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SC Huf Romania SRL

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I joined ACI as an Intern, and now I am part of BASE24-epsQuality Engineering Team.

ACI Worldwide Romania

[email protected]

Page 3: SC Huf Romania SRL

I joined ACI as an Intern, and now I am part of BASE24-epsQuality Engineering Team.

ACI Worldwide Romania

[email protected]

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5 sucursale: Buziaș, Deta, Făget, Jimbolia, Sânnicolau Mare

316.000 consumatori

20 stații de tratare a apei potabile

15 stații de epurare a apei uzate

1,600 km lungime rețele distribuție apă

760 km lungime rețele de canalizare

3 laboratoare de control a calității apelor

1 laborator metrologic

[email protected]. aquatim.ro

Tel: 0256 201370Fax: 0256 201753

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SC ATOSS Software SRL, Str. Diaconu Coresi, Nr. 31, 300588 TimisoaraHuman Resources, Raluca Radu, F +40 356 710 170, [email protected], www.atoss.ro

w w w. AT O S S . C O m / C A R E E RS O F T wA R E | C O N S U LT I N G | S E R V I C E S

T h e E f f i c i e n c y F o r m u l a

worldwide, around 4,500 companies such as Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bahn,

Douglas, HORNBACH, Lufthansa, Puma or Sixt rely on ATOSS solutions.

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SC ATOSS Software SRL, Str. Diaconu Coresi, Nr. 31, 300588 TimisoaraHuman Resources, Raluca Radu, F +40 356 710 170, [email protected], www.atoss.ro

w w w. AT O S S . C O m / C A R E E RS O F T wA R E | C O N S U LT I N G | S E R V I C E S

T h e E f f i c i e n c y F o r m u l a

worldwide, around 4,500 companies such as Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bahn,

Douglas, HORNBACH, Lufthansa, Puma or Sixt rely on ATOSS solutions.

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Job Opportunities:

Software Testing Engineer (Full-time/Student Internship) Embedded Software Programmer(Full-time/Student Internship)

Summer Practice

We are always searching new members to join our team. If you are interested to work in a dynamic environment, together with a team of profesionals, where you will be challenged everyday please submit your CV at the following email address: [email protected]

Automation and Automotive Software are both new, constantly evolving fields. Our everyday life is influenced more or less directly by the development of the technology. Taking this into consideration, a group of experienced professionals have founded BeeSpeed, a company that stands out through its high quality, innovative solutions.

Automation area All efforts are directed into designing and implementing state of the art automation systems, with superior quality and reliability. Automotive Software area We are working in the area of Embedded Software Testing and Software Tools development for one of the market leading suppliers from the automotive industry. Mission statement Our goal is to ensure the safety of the Slip Control Systems. We will achieve this ideal through continuous monitoring and compliance with the following set of values: Final Customer: All department activities are aimed at ensuring safety of the driver. Products: The quality and variety of the tests (and support tools) will improve continuously Technology: On going research projects are and will continuously be conducted in the area of the testing and supporting of the SCS technologies, in order to ensure that we are able to provide the expected quality level once the products are on the market Orientation towards growth: We are striving to support the continuous expansion of sales in conditions of profitability Concern for members of the firm: Our goal is to motivate and encourage continuous professional and personal development of our employees

We are looking forward to work with you!

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Fă primul pas în cariera ta • Voluntariat • Internship • Full-time • Part-time

Start up your future!

Continental Anvelope Timișoara

CAP_zilele_carierei_oct.indd 1 10/17/2014 2:36:11 PM

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Continental Automotive Romania Suntem mândri să-ţi punem mașina în mișcare!


La Continental Automotive în România, peste 7 000 de angajaţi lucrează în centrele de cercetare și dezvoltare din Timișoara, Iași și Sibiu și în unităţile de producţie din Sibiu, Brașov și Timișoara. Inginerii noștri dezvoltă soluţii software, hardware și de design mecanic pentru aplicaţii în interiorul mașinii, pentru siguranţă, motor și transmisie, cât și sisteme de navigaţie și instrumente de bord pentru viitoarele mașini și camioane.

Și tu poţi fi parte din echipa noastră: • Embedded Software Developer • Software Developer C/C++/OOP • Hardware Engineer • Mechanical Design Engineer • Test Engineer • IT Engineer

• Software Architect • Technical Project Leader • Quality Engineer • Production Test Engineer • Project Quality Manager • Launch Manager • Project Manager

De fiecare dată când activezi sistemul de navigaţie, accelerezi sau frânezi, foloseşti software-ul şi electronica încorporate în produsele noastre.

