that II. li Varner, editor of the Lexing- ton Dispatch, is Fending out "feelers' In his district, asking an expression from Hi,:, receiving the letters a-

    to hi- aspirations to run for con- The Charlotte Observer advises

    him very frankly not to do It, ;.

    . . O.. UI,

    as possible tor women at home as io:

    women in business. There is some

    talk aliout the 'parasitic' woman -the

    woman who accepts her living with

    many luxuries thrown .a

    nothing in return. Perhaps she ex-

    ists but not, we believe, in great or

    alarming numbers. The fact is the

    most women work, either at home o

    outside. One of the great difference!

    in the kind of work women do is th

    kind of pay they get. Wage-earning

    women get actual money to put li

    their pockets, and Ihcre Is an intox-

    ication about the possession of your

    own funds that Is not quite like any

    thing else. As one business Woman

    expressed it: 'You can buy tine cloth i ing and go hungry, or buy delieat

    food and go naked, or give your mon- ey away and go both hungry and nak-

    ed if ,.ou like. You are. in your sma'l

    way, a god. I don't know that there

    is nothing better than earning your

    own living; what I do know is that

    pay day is a good day. even if it's

    all owing.'

    "The average woman who works at

    home Is still In the stage of exchange

    and barter with no medium of ex-

    change to measure values with.

    There are 6omc parts of the country

    I where you may pay "in kind;' where

    you may offer to the peddler who 1 comes to your door eggs In exchange ! for calico. The trouble with tin

    home worker is that no matter how

    many eggs she ofTors she gets the

    same amount of calico. She may

    work hard and long and wisely, she

    i has her living for her work. She

    may work sluckly and briefly and

    fbollshly, she Rtill has her living t' '

    her work. Tho kind of living depends 1 The kind of living she gets depends

    upon the skill and the zeal and I

    extent of her husband's work, n I

    hers. Usually she gets something

    else along with the living that pays

    ; sometimes she doesn't Be that as

    it may, a certain share in the inde-

    pendent spending of actual money

    enjoyed by l.cr husband will mak,

    a woman'a work, however hard, Been:

    less futlli more worth while; will

    i give her a feeling of self-rospeet ana

    i dignity that a supplicant of funds can

    never pCSMia." I


    The captains of both the Monroe

    and the Nantucket, tho two steam-

    i rs in the disastrous collision off the Virginia coast last Friday morning

    have had their say. and if the state-

    ments had been made by people on

    Oppi Bite sides of the globe they

    could not have hardly been further

    apart, F.ach captain claims that the

    other wn at fault, and nothing short

    o.m: rp tiiiRtii TO SLEKP 1.ATK SI'MUY.

    In the February Woman's Home

    Companion, Uruee Hart, a writes an

    int-nsely interesting article entitled

    Why Fifty Women do not go to

    Church." Mr. ltartun wrote to sev-

    eral hundred representative women J

    living in widely different localities.

    a-king for a frank expression of opin-

    ion. The letters he received In reply

    form the basis of two articles, the lirst oi Which la the one referred to

    above. The second which Is to ap

    pear later is called "Why Fifty Wo-

    men do go to Church".

    Oil" of the letters published is trom

    a woman named Mrs. White who.

    with her husband. William, used to

    live on a farm and go to church in

    the nearest towna town of 4,600

    population. Recently her husband

    gave up life on tho farm and bought

    la hardware store in the town. Sine,

    i then the church bells have rung in

    I vain, so far as the Whites are con

    jcerned, and following is Mrs. White's


    "We meant to continue as regular

    attendants at the M. K. church, but

    town life is different from our old

    life on the farm. There we were

    hunrrry for society and welcomed the

    opportunity that the Sunday morn -

    ing service gave; there, too, our time

    w-as largely our own. Now Sunday

    morning is the only time we can

    hleep. My husband is in the store all day and until late Saturday nlglu

    aud it is really a pleasure to sit

    down at homo and not have to hurry.

