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Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents

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  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    Rulebookon detailed contentsand foRmat of planningdocuments, as well as

    on cRiteRia foR landuse, elements of uRbanRegulation, and thestandaRdized gRaphicalsymbols

    ministRy of spatial planning and enviRonment, gtz

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    Rulebookon detailed contents

    and foRmat of planningdocuments, as well ason cRiteRia foR landuse, elements of uRbanRegulation, and thestandaRdized gRaphicalsymbols

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents




    ar r, , r, x, , , r R r r , rr, r r r r .

    It is a regulation which represents a signiicant step forward towards r -r , r rr . t ,it is necessary to create conditions for having the State covered by, irst of all, q, , , r, r r r .

    t r r r , , r q r , r r.

    However, the work on putting the Rulebook into eect is before us, which r r rr

    r, , rj .

    i rr R, mr r r gr r r r r gtz, years-long presence in Montenegro has been the result of an eficient bilateralr gr fr R gr gr mr i xr rr .

    o r, i r r mr s p er, r r, r r mr, rr .

    s R rr improve the state of aairs in spatial planning, I invite the professional mr rr r r r r

    rr .

    Braninir Gvozdenovi

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................5

    CONTENT .............................................................................................................................6

    I BASIC PROVISION..................................................................................................13sj ...................................................................................................................................13

    II DETAILED CONTENTS OF PLANNING DOCUMENTS.............131.General provisions ......................................................................................... 13

    c ...................................................................................13

    a. Textual part ..................................................................................................... 14srr x r .........................................................................................14ir ........................................................................................................................14a r .....................................................................................................................14General and speciic objectives ....................................................................................15p ................................................................................................................16g r .....................................16

    b. Graphical part of planning document .................................................... 17

    c r r ........................................................................................17t ....................................................................................................................18c ..........................................................................................................19

    c. Analytic and documentation base ............................................................ 19

    c .................................................19s rr ................................................................................................20

    d. General documentation .............................................................................. 20

    c ..................................................................................................................................20

    2. National planning documents ................................................................... 21

    t s p mr ..................................................................................21s r .........................................................................................22d .........................................................................................................24n s l ............................................................................................24

    3.Local planning documents .......................................................................... 25

    s r -r .....................................25

    d r .........................................................................................................29ur ........................................................................................................................29l .....................................................................................................31

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    III PLANNING DOCUMENT FORMAT .......................................................31a r ..........................................................................................31dr r ..............................................................................................32crr rr .......................................................................32c r .....................................................33sr r .......................................................................................................................33pr ........................................................................................................................33

    IV LAND USE CATEGORIES................................................................................34gr r ..................................................................................34gr r ...........................................................................................34s r ................................................................................................................35arr r .............................................................................................................35fr r ..........................................................................................................................35

    wr r ..........................................................................................................................35or r r ...........................................................................................................36ar rrr.................................................................................36s-r r ....................................................................................................36d r .........................................................................................36R r ...............................................................................................................37ar r r .............................................................................................38ar r r ...............................................................................................................39ar r r ..............................................................39

    ar r r ...........................................................................................40ar r r .................................................................................................................41ar r r rr ...................................................................................41ar r r r .............................................................................43ar r r ..........................................................................................43ar r ......................................44arr r ..............................................................................................................45fr r ..........................................................................................................................45s r ................................................................................................................................46i r r .............................................................................................................46

    or r r ...........................................................................................................47ar r rrr ..........................................................................................47ar r r rrr ......................................................................................48ar r r, rr ..............................................49ar r r .........................................................................................................49ar r r .........................................................................................50Rr r .......................................................................................................................50ar r-r r .....................................................................................51Areas of exploitation ields ............................................................................................51

    ar r .................................................................52s -r ..........................................................................................................52c r ................................................................................................................52

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /8/exrrr r .............................................................................................................52pr r ................................................................................................53pr r ................................................................................................53

    V CRITERIA FOR LAND USE ALLOCATION..........................................54l ..........................................................................................................54crr r ................................................................................55s r ...........................................................................................................55pr ...............................................................................56cr ..............................................................................................................56p r .....................................................................................57sr r r ............................................................................................58ar r r r ........................................................................................58tr r ................................................................................................................59

    a r r r ................................................................................59srr .............................................................................60c .............................................................................................................61n r ..........................................................................61sr r r r r ..................................................62g r ............................................................................................................................62

    VI URBAN UNITS FOR PLANNING...............................................................63t r .........................................................................................................63

    ur ................................................................................................................................63b ........................................................................................................................................63z .........................................................................................................................................64

    VII ELEMENTS OF URBAN REGULATION .............................................64t ................................................................................................................................64s r ......................................................65pr r .........................................................................................................65br ......................................................................................................................65b .........................................................................................................................65t .....................................................................................................66vr ...........................................................................................................66prr r r ..........................................................................67t r ......................................................................................68urr .............................................................................................................68orr ................................................................................................................69Rqr r r ..........................................................69Requirements for energy eficiency of buildings .................................................70Rqr r r ............................71

    Rqr r r rrr r ..........................................................................71

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    VIII SPATIAL INDICATORS.................................................................................72i rr r ...........................................................72p ............................................................................................................72Building coverage and gross extended building loor area of buildings ....73l x......................................................................................................73l r x .............................................................................................................74

    IX OTHER CONTENTS OF PLANNING DOCUMENT ......................74R rrr ...........................................................................................................74e r rrr ................................................................................76pr r ......................................................................................76R - q ...................................................................................................79p rr ......................................................................................................79a ............................................................................................................80

    p- r .................................................................................................80Rr- r ..........................................................................................82sr r ................................................................................................82cx r, .. -r ...............................................83cr ...........................................................................................................................84gr r ....................................................................................................84wr-r r rrr ...........................................................85gr r r .......................................................................................................85d rr r r r r

    r rr ............................................................................................................86

    X GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS ....................................................................................87a ..............................................................................................................................87m r r ............................................................87p .....................................................................................................................88gr .............................................88

    XI FINAL PROVISION.............................................................................................89

    er r ...................................................................................................................89

    CONTRIBUTION - GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS............................................91

    I BORDERS ........................................................................................................... 93

    II NETWORK OF SETTLEMENTS .................................................................... 94

    III CROSS BORDER COOPERATION ............................................................... 95

    IV TRAFFIC .......................................................................................................... 95

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /10/V WATER AREAS ...............................................................................................101

    VI OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE ....................................................................... 103

    VII LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ................................................................. 111

    VIII IMMOVABLE CULTURAL HERITAGE ...................................................114

    IX NATURAL HERITAGE ..................................................................................116

    X NATURAL PROCESSES AND PHENOMENA ............................................121


    MENT AND PROTECTION ............................................................................. 122

    XII REGIMES ......................................................................................................124


    URBAN INDICATORS .......................................................................................124

    XIV HOUSING TYPES .......................................................................................126

    I WIDER CATEGORIES OF PURPOSE OF AREAS .......................... 128


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    pr ar 29 74 r l s p Construction of Buildings (Oficial Gazette of Montenegro, No. 51/08),mr s p er





    (Oficial Gazette of MNE, number 24/10)



    ar 1

    t r R r r , r rr r ;

    r r; r r ; r .


    General provisions1.

    Content of planning document

    ar 2

    a r x r r.

    a r r.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /14/a) Textual part

    ar 3

    t x r x r rr , , r,r, r .

    Structure of the textual part

    ar 4

    t x r r:

    r;- r;-general and speciic objectives;- ;- r .-

    Introductionar 5

    a r r r r r r ; r r ; r r ; ; xr r tr Rr.

    Analytical partar 6

    d , r r rr r r: r r r r ;1. x r 2.r r ; x rr, rrr 3.rrr (r r r, r , r rr

    the law and the applicable plan); r ;4.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    rr , 5. r r, r r, r xr rr; r r r r r,6.r r ;

    r r r;7. rqr xr r8. r Rr s sp;r r x 9. rr r , r, r r, r.

    a r, r r r dierence between the solutions under the applicable plans and the current ; r r ; possibilities to solve land use conlicts.

    a r xr r r r r, r r r , rrr, r , .

