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Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report

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Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Your Gifts at Work
Page 1: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report

Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services


Your Gifts at Work

Page 2: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


we are proud to report that 84% of every dollar raised goes directly toward the programs we support.




3 Message from the Board Chair and President & CEO

4-5 Financial Information

7 Senior Services

8 Weisman Delray Community Center

9 Counseling & Mental Health

10 Food and Financial Assistance

11 Volunteer Opportunities

12 Staff

13 Board of Directors

14 Giving Societies/ Ways to Give

15-21 Donations

23 Grants

24-26 Endowments

Jfs would like to thank Greenspoon Marder for once again being our premier agency sponsor

for 2013

our missionRuth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (JFS) offers help, hope and humanity through our comprehensive range of programs and services which support people of all ages and beliefs.

With locations in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, JFS programs and services include food and financial assistance, senior services, counseling and mental health services, vocational and employment services, as well as many volunteer opportunities.

Funding is provided by individuals, corporations, grants, special events and donors who support our mission and bring hope to thousands in need.

Ruth & Norman RalesJewish Family Services Help. Hope. Humanity.

we are privileged to present you with the 2013 annual report of ruth & Norman rales Jewish family services (Jfs). our fiscal year ending august 31, 2013 was another sensational year for the agency.

during 2013 we expanded our senior services to include a senior companion training program through a grant from the palm Beach county workforce alliance. this grant enabled us to train adults over 55 with low employable skills and provide them with training and experience to become paid companions. as a

result, Jfs applied for and received our homemaker and companion license from the agency on health care administration (ahca) and began filling a need for companions in the community. funds were also secured to start a senior subsidy program for in-home care. the programs at the weisman delray community center expanded with the implementation of the feldman family adventure club, which is in addition to the feldman family diamond club. a part time nurse was also added to the center and provides consultation services to our members and clients.

our counseling and mental health department continued to grow with the addition of in-home counseling and the expansion of our hours of operation to include thursday evenings. our psychological testing department and psychiatry departments once again saw increased growth as more families accessed our affordable mental health services.

one of the biggest highlights of 2013 was the opening of the Jacobson family food pantry which is now providing individuals with both shopping and delivery services. during the year we began the planning stages of a “meals on wheels” program. financial assistance requests continued to grow as the economy continues to stagnate as a result of the government sequestration and cuts to entitlement programs like the supplemental nutrition access program (sNap).

we continue our efforts to leverage partnerships with other agencies while keeping a keen eye on the bottom line. all of these efforts strengthen our ability to provide innovative programs and services for the community. None of this could ever be accomplished without the efforts of our dedicated board, staff, volunteers and you, our supporters. we express heartfelt gratitude to all of you whose generosity helps us provide hope to those living in Boca raton, highland Beach and delray Beach.

message from the Board chair aNd the presideNt & ceodear Board memBers, frieNds, supporters, VoluNteers, partNers aNd NeighBors,

Jon s. Kimmel danielle N. hartmanChair, Board of Directors President & CEO

Please join us in taking pride in our accomplishments in 2013 and looking forward to good things in the year to come.


Page 3: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


9% $551,676

Fundraising Events

84% $4,663,981

Program Services

7% $408,034General &


9% $512,021



Pledges, Grants &


6% $356,777

Appreciation in Fair Value of


13% $812,060

Federation Allocation

7% $446,000

Federation Donated

Materials & Services


11% $691,936Program Revenue

11% $678,091Restricted for Future

Program Use



2% $109,273

Other Revenue













SUPPORTPledges, Grants and Contributions

$2,523,713 $2,523,713 $603,091 $75,000 $3,201,804

Fundraising Events $551,676 $551,676 $551,676

Federation Allocation

$812,060 $812,060 $812,060

Federation Donated Material & Services (non-cash)

$446,000 $446,000 $446,000

Total Support $4,333,449 $4,333,449 $603,091 $75,000 $5,011,540

REVENUEProgram Revenue,Net $691,936 $691,936 $691,936

Net (appreciation) in fair value ofinvestments

$258,712 $258,712 $98,065 $356,777

Other Revenue $109,273 $109,273 $109,273

Total Revenue $1,059,921 $0 $1,059,921 $98,065 $0 $1,157,986

Total Support and Revenue

$5,393,370 $5,393,370 $701,156 $75,000 $6,169,526

Net Assets Released from Restrictions

$357,391 $357,391 ($357,391) $0

EXPENSESProgram Services $4,663,981 $4,663,981 $4,663,981

General and Administrative

$408,034 $408,034 $408,034

Fundraising $512,021 $512,021 $512,021

Total Expenses $5,584,036 $5,584,036 $0 $0 $5,584,036

CHANGE IN NET ASSETSchange in net assets* $166,725* $0 $166,725 $343,765 $75,000 $585,490

Net Assets - Beginning of Year

$5,491,189 $1,295,346 $6,786,5350 $1,472,809 $2,974,417 $11,233,761

Net Assets End of Year

$5,657,914 $1,295,346 $6,953,260 $1,816,574 $3,049,417 $11,819,251

ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSCash and Cash Equivalents* $1,433,491 Accounts Payable and

Accrued Liabilities $152,815

Program Receivables, Net $32,385 Deferred Membership Revenue $29,159

Grant and Other Receivables $378,515

Endowments $5,805,804

Prepared Expenses and Other Assets

$75,348 Total Liabilities $181,974

Property and Equipment, Net $4,275,682

NET ASSETS Unrestricted $5,657,914

Unrestricted - Board Designated


Temporarily Restricted $1,816,574

Permanently Restricted $3,049,417

Total Net Assets $11,819,251

Total Assets $12,001,225

Total Liabilities and Net Assets






* Includes funds restricted to the Food Pantry for $556,384

*Includes increase in market valuation of our endowments

Page 4: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


care specialists help seniors age in place safely for as long as possible with dignity and independence. services include assessment and planning, care coordination, patient advocacy, information and referral, companionship and many socialization opportunities. Jfs is a vital link between loved ones living in our community and their families living out of state.