CAR_zilele_carierei_oct.indd 1 10/17/2014 2:39:50 PM

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Devops Technologies is a high-end, top-quality, and super-fast-paced software development group. We focus

on all things web, with a preference for mobile, CMS-backed, localized solutions. We work with big brands

and we allow our employees to have flexible time schedules.

for more details access:


WANTS YOU!Backend Web DeveloperFrontend Web Developer

Mobile DeveloperSenior PHP

*All jobs requiregood English skills.

Timisoara, str. Paul Morand, nr. 135 Tel: 0356.443.908; Fax: 0356.443.906

Email: res.umane@elba .ro


ELBA este societate privată pe acţiuni, cucapital integral românesc avand ca obiectde activitate proiectarea, productia sicomercializarea corpurilor si sistemelor deiluminat.


Prin continua dezvoltare a resursei umaneşi a tehnologiilor aplicate, ELBA oferăclienţilor săi: corpuri de iluminat pentru industria

de automotive – faruri şi lămpi; corpuri de iluminat indoor si outdoor

într-o gamă variata; matriţe, scule de injecţie mase

plastice; servicii complete pentru sisteme de

iluminat interior, exterior sau stradal.


Mai mult decât un job – o CARIERĂ.

Daca vrei sa continui sa înveți si saevoluezi profesional alătură-te unei echipede oameni talentați si profesioniști,preocupați continuu de inovație sitehnologie in domeniul iluminatului.

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Timisoara, str. Paul Morand, nr. 135 Tel: 0356.443.908; Fax: 0356.443.906

Email: res.umane@elba .ro


ELBA este societate privată pe acţiuni, cucapital integral românesc avand ca obiectde activitate proiectarea, productia sicomercializarea corpurilor si sistemelor deiluminat.


Prin continua dezvoltare a resursei umaneşi a tehnologiilor aplicate, ELBA oferăclienţilor săi: corpuri de iluminat pentru industria

de automotive – faruri şi lămpi; corpuri de iluminat indoor si outdoor

într-o gamă variata; matriţe, scule de injecţie mase

plastice; servicii complete pentru sisteme de

iluminat interior, exterior sau stradal.


Mai mult decât un job – o CARIERĂ.

Daca vrei sa continui sa înveți si saevoluezi profesional alătură-te unei echipede oameni talentați si profesioniști,preocupați continuu de inovație sitehnologie in domeniul iluminatului.

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ETA2U este leader de piaţă ca integrator de soluţii, produse şi servicii IT în zona de vest şi centrul României. ETA2U activează pe piaţa IT din România începând cu anul 1992. Acronimul Eta2u înseamnă Echipamente şi Tehnologii Avansate şi a fost ales la înfiinţarea firmei de către Dl. Romulus Lucaciu, Director General, pentru a defini principala direcţie de dezvoltare dorită: furnizarea tehnologiilor IT avansate mediului local de afaceri. ETA2U a evoluat odată cu tehnologiile noi apărute pe piaţă, cu nevoile IT com-plexe şi crescânde ale clienţilor, de asemenea cu brandurile care astăzi ne sunt parte-nere. Experienţa acumulată în toţi anii de existenţă pe piaţa de IT din Vestul ţării, competenţele dobândite şi parteneriatele strategice încheiate cu principalii producători de tehnologie IT, permit valorificarea acestora prin activitatea fiecăreia din diviziile grupului: ETA2U Computer, ETA2U IT Service, ETA2U Image&Print, ETA2U Infrastructure, ETA2U Distribution, ETA2U Computer Store, ETA2U Training Center. Eta2u are capabilita-tea soluţionării optime a întregii game de nevoi IT a companiilor client prin conceperea şi implementarea de soluţii complete şi complexe împreună cu partenerii săi, de aseme-nea prin ofertarea de soluţii de finanţare pentru proiectele IT.


Oferte de practică

Descrierea companiei




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Flextronics RomaniaFlextronics is a leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider focused on delivering complete design, engineering and manufacturing services to aerospace and defense, automotive, computing, consumer, industrial, infrastructure, medical, energy,and mobile OEMs.

Flextronics helps customers design, build, ship and service electronics products through a network of facilities in 30 countries on four continents. This global presence provides design and engineering solutions that are combined with core electronics manufacturing and logistics services, and are vertically integrated with components technologies, to optimize customer operations by lowering costs and reducing time to market.

