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ESTABLISHED MAY, IHV* VOL. XXV. .No. 44. umriiiamiw SCHOOL FWIRES MOIJNT SLOWW it V' rive iianbutions Continue to Ar- huU Term for S c h a ^ May Be AatmxtA. ' FORMER CO.NCi l.SSMAN HEADS PALMER JK)OM ^- .- ' C. C. Carlin is Chairtaaa of Gtua- mittw Seeking Pi^^deotii^ Nominatlwu irt, :'• I he school year already past ..liiv i>L-t for clositij^ on account of 11 k of funds in tile public trcM- Lhe alumni wvrkern costiniM H« ! subscriptions and the public ! w amounts to |2,003.47. untrikbtioM ave somewhat H hoped thjit the fund will ir... lily until it reaches a sum < .lugh H* insare a full school i,j the children of Manassas dia- ->ho faee a serious >ot«K the u- i enable to save. thftb^Tk' ributiona paid itf atona t}ie last rfpoit are: M J. Mitchell ^—^ & Dayis , Mauck —. Bucher. L..-.^ ^. A. Sinclair...- ,-^ I 'I,- fllee. B. (^ke ..... ,.„..:_.,: -.S. fi-. Cari Kandiato«;_J;:L.t.T.':.-.-...i •Carl J. AnttJw „.._L....' ..'.,. lobt. S. Newman..: ,—.. R. B, Spr:nkel •.»••„._......_ S. C. Com well ..._.., , . W, F. Hibbi „__ C; M. Larkin .... J.-^;!.^-'.. C. C. Leachauue '•.-. . , T. E. Didlake.^.'..- i,,-' Geo. G. Tyler- WaMter' Akers. Dr. L. P . HoagriL Byron SteVqi«^... C. F. M. Lewl«.i_. Ewell K. EvaBs..., F. A. Lewis.. W. H. Haydba.— C, H. Seely _.. James R. Larkini_.... .. James R. Dorrell Mrs. A. A. MalOM3r__: ilr%. L. H, Cox-.-.'—-, W. A. Crosby.™....^ B. Bullock _.„.. Mrs. T. R. Galleher. Mrs. P^.H. Ly Ifr s.'H^^en'^ij ill ^rnesT^t««?Sck~.._n; MBB. W. H. WvJtoMut.*.-*.. Miss Julia I..cwi>..^.^'.,.^*.i.>.,. A. S. RobertsdU-rT-^—<^' ., 4 2.00 8.00 ^ .^.... too -tz w*s^ w. se.eo %io «J)0 moo fob SJOO 6.0«^ 10.00 e.0A 30.00 6.00 fi0.00 25.00 10.00 ,..„ 10.00 10.00 — 10.00 «.: T.CO mi: Former Represeotative C C. Carlin, of AleOttidris, will h«ad the, primary committee wtiUxig UM mnBiaatioa of Attoney-Genersl Prtlmer for the pres- idency. - -—- - • Mr. Carlin was an intimate friend and co-worker of the 'sMontey-genera} when Mr. Palmer was a. member of congress. Both were ataundh supports ers of the Wilson poUcves la the-house and victors m^ a^^i M^l^^iA^H bat- tles *» citrry into efflbt^ SMue of tke ijioat notable achievemaats otthmim- ocratic administration. The personnel of the comndttae In- cludes J. Harry Covinn^o, treaanrer, and Major Oliver P. Ntfwntaii> secre- tary. Mr. Covington was for ten years a member of congnas ttom tlie eaBt«ra shore of Maryland and also a Wilson leader in the house. He re- signed to accept the high appointment by President WilKa as eHaf jaatUim of the supreme eo«rt ef tfaa Dlstriefc tS CMombia. U^iot Kewman is a iiew«> |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in the 1»12 e^mpttgA. He ««pt DTer««u with tly served te«i mo«Qu( wttfc ^bmSaffjuOl: leiry.hi Fit^ince. £1LDRENMUST VeO TO 568001 StittitkMipm Ovt ConsUtvUMia LiBtii to A««i Ui*<26mt^- lite Mazeb i n e e t ^ of the Unan was «ne of the moat soeeeasfcl lit the reoent htatoiy of the iaatltBta. lathe abe«Me ef Mr. J. Pri«aehMan,.iliP. * ARoat,. eoa of Om vi«««rMidanti, praaided. " ' l^e flrat speakw IntMdaced w^t Mr. H. B. Derr,'county «t«Bt of Fahr- taz, whose subject wap "Llmiar the StdL" Mr. Derr pointed'out the ^ take on tii*~part of the farmer of hcQr ing and aaadlnS high priced seed " ^ iQra.ha had satisfled himself ihi»ift> soil was in a snitaMo caockitte ttir producing the ^ i r a d arap. Moat farmers reaOae the need of lime, hoi it in more diffleolt to dster- mina how moeh lima' ia. nsadad, hy dtt- lersnt pieces ef land. Tbi Tntoi niethod a€ detemdaihg A addtty at the soil was dwuMMtnted and sam- ples of sail frto oar'oommiinity test- ed. By means of this teat, tha amount of lime needad by the soil was d«b$te. .Liijus ieair la-a very suapur ope, butmodp iaan aoeax«t»tban tiiai which.conaistajlifiadtair bine :aeiS«t paper. The l a t ^ test mfrely ihs^ whether Uauija needtd wHhoot ifi^- eating hoar mseh. Realizing tike practical value of the Tniog ^ t i n g outfit, tha. members of the institute, at the eleae «f Mr. Derr^ Morass, authnriaed the aeetetuy to purchase one for the tutitxttibi * / Desptte thi fact that compulsory. education was denounced by Senator Andrews as being as autoczmtie.as the Cermapcsyatcmi of~mijiiary~&»iiilog7 tliip.S^ate Thursday aftenmon, by a -of 2£ to 11, agreed to ^tnt reao^ onviBiag^fsaiatlMGqnati W. S. Gree3L..... #-'..^^^.^fMiiiU. Mrs. Ellen Berry.-..^r-..-—;- Mra. Charlfea Patdy.„..._«: ^ J. L, GorreiLi—..^ f_Ii_v Mrs. 5. G. Lun8ford....... jr.. Mise Maggie R. S^flftiv^, ,—• Dr. S. S. Siraps<te':._..._i...:. Mra. Edith W. Meta._ .. Uiss Mary £>ee C^apmaa.- W. H. I>avi8.:..„ .... i..^.™ J. H. Steele _...Vl.-.—-'— T. E. H. DJck«n*..^.i...-;.™.. T. W. Howar.: .... ..... .:^ E. M, Howard..; .... ^i:/...^i Dr. W. F. Merchant...___l. G. L. fiopenberger. ._.^ Calenii. Etrrr.i. Lee YKlSitiraa.... w. ^^^. ?or£.^.:.l~-.j.~. •}. W. WUte^ E. D. Howe..^ Fred H. POWB1L.„»..; Lillian Maloy _„.;. ;=, Nancy Witliaj^ .... ,„,..: Kmest Porter .?„ .. .. , _. Henry Norri*—-f .... —T._ R. A. WilliaaMf .._:. l_._'-_. Julia Gt«s ~ > -, ^ ' i. M. ^i^ietag^JZ^^ZTTZJ:^^^, C. W. Frye.._..._.-.,...,._ ...... W. M. Lovell..^ j.,.-..^. W. R. Williams .......: I Chas. Jackson ; The Manly School Leatne: Hannah Bailey..._-...».-„ _,.. ileorifia Berry > vVilliam Griffin... ...._ iVilliam Jackson ,-.4. ames RobinsOB.::»: •.i.iser^ Haimes.-— ...-. > ^ar.ncp Jackaoo— 1 .i^ ^rflffin.. ;.— .. ' 7rM e tJrifRn _. Rai lel Bcrrj' ....'.'. Arthur Winter .Mbcrt Davis- : ..".: Eva P. Lew3a.._ '. The ietinie Dean Loid-a- .... Hand Club ^ _. HABOfilC MKMtAIAL ..iilar f^an every Maaon in the, •w States ia the plan proposed to] ^ ^ h^ fund for the erectjon of the f m Alexandria to the oMmory Washington, which the George .:.irt«n Masonic national memo- assooib!)An proposes to erect ia rre W ruiriintr'on park. . - ai.'i ini r' ;,iii- general rxpenees • t • • ."-J. :.i."ri i *L :s n .> nro- ; Mitidrt^ ^ y h» eomptfed to atJKtbff: school and. leaving, the natter to t^ ffiscration of the^t^^iend Assembly.' ' Th«r amendment to the- state's or- gaaie law. already has racaitved^tiiia ap- pro^ Of the LegislatmK at two aoc- ceeding sessions and now laefas only tile ipdorsement of Vaginii^'s - votem. to beopm^ a part osf €he Constitnticm. Senator Lewis's. Epes,^lfottoway, fearing domination by* the sta'b^i^ black bdt and shortening of the school term, if tha white {lipalatioii is forced to maintain schpiA, which the blacks . will attend under the cjMration of the new law, failed' in ah effort, to .so amend the resohition as te leit^ the cempulsocy future up to the 'rotets uf cuuntiea and dties. , I4ei^-G«v. B. Frank Att^Muian, aet-^ iag en Senator C O'OiDor Goolnck's point ef toder, held that'ho resolattan whi^ has bem agreed to at one aes- •iwi of the Legislatvra ean.be atdead- )^ when It comes up for fi{lad I(^^ie)a- tive action, nor can another be offerad a » a subatitttte. ' ^ The reaolntion precipitate^oiie of the liveliest debates <A the sossion. Scoat<^(Hiyer started the ball te roU- ihg when lie moved that.eonsldetation of the laaoletioa be paiarf Vf. This ntetiop was daf^ted hy a' vote ft ^ t* 9-' „. ..'' Senator Mapp declared ^ e time haa come when Virginia, if she is to keep up with Inojem progress, mnst have a-real educational system. Lack of -funds has, he said, in the past kept advocates of confpiilsory educttioa frMn takihg the step which they are now ready to hazai^i People of the state mast have been terribly morti fied at the alarmingly Ugh pweettfage of illiteracy Virginia boys diectoscd M Camp Lee. In rei^ to the objection of Senator Ohvw that the voters of Virginia do not want it. Senator Mapp said he is willing to leave it b> Senator GoolriAjmade g-viy>roos spee<& in favor of the resolution, "^e cannot be deterred." he «e>d, from ton, bringing Virginia op from _tlw die ' (fracefiit pMlUvh she Rrw hold! tn the world of public edoeatiaB hy the spee- 'er of na^ro domiflatlaiL iB iSAt atxte :nere are 210.000 chiMeen of adwei who are not ia attendance t^wm either public or private schools. Of Uiii Dumber gT.660 are net earoUed « t all. No wonder Virginia is away down the line and we have to hang our head* in .shaTne." SeTiator I .-<^xe. of .'^^)<^s<'\, ..fr.Mmc im. 4.60 9:20 3.00 2.6oi loo 6.00 &40 6ix) ,«.oo 10 ,.00 8.00 3.25 «.00 ^6.0O 6.00 20.00. 6.O0 ZM iM zjsa 2.00 i-ii 1.00 1.8* 1.86 1.00 1^00 1.00 AJ» \jM 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 l.£0 1 i.as Loe d.«0 .26 -56 2.00 MANASSAS, VIRGINIA. PIUDAY, MAECH 19, 1»20 -'— ,i -. jfL FAIRFAX AGENT > MAKFSADBR^ J' -'' • * 'f' Blaekabar^SpedwHBt Ui*«a tl^t- linlte.JUvc Stock. P M i ^ ^ '\ fmr-FmecB.'-' ---c-'t- been ordered, and when it anivaa^^^ mM« are ixfSed to make i^se tA ft^ H ' will be Ifi^t in tlvB office q^ the oo«^y' agent' or at the Agrieolinral Hig^ School, and eitiher the oeuniy'agent ^, BBtScdtural iaatnietar t i n be ^ad to M 55SS LAWMAKERS END Provide for MaMoriab a»4 HMM ;" iOtevt B«tf«^ S7«t«p. (ittii HMM ki Tnm: TlirVIF^rT^Sitaire »ded its lies Satordajr. The >>nae in Its ektsiag seaaioB eonedried in action previonaly Ukao- by tiie emate preVid- j n c appropriatieadHCer a^ Uhvarf taniU- ing mi avditoriuiv «• a amneriid -^ Virginia •oldiers, aafibrs, marinei %pi women who sM^ned In the Iworid^iotr; a Sreprpof building for tiM yalskesy- ing of state archivea, and |k. menoaMOt to Matftbew Fontaine Maury. Forty thousand dollar* was appro*, priated for the depoaftm^ for Vizsinia morial iSirary. Tha msasnra pnMd- ing for a jnemorial to 'Vfrginia'a vat- oroaa solos and 4Migfat«rt carriaa a|i appt«priati<9 ef fSM.OOO, witk a'ree- ommsBdatiea te tite next gsnfral aa- semhly fe asake a'iAaOar i^tm^rtt- tien and'•athmriaea a bead tone tti ilfiOaflOt. ' TUs ia exdastve ef a site which wffl iw yirca Mb^ ata*e i» «a^ change for a lUteen-fo|9t strip firom the aonthern and' easten^ *^P** ^ Cartel Stsfm* fnrfiiepn ening Baidt and Twrifth atreeta. The i f i l i M r ^ erection of a shaft ;to Coat- modoee lUory appropriate! fl,0i)^- Paaaage of these bills, «9tvled with QF KSAI^ ESTATE ,9BBAjU> 0O9UN6 STBING , j l * i * ^ A YEAR L\ AlfV,.\.\€E •ft,' lb. aadlfra. T: J. Ilaopk, ef StaM- ton, have'jprehaaed the tfirm id ^t. .ami Ifrs. inhn Jafcoar near Msnassas, fsnaiiarly knewn. a* the RrMAek} f\a«^ n i e price pai^^waa ft/MO.' Hr. aixi'lfia. B. K: iMipin.«lsf of dumttoB, aoa-ahd dai)chti^-inr4aw «f the putehaa^ nteritSmed •hilii, liave purchaasd ior K O ^ »ie «|rte jgiTlIr, aad^ Mrs. « . J. B<^hli»g,.a}<0 lj»eated neartowBi'. '^ .•_••, ''.-'• .^-Y Mr. and Hra. L«boar, it -is vndar- stoed, «ai more to CWilbRda^ Ifr. aad Mrs; Bkialwhs are eemin* Ulto Mknaasasto lire. Itia. Bsaats I.. Clark, •< Baltimore, AUXDlARTflEAKS SHEi/i£eT.TAUi iCtty JDoMmtr^JMi PttfVw S«- Covpty TosHdMS. .archirea, and |2,0OOi,0OO for tfaa aae- <tea sold her ^ o p ^ in Centre street, tsmfMJ^tte «f the r^aidsaee known aa tha hameef tiie late K^uesentatiTe K. E. Jlersdith,.an«! ^ adjoining land, to Mr. r. C. PitBWy i«m wntly v*»t Jfr. K' i- Ward, Washington com- lOHtBity.-orsania^Woa spsyialist, ad- d||eaaed a , meeting of the Woman's Anailiatf to the Fai>B«rs' Institute here ^ Friday Wtexn^M, his subject being "How Cpmmnai^ Centra Mar- katlag Call Be Mads a iSsaMss." Mr< .Weed. outtfeMi-'th* <Kg»nisatia» of ?ari( View School ^;Waafaington, wbare the spirit of ce;<)yeration aaid U be woocUaff Twodsre iff tim e^^unnnity andT - w y r e the- hoMlnCi b « t h e ^ t i « e ( a S < Ity acttyltisis. . Aa iaternMtiac f M t a n of ttia ad- dress wafe thi.etwy of a can «f toma- ioep p«t (^.by'lOas Aline Devise ef Eead2|e^a Prince inUiein caaafatg elah d f e e d the H(»Kiai| | i | ^ in RUrCiSb %Irl, aad aatteiqrthe c o « « y beoM dhn>. TSe ecasldantipa v^ K ( ^ Kr, Paf*i>h w S sieve M » hia'tew bame. now eenvied by Ifr. iu4 Mn. B. 9. «a; imOe Ms mu,lU-, &^. *kaiUki 10 wtfetntfaM to Use ab «;» All tinaa salea WW* wide tttnoth ^ r, I; afoSa' *<5«i. lf(^ It-Jt a|inaIiw^aa^pM»atfed a hottaa and Mo aaid a haK aafw ^ land «a. the B M d ^ read ^ « m 'jtx. inanguration of t& hodigMt iyatem ef .Joitt, C^been *ad.'HSil |fi(q^ jSitliesn, appropiiatiMis, rsjectiai ef the fttf;- .%i»qi .wfll'eoii>hiea''jb'eesil|jy|i^|()!tiyi. ««1 suffrage wataadmant, aboUti<tt (^^ty<^^ the aUte dsfarMtitt ef.^rahOM^ ^—-^ ^-^ _ 1922 and easting ef toe proa»nt «oni>| "^ ^j #Am3FALL ^^TLmissioner, wcA thf jtwfiiUfg 9t nuU' ; *^ fi . J . ' eutiit. it might be added, ha. IrA^J"^ ^^^.^Tr.^^^^ ^^setS^dl^Slt'^^Sra n»e Anthony amend»«it by thirtr-fix ^ t ^ l i ^ . ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ *** states, ware tte outstandiag featarea . »K; /J . Vai«„«». ' . j - i t J ? S . ^ i S ^ U S K ^ S ^ **^ ^^ S}iirleV * • • the guest of itoty for Vlrgmia * prieeleaa Cokmiai ift,. wfltoW^Gaire*, of Haymarimt, Mr. Derr waa: >.^, maks testa eX^aU a ^ ^ a a o< Cri(« 1^!** snd msanasripts was ^Ued qp, y^^^^gg^ brou^ inky the faraWH. ^ Delegate Price, of Richmond, moved -ji«ie«joftlw Virgil-;^ • ^ e n0Kt a *«nlte live 'Meetrim- gma*" BCT; Bnchanan said, /Hn e r ^ to keep xtp the se&4es||M7 Mi^to keep from ndtdng the taz^lf*' Moatiitm- era, realiae the importiM^ of %e stocl^ to aid iR..the maintiauoce of aUfl-ftr-, tility^ hut unfortmately -thcMtis f largrr pereiERitage of farmers .efho do not feidisel^ importame of titpd liva stock. It is evident that tiie cost of pare- bred'Iive stock in large ^lantitiet i» profaibitiv|f and some otlier method must be used for seatring' good indi- vidimls. The aimi^est and bayt meth- od is that of using pnrel^ed sires. Among cattle men it ia often sud that the aire is ^ t f Uie hezC Th^ is tnw of flte second gutratien, but theieaf- ter bis inSQenoe is even greater. In the thtod teaeration, he is tiuee- fourtha; tiie fourth, seven-eighths; the fifth, fifteeh-:8ixteentfas; And an en in- ddnttdy dntil, hy Uie continued uae of a pur^red sire,''the sntxre bend' is pivcticalty. a purebred one, e x s ^ f o T ' the fact that the females caniiOt be registered. Extensive erperimsi^ have been coodncted fee ahowthe im- pA»vtms»t made hy the use of pare- bred sires, and it is netiiiag onnsual: for a purebred sirs to. ^eraaae the milk predoetMP at a dairy he>d by 60, p^ cent. Similar ipprovement can be noted tn'aB hteeds and clasiii of Hve Trtock, tnehiding poultry, i t mnat be underfeed, hosMver, that there ,i( such a t h a g as a "purehaed weeab" mt a legisieieJ indiridaal tfiat Is ande- sirahte from a'SirMUng stamlpeint be- cause it is not true te type aad ,ifc>ea not poBsees the qimlities deehwd ia the breed. Soch animals should be avoid- ed. Purebred »ntmsls riteuld never be crossed becAse the ">^st»lng pro>. dneed is likely totaherH tfce {wer ^uX' ities of both breeds a*d the geod qaal- itfea of neither. ^ In conehiaion, Mr. Bochanan urged the farmars not to be content with Measrs. J. P. Smith and fiaUaa Ptek-^ tiut a committee amendment, cutting ^. j - : j _ ^ v .. .^. *•». •fcrfc-^ _, .aa^T^arned 1 hawieT BerroBBa wfflffa'ffljiiwrtid at Anttfljc^' Baptitt Cholch StU^Ry moiling fi'wiH^ 'aflsar- Rev. Edward l U x v . held fgiOtt ^ i^ .aeon It 4 o'^0<k, : ' Th« Cmnavoqity League vrffllMM' 9* Mgnlar. meting at' the ' school on Ttaraday, ISarch 26, at Lo'clo^ p. m. The i?rbipMa '•committee is epwrposed of Mra. H. is: Thema»aa« K^alsa M. Ra- bfll piatrfili^v|Ur a compartment fer-.tbe Imposing of 06^ loliifftl, 9ense of Bnrgassee and other arcl^Eveiit: intludfaig the original Mar soifs BSfi a i Bigbta, the pa<!ffk|J(]tii(dk- >Vafhingi|oa' ga^e ^ta^itftSk-'i^ ^i, ^|p«ais^, ordium^ passed' t^ tiia 'l^piiia Jserss^on eonventtoh. ^ Masr «i|hu8etta'and .Wiapeasin, Qdefate- Prtee aaid. jwouM be *raaag te give L. Hector and Norlr H a r k ^ L $4^,000 pr $6,000^ fbr the 4eeu. f ^ j ^ t i ^ f e S i * ^ - ^•"IS**' , _ Miss liUisa V. CUIbert. county heme _Delegate Bondnrant, of Prince Ed- , i , J ^ , 3 S ai^SSrfSTsKa ^ , cfcargod that the general assess- iiaaimf afttmeoa aad organised a bly:had squandered money recklessly. ^^^ ^ ^ ^ miahm. lie- jw^Norri,.rn.iyteg toajtoto: S?iaS«h 2 i n d . ^ ^ ^ ment Otft the seaawn of ti» geaeral - , "7^ aaaemUy Just c§eped had besn-tha rndyt extorvaglaat Jn" lOQ yean^ de- liitftd OatlwamittlMherbeaiigBad wiOi sodi a b o ^ than*» lnwe thyfs .Some of the fsiaten eif tids aeetiea prieeleaa deciuuwAa ilwlr|y«(l a* en- ara plowing'and gistttiig lea^y te dajigered. •'" ^rhig.., « ''r Hifty^hzae voted for ~ t ^ faffl aad ^1. IB. Sampeaa fieavera, ef Brsata- ftdben oppoesd. TiBe,,waa hi |Uaeaaui|anity,recently tInnfwkRate. vetevMC. .awe dM^.hB^^ wi^ rnnre gsneroosly at this sesaien Mr. A» J^Xi^dadae sUd a tea bone than by any in the history of legiala- last wode> tiononbeltalfeftiie men who/flowed Mr. and Mrs. X. K. Lee and Jaekaen^Ji^the payment ef gueeU of Mrs. GeoTC* McDonald en i>ettak>aa.thsre waa s ^ i ^ i d a J t s snti' g o i l a i . of tSSOjOOO, a » i n e r * s e e r v 8 i e a » - little PUM Aliea Vaughn has faBy prd|»riatian'ln IMS of fSe^OOQ. TUa rteoMe^ffranther reesntiUasas the aaMaalieeogunan4sd-hy the Mr, Saawd KfafMos baa returned d, MA, aftsj. apeudlar tliM Uieais^ves, birt^ to co-operate wiiE~{hatr aeighhera ia every possible itM and aes to It thai they "had peeteeariresa 'vett: of the best ways to do this, he pointed out, ia to form asaoeiatiens wherebx soAcietit money may be raised to pur- chase good sirlmals tfiat could be used by all the farmers in the orgstnisation. The program was concluded by an address by Mr. Ward, eemmtmity or- iranisation fftSA-ialirt from Waahinx- • n Mr. 'Warrl related many at his mmimity or- ) eosiratlMa ag«rt t« the axecutiva •atary af fb* Park YUm eemmnnitar erywdaat^ea, 1*0 made « M «f it b atore and tha caas w*ie opaeed, -centaata oeeked sspiinSwIy inia^ Mr^reft' te tiie woaMta . l a ^ s u a a : taHHvidnai i|JMlMa. Mt thagr eaaipled the tmna- tooa, not, knowing wUch ttatyna tmp- laailttuJ in^tfae several dishes, tha wo- i wtUwntn Assenting voice dedar- Oe Prince WiBiaim tomatoes »- Jititldr fa fla^io', tfktare, ehlar, etc. Mr. Ward's t a v iwik Ibfonnal and by qneatienjag-many hripfef'points ware developed. In thm ahsency of the presidmt and Tiee-jitesidant, mm imm V. Gilbwt,. MOaCy home daneitttratian'agent and aaonUry of tlw aiotqfary, presided. One new nwmbar, lira. W. M. Joha- •ep, waa admitted.' - — — — \. The mee«ng opened with "The Fel- iMnh^ of Folka." a counanity cen- WIUU. Bl'.nal members joined. Prayer' was. enajHiby Mrs. S&!f. ^'^ Pr M. Xewis, chairman of teaol 6a(aiMtfee»s«wde an in- iMnaal nqpsft of tike gndtfying soe- eens of .the tenehea. served at the teaeheriT ccnferene* an|i fisniers' in- sUtutefor the b e n ^ i ^ ^ ^ w^ceom. DeWled reports are to'he; given at a lathr meeting;. Among ^ % a i t b r s were Miss Mar- tha 0. BMriddlai of OiariettfaifUe, - -distriSt Jibm^- demanatratka. i«ent^ and iQskporotlqr B. Sjrward, Orange eofonty hmne demonstMiftafi agent. After the attetiag aditti^ned an ^ex- ecntive seasioa waa c^led, at ^faiefa time the resignatjon of the president, Miaa EmilyJ. j:ohnson, was accepted,^ and Mrs. ^fanrgeC. Bound was deeted te-ashnitjr|lfelii|iainder of the year. The nett altalfiig ef the auxiliary win be held on the aecond Friday iq April, ^Aeh plans for tbe county itir are-'fo be cteasaid: It^^aahers a r e to bring te tUs meallag bOba, ahrdw, etc, ta ha sent W.Ivl^ka^ Pa<m^ the FiMnaae * CrMlairten ,. Jfilsamn CHften; . . . ' " ' . - \~ laertaaes to tha indiridBal pensknw jome.,tt)he at his hoass bete, haw been made all almg the line. Iba Mra. Florence, ef Penat Giea, Md., to^Uly blind veteran, whe reeeived on- fonneriy of tfaia ptsee, is viatttag^er der the aeta cf 1918 $1M a yaair, vfffl daagfaasca, Mrs. Geaee Weedysf^' ** recaiva this year ftW; the totaUy die- i iad^endent^ Hin, aad. Un,J^ma^ Biigga, ef tirih ptaee. Mr. William Keeter. ar., wbe haa sMk, ia b e ^ . . - HessA. John & Umafevd aad VTOI aUadl, $100, inataad ef 9W( tha par^ tiaBy <yaaUod,f7«, inatsadef 96i6, aad thote vriw W a tfaab, flOO, hiatsad of %8i: Wbiows ef soldierB, sailars or iiiai^aai ef tha Cunfedaiatr who 187tr of|«0. 'TIW naaw af Alexaadria eeaaty. ea pet^toa, waa ehaagad <• Azttegtaa are ear pnor to Map 1, tofM, bwtaad BQcanuvBsgTO naoc ... .u •', -.Of.% ano •.f-'. wti;fhi for L.ie (Qhlee S. Lay Hedge, Secretary) The Bethlehem Godt fooaAeepers' Chib; tegsrdlsae of ssasoM. will haviT a ipiiag pkmie.^ Saffaar BoUdiag to- morrow afternoon at 2:M o'clock. Speetm«is of good hoDSCkeepiag Will be brought in baaketa or boxes aad nampiad at the usual lunch hour. i#t no a-.embcr remain at home if i >e weather la unnropitioua. »s every .r: ,»-emprl is marie Inr CDTr.l./rt un- . .er if it ^r.>aii^ -. \'.. are '• - -"i-L.' reque* eii to ^'" r.t vHatMa s> CATMApnN C. X. BUaoa, recaetty. Mr. lathar ABiaoa. ef Alexaadria, lairf^ a t hJaJMBse b w e . ft. ». €«bMaCr vbe spent tha j Bottle. ICltan wiatsr with hia soa-bi-law and daagh- tor, Mr. aad M m Jbmaa IL WWta, te Borderland, W. Va.. retqmed to Mnea WUliam oa Tnaaday. Serricee w ^ held \B the aehool , hoese here ea Sanday. after which Rev. HoBser Welch waa a dinner guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. L. K. DBA'CB OF MRS. aot:^ A » d Beaideat Leaeaa B g h t Ctttfrn^ ^- y^'^'^ nraa< yWi la. .-.. Mra. Cathanae Bottle wife ef |&. Jdaeph Bottle, died TartJaj aOa^ao^ ^ at bar boats aaac Miiwiaai afMr^ek SDaaaa o f a a v a n d & y s . ^ ^. .Poaar^ sarriaaa^wet* held yester-t. day at Canaea Braa^ Oiar^ a^ the BaeOma, of wtaklr-ahc waa a awaber. . aad inlMntsat vafe in VaBey Vi«« , cenetory. IHie ee^fieee were eoa- docted by Sev. E. E. Blengh aad Bev. i, tL KBasw The paBbsarMra wn bsr fivesoas and Mr. Albert H. Psssd an, e.sen-in-law. Ifas: Hettle waa bwa near Wood- stock seveatyeix yeers ago aad had been living in Prbtee William for Uur- ty-aix years. She leaves three daufth- toia and five acm, Mrs. Albert H. Basedsn and Mas. William IL Griffin. af Manassas; Mrs. G. D. Arraantrnnt. _c^ Lima, Ohio, and Messrs. Willm? J. Hottle and Moa.. F. Bottle, »f Maaasaas; Clmries \\CA at Alexaadria, aad M. M. Hottle. Indian Head, Md. She ia also v1*ed "%y thirty-ei)?ht grandchHar- aad OBS great-gramlchild. Lynn, filiini? hm at Fajr^'iew 1- " .Mr. ,.n:: ' 1.-^, —Mr. W. bnrjr, one 0 in tftii •»••'; Phi.iipn. :-.e '.•<(•<• of t : .- liar appointm«Dt I ...Hirt LT- 'jf.':".. or ..!-.. r .- ;...'!i >y • • 'il. • : i ..^liri t.'
Page 1: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in


