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  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur












    ROLL NO. : 1227970308

    MBA 2012-2014

  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur



    This is successful completion of any work would be always be

    Incomplete unless we mention the valuable cooperation and assistance

    Of those people who were a source of constant guidance and

    encouragement, they served as bacon light and crowned our efforts

    with success.

    I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our Faculty Prof.

    Rakesh Pandey for his guidance.

    (Rishi Kumar)

  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur



    I hereby declare the project report entitled Sales & Marketing

    strategies Of Hotel Centaur submitted for the post graduate

    degree in Management in my original work and the project report

    has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma,

    and associate ship or other similar titles.

    Place: Signature

    Date: Rishi Kumar

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  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur








  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur



    The main object of this project is to show the marketing

    strategies and quality management of hotels in order to

    improve its revenue and the research problem is, how canMarketing Strategies and Quality Management improve future

    revenue with the special reference to selected five star hotels in

    India? The methodology includes primary data and obtaining

    access to secondary data like historical sales and revenue data. The

    study is based on selected five star hotels in Delhi and I take

    Centaur Hotel which belongs to HCI to explain my project.

    Objectives talks of types of data the research project will generate

    and how these data is relevant.

    Research approach gives a non technical description of the data

    collection method, measurement instrument, sample and analytical

    techniques. I use experimental and questionnaire methods for

    research methodology. Hotel industry which has been

    underperforming on revenue targets in todays competitive market.

    Marketing strategies is a key to improving hotels revenue. As

    advertising and promotional strategies affects revenue faster and in

    a sustain manner compared to one time hotels promotions depends

    on external factors besides advertising and promotional strategies

    can be controlled by the hotel management to help retained loyal

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    customers. It is thus an important element of the marketing strategy

    to generate growth in sales revenue.

    The stylishly designed hotel that made its way to the list of best

    hotels in the world, promises a rich experience to any visitor and

    patron. Realizing the huge potential for hospitality industry have

    to look back to their marketing strategies. The positive response of

    the customers towards the hotel led to the new marketing


    What is a Hotel?

    Hotel is an establishment that provides lodging and usually meals

    and other services for travellers and other paying guests. The

    provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of

    a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has

    largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including

    en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. These

    days some more additional common features are also found in hotel

    rooms like telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a mini-

    bar with snack foods and drinks, ironing facilities and facilities for

    making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and

    slippers, a pillow menu, and

    jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide additional guest

    facilities such as a restaurant, swimming pool, fitness centre,

    business centre, childcare, conference facilities and social function


    Hotel rooms are usually numbered (or named in some smaller

    hotels) to allow guests to identify their room. Some hotels offer

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    meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the United

    Kingdom, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all

    guests within certain stated hours. In Japan, capsule hotels provide

    a minimized amount of room space and shared facilities. A capsule

    hotel is a type of hotel with a large number of extremely small

    "rooms" (capsules) intended to provide cheap and basic overnight

    accommodation for guests not requiring the services offered by

    more conventional hotels.


    Hotel industry in India has witnessed tremendous boom in recent

    year. Hotel industry is inextricably linked to the tourism industry

    and the growth in the Indian tourism industry has fuelled the

    growth for Indian hotel industry. The thriving economy and

    increased opportunities in India has acted as a boon for Indian hotel

    industry. The arrival of low cost airlines and the associated price

    wars have given domestic tourists a host of options. The

    Incredible Indiadestination campaign and the recently launched

    Ati thi Devo Bhavah campaign has also helped in the growth of

    domestic and international tourism and consequently the hotel

    industry. The Indian hospitality industry has emerged as one of thekey industries driving growth of the services sector in India. It has

    evolved into an industry that is sensitive to the needs and desires of

    people. The fortunes of the hospitality industry have always been

    linked to the prospects of the tourism industry and tourism is the

    foremost demand driver of the industry. The Indian hospitality

    industry has recorded healthy growth fuelled by robust inflow offoreign tourists as well as increased tourist movement within the

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    country and it has become one of the leading players in the global



    To study the various trends in Hotel Industry.

    To find the future market potential of Hotels.