Market Served

Medical Infrastructure Automotive Industrial

Full Scope of Services

Timisoara, RomaniaManufacturing Services Center

: ISO 9001; ISO 14001, TL9000, ISO /TS 16949., ISO 13485, ANSI/ESD S.20.20

Built-up Area 430,000 sq. ft.No. of Employees Over 4000

Design Manufacture Distribution Service

If you are ready to join a global team with locations in 30 countries and 4 continents, send us your resume to [email protected] or visit our site



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Do you speak more than two languages?Communication is one of your strengths?Sprichst du ein wenig deutsch?Always one step ahead too?


We are an international transport and logistics service provider that offers comprehensive and partial cargo solutions throughout the EU. Through many years of experience, competence and speed we have become a reliable partner for industry and trade. Our staff demonstrate high levels of service and communication skills, have a background in business and commerce and speak all main languages of the European Union. Whether a newcomer to the workforce or a long-standing business professional with experience in the industry, working for HARTL provides every opportunity for further development.

We are constantly looking to strengthen our successful team in Timisoara in the fi eld of

It awaits you a fi eld of activity requiring high level of responsibility and independent work within a dynamic and professional environment. Attractive conditions and an appropriate remuneration are ensured. Extensive training and support will be provided during the introductory phase in order to familiarise you with the internal and external organizational processes.


Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected]

We are looking forward to your application and assure confi dentiality of your data at all times.




Stellenanz_Web_210x297.indd 1 13.03.14 09:09

Honeywell International Inc., infiintata in 1885, proiecteaza si produce solutii inovatoare pentru automatizari industriale si civile, explorare spatiala, industria de automobile, produse generatoare de energie, produse chimice speciale, materiale plastice si produse electronice performante si face parte din elita companiilor lider de piata la nivel mondial. Honeywell are peste 130.000 de angajati in 100 de tari. Honeywell Life Safety Romania, infiintata in Lugoj in 1993, face parte din familia Honeywell International Inc. si activeaza in domeniul productiei si dezvoltarii de sisteme de detectie de incendiu si sisteme de apel medical. Produsele, serviciile si tehnologiile care dau nastere Solutiilor de Automatizare si Control (Automation and Control Solutions – ACS) sunt deja prezente in peste 100 de milioane de case si peste cinci milioane de cladiri din lumea intreaga. Fara sa mai mentionam aeronave, trenuri sau automobile. In plus monitorizam si controlam procesele industriale pentru a duce productivitatea industriilor complexe la un nou nivel. Si facem posibila dezvoltarea si miniaturizarea aparatelor medicale. Ce oportunitati avem pentru tine? -Dezvoltare profesionala si personala -Posibilitatea de a efectua stagiu de practica pe parcursul vacantei de vara -Posibilitatea de a intra in contact cu mediul industrial si tehnologia moderna cat si de a invata prin cercetare si practica -Oportunitatea de a-ti construi o cariera dinamica si de a acumula experienta profesionala Contacteaza-ne pentru a te alatura echipei noastre!

... Cladim o lume mai sigura si mai protejata… Mai confortabila si mai eficienta energetic…

Mai inovatoare si mai productiva! ©2013 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.

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Do you speak more than two languages?Communication is one of your strengths?Sprichst du ein wenig deutsch?Always one step ahead too?


We are an international transport and logistics service provider that offers comprehensive and partial cargo solutions throughout the EU. Through many years of experience, competence and speed we have become a reliable partner for industry and trade. Our staff demonstrate high levels of service and communication skills, have a background in business and commerce and speak all main languages of the European Union. Whether a newcomer to the workforce or a long-standing business professional with experience in the industry, working for HARTL provides every opportunity for further development.

We are constantly looking to strengthen our successful team in Timisoara in the fi eld of

It awaits you a fi eld of activity requiring high level of responsibility and independent work within a dynamic and professional environment. Attractive conditions and an appropriate remuneration are ensured. Extensive training and support will be provided during the introductory phase in order to familiarise you with the internal and external organizational processes.


Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected]

We are looking forward to your application and assure confi dentiality of your data at all times.




