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RZNC-0501 DSP Operating Manual

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RZNC-0501 Users Guide Chapter I Characteristic 1. Totally independent from PC platform; 2. Directly read files from U Disk; 3. Easily process G code or PLT file with super size; 4. Strong system and process file examining function; 5. Easy to update system program; 6. It supports high micro step which makes precise and fast process possible; 7. Support to process part of the file; 8. Reliable data protection and recover function; 9. Friendly operating interface
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RZNC-0501 Users Guide

Chapter I Characteristic

1. Totally independent from PC platform; 2. Directly read files from U Disk;3. Easily process G code or PLT file with super size; 4. Strong system and process file examining function;5. Easy to update system program;6. It supports high micro step which makes precise and fast process possible; 7. Support to process part of the file; 8. Reliable data protection and recover function; 9. Friendly operating interface

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Chapter II Cautions

1.Don’t use this product in strong magnetic filed or interfere environments;2.Don’t PnP U Disk while it is running a file;3.Protect it from water, moist, dust and fire:4.Protect it from metal materials getting into the cover;5.Forbad to open the cover, there is no any user maintainable parts inside;6.Plug U Disk and other lines gentle

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Chapter III Application of Host Progam

1. Host Program Setup Host program are on the CD which include: USB drive,

ZHBUSBHandHost.exe,Manual, label file, menu file, Initial program and normal

program.1.Hardware requirements: Main-board: PIII 450;

OS: Win2000 or XP

2.Host Program Setup

1) Insert CD into computer driver, and copy all files in the CD and save them in a

pointed folder in computer, such as: C:\RZNC-0501 Host Program;2)Connect the Controller to the computer with USB cable;3)It shows: “Find new hardware” on the right bottom on the window as View 3-1, click on the clue;

View 3-1

2) It appears setup information, select the second item, which is setup from

list or special location, then click on “Next” button ( as View 3-2);

View 3-2

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3) Choose “include this location in the search” then click on “Browse” icon,

then find the location,such as: C:\RZNC-0501 Host Program, and click on “Next” button to begin to setup ( as View 3-3);

View 3-3-1

View 3-3-2

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View 3-3-3

4) It begins to setup driver program, click on “Continue Anyway” when it

clews “The program does not pass Microsoft Logo testing to verify its capability with Windows XP.”,(as View 3-4);

View 3-4

7)It clews setup finished, click on “Finished”, (as View 3-5);

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View 3-5-1

View 3-5-2

Chapter IV Application of Controller

Controller is the motion control system which changes motion data into related electric signals then control the movements of the axes. Controller adopts panel and U Disk to get files, which makes it is easy to control.

一) Buttons function and operating means

Buttons on panel are as follows: (View 4-1)

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图 4-1

4.1.1 Function

Button Function

Positive movement of Z axis, Menu upward , figure 1 inputting

Positive movement of Y axis, accelerate process speed, figure 2 inputting,

different property selecting in Menu

Positive movement of Z axis, figure 3 inputting, rise spindle speed in


Working origin of X axis and Y axis setting, figure 4 inputting

Negative movement of X axis; Menu downward, figure 5 inputting

Negative movement of Y axis; slowdown process speed; figure 6 inputting

different property selecting in Menu

Negative movement of Z axis, figure 7 inputting, spindle speed adjusting in


Z axis origin setting ; figure 8 inputting

Axes home to machine tool origin, figure 9 inputting

Manual moving mode, high speed or low speed selection, figure 0 inputting

Spindle startup/stop, decimal point inputting

Menu setting entering, negative symbol inputting, multi process state checking,

All axes go working origin: confirm of motions /inputting/operating

Manual move, continue, step and distance modes selection

Cut process running/pause/inputted words delete

High/low speed parameter adjust, Cut process stop/selections, inputting and

operating cancel

4.1.2 compound buttons

There are some compound buttons for special applications. The operating mode

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is: press the first button and hold then press the second button, release the two buttons at same time. Their functions are as following:

1.“ ”+ digit button, switch working coordinate;

2.“ ”+“ ” button, C.A.D function;

3.“ ”+digit button,stop point process;

4.“ ”+“ ” button, advanced process;

5.“ ”+“ ”,help information;

4.1.3 Operating Means

If it is single button, press the needed button till the wanted function works then release it; if they are compound buttons, press the first button and then the second one and release both at the same time.

