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S1 SKRIPSI A PRAGMATIC STUDY ON SPEECH ACTS FOUND IN “SHAFT MOVIE” ASRI FIQANI NURUL ISTIQOMAH NIM: 1600630004 This Undergraduate Thesis is Presented as a Partial Fulfillment for the Attainment of a Sarjana Sastra Degree In English Literature Department ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND HUMANITIES UNIVERSITAS BUMIGORA 2020





NIM: 1600630004

This Undergraduate Thesis is Presented as a Partial Fulfillment for the

Attainment of a Sarjana Sastra Degree In English Literature Department







ASRI FIQANI NURUL ISTIQOMAH: A Pragmatical Study on Speech Acts

Found in “Shaft 2019”. S1 Thesis, Mataram: Bumigora University, 2020

This study aims to describe the form of Illocution speech acts and the effects of

Perlocution speech acts on the Shaft 2019 movie. This research was a qualitative

descriptive study, because this research contains utterances conducted in the

Shaft 2019 movie. The instruments used in this study were the movie and the

Shaft 2019 transcript which contains an understanding of speech acts in the study

of Pragmatic theory. Data collection methods were observation and note-taking

techniques. In the data, the analysis method used are data reduction, data display,

and verification.

The results of this study indicated that there are 4 forms of Illocution speech

acts used in the Shaft 2019 movie transcript with Perlocution effect at the end of

the dialogue. The four forms of Illocution speech acts are Representative,

Directive, Commissive, and Expressive. Representative speech acts have the

function of informing, asserting, describing, and claiming. The Directive speech

acts have the function of asking, warning, and suggesting. Commissive speech

acts have the function of planning and promising. Expressive speech acts have the

function of thanking. Then, at the end of the speech act resulted the effect of

Perlocution speech act, namely acting, explaining opinions, providing

explanations for rejecting opinions, answering questions, accepting offers, and

approving statements.

Keywords: pragmatic, speech act, illocution, perlocution.



ASRI FIQANI NURUL ISTIQOMAH: Penelitian Pragmatik dalam Tindak

Tutur yang Ditemukan di Film (Shaft). Skripsi. Mataram: Universitas

Bumigora, 2020

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur Ilokusi dan

pengaruh tindak tutur Perlokusi pada film Shaft 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan

penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, karena penelitian ini berisi ungkapan-ungkapan

yang dilakukan dalam film Shaft 2019. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah film dan transkrip Shaft 2019 yang berisi tentang pemahaman

tindak tutur dalam kajian teori Pragmatis. Metode pengumpulan data dalam

penelitian adalah Observasi dan Teknik Catat. Dalam data, metode analisis yang

digunakan adalah Reduksi Data, Penyajian Data, dan Verifikasi.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 4 bentuk tindak tutur

Illocution yang digunakan dalam transkrip film Shaft 2019 dengan efek

Perlocution di akhir dialog. Empat bentuk tindak tutur Ilokusi adalah

Representatif, Arahan, Komisif, dan Ekspresif. Tindak tutur representatif

memiliki fungsi menginformasikan, menegaskan, mendeskripsikan, dan

mengklaim. Tindak tutur Directive memiliki fungsi meminta, memperingatkan,

dan menyarankan. Tindak tutur komisif memiliki fungsi perencanaan dan

menjanjikan. Tindak tutur ekspresif memiliki fungsi berterima kasih. Kemudian

pada bagian akhir tindak tutur menghasilkan efek tindak tutur Perlocution yaitu

bertindak, menjelaskan pendapat, memberikan penjelasan untuk menolak

pendapat, menjawab pertanyaan, menerima tawaran, dan menyetujui pernyataan.

Kata kunci: pragmatik, tindak tutur, ilokusi, perlokusi





I dedicate this thesis to:

Taufiqian Family founder (Bapak Taufiq Hari Suryanto and Mamih

Sulistiani) also my beloved grandma ( Eyang Sri Redjeki ) who

have provided support for all funds, efforts, and prayers for me to

complete my education.

My only sister (Desnita Amalia Megafitri).

Supporters of joy and sorrow (Mas Wayan Riyan Feby Asmara and

Putri Cattleya ).

The big family of English Literature Department, Bumigora

University of Mataram.

All of my pets who were disturbing but also accompanying me to

complete this research (Umar, Ika, Leon, Cimol, Cepi, Abu).



“So, when you have finished (your occupation), keep working hard (for the

others). (Qur’an Surah. Al-Insyirah: 7) ”

“If you don’t take risks, then you can’t reach the future. Live without regrets!”

(Monkey D. Luffy)

“Put matters first with God and parents. At the end, let God controls your

destiny.” (Soekendar~ My beloved Grandpa)



First of all, Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT. has given me blessings,

opportunities, and fluency to complete this research in order to complete my

education at the University of Bumigora Mataram. Then, my deep gratitude goes

to my parents, grandma, and my sibling who have prayed, encouraged and advised

me to complete this education by seeking Ridho Allah in the knowledge contained

in it. Second, I want to thank my parents, Bapak and Mamih. Thank you for

wishing me the best and also cheering me on.

I feel lucky, I get guidance and advice during my consultation from Dr.

Diah Supatmiwati, M.Hum and Mrs. Hilda Hastuti, M.Pd. Everything that has

been given by my two supervisors, it is not enough for me just to say thank you.

Then, thanks also to Dr. Zainudin Abussamad, M.Pd, who was willing to be my

examiner at that time. Hopefully the knowledge and advice that has been given to

me, get a reply from God Almighty.

Third, I also don't forget to thank my partner, Riyan, who always gave me

encouragement, assistance, and jointly completed research. I realize we are on a

difficult path in life but with prayer and faith, we will be given our best. For all

my pet troops, Umar, Ika, Leon, Cimol, Cepi, and Abu who always give me a lot

of work, you are truly extraordinary! To all my friends, majoring in English

Literature, who have encouraged and helped each other in completing this thesis,

thank you for your time and your struggles so far.



ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………..i

ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………………….ii

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ……………………………………............iii

RATIFICATION ……………………………………………………………iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………...............vii

LIST OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………….viii

LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………….…...............x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION …………………………………………....1

A. Background of The Study ……………………………………………1

B. Identification of The Problem ……………………………………………4

C. Limitation of The Problem ……………………………………………4

D. Formulation of The Problem …………………………………………....5

E. Objectives of The Research ……………………………………………5

F. Significance of The Research …………………………………………....5


A. Language and Culture ……………………………………………7

B. Pragmatics ……………………………………………………………7

C. Speech Acts ……………………………………………………………7

1. Illocution ……………………………………………8

a. Representative Act …………………………………....8

b. Directive Act ……………………………………………8

c. Expressive Act ……………………………………………9

d. Commisive Act …………………………………….……...9

e. Declarative Act ………………………………….....……...9

2. Perlocution ……………………………………………………9

D. Shaft 2019 ……………………………………………………………9

E. Relevant Studies …………………………………………………..10

F. Conceptual Framework …………………………………………..13



A. Research Design ……….………………………………………..15

B. Data Source ………………………………………………………...15

C. Techniques and Data Collection ………………………………...15

D. Techniques of Data Analysis ………………………………………...15

1. Data Reduction ………………………………………...16

2. Data Display ………………………………………………...17

3. Conclusion Drawing/Veirfication ………………………...17


A. Findings ………………………………………………………...18

B. Discussions ………………………………………………………...18

1. Representatives Act ………………………………………...20

a. Informing ………………………………………………...20

b. Asserting ………………………………………………...23

c. Describing ………………………………………………...28

d. Claiming ………………………………………………...31

2. Directives Act ………………………………………………...33

a. Asking …………………………………………………….......33

b. Warning ………………………………………………...39

c. Suggesting ………………………………………………...41

3. Commisives Act ………………………………………………...42

a. Planning ………………………………………………...42

b. Promising ………………………………………………...44

4. Expressives Act ………………………………………………...46

Thanking ………………………………………………………...46


A. Conclusion ………………………………………………………...49

B. Suggestions ………………………………………………………...49

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………...50



Figure 1. Conceptual Framework …………………………………………...13

Figure 2. Shaft Movie Poster …………………………………………………...17

Figure 3. Informing Act …………………………………………………...21

Figure 4. Informing Act …………………………………………………...22

Figure 5. Informing Act …………………………………………………...23

Figure 6. Asserting Act …………………………………………………...24

Figure 7. Asserting Act …………………………………………………...25

Figure 8. Asserting Act …………………………………………………...26

Figure 9. Asserting Act …………………………………………………...27

Figure 10. Asserting Act …………………………………………………...27

Figure 11. Describing Act …………………………………………………...29

Figure 12. Describing Act …………………………………………………...30

Figure 13. Describing Act …………………………………………………...31

Figure 14. Claiming Act …………………………………………………...32

Figure 15. Claiming Act …………………………………………………...33

Figure 16. Asking Act …………………………………………………………...34

Figure 17. Asking Act …………………………………………………………...35

Figure 18. Asking Act …………………………………………………………...36

Figure 19. Asking Act …………………………………………………………...37

Figure 20. Asking Act …………………………………………………………...38

Figure 21. Warning Act …………………………………………………..40

Figure 22. Warning Act …………………………………………………...41

Figure 23. Suggesting Act …………………………………………………...42

Figure 24. Planning Act …………………………………………………...43

Figure 25. Planning Act …………………………………………………...44

Figure 26. Promising Act …………………………………………………...45

Figure 27. Thanking Act …………………………………………………...47

Figure 28. Thanking Act …………………………………………………...48




A. Background of The Study

The language used by humans in communication has the same goals and

objectives but with a different ways in accordance with the culture in which

the language is developing. Based on Sunaryo (Awalin, Sunaryo, & Dwi,

2012, p. 6) language in cultural structures turns out to have a position,

function and dual role is as a root and cultural product that also functions as a

means of thinking and a means of supporting the growth of science and

technology. The relationship between language and culture influences

situations and conditions in social life, as well as the communication process

in movies. Likewise with pragmatic studies in which discussing the language

expressed contains meaning in accordance with situations and conditions both

socially and culturally.