    To find out the strategies of Hotel Industry.

    To know the marketing practices of Hotels.

    To know about loyalty programmes.


    No study is complete in itself, however good it may be and everystudy has some limitations:

    Time is the main constraint of my study.

    Sample size availability was not large enough.

    The views of the people are biased therefore it doesnt reflect true



    Tourism is the basic and the most desirable human activity

    describing the praise and encouragement of all people and

    government. Hotel industry is an essential part of tourism. The

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    expansion of tourism is well inevitable bringing out

    development of the hotel industry. Hotel industry is so closely

    linked with the tourism industry that it is responsible for about

    50% of the foreign exchange earning form tourism trade and

    enterprises. The rising volume of tourism influx brought into

    light, the shortage of hotels in important tourists centers.

    Keeping in view the changing standards in the international

    hotel keeping. The Indian industry to make a number of

    improvements. Its not enough to have adequate hotel

    accommodations, it is equally necessary to have at various

    levels, low priced, moderately priced, high priced, and a few

    luxury hotels.

    Hotels may be categorized depending upon factors such as


    Categorization according to plan

    Categorization according to number of rooms.

    Categorization by type of clientele.

    Categorization by the length of stay of guests.

    Categorization by the facilities that the hotel offers

    The devaluation of the Asian currencies, the Kargil issue and the

    parliamentary elections had affected growth in the tourism

    industry. The situation is gradually moving back to normal with the

    tourist arrival figure marginally increasing from 2.3mn to 2.5mn.

    The industry is growing at a rate of 9%. With the political and

    economic stability being more clearly visible, both tourists as well

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    as business arrivals are likely to gather momentum in the remaining

    part of the year.

    The Indian hotel business focuses largely on foreign tourists withonly 30% of the business coming from the domestic business and

    the leisure travels. The tourist arrivals in India are seasonal in

    nature, with the best season being from September to December

    followed by a steep fall till May. The period June to September

    gains momentum once the monsoons are over. The slack season is

    generally used for renovation work and the period is characterized

    by discounts to attract clients.

    The studies says, "tourism is a traditional instrument, which

    enables culture to the rehabilitated and made know to the rest of the

    world". It is said it's a smokeless industry and has become second

    to the petroleum industry in world trade.

    This great importance was formally acknowledged when the XXI

    U.N. General assembly designated 1967 as international tourist

    year with a unanimous resolution recognizing that "tourism is a

    basic and most desirable activity deserving the praise and

    encouragement of all peoples of government".

    When travelling away from home, tourist comes in contact with the

    places they visit with their inhabitants and social exchange takes

    place. Their presence and social background affect the social

    structure and mode of life at the destination. Tourists are in turn

    affected by the experience and often carry back home with them,

    new habits and new outlook on life.

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    Tourist has great educational significance. Contact between people

    of different races and nationalities widen ones outlook. Tourism,

    whether domestic or international has common economies

    significance in the sense that money earned in places visited large

    sums of transferred to the host economies where this money

    provided a source of income, a means of livelihood and amenities

    for the resident population. Purchasing power is generated in the

    receiving areas through the expenditure of visitors. Money received

    is spent and resent and this multiplier process the host country is a


    International tourism is of great importance in international trade in

    the sense that it enters into the balance of payments of accounts of

    individual countries generating tourist traffic and export for

    countries receiving tourist traffic. For many countries is a major

    item in world trade. These countries exhibit faster growth in

    tourism than in trade of goods.

    Domestic and International Tourism

    Usually, a distension is drawn between domestic or internal

    and foreign of international tourism. In domestic tourism people

    travel outside their normal domicile to other areas within the

    country. Barriers like language, currency and documentation are

    not in the domestic tourism. But in India, since difference estates

    have different languages; ones own language may not serve a

    medium of communication. Domestic tourism has no balance of

    payment implications.

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    When people travel to a country other than which they normally

    live in is known as international tourism, the distinction between

    domestic and international tourism is now diminishing. The reasons


    Language barriers are reduced by improving language skills

    Currency and customs unions are developing in many European


    With globalization the free movement of people is growing.

    Considering the greater multiplier effect in domestic tourism,

    domestic tourism would have received greater emphasis in India.