II) Home OperatingHome is the machinery origin, Goto home operating refers to make all axes

go back machinery origin. Home position depends on home sensor. Normally there are 3 sensors in an engraving machine. Goto home operating sets up the relationship between the machine and the working coordinates. And many system function applications rely on this operating, such as: stop point save, power off reboot and so on.

4.2.1Goto home settings

Goto home parameter include Home Speed and Home Direction; and those parameter should be adjusted in Menu. Home Speed refers to that 3 axes home speed, normally Z axis home speed should be lower than that of X and Y axes. Home Direction refers to which direction the axes go when it is under home process. It depends on the motor direction and Home sensor’s location and sensor’s property.

Entering Menu, cursor is on “Machine Setup” item, press but ton , press

move the cursor to “Home Setup” i tem, repress but ton to enter i t , the cursor i s on “Home Speed” i tem automat ica l ly ,

press to enter and set 3 axes speed, deta i led as fo l lowing:

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图 4-1

Input the value in cursor. If it inputted wrong number, press to de lete the prev ious number and then repress the r ight ones . A fter hav ing f in ished the

input , press to conf i rm and save the new speed for X ax is . The Cursor moves to the Y ax is speed i tem automat ica l ly , i f i t i s

unnecessary to change the va lue, press to move to the Z ax is speed i tem. I f i t i s necessary to change the speed, the same operat ing wi th X ax is . When you f in ish a l l set t ings , i t w i l l go to former menu.

Press to move the cursor to “ Home Direct ion” i tem, press

to enter the set t ing , i t d isp lays as fo l lowing:

图 4-2

The cursor i s on X ax is home d i rect ion i tem automat ica l ly , press

and to change the current set t ing , press to move the

cursor to next l ine . Press to conf i rm and save the changes

and i t goes back the former menu, press to g ive up the

Home Speedmm/min

X Axis :

Y Axis : 3000.00

Z Axis : 3000.00


Set Home Direction

X Axis :

Y Axis : -Dir

Z Axis : +Dir


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changes and goes back the former menu.

4.2.2 Home operat ion modes

There are several home operation modes as follows:1) When it has been supplied power, it appears on the screen: “Goto Home?”,

actually it is a question which needs your answer, press means “Yes” , then Z ax is moves f i rs t , When Z ax is arr ives i ts home, then X and

Y move. Press means “No”, 3 axes do not move to the i r homes. Press any other but tons , on ly Z ax is goes to home, X and Y don ’ t go home;

2) When it is in Manual state, press and 3 axes wi l l go home;

When i t i s go ing home, press button to s top the operat ion .

4.3 Menu Setup

4.3.1 Entering

When i t has f in ished home operat ing , i t i s in Manual s tate , i t appears as fo l lowing:

View 4-3

Press to enter the menu, there are 5 parameters in Menu. I t appears as fo l lowing:

1X 888.00 MANL

1Y 888.00 F0

1Z 88.00 LowContinuous



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V iew 4-4 4 .3 .2Machine Setup Mach ine setup parameter shou ld connect to the engrav ing machine hardware, such as : dr ivers , I /O termina ls . I f these parameters are wrong, then i t leads to wrong mot ions , even damage to the machine and operators . So we s t rong ly commend users don ’ t change these i tems, i f i t i s necessary to change them, p lease turn to author ized experts .

4 .3 .2 .1Pu lse Equ iva lent Pu lse Equ iva lent means the pu lse number when the ax is moves 1mm. I ts un i t i s : pu lse /mm.

Pu lse Equ iva lent= (360degree/Step angel )*Mircostep/Screw

When i t i s in Pu lse Equ iva lent i tem, the cursor i s on X ax is va lue , i f

Home SpeedHome Direction

Table Size

Motor Dir

Home Setup

Spindle Setup

Voltage Setup

Output Pulse

Spindle statesLines State

Input VoltOutput Volt

Least Pulse WidthPulse VoltDisplay Pulse







Pulse Equiv



Equivalent , Pulse/mmX Axis : 400.00

Y Axis : 400.00

Z Axis : 400.00

Machine Size,mmX Axis : 1000.00

Y Axis : 1000.00

Z Axis : 1000.00Motor DirectionX Axis : -Dir

Y Axis : -Dir

Z Axis : -Dir

C.A.D thickness, mm0.00

Screw Space mmX Axis : 0.00

Y Axis : 0.00

Z Axis : 0.00

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i t i s necessary to change i t , input the va lue d i rect ly , then press

to save the new va lue, the cursor moves to the next l ine t i l l i t goes back the former menu. I f i t does not need to change, press

to ex i t and go back former menu. and but tons are in va lue s tate , press ing them can not move the cursor.

