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  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx



    SAP-ERP FinancialAccounting Manual-3


    Muhammad Akhlaq Khan FM



    These notes are prepared from the SAP ERP !nan"!a# $an%a# ' d%r!n(

    SAP tra!n!n( at SIE$ENS A"adem), Is#ama*ad, d%r!n( No+em*er-/0.

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Short ContentsUn!t /Or(an!7at!ona# Str%"t%re............................................................................................. 8

    Lesson / Ass!(nment Compan) Code .............................................................................8Chart of A""o%nts ............................................................................................................. 8Chart ofDepre"!at!on........................................................................................................... 8Lesson /.- Cost A""o%nt!n( Ass!(nment........................................................................./Lesson /.' 9 Depre"!at!on Areas 6 Post!n( of :a#%es2........................................................//

    Lesson /.0 9 Introd%"t!on to Assets C#ass........................................................................./-Un!t - 9$aster Data............................................................................................................./'Lesson -./ %n"t!ons of Assets "#ass.............................................................................../'Lesson -.-Assets $aster Re"ord...................................................................................../;Lesson -.' $ass Chan(e.................................................................................................-

    Un!t ' 9Assets Transa"t!ons..................................................................................................-/Lesson './ Assets A"4%!s!t!on.........................................................................................-/Lesson '.- Se(ment Report!n( !n IAA...............................................-'Lesson2 '.' 9 Asset A"4%!s!t!on ...................................................................................-1Lesson '.0 Assets Ret!rement..........................................................................................-?Lesson '.1 Assets Transfer Intra"ompan) orInter"ompan)

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Un!t /Or(an!7at!ona# Str%"t%re......................................................................8Lesson / Ass!(nment Compan) Code ......................................................8Chart of A""o%nts .......................................................................................8Chart ofDepre"!at!on....................................................................................8

    Depre"!at!on Areas2................................................................................;Lesson /.- Cost A""o%nt!n( Ass!(nment................................................../Lesson /.' 9 Depre"!at!on Areas 6 Post!n( of :a#%es2................................//

    Lesson /.0 9 Introd%"t!on to Assets C#ass................................................./-Un!t - 9$aster Data....................................................................................../'

    Lesson -./ %n"t!ons of Assets "#ass......................................................../'%n"t!ons of Asset C#ass2....................................................................../'Asset C#ass2 A""o%nt Determ!nat!on 6 A""o%nt Ass!(nment2................/'Ass!(n!n( G6L A""o%nts2......................................................................./0N%m*er Ran(e Inter+a#s2....................................................................../0The S"reen La)o%t of Asset $aster Data2............................................/0A"t!+ate A""o%nt Ass!(nment O*e"ts2................................................./1Ta* La)o%t for Asset $aster Re"ord2..................................................../1S"reen La)o%t of Asset Depre"!at!on Areas2........................................./1Add!t!ona# %n"t!ons for Asset C#asses2................................................/?

    Spe"!a# Asset C#ass2............................................................................../?Lesson -.-Assets $aster Re"ord............................................................../;

    Creat!on of $aster Re"ord2....................................................................../;Creat!n( $%#t!p#e S!m!#ar Asset Re"ords2............................................../;T!me Dependent Data2........................................................................./;Chan(!n( Asset2.................................................................................../;Asset and E4%!pment $aster Re"ord..................................................../;Depre"!at!on Areas !n The $aster Re"ord2.........................................../BAsset S%* N%m*er2.............................................................................../BPersona# :a#%e L!st2............................................................................../B

    Lesson -.' $ass Chan(e..........................................................................-$ass Chan(es to Asset $aster Data Us!n( @or3#!sts2..........................-

    S%*st!t%t!on R%#e for $ass Chan(es2....................................................-Un!t ' 9Assets Transa"t!ons..........................................................................-/Lesson './ Assets A"4%!s!t!on..................................................................-/

    Asset A""o%nt!n( and Other S%*#ed(ers2.............................................-/Asset A"4%!s!t!on :ar!o%s Opt!ons2.......................................................-/

    Lesson '.- Se(ment Report!n( !n IAA.......................-'Post!n( to I Chara"ter!st!"s2................................................................-'Der!+at!on of Pro=t Center and Se(ment..............................................-0

    Lesson2 '.' 9 Asset A"4%!s!t!on ............................................................-1Non!nte(rated Asset A"4%!s!t!on2...........................................................-1Inte(rated !th $ater!a# $ana(ement ...........................................-1

    Lesson '.0 Assets Ret!rement...................................................................-?

    Inte(rated Asset ret!rement2................................................................-?Lesson '.1 Assets Transfer Intra"ompan) orInter"ompan)

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Posting.........................................................................................................'O+er +!e2...............................................................................................'Depre"!at!on Areas2.................................................................................'Depre"!at!on T)pes2.................................................................................'

    Depre"!at!on 5e) and Depre"!at!on Ca#"%#at!on2.................................'/Ca#"%#at!n( Depre"!at!on :a#%es2..........................................................'/Imp%ted Interest2..................................................................................'0

    Rep#a"ement :a#%e2 IndeF Ser!es2........................................................'1Depre"!at!on R%n Pro(ram RAPOST-...........................................'1

    Lesson 0.- !s"a# ear Chan(e and ear End C#os!n( !n Assets A""o%nt!n(...................................................................................................................'8

    !s"a# ear Chan(e2...............................................................................'8earEnd C#os!n( ...............................................'8Per!od!" APC :a#%es Post!n(2................................................................'8

    Un!t 1 9 Informat!on S)stem.........................................................................';Lesson 1./ Report Se#e"t!on.....................................................................';

    Report Tree and Area $an%.....................................................................';SAP L!st :!eer2...................................................................................';

    Lesson 1.- :a#%e S!m%#at!on....................................................................'B

    S!m%#at!on !th the Asset EFp#orer2.........................................................'BS!m%#at!on :ers!ons2.............................................................................'BLesson 1.' Assets H!stor) Sheet..............................................................0

    Str%"t%re of Asset H!stor) Sheet2.........................................................0Un!t? 9 Standard Reports !n Genera# Led(er A""o%nt!n(,A""o%ntsRe"e!+a*#e A""o%nt!n( and A""o%nts Pa)a*#e A""o%nt!n(..............0/

    Lesson / Informat!on S)stem...................................................................0/Lesson ?.- Report :ar!ant and :ar!a*#es..................................................0-

    Report :ar!ants2 Se#e"t!on Cr!ter!a.......................................................0-Un!t89 L!st :!eer........................................................................................00

    Lesson / SAP L!st :!eer Des!(n..............................................................00SAP L!st :!eer2 D!sp#a) 6 Chan(e Do"%ment2....................................00

    SAP L!st :!eer2 Gener!" %n"t!ons2....................................................00L!st +!eer2 D!sp#a) :ar!ants and !e#ds2...............................................01C#ass!" L!st and Gr!d Contro# !n the L!ne Item L!st2...............................01User Parameters for the L!st.................................................................01

    Lesson 8.- Se#e"t!ons...............................................................................0?Lesson 8.' Chan(!n( the S"reen La)o%t..................................................0B

    Standard La)o%t2 Defa%#t and In!t!a# La)o%t2.......................................0BUserSpe"!=" La)o%t2............................................................................0B

    Un!t ; 9Dr!##don Report!n( !n !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n(..................................1Lesson ;./ Ar"h!te"t%re of Dr!##don Report!n(.......................................1

    Us!n( the Report Pa!nter2.....................................................................1orm T)pes2 Dr!##don Report!n( !n I2.................................................1

    Lesson ;.- Chara"ter!st!"s and 5e) !(%res.............................................1-5e) =(%res2..........................................................................................1-Dr!##don L!st & Deta!# L!st2..................................................................1-

    Lesson ;.' orm T)pes.............................................................................1'S!n(#eaF!s orm @!tho%t 5e) !(%res2.................................................1'S!n(#eAF!s @!th 5e) !(%res2...............................................................10To AFes .................................................................................10

    Lesson ;.0 Na+!(at!on !n Reports.............................................................11rom Dr!##don L!st to Deta!# L!st2.........................................................11

    Pa(e )of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    rom Deta!# L!st to Dr!##don L!st2.........................................................11Na+!(at!on !n C#ass!" Dr!##don Reports2..............................................11

    Lesson ;.1 orm & Report De=n!t!on........................................................1?De=n!n( "hara"ter!st!"s for a## "o#%mns

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    :a#!dat!on Pro"ed%re2............................................................................88$essa(es2............................................................................................88!e#ds Compar!son2...............................................................................88

    Lesson //.' De=n!t!on and EFe"%t!on of S%*st!t%t!on !n !nan"!a#A""o%nt!n(..................................................................................................8;

    S%*st!t%t!on Pro"ed%re2........................................................................8;S%*st!t%t!on $ethods...........................................................................8;

    S%*st!t%t!on !th a Constant2...............................................................8;Lesson //.0 Add!t!ona# Te"hn!4%e for S%*st!t%t!on6:a#!dat!on...............8B

    R%#es2...................................................................................................8BSet Usa(e2............................................................................................8B

    Lesson //.1 :a#!dat!on R%#e for A""o%nt Ass!(nment Com*!nat!on..........;De=n!n( a :a#!dat!on R%#e for A""o%nt Ass!(nment Com*!nat!ons2......;:a#!dat!on T)pes2..................................................................................;

    Un!t /- 9 I Ar"h!+!n(...................................................................................;/Lesson /-./ as!"s of C#ass!="at!on of Data Ar"h+!n(.............................;/

    Lesson o+er+!e2.....................................................................................;/Introd%"t!on2............................................................................................;/De=n!t!on of Data Ar"h!+!n(.....................................................................;/

    @hat !s Not Ar"h!+!n(.........................................................................;-Reasons for data Ar"h!+!n(2..................................................................;-Cooperat!on eteen S)stem Adm!n!strat!on and Departments2........;'S"hemat!" Data Ar"h!+!n( Pro"ed%re2..................................................;'

    Lesson/-.- Preparator) A"t!+!t!es S)stem Sett!n(s................................;0Ar"h!+!n( O*e"ts2...................................................................................;0

    C%stom!7!n( Sett!n(s ..................................................;0Lesson /-.' EFe"%t!n( Ar"h!+!n( !n !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( Us!n( eFamp#e;?

    Ar"h!+!n( Pro"ed%re2............................................................................;?$on!tor!n( an Ar"h!+!n( Pro"ed%re2......................................................;?A""ess to Ar"h!+ed Data2......................................................................;8

    *NIT &+R,ANIATI+NA. STR*$T*RE."%%on & A%%ignm"nt $om/an0 $od" 1

    $hat o# Account% 1

    $hat o#"/"ciationTh" cli"nt 2!s the h!(hest #e+e# !n the SAP s)stem h!erar"h). It a#so denotesthe spe"!=" #o(!"a# s)stem)o% are or3!n( on. Spe"!="at!ons that )o% ma3eon th!s #e+e# app#) to a## "ompan) "odes.

    Each com/an0 cod"4!s an !ndependent a""o%nt!n( %n!t. The #e(a##)

    re4%!red *a#an"e sheet and pro=t and #oss statement are "reated at th!s#e+e#.

    Each !u%in"%% a"a!s to *e re(arded as a =nan"!a##) separate %n!t forh!"h an !nterna# *a#an"e sheet andpro=t and #oss statement "an *e "reated.

    Note: Document splitting A function of the New G/L Accounting makes it possible to create (complete) balances for the business areacharacteristic.

    Pa(e of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ther (!") characteristics for which complete balances can be create# in

    the stan#ar# s$stem with acti%ate# new G/L Accounting are the ProftCenter and Segment.

    "n our training s$stem New G/L is full$ acti%e. !" &ub'Le#ger !ie#

    Assets(!"'AA) is full$ integrate# with the (New G/L). ut to un#erstan# the

    mo#e of operation of !"'AA* it is not reall$ important which G/L is use#.

