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(S' . ' .... . . •, . ' . . .. . :.. . to:,,, •. , '•, I j I.' •' ' .. ... .. ... · ... ... , .... . .. . ' .. ., · .. • • I . -, '" ' ·• ,... .. -: ' I .. ,.· (• ., ' .. . .. .. ' . ' .. ·• I ' •' # ' • • .. ; ·. ·· ) .. 'l ' . ' . ·. ' .. VOL. 7. Or Tulrles of tho Compn111tivo 1\[ouios in Cunency, aotl Cunoncy ' . I . ST .. JOHN'S __._, _ __ -------·-- (From tkc Halifax Su11, JUne, 28.) ELECTIVE COUNCiLS. WEDNESDA.Y, JULY 28, 1852. l . N0. - 60; . \ ' means, probnblc,tha.t tlie country will be found rnny .say. iro .. an \1 ' tho disputes of tli., prepared to. do so; yet to be ar patiently, House o( <:;oirn\lons, I lue mo home, knowing thnt the pcrpl e xtty th ut rs l1k dy kl accrue ou t of I thol'b sha ll find personal anti nnxi e.t5(The ful\owillg conv ' ersation, on the subject ' persistence in · the course pursu ed ut tho close ( !'fou_r •. hood UJ>on ·n bosom throu- nf substituting an elective L' cgislativc Council, of last ses&ion of · Parliament. , IHng wrtu t uo hng for me und Aut! 1 feel took place, lately, in the Ho use of Commons: 11 fl'uiro h on rtr. man in cntiso of my country Qro , next tluy, of- tho porfoct, B<rothing, g'o ntlo Uroo clouso 30, r oln ting to tho constitution of tho ENGulSii CHURCHES I:Ll1' A L y. ponce, winch u 111 ia<l poli_tics is un uu lo to logi slu th •o council, Sir \V . 1\folesworth contended A d ·f I 1 ,. . . feel (AJ>pluu so ) Oh r'r 1 cnr 1 11 ot 10 '- If f. thnt the members OU" ht I!' be elected io•'ll d rl correspon on to liO w•csg lv Ost huf ul Wing '"' u myso 0 '· . lh . " ,r tl ' . .• o o bc co un U. f tho English churches und sorvicl . rn tho thnt' inoxpross ilrlu lr.uuofit,uud tuoroforo I !' uorng o more nom,nas oJ tC !'t 1JTCSCII(:lilVc of tho ' t' f !•-• 'l'l b .,. 1 . II · l d. (Cuoors.) · 1 un t1ot tho ens?, they would n fuw do,;rs th o l' ot'tn dul l' ui>O io on t e - d 1 1 Cl to• o uny :-" re Ul• mg nt Q III O ts s I I 113 thQ 'oo)s of tho home government. rout! to F lor ence. in imnwdiuto uu<l cuuvortiil nt ,. lfh.e R o man Catlrolic Dcfenco trOh IIOUSE E:Oi'i:lii ES" n11d V _,. RIL\ Pukington could not consent to the cinity !-0 _Strnu g.o t'S' Quortcr. 'l'horo is nn ox ; hav e r ss u e<l an addr·ess t6 th e Catfrohc ol lly tbo single set, quiro, orr m. nltcrnllon; thoro wns no precodo ut on olocllvo toronl what e ver, of n pl nc<J of worship .- of th e th ey wil ha o ' upper' in co.uutry ol· .its dopontleucios. 'l'ho upnrtmont us " .c hurch occupios tho top of chur ::;c at the approaching J!e nc ral e ection, tbo Fishermen's Shipping Pap rs Mr. F. l'ool spoke tu tavor of tho proposotl ulto- n lnr·g<> house, hternlly m tho roof, rho ucums of of whi ch must " whotber . tlje lu books •. 1, !!, ·: mu J- quires, or' uy the inglo sot. ration. whi 1 clr io sevu m! pl acos. 'f horo i• 11 s mall Parliament of .1 S;:i!:! to pass new pmial . laws \... Mr W nlpol<l dofoodotl tho cl aus\' in its pre sent one osuro wr tho D!ld th 11 pulpit nrhl · 110 n-.tinst ti!C ir rcli!"ion such ns no man can yet . lJILl.S . OE' 'I'!TCHA GE stnto, which assimiln!od tho constitution of )low desk oro placed lr os ttl o H. Tb o coogregntiun is " - -r- .• · 11 1 f <I' 1 .1 1 for esee, or wh ether on tl1o. contrary, it shall bo 1K uooks of (;, 17. 24, 50, imd 100 ' cts ouch. Z ou lnnu to th nt of thiS country. sonora y argo, 0 ton oxcoc rug SOVOII runur cc (> 01 '• L I I . . l\Tr . Agliooby, l\11'. 1\lowutt,!\lr. V. nnd thoro nrc complnints of wnnt of von ; r cme muere< ns· Ir e first which gave them (all Sm ith, nn<l Mr: 1 \.n•toy opposod tho pnnctplu of tdntron, nod of l'xcoss1vo ho ut fmm tho roof: In that t-h ey dumanJ or thnt · they will nccopt) fait' nomluntiou os lr oing contrary tn tho spirit of ro- consoquonco of tho dispute hotwnen tho Bi shoRYf atul equal ju s tice." The addre . ss is - a len si hy PRQMI!SOIU In of I, and 3 'quil'(l•. rtle1· Books Of I, , 2, uutl 3 quiros each. ' -- CASH RECEIPT BOOKS Of J., 2, nod 3 <JU if O:l ouch . Sllli''S C HARTER PARTIES. COLON I L BONDS. llll,LS OF LAOING, AI'PHJ,;NTICES IN I>C:NTUlU!:S, &c. &c. ' e r\- · All do• scripti ons ofGJ,;NFI1:\ [,. nn<l FANCY 1'1\ INT1 N(; executed crt tho •hortcstuoticu, nnJ un 1 ho most rP :• son abla te rm s. liY P. R OG Ell. .s O. l\" .t· SO.;\'" 400 B H LS Su p e rfi ne F L OU It :lO qr .·chcsto ()mgl> TEA :?0 0 ll ox <'s Li\',• rp uo l SOA P !!.i Barn· b (; ru s lr cd ::5 l. U i\ R ·I l'un cl"' "n s LOAF SU (;;\[t 20 H oxcs ])i pt CA;.! l> I. BS ] liO Ua gs a ss orted ::-.; nils l {J(J Ke gs Whit e Pai11t 100 ll iclcs SO LE J.gATl!ER J 11 0 R11 rd• i'\c·v l! c· .-1 ' I fl O !J i11o \VItit c i\!1·: :\.f, ]00 B;r gs <Iiiio dittu :'.0 Ha rr C'Is C:" a) Tar l 0 Ditto Bright VA ll::o; IS II I ll I >ill" !t aw T urp e nl i 11 c I 0 U itto :-;piri ts !> illn 100 Co ils asso1 ted CU H. DA(; E. :!o Ba gs Hio CUFFEE. 1\ p ril 14 - -··-·- 1; \ ' IU:CE . Yl', A N 0 H AI:'\ I t\(; UF l •'U IL\1 El' DII' U iri 'A TI ON .,; Jl11tl on Sale Chmp , fly the Subscriber, 1_., 1-:A S -Eouclrong nod ConJ!OU, in Qr-clrests nod uox cs, of superior qunlit.y J' .,koe, 'L ' wnnkey. Hy son, Younl! Hy son nod Gun- l "'.w<lc r-v cry fino nuo.J iu s mall or fu. rml y use J.' UEl\CH CHOCO LA 'l'E-<>f tluvor nnd 'lunliry, in pnckugcs of 2 lo I !! Iu s Qll ch. S I'IlllTS- Urnndy, •in llhds nnd Qr- Cnsks-of Otnrd's, Henn esse y's a nd Mnr re ll'e bmutl• Rotter<lfllll G!N-in Hhd s. and · j{ U , \!--Old Inti in, high -p roof nod fio o tlnv o ur 'WJII SKEY-Cumtil:ioltou, nnd lslny, iu Q r- cnsks or in lots, 1 qr-cnsk Gl onliv r. t Jitto \V jN J,;S- Whilo Win os. suitnblo fur rPtniliog Mdcleirn ond Vidonin-;n 'hhd s. or 'lr -cn sks C liAMl'AGN E-n fe. ,vdm:o n of fino spnrklin• pink llOT' l'LED POllTEH-40 hi s, 4 <I ozon oncb,e from tho fomo Whithrend & C1J's uroworv Scotch OA 'lll\IEA L-in lmrrols and hnif. IJ a rre l• PAIN'l'S- llluck not! Wlr!to OIL; TU RPENTJ N t•: Stoe.khohn,l.:onl, rmti 'Ainori cn n_ 'l'A lt . London SOA P-in IXllb boxes, hor<l n ut! dry Mitto Cnndle&--'moulda anti· dips LEATHE!l-Bnglillh 'nod Scotch Ilntrs CORDAG £-from G tbrond to 3 inch ur running rigj!ing:, &:c., J · RODES uud Hllwso rs-1& tQ iuc]!_..- Komurolioo, Hduselide, Marline, nnd Spnnynrn NAILS-ngeoehrlllll80rlm.-ut. cut und wrought Boiling nntl llnko. Poi• and c'ovors Frying . IRON 1-JOOPS-hh<l oDd hulf· Jrhd hoops }o'L OU R.--Amoricnn ond Canodiao l1Hl!:AD-Hnu1burgh, , Nee 2 un<l 3 llU'lvi'Eill-Hnrnburgh Scotian HF.RRINGS-n ew firkine Lochfine WINDOW GI,1 SS. BAR . Stllrcb n's Dluo-iu lroxoe LEn AT H E R W A·R.E, A ltll'ge aod well n•aorted consignment of 5 packages nt eost nod cbnrges , .Also, a large and 1ocll a1sorted Supply qf I GO'OU8 ' Suitable for tho Seuon for Town · and supplying 'fr'Jicle. . . · WILLIAM WARREN, Jr, prosentotivo governmout nn d to thu colonists. . tho committoo, his lordsh ip during !jls or·Jcr of th(' Parliamentary L ortl J. l\Innnors dofentle<l it. ln st \ '1S t I, <lui oat outer • iho room known ns tho con umtlcq, nnd s tgned " H.· ,V , A division was tukon in oppo•ition to tho clnuso. English chapel,' lrut hnd Jil·ino worship perfomll'<l ea.crctur'f'.'' It urges the Romnn Tho membe rs wore-for it, 13 2; ngninst it 8!1; iu n houso in tho Co1-so another clergy- 10 k cc( th emse lves in...Jcp. · 011 deut . of mnjol'ity, · 13. Tho cluuso accordiugly •tunds pa rt of man. lr seems n prin ci pl o lu Ita ly tl111t th oro shall b · h · lhn bill. Ire oo external indications of an occlusinsticnl chu 1 ·• oth parl1es-o t e Wl11 g.s , lo ll · by Lord John Tho oth er clnusos, up tu 73, woro pf. ucter in connection with chu1·chos. 'l'ho Russell, and o.( the Tory Or·nngo. par ty , vVilliam Mol es wor th tnkos precisely the condition is insisted upon nt Nice, Go non, l'i sn, N n- who seck to delude · by , promtscs of P.rot ec tion, fi · 1 f tl · t't t' 1 pi es, nut! Florence. At Nico tho lruiiJinn was which they n eve r intCJid ro carry oqt. 'rho sa e S U[ 10 l' era vrew o 11s co us 1 u tuna l · 1 )' f h • , . . 1 • . . ·' . pross ly oroctod .ur t to purpose, on condrtlont =- h """- t mg object o t o adJrc ss i3 to create il · qoestton do the ho n. on. t '! 5 S lue it skouiJ not look like n church. 'l'ho J>llltit is vor · · f " " · _. I e wat('r,. w ro ravo eeu ag1ta mg lt m our tho communion tn ulo, nut! is ontorod lry from good ," who w ottltl bu fcan ; :d, and, h 1 1 b t rs tlnct o · ·rom st xry to seventy men, Lo ca l L cg tsla turc. . . . in th o vestry. Tho congro th cr · courted both by 'Vhi " nntl 'i' o ry . \Ve have ever held, and mnrnt am strll,that rn the wrotor season. Ar Uooou tho nn'lln qq mont.o · 0 to "denude" th e Crown of Lire powur o( nom· nro of humblest kintl. Tl.'o church is u 011 an e wy then " e xpect to s er e in · timo a r · r. tl f 1 1r ' l''· ' r. y Lib!!ral Gover·rimont which a Catholic . inating to sea ts in the miJdlc estate o Pnrha· t,.e on? oar o. n rouse m n y-strcot .. uo'con- me nt is to strike at tho very vitality of the · gregotiOuts sma ll . At Nap!os th o churdtts o mly not be !!_S hamed openly to ' snpport, r nnd ii1 e ntire system of the of Rcpresentn, largo room rn w!tich he m ny. without shnme, accept office." · • U · th · f f r it on· nod lh o chnplnrn, In connection with t)•e Queen's College, LorJ tlY o ovcrnmcnt 10 0 unu 0 a 101 0 m who lB npp our tod uy tho nt ''urianco wi th Clarendon charged with u dcs i"n to •. 1 under• . . tho corn mi tior , nn<ltho sehoul iu it is with- '!Jltnc· th e' fnlth of tl io lri uh ;" 0 and it is set rh at it out hi• cuntroul. Tho congrogatipn is lnrgo nnd forth, as 0110 of the lc acl in g objects, to over- be, nonu11n1cJ by the Clucf of tho Exl.'cuttve, rcspec trd.tl u. Tho servicos am lic or· nttoned by tho I 1 1 G lHrt 11 I! IS SE AT fOil LIF£, nece ss arily i\mlt:rssatlor. thou gh tho foroign otlico claims the t trow ultogclrer rcsc colleges ." In I f · · d d \ l' 1 1 1 · rpg a rd to th e pTOpo;e d modifi ca tio tJs of the purls with the t·ig rt o jll gnwut un ' t 'l ?t·oncu t.ro c 1urc 1 19 lnrgo u.nd . I f d unf e tt e red action in the di ;c hnr-'C ol the ul ognnt. l h<> l! ltun s pl ncotlnr n ch·cular rocoss, wrth na ttona syst em 0 c ucntion by tho prese nt fuu cl io:rs of his is, pnlJll bly, 110 " tiro nuJ n·ntling. d?sk o.u either side. Tho Uovcrnment, tire addres s claims for !loman fur. Th o .. nominee of thu Cwwn," if he care roo• rs Ulclw<l, und there rs n vory hnodsomo orgRn Catholics a full proportion, ns a separat(' grnnt , . . d . loft. In nil cases tt nppcars tho rule thnt wh nt ovc r not me as ured by prop er ty but by numbers. It to ?ct as a man . 15 above an:l bayou uucon su . is roisod by subscription or donation of tho' vis itors is Jcclarcd that " the Irish p eop le must never tullOual. contr v l, nnd undue ho Is, nod residents for tho support of warship nccorJing rest contented until th ey arc rid altogeth er of u .nq uc s llo . n ah ly, as free to .d eculo. nnd act for to tho Church of Enn.,laud, is douulud uv tuo 1 C 1 1 f d ' " t 1e tnjusticc and insult of tho Protes tant cc clc- htnt scl 11 " c pcn< c ntly, llS 1 ch;ctton emu nate otlico. " siast ical establishment-hateful to them not · from po pular sufl' rago. Loui• Philip. of France, suhsti tutetl a P(' er- F.,TilEn NP.\nu:< 1:; nre by no merely as th at of a religion oppooito to their age for life fo r tiro uld H e reditary Pc ci-ngc; rn onus surprised to lonrn thut Or. Nowman has uu- own, but also ns ll brand of conque st and 0!'· . tlriuking, no do ubt, th er eby to cteato a bo dy of rubtly quitted tho scone of hi s polo;nical labour-s , preS!I ion,thc s tantp of past slavery. co nve ni e nt "t ool s "--but whnt was thll notunl though no( of his triumphs. His position had, in· ilood, became excoodin:;ly rli.otrossi ng. His uurli· res ult? \ IVh y, that the new Chnmbcr of Peers .• · II' 1 r · · · · cocos were uwru< rug wit so olnrmrng ns manifested st ron ge r und , as G uiz ot was pleased to thr ento n the reverend l•turo 1 with tho puinful to say , "more obs tinate" oppos ition to th e wild sonsnti on of one who tr en<IJniouo- policy which e nded in tho i1·rcpa rnblo ruin of A banquet hnll deserted- the Or l eans dynas ty and constitution together, while those nt' his o pron outs, unJe1· tho snmo roof, than diJ the El ec tive Chamber. A l'ocru ge fo r had grown from n fow hun c!rotl s tons mnny rhou- Lifo is so far preferable to 0110 thnt herctli- snnJs, 'l'lro difficulty wn s, in short, room tary, that it bal'l!, to a great ('Xtont, the proba- for go enough for tho Irish Church ill iss' us, ono small enou;:h ll•r Dr.Nowman. Uudur hose ci rrum- bility of th o llenchc• being occupied by n stances, it rs rumour ed thnt tho lonrnod doctorl.re- m nj o rity of boobies nnJ i.Jfc urnblc <l o lt s in coived no lrt·osi'atible hint fi'Om Dr Cullon. to conv oy succession. ./' - himself ncross tho chnuncl, \Vhi ob ho hns tloue . 1111· De fore the timo of George I IT. the JuJges of liko :lt . Aoth ony-mak iug tho pnss ngo on tho tl "ck the lanJ hold their bono placito- of thu bnnt. insto nd of upon tho lining of his own nt tho will of tho Crown. Th ey w cr o then cloak . . Tho Frum.at>guu1·dodly 1 ' bclie"cs" thnt th o nominated fur lif t' , cmovab le only 011 address mysterious traos t'<n-enco of tho rev. doctor's rent of both Hou ses of l>adi amc nt,-and thu s wns proscoco hns·somo connection with tho c1 rso of Acnilli v. N cro man, which \viii lro shor tl y tried. It th ('it· iu depcmle'llce scc uroJ. The liko rule would uo cruel to douy our ct>ntornpornry tho com- now in tlti" Pr o vince; nud in tho fact . fort of supposing eo. Mouuwlril o, if is nl •o plensant thnt it docs so we IINect OliC or tho se l'Bdical rc- to rotloct that Dr. Newman 's vi sit to Oulrlin hilS forms for wlti ch tho I.ibcral parry may fairly not boon nltogothor without resu lts, for no lo ssthnn claim umlivi<lcJ credit. 1 . ' thit·toon pc1 Sons, dmwn to the Rotundo lry tho oc· cu sion , 'uro nscortninod to hnvo loft tho Rolllnn Cn- tholic Church since hi• l oc turO!l l>ognn. i\101iowhilo tho Ft uman tol ls us thnt nlthough tho <lolivory of bi9 locture:S is susporldotl, th<Jir puulicutiutr. liko tho tlrono of n disordered bnnol-orgno uftot· tho waltz is ov.or, will still continuo. ' Th e objectionable fea ture io tho pros cnt con stitution of the Legi s lative Council , in our eye, is th is power of t·uig11atio11, whe- ther as the result of whim, ot · capric e', · or personal pique or intriau c -tho tenure of'a seat is not now, as it should be, COIII ]JIIlsory for life, with ·n .r espectable pecuniary '\ual- l\ta : Ro£nucK A:<D TilE ExTE:<stO:< or Til£ FR.Hf· ificntio n, in tho fo rl rl of a rent estato, rhe cntox TO tho reuiri t landed interest is re pres ented in the country of tbo electors of·Shofficld, tho fullo'wing question by a bo<ly ot intclligon 11100 sulliciently nu- was put: "Io 'casn of tll.!' oxteosioo of thn frnn. merOtlS to sup>ply th e material• lor a chise to those 5 tunomotlts, \voultl Mr. d. u""' 'Roolruck favour th.;·extension of tho enmo to fo- constructe . Prov.ious tmining, moro' ov ,er·, mol es who pay on oqunl · rent 7" (Loot! lnughtur, m tho lo\vcr branch; npceo,:d cxperieilco in the in which f\1r. joined b•nrtily.). To this practical bu s i!rl; SS of &he ·bon. gentlernnn roplio<l : "Thoro iij no mnn serve us a pnmury cons tdoratron '1n <)rrocting '!ybo Qwos nroro than I do to woninn. (Hour, hoor·) arul determining the se lection of the My was 'formctl by one whoso very ro !ivl' .. Monc.f, or course, is no .,f the collt:ctrons at this moment mnko mo · Thoro . rutellrgettce of the ncttl er is 1111 i.s nathi.tig which for tho honor· · of tl 1 woula empty purse 11 suffictent surety r. coulJCil· not do, (Hear, hoar.) 'l'h& hnppinoslr of my life lor's i.s up with , it. wrf e; dnughter, wo- man, to, 11.1e have I.Jaen 1ho oasis oft he desert of life. \V.D arc . inclined to reecivo tho IDCilct con- l . havo to ask myself would it cood11co to tho verse of the latter proposition M neare 1 · the ltapp,inoes' of soc,ioty'to uriog womo. n inoro dierinc ily truth, by. fur: Thus, we have been long of J hno they arono\Y brof!gbt into tho nroitn ofpnlltics_Y that hon. gentlell'!cn, to wh001- tho eltr (tionr, henr.} , Ho'ire sr .ly l to you 1 pendlturo of a . few pounds is ." 11 coll4i· . nut. ( I wrll 1vby. All tlerot i un" w' uld d 1 ll t ' tak d , fiueoces, rf I ·may so term . rt! ln{\uencc.a, , . • o ve . o e n o.. In tho rude bottle nod buarness of hfo wo. como presen,t. reheve of ," bomq .to find 11 uook and or qo.iet comfort. lt by any (Hoar, bf!ar.) Aficr tb"]ard nnil t!OYer ,e, nnd .. :;; · N OTES ON bolA un · oso Tllr. GA:<OOEs.-Dnukok, tho principnl city of Sinm, nlr out twonty · fii'O mil es up tho ltivor Moiuum, cootuios n population of upw ard• of 500,000. . lllnulmoio, in tho Dritish territory onstword of lms a populatiou of nb out 40,000. Rnugonn, G 70 miles south-cast of Cnlc1.1ttn, haa nlrout •I 0,000 iuhnlritnnt s. Tavoy, ·in l.lritish llurmah, so uth·wo st of l\laul- nr oiu , nud open to tho sen, hns nbout !.1,000 inhnlr- itnnts, 1.000 pngodus, uutl 200 nwnustorios for Priest"' · Iturnroe, in Arracnu, contains upwnrds of 300,000 inlmbitauts. F oo Chow, tho cnpitnl of rho Fuo Kion l'rovinco, contnins ul.aut UOO,OOO inh ulri tunts, and is thirty miles frorri tho moutH of tho Ril·or llliu. Canton hns upwor·d s of ;oo,ooo inhnuitnnts. A may hns 200,000 inhnbitnnts. Chittnking, 343 milos oust ol Scmmpo1·o, nnd eight miles from tho so n, hns nbout 1 2, 000 iuhoui - tunts; adjacent nro many populous \'illugos. Tho F.scuriol is tho tho k i_ngs of Spnin, one of tho lorgest uud most mngnilicont in tho W<II · IJ . It Wll3 comrn ouco<l by Philip 11 . in tho your 161i2; and tho tirst oxpendituro of its erection wus 6.000,• 000 ducats. lt limns n \'US t of polished stone, puvod with It mny ·l!'vo eamo notion of tho surprising grnndour of the pnluco to ousorvA 1 thot nccoroing to tho computntion of do lo9 Suntoa, it W'!ultl tilko more lhau four dnys to go : through nil it• roon\S. nn<l npnr\mouts, tho )e ngth of tho way boiog rockono<l thi1 ty·threa Sp nnish le•g ues, which is ubovo 120 En•lisu milos. Alvn ioz tlo Col- . ' . monnr nlso nssort>t, ut t ·o nrc onoro thnu. H.OOO doors, nnd 11,009 l ntlows longing to this edifice. ' I ' Tho Steward on boanl-11 Uuit c (J States steomcr )ms produceci se\ · eral crops o( [19'4 - toes' by the ff!llowing .mode of cuJt.ivntion : ..L Ho procured a common cro cke ry erate ,' a bun " rllo of etraw, and n few eye s of tho potato; aud went to farming hoar· cl tho ship!- Tho proces.• <Jf cultivatin th em . is your cmto with altoroat of straw nnd tho of the potato, 'mm<'nciqg ' at tho bot- tom with a layer of abo ,u six inches in Jopth or straw, and then a. Ioyer tho e yes, . the ' eyes ' ·, baing placed nbout two inclu.•s apart . over tho . · surface of tho straw, then another layer of on tho t c} p. Keep the straw almost moist, and· \ )n nbont two monilrs you will huvo about IH · wol'th ofsound , g_uod potatoe5 1 oftltd 1 lint water.' j .. ' ' ' I.
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'l ' ~t· • . ' . • ·. ~-' ..