I f the pulse equivalent in the control ler is dif ferent from that of the engraving machine. The processed f i le s ize is different from the one you set. Size

Tab le s ize re fers to the va l id mot ion s ize o f 3 axes . Because the system appl ies the tab le s ize as the soft l imi t , you shou ld set the tab le s ize just as the number i t rea l ly i s . Otherwise i t w i l l show: “Over the l imi t ” or i t s lash the beam.

when i t i s in Tab le S ize i tem, the cursor i s on X ax is va lue , i f i t i s

necessary to change i t , input the va lue d i rect ly , then press to save the new va lue, the cursor moves to the next l ine t i l l i t goes

back the former menu. I f i t does not need to change, press to

ex i t and go back former menu. and but tons are in va lue s tate ,

press ing them can not move the cursor. I f the f i le exceeds the tab le s ize , the system wi l l a ler t when i t check the data . Then you must change your f i le s ize or operate i t in an other engrav ing machine wi th b igger tab le s ize . Motor D i rect ion

Motor d i rect ion changes the motor moving d i rect ion . Th is set t ing a f fect a l l mot ion d i rect ion o f 3 axes . So a fter changing th is i tem, you must change other d i rect ion set t ings . when i t i s in Motor d i rect ion i tem, the cursor i s on X ax is

d i rect ion , i f i t i s necessary to change i t , press or to change

property then press and but tons to move the cursor to next

l ine . I f i t does not need to change, press to ex i t and go back former menu. Setup (Deta i l s are in 4 .2 .1 ) Setup

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The system of fers the sp ind le contro l funct ion . I f the connect ion borad and the converter have been connected wel l , the sp ind le speed can be changed dur ing process .

I t goes l ike th is : move cursor to “Sp ind le Setup” i tem then press

to enter. Then i t shows the va lue o f sp ind le s tate , the defau l t va lue i s 2 . i f i t needs to change, input the va lue d i rect ly

then press to save. And i t w i l l show the l ine s tate . Set the l ines s tate accord ing to the Converter. Means Mul t icast OFF

s tate , means ON state , or to change property then press

and but tons to move the cursor to next l ine , press to

conf i rm a l l changes . I f i t does not need to change, press to ex i t and go back former menu. Setup

Vo l tage Setup re fers to the termina ls property , which i s the I /O sensors works at h igh or low vo l tage. Down arrow symbol means i t i s h igh vo l tage, whi le up arrow symbol means i t i s low vo l tage. I t d iv ides to two parts : input vo l tage and output vo l tage.

Input Vo l tage: the f ront 4 are : X , Y , Z home sensor and C.A.D

property. Press o r to change i ts property , and press and

but tons to move the cursor to next l ine , press to conf i rm a l l

changes . I f i t does not need to change, press to ex i t and go back former menu. I t i s the same operat ing mode to the output Vo l tage i f i t needs to change. Output Pulse

Output pu lse re fers to pu lse parameters , such as : Least Pu lse Width , Pu lse vo l tage, and Disp lay. C.A .D thickness

Cutter Adjust Device(C.A.D) i s to set Z ax is work ing or ig in . Users must set i t s th ickness , o therwise the Z ax is work ing or ig in i s not correct . I f you have used th is funct ion , you need not to

press to c lear.

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I t must have phys ica l connect ion between the machine and connect ion board . C .A.D funct ion process needs compound

but tons : “ ”+“ ”

I ts operat ing mode goes l ike th is : Press button and then

, then f ree them at the same t ime. Then Z ax is goes down s lowly ,

when i t reach the Cutter Ad just S lot , i t w i l l go up. Then Z ax is work ing or ig in set . Screw Interspaces

Screw Interspaces re fers to the screw of fset i f i t needs . I t s va lue cannot exceed 1mm.