Stellenanz_Web_210x297.indd 1 13.03.14 09:09

Honeywell International Inc., infiintata in 1885, proiecteaza si produce solutii inovatoare pentru automatizari industriale si civile, explorare spatiala, industria de automobile, produse generatoare de energie, produse chimice speciale, materiale plastice si produse electronice performante si face parte din elita companiilor lider de piata la nivel mondial. Honeywell are peste 130.000 de angajati in 100 de tari. Honeywell Life Safety Romania, infiintata in Lugoj in 1993, face parte din familia Honeywell International Inc. si activeaza in domeniul productiei si dezvoltarii de sisteme de detectie de incendiu si sisteme de apel medical. Produsele, serviciile si tehnologiile care dau nastere Solutiilor de Automatizare si Control (Automation and Control Solutions – ACS) sunt deja prezente in peste 100 de milioane de case si peste cinci milioane de cladiri din lumea intreaga. Fara sa mai mentionam aeronave, trenuri sau automobile. In plus monitorizam si controlam procesele industriale pentru a duce productivitatea industriilor complexe la un nou nivel. Si facem posibila dezvoltarea si miniaturizarea aparatelor medicale. Ce oportunitati avem pentru tine? -Dezvoltare profesionala si personala -Posibilitatea de a efectua stagiu de practica pe parcursul vacantei de vara -Posibilitatea de a intra in contact cu mediul industrial si tehnologia moderna cat si de a invata prin cercetare si practica -Oportunitatea de a-ti construi o cariera dinamica si de a acumula experienta profesionala Contacteaza-ne pentru a te alatura echipei noastre!

... Cladim o lume mai sigura si mai protejata… Mai confortabila si mai eficienta energetic…

Mai inovatoare si mai productiva! ©2013 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.

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Hello, We are Haufe-Lexware Romania!

Haufe-Lexware Romania SRL Timisoara

300081, Str. Gh. Lazar, Nr. 24

Cladirea Fructus Plaza

Presently, over 60 skilled and dynamic developers are working in close collaboration with their peers in Freiburg to develop mobile, desktop and web applications, as well as cloud services for all of the above. Our goal,both in Timisoara and in Freiburg, is to create the perfect workplace for people who are passionate about software development.

2014 marks the fourth anniversary of Haufe-Lexware Romania. Our company, an exciting software research and development center, is part of the German Haufe Group, a nationwide market leader in the fields of finance, taxation and accounting software.

Our goal is to provide software professionals with a chance to develop top quality products using the latest development environments. The mission is to grow Haufe-Lexware Romania into one of the top software houses in Timisoara. „German quality software” is ourmotto.

We are interested in continuing our involvement in university activities. We offer students opportunities for training, internships and part time jobs. Noteworthy examples are: Best EngineeringCompetition, Excite and Liga AC LABS.

We are a key player in the local software development community. We are involved in organizing events and meetups such as TiMo Dev,Codecamp, Testing Camp, TM JUG, HackTM. and our developers are skilled presenters and active community contributors.

Apply now: [email protected]

Also visit us at: www.haufe-lexware.ro

Facebook: Haufe Lexware Romania

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Technology with Vision

HELLA Romania – Light Up your careerWe are hiring! Be part of HELLA family!

HELLA is a global technology group boasting more than 30,000 employees at over 100 locations in more than 35 countries. We develop and manufacture lighting technolo-gy and electronics for the automobile industry and have

parts, accessories, diagnostics and service in Europe. With sales of approx. 5.3 billion euros in the fiscal year 2013/2014, HELLA is among the 100 largest German industrial companies and one of the top 50 automotive suppliers in the world. At the same time, HELLA is a family-run company that has been planning and acting with vision for over 100 years. An employer that knows that success, security, satisfaction and trust are important prerequisites for every individual's innovative power. That, by conviction, offers outstand-ing development opportunities and has anchored reconciliation of family and professional life in its DNA. For this reason, we attract people that are looking for both: Innovation and tradition, freedom and responsibility, challenges and security. People with vision.In HELLA Romania there are more than 2000 employees, in 4 cities: Timisoara, Arad, Lugoj and Craiova.

Contact information:Address: Str. Hella nr. 3 Ghiroda, TimisWebsite: www.hella.comE-mail: [email protected]: 0372.227.100

MES EngineeriTAC MES Project CoordinationInformation Security AuditorSAP Consultant SDSystem Administrator for Team CenterProduct Engineering Expert

Expert for Computer Aided Process PlanningSystem AdministratorExpert Corporate StandardsMaterial Management ExpertCompetence Field Leader - Technical IT SecurityHelpdesk Specialist (1st Level Support) - German SpeakerExpert Customer Requirements2nd Level Support - Client Administration

Available jobs:

All the above mentioned positions require: University degree, Good English and/or German Skills, Motivation and Creativity.