Firth states that language studies cannot be carried out without considering

the context of the situation which includes participation, actions of

participation, other characteristics of the situation relevant to what happens,

and the impact of speech actions that are manifested by the forms of change

that arise as a result of participant action (Dijk, 2006, p. 167) .There is more

found in the interpretation of speech acts than the meaning contained in the

speech itself. Therefore, language and speech act have an interrelated

relationship because their result in a communication process that can be

understood by the speaker and the speech partner.

In communication, there are speech acts according to Subandowo

(Subandowo & Sari, 2017, p. 26) are individual phenomena that are

psychological in nature and their continuity is determined by the ability of the

speaker's language to deal with certain situations by paying attention to the

meaning and meaning of the speech. This means that the speech act is used as

an action, when humans want something not only through body language, but


are also supported by giving utterances to the speech partner so that the aims

and objectives of the speaker can be conveyed properly.

Austin divides speech acts into 3 types namely Locution, Illocution and

Perlocution (Freeley, 1963, pp. 100–102). Locution is an expression that

states its meaning directly. Illocution act is the movement of the human body

followed by utterances in it. Then, the speech act of Perlocution is the final

effect of the utterance which has an impact on the speech partner. Illocutions

is one of the types of speech acts that has a type division in them, due to

knowing the intonations and objectives through Illocution speech acts,

knowledge of the speech acts is needed. Searle (Rahardi, 2015, p. 35) classify

Illocution have five types, there are Representative, Commissive, Directive,

Expressive, and Declarative. Representative focuses on what the speaker says

about what he is doing, the Directive relates to what the speaker wants to the

speech partner or others, Commissive focuses on the commitment of the

speaker to the speech partner in the future, Expressive is done with the

speaker who expresses his feelings, and Declarative is related to the actions

that will subsequently change. To find out the purpose, where and when the

utterance is expressed in context, it depends on how the hearer's interpretation

of what the speaker is saying. The context is also important as a determinant

of the hearer to know the meaning of the utterances are spoken by the speaker

because the context becomes stimulation and contributes to the interpretation

of the hearer in understanding the meaning of the speech.

The way the speaker gives speech is not only to directly face to face with

the speech partner but also with written language such as those found in

newspapers, magazines, books, novels, movie scripts, short stories, and many

more.1 The movie is one of the ways speakers speak their speech. As

Harimurti says, in the movie(Harimurti, 1996, p. 32) a mass media has audio-

visual properties and it can be used as an introduction for speakers to give

their speech to the general public. Sometimes, the utterances contains in the

1 Zamzami Muh Khoirul. Speech Act Used by Elsa as One of The Main Characters in Frozen Movie

Script. 2016. IAIN Tulung Agung.


movie, not always according to the rules of the written language that should

be, but more important than how the speech can be understood the meaning

contained in it.

One movie that contains a speech act is the Shaft 2019 movie. Shaft is an

action comedy from America in 2019 directed by Story Team and written by

Kenya Barris and Alex Barnow. Shaft 2019 is included in the movie industry

has long been produced. Some actors who portray the characters in this movie

are Samuel L. Jackson, Jessie T. Usher, and Richard Roundtree. This movie

became the fifth movie of the Shaft series and sequel in 2000 with the same

title. Movie reviews summarized on the Rotten Tomatoes website by some

fans of this movie and new audiences received satisfactory ratings. They said

that the Shaft 2019 was an old movie legend and was also admired especially

for old fans. The criminal theme highlighted by this movie is highly

recommended for the movie industry today which is underestimated by

critics. Then for Samuel L. Jackson who became the main character in this

movie displays an interesting performance and showed the original nature and

style of Shaft. The Shaft movie tells the story of three generations of the Shaft

family, detectives who investigate and solve crimes in Harleem. Other movie

with the same year, titled Avangers: End Game, the action genre, this movie

only shows action and a bit of comedy. The reason for the Shaft 2019 movie

as an object of this research compared to the movie Avengers: End Game,

because this movie contains prominent American comedy characteristics that

affect the analysis of speech act types. The relationship that exists between

American pop culture and pragmatic studies becomes interesting because in

American culture there are situations and conditions that affect the speech

acts of speakers along with the speakers' specific characteristics in giving

speech, in a relaxed and firm tone even though in a depressed condition.

There are many more types of speech acts expressed in this movie. This

movie not only contains various types of speech acts, but from the narrative

of the characters in this movie a lot can be learned. The object of this research

is the American comedy genre movie, which is a pop culture. This is reflected


in the theme of the Shaft 2019 movie which talked about criminality in

investigations. In addition, the Shaft 2019 movie is interesting to be used as

research object because The Rotten Tomatoes website gave a score of 6.2 out

of 10. While the audience gave a score of 2.9 out of 5. This shows that Shaft

2019 movie does not have a good rating from the audience. Even so, this is

the reason for this movie as an object of research.

B. Identification of The Problem

Currently, there are a lot of film industries that can be used as research

objects in the field of pragmatics. One of the discussions in the field of

pragmatics is the type of speech act that is in speech by two people who

communicate like the dialogue in a movie transcript. Therefore, one of the

films, such as the object of current research, is used to find out what types of

speech acts exist and the effects of these types of speech acts.

The first problem relates to what types of Illocution speech acts are in the

movie Shaft 2019. As explained in the previous sub-chapter, Illocution

speech acts have five types in them which are more complex, namely

Representative, Directive, Commissive, Expressive, and Declarative. The

speech act requires dialogue which causes the speaker's intent and purpose to

be conveyed to the speech partner.

The second problem relates to the effects after the Illocution speech act.

Actions or utterances in Perlocution speech will later have an effect on the

speech partners of the speakers. This is what proves that conveying the

speaker's intent and purpose to the speech partner requires action or speech to

support smooth communication.

C. Limitation of The Problem

To limit the object of this research, this research only focuses on

utterances that are included in the types of speech acts in pragmatic studies.

This research refers to the type of Illocution speech acts and the effects

arising from the act of Perlocution. The speech act taken for analysis starts


from the middle of the movie at 18:30 minutes until the end of the movie ends

at 01:43:05 minutes. In practice, this research examined by taken some data

that represented the types of Illocution speech acts and Perlocution speech

acts. Then after obtained the data, this research explained what types of

Illocution speech acts were found and how the effects of Perlocution speech


D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on limitation of the problem and also the background described

above, the research problem are formulated as follows:

1. What types of Illocution speech acts are found in the Shaft (2019)?

2. What are the effects of the speech acts of Perlocution in the movie

Shaft (2019)?

E. Objectives of The Research

In accordance with the research problem mentioned above, here are the

objectives of the research:

1. To find out the various types of speech acts of Illocution in the movie

Shaft (2019).

2. To find out the effects arising from speech acts of Perlocution

contained in the movie Shaft (2019).

F. Significance of The Research

The significance of research in this research divided into:

1. Theoretically

This research is expected to be a reference for further research that

has pragmatic studies and discusses speech acts. In addition, this

research is a form of contribution to the field of linguistics,

especially those that discuss speech acts in movies.

2. Practically

The results of this research can be practically used as a contribution

of thought to solving problems related to speech acts in pragmatic


studies. Furthermore, the results of this research are expected to be a

reference for the preparation of research with pragmatic studies.




A. Language and Culture

The language used by humans in communication has the same goals

and objectives but with a different ways in accordance with the culture in

which the language is developing. Based on Sunaryo (Awalin et al., 2012,

p. 6) language in cultural structures turns out to have a position, function

and dual role is as a root and cultural product that also functions as a

means of thinking and a means of supporting the growth of science and


B. Pragmatics

Various kinds of linguistic science are used in communication. One of

them is pragmatic. Pragmatic needs the intention of speakers. In other

words, pragmatic learning about the meaning discussed between the

speaker and the speech partner, its deal with Leech (Onwuegbuzie &

Leech, 2005, p. 280). Same with Levinson (Brown & Levinson, 1987, pp.

21–24) states that pragmatic has the relationship between language and

context that underlies the explanation of language understanding.

Communication not only runs smoothly with what is spoken by the

speaker, but relates to what is meant by the speaker in the utterance

expressed. This is supported by opinions from Hyman (Young, Diehl,

Morris, Hyman, & Bennetto, 2005, p. 81) pragmatic is a discipline that

studies the use of signs, which can specifically be interpreted as the way

people use language signs and the way language signs are interpreted.

C. Speech Acts

Austin applies the principle of speech act which explains speech act as

a central entity in pragmatics(Searle, 1968, pp. 19–21). Suwito argues that

if the speech event is a social phenomenon and there is an interaction


between the speaker in a particular situation and place, then the speech act

is more likely as an individual symptom, a psychological trait and is

determined by the ability of the speaker's language to deal with a particular

situation (Susmita, 2015, p. 29). In general, speech act is a way for humans

to communicate using language in which contains the intent and purpose

desired by the speaker to the hearer.

