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SCC Highlights - September 2011

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SCC Highlights - September 2011
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A monthly publication of the Somers Congregational Church, UCC September, 2011 Gathered in Somers, Connecticut, March 15, AD 1727 Volume 284 Number 9 The Reverend Dr. Barry Cass, Pastor Church Email Addresses: Barry Cass - [email protected] Carly Sanborn - [email protected] Jacqueline Nappi - [email protected] Barbara Anderson - [email protected] Website: www.somerscongregational.org The First Sunday of each month is Name Badge Sunday! Be known! Wear your Name Badge. No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP CORNER, located in the Foundation Room will be open on the second and fourth Sunday’s of the month. If you are interested in buying one of the items, please contact Barbara Anderson BROWN BAG SUNDAY IS SEPTEMBER 18 - PLEASE BRING A GROCERY BAG DONATION OF NON- PERISABLE FOOD FOR THE FOOD PANTRY! BAROQUE PLAYERS CONCERT The date has been changed from Saturday, October 1 to Sunday, October 2 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Reception to follow in Room 206.
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A monthly publication of the Somers Congregational Church, UCC September, 2011Gathered in Somers, Connecticut, March 15, AD 1727 Volume 284 Number 9

The Reverend Dr. Barry Cass, Pastor

Church Email Addresses:

Barry Cass - [email protected] Carly Sanborn - [email protected] Jacqueline Nappi - [email protected] Barbara Anderson - [email protected] Website: www.somerscongregational.org

The First Sunday of each month is

Name Badge Sunday! Be known! Wear your Name


No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP CORNER, located in the Foundation Room will be open on the second and fourth Sunday’s of the month. If you are interested in buying one of the items, please contact Barbara Anderson





The date has been changed from Saturday, October 1 to

Sunday, October 2 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Reception to follow in Room 206.

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From your Pastor . . . .

I spent a few days of my vacation this summer at a gathering of the

Towne Family Association in Salem, Massachusetts. Over one hundred of

us gathered from around the USA and Canada to touch base with one another, share genealogical information,

and visit some of the significant sites in Salem. We are all descended, in one way or another, from William and

Joanna (Blessing) Towne, who came to America in about 1635. Through eleven and more generations, we have

spread out across the country and had an influence in a variety of ways. We count Lucille Ball and author Jack

London among our family members, as well as numerous politicians, diplomats, business people and lots of just

plain folk.

Three of the second generation Townes in America are among those arrested in Salem in 1692, having

been accused of witchcraft. The three elderly sisters, Rebecca Towne Nurse, Mary Towne Esty and Sarah

Towne Cloyes, were identified and arrested in the hysteria, and Rebecca and Mary were both executed and

Sarah held in jail and released as the hysteria died down.

It seems unbelievable that so many innocent people were executed on flimsy evidence at best, and we

wonder just what happened to the good people of New England that allowed them to be led astray as they were.

It frightens me to realize even the good people became victims to the hysteria and lost all sense of proportion

and reason. From our twenty-first century perspective it seems wild that the hysteria and destruction became

policy in and around Salem and Boston, all of northern coastal New England really, for a while.

But then, I turn on the news: I see the things that are happening in our own country, and hear some

pretty irresponsible and outlandish comments from people who are leaders in Washington. I also see and hear

things from other parts of the world. It is frightening to realize there are people today who are as easily

convinced that lies are true and misrepresentations of belief and faith are accurate. Ignorance is wide-spread

and in some corners even seems to be envied and emulated.

This month we will be sharing in the observance of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New

York and Washington, and the downing of the plane in Pennsylvania. There will be many opportunities to

reflect on what those attacks have meant to us individually and as a society over the past ten years. The events

of that day were horrible and there should never be any attempt to minimize the pain created by them. Any

observance of 9/11 should solemnly pay homage to the lives lost that day.

The ignorance and wrong-thinking that led to the 9/11 attacks should be forever condemned, but they

should also drive us to a deeper commitment to serving the truth and to understanding people who are different

from us. We would do well to honor those who lost their lives that day, and those who have given their lives in

the wars that have followed, by refusing to condemn all the followers of Islam because of the insanity and

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inhumanity of a few. We would do well to recognize as fellow descendents of Abraham those who also seek

peace and understanding, who join with us in trying to build a world in which the horrors of terrorism and way

cease to exist.