Senior ServiceS


193 unduplicated clients received services through our carelink case management services.309 Holocaust clients were served through our holocaust survivor assistance program. Jfs would like to recognize direct Nursing as the 2013 café europa transportation sponsor. JFs would like to recognize the Claims Conference for their on-going support of our Holocaust survivor assistance Program.217 seniors access our volunteer programs including telephone reassurance, friendly visitors, senior companions, and Kibbitz & ride.our case managers made 2,508 visits to seniors receiving services from Jfs.our volunteer transportation program, Kibbitz & ride, provided 2,531 one way rides in 2013. JFs would like to recognize Quality Family Care and Boca raton regional Hospital Foundation as the 2013 Kibbitz & ride sponsor. 776 feldman family diamond/adventure club members enjoyed weekly programming and monthly trips.

programs aNd serVices

assessment and planning

care management services


counseling and support groups

financial assistance

feldman family diamond/adventure clubs

friendly Visitors

holocaust survivor assistance

information & referral services

Jacobson family food pantry

Kibbitz & ride Volunteer driving program

meals on wheels

patient advocates

senior companions

shirley & Barton weisman delray community center

socialization programs

telephone reassurance





rona Blumkin’s face lights up when her senior companion, ann fox, arrives on tuesdays and thursdays. each week rona and ann share a few hours together, shopping and socializing. ann also helps rona with

some household chores and takes her to dr. appointments. rona’s late husband Jack was also a senior companion client. Jack’s companion came each week to keep him company and allow rona to have some much needed respite time. since becoming widowed, rona has had her own senior companion. rona says “knowing that ann is coming gives me something to look forward to.” rona’s children, who live in New Jersey and washington d.c., have peace of mind, knowing that a caring person is there for their mom. ann says “i enjoy being helpful and we have a good time together.”

Jfs would like to recognize

Horizon Nursing as the 2013 senior services sponsor

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Shirley & Barton WeiSman

Delray community center

our ceNteris home to

art, cultural, social and recreational classes

Blume cafe

case management services

computer classes

counseling and support groups

educational lectures

feldman family diamond/adventure


health & wellness programs

information and referral services

Kosher Konnection

movie and theater events

on-site Nurse consultations

Volunteer opportunities

oVer 1600 memBers enjoyed a number of activities from arts and culture to health and wellness, lectures, movies, entertainment and socialization. Now three years old, the weisman delray community center continues to have a positive impact on the community providing a place where those 60 and older can congregate and enjoy life while accessing vital social services in a beautiful, modern space.

Hours:Monday – Thursday

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Wednesday - Thursday5 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Friday9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

membership fee $60 (Some exceptions apply). members enjoy two appreciation events

each year and a special welcome gift.

highlightsIn 2013 3,110 classes were offered throughout the year

Each day approximately 350 people visit the Center

In 2013 12,500 people enjoyed a meal at the Blume Cafe

Nurse Brenda & Jay Glogower

Nurse Brenda asked Jay to take his blood pressure. he was reluctant but another member convinced him to give it a try. Nurse Brenda found his pulse was very low. she immediately called the doctor’s office and an appointment was set up that same day.

Jay underwent an eKg and a chemical stress test where it was determined that one of his medications had to be eliminated and one changed.

the doctor has Jay wear a 24-hour halter monitor to record his heart rhythm. abnormalities showed up and he was scheduled to get a pacemaker. the procedure was a success and Jay is under a doctor’s care with regular checkups. he returned to the center within a few days and he proudly tells all, Brenda saved my life, “she’s an angel.”

Jfs offers counseling to individuals and families (including children), many support groups, workshops, psychiatric assessment and medication management, psychological testing services, mentoring programs and a free drop-in center for adults living with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities.

counSeling & mental health

JFS clinicians provided over 6,430 therapy sessions to 401 clients

Over 11 children received affordable psychological testing services from JFS

55 people received 279 sessions with our psychiatrist

The Welcome Home Program provided 70 memberswith a free drop-in center to help them achieve their maximum potential

2,336 people called JFS for information and referral services from our counseling department

programs aNd serVices

community mentoring programs

drop-in center (welcome home program)

information and referral services

individual and family counseling (all ages)

in-home counseling services

psychiatric assessment and medication management

psychological testing

support groups





linda is a 32 year old woman who came to Jfs with symptoms of depression and anxiety. she had survived a traumatic childhood, filled with physical abuse and neglect by her abusive parents. By the time she contacted our agency for help, she had been severely depressed for over three years. after ending a physically and emotionally abusive relationship with a man that she had been involved with for almost four years, she moved in with her sister’s family. unable to find employment and having no motivation to attend college, she felt she had lost her direction and saw no way to change her life for the better. through counseling she was able to work through the painful issues that still haunted her from her childhood and began making goals for her life moving forward. today, linda is living in her own apartment, is enrolled in college part time and has been employed full time for almost two years. she has been able to make long term plans for her future and hopes to go into nursing in order to help others.


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FooD & Financial aSSiStance

programs aNd serVices

Jacobson family food pantry at Jfs

case management for families & children in crisis

information and referral services

meals on wheels

Financial Assistance Including:

hands on tzedakah – senior assistance program

hebrew free loan society – interest free loans

Jewish educational loan fund – interest free

college loans

Jeffrey turkin memorial fund for affordable

counseling for children

rose golden fund for indigent care

silverstein fund for senior in-home care

cooper fund for families with special Needs children

Viner compassionate care fund for children and

families in crisis

Jfs provides a lifeline to individuals and families in crisis, providing emergency funds for basic necessities and other needs, including families with special needs children. we also provide interest-free loans through the hebrew free loan society and educational school loans through the Jewish educational loan fund. the Jacobson family food pantry provides bi-monthly food packages to qualified seniors, individuals and families providing much needed sustenance to those in need. meals on wheels provides a prepared meal to those seniors no longer able to cook for themselves.