Speech acts according to Austin are divided into Locution, Illocution,

and Perlocution. However, in this research, the speech act theory used are

Illocution and Perlocution Theory. The explanation of the two types of that

speech acts are:

1. Illocution

Illocution speech acts are pronunciations of statements, offers,

promises, questions, and so on. This speech act has hidden meaning of a

word or statement. The example is “I am hungry”, means asking for food,

which is an Illocution act. According to Searle in Austin, the types of

Illocution speech acts consist of Representative, Directive, Expressive,

Commissive, and Declarative speech acts (Searle, 1976, p. 35). The

explanations of these types are:

a. Representative Act

Representative speech acts are those that show the speaker's belief in

the truth of thought expression and this carries the value of truth. For

example in conversations between locals and foreigners who ask for a

place. "Is Senggigi Beach a tourist attraction in Lombok?" This is a type of

pragmatic Representative who shows the truth indirectly.

b. Directive Act

The Directive speech act is the speech act that shows the speaker's

efforts in making the speech partner do something. Example of Directive


speech acts is, 'Please buy me sugar in the next stall!'. It is spoken directly

from the mother to her child.

c. Expressive Act

Expressive speech acts are expressing psychological attitudes or

statements from speakers. The speech includes gratitude, complaining,

congratulating, praising, blaming, and criticizing. An example is "Tired of

telling, but still not obeyed". The speech includes expressive speech

because as proof the speaker feels annoyed with the speech partner due to

not understanding the meaning of the words.

d. Commisive Act

Commissive speech acts are speech acts that express the speaker's

promise of actions to be carried out in the future. An example of

Commissive speech acts is "I promise I will not neglect this task". The

speech binds the speakers to carry out their responsibilities properly.

2. Perlocution

Perlocution speech acts are the results or effects caused by the

expression on the hearer, according to the conditions and the pronunciation

of the speech. This speech act is the attitude of a person towards a sentence

after hear or read something.

D. SHAFT 2019

Shaft is an action comedy movie from America in 2019 directed by

Team Story and written by Kenya Barris and Alex Barnow. There are

opinions of movie lovers and old fans in this movie from Rotten Tomatoes

website. Mentioned in the comments column, this movie received

criticism and impressions in the screening of this movie. Some negative

comments were spoken such as the lack of flashback in every incident

related to the previous year's series so that the new audience was less

interested, not in accordance with the expectations of the movie's fans so it


was considered boring and only interested in the beginning of the movie

session, many aspects lacked and unlike the previous movie, and the loss

of the characteristics of the main character John Shaft. Even so, there are

also some positive comments in this movie that the movie contains

differences about race, authority, age, gender, masculinity are interesting

talking points. The humor presented is not boring. The main character gets

a bigger role in the story so that it develops from the previous series.

E. Relevant Studies

A research moved from another research. This is intended as a

benchmark for the research being reviewed at this time. A review of other

research is very important to look for the relevance of past research to be

carried out. In addition, a review of previous research can be used to look

for comparisons to avoid plagiarism.

The first research, which was related to this research was made by Rani

Violeta, student of the Islamic State University Raden Intan Lampung with

the title Speech Act Analysis of The Main Character in Maleficent Movie

Script by Jane Mctee conducted in 2019. The purpose of this research was

to determine the type of speech act on the main character, Malficent,

which is contained in the Maleficent movie transcript. In this research,

Illocution speech acts are the focus of research because this is one of the

most important in speech acts and depends on the intention of the speaker.

This research uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe and analyze

the types of speech acts in movie transcripts, then classify them according

to the concept of John R. Searle's theory which contains Illocution speech

acts. In this research, it was found that Maleficent used all types of

Illocution speech acts, namely Representative, Declarative, Commissive,

Directive, and Expressive. This research has same discussion to analyze

types in movies that produce type of Illocution speech acts and throughout

the movie, there are types of speech acts, namely Representative,


Commissive, Expressive, Declarative, and Directive. The only difference

is that the characters that were taken are the main characters.

The second research, a research from Defina in 2018 entitled Tindak

Tutur Ekspresif pada Anak-anak Saat Bermain Bola di Lapangan. This

research aims to analyze the expressive focus of speech acts produced by

children while playing. The ethnographic communication research method

applied and was conducted at the Klender National Housing Agency, East

Jakarta. Data collection techniques based on observation. From the results

of the research, obtained the distribution of expressive speech acts issued

by children while playing football, can be identified into six utterances.

This research has same discussion that this film has one type of speech act

is Expressive discussed in depth.

The third research, researched by Vany Amanda and Leni Marlina who

are both English Department students, Padang State University entitled

Directive Speech Acts Used in Frozen Movie Transcript in 2018. This

research focuses on speech acts in the Frozen movie. This research is a

descriptive qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to

identify speech acts that exist in the frozen movie. Data analysis is based

on speech act theory found in the movie. The data in this research contain

speech acts (Suggesting, Asking, Requesting, and Stating). The data

source of this research is the movie transcript of Frozen. In analyzing data,

it is grouped from certain types based on Levinson's theory of speech act

types. The results found are 33 data. Found 4 classifications of directive

speech acts. The equation in this research is to classify the transcript data

so that the speech act type is found while the difference in this research is

only to take directive speech. This is used as a benchmark for classifying

types of speech acts.

The fourth research, Yayuk Sebtiana (2018), entitled “Tuturan Lokusi,

Ilokusi, dan Perlokusi dalam Interaksi Pembelajaran Siswa Kelas VII di

SMP Negeri 2 Jumapolo". The results of this research that there are

various types of speech acts that are included in the Locution, Illocution,


and Perlocution sections that exist during learning at the school. This

research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data in this research are

speeches which contain acts of Locution, Illocution, and Perlocution in the

interaction of class VII students learning at SMP Negeri 2 Jumapolo in

class VII A-VII F. The source of the data in this research is the speech

interaction between students in learning at SMP Negeri 2 Jumapolo. Data

collection techniques used in this research were observation and taking

note techniques. Contributions in this related research is to be additional

information on the form of speech acts of Locution, Illocution, and


The last research that became a reference was a research by Andreas

Dwi Yunianto (2017) titled "Bentuk Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Program

Sentilan-Sentilun". This research focuses on Illocution speech acts on

television shows. This research aims to examine the Ilokusi speech acts in

the Sentilan Sentilun program. The research subjects were Sentilan

Sentilun programs or videos on the Metro TV channel. Research includes

descriptive qualitative research, because this research contains speech that

was conducted on the Sentilan Sentilun program.This research is taken as a

reference because it is used as evidence that Illocution speech acts have a

type of speech in them. The results of this research are Illocution speech

acts, namely Directive, Declarative, Expressive, and Representative.

From those previous researches above, the fundamental difference are

the object of research with different movie genres. Then the reasons for the

five journals to be used as reference material are as to be reference for

analysis, additional information, and ways to analyze. In addition, the

existing references have been published in the last three years, so they are

still new to be used as references for the renewal of research results later.


F. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Through the conceptual framework above, it can be shows that the

process of analyzing this research is first, in the pragmatic field, which is

studied the meaning discussed between the speaker and the speech partner,

its deal with Leech (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005, p. 280). Therefore, the

object used is the utterances in the Shaft 2019 movie transcript spoken by

every character in this movie. Furthermore, according to the theory speech

acts by Austin (Margetts & Austin, 2007, pp. 100–102) are divided into

Pragmatic based on Searle

(types of speech act)

Shaft 2019 movie







Claiming )














locution, illocution, and perlocution. But the focus of this research is on

speech acts of illocution and perlocution. Then, the analysis in the

discussion later discusses the types of speech acts that exist in illocution

according to Searle in Austin, the types of speech acts consist of

Representative, Directive, Expressive, Commissive, and Declarative

speech acts (Searle, 1976, p. 35) and regarding the effects of Perlocution





This research is descriptive qualitative research method for describing and

explaining reality that is used in research. According to Lexy J.

Moleong(Moleong, 2017, p. 6) , qualitative research method is a research that

intends to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects. The

instrument used in this research are Shaft 2019 movie and its transcript. In this

case the phenomenon used is the movie transcript in Shaft (2019). Instrument is a

tool that is chosen and used in research that aims to collect data so that these

activities become systematic and facilitate the research process (Arikunto, 2006,

p. 203). The data source used in this research are speech uttered by each character

in Shaft 2019 movie, which includes the type of Illocution speech acts and effects

are caused through Perlocution speech act.

A. Research Design

This is a descriptive qualitative research that method is used to describe

the types of speech acts and the effects of speech acts in the Shaft (2019)

movie. The qualitative approach for this research is related to subjective

judgments according to attitudes, opinions, and behavior. In collecting the

data, this research uses qualitative research methods in collecting and

analyzing data. According to Lexy J. Moleong (Moleong, 2017, p. 6) ,

qualitative research method is a research that intends to understand the

phenomena experienced by research subjects. This research focuses on

finding the type of Illocution speech acts and the effects of perlocution

generated in the Shaft (2019) movie transcript.

B. Data Source

According to Moleong (Moleong, 2017, p. 6) the source of qualitative

data are speech and written language that have been researched and

observed so that the aims and objectives conveyed by the object can be


found. The data source used in this research are speech uttered by each

character in Shaft 2019 movie, which includes the type of Illocution speech

acts and effects are caused through Perlocution speech act.