Let us not find ourselves among those who acquiesced to the evil of the witch hysteria of 1792, but let

us be among those who stand for peace and understanding, and a cooperative building of a world in which

everyone can enjoy freedom to be and to become children of God. As we observe and remember 9/11 this year,

let us continue to be a community open to diversity and true expressions of faith.

Peace -- Barry

Second Tuesday Book Club

The Book Group

Tuesday, September 13th – 7 P.M. -- Open to EVERYONE! Come along and share what you have been reading this summer! Together

we will choose a book for October.

Over the past several months the church and church office have been robbed twice. We have taken several steps to increase security in the parking lot and the church building, including making sure no cash is left in the building. Please be sure to lock your car in the parking lot, and check to be sure the doors are locked and building secure when you leave. Thank you.

The House and Grounds Committee has re-keyed the building as of JUNE 30.

All keys to the building will need to be turned in. If you are on a committee or

board that requires you to have a key to the building you will be re-issued a new


Please contact Jo-Ann at 860-394-9780 or Anne at 860-508-7334


Changes are coming to the Church Web Site. If you have not checked it out recently, this would be a good time

to take a few minutes to see what is there. You’ll find information on our programs, a calendar of events, Field

of Flag photos and much more!

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Altar Flowers for the Month of September Sept 4 OPEN Sept 11 Altar Flowers this morning are given by the Robert August Family in loving memory of Beatrice and Orville A. Wilson Sept 18 Altar Flowers this morning are given by the Michael Mangini in loving memory of his wife Charlotte Mangini Sept 25 OPEN

It is our custom that altar flowers are donated in memory of or in honor of loved ones. Arrangements can be bought or hand-done. An individual or a group of individuals can donate them.

There can be more than one bouquet on any given Sunday. If you would like to give flowers for the altar in September, please call Liesbeth Burns (860-749-7543)

Needed items:

Jelly or Jam, Canned Tuna or Chicken, Hamburger Helper, 1 Skillet

Packaged Meals, Ramen Noodles, Soup, Cereal, Coffee, Macaroni &

Cheese, Pasta (Not Spaghetti), Mayonnaise, Snacks for Children,

Sugar/Salt FREE foods, Crackers

Juice - 32 oz (apple or cranberry)

We gratefully accept monetary donations as they go a long way at Foodshare.

Champ’s Place We want to thank everyone who has been faithful this summer keeping Champ’s Place supplied with needed food and responding to our special requests. How great it has been to have a selection of fresh vegetables from local gardens and healthy snacks to share with client families. It was also great to know that many of our church members and friends shared back to school items with the town Social Services Department, so we could let our clients know they could get backpacks and other back-to-school items from there. We are finding our ability to help expands as we buildup cooperative relationships with other helping agencies and groups. The other day the Chili Cook-Off organizer stopped by to donate some Geissler’s gift certificates and to make sure we are still on board for the April 28 and 29, 2012 event.

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Church History 

Our Third and present Meeting House This information is taken from a history of our church written by Rev. Ransom Hammond to be included in our church directory of 1967. The Rev. Charles Ricketts, in his sermon on the occasion of the rededication of the Somers Congregational Church in 1892 had this to say about

our second meeting house “Its large and conspicuous appearance must have made a lasting impression on all who worshipped there. The high old fashioned pulpit, the deacons’ seats, the box pews and the green sounding board which hung like a millstone over the minister’s head are among the old memories of Somers.” By the year 1840, this edifice was in need of such extensive repairs it was decided to build a new church in its present location “conceded to be the center of importance”. This new church, our present church building, was finished in 1842 at a cost of $6000. The basement of the church was the town hall and there town meetings were held over the years and indeed until the erection of our present town hall in 1948. In 1892 extensive repairs were made and from a report of the rededication ceremonies held at that time we learn that “the galleries and vestibule have been ceiled; the old windows and blinds have been replaced with the modern cathedral glass windows, the walls repapered and decorated, a polished brass chandelier and two elegant candelabra for the pulpit take the place of the old lamps and the whole inside thoroughly painted.” In 1925, an electrically operated pipe organ was presented as a memorial and dedicated with impressive ceremony. In 1945, the church decided that extensive repairs were again needed and the Christian Heritage Fund, with a goal of $12,000 was inaugurated. Finished by 1947 were the repairs which included a complete renovation of the exterior, alterations to the basement, extensive changes in the auditorium and chancel and refurbishing of the whole interior. Also the organ console was moved to the front of the church. At this time the town offered to move the chapel which stood across the street, to the rear of the church in exchange for a deed to the land on which it stood. A foundation was erected and the chapel known as “Pilgrim Hall” was moved to its present location, once again with an impressive rededication service. During the following years the church continued to grow until it became necessary to plan for the erection of an educational building. In 1959, we formally dedicated our new Parish House, a two story building of colonial design in keeping with the architecture of the church. This was named The Bugbee Center to honor Emily Bugbee our much beloved church school superintendent. An account of the changing physical properties of the church, while they are not all-important in themselves, do give a very graphic indication of the vigor, vitality and growth of the Somers Congregational Church over the years. We think of ourselves as a truly community church serving the spiritual interests of the community and offering to all the opportunity to freely worship God and to join with others in actively carrying forward the work of the church.