V O L . X X V . .No. 4 4 . umriiiamiw


i t V'

r i v e

iianbutions Continue to Ar-huU Term for Scha^ May Be AatmxtA. '


^ - .- ' C. C. Carlin is Chairtaaa of Gtua-

mittw Seeking Pi^^deotii^ Nominatlwu

i r t ,

:'• I he school year already past ..liiv i>L-t for clositij^ on account of 11 k of funds in tile public trcM-Lhe alumni wvrkern costiniM H« ! subscriptions and the public ! w amounts to |2,003.47.

untrikbtioM ave somewhat H hoped thjit the fund will

ir... l i ly until it reaches a sum < .lugh H* insare a full school

i,j the children of Manassas dia-->ho faee a serious >ot«K the u- i enable to save. thftb^Tk' ributiona paid itf atona t}ie last

rfpoit are:

M J.

Mitchell ^—^ & Dayis ,

Mauck —. Bucher. L..-.^

^. A. Sinclair...- ,- I 'I,-fllee. B. (^ke.....,.„..:_.,: -.S.

fi-. Cari Kandiato«;_J;:L.t.T.':.-.-...i •Carl J. AnttJw „.._L....' ..'.,. l obt . S. Newman..: ,—.. R. B, Spr:nkel •.»••„._......_ S. C. Com well ..._.., , . W, F. Hibbi „ _ _ C; M. Larkin ....J.-^;!.^-'.. C. C. Leachauue '•.-. . , T. E. Didlake.^.'..- i,,-' Geo. G. Tyler-WaMter' Akers. Dr. L. P. HoagriL Byron SteVqi«^... C. F. M. Lewl«.i_. Ewell K. EvaBs..., F. A. Lewis.. W. H. Haydba.— C, H. Seely _.. James R. Larkini_.... .. James R. Dorrell Mrs. A. A. MalOM3r__: ilr%. L. H, Cox-.-.'—-, W. A. Crosby.™....^

B. Bullock _.„.. Mrs. T. R. Galleher. Mrs. P^.H. Ly Ifr s.'H^^en'^ij ill

^rnesT^t««?Sck~. ._n; MBB. W. H. WvJtoMut.*.-*.. Miss Julia I..cwi>..^.^'.,.^*.i.>.,. A. S. RobertsdU-rT-^—<^'

., 4 2.00 8.00

^ .^.... 2»


-tz w*s^


se.eo %io «J)0 moo fob SJOO

6.0«^ 10.00 e.0A

30.00 6.00

fi0.00 25.00 10.00

,..„ 10.00 10.00

— 10.00

«. : T.CO


Former Represeotative C C. Carlin, of AleOttidris, will h«ad the, primary committee wtiUxig UM mnBiaatioa of Attoney-Genersl Prtlmer for the pres­idency. - -—- - •

Mr. Carlin was an intimate friend and co-worker of the 'sMontey-genera} when Mr. Palmer was a. member of congress. Both were ataundh supports ers of the Wilson poUcves la the-house and victors m^ a^^i M^l^^iA^H bat­tles *» citrry into efflbt^ SMue o f tke ijioat notable achievemaats otthmim-ocratic administration.