    $hat o# Account% and $hat o# "/"ciation4A## Genera# #ed(er a""o%nts are de=ned !n the "hart of a""o%nts. AssetA""o%nt!n( or3s !th the Chart of a""o%nts ass!(ned to the"ompan) "ode. An) "ompan) "ode "an mod!f) the "hart of a""o%nts to meet!ts re4%!rements e.(. "o%ntr) spe"!=", !nd%str) spe"!=", (#o*a# et".

    S!n"e the "hart of depre"!at!on m%st *e "o%ntr) spe"!=". SAP pro+!dessamp#e "hart of depre"!at!on for man) "o%ntr!es. These Charts ofDepre"!at!on "onta!ns prede=ned depre"!at!on areas. o% "an %se these"o%ntr) spe"!=" "harts of depre"!at!on to "reate )o%r on "ompan) spe"!=""hart of depre"!at!on.

    "6nition o# $hat o# "/"ciation4Charts of depre"!at!on are %sed !n order to mana(e +ar!o%s #e(a# re4%!rements for the

    depre"!at!on and +a#%at!on of assets. These "harts of depre"!at!on are %s%a##) "o%ntr)

    spe"!=" and are de=ned !ndependent#) of the other or(an!7at!ona# %n!ts. A "hart of

    depre"!at!on, foreFamp#e, "an *e %sed for a## the "ompan)"odes !n a (!+en "o%ntr).

    Co%ntr)Spe"!=" Charts ofDepre"!at!on2In the simplest scenario, all of your company codes are in the same country and aresubject to the same legal requirements for asset

    valuationmeaning that you only need one chart of depreciation

    Ea"h depre"!at!on area represents a spe"!=" t)pe of +a#%at!on . o% "an a#so

    de=ne )o%r on depre"!at!on areas for a "hart of depre"!at!on.

    Ea"h "ompan) "ode %ses one "hart of a""o%nts and one "hart ofdepre"!at!on.

    A## or se+era# "ompan) "odes "an or3 !th the same "hart of a""o%nts and

    the same "hart ofdepre"!at!on.

    Samp#e "hart of depre"!at!on ODE Samp#e Chart of Depre"!at!on OUS

    Pa(e 7of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    / oo3 Depre"!at!on.

    - Spe"!a# taF depre"!at!on

    ' Spe"!a# depre"!at!on reser+e

    / :a#%at!on of net assets

    /1 a#an"e sheet for taF p%rposes

    - Cost a""o%nt!n( depre"!at!on' Conso#!dated *a#an"e sheet

    ree"tsthe #o"a#

    a""o%nt!n( pr!n"!p#es !n ea"h samp#e "hart of depre"!at!on.

    Other depre"!at!on areas "an "onta!n the fo##o!n( +a#%at!ons, for eFamp#e2

    TaF *a#an"e sheet +a#%at!on Cost!n(*ased +a#%at!on

    :a#%at!on approa"hes !n other "%rren"!es and6or +a#%at!on approa"hes< s%"h as (ro%p +a#%at!on>

    Cap!ta# taF +a#%at!on D!eren"es *eteen *oo3 and "o%ntr)spe"!=" taF*ased depre"!at!on

    Pa(e (of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    "/"ciation A"a%4Asset portfo#!os and transa"t!ons are often +a#%ed d!erent#) for d!erent

    p%rposesK for eFamp#e, d!erent +a#%at!on approa"hes sho%#d6ha+e to *e

    %sed for2

    oo3 depre"!at!on

    Interna# a""o%nt!n( < "ost a""o%nt!n(> Para##e# a""o%nt!n(, s%"h as for "reat!n( a "onso#!dated *a#an"e sheet

    a""ord!n( to IRS and6or US GAAP.

    These +ar!o%s +a#%at!on approa"hes are mapped !n the SAP s)stem *)

    means of depre"!at!on areas.

    Steps !n Assets A""o%nt!n(

    !rst, "omp#ete#) set %p the "ompan) "ode !n !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n(.

    Then a##o"ate a "hart of depre"!at!on to the "ompan) "ode

    Pa(e 9of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on &:2 $o%t Accounting A%%ignm"ntIn the master re"ord, )o% "an ass!(n the fo##o!n( $ana(ement A""o%nt!n(


    Cost "enter order2 the order "an *e rea#M or stat!st!"a#M A"t!+!t) t)pe2 as p%re#) stat!st!"a# !nformat!on !n add!t!on toor!(!na# the CO o*e"ts. EFamp#es2

    @S e#ement A "ost "enter and a stat!st!"a# @S e#ement A rea# estate o*e"t O*e"ts from P%*#!" Se"tor $ana(ement

    Hoe+er, !t !s not poss!*#e to ass!(n an asset to to "ost "enters.

    HINT2 Asset "an *e ass!(ned to a order that "an then *e

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on &:3 ; "/"ciation A"a% < Po%ting o#

    =alu"%4Assets are to *e +a#%ed for +ar!o%s *%s!ness, #e(!s#at!on and #e(a#

    p%rposes. @!th I s%*#ed(er IAA, )o% "an mana(e d!erent +a#%at!on

    approa"hes for ea"h asset !n depre"!at!on areas.Hoe+er, =nan"!a# statements are not "reated 6 re4%!red for the +a#%es of a##

    depre"!at!on areas. Therefore, sett!n(s m%st *e made !n C%stom!7!n( that

    de=ne h!"h +a#%es sho%#d *e transferred to !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n(

    Statements and ho th!s !s to o""%r.

    @hen %s!n( the Account A//oachM Area posts asset +a#%es and depre"!at!on per!od!"a##).

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    To =na##) d!sp#a) the =na# statement !tems !n the asset reports, )o% ha+e to

    se#e"t the "orre"t sort +ar!ant. There are maF!m%m =+e +ers!ons of =nan"!a#

    statements !n -nd$an%e.

    Pa(e &2of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on &:) ; Intoduction to A%%"t% $la%%Assets are ass!(ned to asset "#asses. EFamp#es of asset "#asses are the

    %!#d!n(s 9 :eh!"#es, !Ft%res and !tt!n(s 9 $a"h!nes

    Th" $la%%"% o# A%%"t% a" c"at"d at cli"nt l">"l:Ea"h asset "#ass "ons!sts of to ma!n se"t!ons2

    a master data se"t!on, and a depre"!at!on data se"t!on.

    The Depre"!at!on data se"t!on !s ass!(ned to at #east one "hart of

    depre"!at!on. An asset "#ass "an a#so *e #!n3ed to m%#t!p#e "harts of

    depre"!at!on. Th!s ena*#es a (#o*a##) %n!form "#ass "ata#o( !n sp!te of

    d!erent depre"!at!on areas.

    o% "an "omp#ete the asset "#ass !th defa%#t +a#%es for master data

    !nformat!on and the depre"!at!on terms for ea"h depre"!at!on area.

    In add!t!on to defa%#t +a#%es assets "#asses a#so "arr) "ontro# data, #!3e 2

    o a""o%nt determ!nat!ono n%m*er ran(e !nter+a#so S"reen #a)o%t.

    o% "an s%ppress !nd!+!d%a# depre"!at!on areas per asset "#ass.

    or ea"h depre"!at!on area )o% "an propose the depre"!at!on attr!*%tes h!"h

    "an *e o+err!tten !f ne"essar).

    A%%"t $la%% and A%%"t Mat" R"cod4

    The asset "#ass !s the ma!n "r!ter!a for "#ass!f)!n( assets. In other ords ea"h

    asset !s ass!(ned to on#) one asset "#ass. o% "an spe"!f) "erta!n "ontro#

    parameters and defa%#t +a#%es for depre"!at!on "a#"%#at!on and other master

    data !n ea"h asset "#ass.

    There !s a#so at #east one spe"!a# asset "#ass ea"h for assets %nder

    "onstr%"t!on and #o +a#%e assets.

    Intan(!*#e assets

    "omponent Plant Maint"nanc" ?PM@: In SAP

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    The Treas%r) s)stem !s %sed to mana(e =nan"!a# assets. It !s a part of

    !nan"!a# S%pp#) Cha!n $ana(ement .

    Pa(e &)of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.


    ."%%on 2:& Function% o# A%%"t% cla%%

    Function% o# A%%"t $la%%4

    Asset C#asses are the most !mportant means of str%"t%r!n( =Fed assetsa""ord!n( to the re4%!rements of )o%r enterpr!se. The de=n!t!on of asset

    "#ass app#!es to a## "ompan) "odes !n a "#!ent.

    An asset "#ass "ons!sts of to ma!nse"t!ons2 $aster Data se"t!on and

    Depre"!at!on Data Se"t!on

    Ma%t" ata S"ction

    $aster data se"t!on "onta!ns the "ontro# data and defa%#t +a#%es for the

    adm!n!strat!+e data

    "/"ciation ata S"ction4

    Depre"!at!on data se"t!on "onta!ns "ontro# parameters and defa%#t +a#%es for

    depre"!at!on terms forea"h depre"!at!on area.

    @hen )o% "reate asset master re"ords, th!s data !s a%tomat!"a##) adopted

    from the asset "#ass )o% spe"!f). ) enter!n( %sef%# defa%#t +a#%es, )o% "an

    red%"e the t!me and eort needed to "reate ne asset master re"ords. Th!s

    a#so ens%res that the re"ords !n a (!+en "#ass are hand#ed %n!form#).

    It !s re"ommended that )o% de=ne as man) asset "#asses as )o% ha+e assets

    !th d!erent t)pes of +a#%at!on.

    The asset "#ass !s the ma!n se#e"t!on "r!ter!on !n a## standard reports !n IAA.efore "reat!n( !nd!+!d%a# asset "#asses =rst "ons!der,

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    If )o% %se d!erent "ompan) "odes !th d!erent operat!ona# "harts of

    a""o%nts, hoe+er, )o% needon#) one a""o%nt determ!nat!on 3e) to post

    +a#%es of the asset of one "#ass to d!erent a""o%nts!n d!erent "harts of


    A%%igning ,

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    In add!t!on to the !nformat!on on the =e#d se#e"t!on , the s"reen #a)o%t spe"!=es the ma!ntenan"e #e+e# of

    master data =e#ds. It a#so determ!nes hether the master data =e#ds are

    a##oed to *e %sed as a referen"e.

    The ma!ntenan"e #e+e# spe"!=es at h!"h #e+e# ma!ntenan"e of ea"h data

    =e#d !s perm!tted9poss!*#ema!ntenan"e #e+e#s are2 Asset "#ass $a!n asset n%m*er S%* n%m*er

    The referen"e pro+!des !nformat!on on h!"h =e#d "ontents "an *e "op!ed

    !nto the ne master re"ord hen an asset !s "reated %s!n( a temp#ate.

    Acti>at" Account A%%ignm"nt +!"ct%4Some =e#ds of the asset master re"ord are Account a%%ignm"nt +!"ct%,

    h!"h ha+e to *e a"t!+ated *efore the) "an *e ma!nta!ned !n the s"reen

    #a)o%t and !n the asset master re"ord.

    On the one hand, )o% "an post e#ement Rea# Estate o*e"t :ar!o%s o*e"ts from the P%*#!" Se"tor $ana(ement "omponent,

    s%"h as f%nds "enters, f%nds or (rantsK

    on theother hand )o% are a*#e to post APC +a#%es to a""o%nt ass!(nment o*e"ts, #!3e !n+estment order or

    @S e#ements of an !n+estment proe"t.

    Ta! .a0out #o A%%"t Ma%t" R"cod4In SAP Re#ease 0.1A, ta* pa(es are %sed to d!sp#a) asset master re"ords.

    o% "an spe"!f) a #a)o%t for the master data of ea"h asset "#ass. The #a)o%t


    The n%m*er of ta* pa(es

    The names of the ta* pa(es The #o(!"a# =e#d (ro%ps , that are to appear on the ta* pa(es.

    HINT2 Us!n( th!s #a)o%t )o% "an de=ne the #a)o%t of the asset master re"ord

    that *est s%!t )o%r needs.

    Pa(e &7of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Sc""n .a0out o# A%%"t "/"ciation A"a%4In ea"h asset "#ass, )o% enter a s"reen #a)o%t for ea"h depre"!at!on area.