Throughout 2013 JFS provide over $220,000 in financial assistance to 1,400 individuals in crisis.

Between November 2012 and August 2013 over 12,000 lbs of food were donated to the Jacobson Family Food Pantry.

48 individuals selected to “shop” for their food at the Jacobson Family Food Pantry

12 volunteers delivered food packages to home bound seniors in Century Village each week

53 food drives were held throughout 2013 helping stock our shelves at the Jacobson Family Food Pantry.

Over 79,625 lbs of food was delivered throughout the yearhig




Elinorelinor was born in 1925 in Bronx, New york. after completing high school, elinor went to work for the social work Vocational Bureau - a professional employment agency for social worker’s. elinor was married in 1944 after working for seven years when she retired to become a stay at home mom. elinor moved to delray Beach in 1977 and went to work in 1979 as an executive secretary, then, retired in 1987. elinor is currently president of her association in Kings point. after elinor’s husband died her income was greatly diminished and a friend told her about the Jacobson family food pantry at Jfs and she has been a recipient for the past six years. “when the pantry opened in delray it was just amazing to me because i could go to the pantry and select the items and brand names that i have been using all along. the shelves in the pantry are always well stocked and dennis and his staff are always pleasant and happy to help in any way possible.”

Volunteers remain critical to our success and we would not be able to provide help to as many people in our community without their gift of time and talent. each year over 300 individuals and families, including many teens, donate the equivalent of more than 25,000 hours of service to Jfs. our volunteers mentor children and teens, lead religious services at assisted living facilities and nursing homes, provide rides for seniors in need of transportation, provide care to uninsured adults, and reduce the isolation of homebound seniors through daily telephone calls, friendly visits and care packages.

volunteer ServiceS

147 people volunteered their time in a variety of ways at the Weisman Delray Community Center.

40 people made calls or visits to home bound seniors as part of our Telephone Reassurance and Friendly Visitor Programs.

28 parachaplains visited the sick, led Shabbat and High Holy Day services at 13 locations in the community.

35 drivers helped keep seniors mobile and healthy as part of our volunteer driving program “Kibbitz & Ride.”

16 adults volunteered as mentors to young children through our community mentoring program.

programs aNd serVices

caring doctors project

community mentoring programs


feldman family clubs

friendly Visitors

Jacobson family food pantry

Kibbitz and ride volunteer driver program

meals on wheels

patient advocates

shirley & Barton weisman delray community center

sNap outreach

teen Volunteer opportunities

telephone reassurance





NormaNorma emerik, 67, resides in Boca raton. Norma was a registered nurse until her retirement a year and a half ago. Norma says that nurses are “patient” people and always knew that when she retired she would volunteer “as a way of giving back to the community.” Norma volunteers for the Jacobson family food pantry at Jfs in a number of ways. she participates in the monthly food baggings at the pantry, delivers groceries to century Village clients every

other thursday and delivers for the agency’s meals on wheels program on fridays. “it does my heart good to see these wonderful people that i deliver much needed food to.”

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aaryn gottesfeld, phd | psychologist

arlene roogow | case manager, gould house

aser ones lcsw | clinical social worker

audrey schattner | holocaust grants administrator

Beth levine | sr. Vp, chief operating officer

Brady drazic | food pantry support

christopher palmer | delray operations cindy o. Nimhauser, Jd | sr. Vp, chief development officer

danielle hartman, mNm | president & chief executive officer

david schlagter, lcsw | clinical social worker

debbie lipson, lcsw | case manager

dennis prisant | Jacobson family food pantry operations manager

diane tregerman | part-time office clerk

diana estrada-Zigman, msw | case manager

dianne matthew, lcsw | Vp of clinical services

eileen lemelman, lcsw | clinical social worker

ellen h. ullman, msw | case manager

gayle savage silverman | case manager, weinberg house

howard horowitz, lcsw | supervisor, chaplaincy & senior services outreach

Jessica campbell, lcsw | clinical social worker

Jill schwartzberg, psy.d | psychologist

Jill waldman | special events

Joe Kenney | food pantry transportation specialist

Joy turin | executive assistant/donor relations

Judy palmer | executive assistant

Karina woodman | sr. Vp, chief financial officer

laurie intondi, lcsw | Vp senior services

lori warner, msw | community mentoring program coordinator

marisa hughes, msw | case manager

marissa gordon, mpa | senior companion program coordinator

marlene hess | administrative assistant

melissa marnell | secretary

michael weinberger | senior case manager/families & children in crisis

Nadine greenberg | director of Volunteers

patricia monti | client records & Billing mgr, hipaa compliance

pearl Zaffrin | office clerk

risa demato | Vp of weisman delray community center

regina packer | evening supervisor- delray community center

rita gitter | administrative assistant

shlomit Karasik | community outreach coordinator

stella molina | controller

susan davis, lcsw | project director - welcome home program

susan price, msw | case manager

tom dauria | café manager

tulla Katehis, lcsw | clinical social worker

Victoria petruzzo | director of grants management

Vincent raccanova | operations/it coordinator

yvette camulli | transportation coordinator

JFS Staff as of 12/31/2013

THaNK you to our wonderful and dedicated staff for

helping to make 2013 so successful!

officersJon s. Kimmel – chairlaurence i. Blair – immediate past chairrobert marton – treasurerNatalie pelavin – secretaryJudi donoff – Vice chair – financial resource developmentron gallatin – Vice chair – strategic planninglisa goodman – Vice chair – food pantryJane gortz – Vice chair – personnelBeverly feurring – Vice chair – Board development

2013-2014 Board of Directors

*past chair

Joy Binkovitz*margaret Blume stephanie chestnovcarol dickmandiane feldmanarnie friedman sheila cohen furrJonathan gallerivan gefen*

rebecca greenspoonNorman JacobsonJodi Katztalia KleinKeith p. KronishJeffrey lammmarcia langleyroger leavywendy legum

rabbi dan levinroxane frechie liptonlaura litinskysusan podolskyKen pritzkerJudy rabinowitz*ron reshefskyellen r. sarnoffdavid schimel

marvin schilleredith steinandrew waldmanVicki weinstein Bart weisman

Board of directors

geriatric medical adVisordr. aaron Kleindr. John shosheim

stan BarryJane cornellKaren irwindavid a. Katzmanmarvin e. millermillicent Nathan

madeline parghmartin steinamy taneyJilll Vinerilene wohlgemuth*

hoNorary Board

Page 8: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


commitment of our most generous supporters who ensure our ability to provide quality programs and services to our community. for more information call cindy orbach Nimhauser, chief development officer at (561) 852-3279 or [email protected].

