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Rumbo LAWRENCE/METHUEN EDICIÓN NO. 254L AÑO 11 DICIEMBRE 8, 2006 | RUMBONEWS.COM PAGES IN ENGLISH 11-20 b FREE | GRATIS In front row: Savannah Loth, age 11; and Rayza Carrasco, age 11; In back row: Ashley Estrella, age 10; Aleyne Javier, age 10; Stephania Cueva, age 11; and Romaly Concepcion, age 10. WWW. RUMBONEWS.COM VISIT OUR WEBSITE VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB ESTUDIANTES DE LA ACADEMIA ESPERANZA SON VOLUNTARIAS TODAS LAS SEMANAS EN LA YMCA DE LAWRENCE ESPERANZA ACADEMY MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS VOLUNTEER WEEKLY AT LAWRENCE YMCA PÁGINA 20 COLOMBIANOS CELEBRAN NOCHES DE CARTAGENA Carmenza Bruff, presidenta del comité Cultural Colombiano; Su excelencia Bibiana Gomez Jaramillo, Consul General de Colombia en Boston; Lina Maria Dziechowski, Miss Colombia y María Villalba, hija de la Cónsul Gomez Jaramillo, durante la celebración de las Noches de Cartagena. COLOMBIANS CELEBRATES CARTAGENA NIGHTS Carmenza Bruff, president, Colombian Cultural Committee; Her Excellence, Bibiana Gomez Jaramillo, Colombia’s General Consul in Boston; Lina Maria Dziechowski, Miss Colombia and María Villalba, the daughter of Consul Gomez Jaramillo, during the celebration of the Cartagena Nights. PLEASE SEE PAGE 11 CELEBRAN UNION DE UNITED WAY UNITED WAY MERGE CELEBRATION En la recepción para celebrar la unión entre la United Way de Merrimack Valley y la United Way de Massachusetts Bay: At the reception to celebrate the merger between the United Way of Merrimack Valley and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay: Leonard A. Wilson, Sovereign Bank regional senior vice-president and UWMV board of director’s member; Thomas H. Tulip, Ph.D., chairman of the Board of Directors of United Way of Merrimack Valley (UWMV); Milton James Little, Jr., president and chief executive officer at United Way of Massachusetts Bay, (UWMB); Nancy Donahue, UWMV board member and Robert M. Mahoney, Vice Chairman of Citizens Financial Group and member of the United Way Executive Committee and Board of Directors. United Way de Merrimack Valley y United Way de Massachusetts Bay se unieron para promover mayores oportunidades sociales y económicas en la región. En un movimiento designado a reforzar las oportunidades económicas de los niños y sus familias de las regiones del área de Boston y el Merrimack Valley, United Way del Merrimack Valley (UWMV) y la United Way of Massachusetts Bay (UWMB) anunciaron que las dos organizaciones se unirían a partir del 31 de diciembre, 2006. El objetivo de la unión es el de incrementar el potencial de crear mayores cambios en las comunidades del este de Massachusetts. VER UNITED WAY: CONT. EN LA PÁGINA 3 PÁGINA 11 City employees protest biweekly payroll By Dalia Díaz Enclave Performs at Factory Jazz Project on December 9 th , 2006 Filthy conditions at the Lawrence dog pound By Susan St. Marie PAGE 17 PAGE 9 PAGE 2 Deplorables condiciones en el refugio de animales de Lawrence Por Susan St. Marie PÁGINA 3

Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 1




In front row: Savannah Loth,age 11; and Rayza Carrasco,age 11; In back row: AshleyEstrella, age 10; Aleyne Javier,age 10; Stephania Cueva, age11; and Romaly Concepcion,age 10.







COLOMBIANOS CELEBRAN NOCHES DECARTAGENACarmenza Bruff, presidenta del comité Cultural Colombiano; Su excelencia BibianaGomez Jaramillo, Consul General de Colombia en Boston; Lina Maria Dziechowski, MissColombia y María Villalba, hija de la Cónsul Gomez Jaramillo, durante la celebración delas Noches de Cartagena.

COLOMBIANS CELEBRATES CARTAGENA NIGHTSCarmenza Bruff, president, Colombian Cultural Committee; Her Excellence, BibianaGomez Jaramillo, Colombia’s General Consul in Boston; Lina Maria Dziechowski, MissColombia and María Villalba, the daughter of Consul Gomez Jaramillo, during thecelebration of the Cartagena Nights. PLEASE SEE PAGE 11


UNITED WAY MERGE CELEBRATIONEn la recepción para celebrar la unión entre la United Way de Merrimack Valley y la United Way de Massachusetts Bay:

At the reception to celebrate the merger between the United Way of Merrimack Valley and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay:Leonard A. Wilson, Sovereign Bank regional senior vice-president and UWMV board of director’s member; Thomas H. Tulip, Ph.D.,chairman of the Board of Directors of United Way of Merrimack Valley (UWMV); Milton James Little, Jr., president and chief executiveofficer at United Way of Massachusetts Bay, (UWMB); Nancy Donahue, UWMV board member and Robert M. Mahoney, Vice Chairman ofCitizens Financial Group and member of the United Way Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

United Way de Merrimack Valleyy United Way de Massachusetts Bayse unieron para promover mayoresoportunidades sociales yeconómicas en la región.

En un movimiento designado a reforzar lasoportunidades económicas de los niños y susfamilias de las regiones del área de Boston y elMerrimack Valley, United Way del MerrimackValley (UWMV) y la United Way ofMassachusetts Bay (UWMB) anunciaron que lasdos organizaciones se unirían a partir del 31 dediciembre, 2006. El objetivo de la unión es el deincrementar el potencial de crear mayores cambiosen las comunidades del este de Massachusetts.



City employeesprotest biweeklypayrollBy Dalia Díaz

Enclave Performsat Factory JazzProject onDecember 9th, 2006

Filthy conditions atthe Lawrence dogpoundBy Susan St. Marie




Deplorablescondiciones en elrefugio de animalesde LawrencePor Susan St. Marie


2 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006

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By Susan St. [email protected]

There was an article in the Eagle-Tribune ofWednesday, December 6, 2006, “City dog poundquarantined” by Jim Patten. It really irks me whensomeone calls a newspaper reporter giving theminformation to publish, with the hopes of makingthemselves look good before the real truth comesout. More annoying still is that reporter Jim Pattenwas unknowingly used for the benefit of two publicofficials.

Such was the case with Lawrence Police ChiefJohn Romero and Lt. Shawn Conway announcingthat the city dog pound is under a ten day quarantine,abusing their power and the confidence of Mr.Patten.

Reading the article while knowing thebackground of the case, I had to laugh at the Chiefand Lieutenant for their weak effort at trying toprotect themselves of the embarrassment they facein the wake of the unnecessary death of Destiny, awonderful, playful pit bull taken from Alicia Lugo inJuly.

Those familiar with that case know that Destinyand Tyson were taken from Alicia Lugo and her sonJonathan De La Rosa pending the outcome of theircase for dog fighting and animal cruelty charges.The case continues next week, December 13th.

Animal Control Officer Keith Stramaglia, is theofficer who reported that Alicia Lugo’s Pit Bulls,Destiny and Tyson, were being used for dog fightingand who were being abused by Lugo and De LaRosa. Wonder how he got his job? I regress.

It is true that a dog who is believed to be thesource of the Parvo Virus was picked up, except, thedog was picked up on Prospect Street, not FerryStreet as the Eagle-Tribune article said. Keith wasthe officer who picked him up. Unfortunately, thereport has mysteriously disappeared, but I was toldthat that was on a Tuesday and the dog was placedin a cage next to Destiny and Tyson. The dog wasfound dead on Thursday, November 16th and Keithbrought him up to the MSPCA telling them that hebelieved the dog had a tumor.

Parvo virus is a highly contagious virus thatattacks the intestines and causes sloughing ofthe inner layers of the intestine. Parvovirus isresistant to extremes of temperature (i.e., itsurvives freezing and extreme heat) and isunharmed by detergents, alcohol, and commondisinfectants. Direct transmission occurs whenan infected dog comes in contact with ahealthy dog. The virus is found in heavyconcentration in the infected dog’s stool.Because dogs will usually sniff where anotherdog has eliminated, this fecal-oral transmissionis the most common method of transmission.The virus particles can be easily spread byhands, shoes, clothing, or other inanimateobjects (fomites)—this is an indirect source oftransmission.Taken from http://www.cpvh.com/Articles/39.html )

Filthy conditions atthe Lawrence dog pound

This can only mean that the cages were notcleaned out properly and dogs were shuffled fromcage to cage, thus the spread of this virus.

It was said in the Eagle-Tribune Article, “Lt.Shawn Conway, supervisor of the city pound, saidanimal control officer Keith Stramaglia found Destinyand Tyson were sick on Nov. 29.”

That can’t be true because I walked into thepound the evening of November 29th to pick up acouple of small dogs and I asked why there wassuch a strong bleach odor. I was told that one of thedogs had Parvo. At that time Destiny and Tysonwere in the back cages.

I immediately said that I could not take any dogsthat were there in the event that they came in contactwith the virus in any way. I explained what I knew ofthe virus and advised them to quarantine and havethe dogs tested.

Because I have dogs of my own, I immediatelytook off my clothes when I arrived home, baggedthem and showered for fear that the virus could havegot on my clothes.

The next day I received a call that Destiny andTyson tested positive for Parvo and were in thehospital. That was Thursday, November 30th, almosttwo weeks after the infected dog was found dead inhis cage. Please note that Lt. Conway allowed“Officer” Stramaglia to go home to tend to hisnephew’s dog instead of decontaminating the poundthat day.

Siguen los cambiosen el ayuntamiento

La continuidad y la estabilidad entre los empleados municipalesno parece ser una preocupación para los oficiales electos deLawrence. Cambiando constantemente los jefes de departamentosconduce solamente al caos y la confusión. Nunca llegan a tener laoportunidad de conocerse y aprender a trabajar unidos porque nologran comprender de qué lado del lado político los otros funcionariosestán.

Desde que Michael J. Sullivan llegó a la alcaldía de Lawrence,muchos de los “viejos” se retiraron o cambiaron de empleo. Loscomentarios que siempre escuchamos son culpando “la carencia deliderazgo en la oficina de la esquina.” Muchos de los empleadosantiguos que han estado abusando de la chupeta por demasiadotiempo parecen ser los protegidos y recompensados. Piense encuántos empleados hemos perdido en los últimos cuatro o cincoaños: Comptroller, Cheryl Wright; Budget y el Director de FinanzasJim Limperis, entre otros.

Ahora Caroline Ganley, Comisionada de Servicios de Inspeccióny John Griffin, Director de Presupuesto y Finanzas, han renunciadobajo la tremenda presión del concilio. Sabemos que muchos otrosempleados en posiciones claves están buscando trabajo porqueesta administración les ha hecho imposible funcionar.

Mientras que el concilio siga gastando tanto tiempo criticandoa los empleados, forzándolos a renunciar, y entonces entrevistar ypelear sobre la selección de sus reemplazos jugando a la políticateniendo caras nuevas constantemente. El no retener a los empleadosbuenos por largo tiempo es la mayor causa de que no haya lealtaden una empresa.

Tenemos un alcalde que no sabe ser líder y un concilio quequiere brillar por razones erróneas. Es un milagro que logren hacernada en esta ciudad.

Musical chairs atCity Hall

Continuity and stability among city employees do not seem tobe a concern to Lawrence elected officials. Constantly changingdepartment heads can only lead to chaos and confusion. Peoplenever have a change to get to know each other and learn to work asa team because they fail to understand on which side of the politicalspectrum other officials stand.

Since Michael J. Sullivan became mayor of Lawrence, many“old timers” managed to retire or leave their jobs. The commentsalways heard are blaming “the lack of leadership coming from thecorner office.” Many long-time employees who have been abusingthe public spout for too long seem to be the ones protected andrewarded. Just think back at how many workers we have lost in thelast four or five years: Comptroller, Cheryl Wright and Budget andFinance Director Jim Limperis, among others.

Now, Caroline Ganley, Commissioner of Inspectional Servicesand John Griffin, Budget and Finance Director, have resigned undera great deal of stress from the City Council. We hear of severalothers in key positions who are searching for employment becausethis administration has made it impossible for them to function.

As long as the council spends so much time criticizingemployees, forcing them to leave, and then interviewing and arguingover the selection of their replacements while playing politics in theprocess, we will continue to see new faces constantly. A companywhere there is no long-term retention of good employees cannotexpect loyalty from them.

We have a mayor who cannot lead and a council that wants toshine for the wrong reasons. It is a wonder that anything at all getsdone in that hall.

The only people they manageto notify were the Eagle-Tribune with a one-sidedversion. Were they just toobusy to notify everyone elseand they were just hopingthat the newspaper would dothat for them? Or maybe itwas that they just couldn’t bebothered. We obviously knowthat it can’t be that it’sbecause they’re spending alltheir time cleaning thebuilding with therecommended (by theDepartment of Agriculture)solution of water with 10%bleach.


Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 3

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La unión fue anunciada durante unarecepción llevada a cabo en el LanamClub, localizado en el 260 de la CalleNorth Main, en Andover, el pasadomartes, 5 de diciembre, 2006.

“Nuestra unión refleja nuestrocompromiso de combinar nuestrosrecursos en un nivel regional para asílograr mayores cambios encomunidades locales”, dijo Milton J.Little, Jr., presidente y oficialejecutivo de UWMB. “Muchos de losproblemas que afectan al Valle deMerrimack- tales como viviendasasequibles, desarrollo de la fuerzalaboral y creación de un ambientedonde los niños y los jóvenesaprendan y puedan prosperar- sonproblemas que no conocen fronterasgeográficas. Juntos podemos hacer ladiferencia en las vidas de personas yvecindarios donde vivimos,trabajamos y criamos a nuestrasfamilias”.

La nueva organización incluirá 87ciudades y pueblos y una inversióntotal de $34 millones. Para asegurarseque el Valle de Merrimack mantengauna fuerte voz en las decisiones,cuatro líderes del Valle de Merrimackse unirán a la Junta de la United Wayde Massachusetts Bay.

La nueva unión también abriráuna oficina en Lowell, además demantener abierta la que existe enHaverhill. El plan filantrópico de laUnited Way “Gifts in Kind”, operarádesde el área de Lawrence.

Además de la inyección denuevos fondos para desarrollartécnicas de matemática y ciencias enlos jóvenes, la organización estádando los pasos para asegurar quelos niveles de los fondos corrientesestén protegidos. La United Waycontinuará invirtiendo los fondos queson colectados en el Valle deMerrimack en agencias y programasque sirven la región.

El acuerdo contiene un fuertecompromiso en acoplar voluntarioslocales y líderes comunitarios yrequiere el mantenimiento de tresconcilios en el Valle de Merrimackpara asesorar a la United Way sobreproblemas específicos que afectan ala región. Cuatro comités localesnuevos serán creados para informar ala junta regional de UWMB sobreproblemas económicos regionales,guiar las asignaciones comunitarias,proveer liderazgo para la campañaanual y reclutar voluntarios en elValle de Merrimack para estosmenesteres.

“Esta es una tremendaoportunidad para invertir en el capitalhumano del Valle de Merrimack,” dijoThomas H. Tulip, Ph.D.,vicepresidente de la famosa marcamundial Bristol-Myers Squibb ypresidente de la junta de UWMV. “Elacuerdo refleja el compromiso de laUnited Way de construir una fuerte,estable región y una vibranteeconomía que mantenga viva lapromesa de un brillante futuro paratodos”.


Por Susan St. [email protected]

El Eagle-Tribune del miércoles, 6 dediciembre, 2006, publicó un artículo “Citydog pound quarantined” (Refugio de perrosde la ciudad en cuarentena) por Jim Patten.Me molesta cuando alguien llama a unreportero de un periódico dándoleinformación para publicar, con la esperanzade lucir bien antes que la verdad se sepa.Más molesto resulta que el reportero JimPatten fue utilizado sin querer en beneficiode dos oficiales públicos.

Ese fue el caso con el Jefe de la Policíade Lawrence John Romero y el TenienteShawn Conway anunciando que el refugiode animales está bajo una cuarentena dediez días, abusando así su poder y laconfianza del Sr. Patten.

Leyendo el artículo ya que conozco elcaso a fondo, me tuve que reír del Chief ydel Teniente por haber hecho un esfuerzotan débil tratando de protegerse delbochorno que confrontarán ante lainnecesaria muerte de Destiny, una preciosaperrita pit bull que le llevaron a Alicia Lugoen Julio.

Las personas que conocen el casosaben que Destiny y Tyson fueron llevadosde la casa de Alicia Lugo y su hijo JonathanDe La Rosa y tienen un caso pendiente portener perros de pelea acusaciones decrueldad animal. Su caso continúa la semanapróxima, el 13 de diciembre.

El oficial de control de animales KeithStramaglia, es el oficial que reportó que lospit bulls de Alicia Lugo, Destiny y Tyson,estaban siendo utilizados para pelear yestaban siendo abusados por Lugo y De LaRosa. ¿Se pregunta cómo consiguió esepuesto? Volveré a eso.

Es cierto que un perro quesospechaban que tenía el virus de Parvofue recogido en Prospect St., no en FerrySt. como dijo el artículo del Eagle-Tribune.Keith fue el oficial que lo recogió.Desafortunadamente, el reportemisteriosamente desapareció, pero medijeron que eso fue un martes y el perro fuecolocado en una jaula al lado de Destiny yTyson. El perro fue hallado muerto el jueves,16 de noviembre y Keith lo llevó al MSPCAdiciéndoles que él creía que el perro teníaun tumor.

El virus de Parvo es extremadamentecontagioso que ataca los intestinos.Este virus es resistente a los extremosen las temperaturas (por ejemplo,sobrevive congelación y calorextremo) y los detergentes, el alcohol olos desinfectantes no le hacen daño.La transmisión directa ocurre cuandoun perro infectado se pone en contactocon otro perro saludable. El virus seencuentra en grandes concentracionesen las heces fecales del animal. Comoa los perros les gusta oler donde otroperro ha descargado, esta transmisiónfecal-oral es el método más común detransmisión. Las partículas del virusse pueden transmitir fácilmente através de las manos, zapatos, ropas, uotro objeto – a esto le llaman formaindirecta de transmisión. (Tomado dehttp://www.cpvh.com/Articles/39.html)

Deplorables condiciones en elrefugio de animales de Lawrence

Esto puede solamente significar que lasjaulas no estaban limpias y los perros erantransportados de jaula en jaula, causandola transmisión del virus.

El artículo del Eagle-Tribune decía, “ElTeniente Shawn Conway, supervisor delrefugio, dijo que el oficial de control deanimales Keith Stramaglia encontró queDestiny y Tyson estaban enfermos el 29 denoviembre.”

Eso no puede ser verdad porque yoentré al refugio esa noche del 29 denoviembre a recoger un par de perrospequeños y pregunté por qué había un olortan fuerte a cloro. Me dijeron que uno delos perros tenía Parvo. En ese momentoDestiny y Tyson estaban en las jaulas deatrás.

Inmediatamente, les dije que no mepodía llevar ninguno de los perros en casode que hayan entrado en contacto con elvirus. Les expliqué que yo conozco el virusy les aconsejé que pusieran el local encuarentena y examinaran a todos los perrospara ver cuáles estaban contagiados.

Como yo tengo perros también, enseguida que llegué a mi casa me quité laropa, la metí en una bolsa y me di una duchapor temor a que el virus haya llegado a mí.

Al día siguiente recibí una llamada queDestiny y Tyson salieron positivos de Parvoy estaban en el hospital. Eso fue el jueves,

30 de noviembre, casi dos semanas despuésde haber encontrado muerto en su jaula alperro infectado. Tome nota que el TenienteConway permitió al “Oficial” Stramaglia irsea su casa a cuidar el perro de su sobrino enlugar de decontaminar el refugio de losanimales ese día.

Sin perder tiempo llamé a Dalia Díaz yle dije lo que estaba sucediendo y le pedíque averiguara la situación. Por eso ellallamó al Chief Romero.

A través de todo este tiempo, ni unasola vez alguien del Departamento de laPolicía de Lawrence se puso en contactocon Alicia Lugo para informarle que susperros estaban hospitalizados, ni trataronde encontrar información médica sobre ellos.La Sra. Lugo fue informada a través de DaliaDíaz que sus perros estaban en el hospital.

Destiny murió en Bulger AnimalHospital el viernes, 1ro de diciembre, sinembargo, la Sra. Lugo no fue informada desu muerte hasta que Dalia Díaz se lo dejósaber el lunes, diciembre 4, después que yose lo dejé saber.

Lo único mencionado de la Sra. Lugo yDestiny por parte del Teniente Conway fuepara decir que ella será responsable de lacuenta del hospital. Cuando la Sra. Lugo


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Por Beatriz Pé[email protected]

A partir del mes de enero todas laspersonas que viajen desde la RepúblicaDominicana hacia cualquier punto de losEstados Unidos tendrán que presentar supasaporte de identidad y de nacionalidad.

La ley que entrará en vigencia en el mesde enero del próximo año aplica tanto aadultos como a niños que deseen salir oentrar a este país.

El anuncio fue hecho por el CónsulGeneral de la República Dominicana enNueva Inglaterra, Dominico Cabral.

En una rueda de prensa realizada lapasada semana en la sede consular, Cabralindicó que al dar a conocer la medida serecuerda no solo a los ciudadanosnorteamericanos sino a aquellos de otrasnacionalidades que viajan desde aquí a lanación caribeña que deben de tramitar loantes posible su pasaporte para que puedanregresar sin ninguna dificultad.

El jefe de la misión consular recomendótanto a los dominicanos naturalizados comoa los ciudadanos norteamericanos viajarcon su pasaporte norteamericano.

“Esta medida abarca a los hijos depadres dominicanos que han nacido en estepaís y que ostentan la doble ciudadanía”,dijo Cabral.

El cónsul dominicano expresó que lainiciativa prohíbe en lo adelante que laspersonas utilicen un acta de nacimiento oun certificado de ciudadanía para entrar alpaís, como ha ocurrido en ocasiones.

La ley conocida de Viaje para elHemisferio Occidental establece que losciudadanos estadounidenses deben portarpasaporte a partir de enero cuando setrasladan o regresan de territorios vecinospor vía aérea.

En cuanto a los turistas a bordo decruceros, éstos están exentos de eserequisito hasta junio del 2009.

Esta entrará en vigencia a partir del 23de enero de 2007, y ordena a los ciudadanosestadounidenses presentar un pasaportecuando viajen por avión a los EstadosUnidos desde la República Dominicana yotros países del Hemisferio Occidental.

Por otro lado el funcionario consular

República Dominicana pondrá envigor Ley Norteamericana de Viajesal Hemisferio Occidental

se refirió a las facilidades navideñas que elgobierno dominicano que preside el doctorLeonel Fernández Reyna, otorga a losdominicanos y dominicanas que viajan enésta época a su país de origen.

Se establece que los viajeros lleven

consigo regalos que no sobrepasen envalor, mil quinientos dólares. Los efectosestarán libres del pago de impuestos.

El pasado año la cantidad establecidaen el valor de los regalos fue de mil dólares.

Dominico Cabral, Cónsul General de la República Dominicana en Nueva Inglaterra.

llamó al hospital el lunes, el personal delhospital le dijo que tenían órdenes deldepartamento de policía de lo darleinformación a ella.

Durante todo este tiempo, elDepartamento de Policía de Lawrence,quienes están supuestos a serprofesionales entrenados, no le dejaronsaber al Departamento del Sheriff quetambién usa el edificio con su Unidad deK9, que el sitio estaba contaminado.

A las únicas personas que sepreocuparon en notificar fue el Eagle-Tribune con una versión unilateral.¿Estaban ellos demasiado ocupados paranotificar a todas las personas que debíano esperaban que el periódico lo hicierapor ellos? Quizá no quisieron molestarseen hacerlo. Obviamente sabemos que nopuede ser eso porque ellos están ahoralimpiando el edificio con la soluciónrecomendada de agua y 10% de cloro (porel Departamento de Agricultura). El oficialde control de animales Keith Stramaglia,el posible futuro cuñado del Chief JohnRomero, hermano de Sharon Birchall, esel responsable de la falta de limpieza quecausó esta tragedia y la muerte de unaperrita.

El lunes, Chief Romero le dijo a DaliaDíaz que la Sra. Lugo podía ir a recoger aTyson. Me pregunto por qué, despuésde seis meses y con un caso aúnpendiente, el Chief Romero de repente lepermite que le lleve su perro. ¿Piensausted que teme que otro perro muera?¿Quizá ahora después que una perritainocente murió él está listo para poner sunepotismo a un lado y hacer las cosascomo debe ser?

Por el bien de los perros, que así sea.


Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 5


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son Bienvenidos

Consumidores tienen acceso aamplia selección y un sinnúmero de opciones a escogerque se ajusten a supersonalidad y estilo de vida

Cada año aumenta la cantidad depersonas que desean quieren recibirproductos electrónicos como regalosdurante la época de navidad. Los regalosmás populares son los celulares,reproductores de música portátil y cámarasdigitales. Este año, los consumidores quebuscan un celular para regalar tendrán lamás amplia selección disponible hasta elpresente, ya que la nueva tecnología ofrececelulares con capacidad reproductora demúsica y otros adelantos que han sidorecientemente introducidos en el mercado.Con tantas opciones y nuevos servicios,los consumidores se enfrentan con la difícildecisión de seleccionar el celular perfectopara esa persona especial.

