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Saturday Press. PioneerI › bitstream › ... · of the rank and Jilo of Undo Sam's army. Tho...

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A k- - Ci ". THE SATURDAY PRESS. a . r. wipAritn I'unt.mieu Wekiu.y huiii stiascmrTinx ,& 1'IVE DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE I'oteli-- Kabscrlpllon. from $1, lrt$".m,.ic-cordin- tu destination. MnV'.rlfi-- ri arid Advertisers will siMcm TIIOSi l. trr.z: to Ml the matter MATI for IIUAY the .Saturday 1'IIKKH," Press, should be addressed II, $0. 21. PI. I, 21, 1382. i 73, Water is Best. covrntnt;TF.r to Titn rnrrr, A!n oftn cfuuen'mali lo ravo find lircak IiU mimly form ; Hocr lirlnuH itn ninny to tlio crave-- , makes countless fiuiillle. mourn. Jlrntuly forovor Imimli llio fnco of tlnwo who of ft tnkoj Ituiu mini many nihility men and ixr the rich oft iimki, ljlininpii(iiir It In the sotirco nt least of many tttil pnlns! Oln (I rave both mi'ii nnd women Uonn Into llio .loweit plains. I'tiiicri Unto mnii H oft llio ennio of fiercci, un-- friendly IjIoIvk, L'paots old niilurv'n steady laws mid break tlin ilrtitiknrila now. 1'ort Wim Ihe money nix-n- t on tlii. Is wnsteil artre VllOUjill, I'lirliillid plnco of ftiiod jtliciiyotl c;ct i"OHt nrutclird Hull. J'orlor's n pour rltitl weak sopiwrt for thoso in body uunk Wlna ninkcii mail for S.itnn HjMirt nnd maddens tint unci) im.uk. Wliinky'M mi ver rwidy key by wlilcli i;ront n urn- - J)i-- (i.iln Admission to tho jirirton colli, to narrow too nnd pxlii. Yen I Alculinl iiiany form, in almost nvery erne, Cm do no good, nnd n It' mod, it hints tho hit- - man r.icn. - for'lho drop ltoltnkcs to fio,lit tlio coft'o To prove it nYbermoinetcr clo-i- in llio nrinplt hold. It rIvph dpRdier.-Uc.l-.fn- but not llio fat that's' P,OImI t It does not tnkn mi nctivVypart as iruo nml proper flMJl. I It Imn Its mo in many wavier MI tide, n crisis o'er, Hut n n ruinmon household Sriiik, it should bu mod no more. Como tbun ut oucu tho pledRO to sl;n and with un over aland ; Touch not ap;iiiu the isils'iions drink that casts In (rii'f mo IiiikI. Yes, lot itire wnti-- r bo your drink vrhoro'or you inovo or rest, And when lit tr,tiwr drink you tliink, pronounce tlint Waltr't bent! 11. Reminiscences of Honolulu. No 20. During tho lirel live months of tho yenr lHI'.l, tho (migration of foreign rcflidonU from tho IbluntiH to Ciiliforniii went on, until, in tho mimmor ofthut year, thcro wore but fow loft. Among tho old rcHidoiitM now to bu found Hcattori'd over tho group, tlioro nro not many but who can toll a htory of oxpurionco and of California in lBli. Jinny who wont that year ntsvor saw tho Iwland.s again, leaving their bones in El Dorado; homo cnino back broken in health and for-tun- whilo but tl small minority wero actually bettor oil' than boforo thoy went. Somo of tho Honolulu merchants and ownnrH of vcm.soIh howover innda largo jirolitH in tho shipment of goodn and Isl- and produce, and tho carrying of s to San IVancisco. Tho demand for Iivii wtock was verybrisk in California, nnd tho high prices realized led to tho trnimportntion thither from tho Islands of hornes, mules, bullocks, hogs and fowls. About this time tho natives at Kula, East Maui, yiont extensively into tho businoos of raising Irish potatoes for'shipment to California. It was from that region and Knwaihari that the whalers had for years obtained their supplies, at about ono dollar per barrel; but now the California demand incited increased cultivation, ovw.Hho prico eventually w6nt up to fivo uoHm-s- , and nt times still higlior. From 18-1- during several successivo years, tho potato business on Maui was n llourishing one, nnd mnny natives and some foreign- ers" realized handsomo incomes from growing this product nnd selling to tho vessels thnt carried.it to tho Coast. Thoso were "flush" times for tho'pooplo of and Laliaina on JIaui, and on Hnwnii, tho ports of shipment. At tho latter place, over n storehouse on tho bench, was n lnrgo sign with tho cnbnlistio inscription 1'ut 8 o's kouii saw,. Jlut a fow yenrs elapsed, howuvor, boforo tho wonderful agricultural resources of tho Golden Stale begun to bo dovelopcd, nnd farmers boon entirely turned tho tnbles upon us, so thnt y thoy send us vastly morn in variety anil quantity than over wo sont them. d'ho" principal merchants who nindo mora or less money out of tho California trndo in thoso early days, were, ut Hono-lul- u, S. II. AVilhams Ac Co., jMnkco, An-tlio- n & Co., Starkey, Janion &. Co., Crnbb & Spalding, Agents Hudson Buy Co.; J. O. Luwis, Snmsing k Co. (ch.); F. 11. Vidn nnd Isimo Montgomery. At Laluv inn, II- - S. Swinton, Bush, Alakeo &, Co., and J. J. llalstend. Maui sent mostly potatoes and livo stock; but from Hono- lulu Wi'ut largo quantities of dry goods, clothing nnd groceries; for not n littlo of which no returns wcro over received. In consequence of tho decrenso of for- eign support which was n result of tho emigration to California, tho "Sandwich Island News" had a hard struggle for existence, and finally expired on tljo 11th of April, 1811). But, liko the dying swan, somu of its lust notes wgro tho bwoetest ( 1) II was the fashion then not onfiroly oven now to assert that tho Amer- ican missionaries wore "making a good ihiiii?" out of their vocation, linnncially. The "News" lost no opportunity for sneering nt thorn, nnd giving currency to reports from any source, that woro deroga- tory to their characters us g wuv'iovoted men. Itvgot hold of tho ntory that in 18-17- , tho secular agent of thu 'Minion had loaned lnerenant in Honolulu tho sum of six thousand dollars, belonging to tho .Mission, and from this bnro' fact it nindo a rousing odilorinl, arguing thnt the business of preaching tho Gospel in the Sntulwich Isluuds was n highly lucrativo one, and that its clergy wem iib.M)lutoly rolling iti wealth. Notu-iu- g could hnvo been further from tho truth; but tho statement suited tho "Mows" nnd gratified its supporters. Tho unnuni allowance of tho Missionaries from the llotnoUonrd at Boston, (and tho contributions from tho natives wcro thon next jo nothing) was as follows: For Misslou.iry and wire lit Honolulu.. $ WW .. IM For iv Hlnuio womitii 175 n child uiuWr.1 jcara..., .., . 1M For n chiUJ ofr A '1 '' 1 N,rishlllM'orWjenM, it was certainly a wander how out of .,,. knnntv ineiuis. n missionary could i . t.. ..llir liktiiltHi iifttl ii1ttitf it his children but thoy did tt. It was often tin wife- - wlon tho. nnnual Biipplies for tho mission arrived, that tho secular ngontu who rwwiHl tbom (ilessi-s- . Lovi Chamlx?rlnin(JS. N. Castlo and E. O. Hall) htul n considcrablo nniount m cash on lumd'Which thoy coultl spuro for bix, eight or ten montliK, and it was their duty when they could do so with security, to loan out the numey ut intercut, thus iucri-asin- tho general missionary fund, 'lias had been dono in tho inatauco referred to, Under tho then circumstances of tho Islands, those who lou'uctl mouey nt u fair rnto of intorest. to thoso who needed it for logjti-inat- o business purposes, woro iu fuel pub-li- o bouefactow. Mr. Dillon, tho 1'roiich Consul, had nnvcr forgiven Mr. Wyllie, tho Hawniinn Minister of J''oreign Jtolatious, for having detected him in his intrigue;) against that ollieinl, and ho lost no opportunity for showing his ill feeling. Early iu January, 18111, Dillon took tho extraordinary course of bending a long communication to tho "News" over his own ollieinl signature, in which ho bitterly complained of Mr. Vyllio's practice of publishing corres- pondence, with the repiesentutives of for- eign powers. Among other things ho said: "ITherois not an instance on record of ii Minisfor jumping spontaneously into the uronn, and giving publicity to ollieinl tlispalcht'H of his own wliilo thifdisctisuion of which they hud sprung was yet pond- ing, and before ho had himself received tho replies of the foreign representatives to whom they worn addressed. The pre- sent Ministers of His .Majesty Jvauichu-nioh- a III have introduced this among other startling innovations. They ovon do more, thoy cull from privnto "letters, whic'i nro mere observations on paper, possessing nil ollieinl importance wlint-ove- r, garbled extracts, and give them forth iu an official form, as though thoy mount to produco dissensions among tho foreign representatives in thoso Islands; and as far as any conduct of theirs may contribute) to that end, among the Great Powers, whoso sympathy is so often in- voked by them, and is in reality so indis- pensable to this young state. " Against such conduct I doom it my duty to protest thus publicly and empha- tically, iw contrary to all received rules nnd precedents, and as calculated to give just and serious ofi'onso to foreign powers. I am greatly mistaken, or tho Govern- ment 1 hnvo tho honor to represent, nnd to whom I hnvo referred this among other questions connected with tho pretonsions of Hawaiian Statesmen, will bear mo out in my present nttitudo and views." Of courso .Mr. Vyllio responded to this nltack, and his reply occupied four solid columns in tho J'olymim. Ho cited history to prove that there were many in- stances on lecord, ovon in tho history of Mr. JJilloii'd'own country, wht-r- Ministers had published correspondence with for- eign representatives, under tho circum- stances mentioned. And so tho two con- tinued to stab nt each other with their goose-quill- until tho climax camo iu August of that yenr. On tho 9th of April, 181!), arrived tho U. S. stoani propeller Jlmuichutcth, Captain "Wood, from Boston via Valparaiso, bound to Oregon, with two companies of tho 1st Hogimo'nt of U. S. Artillery, under com- mand of Major J. S. Hathaway. Tho JliMvtchiifctt was a fine new clipper (for thoM) days) of 800 tons, and boing tho hrst vessel provided with a screw that over en- tered Honolulu harbor, sho attracted much attention, aside from tho interest which was excited by tho advent of a detachment of the rank and Jilo of Undo Sam's army. Tho officers wore, it need hnrdly bo snid, a lino, appearing and gentlemanly set, nnd made a very fuvornblo impression on our residents during tho ship's stay in port of bomo ton days. Their names woro: Cap- tain Hill,' Jjicatonants,' Gibson, 'Talbot; "Wood, Foy, Dement nnd Tnllmndgo. Tho King and Queon, nccompuuiid by Mr. "Wyllio and a number of tlio chiofs, paid tho ship u visit, nnd during their stay on board u trip was niadn outsido and as far as Diamond Head nnd back, affording tho visitors tho opportunity to obsorvo tlio to them novel mode of propulsion. "When tho Mnimuhmrtu sailed for Oregon, on tho 17th of April, tho Itov. Mr. Damon, Sea- men's Chaplain for Honolulu, took passage by her, onu visit to tho Pacific coast of America, his plnco in tho Bethel and Chap- laincy being filled for tho time bv tho Ituv. T..E. Taylor. Owing to tho editor's tho Friend, then a semi-monthl- wns discontinued, to reappear on Mr. Da- mon's return, in September following, with full and valuablo notes of travel in Oregon and California. On tho 1st of March, 1819, Charles B. Bibhop, Esq., was appointed by tho King ns Collector General of Customs for Ho- nolulu, in tho' plnco of William I'nty, Esq., who retired. On tho snmo dnto. Captain .Taihos Smith wns appointed by Governor Kckunnnoa to bo Harbor Mnstor and Pilot for tho port of Honolulu. On tho 12th of March, 1819, tho ship Wiiu, Captain Eldridgo, arrived from Boston, and among her pnssengors woru J. F. B. Marshall and wife, H. S. Howland and wife, C. "Wotmoro and wife, and uMifs Cathorino E. Nowtou. To tho hitter lady, on the day of the ship's arrival, and in tho cabin boforo landing, "William L. Lee, Chief Justice o the Supremo Court, was united in marriage, by tho llov. S. C. Da- - 111011. During tho sumo mouth, an old resident or Honolulu, iu. 11. isoanltnnu, wlio Had carried on t lit) business of watch and chro- nometer repairing and roiruhitinir ninny years, at tho corner of Hotel streets and Garden Lime, retired from business nnd shortly after loft the Isluuds. Mr. Bonrd-ma- n was a sprightly and somewhat irasci- ble littlo person, and was familiarly known among tho natives, and often spoken of by foieignors, by tho nickname of "Ticktick'' trom tlio nature ot ids occupation. .Mr. D. N. Flitner succeeded him in the busi ness. H. L. S. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL, . . - V 4 $& 9 JNO. M. LAWLOR & CO., Froprieton, UOl'KI. MTKEKT, IIOSOI.l'M. Entrances on Hold, llichards, aud licretauU Siresli FIRST-CLAS- S ItTEVERY RESPECT. Price (lis aun at First-Clas- s Hotels In Sail Francises. NUl FOR LEASE. m Til OSK VKKY DKSI It AHIiK Ml n.iml...l,,i,i,.'l'l.l!l.ANI." Kuliivri kshua, latel. ormplej hr It. D. M.. Cqmmlftloner, James IU) Wodrhoute, Ksq. Tbe buildings have )4ll k.An ihnMn.1.1 l,,t.l nianr.d And f,lhrrwf Im. prniel for the benret nt Ihe tenant. Iloreinmenl utter ialil on. le.lrlet htslnz windmill, with supply nl ii. hi .si nnd clean healthy water, which has analyteit by 1'iof 'lhnmisn of Ins Challenger Kjpe-dlllo- and pronounced by Llui the best htt had sceu since he left tlnglaud. For particulars, inquire e h?J M JAS.ri. LEMON. SALMON. AFrNK AUTIOinr A1) IX r For Sl by IAS UOLLES Jt CQ. II. W. SEVERANCE. Hnwnilnn Consul t CnniiuUilon Morclmnt T 31ft Ctllfornlii St., L'nl.. lloum No. I, Ij J. Bl. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Law, No. 13 Knahumnnn Street, 8 IIOMtl.t't.t'. M ly J. M. OAT & CO., SAIIiMAKERS, MV.ee"a 1 ire Proof lllovk, Honolulu, II I, 51 J'l'K if nil description' iiiadi- - and repaired,. 1 J. NOTT EC. CO.. Importor anil Dcnlnrt lit Stoves, Rnncen, McuN, lloin KtmiMitni; Uootl. I ruekeiy, Musi unit thin Ware, Praitlud MfCl.uuU'. Honolulu, II I 1 ly CHAMPAGNE CIDER MANUFACTORY AND GROCERY. 6 i. l:i l.lllhli Mrri-I- . if JNO. II. BROWN. Inapector of "Vnl;ht mnl Menanrea, Ilti llerctuiil.i Street, 4.1 Order" eaii be left at Police Station. Bin A. W. RICHARDSON & CO., IMI ulirElta AMI IIKAI rM IX Hoot, Shoe, l'uniMihu; (Iooil, Hol, f.'ap, TrnnVn, Vallaee, Perfumery anil Soau, Waltliam Watches, Flue Jewelry, els., roincr of and Merchniit Sl., Ilimuliilii, II. I. l ljr M. DICICSON, Fhotocrnphlo Artlat, Wi anil till l'orl Street. Pletnrea of all 'Izet anrl ktml ma1e to order, and frames of nil descriptions i'iituniljr on liunil. ,l.o. slii-ll.- , Corals, and e'urlo-lllc- s of the Pacific. 2 ly S. MAONIN, Importer nnd Dealer in Dry nml Fnncy Good. Boot. Shuc, Sec. Attheffro.it Kiistem suite. No. til St., Honolulu M ly I.. W. HOPP, Cnliinet Mnkor, Uphola t oror, Donler in Fnrjiititro, No. SS Klnc Street, between Niiii.iiiu nnd Port Streets. tultrr:i.es coiiiliintly on h.ind or made to order. My THOS- - O. THRUM, Importing nnd Mnnnfacturinr; Stntioner Now Af;ont, Book Binder, &c, Merchant Mnet. and Dialer In l'lnc Stattnniry, Itnoks, Music, Tovs nnd Taney Unods, 1 ton Slrcel, near Hotel, Honolulu, ly FRANK GERTZ. BOOT A M D SHOE MA KER No. lit Port St., opposite Pantheon Slnbles, nooia nail Miiicm 3lnilr f.i SSrilrr, iir ll-- t Tin terliil.uiid nt llciisxiiihlo lrlre-i- . Boots and Shoos mndo for Cash only iiy M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importoi-- nnd "Wholrsnlo Dealer in Gone ml MorelmmUso, 2 Mnkce'e lllock, ((iilcii Street. ly M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Forcrnxdinp; nnd Commission Morchnntn, "M CallfornU St., San Kr.tnclsco. Special facilltieH for and partlcslar attention paid to 1! toiilRiinicnts of Inland produce. ly VOIiOANO ELOXTSE3 cu.iTKit or or hii.aui'.a. W. II. ZilSNTZ. MANAGER. Plcrty to cat. a rousing lire, clean beds, nnd the best attenda'neo on the- - ll.iwalitin Islands Visitor rerpurlnjj nny unusual display of lolcnnlc action will kindly cie Mnnwrr nt lel ten dn) notice lu line weather, and from cleeeu lo thirteen In foul l? T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer nnd Denlor in Crockery, Plain and Decorated I'orielaln, Cut and Pressed Olats, hlhcr I'lnted Ware, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps, ulihiincji, Ltcj 1'lre Proof Store, cor. Klusnnil Nnnanu Stj Honolulu, L'y FUANK II. AUSTIN & (;0., Commission Merchnnts and For warding Agents. Olllco No. 20 California St., San Frnnclsco. Consignment from the Hawaiian Islands desired. The llet Prices Warranted, and Sales (liuranteett. 8T. 4 lv A. M. HEWITT. Freiesht and Gonernl Shipping Clerk. W7" All order left at K. P. Ailams' Auction Uooni will be promptly attended to. :im E. FONTOPFIDAN, M. D., Ocultat, Physician nnd Surgeon. Kyc Ulr,ir n Spi elultj . Itceiilence and allien 1.17 Fort treel and Chaplain l.ane (Mrs. Chase's). Office hours! 10 li a. . aml!i- -l r. . M nm'ln MAX ECKART, Watchmaker, Jeweller, Engraver and Diamond Sottor. No. 0 Kaahumunu street, Honolulu. All orders fllh- - fully ciecntcd. 3J ly HIGGINS & JESSETT, Nos.MandoJ Kin; St., Carrlnca Buildorm Trim-'J- fi 32i? mors, Fninterx, Vnrni kor mTi Allklndsot Uspairiii's attended to, anil good work. giuraiilenl at l.o' lUlca. S ly A. L. SMITH, 41 nirrr airtEET, lMriiiiTr.u asii ukaler is M'rlden llnadruple PUIliI Ware, (lliitun.ire, Kluz'n Combination Sputncles and live Classes, llrackets. Vases, l.ustral Wire Ware, 1 ancy oaps, Plijlure Prames, Wuiti'iilmlin'a Poekit Knltes, Scioors, Pis- tols. Ponder, sliol nnd Aininuuilion, Clark's Soon! Collou, Machine Oil, all kinds of M.icbliui Niidlcs, "Itomestlc" Paper solo Anent for Ihe mil. erally acknowledged Ijight Runnlns Domestic SowlnRMnchlnc i ly WM. McCANDliESS, 'o. 11, 'IHi-o- Mierl. Flsli .llurliel, I)eler In Choicest lteef. Veal, .Mult IMsh, etc. Family and Milppln; Ordns to. I.l,r stm-- fiiruUned to at short nollio, anil Vtyeialili-- s of all kinds supplied umriler. "! Ir CHAS. BREWER &. CO., 47 Klluy Ml., Iloiloit. Agents of Hawaiian Facsets, Uenerm uommisston Arjenu. Kpeclal attention Klven to Ihe iurehisln nt (loods for thu llanull iu tride. Freights at llio lowe.l rale. M ly C. E. WILLIAMS, Importer, Manufacturer, Upholstoror, and Dealer In Furniture of Kery Descrliulon. Furnl-tur- n Ware Itooms. No. ill Fori Slreel, Work dhop at tlio Old stand on Hotel tri-ei- . (ST All Order. Promplly Attended Ir 41 ly niaiiop in oo.. BANKERS, IIOMIt.CI.C, lilt U.VVN'.VllA ISLAND DIIAW UXCIIANHK ON IHE SANK OF CALIFORNIA. : ; : : SAN FRANCISCO asp Tamil Auests in New Vnik, Uo.luu, I'nrls, Ancklnml, rHCORIENTAI BANK CORPORATION, : : : : 10NO0N AMI TIKIK llllr''t IN lloiitl Koiik, )ilne , and SfrlhoHriir, Andtnnsacl a lleneral nanklncllunness. ly WE HAVE ON HAND. X .Ki: ttl.Ml'4II.V lti:i'BlilMU iV CALIFOH.SI.V Hay, Bran, Oats, Corn. Wheat, OU Cake Meal, MUod Feed Crnckcd Corn, Wholo and Ground Barley &c, Which a ulll sell 'IK 4lNII, Inner than any nthesllrm In Mn. No4)l .ri:ill. ru.lom .ollclted. V hair rif tlvid cs KalsVaua, of Putmsn t Co.", Iateul splint; Calls, which arc lu sreaKbimsndl thrse calls ire suixili.r Inuiiytlilnf uf Ihe kind herttofom .erulirre. TelephouoNo.il.. ,.,.,. IM Jui A CO. Flour ! Flour J Flour I UATK CXTKt I'AMILY 1'IAII'H, G44I.UKN ED. c. nowE, Ifnnas nml SIrii Fainter, Pnpcr Hnnrjer, &o Wrt ly Ku 107 Hlng Street, Honolulu. s u'n.ii:it Ac .'., Corner of Port and Ciicen Steele, Honolulu, Lumber, Falnti, Oils, ITalli, Salt and Bnlldlng Matarlaliof tive ry klnil. i a. s;iiAi:ji:it &. ;.. Importorn A Commloslon Merchants ATI HonolMlii. Ilaunllait llain!e. ly O. N. ,ll,TI.'IB.JW, .11. !.. SUnOEON AND llOMEOrATHIC nnfEICIAK. Orllc- - Comer fort and lleietanla Sis,, Honolulu. SH) i:. I. AIA.1IN. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. PliUj IJueen Hlreft, Honolulu ly :. a 4:,. IMPORrERS AND COMMISSION MKRCHANTS nS' llonolnlii, Oiiliu. I LI. ly JOHN RUSSELL, vx law 24 31JI err ha n ijl I. . cor, of Fort 81. 810 ly F. T. LENEHAN & CO Importer nnd Commission Merohanta. 87 Niiihiiii rUrcet, llttiiolul;!. 1!) A. N. ;i.i:4jill4hiVfc 4.'o.. IMfonTxns AND 1IIA1KIIS IN Oonornl IVtorolinxicllso, 8W Corner Ijucni and Knahuinuiiu Wtreels. ly ii. iiA4jiii'i:i. At ;u 0KNEKAL COMMISSION AGENT , 8U Hiieen Street. Iloi oliilu, II. I. ly A. W . IS l Nil. GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family Grocery and Feed Wtore. 81 ly K) Port Street, Honolulu. MIIS. A. M. MELLIS, Fnahionnblo Dress and Clunk Mnker, lot Fort street, Ilonolnlu, II. I. M.M w ly I4l.l,i:s At 4,'4.. Ship Chandlers and Comraiision Merchants, Importers and Dealeis lu (ienttul Merchandise, IJueeii Wi H,, llol.olnln. II'. I, ly j. .ii. nn;si:v, .11. ., i. i. n. Dental Kooms on Foil Street, Office In llrewer's, Illoc!:, lomer Hotel nnd I'ort streets hKt ly hlltrance. I loll I Strei t. 4:i:4tl. IIIC4Wi. ATT0RHEY AND C0UNEELL0R AT LAW, NOTAHV PU1U.IC, And Agent for laklriK Aekuon ledementa of Instruments for thu llriiicl of onhii. .13 No. H Kaahumaiiii St.. Honolulu. 11.1. ly i.ai.i: .v 4:4,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importers of nnd Denhnrn In liny, Criiln, and l Piodiicc. lloiioluln. Ii. I. ly jtiii 'i'. -- )Va'1'i:uii4iim:. IMPORTEIl AND SEALER IN GENERAL MEKCHAND19E. S77 Queen Street. Ilnimliilm II. 1. ly JNO. A. HASSINGEK, Agent to tnko Ackno-wledgmen- to Con tracts for Labor. 870 I Interior Oilier, Hon Inln. ly II. :. ; Az. IIIKVl'lll.U. GK0CERY. FEED ST0UK and BAKEEY Corner King nnd Fort Streets, Honolulu. hSd ly II. 4. II ,11.1. A: Mli, IHrORTERB AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Dry (loods, Pnlnts, Oils and General Merchandise, EM ly Corner Fort and KIhk Stf, II. A. r. OAllTEll. CJOSSS, Jtl C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & QOmmtSSIGH MERCHANTS. 81'J Honolulu. ly KOBT. IKWEns. C. H. COOK. i. : -- .vr.it n Ac. i:ooui:, Successors to Lr.wr.ns it Dickson, IMrORTERS&DEALKKS IK LUMBER And all kinds of Hulldln- -. Materials. Fort Street. b.vt ly nonolulii. S. M. CARTER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con- tracts for Labor. Office at P. M. S. Dock, Kptnnade, Honolulu, II. I. bsil I., ly Ull.lil.MJllA.tl Ac CO.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HRDWABE Cullery, Dry Hoods, Paints and Oils, and Ueneral McichnndLc. 813 No. .17 Fort street, Honolulu. ly CLAU9 WM. O. WW1M. WM. U. lUWI-- Ac 4.O., Sugar Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu. 11.1. 3 .11. N. GIH.II,Hl.n Ai CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALEBS In Fashloimblu Clothing, Hals, C.ipu, Hoots, Sho's, nud every variety of tluntlemcn's bupprlnr rurnlshlurf (loods. Sloro In .Maken'n Illock, Queen Sliet llono lulu. IU. fj-tj- l A. W. FEIRCE & CO,, SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AI1KMS run llrind's Guns and Unmb l.ouces. Perry Dm Is' Pain Killer, aiil I No. 40 Queen St.. Honolulu. ly 'I'll 1:0. 11. iAVii:r. Late Jamon, (Incr.N A Co. IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT AMI AOEST roll l.lojd's nud Ihe Liverpool Underwriters, rtrlll-- li nud Foreign Mnrluu luurnnco Company, Anil Northern Assurance tempuny. iwSi.1 iy UV.U.l.-- 1UC4S., Importers of General Merchandise l'ICOM FltAXGV, EKGLAX1), UKUMAHY, MiD UX1TKD S'TATJM, No. M Merchant Street. Honolulu, H. I, ll.i1IAK llltOM., ' GROCERS, USalidilS California blrret, NAM I'KAMlirlUO, 53- T- Particular attention paid to llllln and shlpplnf Isnd orders, KA ly S. H. CASTIK. J.B. ATMKHTON. c.vs'ri.r. .v duoui:, 8HlPPINa AND COMMISSION MERCH&NTS f.MPOUTIMtS AN 11 Dealors In Conoral Nlorchandise, No. bU Kins Mirccl, Honolulu. 11, 1. Ad E NTS FOlt The Union Iniuranca Company of San Francisco. 'Ihe Nc Eiuland Life luniraiice Unuipany, Motion, ThuOiecon Packrt Line, (The Kohala Planlallon, Dr. Ja lie.t Son's Celebral-- he llalkn Plantation, Id Medicine,, iWallnku Planlallon. Wheeler A. WIUon'sKeivIns'Ilauiaku. Planlilion. Maeblne.. iAy HAWAIIAN INVESTMENT & AGENCY CO., LIMITED. .lXi:il SIM RaT4'l...sM ME M4INKY fur loni; or short peiln.1,. Apply In r LvltltKKN. Manasei nra .. Ol'.lce. Queen St.. over 11. W. MaefarUuc.v.Co. in if Wailuku Pol Factory. (llTAlalTV (r I'AIAI All orders nllid IUi ill,-- ' g r W.lluku. Mul DR. EMERSON tTAS llKMOVUI) HIS OFPIOK "Tl r.n.,, Itp llu9TnianuV l)rufitire. MtlctiAUt Mreet. lo his residence, on the comer of hukul aud Foil Stn-cta- . Jy OFFICE HOUUSt loll a.m., antolr. m, Telephone connection. M PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakory Fraetlcal Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Baker, 6TU 71 Hotel street, between Nuuaiiusnil Fort. 8 ly :. ;. 4:4ii.i:.u"i1. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST llnrir Nliiirlnir, 4'nrrlriicr Mnrk. I'lniiliilloii .llncliliM'i-y- , Ac. 8Ht Shop on King Htteet, nest Caslle X Cooke's. ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Sf-Pf- 1TKAM K.MII.MF.M, SUflAH .MII.L1 ZanakrS Hollers, Coolsrs, Iron, llras.and l.es.l C.llnci Machinery of Evory Description Ci- - MsJ toOril.r. "49 ParticnUr Attention paid to Ship's Blneksmitbinr -- JOII lVOHK.Sfculi-.lo- tli.h(irts.lni.tlr.. tc13 I ' OEO. Practical Pnlntcr and Docorntor, Glldlnr; Urnlulnp; nnd Lottorlnrs., No. 84 Hotel St.. oppo.lle Family Market. SI7 .11 ly TrVRAY TAYIiOR, TIANOFOHTK AND ORGAN TUNKR ry- s- Orders can be left at T. O. Thrum's Port Street and Merchant Street Stnrea. tfitm HOLLISTER ok CO., Apotheonrloa AND IMrrillTril. op Tobncco anrl Cigars; Airenls for P. Lorlllard Co., W, 8. Kimball U Co'p Vanity I'nlr, tloodwln X Co's Old Indue, & Lyle's Celebrated Pluj; Tobaeirn, t.nmii Perfumery, of London, Uumphri).' Ac. Ac. 8C8 JOS. E. WISEMAN, Real Estate Broker & Employmeint Bnrenn kents ltonnis, Collates, Houses, and scllt and leases Ileal L'elate In all pails of the Kingdom. Kinploy-men- l found for those secklnic work lu all the various brunches of business connecled with these llimd.. t'fl N. II. Legal Dnciimenls drawn, Hills Collected, Hooka ami Accounts kept, mill general ufflce stork Irana. acled. Patronage solicited. L'onimlmloii. moderate. Honolulu, ILL ' ;i4 i. w. .tiA:iiti.Ai-M- : :4.. IHPOHTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Robinson. f Ilulldlne, Queen Street, Ilonoluln, II. I. AlTrsTs fok The Olasgow nnd Honolulu Line of Packets. Iiihn Hay .V Co's Llterpool nnd London Packets. The Wnlkapu Plnntntlnn, Tin- - Spencer Plantation, Hllo. Uak.ilHU Plantutloii. Ulln. Mlrrlees, Tail A. Wntson, Siiffiir Machinery. Tlin I'iiiiIoii Sheep Ilauch Comimny, R." "H 3Vt.' H.M. MOORE, .T033 AND DEALKK IN Stationery, Clpars, Tobncco &c, &c ) frU No. IS! Fort street. ly i'. a. M4;n,ii:i'i:it. llnnrilnr Umlersvrltera, Agent of Dresden Uonrd of Underwriters, Auenl of Vienna lloaid of Underwriters. Clnlnis against lusiiraneo Companies within the juris- diction of the nboic Hoards of Underwriters will have to be certified to by the abote Agent to make them Tiillil. I M ly Insurance Notice. TUP. AliK.VT Fllll TIIK IlllITISIl For. Marine Insurance Company (Limited) has received instructions In Iteilnrr llio Knlrsi of In- surance beiween Honolulu and Ports In Ihe Pacific, and Is now prepared to I. sue Policies, nt Ihe lowest rates, with a special icducllon on freight ptr steamers. T1IKO. II. !.vu:s. WJ ly Agent llrlU For. .Mar. Ins. Co.. Limited llAlvllllIKMII IIUK.IU'.K FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. r1lll'. ll.lr.llNI444'KI IIAVIN4J HKK.V AI. M. pointed Acunts of the above Company, are pre pared to Insure rlsjVe against fire on Nl'inr nnd llrirk nitlliliiiKs, nudpn Hornl therein, on the most tatoraoli-leTrins-- . For particulars applv ot the QfTlerof "'psiP.ly r. A.KOIAl'Blt.CO. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HAMIIUKCi. fllI.ltIN'42N. JIKIUIIIAMUMK. FtTRM. 3 TUUKand Machinery Insured against Fire on the most fntorahlit terms. A. J Ai:iss.it, Agent for Ihe Hawaiian Island.. 6fci ly Insurance Notice. rfiiiK i'M)Kii.si;xi:ii a in: t Ja. to write upon Merchandise, per s vessels between this nnd the Coast Pons, covering lns or damage, if amnt.iitlni; lo tu per cent, or more, on th sound v.ilue of tho whole shipment at port of delivery, upon fatorable terms. I1ISII0P X Co. Agents of the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu.. Inn. :'. IP!. w 3m FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, June 30th $7G7,07.17 Additional Cash Capital (now- - being called In) 3S0,Ouo.0d Total Asset , Sl.HVOT.K rpiiT IXSlTlt- - L ANCK COMPANY basis it cUlms in the bet naironageupon Its sound financial condition, reinforced liy Its accession of capllnl, giving Ii oer A million dollars In assets; Its eslensivu syittcm of Agencies, ln siirluq It a large premium Incnine, without the neces- sity or heavy co!Kentr.itlou of Hues; lla ndherenre to tho beit principle aud practices of tJiiderttrltlnt;; by opi-u- , fair and cleirly expressed contracts, and prompt anil equitable adjustment nnd tayment nfieglllinato lusi.es. For seventeen years It h is been fatornhly known as a couscrtatlvu iindertvrller, and during that time has paid over 1 4, 000,000 IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through thu heaviest conflagra-lion- . Known lu modern history, IllMlor .k 4'o., Auoilln, 1 :tm Ilonolnlu, ILL THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. K.lnbll.hi-- 16.111, Unlimited Liability to Stockholders. A. Ml-- . Itcserve $ ti,7Mi,VJJ lliromu for lBV.lt Premium, rcceltid after deduction of $ Lo.se. promptly adjusted and paid here, l.'lrn IIIMIOI' A t'.. Aeiil. UNION COMPANY UK HAN Fit AX CISCO. "lVCVZXXXO. r INOOIIPOIIATED, 1805 CASTLE & COOKE, ACENT8 Ml For tlla II.STlslUtss I.lxliriU. iy Rhenish Woatphnllnn Lloyd INSURANCE of n, ta...iin..4ii. uu.ui.b iriiin. Aaohonand Leipzig Insuranoo Co., I.lmlled. 411 AACIIIIX. (AIX.I.A.CIIAPKI.I.i:.) 4. I.I. 4'LAI.tlN Foil ls.VUTlC'l)l..K AVKNs J. AUK .ilswlnol by UikkI. arriving here, and have lo bo made nlih the roinliance )l and cerllned In by In under.lgiied, In order lu bo rtlld. J- - U. 111. AUK, Agent, bU ly TIUUGATIOX AFTKH THIS 1ATK X I. strictly prohibited, except between Ihe hours of u fun,. iii.,iiiii i l H . iu. Ii. I). PllKLTU. Apprnvedi Superlnlenilcntnf Water Worls II. A P.L'AHrtn, Vlnlslcr of Interior. Honolulu' April I '.'lb. leel r7 Klf COMET TEA. I OLONO & i:XOMSH 1JUKAK- - o I .191, IU .. IHiV,t ..gR r., Gi'ii,' ivi uus uallty. Alio. Ci.urhon; and other Ulack Tea. It" tUll lA I.I. Ill "Suv lih, !. DOLLES X CO. HI REFINED SUGAR. rMl'NIir.U AJtU CUBE M Sujsr. lu h.nrll, hall cartels inrl rxtirs. mU kALK MY t) U0LLB8 CO. noslon noard of rnilf.nrrllerss nKXTS for the tUsvall.n Islnml., e" ly c nnr.wKit .t. Co. riillnilflphla Hoard or liutlcrwriltrs. AJ1;NT.s) fur the llnvrnllnn Isl.ntla, c nitKWKitico & CO. Honolulu, llnunllnll Islitnila, tJeii-rr- Aurnls of Ihe Mutual Lifo Insurance Comp'y 4' .ICTAY TOItK. Largest, Safost nnd Most LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD ! Cash Assets, over 500,000,000 I - For Information concertilne; ths Company, and fo r Hates of Insurance, apply to WII.DL'It i. Co., Oen'l Aeriil.. op J. E. W1HLMAN, Mi 3m Soliciting Agent. Tilt: New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OK BOSTON, MAM I NCOlt 1'OK ATK1S, 1830. 7fie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co.in the United States. Policies limed on ths most fiTorablt) Ttrmi. r.inuiilr- - or.4iiu.orrollnrr 1'lnts IKSUItLI) AUK, 35 KV 1.11'K PLAN 1 I Annual premium continue Policy 5 yenri Sdaya SAimiial premiums lontlnue Policy I tears llriays 3 Annual premiums continue Policy djears 27il.tn I Annual premiums continue Policy 8 years Jtl days 5 Annual premiums continue Policy 11) years M days -- .sBsiotn. 1 BIO, 000,0001 fsssica 1'nlJ thronirls llouatnln Aututj, 140, OOP CASTLE & COOKE, A JENT3 87f WIITIIB HAWAIIAN II,aVmi Iy WORTH BRITISH AND MEIICAHTILE Inaurauoo Company Of Eomlon nnd Edluburg. PIR33. Establlihod IS09. Itasonrce. of the Company as at 31st December, ISfibs Huitcmiiru Cai-iti- - I'mr I'uftii Pnld up a .vii.iijiii 19 11 Uncalled l.Vl,i") Premium :ii7,o-- 7 16 10 iS,UIX),Oil Ualance of Protll and Loss Acc.M.COS 9 3 sxansn 5 11 Ituvrici! roll Tnr. YEAn 1&0-I'- lre Premiums and .'1,UI3,!M0 0. K. IIOFFHCIILAIKIKII A CO., Agents for the Hawaiian Islinds T IIAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, !' HAMnriMJ. Capital of the Company A Iteerve..l!olchmnrk6.rjor).PiX) their Companies " 10l,lviD,uX) Total ltelchsmark VRJSMjM I NORTH GERMAN i FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Olr' 1IA.MIIUII4J. I Capital of " their Companies " 3T,iuii,4WD Total,... .,.,. i:e)chsmark,,830,uuu I.MITD RUCK VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHXFT Or WINTEBTHITR. Capital of Ihs Company ... francs S.000,000 rllK: m. of the nbovc three companies for the Hawaiian Islands, nre prepared to Insure llnlldtngs. Furniture, Merchandise nnd Produce, .Mochlnery, aNoNugar and Itlco .Mills, nnd vessels In the hirbor, against loss or daninge by fire, on the most fatorable terms. blly II. IIACKFGLI) & CO. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. 1' O IITXJ N A General of Berlin. qiiin a itov r. ijiNUiiAXti: companikn JL have established a (.eneral Agency here, and the undersigned, Ocneral Agents, nre aiitlinilzed lo take HlHkn niraliKit thr IlmiRent of Iho Men. nt Ihe Most llrnauunblo Ilnle., nistl on Ihe Moat I'ntornblr Term. W7 ly F. A. SCHAEFKR A CO., (Jeneral Agents. KNOWLES' STEAM AND VACUUM PUMPS TIIK tIDERSlG'E II.VyE JUST per Amy Turner, from lloston. a full as- sortment "f tlic.et celebrated Pumps, n hlch aie guaran- teed to be cheaper and better than uny olher .tylo of pump Imported. We call the attention of planters par- ticularly to the Vacuum Pump, ithlch Is lex compll cateil and more eervlcable than other pumps. I3ui 15 if llUL'WUIt A CO. The Germania Market II AN IlKK.V'rilOIIOIIUIII.V IIKMIIVATKI), nun is now cou.taiiliy In rectipt or lue oe.lor JIKKF, MUTTON, Kh A.M LAMII, Prom Choicest Herds, Pork Hausases, Dolozuas, Head Cheese, Uerman Sausj-e- s, Ac., alnaj.ou haud,usnlso the lir.t of Poul- try aud Ir'lsli. Dur pleats uro all rut and put up In Kasleru slyle. All order faltlifiill) alttnded to, and delivered In an) part of Ihe iliy. nUui ltAltPP.t SOIIItADKIt. Proprietor. JNO. 6c GO. Leedi, England, ars prepared to FURNISII PLANS AND ESTIMATES KOIt Steel Portable With or ulthont Car. and Locomotives, Specially adapted fur Sugar Plantations Permanent Itniltrnis, with locomotive, nnd airs, Traction nnl lto.ul Lconiotivr, Ktoiun l'lunliiiiu mill Cnltlvatini; MncUiiiory, l'orlnlilo i:ii;ims lor nil purpoxud, WiiuliiiK KiiKinrK for lnc linos. Ualaln.-ue- a wllli Ulustratlons. Models, and Photo sraphs of tho nlpr Plants mid Machinery may be .ecu at the onicea of the undersigned. W. L. (iflKK.Sand II. V. MACl'AKLAXK 4 CO., II A;duts fur. I iin. Fonder J: Co. McCHESNEY &. GITUENS, DEALKUS IN Leather, Hides, & Tallow MBIlOIIAIfTSl AOP.NTS KOIt Ztoyn.! Hlo.x Oomp'y. BIJL?L - '"'J1 Wwecu Ht.. Honolulu, II. I. ly EDWARD PRESTON, Attorney nnd Counsellor sat Law, tW Port htreet, Honolulu. Billiard Tablo For Sale, IN I'KUKI'.Cl' OlCDKlt, STKAIIJTK 1 ,t UllllllKS uuVei I'helsu X Collrnilcr cu.lilon.-s- , insrbl. beil, Kor parlleular. ennuIrM .1 O COMUKItl'IAI. I1II.I.IAKII PAULOIIH ALL PERSONS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT .MAj I'AHTIKti KITIIKlt IX Ilonoin.- - at any of the I. lands lu the Orojp In Want of Employees Will please mak. Ihnlr w.nls known la th. nnder- - ijurti. vim win uo an in incir power io nil ineir orders. P. U. JONL'S. Ir. - J. II. ATIIKIMON'. r Kmnloyincnl Comroll Ic. U. V. DILLlNflltAM. Y. ii. V A. W'.Mti HEMPCOItliAGK. AND BOIr ROF'E. AM AttMIRTrsIKaJT r MISI'M I'MUW a . lu 8 Inch. Ala., ttpuavaru Kelllnj;, lUtlln, lou.llu, Marline, Konndiui, Ac 8 SIS UOLI.K8 & CO. c OFFEE-O- Ij) KOXA . Oli'FKK III for bal. by II0LLK8 Co "Pioneer"I.ine FROW LIVERPOOL. Saturday Press. VOLUME HONOLULU, SATURDAY JANUARY, WHOLE NUMBER VornStiiwUMiryniulifiisliniwlio. MaSSSSf WHOLKSALK crsTRATEMEYER, AR.LB Xlfi-JLAN'XEJIt- l, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIREMAN'S FiniorAXs"3,uTn INSURANCE COMPANY, IRRIGATION! WILDER ECONOMICAL thcCompanyIteerve..TtelchsninrkR.WO,Oix) lIsvnKltNH.MKUMllLVKUAI.AnRXTN InsurancejCompany FOWLER Tramways, fio.iiJMimco. NOW OFFER THE. CJja.rtCSJVO OF TIIK IlllITISIl BARQUE "OBERON," From Liverpool, TTJ3? TO nAND, (In 1U9 days, same run as last year made) and from 5, icirui inipnirni., lue lOIJOIVingl DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Priutr! of latest ntlcii, fait colom; Him.' Dotiimii, Wliito Crotlnu Slieotinfr, llnimck'B Long Clotln, Urowii Ltntn llrilln, I'tiro I.inciiH, Molcskinn, lllito awl Wliilo Clu-c- I.idtmlos, Fancy Dfcsi Oooils, 1'ancy Plait!, . KiiBsia Crash, Scarfs, Ties, Cravats, Crochets ami Fnncjr Work, Towoliligii and Towels, JleiiV Wliitu ami llinwn Cotton Half-lio.- e, Luilica' Hose, Men's Clothing, full slco- - tiona ami late styles; India Iluhbor Coitn nnd Capei, llt'Kaitu nml Woolen Shirts, Ulna and Grey Horse Ulaukols, Wl.ito Cotton lllmikots, M'oolcn HlankctR, nil si7.es and weights; Woolen unci Cnnlou FIhimicIh, Tapestry Slats, Velvet Pile SoriCar'iols, Mats and Hugs, all sizes. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ROOFING, In C, 7, 8 and 9 ft; lenntbs (SI gauge), Berena add rVjisbers'to ra.tch. Plain Oalvaiiizcd Ironin 0 ft. lengths, 22 and 21 Kaut'o. IFLoofLHLS Slates, Fence Wiro, Nos. 5, (1, 7, nnd Staples, Railroad Iron with Fish Plates, Holts and Spikes complete, Flro Bricks, Portliutd Cement, Fir Clay, Gnlvanizcd Buckets, Tubs, Tlnains, &c, Ilest Liverpool Suit, licst Wliiling, Crockery, Iron Ilcdstcads, Powell Duflfryn Steam Coal zincs, pAints and Boirn oiLs, Enclisli I.eathor Bolting, from 3 to 10 in, superior, Topsail Sheet Chains, "Admiralty Test," Sizes 2, Hawaiian and American Ensigns, AI.BC WINES AND LIQUORS. VIZ: ' Pig Brand" Stout, in pints and qiiarti; Guinness1 Stout, ' ' Blood & Wolff's Ale, pints nnd quarts ; Finest India Palo Ales, Old Tom, Ilcnncssy's Brandy in cases, Urumlfrtn in Itnlb-- . CiiHt'R Scotch nnd Irish Whiskies, Clarets, Sherries, &c, &c. Sugar Bags, Coal Bags, Bice Bags, Twines, Heavy and Lirjlit Burlaps, Oil Cloths, Saddlery, MIRRXEES. TAIT & "WATSON'S Centrifugals AND- -i- Centrifnsal linings. ALSO Two 500-Gallc- m Evaporators, Ac, Ac, Ac. KS M THRO. II. OAVIF.S CP. ENTERPRISE Planing Mill, 1ST Tort Stroet, Hoaolnla. C. J. Hardeo, H. F. Bertalmann, Contractors and Builders. l'lnanlng, Shaping, Turning, Dand and Scroll Smcing, Doors, Saili, Ulinds, Door and Window Frames , Dratfitls, lialluitars, tilalrs, eo,, Made to Order, Mouldings anil Finish ALWAYS ON HAND, fWAll orders filled on short notice, and JchMnc promptly atleinM to. .Mouldings nude to any pattern without extra cbari. for knli e. Frico of Machino Work, $1.00 to $1,50 per hour, ra ly NOTICE. T1IEI.ONU EMTAIII.IIIHEIilHllfA WATKK I'AVrwHY r HOLLISTER & CO. IS STILL IK EXISTKNCE. We kave tho Most Complete Ma cliinery, lo b. found West of the Hocky Mountains, wth all of lb. Utol tmpruvcraenla that are In utt .1 ths East For inKklnff a pur artlol All wateru.ed In our Paclory Is PILTEnEO. Mors-eve- r, wt will not b) undersold- - DM AWA1IAM TRAX8LATIOM8. HMIK UXOKllHIOXUI) 1H l'KK- - X pared lo tranilale, with accurary and dispatch, and on rcasunaUJe terms. DSMXI., X.sMS, ttc, &c From English to Illwallau. and Tir'ttrm. Residence' No. 47 Emma street. May b. found .1 th. Law Offlc. of tloa. A. S, Ilvrtwell, duiici; ' tuslues. hoars. W Im II, L. HIIKLDOS, PERFUMERY ! w r.ur.wf the rtnwttr auticm: in ton line io no iou4 in in. ciiy HOLLUTEK A CO. r
Page 1: Saturday Press. PioneerI › bitstream › ... · of the rank and Jilo of Undo Sam's army. Tho officers wore, it need hnrdly bo snid, a lino, appearing and gentlemanly set, nnd made