Operat ing Steps are : move cursor to “Screw Interspaces” i tem, press

to enter the i tem, cursor i s on X ax is va lue automat ica l ly . I f i t needs to change the va lue, input the va lue by press ing re lated

but tons and then press to save the changes , the cursor moves to the next l ine t i l l goes back former menu. I f i t does not need to

change, press t i l l i t goes back former menu. and but tons are in va lue s tate , press ing them can not move the cursor.

4.3.3 Auto Pro Setup

Auto pro setup deals w i th acce lerat ion and code read propert ies . I t goes l ike as fo l lowing: L inear Acceleration

L inear Acce lerat ion promotes to l ine mot ion ab i l i ty . I t s defau l t va lue i s 600mm/sequae second. I f i t needs to change the va lue,

Auto Pro Setup

Linear Accl:Unit mm/sec2


Curv Accl:Unit mm/sec2


G code Read SetupF Read

Disp Error Z Height


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input the va lue d i rect ly and press to save. Then the cursor moves to the next l ine t i l l goes back the former menu. I f i t

unnecessary to change i t , press t i l l i t goes back former menu.

and but tons are in va lue s tate , press ing them can not move

the cursor. I f the auto process speed is less than 10meters /minute , the acce lerat ion i s about 300 —600mm/sec2; i f the speed is more than 10meters /min , you shou ld ad just the acce lerat ion va lue. Curve Acceleration

Curve Acce lerat ion promotes to curve mot ion ab i l i ty. I t s defau l t va lue i s 600mm/sequae second. I f i t needs to change the va lue,

input the va lue d i rect ly and press to save. Then the cursor moves to the next l ine t i l l goes back the former menu. I f i t

unnecessary to change i t , press t i l l i t goes back former menu.

and but tons are in va lue s tate , press ing them can not move

the cursor. I f the auto process speed is less than 10meters /minute , the acce lerat ion i s about 300 —600mm/sec2; i f the speed is more than 10meters /min , you shou ld ad just the acce lerat ion va lue. G code Read Setup

G code read Setup means re fers to the ru les o f read ing G code f i le . Because there are many spec ia l code data .

Enter ing the set t ings , the cursor i s on “ F Read Disab le” i tem,

i f i t needs to execute the F code in the f i le , then press or

to change i ts property , then “Disab le” changes into “Enable” . “Disab le” means to ignore the F code whi le “Enable” wi l l

execute the code. Then move or to move the cursor to

next i tem.Disp lay Error re fers to d isp lay the wrong G code f i le , so that

user can correct i t .Z he ight re fers to the ra is ing o f Z ax is when i t f in ishes work ing. “Enable” means that Z ax is ra ises to the set he ight a fter i t f in ishes a l l work . “Disab le” means that Z ax is ra ises as the f i le

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asks . Press to conf i rm and goes back former menu, whi le

press to cance l the change and goes back former menu.

4.3.4 System Setup

System Setup deals w i th funct ion conf igure , f i le format , I /O check ing, but tons check and system update . Function Configure i s to set system funct ions : such as i t

needs Power Off protection funct ion or not , press means i t

needs Power o f f protect ion , whi le means i t does not need th is funct ion; default language , set home switch , Enab le means

there i s a home sensor for the ment ioned ax is , press or to

change Enable to D isab le , which means the ment ioned ax is gets no home sensor. i f there are home sensors , GoHome Types when the system gets power supply in which mode the system wi l l take . Z axis value changing and saving . Emergent Stop sensor , Hard

l imi t sensors and so on. Press to enter and se lect the d i f ferent funct ion conf igure accord ing to the c lew.

Inner Format re fers to format the f lash d isk . When you f in ish the system update , you must format inner f i le . Move the cursor

to Inner Format i tem, and press , the screen appears as fo l lowing:

View 4-7

when i t f in ished, i t appears : “ formatted” and press to go back former menu. Input Self Check re fers to the system checks Input termina ls propert ies . Output Self Check re fers to the system checks Output termina ls propert ies . Buttons Check re fers to check the but tons on the pane l . A fter



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enter ing, press the but tons and the re lated ones wi l l show the

cursor. I f you want to qu i t , press compound but tons : + 。 The system does not support No ise Check. System Auto Update i f i t needs to update the system, user shou ld download the update f i le f rom our webs i te to U d isk . The inser t the d isk to the contro l ler. Move the cursor to “System Auto

Update” i tem, and press to get in , the screen appears :

View 4-8

Choose U d isk f i le l i s t , press to get in , i t d isp lay a l l f i les in the U d isk , move the cursor to the downloaded update f i le , press

to s tar t , the update f i le in fo appears on the screen, the user

must move the cursor and read a l l in fo , then repress to operate next , the screen d isp lays as fo l lowing:

   Then press to conf i rm updat ing.