    General and speciic objectives

    ar 7

    gr j r : r j r rr rrr ,r , r

    r r; r , j r .

    Speciic objectives shall comprise all the speciicities of an area for which rr r rr .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /16/Planned solution

    ar 8

    a r r:

    explanation of a planned spatial model (concept),1. , r r;2. r r ;3.r ;4.rrr rrr r ;5.classiication into planning units and zones;6.r x 7.(per planning unit) rr r.8.

    c , r r r xr rr r r r r rr.

    t rj rrr r rr 2 ar r r r r, rr r irst realization stage. The projection shall comprise also a rationale for the, r r r .

    Economic and market analyses shall be an expert basis that includes inancialrj r r r rr r r . a r r r rjustiications for the realization of the planned solutions.

    Realization stages shall be clearly deined, as well as evidenced by economic

    r, r r rrr ( q rland development).

    Guidelines for implementation of planning document

    ar 9

    d , r r:

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    guidelines for a further plan elaboration (forms of interventions);1. r r;2. r r r 3.r r; r r r;4.

    r r;5. r r r 6.- r;guidelines for an increase in energy eficiency and in the use of7.r r r;r rqr r r8. r r r .9.

    b. Graphical part of planning document

    ar 10

    d , r r r rr rr r r, r rr , rr r .

    Content of the graphical part

    ar 11

    gr r r:r , .. r r r r1. r r r r ;

    r r , r r r r r r r;xr r r r;2.xr r r r3.r rr r;r- rr rr;4. rr , r5. r rr ;

    administrative classiication and classiication into planning units;6. r r;7. r, rqr r r 8.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /18/r r, r r r;status and plan of green and open spaces (landscape);9. r rrr;10. r- rrr;11. r r ;12.

    rrr;13. r- rrr ;14., r ;15. r 16.( , r r rr elaboration).

    gr r , :

    r, r- ( r , .. the space and restrictions on the construction), and r, r.-

    Topical content

    ar 12

    d r, rr rr r r r r , r r rx r, rseveral related topics (e.g. a synthesis map of infrastructure).

    d r , r rr rr r r r rr x r r

    r r.

    gr r rr rr r r r r r, .. identiication of each space and of its purpose must be possible.

    crr rr r r a4 r a3r.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    Content designation

    ar 13

    t r r

    r, r r r R, r (r , r, ,forest, hunting and ishing grounds, slope maps and alike) in line with thelaw, rulebooks and standards governing the respective specialized ields.

    c. Analytic and documentation base

    ar 14

    a , r xr r r rr , r r r.

    Content of the analytic and documentation base

    ar 15

    a r rqr, r r r, , r r r r: r rj; r ; r r r ;rr; ; r; ; ; r; ;, , , rr r; ; rr; rr; r; r r; r

    r r; r r, .

    a r rrxr r r r r (r; rr; ; ; ; xr;r; r r; xr ;rr; ; rj; rr ; xr r rr;; ar r r ; xr r x rscientiic and professional publications; ilm; video and audio clips; and


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /20/Synthesis representation

    ar 16

    dr rr , x r rr r ; addendums; oprints; experises; documentation on the land users andr; , .

    When there is insuficient appropriate information about certain ieldsr , rr r , r xr in certain ields for inding solutions to space related speciic issues.

    fr s p mr; -r r; ; r -r , r rr rr r .

    d. General documentation


    ar 17

    a , r l sPlanning and Construction of Buildings (hereinafter: the Law) the followingr :

    r r rr,1.stating the number of the Oficial Gazette of Montenegro in which it ;an approval with the oficial seal of the competent authority, i.e. of the2. r rr ; r r r 3. , r r rr r r r r;, rqr r4. , r r ;

    rqr r r r r5. r r-r

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    ; r r rr 6.r l; r r rr ,7. ;

    r r , r r 8.; rr , .. r ;9. xr r ,10. rr r ,.. r r ; rr sr er i a ( 11.obligation to develop it has been prescribed) of a planning document,r r r

    r r r r r r; r r r r r 12. r r ; rr13.by the law, stating the number of the Oficial gazette of Montenegro ; r rr r rr14. , rr ;

    National planning documents2.

    The Spatial Plan of Montenegro

    ar 18

    i r r ar 20 l, s p mr : 1., r r r; r r , 2.r, rr rrr r r r r ;issues, ields and modes of cross-border and international cooperation3.in the ield of spatial planning and development; rr r r, 4.


  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /22/ j ; r r r r ,5. ; r, r r r.6.

    The Spatial Plan of Montenegro shall be based on a balanceddevelopment, complementarity of rural and urban areas and the use

    of spatial potentials, through active interregional and intermunicipal

    cooperation and the participation of local stakeholders in spatial

    planning and development.

    The Spatial Plan of Montenegro shall be the starting point for

    coordinating development documents for certain areas and activities,

    as well as their measures relevant to space, that may not contravene this

    planning document.

    The Spatial Plan of Montenegro shall deine the basic spatial planning

    micro units of common spatial and development features (regions as

    functional and development units; protected areas; zones of national

    and regional importance; network and rank of centers, and alike) and it

    shall particularly specify the least area of the space governed under this

    planning document.

    The Spatial Plan of Montenegro shall include also guidelines

    referring to:

    drawing up sector-level studies, analyses, programs and-projects;

    development of Spatial Information System;-legislative initiatives.-

    Special purpose spatial plan

    ar 19

    a r r ar 21 lshall be approved for those spatial units and contact areas the speciicities of r r r r rr r r r r r r, r rr, , r , rr r r,r r r, - r xr r rr,.

    a r r r rrr r r r rr (r

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    r, r rr, , r r, alike).

    a r rr relect the speciicities of purpose of areas for which such plan is approved.

    a r r rr 1 ar rr :

    r r r r;1.r r , r 2., .. r ;-r - rr;3. -r , 4.r ;

    cost-eectiveness analysis and social acceptance evaluation of the5. -r , ; r r r -6.r r r r r ;guidelines for drafting a national study of location for deined zones7. ; r ( 8.location) if they are component parts of this planning document;r r rqr 9.rr r r r.

    d r r r r, r -r :

    r r r r rr r r :-r r r r rr r r ;r r r: r r , -

    and protection according to regimes intended for already deined, ;for a tourist area: rules of spatial and land use planning for dierent-r r (r r,skiing grounds, camp sites and alike); layout of complementaryfunctions (hunting, ishing, picnic, agriculture, water management,r, r r r rr, ; r rj r r ;r r r rr r r: r- r rrr r r r r r rr r;

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /24/r r - r xr r rr:-r , , , rr , r r; r rr rr r x rr

    r r rr; r ,r, r r, rrr r x r rr; , , rr ; r r r, r rrr r.

    Detailed spatial plan

    ar 20

    i r ar 22 l, r rr r: /r r r; rj; r, r r ; r;r r r r rr; rr, r ; rr j , rr rrr.

    a r rr 1 ar, rr :

    r r r r;-xr r t s p mr, r - -r rrr r r;general-purpose units and sub-units (corridors and spaces) and-protection zones, namely buer zones; r r ;-elements of detailed elaboration (at the level of state study of location)-

    r r .

    National Study of Location

    ar 21

    i r ar 23 l, r r r r r r r

    r r r .

    a r rr 1 ar r

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    rr :r r r r;-xr r r r - r r; rr ;-

    , r r; r -rqr r r r r ( rr, , r ; r x; r r r, .. r r ; r ; , r, x r r, number of lats, gross extended building loor area and alike; building r ; r ; rqr

    r r, rrr communal services buildings , ); r rr r - r ;

    t r r r, .. rr r rr r .

    Local planning documents3.