The personnel of the comndttae In­cludes J. Harry Covinn^o, treaanrer, and Major Oliver P. Ntfwntaii> secre­tary. Mr. Covington was for ten years a member of congnas ttom tlie eaBt«ra shore of Maryland and also a Wilson leader in the house. He re­signed to accept the high appointment by President WilKa as eHaf jaatUim of the supreme eo«rt ef tfaa Dlstriefc tS CMombia. U^iot Kewman is a iiew«> |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in the 1»12 e^mpttgA. He ««pt DTer««u with t l y

served te«i mo«Qu( wttfc ^bmSaffjuOl: leiry.hi Fit^ince.

£1LDRENMUST VeO TO 5 6 8 0 0 1

StittitkMipm Ovt ConsUtvUMia LiBtii to A««i Ui*<26mt^-

l i t e Mazeb i n e e t ^ of the Unan was «ne of the moat soeeeasfcl lit the reoent htatoiy of the iaatltBta. l a t h e abe«Me ef Mr. J. Pri«aehMan,.iliP. * A R o a t , . eoa of Om vi«««rMidanti, praaided. " '

l ^ e flrat speakw IntMdaced w^t Mr. H. B. Derr,'county «t«Bt of Fahr-taz, whose subject wap "Llmiar the StdL" Mr. Derr pointed'out the ^ take on tii*~part of the farmer of hcQr ing and aaadlnS high priced seed " ^ iQra.ha had satisfled himself ih i» i f t> soil was in a snitaMo caockitte ttir producing the ^ i r a d arap.

Moat farmers reaOae t h e need of lime, h o i i t in more diffleolt to dster-mina how moeh lima' ia. nsadad, hy dtt-lersnt pieces e f land. Tbi Tntoi niethod a€ detemdaihg A addtty at the soil was dwuMMtnted and sam­ples of sail f r t o oar'oommiinity test­ed. By means of this teat, tha amount of lime needad by the soil was d«b$te .

.Liijus ieair la-a very suapur ope, butmodp i a a n aoeax«t»tban tiiai which.conaistajlifiadtair bine :aeiS«t paper. The l a t ^ test mfrely i h s ^ whether Uauija needtd wHhoot ifi^-eating hoar mseh.

Realizing tike practical value of the Tniog ^ t i n g outfit, tha. members of the institute, at the eleae «f Mr. Derr^ Morass, authnriaed the aeete tuy to purchase one for the tutitxttibi

* / •

Desptte thi fact that compulsory. education was denounced by Senator Andrews as being as autoczmtie.as the Cermapcsyatcmi of~mijiiary~&»iiilog7 tliip.S^ate Thursday aftenmon, by a

-of 2£ to 11, agreed to ^ t n t reao^ onviBiag^fsaiatlMGqnati

W. S. Gree3L.....#-'.. ^ . fMiiiU. Mrs. Ellen Berry.-..^r-..-—;-Mra. Charlfea Patdy.„..._«: J. L, GorreiLi—..^ f_Ii_v Mrs. 5. G. Lun8ford.......jr.. Mise Maggie R. S flftiv , ,—• Dr. S. S. Siraps<te':._..._i...:. Mra. Edith W. Meta._ .. Uiss Mary £>ee C^apmaa.-W. H. I>avi8.: . .„. . . . i . .^.™ J. H. Steele _...Vl.-.—-'— T. E. H. DJck«n*..^.i...-;.™.. T. W. Howar.:....„..... .:^ E. M, Howard..;....^i:/...^i Dr. W. F. Merchant...___l. G. L. fiopenberger. ._.^

Calenii . Etrrr.i. Lee YKlSitiraa.... w . ^^^. ?or£.^.:.l~-.j.~. •}. W. WUte^ E. D. Howe..^ Fred H. POWB1L.„»..; Lillian Maloy _ „ . ; . ;=, Nancy Wit l iaj^ ....,„,..: Kmest Porter .?„.. . . , _ . Henry Norri*—-f—....—T._ R. A. WilliaaMf .._:. l_._'-_. Julia Gt«s ~ > -, ^ ' i. M. ^i^ietag^JZ^^ZTTZJ:^^^, C. W. Frye.._..._.-.,...,._...... W. M. Lovell..^ j . , . - . . ^ . W. R. Williams .......: I Chas. Jackson ; The Manly School Leatne: Hannah Bailey..._-...».-„ _,.. ileorifia Berry > vVilliam Griffin... ...._ iVilliam Jackson ,-.4. ames RobinsOB.::»: •.—

i.iser^ Haimes.-— ...-. > ar.ncp Jackaoo— 1 . i^ ^rflffin.. ;.— ..

' 7rM e tJrifRn _. Rai lel Bcrrj' ....'.'. Arthur Winter .Mbcrt Davis- : . . " . : Eva P. Lew3a.._ '. The ietinie Dean Loid-a-....

Hand Club ^ _.


..iilar f^an every Maaon in the, •w States ia the plan proposed to] ^ ^

h^ fund for the erectjon of the f m Alexandria to the oMmory

Washington, which the George .:.irt«n Masonic national memo-

assooib!)An proposes to erect ia rre W ruiriintr'on park. . - ai.'i ini r' ;,iii- general rxpenees

• t • • ."-J. :.i."ri i*L :s n .> nro-

; Mitidrt^ ^ y h» eomptfed to atJKtbff: school and. leaving, the na t t er t o t ^ ffiscration of the^t^^iend Assembly.' ' Th«r amendment to the- state's or-

gaaie law. already has racaitved^tiiia ap­p r o ^ Of the LegislatmK a t two aoc-ceeding sessions and now laefas only tile ipdorsement of Vaginii^'s - votem. to beopm^ a part osf €he Constitnticm.

Senator Lewis's. E p e s , ^ l f o t t o w a y , fearing domination by* the sta'b^i^ black b d t and shortening of the school term, if tha white {lipalatioii is forced to maintain schpiA, which the blacks

. will attend under the cjMration of the new law, failed' in ah effort, to .so amend t h e resohition as t e l e i t ^ the cempulsocy f u t u r e up t o the 'rotets uf cuuntiea and dties. , I4ei^-G«v. B. Frank Att^Muian, aet-^ iag en Senator C O'OiDor Goolnck's point ef toder, held that'ho resolattan w h i ^ has bem agreed to a t one aes-•iwi o f the Legislatvra ean.be atdead-) ^ when It comes up for fi{lad I(^^ie)a-tive action, nor can another be offerad a » a subatitttte. ' ^

The reaolntion precipitate^oiie of the liveliest debates <A the sossion. Scoat<^(Hiyer started the ball te roU-ihg when lie moved that.eonsldetation of the laaoletioa be paiarf Vf. This ntetiop was daf^ted hy a' vote f t ^

t* 9-' „ . . . ' ' Senator Mapp declared ^ e time haa

come when Virginia, if she is to keep up with Inojem progress, mnst have a-real educational system. Lack of -funds has, he said, in the past kept advocates of confpiilsory educttioa frMn takihg the step which they are now ready to hazai^i People of the state mast have been terribly morti fied at the alarmingly U g h pweettfage of illiteracy Virginia boys diectoscd M Camp Lee. In r e i ^ to the objection of Senator Ohvw that the voters of Virginia do not want it. Senator Mapp said he is willing to leave it b>

Senator GoolriAjmade g-viy>roos spee<& in favor of the resolution, " ^ e cannot be deterred." he «e>d, f r o m

t o n , bringing Virginia op from _tlw die ' (fracefiit pMlUvh she Rrw hold! tn the

world of public edoeatiaB hy the spee-'er of na^ro domiflatlaiL i B iSAt atxte :nere are 210.000 chiMeen of adwei

who are not ia attendance t^wm either public or private schools. Of Uiii Dumber gT.660 are net earoUed « t all. No wonder Virginia is away down the line and we have to hang our head* in .shaTne."

SeTiator I .-< xe. of .' )< s<'\, ..fr.Mmc

im. 4.60 9:20 3.00 2.6oi loo 6.00 &40

6ix) ,«.oo 10 ,.00

8.00 3.25 «.00 6.0O 6.00


6.O0 ZM

iM zjsa 2.00

i-ii 1.00 1.8* 1.86 1.00

1 00 1.00 1 » AJ»

\jM 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 l.£0 1 i.as Loe d.«0

.26 - 5 6 2.00

MANASSAS, VIRGINIA. PIUDAY, MAECH 19, 1»20 - ' — ,i - . j f L


J ' - ' ' • * 'f'

Blaekabar^SpedwHBt Ui*«a tl^t-linlte.JUvc Stock. P M i ^ ^

'\ fmr-FmecB.'-' ---c-'t-

been ordered, and when it anivaa^^^ mM« are ixfSed to make i^se tA ft^ H ' will be Ifi^t in tlvB office q^ the oo«^y' agent' or at the Agrieolinral Hig^ School, and eitiher the oeuniy'agent ^, BBtScdtural iaatnietar t i n be ^ a d to

M 55SS


Provide for MaMoriab a»4 HMM

;" iOtevt B«tf«^ S7«t«p.

(ittii H M M ki Tnm:

TlirVIF^rT^Sitaire »ded its lies Satordajr. The >>nae in Its

ektsiag seaaioB eonedried in action previonaly Ukao- by tiie e m a t e preVid-jnc appropriatieadHCer a Uhvarf taniU-ing mi avditoriuiv «• a amneriid - ^ Virginia •oldiers, aafibrs, marinei %pi women who sM^ned In the Iworid^iotr; a Sreprpof building for tiM yalskesy-ing of state archivea, and |k. menoaMOt to Matftbew Fontaine Maury.

Forty thousand dollar* was appro*, priated for the depoaftm^ for Vizsinia

morial iSirary. Tha msasnra pnMd-ing for a jnemorial to 'Vfrginia'a vat-oroaa solos and 4Migfat«rt carriaa a|i appt«priati<9 ef fSM.OOO, witk a'ree-ommsBdatiea te tite next gsnfral aa-semhly fe asake a'iAaOar i^tm^rt t -tien and'•athmriaea a bead tone tti ilfiOaflOt. ' TUs ia exdastve ef a site which wffl i w yirca Mb^ ata*e i » « a ^ change for a lUteen-fo|9t strip firom the aonthern and' easten^ *^P** ^ Cartel Stsfm* fnr fiie pn ening Baidt and Twrifth atreeta. The i f i l i M r ^ erection of a shaft ;to Coat-modoee l U o r y appropriate! f l ,0 i )^-

Paaaage of these bills, «9tvled with


, j l * i * ^ A YEAR L\ AlfV,.\.\€E


l b . aadlfra. T : J. I laopk, ef StaM-ton, have'jprehaaed the tfirm id ^t. .ami Ifrs. inhn Jafcoar near Msnassas, fsnaiiarly knewn. a* the RrMAek} f\a«^ n i e price pai^^waa ft/MO.'

Hr. aixi'lfia. B . K : iMip in .« l s f of dumttoB, aoa-ahd dai)chti^-inr4aw «f the p u t e h a a ^ nteritSmed •hi l i i , liave purchaasd ior K O ^ »ie «|rte jgiTlIr, aad^ Mrs. « . J. B<^hli»g,.a}<0 lj»eated neartowBi'. ' . • _ • • , ''.-'• .^-Y

Mr. and Hra. L«boar, it -is vndar-stoed, « a i more to CWilbRda^ Ifr. aad Mrs; Bkialwhs are eemin* Ulto Mknaasasto lire.

Itia. Bsaats I.. Clark, •< Baltimore,


iCtty JDoMmtr^JMi PttfVw S«-

Covpty TosHdMS.

.archirea, and |2,0OOi,0OO for tfaa aae- <tea sold her ^ o p ^ in Centre street, tsmfMJ^tte «f the r^aidsaee known aa tha hameef tiie late K^uesentatiTe K. E. Jlersdith,.an«! ^ adjoining land, to Mr. r. C. PitBWy i«m wntly v*»t

Jfr. K' i- Ward, Washington com-lOHtBity.-orsania^Woa spsyialist, ad-d||eaaed a , meeting of the Woman's Anailiatf to the Fai>B«rs' Institute here ^ Friday Wtexn^M, his subject being "How Cpmmnai^ Centra Mar-katlag Call Be Mads a iSsaMss."

Mr< .Weed. outtfeMi-'th* <Kg»nisatia» of ?ari( View School ^;Waafaington, wbare the spirit of ce;<)yeration i » aaid U be woocUaff Twodsre iff tim e^^unnnity andT - w y r e the-hoMlnCi b « t h e ^ t i « e ( a S < Ity acttyltisis. .

Aa iaternMtiac f M t a n of ttia ad­dress wafe th i . e twy o f a can «f toma-ioep p«t (^ .by ' lOas Aline Devise e f Eead2|e^a Prince inUie in caaafatg elah

d f e e d the H(»Kiai| | i | ^ in RUrCiSb %Irl, aad aatteiqrthe c o « « y beoM dhn>. TSe ecasldantipa v ^ K ( ^ Kr, Paf*i>h w S s ieve M » hia'tew bame. now eenvied by Ifr. i u 4 M n . B . 9. « a ; imOe Ms mu,lU-, & ^ . *kaiUki 10 wtfetntfaM to Use ab «;»

All tinaa salea WW* wide tttnoth ^ r, I; afoSa'

*<5«i. lf(^ It-Jt a|inaIiw^aa^pM»atfed

a hottaa and Mo aaid a haK aafw ^ land «a. the B M d ^ read ^ « m 'jtx.

inanguration of t & hodigMt iyatem ef .Joitt, C^been *ad.'HSil |fi(q^ jSitliesn, appropiiatiMis, rsjectiai ef the fttf;- .%i»qi .wfll'eoii>hiea''jb'eesil|jy|i^|()!tiyi. ««1 suffrage wataadmant, aboUti<tt (^^ty<^^ the aUte dsfarMtitt ef.^rahOM^ ^—-^ ^ - ^

_ 1922 and easting ef toe proa»nt «oni>| " j # A m 3 F A L L ^^TLmissioner, wcA thf jtwfiiUfg 9t nuU' ; * fi . J . '

eutiit. it might be added, ha. I r A ^ J " ^ ^^^.^Tr.^^^^ ^ ^ s e t S ^ d l ^ S l t ' ^ ^ S r a n»e Anthony amend»«it by thirtr-fix ^ t ^ l i ^ . ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ * * * states, ware tte outstandiag featarea . »K; /J . Vai«„«». ' . j -

i t J ? S . ^ i S ^ U S K ^ S ^ * * ^ ^ ^ S}iirleV * • • the guest of itoty for Vlrgmia * prieeleaa Cokmiai i f t , . wfltoW^Gaire*, of Haymarimt,

Mr. Derr waa: > . ^ ,

maks testa eX^aU a ^ ^ a a o< Cri(« 1^!** snd msanasripts was ^Ued qp, y^^^^gg^ b r o u ^ i n k y the faraWH. ^ Delegate Price, of Richmond, moved

-ji«ie«joftlw V i r g i l - ; ^

• ^ e n0Kt a * « n l t e live 'Meetrim-gma*" BCT; Bnchanan said, /Hn e r ^ to keep xtp the se&4es| |M7 Mi^to keep from ndtdng the taz^lf*' Moatiitm-era, realiae the importiM^ of % e stocl^ to aid iR..the maintiauoce of aUfl-ftr-, tility^ hut unfortmately -thcMtis f largrr pereiERitage of farmers .efho do not f e i d i s e l ^ importame of titpd liva stock.