Giving Societies

BENEFACTORS - minimum gift of $5,000 annually

LEADERSHIP - minimum gift of $1,800 annually

SUPPORTER - minimum gift $500 annually

FRIENDS - minimum gift $100 annually

CHAI SOCIETY - $18,000 commitment payable over five years ($3,600 per year)

FOUNDER SOCIETY - recognizes donors who have given at least $5,000 consecutively for at least ten years

for more information contact cindy orbach Nimhauser, chief development officer at (561) 852-3279 or [email protected]

annual givingevery contribution helps give hope to the people who need it most. your annual donation supports the full range of vital programs and services ruth & Norman rales Jewish family services (Jfs) provides to the community.

memorial and tribute giftsgain the satisfaction of giving a truly meaningful gift by honoring a special occasion or making a gift in memory of someone with your tax-deductible tribute to Jfs.

legacy giftsa legacy commitment is your way to leave financial resources to Jfs for the future needs of our community. legacy commitments will help your family realize their philanthropic vision.

corporate sponsorship programsmany opportunities exist to become a corporate sponsor in support of the agency. packages include support of events, departments, newsletters and more.

so m


y w


s to


eOur Donors

the following list represents gifts made to Jfs between January 1, 2013 and december 31, 2013. we apologize in advance for any names inadvertently omitted.

$100,000 +

Diane & Larry FeldmanMeryl & Ron GallatinRuth & Norman Rales FoundationHands on Tzedakah, Inc.Barton & Shirley Weisman

$50,000 - $99,999 Jane & Alan Cornell Anne & Norman JacobsonJill VinerWeinberger Family Foundation Inc.

$25,000 - $49,999 Toby & Leon CoopermanEvie & Ronald KrancerThe Retirement Research FoundationLucille & Walter RubinEdith & Martin Stein

$10,000 - $24,999 Adolph and Rose Levis FoundationAlbert E. & Birdie W. Einstein FundMarilyn & Stanley BarryBarry Family Foundation, Inc.Abbe Dale & Steven BeckerJoy BinkovitzBJ’s Charitable FoundationMichele & Laurence I. BlairBoca West Women’s Group

Jeannette & Frederic S BogartCity of Boca RatonDanaher FoundationPeggy & Phillip DeZwirekIsabel & Arnold FriedmanStanlee & Steve FriedmanGreenspoon Marder, P.A.Leonard & Tobee Kaplan Philanthropic FundBetty & Jon KimmelLouis Feil Charitable Lead AnnuityMazonNext GenerationsMadeline & Eugene ParghHelene & Richard PaulThe Samuels Family FoundationHarvey & Phyllis Sandler FoundationErnst & Gertrude Ticho Charitable FoundationDiane & Jon VogelWaldman Foundation Inc.Susan & Herbert Zarkin

$5,000 - $9,999

Accessible Home Health Care of NPBAngelis - Hero FoundationDebbie & Howard BelfordBoca Grove

Boca Home Care ServicesBoca Raton Regional Hospital FdnErma & Harold BrodeJudi & Craig DonoffFibus Family FoundationCamille & Stephen FishMarleen ForkasLeslie & Bernard FriedmanLinda & Ivan GefenLori & Lewis Gold

Lisa & David GoodmanEllen & Gerry GreenspoonJoan & Paul HauserHCBS Members Inc.Karen & Stephen IrwinJarden Consumer Solutions FundSherry & Lawrence KalishDebra & Gerald KramerPatricia KukesDonna & Jeffrey LammMarcia & R. Jeffrey Langley

Marsha & Howard LipschutzLaura & Steven LitinskyMidlantic Real Estate Inc.Marvin Miller

June & Monte NathansonPolo Club of Boca RatonQuality Family CareJudith & Maynard RabinowitzGail Asarch & James SatovskyMarcia & Albert SchmierHelene & Roy SchwedelsonIrene SilverDaniel SolomonTemple Beth ElPamela & Robert WeinrothIlene & Peter Wohlgemuth

Page 9: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


Bette & Paul Wohlgemuth Youngstown Area Jewish Federation

$1,800 - $4,999

A Plus Home HealthKaren & Lawrence AltschulLinda & Albert AniksteinAudiology Distribution, LLCBeth Israel Memorial ChapelMargaret & Robert BlumeBoca Raton Triathletes, Inc.Boca Raton’s PromiseBrain Matters ResearchGloria & Barry BroderCentury Risk AdvisorsStephanie & Richard ChestnovCarol & Michael CohenMaxine & Joseph CopulskyJudy & Sidney David

Delray Medical CenterKaren & Mark DernElaine & Richard DesatnickBarbara & Jeffrey FeingoldBeverly FeurringHarriet & Chet FingerSheila & Robert FurrVicki & Donald GabayHerman GansJoan GardeGutterman Warheit Memorial ChapelLaura & Michael HochbergerHorizon Nursing ServicesDarrell JacobPamela & Thomas KaplanAlice & Ira KentGail & Keith KronishThe Law Office of Adrian Philip ThomasApril & Roger Leavy