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a . r. wipAritn I'unt.mieu Wekiu.yhuiii stiascmrTinx ,&1'IVE DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE

I'oteli-- Kabscrlpllon. from $1, lrt$".m,.ic-cordin-

tu destination.

MnV'.rlfi-- ri arid Advertisers will siMcm TIIOSi l. trr.z:



forIIUAYthe .Saturday

1'IIKKH,"Press, should be addressed II, $0. 21. PI. I, 21, 1382. i 73,

Water is Best.

covrntnt;TF.r to Titn rnrrr,A!n oftn cfuuen'mali lo ravo find lircak IiU mimly

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mod no more.Como tbun ut oucu tho pledRO to sl;n and with un

over aland ;Touch not ap;iiiu the isils'iions drink that casts In

(rii'f mo IiiikI.Yes, lot itire wnti-- r bo your drink vrhoro'or you

inovo or rest,And when lit tr,tiwr drink you tliink, pronounce

tlint Waltr't bent! 11.

Reminiscences of Honolulu. No 20.

During tho lirel live months of tho yenrlHI'.l, tho (migration of foreign rcflidonUfrom tho IbluntiH to Ciiliforniii went

on, until, in tho mimmor ofthutyear, thcro wore but fow loft. Among thoold rcHidoiitM now to bu found Hcattori'dover tho group, tlioro nro not many butwho can toll a htory of oxpurionco and

of California in lBli. Jinny whowont that year ntsvor saw tho Iwland.sagain, leaving their bones in El Dorado;homo cnino back broken in health and for-tun-

whilo but tl small minority weroactually bettor oil' than boforo thoy went.Somo of tho Honolulu merchants andownnrH of vcm.soIh howover innda largojirolitH in tho shipment of goodn and Isl-and produce, and tho carrying of s

to San IVancisco. Tho demandfor Iivii wtock was verybrisk in California,nnd tho high prices realized led to thotrnimportntion thither from tho Islands ofhornes, mules, bullocks, hogs and fowls.About this time tho natives at Kula, EastMaui, yiont extensively into tho businoosof raising Irish potatoes for'shipment toCalifornia. It was from that region andKnwaihari that the whalers had for yearsobtained their supplies, at about onodollar per barrel; but now the Californiademand incited increased cultivation,ovw.Hho prico eventually w6nt up to fivouoHm-s- , and nt times still higlior. From18-1- during several successivo years, thopotato business on Maui was n llourishingone, nnd mnny natives and some foreign-ers" realized handsomo incomes fromgrowing this product nnd selling to thovessels thnt carried.it to tho Coast. Thosowere "flush" times for tho'pooplo of

and Laliaina on JIaui, andon Hnwnii, tho ports of shipment.

At tho latter place, over n storehouse ontho bench, was n lnrgo sign with thocnbnlistio inscription 1'ut 8 o's kouii saw,.Jlut a fow yenrs elapsed, howuvor, boforotho wonderful agricultural resources oftho Golden Stale begun to bo dovelopcd,nnd farmers boon entirely turned thotnbles upon us, so thnt y thoy sendus vastly morn in variety anil quantitythan over wo sont them.

d'ho" principal merchants who nindomora or less money out of tho Californiatrndo in thoso early days, were, ut Hono-lul- u,

S. II. AVilhams Ac Co., jMnkco, An-tlio- n

& Co., Starkey, Janion &. Co., Crnbb& Spalding, Agents Hudson Buy Co.; J.O. Luwis, Snmsing k Co. (ch.); F. 11.

Vidn nnd Isimo Montgomery. At Laluvinn, II- - S. Swinton, Bush, Alakeo &, Co.,and J. J. llalstend. Maui sent mostlypotatoes and livo stock; but from Hono-lulu Wi'ut largo quantities of dry goods,clothing nnd groceries; for not n littlo ofwhich no returns wcro over received.

In consequence of tho decrenso of for-

eign support which was n result of thoemigration to California, tho "SandwichIsland News" had a hard struggle forexistence, and finally expired on tljo 11thof April, 1811). But, liko the dying swan,somu of its lust notes wgro tho bwoetest ( 1)

II was the fashion then not onfirolyoven now to assert that tho Amer-

ican missionaries wore "making a goodihiiii?" out of their vocation, linnncially.The "News" lost no opportunity forsneering nt thorn, nnd giving currency toreports from any source, that woro deroga-tory to their characters us g

wuv'iovoted men. Itvgot hold of thontory that in 18-17- , tho secular agent ofthu 'Minion had loaned lnerenant inHonolulu tho sum of six thousand dollars,belonging to tho .Mission, and from thisbnro' fact it nindo a rousing odilorinl,arguing thnt the business of preachingtho Gospel in the Sntulwich Isluuds was nhighly lucrativo one, and that its clergywem iib.M)lutoly rolling iti wealth. Notu-iu- g

could hnvo been further from thotruth; but tho statement suited tho"Mows" nnd gratified its supporters.Tho unnuni allowance of tho Missionariesfrom the llotnoUonrd at Boston, (and thocontributions from tho natives wcro thonnext jo nothing) was as follows:

For Misslou.iry and wire lit Honolulu.. $ WW

.. IM

For iv Hlnuio womitii 175

n child uiuWr.1 jcara..., .., . 1M

For n chiUJ ofr A '1 '' 1

N,rishlllM'orWjenM,it was certainly a wander how out of.,,. knnntv ineiuis. n missionary could

i . t.. ..llir liktiiltHi iifttl ii1ttitf it

his children but thoy did tt. It wasoften tin wife- - wlon tho. nnnual Biipplies

for tho mission arrived, that tho secularngontu who rwwiHl tbom (ilessi-s-. LoviChamlx?rlnin(JS. N. Castlo and E. O. Hall)htul n considcrablo nniount m cash onlumd'Which thoy coultl spuro for bix, eightor ten montliK, and it was their duty whenthey could do so with security, to loan outthe numey ut intercut, thus iucri-asin- thogeneral missionary fund, 'lias had beendono in tho inatauco referred to, Undertho then circumstances of tho Islands,those who lou'uctl mouey nt u fair rnto ofintorest. to thoso who needed it for logjti-inat- o

business purposes, woro iu fuel pub-li- o


Mr. Dillon, tho 1'roiich Consul, hadnnvcr forgiven Mr. Wyllie, tho HawniinnMinister of J''oreign Jtolatious, for havingdetected him in his intrigue;) against thatollieinl, and ho lost no opportunity forshowing his ill feeling. Early iu January,18111, Dillon took tho extraordinary courseof bending a long communication to tho"News" over his own ollieinl signature,in which ho bitterly complained of Mr.

Vyllio's practice of publishing corres-pondence, with the repiesentutives of for-eign powers. Among other things hosaid:

"ITherois not an instance on record ofii Minisfor jumping spontaneously intothe uronn, and giving publicity to ollieinltlispalcht'H of his own wliilo thifdisctisuionof which they hud sprung was yet pond-ing, and before ho had himself receivedtho replies of the foreign representativesto whom they worn addressed. The pre-sent Ministers of His .Majesty Jvauichu-nioh- a

III have introduced this amongother startling innovations. They ovondo more, thoy cull from privnto "letters,whic'i nro mere observations on paper,possessing nil ollieinl importance wlint-ove- r,

garbled extracts, and give themforth iu an official form, as though thoymount to produco dissensions among thoforeign representatives in thoso Islands;and as far as any conduct of theirs maycontribute) to that end, among the GreatPowers, whoso sympathy is so often in-voked by them, and is in reality so indis-pensable to this young state.

" Against such conduct I doom it myduty to protest thus publicly and empha-tically, iw contrary to all received rulesnnd precedents, and as calculated to givejust and serious ofi'onso to foreign powers.I am greatly mistaken, or tho Govern-ment 1 hnvo tho honor to represent, nndto whom I hnvo referred this among otherquestions connected with tho pretonsionsof Hawaiian Statesmen, will bear mo outin my present nttitudo and views."

Of courso .Mr. Vyllio responded to thisnltack, and his reply occupied four solidcolumns in tho J'olymim. Ho citedhistory to prove that there were many in-stances on lecord, ovon in tho history ofMr. JJilloii'd'own country, wht-r- Ministershad published correspondence with for-eign representatives, under tho circum-stances mentioned. And so tho two con-tinued to stab nt each other with theirgoose-quill- until tho climax camo iuAugust of that yenr.

On tho 9th of April, 181!), arrived thoU. S. stoani propeller Jlmuichutcth, Captain"Wood, from Boston via Valparaiso, boundto Oregon, with two companies of tho 1stHogimo'nt of U. S. Artillery, under com-mand of Major J. S. Hathaway. ThoJliMvtchiifctt was a fine new clipper (forthoM) days) of 800 tons, and boing tho hrstvessel provided with a screw that over en-tered Honolulu harbor, sho attracted muchattention, aside from tho interest whichwas excited by tho advent of a detachmentof the rank and Jilo of Undo Sam's army.Tho officers wore, it need hnrdly bo snid, alino, appearing and gentlemanly set, nndmade a very fuvornblo impression on ourresidents during tho ship's stay in port ofbomo ton days. Their names woro: Cap-tain Hill,' Jjicatonants,' Gibson, 'Talbot;"Wood, Foy, Dement nnd Tnllmndgo. ThoKing and Queon, nccompuuiid by Mr."Wyllio and a number of tlio chiofs, paidtho ship u visit, nnd during their stay onboard u trip was niadn outsido and as faras Diamond Head nnd back, affording thovisitors tho opportunity to obsorvo tlio tothem novel mode of propulsion. "Whentho Mnimuhmrtu sailed for Oregon, on tho17th of April, tho Itov. Mr. Damon, Sea-men's Chaplain for Honolulu, took passageby her, onu visit to tho Pacific coast ofAmerica, his plnco in tho Bethel and Chap-laincy being filled for tho time bv tho Ituv.T..E. Taylor. Owing to tho editor's

tho Friend, then a semi-monthl-

wns discontinued, to reappear on Mr. Da-mon's return, in September following, withfull and valuablo notes of travel in Oregonand California.

On tho 1st of March, 1819, Charles B.Bibhop, Esq., was appointed by tho Kingns Collector General of Customs for Ho-nolulu, in tho' plnco of William I'nty, Esq.,who retired. On tho snmo dnto. Captain.Taihos Smith wns appointed by GovernorKckunnnoa to bo Harbor Mnstor and Pilotfor tho port of Honolulu.

On tho 12th of March, 1819, tho shipWiiu, Captain Eldridgo, arrived from

Boston, and among her pnssengors woruJ. F. B. Marshall and wife, H. S. Howlandand wife, C. "Wotmoro and wife, and uMifsCathorino E. Nowtou. To tho hitter lady,on the day of the ship's arrival, and in thocabin boforo landing, "William L. Lee,Chief Justice o the Supremo Court, wasunited in marriage, by tho llov. S. C. Da- -


During tho sumo mouth, an old residentor Honolulu, iu. 11. isoanltnnu, wlio Hadcarried on t lit) business of watch and chro-nometer repairing and roiruhitinir ninnyyears, at tho corner of Hotel streets andGarden Lime, retired from business nndshortly after loft the Isluuds. Mr. Bonrd-ma- n

was a sprightly and somewhat irasci-ble littlo person, and was familiarly knownamong tho natives, and often spoken of byfoieignors, by tho nickname of "Ticktick''

trom tlio nature ot ids occupation. .Mr.D. N. Flitner succeeded him in the business. H. L. S.



9 JNO. M. LAWLOR & CO., Froprieton,UOl'KI. MTKEKT, IIOSOI.l'M.

Entrances on Hold, llichards, aud licretauU Siresli

FIRST-CLAS- S ItTEVERY RESPECT.Price (lis aun at First-Clas- s Hotels In Sail Francises.


FOR LEASE.m Til OSK VKKY DKSI It AHIiK Mln.iml...l,,i,i,.'l'l.l!l.ANI." Kuliivrikshua, latel. ormplej hr It. D. M.. Cqmmlftloner,James IU) Wodrhoute, Ksq. Tbe buildings have )4llk.An ihnMn.1.1 l,,t.l nianr.d And f,lhrrwf Im.prniel for the benret nt Ihe tenant. Iloreinmenlutter ialil on. le.lrlet htslnz windmill, with supplynl ii. hi .si nnd clean healthy water, which hasanalyteit by 1'iof 'lhnmisn of Ins Challenger Kjpe-dlllo-

and pronounced by Llui the best htt had sceusince he left tlnglaud.

For particulars, inquire eh?J M JAS.ri. LEMON.



II. W. SEVERANCE.Hnwnilnn Consul t CnniiuUilon Morclmnt

T 31ft Ctllfornlii St., L'nl.. lloum No. I, IjJ. Bl. DAVIDSON,

Attorney at Law, No. 13 Knahumnnn Street,8 IIOMtl.t't.t'. M ly

J. M. OAT & CO., SAIIiMAKERS,MV.ee"a 1 ire Proof lllovk,

Honolulu, II I,51 J'l'K if nil description' iiiadi- - and repaired,. 1

J. NOTT EC. CO..Importor anil Dcnlnrt lit Stoves, Rnncen,McuN, lloin KtmiMitni; Uootl. I ruekeiy, Musi unit

thin Ware, Praitlud MfCl.uuU'. Honolulu, II I1 ly


6 i. l:i l.lllhli Mrri-I- . ifJNO. II. BROWN.

Inapector of "Vnl;ht mnl Menanrea,Ilti llerctuiil.i Street,

4.1 Order" eaii be left at Police Station. Bin


Hoot, Shoe, l'uniMihu; (Iooil, Hol, f.'ap, TrnnVn,Vallaee, Perfumery anil Soau, Waltliam Watches,Flue Jewelry, els., roincr of and Merchniit Sl.,Ilimuliilii, II. I. l ljr

M. DICICSON,Fhotocrnphlo Artlat,

Wi anil till l'orl Street.Pletnrea of all 'Izet anrl ktml ma1e to order, and

frames of nil descriptions i'iituniljr on liunil. ,l.o.slii-ll.- , Corals, and e'urlo-lllc- s of the Pacific. 2 ly

S. MAONIN,Importer nnd Dealer in Dry nml Fnncy

Good. Boot. Shuc, Sec.Attheffro.it Kiistem suite. No. til St., Honolulu

M ly

I.. W. HOPP,Cnliinet Mnkor, Uphola t oror, Donler in

Fnrjiititro,No. SS Klnc Street, between Niiii.iiiu nnd Port Streets.

tultrr:i.es coiiiliintly on h.ind or made to order.My

THOS- - O. THRUM,Importing nnd Mnnnfacturinr; Stntioner

Now Af;ont, Book Binder, &c,Merchant Mnet. and Dialer In

l'lnc Stattnniry, Itnoks, Music, Tovs nnd Taney Unods,1 ton Slrcel, near Hotel, Honolulu, ly


No. lit Port St., opposite Pantheon Slnbles,nooia nail Miiicm 3lnilr f.i SSrilrr, iir ll-- t Tin

terliil.uiid nt llciisxiiihlo lrlre-i-.

Boots and Shoos mndo for Cash onlyiiy

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importoi-- nnd "Wholrsnlo Dealer in Gone

ml MorelmmUso,2 Mnkce'e lllock, ((iilcii Street. ly

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Forcrnxdinp; nnd Commission Morchnntn,

"M CallfornU St., San Kr.tnclsco.Special facilltieH for and partlcslar attention paid to

1! toiilRiinicnts of Inland produce. ly

VOIiOANO ELOXTSE3cu.iTKit or or hii.aui'.a.

W. II. ZilSNTZ. MANAGER.Plcrty to cat. a rousing lire, clean beds, nnd the best

attenda'neo on the- - ll.iwalitin IslandsVisitor rerpurlnjj nny unusual display of lolcnnlc

action will kindly cie Mnnwrr nt lel ten dn) noticelu line weather, and from cleeeu lo thirteen In foul


Importer nnd Denlor in Crockery,Plain and Decorated I'orielaln, Cut and Pressed Olats,

hlhcr I'lnted Ware, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps,ulihiincji, Ltcj

1'lre Proof Store, cor. Klusnnil Nnnanu Stj Honolulu,L'y

FUANK II. AUSTIN & (;0.,Commission Merchnnts and For

warding Agents.Olllco No. 20 California St., San Frnnclsco.