VOL. 7.

Or Tulrles of tho Compn111tivo 1\[ouios in

Cunency, aotl Cunoncy

' . • I

. ST .. JOHN'S ~\v£0 __._, ___ -------·--

(From tkc Halifax Su11, JUne, 28.)


• • •

WEDNESDA.Y, JULY 28, 1852. l .

N0. -60; . \ '

means, probnblc,tha.t tlie country will be found rnny .say. tl~o ,l s'6nrp iro .. an\1 ' tho disputes of tli., prepared to. do so; !'o~ yet to bear patiently, House o( <:;oirn\lons, I lue mo home, knowing thnt the pcrple xtty th ut rs l1kdy kl accrue ou t of I thol'b shall find personal 'S()Iicitutl~ anti nnxie.t5(. ·

The ful\owillg conv'ersation, on the subject ' persistence in · the course pursued ut tho close ( !'fou_r •. hc~r.) . ~ly hood ros.~s UJ>on ·n bosom throu-nf substituting an elective L 'cgislativc Council, of ~he last ses&ion of· Parliament. , • IHng wrtu tuo hng for me und o~ r chi~l Aut! 1 feel took place, lately, in the H ouse of Commons: • 11 fl'uiro honrtr. man in tll~ cntiso of my country Qro

, next tluy, ~ecnuso of- tho porfoct, B<rothing, g'o ntlo Uroo clouso 30, roln ting to tho constitution of tho ENGulSii CHURCHES I:Ll1' A L y. ponce, winch u 111ia<l su lli•d, ~y poli_tics is unuulo to

logisluth•o council, Sir \V. 1\folesworth contended A d ·f I 1,. . ~ . fee l (AJ>pluuso ) Oh • r'r 1 cnr111ot 10'- If f. thnt the members OU"ht I!' be elected io•'ll d rl correspon onto liO w•csglvOsthuful Wing • • '"' u myso 0 '· . lh . " ,r tl ' . .• o o bccounU.f tho English churches und sorvicl . rn tho thnt' inoxprossilrlu lr.uuofit,uud tuoroforo I sny~o !' uorng o more nom,nas oJ tC !'t1JTCSCII(:lilVc of tho ' t' f !•-• 'l'l b .,.1. II · l d. (Cuoors .) · ~~~''"; n~ 1 un '3~ t1ot W~ra tho ens?, they would n fuw do,;rs wlthou~ tho l'ot'tn dul l'ui>Oio on t e -

d 1 1 Cl to• o uny :-" re Ul• mg nt Q III O ts s tu~o

I ~" I u~;nrdcd 113 thQ 'oo)s of tho home government. rout! to F lorence. in imnwdiuto uu<l cuuvortiil nt ,. lfh.e R oman Catlrolic Dcfenco J~ss c1t:i trOh lTS'l'O~I IIOUSE E:Oi'i:lii ES" n11d V _,. RIL\ XT~ Sir~. Pukington could not consent to the propo~od cinity !-0 ~ho _Strnug.ot'S' Quortc r . 'l'horo is nn ox ; have rssue<l an addr·ess t 6 the Catfrohc ol ct~rs

lly tbo single set, quiro, orr m. nltcrnllon; thoro wns no precodout fi~r on olocllvo toronl ~ndtcntron whate ver, of n plnc<J of worship.- of Irelan~ the .Iuli e~ they wil ha o ~~~ ' upper' chum~er in thi~ co.uutry ol· .its dopontleucios. 'l'ho upnrtmont u~ed us ".church occupios tho top of c hur::;c at the approaching J!enc ral e ection, tbo

Fishermen's Shipping Pap rs Mr. F. l'ool spoke tu tavor of tho proposotl ulto- n lnr·g<> house, hternlly m tho roof, rho ucums of ,:0~uit of whi ch mu st dc~ido " whotber . tlje lu books •. 1, !!, ·:mu J- quires, or' uy the inglo sot. ration. whi

1clr app~ar io sevum! placos. 'fhoro i• 11 small Parliament of .1 S;:i!:! i~ to pass new pmial . laws

\... Mr Wnlpol<l dofoodotl tho claus\' in its present one os uro wr tho ul~r, D!ld th 11 pulpit nrhl rcndiu~ ·110

n-.tinst ti!Cir rcli!"ion such ns no man can yet . lJILl.S .OE' 'I'!TCHA GE stnto, which assimiln!od tho constitution of )low desk oro placed lrosttlo H. Tbo coogregntiun is " - -r- .• · 11 1 f <I' 1 . 1 1 foresee, or whether on tl1o. contrary, it shall bo

1K uooks of (;, 17. 24, 50, imd 100 ' cts ouch. Zoulnnu to thnt of thiS country. sonora y argo, 0 ton oxcoc rug SOVOII runur cc (>01'• L I I . . l\Tr. Agliooby, l\11'. 1\lowutt,!\lr. Addorl~y.~Ir . V. s~ns_. nnd thoro nrc grc~t complnints of wnnt of von; rcme muere< ns· Ire first which gave them (all

Smith, nn<l Mr: 1\.n• toy opposod tho pnnctplu of tdntron, nod of l'xcoss1vo hout fmm tho roof: In that t-hey dumanJ or thnt ·they will nccopt) fait' nomluntiou os lroing contrary tn tho spirit of ro- consoquonco of tho dispute hotwnen tho BishoRYf atul equal justice." The addre.ss is - a lensihy

PRQMI!SOIU NOT~ In lr~uks of I, ~ · and 3 'quil'(l•.

O·rtle1· Books Of I, , 2, uutl 3 quiros each.


Of J., 2, nod 3 <JU ifO:l ouch.


' e r\- · All do•scriptions ofGJ,;NFI1:\ [,. nn<l FANCY

1'1\ INT1 N(; executed crt tho •hortcstuoticu, nnJ un 1 ho mos t rP:•sonabla t e rms.