Wendy & Wayne LegumLevin Homecare Nurse RegistryMelissa & Brad LevineHelena & Leonard LevineEllen & Jerome LevittBarbara & Gerald LewinRoxane & Michael LiptonMark G Anderson Consultants, Inc.Lisa & Robert MartonElizabeth & Sheldon MaschlerConnie & Neil MeiselSherry & Carl MorgansteinRobin & Laurence NagleVicki & Garry NewmanLisa & Martin PechterNatalie PelavinProskauer Rose LLPAndrea RaabBarbara & Jeffrey RosenbergAmy & David RossRobin & Gary RubinSheri & Ken SackMarilyn SafenowitzEllen R. SarnoffElisabeth & Angelo ScardinaAlison & David Schimel

Susan & Eric SchneiderHally & Mark ShawLanie SimonSteinberg GlobalTemple EmethTown of Palm Beach United WayBarbara & Leonard TureskyUnited Way of Palm Beach CountyClifford Viner Family FoundationCarla & Bruce WeinerVicki & Victor WeinsteinWells Fargo Private BankWollstein Family FoundationWomen’s League of B’nai TorahEtte Gross & Raymond Zimmerman

$500 - $1,799

A Move Made EasyAbbey DelrayAlliance of Delray Residental AssocThe Anikstein Family Foundation, Inc.Gail M. Asarch Private Charitable FoundationShelia & Michael AshkinLeonard BackerJudy BailynKathie BaldingArthur E.Benjamin FoundationBrenda & Harvey BlattBarbara & Harvey BlochSaree & Michael BlockB’nai Torah CongregationKim & Howard BregmanGaby & Edward BrillPeggy Ann & Robert BrinThe Brody Family FoundationThe Caine Family FoundationMalvina & Leonard CamhiEllen & Jon ChanningAlex Chestnov Memorial Foundation Inc.Evelyn & Jack CohenNancy & Ronald ColemanComerica Charitable FoundationComForcare Home CareCongregation B’Nai Israel

Delray Orthodox SynagogueCarol & Alan DickmanJoanna & Bryan DrowosJudith & Melvin EinsidlerKenneth EsrigValerie & Jacob EverJudy FederMarshall FelensteinMarcia & Richard FoxIna Rae & Neil FoxFreedom Medical Services Inc.Florence & Barry FriedbergElaine & Harold FriedlandCarole & Edward GabayBrandy & Jonathan GallerRani GarfinkleNancy & Gregory GefenNaomi & Barry GershNancy & Richard GitlinJamie & Neil GlachmanAlice & Barry GlassmanMichael GoodmanJane & Albert GortzGrand Villa EastGrand Villa WestJan & Jeffrey GreenhawtRebecca GreenspoonBarbara & Ronald GrudbergSanford HellerJerry HerbstHerschthal PracticeCarol & Jim HerscotLois & Allan HutenskyVivki I Marshall IsmanPatrica JacobsDalia & Morton JarashowJewish Heritage Club at LexingtonMarilyn JurickSharon & Donald KabatBeverly KanigJean & Harvey KarpMarjorie & Bruce KashkinMarilyn & Harvey KassJodi & Michael KatzCarol & Jerry Kaye

Talia & Harold KleinHeidi & Mark KleinerSara KlompusTania & Gary KoolikKosher CaregiversCarole & Stuart KrosserElyssa & Barry KupferbergJeannette & Philip LazarusAdele & Herman LebersfeldMiriam & Leonard LeedsRina LenerBarbara & Irving LevyLewis Family Charitable TrustEllen & Bernard LiebmanPatricia & Murray LiebowitzLifewatch USAFrancine & Harvey LiftonLoretta LittenMary & Fred LitwinLobbenberg Gordon Charitable TrustLynden Nursing Service LLCMake a Difference FoundationHelen & Carl MarbachBilli & Bernard MarcusLaw Offices of Mary Sue DonohueAdrianne & Henry MautnerRobert MeiselSusan & Steven MilimBeth & Joseph MishkinJeannine & Leland MorrisMyron MoscovitzMSP Enterprises Inc.Toby & Stanley MussMillicent NathanPris & Alan NeulanderPaula & Gary NorkinWilliam OrnsteinLynn & Joseph OuslanderElliot PackerPass The Wine, Inc.Karen & Peter PearlmanSusan & Barry Podolsky

Ellen & Edward PollockGeorgina & Edwin PolokoffJewel & Allen PrinceMichele & Kenneth PritzkerTibor RadvanySandy & Aaron RappaportMyrna & Norman RickenMarcy & Bradley RobbinsBilha & Samuel RonMelvin RosenblattBetty & Herb RossBruce RossMaria Teresa & George RudesCheryl & Adam RunsdorfSaks Fifth Ave.Shirley SamitSusan & Sanford SandelmanPhyllis & Harvey SandlerElaine & Norton SarnoffJan SavarickPatricia & Mark SchaumDana & Barry SchechterNamcy & Marvin SchillerJohn SchosheimAlison & Andrew SchreierJudi & Allan SchumanBetsy & Rick SchusterDorothy SeamanSenior Resource AdvisorsOlivia & Gerald ShapiroPhyllis & Leonard Shapiro

Page 10: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


Sherwood SharfeVictor ShargaiJacqueline ShearSara SheinbergJill & Stuart Siegel Charitable Foundation

Elinor SiklossyRobyn & Michael SilverFran & Saul SingerLisa & Thomas SlineyEllen & Michael SoboScott SolkoffSteven SteinWendy & Richard SwartzJudith & Herman SwartzLenore TagermanAmy & Barry TaneyRuth TaubmanRenee TeitelbaumTemple Anshei ShalomSuzanne & Eugene TerryThe Billi Marcus Foundation IncSylvia & Morris Trachten Family FoundationBeth & Anthony TraneseDebbie & Edward Venezia

Joan VogelAlyce & Bernard VogelEtoile VolinLenore & Herbert WachtelPhyllis & Arthur Wachtel Family Foundation