C. Techniques and Data Collection

The techniques in collecting data in this research were the Observation

and Taking Note. The Observation (Simak) method according to Mahsun,

the way used to obtain data by listening to the use of language(Mahsun,

2011, p. 29). The steps to collecting data in this research are:

1. Watching the film to identify the utterances of the speakers in the

dialogue in the movie Shaft (2019).

2. Taking note of the utterances that contain types of speech act based on

required data.

3. Classifying data based on speech act types, namely Representative,

directive, commissive, declarative, and expressive.

D. Techniques of Data Analysis

The collected data were analyzed related to the type of Illocution speech

acts and the effects of perlocution in the Shaft (2019) movie. Speeches that

are further investigated are Representative, Directive, Commissive, and

Expressive types of speech acts. Data analysis techniques used according to

Miles and Huberman (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 16) which include data

reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification.

1. Data Reduction

The step in data reduction were:

a. Separated the data based on the types of speech acts of illocution

and perlocution.

b. Gave a separation mark for each utterance so that it is not mixed

with Illocution acts and Perlocution acts.


c. Explained objectively and factually without the addition of other

elements so that the results can later be accounted for.

d. Made notes about the situation and condition of speech related to

the situation in social life in the actual situation.

e. Made tentative analysis note to give reasons why the speech

includes illocution or perlocution.

f. Stored in the Illocution speech format in the first section and

subsequent perlocution and effects are discussed below.

g. Made a concept by adding supportive opinions.

h. Repeated the movie by paying attention to the results of the

transcript to complete the utterance if there are deficiencies.

i. Made a temporary summary of the results analysis.

2. Data Display

After all of the data reduction steps are performed, the next is the data

display. Data display was done by attaching data that includes

Illocution speech and Perlocution speech which is known to be a type

of Illocution speech and the effects of Perlocution speech.

3. Conclusion Drawing/ Verification

Then the last is the conclusion drawing / verification that was used to

analyze provide final conclusions of the research and by adding

opinions of other studies as a reference that the analysis is accurate.




The results of the data analysis divided thorough analysis that focused on the

speech acts found in the Shaft 2019 movie transcript. The analysis is carried out

based on the theory used.

A. Findings

Figure 2. Shaft Movie Poster

In the fourth chapter, after the data was collected, then it was analyzed

every speech uttered by the characters in the Shaft 2019 movie. The data has

been analyzed based on Searle's theory which divided the types of Illocution

speech acts and analyzes the effects of Perlocution speech acts. There were

four types of Illocution speech acts spoken, including Representative,

Directive, Commissive, Expressive. The five types were described by Searle

(Searle, 1976, p. 35), and in this research, the four types of Illocution speech

acts were found in the movie. Then Perlocution speech has an influential

effect on the speech partner so that it takes an action or agrees with what is

expressed by the speaker. The characters collected by the data for this

research are John Shaft, John Shaft II, Sasha Arias, John “JJ” Shaft, Bennie

Rodriguez, Manuel Orozco, Freddie P., Cutty, and Sergeant Keith Williams.


In the transcript of this film, the data taken are 100 excerpts which are

included in the speech acts of Illocution and Perlocution. But in this

research, only 25 excerpts were analyzed as evidence that various types of

Illocution speech acts and the effects of Perlocution had been found.

Illocution and Perlocution speech acts found were Representative with 13

data, Directive as much as 7 data, Commissive with 3 data, and Expressive

as much as 2 data. Several types of Illocution speech acts were found along

with the Perlocution effect caused in speech events, such as:

1. Representative speech acts were found to have the functions of

Informing (stating something), Asserting (emphasizing doing

something), Describing (explaining something), and Claiming (stating a


2. The Directive's speech acts were found to have the functions of Asking

(asking something), warning (giving a warning), and suggesting

(suggesting something).

3. Commissive speech acts were found to have the function of Planning

(suggesting something), and Promising (promising to do something).

4. Expressive speech acts found to have a Thanking function.

The existing Perlocution effect is an action, an explanation given to

strengthen an opinion, explain the intent and purpose of denying,

directly or indirectly answering questions, accepting offers, and

agreeing to offers.

B. Discussions

In the analysis, Illocution and Perlocution speech acts are explained

based on Searle's theory and these theories serve as guidelines for showing

Illocution speech acts and the effects of Perlocution speech acts which were

expressed after the Illocution speech acts in the transcript of the Shaft 2019

movie. The answers from research problems will be combined in each

points in this chapter. In this research, four types of Illocution speech acts

were found, namely Representative, Directive, Expressive, and


Commissive. Then, the effect caused by the Illocution speech act becomes

Perlocution speech act so that the speech partner does or agrees to what is

said by the speaker. The following statements are analysis of the types of

Illocution speech acts and the Perlocution effects that arise at the end of

each speech event:

1. Representatives Act (informing, asserting, describing, and claiming)

Representative according to Searle (Searle, 1976, p. 35) is a speech act

that binds the speaker to the truth of what is said. Representative is a

statement uttered by someone who causes the speaker to be responsible for

what has been said. These types include asserting, informing, prohibiting,

describing, and claiming.

a. Informing

Representative speech acts in its function to inform something

conveyed by a speaker by believing the truth they know, or explaining,

telling what they know to their speech partner. In the transcript of this

movie, the analysis of informing utterances are explained:

Excerpt 1

John “JJ” Shaf : Yeah, Manny.

Manny Orozco : Name’s Manuel. Only my friends call me Manny.

And you and me… We ain’t friends, are we?

John “JJ” Shaft : No. No, we’re not.

Manny Orozco : Oh, we ain’t friends?

John “JJ” Shaft : You know, I came here to ask you about somebody

who’s a mutual friend. So that’s gotta count for

something, right? Here, let me just…(reached into

his pocket)

This speech act was expressed by Manny when he was inside the

drug transaction headquarters which is his territory. The partner in this

dialogue is John "JJ" Shaft. This dialogue occurs when JJ is looking

for Manny to ask whether Karim's death was due to the transaction

made with Manny. From Manny’s expression, he seemed to state that


he was the owner of the place by emphasizing the mention of his own

name so as a new person he didn't know, he didn't like people calling

his first name like that. In conveying the aims and objectives, this

dialogue is conveyed directly, not through any media. The norm

highlighted in this dialogue is how someone feels disrespectful when

they go to other people's territory. The type of speech in this dialogue

is conversation between characters.

Figure 3. Informing Act

The utterance was included in Informing because Manny stated that he

was Manuel or Manny whom JJ mentioned. The speech event was

carried out by JJ and Manny with the effect of Perlocution because

Manny answered JJ's call directly so that the speaker's intention was


Excerpt 2

Sasha Arias : Like you ain’t got a gun. That’s funny.

John “JJ” Shaft : No. Like, I’m not a gun guy.

Sasha Arias : Not a gun guy? JJ, you’re in the FBI. Even I have a gun.

And I live in the nice part of Brooklyn.

John “JJ” Shaft : Do you know that most gunshot wounds are self-

inflicted? Statistically speaking, you’re safer without


John “JJ” Shaft talked to Sasha Arias after he woke up from fainting. It

seems that they are talking about weapons. From the suppression of voice

by John “JJ” Shaft, it can be seen that as an FBI agent, he gave information

about the dangers of carrying weapons. This dialogue is included in the

speech acts of Illocution and Perlocution. Speaker and speech partner speak


face-to-face. The variety of language used is spoken language. The existing

speech is a Representative who has a function as Informing. The

relationship between speaker and speech partner is a childhood friend.

Figure 4. Informing Act

JJ and Sasha in this speech event are in the hospital room where Sasha

works. This speech is information provided by JJ as an FBI who

understands that without carrying a gun, people can avoid being shot. This

speech has a Perlocution effect, which shows a reply to a statement denied

by the speech partner, thereby showing his disapproval of Sasha's

possession of the gun.

Excerpt 3

John Shaft II : I think what you’re trying to say is “thank you”.

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Right. Thanks. Could you drop me off, please? I

think coming to you was a mistake. I’ll take it from here.

John Shaft II : Take what from here?

John “JJ” Shaft : I’m going to Brothers Watching Brothers. See what I can

find out.

John “JJ” Shaft talks to John Shaft II in the car after making the first

investigation. On their way, they are seen arguing over JJ’s plans to go

alone. This dialogue is a speech of Illocution and Perlocution. The speaker

uses emphasis on the tone of the speech to indicate that it is important. The

variety of language used is spoken language. Speaker and speech partner

have a father-son relationship.


Figure 5. Informing Act

This speech event took place in the car belonging to John Shaft II. The

speech was included in the Representative to inform that JJ will go to the

Brothers Watching Brothers building to find more information there. The

Perlocution effect caused by the speaker's direct questions has been

understood by the speech partner so that the statement was answered.

b. Asserting

In a representative speech act, the speaker shows what they believe to

the speech partner. In the transcript of the 2019 Shaft movie, analysis of

the speech which are asserting will be explained below:

Excerpt 4

John “JJ” Shaft : It’s kinda hard for it to escalate into a shootout when you

don’t have a gun.

John “JJ” Shaft : No. Like, I’m not a gun guy.

Sasha Arias : Not a gun guy? JJ, you’re in the FBI. Even I have a gun.

The dialogue was held in a hospital room where Sasha Arias worked.

After cleaning the wound on John’s forehead, they talk about weapons. It

can be seen in Sasha’s expression that she asserts that even she is a

woman, she has a weapon. So, even if you feel you are in a safe situation,

you should be able to protect yourself with weapons. The speech act was

carried out in direct dialogue. The relationship between speaker and

speech partner is that they are friends so that the language used is informal.