    Spatial and urban plan of a local self-government unit

    ar 22

    ar ar 25 l, r -r r r r rrr -r .

    a r -r r basic spatial units as being spatial and functional units identiied by the samer r r r, (natural and artiicial conditions; the manner of using lands and buildings,and alike) or by the same or related or mutually complementary spatial , r r, .

    t ( , , rmunicipality, statistical areas and alike) that were designated based on

    speciic regulations may be established as spatial and functional units only if rqr rr r rr 2 .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /26/a r -r rwith the special purpose spatial plans deining parts of local self-governmentr.

    a r -r r r

    r, r r -r r r -r, r r r .

    As for the entire space of a local self-government unit, r r rr 1 :

    r;1. r r r r ;2. r r r , r 3.

    ; r r r r r 4.r r r r; rr /r r r r 5.settlements, with speciied measures of urban reconstruction, as well as r r ; r r rr r 6.r r;

    a r r r r for a local self-government unit core r r r rqr.

    a r r -r r , rr r r r r.

    i rrr r rr 7 , r

    -r r:r r, 1. ; r (2.rr r r ; ; r r; q qr rr; r r , .. r r number of employees); rqr r ;3.r r r r r, , r4., r rr r r ;

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    r rr r r5., r r r;rrr r , 6. ( r, r r

    services buildings).

    For the identiied other centers and settlements, a spatial and urban plan of a -r r rqr r r:

    r;1. ;2.rqr r r r r;3. r r , r4.

    rrr; r 5.r;rqr r r r ;6.rqr r r r rr 7.r r r, ;

    ar 23

    a r -r r r r r r r -r r.

    The rules of development shall deine general urban and architecturalrqr r r r , rr r r rr rr, r r r r r, rrrr .

    d rr r, r r:

    r rr r r r 1.r, , r , rrr, r ;r r r r 2. r rrr;q r, r 3.q rrr (-r, ,r-, r-, r , r r, areas maintenance and alike);

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /28/r r r r rr 4. ;r ;5.r r .6.

    Construction rules shall be deined for the zones and units identiied under r .

    cr r rqr r r rr r r , r speciicities and needs of a settlement.cr r r rr r construction heritage, construction tradition and artiicial settlement values, r x r r

    , r rr r r .

    d rr r,r r r :

    x r r r r r1. ; x r r r r r2. r; rr r ;3.basic parameters of energy eficiency in buildings;4.rqr r r rr x5.; rqr r r6. r r ( r r x r r rrrcorridors);r r ;7. x r r ;8.minimum and maximum permitted number of loors for buildings;9.

    r r , , 10.rooing and alike;r r rr 11. r; r , r ; r r r r ; r r r r ;ireighting measures; regulations governing the construction of12.r r rr ( r,facades, roofs etc.);r r r , , 13. rqr r r .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    Detailed urban plan

    ar 25

    ar ar 26 l, r rr r r r r r r r -r .

    a r r rr 1 ar :

    r r r r;- rr ;- r r r rqr-r r (

    rr; ; r; ; r x; r r , .. r r; r ; , r, xnumber of storeys, the number of lats, gross extended buildingloor areas and alike; building line and boundary lines; leveling andr ; rqr r r,infrastructure systems and communal services buildings, );r rr -(by planning units) r r r - r;

    a r r r construction deined by the spatial and urban plan of the local self-government.

    a r r r r r r;

    r ; r , r rqr r r rr r.

    Urban design

    ar 25

    ar ar 27 l, r r, r r r r -r

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /30/unit, for a smaller area that will be subject to a signiicant and more complexdevelopment, i.e. that represents particularly speciic units.

    a r r rr 1 ar :r r r r;-

    r r r rqr-r r (rr; ; r; ; r x; r r , .. r r ; r ; , r, xnumber of storeys, the number of lats, gross extended building loorr ; r ; r; rqr r

    roads, infrastructure systems and communal services buildings, );r rr -(by planning units)

    a r r r construction deined by the spatial and urban plan of the local self-r .a r rr:- r ,

    r ; (r r,-r r, , r, r, qdetails), r;-j rrr xrr-r r, r rrr r rr x , r, rr r ( sections),

    r ,(rr, ,-urban equipment)analyses of planned structures itting in to the context (visual impact-study, 3D model, model).

    a r r r .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    Local study of location

    ar 26

    ar ar 28 l, r r r r r --r r r r r

    a r rr 1 ar r:

    - r r r r; , r r, r -rqr r r

    ( rr; ; r; ; r x; r r , .. r r ;r ; , r, the maximum number of storeys, the number of lats, extend buildingloor areas and alike; building line and boundary lines; leveling andr ; rqr r,infrastructure systems and communal services infrastructure, );r r x -and capacities (per spatial unit). r rr r r- r;

    l r r and construction deined by the spatial and urban plan of the local self-r .


    Analogue and digital format

    ar 27

    t r r rr r r r r rr r r r .

    For the purposes of presentation and iling, both analogue and digital format .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /32/ a r r r a4 r a3 r, r rrr rar 2 R.

    a r r .

    t r r rr r r .

    Drafting and presentation

    ar 28

    p r r r r r rr r, x.

    tr r , r, r r r drafted, issued and veriied in accordance with regulations governing landr r r r rr.

    crr rr r rr , r, r r r(cartograms, photoplans, photomaps, orthophotographs, satellite images).

    crr rr r rr r r , , r . t r .

    Cartographic representation content

    ar 29

    e rr rr r r rr :

    c ;1. ;2.

    r (r,3.proposal, plan);

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    , q r;4. r r ;5. , , rr, .. 6.r r r; / r r r r;7.

    r r r;8. , r , 9.r r R.

    Content of the planning document cover page

    ar 30

    t rr : c ;- ;- r (r,-proposal, plan); r r r - rr.

    Short version

    ar 31

    a rr r rr r r x r r rrr r q , r r rr r.

    s r r r r r r . a r : ,r r , r rj, .


    ar 32

    p rr r r r ir r r rrr r .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /34/ s ir r x r rrr r .

    t x r rr r


    gr r r r r r r 72 96 r.


    General and detailed categories

    ar 33

    p r r r, well as speciic regimes of the use.

    General land use categories

    ar 34

    a r r r, : r,1.rr r,2.r r,3.

    r r,4. r r r,5.r rrr,6.-r r r j - r.7.

    gr r rrr r rr 1 r r 1 :100,000, 1 : 50,000, 1 : 25,000 1 : 10,000 r.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    Settlement areas

    ar 35

    s r r r (r r r r , r rx; buildings; infrastructure and special-purpose areas; landscapes) -construction lands (areas that have not been intended for any construction).

    Actual and planned construction land is deined by the special purpose spatial r -r.

    e r r r j ,

    , rrq r rr , r r r r x r rr r r r r R, r ,r r rr, r, , r rrr r .

    Agricultural areas

    ar 36

    ar r, rr r r , r rr rr.

    Forest areas

    ar 37

    ar r, r r r r, r r r r.

    Water areas

    ar 38

    ar r, r r r

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    /36/r r r r r (1 r:r r mr; 2 r: r r; 3r category: water assets of no public interest).

    Other natural areas

    ar 39

    or r r rr , r, r r, r, r r, , r.

    Areas of technical infrastructure

    ar 40

    ar rrr r rrr r r rrr, r r r, rr .

    Special-purposes areas

    ar 41

    s-r r -r r : r r ; r x r; r; xrrr r; r r.

    Detailed land use categories

    ar 43

    a r r :

    r r,1.r r r 2.r r r,3.r r r,4.r r r,5.r r r,6.

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    r r r rr,7.r r r r,8.r r r,9.r r r r rr,10.r r rr,11.

    r r,12. r,13.r r ,14.r r r,15.r r rrr,16.r r rrr ,17.r r r, rr 18.r,19.r ,20.

    rr r,21. r x r,22.r r ;23.

    d r rrr r rr 1 r r r r 1: 5,000 1 : 2,500 r, /r r -r rrr r ar r 42 r 67 r r r r 1 : 1,000 1 : 500 r.

    Residential areas

    ar 43

    R r r r r r r rr .

    a r r - r r- , r, . f 500 r rr .