P. R OG Ell. .s O.l\" .t· SO.;\'" 400 B H LS Su pe rfi ne F LOU It

:lO qr.·chcsto ()mgl> TEA :?00 llox<'s Li\',•rpuo l SOA P

!!.i Barn·b (; ru slr cd ::5 l. U i\ R ·I l'uncl"'"ns LOAF SU(;;\[t

20 Hoxcs ])i pt CA;.! l> I. BS ] liO Ua gs assorted ::-.; nils l {J(J K egs White Pai11t 100 ll iclcs SOLE J.gATl!ER J 110 R11 rd• i'\ c ·v l!c·.-1' I flO !J i11o \VItit c CU I~ N i\!1·: :\.f, ]00 B;rgs <Iiiio di tt u :'.0 Ha rrC'Is C:"a) Tar l 0 Ditto Bright VA ll::o; IS II I ll I >ill" !ta w T urpe nl i11 c I 0 U itto :-;piri ts !> illn

100 Co ils asso1 ted CU H.DA(; E. :!o Ba gs Hio CUFFEE.

1\ p ril 14 - -··-·- -~----

1; \ ' IU:CE .Yl', A N 0 H !·:~ I AI:'\ I t\(; UF l•'U IL\1 El' DII'U iri 'A TI ON .,;

Jl11tl on Sale Chmp,

fly the Subscriber, 1_.,1-:AS-Eouclrong nod ConJ!OU, in Qr-clrests nod

uox cs , of superior qunlit.y J'.,koe, 'L' wnnkey. Hyson, Younl! Hyson nod Gun­

l"'.w<lcr-vcry fino nuo.J iu s mall puckug~s or fu. rmly use

J.' UEl\CH CHOCOLA 'l'E-<>f ~ •quisitc tluvor nnd 'lunliry, in pnckugcs of 2 lo I!! Ius Qllch .

S I'IlllTS- Urnndy , •in llhds nnd Qr-Cnsks-of Otnrd's, Hennessey's a nd Mnrrell'e bmutl•

Rotter<lfllll G!N-in Hhds. and Qr. Cas~• · j{ U ,\!--Old ~:nst Inti in, high-proof nod fio o tlnvour 'WJIISKEY-Cumtil:ioltou, nnd lslny, iu Qr- cnsks

or in lots, 1 qr-cnsk Glonlivr. t Jitto \V jN J,;S-Whilo Winos. suitnblo fur rPtniliog Mdcleirn ond Vidonin-;n ' hhds. or 'lr-cnsks C liAMl'AGN E-n fe.,vdm:on of fino spnrklin• pink llOT'l'LED POllTEH-40 his, 4 <Iozon oncb,e from

tho fomo Whithrend & C1J's uroworv Scotch OA 'lll\IEA L-in lmrrols and hnif.IJarrel• PAIN'l'S-llluck not! Wlr!to Lins~od OIL; Spiri~ TU RPENTJ N t•: Stoe.khohn,l.:onl, rmti 'Ainoricnn_'l'A lt . London SOAP-in IXllb boxes, hor<l nut! dry Mitto Cnndle&--'moulda anti· dips LEATHE!l-Bnglillh 'nod Scotch Ilntrs CORDAG £-from G tbrond to 3 inch ur running

rigj!ing:, &:c., JLS~Ortt'd J · RODES uud Hllwsors-1& tQ ·I~ iuc]!_..­Komurolioo, Hduselide, Marline, nnd Spnnynrn NAILS-ngeoehrlllll80rlm.-ut. cut und wrought Boiling nntl llnko. Poi• and c'ovors Frying Pnns-nssorto11'lli~.Cs . IRON 1-JOOPS-hh<l oDd hulf·Jrhd hoops }o' LOU R.--Amoricnn ond Canodiao l1Hl!:AD-Hnu1burgh, ,Nee 2 un<l 3 llU'lvi'Eill-Hnrnburgh nn<I-No~ll Scotian HF.RRINGS-n ew firkine Lochfine WINDOW GI,1 SS. BAR L~:AD . Stllrcb n's Dluo-iu lroxoe

LEn AT H E R W A·R.E, A ltll'ge aod well n•aorted consignment of 5 packages

nt eost nod cbnrges , .Also, a large and 1ocll a1sorted Supply qf

I ~lkNUFI\CT-URUD ' GO'OU8 ' Suitable for tho Seuon for Town· and supplying

'fr'Jicle. . . · WILLIAM WARREN, Jr,

prosentotivo governmout nnd to thu colonists. . Giqnr!~•· o~d tho committoo, his lordsh ip during !jls docut"!Ct~..,i-ssucd ~Y or·Jcr of th(' Parliamentary L ortl J. l\Innnors dofentle<l it. lnst \'1St I, <lui oat outer • iho room known ns tho conumtlcq, nnd stgned " H.· ,V, ~Vilberforce, A division was tukon in oppo•ition to tho clnuso . English chapel,' lrut hnd Jil·ino worship perfomll'<l ea.crctur'f'.'' It urges the Romnn .Ga~olic

Tho members wore-for it, 132; ngninst it 8!1; iu n houso in tho Co1-so occupi~cl ~y another clergy- c lo~tors 10 kcc( themselves in...Jcp.· 011deut .of mnjol'ity, ·13. Tho cluuso accordiugly •tunds part of man. lr seems n princi plo lu Italy tl111t thoro shall b · h · lhn bill. Ire oo external indications of an occlusinsticnl chu1·• oth parl1es-o t e Wl11g.s, loll· by Lord John

Tho other clnusos, up tu 73, woro dispos~d pf. ucter in connection with P•·oto~tnnt chu1·chos. 'l'ho Russell, and o.( the Tory ~nii· Or·nngo. par ty,

~ir vVilliam Molesworth tnkos precisely the condition is insisted upon nt Nice, Go non, l'isn, N n- who seck to delude ·by, promtscs of P.rotection,

fi · 1 • f tl · t' t t ' 1 pies, nut! Flo rence. At Nico tho lruiiJinn was which they never intCJid ro carry oqt. 'rho

sa e S U[10 l' era vrew o 11s co us 1 u tuna ~ l ~ · 1 )' ~ f h • , . . 1 • . . ·' . prossly oroctod .ur t to purpose , on condrtlont =-h"""-t ~,ca( mg object o t o adJrcss i3 to create il · qoestton a~ do the ho n. gcntle~ner.• on. t '!5 Slue it skouiJ not look like n church. 'l'ho J>llltit is vor · · f " " · _. I e wat('r,. w ro ravo eeu ag1ta mg lt m our tho communion tnulo, nut! is ontorod lry from good :~nJ flru ," who wottltl bu fcan;:d, and, h 1 1 b t ~ rstlnct par~ o ··rom st xry to seventy men,

Loca l Lcg tslaturc. . . . ~ stnircu~o in tho vestry. Tho congro ion~s lnl'go thcr · courted both by 'Vhi " nntl 'i'o ry . \Ve have ever held, and mnrnta m strll,that rn the wrotor season. Ar Uooou tho nn'llnqqmont.o · 0 •

to "denude" the Crown of Lire powur o( nom· nro of ~he humblest kintl. Tl.'o church is u ~.·oo 1n_ 011 an e wy the n " e xpect to sere in · timo a

r · r. tl f 1 1r 'l''· ' r . y Lib!!ral Gover·rimont which a Catholic . inating to seats in the miJdlc estate o Pnrha· t,.e on? ~t~ruy oar o. n rouse m n y-strcot .. uo'con-ment is to strike at tho very vitality of the · gregotiOuts small. At Nap!os tho churdtts o vo~y ml y not be !!_Shamed openly to' snpport, rnnd ii1 e ntire system of the cou~titution of Rcpresentn, largo n~tl hnn~•omo room rn tho,g~usul's hou~o, w!tich he mny. without shnme, accept office." · • U · th · f f r it u· on· conv~mont!~ nrrnng~ nod powe~. lho chnplnrn, In connection with t)•e Queen's College, LorJ

tlYo ovcrnmcnt 10 0 unu 0 a 101 0 m who lB nppour tod uy tho orrrlmssy.~>~ nt ''urianco with Clarendon i~ charge d with u dcsi"n to •.1 under• nr~lty. . . tho corn mitior , nn<ltho sehoul iu it is u~rtircly with- '!Jltnc· the' fnlth of tlio lriuh ;"

0 and it is set

rhat Pccr-Sen~or-Counc1llot-as it ~ay out hi• cuntroul. Tho congrogatipn is lnrgo nnd forth, as 0110 of the lcacl ing objects, to " ·over-be, nonu11n1cJ by the Clucf of tho Exl.'cuttve, rcspec trd.tlu. Tho servicos am lic,·or· nttoned by tho I 1 1 G lHrt 11 Jt.ut:<~r; I! IS SE AT fOil LIF£, necessarily i\mlt:rssatlor. though tho foroign otlico claims the t trow ultogclrer rcsc ' .:Ju les~ colleges." In

I f · · d • d \ l' 1 1 1 · rpgard to the pTOpo;ed modifi catiotJs of the purls with the t·ig rt o pn~ntc jll gnwut un pntrouog~., ' t 'l?t·oncu t.ro c 1urc 1 19 lnrgo u.nd . I f d unfett e red action in the di;chnr-'C ol the ulognnt. l h<> l!ltuns plncotlnr n ch·cular rocoss , wrth nattona system 0 c ucntion by tho present fuu cl io:rs of his offt~u . is, pnlJll bly, ~ 110" ~Ctjlli· tiro . ~ulpit nuJ n·ntling. d?sk o.u either side. Tho Uovcrnment, tire address claims for !loman fur. Tho .. nominee of thu Cwwn," if he care roo• rs Ulclw<l, und there rs n vory hnodsomo orgRn Catholics a full proportion, ns a separat(' grnnt,

. . d . loft. In nil cases tt nppcars tho rule thnt wh ntovc r not measured by property but by numbers. It to ?ct as a man . 15 above an:l bayou uuconsu . is roisod by subscription or donation of tho' visitors is Jcclarcd that " the Irish p eople must never tullOual. contrvl, nnd undue P~'('SSt;.EQ,j ho Is, nod residents for t ho support of wa rship nccorJing rest contented until they arc rid altogether of u.nq ucsllo. nahly, as free to .d eculo. nnd act for to tho Church of Enn.,laud, is douulud uv tuo foroi~n 1 • C 1 1 f d ' " t 1e tnjusticc and ins ult of tho Protestant ccclc-htntscl • 11" c pc n< cntly, llS 1 ch;ctton emu nate otlico. " siast ical establishment-hateful to them not · from popular sufl'rago.

Loui• Philip. of France, suhsti tutetl a P('e r- F.,TilEn NP.\nu:< 1:; I~t>: LA:<n.-Wo nre by no merely as that of a religion oppooito to their age for life fo r tiro uld H ereditary Pcci-ngc; rnonus surprised to lonrn thut Or. Nowman has uu- own, but also ns ll brand of conquest and 0!'· . tlriuking, no doubt, the reby to cteato a body of rubtly quitted tho scone of his polo;nical labour-s, preS!Iion,thc stantp of past slavery. conve ni ent " tools"--but whnt was thll notu nl though no( of his triumphs. His position had, in·

ilood, became excoodin:;ly rli.otrossi ng. His uurli· result? \ IVh y, that the new Chnmbcr of Peers .• · II' 1 r · · · · cocos were uwru< rug wit t,~~~-rnprdlty so olnrmrng ns manifested st ronge r und , as G uizot was pleased to threnton the reverend l•turo1• with tho puinful to say , "more obstinate" opposition to the wild sonsntion of one who tren<IJniouo-policy which e nded in tho i1·rcparnblo ruin of A banquet hnll deserted-the Orleans dynasty and constitution together, while those nt' his opronouts, unJe1· tho snmo roof, than diJ the Elective Chamber. A l'ocruge fo r had grown from n fow hunc!rotls tons mnny rhou­Lifo is so far preferable to 0110 thnt i>~ herctli- snnJs, 'l'lro difficulty wns, in short, to~11 room tary, that it bal'l!, to a great ('Xtont, the proba- forgo enough for tho Irish Church ill iss' us, ~ ono

small enou;:h ll•r Dr.Nowman. Uudur hose cirrum­bility of tho llenchc• being occupied by n stances, it rs rumoured thnt tho lonrnod doctorl.re­m nj ority of boobies nnJ i.Jfcurnblc <l o lts in coived no lrt·osi'atible hint fi'Om Dr Cullon. to convoy succession. ./' - himself ncross tho chnuncl, \Vhiob ho hns tloue . 1111·

De fore the timo of George I IT. the JuJges of liko :lt. Aothony-makiug tho pnssngo on tho tl "ck the lanJ hold their s~ats-pr·o bono placito- of thu bnnt. instond of upon tho lining of his own nt tho will of tho Crown. They wcro then cloak . . Tho Frum.at>guu1·dodly 1

' bclie"cs" thnt tho nominated fur lift' , r·cmovab le only 011 address mysterious traost'<n-enco of tho rev. doctor's rent of both H ouses of l>adia mcnt,-and thus wns proscoco hns·somo connection with tho c1rso of

Acnilli v. Ncroman, which \viii lro shortly tried. It th ('it· iudepcmle'llce sccuroJ. The liko rule would uo cruel to douy our ct>ntornpornry tho com­now ol.tai n~ in tlti" Province ; nud in tho fact . fort of supposing eo. Mouuwlrilo, if is nl•o plensant thnt it docs so we IINect OliC or those l'Bdical rc- to rotloct that Dr. Newman's visit to Oulrlin hilS forms fo r wltich tho I.ibcral parry may fairly not boon nltogotho r without resu lts, for no lossthnn claim umlivi<lcJ credit. 1

. ' thit·toon pc1 Sons, dmwn to the Rotundo lry tho oc· cusion , 'uro nscortninod to hnvo loft tho Rolllnn Cn­tholic Church since hi• locturO!l l>ognn. i\101iowhilo tho Ftuman tolls us thnt nlthough tho <lolivory of bi9 locture:S is susporldotl, th<Jir puulicutiutr. liko tho tlrono of n disordered bnnol-orgno uftot· tho waltz is ov.or, will still continuo. '

The objectionable feature io tho proscnt constitution of the Legislative Council, in our eye, is this :~the power of t·uig11atio11, whe­ther as the result of whim, ot· caprice', ·or personal pique or intriauc-tho tenure of'a seat is not now, as it should be, COIII]JIIlsory for life, ~o~p l cd with ·n .r espectable pecuniary '\ual- l\ta: Ro£nucK A:<D TilE ExTE:<stO:< or Til£ FR.Hf·

ificntion, in tho forl rl of a rent estato, rhe cntox TO F~:~r..:t.u.-At on~f tho reuiri t nreuti~gs landed interest is represented in the country of tbo electors of·Shofficld, tho fullo'wing question by a bo<ly ot intclligon 11100 sulliciently nu- was put: "Io 'casn of tll.!' oxteosioo of thn frnn. merOtlS to sup>ply the material• lor a c~·-ber chise to those oecup~ing c£5 tunomotlts, \voultl Mr.

d. ~ u""' 'Roolruck favour th.;· extension of tho enmo to fo-~0 constructe . Prov.ious tmining, moro'ov,er·, moles who pay on oqunl · rent 7" (Loot! lnughtur, m tho lo\vcr branch; npceo,:d cxperieilco in the in which f\1r. Roe~uclt joined b•nrtily.) . To this practical busi!rl;SS of lcgb!ntion~ mi~ht, ~crltaps, &he ·bon. gentlernnn roplio<l : "Thoro iij no mnn serve us a pnmury constdoratron '1n <)rrocting '!ybo Qwos nroro than I do to woninn. (Hour, hoor·) arul determining the se lection of the E~:ecu· My ed~cntion was 'formctl by one whoso very ro !ivl' .. Monc.f, or course, is no guar~i1tec .,f the collt:ctrons at this moment mnko mo tr~mlllo. ·Thoro. rute llrgettce of the p~~ssor; ncttl er is 1111 i.s nathi.tig which for tho honor· ·of tl o~ex 1 woula empty purse 11 suffictent surety r. coulJCil· not do, (Hear, hoar.) 'l'h& hnppinoslr of my life lor's in~cpeudeuce. i.s bouo~ up with , it. ~[other, wrfe; dnughter, wo­

man, to ,11.1e have I.Jaen 1ho oasis oft he desert of life. \V.D arc. inclined to reecivo tho IDCilct con- ~nd l . havo to ask myself would it cood11co to tho

verse of the latter proposition M neare 1· the ltapp,inoes 'of soc,ioty'to uriog womo.n inoro dierinc ily truth, by. fur: Thus, we have been long of J hno they arono\Y brof!gbt into tho nroitn ofpnlltics_Y opini~u, that hon. gentlell'!cn, to wh001- tho eltr (tionr, henr.} , Ho'iresr.ly l co~rfese to you 1 be!i~vo pendlturo of a . few pounds is ." 11 gre~t coll4i· . nut. ( Ho~r,lroar.) I wrll t~lll; ou. 1vby. All the~r ~u­tleroti un" w ' uld d 1 • ll t ' tak d , ~ fiueoces, rf I ·may so term. rt! a~e gout~e ln{\uencc.a,

, . • ~ • o ve . o e n von,~~~ o.. In tho rude bottle nod buarness of hfo wo. como presen,t. p~rrrpi!Bton ~o. reheve t~emseiTeS of, " bomq .to find 11 uook and sh~lter or qo.iet comfort. pressur~ ~o tnconvem~ot, lt ~-~n.ot1 by any (Hoar, bf!ar.) Aficr tb"]ard nnil t!OYer,e, nnd ~


:;; ·

N OTES ON bolA un·oso Tllr. GA:<OOEs.-Dnukok, tho principnl city of Sinm, nlrout twonty · fii'O miles up tho ltivor Moiuum, cootuios n population of upward• of 500,000. .

lllnulmoio, in tho Dritish territory onstword of Rnn~:aou, lms a populatiou of nbout 40,000.

