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SAJ Image Hosting Website

Date post: 19-Jan-2016
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CS306 10/16/06 Steven Hopson, Aaron Jackson, Jason Yonker. SAJ Image Hosting Website. Overview. Web based application with SQL database Users have accounts which provide access to their folders and images Users can upload/edit/delete images and folders related to their account - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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SAJ Image Hosting Website CS306 10/16/06 Steven Hopson, Aaron Jackson, Jason Yonker
Page 1: SAJ Image Hosting Website

SAJ Image Hosting Website


Steven Hopson, Aaron Jackson, Jason Yonker

Page 2: SAJ Image Hosting Website


• Web based application with SQL database

• Users have accounts which provide access to their folders and images

• Users can upload/edit/delete images and folders related to their account

• Anonymous users can view shared folders

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• User Creation/Management

• Image/Folder Browsing

• Image/Folder Management

• Image Manipulation

• Image Upload

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Project Schedule

S p e c A n a lysis

R e q u ire m e n ts R e vie w D e sig n

D e sig n R e vie w

U s e r M o d u l e

I n t e g r a t i o n

I m a g e U p l o a d

I m a g e M a n i p u l a t i o


D e s i g n C o m p l e t


U I/ B a s i c T e x t u r e s

U s e r M o d u l e

I n t e g r a t i o n

I m a g e U p l o a d

I m a g e M a n i p u l a t i o


U I /B a s i c T e x t u r e s

U s e r M o d u l e

I n t e g r a t i o n

I m a g e U p l o a d

I m a g e M a n i p u l a t i o


U I / B a s i c T e x t u r e s

U s e r M o d u l e

I n t e g r a t i o n

I m a g e U p l o a d

I m a g e M a n i p u l a t i o


U I /B a s i c T e x t u r e s

U s e r M o d u l e

I n t e g r a t i o n

I m a g e U p l o a d

I m a g e M a n i p u l a t i o


U I /B a s i c T e x t u r e s

I n t e g ra t io n T e st

V a lid a t io n T e st

D e s i g n O f

D e s i g n W a l k th ro u g

hC o d e

C o d e W a l k th ro u g

hT e s t

A naly s is C om plete D es ign R ev iew C om pleted

D es ign C om pleted

C ode C om pleted

Integration T es ted

P ro jec t C om plete

2 2 2 4





















4 2

• Schedule adds up to a total of 30 days.

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Resource Estimates

• Group members have worked with each other before

• Group members all have some experience with websites and databases

• Functional Decomposition


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Functional Decomposition

LOC Estimate: 2030

Feature Task LOCFile Browsing Thumbnail View 100

Generate Thumbnail 25Image View 100

File Management Rename File 25Move Image Up 25Move Image into Sub-Folder 50

Folder Browsing Folder View 200Site Template 200List Folders Function 50Image View 100

Folder Management Remove Folder 25Move Folder into Sub-Folder 25Share Folder 25Create Folder 25Rename Folder 25

Image Manipulation Cropped Image 25Alter Brightness 50Delete Confirmation 25Scaled Image Preview 25Rotate Image 25Cropped Image Preview 25Alter Contrast Preview 25Create Control Box 15Delete Image 25Alter Brightness Preview 25Scale Image 25Alter Contrast 25

Image Upload PHP Upload Function 100PHP Upload Form 100

User Account Management Create New User 40Edit Account Details 100User Listing 50Administrative Menu 100

User Login User Module Configuration 15Standard User Level 10Accoumt Details Page 100Administrative Rights 40Administrative User Level 10Login Page 50

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Estimated Person-Months= 4.62

Simple Cocomo E=a*(kloc) b̂D=c*(E) d̂

KLOC Lines 2.03Cocomo variable A 2.4Cocomo variable B 1.05Cocomo variable C 2.5Cocomo variable D 0.38

Effort= 5.05Duration= 4.62 Months

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• Object Oriented Approach– Well defined actors– Easy to identify use cases

• Use Cases and Domain Model created

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Team Organization

• Team has worked together before

• No specific structure/team leader

• Team works together when necessary and divides tasks up among members whenever possible

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• Word

• Visio

• Excel



• Eclipse

• Custom tools

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