    Depending on the type, residential areas may be of dierent gross population:

    r 120 /- r r 120 250 /-

    r r 250 500 /-r r r 500 1,000 /.-

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    /38/t rr rrr r 1, 2 3 rr 2 r , r rr rrr r 4 r r 80,000 .

    t r rrr r rr 1

    r rr r r r, :

    r , r , -premises located on the ground loor and mezzanines of residential; r r, r, , r, -r, r rr r , rr r;

    rrr r ;- parking lots and garages for the users (occupants and sta) and-r ;stations for supplying motor vehicles with fuels (petrol stations), in- r.

    Areas for central activities

    ar 44

    ar r r r r r, .. , r r rr r.

    t r rrr r rr 1 r: r ;-shopping centers (malls), exhibition centers and fairgrounds;- r r, r r,-

    , r, r , r r rr;r , r r r- rr , r -r r.

    ex r r r rrr r rr 1

    ar: r r,-rrr r;-

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    parking lots and garages for sta, users and visitors vehicles;-stations for supplying motor vehicles with fuel (petrol stations),-r r rqr r.

    Areas for tourism

    ar 45

    ar r r r r rr r r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 r

    x :1. r r:

    hotels (T1)-tourism settlements (T2),-, r rr , r -hunting huts, youth hostels, resorts (T3);

    2. r r r r;

    ex r , r r rrr r rr 1 ar:

    , r r ,-r rr;nautical tourism ports marinas, moorings, anchorages (NT)-rrr r;-parking lots and garages for sta and users and visitors vehicles;-stations for supplying motor vehicle with fuel (petrol stations), provided- r rqr .

    t r rrr r rr 1 r rr r (r, raccommodation and alike).

    Areas for education and social protection

    ar 46

    ar r r r r rr r , r.

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    /40/ t r rrr r rr 1 r:r ,1.r ,2. ,3.

    r ,4.r ,5.scientiic institutions and research centers,6.rr r ,7. , r r,8.rr rr r.

    t r r r r :preschool institutions (kindergartens, nursery, etc.),-

    r ,- r r ,- r, r r,- rr r.

    ex r r r rrr r rr 1 ar:

    r r,-parking lots and garages for users (sta and visitors) vehicles;-rrr r;-

    Areas for health protection

    ar 47

    ar r r r r r r r -

    r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 r: r,1.,2. r,3. , ,4., ,5.r,6.

    r ,7. , r r,8.rr rr r.

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    ex r r r rrr r rr 1 ar:

    , r r ;-

    r ;-parking lots and garages for users (sta and visitors) vehicles;-rrr r.-

    Areas for culture

    ar 48

    ar r r r r r r r .

    o r rrr r rr 1 :

    r r, , r, rr, r, ,-ethnic galleries, archives, ilm archives, archaeological, ethnic andr r, r r r, , r r,-rr rr r.

    ex r r r rrr r rr 1 ar:

    , r r-;parking lots and garages for users (sta and visitors) vehicles;-rrr r;-

    Areas for sports and recreation

    ar 49

    ar r r rr r r rr r r rr.

    o r rrr r rr 1 x r r r r, :

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    /42/playing ields, i.e. football stadiums, athletics grounds and handball,1., , r r,.;r ;2.r r r r r;3.

    r;4. r r;5. r r r r;6.rr (r; r rr; r; r 7.r r; r r; r r; tracks; white-water rapid kayaking routes, etc.);homogenous (approved and veriied) race tracks for dierent sports8.;r r;9.

    r;10. q r;11.r r r - r r r r r12.;r r, r r r r xr r;13.start and inish points for paragliding, parachuting and ultra light14.rr;r r rr r;15.trim tracks and itness trails;16. r r r;17.a , nr r r; 18.r r; - r r; r rbob and skeleton; take-o ramps (jumps) and ski lying jumping; r r, .; r r/r, r r r ;19.mountain (marked) tracks;20. r rr (r r,21., r, , , r r, and installations for artiicial snow, control points, lifeguard points,

    storerooms for sports equipment, etc.).

    o r rrr r rr 1 :

    ;1.r r r r;2.j , r r ;3.r r r r, r4. r r .parking lots and garages for users (sta and visitors) vehicles;5.rrr r;6.

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    Areas for industry and production

    ar 50

    ar r r r r r r r r.

    t r rrr r rr 1 :

    , r- r, r, r,1.goods distribution centers, reineries, lotation plants, smelter plants,r, r r, r xr r ;r ;2.

    r r;3.rrr r;4. r ;5.stations for supplying motor vehicles with fuels (petrol stations).6.

    ex, r rrr r rr 1 :

    - , r r ;

    - r , rr rr r r r r ;

    - parking lots and garages for the users (sta and visitors) vehicles.

    Areas for multiple purposes

    ar 51

    ar r r r r r r

    r r, r r.

    t r rrr r rr 1 :

    r ;- r r -r r ;r, r r, r, , -

    r, r rr, r r r r ;

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /44/ r ;-r , r r r - r ; r r - r;

    stations for supplying motor vehicles with fuels (petrol stations),- r r.parking lots and garages for users (sta and visitors) vehicles;-rrr r;-r r r r ( -visitors).

    Areas for landscape development within settlements

    ar 52

    ar r urban greenery system shall be classiied as green and open public, restricted -r .

    gr r (r r r,multifunctional, sports, children, amusement and aqua parks, and alike);rr r ; r r; r; r r; qr; ; r r; r rr; r r ; r r ; r .

    Rr- r : r rrr; r r-r (r r; r , r , tourism facilities, resorts and hostels, mountain huts and hunting huts);r r

    r ; r ( r, r, rparks, ethnic parks etc.); and alike.

    s-r r : r r; r ; r ; r r , r, r, rr , r r r; r rrr r rrr (.. r rr, r r , , r r ,) and utility services; areas for reclamation (tailing and ash ponds, former

    mineral raw material open pits and landills); areas (landslides, etc.) forr; r / rr r.

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    Agricultural areas

    ar 53

    ar r rr r r rr r rr r.

    According to a special regulation, the areas for agriculture shall be classiied:r , r, rr, r, -r, ,-r, r , ;other land that, according to its natural features and economic beneits, is-r r rr r;rr (r r r r-plants (trees and lowers));

    r r r ( r r-farms, summer pastures, horse farms, etc.);areas for ish ponds, hatcheries and aquaculture.-

    t r rrr r rr 1 rr .

    Forest areas

    ar 54

    fr r r r r, ..those areas where, due to their natural features and economic beneits, theproduction of woodland trees is the most proitable activity, as well as thoser r r r r rr .

    Forest areas may be classiied as commercial forests, protective forests and

    r r.

    t r r , .. (r, r, and use of forests; construction and maintenance of forest paths and roads) rr r r x r r r r. i r .

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    /46/Sea areas


    s r r r r, r rrrr, r x r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 r xr x, r r r r - rr, rr rr, r r rrr r .

    Inland water areas

    ar 56

    i r r r r r (rr, r,lakes - either natural or artiicial - and canals, bogs, wetlands, spring areas,wellsprings, estavelles, brackish waters), and ground waters, saline watersat river deltas where that rivers low into the sea, mineral waters, thermal

    r r r, r r rr ( rand artiicial water bodies and water grounds), fresh water springs withinterritorial sea, riparian seawaters, salt pans and salt reining plants.

    p r r r r (rr r r r r rswimming (bathing) areas) and endangered areas (lood planes and erosivesoils), in line with a separate law, as well as water supply infrastructurefacilities provided for under water management plans, lood boundaries andr r .

    wr r , r rr, r r rr r .. r rr r r r , :

    r ;-rrr ( r rr-and protection against damaging eects of waters; facilities usedfor water monitoring; as well as natural and artiicial watercourses

    included in the system of water bodies); r r x rr-

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    r r r rr r r rr r r r ( r r r (HPP)).

    Other natural areas

    ar 57

    or r r : rr, , rr, rslopes (crags), rock creeps (screes), rocky shores, sandy and pebble beaches, r r rr .