    These r%#es app#) to the =e#ds of the depre"!at!on data se"t!on.

    BINT4 SAP %u//li"% %tandad %c""n la0outul"% &'''

    and 2''' in th" %tandad %0%t"m:

    These s"reen #a)o%t r%#es a#so "onta!n a ma!ntenan"e #e+e#. The

    ma!ntenan"e #e+e# (%arantees thatdepre"!at!on !s "ontro##ed %n!form#). There

    are three opt!ons2

    /. A%%"t cla%%4Th!s ma!ntenan"e #e+e# ens%res %n!form "ontro# of +a#%at!on

    at asset "#ass #e+e#.-. Main a%%"t num!"4The "ontro# of +a#%at!on !s %n!form at the #e+e# of

    the asset masterre"ord. The entr!es made !n the asset "#ass are adopted

    !n the asset master re"ord, and "an *e "han(ed there. A## asset s%*

    n%m*ers that *e#on( to th!s asset master re"ord adopt these +a#%es from

    the ma!n n%m*er !.e. S"reen La)o%t r%#e /.'. A%%"t Su!-num!"2 :a#%at!on "an *e "ontro##ed more eF!*#). Asset s%*

    n%m*ers "anre"e!+e the!r on !nd!+!d%a# depre"!at!on terms, !.e. S"reen

    La) o%t -.

    Additional Function% #o A%%"t $la%%"%4

    $o/0ing A%%"t $la%%"% #om R"#""nc"4

    o% "an "reate ne asset "#asses *) s!mp#) "op)!n( eF!st!n( asset "#asses.

    The defa%#t +a#%es of the depre"!at!on area se"t!on are a#so a%tomat!"a##)

    "op!ed. @h!"h "an *e "han(ed #ater on.

    "6ning allo8"d "nti"% #o u%" 6"ld% and oth" in#omation 6"ld%2

    In the asset master re"ord the fo##o!n( =e#ds are a+a!#a*#e as standard for

    (enera# and %serspe"!=" str%"t%re of =Fed assets2

    E>aluation gou/%2 These are asset master re"ord =e#ds that are

    %sed to map "%stomerde=ned 6 "%stomerspe"!=" !nformat!on.

    En>ionm"ntal /ot"ction indicato2 In th!s =e#d )o% "an sa+e the

    reason for an en+!ronmenta# prote"t!on !n+estment .

    R"a%on #o in>"%tm"nt4In th!s =e#d )o% "an enter an eFp#anat!on for a

    "ap!ta# !n+estment .

    A%%"t %u/" num!"2 Th!s "an *e ass!(ned to an asset. Th!s !s %sef%#, for

    eFamp#e, !f se+era# assets are to *e ass!(ned to an asset s%per n%m*er

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    o% "an %se a## of the a*o+e ment!oned =e#ds as se#e"t!on "r!ter!a !n

    report!n( !n IAA.

    &toring Default ,alues in the Asset -lasses:

    On"e )o% ha+e de=ned the poss!*#e entr!es, )o% "an store these +a#%es as

    defa%#t +a#%es !n C%stom!7!n(.

    o% "an a#so enter defa%#t +a#%es for !ns%ran"e +a#%es, net orth +a#%at!on,

    #eas!n( and of "o%rse for depre"!at!on parameters !n the depre"!at!on data

    se"t!on < Depre"!at!on 3e), %sef%# #!fe> as e## as !ndeF ser!es.

    S/"cial A%%"t $la%%4Spe"!a# Asset "#ass ha+e to s%* "#asses of Assets2 /> Asset %nder

    Constr%"t!on and Lo :a#%e Assets

    A%%"t und" $on%tuction ?Au$@

    Assets %nder "onstr%"t!on re4%!re a separate asset "#ass and

    "orrespond!n( G6L a""o%nt,*e"a%se the) ha+e to *e shon separate#) !n the=nan"!a# statement.

    ) "hoos!n( the standard depre"!at!on 3e) )o% "an ens%re that

    depre"!at!on !s not "a#"%#atedfor assets %nder "onstr%"t!on !n depre"!at!on

    areas .

    Hoe+er, spe"!a# taF depre"!at!on and !n+estment s%pport are a#so poss!*#e

    for assets %nder "onstr%"t!on.

    o% "an a#so enter don pa)ments on assets %nder "onstr%"t!on !n a""o%nts

    pa)a*#e a""o%nt!n( pro"esses. %t th!s !s to *e done thro%(h Spe"!a# G6L


    E+en after an asset %nder "onstr%"t!on has *een f%##) "ap!ta#!7ed, )o% "an

    st!## post "red!t memos.or th!s to *e poss!*#e )o% m%st perm!t ne(at!+e

    +a#%esM !n the deta!# s"reen of the depre"!at!on data se"t!on.

    In+estment $ana(ement !s a+a!#a*#e to he#p )o% mana(e more

    eFtens!+e asset !n+estments. It!nte(rates !nterna# orders and proe"ts !th

    assets %nder "onstr%"t!on.

    .o8 =alu" A%%"t% ?.=A@

    o% "an "hoose hether to mana(e #o +a#%e assets %s!n( !nd!+!d%a#mana(ement or "o##e"t!+e mana(ement. or ea"h t)pe of mana(ement, )o%

    ha+e to set %p a separate asset "#ass.

    If )o% se#e"t "o##e"t!+e mana(ement for #o+a#%e assets, a *ase %n!t of

    4%ant!t) m%st *e spe"!=edfor th!s asset "#ass.

    Pa(e &9of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Pa(e 2'of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on 2:2A%%"t% Ma%t" R"cod

    $"ation o# Ma%t" R"cod4

    @hen )o% "reate an asset master re"ord, )o% ha+e to opt!ons2

    / Enter the "ompan) "ode and asset "#ass for the ne asset master re"ord- Use an eF!st!n( asset master re"ord as a referen"e and "op) !t. @h!#e

    "op)!n(, ma3e s%re that )o% do not "op) %nanted data from the

    referen"e assetM, e.(. "ap!ta#!7at!on date.

    In *oth "ases enter a## the re4%!red =e#ds and a## other des!red !nformat!on !n

    the master re"ord and then sa+e )o%r ne asset master re"ord. @hen )o%

    sa+e )o%r entr!es, )o% re"e!+e an asset n%m*er.

    $"ating Multi/l" Simila A%%"t R"cod%4@hen "reat!n( asset master re"ords, )o% "an "reate m%#t!p#e s!m!#ar

    assets.Hoe+er )o% "an a#so ma3e separate entr!es for ea"h !nd!+!d%a# asset!n the fo##o!n( =e#ds2

    Des"r!pt!on of the Asset In+entor) n%m*er %s!ness Area Cost Center E+a#%at!on (ro%ps /1.

    Tim" "/"nd"nt ata4Some !nformat!on !n the asset master re"ord "an *e mana(ed as t!me

    dependent data. Th!s !s of part!"%#ar s!(n!="an"e for the ass!(nment ofassets to CO or(an!7at!ona# %n!ts, for eFamp#e, "ost"enter or proe"t.

    Sh!ft operat!on and asset sh%tdon "an ha+e a d!re"t ee"t on depre"!at!on.

    Therefore )o% sho%#denter them !n the t!medependent data, here the) "an

    *e "han(ed on a month#) *as!s.

    $hanging A%%"t4Ea"h t!me )o% "han(e an asset master re"ord, the s)stem "reates a "han(e

    do"%ment. The "han(edo"%ment "onta!ns a #!st of =e#ds that ere "han(ed

    and the n%m*er of "han(es to a =e#d. Inadd!t!on, the name of the %ser and

    the o#d and ne "ontents of =e#ds are stored.

    HINT2 If man) asset master re"ords are ae"ted *) a "han(e, )o% "an "arr)

    o%t a mass "han(e.

    Pa(e 2&of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    A%%"t and Equi/m"nt Ma%t" R"codThe method for ass!(n!n( e4%!pment to an asset !s to enter the asset n%m*er

    !n the re#e+ant master re"ord. Se+era# p!e"es of e4%!pment "an *e ass!(ned

    to an asset, *%t a p!e"e of e4%!pment"an on#) *e#on( to one asset.

    o% "an set %p the s)stem so that hen )o% "reate an asset master re"ord,

    the s)stem a%tomat!"a##)"reates an e4%!pment master re"ord. In th!s "asethe s)stem "op!es the +a#%es of "erta!n master data =e#ds, . If )o% "han(e master data !n the

    asset at a#ater po!nt !n t!me, the s)stem then a%tomat!"a##) %pdates the

    =e#ds !n the e4%!pment master re"ordand the other a) aro%nd. In add!t!on,

    )o% "an set %p a or3o that !nforms the person respons!*#e !n P$ hen asset are "reated or "han(ed.

    "/"ciation A"a% in Th" Ma%t" R"cod4The defa%#t +a#%es !n the depre"!at!on data se"t!on of an asset master re"ord

    "ome from the asset "#ass. o% ma) "han(e or add to them !n the d!erentdepre"!at!on areas of the asset master re"ord.

    Some of the data !n the depre"!at!on areas of the asset !s der!+ed from the

    a"4%!s!t!on post!n(.

    Informat!ons s%"h as !ndeF, +ar!a*#e depre"!at!on port!on or s"rap +a#%e are

    add!t!ona# parameters that are man%a##) %sed 6 needed !n the "ost

    a""o%nt!n( depre"!at!on area.

    A%%"t Su! Num!"4

    If a =Fed asset !s made %p of man) "omponent assets, )o% ma) ant tomana(e these "omponent assets as separate s%* n%m*ers. Th!s m!(ht *e

    %sef%# for *oth te"hn!"a# and a""o%nt!n( reasons.

    o% "an spe"!f) eFterna# or !nterna# n%m*er ass!(nment for the asset

    s%*n%m*er. o% ma3e th!s spe"!="at!on !n the asset "#ass. or eFamp#e, )o%

    "o%#d %se eFterna# n%m*er ass!(nment d%r!n( #e(a") data transfer and then

    s!t"h o+er to !nterna# n%m*er ass!(nment after the #e(a") data transfer !s


    o% "an d!+!de assets *) s%* n%m*ers, !f )o% ant to2

    mana(e the +a#%es for s%*se4%ent a"4%!s!t!ons !n separate#) e.(.

    *%!#d!n(s. mana(e the +a#%es for !nd!+!d%a# parts of assets separate#). sp#!t the asset a""ord!n( to +ar!o%s te"hn!"a# aspe"ts

    Pa(e 22of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    P"%onal =alu" .i%t4As of re#ease 0.? )o% ha+e the opt!on of stor!n( +a#%es that )o% re4%!re

    fre4%ent#) !n a persona# +a#%e #!st.

    The persona# +a#%e #!st "an *e t%rned o !f )o% do not ant to %se !t, !.e. a

    %ser spe"!=" de"!s!on.

    After t%rn!n( o the persona# +a#%e #!st the 0 he#p for the asset =e#d,

    d!sp#a)s the (enera# and former sear"h he#p.

    HINT2 If entr!es a#read) eF!st !n the persona# +a#%e #!st, the) ha+e to *e

    de#eted *efore the (enera# sear"h he#p "an *e d!sp#a)ed.

    ."%%on 2:3 Ma%% $hang"The s)stem pro+!des the s%pport !f the Asset A""o%nt!n( Department ants

    to %se mass pro"ess!n( to "han(e the "ost "enters of assets.

    Ma%% $hang"% to A%%"t Ma%t" ata *%ing Cokli%t%4To "arr)o%t mass "han(es, )o% "an a#so ed!t a or3 #!st from the IAA

    app#!"at!on men%, !f )o% ha+e the a%thor!7at!on for th!s app#!"at!on


    The !nd!+!d%a# steps for a mass "han(e to asset master data are s%mmar!7ed

    as fo##os2

    /. Create a s%*st!t%t!on r%#e to spe"!f) h!"h =e#ds )o% ant to "han(e and

    ho )o% ant to "han(e them for th!s9"n Asset Accounting applicationmenu* choose n%ironment0ass change 1ule.