I t refers to special appl icat ions which includes: Mult iple Setup, Stop Setup, Fi le Maintenance, Tool Change Setup, and Password Setup.

Choose file :

Inner file listU Disk flile list

It is updating Normal program, please wait ....     40%

It is updating Initinal program, please wait ....     40%

It is updating Chinese Menu please wait ......     40%

It is updating English Menu please wait ......     40%

It is updating Chinese label please wait ......     40%

It is updating English label please wait ......     40%

Updated, press any button to continue ......

Page 18: RZNC-0501 DSP Operating Manual iple Setup

I f i t needs to run a f i le for many t imes, there are two ways: one i s to copy a l l f i les and save i t as one f i le in G code making software , then download i t to the contro l ler ; the other i s to make a s ing le f i le and run mul t ip le funct ion .You must set the mul t ip le parameters , such as : row number , co lumn number , and the i r space, and pause t ime. Then press

compound but tons : + , and se lect “Mut ip le Process” , press

to beg in to process . Mult ip le Process operat ing s teps are as fo l lowing: when the

cursor i s on the “Mut ip le Setup” , press , i t appears on the screen:

View 4-9

P ress to enter , the cursor i s on rows va lue. I f i t needs to modi fy , input the va lue d i rect ly. And the cursor moves to Co lumn

set t ing . then repress to save the change and i t goes back the former menu.

Press 键 to move the cursor to “RowSpace Co lumnSpace” i tem.

The cursor i s on Row space va lue, I f i t needs to modi fy , input the va lue d i rect ly. And the cursor moves to Co lumn set t ing . then

repress to save the change and i t goes back the former menu. Space here means the two center distance.

Press to move the cursor to “Pause Time” i tem, press to enter. Pause t ime re fers the pause t ime when i t f in ish one work .

Input the va lue d i rect ly. Repress to save the change and i t

goes back the former menu. I f i t does not to modi fy , press to qu i t and goes back former menu. I f you input a negat ive number ,

Row Space Column Pause Time

Row Column

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when i t f in ish a work , i t needs to press any but ton then i t beg in to work . Setup

Stop Setup re fers to the pos i t ion 3 axes move to when i t f in ishes the process . I t inc ludes: Stop Statue and Stop Pos i t ion . I f you se lect “Go Stop Pos i t ion” , you must set s top pos i t ion .

P ress to enter set t ings , the cursor i s on “ Stop s tatue” i tem,

repress , and the screen d isp lays :

图 4-10

Press and to move the cursor to wanted i tem, repress to se lect and goes back former menu.Go Origin re fers Z ax is goes to i ts h ighest pos i t ion , X and Y

axes go back work ing coord inate or ig in . Z up then Stop re fers that Z ax is goes to i ts h ighest pos i t ion ,

whi le X and Y axes do not move.Go Stop Posit ion re fers that 3 axes go to the set pos i t ion .Hold on re fers that 3 axes s top at the f in ished pos i t ion .

Stop Posit ion: after se lect the i tem, press any but ton to enter set t ing accord ing to the screen in fo :

View 4-11 Move the 3 axes to the r ight pos i t ion , when the moving s tops ,

the “Spot” and “stop” swi tch fast , and the pos i t ion i s the s top

Auto motion:

Z up then StopGo Stop PostinHold on

Go Origin

1X 800.00 SPOT

1Y 800.00 SOFF

1Z 800.00 LOWMove to stop position

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pos i t ion . I f i t needs to modi fy , you can move the 3 axes , and

the last one i s the s top pos i t ion . Press to save change and go

back former menu. Press to cance l the set t ing and go back former menu.

Stop pos i t ion i s Mach inery coord inate pos i t ion and has noth ing to do wi th work ing coord inate . le Maintenance

F i le includes: U disk f i le and Inner f i le. U d isk f i le re fers to f i les saved in U d isk . The contro l ler can run the f i le v ia U d isk termina l . Inner f i le re fers to f i les saved in contro l ler. Fi le maintenance means to View f i le , Copy f i le and Delete Fi le .