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Field of Flags The 6,198 flags are currently at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and the New

Martinsville United Methodist Church located the side of a hill on route in New Martinsville,

West Virginia.

The church had two people reading the names of all 6,198 casualties as the flags were put into the

ground. Since the set up last week there have been 12

additional casualties including one from Hartford, Connecticut. One of the Navy Seals that was killed recently was from Stamford,


Worship at Blair Manor

On the Second Tuesday of each month our church is responsible for a worship service

at Blair Manor Worship service. Led by our pastor, it begins at 10:30 A.M. and lasts

about a half hour. We are fortunate that Anne Larson accompanies the group in

singing two hymns as part of the service. Other members and friends of the church

are more than welcome to join us, to be a part of the service and to add voices to the

singing. If you have any questions, talk to Barry.

In September the Blair Manor worship service will be Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 10:30 A.M.

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Somers Congregational United Church of Christ

599 Main Street Somers, Connecticut 860 763 4021

Free Community Supper 5 to 6:30 P.M.

Thursday, September 15th

The next FREE Community Supper will be on Wednesday, September 15 from 5 to 6:30 P.M. EVERYONE is invited to share this free Community Supper and to enjoy the fellowship and

good time. Bring your family and friends. We are looking for hosts to help prepare and serve Suppers in the coming months. Talk with

Barry about details and to sing up to help. Let us know you are coming by signing up at church, or calling or e-mailing the church office.

Pound Auction September 24 - 7 P.M.

Refreshments will be served! Fun for Everyone!

What is a Pound Auction?

Pound = A unit of weight equal to 16 ounces (453.592 grams)

Auction = A sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder.

Everyone is asked to bring one item for the auction. Each item should weigh ONE POUND.

GIFT WRAP your item, and don' tell anyone what it is. Bidders bid based on the appearance of the wrapped

item and on their thought of what might be inside.

Once the highest bid is received, the winning bidder will open the package for all to see!

Use your imagination when deciding what to bring - - anything that weighs a pound -- Could be a pound of

nails, a pound of flower seeds, a pound of fudge, a pound of books, a pound of cheese -- a pound of . . . what

have you? The only limits are the weight and your imagination!

Gift wrap your pound in an appealing way and watch as the bids rise and rise.

ALL proceeds will benefit the Network Against Domestic Abuse.

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September Scripture Readings * passage that will be Church School's prime focus for the week

** passage with secondary focus

September 4

*Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 149 **Romans 13:8-14 Matthew 18:15-20

September 11 (Homecoming Sunday)

*Exodus 14:19-31 Psalm 114 **Romans 14:1-12 Matthew 18:21-35

September 18

Exodus 16:2-15 Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 **Philippians 1:21-30 *Matthew 20:1-16

September 25

**Exodus 17:1-1 Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16 Philippians 2:1-13 *Matthew 21:23-32

October 2 (World Communion Sunday)

Exodus 20:14, 7-9, 12-20 Psalm 19 Philippians 3:4b-14 *Matthew 21:33-46

Don Kennett Memorial CROP Walk Sunday, October 16th Registration 1:30 P.M. and Step Off 2 P.M.

At the Somers Golf Center

It is not too early to mark you calendar and begin making plans to participate in this year’s CROP Walk. In addition to walking to raise money to help combat hunger here in Somers and around the world, this year you can participate on line – contacting your family and friends to help support your walk. There will also be new incentives for walkers and fund raisers. SIGN-UP this week to be a walker and/or a sponsor. This is a great event for kids and families - even dogs can walk and be part of the fun! Let's make this our best year yet!