    -. The sa+ed s%*st!t%t!on r%#e m%st then *e ass!(ned to a "ompan) "ode.'. Create a #!st of assets to *e "han(ed < a or3 #!st>. Th!s "an *e done *)

    "a##!n( %p an) AAP asset report or *) %s!n( the men% path.0. Us!n( the pro(ram "a##ed, se#e"t the master data to *e "han(ed and press

    the Create @or3 #!st p%sh*%tton !n the res%#ts s"reen.1. Enter a des"r!pt!on and se#e"t a p%rpose for )o%r or3 #!st. The p%rpose !s

    a prede=ned standard tas3 !n the s)stem

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    / -on#itions that i#entif$ the recor#s to be selecte#:o% "an "reate

    "ond!t!ons %s!n( the Form Editoror !n eFpert mode. To %se eFpert

    mode, )o% ha+e to 3no the =e#d and ta*#e des"r!pt!ons of the

    !np%t =e#ds !n+o#+ed.- &ubstitutions (if the con#itions are met)that !dent!f) the rep#a"ement

    +a#%es. These "an *e"onstant +a#%es, =e#ds, =e#d ass!(nments, or %ser


    Pa(e 2)of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    The asset +a#%e date !s the a"t%a# date the asset !s %pdated and determ!nes

    the depre"!at!on start datea#on( !th the depre"at!on 3e) .

    The s)stem determ!nes the p#anned ann%a# depre"!at!on *ased on the

    depre"!at!on start date and the depre"!at!on terms. @hen f%rther

    transa"t!ons are posted, these +a#%es are %pdated.The posting date and the asset value date must always be in

    the same fscal year

    FI ocum"nt Num!" A%%ignm"nt4

    The n%m*er ran(e !nter+a# for the ass!(nment of I do"%ment n%m*ers !s

    de=ned !n the do"%ment t)pe.

    HINT2 A#tho%(h the do"%ment t)pe !s de=ned a"ross a## "#!ents, the I

    do"%ment n%m*er ran(e!nter+a# sho%#d *e "reated spe"!="a##) for the


    @hen "reat!n( a do"%ment !n the SAP S)stem, )o% "an e!ther %se the

    do"%ment t)pe s%((ested *) the s)stem.

    The do"%ment t)pe, h!"h !s de=ned a"ross a## "#!ents, !s a to "hara"ter

    a#phan%mer!" entr)

    ,o%% o N"t ocum"nt T0/"4

    Amon( other th!n(s h!#e ma3!n( entr!es !th a part!"%#ar do"%ment t)pe.

    o% a#so de=nes hether an I do"%ment that as "reated !th the

    "orrespond!n( do"%ment t)pe !s posted GrossM or NetM.

    HINT2 In th!s "ase, the Gross or NetM do not refer to taF !ss%es. The) des"r!*ethe opt!on that the s)stem a%tomat!"a##) "a#"%#ates the "ash d!s"o%nt

    amo%nt and ded%"t !t from the "ap!ta#!7at!on amo%nt of the asset

    Transa"t!on t)pes m%st *e %sed !th e+er) post!n(. Transa"t!on t)pes

    !dent!f) a"4%!s!t!ons,ret!rements, and transfers, amon(st other th!n(s.

    Pa(e 27of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Asset h!stor) sheet and other IAA reports %sed the transa"t!on t)pe to

    !dent!f) the d!erent 3!nds of transa"t!ons and d!sp#a) them separate#).

    o% "an a#so de=ne )o%r on transa"t!on t)pe. Hoe+er, SAP pro+!des a##

    ne"essar) transa"t!on t)pes !n the standard s)stem h!"h are stored

    a""ord!n( to the transa"t!on t)pe !n Asset A""o%nt!n( C%stom!7!n(. These

    "an *e ed!ted 6 "op!ed 6 "reated there. E+er) transa"t!on t)pe !s ass!(ned toa transa"t!on t)pe (ro%p. Th!s "annot *e "han(ed !n !nd!+!d%a# "%stomers

    and !s prede=ned *) SAP

    ."%%on 3:2 S"gm"nt ?and Po6t $"nt"@

    R"/oting in FI-AAPo%ting to FI $haact"i%tic%4It *e"omes more and more !mportant to *%!#d *a#an"e sheets not on#) for

    "ompan) "ode, *%t a#so for pro=t "enters and se(ments. The ne G6L

    f%n"t!ona#!t) do"%ment sp#!tt!n( oers the poss!*!#!t) to *%!#d "omp#ete*a#an"es on those ent!t!es.

    "i>ation o# Po6t $"nt" and S"gm"nt!rom what source 2el#s we up#ate a target 2el#s is calle# #eri%ation.

    &tan#ar# Deri%ations:

    !rom cost centers we #eri%e +ro2t -enter

    !rom +ro2t -enters we #eri%e &egment.

    "f we #o not use +ro2t -enter an# &egment then we #ri%e from cost centers the

    usiness area

    penses are allocate# to cost centers while receipts are allocate# either to +ro2t

    -enter or usiness Area.

    No *niqu" "i>ation o# Po6t $"nt"4Pro=t Center and Se(ment "annot *e ma!nta!ned d!re"t#) !n the asset masterdata, some !ss%es "an ar!se2/ There !s no "he"3 for a %n!4%e pro=t "enter and se(ment ass!(nment

    d!re"t#) !n the asset master data.- The re"on"!#!at!on *eteen G6L and s%*#ed(er IAA re(ard!n( the pro=t

    "enter and the se(ment !s not a#a)s (%aranteed eFamp#e2a. If )o% %se s%*st!t%t!ons h!#e post!n( a"4%!s!t!ons or depre"!at!on,

    the pro=t "enter !n the I do"%ment "an *e d!erent to the properder!+ed pro=t "enter of the CO o*e"t !n the asset master.

    *. A "han(e of the pro=t "enter !n the CO o*e"t !s poss!*#e !tho%tan) "orre"t!on post!n(s !n I.

    No *niqu" "i>ation o# Po6t $"nt"

    If more than one CO o*e"t !th d!erent pro=t "enters !s ass!(ned to theasset master re"ord, e de=ned a "omp#eF !nterna# #o(!", h!"h "ontro##edthe der!+at!on of the pro=t "enter h!#e post!n( the asset.

    Pa(e 2(of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Set the !nd!"ator Account assignment ob3ect is same in asset master an#postingM !f )o% ant to pre+ent the a""o%nt ass!(nments o*e"t *e!n("han(ed h!#e ma3!n( a""o%nt ass!(nment. Th!s ens%res that a""o%ntass!(nment !s on#) poss!*#e to the a""o%nt ass!(nment o*e"t entered !n theasset master re"ord. Th!s a( !s essent!a#, d%r!n( post!n( to ens%re that these(ment and pro=t "enter +a#%es are the same as !n the asset master data.

    Note2 the ne G6L s"enar!o !son#) needed !f s"enar!o !s notass!(ned, *e"a%se s"enar!o sa+esthe "onso#!dat!on transa"t!on !n the ne G6L s%mmar) ta*#eAGLLET. Th!s !s a#so done *) the s"enar!o

    i>" Po6t $"nt" and S"gm"nt4

    If )o% ma!nta!n to CO o*e"ts !n the asset and pro=t "enter and se(ment !nthe to CO o*e"ts are not the same, error messa(e appears. The pro=t"enter !s not %n!4%e. The a""o%nt ass!(nment o*e"ts Cost Center andInterna# Order refer to d!erent "enters2

    Pro=t "enter from Cost Center2 / Pro=t "enter from Interna# Order2'

    To sa+e the pro=t "enter and se(ment !n the asset master data the ta*#eANLQ as pro#on(ed

    enhan"ed. No e are a*#e to 2

    Pa(e 29of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Create a ne asset master re"ord hen post!n( Post se+era# eF!st!n( asset master re"ords !n one step.

    Int"gat"d 8ith Mat"ial Manag"m"nt ?MM@An a"4%!s!t!on of asset !n !nte(rat!on !th $$ shos the fo##o!n( #o(!st!"

    pro"ess 6 a"t!+!t!es2

    / P%r"hase Re4%!s!t!on

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on 3:) A%%"t% R"ti"m"ntThere are d!erent a)s of post!n( ret!rements2

    /. Ret!rement !th re+en%e and "%stomer -. Ret!rement !th re+en%e, *%t !tho%t "%stomer '. Ret!rement !tho%t re+en%e "nu"4@h!#e ma3!n( ret!rement entr!es !th re+en%e hen e (!+e the a*o+e date,the s)stem a%tomat!"a##) "a#"%#ate (a!n 6#oss on the asset ret!rement. Inadd!t!on the s)stem determ!nes the asset *a#an"e sheet +a#%e and theproport!ona# +a#%e ad%stment %p to th!sper!od that app#) to the part of the asset *e!n(ret!red, and "an"e#s th!s depre"!at!on.At the same t!me, the s)stem posts the asset ret!rement.S)stem "a#"%#ates the (a!n or #oss res%#ts from fo##o!n( dataK

    Amo%nt of the asset ret!rementK The amo%nt of +a#%e ad%stmentsK and The re+en%e re"e!+ed form the sa#e of asset.

    Ma%% R"ti"m"nt ?*%ing Cok-li%t%@$ass ret!rement, !th or !tho%t re+en%e, !s de=ned as a standard tas3 !n the

    s)stem2To "arr) o%t a mass ret!rement, fo##o these steps2

    /. Use an asset report to "reate a #!st of the assets to *e ret!red.-. Create a or3 #!st.'. Se#e"t a p%rpose for the or3 #!st2

    o Ret!rement !tho%t re+en%e

    Pa(e 3&of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    o Ret!rement sa#e 0. Enter the re+en%e d!str!*%t!on.1. Pro"ess the or3 #!st, or ed!t the or3 #!st *efore re#eas!n( !t.

    ."%%on 3:5 A%%"t% Tan%#" Inta-com/an0?Cithin th" Sam" $om/an0 $od"@

    oInt"com/an0 ?Cithin t8o com/an0 $od"%@Asset A""o%nt!n( d!st!n(%!shes *eteen d!erent t)pes of transfers,depend!n( on "!r"%mstan"es2 transa"t!ons !th!n one "ompan) "ode

    o% o%#d #!3e to sp#!t %p an asset or mo+e part of an asset. Part of theasset m%st th%s *e transferred to a ne asset.

    o% o%#d #!3e sett#e an asset %nder "onstr%"t!on and transfer !t to a

    =n!shed asset.4"N5: "t is certainl$ possible to map the Au- (Asset 6n#er

    -onstruction) settlement process using the transfer* but &A+

    pro%i#es a much more con%enient solution for splitting an#

    settling an Au- in the stan#ar# s$stem

    N5: 5he s$stem uses transfer %ariant 7 for intra'compan$ asset transfers.

    One of the f%n"t!ons of the transfer +ar!ant !s to determ!ne the transa"t!ont)pes !th h!"h the transfer !s re"orded !n theso%r"e and the tar(et asset.

    HINT2 rom Re#ease 0.? onards, )o% "an "reate an !nter"ompan) and !ntra

    "ompan) asset *) %s!n( asset transfer transa"t!on. @h!#e do!n( so )o% "an%se =e#d transfers to determ!ne h!"h entr) =e#ds sho%#d *e transferred fromthe so%r"e asset re"ord to tar(et asset re"ord.

    Th" Automatic int"com/an0 a%%"t Tan%#" #unction can !" u%"d

    8h"n "ith"4

    An asset has *een so#d to another "ompan) "ode, or

    S!mp#) transferred to another "ompan) "ode.The fo##o!n( d!st!n"t!on !s made for transfers2 @hen the asset !s a transfer !th!n a #e(a# %n!t !.e. one "ompan)

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    EF"ept!on to the defa%#t r%#e "an *e de=ned !n a "%stomerspe"!=" pro(rameF!t.