View f i le: press to enter. P ress and to move cursor to target f i le , the screen d isp lay the f i le l ine Number and

contents . press and to change l ine number and contents .

P ress to go to f i rs t l ine whi le to the last l ine . Press to qu i t v iew.

Copy f i le: i t can copy and save U d isk f i le or inner f i le to inner

f i le . P ress and to move cursor. I t w i l l goes back former menu

after copy ing. Delete f i le: i t can de lete target f i le . The de leted f i le can not be recovered, so make sure whether you want to de lete i t or not . F i rs t , you shou ld se lect f i le types , the move the cursor to the

target f i le . Then press to de lete . I t w i l l goes back former menu after the f i le be ing de leted. Change Setup

I f i t needs to change too ls dur ing process , you must set too l change setup f i rs t ly. Too l change pos i t ion i s machinery coord inate pos i t ion .

Tool Change Posit ion: Press to set change pos i t ion , and the screen shows:

1X 800.00 SPOT

1Y 800.00 SOFF

1Z 800.00 LOWGo Cutter Position

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View4-13 Move the 3 axes to the r ight pos i t ion , when the moving s tops ,

the “Spot” and “stop” swi tch fast , and the pos i t ion i s the too l change pos i t ion . I f i t needs to modi fy , you can move the 3 axes ,

and the last one i s the change pos i t ion . Press to save change

and go back former menu. Press to cance l the set t ing and go back former menu. Setup

The system does not support th is funct ion now.


Vers ion inc ludes: In i t ina l vers ion and Normal vers ion . Move cursor

to se lect , then press to enter. press to qu i t .

4.4 Process

Process includes: Manual process, Auto process and Advanced process.

4.4.1Manual Process

Manual Process refers to control the engraving machine by pressing the buttons on panel. Users can change manual speed and grid. After the machine goes home, the system is in manual process, which shown as below:

View4-18 Speed Change and adjust

Manual Process speed can change between High speed and Low speed. button i s the

key. I f i t i s in H igh speed now, press ,HIGH on the screen

changes to LOW; i f i t i s in Low speed , press LOW on the

1X 100.00 MANL

1Y 100.00 SOFF

1Z 100.00 HIGHContinuous

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screen changes to H igh. Speed s tatue on the screen dec ides manual process speed.

Speed Adjust: In Manual process s tatue, press to set speed of current speed s tatue. The screen d isp lays as be low:

The cursor is on X speed item, press and to se lect the target i tem. Then

press to set the va lue. After f in ish ing input the new va lue,

press to save the va lue, whi le press to qu i t . I f the input

number i s not correct , press to de lete the last va lue . Low gr id i s the least feed. I t s scope is f rom 0.05mm —1.0mm. When i t i s in Step mode, 3 axes wi l l move as the gr id d is tance. The set t ing means o f H igh speed is the same to Low speed. Process Modes

In order to meet different requirements for manual moving, it offers three kinds of manual moving modes, there are Continuous moving mode, Step moving

mode and Space moving mode. Users can switch moving modes by pressing

in manual state and check the moving mode at bottom of the screen.(1)Continuous moving mode

In this mode, users press moving direction buttons (I①, I②, I③, II①, II② and II③) and machine tool will move as ordered direction till all buttons release. Its speed is determined by current speed mode. Attention: if the pressing time on buttons is too short (less than 0.5 second) and releases the button at once, the machine tool moves to and stops at nearest step point automatically. When this moving mode ends, the machine tool always stops at mesh point. This mode is suitable to adjust position of machine tool.

(2)Step moving mode It always moves at low speed with a grid per second. Its step space is determined by current grid of speed statue. This mode is suitable to adjust cut position and machine tool position precisely.

Low spd, mm/min

Y Axis: 1200.00 Z Axis: 600.00 Low grid 0.100

X Axis: 1200.00

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(3)Distance moving mode

In this mode, users press moving direction buttons ( 、 、 、 、 、 ) and

machine tool moves to ordered location. The machine tool moves according to current speed mode and set spaces. The moving is not influenced by grid and stops precisely at ordered point not at grid point.

4.4.2Auto Process

Auto Process refers to run U Disk files and Inner files. Sometimes we call it file process. Before running any file, the machine and system parameters should be set correctly.