I t is evident that tiie cost of pare-bred'Iive stock in large ^lantitiet i» profaibitiv|f and some otlier method must be used for seatring' good indi-vidimls. The aimi^est and bayt meth­od is that of using pnrel^ed sires. Among cattle men it ia often s u d that the aire i s ^ t f Uie hezC T h ^ is tnw of flte second g u t r a t i e n , but theieaf-ter bis inSQenoe is even greater. In the thtod teaeration, he is tiuee-fourtha; tiie fourth, seven-eighths; the fifth, fifteeh-:8ixteentfas; And an en in-d d n t t d y dntil, hy Uie continued uae of a pur^red sire,''the sntxre bend' is pivcticalty. a purebred one, e x s ^ f o T ' the fact that the females caniiOt be registered. Extensive e r p e r i m s i ^ have been coodncted fee ahowthe im-pA»vtms»t made hy the use of pare-bred sires, and it i s netiiiag onnsual: for a purebred sirs to. ^eraaae the milk predoetMP at a dairy he>d by 60, p ^ cent. Similar ipprovement can be noted tn'aB hteeds and clasi i i of Hve Trtock, tnehiding poultry, i t mnat be underfeed, hosMver, that there ,i( such a t h a g as a "purehaed weeab" mt a legisieieJ indiridaal tfiat Is ande-sirahte from a'SirMUng stamlpeint be­cause it is not true te type aad ,ifc>ea not poBsees the qimlities deehwd ia the breed. Soch animals should be avoid-ed. Purebred »ntmsls riteuld never be crossed becAse the ">^st»lng pro>. dneed is likely totaherH tfce {wer ^uX' ities of both breeds a*d the geod qaal-itfea of neither. ^

In conehiaion, Mr. Bochanan urged the farmars not to be content with

Measrs. J. P. Smith and fiaUaa Ptek-^ tiut a committee amendment, cutting „ ^ . j - : j _ ^ v .. .^. *•».

•fcrfc-^ _,

.aa^T^arned 1 hawieT BerroBBa wfflffa'ffljiiwrtid at Anttfljc '

Baptitt Cholch StU^Ry moiling

fi'wiH^ 'aflsar-Rev. Edward l U x v . held fgiOtt ^ i ^ .aeon I t 4 o'^0<k, : ' Th« Cmnavoqity League vrffllMM' 9 * Mgnlar. m e t i n g at ' the ' school on Ttaraday, ISarch 26, at L o ' c l o ^ p. m. The i?rbipMa '•committee is epwrposed of Mra. H. is: Thema»aa« K^alsa M.


bfll piatrfili^v|Ur a compartment fer-.tbe Imposing of 06^ loliifftl, 9ense of Bnrgassee and other arcl Eveiit: intludfaig the original Mar soifs BSfi a i Bigbta, the pa<!ffk|J(]tii(dk->Vafhingi|oa' ga^e ^ta^itftSk-'i^ ^i, ^ | p « a i s ^ , o r d i u m ^ passed' t ^ ti ia ' l ^ p i i i a Jserss^on eonventtoh. ^ Masr «i |hu8etta'and .Wiapeasin, Qdefate-

Prtee aaid. jwouM be *raaag te give L . Hector and Norlr H a r k ^ L $ 4 ^ , 0 0 0 pr $ 6 , 0 0 0 ^ fbr the 4eeu . f ^ j ^ t i ^ f e S i * ^ -

^•"IS**' , _ Miss l iUisa V. CUIbert. county heme _ D e l e g a t e Bondnrant, of Prince Ed- , i , J ^ , 3 S a i ^ S S r f S T s K a ^ , cfcargod that the general assess - iiaaimf a f t tmeoa aad organised a bly:had squandered money recklessly. ^^^ ^ ^ ^ miahm. l i e -j w ^ N o r r i , . r n . i y t e g t o a j t o t o : S ? i a S « h 2 i n d . ^ ^ ^ ment Otft the seaawn of ti» geaeral - , " 7 ^ aaaemUy Just c§eped had besn-tha rndyt extorvaglaat Jn" lOQ yean^ de-liitftd O a t l w a m i t t l M h e r b e a i i g B a d wiOi sod i a b o ^ than*» lnwe thyfs .Some of the f s i a t e n eif tids aeetiea prieeleaa deciuuwAa ilwlr|y«(l a* en- ara plowing'and gistttiig lea^y te dajigered. •'" ^rhig.. , « ' ' r

Hifty^hzae voted for ~ t ^ faffl aad ^1. I B . Sampeaa fieavera, e f Brsata-ftdben oppoesd. TiBe,,waa hi |Uaeaaui |anity,recently

tInnfwkRate. vetevMC. . a w e d M ^ . h B ^ ^ w i ^ rnnre gsneroosly at this sesaien Mr. A» J^Xi^dadae sUd a tea b o n e than by any in the history of legiala- last wode> t iononbel ta l fe f t i i e men w h o / f l o w e d Mr. and Mrs. X. K. Lee and J a e k a e n ^ J i ^ t h e payment ef gueeU of Mrs. GeoTC* McDonald en i>ettak>aa.thsre waa s ^ i ^ i d a J t s snti' g o i l a i . of tSSOjOOO, a » iner*se e r v 8 i e a»- l i t t l e P U M Aliea Vaughn has faBy prd|»riatian'ln IMS of fSe OOQ. TUa rteoMe^ffranther reesntiUasas

the aaMaalieeogunan4sd-hy the Mr, S a a w d KfafMos baa returned d, MA, aftsj. apeudlar

t l iM Uieais^ves, birt to co-operate wiiE~{hatr aeighhera ia every possible itM and aes to It tha i they "had peeteea rires a 'vett: of the best ways to do this, he pointed out, ia to form asaoeiatiens wherebx soAcietit money may be raised to pur­chase good sirlmals tfiat could be used by all the farmers in the orgstnisation.

The program was concluded by an address by Mr. Ward, eemmtmity or-iranisation fftSA-ialirt from Waahinx-• n Mr. 'Warrl related many at his

mmimity or- )

eosiratlMa ag«rt t« the axecutiva •atary af fb* Park YUm eemmnnitar erywdaat^ea, 1*0 made « M «f it b

atore and tha caas w*ie opaeed, 0» -centaata oeeked sspiinSwIy inia^ Mr^reft' t e tiie woaMta . l a ^ s u a a : taHHvidnai i|JMlMa. Mt thagr eaaipled the tmna-tooa, not, knowing wUch ttatyna tmp-laailttuJ in^tfae several dishes, tha w o -

i wtUwntn Assenting voice dedar-O e Prince WiBiaim tomatoes » -

Jititldr fa fla^io', tfktare, ehlar, etc. Mr. Ward's t a v iwik Ibfonnal and

by qneatienjag-many hripfef'points ware developed.

In thm ahsency of the presidmt and Tiee-jitesidant, mm imm V. Gilbwt,. MOaCy home daneitttratian'agent and aaonUry of tlw aiotqfary, presided. One new nwmbar, l ira . W. M. Joha-•ep, waa admitted.' - — — — — \. The mee«ng opened with "The Fel-i M n h ^ of Folka." a counani ty cen-

WIUU. Bl' .nal members joined. Prayer' was. enajHiby Mrs.

S&!f. ^'^ P r M. Xewis, chairman of

teaol 6a(aiMtfee»s«wde an in-iMnaal nqpsft of tike gndtfying soe-eens of .the tenehea. served at the teaeheriT ccnferene* an|i fisniers' in-sUtutefor the b e n ^ i ^ ^ ^ w ^ c e o m . DeWled reports are to'he; given at a lathr meeting;.

Among ^ % a i t b r s were Miss Mar­tha 0 . BMriddlai of OiariettfaifUe,

- -distriSt Jibm^- demanatratka. i«ent^ and iQskporotlqr B. Sjrward, Orange eofonty hmne demonstMiftafi agent.

After the attetiag aditti^ned an ^ex-ecntive seasioa waa c^led, at ^faiefa time the resignatjon of the president, Miaa Emi lyJ . j:ohnson, was accepted,^ and Mrs. fanrgeC. Bound was deeted te-ashnit jr | l fe l i i | ia inder of the year.

The net t altalfiig e f the auxiliary win b e held on the aecond Friday iq April, ^Aeh plans for tbe county itir are-'fo be c teasa id: It^^aahers are to bring te t U s meallag bOba, ahrdw, e t c , t a ha sent W.Ivl^ka^ Pa<m^ the FiMnaae * CrMlairten ,. Jfilsamn CHften; . . . ' " ' . - \~

laertaaes to tha indiridBal pensknw jome.,tt)he at his hoass bete, h a w been made all a lmg the line. I b a Mra. Florence, ef P e n a t Giea, Md., to^Uly blind veteran, whe reeeived on- fonneriy of tfaia ptsee, is viatttag^er der the aeta cf 1918 $1M a yaair, vfffl daagfaasca, Mrs. Geaee Weedysf^' ** recaiva this year f t W ; the totaUy die- i iad^endent^ Hin, a a d . Un,J^ma^

Biigga, ef tirih ptaee. Mr. William Keeter. ar., wbe haa

sMk, ia b e ^ . . -HessA. John & Umafevd aad VTOI

aUadl, $100, inataad ef 9W( tha par^ tiaBy <yaaUod,f7«, inatsadef 96i6, aad thote vriw W a tfaab, flOO, hiatsad of %8i: Wbiows e f soldierB, sailars or iiiai^aai ef tha Cunfedaiatr who 187tr of|«0. —

'TIW naaw af Alexaadria eeaaty. e a pet^toa, waa ehaagad <• Azttegtaa


ear pnor to Map 1,

tofM, bwtaad

BQcanuvBsgTO naoc

... .u •', -.Of.% ano •.f-'. w t i ; f h i

for L.ie

(Qhlee S. Lay Hedge, Secretary) The Bethlehem Godt f o o a A e e p e r s '

Chib; tegsrdlsae of ssasoM. will haviT a ip i iag pkmie.^ Saffaar BoUdiag to­morrow afternoon at 2:M o'clock. Speetm«is of good hoDSCkeepiag Will be brought in baaketa or boxes aad nampiad at the usual lunch hour.

i # t no a-.embcr remain at home if i >e weather la unnropitioua. »s every .r: ,»-emprl is marie Inr CDTr.l./rt un-

. .er if it r.>aii -. \'.. are '• - -"i-L.' reque* eii to ^'" r.t

vHatMa s>

C A T M A p n N

C. X. BUaoa, recaetty. Mr. la thar ABiaoa. ef Alexaadria,

la irf^ at hJaJMBse bwe. ft. » . €«bMaCr v b e spent tha j Bottle. ICltan

wiatsr with hia soa-bi-law and daagh-tor, Mr. aad M m Jbmaa IL WWta, te Borderland, W. Va.. retqmed to M n e a WUliam oa Tnaaday.

Serricee w ^ held \B the aehool , hoese here ea • Sanday. after which Rev. HoBser Welch waa a dinner guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. L. K.

DBA'CB OF MRS. a o t : ^

A » d Beaideat Leaeaa B g h t Ctttfrn^ - y^'^'^ nraa< yWi la. .-..

Mra. Cathanae B o t t l e wi fe e f | & . Jdaeph Bottle, died TartJaj aOa^ao^ ^ a t bar boats aaac Miiwiaai afMr^ek SDaaaa o f a a v a n d & y s . ^ ^ .

. P o a a r ^ sarriaaa^wet* held yester-t. day at Canaea B r a a ^ O i a r ^ a^ the BaeOma, o f wtaklr-ahc waa a awaber. . aad inlMntsat vafe in VaBey Vi«« , cenetory. IHie ee^fieee were eoa-docted by Sev. E. E. Blengh aad Bev. i , tL KBasw The paBbsarMra w n bsr fivesoas and Mr. Albert H. Psssd an, e.sen-in-law.

Ifas: Hettle waa b w a near Wood­stock seveatyeix yeers ago aad had been living in Prbtee William for Uur-ty-aix years. She leaves three daufth-toia and five acm, Mrs. Albert H. Basedsn and Mas. William IL Griffin. af Manassas; Mrs. G. D. Arraantrnnt.

_c^ Lima, Ohio, and Messrs. Willm? J. Hottle and Moa.. F.

Bottle, »f Maaasaas; Clmries \\CA at Alexaadria, aad M. M. Hottle. Indian Head, Md. She ia also v1*ed "%y thirty-ei)?ht grandchHar-aad OBS great-gramlchild.

Lynn, filiini? hm at Fajr^'iew 1- "

.Mr. ,.n:: ' 1.- ,

—Mr. W. bnrjr, one 0 in tftii •»••';

Phi.iipn. :-.e '.•<(•<•

of t :

.- liar appointm«Dt I

...Hirt LT- 'jf.':".. • o r

..!-.. r .- ;...'!i >y • •

' i l . • : i ..^liri t.'

Page 2: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in



R«n«|ta WckuM'Dlff«naM of Aiwot I60M0O.

State Awfitor C. L M Hoore has inr-Conned thB nuvcsuoc UUn • leviMd ••»• timate of tbe state's T«v«Riwa c o m i n g th« soeicMdiiig two year diaekfM that the total of such tfvtnxtm will e»a«d by araioziinaiely f6OO,O0!O the eati-natea taofUbai t lw Bovemor at the tiise the goVernor'a bad^^israa in the making.

This gratifyiAg intemgonce relieves ^he sfoytraar ot the necessity -Of eon-


Uskif^ft A?vnsajLatiepa_Ji!r_N0Ct T v a T e « a Totid $2%4M^Mt.

The representative in Congress from the Eighth Virginia Distarict is «ne of ihooe quiet, modest and unas­suming m m whom it is de l i^t ful to meet in thes«,(tc>o) progressive days when the public, man i» little hesitant to make hinuMU the hero o(^hta vwn story.

Mr. Hoore is a public servant whose perfprmane* exceeds his promises, al­though his congressional career has not ye t extended through a year he haa giveh evidence of his worth to his district and to the naticm.

His initial appeatanea as a speaker on the floor of the House, wi(s iqton one of those occasions whan serioua men halt fbr a moment the routine grind and lend themselves to the com­memoration of past e v ^ t s ,and the character of great nation builders who have gone before them:

Mr. Moore's speech on V i r g i i ^ and her pabDc men oX a centuty ago was aocbnnted aa asaet to history, and ita manner' of expresaion eombimng ac­curacy, eloquence and force, won' for him, the generous .acclaini of tiie en* tire i|t«mbersh$ of the' gteat body of which he is a member.

The agricultural appropriation bill i s a measure which mot« vHally affects the fiuimiing interests than any other legislation to be conjtidered; .When it came before the p e a s e for diecuaaioa Mfi Moore appeared as the rafl ad vocate of the &rmere i n t e r e s t In

With an^ropriatloaB by the Cieneral Assembly fox the next two years amountbig to a total . of |22j496|006, Virginia'a first-htfdget became a reality. ~ ' ' . Providing a cJear increase, ot %1,-000,000 for the public aehot^ ot the state, payable direct oulfo^ the state treasury, instead of haying to increase taxes,to provide! for school i^eda and carrying liberal increases in apiaro-piiations for pensions, roads, agricul­ture, aU th4 educational inatitotions, for the state hospj^ah, «trf '/««• yhwnat

aideraUe exerdae of the veto power: a^ he gees over the appropilatiwis bill now l^efore him for ^^rwval. '

It is believed today that the gover-n « will approve the t f l l r g i a g t t M g ^ aa it came to him from the sseumWj.

The sum <^ $«)0,000 of Mt^tfegtar revenue wiU. a b o . t i ^ care of ttw greaCer part-of the special i^gfepria-tions now inthepmceaa.of eBaetaoent, or awaitiag niiil|iiluatioii by the gov-eraor.

About two-tldiias « f jOw 1900,000 of additibaal. revemie. It i s nndoatood, will eoBte from common q a n i K s aSd other poblie service eorpbratieas. A m e n ^ of _jhe_g»n!<nation ^fiS««ia-sion aiaid ^bU tiha estDgnste of tite au­ditor a i q i e n e d ^ him t » | a e^uMna-tive. .


Groimd hog daiys are tint and the people are leoKiBgfar g«od wttat||«r.