    "6nition o# ,lo!al $om/an04The sma##est or(an!7at!ona# %n!t for h!"h !nd!+!d%a# =nan"!a# statements arere4%!red a""ord!n( to the re#e+ant "ommer"!a# #a. Th!s means that a #e(a##)!ndependent %n!t "an *e or !s a#so ree"ted *) the "ompan).

    The transfer method !s %sed to "ontro# ho the +a#%es are transferred fromthe so%r"e to the tar(et"ompan) "ode.

    Tan%#" M"thod4

    S!n"e re#ease 0. )o% "an %se a%tomat!" !nter"ompan) transfer to ens%re thea"4%!s!t!on and ret!rement parts of the transfer !n one step.

    Depend!n( on the h!erar"h!"a# or(an!7at!ona# str%"t%re of )o%r enterpr!se,th!s "om*!ned transa"t!on "an *e posted as an !ntra"ompan) transfertransa"t!on t)pe.

    Th" tan%#" m"thod i% u%"d to contol ho8 th" >alu"% a"tan%#""d #om th" %ouc" to th" tag"t com/an0:

    ,o%% Tan%#" M"thod4

    In most "ases th!s method !s %sed for !ntra"ompan) "ode transfer, *e"a%se!t !s %n %s%a# to add sa#es re+en%e to the asset. In the (ross transfer methodthe h!stor!"a# +a#%es of the asset!s transferred to the tar(et "ompan) "ode.

    N"t Tan%#" M"thod4@hen )o% %se the Net method or the Ne :a#%e $ethod, )o% ha+e to entersa#es re+en%e.If there !s no (a!n or #oss on the asset ret!rement, the sa#esre+en%e e4%a#s the net *oo3 +a#%eof the asset.Us!n( the Net Transfer$ethod, the net *oo3 +a#%e are a#a)s transfers !th!n one #e(a#%n!t

    Pa(e 33of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    4"N5: "f the structure of $our enterprise is not re8ecte# here* $ou nee# to#e2ne $our own transfer %ariants with stan#ar# or user #e2ne# transactiont$pes.

    Tan%#" $o%%-$om/an0 "/"ciation A"a%4If "ompan) "odes are ass!(ned to d!erent "harts of depre"!at!on, the "hartsma) "onta!n d!erentdepre"!at!on areas < d!erent 3e)s6d!erent area IDs>*%t ha+e the same f%n"t!ons. @hen th!s !sthe "ase, )o% m%st de=ne co%%-com/an0 d"/"ciation a"a%*efore asset transfer.

    CrossCompan) depre"!at!on areas do not ha+e the!r on "ontro#parameters. Instead the) "ons!st so#e#) of a 3e) that !s %n!form thro%(ho%tthe "#!ent, and a short des"r!pt!on.

    If a "orrespond!n( "ross"ompan) depre"!at!on area !s not de=ned, thes)stem enters an aster!s3 as a (ener!" entr) for the "ross"ompan) areas.

    Pa(e 3)of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on4-3:A%%"t% und" $on%tuctionAssets %nder "onstr%"t!on ha+e to phases that are re#e+ant to AssetA""o%nt!n(2 The %nder "onstr%"t!on phase The %sef%# #!fe phase

    The assets ha+e to *e shon !n to d!erent As an asset master re"ord !th #!ne !tem mana(ement@hen "ap!ta#!7!n( the asset %nder "onstr%"t!on, )o% transfer the +a#%es toone or more "omp#eted assets and the s)stem a%tomat!"a##) separates thetransa"t!ons of "%rrent )ear from transa"t!ons of the pre+!o%s )ears. Th!s !s

    done *) %s!n( d!erenttransa"t!on t)pes.o% "an %se In+estment $ana(ement for #ar(e !n+estment meas%reshere )o% o%#d a#so #!3e to add !nterna# a"t!+!t!es < and map these !n thes)stem>.Au$ 1 S"ttl"m"nt on a .in"-It"m a%i%4Pro"eed as fo##os to sett#e the asset %nder "onstr%"t!on on a #!ne!tem *as!sto one or more "omp#eted assets2 Ass!(n a sett#ement pro=#e to )o%r "ompan) "ode !n C%stom!7!n( for Asset

    A""o%nt!n(. Se#e"t a## #!ne !tems that )o% ant to sett#e !n the same proport!on to the

    same re"e!+er. De=ne d!str!*%t!on r%#es for these #!ne !tems. Post the sett#ement of #!ne !tems to the spe"!=ed re"e!+ers %s!n( the

    d!str!*%t!on r%#e.Note that th!s post!n( pro"ed%re sett#es a## #!ne !tems to h!"h a d!str!*%t!onr%#e !s ass!(ned.If )o% ant to sett#e %s!n( amo%nts, then )o% ha+e to se#e"t and d!str!*%teone #!ne !tem after the other.@hen )o% sett#e, )o% do not ha+e to sett#e a## #!ne !tems at on"e, and )o% donot ha+e to d!str!*%te / of ea"h #!ne !tem.&ettlement +ro2le: (9) &ummar$ &ettlement an# () Line item managementDistribution 1ules: 4ow much ; of the work un#er construction shallbe transferre# to complete# asset.

    ."%%on 3:7 *n/lann"d "/"ciationThe norma# depre"!at!on "an *e s"hed%#ed %s!n( depre"!at!on 3e)s.A %ser "an a#so s"hed%#e %np#anned depre"!at!on for !nd!+!d%a# assetsman%a##) !n IAA.@hen )o% enter the re#e+ant transa"t!on t)pe, the s)stem re"o(n!7es that)o% ant to performman%a# depre"!at!on.In a d!a#o( *oF )o% "an se#e"t the depre"!at!on areas for h!"h )o% ant toenter depre"!at!on. The depre"!at!on "o%#d *e "%rrent+a#%e depre"!at!on foreFamp#e that !s a##oed for *oo3 depre"!at!on *%t not for taF depre"!at!on.

    Pa(e 35of &'(


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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    As )o% ha+e on#) man%a##) s"hed%#ed the depre"!at!on, the s)stem does not"reate an I do"%ment. Th!s I do"%ment !s not (enerated %nt!# depre"!at!onpost!n( pro(ram !s r%n.

    Pa(e 3of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.


    ."%%on ):& Depreciation Areas, Depreciation Keys,

    Depreciation Calculation and Posting

    +>" >i"84In Asset A""o%nt!n( e m%st ha+e to perform some pro"esses at per!od


    If )o% ant to p#an pr!mar) "osts on a "ost "enter *as!s, )o% "an per!od!"a##)

    determ!ne p#anned depre"!at!on and !nterest and pass these on to pr!mar)

    "ost p#ann!n( !n the CO s)stem +!a a report.

    In+estment s%pport !s a s%*s!d) that a "ompan) re"e!+es for "erta!n asset

    !n+estments. Assets that are e#!(!*#e for s%"h a s%*s!d) are mar3ed !n the

    asset master re"ords !th an !n+estment s%pport 3e). A## spe"!="at!ons for"#a!m!n( the !n+estment s%pport are stored !n the de=n!t!on of th!s 3e). o%

    "an post the "#a!m man%a##) or !n a mass pro"ed%re.

    Inat!on mana(ement !s re4%!red !n "o%ntr!es !th h!(h rates of !nat!on or


    Note2 o% "an no a#so %se the S"hed%#e $ana(er !n IAA to de=ne

    s"hed%#e, pro"ess, and "ontro# per!od!"a##) re"%rr!n( a"t!+!t!es.

    "/"ciation A"a%4$on6guing "/"ciation A"a%4Depre"!at!on areas are !dent!=ed !n the s)stem *) a to"hara"ter n%mer!"

    3e). o% a#so de=ne per depre"!at!on area ho to post the asset *a#an"e

    sheet +a#%es and depre"!at!on to the (enera# #ed(er a""o%nts. o% "an a#so

    de=ne depre"!at!on areas for report!n( reasons on#).The) !## a#so +a#%es and

    "a#"%#ate depre"!at!on, *%t !## not post an) +a#%es to G6L A""o%nts.

    o% "an "a#"%#ate d!erent +a#%es !n a depre"!at!on area for spe"!=" p%rpose

    o% a#so de=ne per depre"!at!on area h!"h +a#%es ha+e to *e mana(ed . C#ass notes2 hen Net oo3:a#%e (oes ne(at!+e that APC< A"4%!s!t!on and prod%"t!on Cost> !s %sed.

    o% a#so de=ne for ea"h depre"!at!on area ho post!n( +a#%es and

    depre"!at!on terms sho%#d or "an *e transferred to other areas.

    "/"ciation T0/"%4The s)stem s%pports the fo##o!n( depre"!at!on t)pes2

    Pa(e 37of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    /. +dina0 d"/"ciation4Th!s !s the p#anned red%"t!on !n asset +a#%e d%e

    to norma# ear and tear.-. S/"cial d"/"ciation2 Th!s represents a p%re#) taF*ased t)pe of

    depre"!at!on for ear andtear. Th!s form of depre"!at!on %s%a##) a##os for

    depre"!at!n( a per"enta(e of the asset +a#%e, and th!s per"enta(e ma) *e

    sta((ered !th!n a taF "on"ess!on per!od, !tho%t ta3!n(the a"t%a# ear

    and tear on the asset !nto "ons!derat!on.'. *n/lann"d d"/"ciation4Th!s !s "on"erned !th %n%s%a#

    "!r"%mstan"es, s%"h as dama(e tothe asset, that #ead to a permanent

    red%"t!on !n !ts +a#%e.0. *nit-o#-/oduction d"/"ciation2 Th!s a##os )o% to ta3e %"t%at!ons !n

    a"t!+!t) !nto a""o%nt for the depre"!at!on "a#"%#at!on. It ma3es the amo%nt

    of depre"!at!on dependent %pon seasona# %sa(e of the asset

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    #!fe. Depend!n( on the p%rpose of the depre"!at!on area, other terms s%"h as

    re+a#%at!on or !mp%ted !nterest, are a#so "a#"%#ated.

    The s)stem determ!nes the depre"!at!on start date %s!n( the asset +a#%e

    date and the per!od "ontro# method.

    The Asset EFp#orer d!sp#a)s the +a#%es and the depre"!at!on for e+er)

    transa"t!on and ea"h area.

    rom the asset eFp#orer, )o% "an d!sp#a) the "a#"%#at!on of depre"!at!on


    4"N5: +lease note that changes to the settings of the #epreciation ke$s

    (-ustomi, the"a#"%#at!on #o(!" fordepre"!at!on "han(ed from tan%action !a%"d

    calculationM alM

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Note2 Th!s means that "han(es of depre"!at!on terms d%r!n( the =s"a# )earare poss!*#e. The "han(es d%r!n( the =s"a# )ear, #ead to d!erentdepre"!at!on amo%nts, "ompared to the o#d "a#"%#at!on #o(!".Tim" "/"nd"nc0 o# "/"ciation T"m%4

    @!th the ne depre"!at!on "a#"%#at!on !t !s poss!*#e to mana(e !mportantDepre"!at!on parameters t!me dependent#)2

    The fo##o!n( parameters "an *e "han(ed on the t!me dependent *as!s./. Depre"!at!on 5e),-. Usef%# #!fe '. :ar!a*#e Depre"!at!on port!on.0. A*so#%te S"rap :a#%e1. Per"enta(e S"rap :a#%e.Us!n( the *%ttons %rther Inter+a#sM

    area> and Add Inter+a#M, )o% "an de=ne a t!medependen") for depre"!at!on

    term for ea"h depre"!at!on area.

    The #o(!" and method for or3!n( !th t!medependent depre"!at!on terms !s

    "ompara*#e !th thepro"ed%re for t!medependent data !n the master dataarea. T!medependent "han(es "an thereforea#so *e de=ned *) "reat!n( ne


    Th" Summa0 o# 8hat% n"8 in FI-AA d"/"cation calculation 8ith

    E$$ :' and acti>" Ent"/i%" EDt"n%ion EA-FIN ?Financial EDt"n%ion@

    The S%mmar) of hats ne !n IAA depre"at!on "a#"%#at!on !th ECC ?.

    and a"t!+e Enterpr!seEFtens!on EAIN

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    the opt!on of t!medependent

    de=n!t!on of the "han(e

    !s"a# )ear APC Depr.A"4 )ear / -A"4 )ear X/ 0A"4 )ear X- 0Tota# / /

    %s!n( t!me dependent depre"!at!on


    !s"a# )ear APC Depr.A"4 )ear / -A"4 )ear



    A"4 )ear



    Tota# / /If tim"-d"/"nd"nt d"/"ciation t"m% a" not u%"d, a "han(e o%#d

    ha+e the ee"t that a## open =s"a# )ears are6ere re"a#"%#ated.