    I Then, too, when evening conies we

    have the excuse that It Is our only

    evening at homo together. There are

    things I'd like to see done different-

    ly in the churches, hut our difiieul-

    ty Is not lack of faith, but lank of

    time and energy.

    "The old habit dies bard In M

    White: she still feels a twinge of

    conscience at every stroke of thi

    Sunday morning hell; aha is careful

    not to be seen at the window while

    the church procession Is wendijig

    its halting way past her house, lest

    the other members of the Clio Club

    of which she is -secretary, should see

    her in week-day clothes, and should

    criticize. Hut it came to be a ques-

    tion With her between William ami

    the church, between the day of rest

    with him and the children, and a day

    broken into three useless parts by twi church services. She chose William

    and the restand there are two seal -

    In the M. E. church which probably

    will not be occupied again, except a

    Christmas time or Faster."


    Kverybody goes to school in his

    early life, at the time when lie h.i.-

    little means of knowing the practical

    value ol the Instruction he receives.

    Consequently a great many persons

    make small progress In their common

    boo] work anil not until their ma-

    of a thorough official investigation lure years do they realize tho folly

    even if that can do so, will disclose they displayed In neglecting their

    the responsibility of the sinking ofI early opportunities.


    (Raleign News and Observer)

    Strong men are always tho need

    when legislation, state or national

    is to be undorlaken, and no legis-

    lative body comes Into existence but

    that there Is a call for men of bralnB

    experience, wisdom.

    There is a rumor, so it is learned

    from the Salisbury Post, that ex-

    Governor Thomas J. Jarvis hi to be

    a member of the next Ueneral As-

    sembly. In giving voice to this ru-

    mor the Post well says: "We trust

    that he will he, and many more of

    like character and experience, for If

    there ever was a time when the

    state need's such men in the assem-

    bly it will be next year. We hope that

    every county in the state will send

    such a man as Governor JarvisU

    near a Jarvis as it possesses, for

    they will be needed. The Post has

    more than once mentioned this mat-

    ter und we are going to insist that

    Rowan send men of big brains and

    wide experienceso ought every oth-

    er county."

    If there is any possibility that Pitt

    county can induce Governor Jarvis

    to represent it, that would be a lino

    thing for the state, for the disting-

    uished ex-governor libs up to the re-

    quirements of brains, experience, wis-

    dom. As a member of the state's

    legislative body he would be able to

    he of great service to the state. He

    is a man in whom all North Caro- lina has confidence for he haa dem-

    onstrated in a long life of service

    that he seeks the best for the State,

    The next general assembly will need

    ill it the ablest men to be found m

    the state, and nil the counties should

    select the best men to be found. The

    host man. let It be said, will not al-

    ways be the man who seeks the po-

    sition, but in each county then

    should be a drafting of the men whose

    fitness has been shown. If we read the signs aright there will he need-

    ad more railroad rate legislation In

    the general assembly of 1915, anr,

    the important matters which will b,

    brought to the front by the amend-

    men's to the constitution will re

    quire legislation,

    Indod, the state |n the next gen-

    eral assembly will need the services

    I Its very strongest men. and that

    county which does not send buch wi!1

    be Etanding In its own light. Then

    should be a concerted action throng*

    out all the slate to see that (here

    arc men in the next general assembly

    who can grupple with and handle

    the big questions which are to arise

    Next year Is not the time for th,

    man who is simply seeking a seal

    In I In halls of legislation.

    If I'itt county listens to the vole-

    of Ihe state, and ox-Governor Jarvis

    will accept, he is already elected

    Othe- counties should elect men ol

    the same high type.

    the Monroe. At the same time some- thing should bo done to Insure great

    Regardless of his assertion that h

    . d not hold another office, ii ' ' ' impalgn will hold out to bin

    Governor Jarvis could be prevailed,,,tUo '"'i11' "f success. The r.;

    upon to he a momber iii tin- next. friends oi editor Varner feel prae

    Hut ninny even of the persons who

    sludied while in school seem to think

    : ral assembly it would be Ihe besl thing for Pitt count) and for the siate that haa eomo In som time, Solid him as senatoi for Pin county.