Rnugonn, G70 miles south-cast of Cnlc1.1ttn, haa nlrout •I 0,000 iuhnlritnnts.

T avoy, ·in l.lritish llurmah, south·wost of l\laul­nroiu , nud open to tho sen, hns nbout !.1,000 inhnlr­itnnts, 1.000 pngodus, uutl 200 nwnustorios for llud<lhi~t Priest"' · Iturnroe, in Arracnu , contains upwnrds of 300,000

inlmbitauts. F oo Chow, tho cnpitnl of rho Fuo Kion l'rovinco,

contnins ul.aut UOO,OOO inh ulri tunts, and is thirty miles frorri tho moutH of tho Ril·or llliu.

Canton hns upwor·ds of ;oo,ooo inhnuitnnts. A may hns 200,000 inhnbitnnts. Chittnking, 343 milos oust ol Scmmpo1·o, nnd

eight miles from tho son, hns nbout 12,000 iuhoui ­tunts; adjacent nro many populous \'illugos.

Tho F.scuriol is tho pa~ tho k i_ngs of Spnin, one of tho lorgest uud most mngnilicont in tho W<II·IJ . It Wll3 comrnouco<l by Philip 11. in tho your 161i2; and tho tirst oxpendituro of its erection wus 6.000,• 000 ducats. lt limns n \'USt sq~nl'o of polished stone, puvod with m~rbh.•. It mny ·l!'vo eamo notion of tho surpris ing grnndour of the pnluco to ousorvA1 thot nccoroing to tho computntion of Fra~isco do lo9 Suntoa, it W'!ultl tilko more lhau four dnys to go : through nil it• roon\S. nn<l npnr\mouts, tho)ength of tho way boiog rockono<l thi1 ty·threa Spnnish le•gues, which is ubovo 120 En•lisu milos. Alvnioz tlo Col-. ' . monnr nlso nssort>t, ut t ·o nrc onoro thnu. H.OOO doors, nnd 11,009 l ntlows ~ longing to this edifice.

• ' I '

Tho Steward on boanl-11 Uuitc(J States steomcr )ms produceci se\·eral crops o( cxc~ [19'4-toes' by the ff!llowing .mode of cuJt.ivntion :..L Ho procured a common crockery erate,'a bun" rllo of etraw, and n few eyes of tho potato; aud went to wor~ farming .it~ft hoar·cl tho ship!­Tho proces.• <Jf cultivatin them. is thi~;-Pill your cmto with altoroat layer~ of straw nnd tho eye~ of the potato, 'mm<'nciqg 'at tho bot­tom with a layer of abo,u six inches in Jopth or straw, and then a . Ioyer ~ tho eyes, .the' eyes' ·, baing placed nbout two inclu.•s apart. over tho . · surface of tho straw, then another layer of str~w.l-· on tho t c}p. Keep the straw almost moist, and· \ ) n nbont two monilrs you will huvo about IH · wol'th ofsound,g_uod potatoe51oftltd 1 lint water.'

• • j • ~ • • •

.. '

' ' I.

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Page 2: S'collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18520728.pdf · " ,rtl ' ..• o o bccounU.f tho English churches und sorvicl . rn tho thnt' inoxprossilrlu lr.uuofit,uud tuoroforo


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1'~~ ~~~If: C'?Ul{IER : ._/ · · . . : . .. \ · t , ~')--·') ·.~~ . ~- 'I, HE-:"'OR-N "lNG "OU.Rl'ER:· . bo}ns tl;o ~\;o· ron stii o ·\!s!dY ~at t!l'o ilubr last fa t ( auch tio s,:--1 m'Ust say, ten<(gr~atly · ~otisfact~ry ."as ·~ :is to :mo 'f~re~eive"tlte ~·c-_.!.;-..---r--~-.I. __ ~J..---':'.,---"'-------1 scr'ibcrs 4.'i1l! · ·~tfitJOI of ihe Morning 'Ccivti~ 01'!1 't'o weaken t~· g ' · eflec~ ·the. Court \~oul.cl kno~Fedgme~s -aqi:l thanks oflhe Co(\\liferci'ul

, • • I. ' •• IJ • otherwise .bavo. ~ . . \, .. - SOciety ond rYrcrch:illtS . o.f- St~ .. .J~thn's roi' the , ST •. JouN' s, ·\" '' !l. lli' .E.SD.\l' , J !!'.:., -28, JS;j2. u~t only '<qunf. to:fil1onuors, liut a.~ a .. o equa · 11111- , I I 1

. ' ' ffi . 1

··' . h . , . .1 •Y ~ - · • .. . • -"'· • • niL·A :~z., .1·8 snid to be gqp. e _ StGeorge's support t nit tllv<i ·a on cu. to. 1 01r-_,....,rescn: · telligenco, inHu.onc;e; re_apnctnbir~·- ~ ,w~: .......... · to A:n.., v. • " . ' • · ·-

1 ' '."1'

-~ · Bay. -tr~ ing, it is tho ' !ovcrn~•ont lender that lotions during my 'Achniu)strat-itm tif fl•is .G :o-tbo.sp of UJO' Pl41ic Lctlgy.. . . . . is at Dpnavistll. • • . - vernment ; \lint sotj!!fnctit.n il) .sJi\1 ·fu the{ en-

, On .)lt'Shlnlny, ut ·roui- o'cloclc. His Jo:xcollo~ocy

Sir GASP A no L~: M.,ncu .• s-i loft .Go,•orumont .So'usc uti.Jor a omluto from 1f.c guns of ,Oil I' of otlr. foi·ts, ,an.J.ncc~np~nied ·oy tlw niembcrs uf Hcr-Mujosty'11 .Cou~cil, tb.o Lore! nishop of...r. ~IVfo_undluo~d nnol severn! of llis Clergy, and u conSJclon\blo rouuoo uf Morchunts ' nnd other rc•poctnbld iulml.Ji_t.o.nts. p.ro­coc<led lu 'tho Qucon'.s \Vhnrf, who,ro n .Gtu~rd of .Jiooo·r of tho R. . . Compnnies wn~ ,drown up to

: i ~ · · · · ' · h:mceil· by fiui!in,... tli11t ··~bes. ·c :ctrvuta. ·havo- not V E in nclm.l to hnvtUlut.icod.i'u 011 ttst, il) a · l . "' . · • . · d ' beeu \'Yt(hout their. fruit~ '; ond I jltu~t thot ~h.e'

m om or ~o11ewhntop~~ forlll&l ~al1·thlltjlntilllt.· \:V£ con,tinue, to·day,· thc pob~icati_Qn ~f. 'A • ~te s uow- t~ko1_1 by ~·e ·'Furont Govet-nment fhr .b~ our pnsseng••r liJt;•iho nr1'i~v( Mr. tf,.u_ " ·.T N, -'- .. l:l' Ev ))cnc·y tho Govol'nor · t · f j N r ell · d 1<'' h ·

Y .,,... we~., to ts ... c~ . . v . . . .- • Fro q<:\1 >n o . ,I~ -. CWtoun uo ""I~ e tel!, n geuUumnu .•olec;.toc;l Ior tltA r> · of~luiug the To Hi& ExcellCTicy Sir JouN G.iSPARD LE. wtll have all thOso .bonC'fictol rcsuhs· wlltch -you supol·int.ondonco of tho 'Vosl<>yact.' Eleme.o~l)'· sod .M.utCIIANT, Knight, and ·Kniglat Qom- auticipn.Je,J~fl t . o.dva~ceflteut Q( tl.'ll - interests' 'tlformnl Schools n1>out ·to IJo ostublistlo<j in tb,iit . f:.lty. 111~nticr tif tl1c Orclcr8 of St. F-erdi11and nf you•· trnJf, . 11 the! sycc.c8s .of 1\·!uch lhc gco-~lr. lJ. rccch·cd his tmjtiiog ot th.o i:el9bmtod aud if Clwrlc8 the Third of S~in, Go- 0111l- welf~ 1,1f nil cl:lSSes m tlua Colony) s

' r ' I . .zoco!Vc him. nn!l o barked on bonr<l ,ho Flng-s llfl Gla.sgow Normal Sclfli11ary.- opd hl,lli beeo oroplvyod vcrnor a.ll.d ·011mnandcr-in-Chicf iJC and solely Ufi'ponclcnt. · . · ·. I

for tho lost so1·en qr ojght years in the ijodfickl ·.: opu tAc lslatld of Nctofou,ultat!d and 'its · • · ·-. '

Cm>,tbcrland. (' Th g:ithcriug of citi~on; Of! tho

occasion ~·~ 'Qo imerous1 • nnd H1s Excolloncy. )eft lito \ •b · ' fo V d uy tho chol'I'S of tho Jookors-on. 'l'ho n an1l will snil to-dny for Ualifhx. _th,o Cntlitn f - "xcullou y'• now Go~­

Wosl_oynn School. !')hetfaold, wuich is I:Oiltl'uci~d 011 Dcpendcllcit~. 4-c., <tc-. ·4-c· . '• Br AUTRORITT.-His-J;xcellency'hu boon ploas-1 01 N aJ " • h' 1 • · · ''\Vp•, Her "l..,iesty_'.s Cou·nc•'l_, b'eg t.o offer to· eel to oppoiowBonJ.nll)fnSweetlactcl, William ·Kelson. t 1c :tsgow orn• · .,ystom, to w 1c 1 tn•tJIULJun l> uJ ., K


Your Excellency, .on )'OUr approncp_lng depar- .rroocis ·Hepburn, Jnhn .Johnsfon, unci Willium be hno hu.l undcl' him fivo tef!CIJors. He brings . ~ ·Stononmn, J,:squires, t.o bo t·om1uio!-:l iooors for tho with him tos timoniul• of character nud quolificatioo turo, ~po exprcssiOIJ- of 0 ' 1r ~r!)l a·n · ( ,our ostqblishrno'nt of-n Commorciul School '!t Trinity. for tho discbnrgo ot tho clullos of Li~ . profossioJJ, ¢~pgratulation c re~rct thot this Col~n JOulrJ His J;:xc~lloncy hns nlso boon pleased to appyiut from gontlomun in London nnd elsewhere, whicp bo lleprivpd· of Yom)·- ~~ce~lon~ 8 va~ua~blo John Chllrlos Nuttall; Esqqiro, to be Actio o::rub-

"Thoro is only onn Pnpor of ll1c~ o., t toat ~tno,ding thRt h~s (nod thnt •·ncently) nppo~o Sio· GASP~nu·,. Adnoinlstrntiun . nntl tltnt f3 Jho N you~~odlamler .•·

' services; iuu] congratu ouon ,t at t,.ose ll~ v es Cnllocw of thoR_ eve11uo at ·Brie us, durin,..! n • cannot mil to hnvo gront weight. 1 be · 'o.t- ·' t Soveretgn a I ,..- ii •ave en ~ppre.~<• eu ~Y our : ~Nice_· of Joshua 9r-een,~.F;sq. , on 1cave, o ~-W c huvo much pleasure In s'ntlog. tl1at tue St. cyj11c.ed by Her ~lnjC'sty's scl~ction of 'You JOg plensu~ .

-Lu!ger of y<stcrday. ' Joh;>'s \\'osloynn I::Jucntion.r_o,l Couu;oilte.c ~. ron, .bout E 11 " tl · ltont Government o

"ce ency ,or •e 'J'!IPO . · His Excll cy has nlso : bo!!n piPn to nppoint -_ W£ coufcs~ it is someNitnt .with f r r10d trom ·

bling. stripling ns ·wo oro EJitoriu)ly. tha wo outl'r 1ho oref nml tlt.~v du.w·n tho gnuo let to tho GoLJATil of tile 'ljQl.l:fuu ndlnnd PrQ,Ss. !he Public

Inking octi1•o ltlonsuroa fvr filling_ ~·P lho ~~r~o room tho Provipco of Nova Scqua. Charles (.A>>;eos. Esquire, !o uo 11

t..:ill'ouor lor lho of tho 'Vcsloyoo School HouS<>. on tht.~ plou of the . \'1/e ~an~t allow. Your Excellency to leave .Nol'thero District of tho lslaud. Normnll~stitutionoftho o'td Co:untry, and wo hopo !JS wit hot~ thnn~ing y.ou fnr Jhc consideration Secy's. Offico; ·24th 'Ju)y, i852.-Ga:ttte. thnt in u month or &ill IY~\'k•' tim~ tho Ins.tit1Jti9q with wlri~l~ ot~r opinions oqc) ndvicc.ha\'0 always · • =====·=,;::;,=::;::::=

.. L edger ; nn'ci ultqough 'Y' h~vo '!" d . iro to den! oul ~uch sum!nory. chnstisen10nlu~ 1faS nllictecl on

will uo in u couditioo tq roc.oh·o pupil•. been recet\·ed l..iy Yonr Exce!)el)py • 0 01! fi>r ll,<J!D/t:p.~On Tucsdoy,tho 20th inat .. hy tho R ov. tho kindness we have, at all tiil)t>a, .collcctll'el_y 1{, \Vyl~h. Mr. 'J'Lomtla Mahcr;cnrpeut<>r, t'> Bl(uu nod individually, expcrit:m:.od ot your h.onds ; reli~:t of tho late Mr. Do:nia Noonon. '

1\IAIL NEWS I ._ lois ,grand l'ro1o-typo, \VI\ ruzy. n vcrlh.Piuss. · with · a tow stones from puo· . scril'f conviuc"

vi nee h\m thoit ho is not nlto~oihor invulneruble.- Tm: cutter Dari11 ; . ono of tl1o vessels employed Uut bn.ntu1· opnrt, it is ~ouo~ into~tiun · Jilninly but ~y lh~ Novu Scotiu Government for tho prut<•ction modemtoly 1o , dispute tho i•osition ao tlippanlly of it s fi sho> ios, nrriNcd last afternoon io four Jnya n s~jtnad by <ju r conte'nt(lOmry, nnd ifwo succeed in from Hulifux. with tho I!Snul semi-,monthly mail •. doing thnt , his opinion of whnl constitutes n •· Paper Thc.lnto nur nt whi~:h wo rocl'i¥ed our E~cb~ng~~

and lVO offer to ¥oJ.!r ~X!=C)Iency Dlll \~an~t <?•~. th~ ... th · iust:,- b.f the. Rev: K. Walsh. 1\lr . wi~hos for too futurp health and hnppmess

1 f \VIIhnlt1/ onouf. to Cuthorwo Moll:, dnilg'i,!er uf

yoursulf; Lady L£1\lARCIU.NT, nnd tho otter· tho Into l\ . Julto l..'ooko,. nll . ofthi~ town . . , members of yuur family. . . . .. .

f.:. M. 1\.RC'lfiDALD, JAS, (;1\0WDY, \V~1. TuoMAs,

(f?BUILDING:SANB-forsilio.-· Apply nt

tloo O.Oice of thi s pap.er. ,

. of tho slightest . jHnpc:fi~g-" will go fur wl111t i: i• p~I' O il! G us from £h)ng ~ lcnglhe!led s~mmnry. -worth wi•h I liD intclligcoit und discril]'lionling portioll . 1 torriblo riot hnd occurred ot Stockpol'l bui\Vot'n or tho public. C..1holics ami Protcstuqte. Tho Catholic · Cbu~cl!