    Areas of road infrastructure

    ar 58

    ar r rrr r rrrcorridors of road, railway, and air and water trafic.

    t r rrr r rr 1 r rrr, rr

    :rr r , - r r, r, r r r rr r (r; r r; rr;railway, bus and truck stations), as well as buildings, i.e. bases r , r rr r r / r ; r r r, r, r;- r r, : r -supply (petrol stations), motels, shops, parking lots, lay-bys, repair ; r r .-

    i rr r r r rrr ,rr , r r r, r, .. rrr r, .. rrr .Separate laws and regulations shall deine in more details the width andr rqr r rr r

    , .. r r rrr.

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    /48/a r, r , r r r rrr r r.

    Areas for other infrastructure

    ar 59

    ar r r rrr r r r r , rr , rr , rrr r rr r , , r, x rrrr.

    t r rrr r rr 1 :

    rrr : rr, r,1. / r r r; r ; rr r ; Rtv rr; ptt ; , r, r r r;

    r r : r r r r (hpp,2.PHS,SH, TPP), solar and wind power plants, electricity substations rr , r rrr - r;

    r rrr : ;3.; r ; ; r rrr r; r ; rr r; rrr; ; r ; r r; r ; r r ; r r(drainage well) systems; sewerage facilities; wastewater treatment; r r / ; r

    r rr ; r ; ; rr; r r rr. rrr : rr , rr,4. r rr , r r:5.pipelines (overground, underground, underwater and undersea);pumping stations; reservoirs (overground and underground); and ; r r r (PMCS) and measuring and control stations (MCS);

    r , r, r rr, ..6. r , .

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    ex r r , rrrr r rr 1 :- r , r r ;

    - parking lots and garages for users (sta and visitors) vehicles.cr rrr , rr

    r r rrr r, r r.

    i rr r r rrr ,rr , r r r, r ,.. r rrr r, .. rrr r r.

    a r, r , r rrr r.

    Areas for waste treatment, recovery and disposal

    ar 60

    Areas for the treatment, recovery and disposal of waste (waste management) r r r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 , r r:

    t r r j r r rr r r rqr.

    Areas for cemeteries

    ar 61

    ar r r r r r r r.

    a r, r , /r r

    cemeteries if required by speciic reasons.

    t r rrr r rr 1

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    /50/ r rr (rrr, r , r r r r qand supplies).

    a r r rr,

    r r rr r.

    Areas for religious buildings

    ar 62

    ar r r r r x r r r

    r r r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 : other ediices for worshipping God, as well as monastery stays, convents,r , r, r-, r r r r rr..

    t r rrr r rr 1 r r r.

    a r r r, r r rr cr r .

    Reserve areas

    ar 63

    a rr r r r r rr , r no detailed purpose need to be deined in more details.

    a r rr r, r rr , r r r .

    o rr r r r r


    ex, rr r r

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    r r r r rqr r r .

    t rr r r rr r, : r rr ; r rr ; r; r

    ; r .

    Areas of mineral-raw material

    ar 64

    ar r r-r r rr r rr, r, r q,

    q r r, r x.

    t r rrr r rr 1 rr r r r.

    t r r r-r r r r r r r r-r x ( engineering structures, ofices and alike)

    Areas of exploitation ields

    ar 65

    Exploitation iled shall be an area which is on the surface of land and separated rr r r r, r r r r- r r r, r r rr x, r xr r, x r, rr,

    rr r r r.

    The exploitation iled referred to under paragraph 1 above shall be plannedto accommodate areas for landills, i.e. tailing ponds and for the construction rr rr.

    t r r x r rr j r r.

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    /52/Areas of importance to national defense

    ar 66

    ar r r rr .

    t r rrr r rr 1 , r.

    Special use-regimes

    ar 67

    a r -r :

    r;1.xrrr r;2.r r ;3.r r rr.4.

    Concession areas

    ar 68

    i r r , r r , r r.

    Exterritorial areas

    ar 69

    exrrr r r r r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 , as residential building complexes for diplomatic missions sta.

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    Protected natural assets

    ar 70

    Planning document shall deine the protected areas of natural assets andr rr r r.

    ar rr 1 ar, r r :

    r r rr,1. r rr,2. r,3.r r r r,4.r ,5.

    r ,6. r,7.r j8. r rr,r r r r r9. r,r r r (unesco wr hr -10.Man and Biosphere Reserve Program (MAB), Ramsar Convention onir ir w, nr 2000, ir brAreas (IBA)).

    Each protected natural asset has the respective deined category (1r:r r x r; 2 r: rr r r; 3r category: signiicantly protectednatural assets), as well as the protection zones and regimes (1st degreer r: r r; 2 r r r: r; 3r r r r: rzone).

    Protected cultural assets

    ar 71

    Planning document shall deine the protected culture property in accordance r.

    t r rr r r


    ar l, r rr

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    r ( rr, r r 1.r r; r r rr; r r r r r ; r; ;; r r r r; r

    r rr r r rr, rr r ; r ; rr r rr; r r r,r r r rrr; r rr r r r r jthat facilitate their use permanently);r r x ( ,2.r r rr r r r r rr r r ; r

    with common features); r r (r , rr r ,3.cultural heritage site).

    cr rr , r , rrr r, r.

    According to the separate law, planning document may deine the following:

    - r ( rr r rr, r r x, rr,, r, r xr, r x, rauthentic ambience and visibility);- environmental corridors or buer zone (space outside boundaries of anyr r rr, r reects on such protected property).


    Land use allocation

    ar 72

    l , .. ,r r r r .

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    Criterions for land use allocation

    ar 73

    crr r r r r :

    natural conditions and anthropogenic eects;1.rr rqr r rr r 2.rr r;rr rqr r rr r3.;rr rqr r r r;4.rr rqr r r r rr5.;

    rrr ;6. rr;7.rr r ;8.areas of spontaneous natural processes (loods, erosions, landslides,9.earthquakes);rrr rrr;10. rr ( r , 11.spatial arrangement of a certain function, adverse inluence of certainfunctions on land features);rqr rr r rrq.12.

    Settlement area use

    ar 74

    s r r r r -r r r.

    ar - r r -and developed urban plots and other plots matched to a dierent purpose, as - r.

    o r r r r r , r x .

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    /56/Principles of settlement planning

    ar 75

    w , r , rqr r r r ; r rationality and cost-eectiveness; principle of suppressing the uncontrolled x; r rr; r r r rr ; r r ; r r; r r -r .

    cr /r r r

    r r r.

    Rr x r rr r rr r r r .

    cr /r r r r r r rrr r r r.

    fr r r r r rr r r r rr , rr r r rr r.

    i r r , rqr rr r r r r r

    and urban plan of local self-government, namely deined parameters andr r r r r r r r r r r r r x r r rrrr rrr.

    Construction land

    ar 76

    cr r

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    r .

    a r r, r r rr r, xr r

    - r, r :

    r x r (rr-areas) on the existing construction land, while particularly any r r r xrrr;j r - ;

    r r - r rr r r .

    R r r rr rr r - r, r r x - (Brownield) of a dierent purpose.

    w r r , :

    r (rr r r r, -quarries and alike);- - r;-r rrr r-r;r - r .

    Planning of construction land

    ar 77

    cr r : x 20% r x x- r - 80 : 20; x 10% r x x-

    r - 60 : 40; x r - - 50 : 50;

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    /58/ - r , -r r r.

    t r rr 1 ar rrr r, r r rr ,

    r x 50% x .

    Separate construction area

    ar 78

    Separate construction land, which is deined under a spatial plan of specialr r r r -r,

    r r r x .

    sr r r r r r r r , :

    15;- r rr r r - r.

    m r r rr , .. r r r rr q, r rr ,r r r.

    Areas for tourism and sports

    ar 79

    ar r r r r r r , r r, rrr x rr.

    p r r r rr , r , 80% r r r r -.