Los regalos más apetecidos son esosque combinan lo mejor del teléfono celulary los reproductores de música portátil. Paraesta navidad, los hispanos estarán entre losmayores compradores de productos de altatecnología. De acuerdo con un estudio dePew Internet y American life Project, loshispanos usan el doble la función demensajes de texto comparado con losusuarios anglosajones, además descarganmás música y toman más fotos en susteléfonos celulares.

Para que los consumidores hispanostomen una buena decisión y puedancomprar el celular perfecto en esta navidad,Cingular Wireless, una compañía que hatransformado más de 520 tiendas a nivelnacional para ofrecerle servicio bilingüe asus clientes hispanos, recomienda que losconsumidores compren productos de altatecnología teniendo en cuenta lossiguientes criterios: presupuesto personal,para que se va a utilizar el celular, y lahabilidad de usar los servicios de maneraeficiente.

Los consumidores deben de tener encuenta las siguientes recomendacionesantes de comprar un celular:

En Sintonía con ElFanático de la Música

Cuando se va a tomar la decisión deescoger un celular para un verdaderofanático de la música, una de esas personasque le encanta escuchar canciones durantesus actividades diarias, busque opcionescon al menos un 1 GB de memoria y concapacidad para guardar 200 canciones(dependiendo del tamaño de los archivos).También se recomienda una batería con unaduración de 5 horas de tiempo de usocontinuo o 10 días en función de espera.Otro elemento importante es el sonido enestéreo tridimensional. Los teléfonoscelulares que vienen con la opción de músicapueden costar entre $49.99, por un teléfonoque funciona dando acceso a la suscripción

de un proveedor de música como Napster,y $249.99 por un teléfono celular totalmenteintegrado con reproductor de música. Elcomprador también podría consideraraccesorios tales como audífonos y cableUSB para descargar música de manera másfácil.

Periodista de CorazónA algunos familiares y amigos les

encanta capturar el espíritu del momento enfotos. Desde su último viaje a Sur América,pasando por los primeros pasos del bebé,hasta el juego de fútbol del fin de semanacon sus amigos. Los videos son cada vezmás populares entre la comunidad hispanay son parte de las nuevas opcionesdisponibles en los teléfonos celulares.Ahora usted podrá llevar los momentosespeciales con su familia en fotos o videoscortos, guardar su imagen favorita comofondo en la pantalla del celular y rotar lasimágenes cuantas veces quiera. Cingularofrece teléfonos con Windows Mobile 5.0,los cuales le permiten ver videos usandoWindows Media Player 10, un programadonde pueden capturar y compartir en elmomento sus videos de manera fácil.

Para los SociableSi conectarse vía mensajes de texto o

llamadas telefónicas con sus familiares yamigos es la prioridad, hay muchosteléfonos disponibles que puedensatisfacer esta necesidad así que lo másimportante es seleccionar el mejor plan deservicio. Hay opciones con muchosminutos gratis, opciones de grupo o familiaque permiten compartir minutos conusuarios de la misma compañía de celular ypaquetes de datos que permiten enviarmensajes de texto y correo electrónico. Fijarun presupuesto es la forma más fácil parallegar a tomar la decisión más conveniente.Para aquellas personas que tienen familia yamigos en otros países, se les va ser aunmás conveniente agregar un planinternacional que ofrezca una tarifa baja porminuto para llamadas al país que ellosseleccionen.

Opciones para los másjóvenes

Los adolescentes son los que mejor seadaptan a las nuevas tecnologías de losteléfonos celulares, pero también suelen serel grupo que utiliza más minutos por mes.Cuando usted esté considerando comprarun teléfono para un adolescente, considerela opción de un celular pre-pagado quetenga la habilidad de poder enviar mensajesde texto, descargar música y hacer llamadas,pero que al mismo tiempo permita controlarsus cuentas mensuales.

Una de las funciones favoritas de altatecnología son los mensajes de texto (unaforma rápida, fácil y privada para mantenerseen contacto), también el poder personalizarsu celular con canciones favoritas comotono de timbre, gráficas que representen elestilo de vida del usuario y juegos. Losproveedores de servicio celular ofrecen la

opción de tarjetas de regalo para descargartonos de timbre los cuales pueden ser unbuen regalo para sus compañeros detrabajo, amigos, o para intercambio deregalos. Para aquellos que tienden a usarsus teléfonos celulares como forma deentretenimiento, existen aparatos y planesque les permiten obtener contenido másavanzado como programas de televisión yfarándula, entre otros. Este año, Cingularha continuado su labor de extender sucolección de entretenimiento hispano,donde se presentan los más popularesartistas latinos como Don Omar.

Los representantes bilingües deCingular pueden ayudarlo a evaluar laopción más adecuada dependiendo de supresupuesto y su estilo de vida. Para másinformación acerca de los teléfonosdisponibles o para consultar con algúnexperto acerca de las opciones de serviciodisponibles, visite http://www.cingular.com/cell-phone-service/cell-phones/.


Como seleccionar el celular adecuado para cadauno en esta Navidad

Cingular Wireless...recomienda que losconsumidorescompren productos dealta tecnologíateniendo en cuenta lossiguientes criterios:presupuesto personal,para que se va autilizar el celular, y lahabilidad de usar losservicios de maneraeficiente.

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¡ORDENE SUS TAQUILLAS HOY!Horario de la ventanilla: L–V, 10 am–6 pm

“Es como estar adentrode un globo de nieve…un pasatiempo tanreal, que ustedprácticamente sesiente como si loscopitos de nieveestuvieran cayendoen su cabeza.”

El Boston Herald

Notas de suBibliotecaria

Por Maureen NimmoDirectora de la Biblioteca Pública de Lawrence

¡Saludos Amigos Lectores! Esperoque hayan tenido un buen Día de Acciónde Gracias junto a sus seres queridos yamistades. Ahora que estamos entrandoa la temporada Navideña la mayoría de lagente tiende a pensar más de lo usual enla familia y el compartir unos con otros.Un grupo que necesita que no nosolvidemos de ellos son nuestras tropasen Irak. No importa si ustedes están afavor o en contra de la guerra, se quedeben de estar de acuerdo de quenuestros soldados son generosos yvalientes. Durante estas Navidadespiensen en ellos y hagan el esfuerzo deenviarles paquetes que contenganamenidades básicas, como: mediasblancas, navajas de afeitar, galletitas, etc.Es muy poco lo que necesitan comparadocon el gran sacrificio que ellos estánhaciendo por nosotros.

La semana pasada tuvimos laCompetencia Anual de Geografía Jowdy.Felicitaciones a la escuela St. Michael’squienes fueron la escuela ganadora y aSt. Mary’s quienes quedaron en segundolugar. La verdad es que hay que felicitara todos los estudiantes y maestros queparticiparon en esta competencia. Todosestuvieron muy bien preparados para estay las puntuaciones estuvieron muycercanas. Un agradecimiento para Mr.Michael Sweeney, Director delDepartamento de Planificación de laciudad, quien dio un mensaje muyimpresionante para la audiencia y losparticipantes. Mr. Sweeney articuló muybien los elogios que le dio a los niñosque participaron y pienso que élconsiguió expresar todos nuestrossentimientos y a la misma vez hizo quelos niños se sintieran muy orgullosos detodos sus logros.

Este martes nuestra Bibliotecaria delos Adolescentes se va a someter a lastijeras de Locks of Love (Mechas deAmor). Este es el programa que lesmencioné varios artículos atrás dondepersonas pueden donar su pelo para crearpelucas para adolescentes que sufren decáncer u otras enfermedades que les

causa pérdida del pelo. Estamos muyagradecidos al salón de belleza PaulMitchell por ofrecer sus servicios y susempleados quienes serán los que van aestar cortando el pelo. Sé que no es algofácil donar su pelo, pero piensen en lomucho que se mejorará el estado de ánimode aquellos que no tienen ninguno.

El grupo Joyful Ringer de la PrimeraIglesia Congregacional de Methuen vaha ofrecer un concierto gratuito deNavidad aquí este domingo. Los dosgrupos—adultos y jóvenes—van aparticipar de este. Yo nunca he tenido laoportunidad de escuchar un concierto decampanas solamente, pero estoy ansiosapor escucharlos. Anne Benedix pertenecea este grupo y ella fue la de la idea de unconcierto para la comunidad. Ella ofreciólos servicios del grupo a través del Grupode Amigos de la Biblioteca. Nuestra seriede Conciertos Otoñales fue todo un éxitoy es muy satisfactorio ver como muchaspersonas se nos acercan para que losincluyamos en la próxima serie osimplemente para dar un conciertoindividual.

Nuestra Coordinadora de ServiciosEspeciales del Departamento de Niños,la Sra. Terry Farish, va para África el mesque viene. Ella es parte del grupo deAmesbury para África. Este grupo trabajaen la aldea de Esabalu, al Oeste de África,para el mejoramiento en la educación,programas para jóvenes y programasciviles. Ella estará trabajando para ayudara establecer una biblioteca en esta aldea.Estoy segura de que Terry será de granayuda para estos programas. Me damucho orgullo saber que contamos congente de tan grandes cualidades en labiblioteca. Terry no tan solo va a ofrecersus servicios, sino que lo va a ser por supropio tiempo lo cual la hace todavía unapersona más especial sobre todo ya queella va para allá ahora en las Navidades.¡Mucha suerte Terry y lleva a todo elmundo el mensaje de la importancia delas bibliotecas! Para todos los demás:¡nos vemos en la biblioteca—en Lawrenceo en Esabalu, ustedes escogen!

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Abbot St.Allen St. (General St. a Angle)Allston St.Ames St. (Riverside Dr. aHavehill St.)Amesbury St.Amherst St.Andover St.Appleton St.Atkinson St.Auburn St.Bailey St.Ballard Rd.Barker St.Barnard Rd.Bay State Rd. (McFarlin St.a Water St.)Beacon St.Beaconsfield St.Belknap St.Bellevue St.Bennet St.Bennington St. (Auburn St.a Chestnut St.)Beresford St.Berkeley St.Bigelow St.Blanchard St.Bodwell St.Bowdoin St.Boxford St.Bradford St.BroadwayBrookfield St.Bruce St.Burke St.Burlington St.Butler St.Byron Ave.Cabot Rd.Cambridge St.Canal St.Canterbury St.Carleton St. (Andover St. aEverett St.)Carver St.Castle St.Cedar St.Chester St. (So. Bway aDunstable St.)Chestnut St.Chickering St. (Cutler St. aPilgrim Rd.)Cleveland St.Clifton St.Clinton Ct.Colonial Dr.Colonial Rd.Colonial TerraceColumbus Ave. (HaverhillSt. a Meadow St.)Common St.Concord St.Congress St.Coolidge St.Copley St.County St.Crescent St.Crestwood Cir.Crosby St.Cross St.

Cutler St. (Chickering St.a Marlboro St.)Cyr DriveDana St.Danforth St.Dartmouth St.Davis St.Debbie LaneDorchester St.Dracut St. (So. Bway aDunstable St.)Dunstable St.Durham St.Durso Ave.East Boxtord St.East Boxtord TerraceEast Haverhill St.East Kingston St.East Pleasant St.East St.Easton St. (So. B’way aJefferson St.)Eaton St.Ellis St.Elm St.Emerald Ave.Erving Ave.Essex St. (Union St. aMilton St.)Everett St.Exeter Pl.Exeter St.Exeter TerraceFairmont St.Fallon St.Falmouth St.Farley St.Farnham St.Ferry St.Forest St.Foster St.Foxcroft St.Franklin St.Frost Dr.Furber St.Garden St.Garfield St. (CambridgeSt. a Falmouth St.)Gilbert St.Glenn St.Glenwood DriveGorham St.Grafton St.Grainger St.Grant Rd.Green St.Greenfield St.Greenwood St.Groton St.Grove St.Hamlet St.Hampshire St. (Canal St.a Arlington St.)Hancock St.Haverhill St. (ExceptoJackson St. a AmesburySt.) (Excepto Broadway ala línea de Methuen)Hawley St.High St. (Excepto E.Haverhill St. a Ferry St.)

Ciudad de LawrenceDepartamento de Policía

AVISO A LOS CONDUCTORES DE VEHÍCULOSAVISO A LOS CONDUCTORES DE VEHÍCULOSAVISO A LOS CONDUCTORES DE VEHÍCULOSAVISO A LOS CONDUCTORES DE VEHÍCULOSAVISO A LOS CONDUCTORES DE VEHÍCULOSSec.19-72 Prohibición de estacionamiento durantealgunos meses, entre las 12:01 a.m. y 6:00 a.m. enlados y días alternos de la vía pública, en algunascalles.

Durante el período de diciembre 15 a marzo 15anualmente, entre las horas de 12:01 AM. y 6:00A.M. diariamente, los vehículos deberán estacionarsealternativamente a un mismo lado de la calle, amenos que esté prohibido por la ley.

En los días pares del calendario, los vehículosdeberán estacionarse a lo largo de los números paresde las calles. Los días nones del calendario, losvehículos deberán estacionarse a lo largo de losnúmeros nones de las calles.