\Y. D. How, .J. Nq,\1!, c. F. BENNET.~", L AUREN CE O'BRI£

J~Ul,\ LLAST .....:For taking nway.-: Apply ­__.,,.,r,,, rhe· Officu of the -Courier. r ·

' lt would uot bo scomly in us ju91 ns hi~ F.x;:<'l - wus uurnl, n111l •ix;y persons woundu~.

l ~n.., is nboutlon" ing our shores, to ontm·•u pon nny AldJ rmnn l>inahnn. n Protostnnt np<.llibernl coo­Ji,<tuisi(ioo UI>O n tho moril s or dr noerits of hisl senntil'o, hns bec-u olcctod ~or<.! Alnyor of ~ubi!IJ A J miui~ tJ-nl ivn ; but it is wull hno\'w'r~ to tho rc;uler9 fur llw C.'llsuin:.: y ear.

of this juo;rnuf thut in }"C prcscnting,-ns i.t hns dono I-ii• Huliuoss tho l'opo js ropqrfocl to ~o ip soriou• ~ut fcobly,- tuo interests of u' great uody of tho dnngcr lrom roo nll;lc~ o(drpfL'Y· It is sroid his phy­jnhHbitnnt e-of this Colony )Vhom m•en lho .. ll cctnJ• ~icians nrc lll il king l'tfurts to provnnt his real condi­of High Churchi>m nncl hiolco\Jii ••.\1-: ln sil·cnl'S> in tiou boing l; nown 1~ tho puuli.c. · ~t is ru.mo11r~cl Nowf.,nDLIInnd" in H er Majcsty!B Council, th o I hat in tho e-'cnt of his decease Cunliuul \Visemon lion. CnARL~:S r •. x G~:X1i£T'f, in tho dcunl u on th o will un his suc~essor. . . . . . . . . .. . f'.tlu cnlion Jli !l. admitted di1l not rcccit·c j u.•lia rrl

I he hand.< of lite O ut·crnmcP.I-we sny, tl111t in ro · prc!cntit1g such i ll t C n~ sr s it becnmc our impc rnl iH'

July to !!i"'' to tho ndoninistrotivn vf S ir GA SPARD

l. t: :\IA ot CII.l~ T " decided but re•pecl ful oppus ition; out it i; nut will; S ir U.>SI'.lUJJ und h i< J'Oiiey thut wo horo 11 ow to den).

\Vhot the L c .. igu mny rr::;ard ns n ~c ossn ry to cn tiLI<l n j nurnul to tlw clonrnetur of a Pupcr of "~011Jing" \\'!' knoW llut, UUt tJois \V O oflirm . tfont if co"s islm<y ond indcpcndrncc nro tu be rega rd ed as rc<Juisite qunlioir s. w e lhink tltcro is much room to j]oubt the vul~uity of h is claims to such n chqr­uctcr.

It will be iu ' till> rocolkctioo of mnny of our renders. tbot from tho pcri,,d of tho orrivul of l!to Jato Sir Jou:< l-IA nvn iu this Colony in 1S t 1 until IS•IG, IIi• E<ce llency wns tho suujcct of tho IIIICOOS ·

ins allncks of tho LcJ,gcr ; n11d so unrensunolJio "Obc) ruthlo•ss we1o :hcso 111tncks i ogonlcd th ul severn! of . his 1\'nrmest friends nnd supporters. wh~ "oro tbon mconb~rs of tho Exc~utivo Council. wore -untlor tho · nece-ssity of witl1druwing their

I' .

. potronnge, for Si1· Jon:< otnpjwtknl!>· declnrcu th~t

Emigm1 ion continuo9 lnrgcly for A ustrnlia, 7 s!.:ips contnin ing 1,000 pnssongors ha•iog dopn-~ed in one week.

Tho f.omnu Catholic Sy!Jod of l~nglan<l \V,Od to be opono.I on thA Gth July, at St. 1\lnry'B College, ocnr Birmingham. · · .:_:_.~ .....

Th e l; ' cutest interest prevnils respecting tho oJo~­t ions. Sprculntiun is rlfo us to tllo· result .

'l'bo stnto of ~Ir. ~f urmy is still io•ulvecl in tho .teeprsl my~\cry. nnd liqlo or no a uthontic iuformn-ti ou cnn be obtained rosp~ctfng hi on. · .. . ·

E lcct iou rio~ hnd occurred o~ :Qfiblj11 and Wignn . . An oxt!lnsivo conllngrntion htts Joid alurgo poll.iun

of lh<' ci1y of ~l ontroul in · n•ll r~ . . lt broke 'out ut t e n o'clc•r k. ,, M. on Thur~duy tho 15th iosi., nnd .. ngcu uut il tho succt·cdihg cvcoing. Qu11 qf th ~ papers eslimntl'stbc rnunbor ll( houses destroyed ut 2000 : tho numl)er ~r por~o!1 s rpud~•·ed housolc•ss nt l'J,OUO IU 15.f00; unu tho vuh~o of ~he lues uf pro.­porty nt .£ tOQ,OOO. Amnug tun buildings destroyccj wos 1ho F:om:iu Cutlwlic Church nod also tho rosi­deuco of the Cntholic llishop,.....-·-~


B011aVista, 20t}t Jrtly,1 852. . . .. The fishPry still coutiD\10~ goocl-tho we~­

tbcr most tloliglnfyl. with DO\V nnJ then n re­frc•hin g sbowor which the agriculturists hail


1lfr. Prcsidcn.l and Honorable Gentlemen rif thl! · Couru:il, '

. _ [ ~Jn clcpply grntof4) to I)'QU fur yqqr : k!nd nriiJ friendly ·e ·pression o{ regret Oil · my opproa~hmg ·dC'partut:e frtom_ thts ('A?Iun~ ; ontl I bt>g ~o nssuro you. t)lnt !fl termmt)ll~g our official p-n! neclion~s. it is o s~.!!rCO of ,Lbe h•g!tc~~ gn1tificotiou to mysol~ ond one also tloat I ·shall ulways retain in plen6ing rocollection, tlta~ tho ~- ~~:ul<l pcrjocl .ho.s over }.>een rnar.kcu with the grcat~s~ pnnn!rri1ty nn_d ~O!J!=?nl. ; l)n~. 1 have much p)ens4re iit ::~,::knrvylccl&.,ng w•th my worll'!cst rhnllk& tho valu:ib)e suppot:t n!'ol cu­

'oporntior. which YP.II ho~c at oil tunes been I'JlOSt ·rea~)' to oftord 'me · c!uring my Admiuis­tratiun Qftho Go\'ernmt!ot of Newfoundlaud. . ' . . .

I beg you will accept my best tha nks for your kind wbhes expressed t!Jwarcls I,ady LE MAR~liArp· nptl !TlY family, aa al~n f..,r yo4r congraJula!inqs on my advoncem~nt to the Go­ve.rnmeqt uf the important Provmco of Nu\'n Scutio, which Her l\1njcst Y!'i3s been most gra­~iously pJensro recently to .,lftrust 1~ my churgo.

To lli3 Exccllcnc!J 8tr Jour\ G .\SPARn LF. · !11Ancn.\NT,.. K1tigltt, and 1\.uig/Jt Com­

uwnd('T of the UrJcrz tif St.' l~'erdinantl anil tif Ct.arlr• /he Thir(l r!f 8 Go-t:crnor· aml Commrwrlcr·in ·C1. .,/ in rl o•·cr tiLe lslanrl tif N cu:foundlwul a11.l i Drpendc-iu:ics, 4·c., 4-c. , 4t:.

MAY IT PLEASt: Youn Exr.Et.t.E:>cv ;-

\Vc, th~ unc1e•:si!Ynecl M~mbers '!f 1hc Com­mercinl Society qnd MerciJauia of tit. John's, ueg leaye tq . offer .lo your E,cellcnc~ OUI'

congratulations on, ~ho recc:nt m~rk of. Javor coitfcrred upQ'1 you by Her Majesty, 111 ap­pointing you l~ tho Gov'er11mcnt of tl.to Pro­vin·c·c cif' Nova :.;cotia. - .. '· .

no friends of hi3 Unverno~o 11t cou!d support th" Ledger; ~ut nmrk tho chnngo! nftc rtho fire of J 11110, ·l .84G,. tho F:ditor i• nrpointlld by his F.xcollenr.y secretory of•JiooRclief C'ummittoo. which onice wris Ynlucd'!lt ;£ Jso 'u~nu u lly ·, nodi>~ August of the snnt~ yoor J•n j~oins in n d~pu'tut.ion fur tho p urpuso of presenting on ~ddreQS of ~ongo·ntululion nnd thnnks

io hia Excellency on tho evo of his dopnJtnr.o fur N:ova S~tiu; n,nd no longer nl\o ~hnu tho ~Oth of

wilh piun8u ro. · ' · 1 !lth-Dcporte tl tlois life nt Cntolina, Sa~son

:::i. lllifllin , aged ttwo years, Soli of \_lr. John ~liflliu.

tho present tl]o()_th, he writes, io his journ;.l ti.Jus .,.r FJtO)I oun . rnrNt r'v CORRE$POSDENT. him ;-" n-1to • good, easy mnn ns he wns, wns T rinity, .14th July 181i2. • notbi~g to nobOdy.• " S'o zpuch. for tlio ·consis- Au out 0 week. agQ sonic mischie\·ous per-ltncy of the L~dgtr, uu~-\bo Ledger is n1mpcr !>1' snu or pcrso,ns eptp.red 't~o ganlc.n of. Wil·

\Vc hog leave nt the samo lime, on tl1c eve of, Your: Excellency's departure from New­

. founcllancJ, to take tho opportunity of convoy­ing, to -~our Excellency tbc e~pressi~n of '~ur wa'ntteat thimke for the readuiess w1th wb1ch )'.ou : ·ha c ' ja nil ti111cs !IUpportcJ, witli tbp wcil?ht pf yciu':'i!·~~ence, ~be e!forts of,tho m~r­

' cant \lo .. lx>dy 10 p~o~<i~Hl8 ih~ ~m.mercml pr\>speri~y of t~e. ~sl~n~. · -~~orc~ya~~~cpfarly WC beg tQ ~Cco,t;? 0~!'. ~~se~ of r ?Ur· ~X\=~1-)oncy's _!CTVIces 10 h!lv~11g tmpr~ssod up.o.~ tho attention of th~ r~pep~ ~overnlDent t~c f~n­sidorntion of tho 'p'rotectlon of tho fisher.tes and · tlto , odriticeinent.bft_bgtnide of'N «hvfoundlnod; ana fT<im lho' enme.st interest with whicli tbo qovernriient hue crnbtlrkeq irf tliC promotion of theso' important objects, ~e ilr.aw !lie most favoraQle a~~q~i~ !lf the f~turo welfare of ~c C~l~ny. . · · ,

.. "standing."! ! li111c\ Kclsort, E~q:, top- ~Qn.ior ~agistplle, 1111d' Touclti'ug tho indtpcndence of tho Ltcl!fer.- fi'!>ll cJ u.p several of l>ts' trces nud vegetables.

Does ·hQ .aerve tho pr~sottt Government fur ny ught? · 20th-Tho cod-seines ·have. beeu · at . work Toke ~ut f~o'!l bi~n . the; -oljiciotl pntrooOJi which here this last fortni t!ht ;ond theri! 'tuiascarcclyboen Jegitimntuly belongs jO' tbo .[loyql Gazette :Estnblish· ·any fi ah caught' \~ith ihe boo~.:nnll-litlo since';

indcerl, fur . se\·er~l ~~l'e l'ogeth_cl'; tb9 ~~ok­moo; ond then will } 0 1'(1° tloo ~ro9f. 'fhis m11c!t nnd·lino m e n hn~·e not collghfl'o st.~Jgle ~s~. 4\,1-w~;~ C!IO ~uy, nod it ,,· ~II ~a atli ri ~oecl by oll .who bn•e "though the cod-sc,.ers have a right to catch RDY k11ow!ecjgc' of OUI' Joc~ f pofilics f10111lho year fi s h louw they 1:'011; , yet it l8 vciy eviileni-tbnt JSH to 185~. thnt tlo" policy uf Sir. liAs t•Anr>•s A;d- ·tl.cy ore (Very olay doing tho greatee't ·injury to. rniJii,atratioo diO'<· t·ocl in op ~ne ~esentiul point from: the . inhal,li!auts C1f this ~ay <IS yvell aa ~ll !~e!D-thht ·of his predece ·or, nl'!l yet the lnllbr t·eoio ivc<.l. sefvcs. 1 , • ~-

· · : We lave the 'bonor to r.enioin; ·

f ol!f E,~~ellcncy'li ~~~ ~~e~i~~~ ac~a~ta. . . · • (Signot\lres.J.

~na - Jint~~_untnt~. . ARR!\'J-:0. , .

.July. 24 .,-AIIe:;ro. Gibso~. Cudiz, ~0. Croo.ldng & Son. ·

2().-Swnlluw. 'Yo··d, Hn.lifux. 7. ,CIIft. \voo.J & Co ::ieu Flqwpr, 1.\ond, Louq,·n, 30, Hounsell. Schenk&; · Hounsell ~'1 --llfntlhl!. !Jijou, Dulhousio, 7, Clifr, W~d &;

Co. " 7.1':alous. Stm'ng. LivC.rpool. :15, Bowrin", Drothors. Ern:.n. Gmhnm. lluJifi,x . 8. '1'. C. Jnnw!l~ Smt Nymph, Hubcrtsun,'{:roeuuck, 26, Buiuo,John­

•ton 6:. Co. Suint Hoch, lllais, Quebec, I G, Duinc, Johnston &

Co. !lee, T~rri •, Jluthurst. !J. J . ,1,:, W. lloyd . ll!arin A <lute, lJoruicr,Qul'ucc, 12. \V . <\:H. Thomns

6:. Co. Pu:t.?.le, Trlnoick, CuJiz, 30, R Prowse & Snns. Virgin Lnss, llully. Antig<~uish, 6. J . H. l'o?.ells. l'lo~gh jjoy, A ouy, St. Thomus, l!J, Staub, How ,1,:,

Hulmwood. Thomus. Murchlldoo. Quebec. 12. L. O'Brien &: C:u Pirtnn. Fuuqnrc. 1'. E. lslnnd, II. J II Cozens Lilli•y. K c udrick. Cuuiz. :!<3, lhuuking & Son. Swifl, McVonultl. Anli:;uniah, 3, McKny &; :\Jc-

.1\unzio CLF:A R)-:1>.

July 21-Ann. ~!eN oil, P £ Islnn.J, G I~ lluwu . Ut•nerni\Vn•loin~!on. Hnrnnoond, Buston."I'.C Ju 111 os :Sylph, LoBuli'. Nuw Carlisle, J & \V t:oyrl. Victory. Thompson, lllurgarno. J II Cul(eus Trio, Moore, ~yduoy, <.:tift, Woocl &; Co 2G-~'reo Trodu, Potier, Urns d' Or, C [], Jolm

Wood a :\mnrnnth ]),,dds, llnthuts't, \\'nrren, llrothcrs Acli<c. f,nurlry, Sydney . G F Uown 27-Duuiol I' King, Gillis, Port Hoot!, J II Cuzons. Albion, Galland, Mabou, J 11 Cozens.