United in Marriage . . . .

On August 6, 2011, Penny Bacchiochi and Emil Igwenagu were married at the Somers Congregational Church. Rev. Barry Cass officiated.

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Sunday School Registration Form Please use one form per child

Child’s name:______________________________________________________________

Name of Parent(s) or Guardian(s): _____________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________________________

(most communication will be via email)

Grade entering: _______ Age of child: _______ Date of Birth: ______________________


Information regarding your child: ______________________________________________

Child’s interests: ___________________________________________________________

Please check the areas in which you are willing to volunteer. Somers Congregational

Sunday School is a cooperative style program. The success of the program depends on all of us.

___ Teach Sunday school

___ Substitute for Teachers

___ Group Activity Leader

(Leading Sunday School on Holiday Weekends)

___ Thanksgiving Event Helper

___ Christmas Pageant Helper

___ Care Room Volunteer

___ Summer Sunday School


Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________________

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Homecoming Sunday…. September 11.

Please join us on Sunday, September 11 for the beginning of a new Sunday school year. Registration begins at 9:30 am. Come meet the teachers and register your child. We will have coffee and light refreshments for you to enjoy.

Join us after church for ice cream sundaes in the Foundation Room. I look forward to seeing all of you on

Homecoming Sunday. Liz Scanlon, Christian Education Director

Just a reminder There will be a Sunday School Teachers meeting on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 9:00 am.

Sunday School Volunteers

Please let me know if you are interested in helping out in the Sunday School any time throughout the year. We are also looking

for substitute teachers. If interested, you can email me at [email protected]

Daisy Diane (Furman) Cunningham of Somers entered into eternal life on August 5, 2011. A funeral service was held at the church on

August 9 and committal was in Rose Hill Memorial Park in Rocky Hill. Rev. Barry Cass officiated.

John P. Richards of Somers entered into eternal life on August 6,

2011. The funeral service was on August 10 at the Somers Congregational Church. The burial will be private. Rev. Barry Cass


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Adult Choir First Rehearsal - Thursday, September 1, 7:00pm Rehearsals will continue Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 No Rehearsals: November 24 and December 22 Special Rehearsals/Services: Sunday, November 20 - Thanksgiving Combined Choir Evening Service Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Rehearsal 7:00pm Saturday, December 24 - Adult Choir will ONLY sing in the 7:30 Lessons & Carols Service Cherub & Youth Choirs First Rehearsals - Sunday, October 2, 11:15 & 11:30

Cherub Choir - 11:15 - 11:30 (ages 6 & under) Youth Choir - 11:30 - 11:45 (ages 7 & up) Rehearsals will continue every Sunday at 11:15 & 11:30 Special Rehearsals/Services: Saturday, December 24 - Cherub & Youth Choirs will ONLY sing in the 5:30 Family Service Bell Choir First Rehearsal: Thursday, October 6, 6:00pm Rehearsals will continue Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 6:50 No Rehearsals: November 24 and December 22 Special Rehearsals/Services: Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Rehearsal 6:30pm Saturday, December 24 - Bell Choir will ONLY play in the 7:30 Lessons & Carols Service Other Playing Opportunities: 10:00 Sunday Services - Play an Amen (1 - 3 ringers) Sunday, November 20 - Thanksgiving Evening Service (3 - 8 ringers) Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 11:00pm (3 - 8 ringers) Please contact me if you're interested in any of these potential performances Youth Chime Choir First Rehearsal: Sunday, October 9, 11:45 - 12:30 Rehearsals will continue every Sunday after from 11:45 - 12:30 Special Rehearsals/Services: Saturday, December 24 - Youth Chime Choir will ONLY play in the 5:30 Family Service Other Playing Opportunities: 10:00 Sunday Services - Play an Amen (1 - 3 ringers) Sunday, November 20 - Thanksgiving Evening Service (3 - 8 ringers) Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 11:00pm (3 - 8 ringers) Please contact me if you're interested in any of these potential performances

Important Dates:

Sunday, September 11 - Homecoming Sunday Sunday, November 20 - Thanksgiving Evening Service

Thursday, November 24 - Thanksgiving Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 25 - Christmas Thursday, December 29 - No Rehearsals Sunday, January 1, 2012 - No Rehearsals

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The Membership Board is sponsoring an Inquirer's

Meeting on Sunday, October 2 immediately following the 10 o'clock worship service. The hour-long meeting, to be held in Pilgrim Hall (Rm. 202) is for anyone who would like more information about

our church and about becoming a member. We will provide child care for anyone with little ones. We are looking forward to welcoming new members in the church and will be scheduling a Joining Sunday

shortly after the Inquirers' Meeting. Please call or e-mail the church office to let us know you are planning to attend on October 2.