Hedy & Bryan WassermanMerle & Richard WeidenbaumMarilyn & Jay WeinbergArlyne & Myron WeinbergKaren & Martin WeisfeldKaren & Howard WeissWells Fargo Advisors, LLCSerena & Richard WerberRichard L. & Lois S. Werner Family FoundationCarol & Steve WinigBeth Trubow & Bruce WinterGerald YassRonnie & Jeff Zapoleon

$101 - $499

Sheila & Burton AaronsonErryn AbiriRan & Sara AbrahamyJoan AbramsAIG Matching Grants ProgramAimee Greenhouse Sageview ConsultinDebra AltschulRichard Appelfeld Donor Advised FundSondra & Ronald AshendorfSandra & Charles BabbushGail & Alan BankKatherine BarbaJanet & Kalman BarsonSelma & Leonard BaruchinHalina & Bernard Baumgarten

Jayne Beatrice & Leon Friedman CharitableRuthann & David BeckermanDiane BehrmanCarol & Ronald BenachJoanne BergerBill BergerBonnie & Jay BerkowitzLori BermanRhoda & Henri BertuchMary BeskinBeth Ami CongregationBistro ProvenceElayne & Richard BlackmanDon Blaustein

Judith & Seymour BlausteinPaige & David BlockBonnie & Andrew BlockBNY Mellon Private Wealth ManagementHarriett Kogod & Jack BobbThe Boca Raton SynagogueLinda & Marty BodianYvonne BoiceJudith BradleyE. Miriam & Norman BrandJoan BrawerSally & Robert BriskerMarc BrotmanRuth & David BrumbergJohn ButeFran & Jerome ButwinCarole CameronRoy CamhiLouise CammorataBarbara CarneyRobyn & Richard ChwattRachel ClouseMichael CohenDebra & Steven CohenShari CohenAndrea & Robert ColtonRonda & Allen ConeCongregation Shaarei KodeshEstelle & Harvey CooperstoneShirley & Michael CorbettJoyce & Steven CroftSheryl CutlerShirley & Robert DavisPatricia DeRosaSuzanne & Jeffrey DeutchMargaret DonnelleyLiz DowneyWalker DuvallStephen EdelmanRona & Ron EisenbergTracy & Steven EliasMargie & Alex EllenbogenRuth EnglanderValerie Dalwin Etra

Shirley FeinEllen & David FeingoldNorma FeldmanAsher Lionel FendellLori & Howard FenstermanNarleen & Michael FineBarbara FinkelsteinSusan & Douglas FischerArnold FishmanNorma FogelThomas ForlenzaHelaine FreedJackie & Stanley FriedmanRhoda & Leonard FrischerSheila & David FuenteLouise & David GalpernMeir GareElaine GebelRandi & Clifford GerberTheodore GersonSandra & Martin GillerBarbara & Harold GlasbandElaine & Gene GlasserGlick’s Kosher MarketGolan GroupBeatrice GoldRona & Joseph GoldbergPatricia & Karl GoldbergJoy GoldsteinBonnie & David GoldsteinElaine & Albert GoldsteinHarold & Jonny GordonShirley & Eli GottesdienerAaryn GottesfeldFlorence & Luiz GrajwerMarjorie & Stanley GreenbaumRoberta GreenbergBeth & Steven GreenbergGreenbergTraurigSheryl GreenwaldCarol Anne & Steven GreenwaldIrma & David GrossShelly & Larry GrossStuart Grossman Gunster, Inc.Laurie & Franklin GutmanJulius GuttmanLynn & Jerome HahnRachelle & Jacob HarrisEllen & Michael HartzFran & Paul HellerRita HiltonEllen & Ronald HoffnerLinda HurstImaging Science Foundation, Inc.Susan & Alan JacobsPatti & Michael JacobsPamela & Joseph JanouraJewish War Veterans Aux. # 631

Joys of Yiddish ClubBarbara & Clive KabatznikDavid KahanLisa KalenGayle & Steven KammermanBetty & Herbert KaneLewis KatzGail & Daniel KatzIlene KatzMarissa & Daniel KatzDeanna & Henry KatzMichele & David KatzmanJudy KayPhyllis & Adolf KeehnSusan KellerMarcia & Howard KentKeratin ComplexEsther & Gerald KesslerJonathan KingMelissa & Dean KirkelCarla & Jeffrey KleinSara Jo & Arthur KobackerWendy & Robert KohanskyNancy & Bernard KraftStuart KramerDonna KramerSandra & JeromeKransdorfEllen & Richard KrantzDonna & Stephen KrasnerEvelyn & Herbert KricksteinYaakov KronfeldLenore LarkinLaw Offices of Jonathan Bloom PAPaula LeblangJanet & Michael LeedsFrieda LeemonMarvin LeibowitzSandra LemmeAudrey & Sam LernerJan & Allen LevMarissa & David LevensonBrenda & Robert LevineJaye & Roger LevyNatalie & Joel LichtenthalKatherine & Jeffrey LindenBryan LucenaStacey & George LuckRoberta & William LudwigPauline & Arnold MaerovPaul MalnoveJulius MarkHermina MarksBeatrice MayerIsolde & Stephen MedowCheryl & Robert MellmanHarriet & Nathan MillerBeatrice Allis & Alan MinionLois MishkinIrene Mohr

Judi & Jay MorganSharon NalittSeymour NashLisa NazzaroNCJW Bowling LeagueWilliam NewmanSteven NussbaumMitzi & Gary OremanAndrea & James OrleansAnnette & Monroe OstermanMarilyn & Milton OzarMarilyn & Carl PaddorBonnie & James PantelMildred & Mitchell PardoGail & Stefan PasternackFlorence PaulLeona PaulDana & Michael PetroverJan PitcherGail & Barry PressJeffrey PressAmy & Kevin RaderRoz & Abraham RappCelia & Milton RapsBarbara & Fredric ReitmanAmy & Ron ReshefskyDeana & Hyman RichmanSusan & Jack RiemerMilton RingCharlotte & Morris RobinsonOctavius Robinson