July 15.-Ni~ibis , Wost lndins, J Bnrrnn. 17-Quooly,' Shiel, W Indios, W ,1,; II TltomnB

&Co ~G.-queen, London, Brooking nn•l Sun.

'!rJI!ORANDUM Tho CoronQt. honco for lll)ltlm...put inro Hnlif.o><

on I be 17tiJ. in~t., 13 cloys otft, short of \Valor, 11UU snilcd ucxt day.

' l'A8SS!IOER8. - ," In the Gonernt" Wnsbiogton \for Doston, IIJrs.

~ewell, on<lJ!orvil.nt, Mrs. McKi6non. Mra.Duggnn Miss Brine, Miss Brnwo, nod ,,l ossrs.'r.ll. Nawull, .:r. McDonold, J. Mc}\iuho11, N. Earl\ K Couko, .nntl ~7 in the stoerogo. . " . . •

In !flo Vnrin~:, froJ'!I Hali{nx. J. J . G,rtevo, · ~q., Wolter · Grieve. F..IIIJ·• L_ieut. Pl'ieetly, R. N.c., Mr.

~aulle, Mr.o·~ullivuofn?S; ' • - .a

· Ia ut:U n · $.~ t·:,. Mr. James O'Mara r ..f:.;

Will .SeU· by 'Pqblic Auction · Tills Day, ,

(Wediu)aday,) at· 1,' . ~·cto~k~ . Oil tlte Pr tu


fro~~ :the Ledge~ tl 0 IJ1U8~ ·violaot or.P~•iti !' n D!lll . It is. Ill be .aincerel~ hOf?!)d lhat ·the . . cu~ 1111mcnsore ; but ·putronnge 18 bestowed, . tt.~e . w•ll allow a .~u~cteu~ ea~for the. ~~~. us­llnd tbo 'w~o Government receiros ·frpfD tho same 181010.~ ?f ~~~ Ctrc:mt.Co'!rtl. As ~o~ 1fnot

· · . · · · 1hc li,c~t ~onducteil Court I ever wttneaed, Ltdgtr unquah6.Jed npprorul nnd strnnuous support. · · 1 T ·· ·ry· • th · · I"•G ' d .:rb· 1..

T "h.e ~s . e·il . REPLY : ,, . I , . •

G'IIIITl:tliiEN ;- ·, ' . . .• - Now in_ hisoccupiiD'?Y·'itt nteiitpu'ckworth-. . . · · "as a . I'JDI ln· - e y~ar o.. ; on ~t o.ugn . So mucJt for t~1o tndeptnd~ncc of ~~!' ~t~lltr" but sine!': tl!cn !h'e _,Cf!prta may ' no~ qa.(been' .ao ::::-t!J,e .[.~dg~r te n pnpor ol " st~ndtng . · ! · l well conducted, atiU.they qro 1~11 grel!t!'&t fheck

.ft correct estjr.nnte of the •• stnndi'ng'' of a-public to ·crime. • • · · ' · · · , , ·

!011fQal in~n iut~lligont COID,I0411ity mnY. b"o gnther~d : There w~s Q public dance given by !he. o!Ji­'.f/OIXI Ita cucula~on ·untl· gooordl ~otroJJngo, and that ccrs of tf1~ Court at t~e Cou~-houee •t· rrmltJ

•, I '



.. ~. ' '

.. ·l ' hne much pll'~ure in receiving :i'llJr Street, opposite the Sbop·o( Mr. Job~ F-urlong • :A'djJreaa,."ana li'beg' yo~ will accept my thanks . Tlto purcb'riser to rem'~ve it imm~iatel1 · f6~ • yr>1!r pongratulation81 ?n m)'.,.llpp«;>iiltn:teri_t, after.fho ule. ' •• tq tbe GoToniment'of. tho 'lmpor-tarit :PfOVID~Q WIL.LIAM FIRTH; · of Nova ·scotio. · • .' ' ] • ' · ' - .. July' 28. ·• ' , · ·: · ' · . · Aucti~>neec.

\ • . ' . .

Page 3: S'collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18520728.pdf · " ,rtl ' ..• o o bccounU.f tho English churches und sorvicl . rn tho thnt' inoxprossilrlu lr.uuofit,uud tuoroforo

~<-.,:~.,........,..,=,,.,_. "", .,. ...- t ~-J-""':'" v ! - ;•: 1:, ·• · ·· · .·~ ,.~_ ... ·.· ..... .......... . ..

• • .~ • • • i·. ;

.. '. . . . . . ·'· .. , . . .,.

· ~ 1 • :

.. ,. ., . "

·.: . . .. ' : .

') . .. ,._. .·-



' ', K_ I ' ( I ' . .,

--· . ,

autuo.n . .sates. ===== ==· . • X - •

. 'l'hi8 . l):ay . • Wcdhes.dn0 nt !'2 o'clock, by

SA W'YEli ·& Cl.IFT, 59 Bonols Ftdmi

6 Puncboons Molasses 5 Barrels Rum A

10 Chests Ten 10 Rhds. Halifax Porter 5 Cn.sks d!ito Aio 1 Cask tonics

"1l2 Mahoga Chairs

2 Anydo · dn 1 PciQ.b ·e Table 1 Plea r 13ont atld Snils 1 s · C~Sced.

July 28. . I

Thursday, at Twulv On tho Prom~

I' ·I A Wooden ·use,

' · At present occupied ~y 1\lr. Mut ew Fleming, Eituste on tho soutb-stdc of Due worth Street

Atll, at tl;c sf.no time, \viii b LE;T. for a fcrm of,ycars, 'the GROUND n which the waicl House 'stands, (fronting ' Duckworth b1reet J9:fcot und om Prc~cuU Steel about 4Q ie~t.-Tcm{s maao known at the. ale . .

WiLLIAll:l FIRTH, Auctioneer

·~··l :

,.;.. \

T~E . 1\i ~N.G ce~IU. ·. '·R • t • ••• J . . .... f ' • ... '

/· '·

' I • •

.. .: Gru!RGE-liN; 1_. : ~n, . : . ~·· s v n:N ~ . v· c'o_A L . ' = ..qnd . WATCH .I ( A prime C'!!rio. :For sale hy · · · · · ~.ly 17. · . WA'R.R£N, BROTHERS.

J 0 JHr. · R,.' -o'Dwy"''~-, . t~r-&r~t · ..:.,,.. _:_' _.:.....'-~--=-·-· --'.__:':.._-:--· ----:-

RESPEC'f~J';T,~'nfwms the nh:1b}.tants SPARS·! SPAilS!! . of 81. J ohri's nn 'tl!e Outpor~~btit be

)1ils jus.t received from ~~~ork • :l •largo 'na- ]j:1ROM 40 to 6.0 feet in length. sortmeut of ' P. ROGERSON

' f • - -.,. Q ., .. . ' ,.. July.' l7~ . . · '

·Anll offer for Snlo by Wholesale and . Retail 40 Cases AMERICAN CLOCKS of ynrious

Qualitjes and Patterns, consisting of :- ·

. 250 250

'1'0 CUOPEih. --..

Buncllcs Hhd. !·lOOPS J;)o · 'fierce d'o ·

& SON.

30-hour,30·hour Alarum,S-day, 30-hour SpriJlg Alarum, 30-hour Morine Clock~, anll· ' fimc­Picccs for Ships


8-day Spring Clocks, 30-hour Spring TIME PIECE::;


Patent Lever, Verge and other WATCHES.

Together with. Clocks of fnrmor importations, which will be soltlot reduced prices (}. L. respectfully sol icits Purchaser~ to

give an early call. Huving purchased his ::)tuck for Cash he rs cnnbleJ to Sell at sucl.1 prices as cannot fnil to 'give satisfaction.

J~ly 24. ·

Olive· Oil.

J u&t Received ,. per Aznrian, f~om London, and For Sole by

July ,14.

Pine Decking, L ong L engths . .

Dy WM. WARREN, Jr. July 14 .

,Just rcccicc.Z, c.c JcllllY 1-'i/ICl, .from 18 Tubs prime New BUTTER

150 NCl!tsTIJB::) 15 Dozen l\l nst HOOPS

9 Ditto Jib HANK::> 7 Bales Wrapping TWIN f.:


& Co.

Tj,Jo :\:. 1. Bd1ish ~nilt nntl curpered ' clit•per. schoonm·

El-izabeth, 1 The Subscriber, 62! Dozen Flll!lked OLIVE OIL.


CilZ.tl B SB_ .JrZ,fl.lt"IJ Fd CTl!RE! •a•- ~

JonN ' Lo=-:c, 1\Iaster . '>\\'il) carr:y .about :?, 100 f]tls . Fi;;h in•Bu!k.


'J' IJo Fi.rsl Clos.•• ll ri tbh built nntl cop­pored t•chOOIWl

Pellrl, \:V M. J' AHKEDj 1\11/stcr

\ Viii carry ab .. ut :.!000 q1 1$. Fish in bulk. Apply to

·GILUI!:UT CLAP!'. July 17.

Th~ clippe r schoouor

Sharori, Fux, \\I AS l eo·

\\' i ll c~rry ~~00 to 3000 ' Ills. Fi•h in Bulk.­At •ply ou IJOanJ, or to

1'. IlUG ERSO:-l' & SON. July 1'1.

For Salo, Freight or Charter.

July2 S

32 K~ Canada Butter, n super1or article Just Hecciv.rd ancl f,r sale by .


A Handsome and highly-finished ricb·toncd

Cabinet Piano Forte. Apply tn .

WJLUAM FIRTH. July 28. Auction-1\Iart,_ Hunter's Cove.

Now Irish Dutter:-·

By W. & G. Rentlcll Ex A zoria11, and Zwlous, from London nnJ

I ,i,·e rpoo), l GO Fir'kins fir st-quality Limerick nnJ Cork

BUTTER 40 lhg~ n C' ngal Hicc, nnd 80 Bvxcs Starc:h arul Blue



Direct f!'om the Fa_r Enst, -~t


.July 3.'

10 E x " Adtlaide" frull! H!Jlifiu

Rundlcs OIL CI.U'l'IIES \\'ill bo soW to cover cost, by

IJEO. ~VEY.S. July 3.

Ba·andy. Uum, and 'l'ea.

JUST RECEIVED By the " Alarm"frota London, mulfor sale by

The Subscriber 5 HHDS. BRANDY-Otard's Brand

10 Qtr.-casks do do 10 Hhds Old E ast India Rum-high proof 51 Qtr.·chc-sts Snuchong Tea

Now l.andi~lg I


I · Juno 30.

Ex Rrigantinc AliCt' from Montreal,

:Q.y GEORG~ .tOVEYB~: 4. ·: F;x · Schooner ' Eclw; frotri ·Boston, · ·. ::,

·A· lqrgb a'siOTlln~. Of } . . ·· YANKEE No:'i'~UNS; ·· '· .

HAIR8-Singlc- niJQ 'b'oubfc' · ~nck Wob~: ~cat, Ito ·II! g.· Gr~~iau Ot\d _9bil~rcn'~1 '. assorted · · · ·

T AJJL,E;S~ureaus) \V'ns~•~tnnds, B; dstcaibl • Loo,.king Gl sses,,.Shovela · . · Hny nnd,Al imrc Fnrk~, Spades, Tnmks · ~ Men's lind !Iuy's HATS-::)ttaw,.l 1alm, I'.-qdcl,

·wool, ·&c. . ·.~· · · · Mats, Pails, Brooms, IIon•l Whisks Tubs in •1ests, Moji' 'flaridle.s, Wash Boai:Qs Clothes Pins, Kl•ilo 13oxca, &c.

17,{).00 Amorican Hat:d BRICK: J nne 3.0

-- BY . SAWYER & . CLIFT. ) <

1 Billianl TAllLE-~~oml-h~~d-, f.ill:'com­p~chcnp . . · J \

. ~I.SO

2 Very h:mdsnme PIANOS . '\ 1 Elegant lvur-whcclcJ CA ltRIAGE, \vith

hood. · · June 12

P ~ Uogca·so•• k !!jon (Jjj~r for Sale •

3 1\11' J>USHELS Ueavy OATS '• :if'~ :»_ 5il l\1. Pinc ,-Groo~ Uuy DOARD'S

~;; ~[,. ·l'iuo CLA PCOA HD. . ·, • . '. Juno 0.

Twb • ow '

BRIGANTINE& !lO nnJ 126 tons, fL. M., · , niHI i11 every .~espcct desirable

r t 10 !rode of this. country. To!m.~ ~""'podatiug. For furth e1· particul a r~ ap·



30 ·BY G. F. BOW,r.

~~ Hardwood. J>LANK. J une !l


100 Trimmed Oil BARRELS For snlo ~y

Juno 2'


Writing Desks.

ROSEWOOD, Mahogany. nnd other WRITING DESJ{S, for Sale nt tho


Rosewood Work Boxes.

A Benutiful collection of ROSEWOOD \VORK­DOXES-just orrivctl nntl for Solo nt tho


LUJE ! f,UIE 4 ' • • • The ;:;t:::l;::onor

!l2 Tons N. !\I. Dnilt at Three Ri,•c;·s, P. 'E. blanrl, umlo;r tho particular inspection of tl10 presf' nt owner, is well fouud, nuJ in e ••ery way a clesirable \'~$SCI fur the general tratlc of thi10 hland.

-10 Dag3 Mauritius SUGAR . .July 28.

Chmnpague and t•oa·tca· 1 r:0 BARRELS Superfine FLOUR ROACH & SLAKED LHtfE U l 50 Ditto MeSII nu'd ~ l'ORh. In Barrels, Puns., HhJs., nnd by the Bushel '200 W · 0. Pnncheon Pack~V &., Dy BULLEY, MITCH~LL & Co.




Ditto . BOARDS SPAiffi Ash lliLLETS,and SHINGLES


July 21,


Just rccciutl, and (or sale f,y ·. T n ·E S U B S~.R I B E R

BRLS Best ~~dnn Bottle•! Porlcr 2 , Cnses Bright Spa1 kling Pink


July 2 1. W~. WARREN, Jr.

20 ()(}0 GOOD qovoring Slnto, 24xl'2 ' · 20x10, !Sx!l, nnd 16x8

50 Small Spnrs. Also-Roche and Slnck Lirrio July 24. . · /. .

By W.' & G. RENDELL .Per Alarmflom London,


The Sbop;·store; and t:ellar Best .London White. Lead and· j)N Water. Street, latoly occupied by Mc~srs. COLORE~ PAINTS--in 14 to 28 ·Jb. K('gs. U WILSON & MEYNEI.L. .., . July 21 . · •·

We can recommend tbc Pt·emis to tho no• ------...::..:-----~----tice nf parties dcsirou11 of ·openin o Grocery C!DJZ JND IUGfifiiR1l 8 !LT or General bus(Jiess 1ft the ond of tho town. ,r · (AFLOAT) •

Tho ~ -At.So--

BuiJding ·r,ot 'East of said ].>remises. BY

~uly 17. a GILBERT CLAPP.


July 2l • ..


THE SU CRIBERS ,hnvo ·.receh•eel . per Ex "¥ativeLnss"from~r38d'or!-..ak~,"Lady " Ge11er Wa.r!Lingl.o~t" f~om Bo~ton, n Sale" from Mabon, · .. Ranger",~m An-

case in and Q.ntirt. R<,>ttle~, as samples of tigonish; nnd "Osproy" from lifu. .. , FJSUER & Cor's Indelible dpd ariti·corrosivo ' . 374· Fir~in's, ""an\! 312 \l'u

Writing and ec;pfm'g lilk. . - .B. .Pur':r"e ~E-·R·· ' ThiB article is higblJ rt'coin!Jlended, e itber .l ,

for writing on paper or linen; Af'tc r bcil!g· J n· 14 • • • · • once wtitlera upon · canliot be to lien : out. · It ., u y · · • /' · ..


comes ch'eal'• and. is well worthy allention.. ·F'n:m:ERM~NS~j?HJ~PJNG ~AP~I£s; in SAWYER & .CLI'FT. • Books of l, 2,' anJ3~uiree each • ..