Consignment from the Hawaiian Islands desired.The llet Prices Warranted, and Sales (liuranteett.

8T. 4 lv

A. M. HEWITT.Freiesht and Gonernl Shipping Clerk.

W7" All order left at K. P. Ailams' Auction Uooni willbe promptly attended to. :im

E. FONTOPFIDAN, M. D.,Ocultat, Physician nnd Surgeon.

Kyc Ulr,ir n Spi elultj . Itceiilence and allien 1.17 Forttreel and Chaplain l.ane (Mrs. Chase's).

Office hours! 10 li a. . aml!i- -l r. . M nm'ln

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker, Jeweller, Engraver and

Diamond Sottor.No. 0 Kaahumunu street, Honolulu. All orders fllh- -

fully ciecntcd. 3J ly

HIGGINS & JESSETT,Nos.MandoJ Kin; St.,

Carrlnca Buildorm Trim-'J- fi32i? mors, Fninterx, Vnrni kor mTi

Allklndsot Uspairiii's attended to, anil good work.giuraiilenl at l.o' lUlca. S ly

A. L. SMITH,41 nirrr airtEET, lMriiiiTr.u asii ukaler is

M'rlden llnadruple PUIliI Ware, (lliitun.ire, Kluz'nCombination Sputncles and live Classes, llrackets.Vases, l.ustral Wire Ware, 1 ancy oaps, PlijlurePrames, Wuiti'iilmlin'a Poekit Knltes, Scioors, Pis-

tols. Ponder, sliol nnd Aininuuilion, Clark's Soon!Collou, Machine Oil, all kinds of M.icbliui Niidlcs,"Itomestlc" Paper solo Anent for Ihe mil.erally acknowledged

Ijight Runnlns Domestic SowlnRMnchlnci ly

WM. McCANDliESS,'o. 11, 'IHi-o- Mierl. Flsli .llurliel,

I)eler In Choicest lteef. Veal, .Mult IMsh, etc.Family and Milppln; Ordns to.I.l,r stm-- fiiruUned to at short nollio, anilVtyeialili-- s of all kinds supplied umriler. "! Ir

CHAS. BREWER &. CO.,47 Klluy Ml., Iloiloit.

Agents of Hawaiian Facsets,Uenerm uommisston Arjenu.

Kpeclal attention Klven to Ihe iurehisln nt (loodsfor thu llanull iu tride. Freights at llio lowe.l rale.

M ly

C. E. WILLIAMS,Importer, Manufacturer, Upholstoror,and Dealer In Furniture of Kery Descrliulon. Furnl-tur- n

Ware Itooms. No. ill Fori Slreel, Work dhop attlio Old stand on Hotel tri-ei- .

(ST All Order. Promplly Attended Ir 41 ly

niaiiop in oo..BANKERS,



asp Tamil Auests inNew Vnik,



AMI TIKIK llllr''t IN

lloiitl Koiik,)ilne , and

SfrlhoHriir,Andtnnsacl a lleneral nanklncllunness. ly

WE HAVE ON HAND.X .Ki: ttl.Ml'4II.V lti:i'BlilMU


Hay, Bran, Oats,Corn. Wheat, OU Cake Meal,

MUod Feed Crnckcd Corn,Wholo and Ground Barley &c,

Which a ulll sell 'IK 4lNII, Inner than anynthesllrm In Mn. No4)l .ri:ill. ru.lom .ollclted.

V hair rif tlvid cs KalsVaua, of Putmsn t Co.",Iateul splint; Calls, which arc lu sreaKbimsndl thrsecalls ire suixili.r Inuiiytlilnf uf Ihe kind herttofom.erulirre. TelephouoNo.il.. ,.,.,.

IM Jui A CO.

Flour ! Flour J Flour I


ED. c. nowE,Ifnnas nml SIrii Fainter, Pnpcr Hnnrjer, &o

Wrt ly Ku 107 Hlng Street, Honolulu. s

u'n.ii:it Ac .'.,Corner of Port and Ciicen Steele, Honolulu,

Lumber, Falnti, Oils, ITalli, Salt and BnlldlngMatarlaliof tive ry klnil.

i a. s;iiAi:ji:it &. ;..Importorn A Commloslon Merchants

ATI HonolMlii. Ilaunllait llain!e. ly

O. N. ,ll,TI.'IB.JW, .11. !..SUnOEON AND llOMEOrATHIC nnfEICIAK.

Orllc- - Comer fort and lleietanla Sis,, Honolulu.SH)

i:. I. AIA.1IN.Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.PliUj IJueen Hlreft, Honolulu ly:. a 4:,.


JOHN RUSSELL,vx law24 31JI err ha n ijl I . . cor, of Fort 81. 810 ly

F. T. LENEHAN & COImporter nnd Commission Merohanta.87 Niiihiiii rUrcet, llttiiolul;!. 1!)

A. N. ;i.i:4jill4hiVfc 4.'o..IMfonTxns AND 1IIA1KIIS IN

Oonornl IVtorolinxicllso,8W Corner Ijucni and Knahuinuiiu Wtreels. ly

ii. iiA4jiii'i:i. At ;u0KNEKAL COMMISSION AGENT ,

8U Hiieen Street. Iloi oliilu, II. I. lyA. W . IS l Nil.

GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER.Family Grocery and Feed Wtore.

81 ly K) Port Street, Honolulu.

MIIS. A. M. MELLIS,Fnahionnblo Dress and Clunk Mnker,

lot Fort street, Ilonolnlu, II. I.M.M w ly

I4l.l,i:s At 4,'4..Ship Chandlers and Comraiision Merchants,

Importers and Dealeis lu (ienttul Merchandise, IJueeiiWi H,, llol.olnln. II'. I, ly

j. .ii. nn;si:v, .11. ., i. i. n.Dental Kooms on Foil Street,

Office In llrewer's, Illoc!:, lomer Hotel nnd I'ort streetshKt ly hlltrance. I loll I Strei t.


NOTAHV PU1U.IC,And Agent for laklriK Aekuon ledementa of Instruments

for thu llriiicl of onhii..13 No. H Kaahumaiiii St.. Honolulu. 11.1. ly


And Importers of nnd Denhnrn In liny, Criiln, andl Piodiicc. lloiioluln. Ii. I. ly

jtiii 'i'. --)Va'1'i:uii4iim:.IMPORTEIl AND SEALER IN GENERAL

MEKCHAND19E.S77 Queen Street. Ilnimliilm II. 1. ly

JNO. A. HASSINGEK,Agent to tnko Ackno-wledgmen- to Con

tracts for Labor.870 I Interior Oilier, Hon Inln. ly


Corner King nnd Fort Streets, Honolulu.hSd ly


Dry (loods, Pnlnts, Oils and General Merchandise,EM ly Corner Fort and KIhk Stf,

II. A. r. OAllTEll. CJOSSS, Jtl


81'J Honolulu. ly


i. : --.vr.it n Ac. i:ooui:,Successors to Lr.wr.ns it Dickson,

IMrORTERS&DEALKKS IK LUMBERAnd all kinds of Hulldln- -. Materials.

Fort Street. b.vt ly nonolulii.

S. M. CARTER,Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con-

tracts for Labor.Office at P. M. S. Dock, Kptnnade, Honolulu, II. I.

bsil I., ly


Cullery, Dry Hoods, Paints and Oils, and UeneralMcichnndLc.

813 No. .17 Fort street, Honolulu. ly


WM. U. lUWI-- Ac 4.O.,Sugar Factors and Commission Agents

Honolulu. 11.1. 3


In Fashloimblu Clothing, Hals, C.ipu, Hoots, Sho's,nud every variety of tluntlemcn's bupprlnr rurnlshlurf(loods. Sloro In .Maken'n Illock, Queen Sliet llonolulu. IU. fj-tj- l


AI1KMS runllrind's Guns and Unmb l.ouces.

Perry Dm Is' Pain Killer,aiil I No. 40 Queen St.. Honolulu. ly

'I'll 1:0. 11. iAVii:r.Late Jamon, (Incr.N A Co.


l.lojd's nud Ihe Liverpool Underwriters,rtrlll-- li nud Foreign Mnrluu luurnnco Company,Anil Northern Assurance tempuny. iwSi.1 iy

UV.U.l.-- 1UC4S.,

Importers of General Merchandisel'ICOM


No. M Merchant Street. Honolulu, H. I,

ll.i1IAK llltOM., '

GROCERS,USalidilS California blrret,

NAM I'KAMlirlUO,53-T- Particular attention paid to llllln and shlpplnf

Isnd orders, KA ly


c.vs'ri.r. .v duoui:,8HlPPINa AND COMMISSION MERCH&NTS


Dealors In Conoral Nlorchandise,No. bU Kins Mirccl, Honolulu. 11, 1.

Ad E NTS FOltThe Union Iniuranca Company of San Francisco.'Ihe Nc Eiuland Life luniraiice Unuipany, Motion,ThuOiecon Packrt Line, (The Kohala Planlallon,Dr. Ja lie.t Son's Celebral-- he llalkn Plantation,

Id Medicine,, iWallnku Planlallon.Wheeler A. WIUon'sKeivIns'Ilauiaku. Planlilion.

Maeblne.. iAyHAWAIIAN


.lXi:il SIM RaT4'l...sM MEM4INKY fur loni; or short peiln.1,. Apply Inr LvltltKKN. Manasei nra ..Ol'.lce. Queen St.. over 11. W. MaefarUuc.v.Co. in if

Wailuku Pol Factory.(llTAlalTV (r I'AIAI

All orders nllid IUi ill,--

'g r W.lluku. Mul

DR. EMERSONtTAS llKMOVUI) HIS OFPIOK"Tl r.n.,, Itp llu9TnianuV l)rufitire. MtlctiAUt Mreet.

lo his residence, on the comer of hukul aud FoilStn-cta- .

Jy OFFICE HOUUSt loll a.m., antolr. m,Telephone connection. M

PIONEER STEAMCandy Manufactory and BakoryFraetlcal Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Baker,6TU 71 Hotel street, between Nuuaiiusnil Fort. 8 ly

:. ;. 4:4ii.i:.u"i1.BLACKSMITH AND MACHINISTllnrir Nliiirlnir, 4'nrrlriicr Mnrk.

I'lniiliilloii .llncliliM'i-y- , Ac.8Ht Shop on King Htteet, nest Caslle X Cooke's. ly

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Sf-Pf- 1TKAM K.MII.MF.M, SUflAH .MII.L1ZanakrS Hollers, Coolsrs, Iron, llras.and l.es.l C.llnci

Machinery of Evory DescriptionCi-- MsJ toOril.r. "49

ParticnUr Attention paid to Ship's Blneksmitbinr-- JOII lVOHK.Sfculi-.lo- tli.h(irts.lni.tlr.. tc13 I '

OEO.Practical Pnlntcr and Docorntor, Glldlnr;

Urnlulnp; nnd Lottorlnrs.,No. 84 Hotel St.. oppo.lle Family Market.

SI7 .11 ly


ry-s- Orders can be left at T. O. Thrum's Port Streetand Merchant Street Stnrea. tfitm

HOLLISTER ok CO.,Apotheonrloa

AND IMrrillTril. opTobncco anrl Cigars; Airenls for P. Lorlllard Co.,W, 8. Kimball U Co'p Vanity I'nlr, tloodwln X Co's OldIndue, & Lyle's Celebrated Pluj; Tobaeirn,t.nmii Perfumery, of London, Uumphri).'

Ac. Ac. 8C8

JOS. E. WISEMAN,Real Estate Broker & Employmeint Bnrennkents ltonnis, Collates, Houses, and scllt and leases

Ileal L'elate In all pails of the Kingdom. Kinploy-men- lfound for those secklnic work lu all the various

brunches of business connecled with these llimd..t'fl N. II. Legal Dnciimenls drawn, Hills Collected,

Hooka ami Accounts kept, mill general ufflce stork Irana.acled. Patronage solicited. L'onimlmloii. moderate.

Honolulu, ILL ' ;i4


Robinson. f Ilulldlne,Queen Street, Ilonoluln, II. I.

AlTrsTs fokThe Olasgow nnd Honolulu Line of Packets.Iiihn Hay .V Co's Llterpool nnd London Packets.The Wnlkapu Plnntntlnn,Tin- - Spencer Plantation, Hllo.Uak.ilHU Plantutloii. Ulln.Mlrrlees, Tail A. Wntson, Siiffiir Machinery.Tlin I'iiiiIoii Sheep Ilauch Comimny, R."

"H 3Vt.'H.M. MOORE,


Stationery, Clpars, Tobncco &c, &c) frU No. IS! Fort street. ly

i'. a. M4;n,ii:i'i:it.llnnrilnr Umlersvrltera,

Agent of Dresden Uonrd of Underwriters,Auenl of Vienna lloaid of Underwriters.

Clnlnis against lusiiraneo Companies within the juris-diction of the nboic Hoards of Underwriters will haveto be certified to by the abote Agent to make themTiillil. I M ly

Insurance Notice.TUP. AliK.VT Fllll TIIK IlllITISIl For.

Marine Insurance Company (Limited) hasreceived instructions In Iteilnrr llio Knlrsi of In-surance beiween Honolulu and Ports In Ihe Pacific, andIs now prepared to I. sue Policies, nt Ihe lowest rates,with a special icducllon on freight ptr steamers.

T1IKO. II. !.vu:s.WJ ly Agent llrlU For. .Mar. Ins. Co.. Limited


M. pointed Acunts of the above Company, are prepared to Insure rlsjVe against fire on Nl'inr nnd llrirknitlliliiiKs, nudpn Hornl therein, onthe most tatoraoli-leTrins-- . For particulars applv ot theQfTlerof "'psiP.ly r. A.KOIAl'Blt.CO.


fllI.ltIN'42N. JIKIUIIIAMUMK. FtTRM.3 TUUKand Machinery Insured against Fire on themost fntorahlit terms.

A. J Ai:iss.it, Agent for Ihe Hawaiian Island..6fci ly

Insurance Notice.rfiiiK i'M)Kii.si;xi:ii a in: t

Ja. to write upon Merchandise, per s vesselsbetween this nnd the Coast Pons, covering lns ordamage, if amnt.iitlni; lo tu per cent, or more, on thsound v.ilue of tho whole shipment at port of delivery,upon fatorable terms.

I1ISII0P X Co.Agents of the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company.Honolulu.. Inn. :'. IP!. w 3m

FUNDInsurance Company.

A Leading Home Company.Assets, June 30th $7G7,07.17Additional Cash Capital (now- - being called In) 3S0,Ouo.0d

Total Asset , Sl.HVOT.K

rpiiT IXSlTlt- -L ANCK COMPANY basis it cUlms in the bet

naironageupon Its sound financial condition, reinforcedliy Its accession of capllnl, giving Ii oer A milliondollars In assets; Its eslensivu syittcm of Agencies, lnsiirluq It a large premium Incnine, without the neces-sity or heavy co!Kentr.itlou of Hues; lla ndherenre totho beit principle aud practices of tJiiderttrltlnt;; byopi-u-

, fair and cleirly expressed contracts, and promptanil equitable adjustment nnd tayment nfieglllinatolusi.es.

For seventeen years It h is been fatornhly known as acouscrtatlvu iindertvrller, and during that time haspaid over

1 4,000,000 IN LOSSES,Passing triumphantly through thu heaviest conflagra-lion- .

Known lu modern history,IllMlor .k 4'o., Auoilln,

1 :tm Ilonolnlu, ILL


INSURANCE COMPANY.K.lnbll.hi-- 16.111,

Unlimited Liability to Stockholders.A. Ml-- .

Itcserve $ ti,7Mi,VJJlliromu for lBV.lt

Premium, rcceltid after deduction of$

Lo.se. promptly adjusted and paid here,l.'lrn IIIMIOI' A t'.. Aeiil.



CASTLE & COOKE, ACENT8Ml For tlla II.STlslUtss I.lxliriU. iy

Rhenish Woatphnllnn Lloyd

INSURANCEof n, ta...iin..4ii. uu.ui.b iriiin.

Aaohonand Leipzig Insuranoo Co.,I.lmlled.