Auto process operating steps are:1.Set working Origin When it is in manual state, move 3 axes to proper spot where it begins to

run file. Then Press to clear X and Y axes working origin; and press 键 to

clear Z axis working origin. If the C.D.A function has been applied, it does

not need to press to clear Z origin.

2.Choose file:after origins have been set, press , the screen displays as below:

Press and to move the cursor and se lect the f i le l i s t type, press

to enter the se lected f i le l i s t . I t w i l l show the 1 s t , the 2 n d , and

the 3 r d f i le names on the screen. Press and to move cursor

one by one, and press and to jump two f i les each t ime. press

and se lect target f i le . wh i le Press to qu i t .

3 .Process Parameter Sett ings: after press ing 键 button, i t needs to set process parameters , such as : process speed, t rave l speed, Z down rat io , process speed rat io , sp ind le speed grad, Z up he ight . And the screen d isp lay as be low:

Choose file:

Inner file list

U Disk file list

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press and to move cursor and se lect d i f ferent i tem, press to

modi fy the va lue. press to save the new va lue, then move the

cursor to next i tem. When i t f in ishes a l l changes , press to conf i rm, the system begins to check the G code data . I t s tar ts to work a fter a l l G code data be ing checked.

Proc Spd: the engrav ing machine wi l l process the f i le at th is speed when i t beg ins to re l iev ing .

Trvl Spd: I t t rave ls at th is speed when the machine does not re l ieve.

ZDownRat: Z ax is goes down speed rat io. In order to protect the too ls edge f rom damage, i t needs to make the z ax is goes down at a low speed. I ts scope is : 0 .1—1.0.

Spd Rati : Speed Rat io , i t can reduce the process speed. So the rea l process speed is : Process Spd * Spd Rat io. I t s range is : 0 .1—1.0.

Spd Grad: Sp ind le Speed Grad. I t means sp ind le speed when i t beg ins to work .

Equivalent: I t d isp lays 3 axes ’ equ iva lents . here you can not change these va lue. I f i t needs to modi fy , you shou ld enter the menu and set them.

Z Up mm: I t re fers to the He ight that Z ax is can go up. I f the f i le Z ax is up he ight i s over th is l imi t , i t w i l l adopt th is va lue instead.

I t is the same operating steps for inner f i les.When i t i s runn ing the f i le , the screen ro l l s the in format ion o f

f i le l ine number , rea l process speed, speed rat io , remain t ime.

Trvl Spd 8000.00ZDownRat 1.00Spd Rati 1.00Spd Grad 1Equival pulse/mmX Axis: 500.00Y Axis: 500.00Z Axis: 500.00Z up mm 100.00

Proc Spd 8000.00

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press to s top ro l l ing and just show the current in fo. repress

to swi tch to next in fo.

4 . Process Adjust When i t i s execut ing the f i le , press and

to change the speed rat io , each press on , rat io drops

0 .1t i l l the rat io i s 0 .1 . And speed va lue changes synchron ica l l y ;

each press on , speed rat io ra ise 0 .1 t i l l 1 .0 . Press and

button to ad just sp ind le speed i f you have the hardware

connected and got sp ind le set . Each press ing on , the sp ind le

speed ra ises a grad t i l l the h ighest . Each press on , the

sp ind le speed drops a grad t i l l F1 .5.Process Pause and posit ion adjust When it is processing, press “

” to adjust three axes position, then repress “ Pause”, it clews

“Original?”, press “ ” confirms your change and it processes form the new

position. While press “ ” denies the change and it processes from the original position; 6.Process Stop and Stop Point saving

When it is processing, press “ ” stops processing, it clews to save stop point. The screen displays as below:

If it needs to restart process form current position lately, then you should save

it and press related digit button to save as , which means save the stop

point as NO.1 stop point.(There are 6 stop points totally). Then it displays on the screen as below:

1X 0.000 RUN1Y 0.000 SOFF1Z 0.000 LOWSave Stop pt?

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Press to save the set t ing . Then 3 axes go back home or ig in .If it needs to continue to process from the Stop Point1, press compound

buttons:“ + ”,it starts process from the stop point. The same operating steps to stop point2, stop point3 and so on. The condition for Stop point process is that the 3 axes must have homed before saving the stop point.

7.Power Off Protection. The system will automatically protect the process data when the power fall down suddenly. When it gets the power supply again,

press “ ” to go back machine origin, then it clews “PowerOff reboot?” press “

” to continue to process unfinished work, or “ ” to give up.