    Reliable data on the growth of domestic tourists traffic are not

    available as not extensive survey has been conducted on a national

    level by any agency, government or otherwise not given the

    numerous festivals celebrated throughout out the year, the

    innumerable tourist's centers in the country, the geographical

    expands and the resource constraints, estimates of documents

    tourists' traffic through an executive survey is considered


    Domestic tourism if considered separate from the travel for

    religious and commercial purpose. It is a post-independencephenomenon. Industrial growth, improvement in the standard of

    living, rise in disposable income and most importantly the

    improvement of tourist infrastructure search as hotels, air, train and

    road transport has contributed to the impressive growth in tourist


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    The definition of a domestic tourist is a person who travels within

    the country to a place of residence and stays at hotels or other

    accommodations establishments run on commercial basis or in

    dharmashalas, sarais, chaultries etc. for duration of not less than 24


    The factors that govern the magnitude of domestic tourist traffic arethe religious and cultural importance of a place. The extent of

    manufacturing, business and trading activity, the climatic

    conditions, the infrastructure facilities available and the

    geographical location etc. the current rough estimate of domestic

    tourism in India is ten million a year.


    According to the British laws a hotel is a place where a bonafied

    traveler can receive food and shelter provided he is in a position to

    for it and is in a fit condition to receive.

    Hotels have a very long history, but not as we know today, way

    back in the 6th century BC when the first inn in and around the city

    of London began to develop. The first catered to travelers and

    provided them with a mere roof to stay under. This condition of the

    inns prevailed for a long time, until the industrial revolution in

    England, which brought about new ideas and progress in the

    business at inn keeping.

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    The invention of the steam engine made traveling even more

    prominent. Which had to more and more people traveling not only

    for business but also for leisure reasons. This lead to the actual

    development of the hotel industry as we know it today.

    Hotel today not only cater to the basic needs of the guest like food and

    shelter provide much more than that, like personalized services etc.

    Hotels today are a Home away from home.


    Hotel can be classified into different categories or classes, based on

    their operational criteria. For example the type of accommodation

    they provide, location of the property, type of services provided,

    facilities given and the clientele they cater to can help categories

    hotels today. Hotels today are basically classified into the following



    Economy hotel:

    It provides efficient sanity private rooms with bath. The furnishing

    and decor are acceptable to majority of travelers. Food andbeverage service may or may not be available.

    Mid market hotels:

    They offer comfortable accommodation with private on premises

    bath. Food

    and beverage services and uniformed bell staff. They offer aboveaverage luxury.

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    All Suite hotels:

    It offers separate sleeping and living areas along with a kitchenette

    and a stocked bar, and offer class service.

    First class hotels:

    They are luxury hotels with exceptional decor better than average

    food and beverage service, uniformed bell services. They often

    have 2 or 3 dining rooms, swimming pool, spas etc.

    Deluxe hotels:

    They are better and offer more specialized services than first class

    hotels. They also provide limousine services.


    Traditional hotels:

    They have the basic concept of rooms with break fast, bell desk

    services and

    the other usual services.

    Motels:They are located on highways. Guest is given parking right outside


    rooms. The usually have a gas station / workshop attached to them.


    They are usually situated in tourist locations like on rivers,

    mountains, jungles, or the sea. They give more privilege to sports

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    activities leisure and re-creation activities like manages,

    sightseeing, adventure sports, etc.

    Resident hotels:

    Where guest stay for longer duration, stay like weeks, months even


    Casino hotels:

    They are hotels usually in tourist spots and mainly cater to people

    who are on holidays. Casino hotels like the name suggest offer

    gambling facilities along with accommodations.


    Small hotelup to 150 rooms

    Medium hotels150 to 299 roomsLarge hotels299 to 600 rooms

    Extra large hotelsabove 600 rooms


    Independent hotels:

    They have no application with other properties. They have their

    own management and are single properties with one owner.

    Chain hotels:

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    They impose certain minimum standards, levels of service, policies

    and procedures to be followed by their entire establishment. Chain

    hotels usually have corporate offices that monitor all their

    properties and one management runs these properties. That is all

    the hotels under the chain are completely owned and run by the

    chain itself.