. • For 1dle at the :odice ·w tltis pap;r . . . .

HAR EY & i\OX . May 22. , J UO(' 23 .

By IJ". If' G. ll.E,/VDELL Por Union and Sylpltfroro Hamburg '

1!:.0· pRIME.ncw WcAtphnlia UA:\fS •J 25 SiJos Smoked BACO::-i

30 llnlf-barrols Irish Ontmeul und Grilli And, por Pear Not from Plymouth

Ao assortmout of F'nnoy . Cnne·soat ootl Ensy . CHAIRS, What-Nots, 'J'o~tcs, &c.

1100 19

JllST RECEIF-BD And for solo

. At the Building·Yar.il of the Subscriber ; 13 Spruce '\'!d Pine ·

. MA!V.l'·PIECES Large size, from 50 to G3 feet long.

• JOHN . WOODS. lune 16

Co11unereial Ponus ~

CUSTOM Houso Warrants imd .. Entl'ics-nll letters . · . •

C,ustom House ·Bonds-all lollors C~nrt~r Parties'· Mnnifesls, Roporta · Ship's Articles,' Bills 'of Lading · . Bills ofEx'change;Fisher~on'sShip)ling Papers Cosh Recci pt Books, O,rder Bi<>ks : Fish and Oil Receipt Boolr!J, Pl'icea Current Apprenricea~ lndoptu'iett, &c. &c. · < ~~o ~6 ; • ·: : . J. ,J . . G~HA~I

· · . 87 · i E·O·Rl'£ L.o ·y.E·y S iJ''j' · BKR'RELS Primo BEEP ' -

1 • 25 Box• IJ.'OBACCO , Ex f..irru~, frOm ·New Y;ork.. , '

· ALSO I ~

GlNG.ER BEER Sparkling from the Fount, . at Troo Pence per Gloss. ·

l\Iay 1!> A & R BLACKWOOD

rANCY SOAPS. ~A VON D'ORANGE, Sa von DeRoan, Snvoo ~ Monstro, Ditto Coquillo, Ditto Citron, Ditto Orohlo ,

Jll~y~2 /""'JAMES J . GRAHAM

By the !!Jubscriber .A.7' HIS DOCK- YARif. JVIA.GOTTY COVE

150 T ONS .IIARD).VOOD TIMBER-kong . · longths .

61 M. Jlnrdwood Plnnk.H, 2, 2!, 3, a1id 4 incfl . A lnrgo ns.tortmont bf SPARS · 1 : •

Pine nod Spn1co _MAST PIECES 30 \~arf'Sticks, 50 fact Joag

~ ~-:;;rtide; ·. i --· . . ' GI ·Toua, N:M_. Terms accommodating · L :· -AND- .r-.-- ·-_ ) .

. Tb'e .New Vesset. · · . · Now on tho Stocke in the Building Yard of 1110

Subscr1bor f. \\·ill .bo ' r~ody r ~uocl)iog by the I"'. ieptembor, if purcbue.d. '

Mny .a. · JO'IIN 'w-OODS.

NAUTICAL AND' A NA S, 1852'. ' .

A fow of rh" Rboie lmtloacki for itale at t!!e ·~ LONDON BOOK STORE. ·. . .

.· . ,. ··I , • tt \

, ' ' "' " ' ~ 'I '• •• '

: 1 141ee_c;n_f. c~0:ra~. : 1 , ~llfbe sold .Loy to cloao·SI\ltia • BILLS.·OF EXCHANGE, in . .Books of G,

· · ' tu lOO·setll enclr,lor 'anlo altho 'Om'c~ 1~f· fliOO 16 . ~ ' . ' ' this paper. ' ·

' . , ..... · I . ' . ,

;, I

Page 4: S'collections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18520728.pdf · " ,rtl ' ..• o o bccounU.f tho English churches und sorvicl . rn tho thnt' inoxprossilrlu lr.uuofit,uud tuoroforo

I '

' .. . .. ... ·•. '\'." · .

·' •

• . -r . '

' ')

I ,..,


• • - ; ­


BY J . n .. ·c~RPENTl:R.

·i A pe3cock cnino with his plumngo gny,

c.:: . ··lNotltttJ ·.: ~-o~_ ltt,~ .- . -~ _, . \ _ . . .

' J;t.I.WUCTION bF" !'R~r.rrtJ:Ms. c"s/.._.flucii.o•r~~ar ·. · ·1iiE ' t.IV~RPOifL..~N·o : u),.o_oN_ . · . · I ... ( [,I IJunl~' Cuct;.?t_'d,~.&~lmr.• Jo grothm) .............. iri~ I_h .. snra~c . -~. ~llipany_ Th~ Rqyal 'lriiuriin·cc: ~~mpl\Df..

. .• CAP 1 T ..tiL.,-T~. J.iiillio-,/Sig ·. / . - ~, . / . ' . .ESi'.&B.LISiiED IN 1836. . 'J.'II E s ~ RS~RJ BE • f : . . ...... . ' ~U~TEE~ . ·. ~ ·. ! Strutting wi~h rogul prido ooo ti;p'·

Where u smnll bird hung in n g'IT'do~ cage, '\Vhoso song might a sora ph's cnr eugngo ; The bird sung on whilo tho p~ncock srood


f_ Vaunting hi~· plut sin tho uoighboUJ:hood; And Lifo radiant sun umc<i uot more bright, Thtlll tho. bird tut skod iu Its goldt_:D light.

R F.S'PEt :TFU LL Y nn o nck-uint this • estnb- CAP 17'A L, £2,000,000. · Jolw Slmw Loigli,' E;lrf \. II!. n ·,13 H Illundoii, _Esq ,. . lislunonl is now' OJ'<!" fo th~ reception of.Con-

signmonts of'Goot!s of ·ovcJry dqscriptiou, 'for l?riinte RED u c ED lt A. ·r E s ·6 i p R. E .M I u M . . ' I' DtnE_CTORS• ' 'ii: -nod ~'ublic Snlo; nnd ho will bo iu rog11ln~ yttcnd- . Chnjlj Tur.rl~~· EvJ;', Chnfrmnu1 , . ~~ ~ unco tn gi1•o di•pnich 4nd sntisfnction tu oil pnrtioa . TIUJST£ES: . • Jo1ln GumJ?lioll, Esq., :and) Bf!!mloy-:Mooro, E;~._..~, wlkl mny hu di~pnsod to ornpl11y him. ln soliciting Sir .Thomos Brnnc~er, Ad om Hodgson, Esq., D<>puty <;hUlrmou . . . • . · , lh11n th,n Morchuuts nnd other inh11bitnuts 11 ~UA1~1!: . \V m. Potter, .l':sq. . Goorgo At mslronJt, Esq: Ralph Brocklcbnnk,Esq

lJut the sm111l tiil: ng to his own swoel words, of thoir fuvonr~ in hig line- · . ina£cTons 1:< LiVl!Nt•ooL: ~lichool Bousfield, Jo~CJ>'\Dnvid ·ConrJOn, !!:sq.- \Vil-As Auctioneer, Oommif!sior~: Agent, Cliairmon-\Villinm 'iurle, Esq . .'Deputy Choir- liHm Clo~torr, Jo:sq, :l'lfohtnM Devor. Esq, Richnrd •• 'Tis not fino · h .,._ hnt n·t;.ke fiuo Lirds !"

· The peacock strutted

and General Broker, . mon-Wm . . Dixon, E.q.; Wm. N.ic?l, E sq. , Hnruord, Esq. Robert E Harvey, Esq, H Brodhu rst Thomns Uooth; Esq .. Wm. Bi'tJW!1• F-~q., l\1. 1. llill, Ji:Sq, 'fl~os Dyso!l Hornby; E!U" John Chorlos

he begs ro sny, thnt, from tho oxcoljeqt altuntion of 'fboums A.. Bushloy, Esq, Joseph t;. E~vu F:-<q., Jucl<, k:.c1, Ed word Johnston ,Eaq,R,ogor ~;yon jones, Never bcfuro bnd vo~ tho , '\Vhil" tbo srnull bird hung in tfib.oci>t .And whut cou ld n pcncock wi ; h rol r Alus! tho bird with n ruin bow wiu,

tho nl>ovo cstnhliehnwnt, nnd tho 'Jqug oxpcrionce l.t .. T. Stu.wnrt . Glo~stono, Esq., Gcorgo li t, Esq., Esq. Junwa Lnwreuco, E:!q, Frnnc1s l\Jnxwoll, Esq, l1us hnJ iu this lino of busiuess, be llnttors himso!f L{ ,. • 1 Uoor~o 1\luxwell, Esq. Rob,ort McAndrew, J::sq_, _f:d-!1 d' f . Frnocis ~loyw\)od, F;sq .• George • ,olt, .. ,sq., .:.o I! 1 o -.;-. _ 'V cnpu • u to 19 poso o property of ovory doscnption fforuley, F.sq., G. If, Lnuroncb, Esq :, Harold t- mood M1llynenux, ~.,Henry Moore, ~t·•• 1 n to thn best ndvuntngc. All· Goods coming ~ this tleduh_.., - Esq., Andrew , Low, g..-•. , WiRiom Lo', s,j,ith, Es<J. John 'l'our, ·_a"''· ~ . ·~

He wosn't ~ontonted, Ito tritiil ~ si S l ' 4-nd ~hoy ,yho gnzct! on w•. bonuty br ht,

estubl ishm out (unless ot.herwiso ordor .. J) \VIII bo --. · <•-<· 1 , r • Esq., John Mnrriou. Esq;,J(\mes Moou, Esq • L ew• JI·Itwag,.-_ · q an. d ActuanJ.-_ Percy III Dove ""' , ,j'! u_wr ~AS U only,; by wluch menns prompt remit: !\I 1 Bs J 1 p · F H S 1 -~ ' tuuccs moy be rehod UllOD. . . oz ey, 9;• o tu AIIDmgtoo, .sq., . to l~r

foht, Ji;sq.-Sccrot.llr'-'_-Swiutoo·Boult,' Esq. ..,_ , ·' I s~ -WILLIA:\[ Flln'H. · .. · ., · -"'t1'., _ tC -rtUICeS Scared by his scrcnming, eoon took lligh \Vhilo tho smnll bird sung in her own S\ cot wonl•,

' ;

ur W . F. is also prc1mrod to couduct 1\uction uE C ·n· l On property t~f oil kinds, nt very modernto .nites . T•+ obove ompnoy ollor to e cct nsu rnf!ce.s :-5nles nt uuy uf tho ~l ercnntilo estublishml'fi!S ; nnd ' · 011 ProporfY iu Newfouudluod ogninsl }''ir e, ot Promplj,ond liberal sottloment of cluims. • Sa les nr' Lund, Houses, Fumiturt>, ,\:c. , &c., in ot· vory reducc<l rotoa, The ogcuts boj: to nnno'uuce thnt tho Directors

, out of town, on such terms ns cnuuot foil to give · ·The lo'ng nod high standing of the " Livnrpool haYo now nntborisod them to occept

"'Tis n'*tiuo fcnth ?s luot mnko fino b ·ds !"

.. Then proy, toke \'rnruing, fnnidoos fuir. <t nli1-o· sut isfnction. · · · and Londou lnsumnce Company," their well kr,to\vO _ j,J(<'E .tlltii1JRi\.lYCES , -:KDd still of th.o peacock's fialo bo\!nro; St. Johu's, Newfoundland, July. 1852. liber~lity in' lbo settlomunt ·of cluitns for losa, the At tho Premiums of ·th'o Enf'lish ':I'nbles, ,..h·io'g to · D ut' od "enlilt \Vor't't •vr' u you1' \VU'J lm'go'omoitnt ofthoit; Cll!li_tnl, and tho chnrnctuAf ·" 9 o ' . on Y n '• . . •. ,rd! , th<IAss '9''<" · thA ·~nmo oxton'stvA· lilt! its of trnvolling T. bou,0ah _lhey'_ro attired in, plumage g'ny ;.,. Now is the Time to Bathe! th; Directorsond Proprietors, olforadvonlllgtisrn . Y. bithotlo permitted ;-this reduction wiU -ox•.-ud to

mot \vitli to persons who wish to protect their l'ro- · ot, -. Something to chnt·m you oil must kuow, ( ' !. perty ahainst !o' ire. . . . · · • · · o:otistlog.,.., licios. . As •uod as I •c best- as Cheap as tl.c clw_ apc~_e._ ,., '1'-bo success nod high position of tho Company Apart "'--m line feathers nod outwurd show·, Further particulora will bo modo '·oo\'7D on np- I · ' · ·

. uu • · , " wit 1 tho modornto Rilles n~w. odoptlld, ,prcsont pe-A tnleut. n g111cc, a gift of m.iml, A & R BLACK WOOD plitntion to tho Agents, who ure preparet! to issue culinr lldvnntogos to intending LIP>: lN&UR~ne ;-Qr ~so poor llcnuly is left behind! , ., Policies frc., of chnrgo. .. it will bo obviously for .tlui)r benefit to bo 11druitretl '\'{bile tbo smull birds sjog in their own swoot words, · · . r • . .• . BOW RING BROTHERS, omens n solcct clnss of Lives; ns the Bonus-tO bo nd-

. .,,Tis not fino f~others that mnko fino birds !" . ~EG to tender their acknowlod.,.mcnts fi1r Moy !9 Agunt dod t~rlwir rcspective.l'olicies· rrom timo: to timo • . __ _ :x __ __ __ -·-· . _. _ . tl,•e _very lib_cral cncourngemo~t gh·eu to ......_..-.l::vill bo . thereby onhnn~ed, whilu th'.T:--'urgo Cupitnl T T D 'T !-" r. err_ umcry J Pel'fumcry ! ,... . tYOS uotiro j!pq~ rtty ·urtdor nd:v9l'SO circurn~tunces,

Sclf::scP. AT FAuLT.- . 1' he annexeu nnccuoto t u· 11 ts stncc thoy were openeu, ~nd , uu~"r \vlticfll' 11 'IMutunl .COmp~ny. · or one with u

i s told of u uis tingui; hclj udgo in P ennsylvania. trust tli at t lt>ro will be nothing wanting to A Choice selection of wnrri!nted P. .u! E-R'Y Sllll~ . . . •. must necessarily QUCColllb. R~urloine4 his gramlmothc-r's fa)l, nrtd buried rmHior thelu still worthy of patronage. .. · · -Les trois irulispeosoblos dos Dumo . Lo• A rl of tho Pror[liums mny rcmuin oi> cred it. i t for fl consiiJeruhle time in · n \'cry damp I n 01det· to meet the increasing ,]em!!ncl, tn;ls lndl&pensnblos des 'Messieurs, Exlrnit D'O- Jllcdical E xaminer.-