De acuerdo con esta sección, el estacionamientode vehículos será permitido solamente en las callesdonde el ancho del camino entre las aceras o a lolargo de las mismas, mida no menos de 30 pies deancho de acuerdo con los datos en poder del ingenierode la ciudad, y no será permitido en ningún otro lugarprohibido con anterioridad.

Los vehículos estacionados en violación de estadisposición serán removidos bajo la dirección de lasautoridades encargadas de remover la nieve; estosvehículos también pueden ser removidos por el Jefedel Departamento de Policía, sargentos u otrosoficiales de alto rango en el departamento,designados de vez en cuando, par el Jefe de Policía

Cualquiera que pare o estacione su vehículo encualquier lugar bajo el control de la ciudad de maneraque impida en cualquier forma la limpieza y recogida


de la nieve o hielo, o en violación de cualquierordenanza que prohíba el parar o estacionar vehículosen los caminos durante el mencionado tiempo y comose dijo, cualquiera que viole estas ordenanzas seráresponsable de los gastos de remolque y almacenajede su vehículo así como a multas, en caso de sersometido a tal castigo.

EI costo por remolcar un vehículo removidopor violación de esta sección y seguidamente el gastode su almacenaje será de acuerdo con las tarifasestablecidas por DPW de Massachusetts.

Todo vehículo abandonado en terrenospropiedad de la dudad que haya sido inmovilizadopor accidente o defecto mecánico, o que no estéregistrado, inspeccionado o asegurado, será removidode acuerdo con las provisiones de la mencionadasección.

Las provisiones de esta sección no aplicarán alas porciones de las siguientes calles, las cuales hansido designadas como Autopistas Estatales: CalleJackson, el norte de la Calle Berkeley hasta Ia líneacon Methuen - Ruta 110.

Riverside Drive, oeste de la Calle Ames hastala línea de Methuen.

Avenida Winthrop, unión de la Calle Osgoodsur, hasta la carretera 495.(RO. 1954 sec.18-744-2-56, sec. 1:2-10-76, sec.1:1-12-76, sec.1:10-1876,seG.1:12-13-76. Sec. 1:2-14-77, sec. 1:2-6-78, sec. 1:3-13-78, sec.1.) (Lawrence12-82) 388.2.

También el área de juego de la Escuela Parthum, por el lado de la Calle Haverhill. Si sucalle no está en esta lista, el estacionamiento en ella estará prohibido.

Highgate St.Hillside Ave.Howard St.Hudson Ave.Hurst St.Inman St.Jackson St. (Canal St. aKendrick St. & Berkeley St. ala línea de Methuen)Jamaica St.Jefferson St.Kenneth St.Kent St.Kingston St.Laurel St.Lawrence St.Lebanon St. (Hampshire St. aAmesbury St.)Lea St.Leeds Ter.Lenox CircleLenox St.Lincoln Ct.Lisa LaneLorenzo Rd.Loring St.Louisburgh St.Lowell St. (Lawrence St. a W.Lowell St.)Lynn St.Manchester St.Maple St.Margin St.Marie LaneMarion Ave. (Excepto HollySt. al Río Spicket)Marique Dr.Mark LaneMarket St.Marlboro St.Marston St.Martha LaneMason St.May St.Medford St.Melrose St.Melvin St.Merrimack St.Middlebury St. (Olive Ave. aEndicott St.)Mill St.Milton St. (Haverhill St. aBodwell St.)Monroe St.Morton St.Mt. Auburn St.Mt. Vernon Cir.Mt. Vernon St.Mt. Vernon TerraceNewbury St.Newton St.No. Parish Rd.Oak St. (East Haverhill aShort St.)Oakland Rd.Olive Ave. (W. Lowell St. aAmes St)Orchard St.Osgood St.Oxford St.Packard St.

Parker St.Patton St.Pembroke Dr.Perry Ave.Philips St.Pilgrim Rd.Pleasant St. (Ferry St. aHigh St.)Portland St.Powers St.Proctor Rd.Prospect St.Providence St.Railroad St.Richmond St.Rita LaneRoberta LaneRockwood LaneRowe St.Russell St.Salem St.Sanborn St.Sargent St.School St.Shattuck St.Shawsheen Rd.Shepard St.Short St. (Chestnut aMaple St.)So. Bowdoin St.So. BroadwaySo. Union St.Sparkle DriveSpringfield St.Standish Rd.Stevens St. (Mt. VernonSt. a Stevens Ave.)Storrow St.Summer St.Summit Ave.Sylvester St.Swan St.Taft St.Temple St.Tewksbury St.Thomas Rd.Tremont St.Tyler St.Union St. (Canal St. aElm St.)Valley St.Warren St.Water St.Weare St.West Hawley St.West Kenneth St.West St.Westchester DriveWestwood TerraceWhite St.Whitman St.Winston Dr.Winter St.Winthrop Ave.Woodland St.Wyman St.

ESCUELA BREEN: Solamente en el estacionamiento.PARQUE CARL LINDQUIST: Solamente en la Calle Emmett.PARQUE CHARLES STORROW: Solamente en el lado de la Calle High,desde la Calle Pleasant hacia el sur hasta la Calle Storrow Terrace.ESCUELA JAMES F. LEONARD SCHOOL: Patio de juegos, lado sur.ESCUELA ARLINGTON: Calle Arlington.ESCUELA LEAHY: Patio solamente.ESCUELA SAUNDERS: Patio, el lado de la Calle Bowdoin.ESCUELA ROLLINS: La Calle Platt solamente.ESCUELA PARTHUM: El área de juego por el lado de la Calle Haverhill. Es muy importante que los motoristas cooperen y remuevan sus vehículosantes de las 7:00 A.M. de todas las áreas públicas. Todos los vehículos que no cumplan con estos requisitos, seránremolcados a EXPENSAS DE SUS PROPIETARIOS. También todos los vehículos inmovilizados por accidente, fallo mecánico,sin seguro o sin inspección dejado en terrenos propiedad de la ciudad, seránremolcados a EXPENSAS DE SU PROPIETARIO.



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La seguridad es el mejorregalo en esta temporada defiestas

Millones de compradores acudirán enforma masiva a los centros comerciales ytiendas de descuento de todo el país; y conellos miles de millones de dólares. ElNational Retail Federation indica que en2005, los compradores de la temporada defiestas gastaron más de $435,000 millonesen regalos para sus familiares y amigos.Según la FDIC, casi la mitad de todos loshispanos no tiene una cuenta bancariabásica, y esto deja a los compradoreshispanos particularmente vulnerablesporque deben llevar dinero en efectivo. Almismo tiempo, la Comisión Federal deComercio informa que los hispanos tienenmás del doble de probabilidad (14.3%) deser víctimas de un fraude al consumidor quelos caucásicos no hispanos (6.4%), pero altomar algunas medidas de seguridadproporcionadas por la Campaña Hispana deEducación Financiera de Visa, loscompradores podrán sacar más provecho asu dinero y protegerse al mismo tiempo.

“En Visa, procuramos en informar a losconsumidores a través de educaciónfinanciera, administración inteligente deldinero y consejos prácticos”, dijo EduardoSayan, Director de Segmentos de Mercadopara Visa U.S.A. Inc. “Visa estácomprometida en proveer a la comunidadhispana con consejos financieros para hacerque sus fiestas y sus compras se hagan deuna forma segura y económica”.

Consejos de seguridad parala temporada de fiestas

• Mantén tu dinero seguro: Abre unacuenta de cheques para así evitar llevargrandes cantidades de dinero en efectivo.No sólo está tu dinero seguro en el banco,sino que si tu tarjeta check card es usadade una forma no autorizada, tu dinero estáprotegido por la política de CeroResponsabilidad, lo que significa que las

personas no tienen que pagar porcompras no autorizadas cargadas a suscuentas.

• Planifica antes de ir de compras: Crea unpresupuesto. Los planificadoresfinancieros recomiendan no gastar másdel 1.5% de tu ingreso anual en gastosdurante la temporada de fiestas. Porejemplo, si ganas $36,000 (el promedio deingreso en un hogar hispano), tupresupuesto para las fiestas sería de $550.Al establecer un presupuesto realista,sabrás cuánto puedes gastar cuandocompres los regalos.

• Mantente al tanto de tus gastos: Lascompras en la temporada de fiestaspueden ser algo agotador, y puedes sentirla tentación de bajar la guardia y vigilarmenos tu dinero; mantén el control de tusgastos. Si juntas todos tus recibos,puedes vigilar tu presupuesto y tambiénllevar la cuenta de tus compras.

• Presta atención: Asegúrate bien de quetengas tus tarjetas check card o de créditodespués de cada compra. Si pierdes tutarjeta de crédito o tu tarjeta check card,informa inmediatamente a la instituciónfinanciera que la emitió. Si no tienes elnúmero de teléfono, Visa ofrece unnúmero de teléfono gratuito que puedeayudarte en español, 1-800-VISA-911.

• Seguridad en números: Haz tus comprasen la temporada de fiestas con tus amigosy con tu familia. Si estás haciendocompras solo, pídele a un guarda deseguridad que te acompañe a tuautomóvil. Si dejas tus comprasdesatendidas en tu automóvil, colócalasfuera de la vista en la cajuela.

• Ahorra cuando envías dinero a tu familia:La temporada de fiestas es una de lasépocas en que hay más envíos de dineroa las familias fuera del país. Muchosbancos ofrecen servicios competitivos deenvíos de dinero a casa; pregúntale a tu

Visa proporciona importantesconsejos de seguridad a losconsumidores hispanos

banco cómo puedes ahorrar dinerocuando envías dinero a casa a tu familia

• Compras en línea: Protege tu informaciónprivada cuando hagas compras porInternet; instala un programa decomputación contra virus. Haz comprassolamente en sitios Web que conozcas yen los cuales confíes, y no proporcionesinformación confidencial, como porejemplo tu número de identificaciónpersonal (PIN) o tu contraseña. Nuncades tu número de tarjeta de crédito comoprueba de tu edad. Busca la imagen de uncandado en la barra de estado, en la parteinferior de la ventana del navegador, unURL que comience con “https://”, o laspalabras “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)”.Estos letreros indican que sólo tú y elcomerciante pueden ver tu informaciónde pago.

• Aprovecha las ofertas: Abastécete deregalos, papel para envolver regalos ydecoraciones que puedas usar para latemporada de fiestas del próximo año.

Acerca de VisaVisa U.S.A. es la marca de pago y el

sistema de pagos líder más grande en el país,que permite a los bancos proveer a susconsumidores y clientes de negocios unaamplia variedad de alternativas de pago,adaptadas para satisfacer sus necesidadesen continuo desarrollo. Visa U.S.A. estácomprometida en aumentar la elección,conveniencia, aceptación y seguridad de lospagos con Visa para todos los participantesen el sistema de pago: asociados,tarjetahabientes y comerciantes. A travésde sus 13,369 instituciones financierasmiembro, más de 500 millones de tarjetascon la marca Visa han sido emitidas atarjetahabientes en los Estados Unidos. Portodo el mundo, tarjetahabientes en más de150 países tienen más de mil millones detarjetas con la marca Visa, que constituyenmás de 3 trillones en volumen anual detransacciones. VisaNet, el sistema mundialde transacciones de Visa y la red financieramás grande del mundo, procesatransacciones con una confiabilidad sinparalelo. Visa ofrece una forma de acceder yde movilizar recursos financieros de unaforma fiable, confiable y conveniente, encualquier momento, en cualquier lugar y decualquier forma.

La YWCA del área de Lawrenceles invita a participar en una rifaNavideña a beneficio del Programa deEducación y Consejería para la Saludde la Mujer. Este programa estádiseñado para mujeres de bajosrecursos que no tienen seguromedico o que tienen seguro médicolimitado. Este programa ofrecereferidos a los siguientes serviciosmédicos:

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Buscaedicionesanterioresde rumboen nuestrowebsite.

Ya,¿Te Conectaste?

“En Visa, procuramosen informar a losconsumidores a travésde educaciónfinanciera,administracióninteligente del dinero yconsejos prácticos”

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Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 9

¡!Tu negocio aqui. Tu anuncio alla.

¡Que Bonito!La edición local de Rumbo se distribuyesolo en Lawrence y Methuen. Si esta estu área de negocio, ¿Por qué anunciartemás lejos?

Llama hoy a Alberto Surís y pregunta pornuestros precios.

(978) 794-5360

AnAnAnAnAnunciaunciaunciaunciaunciate localmente de unate localmente de unate localmente de unate localmente de unate localmente de unaforma eficaz y económicaforma eficaz y económicaforma eficaz y económicaforma eficaz y económicaforma eficaz y económica

Por Dalia Dí[email protected]

La Cámara del Concilio de Lawrencese llenó el pasado martes con docenasde empleados municipales quejándosedel cambio que se avecina con un nuevosistema de pagos bisemanal.

Sindicatos laborales se hicieronpresentes en la sala portando letreros enuna forma ordenada mientras que susopiniones fueron expresadas a losconcejales.