Mr. Henry Aadenoa h i s hmm. on the sick list. '

MxB/MiU^ fiettis eoi^Bnes OL Mr. HeriW(£;Aiid«sen haa gods t»

A l e x t t M a t» *orfc te the shfpyanL

The jMinal, | I ^ a jmi.

eVary department^ the state goktat^ meat, indhraing increased salaries for tKWriy ig*t(rr start^r-ettMr hmi -em­ploye, itm budget mii&ni sample provi-S»Wl~fty ttW 1'*^^*'Jt' '^^.^T*: _ ^ " ^ ^ state gsrvernment f«r fte aevt two years at a saving o f nHMre than $Sr 000,000, a s emnpazttd with tb« est i . matea of the departmnite and instita-tions filed witik the QbveiBor last , Mo-veinbw. ;• '

-agricultural elasscss should'be th^ Ob­ject of govemnieQtal conc«m. Point­ing out that upon them and t h e f r i a -bors rested, as a fouodafion, true aa^ tiohal progress and prosperity.

A few weeks ago Mr. MO<M« intrft^ duced a reiHrfntion providing for the appointment of a comi&ission to ib-veetigate the depertm«ntai of govern­ment fox 'tiie purpose of formulating a more economical and businesslika systMtt. The conduct of the business of the govennnent has been a 'source of much dlscussliHi. Bifr. Uooi^p's res^ olotion was favorably coaimented xtpoAlliy soma of tlw gwat 3<turBHlj of


Appointment of a committee <« re-districting the siate and reapportion-wtmt of senators a a d ' d d e g a t u was one of the kwt oflSdal acts' of the pre­siding <rfBcen of the ^two brandies of the general assembly.

House,members on the committee are- -Stephswaim, OalinT D«dsen, No-land aod AadetsoB. Senatsrr sdeei> ed for the cMumittee are Cannon, Gar­r e t Holt and Trinkle. The coa^mit-tee, ft wks stated, does not plaa to get down to actual woik iratfl after th^ federal census retunia are in.

- 'Sry evr boBiiMtt lacals. if 7 > ^ ' waatto fet





Lftfcy'a PtorkiaiAMim ? f T — . . . • • . surer B r n d Fcaa. 2 f«• . ^ . . . GoMi 6 n d « SataM Wdefa'a Appit Bi«t«r. No. S'Rwirtow No. 2 ToMitow Larc« Cake« Soap, per Acrmr Borax Soap . . . Vcflper Stcd €«« €off«


.%» •24J

..15 —:n

i.es M

Gokka Drip, Good CM Driak .45 Pore Hof Lard, p«Hb J8 Del Moate Splaaeh, can J5 Sihrar FloM kiraat.. I IS-Aoai f f lwfi Backwhcat Ffeor 14


Oranve Paper Waraly Poblie Scrvtee

Preaent Congr<



the Country. The New York World gave to i t considerable space. The goierar tho'ngfaf was that it was an impiartant step in the right direction. T%e author vnta Qie recipimt of oom^ mendatory' letters from such men as Secretary Franklin K, Lane a n i Her­bert Hoover. These are Just a few of the incidental 6f service that show the wisdom of the people m selecting the character'Of man that Mr. Moore is , to guard t h ^ interests in Congress. He will -grow in usefulness imitil hi* congressional person will. be|^idnn«B-eurate with his purity of ^ dlt^acter, his mental ab i l i^ and his 1|it^>rity of piBpoee, ^^idi i s that of t&e^gead' man of foD stature.—Oransge County Newi . ". • ' , _ •

Mn. T. T. Phaup, who has been vis­i t ing relatives in souxfaem Virginia, spout several days this week-with her, brother. Mi. R. R. Whitm<»«, en mote to her home in New York:. \ . . Mr. W. L. ^ n w i | i n g spent several days tMs week a f ^ former home in Campbell county.

Messrs^ Leopard Utterbaek aqd Ber.-man Bryant left this wedc to tfbtun employment j p Roanake._

Mrs. J. S. McbooaM and Miss Gm\ tmde JCcDonald left Topaday to visit Mrs.- McDonald's sen. Ut. W. A. Mc-DonaU, near Oriean. , : ' ^ - — -


The pupHs of Hickory Grove sehe<^ organised an Improvement Leagae Friday , afternoon. The following oAews were chosen: Preridcsit, James W a ^ ^ ; vye-president. Berniee Thooh aa; secretary and tx^aeurer, G m v i D o Thomas.

The purpose of the league is school Improvement. The motto iar "If-yod wish a thing well done, y<Ai should do it yourself. Y o v shook! not leave it to' others." One of the definite aims is: "Promotion of every pupil in every grade by the end of tiic sessipn."

It is proposed t« give aa entertatn-ment at the d o e * of ached: Bcfreeh-ments will he s d d for the benefit of the league.

'nt ~ PauUBi* .l^eague nf flKikuiy Grove School has not met recently, owing to the prevatanee of the flu and impaaaable roada. It is hoped that a Btaetiag may bo aczaaged a t aa eariy iaee. —.

Mr. Walter George hM been making consMeraUe impcoveiaeats a t "Con. test," his reaideitre aefer Hickory Grove. ' The members of Mr. Silas Hunt's family, who were recently ill of infln-

j enza, have r»^o»er*d, with the excep-1 tJoTi of Mrs Hunt who is still ronfinsd ' to t+p hf.i.of thcjirh .-nuch imrno-H.

>MMiioio<>ari>^ Business L4teala—they wfll

Each year fbr ove $200. i ^ ^ i ^ . ^ ^ f v ' ^ ' ^

EVERY year you and the other men of the United States wear $200,000,000 worth of overalls. Tied

end to end they would £ea(^ twice around the world. Scmxe of thejte qveralla wear wen--rt^_^ OOTofo^Ufc ,

' 15tiSers wear oSt qmckiy—bind and ripi, ~ Which kind of service do ywirs i^ve? H^vc yoa

- fcuadaa ovew^ that-pves yipu full galue i n Kear^^and-l.Cpmfort every t i ro^ 1 ' . ._'_ _ _'

Millions of men are today wearing OVOTJI» which > give satisfaction they have never kapwfi bcKxe. Whea.

litese men waM overapt, they nuilce atitfis tiiat thflbrgc^ Bhie^uckles. '

'TraJWed a lot at orarmlb, but of mllTr» vrorh PU cAoooa Bh^* Bttekltm pr*ty timm, Thi» mhrayi

rimtdml *f Ik* fHM Otrs mmdSmmUCntm Srtmtrt

The heaviest, toughest denha on the marfcetgoei ista Blue Buddee. Blue Budtes are always big and

'roomy—EBiieBucklesoever^. Firat^daaswoikmaiV •^Up makes the detail* fight in every pair. Pockets rehifprced to pcevent tearing—heavy braw buttooe— a SGfid beck band—extra iride •uepeodoa—apd 1AJ9 doaUe-stitdud Mams everywhere—pointB l|ice thtsa

.^ve Blue. Backrcweareraedid satisfaction. Aak fair Bhie BucJdes and get your mooey's woctiw

r^ i/niotr Made,

M^^sdUag^veratt in thewoirld


1 ^


\ 35,000 Owners Praise The New Tripiex Springy


MORE than 35,000 owners of the new Overland 4

«re enthusiastically te l l ing their friends of the wonderfiil tiding qtialities 9f this xai^ Triplex Spring snyxrth oqt ttie rough ro&d bumpsl

. "Rides BSlKi .Ul t car ever

"It would be an. insult to put s&ocE~absoiten en thir car."

"The most advanced piece of work yet ponoduced in the motor car Bnc."—These are some of the sincere oompB-ments paid Ovtriaad 4 b y proud owneA.

n * Sadao weigh* ooljr 200 pounOi asoce tbao the Touring Car

ffBW PRINCB ^riLUAM GAKACI r~—J. i. KAWIJALL. Msauwu ->—


C seeeeteiieo £ \ r-rr o^- Bus

MiRs NP«1 Shirley, of Wat*rf«U. was the srapM of her sunt, Mrs. James

Cheetcr. Mra. Byiaad T. Dodge, of

P liv .' 4- land entertajnerf ' : *- ' • -lends at a hirth-

• .ST.

Mia. W. M. Jordan and M:s? N»:.ii« Rector have retomad from Baitin re, where thpv i en t to purchaa* r.eir • p r . n ? -ni -

.*>.*,«^..A,.,^.^..y..^.•* *.*.^f...

Page 3: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in

» ,




F R I D A Y , M A R C H 19

likc .Manassas Published •very Friday by tb«

irlnouisaa JoanuU PabUaUnc QA^ lae; r>. R. lEWIS; BuaiiMM Maiia««r.

:it«red at the poatofflee at MBnaaaat. Va., aa aecond-elasa mail famttmr.

•uiwcription, $14t a jear

Friday, March 19, 1920 •

As long as anybody's ear* la still unsettlad her*-

TwUl touch oa ill uniwa we share

The burden and the^tear, . —Folger McKinaay.

TAKE A S H O t AT IGNOKANCB Although trad^ion baa it that ig-

Biirance is bliss, ignorance in many inatters la not bliss bot crime. ~The future hope of'world-wide good health, or at least a tremendously heightened ptaodard of health, lies in banishing old fashioned ignorant of the primary taws of health and the cooditiMia gov­erning preventable diaefse.

This desperate need was nevto more forcefully illustrated t i ^ by a recent news letter from the Virginia Ktalth department, "The Story^of PoUy," by ^ pubUc healUi norae.

Polly, 8 seveoty-yeur-old e ^ r e d woman, came tb a eUnie>**J9st to see what's a-goin on."

"Never \u^ no c'sumptkui, no aah; never beoi "scposed to it, "no suh; seed •omebody with it, yes snh. Come to think abont it, ^member juat aa well Old Uarster 'way back yondo- fob^ "war cough ail de time; nseter send me Tip to fan him, yea suh; die of c'aomp'

P o l l y hAd lost u x children and two grandchildren wlth.tabereulfaia, and a liinag^ jBl^dcUld ia x6m_* w PoUy henelf , <fSaIly peraiiaded to taka the teat, prorad to be an old cjtroi^

' In the l ight of,.pre»ent knowfedge a clear caae is presented. Present day int^lig^Dce can inetore the little negro girl sent np to fan the aiek old man who knew nothing abottt the aim pie precautiona against^ disease; a coBgh, a asMce, in&etioB; tha lAaSA gntn op, mazriea, «oagliB still bat with aturdy reatataaee never breaks down, -while ddldnHijuul .9v^ graad-efaildren ^om«, take the diacaae and

^m:-^ —— ••—;—_—— Neither a decade nor a g«nerati(«i

ean be expected to liberate the abtvea of ignorance, bnt consistent edtoe*-tional pno^ganda can matniaUy ii6-piJAVe th# aitoatioD aa' weeka ^ daya go hy- - ,

If yon haven't e v m a mild froiay for any form of reform, let y e w ener­gy drift to' poblie heattit preachments. It won't do yoa aqy harm and yon y(^ have, the aatiafaetio^ o ( meaaoriiig th« good accomplished io livea aa w e l l a a d^lara and cents: - .

LET US HAVE IT What la yoEir favorite poem ?-Althongh we ln% in a trenendoiaiy

practical age, we cannot tret awsy from the charm at poetry. We don't want to. /

The Joama] has pnUiahad in the past many of its own fayoritee. Now we waat to yobttih year iavozite. Let OS have i t

Perhapa i t ia ac^ne tiwaght O a t alwaya ivora yea on to g n a t e r cn-deavor.^^ —

Perhaps it ta aome ceBifort-ladta!^ thought that never faSa to reach' troubliBd heart

Pftiwpa it is some bright flaA of hnmor to ease a burden—even, f i ^ tfa^ nonce, to roll it mit «f s ight

Perhaps it is a thing ti t>eaaty that adds MMtlMr gieam to aa already golden awilijiht pr lends new seat to a

-lifa already Ti^la-^iDagBmpB of ISi privilege.

At any rats said na that poem, and from time to time theae favor i t e wffi appear in The Jotimal Unless yoa

.request that your name be withheld, we shall mewion in each inataaee whoee iavorHa is pqbliahed. l a most

' casea we thillk yoa wdB be wSIing to let oa pabliah the poon as yoar BM*-sage te year fkienda .

OUT AMWTG THK BK^'HCff ig Out among the U g things— -

The mountains and the pladia— An hour a i n t important

Nor are the boor^ gaiaa; '' The fencT fe ttte e i ^ ;, '" ~~.

Is harried night and day, But out among the big thiaca

He learoa the ealiato' way.

Otit among the big things— The skiea. that newer ead .

To ioae a day a int oatitia'— I'he daya are here te syaad;

.V ^hy not give 'eai frsaly, .. ..oyin' aa we go?

: aon.ehow cant help thinkia* The good Lord meaaa ttia wOk

I .' amoTie the big tf.mgs— •»• 1- ^.-its that L-;eam

it star;

The HUM BMns ALL. It is made by UM Victor Talklv HacktM Co. BonH be decdred J^ sna* otter—4|et aO CsM-net IbeUiun ace VietnilM. Let ine show you. Gtra order for Reeoida. I have sonie la stoefc aB the thaifc •Jyaiifit hi prtr*L ftTVlf^mB A fJATT^ ^


Watiefc Repdjit xd F ^ oi basics



y Here Are Mscrinmat^ Peorie m ""*•""" ^ ^


r ARE TOU CARRYING sifident bnolBae^^tQ OTWthoyegeatyahieef ywgpwyertyt


NEARLY DOUBlED: _ it HAYS YOU INCiiEASEnyou iMoraMe braa: UBOont that will cMreeqiMmd with the advance Ok iOBPLACBIlENT VALUE «t vonr fmpwtyg _


IB «rer3r eaantBottj who want te porchaae t ^ Thew are oar fr i fds . ' Thqr havif;

;piMvt^ the naiM of "BDl^ONDS" ia seed ^t ^eetadsaaad Kymleiwiii.



Makcra af 8FBGTACLW «a< XTBGLA88BS SMFi f teea th Strcat W A 8 H l N € m > N , D. C Oppoaito «MTChaai Hotel


YOU want nore milk and ercaan? If eo, yea alkonld feed EUREKA DAIRY RATION,

the highMf in quality and safest to use, for best reeahe. Yon^aay be froan Missouri, bat -we « « » sbew yoa. Ask^your feed dealer »bo«t E U f ^ K A aOMl&td wfaat you have long beea t ~ A i f for.



fHAYE YOU CONSIDERED how amch maney. yoa MIGHT VR ORUGED TO CONTRIBUTE fai case miem, beleaiiae your insoranee stay UBX jmrtect jron UNDER PRESifflT VALUE ^




hi^ ^?


fia wiat • At dcctncal c^opMil-.Mrin tesitan, nat aid Ac Mil

Ov wirac asd niUibtiM \mrs V irwfvff'' '<•• • • Dn^"i' ••••• ••. • M • •

St In

Arfter yoa eat—«lway8 taka



WILL GROW Ovt sprroundinfs and growth of your B«nk grpwa, we frow.

f Mxs ravoral When yoi togeth er^

t^^m first and IWVB %hast ef depositoi



, a n d mik Ut* ryvtr-.^ >

• J :mch

t ROSEIMBERGE M A *« a S S A S , V i.R G • N ; .a ;H')W

•w ^ V •" " '•^ •" "

. .1ft wan V» • • • . • • •*J^J**}^«*« .^JM>^.^^ j ^ « *4^<M. V^'H-t^* <

Page 4: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in


;< JK MAJNASWA*- A,NAi«^AS, • F W riUa

BRIEF U)q | , NEm '**'>»»0yff*^>0y0*»t0mf^0*t*0*f^^<m'>t0^»mf01

•«ia«M«r ill. If iavnt^ —Mn. AOwt LawwM ia


kjtec dfanar St him

—Mx. K. M.

wiU IMM tiMirMcater COOrtlMWM OB



havioc bMB UOHB 4a«nr«ar'4w

—The Ifuck iiiirtlin' af dw

eBtertaiiMd by Mis. H. X. HwiAqr. —Mzm. Bur BaMck.

Mr. and Mn. 8. T. BUI, la from her we—t fllBMa a* Mrjmni*t Del R«J. ' •• ;•• ^

— H O B . C . A . Sindiiir. « k » ID Richmood the Hoaae at to his boMe ta

—Tte ymyer c i ide cf TMrntgr Epis­copal Cbacek .«in iMst nest T f d ^ r

Mrs. F. R. COIM fa Lee eveuMi

kat au te j r Tlioae pras-Gaarse SnOi . W.