    The ne #o(!" of the depre"!at!on "a#"%#at!on "reates a ne per!od !nter+a#

    for a## "han(es ta3en p#a"e d%r!n( the =s"a# )ear. Hen"e the "han(e ee"ts

    on#) the f%t%re per!ods.

    $o%t Accounting "/"ciation A"a4

    o% "an de=ne hether !nterest sho%#d *e "a#"%#ated for the "osta""o%nt!n(

    depre"!at!on area, andhether depre"!at!on sho%#d "ont!n%e *e#o 7ero. o%

    ma3e these spe"!="at!ons hen )o% de=nethe depre"!at!on areas.

    o% "an %se ind"D %"i"%for !ndeF!n( the a"4%!s!t!on +a#%e and th%s

    "a#"%#ate a rep#a"ement +a#%e.

    The a*o+e eFamp#e from the s#!de "onta!ns the fo##o!n( depre"!at!on terms

    and !nformat!on2

    / Depre"!at!on 3e) LINA2 Stra!(ht#!ne from rep#a"ement +a#%e, pro rata

    tempor!s !th "%r* and !nterest- Ord. dep. Start2 -6/6 Depre"!at!on and !nterest !n )ear /2 //6/-

    of the ann%a# +a#%e.' IndeF2 /' for APC

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    "/"ciation Run 1 Pogam RAP+ST2'''The depre"!at!on pro(ram RAPOST- "an *e %sed to post

    Ord!nar) depre"!at!on TaF depre"!at!on, or a##o"at!on and r!teo of reser+es d%e to spe"!a# taF


    Unp#anned depre"!at!on A""o%nt ass!(nment t)pes m!ss!n( !n C%stom!7!n( for Asset A""o%nt!n(.

    o% re"e!+e the error messa(e!ccount """" re#uires an assignment

    to a C$ $b%ect. A""o%nts for depre"!at!on post!n( m!ss!n( Post!n( per!od as entered !n"orre"t#) on the !n!t!a# s"reen of RAPOST- YSett!n(s m!ss!n( for the depre"!at!on post!n( ")"#e !n the depre"!at!on


    Pa(e )3of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on ):2 Fi%cal H"a $hang" and H"a End$lo%ing in A%%"t% Accounting

    Fi%cal H"a $hang"4The =s"a# )ear "han(e pro(ram opens ne ann%a# +a#%e =e#ds for ea"h


    The ear#!est )o% "an start th!s pro(ram

    o% ha+e to r%n the =s"a# )ear "han(e pro(ram for )o%r ho#e "ompan)"ode.

    o% "an on#) pro"ess a =s"a# )ear "han(e to a s%*se4%ent )ear !f thepre+!o%s )ear has a#read) *een "#osed for *%s!ness.

    Ta3e "are not to "onf%se the =s"a# )ear "han(e pro(ram !th )earend

    "#os!n( for a""o%nt!n( p%rposes.

    H"a-End $lo%ing ?in A%%"t Accounting@

    earEnd C#os!n( Preparat!ons2 After the depre"!at!on #!sts and asset h!stor) sheet ha+e *een "he"3ed,

    depre"!at!on !s posted. If an area posts asset balances perio#icall$ to the general le#ger, )o%

    ha+e to start report for per!od!" APC+a#%es post!n(s at #east on"e !n the %pdate r%n.

    If the =na# res%#t !s not sat!sfa"tor), )o% "an "arr) o%t depre"!at!ons!m%#at!on or "han(es, or ma3e ad%stment post!n(s.

    If )o% "han(e an) depre"!at!on +a#%es, )o% m%st r%n depre"!at!on post!n(a(a!n.

    The )earend "#os!n( pro(ram "he"3s hether2 Depre"!at!on and asset *a#an"es are posted !n f%## Assets "onta!n errors or are !n"omp#ete

    If the pro(ram does not =nd an) errors, !t %pdates the #ast "#osed =s"a# )ear

    . The report a#so #o"3s a## "#osed =s"a# )ears

    a(a!nst post!n(s from the asset area.

    If a "#osed=s"a# )ear !s s%*se4%ent#) re#eased for post!n(, !t "an on#) *e

    "#osed a(a!n on"e the )earend "#os!n(pro(ram RAAS has *een r%n


    o% =nd the )earend "#os!n( pro(ram !n the Asset A""o%nt!n( App#!"at!on.P"iodic AP$ =alu"% Po%ting4S"tting% #o u%ing /ogam RAPER2'''4

    De=nedo"%ment t)pe2 Create n%m*er ran(e !nter+a#2 No "reate the ne do"%ment t)pe for )o%r "ompan) "ode !n


    Pa(e )5of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    @hen )o% eFe"%te the test r%n, the report pro+!des a "omprehens!+e #o( . o% "an (o d!re"t#) from the #o( to a s!m%#at!on of do"%ments.

    Pa(e )of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.


    ."%%on 5:& R"/ot S"l"ctionR"/ot T"" and A"a ManuUp to re#ease 0.? the Asset A""o%nt!n( standard reports ere "onta!ned !n a

    report tree, h!"h as stored !n C%stom!7!n( for Asset A""o%nt!n(.The report trees ere then rep#a"ed *) area men%s. The area men% for

    report!n( !s "a##ed IAA .

    Th!s !n t%rn, !s em*edded !n the Asset A""o%nt!n( area men% , h!"h

    "an *e "han(ed and d!sp#a)ed !n area men% ma!ntenan"e transa"t!on.

    SAP .i%t =i"8"4Asset reports aiant:

    The report "an o%tp%t a tota# and, !n some "ases, a stat!st!" for ea"h sort


    In tota# "o#%mn, )o% "an spe"!f) the #e+e#s at h!"h )o% ant tota#s to


    Pa(e )7of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    o% "an see a more deta!#ed *rea3don of the tota# of a (ro%p #e+e# !n

    some #!sts *) se#e"t!n( the Stat!st!"s !nd!"ator.

    o% "an %se the sort +ar!ant !th an) IAA report.

    Pa(e )(of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on 5:2 =alu"


    Simulation 8ith th"A%%"t ED/lo"4

    The Asset EFp#orer oerseFtens!+e poss!*!#!t!es fore+a#%at!n( !nd!+!d%a# assetmaster re"ords.

    ) enter!n( a aster!s3 M !n the s%*n%m*er =e#d, )o% "an

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.


    A$$+*NTSRE$EI=A.E A$$+*NTIN, AN

    A$$+*NTS PAHA.E A$$+*NTIN,."%%on & In#omation S0%t"mCh"" a" th" R"/ot%4o% "an =nd the reports )o% re4%!re !n +ar!o%s p#a"es !n the s)stem2 o% "an a""ess !mportant reports %s!n( the !nformat!on s)stem for ea"h

    area Account% Pa0a!l" In#omation S0%t"m4 R"/ot% #o Account% Pa0a!l"Accounting4Th!s !nformat!on s)stem "onta!ns a## the 3e) reports that )o% need as ana""o%nts pa)a*#e a""o%ntant. The a""o%nts pa)a*#e !nformat!on !s sp#!t !n toreports for +endor *a#an"es, +endor !tems, master data, and pa)ment transa"t!onsIn D)nam!" Se#e"t!on, )o% ha+e +ar!o%s se#e"t!on opt!ons .If )o% %se the sear"h he#p, )o% !## a#so re"e!+e "omp#eF se#e"t!on opt!onsthat )o% "an %se for d!erent reports.o% (!+e the =#ter "r!ter!a on the *as!s of h!"h s)stem "o##e"ts data formta*#es.Account% R"c"i>a!l" In#omation S0%t"m4 R"/ot% #o Account%R"c"i>a!l" Accounting4@hen )o% %se the se#e"t!on and o%tp%t "ontro#, )o% "an restr!"t the datad!sp#a)ed !n the #!st. or eFamp#e, for report on "%stomers sa#es, )o% "an"reate a "%rrent or h!stor!"a# "%stomer #!st that !s stored *) the "%stomers

    sa#es. To do th!s, "hoose Add!t!ona# Se#e"t!ons and enter appropr!ate !nter+a#s*efore )o% r%n the report.@hen )o% enter the sa#es, )o% "an %se s!n(#e +a#%es or ran(es *) se#e"t!n(and 6 or eF"#%d!n( s!n(#e +a#%es and ran(es.,"n"al ."dg" In#omation S0%t"m4 ,"n"al ."dg" R"/ot%4The G6L a""o%nt *a#an"e #!st d!sp#a)s the se#e"ted tota#s =(%res *) report!n(per!od. o% "an see the "arr) forard *a#an"e at the start of the =s"a# )ear,the tota# for the "arr) forard per!od, the de*!t and "red!t tota#s for thereport!n( per!od, and the de*!t and "red!t *a#an"es at the end of ea"hreport!n( per!od.

    Pa(e 5&of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    At the end of the #!st, )o% "an see the tota# for ea"h "ompan) "ode and the=na# tota# for a##

    ."%%on :2 R"/ot =aiant and =aia!l"%%s!ness EFamp#e2 Emp#o)ees !n G6L A""o%nt!n(, A6R A""o%nt!n( and A6P

    a""o%nt!n( ants to %se d!erent se#e"t!on "r!ter!a to a""ess data re#e+ant to

    them. The) need to *e a*#e to sa+e these se#e"t!on "r!ter!a, as some of them!## not "han(e for #on( t!me, so that the) "an a""ess the date 4%!"3#) and


    R"/ot =aiant%4 S"l"ction $it"iao% "an de=ne m%#t!p#e report +ar!ants for one report. These report +ar!ants

    "onta!n d!erentse#e"t!on "r!ter!a. A +ar!ant !s a se#e"t!on memor) for a

    spe"!=" 4%ant!t) of sa+ed se#e"t!on "r!ter!a. Instead of enter!n( +a#%es for

    se#e"t!on "r!ter!a ea"h t!me to (et the report, )o% enter the +a#%es on"e and

    then sa+e them as a +ar!ant. NeFt t!me to eFe"%te the report )o% "an %se

    th!s +ar!ant. The opt!on of "reat!n( +ar!ant !th )o%r on se#e"t!on "r!ter!a,there*) red%"!n( t!me and eort #ater, !s part!"%#ar#) %sef%# for reports that

    are %sed fre4%ent#) or per!od!"a##).

    A report, therefore, "an ha+e d!erent report +ar!ants, ea"h of h!"h pro+!des

    a spe"!=" t)pe of !nformat!on *ased on the "r!ter!a that )o% de=ned !n that


    R"/ot =aiant%4 Atti!ut"%4

    Enter +ar!ant attr!*%tes for )o%r +ar!antK =rst a ,ariant name, and then the


    If )o% se#e"t only 'or bac(ground processingM =e#d, then the +ar!ant

    !s on#) perm!tted for *a"3(ro%nd pro"ess!n(. If )o% do not se#e"t the =e#d,

    the +ar!ant !s perm!tted for *a"3(ro%nd and on#!ne pro"ess!n(.

    If )o% se#e"t the Protect variant=e#d, then on#) )o% "an "han(e the


    S)stem +ar!ants are on#) d!sp#a)ed !n the "ata#o( and not !n 0 Inp%t He#p !f

    )o% se#e"t the re#e+ant!nd!"ator.

    o% "an ass!(n "erta!n propert!es to some =e#ds. or eFamp#e) you can

    protect a feld) hide a feld or ma(e a feld a re#uired entry feld.