4. I.I. 4'LAI.tlN Foil ls.VUTlC'l)l..K AVKNsJ. AUK .ilswlnol by UikkI. arriving here, andhave lo bo made nlih

the roinliance )l and cerllned In by In under.lgiied,In order lu bo rtlld. J- - U. 111. AUK, Agent,

bU ly

TIUUGATIOX AFTKH THIS 1ATKX I. strictly prohibited, except between Ihe hours ofu fun,. iii.,iiiii i l H . iu. Ii. I). PllKLTU.Apprnvedi Superlnlenilcntnf Water Worls

II. A P.L'AHrtn, Vlnlslcr of Interior.Honolulu' April I '.'lb. leel r7 Klf


OLONO & i:XOMSH 1JUKAK- -o I .191, IU .. IHiV,t ..gR r., Gi'ii,' ivi uusuallty. Alio. Ci.urhon; and other Ulack Tea.

It" tUll l A I.I. Ill"Suv lih, !. DOLLES X CO. HI


M Sujsr. lu h.nrll, hall cartels inrl rxtirs.mU kALK MY t) U0LLB8 CO.

noslon noard of rnilf.nrrllerssnKXTS for the tUsvall.n Islnml.,

e" ly c nnr.wKit .t. Co.

riillnilflphla Hoard or liutlcrwriltrs.AJ1;NT.s) fur the llnvrnllnn Isl.ntla,c nitKWKitico

& CO.Honolulu, llnunllnll Islitnila, tJeii-rr-

Aurnls of Ihe

Mutual Lifo Insurance Comp'y4' .ICTAY TOItK.

Largest, Safost nnd MostLIFE INS. CO.


Cash Assets, over 500,000,000 I

- For Information concertilne; ths Company, andfo r Hates of Insurance, apply to WII.DL'It i. Co.,Oen'l Aeriil.. op

J. E. W1HLMAN,Mi 3m Soliciting Agent.

Tilt:New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.


I NCOlt 1'OK ATK1S, 1830.7fie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co.in

the United States.

Policies limed on ths most fiTorablt) Ttrmi.r.inuiilr- - or.4iiu.orrollnrr 1'lnts


I Annual premium continue Policy 5 yenri SdayaSAimiial premiums lontlnue Policy I tears llriays3 Annual premiums continue Policy djears 27il.tnI Annual premiums continue Policy 8 years Jtl days

5 Annual premiums continue Policy 11) years M days

-- .sBsiotn. 1 BIO, 000,0001fsssica 1'nlJ thronirls llouatnln Aututj,

140, OOP


WORTH BRITISH AND MEIICAHTILEInaurauoo CompanyOf Eomlon nnd Edluburg.

PIR33.Establlihod IS09.

Itasonrce. of the Company as at 31st December, ISfibsHuitcmiiru Cai-iti- - I'mr I'uftii

Pnld up a .vii.iijiii 19 11Uncalled l.Vl,i") Premium

:ii7,o-- 7 16 10iS,UIX),Oil Ualance of

Protll andLoss Acc.M.COS 9 3

sxansn 5 11Ituvrici! roll Tnr. YEAn 1&0-I'- lre Premiums and


Agents for the Hawaiian IslindsT IIAN


Capital of the Company A Iteerve..l!olchmnrk6.rjor).PiX)their Companies " 10l,lviD,uX)

Total ltelchsmark VRJSMjM I



Capital of" their Companies " 3T,iuii,4WD

Total,... .,.,. i:e)chsmark,,830,uuu


Or WINTEBTHITR.Capital of Ihs Company ... francs S.000,000

rllK:m. of the nbovc three companies for the Hawaiian

Islands, nre prepared to Insure llnlldtngs. Furniture,Merchandise nnd Produce, .Mochlnery, aNoNugarand Itlco .Mills, nnd vessels In the hirbor, against lossor daninge by fire, on the most fatorable terms.


GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

1' O IITXJ N AGeneral of Berlin.

qiiin a itov r. ijiNUiiAXti: companiknJL have established a (.eneral Agency here, and theundersigned, Ocneral Agents, nre aiitlinilzed lo takeHlHkn niraliKit thr IlmiRent of Iho Men. nt Ihe

Most llrnauunblo Ilnle., nistl on IheMoat I'ntornblr Term.

W7 ly F. A. SCHAEFKR A CO., (Jeneral Agents.


TIIK tIDERSlG'E II.VyE JUSTper Amy Turner, from lloston. a full as-

sortment "f tlic.et celebrated Pumps, n hlch aie guaran-teed to be cheaper and better than uny olher .tylo ofpump Imported. We call the attention of planters par-ticularly to the Vacuum Pump, ithlch Is lex compllcateil and more eervlcable than other pumps.

I3ui 15 if llUL'WUIt A CO.


nun is now cou.taiiliy In rectipt or lue oe.lorJIKKF, MUTTON, Kh A.M LAMII,

Prom Choicest Herds,Pork Hausases, Dolozuas, Head Cheese, Uerman

Sausj-e- s, Ac., alnaj.ou haud,usnlso the lir.t of Poul-try aud Ir'lsli.

Dur pleats uro all rut and put up In Kasleru slyle. Allorder faltlifiill) alttnded to, and delivered In an) partof Ihe iliy.

nUui ltAltPP.t SOIIItADKIt. Proprietor.

JNO. 6c GO.Leedi, England, ars prepared to


Steel PortableWith or ulthont Car. and Locomotives,

Specially adapted fur Sugar PlantationsPermanent Itniltrnis, with locomotive, nnd airs,Traction nnl lto.ul Lconiotivr,Ktoiun l'lunliiiiu mill Cnltlvatini; MncUiiiory,l'orlnlilo i:ii;ims lor nil purpoxud,WiiuliiiK KiiKinrK for lnc linos.

Ualaln.-ue- a wllli Ulustratlons. Models, and Photosraphs of tho nlpr Plants mid Machinery may be .ecuat the onicea of the undersigned.

W. L. (iflKK.SandII. V. MACl'AKLAXK 4 CO.,

II A;duts fur. I iin. Fonder J: Co.


Leather, Hides, & TallowMBIlOIIAIfTSl


Ztoyn.! Hlo.x Oomp'y.BIJL?L - '"'J1 Wwecu Ht.. Honolulu, II. I. ly

EDWARD PRESTON,Attorney nnd Counsellor sat Law,

tW Port htreet, Honolulu.

Billiard Tablo For Sale,IN I'KUKI'.Cl' OlCDKlt, STKAIIJTK1 ,t UllllllKS uuVei I'helsu X Collrnilcr cu.lilon.-s-


insrbl. beil, Kor parlleular. ennuIrM .1O COMUKItl'IAI. I1II.I.IAKII PAULOIIH


Ilonoin.- - at any of the I. lands lu the OrojpIn Want of Employees

Will please mak. Ihnlr w.nls known la th. nnder- -ijurti. vim win uo an in incir power io nil ineir orders.

P. U. JONL'S. Ir. -J. II. ATIIKIMON'. r Kmnloyincnl Comroll Ic.U. V. DILLlNflltAM. Y. ii. V A. W'.Mti


lu 8 Inch. Ala., ttpuavaru Kelllnj;, lUtlln,lou.llu, Marline, Konndiui, Ac8 SIS UOLI.K8 & CO.

cOFFEE-O- Ij) KOXA . Oli'FKKIII for bal. by II0LLK8 Co

"Pioneer"I.ineFROW LIVERPOOL.Saturday Press.


VornStiiwUMiryniulifiisliniwlio. MaSSSSf

















fio.iiJMimco.NOW OFFER


BARQUE "OBERON,"From Liverpool,

TTJ3? TO nAND,(In 1U9 days, same run as last year made) and from

5, icirui inipnirni., lue lOIJOIVingl

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINGPriutr! of latest ntlcii, fait colom;Him.' Dotiimii, Wliito Crotlnu Slieotinfr,llnimck'B Long Clotln, Urowii Ltntnllrilln, I'tiro I.inciiH, Molcskinn,lllito awl Wliilo Clu-c- I.idtmlos,Fancy Dfcsi Oooils, 1'ancy Plait!, .

KiiBsia Crash, Scarfs, Ties, Cravats,Crochets ami Fnncjr Work,Towoliligii and Towels,JleiiV Wliitu ami llinwn Cotton Half-lio.- e,

Luilica' Hose, Men's Clothing, full slco- -tiona ami late styles;

India Iluhbor Coitn nnd Capei,llt'Kaitu nml Woolen Shirts,Ulna and Grey Horse Ulaukols,Wl.ito Cotton lllmikots,M'oolcn HlankctR, nil si7.es and weights;Woolen unci Cnnlou FIhimicIh,Tapestry Slats, Velvet Pile SoriCar'iols,Mats and Hugs, all sizes.


CORRUGATED ROOFING,In C, 7, 8 and 9 ft; lenntbs (SI gauge), Berena

add rVjisbers'to ra.tch.

Plain Oalvaiiizcd Ironin 0 ft. lengths, 22 and21 Kaut'o.

IFLoofLHLS Slates,Fence Wiro, Nos. 5, (1, 7, nnd Staples,

Railroad Iron with Fish Plates,Holts and Spikes complete,

Flro Bricks, Portliutd Cement, FirClay,

Gnlvanizcd Buckets, Tubs, Tlnains, &c,Ilest Liverpool Suit, licst Wliiling,Crockery, Iron Ilcdstcads,

Powell Duflfryn Steam Coal

zincs, pAints and Boirn oiLs,Enclisli I.eathor Bolting, from 3 to 10 in,

superior,Topsail Sheet Chains, "Admiralty Test,"

Sizes 2,

Hawaiian and American Ensigns,AI.BC


' Pig Brand" Stout, in pints and qiiarti;Guinness1 Stout, ' '

Blood & Wolff's Ale, pints nnd quarts ;Finest India Palo Ales, Old Tom,Ilcnncssy's Brandy in cases,Urumlfrtn in Itnlb-- .

CiiHt'R Scotch nnd Irish Whiskies,Clarets, Sherries, &c, &c.

Sugar Bags, Coal Bags, Bice Bags,Twines, Heavy and Lirjlit Burlaps,

Oil Cloths, Saddlery,MIRRXEES. TAIT & "WATSON'S

CentrifugalsAND- -i-

Centrifnsal linings.ALSO

Two 500-Gallc- m Evaporators,Ac, Ac, Ac.



1ST Tort Stroet, Hoaolnla.

C. J. Hardeo,H. F. Bertalmann,

Contractors and Builders.l'lnanlng, Shaping, Turning,

Dand and Scroll Smcing,Doors, Saili, Ulinds,

Door and Window Frames ,Dratfitls, lialluitars, tilalrs, eo,,

Made to Order,

Mouldings anil FinishALWAYS ON HAND,

fWAll orders filled on short notice, and JchMncpromptly atleinM to.

.Mouldings nude to any pattern without extra cbari.for knli e.Frico of Machino Work, $1.00 to

$1,50 per hour,ra ly




We kave tho Most Complete Ma

cliinery,lo b. found West of the Hocky Mountains, wth all of

lb. Utol tmpruvcraenla that are In utt .1 ths East

For inKklnff a pur artlolAll wateru.ed In our Paclory Is PILTEnEO. Mors-eve- r,

wt will not b) undersold- - DM

AWA1IAM TRAX8LATIOM8.HMIK UXOKllHIOXUI) 1H l'KK- -X pared lo tranilale, with accurary and dispatch,

and on rcasunaUJe terms.DSMXI., X.sMS, ttc, &c

From English to Illwallau. and Tir'ttrm. Residence'No. 47 Emma street. May b. found .1 th. Law Offlc. oftloa. A. S, Ilvrtwell, duiici;' tuslues. hoars.



w r.ur.wf the rtnwttr auticm: inton line io no iou4 in in. ciiyHOLLUTEK A CO.


Page 2: Saturday Press. PioneerI › bitstream › ... · of the rank and Jilo of Undo Sam's army. Tho officers wore, it need hnrdly bo snid, a lino, appearing and gentlemanly set, nnd made

S,TUIII)AY IMIKSS.jam' Any a--

,18-- 2

Seven Days Later From Sun Frnncitco.

AS INT! RlhTIMI HUTU OP NEWS AH rnl.I.VrU)11V OIIK SI'FUAI, coi!i:rsio.Mir..ST.

Sn rnANricn, December 'IS.

A fait to IhiiMurrliniits' KiclmngKme of llio fact tlmt tlui 1). O.Murray

will m dis)iitclii'l for Honolulu to-iln- ntlii'li tide, find fin nho nitty occupy from Hito J8 iln.H on tlio trip down, I will propnrou iiiiiitiiiiry oftlio principal ncWH-topir- inrni tlio fnvuritit olil pncKi't should put inan appenrancu too lato to admit of tliuUHiial fci'lcction of news most suitable toIsland readers.

Just as tlio mail steamer ZtalamUa naslenu'iig tlio harbor, on tlio 'JOth, a shoitluit uticrrtnili dispatrli coinoovrtliourosnimutiiicing tho loss of tlio Arctic ojplornitf st(nmei.Mimc,a!id tin1 lntiHiig of thogreater portion of tlio crow on tho Kast-r-n

coast of .Sihcua. 'J'ho brig . J.SprtrMt, which left tho following day, tookthin hit of iiuwh along, hut it was not untiltho next morning that wo recum-r- i any-tiu- g

like detitiito information lmro, Tlioiiowh jii.st.coiiiit through tlio Koyal Cluographical Society of Loudon, ami muchindignation exists in consecpienco of thoeontoniptiblo meannesa and the repre-heiiHihl- o

conduct of tho I'ruhident of thoAdmitiistiatiou of Eastern Sibuiin, whorefused to telegraph the announcement oftho arrival of the survhois of tho JtunmtUbceaiibo thoy weio without funds. Thoiirrtt newHof their escape was consequentlydelayed ten weeks. Tlio American Minis-ter at St. I'etersburg, in conjunction withtlio Russian Ooernuicnt, took immediatuaction in tho matter, and James Gordon1'onnett ban since telegrajihed all thofunds necessary for tho relief of tho galhint Captain )o Long and his noble com-panions. .So far, wo are still in doubt iihto tho fato of the third boat. Do Long isuniversally credited with having engi-neered one of tho most successfully managed escapes known in the history of thovarious Arctic expeditious of this charactor. Tho prompt rescue and lelief of thotwo boat parties by the Jlusiaiis, at thomouth of tho Lena ltier, at much expenseand hardship, adds another debt to thomany that wo owe that country. A cor-respondent places no faith whatever in thotelegraphic reports that tlio lltissinu of-

ficials in .Siberia had becietly withheld in-

formation concerning the JtnnneUe fiomthe public for a long time before the dis-closure of the date and place of rescue,and tho methods of tiansportation fromthere to Irkoutsk, tho nearest telegraphstation, during tho winter season, makessuch an idea untenable. A Now YorkHerald special from St. I'etersburg, whichappears in this morning's papers nays: Toainvo at tho mouth of tho Lena, the boatHof the shipwrecked JtMiuttt must haopassed between New Siberia and the Islandof Fadiwskai, which is inhabited onlyduiing tho summer by nomads, who ur-

ine at the close of tho winter in sledgondraw n by dogs. Further on in her coursewas Islo Potito and tho Island of IIol-boo- i.

Tho distance is about livo hundredmiles from the locality of tho shipwieckto the mouth of tho Lena. Tho mouthsof this rhor aro situated in the mostdiearyand desolato part of thocoiilinesofNorthern Siberia. The place where thoboat No. il landed is situated between thegraves 6f Lieutenant Lassirius, who per-ished in 17JW, with thiity-iiv- o of his com-panions, and that of Lieutenant 1'iout-schisohof- T

and his wife, who iiorished in1",'I(J. From this point to 1iikut.sk thodistance is more than 1,000 miles, througha desert country, completely destituto ofpopulation.