DodfB, Wyatt Bvtiar, Charlea

M i V V i i « & Gaomb, Dr. Wa4a PiBjrpe aad Ser . T. M.

^^Bayyeaailatiiie Bwia .tUWMeaa, TcwL. hM viUtiaa of the Ladiea* aoeiatiaa te ^ e a k h e n at the M( rial day satheciac' «>• ivma S. B ^ reaaatative Davie ia the uem aMB fatal i t e fifth T — a i

Davii« ti t h e i a -

TTiitwui have cleared the aide-•maSt am Cmtre atz«et awea i t e Haia-Up'a steae, whleh haa haaa partly eev-«BBd far aaaaa ttaMl>r the aPihaskaMNt # • the p r e p a r e aeeoplad hy Mr. B. I«. Diyaut, ^nitig-

paTwaeat -


L J . U B w b o B f t«t*ai(*a«

is.reeoTermK | ^"' %lSiJc$SS!^T.'

—Mr. and Mra. R . B . «zUii enter-. tained a faailly p a r ^ Friday e v ^ o h ^ at t h « r hoMe tp Portnar aveaae fa cel<j»«tiea tt M o . Utfcfa^ hbMar-

—Mr. 1^. E. 1 repoMican etate cemfmtiam Mt ok« tUe. weak tm a dalacate. fraai Prinee w a t t a n « e a * ^ . Mr. is ehairawa, tt Iha committea.

—Mr. P . P. Ckaate, « l i» raeantty went ta Mt. Kairiar. M d , erpactJiiC ta move his tamSir Hiiim. haa latyraaJ t # tUs aaetkm t e take dMUsc of tta <arai of Mr. R. C. Lanria, fa Fairfax near Qiftan. . ^

Davie ia and ShOeh. ^. J., •fcar*'

Lena May Ceokaey, «f and Mz. Fkaah B a a e d Moea.

n a m e d fa Bal-t h e teidtt, l A e hM

iBipinyeri ta Waahfactaalar aaan* H a ^^Kfatar of Mr. a a l Mra.

Wi fieufcaajf—Bi

—AmMtfaeefafMt h u t*cn «a4* «^ the «>gattiaiint «< Miaa jnlaet Whit», daagbin ti Mrt. HMTT Sadtk, «t Broad B M , te l b . (jaoia WBfaflL Mr. HilUard ia a y u i f < < Jtea. Bfaw^ TniBer, «rf WiWfaAaiL.' - --'.

^—Ibtiaa Editl glttttaaW, trfa* k ia the Bnraei' irpiajas achaalvt the Qm-eral Haapltal at faaterina, tttm^ spending 'haaaft tiBaa ^nth Mr. a&d Mra. H. A.

'Mn. Timaaa SL Uaa haajMtarp-Mv Qoaatieo. where ahe waa aam-

Igr ttta ilfaaaa «f hfr a^ and <ai^tw.fa-law, Mr. and Ifas. Thoauw W< liM.'ef QBaatieo, aB^ hfer daagh-tar. IGaa SOmt Lion, whe vAFTiBtfac

AB leaAen ef tha iaa&f.

«Mfl vm the road to lewvei'y.

—the Mfataa ^lael eutatUiuBd tit iarda "^-VTT 17 Mini M tha 1MM flt ftdr pMMta, Jiiidl«a«M Mrt; Chariee E. Nfaal, la JUtsuMK. i ^ 1»«C Miat Hush Cox, IGaa Kath-

m & r , Miaa loBC Kfeet. Miaa Pniieaa.aaafiar


of their Mrs. Moyer^ Ian, made her Clem w ^ e few year* a fa .

—Miae A M a FMaty Girls' Anxifiary «£ tha Friday affaiaiaa Patridc^ 4ay. A M aftemooa a eta fa tiM rocks, tod l a tlM white a a d

SL the


—The Ben Bercricy Fiac ^ Oie American Lcciaa haa at The naiaa^ Saitfa members. The peat j^aameil of Majer Bea Beaariey, aaa tor J. Brad D e m i a y . af county. Majar Bewafay Hei aC mocia wh3e-ea France.

Wea4yard, who haa fa HanfaeaMir^ aa ai^erfatco-

deot a< tha Hanfaenbarr divfaiiMi while 1^ railreada w e n m d e r g«v-e m ^ a i t eeatml. haa mtaraed ta Mt-aaafeaa aa aaetfaa foraawa aad wSl aaaa ^ faiaed b e n by Ua CawQy. Thar ^vfll awapy tkiair feianir heme aMT the tMtkfa, whiek h aftw raited by Mr. aMi M n . Baii9-<3atv«aiL .

—Mra. A. L. Bwimona, delegate, Mrs. B. T. H. Hodfe, aHamate, and M n . . £ . L. HonAaker rapreaanted the Piiaabjteiiaii Chard at a miaafanary aieeth^fa-wmfflsiBi m Tuaiilai -tt^ the Ncw.Yecfc Annae Ptaebyterian CkasA.^ A dedaioa w«a reached mt tide meetfag dtaogiac ^ old pfaa of a^anta hea»a a«d Cwaica argawiiatitaw, which fa ta be npiaafad ttcatlNr aa laaae «a« * - - « • - " - ^ - ^ - * * * - ' 1 •

—Majar Fnd W. Melmtm .Ratfar-aea haa bean awarded tlM dutiacoieh-ed aarvice aMdal-far^eavcry ea the

aC battle fa ii^i^e. Majw Pat-iCaraed ta Fnaoa m

tifa srana re^atratfta aarvkSa fa a aan af Mr . BaUaatyae Pattaaan and a Ddthew ef M n B. T. H. Hodge.


Wiikar Bead naapttal. w h e w haa haan nader t n a t a e a t Cor woaada reeeiaed «i|^iteen Btontha aca .

—^The faaported IVrchetea ataOioa, ''Kaaaaa," 8 y e a n old. wae eiM at the pabUe sale pi the peraenal eOecfa af

me MKa Cool, ^^f^Mi&lfat-aeaday aad t n a heacht by Mr. Bahtrt OoateUo for | U e . accordity to the Auirfltaa BalMaciae. H i e )IIM«» he-laa^ad to a HawittUai r a i p a a y and coat 9iJM» a fair y a a n ago. A gaed crowd waa fa attaadaaea aad tikB Ctaak praparty a o U w d l , the iear-haaaa f a n a t e a n . bnngfag^ 8 H L _ Cera breaght 97.*^ a DanaL

vi- -Pdegate . R. l indaay Gardm, ait L»aiaa.'eaee j n o n iutiudiaad a joint jeaehitioB ia t ^ B o a a e aC Ctafacatea hmt wade providiac <arthe efaetfan ni Sagr^iae Cbart jodsar h g r / t h e ^ v e o ^ aad^eaee BMaa. Iferg lauaaan waa voted dowB. tUa tfaie M to tf. The defe^ gate Cnm Laidea hafe iatzadaeed a

y a a n e U . w l ^ k eeeatsed d ie day t^afofe a t the^aaae a f a a a a t t e , Mr. 9:1

P. Matthew, af l a s Tcgas» Nev. Toaag Swait v a a a a a a ^ the late.B. a Swart ,a f Pasalaiad. Ha had haaa fa the eChfa

Ml ail II F . B . Hyaaao, 4tf Oeee-ipHa, aad d l P.: %aBl#gK,-«f Wat-

D d e e - U i ^ rliaVia. a n ' at-tbe aatagaal eamai t iaa af the

D A » . L i i ^ CoBipagr M Oayfan. O ; t U i wwk. Mr. Hyaaaa aad Ifr . Spa^dhig, who a n j a i t a u i fa t e a i -tary etfvwiag l<widnaa. Faa«aar and Priaea witttaai eeairtiea, were h o n v gatat i at the faaaantiiai aa amalieia e f a <teb r i i i i i i i i ^ anaabira « € O a

eagaa imiea wha aaada aaeaih recarda dariag the baajaeaa


the Gcaerri AaaeaiMr a t '

Gordon's Ttapb^Him ]

» e e ^ alao M l hy Ike i rTGaedaa



•radge tad lamaT liewia, for* ai the ffiipiwi Cewft

wiea-aiaaMd Uaited JMatea diatrfct attoraty far.tibe e§8t-«aa diatiiet af Vngfata. Aad Bataoeifay at -hfa hoaM fa Biefanand, after a k a g t h y 9faeaal i a d s a Lewfa a bara fa Beckfagh^ai e o a a t y j n March 17, IMS, the aaa «f SaasacI Hanee Lewfa aad Aaaa Maria (La Lewfa He waa adwiilted to tk fa d e e p e r e e a a ^ fa U a » aad waa efavafad to tne jadiciary a t tfaaaga~cf Lhir^-aix.



2* Per Cent S Per Cent

10 Per Ceat


liaiiAagA^ vBwawiA


"Yhe A. B. C. of Satialapctmry Merchandwe


The i a a r a i l . $ U g a year—worth i

UNIMENT— i f a r i

ahffity. ABliMl»

^ * "

- .2S.

Hibbsac • tr t f C l t l


alwaya mU


^ THB AMERICAN For ilie modem bvi-ntsS tB9U| VnM> UtTXU%

a sinait,ea^F-otdi^siiiL The lines « e oT die New Yofk aucndi cyp^ FkUtumLy Hyliwi "win*

^ilfUt OQLBS

rfa^ak • 9 •••••* BttPP** MfW'r

I f a e a a i



er to faaddi

ACTION A TOaWC f e n i H j i i ^ that wiB

W e a ihaae :


.COfiLOBS oocca

!«f tts< fa t h c e a i e


OOBMS OOKN BBMBDT^-A n i MMTgy aad aWBty that take

the e That^

be f«

f reaier ,

We have a

Cocke's Pharmacy GBOBtS&i

-Wei .- i


= :-^s«e«*^^Bi**S^**^"'^''' Is Your Sybftcriptioi i f%, L^ ?Att,i, OS Advance ^

Page 5: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in

I'm m mm


^XS-SE Of GREEN GASUEOr Ya«fikeloT»urilif«, '



"DANGEROUS WATERS" A newpktocrfBcsawML VstM «f mHiii« MtiM. r A t a i «f

' Adua," exira ifttnetiiMi 'fai twtf reds. Keep tteWsr««flM-fknm the fTObtoH tliat eoalwato tte fanun of iaiaj. AB §m U*-ITe. Bn^tateit.


• t B . . ' * WHY SMTH IXVt'UQMF HecMddiflkJflBliiBhiUc W ir? __ O w e —<l am. •

" A#iiiia»^~, lt«-17e •

i«lw A. Nieol. «<

Jbs. FMar FMm wid MiM Aainqr

AirfnMnMaMii., 3fn. B. T. 8. Bodg* i |


rSAI^LOYV ''She eotfdB^ a a i e ker ief«B fce k»Te. AdMHWHi. U e - l f c .

Mf. W. A. aii«]i, IBtak of >TnlBM»THn, ante a

Mr. a G. T—rtiimn and X tlie


• '. . t a i . . ^

"I^E BLACK'SOBCRET* Episode W ^ ' I V b a tf Ita«»l." Semiett CuM^r, «A L.«DY^ TAILOK." < JiewB ami. We^ly.

Itatiaec^ 3 p. M^ fie-llc N«M, 7:3a, llc-lSc.

"? No ^ e w Iffoinday, March 29th


(iRcxaaES! My iiae tff HuMy aai

GraocncB. •§




r .SAekata» !.4* RrerpC


•• 4


£.1LC0BNW^ \CASt¥»«OLD

NcarO MANA£t£lS

PUBLIC SAiE! ..NRMtr; * ^ r


C—•lari t at M tifkttjtl*. m. Harias 4eeUed 4a

partnwship, we, the ed. wiDscfl at poUic Prospect Dairy FaxH, 2 soBlh of Maaaii—^ Mar the Ca^ non Braaeh C h v d . y t h e named date, the folvfrim a»iial property:

Two-year-«ld eott, yeartiag cr4U about 59 pare hred DOTK Jerswy bogs, m s . hoars, ete^ rkliiii: calttvator. w a l i n s caitti-vatoc, amsia cailiTalaEi shovd ptoir, aagla shavel plow, Na. 4 Soalh Bead pla*. Otivcr No 20 plow. Case faas plow, lat ft other aayJltuaii, iera shetter, ft., irood 8«n«y, gaad .heavy


3 . L.

•C tke

Witb nUtives near AViawUla.

j b . TtMiaM^ CBifB~4iar'SEadsy iritk Mrs. Oafeb at Hw hwK e< tteir

, Iba. Bnqpr at XoMlya. ' )

IGM BaukMc' Batics; «i Bri«tov,

enl daf* is Alexandria tar, Usm. H. L. CheaVte. »Mr. C t. l^^naa, «C

4«7 laat weak a ^ Tiaited: law, Kak Albcst Lawianoa. ~

IfiBk. Bt. AftiH Beaift aad fitUe saaa. «< Thamaavipa, N aiartim Mia IhiwW* fcUm^ ter. Mc M. {.yatii aad Sr*: Poipe. •. ; " • ' ' ; ' ' •

C, ai«

L: £ .

faediv, wha 1 nek at bar ksow ia Wi aoew time; iirtwiiied ta


Mr. Thagatna CaraweH, eaa ^riertnaUieBt at

Fittrfrit far ' iaa parwits, |ir..«nd J f n , ^ wcQ,'yaateaday.

Poa. C- J. Maetae lua fdber, Mr. Jgfan L. MaiMtay ti I^arei,m:, Bietiier, lAo i

aFfao baa

Mta. B. Haia^ imtan yeatendsT to Miii^^»aartta Pattea. iaacatiy antopilltd t a a a a

N a i q t a a a . a < , << TtViarj Ota»a,

trtpa to tavday aad viaited at I J M 1

M. Wafe.

IMaday* Wtdneaday"

F- S. Davidce aod Waa Cbaeo ^ Ba)6aM«e,a

Cbaab, «d tflwatdb,S. J.

^ MH..fcaaaB«WBdbwtwoe)aSaea, of A j t t j . W. Ya., letaraed t» Ma-aaaaaa jaa<w>lajr aad a n atayiac at tba boaw af Mr. aad Mrs. S. T. BaU-A e y wB be joiaed by S«r. Mr. laQ a ia i tba Metbadiat canfuame in Aptilaad Ia«ar wfll tidDe paaatMiae «d tba nayai l j aow nated to Ttx. Baa.

Undertaker AND

Ckf A«a, Naer C A .

axon, tot af fead h«|r a»d ty soaM can. If Mt wMj

ir.jli. probai>ty ooie earm, bef otV day af sale.

TKKJiS:—Suu ai (1» aad owkf . :i<h. ovpT that amount a cradit of

" " mof.^n' -jrTr Sr e- <"n the par-




A GompM^ 8t€K:k x>f feeds alw^s pa hand, incinding Unioii Grains, Lanro Dany Feedy^diomacherStodkFefcdyCottooseed Meal,Bran,Afiddfings,Pnnce WflBant

Horae Fcc<i, SpeciaT Corn aiyi O jm Beef Scprapa, Tanlaige^ Slstchfonf s aijfl


New Amraican slieins ifmrhilie installed Vy £• IL O&Bner lb GQL

Two good werk-pair df* good mules for sale^ f., EL Saffo-, Hanassas, V*. 4 4 ^ 1

Try a box of Mary Staprt ii we Etxwt\fT, aSfc. I»ffpee^ WitKantj Pharmacy. 4i4t

White Boeks. Rhade lifand Beds White and BnrwB' Jjeg-bona. ^8B> $1.50 per a^trae. Wa. J. foaag h Som^ Oakea Siia;w^Wm. Manawwrn. Va. 4S-4^

Black Beaoty ot Witter Bot­tles and Fognt«n SyiiiiaeB are i^t^kaaLFtfae^mBaam Phar-


Wanted at Oaeii.Sx eeiored hands f<»> farm and dairy woik. Good wages and board, good hoars... Also can handle mar­ried eotored man. Game at oilce if yoB want to wor^andAsteady job. No ioaferp wanted. B. B. Wagmer, Ben LogaottJ'fSMms,

Wanteds—Twa adiite fami work. Good p^aftwee. B.B.WJ

for Ap.