    IT is NIP \M Hi h. Th.- Raleigh Times gels this 0

    li th, expense Of Rocky Mount:

    tlcally the same way about It. In

    fact evei) me..*.l'er of the North Car-

    olina delegation . i mild be re-elected

    Tl i i are yol many administrative

    measure- and reforms to be enacted,

    if in> Democratic party is to have

    a long lease cf power, and it is not a

    line- Hi turn down experienced, use-

    ful m i lust ber.uie ether* want

    There are two classes ol pcopl

    this town one that pushes and keep; going ahead the other Is ths one that always leg- behind and trio- i , knock every thing and every bodj Whii h i lass are you In .'

    . o \e Hanovei county win hold II

    primary about the middle of March io nominate candidates for the leg- islature and county offices. That quite " ls 6,-'nt to "le 1""'"'- Wfty-two K. Austin Issues a yearnot twelve, Moro

    nailing than is found in any monthly magazine at any price.

    You may not know The Companion as it Is today. Let us send you three Current Issues free, that you may thoroughly test the paper's quality.

    served by Me.~il.imos M. II. Qjuinor- added much pleasure to the evening i nn(j j{. o. Jeffrcss. by rendering musical selections and readings.

    At live o'clock the guests depart- ed declaring Miss Smith a Charming hostess.

    Crocia'S Italian band played ,.oli music throughout the afternoon.

    The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkley St.. Boton, Mass.

    New Subscription! Received at this


    .MNM'Al. MEETING When the callers had all gone the

    receiving party were seated in the dining room and served an apetiz-

    .,....,, llTlf... ,1F , ,N [to Mlad ,,""VIWlowwi by Bweeta. , Mulun| Kir(. ,n,lir8nc tbaUs two mouths.. Jail keep m on the Johaml Iwi'l F.*V you a >>i|f lot of trut fertilizer tuoney. If yOQ want to know all bout this i ,|.i>~: rotting, a^ well an Foraying -.I r>rTveut?o,J hog PhoJtva, writ* - Had I.e...," 61- .V Pcci..... BtTVtA, Hi. Uii>, M., and I'll tend yon a. little book, free, that tella how

    I am Red Devil Lye

    5 c. For BIG CANS Aim "i aa big na tboae ountlug: lOo. fttVK NT I tiitl.N.





    "!*. "'!! ..i..'-.

  • "-' '

    Unloading Car Hay And

    Car of Gilt Edge Flour

    J. R. & J. G. Moye


    We have just received a shipment of PYRENE Fire Extirguishers for au- tomobiles, garages arid homes.

    The Pyrene extinguisher is only three inches in diameter, fourteen inches high and weighs only five pound. It can be attached to any autc mobile and it also comes with a bracket attachment for the garage and home.

    It is approved by The National Ecatd cf Fiie Lrdtiviiiltrs ana will positi\

  • wi *-m- r i m SB

    "* tlbris*

    Imitators Take the Dust of

    ALWAYS IN THE LEAD For Colds, Croup a:id Pneumonia. Just rub it on.

    Thousands! : t< stimonials from tliose who have used it. Money back if not as rtpresentid

    1 b:iv. Brandels of i'"*- ton, and Hrederlch P. Fish, former iri-.iil nt of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company

    The question as to what constitutes unreasonable restraint of trade, as to whether holding companies snd interlocking directorates should he prohibited and as to how the Sher- man law requlrei doflnitlon arc to be discussed,

    In addition to the trust probknT the meeting will give attention to the currency and Income tax hiws and the development of the foreign trade of the I'nited States following tho opening of the Panama canal Charles A. Prouty of the Interstate Commerce Commission will tell the delegates of tho work Involved ill caking a physical valuation of the railroads nnd Secretory Wilson of tho Department of I.abor Is down for an address nn the relations of his depnrtment to Indutrle and coin- n,- :

    Murk to Hegin al (luce. Aii'dlicr I mi- tract to be let in the >car Pa-

    tare let Nome Other lliiihliiigs.