    Franchisee hotels:

    The franchisee grants the entities, the right to conduct business

    provided they follow the established pattern of the franchisee,

    maintains their standards, levels of service, practice their policies

    and procedures.


    One star [*]Two star [**]

    Three star [***]

    Four star [****]

    Five star [*****]

    Five star deluxe [***** deluxe]

    THREE STAR CATEGORIES:For a hotel to be recognized as a three star property the architectural

    features and general features of the building should be very good

    there should be adequate parking facilities. At least 50% of the

    rooms must be air-conditioned. Also the ambience and

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    decor of the place must be ecstatic. They should provide

    reservation and information facility apart from reception,

    information, bell service at least two gourmet dining facility

    should be available. The establishment may or may not have

    banqueting facility. They should provide high levels of

    personalized services. The staff must be well-trained and proper

    standards for hygiene and sanitation must be followed. Also all

    properties have to keep in mind that proper waste management is



    Five star category is only allotted to properties, which have all the

    qualities of a three star property and a few additional. Like the

    entire property must be centrally air- conditioned. The building of

    the property must be an attractive one. All the rooms must bespacious. The property must have proper banqueting facility,

    business center. Proper and well-maintained pool and health club a

    spa is optional. The property must have 24 hour coffee shop, round

    the clock room service, a bar, and a minimum of 1 gourmet

    restaurant. The staff must be highly trained and a degree of

    specialization must be shown. State of art Equipments must be usedand the facility provided in the rooms must be sophisticated.


    They are more or less like five star properties with the only

    difference is that they are on a larger scale. Five star deluxe

    properties maintain a very high staff to guest ratio and very high

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    levels of service is maintained. They in addition to five star

    properties have 5 to 7 dining rooms, a bar, 24-hour coffee shop,

    banqueting facility. Spas, fitness centers, business centers etc.


    After witnessing good times for 3 years, the hotel sector had a

    tough 2009 due to the Global Economic slowdown and terror

    attacks. The travel & tourism growth in 2009 slowed down to just

    1%. The global economic downturn impacted the Indian tourism

    and hospitality industry which saw a decline in the foreign tourist

    arrivals to India from 5.13 m in FY 2009 to 5.5 m in FY2010,

    thereby resulting in a increase of 7% . India occupies the sixty-

    second position among the top tourist destinations in the world for

    2009. To encourage the tourism sector, the government in recent

    times, has taken some measures which will benefit the sector. In

    FY2009, Rs. 5.2 bn for development of tourism infrastructure was

    allocated. This figure is higher by Rs 970m as compared what was

    allocated in the previous year. However, it is only 1% of the total

    government spending. RBI has allowed ECB upto US$ 100 m in

    January 2009, which would help in raising funds. The Centre and

    States are also working out a PPP (Public-Private-

    Partnership) model to increase hotel capacity. Government of India

    increased spend on advertising campaigns (including for the

    campaigns 'Incredible India' and 'Athithi Devo Bhava' - Visitors are

    like God) to reinforce the rich variety of tourism in India. The

    ministry promoted India as a sate tourist destination and undertook

    various measures, such as stepping up vigilance in key cities and at

    historically important tourist sites.

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    We have a shortage of 100,000 guest rooms short in the

    country. This is expected to keep ARRs high for the

    next few years.


    Largely depends on business travellers but tourist traffic

    is also on the rise. Demand normally spurts in the peak

    season between November and March.

    Barriers to entry

    High capital costs, poor infrastructure facilities and

    scarcity of land especially in the metros.

    Bargaining power of suppliers

    Limited due to higher competition, especially in the


    Bargaining power of customers

    Higher in metro cities due to increasing room supply.


    Intense in metro cities, slowly picking up in secondary

    cities. Competition has picked up due to the entry offoreign hotel chains

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  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur



    Centaur Hotel Delhi Airport: - Centaur Hotel, Delhi Airport is a

    unit of HCI situated for Hotel Corporation of India limited. This hotel

    is Situated Near to the Indira Gandhi International Airport, the hotel

    is noise free & Centrally air-conditioned making its heaven for the

    weary businessmen. It has been categorized as a 5 star deluxe hotel.