“Este cambio ahorrará $385,000anuales a la ciudad”, dijo Frank Bonet, eldirector de personal de la ciudad.“Procesar 26 nóminas de pago es menoscostoso que procesar 52 al año. Habráuna reducción de trabajo para todas laspersonas que se ven envueltas en elproceso, desde los empleados deTesorería que tienen que sortearlos,hasta los empleados de cadadepartamento que tiene que revisarlocada pago antes de ser distribuido.”

La conversión tendrá lugar en enerodel 2007 con el primer cheque bisemanalel 2 de enero del 2007. Los empleadoshan sido avisados para que se preparenpara esto ahorrando lo suficiente paraque sus familias no tengan que pasarvicisitudes durante esa semana que no

Empleados municipales protestanpor pagos bisemanales

les entrará un cheque. Después de eso, loscheques serán más grandes pero tendránque durar más tiempo.

También les han aconsejado que sepongan en contacto con las institucionesfinancieras con las que tengan pagos dehipotecas o préstamos deducidosdirectamente de sus cuentas para que todospuedan estar en el mismo ciclo de pagos.

“Todas las deducciones seguirán igual;los impuestos, las primas de los seguros desalud o cualquier otro dinero que les sacande sus cheques serán igual mensualmente.Es cuestión de acostumbrarse a un nuevosistema”, dijo el Sr. Bonet.

El sistema escolar de Lawrence haestado pagando a sus empleados cada dossemanas por los últimos 15 años. Cuandoel nuevo sistema fue implementadoconfrontaron la misma oposición y

ofrecieron préstamos con facilidades depagos y muchos consejos sobre comohacer un presupuesto adecuado. Al pocotiempo ya no se acordaban de eso.

By Dalia Dí[email protected]

Lawrence City Hall was crowded lastTuesday night with dozens of municipalemployees protesting the upcoming changeto a new biweekly payroll system.

Labor unions made their presence knownin the Council Chambers holding signs in anorderly manner while their opinions wereexpressed to the councilors.

“This change will save the city $385,000a year,” said Frank Bonet the city’s Directorof Personnel. “Processing 26 payrolls is lesscostly than processing 52 payrolls. Therewill be a workload reduction for every personwho is involved in the pay process, from thepayroll clerks to the Treasurer’s Office whosorts the checks, to every employee in eachdepartment that has to review or handle everypaycheck before it is distributed.”

The conversion will begin in January of2007 with the first biweekly check being onJanuary 2, 2007. Employees have beenadvised to prepare for this by saving enoughto hold their families during that week theywill not be getting a check. After that, thechecks will be larger but will have to lastlonger.

They have also been advised to contactfinancial institutions at which they mighthave mortgage payments or loans deducteddirectly from their accounts so that everyonewill follow the same pay schedule.

“All deductions will remain the same;taxes, health insurance premiums or any othermonies taken out of their checks will be thesame monthly. It will be a matter of gettingused to a new system,” added Mr. Bonet.

The Lawrence Public Schools has beenpaying its employees every two weeks forthe past 15 years. When the new systemwas implemented they encountered the sameopposition and offered easy to pay loans andplenty of advice on how to budget properly.Soon after that it was not an issue.


The Small Business Administration presented the Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commercewith an award in recognition of its work with small business. From the left are: DeboraShufrin, State Director at the Mass. Office of Business and Technology; Joe Bevilacqua,Merrimack Valley Chamber President; and Mo Dube, Mass.Director of the United StatesSmall Business Administration.


Los empleados hansido avisados paraque se preparenpara esto ahorrandolo suficiente paraque sus familias notengan que pasarvicisitudes duranteesa semana que noles entrará uncheque.


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10 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006

IBy Alberto Surís

[email protected]

In a move designed tobolster social and economicopportunities for children andfamilies in the Greater Bostonand Merrimack Valley regions,United Way of Merrimack Valley

(UWMV) andUnited Way ofMassachusettsBay (UWMB)announced thatthe twoorganizations willmerge effectiveDecember 31,2006. The goal ofthe merger is toleverageresources andmaximizepotential forcreating evengreater change inthe communitiesof eastern

Massachusetts.The merger was announced

at a reception held at the LanamClub, located at 260 North MainStreet, in Andover, on Tuesday,December 6, 2006.

“Our merger reflects ourcommitment to combiningresources on a regional level inorder to effect greater change inlocal communities,” said Milton

J. Little, Jr., president and chiefexecutive officer at UWMB.“Many of the issues facing theMerrimack Valley – such asaffordable housing, workforcedevelopment and creatingenvironments where children andyouth learn and thrive – areissues that know nogeographical boundaries.Together, we can make adifference in the lives of thepeople and neighborhoodswhere we live, work and raise ourfamilies.”

The new organization willinclude 87 cities and towns andcommunity investments totaling$34 million. To ensure that theMerrimack Valley maintains astrong voice in decisions, fourleaders from Merrimack Valleywill join the Board of United Wayof Massachusetts Bay.In addition, the merged entitywill open a new office in Lowelland also keep open the existingoffice in Haverhill. United Way’s“Gifts in Kind” ProductPhilanthropy program willoperate out of the Lawrence area.

In addition to the injectionof new funds to develop mathand science skills of youth, theorganization is taking steps toensure that current funding

Milton JamesLittle, Jr., presidentand chief executiveofficer at UnitedWay ofMassachusetts Bay,a nonprofitorganization thatunites the collectiveresources of thecommunity tosurround kids witheverything they

need to grow to be healthy, productive adults,raising and guiding the investment of over $40million dollars annually in a diverse portfolio ofcommunity based organizations.A prominent national and community leader,Mr. Little’s 20-years experience in the publicand private sectors includes creatingworkforce and education programs, buildingnational partnerships to fund housing anddeveloping corporate philanthropy andcommunity involvement strategies.

Thomas H. Tulip,Ph.D., has beennamed chairmanof the Board ofDirectors of UnitedWay of MerrimackValley (UWMV).Tulip succeedsJames J.Karamourtopoulosof Methuen whohas served histwo-year term as

chairman of the Board. Tulip, a vice presidentwith Billerica-based Bristol-Myers SquibbMedical Imaging, brings to this positionconsiderable professional expertise andexperience. Most recently, he served as vicepresident, International Operations where hewas responsible for strategic business unitsoutside the United States including Canada,Europe, Australia and Puerto Rico as well asthe distribution relationships in the Pacific Rim,Asia, Middle East and Latin America. Previousto this appointment, Tulip held a variety ofpositions of growing responsibility which havedeveloped his expertise in businessdevelopment, customer relations and strategicplanning.

Robert M.Mahoney, ViceChairman ofCitizens FinancialGroup. He isresponsible for NewEngland Banking,which includesoversight ofCitizens’ statebanks in RhodeIsland,Massachusetts,

New Hampshire and Connecticut. Mahoneyoversees several additional business lines,including Citizens Capital Inc., CitizensInvestment Services Corp., Citizens BusinessCredit, Leasing and Dealer Finance andCommunications and Publishing.

Mr. Mahoney also holds severalcommunity leadership positions inMassachusetts. He is a Trustee of theUniversity of Massachusetts and is Co-Chairman of the University’s Foundation. He isa Trustee of Catholic Charities and serves onthe organization’s Development Committeeand is a member of the United Way ExecutiveCommittee and Board of Directors. He is amember of the Board of Directors ofGreenwich Capital and serves as ViceChairman of the Massachusetts BusinessRoundtable.

United Way of Merrimack Valley andUnited Way of Massachusetts Bay mergedin a move to grow social and economicopportunities in the region

Enjoying the reception, Joseph Bevilacqua, Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce president/CEO; Milton James Little, Jr., president/CEO, UnitedWay of Massachusetts Bay and Leonard A. Wilson, Sovereign Bank regional senior vice-president and UWMV board of directors’ member.

levels are protected. United Waywill continue to invest the fundsthat are raised in MerrimackValley in agencies and programsserving the region.

The agreement contains astrong commitment to engagelocal volunteers and communityleaders. It calls for maintainingthree existing Impact Councils inMerrimack Valley to adviseUnited Way on specific issuesaffecting the region. Four newlocal committees will be formedto advise UWMB’s Board onregional economic issues, guidecommunity allocations, provideleadership for the annualcampaign and recruit MerrimackValley volunteers for these roles.

“This is a tremendousgrowth opportunity forinvestment in the human capitalof the Merrimack Valley,” saidThomas H. Tulip, Ph.D., vicepresident, global brandchampion, Bristol-Myers Squibband Board chair of UWMV. “Theagreement reflects United Way’songoing commitment to buildinga strong, stable region and avibrant economy that holds thepromise of a brighter future foreveryone.”

“The agreement reflectsUnited Way’s ongoingcommitment to buildinga strong, stable regionand a vibrant economythat holds the promise ofa brighter future foreveryone.”

Thomas H. Tulip, Ph.D.,vice president, global brand champion,Bristol-Myers Squibb and Board chair of


Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 11

OOrganizado por el Comité CulturalColombiano, los colombianos del área deLawrence celebraron la independencia deCartagena.

Cartagena fue la segunda ciudad enAmérica del Sur (después de Caracas,Venezuela) en declarar la independenciaabsoluta de España el 11 de noviembre de1811.

El evento se llevó a cabo en el local de LosHijos de Italia, en la calle Marston, el sábado, 2

de diciembre, 2006, donde másde 50 invitados disfrutaron de lacomida y la música colombiana.Edgar Loiza actuó de Maestrode Ceremonia, mientras que lainvitada de honor, Su Excelencia,Bibiana Gómez Jaramillo, CónsulGeneral de Colombia en Boston,recibió un reconocimiento por elapoyo brindado al ComitéCultural Colombiano.

De acuerdo conCarmenza Bruff, presidenta delComité Cultural Colombiano, elproducto de las ventas decomida y rifas será destinado auna beca para un/a joven latinade bajos recursos.

Fundada en 1533, consombreadas plazas y estrechascalles de adoquín, Cartagena esuna de las más pintorescasciudades de Latinoamérica. Sus

puntos de interés incluyen murallas yfortificaciones de la época colonial, así como de

NocheNocheNocheNocheNoches de Cars de Cars de Cars de Cars de Cartttttaaaaagengengengengenaaaaa

Organized by the Colombian CulturalCommittee, Greater Lawrence Colombianscelebrated the independence of Cartagena.

Cartagena was the second city in SouthAmerica (after Caracas, Venezuela), todeclare absolute independence from Spainon November 11, 1811.

The event was held at the Sons of Italyon Marston Street, on Saturday, onDecember 2nd, 2006, where more than 50guests enjoyed Colombian food and music.Edgar Loiza was the MC while the guest ofhonor, Her Excellence, Bibiana GomezJaramillo, Colombia’s General Consul inBoston was presented with a certificate ofappreciation for her support to theColombian Cultural Committee.

According to Carmenza Bruff, presidentof the Colombian Cultural Committee, allproceeds from the sale of food and raffleswere toward a scholarship for a low incomeLatino youth.

Founded in 1533 with shaded plazasand narrow cobblestone streets, Cartagenais one of the most picturesque cities in LatinAmerica. It points of interests include wallsand fortifications from colonial times, a 16th

century cathedral, and the University ofCartagena.

Every year, and during the month ofNovember, Cartagena becomes thecountry’s center of attention. The cityerupts into a big celebration, while beautifulseñoritas compete for the title of MissColombia, which later will represent thecountry in the Miss Universe pageant. Noless important is the Cartagena’sInternational Film and T.V. Festival, theoldest in Latin America, held during themonth of March.



Por/By Alberto Surí[email protected]

una catedral del siglo 16 y la Universidad deCartagena.

Todos los años, durante el mes denoviembre, Cartagena se convierte en el centrode atención de Colombia. La ciudad entera selanza en una gran celebración, mientras quebellas señoritas compiten por el título deSeñorita Colombia, que luego las llevará arepresentar a su país por el título de MissUniverso. No menos importante es el Festivalde Cine y T.V. Internacional de Cartagena, elmás antiguo de Latinoamérica, que se lleva acabo durante el mes de marzo.

Jacky Salsman entrega unramo de flores a BibianaGómez Jaramillo, CónsulGeneral de Colombia enBoston.

Bibiana Gomez Jaramillo,Colombia’s General Consul inBoston was presented withflowers by Jacky Salsman.

Hernán con su guitarra deleitó al público con bellas melodíascolombianas.

Hernan and his guitar entertained the public with beautifulColombian songs.

Carmenza Bruff, presidenta del comité Cultural Colombiano;Su excelencia Bibiana Gomez Jaramillo, Consul General deColombia en Boston; Lina Maria Dziechowski, Miss Colombia yMaría Villalba, hija de la Cónsul Gomez Jaramillo, durante lacelebración de las Noches de Cartagena.

Carmenza Bruff, president, Colombian Cultural Committee; HerExcellence, Bibiana Gomez Jaramillo, Colombia’s General Consulin Boston; Lina Maria Dziechowski, Miss Colombia and MaríaVillalba, the daughter of Consul Gomez Jaramillo, during thecelebration of the Cartagena Nights.