Fat Sai^—Bilek house site eoarthoaBEiJ.^ G m t avcaaa. j M H. 40ieoiaiMi» tMi,D. CU S7-tf

Want •adit

Lesm a trade wl|ik Naming 54 to 58 cents per henr. The Virginia Shipbofldiag Corpora tiott wants young aUe-hodSed mga, over 145 pausds - weight Permanent shinriTd 7 aules frara Wasfaiogion. Good Kving eonditisBa. Steady work. aQ. yesir round, anth prospect at ad-l WMcneat.. . Previous experi-, anee "not aecessacy. OsD u^ write: Employaent OfBoe. Ylr ginia ShipbuildiMr CMperatiai. Ahsxandr^Va: 42:6

Need fire ipsaraiicet For low rates see Austiii. Mutual- and

I have pofchaacd wood work­ing iiiMiliiiitii aad ale pfspared todoaflsaitsof abep wOTk. i, R. Evans. 4C

AiQmean strain White Leg­horn eggs for hatchin r S2.50 per setting of 15 eggs, prf naid. Two settinjTF. M.50 r>rpr>a»d. All stvck u^L'i. .Atet li-.u t .ra i.



H O m r SAYIMG PBcavs

CaCee-ScGaad mtmabt Lsvd Calvcri 0»f«e


»e1 5Sc SSe 4Se



ttei tfe

l ie








er Cash and Carry Store,


For Sde:;^-S. C "W. LcBhonn eggs. Pen oac, $2.60 per s i ­ting'; pen two. $2. Stodc dirset from OwisB Farau, btae abboa wi&ker* at Madiaon Sqoate Gar­den. » i s . T. S. MauMUi/Safaca-vilte. 4S-i*

a n K' • • ••• rv: -}!i<S—-T.

Vo Lend.—Several thousand doHars on first trust on- farm land. C. A. Sinclair. Atty. S4tf

,. • -:•'*-• - „ • • - J i * . :<•"

Tons T kaTc daeidMi

12* Prmak *<lle.all im, Gaad aer fawa. f ary frvk.

Page 6: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in

?A(,,fc: SIX THE MAN,\8SAS JOr.RNAL, MAN.4.SH.-\S. VfEGLMA |T| IT • ^ ^ , . . . . , 1 , • »•,».... ,««...-•..• »,.i......••,...,•

FRIDAY, MAmm iS, tnt}


IinfeJafclh29rM ^Kat)t)^or>$Co« f-MMMBMai pmammm

-^r t/ 1


bm Eulr aii Ariid Mays-Tcl \m Neiglibflrs

On thi» date we shall be glad to have any De Laval user bring hb separator to us for a compete and care­ful inspection ai»adSustai«i1^ i9fakh lidB W^ of charge, i^iotild any parts, due to unusual wear CHT accident, need to be r^lacecL this will be done, the only charge beuff fbr th^ price of the n w ^ i i ^ tiMft' char|^w9beiiuWfdi^^iiaH^ ^ r

; i - K

A l)e Land service expert wiH be with us lo assist With the work. Bring in your JOe Laval Separat<M- and re­ceive the benefit of his advice on the care and dpera-tKMl of the niachme^ as YkSi as die itee service, it is our wish, and Aflil of thc De Lava! CodqMuiy, Ihat evenr luer of a lie Laval Sqwirator get die nuudnuaoi of efficaesicy at a nunimnm ^ cost, and we dierefpre urge yoillNia^aSl^oarscif of

.iM6> ^!H^ CH6ICH SBBVi^n

Bethd gtLZ Z. TtBBM, pMtOC.

Prw>rhing aX 7:M ^ ai.


Rev. D t f t e M t W«4«. n a t a l Sunday Brfciil « t U a. v . 11 :«0- |

Giving." 7;30 » . au—?»i i i i lmn. - » . ]hag±

ing Cairiai.'* W f ^ i i i l a y . , 7 ! a t ». » . .

meetiiK, " I I M PmKifc Maa.-

C A T B O U C AU ^ U a * rWliiMi O M K

«.ssaa, ~ ^

afth Soadajit. Wimai Sandays at l*:aO a. M « benedietioD of tlH BfaHM On the &Tst Brnrn^ « ( tfm. »p«c:a; devotiia fa I M H V ^ f -<Hi H e« rt «rf Jaaaki- -.

-:-..' l en l fWatiiM a< t - 1 fonrtii O a a i ^ f i j t % ^ m^\

ad of 3.

METHOWSPT- - -•^outh, Re».

res will becia ihe Medwdiat • nigtit im-

-<iially in-

4t 9:46.

a t T : K .

tmr BJuofKR GBmaLErs AP-FODmoEim

f f t Saaday. U a. a . Oak Dida, t U H flMhy. I t a. m..

i f a iOMi i i f S ^ ». 9 ^

<» B«r. e x . K J .

i a t t » . a .

at 11«. a .

, P V P S I T B I

• • r . L . t X




«t the VafateMl act ao aa ta » e m n t the Mia <rf K i M wiM and bacr mgr be tlw dear-eat k a o t a a '• • • ! • • • I i • 1 A^^^ « •

BaiMrt F. Leady, af L n g r . •a W . Haiilaau, ^

Iwi tQr Lea4y aaU laafe.wack he h vmitr' rMwid»atio» tha Matter • a i l i n g the race far uie awenth diatx icL If he arfn ran an tbe '^atfrtH «ad beer, he <iaAM«.

TMa ci««* I t e anbabSitT af «C1e«tt thra^ eoavBMi'hBa] n g w a I U K * * ^ ' aMT. fa the tfttr s t r i c t SeMtar • . • T...1.. 1^.1 , • . f--^^ already are m the pattieai aaaia f w tlM *mA aMde TKaait by the i «a«M- ' tio« e f J « l c » E . W. Swndeca. «e t O a Mi , l ace m the gmaaaw C e m t e< A»-faala. Seoatpr Deal, ot M e r f A . baa

C K t h e B a M ^ a f iet ' ia awer f iaa te M h n < a ( f l a C a & .

"Ad y s AppetJag"

NOTICB :a)ifiMi a* atiBiBiatrator °-itoB. dee'd, an paitaaa

iir&inat the eatafee wiD navm«nt and

wfl] --th the


-TCB -lunti - C.

f T h a t ^ the reaaea I M e to e a T B the SANITART LUNCB. Nat aaly tta* yaa h a a v «% C L B A M — « ^ that'a • , » ^ i i > •—thfat—bwt if• C O O M P • M t , wmd va* iart t^**** lagrthK. n a gMd. w b i i i i i w i faed yea ret

Mathw aaed to^ i ^ yaa. aad the acr-vieafa a

• e l M S a « e t M *



C^ce—Ei'oas A Giddsigs B u . i d i a g



cs —KMUI'S W « I | Goods Store adoKnidedces no superior aoatb of New York, aod o«ir uaortmeM even laaks equal to Biaay in dial city.

tiiaiiractical mad 1km Bovefty i4 bar hifl awert'

For the Practical Frocks f<Nr Evoy Pay Wear Are:

• i a f i t b e « e w a f t . 7 C ^

fofaric Cor wamUrng ckA- C / V .

-32-nc l i uvmatiAM^a^ Amencas plaa colora. A Y w l .

=3t<iiicii KIDDY KLDTH, a aiMnir ~ * AYanL . . .

•PRINTED V O a j S . la haoApeds of beaotifiil yatteyns, ti»e mmjorkr ' >witli«sHiliwdty. A t l W U t M t f l r i e e a a t o M a

lii^ ••<! noiwim A Y « N I ~

illPOkTED OR6Al«»y. IB a l ibe • • •<• • «

iabricbeMtiialaatest- C ^ ' O C t

* $L25

• - ^ jCANrrs-snubr Fuxut

Hopwooiys iconiLARrajCE



Mi Better Bread TWa arc gtad to


at Taaa ia




«»f th- ,i< at nw QLICX LUNCh

Eyeryd ing Good to fiit

My line embraces Staple and Fancy Grocenes"

(^oeensware. Tin aad EnameJware


-« V i -


Page 7: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in

^ P l ; iffit:-^ F R I I U Y , M A R C H l a , :92i}


• i wmmm


) ii-'fON

•ri. J>t;twiier ana cbld^n are t' .'^ from th«ir reoqiit ^ iws»

.1 .nn KlgTu's family/wko were (S. E>xcept Mr. Eigin uii me road to reewirf

Mr. Clyde Matfaera' ivulei»in^ aftar a wi Urs WiUiaai

i u p .

Mrs. Charica

tfuldran are

. . ia^aUato


iTuaarr taarhw able to be oi|t

illoeaa, tat has as teacho' ia the

sayi th» is not the woric

f i f w l hH' of the stxth tuMl


•lisK Blackbom, i U>« Cliftos school,

ain after a w< • h, fcned her poail

' 1. nji, iis her ph; 1^ eneugfa

Miss Oliver I'vsJiion as teacher -'veiith Kracia. She has ' ih« Oenaas l A e e i a

[his, unft» Umatriy, leaves only I ; e« t«ach^^ in. the aehasl. at the I leeent.' / "

Mrs. JjftL BocUay « a s oa the aiek list f o r i few 4mr* last WMk.

Mr. /Ualone, whe reeeAtly here, ^ ia a vfgf Waslllivgten, aaffenoc He ^ with a daqchter, l A e &•«• at W^tbiagton, and U f wOe ia with U n . l u Ernest Borka, oaa e f his atiidi-

(s , is l a ^ n g aA«r ^^ftoclc . <xpr. i. R. FercoMB has so JEHT -vs-liK'ered as i s ha sMs to s e t a n a a d a ttt le . He hss beaM «a as* • fcw p^

«nta. ^ A doital diaie m beinc I M U ia tlM vliften aehool for mrrwai J»,y%. Dr. I'orter is gtvingr the dii ldrai with bad

^«etfa aa ^ t g r t a a i t y t s have them ^ijF^^rreated at s • •winaJ c a s t

Mr. «nd Mrs. Tlmiias Fmirbx haxs had a acfw s x m » l ia th«ir tuoSj. BS-CNlt^ .

Mr. atai Mrs. E. H. Bottle bat*e also reecntly wekomed'a new ssn.

Mr. Hottie has aeec^ited s positiaB in BelTs l i s la iy in Manassas, ss^i ring

-•' ap«ii his abw wock Monday Bkoraiagt WiUiani OMwiier, second SOB of Mr.

^ O. L. DetwOer; wna Idekad in the faoe by a horse he Iras lr%i1nc s^th two others to water sne day tlna weepL The wooad tfaoogfa ttot aeiiwis was quite painfnl and disfiguriug.

Bev. J. H. McOeod iH«adied in the Presbyterian CbaarA Smday raoniac., Tlie WgoMki's lOssioMury Society inct witii Miss KeOey in tilie aftcnioea. Miss KeOey led the devotiinial serrice,, reading the SmJ|iitia'e and affering prayw. Mrs. W. R Riri>aBds-jpKge.jL

. -very inteKstias prsKufln en the sab-' jects, "The New AiBcrieaas"'«nd "Ja­

pan." Miss KeBsr tcpresents* the society a t the HeBae Masinon a n e t ^ nytrtifft 'm^T~rr*«T •» i j » J i e w Xdik Av^nae VMst^tarMB OiSA in Wsab-

l b s . Poiiripatw-, Mes! t p p s n d Miss ) C s r d a e Uyp wtx^

t o n this. woek.. Mrs. MoRis OsTis

Miss E s t h v to the danlast in sas Taesrtay. ~

Bev. Bdward Tabor made'twe ad-' dreaseajA the adwrt on Friday, one to

the b o ^ sad one to tiw e ^ i w schooL M n . L e e t a F e c d has j«e«Hed Sn «p-

peiatoMBt in the Ceiisss sOfee. aard be­gan w«>rk Monday. She wfll join the conunulers.

Miss Vtrisn M a t h o s has ntuiaud to faer pbeitaen m WsiAiagtedk, sfter spending some t a n e s t J t e r hoMe here on aocotMtsf tiwiBaeas tmdimtA!^

iiicju^ j!l iKjuan. !• th« ruuaty o< PriBctr Vi iliisB, State of Vir> guam, at (he cieae af bnalaeas Feb-m a i y 28, 192«. Made U the State

Loana and RESOURCES diaoooots . 9 6 M M - U

and flxtnraa.... from Natioaal B a a l s .

Paper curraaey ' ! < . . . . , Fmetifaaal

nickels and G^d eSfai . . . Silver coin . .



40bM 4 M M

Total . . . .|ltt6.dTA.W - LIABnJTIES

Caiind «to«fc psM ^^...,$UjMfaM Sarplos fond * iJHKtM UnfiTided p«ats, lsa»

paid &r iptanM. and taxes S28.27

Diyii^rnds unpaid .. . , ^ tlM ladiTidaal dapostta, h i e i ^

ing savings deposits 88l 4£Q.£6 Time esrtiflcatas of deposit. IjSUM Certified cbwdu ULM Cashier's checks outstanding ttaM Bsasrosd 'o7 aQcniad sBfet^

est oa deposits ' t J l Csv

Sesetai CHfian ritisews i i s r iMH' lastitaate ia

M D O f l B V H X S

The (Svie hmgoit wiQ hold a i n r a t the sdaaol hsose ning St 8 o'dacic.

tt. R. B. BaU wa« » tor Mii i isy .

IGM: l i l f iaa GBbsC,

Uerc tairweek. ^^Mr.^aad Mrs. C K. Oarke Suuday with t h e v ss in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. E . OaikK

- M E Will Uwwii . uf A«newTMsi-4iia

ity last w « * . Mr. T. J. Davis , of Akanadria, a

Uaveliag ssiesMaa, pasasd tapsogli h a « Wednesday.

Mr. a » l Mrs. Arthar Bosrtwright. «« nii.hwsnd, are visit wiiKt4% laothv , l b s . S>~JT


u: !h« < ierk's Ottce of the CmaM C o v t of the Cisnty af Priaee VM-baat. VirgMa, s a the l«th day mi M;n%. tnt.

HBajlKT IbP^OtaOK. et s^ FWb-

WINTEB Mel>a£B8DN, fendsats. The sbjoct «f this snit

e t a L . D e -

b ta have

jetS'ied Sntvata js^tasstslsj

ssle<pactitiaa net beiag advisable). W doena .w i l lM' a «prtaia b t of land eentainhig 1*M ' acraa, fally deeerUied in a deed teaas teie C. Trior'ta Jno. McFherson. ot sis., dated Jnly 2S, IMS, of record in aforessid Ckn^'s Q l ^ . in Doed.B*ek M, page 78. and lying near GahMs-villc, in aforeaaid connty, and a distri-bntsoB of tlie prgpeeds aiaongst thosiT tttiUed thereto^and far

YAWABLK EMMl, KaTMV ' "*^' ^^ parahaMr to iexwate a - | K C C t terest beariog bond, f qr aaid de-femd iMtjnMBtB, vitli nslct t» Under and by virtae of a decree m^.

vuisi;*! a l s . v s . N ^ M 7

Total fl06.474Jl* I, Jaaaaa M. Barbae, eaahier, do

aiBim tiiat the above is a true state- ••. insnt -s< the <Ht«-«*-i eeMtt le* ^ f j ' ' ? ^ ? " ' * ^ Bank «t Oeeoqaaa, laiiwpmated, lo-a S s d at Oeeoqaaa, la t h s eooaly sC Pxiaes iraHaas. S tB^ • ( VfcgWa, a t tile ektee <rf baainess oa ths i M i ' d a y of F^grnary, 1920, to the best e< any kaanriedge and b^ef .

JAiPCg M. B A X B S l , r B s M » . CacAet—Attsst:

K. A. J K L L I 8 0 N j _ CBA&. A. BABBfcg,

Stats of ^^rgiwis,

Swscato by Tnarn M. Bszbee. Cashier, l i t h d a r of M a n V l M B -

4 M a i y


t ids

And an aOdavU having bean aaade and fiM ^ a t the dyfcMlaats, Fiartigf IfcAersott. Bettie MePhereoa." U s wife; Frstak "MeFharsea, EUsa He-Fhsrsoa. Hilda Coraa and Mary Co-mm, dsfeadaat^ in this salt, %M not ntfdents ef:tfae State of Virgteia, H is ecdcrsd tkst tksy ds sppear here eritt-in tea 'days after dae pwbHcatioa h e r ^ ot, and do wimt is nwresssiy to. ps»-tecTthelr teterests ia t h k s i ^

And it is fnrtlMr erdered tfa^ a eofty hereof^ be pidilishsd once s week far

pnUiahod «Bd dzeoiated ia t l ie eeaalT of Ptiaee WS-Usm; a copy sent by registered maO, by the Oerk of this Csart. to s a d ef

(the ao»«esidmit dsfaidaata a t e a e last t i l I a II addrcas is gfven ia the s f s i ias id sAdavit, and a copy of tiiie

a t ths f i w t deer e l liM of this

Ae-jant-aminssding Bale P a j tWs order is eatoea^

G S a 6 . TTLBK, Oerk^ A teas eopy:—

G K ) . G. T T l V t . CtefeT H. Tbomtsa Davies, p. q.