    Yesterday being the day advertis-

    ed for the opening of the bids for tho

    erection of the Greenville Cotton

    Mills in the southwestern part of tie

    city, about a dozen contractors, In-

    cluding several from ether cities and states were stationed near the offices cf the company, to await the returns trom their respective bids.

    It revrrcd the better part of the day for th* officials to go over the cs- tlmntes, and at a late hour in tlie afternoon the Gallivan Building Com- pany, of Greenville, S. ('.. was award- ed the contract for the main build- ings. The price being in the neigh- borhood of thirty-five thousand dol- lars. This leaves still another con- tract to he let, that being for th tenant bouses and several other nee-1 essary buildings, a power plant and tho machinery to equip the mill throughout. We understand this will hi done at as early date as possble

    The contract of yesterday calls for a building 316x80 feet With an I. 70x80, Also a storage warehouse ol 75xin feet, in addition to this then is to in- a reservoir holding one hun- dred and fifty thousand gallons ol Water, with a tank flfty feet in the air with the capacity of 50.000 gal- lons Work is to begin at once and Is to he completed by the latter part of the summer.

    Next Saturday will be t day ol mere tl an o dinar) Interest In Greenville and a large crowd i> expected to b i', re ii is the d iv for the n gular monthly meetings ol the Para

    Ion and also ol lie Ti a A. . L-iutlon. in addition to this it is the date for a Farm, ra Institute, it i also thi time for holding civil serrici

    tamlnatlous for fourth-class ; I asters and rural route carriers.

    The Fanners Instil its will prove of interest to the public generally, Lecturers from the stati department of agrii ultura at Raleigh will hold these institutes and discussions of farm operations, crops, live stock.

    II arketlng, household economies, home conveniences health in the home, edu- ction, etc., will ! niered into


    Royland Joyner, Was tlufleil at Business College

    wiifE nni\ in mm Young Joiner H< Well known

    Pitt lountv. Kiiiier.il Hill lake Place itii-i afternoon

    in r'aruiville.

    I These are all live topics and will be'tending

    discussed by practical men and men in a practii .ti way.

    At the afternoon session a ques- tion box will be opened and questions answered ill a round table discussion and it will he advlseable 10 take B

    >k to this session.

    A year's subscription to a woman's magattne wii be given to the woman over 20 years of age, living on a farm, who bakes and exhibit's the highest scoring loaf of bread. A v. ar n subscription to a magazine will als, be given to the girl under 20 yean ol age A-ho liv. - on a farm, exhibiting

    I the highest scoring loaf ol broad, Onlj on,- of the above pri?'-s will bo given In a family. A premium will also be uivi-n to the uirl from a rarm

    aklng ami exhibiting t'.- bi -t pone of 11 rn bread,

    At the present time laborers an at work moving several buildings on the company's property to clear a right of way for the laying of side tracks from the mills to the Norfolk Southern and Atlantic coast Line tracks. It is understood that this will lie Itnlshcd in the course of two weeks.

    The following contractors sub- mitted estimates yesterday:

    linker and Canuien. Greenville, N C.

    n. ii. Bnrbour, Norfolk Vs. Itlalock Pros., New Pern. N. C, York and Kvans. Greenville, N. C .1. I). Gramlv. Charlotte, N. C. li. K. Cecil, Lexington, N. C. l-'i-k Carter Construction Company.

    Carlotto, N. C. C. B. West. Greenville. N. C. Burwell Rlddlck, Greenville, N. C Alsop and PlertO, Newport News


    .New Mmnp-hlre Farmers' Meeting. CONCORD, N II, Feb. 11The

    tlr.st annual state agricultural con- vention of New Hampshire was held in this city today. The leading fea- tures of the program was an address by Prof. W. C. Coffoy of the Univer- sity of Illinois.


    ivn.i, BEET 1> IBREVILLE.