    R"/ot =aiant 4 S"l"ction =aia!l"%4

    Instead of enter!n( +a#%es for se#e"t!on "r!ter!a ea"h t!me )o% start a report,

    )o% "an enter the +a#%es on#) on"e and then sa+e them !n a +ar!ant. If )o%

    "a## %p the report and %se a +ar!ant, *%t st!## ant to d!sp#a) "erta!n +a#%es %p

    Pa(e 52of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    to the "%rrent date aiant, )o% "anma!nta!n

    parameters !n ta*#e T:AR: that "onta!n )o%r se#e"t!on opt!ons, s!n(#e +a#%es,

    and6or!nter+a#s *) "hoos!n( $a!nta!n en+!ronment [ Se#e"t!on +ar!a*#es.

    On"e )o% ha+e ma!nta!ned thesese#e"t!on +ar!a*#es !n ta*#e T:AR:, )o% "an

    %se them !n an) other report +ar!ants and reports.

    0namic dat" calculation%4The prere4%!s!te for %s!n( these +ar!a*#es !s

    that the "orrespond!n(se#e"t!on "r!ter!on !n the pro(ram !s t)pe D . If

    )o% "han(e the se#e"t!on +ar!a*#e from t)pe Tto t)pe D, the Name of

    :ar!a*#es =e#d !s no #on(er read) for !np%t. o% "an on#) set +a#%es %s!n(!np%t


    Pa(e 53of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    *NIT-7; .IST =IECER

    ."%%on & SAP .i%t =i"8" "%ignThe SAP L!st :!eer !s a (ener!" d!sp#a) too# that "reates a standarder(onom!" #!st from prede=ned data.

    The L!st :!eer standard!7es and s!mp#!=es the %se of #!sts !n the SAP s)stem*) pro+!d!n( a%n!form !nterfa"e and #!st preparat!on f%n"t!on.

    o% "an %se the L!st :!eer to d!sp#a) s!mp#e andh!erar"h!"a# se4%ent!a# #!sts.

    The SAP L!st :!eer "onta!ns a n%m*er of !ntera"t!+e f%n"t!ons s%"hassort!n(, s%mmat!on, =#ters, and so on.

    o% "an "han(e the #a)o%t of #!sts !tho%t se#e"t!n( data =rstand sa+e the"han(ed #!st #a)o%t !n +ar!ants.

    SAP .i%t =i"8"4 i%/la0 < $hang" ocum"nt4The SAP #!st +!eer pro+!des the fo##o!n( f%n"t!ons for d!sp#a)!n( and

    "han(!n( do"%ments.

    S"l"ct d"tail4To (et the !nformat!on from an !tem, )o% ha+e to se#e"t !t =rst. o% "an then%se the e)e(#asses !"on or do%*#e"#!"3 the !tem

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Summation4)o% "an "reate tota# and s%*tota#s for spe"!=" +a#%es. Create

    tota#s *) se#e"t!n( the re4%!red "o#%mn and then "hoos!n( the appropr!ate


    .i%t >i"8"4 i%/la0 =aiant% and Fi"ld%4In add!t!on to the d!sp#a) +ar!ants pro+!ded *) SAP, )o% "an a#so "reate )o%r

    on d!sp#a) +ar!ants.Th!s a##os )o% to de=ne )o%r on spe"!=" +!e of a#!st.

    o% se#e"t =e#ds that )o% ant to see from the =e#ds a+a!#a*#e !n the "o#%mn

    set. o% "an h!de =e#ds that )o% do not re4%!re. o% "an a#so sort =e#ds !n the

    "o#%mn se#e"t!on !n the order that )o% re4%!re.

    o% "an a#so add spe"!a# =e#ds to the "o#%mn set !n add!t!on to the =e#ds that

    are a#read) d!sp#a)ed.or more !nformat!on, refer to SAP Notes -/18B; and


    If )o% re4%!re osett!n( a""o%nt !nformat!on, refer to SAP Note //-'/-. Th!s

    !s not a mod!="at!on of the standard s)stem, *%t a *%s!ness transa"t!on


    HINT2 S@P Stands for

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Pa(e 5of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on 7:2 S"l"ction%

    S"l"ction $it"ia #o .in" It"m .i%t4

    o% "an %se spe"!=" se#e"t!on "r!ter!a to "hoose #!ne !tems that )o% ant to


    These se#e"t!on "r!ter!a refer to2

    The a""o%nts !n h!"h )o% ant to see #!ne !tems !n spe"!=" "ompan)

    "odes Se#e"t!on "r!ter!a that )o% "an "hoose %s!n( sear"h he#p The se#e"t!on of #!ne !tems themse#+es, *ased on the!r stat%s and "ate(or)

    In add!t!on, )o% "an a#so "hoose the fo##o!n( for the #!st o%tp%t2

    La)o%t $aF!m%m n%m*er of !tems

    S"l"ction o# , :endor "o%ntr)6"ompan) "ode

    Pa(e 57of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    :endor *) personne# n%m*er :endor *) p%r"hase, mater!a#, or p#ant referen"e

    @hen )o% se#e"t !tems %s!n( sear"h he#p, the s)stem oers !np%t he#p for the

    "%stomer #!ne !tem #!st2

    Genera# "%stomer data C%stomer "o%ntr)6"ompan) "ode6a""o%nt (ro%p C%stomers !th renta# a(reement C%stomers for ea"h sa#es (ro%p or !th p#ant referen"e Head oZ"e "%stomers

    It"m S"l"ction4

    o% "an se#e"t !tem #!st *ased on the!r stat%s and "ate(or).

    @hen )o% se#e"t open !tems, )o% se#e"t !tems that are or ere open at a

    spe"!=" t!me. The "%rrent date !s proposed *) defa%#t.

    If )o% "hoose C#eared Items, the s)stem d!sp#a)s !tems that ere "#eared *)

    the "#ear!n( datespe"!=ed and that ere st!## open on the 3e) date. If )o% do

    not spe"!f) the "#ear!n( date and the 3e) date, the s)stem d!sp#a)s a## the

    "#eared !tems.

    If )o% ant to see open and "#eared !tems, "hoose!ll +tems. o% "an restr!"t

    th!s se#e"t!on %s!n( thepost!n( date

    B"ad +c" < anch

    In some !nd%str!es, "%stomer s%*m!t order #o"a##) 9+!a *ran"h 9*%t pa)

    !n+o!"es "entra##) thro%(h the head oZ"e. SAP d!erent!ates *eteen theo of (oods and the o of mone). In the SAP s)stem, )o% "an set %p head

    oZ"e and *ran"h a""o%nts.

    A## !tems posted to a *ran"h a""o%nt are a%tomat!"a##) forarded to the head


    If )o% se#e"t the *ran"h oZ"e 6head oZ"e !nd!"ator, a d!a#o( *oF appears for

    ea"h *ran"h a""o%nt. In the D!a#o( *oF, )o% "an "hoose hether the *ran"h

    "an d!sp#a) !tems that are mana(ed at the head oZ"e.

    If )o% dea"t!+ate the d!a#o( *oF, the sett!n( made !n the Items $ana(ed at

    Head OZ"e =e#d app#!es a%tomat!"a##).

    S"l"ction !0 N"t u" at"4

    @hen )o% d!sp#a) the #!ne !tems )o% "an ma3e a se#e"t!on *) net d%e date.

    If )o% se#e"t the Se#e"t!on *) Net D%e Date =e#d !n the ed!t!n( opt!ons of the

    %ser parameters, the s)stem a"t!+ates the !np%t =e#ds for the se#e"t!on *)

    net d%e date on the se#e"t!on s"reen.

    Pa(e 5(of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    K"0 #o Icon%4

    In the header of the AL: "#ass!" #!st, )o% "an d!sp#a) the

    3e) for the !"ons for the !tem stat%s

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Pa(e 'of &'(

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    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on 7:3 $hanging th" Sc""n .a0outSAP pro+!des +ar!o%s standard #a)o%ts that )o% "an s%pp#ement !th other

    #a)o%ts.Standard #a)o%ts start !th a s#ash . o% "an "hoose a

    standard #a)o%t as )o%r defa%#t #a)o%t. If the!nd!"ator for a d!sp#a) +ar!ant !s

    set as the !n!t!a# +ar!ant, th!s +ar!ant !s a#a)s %sed for the #!st o%tp%t%n#ess

    )o% eFp#!"!t#) spe"!f) an a#ternat!+e d!sp#a) +ar!ant.

    o% "an a#so "hoose a %serspe"!=" #a)o%t, pro+!ded that )o% "an sa+e %ser

    spe"!=" d!sp#a) +ar!ants.

    Standad .a0out4 "#ault and Initial .a0out4The standard #a)o%t !s the #a)o%t that app#!es to a## %sers.

    o% "an se#e"t a #a)o%t for the #!st o%tp%t for )o%r #!ne !tem d!sp#a). If )o% so

    re4%!re, th!s #a)o%t !s d!sp#a)ed a(a!n the neFt t!me )o% "a## %p transa"t!on


    If )o% ha+e not se#e"ted a #a)o%t, the #!st #a)o%t from the defa%#t se#e"t!on

    s"reen !s se#e"ted from )o%r %ser parameters. o% "an defa%#t the !np%t =e#d

    for ea"h a""o%nt t)pe.

    If )o% do not ma3e an entr), and no defa%#t sett!n( !s made for the se#e"t!on

    s"reen !n the %ser parameters the s)stem %ses the AL: !n!t!a# #a)o%t. o%

    "annot de=ne the AL: !n!t!a# #a)o%t !n the a""o%nt!n( ed!t!n( opt!onK )o% "an

    on#) do th!s !n the #!ne !tem #!st !tse#f. o% defa%#t the AL: !n!t!a# #a)o%t !n

    d!sp#a) +ar!ant mana(ement.

    If )o% do not ma3e a defa%#t sett!n( !n d!sp#a) +ar!ant mana(ement, thes)stem "hooses the ISAP #a)o%t.

    *%"-S/"ci6c .a0out4o% "an "reate a %ser spe"!=" #a)o%t, h!"h on#) )o% "an %se.

    If )o% ant to or3 !th )o%r %serspe"!=" #a)o%t, "a## %p the re#e+ant #!ne

    !tem #!st !th )o%r ne %serspe"!=" #a)o%t. In the ed!t!n( opt!ons of the %ser

    parameters, the defa%#t se#e"t!on s"reen !s %pdated !th )o%r ne %ser

    spe"!=" #a)o%t. If )o% a#so ant to *e a*#e to "a## %p the #!ne !tem #!st %s!n(

    another #a)o%t !n )o% se#e"t!on as e## as )o%r %serspe"!=" #a)o%t, dese#e"t

    the Save ,ast ,ayout 'or de'ault=e#d.

    The fo##o!n( order app#!es2 Userspe"!=" !n!t!a# s"reen has

    pr!or!t) o+er (enera#!n!t!a# +ar!ant .

    Pa(e &of &'(

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.


    ."%%on (:& Achit"ctu" o# illdo8nR"/oting

    Dr!##don report!n( !s a d!a#o(or!ented !nformat!on s)stem for e+a#%at!n(

    data from the !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n(, GL, AR, and AP data*ases.

    Dr!##don report!n( "onta!ns he#pf%# f%n"t!ons for na+!(at!n( !n the dataset. It

    a#so "onta!ns se+era# add!t!ona# f%n"t!ons for pro"ess!n( a report


    SAP Graph!"s, SAPma!#, and +ar!o%s pr!nt!n( f%n"t!ons are "onne"ted to

    dr!##don report!n(to(ether !th $!"rosoft @ord for @!ndos and $!"rosoft


    *%ing th" R"/ot Paint"4

    o% "an %se the (raph!" !nterfa"e of the Report Pa!nter for +ar!o%s a"t!+!t!es.

    Fom T0/"%4 illdo8n R"/oting in FI4

    The fo##o!n( report t)pes "an *e %sed for G6L a""o%nt e+a#%at!ons2

    /. R"/ot% #o 6nancial %tat"m"nt anal0%i%4

    These reports are *ased on the =nan"!a# statement +ers!ons de=ned !n

    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n(. o% "an "arr) o%t an) n%m*er of +ar!an"e ana#)ses

    *ased on a"t%a# and p#an data .