Figure 6. Asserting Act

The speech act that occurred between JJ and Sasha was included in the

category of Representative. The speech which is an Asserting

Representative is a statement uttered by Sasha. This statement includes

asserting because he asserts that even though she is not a member of the

FBI, she even has a gun. The Perlocution effect generated in this dialogue

is when the speaker delivers a statement, this is denied by the speech

partner by explaining that speakers generally have a gun because of their

job as an FBI.

Excerpt 5

John Shaft II : No matter how hard your mom tried to kill that family shit

in you, those Shaft swimmers found their way all the way

up in that pussy, didn’t they? Come on. How far along is

she? How much you need?

John “JJ” Shaft : No, there’s no she. I need to hire you. I need you help

for case.

The setting for this dialogue is in the John Shaft II workplace. John

Shaft II prepares to give money to John “JJ” Shaft after he tells him that he

needs help. Thinking that all the children look like their father, he gives

money to JJ for helping him with his problems of women. But JJ

emphasized that the problem he faced were not because of women. He

needs the help of his father who is a detective to help him solve cases. The

speech acts in this dialogue are the speech acts of Illocution and

Perlocution. The language used in the conversation is non-formal

language. The dialogue is a variety of spoken language. The dialogue


contains Asserting to emphasize that what is being discussed is very

important and not trivial.

Figure 7. Asserting Act

This speech event was conducted in John Shaft II's office. The

utterance was included in Asserting because JJ emphasized that John Shaft

II's suspicion was not true. He stressed that the problems he had were not

related to women or material things but that he needed John Shaft II's help

to carry out an investigation. The resulting Perlocution had the effect of

directly refuting the questions posed by the speaker.

Excerpt 6

John “JJ” Shaft : I’m going to Brothers Watching Brothers. See what I can

find out.

John Shaft II : Fuck that! We are going to Brothers Watching Brothers.

John “JJ” Shaft : We?

John Shaft II : Yeah, we. If you’re gonna pursue this investigations.

I’mma have to babysit your ass.

John “JJ” Shaft argues with John Shaft II on their way to the place of

the next investigation di dalam mobil milik John Shaft II. In the

conversation, they argue about JJ’s plan to go alone to the next

investigation site. The emphasis is that John Shaft II has to look after his

child like a baby, but in reality, a father wants to protect his child from

harm without saying it outright. The language used is spoken language.

The norm in this dialogue is how a father cares and takes care of his child

even though the child is an adult. The dialogue reflects the figure of a

father towards his child.


Figure 8. Asserting Act

The speech act was carried out by JJ and John Shaft II on their way to

the Brothers Watching Brothers building to conduct an investigation. This

speech is a Representative who has an Asserting function in terms of

emphasizing that JJ must be supervised by John Shaft II. The Perlocution

effect that exists in this dialogue is that the speech partner directly answers

the speaker's questions by explaining the reasons why he should supervise

and protect the speaker.

Excerpt 7

John Shaft II : You know, I’m trying to give homeboy the benefit of the

doubt, but that motherfucker is annoying.

John “JJ” Shaft : I need to find out how much zakat it’s gonna take to

build one of those.

John Shaft II and John “JJ” Shaft were kicked out of the mosque

because of their investigation. In front of the mosque, although JJ has an

American culture that when annoyed uses harsh words, but when he was

there, he tried to emphasize his purpose in carrying out investigations

using polite language. In contrast to John Shaft II, who remains relaxed

using his daily language (harsh words). The instrument used was a variety

of spoken language. The dialogue has an Asserting function to reaffirm

their interests towards that place. The dialogue is a conversation between

father and son which aims to carry out an investigation.


Figure 9. Asserting Act

The speech act took place in front of a mosque in connection with an

investigation by John Shaft II and John "JJ" Shaft. The speech shows the

Asserting uttered by the speech partner to assure firmly that the

investigation is to seek evidence of where the financial funds were

obtained by the mosque.

Excerpt 8

John “JJ” Shaft : What do I do?

Sasha Arias : Keep some pressure on it!

John “JJ” Shaft : Come on, stay with us, Dad! Don’t die on me, Dad,


John Shaft II got shot. From his expression, it could be seen that he was

shot, then he fell. When he fainted, John “JJ” Shaft and Sasha Arias

approached him later when JJ panicked, Sasha insisted on taking fist aid

measures to prevent bleeding by press John Shaft II’s chest. The words

used are statements. The situation and conditions in the dialogue were

panic because someone was shot. The language used is spoken language.

This type of speech is a statement to help others in an emergency.

Figure 10. Asserting Act


This speech act was a dialogue between John "JJ" Shaft and Sasha

Arias when they were in panic because John Shaft II was shot so that

John Shaft II fainted. This dialogue is a form of Representative in

Asserting which is uttered by the speech partner to do something that

will later help the situation and condition at that time. The Perlocution

effect caused is a direct answer issued by the speech partner to the

speaker's question about what to do when the incident occurs.

c. Describing

Representative speech acts convey that the speaker tells the truth

obtained from other people to their speech partners. In the transcript of

the Shaft 2019 movie, the speech analysis in the form of describing

the representative act will be described below:

Excerpt 9

John “JJ” Shaft : It’s kinda hard for it to escalate into a shootout when

you don’t have a gun.

Sasha Arias : Like you ain’t got a gun. That’s funny.

John “JJ” Shaft : No. Like, I’m not a gun guy.

Sasha Arias : Not a gun guy? JJ, you’re in the FBI. Even I have a

gun. And I live in the nice part of Brooklyn.

The setting for this dialogue is when they are in a room at the

hospital. After cleaning the wound on John’s forehead, they talk about

weapons. Then Sasha explained the reason she did not believe that JJ

has not a gun because even though she was a woman and lived in a

safe place, she still carried a gun. This shows that even if we feel we

are in a safe environment, we must always be vigilant about carrying

weapons to protect ourselves. The speech act occurs verbally. The

language used is spoken language. The norm in this dialogue is that

men should be more aware of threats than women. This dialogue is a

reflection of a friend's concern in a dangerous situation.


Figure 11. Describing Act

This speech act took place in one of the hospital rooms where Sasha

worked. This dialogue is classified as Describing because the partner

explains why she has a gun even though she is a woman.

Excerpt 10

John Shaft II : So?

John “JJ” Shaft : So? I work for the FBI. I can’t be aiding and abetting

the city’s highest-profile sociopath as he just tears

through Harlem one drug dealer at a time.

This dialogue takes place in a car belonging to John Shaft II. John “JJ”

Shaft argues with John Shaft II on their way to the place of the next

investigation. Then JJ explained that he was disappointed with John Shaft

II because of his actions earlier. JJ explained that he could not allow John

to carry out the investigation as he had done earlier. The dialogue is a

speech act of Illocution and Perlocution. In this dialogue, formal language

is used to explain the task of a person's job, which shows that his job is not

easy. The variety of language used is spoken language. The dialogue is an

expression of a child's disappointment with his father who underestimates

his job.


Figure 12. Describing Act

The speech act was carried out by John Shaft II and John “JJ” Shaft in

the John Shaft II car when they were on their way to the investigation site.

This dialogue is included in the Representative act because the partner

explains supporting things which explains why the speech partner does not

agree with what the speaker previously did. The Perlocution effect is how

the speech partner can explain and understand directly the meaning asked

by the speaker.

Excerpt 11

Sergeant Keith Williams : Everything is okay up here?

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Gentlemen…

Cutty : Meet Sergeant Keith Williams, Staff Sergeant

Eddie Dominguez. These fellas are friends of


Cutty’s two friends came to the reception desk. They heard a

commotion at the reception desk, then Sergeant Keith Williams asked

what the commotion was there. Cutty explained that two friends from

Karim (one of the founders of Brothers Watching Brothers) had come.

Supposedly as a guest, not allowed to make noise in other people's places.

The expressions shown by Cutty's two friends showed that they were ready

to guard the building from danger. The language used is spoken language.

This dialogue reflects a misunderstanding between guests and building



Figure 13. Describing Act

The speech act took place in the lobby in front of the reception desk in

the Brothers Watching Brothers building. This dialogue includes

Describing because the partner explained to his friend that it was a friend

of one of their friends who came there.

d. Claiming

Based on the movie, it was found that dialogue was included in

claiming. Claiming is one of the utterances included in the

Representative act. In stated utterances, the speaker state the truth of

something as they believe. The analysis of claiming utterances found in

speech events by each character in the movie are:

Excerpt 12

John “JJ” Shaft : It’s kinda hard for it to escalate into a shootout when

you don’t have a gun.

Sasha Arias : Like you ain’t got a gun. That’s funny.

John “JJ” Shaft : No. Like, I’m not a gun guy.

The setting for the dialogue is in the hospital room where Sasha Arias

works. After cleaning the wound on JJ’s forehead, they talk about

weapons. In his statement, JJ explained that he was not someone who

always carried a gun. In his statement, JJ explained that he was not

someone who always carried a gun. From the expression Sasha heard that

statement, she was surprised and shocked to hear it because she thought

of course FBI agents always carry weapons. The speech act is a speech

act of Ilocution and Perlocution. The language used in this dialogue is


informal because the two have a friendly relationship. The instruments

in this dialogue are verbal modes. The dialogue includes a self-statement.

Figure 14. Claiming Act

The speech act was carried out by Sasha Arias and John "JJ" Shaft

when Sasha treated the beating wounds that John "JJ" Shaft found when

they were desperate to carry out their own investigation. This dialogue is

included in the Representative act because the speech partner states that

he is not a person who likes to use weapons.