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    Tourism purpose

    ar 80

    p rr , rr r r-r r .

    p r r r r:number of accommodation units (keys) and/or number of-;rr x rr r-r-accommodation capacities (hotel, villa, tourism settlement etc.); r ( r, x, r -per hectare, open spaces, natural grounds and alike).

    nr r : 2 ;-r 3 ;- 6 .-

    Average gross building area per one hotel bed (T1) shall be 100 m in ive-r r , 80 4-r r , 60 3-r r .

    Average gross building area per one tourism settlement bed (T2) shall be 80m in ive-star category buildings, 60 m in 4-star category buildings, and 40 3-r r .

    a r / r r r routside settlement shall be 100 m per bed in ive-star category buildings, 80 4-r r , 60 3-r r .

    a r r r 12 r

    r r r, r q 3 .

    Allocation for tourism purposes

    ar 81

    a r r r r

    r r r r:r ;1)r r-r r r r ;2)

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /60/ r rr ;3) r r;4)r r 5)r; ;6)

    r r;7) rrr;8) rr;9)rr r rr ;10)r r;11)r r rr r , .12)

    cr r r r r r :

    ( ,1.

    r, rr, , r, r similar purposes) are, along with measures for improving utilityrrr r r, r r, r r r , rr r, r r; r r r r2. r r r rr rr; 3.r r rr r ;use of space is relected in maximum of 120 beds/ha density;4. r r 30%, 5.r r 0.8; 40% r r r6.rr; 7.r 100 r ;r r r 8.

    r r .

    Structure of accommodation units

    ar 82

    Share of accommodation units in hotels (T1) must be 70% in the central , 30% x x.

    ar r r r 70% , r r r r x r 30% x.

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    Share of accommodation units in tourism settlements (T2) must be 30 % in r , r 70% x x. ar r r r 50% , r r r r

    x r 50% x.

    u r r ,hotel areas (T1) may not be converted into a tourism settlement purposes(T2), whereas tourism settlements (T2) may be converted into hotels (T1)

    Campsite planning

    ar 83

    c, .. r r rland (outside settlement) and on a construction land inside settlement onr r r 15 r r x r , r r r r .

    p r r rr r 30% r r.

    Accommodation units may not be ixed onto the ground, whereas r r r 100r .

    i r r (villas, bungalows, pavilions and similar).

    Nautical tourism facilities planning

    ar 84

    Nautical tourism ports (N) shall be primarily planned and constructed r r r rr r r r r rr r , r qr x 10 .

    a , r, r r rr r

    r .

    t r r r r r r

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    /62/ r r 20% r x, r 50 r .

    t r r rr xr r r r, r r

    r r r r r coniguration by shore reclamation and/or removing earth from it.

    Separate construction lands for sports purpose

    ar 85

    sr r r r r r

    r r r r r :

    gross building loor area of closed and sheltered buildings may- 10% r r r x,60% r x r r r rr.-

    Golf course

    ar 86

    g r 50 , r r rr:

    r 9, 18 r r -rrr; , r , rr , r -r r, r r rr , .

    h r (, , r facilities) within golf course may not be planned to be within the striprrr 100 r r , r rr.

    a r 25 % r rr r.

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    Types of urban units

    ar 87

    d r r r r r .

    ur r r , .

    ur , r r rnumbers (from 1 to N), whereas zones shall be marked by capitals (from Ato ).

    Urban lot

    ar 88

    ur r .

    ur r r r r

    plots or their parts and meet requirements for construction deined by such .

    ur r.


    ar 89

    b r x r , r r .

    As a rule, block boundaries shall match (overlap) boundary lines andr r .

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    ar 90

    z r r r rr r r.

    z r r.


    The base

    ar 91

    e r r r r r r r r.

    e r r, r r r r , :

    r ;1.

    r r ;2.r ;3. ;4.r ;5.rqr r r ;6.requirements for energy eficiency of buildings;7.rqr r rrr r8.


    b r r r rrr r rr2 , r:x (r r1.or gross loor area);xr : , ;2. - r r ;3. ;4. r ;5.r r .6.

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    Shape and minimum dimensions of urban lot

    ar 92

    a r r r r , r r.

    i, r r, , , r r r r r ,.. r, rrr .

    Purpose of urban lot

    ar 93

    a r r r ar 42 r R.

    Boundary line

    ar 94

    br r r r r r.

    A distance between two boundary lines shall be deined by the outline ofrr rrr rrr.

    Building line


    b , r r ,which is deined graphically and numerically and represents the limit up to r rr.A planning document shall deine the building line as a line on whichr r r x.

    a r r r

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /66/ r r, r towards neighboring urban lots may be deined descriptively (as distancesfrom neighboring buildings or boundaries of the appertaining urban lot) orr.

    Types of building lines

    ar 96

    A building line that is under the ground (GL0) or under water shall be anyline which deines dimensions of the underground parts of a structure orrr rr.

    A building line that is on the ground (GL1) shall be a line which deines the rr r rr xto the ground loor height.

    A building line that is above ground (GL2) shall be a line which deines thedimensions of overground part of a structure above the ground loor, as wellas of overground structures without the ground loor (pedestrian passages,overground corridors and footbridges).

    As for structures with their building lines on the ground (GL1) and theirbuilding lines above ground (GL2) overlapping the boundary lines, it shall r , .. rr x 1.80.

    ar 97

    ar , r gross building area speciied by a planning parameters of the lot concerned.

    f r x 25% r r .

    Vertical dimensions

    ar 98

    A vertical dimension shall be speciied both for overground and underground


    a r q r

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    minor discrepancies in levelling which shall not exceed one half of such loor.

    ar r , rr r , rr , .. r

    loor, loor/s and the attic.l : Po (cellar), Su (basement), P (ground loor), 1 to... (number of loors) and Pk(attic).

    Parameters for vertical dimensions

    ar 99

    vr r rrr r r .

    The irst parameter shall deine a number of loors of a building as a sum ofrr rr .

    t rr rr x r building, which shall be expressed in meters and relect the distance fromthe lowest level of inally developed and levelled terrain around or sidewalkalongside building to the spot level of roof ridge or lat roof cornice.

    i r , r rr already constructed urban tissue are planned, it shall be necessary to deine r rr r, .. r.

    a r r r r , r r rr r .

    Caption:rj: ;sprat: loor;prizemlje: ground loor;r:

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /68/The largest height of the level

    ar 100

    t r r , r r rr :

    r r r : 3.0 -r r : 3.5 ,-r : 4.5 ,-x, r r r -r r r 4.5 .

    fr rr r rr 1

    ar rqr r r rr; r, rr r rr r r r rqr.

    Underground level

    ar 101

    urr r r rr r.

    cr rr r x rr r 1.00 . i rr , rrr j r r rr.Horizontal dimensions of a cellar shall be speciied by the undergroundbuilding line (FL0) referred to under Article 96 of the present Rulebook, and x 80% r r .

    b rr r rr rr r the terrain, whereas one basement loor spot level on one side matches orr r rr 1.00 x. t a basement shall be deined by the building line on the ground (GL1) referred r ar 96 r R.

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    Overground level

    ar 102

    orr r r.

    Ground loor (Pr) shall be the overground level the spot level of which shallbe speciied by a plan concerned, depending on the purpose and morphologyof the terrain. For residential buildings, the loor spot level of the ground loor 1.00 x, r r 0.20 at maximum above the spot level of the inally developed and levelled terrainrr j.

    Floor shall be any level above the ground loor.

    Attic or the inal level shall be above the top loor. The lowest light height of r 1.20 r the attic and those of loors overlap. As a rule, attics shall be planned in cases r r r r r .

    l r , x r r r, r rr , .a r .

    i r rr r r r space for residential purposes, such space shall be included in the gross loorr 100% r r r r r.

    Requirements for designing and realization

    ar 103

    b r rr rsurrounding regarding the basic parameters of their proiles and ther r r.

    w , r rr r; r rr r;

    j ; r , .. r r: r , x.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /70/d r r,planning document shall deine the following requirements for designing:

    ;-: r, , , r ;-

    r ;-roof elements: roof pitch and rooing, direction of roof ridge, roof-

    , , r, ...

    t r r r r, r rr r, r, xrand other visual characteristics which afirm the ambience qualities of ther j .