Information Security Consultant

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Firma Huf Romania este o investiţie a grupului de firme Huf International GmbH, care este lider în dez-voltarea şi producţia sistemelor de acces, închidere şi im-obilizare pentru industria autovehiculelor.

Mulţi şoferi care privesc mai atenţi cheile maşinii lor, vor descoperi pe partea metalică a cheii sigla Huf. Statis-ticile spun că tot a treia maşina deţine mânere, încuietori, sisteme de ghidaj, carduri electrice de acces precum şi telecomenzi, toate fabricate de Huf. În anul 2013, cifra de afaceri a companiei a depăşit suma de 1.1 miliarde de Euro.

Noile sisteme electronice de deschidere şi pornire – Passive Entry şi Passive Start – sunt produse şi dezvoltate de către Huf în exclusivitate pentru Daimler AG.

Astăzi numele Huf este sinonim cu inovaţie şi calitate.Grupul Huf are locaţii în 19 ţări pe 3 continente (Europa, America şi Asia) şi 7,000

de angajaţi. Dacă sunteţi interesaţi să aflaţi mai

multe informaţii despre compania noastră sau doriţi să vă alăturaţi nouă, ne puteţi con-tacta la următoarele adrese:

Huf Romania AradZona Industrială Vest, Strada IV, nr. 7, 310491Tel: +40 257 220 178E-mail: [email protected],www.huf-group.com R&D Centre TimisoaraPiața Consiliul Europei, Nr.1, Etaj 6, 300627Tel: +40 356 229 911E-mail: [email protected],www.huf-group.com


Timișoara: Stagiu de practicăLucrare de licență

Job-uri în TimișioaraSoftware Developer beginnerEmbedded Software DeveloperWhite Bvox TesterBlack Box Software TesterManager for Software Testing Department

Job-uri în Arad: Specialist matrițeInginer proiectant

Descrierea companiei

S.C. Huf Romania SRL


cics.upt.ro 25

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With its two business units Engine Systems and Components as well as Filtration and Engine Peripherals, MAHLE ranks among the top three systems suppliers worldwide. The Behr Group was integrated into the MAHLE Group at the start of 2014 and makes up the Thermal Man-agement business unit. Consequently, MAHLE also ranks among the leading OEMs worldwide in vehicle air conditioning and engine cooling. All of the Group’s nonautomotive activities are combined in the Industry business unit with products from the application areas of filtration, thermal management, and large engines for industrial purposes. The Aftermarket business unit serves the independent spare parts market with MAHLE products in OE quality.

MAHLE has a local presence in all major world markets. In 2014, some 64,000 employees at over 140 production locations and ten major research and development centers are expected to gener-ate sales of around ten billion euros.


MAHLE Componente de Motor/ Divizia Automotive/ Calea Aradului Industrial Engineer Process Engineer Maintenance Engineer Senior Mechanical Design Engineer Capacity&Layout Engineer Project Launch Manager Supplier Quality Engineer Process Technician Maintenance Technician Project Buyer Design Team Leader Warehouse Team Leader Work Group Leader Recruiting Specialist HR Specialist

MAHLE Componente de Motor/ Divizia Filtre Industriale/ Calea Buziașului Sudor Operator mașina debitare cu laser Operator mașina de îndoit CNC Abkant

Descrierea companiei


Aplică acum:

MAHLE Componente de Motor - CaleaAradului, DN 69, Km 6.6, Timișoaratel. 0256 265 630, fax.0256 265 [email protected] www.jobs.mahle.com/romania



Page 29: SC Huf Romania SRL

1. Compiler/Tools Engineer/Lead for DSP Processors

2. Embedded SW Engineers/Leads

3. Digital Signal Processing Applications Developer/Lead

4. Eclipse IDE RCP/CDT Engineer

5. Senior Python Scripting/Automation Engineer

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Océ SoftwareRomânia

Océ innovation &technology center

Océ Software SRL

Timişoara 300222, Bd. Mihai Viteazu 30B, T: 0256 200 786


Océ is one of the leading providers of document management and printing for professionals. The Océ o�ering includes o�ce printing and copying systems, high speed digital production printers and wide format printing systems for both technical documentation and color display graphics.