12 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006

The State Office of Minority andWomen Business Assistance(SOMWBA) will hold a free certificationworkshop on Tuesday, December 12th2006, at the Merrimack Valley Chamberof Commerce, 264 Essex Street, from10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

This workshop will present therequirements for state certification ofminority (MBE) and woman businessenterprises (WBE), as well as for theU.S. Department of Transportation’s(US DOT) disadvantaged businessesenterprise (DBE) program.

State agencies purchase millions ofdollars worth of products and servicesfrom MBE-, WBE-, and DBE-certifiedbusinesses. If your business has aproduct or service which state agenciespurchase, you could profit fromcertification.

Professional staff will provideinstruction on completing thecertification applications andinformation on competing in publicmarkets. All applicants must attend oneworkshop. Registration is required. Forinformation call (617) 973-8692 or logonto the SOMWBA website at http://www.somwba.state.ma.us to registeronline. Registrations must be receivedby 12 noon on December 11th, 2006.







Commentaries on LocalIssues




“You are not worthy to kiss mypeople’s feet!”

The council meeting of December 4,2006 brought yet another sordid chapter tothe goings on in the lovely confines of porktown.

Sorrowfully, I cannot say I am surprised.I have witnessed a display similar to this inthe past and I’ll bet none of you will besurprised; it had something to do with thepolice department.

I was glad to see the Eagle-Tribune,(first time I have ever called them that name)editorial describing the abhorrentintimidation that electrified the room.

The chamber was filled… a show offorce. The police stood shoulder-to-shoulder row after row, ringing thecouncilors. The halls at the top of the stairswere also crowded.

I was pinned in the front row, first chairby the door, and could see little except therump of some guy standing on my toes, butI could hear the chants…JOE EE…JOEEE…JOE EE! When the mob mentality waschanting the crowd from where I was sittingseemed to be swaying.

As I listened to the cavalcade ofillustrious speakers, some were the sameold fringe feeders at the public spout, somewere not from the City of Methuen, somewere relatives of police officers, (I’mguessing, but I think these relatives were ofthose officers who are being investigatedby the Feds), to put it mildly, they have a lotto loose when the poop hits the fan.

Some of these speakers are the firststring rabble rousers. They go first to stokethe mob mentality. I must admit, they didtheir job expertly. If didn’t know any better,I say they had been provided with a script!

In fact, I saw that one of the speakerswas transported to the soirée in one of thenew unmarked cruisers with the blacked outwindows.

What I do know is that relatives ofpolice officers were given a friendly jingleand were impressed upon the urgency toattend this meeting and support JOE EE.

I would be very interested in knowingwhen and from where these phone calls weremade. You don’t think it was on the people’stime, people’s dime, do you?

The speakers spoke at the podium.They were asked by Chairman Zanni torefrain from applauding, and wait to the endof public participation to applaud. Well,that was a waste of good oxygen.

Zanni’s instructions fell upon deaf ears.The crowd proceeded to chant, cry out, andraucously applaud, at the appropriatepauses by the speaker. What struck me asfunny, was that when the names of eachperson to speak were announced by Zanni,this group, (I am being kind), broke into aloud round of applause. It appeared thateach one of these players knew the namesof those to speak.

As I told you above, at times couldn’tsee much, however, I could feel the crowdebbing and flowing with crescendoedfanaticism.

One brave woman… my heroine, Toni

Racism Plain and Simple

Still made her way to the podium, as she didlast week to voice her displeasure of thepolice chief.

Noticeably a loud round of applausewas missing, not even one solo clap bymistake.

It seems to me all these players knewby name everyone that was headed to thepodium, except for this little surprise.

The crowd started to boo her, and chantsome nonsense!

I have never been more ashamed in mylife watching this orchastrated travesty.

My sources tell me that Joe Wee stoodin the back of St. Anthony’s Church after4pm Mass on Saturday and on both masseson Sunday. It was announced from the altarthat he would be greeting parishioners inthe back of the church, no explanation ofhis presence.

It was also noted that he is a member ofthe parish, but yet does not attend on aregular basis. One has to ask why thesurprise multiple visits of such urgency?

My source also told me that many ofthe people who attended were duped as tothe shameful actions some would portrayat this public meeting.

As I am sitting in my chair listening tothe circus I cannot see, while witnessingaround me such disrespect it’s amazing. Cellphones ringing, people answering them andproceeding to have a conversation, pushingin the hall, loud private conversations whilethe speakers were talking, and every sooften a chorus of JOE EE, JOE EE with fistsclenched in the air. It was hard to believe Iwas in METHUEN MASSACHUSETTS,when all of a sudden I look up and see aLebanese flag!

I was also told that another Lebaneseflag was on the other side of the Great Hall.

As I am processing this mob, I hearsomeone yell out to Councilor Jack Croninthat he is practicing racial profiling! A n dafter accusing Jack, they go on to includethe Eagle-Tribune in the racial profiling. Ihave never read or heard either do any suchthing!

The frenzy continues, the speakers arefinished, and I hear some guy up in the frontof the hall, he mentions St. Anthony’sChurch and begins a prayer. May all thosewho spoke for Joe Solomon tonight begranted eternal life.

I sat with rapt attention waiting for themto also be granted 72 virgins!

I had never heard a prayer like thisbefore, and he had me curious if St.Anthony’s Church had sent a sanctionedDeacon to speak on behalf of Joe Solomon.The crowd was restless and loud, but Icouldn’t believe my ears as to what thisman had said. I called St. Anthony’s andwas informed they had sent no one.

The meeting marches on and now it istime to hear from the councilors. CouncilorCronin, who most of the hate and jeeringwas directed to, stood his ground, and wasnot intimidated by this group.

Then Kathleen Corey Rahmey

addressed the crowd, and as shepronounced her maiden name Corey, sheuses a guttural sound. I have never heardthis before; it seems it is almost to inform


As I left the hall andwas waiting at theelevator the same manthat was rudely tryingto interrupt my speechto the council, boltedover to the door and gotin my face and startedhollering me at inbroken English: “Youare a piece of Sheeeeet,and your newspaper isalso a piece of Sheeeet.”

Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 13

Two (2) units will be available to income eligible households atmarket-rate rents of $1100.

The Maximum Income Limits of Households for Market Rate Units are asfollows: 1 Person - $46,300 2 Person - $52,950.

Eight (8) units will be available to income eligible households with rentsdetermined at 30% of the adjusted household income.

The Maximum Income Limits of Households for Affordable Rate Units are asfollows: 1 Person - $29,450 2 Person - $33,650.

Rents include all utilities. Units are equipped with central heat/a-c,applianced galley kitchen, carpeting, and handicapadaptable design features. For Information call S-C

Management 617.566-1026, toll-free at 1.877.566.1026,or E-mail [email protected]



Whipple Annex is a new apartment communityoffering affordable one-bedroom rental units forseniors age 62+. Ideally located in the IpswichRiver historic district, residents will enjoy theconvenient location close to the downtown shopsand restaurants. The property will feature onsite

laundry facilities and a resident lounge, and the senior center is across the parkinglot. Off-street parking is available for residents and guests. Large new windowsoverlook the river from every unit!

Posting with Santa in his sleigh in back row are: Christina Petrucci of North Andover, JonMojica of Lawrence, David Keohane of Andover, and Christine Morriseey of North Andover.In front: Xudong Chen of North Andover and Danny Gottfried of North Andover.


SEASONFor the fourth year, teens from the Merrimack Valley YMCA’s Andover/North

Andover Branch helped Santa by volunteering at Brickstone Square. Aftertouring Santa’s Village at Brickstone Square, parents and children can visit withSanta and have a photo taken with him, and enjoy popcorn and hot chocolatein a heated tent. Photos are $5 each and proceeds benefit the YMCA’s teenprograms.

Members of the YMCA Teen Leaders Club and teens in the Youth & Government programpost with Santa.










¿Te C




(back row left to right): Posing on the Christmas caboose at Brickstone Square are:Shannon Quinlan of Andover, Maria McSheehy of Andover, Edward Yung of Andover, YMCATeen Leader’s Club Advisor Jake Munson, Sam Skistimas of Andover, Kasey Quinlan ofAndover, Nick Galloway of Lawrence. In front is David Keohane of Andover.

I immediately called Dalia Diaz and toldher what was happening and asked her tocheck out the situation. Thus the calls toChief Romero began.

Throughout all this time, not once didanyone from the Lawrence PoliceDepartment contact Alicia Lugo to informher that her dogs were hospitalized, nor didthey try to find out any health informationfrom them. Ms. Lugo was informed throughDalia Diaz that her dogs were in the hospital.

Destiny passed away at Bulger AnimalHospital on Friday, December 1st, yet Ms.Lugo was not informed about her death untilDalia Diaz contacted her on Monday,December 4th, after I was told that the doghad died.

The only thing mentioned about Ms.Lugo and Destiny was from Lt. Conwaywho said that Ms. Lugo would beresponsible for the hospital bill. When Ms.Lugo called the hospital on Monday, shewas told by hospital staff that they wereunder orders by the police department notto release any information to her.

During this whole time the LawrencePolice Department, who are supposed to betrained professionals failed to let theSheriff’s Department know that theirbuilding, which is also used by Sheriff’s K9Unit was contaminated.

The only people they manage to notifywere the Eagle-Tribune with a one-sidedversion. Were they just too busy to notifyeveryone else and they were just hopingthat the newspaper would do that for them?Or maybe it was that they just couldn’t bebothered. We obviously know that it can’tbe that it’s because they’re spending all theirtime cleaning the building with therecommended (by the Department ofAgriculture) solution of water with 10%


bleach. Animal Control Officer KeithStramaglia, Police Chief John Romero’smaybe one day brother in-law, SharonBirchall’s brother, is responsible for that lackof cleanliness that caused this mess andthe life of a dog.

On Monday Chief Romero did tell DaliaDiaz that Ms. Lugo could go pick up Tyson.I have to wonder why, after six months anda still pending case, Chief Romero wouldjust all of sudden say she could have herdog back. You think he’s afraid that anotherdog will die? Maybe now after an innocentdog dying he’s ready to put his nepotismaside to do the right thing?

For the sake of the dogs, I hope so.

It is true that a dog whois believed to be thesource of the ParvoVirus was picked up,except, the dog waspicked up on ProspectStreet, not Ferry Street.Keith was the officerwho picked him up.Unfortunately, thereport has mysteriouslydisappeared, but I wastold that that was on aTuesday and the dogwas placed in a cagenext to Destiny andTyson.


Address: 315 Mt. Vernon Street,Lawrence MA 01843

Email: [email protected]

Letters must be less than 300 wordsin length. Please send a telephonenumber or email address by which

we may confirm the sender.

14 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006

Notes fromyour Librarian

By Maureen NimmoLawrence Public Library Director


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Hello Rumbo readers. I hopeyou all had a nice Thanksgiving and wereable to be with families and friends. Weare moving into the Holiday season whenpeople tend to think more than usualabout sharing with others. One specialgroup I hope you will all think of is ourtroops in Iraq. Whether you personallysupport the war or not, I don’t thinkanyone would disagree that the youngmen and women serving are brave andunselfish. During this season I hope wecan all make an effort to send packagesof basic amenities to these courageouspeople who have to do without so much.Toiletries, non-perishable snacks, whitesocks, razor blades etc. all will come inhandy. Given what they are risking fortheir country it seems the least we can doin return.

We all enjoyed the annual JowdyGeography Challenge last week.Congratulations to St. Michael’s Schoolfor winning and St. Mary’s as first runnerup. The truth is, every student and coachwho participated is to be congratulated.The contests were very close andeveryone was well prepared. Thanks tocity Planning Director Michael Sweeneyfor his impressive address to theaudience and participants. Mr. Sweeneyreally was articulate in his praise to allour young scholars and I think hesucceeded in making all of them feelproud of their accomplishment.

On Tuesday our brave YoungAdult librarian will go under the shearsfor Locks of Love. This is the program Imentioned several articles back wherepeople can donate their hair in order tocreate hairpieces for young peoplesuffering from cancer and other illnessesthat cause hair loss. We are grateful tothe Paul Mitchell Salon for offering theservices of its staff to do the cutting. Itcertainly isn’t easy to give up one’s hairbut to do so will make an enormousdifference to the morale of the youngpeople who will be helped.

The Joyful Ringers from the FirstCongregational Church in Methuen willbe with us on Sunday for a free Holidayconcert. Both the adult and the youth

groups will be performing on the bells. Ihave actually never heard an all bellsmusical performance and I am reallylooking forward to it. Anne Benedix, fromthe Ringers came up with the idea of theconcert. Her group wanted to be moreinvolved in our community and sheoffered its services to our Friends group.Our Fall Concert Series was enormouslysuccessful and it is really gratifying tofind that a lot of musical performers areapproaching us to be included in a seriesor just to do an individual concert.