Excerpt 13

John Shaft II : Junior.

John “JJ” Shaft : Oh, damn, she’s strong.

John Shaft II : I think she’s ready to talk.

John “JJ” Shaft : Oh, it’s bleeding.

This dialogue takes place in the room where Bennie Rodriguez works.

Participants in this dialogue are John Shaft II and John "JJ" Shaft. John

“JJ” Shaft falls after being hit by Bennie Rodriguez. It seems that he fell

and was in pain, therefore JJ said that Bennie was a strong woman which

caused him to fall. It can be seen that JJ's statement proves his statement

can be trusted accompanied by the consequences of the actions received

by him. The dialogue is included in the speech act of Illocution and

Perlocution. The situations and conditions that occurred in the dialogue

were tense as a result of the resulting fights. The language used is a

verbal variety. This dialogue has the function of expressing one's



Figure 15. Claiming Act

The speech act took place in a work room of a person being

investigated by John "JJ" Shaft and John Shaft II. At that time the speech

partner was hit by the woman he interrogated. The dialogue included

Claiming because the speech partner stated that he was in a state of shock

and pain so that he could state the hit he had received was quite hard.

Therefore, the speech partner stated that the woman was strong because it

caused his nose to bleed.

2. Directives Act (asking, warning, and suggesting)

Directive speech acts according to Searle (Searle, 1976, p. 35) is a

speech act which is meant by the speaker so that the speech partner

performs the actions mentioned in the speech. What is found in the

transcripts of this movie are stories in which the speaker indirectly orders

the speech partners to do what he says. Directive speech such as asking,

warning, suggesting, ordering, commanding, and requesting. There are

analyzes of the Directive's speech acts:

a. Asking

In the transcript of the 2019 Shaft movie, there are many types of

Illocution speech acts. The speech act in this section is a directive

whose function is to ask questions. The speech act analysis included in

Asking are:


Excerpt 14

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah, Manny.

Manny Orozco : Only my friends call me Manny. And you and

me… We ain’t friends, are we?

John “JJ” Shaft : No. No, we’re not.

Manny Orozco : Oh, we ain’t friends?

John “JJ” Shaft : You know, I came here to ask you about

somebody who’s a mutual friend. So that’s

gotta count for something, right? Here, let

me just…()

Manny and bodyguard : (raises the gun in their trouser pocket)

John “JJ” Shaft : Did he came here, maybe last week, looking

to… you know, make a purchase from you,

did he?

Manny’s bodyguard : (emerge from the door and surround the John

"JJ" Shaft)

John “JJ” Shaft : Where the hell did he came from?

Manny Orozco : (motioned for his bodyguard to hit JJ)

Manny’s bodyguard : (hit John "JJ" Shaft unconscious)

John “JJ” Shaft came to Manny’s drug dealing headquarters. It can

be seen from Manny's reaction that he does not like people he does not

know coming to his area. The words spoken by Manny are used to ask

questions because he doesn't know JJ. The dialogue was delivered

orally. In fact, the dialogue reflects that it is not permissible to enter

someone else's territory without that person's permission.

Figure 16. Asking Act

The speech act "We ain't friends, are we?" takes place inside a

building in Manny Orozco's territory as a drug lord. At that time John

"JJ" Shaft was desperate to come alone without weapons even though

the area was classified as an area with a high crime rate. The dialogue


is included in the type of directive which has an Asking function. In

the dialogue, Manny asked indirectly that he did not know JJ but the

speech partner casually called him by a name that only a speaker's

business relations call his name like that.

Manny Orozco and his bodyguards thought John “JJ” Shaft was

going to take out a gun. Seen several of Manny's bodyguards came

around JJ before one of them hit JJ because of Manny's orders.

Figure 17. Asking Act

The event said "So that's gotta count for something, right?"

took place between John "JJ" Shaft and Many Orozco and some of his

men in the building which is part of the drug transaction territory

owned by Manny. The speech act was included in Asking because the

speaker asked indirectly that even though he was not the friend Manny

knew, whether he could come to that place. The effect of Perlocution

is an action by a speech partner who thinks the speaker will do

something that endangers their life so that the speech partner

immediately reaches into his pants pocket to get a weapon.

The speech act was "Did he came here, maybe last week,

looking to… you know, make a purchase from you, did he?" takes

place in Manny's building for drug transactions. The speech act is

included in the type of directive which is Asking to ask the speech

partner whether his friend has ever been seen or known by the speech

partner. The Perlokusion effect is that the speech partner does not care

whether he knows the person in question so he doesn't want the

speaker to ask about it and tell his subordinates to beat the speaker.


The speech act "Where the hell did he came from?" performed

by Manny Orozco and John “JJ” Shaft in Manny's building. The

speech act included Asking because the speech partner asked

indirectly how Manny's men were around him but he did not realize it.

The effect of Perlocution is that the speech partner gets hit due to the

question asked earlier because the speaker does not like the question.

Excerpt 15

John “JJ” Shaft : No. Like, I’m not a gun guy.

Sasha Arias : Not a gun guy? JJ, you’re in the FBI. Even I have a

gun. And I live in the nice part of Brooklyn.

John “JJ” Shaft : Do you know that most gunshot wounds are self-

inflicted? Statistically speaking, you’re safer without


John “JJ” Shaft talked to Sasha Arias after he woke up from fainting.

From the conversation, questions arise about Sasha's astonishment why

he does not carry a gun wherever he goes even though he is an FBI agent.

The dialogue is a speech act of Illocution and Perlocution. The

conversation took place between friends. The language used is a verbal

variety. The dialogue contains a function to ask the certainty of what is

being said.

Figure 18. Asking Act

The thing that goes into asking is when Sasha Arias asks her indirectly

about her distrust of John “JJ” Shaft's utterance, which states that he is

not a person who has a weapon. The speech includes Asking because it

asks something so that the speaker can realize that the speech partner


does not believe what has been said before. So, the utterance which is

included in the Illocution speech act includes the directive for asking.

Based on the speech acts carried out by Sasha and JJ, the effect of

Perlocution was the speakers' re-explanation of the statement that having

weapons for self-defense was normal even though according to the

speakers it was not true.

Excerpt 16

John “JJ” Shaft : I need your help.

John Shaft II : Those Shaft swimmers found their way all the way up

in that pussy, didn’t they? Come on. How far along is

she? How much you need?

John “JJ” Shaft : No, there’s no she. I need to hire you. I need you help

for case.

This dialogue takes place in the room where John Shaft II works. John

Shaft II prepares to give money to John “JJ” Shaft after he tells him that

he needs help. The question that John said was the mind of someone who

thought that his son had come to him for money because he had problems

with women, just like he used to be. This dialogue is carried out face to

face. The discussion in this dialogue occurs between father and son who

have never met for a long time.

Figure 19. Asking Act

The speech included in the Directive act was when John Shaft II asked

about the intent and purpose of John "JJ" Shaft came to him at noon like

that in John Shaft II's office even though they had never seen each other

for years. The effect of Perlocution is that the speech partner does not


justify the question but answers it directly by explaining the intent and

purpose of coming there.

Excerpt 17

John “JJ” Shaft : You didn’t just break laws, you committed human

rights violations.

John Shaft II : So?

John “JJ” Shaft : So? I work for the FBI. I can’t be aiding and abetting

the city’s highest-profile sociopath as he just tears

through Harlem one drug dealer at a time.

John Shaft II :You don’t like the way the sausage is made, close your

eyes when you’re eating it.

John “JJ” Shaft : The fuck kind of metaphor is that?

John Shaft II : I think what you’re trying to say is “thank you”.

John Shaft II : We are going to Brothers Watching Brothers.

John “JJ” Shaft : We?

John Shaft II : Yeah, we.

This dialogue takes place in a car belonging to John Shaft II. John

“JJ” Shaft argues with John Shaft II on their way to the place of the next

investigation. In their debate, several questions were raised which

suggested that the investigation was so dangerous for JJ that John Shaft II

could not let him go alone. This dialogue includes the Illocution and

Perlocution speech acts. This debate took place between father and son.

The language used is a variety of spoken language. The dialog contains

questions about the speaker's request for explanation. The dialogue

reflects that the lives of the father and son often arise in debate.

Figure 20. Asking Act


The speech “so” was carried out in the car after an investigation into

the building owned by Manny Orozco. The speech is included in Asking

because the speech partner asks what the previous speaker's words mean.

The Perlokusion effect is that the speaker answers by repeating the

speech partner's question and then explaining the meaning and purpose of

the words he said earlier.

The speech act “The fuck kind of metaphor is that?” was carried out

by John Shaft II and John “JJ” Shaft in the car after investigating the

building owned by Manny Orozco. The speech is included in the

Directive in Asking because the speech partner asks what is the meaning

of the proverb statement uttered by the speaker. The Perlocution effect

that arises is that the speaker answers the speech partner's question as a

statement that cannot be uttered directly by the speech partner.

The speech act “We?” was carried out when John Shaft II and John

“JJ” Shaft debated whether they would continue the next investigation.

The speech is included in Asking because the speech partner asks again

the meaning of the statement uttered by the speaker. The effect of

Perlocution was that the speakers answered directly that they would go

together to carry out an investigation.

b. Warning

In this movie, the Directive's speech acts are found that serve to

provide warnings. The speech act analyzes included in the warning are:

Excerpt 18

John “JJ” Shaft : I’ll take it from here.

John Shaft II : Take what from here?