    The fourth annual convention ol the North Carolina Forestrv Al icia- tlon will be held in Aahevllle, N. C. on Wednesday and Thursday, April 8th and 9th, 1914. The Appalachian Park Association and the Ashevlllu Hoard ol Trade are lending their

    heart) co-operation, and no effort will he spared to make this one of the most interesting and largely attend- ed forestry meetings ever held in the south.

    The program in im ludi i ddri ssi h> prominent men on tin pro tlcal problems of the das and dl 'i en each subject open to all ii ;' will be called for

    The Bide trips of unusual are be- ing arranged for with the land own en In connection with tho mi I one a v isit to the celebrated plai' . d foresta of the Blltmon Kstnti n here tore-try was ii: si practiced In Hie I'nited Slates; anil thi - ind -. trip over the unique logging railroad Into the spruce forests on the sale of Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak tns" of the Rockies which are now be Ing logged.

    Such a program should be of equal Interest to foresters, lumbermen, landowners, and public men; and

    all who possibly can Should plan to attend

    The Grammar Grade division of the Teachers' Association will meet in the (licenville graded school building on Saturday morning fnbmar] " Hh. nt 10:80 o'clock. The follow- ing subjects will he dlvscussed.

    Sixth and Seventh Grade Geogra- phyMiss Powers.

    Certificates In Raral SchoolsMiss Tanker,

    Rssentlal Studies in Knglrsh Miss Brltt

    UKLIA SMITH, I'res

    RICHMOND, Peb 10. Roland M. Joynor, twenty-three years old, of

    Fiirmv ill,-. N. C who has been at- a local business college In

    uo'C'is city slnci January title committed suicide early today bj shooting him- self through the right templi With I 33-callbre revolver. Death was In- stantaneona. Joyner was in a room aloni at th

    time ami was parti) dressed. He had just finished eating a bowl ol oyaters stew when inmates of the place bearJ a pistol shot and upon rushing to his room found him dead on a bed.

    Iii .i wallet ill his coat pocket was B brief note written In ink. It read:

    "Tired of living. Felegraph Mrt I annie Joynt r. Farmvllle, N, c "

    Mrs. Joyner, it developed is the mother of tin --uii kic. Scribbled on tin- same slit et ol pap< r were several memorandum notes of phonographic records which Joyner had evidently either purchased recently or int- ni- d purchasing. The title ol I were: "You made Me Love 1 II. tl Have to Get I'ndcr, Gi l Out and Get I'ndi r." and "I'll Gel Y OU

    A pawn ticket in the wallet showed thai Jopn r had disposed of hts over- coat for several dollars. With whlah hi is suppost i to have bought tile pistol in- used iii taking his 111<

    Siiier coining to Richmond Joyuer had been rooming at l s,,':iii Fourth street, This morning when Joyner failed to show up at breakfast It was thought that he was Indisposed from

    cold, from which he had been suf- fering for sevt ral day.. It wi not until several houi - \nt* i ilinl news of the Mih id'- v' a- n I vc

    No icoti' e for I iii Id -- bi "i ascertained Joiner was t i ,happ) and n I n( d wth I la life, li I . a vias not known.

    Ilia bod) VIII ' ills carl) lonlghl

    Funeral This Ifternoou. FAUMVil.l.i-:. Feb. 10- News reach-

    ed here this morning thai Roland Jo)lor. second - of .'-' - C-vnnie I Joym r shot nlmsi if last ulght In Richmond, where he was .in nding Ma 11) Biistnt s College Ha li ft a note aylng he was tired of living lie was about JL' years of tgl Tho funeral will be he'd tomorrow after- noon, II will be recalled RJoiand was the star short stop on the farm- vine baaeball team of 1918, in which ho pulled off some sensational play'i

    | tin diamond Our town BI a tody, deeply svmpathize with his mother in such a sad hour.

    Sunday School Workers Me't. ANDERSON, s. c. Feb. 11.An

    tnny of Sunder