    Due to closet to airport, this hotel receives mainly transit guests. Its

    Location is very quiet & peaceful. It is just 5 kms. away from the

    domestic Airport & only 1 km, away from the international Airport. A

    transit hotel With an imposing identification of superb luxury, its

    architecture its based On spectacular lobby which is first if its kind

    in the country. It is 16 kms. By road from the city centre.

    Aim & Establishment Of The Company

    The Centaur Hotels are the units of Hotel Corporation of India Ltd.

    The Hotel Corporation of India Ltd. (HCI) is a public limited

    Company wholly owned by the National Aviation Company of

    India Ltd, erstwhile Air India Limited and was incorporated on

    July 8th 1971 under the companies act 1956 when Air India

    decided to enter the hotel industry in keeping with the then

    prevalent trend among world airlines. The objective was to offer

    passengers a better product, both at the international airport and

    other places of tourist interest thereby also increasing tourism in

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    India. The objective was to promote tourism and catering and

    thus offer a better product to the passengers, both at the international

    airports and at other places of tourist interest. The authorized

    Share Capital of the Company 10541 crores (Paid upRs40.60

    crores). Presently HCI operates 2 Hotels, one each at Delhi and

    Srinagar under the brand name Centaur and 2 flight Kitchens,

    one each at Mumbai and Delhi under the brand name Chefair.


    Marketing Funda : Above The Line & Below The Line

    Above the Line (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL) are the two most

    commonly used terms in marketing. Both these refer to the nature of

    promotional activities done by companies. The simple and

    most common definition for Above the Line promotions is that

    ATL refers to all promotional activities done by companies through

    mass media. In common, Advertising is the major ATL activity and

    all other form of promotions except direct marketing falls below the


    Both ATL and BTL jargons does not form a part of the core

    marketing concepts hence you will not find a clear academic

    definition in marketing text book.

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    According to Mr .Michael John Baker (, the term came into

    forefront in 1954 through the practice of Proctor and Gamble,

    where the advertising agencies were paid differently from those

    who undertook promotional activities other than advertising.

    Marketers began to delineate activities other than advertising as a

    separate marketing practice called Below the Line Promotion.

    Below The Line promotions include sales promotions, consumer

    promotions, PR, events , point of purchase promotions and all those

    unconventional tools that marketers adopt. Direct Marketing how

    ever could not be fitted into both these jargons and hence is kept

    stand alone.

    Frankly there is no need for such a hypothetical boundary and

    classifications like ATL and BTL. The current developments that

    are happening in the media space makes such jargons highly

    irrelevant. Because boundaries are blurring. Now we see consumer

    promotions heavily advertised in mass media. Events are highlypublicized using advertising, so the LINE is actually non-existent.

    For example a viral video in You tube which is watched by

    millions can be theoretically put as a BTL but it is reaching even

    more people than the traditional media like TV and print. The

    recent ZooZoo campaign of Vodafone cannot be bracketed along

    ATL and BTL because the campaign has already become viral with

    many blogs writing about it. The campaign was designed to be


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    Above the line sales promotion

    ATL is a type of advertising through media suchas television, cinema, radio, print, and Out-of-home to

    promote brands or convey a specific offer. This type of

    communication is conventional in its nature and is considered

    impersonal to customers. It differs from BTL advertising, which

    uses unconventional brand-building and promotional strategies,

    such as direct mail, sales promotions, flyers, point-of-

    sale, telemarketing and printed media (for example brochures)

    and usually involves no motion graphics.[1]

    It is much more

    effective than when the target group is very large and difficult to


    The term comes from top business managersand involves the way

    in which Procter & Gamble, one of the worlds biggest advertisingclients, was charged for its media in the 1950s and 1960s.

    Advertising agencies made commission from booking media

    (Television, cinema, radio, press, out-of-home and magazines). As

    below the line had no media involvement there was no commission

    to be made for the advertising agencies. The accountants thus

    labeled the different media ATL and BTL depending on where itwould sit in the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts (ATL

    where they made a profit and BTL where they did not) Since then,

    models have changed and clients are no longer charged for their

    media in that way.