    -. K"0 6gu" "/ot%4

    or 3e) =(%re reports, the s)stem ta3es !nto a""o%nt on#) the =nan"!a#

    statement !tems !n the =nan"!a# statement +ers!on that )o% need for the

    "a#"%#at!on of spe"!=" 3e) =(%res . Th!s !s not the "ase for

    =nan"!a# statement ana#)s!s reports. !nan"!a# statement +ers!on 3e) =(%res

    "o%#d *e for eFamp#e, e4%!t) rat!o

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    Achit"ctu" o# illdo8n R"/oting4

    A report de=n!t!on "an "onta!n /> "hara"ter!st!"s, -> 3e) =(%res, and '>


    A report !s a n%m*er o=ntera"t!+e, "ontro##a*#e report #!sts and (raph!"s that

    are d!sp#a)ed on the s"reen.


    Dr!##don report!n( pro+!des %sef%# f%n"t!ons for na+!(at!n( !th!n the

    dataset.It a#so "onta!nsse+era# add!t!ona# f%n"t!ons that "an *e %sed to

    pro"ess a report !ntera"t!+e#) .


    A form des"r!*es the *as!" "ontent and forma# str%"t%re of report #!sts. A form

    "an *e seen as a sem!=n!shedprod%"t for a reportK !t !s #ater "omp#eted !th

    "hara"ter!st!"s and 3e) =(%res hen )o%de=ne the report. Chara"ter!st!"s

    appear !n the form as e## as !n the report. o% "an "hoose 3e)=(%res e!ther

    !n the form or the report.

    Pa(e 3of &'(

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on (:2 $haact"i%tic% and K"0 Figu"%Chara"ter!st!"s spe"!f) the "#ass!="at!on opt!ons for the dataset. EFamp#es of

    "hara"ter!st!"s are"ompan) "ode, *%s!ness area, and p#an6a"t%a# !nd!"ator.

    The t!me referen"e .

    $la%% Not"%4 ill do8n m"an% %""ing th" d"tail li%t o# th" 6gu"

    a//"aing in th" "/ot ?6nancial %tat"m"nt%@ Th" la%t li%t u/ to 8hich 8" go !0 u%ing dill do8n

    o/tion i% call"d th" d"tail"d li%t: Fomat o# th" "/ot i% kno8n a% #om:

    Pa(e )of &'(

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on (:3 Fom T0/"%Three t)pes of form eF!st2 /> S!n(#eaF!s form !tho%t 3e) =(%re, -> S!n(#e

    aF!s forms !th 3e) =(%re, '> D%a#aF!s form !th 3e) =(%res

    Singl"-aDi% Fom Cithout K"0 Figu"%4

    If )o% are %s!n( a s!n(#eaF!s form !tho%t 3e) =(%res, )o% de=ne e!ther

    The form ros or"o#%mns !th "hara"ter!st!"s. @hen )o% a""ess the !n!t!a# s"reen, the s)stem d!sp#a)s an empt) #!st !th


    Singl"-aDi% #om 8ith k"0 6gu"

    If )o% are %s!n( a s!n(#eaF!s form !th 3e) =(%res, )o% de=ne e!ther

    The form ros or"o#%mns !th 3e) =(%res and "hara"ter!st!"s. @hen )o% a""ess the !n!t!a# s"reen, the s)stemd!sp#a)s an empt) #!st !th


    ual-aDi% #om 8ith k"0 6gu"

    If )o% are %s!n( a d%a#aF!s form !th 3e) =(%res, )o% de=ne

    The form ros and the "o#%mns!th 3e) =(%res and "hara"ter!st!"s. @hen )o% a""ess the !n!t!a# s"reen, the s)stem d!sp#a)s an empt) #!st

    "onta!n!n( ros and "o#%mns. o% are free to de=ne hether the ros "onta!n3e) =(%res and the

    "o#%mns "onta!n "hara"ter!st!"s, or +!"e +ersa.

    It depends on hat )o%ant to report.

    Ch"n 0ou c"at" a #om 0ou d"6n" th" nam" and th" t0/" o# #om

    that 0ou 8ant to /oc"%%:

    A form !s a forma# str%"t%re of report #!st a sem!=n!shed prod%"t #ater

    "omp#eted !th "hara"ter!st!"s and 3e) =(%res.

    Singl"-aDi% Fom Cithout K"0 Figu"%4In a s!n(#eaF!s form !th no 3e) =(%res, )o% ma3e se#e"t!ons on#) !n the

    "hara"ter!st!"s "o#%mns. The "hara"ter!st!"s that )o% se#e"t !n the form

    de=ne the "o#%mn "ontent. o% "an a#so perform "a#"%#at!on !th form%#as

    o% se#e"t the 3e) =(%res and the dr!##don "hara"ter!st!"s !.e. the

    "hara"ter!st!" hose +a#%es )o% ant to %se to na+!(ate !n the report hen

    )o% de=ne the report .

    The dr!##don #!st "onta!ns a to#!ne "o#%mn head!n(. The 3e) =(%res are

    Pa(e 5of &'(

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    !n the =rst ro and the "hara"ter!st!"s that )o% se#e"ted !n the form are #!sted *e#o. The +a#%es

    for the dr!##don "hara"ter!st!"s are !n the ros

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    @hen )o% de=ne the report, )o% then "hoose on#) the dr!##don

    "hara"ter!st!"s .

    H!nt2 !n a## t)pes of forms, )o% "an %se +ar!o%s f%n"t!ons to "han(e the #a)o%t

    and sett!n(s as )o% re4%!re

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on (:) Na>igation in R"/ot%

    Fom illdo8n .i%t to "tail .i%t4If )o% ant to s!t"h from the dr!##don #!st to the deta!# #!st, "hoose the

    -etail list symbol. A## ofthe ro se#e"t!on s)m*o#s are then h!(h#!(hted !n a

    d!erent "o#or. Choose the re4%!red e+a#%at!on o*e"t. The s)stem thend!sp#a)s the re4%!red deta!# #!st.

    a"3 to as!" L!st2 If )o% ant to ret%rn to the *as!" #!st, "hoose the

    s)m*o# . Note that "han(es that )o% ma3e !n sett!n(s !n the

    meant!me are reta!ned.

    Fom "tail .i%t to illdo8n .i%t4If the *as!" #!st !s de=ned as the deta!# #!st for a report, the deta!# #!st !s the

    =rst s"reen to *e d!sp#a)edhen )o% eFe"%te )o%r report. If )o% ant to

    s!t"h from the deta!# #!st to the dr!##don #!st, "hoose-rilldown list. The

    s)stem then h!(h#!(hts a## the free "hara"ter!st!"s !n the na+!(at!on *#o"3.

    Choosea "hara"ter!st!" *) "#!"3!n( !t. The s)stem then d!sp#a)s the dr!##don


    Na>igation in $la%%ic illdo8n R"/ot%4o% are !n the dr!##don #!st !n h!"h the S !tem "hara"ter!st!" !s dr!##ed

    don. The na+!(at!on area for the dr!##don #!st "onta!ns add!t!ona#

    "hara"ter!st!"s that )o% "an %se. If )o% ant to eF"han(e the S !tem !th

    another "hara"ter!st!", for eFamp#e, Per!od, =rst "#!"3 S !tem and then

    Per!od. The to "hara"ter!st!"s then "han(e p#a"es2 S !tem !s not a+a!#a*#efor se#e"t!on !n the na+!(at!on *#o"3, and Per!od !s dr!##ed don for a##

    "hara"ter!st!" +a#%es.

    Pa(e (of &'(

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    ."%%on (:5 Fom R"/ot "6nitionSAP de#!+ers standard forms, h!"h )o% "an %se as temp#ates to "reate )o%r

    on forms. The namesfor these standard forms are SAPLNCE/ thro%(h

    SAPLNCENN, and )o% "annot %se thesenames for )o%r on forms.

    "6ning chaact"i%tic% #o all column% ?g"n"al%"l"ction%@4

    Fom "6nition4 EDam/l" o# Financial Stat"m"nt Anal0%i%

    !irstl$:de=ne the "hara"ter!st!"s that )o% ant to *e +a#!d for a## "o#%mns !n

    )o%r form.S!n"e )o% ant to enter a"t%a# data !n a## the "o#%mns of )o%r

    form, )o% "an de=ne th!s(enera# "hara"ter!st!" *) "hoos!n( #it = General


    A d!a#o( *oF appears for )o% to se#e"t the "hara"ter!st!"s for the (enera#

    se#e"t!ons. In thed!a#o( *oF, add the "hara"ter!st!" 1ecor# t$peto the ta*#e

    of se#e"ted "hara"ter!st!"s and de=ne the +a#%e for a"t%a# data.

    Fom "6nition?2@4 EDam/l" o# Financial Stat"m"nt Anal0%i%

    &econ#l$: De=ne the "hara"ter!st!"s ofthe !nd!+!d%a# "o#%mns.

    A d!a#o( *oF appears, !n h!"h )o% "an se#e"t >e$ 2gure with characteristics.

    A se"ond d!a#o( *oF appears. Choose a#an"e sheet +a#%e from

    the #!st of a+a!#a*#e 3e)=(%res. In th!s "ase, the 3e) =(%re ree"ts the +a#%es

    of the *a#an"e sheet that )o% ant toe+a#%ate for )o%r report.

    To "arr) o%t an a"t%a# )ear "ompar!son )o% a#so re4%!re the !s"a# )ear


    De=ne the "hara"ter!st!" +a#%es for the "hara"ter!st!"s that )o% ha+e


    o% "an enter three d!erent #en(ths of teFt. These are then %sed as the

    "o#%mn head!n(s for the e#ements. o% "an enter a short, med!%m, and #on(

    teFt. Us!n( the teFt t)pe, )o% "an #aterdeterm!ne h!"h teFt !s %sed for ea"h

    "o#%mn. If )o% ant to enter a to#!ne head!n(, )o%m%st separate the to

    #!nes %s!n( a sem!"o#on .

    Fom "6nition?3@4 EDam/l" o# Financial Stat"m"nt Anal0%i%In the th!rd "o#%mn, )o% de=ne the +ar!an"e *eteen the =rst and the se"ond


    To do th!s, p#a"e the "%rsor on the th!rd "o#%mn and "hoose Ed!t [ E#ement [

    De=ne E#ement.

    On the fo##o!n( s"reen, "hoose orm%#a. The form%#a ed!tor appears, !n

    h!"h )o% de=nethe form%#a that !s to *e %sed to "a#"%#ate the +ar!an"e.

    Pa(e 9of &'(

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    *%ing th" #omula "dito 0ou can /"#om %tandad aithm"tic

    o/"ation% ?L -

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    SAP re"ommends that )o% "hoose "hara"ter!st!"s "aref%##) to #!m!t the

    4%ant!t) for data se#e"ted. Th!s !mpro+es s)stem response t!mes.

    o% de=ne a "hara"ter!st!" +a#%e for a "hara"ter!st!". The "hara"ter!st!" and

    the"hara"ter!st!" +a#%e then appear a*o+e the na+!(at!on *#o"3 on the report

    #!st and ha+e *een de=ned

  • 8/10/2019 SAP Manual-3-2014.docx


    !nan"!a# A""o%nt!n( TIN 1- Comp!#ed *)2 $%hammad A3h#a4 5han, $ 6 AO, AATI, Lahore.

    *NIT-9 ; SPE$IA. ,. TRANSA$TI+NS

    ."%%on 9:& A//lication >i"8 #o S/"cial ,.

    Tan%action%C#ass Notes2Chara"ter!st!"s of Spe"!a# GL Transa"t!ons2 Spe"!a# GL transa"t!ons are not made d!re"t#) !n G6L A""o%nts rather the) are made !n

    the a#ternate G6L. It "an *e a s!n(#e #!ne !tem @h!#e ma3!n( entr) the s)stem (!+es the POP UP not!"e. These transa"t!o