    Requirements for energy eficiency of buildings

    ar 104

    Planning document shall deine the requirements for the construction, which r r r r r r r r , r r .

    t r rrr r rr 1 r r r r r .

    i r r r rqr r r r p, x r possibilities to use available potentials in the area of energy eficiency, withr r r r r r rr, r r rrr r r r

    taken in consideration (electric energy, heat, gas), with consideration ofr r , r r r r .

    Construction requirements relating to energy eficiency and sustainability rrr r rr 1 rr , r r , r, j ,

    r r r, r r rrr,trafic eficiency etc. as well as other features of the area governed under a.

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    Requirements for undisturbed moving of disabled people

    ar 105

    p r r r r r rr, r, rsuficient width, safe inclines and appropriate surface inishing.

    p r r r r , r r , .

    A ramp to negotiate a dierence in elevation of 120 cm, either in indoor or

    outdoor spaces, may have the permitted incline up to 1 : 20 (5%), whereas,exceptionally, the permitted incline in case of a dierence in elevation of 76cm may be 1 : 12 (8.3%).

    Requirement for connection to road and communal

    infrastructure networks

    ar 106

    a r r r r r r r.

    w x rr 1, r r r r r.

    a r r r, r , r-r r, r r .

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    Identifying parameters per zone and block

    ar 107

    s r r r rr r , r r .

    A planning document shall oer a comparative table review of the existing r r .

    Population density

    ar 108

    p xr r rr r.

    t r rrr r rr 1 :

    r r r r r-r;r r r r r r -r r r r r.

    i r rr 1 2 , r r .

    p r r r(ha).

    Net population density (per zone or block), as a real indicator of the actual r r r r , r r,r r:

    G (net) = number of inhabitants / area intended for habitation

    gr r r r r

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    G (gross) = number of inhabitants/area of zone/block governed under theplan

    n r r r r .

    Building coverage and gross extended building loor area ofbuildings

    ar 109

    Building coverage (areas under buildings) shall be the sum of gross areas of

    ground loors of all buildings on the urban lot, block, zone or plan, including r r .

    Gross extended building loor area of a building shall be the built-up area , r , rr ,, , , rr, , .

    Total gross extended building loor area of buildings shall be the total area of .

    Land occupancy index

    ar 110

    l x rr r r r .

    l x q r - r r


    r r . s x r r r r:

    Iz= Pg / Pgz

    i r r rr 2 ar Iz - x: p -ground area under buildings; Pgz - area of construction land unit).

    o x x r ,

    considered as the value only at the level of ground loor.

    1 Gross building coverage

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /74/Lot coverage index

    ar 111

    l r x rr r r, .. r r .

    l r x r r r, .. r r r r (urban lot or block). The index shall be a rational number with two decimals r r:

    Ii = Pbr / Pgz

    i r r rr 2 Ii l r x; pr r overground levels; Pgz is area of construction land unit)

    i r r r r r r , , r r, r r r rx .

    sr r r r r rr r r r r, other functional units (warehouses, storerooms, business premises).


    Road infrastructure

    ar 112

    R rrr - (r, , regional roads) and municipal roads (local roads and settlement streets) and-r r.sr r r r ,r r r .

    t r r r r r r

    rrr (r rr, r r ,telecommunications and alike).

    t r r , , r r- ,

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    oficial trafic regime and developed length, be planned into the following:rr r ( , .. r-speed moving for several types of vehicles);secondary network (dominant access to location, lower speed,...).-

    prr r :r r r;-r r r r- r r ( r r ; r-r r; r rq rr rgoing through town, or they are supported by it);

    Note: value in ( ) exceptionally acceptable, * no inluenceSecondary network may be classiied into collection roads and access roads:a r :

    streets with the sidewalks for pedestrians and the trafic lanes for- r ;j r r r-, r r r.

    The width of a trafic lane of roads where speed limit of less than 40 km/h r 2.75 , r j

    pRimaRy Road netwoRksecondaRy Road






    ur r



    m rr


    a r

    c (km/h)

    100 (60) 80 (50) 60(40) 60 (30) 3000

    2000-3000 800-2000 200-800

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /76/ 60/, 80/ 80 100/ 3.00, 3.25 3.50r.

    Elements of town street corridor

    ar 113

    Bike lanes and cycle tracks shall be those areas intended for bike trafic.

    b r r r r r (r access roads). The position of any bike lane shall be along the right edge of r r, 1.00 .

    c r r r r roads (town highway, collector road).

    pr r r be a part of transverse proiles of all categories of town roads. The width of 0.75-0.80.

    pr r r r i, rr. pr r r rtrafic, except for needs of delivery that shall be subject to a strict controlr.

    w r r , shall be applied to fulill the need for bypassing. The edge of a cycle track 0.70 r r r,r r 0.50.

    Parking and garaging vehicles

    ar 114

    Parking lots shall be those areas which are designed as per trafic andr rqr r - r r r r , r.

    t r :

    r r r . t-r r rr rrr r rr rr

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    ;r r , r. t r - r r r r r r rrr r 1 ar;

    r r , ,-r, r r, r .t r r rr,r rqr r , ;r r - r r, r r r construction of road infrastructure facilities that have been identiied r r r- .

    pr rr r r , rr r, r r, r r r rrr .

    nr r r r r r r r -r r r r .

    t rrr r rr 4 r r .

    n r r r rr , r .

    sr r r r r r :

    t r r r r 500 r

    / 1,000 . a r r j r. fr x, 200 r / 1,000 , 200/500=0.4 r r j.

    t r rrr r rr 7 assumption that passenger vehicles predominate, which is relected in theequal ratio of passenger vehicles and public transport use. (50%:50%).

    ur r r , r / rrr 30% : 70%, j r 30/50=0.60.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    sr r r r rr r r r r r -r.

    m r r r r , rr r, 2.30 4.80 , r r 5.00 r. a r r r r r r , r qx r 0.30 0.60, .

    m r 90 5.50.

    fr r r, r 2.00x5.50,r r r r 3.50.

    a 300 / 450 / 600-r, r (rr

    to road) shall be 4.30 / 5.00 / 5.30m respectively, and the width of the accessr 2.80 / 3.00 / 4.70 r, r r 2.30.

    According to a way of parking, garages are classiied into:r r rr r (rr r r-to the parking place);r r - r ( r -r, rr r r r then they move to the parking place);r r r (rr r-of a garage, and the vehicle is placed in the garage mechanically).

    a r r r rr rr, 1,5002, x :

    residence (per 1,000 m2) .......................................... 15 pp (local condi-

    tions: min. 12 and max. 18 pp);

    production (per 1,000 m2) .......................................20 pp (6-25 pp);

    faculties (per 1,000 m2) ........................................... 30 pp (10-37 pp);

    business (per 1,000 m2) ........................................... 30 pp (10-40 pp);trade (per 1,000 m2) .................................................60 pp ( 40-80 pp);

    hotels (per 1,000 m2) ...............................................10 pp (5-20 pp);

    restaurants (per 1,000 m2) ....................................... 120 pp (40-200 pp);

    sports halls, stadiums and alike (per 100 visitors) ..25 pp.

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    r r r: 18%-r r r: 15%-r rr r: 15%-r rr r:12%-

    r r 4 : 20%-

    t r r r rrr rr r r r r r 40 :

    r r r: 12%-rr r: 12%-r r r: 15%-

    t r r 3.75 (r r 2.75+2x0.5,both-side sidewalks) for one-way straight ramp, whereas 4.70m (3.70+2x0.5)r - rr r. t - r rshall be 6.50m (2x2.75+2x0.50), whereas 8.10m (3.70+3.40+2x0.50) forrr . m r x rr r 6.00.

    m 5% r r rr rr.

    Ramps - oblique planes

    ar 115

    In order to negotiate a dierence in elevation between sidewalk and roadsurface, ramps (oblique planes) shall be used with inclination of up to 8.3%(1:12). If needed, side bevels shall be made, also with inclination of 8.3%(1:12).

    a r r r r 125 . t , r r - r r r r r.