Advanced process is the function for special appl icat ion, which inc ludes: Segment Process , M ul t ip le Process , Segment-mul t ip le process , Auto Copy Process , Mi l l Tab le and Too ls Change. process cal l

Press compound but tons : + , i t d isp lays on the screen as

be low:

Advanced Process:

Multiple ProcessSegment-MultipleAuto Copy ProcessMill TableTools Change

Segment Process

1X 0.000 RUN1Y 0.000 SOFF1Z 0.000 LOWSave Stop pt?1

Page 27: RZNC-0501 DSP Operating Manual Process

Segment Process refers that user can select the beginning line and ending line to operate. That is we can process part of the file. The operating steps are:

1. Press to enter setting, press and to move cursor se lect f i le l i s t ;

2 . Press to enter the file list, press and to se lect the target f i le ;

3 .Accord ing to the c lew, se lect beg inn ing l ine number , the f i rs t G

code data d isp lays on the screen. Press , i t d isp lay as be low:

Input the l ine number in cursor pos i t ion . press to confirm

beginning line number. If the value is not correct, press to modi fy ;

4 . I t d isp lays the G code data , repress , it displays as following:

Press i t c lews: Swi tch to L ine . And input the end ing l ine

number in cursor. P ress to confirm ending line number. If the

value is not correct, press to ad just ; Press to select the 1 s t

l ine and to select the last l ine.

5 . Then set the process parameters , deta i l s are in Auto

Process . Process

It needs to set multiple parameters in menu, then call this function here. Operating steps are:

Switch to Line


Ending line No.

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1. press and to move cursor on mul t ip le i tem, press to enterit,

then press or to move cursor to se lect f i le l i s t ;

2.press to enter the file list, repress or to move cursor and se lect target f i le ;

3 .Set process parameters , and fo l lowing s teps are s imi lar w i th

the auto process . I t works as i t set . P ress to v iew the

mul t ip le parameters , repress to cance l the v iew. Process

Segment-multiple Process is to process part of the file for many times. It meets the needs to run part of the file for many times. So it needs to set the segment parameters and multiple parameters first, then call this function here. Its operating steps are the same to multiple process. Copy Process

Because it reads G code from U disk, it needs to check G code data each time. If it is a larger file, the checking will cost time. So if there is some file needs to be processed frequently, we can process this file once and save it for inner file. When next time, it needs to run this file, we can call it easily. Because this function takes a lot flash memory, you’d better not to change too much files into Auto Copy Process file. And if you reset the engraving machine and system parameters, you must to reset this operation.

Press and to move cursor on “Auto Copy Process” i tem, press

to enter, repress or to se lect f i le l i s t . press to enter file

list, repress and to se lect target f i le . Then set process

parameters . Then press , it clews: Inner file, that is which file you

like to save this file. Then press and to move cursor and se lect

f i le , press to confirm the file. It begins to save and it goes back Manual statue when it finishes operating.

The operating steps of Auto Copy file are the same with auto process file. There is a * symbol before the Processed Auto Copy Process File. Change

After having set the tool change position in menu, selecting this item and then the machine goes to the

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set position and wait for changing tool.

Chapter IV RZNC - 0501 Specifications ( U disk)

Contents  Specification Processor 160M DSP

File Memorizer 128M memorizer inside, it supports

file with any size because of adopting

mobile memorize technology

Display LCD with 128 dot*64 dot

Communication Terminals USB terminal and U Disk

File Format G code , PLT files (optional)

Axes 3 axes

Help Function Useful help information and guide

Languages Chinese, English, Russia, France,

Japanese(optional or customize)

Operating Interface Friendly Buttons and Menu Drive

Drive System Step Motors

Interpolation function linear, curve

Cutter Adjusting function Yes

Spindle Control Function Yes

System Data Inspect Function Yes

Processing Data Inspect Function Yes

Processing Position Adjusting Function Yes

Multi Working Coordinates It has 9 working coordinates

Stop Point Reprocessing Function Yes

Copy Processing Function Yes

Data protection when power off Yes

Working Temperature 0°C to +70°C

Humidity <90﹪ no dew no frost

Outer Voltage 5 V

Consumptions 2 W

Dimensions(mm) 156*110*38

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Ending line No.