Page 11: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


Ellen & Stephen RoseSusan & Arthur RosenKay & James RosenbergJoan RosenbergLisa & Steven RosenfeldCarol & Arthur RothHarold RothsteinGinger & Barry RubinLee RubinStacey & Alan Rudnick

S & J Gold LLCMadeline & Stephen SackelKaren & Eric SacksRebecca & Steve SagerBarabara & Arnold SaltzmanBonnie ScharfIris & Melvin SchlesingerBela SchlesingerLaurie SchoenfeldStephanie & Steven SchusterArline & Cole SchusterDonna Schweid

M.L. & Alvin SegalPhyllis & Cliff SereskyPearl SeymoreBeverly & Alvin ShapiroLisa & Rand E ShapiroOlivia & Gerry ShapiroHarriet & Ronald ShapssLizette & Dan SheinbergLarry ShulmanRobin & Jeffrey Siegal

Sign-A-RamaBonnie & Bryan SilbermannLois SilvermanMyra & Merle SingerKaren & Fred SingerNorma & David SmithCarol & Irv SmoklerJoanne SmuklerFlorence & Stephen SobleShirley SokolskyShirley & Allan SolomonBarbara Solomon

Barbara SosnowitzJanyce & Peter SpeierJulie SpodekYhudes & Benjamin SteenNancy & Charles SteinRandi & Steven SteinEllyn & Harry SteinbokCarole StollJudith & Sheldon StraussPhyllis & Teddy StruhlLila SubotkyMaida & Arnold SureskySusan G. Komen Race for the CureKaren & Dan SwansonDoris TaxinBernice & Edward TeltserLea TemkinMaria & Stephen TowleUnited Way SuncoastPhyllis & Arthur WachtelHanna & Jules WagnerStephen WaingerRenee & C. Richard WeinbergEleanor & Paul WeinerJulie WeinsteinBarbara & Morris WeinsteinDebbie & Andrew WeismanKaren & Howard Weiss

Marsha WetmoreJacquelyn & Alvin WheelerLillian & Stanley WilenJanice WilliamsKaren WinterCandice & Howard WolkTeri WolofskyKarina WoodmanConstance & Stanley YaffeJudith & David YorraSusan ZeffMarlene Zuckerman

corporate SponSorShip programReach a wide audience while helping the community. We invite you to partner with JFS to align your company with our mission to serve those in need living in our community.

Benefits:- Marketing exposure to a variety of targeted audiences

- Community service opportunities thorough hands on volunteer experiences for your employees

Sponsorship Opportunities:Premiere Agency SponsorDepartment SponsorProgram SponsorAnnual Fundraising Event SponsorAdvertising Sponsor

$15,000 plusGreenspoon Marder

$10,000 plusBJ’s Charitable FoundationBoca Raton Observer Magazine

$5,000 plusAccessible Home Health CareBoca Home Care ServicesCBIZ, MHM, LLCCentury Risk AdvisorsDirect Nursing Care ServicesHorizon Nursing ServicesQuality Family Care

$2,500 plusProskauer Rose, LLPA Plus Homecare

$1,000 plusRegents Park


Page 12: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


THANK YOU to our Community Partners who have donated in-kind goods or services to JFS

THANK YOU to our Synagogue Partners who have donated in-kind goods or services to JFS

AARPAddison ReserveBen GamlaBJ’s Wholesale ClubB’nai Torah Congregation Women’s LeagueBoca Grove Country Club CommunityBoca Helping HandsBoca West Country ClubBoca Woods Country Club CommunityCarmel BakeryChadeisha HadassahCongregation B’nai Israel PreschoolCongregation B’nai Israel 7th thru 9th GradesCongregation B’nai Israel SisterhoodCongregation B’nai Israel Social Action David DaunDonald Porges, CPADonna Klein Jewish AcademyDonna Klein Jewish Academy Cereal DriveDonna Klein Jewish Academy 8th Grade Mitzvah ProjectDonna Klein Jewish Academy Fruit Drive for ShavuotEllie AdelmanGreenspoon MarderGrove HadassahHillel Day SchoolHuntington Pointe Singles ClubJewish Federation of SPBCJewish Federation of SPBC Campaign

Foundation TeamsJewish War Veterans Women’s AuxiliaryLevis JCC Marleen Forkas CampsLexington ClubLoggers Run Middle SchoolMateretsky FinancialMitzvah Lunch ClubMorse LifeNCJW Valencia FallsOffice Depot FoundationORTPalm Beach County Food Alliance

Polo Country Club Cards for KidsPublix of ParklandSt. Andrews Country Club CommunityStonebridge Country Club CommunityTemple Anshei Shalom Food DriveTemple Sinai Food DriveTemple Sinai Kids for Food PantryWeisman Delray Community CenterWinn Dixie of Boca RatonWoodfield Country Club CommunityWeinbaum Yeshiva High School

Beth Ami CongregationB’nai Torah CongregationBoca Raton SynagogueCongregation B’nai IsraelHebrew Congregation of Broken SoundShari Kodesh SynagogueTemple Anshei ShalomTemple Beth ElTemple Beth ShalomTemple EmethTemple Torah of Boynton BeachTorah OhrTemple TorahYoung Israel of Boca Raton


area agency on aging of palm Beach/ treasure coast

albert e. & Birdie w. einstein foundation

Bank of america

Boca raton regional hospital foundation

BJ’s charitable foundation

city of Boca raton


the conference on Jewish material claims against germany

federal emergency management agency (fema)

fl department of financial services

hands on tzedakah (hot)

Jarden consumer solutions community fund

Jewish women’s foundation

lost tree Village charitable foundation


NeXt geNeratioNs

the retirement research foundation

state of florida- department of elder affairs

state of florida- department of financial services

town of palm Beach united way

united way of palm Beach county

$2,000,000.00 in grants in 2013

thanks to our funding partners, we received over $2,000,000.00 in grants in 2013. their generosity makes it possible for Jfs to continue many of our programs which help life for so many vulnerable residents living in south palm Beach county.