    Public transport stops

    ar 116

    Public transport stops shall be planned to have plateaus (platforms) forr, 200 , r r r

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    /80/ 300 r . t of a plateau (platform) shall match the level of either the irst entrance stepof a public transport vehicle or of the loor of the wagon. When vehicles withthe high irst step are used, the height of a plateau shall match the level thatis up to 18 cm lower than the irst step of such vehicle.

    Access to buildings

    ar 117

    a r ground loor of which either matches or is slightly higher than the level of therr.

    Negotiating a dierence in elevation between the pedestrian surface and the :

    1. r r r2. r r r.

    Public-use green spaces

    ar 118

    pr r rr , r , r r r r , , rr r,children playgrounds, sport terrains, ields etc.

    A park may be town, suburban (forest parks) and inter-settlement park.

    Park amenities of dierent functional purposes and small garden andrr r r.

    For more complete satisfying citizens search for dierent types of relaxation, r r ,; r r; r; r r; q r . mr 50% r rrrshould be under green spaces (plants and trees).

    sqr r-- - r r rrx r r r r. p

    r 35% qr rrr. gr r60 65%, r r 0 5%.

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    For streets and roads of dierent categories, as a means of protection against, r rr r r r r:

    - r r -35 - r r r - 22

    - r - 10 - - r r r -8.3

    a r r r2.50 . i rrr r, r r , r r. w r r , r r x r rrr , r r r r rr .

    Rr r r j r rr , ; r r r 16-20 /. w rr r , r r r 8.00/, r rr r3.00 r .

    pr r, rrr r rq r , their width shall range in size from 1.5 (to ensure two persons to pass by) to3m (according to the module of 0.75m).

    t r/ r , qon the plateaus and alike (15-100m), whereas plateaus for waste disposal r 4-20 .

    For deciding dimensions of facilities (children playgrounds) within park r r r r r r , r :

    - - r r r r r 1 3 r . t

    r r r r r 1


    r . t r r r 50 100 ,

    r r 100 ;

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /82/- - r r r r r 3 7 r. t

    r r r 5 r , r

    . t r r r 150 250 ,

    r 300 500 ;

    - r r r r r 7 14 r. t r r

    r 6 r ; r r

    rr .

    Restricted-use green spaces

    ar 119sr rr r r rr r r r r 1.5.

    t r r rr r 3.0 /, the loor area shall be 1.3 m / inhabitant, whereas the accompanying area 1.7 /. tr r r r, rrr r 6 r .

    t r r 25-35 r , . i r , x r r 10-15 , r 4 .i rr, r r r- , 15 r . a r rr 4r r- rr 100 r , 1,500 r r r.

    w r, r r 70% r x, r r, r , r 20% , 10%.

    Sanitary protection zone

    ar 120

    p r, r r , r r r. l

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    r r r r, r, rr, r r r r. a 40% r r r r , r r 50% r .

    i rr r r r r r r rqr , r rof toxic gases is possible, narrow blowing-through green belts - with cut-os 40 r r r .s 7 r 8 r r 17.5 21 r.

    For any industry (metal industry, chemical industry and alike) which generates

    r r , r r 5 8 .

    w r r , rr 40% r r x.

    Complexes of specialized parks, i.e. of a zoo-park

    ar 121

    cx r, .. -r r r r r , r . t x -r 50 60% r r rr 30 40% r.

    t x r x 60-70% rr , .. r rx 30-40%


    Central pedestrian paths shall be adapted to the coniguration of the terrain to x, 3 . sr r 0.75 - 3.0 .

    t r rrr r rr 11, 12 13 r r r.

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    Water-protective environmental corridors

    ar 124

    t r-r r rrr rr rr rr r r r r r.

    m r r-r r rrr r 30%, r r r rr r r r.

    t r-r r rrr r r r r r (r r , rrr r

    zone and immediate protection zone), determined by special regulation inr r, r r r r r r .

    Green areas coverage

    ar 125

    a r r q r r:- green space coverage, in percentages (%) = UZP/PG x100- r r r, 2/ = UZP/BS- r r r, 2/


    i r r rr 1 UzP r rr; PG r; BS r zPJN q r r .

    i rr r r 15 50% r rrr. t r r rx 5 152/, r r r rx 25 502/.

    i r 15 r r , r r r (rr

    of roof gardens, balconies, terraces etc.) as a supplement which is of both r .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /86/Development of terrain of suburban areas and organization

    of places for rest and recreation

    ar 126

    t r rr rrr r rx r r r rr. t r areas that lay along artiicial accumulations (energy plants), river shores, or rr r r rr - r xrr rr, . o r r rr r rr j .

    fr r rrr r rr 1 , : r r, , r r, rr, ,

    - r , r r, , r rr .

    fr r r r r r r rr, r rr. t r r r r 50 r r. t r r r r , x r r x r r r, r r

    r r.fr r : jpaths; cycle tracks; scientiic and program tracks; riding paths; summerr; r q; r r, r rr; r rr; r r; r , r rpiers, r; r r; r r r rr; r r.

    l r r r r, r r , r r rr / rr r. p r r r x . R r r the terrain coniguration and of the direction of prevailing winter winds, as r r rr -r r r R r r r r r 2 . b r r r ,

    .. 60 - 70 / r 2.5 3.5 , of plant species is possible at each 2 to 3 km at minimum. The speed of traficlow also impacts deciding on the length of distances between plantations,

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    r r rr r r r; r, 140.

    t r r / r rr r r.



    ar 127

    gr r r r a # 1 r R rr r.

    Maps and topographic and cadastral plans

    ar 128

    m r r r.

    ar, r r (, r, r,purple, blue, brown, green), as well as in black and white.

    Maps and topographic-cadastre plans deining requirements for use, land orr r rr r r q r

    Maps and topographic and cadastral plans relecting infrastructure systems r x, .

    p r rr r R80, R60, R40 R20% r .

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents


    /88/Planning signs

    ar 129

    p r r ,.. 1.0, 0.8 0.6, r , .. 1.0,0.8 0.6, r j x r .

    Complex planning signs and planning signs speciied under Annex 1 gr s cr l u r r .A planning document shall relect the dierence between any current and the r r

    r r r r.

    ar , r rrr , r r .

    i r r r r r r r r r r r r 1 rr .

    Graphical symbol which has not been designated

    ar 130

    i r r R, r r r signs ( the same cluster of the cartographic signs).

  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents




    Entry into force

    ar 131

    t l r r in the Oficial Gazette of Montenegro.nr:01-6823/09pr, 23. ar 2010



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  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents



    categoRies of thepuRposes of aReas,elements of uRban

    Regulation andgRaphical symbols

    gtz, ministRy of spatial development andenviRonmental pRotection

    COORDINATORS:Branislav Gregovi, BS.Arch.Engr.Rajka Radulovi, JD lawSaa Karajovi, BS. Spatial plannerSanja Ljekovi, Mitrovi-BS.L.Arc.Engr.Radmila Lainovi, JD law

    WORKING GROUP:pd k, u krPhD Joachim Benner

    t erGordana Raievi, BS.Arch.Engr.eljko Boovi, BS. Spatial plannerSanja Ljekovi, Mitrovi-BS.L.Arc.Engr.Mr Gojko Nikoli, Geog. cartographerSimeun Matovi, BS.Civ.Engr.Zorana Miloevi, BS.Arch.Engr.Tamara Vuevi, BS.Arch.Engr.Vesna Nikoli, BS.Arch.Engr.

    Lidija Bakovi, BS.L.Arc.Engr.Dejan Mitrovi, technical processingStanko Jankovi, technical processing

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  • 7/27/2019 Rulebook on Detailed Contents and Format of Planning Documents




    1 State border (Land and Teritorial seas)Solid line 2.0mm thickness, colour RGB 129,0,0

    2 Municipal borderSolid line 1.0mm thi