Our Children’s Room OutreachCoordinator, Terry Farish, will be off toAfrica next month. She is part of theAmesbury for Africa group. Amesburyfor Africa works with its sister village ofEsabalu, West Kenya on civicimprovement, education, and youthservices programs . The two towns/villages are working to establish a libraryin Esabalu. I am sure Terry will be a hugeasset in this program. It makes me veryproud of the quality of the people whowork here to see someone offering hertime, especially during the holidays, forsuch a worthy project. Spread the librarymessage Terry! To everyone else: seeyou at the library. (Lawrence or Esabalu,take your choice.)

The spirit of Christmas arrived in massquantity during Merrimack College’sAnnual Christmas Reception on Thursday,November 30th. Guests of the event wereencouraged to bring a new, unwrappedchildren’s gift to the event, with all of thepresents being donated to the patients andfamilies of Home Health VNA’s home careservices. Alumni, Friends of Merrimack andmembers of the Parent’s Council donatedhundreds of gifts to the agency’s youngestand frailest patients.

“It was a real outpouring of love, and Iwas proud of our community,” said NancySardella, Director of Alumni Relations atMerrimack College. “All of ourprogramming has a community servicecomponent, that is what Merrimack is allabout. It was amazing to see how the pilesof presents grew underneath the tree as thenight continued.”

Pat Palermo, Vice President of ExternalRelations at Home Health VNA was equallyimpressed.

“This is just wonderful,” exclaimedPalermo, who is busy organizing the giftdistribution with clinicians at the agency.“There are so many children on our servicewhose families are struggling to make endsmeet during the holidays, let alone puttinggifts under the tree. These gifts are goingto make for a very bright Christmas forfamilies who may have otherwise had a bleakholiday. The generosity of MerrimackCollege’s alumni, friends and parents is trulyamazing.”

Home Health VNAPatients Recipients ofChristmas Joy

There was a little bit of everythingunder the tree at Merrimack College’sSakowich Campus Center. Bright coloredtoys, huggable plush friends and even apair of handmade dolls will be making theirway into the homes of children throughoutthe Merrimack Valley this Christmasmorning.

“We have so many children in ourprogram who are struggling with illness andtrying to keep a positive outlook,” saidEmily Raymond, a nurse with Home HealthVNA’s Maternal & Child Health program.“As a nurse, it is so rewarding to be able tobring this happiness into the home of afamily that has been coping with the strainof a chronically ill child. These families aretruly grateful for this expression ofkindness.”

Home Health VNA is a not-for-profitagency dedicated to serving the home careneeds of patients of all ages. Most recently,Outcome Concept Systems (OCS) namedHome Health VNA among the Top 5% ofHome Health Care Agencies in the UnitedStates. Home Health VNA is certified bythe Joint Commission of HealthcareOrganizations (JCAHO) and is affiliated withMerrimack Valley Hospice and HomeCare,Inc. Together, the three agencies serve morethan 80 communities throughout theMerrimack Valley and Southern NewHampshire from their offices in Lawrence,Chelmsford, Peabody, Haverhill andNewburyport. Visit them on the web atwww.homehealthvna.org.

Our Children’s RoomOutreachCoordinator, TerryFarish, will be off toAfrica next month.She is part of theAmesbury for Africagroup. Amesbury forAfrica works with itssister village ofEsabalu, West Kenyaon civic improvement,education, and youthservices programs .

Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 15

The Melucci Award RecognizesMKA’s Efforts for Touching Lives andMaking ADifference at the Boys and Girls Club ofLawrence.

Shihan Larry F. Giordano recentlyaccepted the 2006 Jeannie MelucciMemorial Award on behalf of theGiordano Family Methuen KarateAssociation (MKA) for their exceptionaldedication and service to the children atthe Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence.Every year, the Boys and Girls Club ofLawrence honors one local communityleader with this special award to recognizetheir outstanding act of communityservice and whose efforts have made adifference in the lives of the children.

The annual Jeannie Melucci MemorialAward is in memory of Jeannie Melucci, aformer staff member of the Boys and GirlsClub who demonstrated her commitmentand love of the Club through herexemplary work. This year marks the 11th

anniversary of the program.“We are thrilled to receive this special

Boys and Girls Club of LawrenceHonors Giordano Family MethuenKarate Association with 11th Annual2006 Jeannie Melucci MemorialAward

award from the staff and kids at the Boysand Girls Club in Lawrence,” statedShihan Larry F. Giordano, founder ofMKA. “We enjoy sharing the art ofkarate with the kids. It gives them achance to learn about discipline, selfesteem, and respect for others, whichbuilds their character and confidence. Weare all enriched by the experience, and weappreciate the special recognition in beingawarded with the Jeannie MelucciMemorial award.”

The Boys and Girls Clubof Lawrence honoredGiordano Family MKA

with a special plaque fortheir outstanding service

contribution to thechildren at the club.




Friday, December 15, 2006at the TDBanknorth Garden,

Boston, MA




Merrimack Valley Chamber ticketsare in the Halo-these seats are in aprivate area across from the mediaseating. They are not availablethrough the TDBanknorth Gardenbox office!

Enjoy an exciting evening of NBAbasketball with your family, friends,and reward your businessassociates as the Boston Celticstake on Carmello Anthony and theDenver Nuggets!

Tickets are $45.00 each. Paymentmust accompany ticket order. NoRefunds, No Cancellations, aftertickets have been ordered. Thankyou.

“We enjoy sharing theart of karate with thekids. It gives them achance to learn aboutdiscipline, self esteem,and respect for others,which builds theircharacter andconfidence” ...

16 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006

YMCA offers free trialMind/Body class

It’s easy to get wrapped up in theactivities, lists, and all the other tasksthat come along with the holidays.It’s also easy to feel a disconnectwith the real meaning of the holidays,others, and ourselves. Restorativeyoga can significantly bring ourstress levels and doesn’t requireprevious experience. Even 20 minutesof restorative yoga is said to beequivalent to 2 hours of sound sleep,according to Shirley Pantoliano,Registered Dietitian, and CertifiedYoga Instructor. Unlike sleep ortraditional vigorous exercise, yogapractices allow us to get in touch withourselves, and manage our stress.The conscious breathing techniqueswhen practiced even for a short timeincreases mental focus, oxygenatesthe lungs and soothes the frazzlednervous system.

What’s a restorative yoga classlike? At the beginning of each class,students are encouraged to silentlyset an intention for their practice.Then they are guided in usingvarious yoga props (eye pillows, neckrolls, blankets, and belts) to supportthemselves in relaxing comfortableposes. As one participant described,in yoga, some poses in yoga are a bit“sweeter” than others, but if yogawere a smorgasbord, restorativepostures would be at the desserttable.

While students comfortably restin the poses, the instructor guidesthem through breathing exercises,visualizations of the physicalsensations they may be feeling as itrelates to the rejuvenating thatparticular area of the body.

The Andover / North AndoverBranch of the MerrimackValleyYMCA offers a complimentarypass to try any of the Mind/ Bodyclasses (which includes STOTTPILATES and Yoga for Adults),Prenatal Yoga, Mommy/Me Yoga andYoga for children from birth to 7th

grade. The pass is free if pass holderis accompanied by an Andover /North Andover YMCA member, and isfor a nominal fee if unaccompanied bya member. For more information visitwww.mvymca.org or call 978-685-3541.

Holidaysalreadystressing youout? Tryyoga to feeldifferentlyabout yourholiday thisyear.

the crowd that she’s one of them! Perhapskicking off her run for mayor!

Remember I cannot see, I thought it waslike a secret code, you know like a wink anda nod.

I stopped listening to what she wassaying after this, it was like the teacher onCharlie Brown…WAWAWW…WA.

It was becoming very clear to me whatwas taking place at this meeting.

Next we have Debbie Quinn, eyesshinning, addresses the crowd and tellsthem that they need to wear a blue ribbonand everybody needs to put a blue ribbonon their door in a show of support for JoeSolomon.

GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!Come to your senses, it appears you

have both been swept up in the mobmentality! YOUR JOB IS TO REMAINIMPARTIAL!!!

Did you loose your minds? YOUREPRESENT ALL OF US!

Joe Solomon is not being investigatedby the Feds because he is Lebanese! He isbeing investigated because of wontonabuse in grant funds, overtime, abuse ofpower, and now add mass intimidationspurred into racism and then blessed!

The Methuen City Council has nothingto do with the investigation! Yet you twoare wrapped up in the mob that happens towaving their fists, along with LebaneseFlags, chanting JOE EE JOE EE!

You don’t see anything wrong with thispicture?

When the hall cleared, and towards theend of regular scheduled meeting, I askedto address the council, I especially like thepart under the heading of the “good and

welfare of the people,” this is what I said:

“I have never been more ashamed ofbeing a resident of Methuen, than heretonight. I blame Billy Manzi for thismob mentality meeting.

May I remind all of you, the chief,along with the upper echelon of thepolice department, are beinginvestigated by the Federal Branch ofthe Government!

To use this forum was moot!It must have taken quite a bit of the

people’s time to orchestrate this sham!But I do know from past experience thisis one of the few things Billy excels in!

I will be placing a call 1st thingtomorrow morning to the FBI, so theycan get a tape of this meeting! It fitsthe pattern of one of the things theboyz are already being investigatedfor…INTIMIDATION!

Oh, and Billy I am going to check tosee if your name is on the list, if it ismissing, I am going to recommend it beadded.”

I did get cut off after I mentioned that Isuspected Billy the Bridge had his fair shareof culpability in this whole shameful display.

Ken Willett admonished it was unfairto discuss the mayor when he was not inthe room, I did see Billy hiding around thecorner, and I think everybody is well awareI have no trouble telling “The Bridge” whatI think of him to his face.

As Ken admonished me, CouncilorDebbie Quinn threw her hands up in frontof her face and loudly clapped.

As we all know, Ken’s chief of staff for

Broadhurst is winding down to an end, andKen is seeking employment in the nearfuture, perhaps he is also eyeing the mayor’schair.

While I was speaking at the podium, alone man in the audience started holleringat me, I did not hear what he said.

As I left the hall and was waiting at theelevator the same man that was rudely tryingto interrupt my speech to the council, boltedover to the door and got in my face andstarted hollering me at in broken English:“You are a piece of Sheeeeet, and yournewspaper is also a piece of Sheeeet.”

With this he had my attention, I askedhim what his name was so I could give himthe attention he deserves on the pages ofRumbo. This man was a fine representativeof all that was bad with this public meeting.

He sneered at me and said I was toostupid, I would not be able to get it, andthen he ended with YOU ARE NOTWORTHY TO KISS THE FEET OF MYPEOPLE!


I did find out the man’s name, he is thehusband of Councilor Kathleen CoreyRahmey. I would like to thank him for puttingthis meeting into perspective for me; Ithought I was dreaming as I sat throughthis deplorable display of thuggery andracism. Mr. Rahmey managed to slap meback into reality.

FBI was very interested in hearingabout the council meeting in Methuen; theycan hardly wait to see the tape.

One good thing that might arise fromsuch an awful experience is my sources tellme that they are looking into applying theRICO Statute to the Bad Boyz, this meetingsure seals the intimidation angle.

Bad boyz, bad boyz, whatca gonnado,whatca gonna do when they come foryou!


As I listened to thecavalcade ofillustrious speakers,some were the sameold fringe feeders atthe public spout,some were not fromthe City of Methuen,some were relatives ofpolice officers, (I’mguessing, but I thinkthese relatives were ofthose officers who arebeing investigated bythe Feds), to put itmildly, they have a lotto loose when thepoop hits the fan.

Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 17

as a Local Expert in Your Field?

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Some of our best local programmingcomes from local experts

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Have a weekly program on a powerful radio station WCCM am 1490 in

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Interested in Producing and Hostingyour very own radio show?

The Latin jazz quartet, Enclave, will beperforming new music at the Factory JazzProject, located at 60 Island St., Lawrence,MA on Saturday, December 9th, 2006.Admission is $10 and show time is 8:00 PM.Amesbury guitarist Bruce Ferrara foundedthe unique performance space in an attemptto “let the musicians create something andput it out there without watering it down.”For tickets and information email Bruce [email protected] or visitwww.bruceferrara.com/FJP.html.

The brainchild of saxophonist/percussionist Hilary Noble and pianistRebecca Cline, Enclave updates the Latin/jazz fusion for the 21st century. Oftendescribed as fiery, refreshing, and forward-looking, the group’s music reflects diverseinfluences from both Afro-Latin traditionsand the jazz canon. The quartet plays with abroad palette of free, fusion, and post-bopjazz colors, as well as a wide range of Latinrhythms from Brazil, Argentina, and Cuba.This is music for the heart as well as thehead: “It’s fun and intellectuallychallenging, flawlessly performed yetmarked by a spontaneous elan.”(allaboutjazz.com)

Enclave puts on a riveting live show.Powerhouse Hilary Noble leads the chargeon tenor, soprano, and flute, and then cooksin the rhythm section on the congas. Onpiano, Cline mixes percussive energy with“harmonic and melodic lyricism... [and] aseemingly unstoppable flow of ideas.”(ejazznews) Bassist Fernando Huergo and

drummer Steve Langone anchor the soundof the ensemble, which has been evolvingwith unchanging personnel for three years.