On Friday afternoon tho business portion of tho community were greatly ex-

cited by a startling dispatch from Wash-ington, saying that piivuto advices re-ceived from South America states thatminora aro rife, there that tho UnitedStates stoutnor AUttka had been lirodinto and struck twice, damaging her soseverely thnt she had to return to Callaofor repairs. Commodore Walker, Chiefof tho Bureau of Navigation and ltopairs,says the reports aro absurd, and if therehad been any foundation for it tho NavyDepartment would havo been so infounedlong boforo this rumor could have boonreported hero by letter. Later dispatchesfrom Now York say Panama advices ofDecember lfith announce that Colonel "W.II.Trescottand Walker Blaine arrived iorsteamer Colon from New York and sailedfor Callao on tho afternoon of tlio 13th, onboard tho United States steamer Uulaicunu.Intelligence reached them here of thodeath of Gen. Kilpatrick, U. S. Ministerto Chile. So this puts nn end to thatsensation.

Tho iippointmnnt of Howe,as Postmaster-General- , ci eates somo sur-prise, inasmuch as his son-in-la- is con-nected with the defence in tho star-rout- e

casesv and this fact had much to do withthu reconsideration of his name for theposition of Attorney-Genera- l and tho appointment oi iirovvster.

Yesterday's Washington dispatches i)

that Senor Miutinez, the ChileanMinister, has issued a suvonteen-pag- o

pamphlet on tho difficulty between Chileon tho ono hand, and Peru and Bolivia ontho other. Tho work, ho says, is not to boconsult!! eil an ollicial document, but isissued to correct many errors and givelight to Congress, to which body he hoursPeru and Bolivia propose to appeal, hav-ing failed to inlluenco tho State Depait-lnen- t.

These countries, though small, aroentirely independent, and neither theMouroo Doctrmonorany other recognizedauthority, would justify inteifeienco inthe present state of nllairs, save in aneminently pacific and friendly way.

Novvh fiom Washington, both throughthe Press dispatches and private sources,is to the efl'ect that ex Senator Sargentwill lie invited to the Cabinet, with theportfolio of Secretary of the Interior.There is no doubt but the position liasbeen tendered Mr, Sargout, though hisiaiuo has not yet Wen sent to tho Senato.

The New York Tribune thinks tho nctiv itydisplayed in the building of railroads inthe Fur West ono of the most remarkablefeatures of the present era of nationalprosperity, Itsnyss Inn short time therowill bo live through mutes to tho Pacific,where u few months ago there wus onlyone. These will be the Northern PacificKailroad. the Union Pacific, with its extension now building to Jhiker City, Oie-got- i,

the Cent! al Pacific, with a new Eastern outlet by tho way of tho Atchison,ToKkn and Siiiitu Fo lluilroad, tho o

ami Pacillc, now pushing rapidlywestward, mid tho Texas and SouthernPacific, already finished. And the work ofprojecting new railroad outei prises, local,interstate, and national, still gotvi on.

A Chicniro disnutch of tho 'J lth savs:A jirojoctod corporntioii.of wbich,strnugelyenough, Grant is ono of thecharter momlers, is deeply conoVriied intho modification of tho Clayton liulwerTreaty. Little moro than a vear agoEngineer Menoenl of tho United StatesNavy obtained n cuuctvaiou from tho Nica-ragua Government by whiuhlceitaiu citi-zens of tho United States worn given thoprivilogoof building the iritbroeViinio canalov er Mcnocnl and Animen'a burv e'j wl route.Last year and this year bills, wero intio-ducc- d

in Congress incorporating tho Nica

ragua Canal C'diipanj. It will be neresFfiry, thepiojertoisot the enterprise think,to fertile an aluogation or modification ofthe treat in question, as condition prece-dent to the giuiiniiteeof the Governmentof six per cent dividends on the cost of,the canal, and fought for in the charter,A number of prominent men aro inter-- 1

estcd in the proposed canal. )

Ai tides roiitiime to apj ear in the Loudon daily nnd vuokly pre", indicating that '

tho irritation produced by Mr. Blaine'sPanama dispatch is deep nnd lasting. I

The information fiom all juirts of thecountry announce tho prevalence of the

po.x, which is lapidlv spreading,among the Indians in the belt of countryextending from Montana to Idaho. Insneetor Hayworth reports to tho IndianOllico that the Kiekapoo Indians in IndianTenitory mo in it staiving condition TheIndian Wfheo will relievo them as soon asR)ssible. The authorities of New Ynrk

have notified the Chicago Health Commissioner that the smallpox patients onthe 'irtihiilin will b(i detained iiinttnratitine until it is safe to ship them. A NewYork dispatch in tho tnoining papers saysthe small ptix is increasini' daily in thecity and vicinity, and great excitement txists. Our State Uoard of Health hasnh endy taken action, looking to the qtiai-autiti- o

of ov ci land passengeis fiom theEast.

A St. Petersburg dispatch of tho Uothsays a plot has been discovered for assas-sinating the CViir in Caiavanian stteet,which it was expected ho would traversewhile proceeding to the Michael HidingSchool, on the ocension of tho recent fetoof St. George. It is authoiitatively staledthat nothing could have saved the life ofthe Car had he passed along the street.

The L'ope gavo tho customary Chi istmasreception to tliuCaidinals, of whom twentythree wero in attendance, including thoGerman Caulinal Hohenlolte. In reply totheir address tho Pope said that his posi-tion was becoming more and more intoler-able When he claimed temporal powerin older to secure the independence ofspiiituul power, ho was accused of beinga rebel and an enemy to Italy. CatholicsvUto demanded ellicient guat autees for thefreedom of tho head of their chtirehesweio similaily Htigiuntisc'tl, and pilgrimsto Itome weio insulted by the piess andpopulace. It was theioforo natural thatBishops coming to ltomo should considertho oxistmg situation incompatible withthe dignity of the Holy See. His Holinesssaid that lie expected far more severe per-secution in the time to come, but he wouldendeavor to guide the batk of Peterthiough the troubled sea, looking forwaidto the moment when God would stem andcalm the tempest.

The following scheme will bo of specialinteiest to tho people of the Islands gen-eiall-

and in conjunction with ClansSpreckels' Sugar ltetinery, now in processof erection lit the Poliero, which will bethe largest and most complete establish-ment ot the kind in the world, will domuch to disabuse the uninitiated who maybe inclined to take any stock m thot7iti-e-

rabid efforts to prove that tho ltoci-proctt- y

Treaty is an injury to tho commcrco of tho Pacific Slope: Articles ofincoiporatiou of "The Oceanic SteamshipCompany" wero filed yesteulay. Thiscorporation is formed for the purpose ofestablishing a steamship lino and conduct-ing a general freight and passenger business botween this poit ami the HawaiianIslands, or toother poits in tho PncilicOcean, as tho Directors may deem advis-able. The Directois aio Charles Goodall,Glaus Spreckels. J as. DeFremerv, E. L.G. Steele, II. L. Tuhbs, Gustavo Touchardand G. A. Spieokols. The capital stock is

a,500,000, divided into '2r,0O0 shares, ofwhich Charles Goodall subscribes for(ioOO, Clans Spieckels 1000, C. A. SpreckelsMOO, George A. Low 2000, E. L. G.Steele 1000, A. L. Tubbs 250, and GustavoTouchard i!."0. It is tho intention to bavotho company and their vessels in goodworking outer as soon as possible, and

is being dono to that end atfiresent. The ileet of sailing vc-sol- s nowrunning to tho Hawaiian Islands in thoSpreckels lino nnd owned by them will boturned over to tho now corttoiation, andtwo first class steamships will bo immedi-ately chartered nnd a semi-monthl- y at onceestablished between hero and Honolulu.It is not unlikely that new steamships willbo built for tho lino, and with steam andtho lino fleet of clippers now in service inthe trado, seveial of which havo achievedfamo by remarkable passages, success isassured to tho new enterprise. The aflairsof tho company will piobablybe managedby Glaus Spreckels and his enterprisingsons, and it is not unlikely that in thonear future wo shall hear of branch linesto Tahiti or elbow hero, as inducementsoiler.

Tho GhronKle of this morning indulgesin a leading editorial in ventilating itsslushy idoas on what it terms tho " One-Hor-

Kingdom" of Hawaii, which makesexceedingly amusing and sensationnl read-ing, even to those who are unacquaintedwith Hawaiian uiXuira. It is evident thattho mud machine is nreimriiur itself foranother tirade on Island affaiis. and theimpression is that tho prosenco of Hon. II.A. P. Carter, who is sojourning at thoPiiluco w ill receivo a thorough overhaulingis to tho objects of his intended mission.

Tho 11'. 7. Dimmmd arrived on tho KM,in 20 days, and tho CfniM Sprttkeh in 2idays from Kahului. Tho JKtcotery arrivedon Uu 25th in l(i tlays, tho 11. II', Almy inill, and tho I'vmaie in lfi days fromKahului.

It is probable that tho British steamerDtraiufme, which arrived from Hongkongon the 22d, will touch at Honolulu mi herletuin, as sho In ought over a number ofChinese hiboiers for tho Islands.

Thu rWiff77aMi,Capt. W.1I. Mitchell,left Now Bedford on thoGth forn whalingciuisu in tho Pacilio.


The Apache Indians in northern Mexicohave taken thu war path.

Tho Texas Pacific and Southern Paciliurailroads havo Joined nnd another road isopen across tho continent. Tho firstthrough train from St. Louis to San Fran-cisco via lion Mountain, started fiom thoformer city on tho 1st of Jnnuarv.

A railway publication sits that (ho year1881 has been especially notahlo for theenormous extent and rapidity of railwayconstruction in tho United States. Trackhas been laid on 2T8 difieiont lines, andaggregates 8,21'J miles, much tho lomostmileage m any ono year. Tho largestprevious mileago was 7,!i79 in lh71. Somoreturns aro yet to bo loceived, and willprobably swell tho total to !),(K)0 miles.Tho heaviest mileage was in Texas, 1,111;Colorado had IIM, Iowa lWi, Dakota UiO.Ohio 1171, Now Mexico IW'JJ, Indiana 1175,Illinois till, Michigan 2h,.U, Wisconsin281, Washington Territory 2W)J, Virginia27UJ, nnd other States less,

Lato telegrams from Tunis report tlir.tdesultory tightiug continues botween thojusurgent Arabs and tho French forcesin thu principality. Tho rebels have suf-fered severe loss, and a largo body hascrossed tho wt stern bordor into Morocco,where tho French aio pursuing thoiu. Adispatch from Taugiers says: Tho troopdespatched by tho KtniHU'or of Morocco tocapture Chief 1km Amelia, have joinedtho latter in proclaiming n holy w nr againsttho Kieuch. Thoy subsequently defeatedthe trills who refused to loin thorn. Thorevolt is spivadiug nud the Emporor has

1?!!' "

neither the requisite menus nor the piestigo to suppress it.

There is nothing of importance in regard to (he situation in It eland.

Another massucie has recently occurredin tho New Hebrides group, on the Islandof Snnto. Mr. H. A. Mntr, the Government Hecruiting Agent, with the iiinfeandtwo Fiji sailors of the schooner ImMlnwere killed and two other Fijians werewounded. They went ohoro in a boat.Another boat went in soui eh of tho miss-ing men and was fired upon.

II. M. S. limgle recently visited theIsland of Macodo to inquire into the nitirder of a Ocimati named Schmidt. 11 wasfound that the natives had nsnumed an al-

titude of defiance, and exhibited a coolA shoi t time pnviousn light

had ocruired between tho natives mid the

IS. O. HA&Xa SONWould Call Attention Their

SplendSd Asst, of Goods !Counlntlu6

Hall's Furrow Plow


XIM'I- -


crow some triminc vc



vveie Tho whitesonlyacted mi self Thoy MtlTorod

loss. Hranle nlso visited Poit"Weber, the for an out-ing-

but they lied an adjacent island.All that ilonowaH flro tho village.

Tho revi leturim Victoria tholast quarter, nnd tlio year 1881

Tim leventtefor thoS(!,87fi,000, an Sf.20,000

computed with Thethe year amounted 627,1 10,000, a

net increase iJikOlfi.OOO as computedthat t'nder tho

heads the following increaseson the year pliown: Customs l?l,(M).'i,-0(H- ),

excise $1)10,000. railways 800,000,territorial S2(;o.()00. Tho lastquarter

rflT,,, --""Vgy



known. now I aigot of

cnniinnj rnu im. of wi- -

Jnp" mill fl wSSbIO' a If JSF

FLOWS, 20 DIFFERENT SIZESllnll'" siml Mnll Inclin, 1 I" Inch Itrrn)icr, II (Jmcciij,

oil I'limK. IhillV rutn riiiur, I'lim. 1(1 U 11 I n18 Inch sulkj "piclally for llniuukim l'lniiliillnnn; No 'JllucL.K)c Jlowirs,

lliinillLH, pulnti1 beuu, fur till ri(iu uc L



Reed and Barton's


STOVES AND RANGES, of many kinds and sizes;VVn A

PAIJW AS IIL,nil liirlni;nor-rv.iKll- iif W'liltc of I)lirr-n- t (liiilltlrH, lic1dc n I.tnc of nil

mini, n"t (Inllonii r IIlilil.in I.V llt.sl' fst Illlll.l-.I- l I.I.S l'.l Oil,, wr runI l.f I al(lllliill nf I.I I.XI 11 lit 11m Inrrrl. ,i.r nr vllliill. .1 VSI'KI'X

M '! 'itl.lts. lh AniiTlcuii




l.i: v I Ul;ll UdltrortiM. i; it iml I niucp, t'M r otrirpit n MitrUi't. UoM". rump'. I'tikliiKAc ic but c nm iilionipt lo riininiTjI'Miny inoroof tin tliniiiul oiif nnlclri nr kis nr. ti

i nvrr inorr limn u 1. 1;,' i.i inn i iili. ,

iilim hi".i: HI l (1IMIIIS f,.r





by 00.


lo jto

tonun of

of havo beenquar

ter was oflast


with ofof



WV hoc

n iniin irirnil runit llir-i- j , molnrril nhni rny.

1'Iom rulllnc from llnll nml Inch KillsSuli side 1111 mill lies;

nimliI'lmv txtrn nml tluil rp,


I.rnd nud Zinc I'ulllrv I'.iImIm nml I.K Srll

I .( i.Miro. Our Itlttt'l'l U.S.llilllsi: llrl

from Dim liosr.will .ind thnt

nii'llfl wimir

Co. II. Ihsrnlts,Castor Oil'Mntehes. Coooaiint

I"3VC;jP OP'

General rerchandise!Fiom New California, Europe and the

Colonies, Offer for Sale,Ji. --t --tlxG Lo?vest 3JWEo3rl5:-- t Rates !


Suitable for Country Stores & Plantations.

L.arge Assortm't of Dry GoodsTrtnt9 nf J.Mrrt tylr ldonntl narrow, olor; Drnlmn, Slifcllnr', Hnrtcck 1 onp Clollifllruwn I I11011 Urtlls lnr I.hirnn. Mulkfiip. Whlio i'l'Mi'iiK. 'DcKhiAh.'liiikrj I,d,Uhllf1 lontilio .Nritlnci', McrlnoF. Muck nnd lolnrril; CHlMHirUr, jMitn anil hit tto)c,n II .'...I 1...,.l. !... UI.Iih .,.,! II.,... .. I '..in... It,, ,l. II..... I.. . t.. ... !..JUWItlUUB M'liv-ir- , .UVII f ii inn iitii iiiviiiii uuii'iiwri t situ r iiucr. IUIIIILIJ.UIiriritlM rulTP ,

BLANKETS Hon"- - Illanktln. Whlir Inn Itlaiikrin, Mhlirmnl honey VVoolriililmiVi f. nil i.iri..V.woli.hlr;Woolm .V.L'iiiiIju 1 Innni-ls- , 'iHpoli), rl.ri l'lh', .Vnta &. ltu.-r-, liullu Jlnbbir Villi, llixatlaA Woolen blilnr

Full Lines of Australian and




Saddle Whips, etc., etc.Solo and S.uidlo Lcathor, Tanned Sheep and Goat Skins,

Contlnntljr on Html and for hnle, from the HILO S. I.jrni.in, l'roprlrlor;

Beautiful Lines of New Plated Ware, wonderfully low !

rain, I'utu-f- , Itns and Albuma, AT AbTOXlblH.NCi rilU.'Kh.