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    Below the line sales promotion

    BTL sales promotion is an immediate or delayed incentive to

    purchase, expressed in cash or in kind, and having short duration. It

    is efficient and cost-effective for targeting a

    limited and specific group. It uses less conventional methods than

    the usual ATL channels of advertising, typically focusing on direct

    means ofcommunication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail,

    often using highly targeted lists of names to maximize responserates. BTL services may include those for which a fee is agreed

    upon and charged up front.

    BTL is a common technique used for "touch and feel" products

    (consumer items where the customer will rely on immediate

    information rather than previously researched items).

    BTL techniques ensures recall of the brand while at the same time

    highlighting the features of the product.

    Another BTL technique involves sales personnel deployed at retail

    stores near targeted products. This technique may be used to

    generate trials of newly launched products. It helps marketers

    establish one-to-one relationship with consumers while mass

    promotions, by definition, make it difficult to gauge consumer-

    response, except at the time of sales. Examples include tele-

    marketing, road shows, promotions, in- shop and shop-front

    activities, display units.

    The terms "below the line" promotion or communications, refers to

    forms of non-media communication, even non-media advertising.

    Below the line promotions are becoming increasingly important

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    within the communications mix of many companies, not only those

    involved in FMCG products, but also for industrial goods. Below

    the line sales promotions are short-term incentives, largely aimed at

    consumers. With the increasing pressure on the marketing team to

    achieve communication objectives more efficiently in a limited

    budget, there has been a need to find out more effective and cost

    efficient ways to communicate with the target markets. This has led

    to a shift from the regular media based advertising. In other words,

    below-the-line sales promotion is an immediate or delayed

    incentive to purchase, expressed in cash or in kind, and having only

    a short term or temporary duration.

    Below the Line uses less conventional methods than the usual

    specific channels of advertising to promote products, services, etc.

    than Above the Line strategies. These may include activities such

    as direct mail, public relations and sales promotions for which a fee

    is agreed upon and charged up front. Below the line advertising


    focuses on direct means of communication often using highly

    targeted lists of names to maximize response rates.

    Trained sales personnel, often young women, are deployed at

    Retail Stores, near the shelves of targeted products. These young

    women convince customers visiting these shelves about the better

    aspects of their brand compared with others. This is ideal for new

    launches as it generates trials, which if successful result in repeat

    sales. In addition, above the line is much more effective when the

    target group is very large and difficult to define. But if the target

    group is limited and specific, it is always advisable to use BTL

    promotions for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

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    Say, for example, if a pen manufacturer is going to promote its

    product, it may take the ATL route, but if a company manufactures

    computer UPS, it will certainly take the BTL route, as the target

    group is very limited and specific.

    More recently, agencies and clients have switched to an 'Integrated

    Communication Approach.' BTL is a common technique used for

    "touch and feel" products ,consumer items where the customer will

    rely on immediate information rather than previously researched

    items. BTL techniques ensures recall of the brand while at the same

    time highlighting the features of the product.


    The various tariff patterns followed by hotels have come to be

    identified with the areas where such patterns originated .hotels

    charge their guests according to the European plan, Continentalplan, American plan, Bed and Breakfast meal plans ,etc.

    EUROPEAN PLAN: The tariff consists of room rate only .all

    other expenses would be paid by the guest as per the actual

    use or consumption.

    CONTINENTAL PLAN: The room tariff includes continental

    breakfast along with the room rent .A continental breakfast

    includes a choice of fresh or canned juices, breads like toast,

    croissant, etc. with butter or preserves like jam, jellies and

    marmalade, beverages like tea or coffee with or without milk.

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    AMERICAN PLAN: It is also known as en-pension or full board.

    The tariff includes all meals(b/f, lunch and dinner)along with room

    rent. The menu for the food and beverage is fixed.

    MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN: It is also known as half board.

    The tariff consists of breakfast and one major meal (lunch or

    dinner) along with the room rent.