The group’s first CD, Enclave, wasreleased in October 2005 to widespreadcritical acclaim on ZOHO Music. Audiencesfrom Boston, New York, and San Juan,Puerto Rico have thrilled to performancesof material from the recording. Enclave hasreceived airplay on WGBH (Boston),WEMU (Detroit), KUVO (Denver), andWSDS (San Diego), among numerous other

Enclave Performs at Factory JazzProject on December 9th, 2006

stations nationally and internationally. InMay, they performed live on WGBH 89.7’sEric in the Evening in celebration of EricJackson’s 25th anniversary at the station.

Join Enclave for a celebration of originalLatin jazz at Factory Jazz Project, 60 IslandSt., Lawrence, MA on Saturday, December9th, 2006 at 8:00 PM. For tickets andinformation email Bruce [email protected] or visitwww.bruceferrara.com/FJP.html.


Lawrence Mass- YWCA of Lawrenceinvites the city of Lawrence and itsurroundings communities to support aChristmas raffle that will benefit theYWCA’s Women’s Health AdvocacyServices Program. This program isdesigned to serve low-income womenwho have no health insurance or limitedhealth insurance. The program offersreferrals to the following medicalservices:

Clinical Breast ExamsMammogramsPap Tests and Pelvic ExamsDiagnostic Services for Breast andCervical CancerHealthy Lifestyle Counseling

Please participate in this cause thatcould save someone’s life. Remember,this someone could be your mother,daughter, sister, aunt, grandmother, orany other women who is special in yourlife.

Prices for tickets are $2.00 perticket and $10.00 for six tickets.

The items include: Gift Certificatesto IHOP Restaurant, Breast CancerAwareness Umbrella, PaintingGift Certificate by First Class BeautyProducts, Gift Basket with deliciousGodiva chocolates, a bottle ofPortuguese Wine, and more…

Please call us at the YWCA ofLawrence and help support this cause.To purchase tickets please contactCarmen Paulino or Minerva Grullon at(978) 687-0331.

18 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006

To have your event listed on this sectionof Rumbo, please send us an email to(and only to)[email protected]. Theemail must contain the name, date, timeand location of the event. A contactemail and phone number isrecommended. A brief description of lessthan 30 words could also be included. Ifyour message is missing any of thisinformation, it will not be posted. Postingof your event is subject to spaceavailability. Rumbo is not responsible forany misprinted information.

COST OF ADVERTISINGEvents organized by non for profitorganizations will be posted for FREE. Ifyour event is for profit, please contact usto learn about our posting fees.



Gallery 181 is quicklyestablishing itself as an excitingand innovative exhibition space,located in the historic turn-of-the-century mill city ofLawrence, Massachusetts, USA.The city is open and eagerculturally, welcoming all types ofarts events, and is becoming amecca for artists!

The nature of these millbuildings has provided artistswith wonderful studio spaces,galleries, and the projection forthe future of this city is quiteoptimistic due to the energeticcreativity of its inhabitants andvisitors.

Gallery 181 is located withinone of these mill buildings, acommon area to manybusinesses and shops. The spaceis enormous and challenging,and we have been fortunate tobe featuring very exciting andinnovative exhibitions!

Please go towww.caladangallery.com/sites/gallery181 to see our presentendeavors!


The Lawrence Branch of theMerrimack Valley YMCA needs assistancein making Christmas memorable familieswho do not have the means to providetheir children with Christmas gifts.Children range in age from toddlers to 18-year-olds. Each year, through thegenerosity of YMCA members, staff, andthe community-at-large, the YMCA helpsparents make sure that the holiday season

• Youth Basketball Registration hasbegun at the Lawrence Branch ofMerrimack Valley YMCA, 40Lawrence Street

• Open to boys and girls ages 5 -14• Players have team practice one

night a week and games are playedon Saturdays

• Five divisions 5-6 years old; 7-8years old; 9-10 years old; 11-12years old and 13-14

• Everyone plays and everyonewins! YMCA Basketball is unique -we stress development of the child,rather than competition

• Special events are scheduledthroughout the season including:Family trip to the Boston Celtics,photo day, bake sale, and end-of-season banquet

• Register at the Member ServicesDesk

• Fees: YMCA Family members, $52;YMCA general members, $65, andnon-members, $100. Financialassistance is available to thosewho are eligible

• Contact: Physical DepartmentDirector Doug Currier at (978) 686-6191

• Volunteer coaches and assistantcoaches needed



Friday, December 8, 20066:30 to 9:00 p.m.3rd Annual Festival of Lightsat the Andover/NorthAndover Branch

Add a multicultural twist to yourholiday season with festive crafts, games,and songs as we explore traditions aroundthe globe. Turning your families’ holidayinto a celebration of diversity is fun,simple, and a gift your children willtreasure forever! Refreshments will beserved. Held in Room 1 and 2. Cost perfamily: YMCA Family members, $8;General members, $10, and non-members,$12.

Tuesday, December 12, 20068:00 to 8:00 p.m.Holiday Party at the MethuenBranchJoin us as we welcome the holidayseason! There will be cookie decoratingand arts and crafts projects. We’ll finishthe night off with a holiday treat! No costfor YMCA members, $10 for participants.

Saturday, December 16, 20068:30 to 11:30 a.m.Santa’s Breakfast at theAndover/North AndoverBranch

Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s the big guy himselfstopping off at the YMCA before he getsto busy. Treat your family to a deliciousbreakfast, festive crafts and get a picturetaken with him too! Register now for theseating time of your choice as space islimited. Cost per family: YMCA Familymembers, $8; General Members; $10, andnon-members, $12.

Saturday, December 16, 20065:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.Holiday Party at the YMCALawrence Branch

Join us for a fun evening for childrento come together and celebrate the manydifferent holidays. Just like Kids’ NightOut, this is a great night out for childrenand parents. Children will participate ingym games, swimming, a movie, pizza andother fun activities while parents finishtheir last minute shopping or just have aquiet night alone. Cost: $10.00 first child,$5.00 for siblings.

Upcoming YMCAHoliday events

You can help make the holidayseason bright

is a special time of year for all.If you can sponsor a child or a family,

please contact Frank Kenneally orMichelle Becotte at 978-686-6191.Financial contributions for the YMCA topurchase gifts and gift wrap are alsoappreciated. The Lawrence Branch of theMerrimack Valley YMCA is located at 40Lawrence Street.

Also, the single resident occupancy

housing (SRO) is looking for donations tomake the holiday bright for the 73 menthat call the YMCA home. Donations ofthe following items would be greatlyappreciated: gloves, hats, bath towels,twin sheets and pillow cases, and giftcertificates to local grocery stores. Formore information, please contact KathyWalton at 978-686-6191.

Volunteers are needed for theLawrence Branch YMCA’s ESL/GEDprogram offered to the residents

who live at the Y. What started outas a program to assist 20-30 adults

has grown in less than a year toover 100 participants. Volunteerswould assist in teaching multiple

levels of ESL/GED classes. Classesare held mornings, afternoons,

evenings and weekends. If you areable to help or would like to wouldlike to refer someone to volunteer,please contact Kathy Walton or Luz

Wheatly 978-686-6191. TheLawrence Branch of the Merrimack

Valley YMCA is located at 40Lawrence Street.


Address: 315 Mt. Vernon Street,Lawrence MA 01843Email: [email protected]

Letters must be less than 300 words in length. Please send a telephonenumber or email address by which we may confirm the sender.


All Medicare recipients should now beaware that if they suffer from conditionssuch as arthritis, cardiovascular disease,

and respiratory disorders, and havedifficulty walking or propelling a standardwheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive

an electric wheelchair paid for byMedicare. For information on Medicare

eligibility contact Gregory at1-800-810-2877.


Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006 rumbonews.com | RUMBO - 19

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CONCEJALES (CITY COUNCILORS)City Council Office(978) 794-5810

Nilka Alvarez-Rodriguez, At LargeTel: (978) 681-0662Patrick J. Blanchette, Disctrict ATel: (978) 683-7982Nunzio DiMarca, At LargeTel: (978) 683-0780Gilbert K. Frechette, District ETel: (978) 682-7917Jorge A. González, District CTel: (978) 975-0327Cel: (978) 335-3526Marie Gosselin, District FTel: (978) 683-4792Nicholas J. Kolofoles, District DTel: (978) 688-3705Joseph W. Parolisi, Al LargeTel: (978) 681-0902Grisel Silva, District BTel: (978) 360-9234

ALCALDE (MAYOR)Michael J. Sullivan(978) 794-5858Cel. (978) 490-0526Home | Casa (978) 685-1720

CONGRESISTA (CONGRESSMAN)Martin T. MeehanWashington: (202) 225-3411Lawrence: (978) 681-6200Home | Casa: (978) 459-0101

SENADORA ESTATAL (STATESENATOR)Susan C. TuckerBoston: (617) 722-1612Home | Casa: (978) 475-7564

REPRESENTANTES ESTATALES(STATE REPRESENTATIVES)Barry R. FinegoldAndover: (978) 474-8683Home | Casa: (978) 470-4934William A. LantiguaBoston: (617) 722-2370Cel: (978) 423-0079David M. TorrisiBoston: (617) 722-2396Home | Casa: (978) 682-5644

COMITÉ ESCOLAR - ESCUELATÉCNICA(SCHOOL COMMITTEE - TECHNICALSCHOOL)Richard A. Hamilton, Jr.Tel: (978) 683-3204Leo J. LamontagneTel: (978) 689-3847Daniel J. FlemingTel: (978) 689-9833

COMITÉ ESCOLAR (SCHOOLCOMMITTEE)Martina Cruz, Dirstrict BTel: (978) 681-8042Peter Larocque, District ETel: (978) 682-0900Omaira Mejía, District DTel: (978) 689-3327Gregory Morris, District FTel: (978) 423-4120Patricia Sánchez, District CTel: (978) 889-5829James S. Vittorioso, District ATel: (978) 975-8025





USED ITEMSFOR SALETVs – Furniture –Appliances – andmore – Won’t lastCall 978-975-5239

Ask for Sham

Planning Board - One Member PositionZoning Board of Appeals - Two Associate Member PositionsConservation Commission - Three Member PositionsLawrence Redevelopment Authority - One Position

Applications may be picked up at the Planning Department - 147Haverhill Street, Lawrence, MA.

All applications should be returned no later than WednesdayDecember 20th, 2006 toMichael R. Sweeney, Planning DirectorPlanning Department147 Haverhill StreetLawrence, MA 01840

OPEN BOARD POSITIONSCity of Lawrence Planning


20 - RUMBO | rumbonews.com Lawrence, MA | Diciembre 8, 2006


Every Monday afternoon, girlsfrom Lawrence’s new EsperanzaAcademy volunteer at the MerrimackValley YMCA’s Lawrence Branch. Theyvolunteer reading to children, helpingwith craft projects, and helping withclassroom activities.

Last week, the middle school girlsplanned a holiday project for thechildren: creating button wreaths thatthe children can take home as holidaygifts for their family. Integral to theAcademy’s curriculum is communityservice. “We are so pleased EsperanzaAcademy has partnered with us. Theexcitement and positive attitude of theyoung women is an inspiration to all.We look forward to their weekly visitswith our children,” said Francis J.Kenneally, YMCA District ExecutiveDirector.

Todos los lunes por las tardes, niñas de la nueva Academia Esperanzade Lawrence son voluntarias en la sucursal de la YMCA del Valle deMerrimack en Lawrence. Su trabajo voluntario consiste en leer a los niñospequeños, ayudar en proyectos manuales y asistir con actividades en lasclases.

La semana pasada, las estudiantes planearon un proyecto para losniños: crear unos adornos Navideños a base de botones que pudieran

llevárselos a casa ycompartirlos con su familia.Una parte íntegra del currículode la academia es el serviciocomunitario. “Estamos tancomplacidos que EsperanzaAcademy se haya asociado anosotros. La alegría y laactitud tan positiva de estasjovencitas es una inspiraciónpara todos. Esperamosansiosos su visita todas lassemanas”, dijo Francis J.Kenneally, el director ejecutivode la YMCA.

Estudiantes de la AcademiaEsperanza son voluntarias todas lassemanas en la YMCA de Lawrence


SavannahLoth, age 11;Mario Andino,age 3; andJhaniyaCarrillo, age 3.

Having fun at the sand table are Sirena Amber Capeobianco, age 11; Diamantis Santiago,age 4; Liz Ferreira, age 11; and Naomi Mojica, age 12.

Naya Adaramola, age 4; and EmilyMeas, age 10.

Ashley Estrella,age 10; SashaMurrel, age 4;and ManuelMartis, age 5.

Stephania Cueva, age 11; and Alex Becotte, age 4.