John “JJ” Shaft : I’m going to Brothers Watching Brothers.

This dialogue takes place in a car belonging to John Shaft II. John

“JJ” Shaft argues with John Shaft II on their way to the place of the next

investigation. The warning implied by questioning indicates that John

Shaft II was worried about JJ's plans at the time to go out on the


investigation alone. In the dialogue, there is a concern of a father on his

son who wants to travel alone in danger. This dialogue happened in

person. In fact, a father will always protect and worry about his child's


Figure 21. Warning Act

The speech act was carried out in a car belonging to John Shaft II.

The utterance is included in the Directive act because the speech

partner implies that the speaker is not allowed to do this through

questions. The Perlocution effect that is generated is that the speech

partner directly answers the speaker's questions, even though the

speaker's intention is to warn the speech partner.

Excerpt 19

Cutty : I remember seeing you at the funeral.

Sergeant Keith Williams : Everything is okay up here?

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah.

Cutty’s two friends came to the reception desk. The question

indicated that it was a warning to those who came to the building that

Seargant Keith Williams had the authority in the building. Speakers

use language to commemorate someone who enters their territory. The

language used is a verbal variety. When entering other people's

territory, we should be polite and put ethics first. This dialogue shows

the problem when a stranger suddenly makes a fuss at someone else's



Figure 22. Warning Act

The speech act was carried out by Cutty, Sergeant Keith Williams,

and John “JJ” Shaft in the Brothers Watching Brothers building. The

speech included a warning because indirectly the speech partner came to

ensure that it was their area that should not be disturbed because they felt

threatened by the two detectives (JJ and John Shaft II). The Perlocution

effect that arises is that the question has been answered indirectly with an

expression indicating that the situation there is fine.

c. Suggesting

In the transcript of the Shaft 2019 movie, speech acts have been

found that serve as suggestions to provide suggestions. The suggested

speech act analyzes are described below:

Excerpt 20

John “JJ” Shaft : Gentlemen…

Cutty : Meet Sergeant Keith Williams, Staff Sergeant Eddie

Dominguez. These fellas are friends of Karim’s. They

want to talk. Why don’t y’all come back? We’ll have

some coffee.

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah.

Cutty’s two friends came to the reception desk. After the arrival of his

two friends and explaining that JJ and John Shaft II had come to ask

about Karim. Then Cutty offered them to take a break while drinking

coffee there. Dialog tersebut termasuk dalam Ilokusi dan Perlokusi.

Penutur dalam dialog tersebut menggunakan basa-basi agar menjaga


keakraban. The language used is a verbal variety. The function in this

dialogue is to offer something to others. The offers in the dialogue are

usually used to get closer to stranger.

Figure 23. Suggesting Act

The speech took place inside the Brothers Watching Brothers

building. The speech is included in the type of Directive act because it

has the function of suggesting indirectly that the speaker stays there. The

Perlocution effect that is generated is a direct answer uttered by the

speaker on the advice of the speech partner to stay there for a while.

3. Commisive Act (planning and promising )

According to Searle (Searle, 1976, p. 35) Commissive speech acts are

speech acts that bind the speaker to carry out everything that is stated in

the utterance, for example planning, promising, refusing, and offering.

Through this type of speech act, it can be seen that the speaker will do

something in the future according to what is said. The analysis of the

Commissive speech acts found were:

a. Planning

In this movie, there are speech acts with the Commisive type which

function to state the next plan. Analysis of speech acts which includes

planning are:


Excerpt 21

John Shaft II :You don’t like the way the sausage is made, close your

eyes when you’re eating it.

John “JJ” Shaft : The fuck kind of metaphor is that?

John Shaft II : I think what you’re trying to say is “thank you”.

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Right. Thanks. Could you drop me off, please? I

think coming to you was a mistake. I’ll take it from


John Shaft II : Take what from here?

John “JJ” Shaft : I’m going to Brothers Watching Brothers.

This dialogue takes place in a car belonging to John Shaft II. John “JJ”

Shaft argues with John Shaft II on their way to the place of the next

investigation. From the conversation, several plans were presented to

discuss the investigation. The speech acts in this dialogue are Illocution

and Perlocution. Speakers in this dialogue directly convey the intent and

purpose of the plan to do. The language used is a verbal variety. This

conversation is between father and son.

Figure 24. Planning Act

The speech act took “The fuck kind of metaphor is that? ” place when

John Shaft II was driving a car with John "JJ" Shaft. This speech is

included in planning because the speech partner plans to carry out the

investigation itself. The effect of Perlocution is that the speech partner

agrees with the speaker's statement that he wants to say thank you. The

speech act ” I’m going to Brothers Watching Brothers.” occurred while

John Shaft II was in a car with John “JJ” Shaft. The speech was included

in the Commissive type because the speech partner stated his plan to go to

the Brothers Watching Brothers building.


Excerpt 22

John Shaft II : Shaft. John Shaft.

John “JJ” Shaft : Ignore him. He thinks he’s the black James Bond.

John Shaft II : If that motherfucker was real, he’d think he was me.

John “JJ” Shaft : Please… Stop.

Cutty : What can I do for your fellas?

John “JJ” Shaft : I was hoping to talk to you about a friend of mine.

Cutty came to the reception desk inside the Brothers Watching Brothers

building. He introduced himself then asked what JJ and John Shaft II's

intentions were. Then JJ explained his plan directly to Cutty. This dialogue

occurred because the building owner heard the commotion in front of the

reception desk. Supposedly, as a guest, you must maintain courtesy when

visiting other people's buildings. This reflects the misunderstanding in

everyday life between the owner and the person who comes without

manners. The dialogue took place directly without intermediary media.

Figure 25. Planning Act

The speech act took place between Cutty and John “JJ” Shaft inside the

Brothers Watching Brothers building. The speech was included in

Planning because the speech partner conveyed his plan to come there to

the speakers.

b. Promising

Promising speech acts are Commisive acts because the speaker

convince someone to do, give, or arrange, or states that something will

happen. It can also mean letting someone know that they will definitely do


something. In this movie, the speech act analyzes that contain Promising


Excerpt 23

Manny’s bodyguard : (emerge from the door and surround the John

"JJ" Shaft)

John “JJ” Shaft : Where the hell did he came from? Look,

I’mma… I’mma just get out of here, you

know. Manny Orozco : (motioned for his bodyguard to hit JJ)

Bodyguard of Manny : (hit John "JJ" Shaft unconscious)

This dialogue took place inside the building owned by Manny

Orozco. The dialogue in this film is about John "JJ" Shaft who intends

to only reach into his pocket to show a photo of his friend about what

is being asked to the speaker. Manny Orozco and his bodyguards

thought John “JJ” Shaft was going to take out a gun. After seeing

some of Manny’s bodyguard getting ready to take out their gun, JJ

promised to get out of there. The resulting speech acts are Illocution

and Perlocution. Speakers use pleasantries to create familiarity with

the situation. The language used is a verbal variety. The dialogue has a

function to convince the speech partner that the speakers will

immediately take action to keep the situation safe. This dialog shows

the situation when a criminal investigation is being carried out.

Figure 26. Promising Act


The utterance delivered by John "JJ" Shaft was a Promising in

Commissive speech act. The speech was included in the Commissive

because the speech partner promised to leave there right away. The

effect of Perlocution is that speakers feel disturbed by the arrival of a

speech partner so that after saying that the speech partner will soon

leave there, the speaker orders his subordinates to beat him.

4. Expressive Act (thanking)

According to Searle (Searle, 1976, p. 35) Expressive speech act is a

form of speech that functions to express or show a speaker's psychological

attitude towards a situation. The expressions are thanking, welcoming,

apologizing, condoling, and etc which are expressed in this speech act.

Apart from that, the Expressive act also expresses what the speakers feel.

In the Shaft 2019 movie, you can find speech acts in this category. The

excerpt in the film which contains expressive speech acts has the following



This type of gratitude speech act is intended to convey gratitude,

because the speaker has been assisted or received help from the speech

partner. In this movie, the analysis in Thanking's speech will be discussed:

Excerpt 24

John Shaft II : You don’t like the way the sausage is made, close your

eyes when you’re eating it.

John “JJ” Shaft : The fuck kind of metaphor is that?

John Shaft II : I think what you’re trying to say is “thank you”.

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Right. Thanks.

This dialogue takes place in a car belonging to John Shaft II. John “JJ”

Shaft argues with John Shaft II on their way to the place of the next

investigation. The statement of gratitude acknowledged by JJ, was uttered

by him after John Shaft II offended JJ who did not express his gratitude for


the assistance provided by John Shaft II. Dialogue included in speech acts

is an expression of gratitude. The language used is spoken language. How

to express a speech using a sentence that has meaning in it.

Figure 27. Thanking Act

The utterances included in Thanking are utterances uttered by John

"JJ" Shaft. The utterance is included in the Thanking because the word

"yeah" indicates that the speech partner is grateful to the speaker for the

help he / she got. This utterance is included in a thanking expression.

The Perlocution effect that has been generated is that the speech partner

directly agrees to what the speaker says, that he is grateful for the help

he gets.

Excerpt 25

Sergeant Keith Williams : Everything is okay up here?

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Gentlemen…

Cutty : Meet Sergeant Keith Williams, Staff Sergeant

Eddie Dominguez. These fellas are friends of

Karim’s. They want to talk.

Cutty : Why don’t y’all come back? We’ll have some


John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah, decaf for me.