Page 13: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


planning for the future to help support Jfs today

VISIONARY SOCIETY – imagine creating a lasting testament to the value that you hold most dear. creating your legacy is not only deeply fulfilling, it also requires far less out-of-pocket funding than you may realize. in fact, legacy gifts come with tax breaks and benefits that make it a smart move for anyone’s estate plans. the Jfs Visionary society recognizes individuals who have secured our future through any planned gift commitment. please join the following donors who have notified us of their plans to include Jfs in their estate plans:









Jack C. Alexander Telephone Reassurance Program Endowment Fund to support the telephone reassurance program.

Anton-Bobick Endowment Fund for assistance to the elderly, including delivery of meals to those unable to leave their homes.

Bernice Schankerman JFS Endowment Fund to be used for the social service and mental health needs of individuals and families.

Cooper Fund to support families and children with special needs.

Sara and Herbert Cohn JFS Endowment Fund to support the prescription drug program for the elderly.

The Jane and Alan Cornell Holocaust Survivors Fund to support the needs of holocaust survivors and those in need of food.

Eisen-Leavy In-Home Support Services Endowment Fund to provide services to enable older adults to remain as fully functioning members of the community while maintaining maximum personal independence.

Endowments Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry Fund to serve the programs and services of the food pantry.

Roxane Frechie Phillips JFS Endowment Fund to be used to cover the costs of recognition and awards for volunteers.

Rose Golden Indigent Care Endowment Fund to provide ongoing support or emergency support for Jewish persons in need.

Indigent Care Endowment Fund to provide ongoing support or emergency support for Jewish persons in need.

Gerald and Rochelle Goldstein JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Richard J. Goldstein Memorial JFS Endowment Fund to provide support for seniors in need and to support special holiday food baskets.

Lisa & David Goodman Endowment Fund for general support of the agency.

Edward S. Gould Fund for Special Needs of Gay and Lesbian Clients to provide counseling and care management to elderly lesbians and gay men.

Edward S. Gould Fund for special Needs of gay and lesbian clients to provide services and counseling to address the special needs of gay and lesbian clients.

Abraham and Rita Hazelcorn Endowment Fund to support the prescription drug program.

Holocaust Survivors Endowment Fund to help elderly holocaust survivors.

Madeline and Eugene Pargh Kosher Food Pantry Endowment Fund to serve the programs and services of the food pantry.

Jason Pavao Memorial Endowment Fund to provide ongoing support or emergency support for Jewish families with children under 12. Michael Pelavin JFS Staff Endowment Fund to provide funds for staff members to attend the National aJfca conference.

David Pollen JFS Fund for use where needed most.

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Fund for Children with Rett Syndrome to be used for health services for children with rett syndrome.

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Director’s Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Outreach Program to be used for the salary and benefits of a full-time social worker.

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Special Projects Fund for use where needed most.

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Ruth Rales JFS Weisman Delray Community Center Operating Endowment to be used to support the operating expenses related to the center.

Ruth Rales JFS Counseling & Mental Health Fund to be used to support counseling and mental health services provided by the agency.

Ruth Rales JFS – Food Pantry Fund to be used to support the food pantry operations.

Michelle Rothholz Memorial Endowment Fund for personal expenses of a college student in financial need.

Dorothy and Sidney Schuman Jewish Family Service Endowment Fund to provide care and services to the elderly.

Julia K and Harold Segall Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Louis Shapiro JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Sidney and Eleanor Silverstein In-Home Supportive Services Endowment Fund to provide services to enable older adults to continue to be fully functioning members of the community while maintaining maximum personal independence.

Jeffrey Brian Turkin Memorial JFS Endowment Fund to be used for the mental health needs of children and adolescents.

Clifford and Jill Viner Family Compassionate Care Endowment Fund to provide services to families with children up to 18 years of age.

Edith Wasserbard Endowment Fund to support the feldman family diamond club

Shirley and Barton Weisman Delray Community Center Fund to support the operations of the shirley and Barton weisman delray community center.

Gladys Weinshank Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Morton J. Weinstein Memorial Endowment Fund for the Sight Impaired to assist the needy who are sight impaired or suffering from eye disease.

Sigmund Weiss Memorial Fund to support the Kosher Konnection program.

Peter and Ilene Wohlgemuth JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Sidney and Jacqueline Wolgin JFS Emergency Services Endowment Fund to assist needy persons in emergency situations.

Ruth & Norman RalesJewish Family Services Help. Hope. Humanity.

to our dedicated staff, board, volunteers and community who collectively make our

work possible.

ThANk you

Page 15: Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2013 Annual Report


Ruth & Norman RalesJewish Family Services Help. Hope. Humanity.

21300 Ruth & Baron Coleman Blvd.Boca Raton, FL 33428

MAIN OFFICE21300 Ruth & Baron Coleman BoulevardBoca Raton, FL 33428-1757P: (561) 852-3333 F: (561) 852-3332

SATELLITE OFFICESShirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center7091 West Atlantic AvenueDelray Beach, FL 33446P: (561) 558-2100 F: (561) 558-2176

Jacobson Family Food Pantry430 S Congress Ave, Unit 1C Delray Beach P: (561) 274-1940

CONTACT USlike us onwww.ralesjfs.org

Scan with your Smartphone Qr

code reader

A very special THaNK you to the JFS clients, volunteers and staff for contributing their photos to this publication.

We express our SiNcERE AppREciATioN

to those whose gENERoSiTy enables us to continue

ouR miSSioN of providing

to individuals and families in need. We are only able to accomplish our mission with

your support.

hopE, hELp