If you have questions, please talk to one of the Membership Board members, or to Barry.

Afternoon Office Help Needed!

We are happy to welcome Carly Sanborn back to the Office!

Beginning on September 6 we will resume our regular

schedule: Monday 10-3, Tuesday thru Thursday 9 to 3. Carly

will be working 9 to 12 through September and we are looking

for someone to work from 12 to 3 during that time. Duties

will include handling phone calls, some copying and computer

work, and general office duties. This is a paid position. If you

are interested, please call or e-mail the office, or talk to Barry.

The United Church of Christ issued a $250,000 emergency relief appeal as a result of a drought causing food

shortage affecting more than 10 million people in East Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya).


1. Pray for the people and communities across the East Horn of Africa impacted by drought and famine and

UCC partners providing relief.

2. To assist people impacted by this disaster, please make a gift payable to your congregation marked for “East

Africa Drought/Famine” with the request they be sent through your Conference office on to Wider Church



Send gifts, made out to United Church of Christ and marked in the

memo portion “East Africa Drought/Famine” to United Church of

Christ; Financial Services; 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH


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Council Corner August 23, 2011

Share the Good News. The good news for this month is that Liz Scanlon started August 1st as our new Christian Education Director. Having a Christian Educator Director was one of the major recommendations from the Long Range Plan. Welcome Liz! Community Suppers. The community supper in August was sponsored by the Board of Deacons. September and October are open. Call the church office: 763-4021 if you can sponsor one. It

can be a group of friends, several families, a neighborhood, a board or a committee. Personnel Handbook. The handbook has been reviewed by the Church Council and the Finance Board, the Music & Arts Board and the Christian Education Board. The Church Council approved the revised Personnel Handbook. Committee appointments. John Moaks was appointed to the Board of Deacons and Bob Bujak was appointed to the Membership Board. Lead paint. The Finance Board has approved the proposal from a contractor for the lead paint abatement on the rear of the Bugbee Center. The proposal will be reviewed by the contact person in Hartford before proceeding. Insurance Appraisal. Rick Skodinski presented information about the possibility of having an appraisal done on all of the church properties in 2012 to see if our insurance coverage is sufficient. Crib Specifications. There are new requirements for cribs which means cribs purchased prior to 2010 will no longer be able to be used in our Care Room. The CE Board will look into the situation. Administrative Assistant. Carly will be returning part-time on September 6 and working 9 am-12 noon each day, so we will be looking to hire someone for about 6 weeks to work Mondays-Thursdays from 12 noon to 3pm. Anne Kirkpatrick ([email protected])


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Confirmation 2011 – 2012 This year’s Confirmation Class will begin on Sunday, September 25th at

5:30 P.M. with pizza and conversation for high school freshman, or other

high school kids who have not been confirmed, and their parents in

Bugbee Chapel. At the meeting we will be introducing the new

curriculum we will be using and getting everyone on the same page in

terms of expectations and requirements.

The curriculum features video input each week, and interactive workbook and the chance to post various

projects on a national website. In addition to attending worship and class together, working on a couple of

special worship services with the Deacons, members of the class will also be participating in one of our food

related mission activities, a service project and with the Sunday School. Members of the group who

successfully complete the class will be confirmed on March 25, 2012.

More information will soon be sent to those who have previously been registered in the Sunday school, but if

you have any questions, please be in touch with Barry.

Deadline for Next Highlights is September 21, 2011.

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Sunday Worship: 8:15 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Office Hours (M-Th.): 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Telephone: (860) 763-4021 Fax: (860) 763-5146 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.somerscongregational.org Senior Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Barry Cass Organist/Music Director: Jacqueline Nappi Care Room: Barbara Anderson Administrative Secretary: Carly Sanborn