In the building, when Seargent Keith Williams came with his friend

to ask about the situation there, JJ wanted to leave the place by saying

“gentlemen…” but Cutty offered to keep them to be there for drinking

coffee together. In such dialogue, this expression is usually said when

someone is grateful when they accept someone else's offer. When

someone offers something or action, we should say thank you. This


dialogue is delivered orally. This dialogue reflects the ethics of a person

in everyday life when someone is offered something.

Figure 28. Thanking Act

The speech occurred when Cutty offered them (John "JJ" Shaft and

John Shaft) to rest while talking at the Brothers Watching Brothers

building. The speech uttered by the speech partner is an expression of

thanking because from the word "yeah" he thanked the speaker for the

offer to drink coffee and then mentioned the type of coffee he wanted.

The effect of Perlocution is that the speech partner accepts the speaker's

offer by mentioning the type of coffee he wants.

Austin divides speech acts into 3 types namely Locution, Illocution

and Perlocution. Illocution have five types, there are Representative,

Commissive, Directive, Expressive, and Declarative. In the transcript of

this film, the data taken are 100 excerpts which are included in the

speech acts of Illocution and Perlocution. Illocution and Perlocution

speech acts found were Representative with 52 data, Directive as much

as 28 data, Commissive with 12 data, and Expressive as much as 8 data.

Based on the research findings and results, it can be shown that the

most dominant speech act found in Shaft 2019 movie is Representative.

This is because statements that are conveyed directly and get responses

from speech partners are found in every dialogue that exists. This

research takes the Shaft 2019 movie as the objects and the samples used

are dialogue which show Illocution and Perlocution speech acts.




A. Conclusion

Based on the results of research which contains data collection, data analysis

in finding the types of speech acts in the transcript of the 2019 Shaft movie,

which have been discussed in the previous chapter, the conclusion of this

research are:

1. There are four of the five types of Illocution speech acts are found, namely

Representative, Directive, Commissive, and Expressive.

2. The existing Perlocution effect is an action, an explanation given to

strengthen an opinion, explain the intent and purpose of denying, directly

or indirectly answering questions, accepting offers, and agreeing to offers.

B. Suggestions

At the end of this skripsi chapter, there are some suggestions especially

for readers and those who will follow the research steps in this skripsi. The

suggestions are:

1. This research can be used as learning material in the field of pragmatic

studies in the movie.

2. Students can use this research as a reference in developing research with

the same study.

3. The selection of films as research materials must be considered and the

reasons for choosing them should be strengthened.

4. The writing format is very important to note because errors will affect the

neatness of the data displayed.

5. Reviews of various reference books to support the smoothness of the

research process.



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1.1 Synopsis

JJ Shaft is an FBI data analyst who recently graduated from his education at

MIT. Having high ambitions typical of millennials, JJ often forgets that the

bureaucracy in the government work environment requires him to have patience

and self-awareness in acting. His intelligence is sometimes even ignored just

because of his status as a new employee.

Until one day, an unfortunate incident is experienced by his best friend, Karim,

who died under mysterious circumstances. Knowing something was wrong, JJ

then chose to act alone to reveal the death. Knowing that he could only learn this

through his father, John Shaft, JJ then contacted his father to help him. Never

around as long as JJ was little to adulthood, John Shaft later agreed to help him in

return for his failure to carry out his father's duties in the past.

But not only John Shaft who participated in uncovering this case, the

legendary John Shaft Sr. then took part. Shaft senior who previously claimed to be

John Shaft's uncle in the 2000 film, turns to be John Shaft's real father and of

course JJ Shaft's grandfather. Three generations later gathered to solve cases

which turned out to involve many parties behind them. The case that later

sharpened Shaft Junior's instincts, as the successor to the charismatics Shaft


1.2 Movie Transcript


John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah, Manny.

Manny Orozco : Name’s Manuel. Only my friends call me Manny. And you and

me… We ain’t friends, are we?

John “JJ” Shaft : No. No, we’re not.

Manny Orozco : Oh, we ain’t friends?

John “JJ” Shaft : No! Yeah… Wait a minute. Hold on. See, I just… You know, I

came here to ask you about somebody who’s a mutual friend. So

that’s gotta count for something, right? Here, let me just…

John “JJ” Shaft :Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Come on, guys.

John “JJ” Shaft : Where the hell did he came from? Come on, now. I’m just

grabbing my cell phone. See, I just… Hold on, I’m gonna…

show you something. I’mma pull this picture up. Shit, not that

picture. Hang on. Give me one second. This is… This is dumb. I

just hate this new update. This shit is stupid. Um… here. Okay,


John “JJ” Shaft : Did he came here, maybe last week, looking to… you know,

make a purchase from you, did he? He didn’t do that, no. No, that

doesn’t make sense at all. Look, I’mma… I’mma just get out of

here, you know. This is absolutely….


John “JJ” Shaft : Ow!

Sasha Arias : Look, I’m just happy that you’re okay and that this didn’t turn into a

shootout or something.

John “JJ” Shaft : It’s kinda hard for it to escalate into a shootout when you don’t

have a gun.

Sasha Arias : Like you ain’t got a gun. That’s funny.

John “JJ” Shaft : No. Like, I’m not a gun guy.

Sasha Arias : Not a gun guy? JJ, you’re in the FBI. Even I have a gun. And I live

in the nice part of Brooklyn.

John “JJ” Shaft : Do you know that most gunshot wounds are self-inflicted?

Statistically speaking, you’re safer without one.

Sasha Arias : Not when you’re in a drug house investigating a murder. Did you at

least find anything?

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah, but it’s nothing good.


John “JJ” Shaft : I need your help.

John Shaft II : I knew it! I knew this day would come. No matter how hard your

mom tried to kill that family shit in you, those Shaft swimmers found

their way all the way up in that pussy, didn’t they? Come on. How

far along is she? How much you need?

John “JJ” Shaft : No, there’s no she. I need to hire you. I need you help for case.

John Shaft II : Oh.


John Shaft II : Now, which of these motherfucker lay his hands on you?

John “JJ” Shaft : Um… that one.

John Shaft II : Him? Oh.


John Shaft II : Here, cover.

John “JJ” Shaft : Uh…

John Shaft II : Take the gun!


John “JJ” Shaft : Aggravated assault, illegal use of a firearm, torture? You didn’t

just break laws, you committed human rights violations.

John Shaft II : So?

John “JJ” Shaft : So? I work for the FBI. I can’t be aiding and abetting the city’s

highest-profile sociopath as he just tears through Harlem one drug

dealer at a time.

John Shaft II : Look, you asked for my help, I gave you my help. You don’t like

the way the sausage is made, close your eyes when you’re eating it.

John “JJ” Shaft : The fuck kind of metaphor is that?

John Shaft II : I think what you’re trying to say is “thank you”.

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Right. Thanks. Could you drop me off, please? I think

coming to you was a mistake. I’ll take it from here.

John Shaft II : Take what from here?

John “JJ” Shaft : I’m going to Brothers Watching Brothers. See what I can find


John Shaft II : Fuck that! We are going to Brothers Watching Brothers.

John “JJ” Shaft : We?

John Shaft II : Yeah, we. If you’re gonna pursue this investigations. I’mma have

to babysit your ass.

John “JJ” Shaft : You’re the worst father ever.

John Shaft II : No, that would be mine. But I can’t have your ass out here in these

streets, besmirching our family name.


Freddie P : Hello. Welcome to Brothers Watching Brothers. How can I help you?

John “JJ” Shaft : Stop. Yes. Hi. We were actually just hoping to talk…

John Shaft II : Yo! Could whoever’s in charge of this motherfucker come up


John “JJ” Shaft : Why do you… Really?

Cutty : Can I help y’all?

John “JJ” Shaft : Sorry about that. I’m JJ. This is…

John Shaft II : Shaft. John Shaft.

John “JJ” Shaft : Ignore him. He thinks he’s the black James Bond.

John Shaft II : If that motherfucker was real, he’d think he was me.

John “JJ” Shaft : Please… Stop.

Cutty : I’m Major Gary Cutworth. We like to keep it a little casual around here.

Around here just call me Cutty. What can I do for your fellas?

John “JJ” Shaft : I was hoping to talk to you about a friend of mine, Karim?

Cutty : Yeah. I remember seeing you at the funeral.

Sergeant Keith Williams : Everything is okay up here?

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah. Gentlemen…

Cutty : Meet Sergeant Keith Williams, Staff Sergeant Eddie Dominguez. These

fellas are friends of Karim’s. They want to talk. Why don’t y’all come

back? We’ll have some coffee.

John “JJ” Shaft : Yeah, decaf for me.


John Shaft II : Rule number three. Never throw up on the hot girl that’s feeling


John “JJ” Shaft : Unghn….


John Shaft II : You know, I’m trying to give homeboy the benefit of the doubt, but

that motherfucker is annoying.

John “JJ” Shaft : I need to find out how much zakat it’s gonna take to build one of



Bennie Rodrigues : What the fuck?

John “JJ” Shaft : Oh, there’s no non-violent people in Harlem?

John Shaft II : Junior.

John “JJ” Shaft : Oh, damn, she’s strong.

John Shaft II : I think she’s ready to talk.

John “JJ” Shaft : Oh, it’s bleeding.


John Shaft I : These motherfucker ain’t playing.

John Shaft II : Gordito! It’s been so many years.


John “JJ” Shaft : Dad! Oh what I do? What do I do?

Sasha Arias : Keep some pressure on it!

John “JJ” Shaft: Come on, stay with us, Dad! Don’t die on me, Dad, please!