In 2010 Océ joined the Canon Group of companies with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, to create the global leader in the printing industry.

Established in 2005, Océ Software România is the largest Océ R&D software application site worldwide, with over 160 employees.

Océ Software România carries out a wide range of software development, cutting-edge testing technique for cutsheet, continuous feed and wide format printing.

We value our sta� by investing in their development, health and good employment practices. Our workplace has a creative, dynamic and fun atmosphere that allows people to develop their potential and enjoy sharing experience with other profes-sionals. If this sounds appealing, why not join our team?

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Suntem cel mai mare producător de petrol și gaze din Europa de Sud-Est.O performanță pe care am obținut-o prin profesionalism, pionierat, parteneriat.Valori în care credem și pe care le căutăm în fiecare om din echipă.

Dacă vrei să faci parte din echipa noastră, îți așteptăm CV-ul la [email protected].

Căutăm colegi care să ne inspire și pe care să-i inspirăm pe drumul lor spre performanță. Ești unul din ei?

Petrom macheta HR 14,85x21_bleed.pdf 1 10/20/14 1:09 PM

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Founded in 1872, Pirelli is am

ong the m

ain tire makers globally. P

resent in over

160 countries,


has 22

manufacturing sites and em

ploys ap-proxim

ately 38,000 people around the w

orld. Pirelli is a leading producer of


tires with a strong com


ment to R


. Successfully com

peting in m

otorsports since 1907, Pirelli is

currently the exclusive supplier of the Form

ula1 cham

pionship, the


perbike w

orld cham

pionship, and


other cham

pionships around

the World. P

irelli is recognized as a socially


corporation that

ap-plies sustainable practices in every-thing from

“green performance” prod-

ucts to providing a healthy environ-m

ent for its workers and their fam

i-lies. P

irelli Tyres Rom

ania is part of the Pi-relli & C

Spa G

roup and is present in R

omania since 2006 w

ith tire factory in S

latina (Olt).

Pirelli Tyres R

omania S.r.l.

Soseaua D

raganesti, 35 - 230150 S

latina w



Reach your professional goal at P

irelli! Join a G

lobal Com

pany operating in 160 countries. You'll be w

orking with the entire W

orld... Prem

ium People for Prem

ium C



on’t wait, send your C

V to:



Brand Prom

ise: Our claim


er is nothing


control" is

the es-

sence of Pirelli's products and ac-

tions: high


research and

innovation, com

bined w

ith re-

sponsibility, safety, together with re-

spect for the environment and sus-


Great qualities, Fastest careers

To work at P

irelli, you should be













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SAGUARO TECHNOLOGY, Inc. www.saguarotech.net

U.S.-based Saguaro Technology, Inc., was founded in 1999 to provide long-term, multiple project-based Software Development services. Saguaro Technology’s goal is to establish a strong, collaborative, working relationship with our customers and be a part of the team.

IBM was the company's first customer and strategic business partner. The former IBM Printing Systems Division, now Ricoh InfoPrint Solutions, is still Saguaro's largest customer and the relationship continues to expand. Saguaro Print provides dedicated development services to support software, hardware and professional services based solutions which InfoPrint Solutions, in turn, provides to a wide spectrum of customers including IBM and many others that are ranked in the Fortune 500.

In 2004, to accommodate its ongoing growth and future expansion needs, Saguaro Technology established a second subsidiary, SaguaroNet S.R.L.. SaguaroNet began providing software development services to Saguaro Tech's newest customer, Asyst Technologies, Inc., in early 2005. At the end of 2012, SaguaroNet began collaborating with Brooks, a company that supplies best-in-class automation solutions for semiconductor manufacturing, with software development and support engineering services.

Today the company has grown over 280 full-time developers, QA engineers and technical support specialists. Its projects include high-speed color imaging and document processing, creating the software that controls the fastest digital color printer in the world, as well as the automation and robotics for the semiconductor fabrication equipment sold to the world’s largest and best known chip makers.

In addition to the great people, collegial working environment and interesting projects, Saguaro Tech offers top-end salaries and among the very best benefits in the industry! These include savings plan, medical and dental benefits, gym and sports memberships, professional training programs and much, much more!