    PLAN: -

    The room tariff includes American breakfast along with the room

    rent. American breakfast generally includes most or all of the

    following :two eggs (fried or poached),sliced bacon or sausages,

    sliced bread or toast with jam /jelly/butter, pancakes with syrup,

    cornflakes or other cereal, coffee/tea or orange/grapefruit juice.

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    BREAKFAST RS.300.00


    LUNCH RS.600.00

    DINNER RS.600.00EXTRA IN ROOM RS.900.00







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    CHILDREN : -

    No additional charges for children under 12 years occupying the same

    Room with parents and not requiring extra bed .

    Taxes: -

    To be levied extra as per the government regulation in force at the

    time of check-in.


    CREDIT CARDS : - All major credit cards accepted.

    Accommodation :-

    372 Guest rooms and suits elegantly furnished.


    The hotel provides round the clock courtesy coach service on hourly

    Basis between the airport terminal & hotel and at regular intervals

    Between hotel and city.

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    The hotel offers the best services and facilities catering to every

    Need and requirement . The facility includes 2 specialty restaurant,

    A Bar, round the clock coffee shop and 24 hours room service,

    Beauty salon, barbar shop, doctor on call, secretarial service, valet,

    Laundry and shoe shine, safe deposit and banking facilities ( state

    Bank of India ), fax, parking facilities, a shopping arcade, closed

    Circuit colour TV, mini fridge and direct dial telephone in all rooms.

    Chefair Flight kitchen in Mumbai and Delhi provide in-flight meals.


    For snacks and light meals round the clock. Quick snacks and light

    Meals are served round the clock. Occasional food festivals are also

    Held at the Coffee Shop.

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  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur


    RASOI: -

    A speciality restaurant serving delectable Indian fare in a refreshingly

    Rustic setting accompanied by live ghazals. It is located on the

    ground floor of Centaur Hotel, Delhi. The restaurant serving Indian

    Cuisine is of ethnic Indian ambiance, with a split-level storage facility

    For live music performances.


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    SOMA BAR: -

    Best of Indian and Foreign brands available.

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    The Hotel has a range of health club facilities including a

    gymnasium, sauna, Turkish bath, jacuzzi, 2 cilled water baths and

    a chilled water pool. There is an outdoor swimming pool, 25 meters

    long, 0.75 meters deep at the shallow end and 3.15 meters deep at

    the deep end. Other facilities include an outdoor concrete tennis

    court along with a small childrens park.


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    Tennis Court, Childrens park.


    The Hotel features comprehensive banqueting facilities available on

    The ground floor level. The banquet area has an independent

    Entrance and comprises a pre-function hall and main banquet hall,

    each of which can be independently let out depending on the

    number of guests. In addition, there is an open lawn adjoining the

    banquet hall, which can be let out for larger gatherings. While the

    pre-function hall and banquet hall can accommodate 100 and 125

    guests respectively, the banquet lawn can accommodate another 800

    persons. There is also a poolside garden, which is also let out for

    banqueting purposes and can accommodate around 1500 persons.

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  • 7/27/2019 sales & marketing strategies of hotel Centaur



    The objectives of hotel centaur are as follows:

    Stay alive: -

    Before making any policy and package, they always keep in mind that in order to

    be in the [ market that they have to stay alive.The hotel for this objective make

    many changes, for instance the price of the services, competitive strategies. In

    this boom period strategies would be different then in the recession period it

    keeps on analysing the situation, both economical and political and takes

    actions accordingly. For this particular objective they attract client by giving

    them different incentives.


    The hotel centaur strongly believes and follows the motto walkin happily & check out happily. The clients are the source of

    revenue. In order make profit, it has to attract more and more

    client. The management does their level best to give maximum

    comfort to the client to satisfy them. The Centaur for its clients

    satisfaction has offered many recreational activities. Its prime

    objective is to satisfy the consumer from every aspects.


    Profit maximization is the prime objective of any well-established

    business. It is the case with Islamabad Marriott Hotel. The

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    management believes that the higher profits are important not only

    to carry out large-scale business but also for the expansion purposes.

    Retaining High Standards

    Hotel centaur also keeps an objective of retaining higher standards

    defined by their own visions. This is important to keep their business

    different from other Hotels.


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