. 1 I I b fi · · • NO r E R deur; . P.orfurn Col~t:outro pour Jo Moucho,ir. J\u""f'e-gro~nd. Having disg_u1scd it as ~omp et_.,ly as ' .'ey mvc set ? ·out. lllmg pp . A: , :, H . \liver, AuBoti'luet. CnrhphofCnlws,! Cumpllot-ileri< l~, EoWAII tJ Krl:Lt.Ev, Esq., Sttrgemr.' · in Ins power, he sent It to a soc•e ty, wllh an I Buth-_Room, whtch \?'Ill uc scudy 111 n few days, ~oti9ue~ 'do' lu" _Re~ ili!: • ~6u'Ju~t ,:q·~Jice,' Jo:nu do St Johu ':~ , Nc1wfoun~land, ~.larch 1, 1852. ala borate dcocripti on, to pro\'c that it was the tn wluch the Ladies will find EVEIIY REQUISITE f-olo~:ou; Dnndqhho, .Aromntn: Vrnognr, Verbena, Ba·ockh:bank &: ll,uthouy, wing of a bat. It was rccci \'Cd with Juc so- for tile comfortable e njoyment of such a lu.xury · Cos1110 ti,1ue, · Holiorr6 jle, J, i11·· S,ri.lve: •yiolette, cu·; · · · . e AGE_NTS lemnity, and a voto ' of thapk,q ··passed to tho -or rathe r necessary of I if" . · · Gias!l Sthollio~ Boitlos, 'ri·oblo-distillod r..n,·endot ~o~or . . . A debate aroso ns -lo .. tl\ c sp~cics tu \Vi ti, tbe~o incr!'aseJ fucilitics, they have re- Wutor, ' Gorluino · f1ircnssinn ' t;rentt~. Ros~, Chnr­wluch tl belonged---:-:-aud n committee_ ut seven solved to accompany them wi•.h a Grc:•at Rc- cool, Coral or Vegetable T ciori..Powders; l\locussnr was appoiutcd l" nscerta tn whether 1 t w~ tllo tluctio 11 of Price, \ ' I • • ,_ · · · ' · • nnd Rose Huir Oil, Culobrntcd Circ'\8~\uu Oilrliuj

~ lo'Juid. · · · · · w(ug o)' a Madagascar or o Canadian bar. The 0~ E SI-ll LLING for a single \Vnrm llnth, c ommittee _sa~ three 1vceks- . and ,afte r .con· . ' ix fo r a DOLLAR, or Thirty forT WENT¥ sul~rng llufiur~ s" Nat!l ral H~~lory Ulld GolJ- S HILL I ' G.::i, if 'p uid in· advance. ' · · · sm•th ':~ "Anunatcd Nature, they reported . that it must ha1·o belonged to a Madagascar COLD OR SHOWER BATHS bat, It was prunoun~e d the greatest curiosity Six -pc-11cc E aclt, or a D ozen for one .Dollrrr. iu the !\luseum , except a l ~rge shee t of brown Th ey hope uy these measures to lmhfco paper, which he had hung up in the chimney · •· Thoso to hnthe who ncvet· bnt.h'd before, anJ J is.,.u iseJ with soot ami dirt; and palml'd l\1ul thuso who alwnys batlt't! , to butbo tho rqore . ~ ' 11pon th';: sucicty as part of a Brahmir~':~ shirt! July 21. · · · · :.

CoLon tN DuEss.-Sky-bluc is always con- -sidered as most uecoming to fa ir pC'rsons, ami THE suescH IDERS havo received per

· 1 1 "General IVasltin!!lon" from lloblou, a jt contrasts more a!!Tccubly t ran au y ot rer ~ color wi th the cum

0ple. mcntary oran<>'c, which case of Piot and Quart Bottles, 11!1 samples of

° FIS!l£rt & Cov's luJoliblc and anti-corrosive con~litut c" the key note, :L'l it were, of tho gon- . .. cral hue of their complexions and hair. Yellow Writing and Co:pying Ink. and red, incli11ing to orange ~ontra s t b!'sl Thi s article is highly recommende..J, either with dark hair, not only in color, but in l>rrl- ·fiJJ· writing on paper o r ' linen. · After being Iinney ; violet nnd g reen, alMo, the complcmcu- ouce wr ittc n npou c.:111not be tnkon out . It torics c.f these two colours, Jo uot produce a comes cheap, nnd is well worthy attention. a bad effect when minglecl with dark huir.-Mrs. Merrifo.U, in A_rt Jott~IJ<l l. SAWYER & CLIFT.

J uly 2 I. ---------~,.------

HOUSEKE8Pl~RS an<c1;hers can he snp-plicu with a good Article ' of SYbNF.Y

COALS., at a rcnsonaule mte, by application to



\VASIII NOTON.-It is relnt~tl that, when a youth, there was belonging to his mother's es­tate /a young hnrsc so wild, furi ous, nu,J po_w­crful, that no one coulcl be found aulo or wlll­in,g to venture to break him. · Severo! strong .imJ experienced men hau bec11 · thrown ouJ b~flled iri' tho attempt. The ci rcumstances wero mentioiicJ to .Gcorge, and he resolved to · try his· hand' with tl11;: col t. The experiment. look,pl~ce_ ir~ the, presence of n number· of wit- Cabinet lUaker,Upholstcrer ancl Undertaker ne,sses. He succeedeu by the usuol ~lrn t n · , , , ., . , · •· -( ·gems;_ in decoying the' animal 11 car enough to INI• O_I,M::; hrs Customer-s ~nd tho ~ubltc go-enoblo him to spring upon his back: · I r•s ttiu tly ·, . nerally, that he has , : ihe horee Ioat>~d in_tg t_lte ~~r,anJ _da~hcd ~rounJ Removed to Duck\J.OI'tb-Strce~ the field, t?,SS!ng, ~1ng1ng"~nd krck,wg wtth the Easi'of Cocl1rane-Strcct, . greatest yiOl'enc;c. anu; ruptd1ft>. G eorge kept . . . . . . : . his s~ui: fi ~liJI .f. ·an~ s!.~~~!.!Y;<frhe eu~ngcJ and ~~~·ere he :~11 .. contr_nue to . ca;ry .on hts. ~usr-· frunttc creature flow from poml to pu1nt,pluug- ~ _s_ a~ ul.t.o c, '" all 1!4 branc)~ca , nnd s~!1c11s ~ ine-, rearing ·. an·d foaming: . But it wall nll ih . co.ntlnuance of the pnJr~nage award~ lv~ for vatn. · Washington stfll maintained hiii_Jl'fiticm, I ~any yen rs. • : . and couTd n••f be di~todg~J: · At last tli_>t uo l.tlc N.B.-C,u~pot.s, 9urlat?s, t\:Iattrasses, Po,lhas animal, wh~sp s~i~it . 'l:'aa as in.!hmit,!!.WC as that s~s mauc wrtl~ all possrulw despatch. Sofns, · of his riile'r; gnve orlo c! ospefate and mighr.Y Co~chos, 9hmrs, &c., r?·stu.lfe d, covered, br bound, n11d fell tYead to the e:mh.-Up/tam's spnug sh11lcu , oqunl to new. · '·

· ~ft of Wa'!~ingl~; · • . . . Sl11p9' Wheel~ oi1.ladt'o.r ~e~ir.(!d ' • , ' ' .,. ' ' • I '

"H~nD Lnn:s."-A celehrnted Engli sh poet J uue 30. ..

May 1~. JA~IE3 J. GRAII .-\t\I

PAPlER MACHEE. GOODS. A Bonuiiful assortment of Pri pi~ r- i\i~choe. Goods

consisting of :- · · · ' EnvHJopo Cusos, Cnrd Trnys, Cnrtl Rocks, Pon Tn1ys purd Cuses, Ink-Stands, !\Dd !'crt folios.

Mny I ~ J .UIE.<; J GRAIIA~l


I S authorisod to rcceivn Ot'tlcl'9 for rho NE\V llRUL'iSWl CK ?llARBLE WORKS, for t)Jo

following nrticlos, 'viz;_: . r ' . Mnrblo 'l'0.\1 BS; do'·H E<\ll) STO!'{ ES Do · MONU1\I.ENTS ·f

A'n inscription will be jlutj)ll either of tho above, ond Fool Stones sout withnut llU.Y extra cburgu. . . . "

- >\ ... -lllnrblo Tublo Tops. CHIMNEY PlECF.S Hearth Stonos, (\:c., &c . -A

Prices of tho obovo, plans, n~d other pnrlil:ulu~"\by •npplyiog to · ' \


HAVING f!lado•their usual arrangements for SU~IMER l?'A~SAGES •. parties de­

sirous of sanding for · their l!'RlliND::;, will please npply at their office. ·' Mny 29.

For Sale, eithu in 71arl or ir. rolw/c; or to be Le~ · in Building Lots. ·


C. ONTAIN lNG uhout 9 ncr es,hnving a fron­~age of G!lO foot upon,tho .L on.g Po11tl Road,

oppoM\towb().th n., he~u commonly known .as 111'­Cahils BdW1i1i§ A.tley,and Eoitof n'n·tl ·adjt~ining the Romav Calholic Gelllotery. It is well cillcu­late~ either for Building or Agricultural . pur­P.oseil, and will in ii ' ahort ~ime' Jorm tho centro of a lliicklfpojiulnte~ . Vicinity, ' iri on"e of tho most agreeoblo si~a in t1w subur~s _of the town.

· For f'lrther fiar.ticulars apply at thq Olticq of the ~u~scri lxiy. i11. th~ Com!Percial_ Build. ings, \wb~ro a ·rlan qf the prope,rtY. m.ny be

· • · • . • ' " ' '· . I seen. · , ' . ~


A,gent oftlu: Proprietors

Equita~lo _fire Insuancc O F' LONDON.

C ompauy, CJI P 1'1' .. 1 L- 500,000 STG.

B oard nf L ocal l>ircclurs f or Neujimndltmd : J AM t:S J. llrl iE\' E, Es'l -· GlmintUt/1.

Hou. 1.. O '.Unn:N. , !torn· PttcHVsf:, Es~., J ouN l~ t:NT, E sq., W )1 •• ill. llAnN>:s, E sq

S tawhng Counsel : lion. E. l\1. Anc nruAt.o, Attorney General .

p AR'l'IES insured in this Ollico fur throe conso­cutivo yours, will bo entitled lo J> urtici pnlo in

ooo-hnlf of tho profits without incurring nbility. .Proposnls for l nsurnnco n;:uinst Loss or Dnmugo

by f'iro on Buildiug, Housobold Furuiruro, Good•, Stuck in 'l'r11do, 1-'urming nnt! Agricul!un1l Stock, Sit ips, Unf~ es, &:c., will bo received ut tho Agent's Offico, ndjoining Dr. CARSO,.'i, lu Mr. Pnows•:'M Stuuo Uuildiug, Duckworth-stroo t.

E. L. JARVIS, Agent, N. H.-No charge for Policies cxccutod in thi•

C •lony.


Life Assurance ~ocicty or: LONDON.

t:APITlL··-£500;ooo STERLING.

SUR.PLUS-82,000 STr.. ( <1 Protection for tl.c lVitloto awl Orphan.)

Board of 'Local Directors fur Ncrofomltllallfl · H. \V. Hor J.t:s, !!:sq., Clminuun •

Hon. J . Caowuy I Hon. C. J.'. II >:NNETT, l:l.on. J . NoAo. N. S·uco, Esq.

Jl1cdical E xaminer- SM!UEL .CARSON, F.sq. ;:ivlicitor~l<' , U. '1'. (.;AilT>:n, Esn-

T HE followinj; nro some ~dvuntugos ollcrcll by this So~ioty-

Modcrnto Tintes of Prominm. 1..<1111{9 of Hulf .Lho l'remiums for \Vholo term of

lifo_ with no furthersocurity thnd ondorsution there-of on tho Policy. (

fifty. per ceut. of tho Premiums paid in,ndvonced whonovor rcquirctl. . ~ . . · Divisions of Jll't rits mndo to J?olicy holders, pnitl

·either in cosh, added to. the Policy, or nllowod-in fu­turo reductions of ohouul premiums-at th.e'opt.ioo of tho Assurod. ·, · ·

Proposals accepted, nd . icles grnntod by tho . l.ocal l.loordswiUtout forring the London Omco.

p.nnk Forms, 'l'nble o( Rate , &c,. nn.d other in­furmatiou IJltiy be ub in~oo · applientiou at th& A gout's ollice, in l\1r. ·Prowse's stooo buildiu Duckwortb-dtrcet · r---

•r E. L. JARVJS. , February 2'2 ' . . · .' ,. Agent

- ..!- -"-L , _ -- -· -

once advertised that be wuuiJ supply ." Lind for .any qccn8iof!·" A fi.<h'erman sought J,im Shortly after,nnt! 11 nntoJ a Jin'e 1trpng wongh to catcl1 a p:~:l ' · · · · · · · . U~<PA~ ' ' , Omssros.-Doctor Johnson· in hill dii:tio~Jiry insertl'u the w'urd m!ift,i, but iJII!ittcd · m~f!i'nl; tlt'ough it !s sai~ .. h., gcuerallj ate four for bi enkfas~. · ·

A !!>MALL F.amily in a quiet ne.1 ig l~bqurbood • ~OTICE • ~R 'rti&~I~~ICS 1 c o~tld occomodatouneprtwoBOARP.ERS NOTICE fs HEREBY GlV.EN, ~~~~ from.

F tJ !r~:t~~ .. pat (icula~e a~ply at ~~is 09:!t!: . ·. . J ana aftei-tlie ·.tst dtiy ·of July- nex t; the I •

- }_ · LIGHT · A1! ' CA'PE''PlNE, on tile So'uth


' The purest altar of love is the heart of a

A~tlier. ·· ' .. ··· . . ·. Girls .'!ho J ri~e ~arly and wal.~c .... I!PD~f11 s~~P,I

roses from Au ro ra's (~ce . ;, but when · they iawn i~ lieU ~in ten, Aurora steuls them back

· ~a~i~: . . • . . . , . ~ . .

.. ' ........

~11f7fi'flllnr'rl''""' ~_flfi.. "~>~ · Ill\ . . "".,g,nm~~· · -f~oo~t -~f tliis · island.' ,~ill bti changed iti lts u- L2.1.~3J.l41.rw< o~Jt:Ul.II..Lil \11/UJ~~~~':' chnrilcier, and \.ill thereafter exliibit a Light

THE AG~NTS . to t!lo .BH<E,NlX ~~'!!- ~t iil~t;nls 'o'f ~fa ~ill~, ~~~:ld of f~~ty . ll.A!'-fc~ ·· CP..l\!!·P.~~Y. oli·.~o~ll~_d, ~g ~r~a:· ·~ a~ pr~o:. , . . ·

to anuounc~ a fi rt~er r~i!Uft!P~ m ~e1r ~~ , NlCHQL~ fl'I':Aim, . t 1 • !lf_ P~~nilulljs o~ :Srick. an~ ~fo~e~nl!cllr~~~ l!j ~41\~S i : &iuE\T~- ·1Cq mmis~ ~lns l o~vn,parttc.uiacs of _,yb~~b ~ay ~ -~n~~~ 1 G. T. ~ROOKI~_g,~ · • tiiouers. , on npllhcauon to · · · · . J'OftN M,Hl\lN;, , . , · · , • , 1 ., ..

~ ' · .. \V. & , G. Be.ctell EUdENiu~. H RY , . . , ·~ April3 . - ' ' ' · • · :t\~~;"nts S't. 'Jo1ili'e,. N1Ja.,M~rc~2'2, 1B5R_ ·, .

J • • r ' • ' •

• '

runLisuEn .uro p orn1F,Tpa, Ia ~ued SCmi-weekly-;-OG'th M?~ing:; o~ ·w£~­

' i<ESDAY ·and SATURDAY, at bts oll\ce, Duck­worth Street, three ~.Oi>rs West of Prescott Streos

TeriiU-TIIree l?qtce per' ,covy or 2'1Denty Sliil-. ' ~.i11gi .Cul!en'cy · r;er linnl;l;lri. · ·

· • ·soaK A·No- : JOB Piuatll&:. f(eatJy e.recuttd at llteti.ffice ·of tM ~lo.azm•o Co11. 1

All:& Qt the 3~0,rtUt 110hCe.lfJe 11QtUTC o_f lhe lfOrJc · . ' · , : will ad>i1_ii 'of. . ' . •

' .