Cololirnicd Durhnm Loni? Cut ic Urunulnlril SnioUins Tobaccos, Cigarettes,Ogam, llaMinn ami Mnulla; Cl:nr lloliUrn, Mitrrclmnni; Cl;nti'ilr lfilr!rr. Mi rirliaun I'lncr,

llrlaruooil I'lpca, t,Uj I'lpf, Clu tu mn, Amber iluiiih.pltira and Inbucru I'ouchm,

(Sub. lliit'Wcts, Tubs, IlitshiH, Sailor I'iuh, Snuct'imiiH, Oliurciml Irons, Tinned I run Spoon.lk"tm Card .Mnttltos, Uilto Zinc Taints, Hulled Oil,

now.NDU's ki:kosk.k ami coai. oils,

A Choice Assortment of Groceries !









lbs. toarrive "llnkr

Y ailEKN,MacfatUne

Attul c'unlcr


Iking Hnnalnla.'"

Manila llfinn; llnck, HempI'uitouaud


CoikI'IIiic nf .Irllloi. Jniiu, Table 1'rujt. Tomalno, UraiK, Olhr, I S lb. tlnil I'otlrd Saiuaj;'1I'olltd Jlr-iU- . llrixn, rtc'a Vetl, UUnu tarilllic, I.ntulir, Suzir of I.nm.i,

(or Fieh 5 lb. tins;Full in and Half '

All aBlue 24 bars a box.

.Mtpillon In IlipCtrnful flnnrlf for Country Order, Fire Vroof Storn. Qnre nnd IIumoIiiIu, I iu Xn M teS

UNDEUiSiaNKDi?i:sii:t'TruMiY jni'oiimiV publk Dial ihry lino pntiiiatrd tho r.Ubllrh-uun- t


Mo. J.27ASS l MTItltOtVr.'

PlaningAnd tint wc nnd r non ptepDtid,

to catijr of

Contractors andUnder the corporative of


Alulllul lijr lllel tttrntloa to barlnri w hill beoamnlMlln to .lindird Itlt olllnuke It ii Inducement for all u otkIn to cue u. a call, nd we tkall ourendratore to ;iye eull'O tatlifaetlnn,

J. UttlKK.Mini II.

('aliforniu1MIKM IX., 1 AH HAKRCIJi1)U bV

For 5ala Ito) A

thiity natives killed.defence.




ISfcO. variouslevenuo


l'lnt tlio Stnrk

our Mnll ciiimiir mlll (Il'i




nnr III'

nnd 1'.in

tat-- IlliifHrnunniid

tf.ll....illl't "iii'iiI'm






pr lln


English Saddles, Bridles, Girths,



Railways !IB ft. lcnKtU 14 the yard,

fat talo to per of Abereorn,"front I.hrrpool,

jlo L. or 'II. Y. A Co.

?5 L'JL'1' for Jno. fo.

Dr7r nl lliulurs of all kUdtl'roniitly Attemleil to,

llj Hie nud.r.l;iied. OOlce il CUV, HI..HKNBY HEB8AWD

Ship Chandlery!A virijh.vssoiminNT wvtaiu.' I UK Ancliure. Cbalu, Caldr. t'nrdise, atl l jr of

and Cnltnn flax auu Caotat, Flax Salllnluu,,'VJUIl HV


linked .t

Alaska Oulnghan Candle) and Mackorol,

Bright Red, Weight Plantation Salmon, Barrels Barrels

Dealers in Kinds of Soaps Toilot Soaps, Spcoialty;Mottled Soap, in

rp ll aid brlnlloirnf al onrKliiniiiubirMl, TIMlU'llONJ atl.


Port, etrootKNOWN
















rnmWffc'frM I rl4 i


offmi yon sali:INVOICES OF NEW GOODS

.ifsr ui:n:tvi:i) run" IOLANI," H. Carrots, Master.

lS0tla.Tr fn m llrcmrn.

Conl"tlnr; In patt of a follown

A Large Asst of Dry Goods,KITH ASi

Tnnty 1'rlnt, ThthIj-KIt- o Xpit Stjlo,Druima, l.'rmvn nml While rollonn,l)rllli, 'Hiking, 'ltirkcy llul, Ac,

Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualitiesUrn, CohotirRS, Alpncnri, Ilnllin Cloth, nml

Xxosj3 Goods,sunt asI'riiilnl Sittrcni, I'iiiiiiaili)nrn, l'lnldi,Clliiithntim Vlrlorift Liihuh, Krilln Htrliirn,l'nnry Ktnpod (Innnilliiri,

'hllp Kilk .Iiipniicfi", 'I'uilla, Sergei,1'oplliifl, .Si I In nml Molrn,lllnck nnd Culurcil VcIm-Li- ,

FjNIJ SILKS,Jllnclt, (Iri)HRrnln, rnncy, Colored nnd Striped,

llnreKc, C'reiie,iU'.,

TAI LOUS' GOODS:iluekskitin, DliiKotmln, Tweeds, Cordit,Seru , Silcxiiiii, OuckliiR, Caisiuieri , Xc.

A Splendid Asst. of Shirts.(U'nolen, .Mill il, Calico, lllcl.or), Denim, c.)

Merino nnd Cotton Uiulornhlrt',While lkisimi Hhlrlo, A.,Hiickonnd Stooklnirs, Hiindkcrohlofn,l'oiilnrils, OlovfH,


I'ino lllnck Cloth Truck Contn nnd l'nnla,lncknkln K.irkn, I'.intnniid Suits,

1'VII, Mohair, iJrill, rinnncl S irkR nml l'nnU,1!ojh' bliirtu nnd Chlldrcm'H Jnckets,Mnnkny nnd Kallor Jnckoti,I. 'I. Gi.it8 nnd LrRRiiiKH, CnriKit HlipiwrB,Kilk nnd I. C. Uinlirellai nnd ParnnulH,I'nticj nnd 'I'rnvi linp ShnlH,Cittnn nnd Tnrklsli Towcli,Wlillnnml I'mie Qnllti, "

Felt llti;s nnd 1rusaelK CnrlinR,

3B T, V IS T ETS :llorso Hlnnkcts. White nnd 1'nncy Illiinkcii,l'nnry htriK-- l Woolen, IwnsiroH.bo.ulut, Uiniifu. Wliilii Woolen,. "5 nnd 4 pnintn,'I hrtmli, TntH1, Klastlc, Scarfs, Ac,Stlk ami Vein t Itihlxmn,JiuttoiiH for Shirts, Coals, l'nnts, Drosscn,

PKRl-'UlinilY- , FLO III DA WATEIl,OeimniH do Culogne, I.ubin'H Uitr.icti,Toilet ho.iw, l'hiloronif, Hair Oil, Combs,Slirrurf, 1ookmj,' Olas'-cs- , l'iHB,I. II, Halls, llnrironiuaK, lilnnk Hooks,AIIiiiiiih, Gold l.raf, Jonclry, Wnlclifi,llcnip nnd 1. It. l'llcklng, Coal Jlaskuts,

VIENNA FURNITURE:Extension, Arm, Dining Kooni nnd l'nrlorCluirs, Settitn, Ac.

S.uldltt, CnllnkiiiH, Uirtlm, Stirrup Lo.itherx,

GRATES OF ASSORTED UHOCKEUY,ConlninlnK Hale. CupH, Teapots, Uowli,Chainliers, Hu-- Dislits nnd Dakurs,DemijohiiH, !t nnd r. ; S iniito Unities,Vni-t'- nnd UlaMHnrc'.M.uiila.iinlTamdKope,

S-ulsei- x c&: Rico BagsOf nil izei nnd qnnlitics,

Coal Haps, Onnnies, Twine, llnrlnpi,Voolpack nnd Twilled SackinR, Lmen nose,

GROCERIES'S irdinen. in halt nnd nmrter boxes,

Salt m jirs,Tins.Stnarino Candles, 4, 5 rind 6,

Oil, Wnsh Jllnr,llublmck's Linseed Taint Oil, U White Lend,Whito Zinc Pnint.


iDo I.nacy fils nnd Boutelloau Urnndy, nnd

othir brands,Hnin, (JJn, St. Paul Peer, .Mo nnd Fortor,Port ine. Khcrrv, Hhine Wine,Kino and TnMe Olirets. Chninp'ienc,l)r lleidseiek Monopolr, Cli. Vitrre,O. II. Mumru A. Co., SparkliiiR Hock,Sloscdle, Ac, Ac

German and Havan a Cigarsl'lnted Wnre Spoons, Forks, Cruets, Tea Sets,

Cups, Ac.


Pocket nud lluteher Knives, Scissors,Slurp Shcnrs, Needles, isponn. Tiles,Spurs. Onlvniiied Damns, Hoop Iron,Kec ltivets, Hninmers,Yellow Aletal nnd Composition Nnlls,llahhitt Metal. Sti.ir Coolers,Iron Tanks, ChuiUcrs Ac. Also,

Portland Cement, " Whito Bros.,"Xiro Clay, lllneksnutli Coal, Kiro Bricks,Tilts, Empty llarrels, Oak liontn, Ac.

Terms Liberal. Samples sent Free of FreightOrders from Hie other Irlands carefully

attended tu by



T hi: iixii:iisiivi:n ih:i;n to imformma i;ntnmit anil the 1'ntillc srnerally that


Shops on Queen StreetAUJOIMXO II. HAOIsniM) A CO.,

Where he ! prepared In

Manufacture All KindsCarriage!, Buggies,

Exprci Wagons,andCane Dump Carta

Alio.loatUnd to

Repairing. Blacksmithing- -

I ahallalao kiapa

Full and Complete Stockor

uiHH) ai'oioj.' MIMk, AXI.RN.

C.tHMIAUt. TKlMMIXCa,Falnti, Vanil.hr.. HvBntd liar Iron,Nomayakd Krdtn Iron, llm.r-hi.- i,

rumb.rlv d Ciul, Oak, Aia and Hickory flaaka.Whlla Wd. c, c. '


Bod Hook. Priooa !


inaaimj ine ruunc Mr pj I'alronae, I hou brcon.Uul coacaiiir m 4luljr b ptiniai, to watli acoutinitanca uf tha lauia.

bib t( 37 o, wilT.



THEIR STOCK OF NEW GOODSiikci:ivi:i) ri:n lath aiuuvai.p.asii to Aiuinn ri:n

W. H. Whiton, from New York, City of Madrid and City of Nankin, from England

tiiusk noons aht. adaitkii rou

Plantations, Country Stores ondFnmilicBAnil lintifjlit from 1'JltST HAN'DS I'Olt OAfell. nml will bo nolit for OASH, with bti llf connt on

Irac, or on nsnnl tcrmn to pnrtlrn np)irovrtl. AW oflcr on lutiul nml to nrrivc,

Palaco Wntcv Whito Hiph Test Kerosene 011,

Vulonn Water White AboVo Standard Kerosene Oil.I.nrilOll.rnslorOII.NrnlnroolOll.fMlmlcrOil. l'lnx Htp.im 1'ftcUiiK,India Ilnlil.fr Tint I'nrklnc, i. Ac: Anl ntiw Stcnnt I'ncklnR, AMiralns llollrr CoTCrlnlfillnlililt Mrtul, Cniiitl llnrrowo, I,nre a nllirr, U nlln r II. llltiL', .1, i, Cu 8, 10 nml 12 inchWcHlon'nrrntrlfnpnl lUltlnir, n aiix-rio- r nrllcli-- t DImIoii CftiinhiilTi;.Hush Sc tlirn nml KnnllliR, IH Hovrn, Mnln Cnrt Axlr. Mnle Collnrn nnd IlntiiM, Mnlr Sliocn,llmvy (Innlcn Horn, Inb'H I'lnulcrn' Hwi, Axe nml 1'lcl. Mnttorks, 1'nris IlrinMiir.riiivit,1A, tlio olil fnwiHtp nml nncxcrllfil Mnllnn Stoa-- I llrrnLinu J'low, 0 nml M Htccl lIomK 1'lowB,l'.nlii No. 'JO 1'lown. I'lnnit jr. Horso Hocn frw MOIjI.NK OAN'O 1'IXJWS,.lolm Dirrnmnl.0 (jit llosi',!l-4- . 1, 1 l.t.l alnrhi i L,rllcst Htnmlnnl Wostnn'ri Contrlfntrnl Mnltipn, 11! nml II inch, liest qpMItT J rortnlilf Tmftd,lt.ililwln l'n il rntti-ro- , r.nnlc Anvils, Hnrnr A JnrkRonV i Dlsston .V SlnWw Ansnrtfil I lira,DisslonV rph lirr.tcil Haws, nil pIir; MnchiiiKtH' JIiiRonn' nml HlnckuniltliH Ilninnij-rn-


Snrclinroinctrm nml S rup 'I lie nnoinrtiTH, Cirt NnlU, nil si7rn j Cut SplkrK, A rotiRht hU,HorKO Which, llorno Nnlln, rinlBlilni; Nulla.


1ockn, Hull, SrrcfH, IllnRCs. Anders, Aiuter llit, Chlncln, Sawn, llrncrn, Itolls, Cnlchcs Ac,Mncliinv nml Cnrriniii' ItoltR, licst miinufncturi' i Smooth, Jnck nml Jointer l'lnnrH,1'lowB nml Mntch l'mntH. A I'ull I.ino of

Paints and Oils of tlio Best English and American Brands 1

-- STAPLE GOODS, SUGH AS-- ,s'Amoskonc DenliiiB. 8 nml il it. Tirkliif-a- , A C A It nml I) Cottons. 4 wJOf, lirnt mnke jtlnlilcnrlipil rotlons, Clicrp. Mi (limn nml I'lno; llrown nml lllnr Drills. I.lhcn Drills, henTj jItnssii Dlnjior, 1'iirn I.inpii Slipptinc Flno Mosquito Lncc, lllno Flnnnpl, Sculpt Flnnnel,A Sniwrior Ansortrnpnt of Anipricnn Whito FlnnnpU. J

STPLE :Cloldpn Onto Extra Family l'lonr, Hnnniinn l'in. Com Stnrch. .Taitnn, ConiPt nml Clirnp Tpiw,ChIip SiiRnr, H.iwnlian Sncnrs. Com nml l'ins, Comlmixpil Milk. Cnrnid llppf nnd Tonguca,Kirilinrn, Oxford Sntbaci's, McMiirrny'ri (hslcrs, Umitis ,t Xsrhpr'B I'lneHt HpiccB,'I ho 1'nMirilo I'lincy nnd Wnsliinc Soups, (nlifornin nnd Hnntcrn lirnndBj.Hams, Corn Meal, Aycnn, Grnhuin l'lonr, Ac, Ac, Ac.

On O1oii!ift-iiiii0Tif- c :

The Geo. F Blako mrfg1. Go's Steum Feed Irrigating & Vacuum PumpWeston's I'utcnt (Jenlrifuyuh,

Woodward fc Jlrown's Celebrated Pianos,Neio Haven Ortan Co. Parlor Organs

Washburn (P Noen Jiffy. Co. liarJted Wr the Jlesf JiarUd Wire manvfacluraPortland Cement, Snijar Pays, Oats and Jh an, Culioruia Hay,

Columbia JVvcr Salmon, hbls. and hf. bbls., Salmon Jlellies in Kits Very Five,in

NEW & DESIRABLE GOODSWo Havo Recently Roccivcd a Largo Stock of Goods in Our Lino,

(many of which aro Entirely New in this Market,) ex Late Arrivals,viz: Barks F. 8. Thompson and Cnlbarlon, from New York; BarksElla , Lady Lampson, W. H. Meyer and S. S. City of Now York,

Large Invoices of Goods !from New York, Eosfon, and San Francisco.

Bk. Sir Lancelot with Fence Wire, Paint Oil, &&, from England.



Agiiciiltiira.l Implements,


UPsisasSH ZE C'ioJfcJ U. JL J.L&7 J. O J. UL YV tsb J.

All Kinds of Mechanics' Tools,Mouse Furnishing Goods.


CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, LANTERNS.Ave'rill Mixed Paints, Hubbuck & Son's Other

Monufacturers of


AmericanPaints fcBrushesOP KINDS.

Ucrry & Sujierior Varnislics, Vulentino's Cnrriugo Viirniahcs, BniudaKerohonu AniPricun Lubricators & Lubricating 0u, Liibriciiting ComHmiid



A Fine Line of Boysr r ALSO,


vwf-,- 9 HTa-- nvnJO, Ky


ALLBros. Beat





& Youths' Clothing,

A Fine Line of MEN'S CLOTHING,WhiohMust be Closed Out by March, 1882

- .,'1


Open .till, 9 o'olook Every Evening, untilFurther Notice.

lWJST1""liW""a'T"lslS nM st W mX I c "S..&t