Job Opportunities: Opportunities for Students: C/C++ Developer Paid Internship Java Developer C# Developer Java/Web UI Developer QA Engineer

Contact information: website: www.saguarotech.net email: [email protected] phone: 0356 101 962

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Join the R&D department of one of Europe’s leading software companies

Visma Software Research & Development department (R&D) drives Visma’s technological innovation in areas that shape the future of international business systems. We create business software solutions that improve our customers’ efficiency through business process automation. We develop business software solutions such as ERP, CRM, logistics, HRM and payroll along with other add-ons. Currently, we have more than 800 R&D employees located in Europe. We offer:

• An exciting position in an international working environment. You will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled team and work in smaller scrum teams.• The chance to work with interesting customer segments, in a creative working environment, using the latest technologies, methodologies and tools.• Good opportunities for career development by working in different projects and in an extensive and successful international company.• Some traveling in Europe.• Continued training and the opportunity to keep up-to-date within your field.• Company holiday apartments in Spain and France.• Competitive terms and conditions, including pension schemes.


Visma makes businesses more efficient, through offerings of software, outsourcing services, commerce solutions, retail IT-solutions, and IT-related projects and consulting. We simplify and digitalize core business processes within the private and public sector. 340 000 customers in Northern Europe utilize our products and services, and an additional 330 000 use us as a hosting partner. We are 5 600 employees and our net revenue amounted to NOK 6 500 million in 2013.

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Webasto AG, cu sediul în München/Germania, a fost înființată în 1901 ca o afacere de familie. Webasto este unul din primii 100 de furnizori auto la nivel mondial. Domeniile de bază ale companiei includ dezvoltarea și producția de sisteme de acoperiș, decapo-tare și caroserie, precum și sisteme de încălzire, climatizare și ventilație pentru automo-bile, respectiv vehicule comerciale. Webasto este de mai mulți ani, numărul 1 mondial în producția de trape auto și încălzitoare staționare. Webasto Romania SRL și-a început activitatea în iunie 2008, în cadrul Zonei Industriale Zimandu Nou, jud. Arad, și dorește să rămână în România pe termen lung, încurajând angajații să facă același lucru, atât prin salarii competitive cât și prin condiții de muncă excelente: un pachet consistent de beneficii, bonusuri, precum și transport gratuit.


Manufacturing EngineerQuality EnginerSupply Chain CoordinatorMaintenance Technician


Parcul Industrial F.N.317425 Judetul Arad, Comuna Zimandu Nou

(+4) 0257 203 035(+4) 0257 203 [email protected]

Descrierea companiei



Join the R&D department of one of Europe’s leading software companies

Visma Software Research & Development department (R&D) drives Visma’s technological innovation in areas that shape the future of international business systems. We create business software solutions that improve our customers’ efficiency through business process automation. We develop business software solutions such as ERP, CRM, logistics, HRM and payroll along with other add-ons. Currently, we have more than 800 R&D employees located in Europe. We offer:

• An exciting position in an international working environment. You will be part of a dynamic and highly skilled team and work in smaller scrum teams.• The chance to work with interesting customer segments, in a creative working environment, using the latest technologies, methodologies and tools.• Good opportunities for career development by working in different projects and in an extensive and successful international company.• Some traveling in Europe.• Continued training and the opportunity to keep up-to-date within your field.• Company holiday apartments in Spain and France.• Competitive terms and conditions, including pension schemes.


Visma makes businesses more efficient, through offerings of software, outsourcing services, commerce solutions, retail IT-solutions, and IT-related projects and consulting. We simplify and digitalize core business processes within the private and public sector. 340 000 customers in Northern Europe utilize our products and services, and an additional 330 000 use us as a hosting partner. We are 5 600 employees and our net revenue amounted to NOK 6 500 million in 2013.

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ACI Universal Payments x x

AEM S.A x x x x x x


AQUATIM S.A x x x x

ATOS IT Solutions and Services x x x



Berg Computer x x x

Coindu x x x x x x x x x

Continental Automotive Romania x x x x x x

Continental Automotive Products x x x x x x


S.C. ELBA S.A. x x

ETASC ETA2U SRL2U x x x x x


Hella Romania x x x x x x



S.C. Huf Romania SRL x x


LeoniWiring Systems Arad x x x x x





OMV PETROM x x x x x x x x

Procter&Gamble x x x x x x x

Pirelli Tyres Romania x x x x x x



USTRAVEL x x x x x x x x x x

Visma x x

Webasto x x x x x x

Yazaki x x x x


Zoppas Industries Romania x x x x x

ANOFM x x x x x x x x x x


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Centrul de Informare și Consiliere a Studenților