I^ONDAY, APRIL S. IMt, (that bsiag the ftrst d«y of ths Apcil, ^*M, twm «< aaid Coart). at s a s oVIoek. p. BL. l i ftjpat 'ti t t e hsnss ef said e e « « r , a s ! bf w ^ of pnWic aaetiea. aO ad tiarts s# jsart, lying 4 eaeb other, awl

" * ^ ' NINrrY-FlVIE ACXES, ef wWeh the

Our Store Is Si^^idiiUy Ready To Serve die



iDDUli&IAianGO. ]21fi F St. and 1214-U G S t . , 1«ASHIM<2TON,.D. C.


IPRlNllNGi fail BOMD '

llfiMur G o o d s

First National Bank iLMXAMOBIA. YA. *

A h«ndeoiw» BIbte was prtaeBte* to Woedbiae poUic admol l a s t wesk by Mr Baml K. GoKhew. M ation of the gift ha bv patrens. stadento aa

MissGoUit Goiaww with Miss Peart Baeii l l

Mrs. H. C PnreeQ apeat Smafaiy at the b M w o f Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hffl.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Saddl dad chil­dren and Mr. and Mm. J. M. and thoT Bttis ssa, Msrya, Rev. sad Mm. J . A . G s i a a g m 8 M -day.

Mr iarvey Petty tf Pna l s i iUe li -\9 i.T>rlr ATH . ^ : : : . M r . Ufed



MAGNOSTICIAII iaClvosk g e t w d o f ham. T k o e a

caase aad yoo caa aot get w d mtti A e casK a remoived. Caav aad cAed a ike great iaw of nature. \ ou kJK>w ike d e d —tad the caua^. ."icfto nae yoar a i ^ and addrcxs ani-< u<- ttudy year

,... 'v.. . r.- ,- rf


Under aad by virtue of a decree en­tered on FcJaraaiT 8,1920, by the Or^ emt Coart «f Prhwe William Coonty; tothe dmaeetT aoit Hiiiiiii iliipiiiiHiHL aader the a i ^ ed B £ t h Manlaod t|t al va. Hsttie B e a m s et al, the mdar-sigaed eeaakisafaners of sale therpai appototad. sriBflffmr for ss le at paUie sactaoa, to the ^gfaest b i d d e r . b ae-esfdsaee w^k said decsse, on -^ ~ 8ATUBDAY. MAitfTH afl. l»ao|

HopowsH read. Gsiamvills Ceanty.Va.

TUs p n p s r t y has «a It lags, is wta watered, tiadieraad a good erehard.

T K U « i O F 8AUBl«Oa»4kirdcash; sad ths residas ia BMati. to be e v i d i e s d k f the ehesaric interest beariag aetw, paya­ble ia eae aad tara yaar% tima, titie to be reeervad tin aU the meaey id paid; the p s d m s * to ha « i -t ^ t o h a n flnaatiea e f ..aale; aad tiw tanas the yisar 19S6 to be tweea tibe p i i i i iasm and 1 ^

•Dd ti(le to be retaiaed vrtfl ehaie price ia fMiid in foO. .'

H. THORNTOK DAVIES, rommlaaioner of Sale.

I harahy carttfy that bmd lia» iMaM «cee«tod m Kequind in tlw-afoieaaid deena (rf aale. 424a - GBa G. TYLEK, Oeik.


liM)ERTAK£RS I Satirfaetory Scrrkc.

far Amy


r» fanner jaitnastisa, snysdtta ofi

C. A. a iNCLAnt. S O n f . A. HUTC8UGM,

Va. I. Geo. <;. Tjiar, elerfc df tke e i m n t

coart for Piinee i n i l i a m eeaniy, tifr that Bohk.'A. HatcMsea. eae ci the shove mmwltainneri in ths ahova s t^ed s o t , me as reguhed by

Ffiwitify 18, i n O . 4 1 ^ Q i a G. t n J E R , Omk.


a t twelve o'dociL, m.', m ftoat of tiM Pestles Kstianal Bsidc, in the Town af ManaasaSj sfonaaid coaatr, *a two eertsBi lota or psxcels of wjghj^^y tkire^^ Wag aad ha-juja pffar fbr

aasaas Dwbiet , irfoMsald asaaiy, ha-tog leto 9 and 19 ia Mode 1» ia the Capp TsditoUlsLDhriskm. erf leeesd i a Deed Book fl^ pp. 2 8 8 4 . ^ the derfc^

as the Altee fltraOer property. I M s ftofwity fafts M BIOC ^Nraffin^ span It.

7%SM8:-OB^-half <»ak aad saa-h a l f i a t w e h « maa uttriitimg intesest j ieariag note day ed ssle for mod deJerredpsj msat, aad ti>-tie to be rttaiaod aatfi iiwiihais is paid to f«H; w i t h i i i ^ ia tlm

to unlifirMtr to pay 1920 taxes.


J. P. Kerlla, ftirtismss I, GeoL G. T ^ e r , Cktk a f O a

d e h a i e ^ e s r t i wahatp i> iad i i i i i s iWj ,k

^aa, to t|»e ^ii^ieat'

at 12:30 II. m. o'clock, in fraat of. the eooiilioaae, in tke toam of Manaaaaa, afonasid eoontir, the fritowms real ertate. lyii« and bdngin Celea diatriet, afiweaaid eoDBty, and known aa tifft Lowe

till isiiiliisii llwid. df w iThpil •• nilluwi. FIBST llLACrUOn the Inde-

pendoir^Daaififrraiit i i id l i^ jfHBinff the Talor, Fbor "* aad Greenwood tvacta, leg, mote or leaa.




K J. Hotde HMAN ASSAS. V A ;

HaiUe^fiiiileiMiil KystfCeMta7


Under and by virtoe of a decree «rf the CircHit Court of Prince^ WtUiam Comity, Virginia, entery ed at tbeFabnmry Usnn,-W3IMA -the seit oi Lowe's Goar^an et al VB. Lowe et ala, the nndersiciied comnuagiCTwg therein aj »Mntad,(

aoeardMMe with ^sid decree.

SECOND TRACT.r-OM road aad adjviaiag the fisst tract, aqd oasbunp^ mofc or




Tins b j i e E a m ^ Unkn Sbve h ^ open to lio bosiness widi a& wfao

V " oome, on the b«£s of

B W K OF iaaa,

atAcaos TEIUB:—Oae%alf caah aad ffihalf in one year, tiie- por^

to exeorte itead, with m-ta«st friHn day of aale, for aaid

^yment, aad title to be ^ mrtO the aaane ia -pud. TH^tmON - D A VIESr—

Coauniaaiaacr of Sda. I hartbr eai^ that ^amd^

withjecurity, has been tivea be-foi»Meaareqairedbyttaafae»-

BTiaid~aBci«e «f aaie. GBaG.TYLrat ,aat .

Store k the Spriokei Biddi^ Ra* I M SbMi j b m ^ Ta.


^^A^^-th^-SMf''i^-i «.,« «;:, il.,:' dl

Under «id by Tirtoe of a dative] of the drcait Court of Prince WSiam County, ^^rsiaia, enter-ad ia the canae ef OMM. E.Penn ^a l agaJaat Beaaic Carter «t ala, the andersi|:ned rtimwriiiaiooer therein appointed, wiQ offer tor aale as providad therepi^at p i ^ m wctioa, to ^ hicheat bidder, * llONnAT, APSO. «r U M at 12:30 p. m. o'clock, in front of

«aaitiK>afle, is the town of aforesaid coonty. that

heuae aod lot ia the aaid town of ICaaaasas. on Centre gtreet. near the Colored Chturh, 1 aad adjoining the lands of Nancy [ Carry. Round and others, being: a lot about 40 feet in width and 240 feet deep and known aa the PeniT p!ac*. Th;s ntvperty should be p\s.Tnined beforp day of f«Je ' TKRWf* ;::_OTi<>-Th ir<1 ca^h a n d resjtiue i'; t w o equal vi&>ment? in

Q U A L I T Y W O f l K Q U I C K S C f t V I C C

T b e Hof fman Company . Inc. EXPERT CLEANERS AND r i > "


Page 8: SCHOOL FWIRES FAIRFAX AGENT > LAWMAKERS END …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · |wper man whaae'^ ttimaMOpr t^tOk President Wilson and Mr. Firmer be~ gan in

PAGE EIGHT ' .-- It -


ub-toed Products haptwrm Ncmr mid Old Bai|dingt.

CERTAIN-TEED RooBna wil^ Cert»iHBedPaiiil»ai«aoUana£«k / pwnyfa yon with fc Wthcr-prod^ pnee pofcy wfaidb mama that C>d>


•econbng-to i liBBn hiMiwu tb

•^^ coiarttiinoedattfs^octtqt tbe higlHt FIM « fw fwofit. H M pafitgn

•n- « veal fl|Bviii|f<li* 70a. or fttteen yean it it lias never Certa>>-*gui Deafaa in jour oqm-' eat on the rooL nRoiii^ iiavie a alpdc dl Certaiii-to^di

riy a uey l|iitdfa^~-ftoif«in. f^iiHi. aal VauijiliCTrFhqr ,^ . , „ . . „ . . „ tvS be i M to &4P 90a phft d», iurae joqv ctMlliI woiic and tdfdt fS^ Ifidpar C rttidp

' ' ' teodlVodneti.''''. OAaifi4e«d P M I S abd Vamuliea walaooftheliigheilqinity. T W C J tipoo a Certm-teedl CWwiIrr tfiin

inadeiigr«*|pert»itf aodAy INK wiedk met get^lfeadli pf &t» hdp ' •Oi i asBS8tiBMoa,"'"~.

pBVlauiHMl/Vwfacte Cov|^^



F i J l D A Y , M A R C H 19, 1S20

| '-S:i}S'i ' '*'' 3J^hi' r^~'i!r'i''

-.- '• r

• L'-L-.L


1 - j - f i . 1


NB- :

' Keai the wabigmiA pnw taktm tma. an aadtaagB^ uud H yon can fed^ i n i ^ mai smeerabr oCar it beCan xe-tWas tooitlit. 7«a ibay .kave tiie oom-fa«iii« aaauiMiw.* that yMB-lMa^MH BOtfar froa beiBC m the ricM

''Te ! ^ iM jiltf M> iniantaaJw^ hoar, 1< (waeea audn ana po«a4, aadi IM cents ABC doBar.

"Help na to tin a» ttwt I can Ua doiriPW Ktste witk a dan; coBaoMiea, intha«t a gaa mder'a^ pOiev, and wahangtrf by \ht taeta of thgaa to «&<«! I hare broo i^ pain..

"Gnat, I teaeeeh tha^ that I May


•am iny awia tiekat an tka wiBan, aad in doing' ao a a y sat ataek a tfM whwa H doaa not balons.

"DaafcB BM to^ha j a q ^ af turtadT Btoney a ^ Uie matle of Btbaly aldtta.

"Blind HM to tlM <w9ltB aftka OUMT fellcNr, bat wvaaJ to-*e v x owa.

^£lMe MM aa that aaA Dickt I ^fifki}maam the dinner taUa « t a y 'wttsy Vna bsi baaa a wfll b a n aatUas to

witfi aiy«yMi«a aad to tbilrplay.

"And then wfaan epmm the aaMU of flowera and tW ti«kid«f aaft ataptf at<d the '•"™*'>*^ of tfta'haaraa'i abulia in^ the ftiarri ea< -far bikl al wi |i*at«, make toa iMMuny ahirt am tapii aior^: ^ara H a a s

^Contlaind fron pac« pna.) of tita enCNeeiaaitr nuRli^af7i and San«tor Etaal da«lar«d Uat.tewarres-nlatoiy lam K^e-far a cantarted eit-ixcBT , and that CMnpniaoay adiyatioH KiB mean an vnfJini, tar «l£taeasl

•-. -flriaiwui badnar to tli^ atate. -The Coaptitatwn pvp i t i tha befis.

itdimta dnnet ruiajaileaiT aiiiHiilanii' lai|«^<or tfffliwnHatwufn f igit and. t:»«tve jajira «< »«•• , '• -'


but 1. Kacv yoot claaa laoi St the saaa tiMa.baac gaad tioa. At meaaa ^-aonrapanal l <ke wiaafowa and air the raaatvaO halat* the cfaadzwi retan to tMr wark. If

tat wBather. opes the wi^imm aad pay jiiBM M l a m 4 tkj^wUti *M « f a «-w miMtoa to the idM.

(«rruART Noncss. vrc Meaaona] laaiiliiheai, earde . of

thanltm, ebitnary notieaa of a wary kind (axcept a newa accomrt of a death -when -it oecnrvV ai«^iaart«d at the rato of 26 cents an iaen, payaMa to ad-nMBoy to aand, ronit at tfca Mto *t tf oanta for «v«ry M- waidar

CaDUMORM HITSr GO 10^8CWXML r Meat Market

F«^fia A««Bt Makes Jmnm

Haviiig »d^ my farm, I will seB at puid^^ilction at my resi-dencej knosim as the BradH^ft^tm OiiLJBu faAU road al>put one nuie from Manafsas. (»l r

D E L C O - U G H T

wgabiap w^

•a P Kaqpa pnn of

to henith. 3. Do net allow a diild wha haa a

cold to reasain ta scbooL A «aid la tbo ^asptoaa -aC- jnaay -diaaaaaa-pmr-alent at tfaia aanaaa of the year.

4. See that eiacy ciriM rcBM>«aa hto ootnide wrap. If he aito in tbwe aB day his resastarx:* to cold Js ao tower-M1 that roids. K ippe, ete^ T«aidt fmm • 0 . Alied exposure.

Require e\'ery chiVd to take rapid iw m the (jpen air for soTeral 1

,T<*p -f»rr^« a n d n''*'>n. F o r b U ^

HTXaW < 8PAUUBIN6 Va. Wanoataa. Ta.

Manassas TraiisierCo.,

XCoatttonad tnm pace one.) boneBt of tha cowiaanitj. ftitteolar ^tta^MB wan civan'ito <aa poJWie adwol lysrtMn aad tlM foatol "ianpial iytibm.

Hie adotd hoaae baa been the eoai' aninity eeator atoe«_tiia meat pcinu-' tivB days. V'a mdat ba've a pfawe whe^ we can talk-ovar thinsa in teas-man. - Iba idea of tha extent to iddeh the arheoia earn be need baa never Iteaa giaapad. U, Cor eocampla, yon can ea-taWMi the paOa in the adtool and fas^ nieh tta der^'irBH'GMn deoMaatrst. ad that the ^oeatii^ apea wUefa tha I'itiieia aia ttiaf to Vote aaty be pre-viaariy dtwrnaaad to sood adraataaa.

Speaionc of «ar paved poat ayateM. Mr. Ward pointed eat the aait| of eotttor ia two tiM praaeat lato ea Tunh fhna pradaee. m a woaU eaa-' >

r:L"L'^^'S2rSSi?«««»« ^^^^^/ ^f^"^ JPf^ ''**^* ''« cwrs, Gienisey an 2'4S«?rS«^'S?'LS^ 4««^ cr«$iei cmag tnAioMmMr, hmt^ mtkmi wagoa, h^gj, set wa|M Atth..a«,eationofthe,p«to,the|inness,setkKTknesi,Ma76fiKr cikirator, mnmAti gra^tooe, {M Mile digger, '^'Z::::l:'S:^K^\mKUkx, cnm-ku, wn stntckr cirpaker Wk, etc; 2 irai Mskak sprigs aW SS;S'LJr^'Sr:^iS::^ aaltress, ADI rH« edaa* l * . 5 plei Ha ca, 4 insreap dnn, 4 Twk:

art, krea, dbjgwg 2 y i < cfti> M r , ttdwj i t e .


At tha «ai lMairin of this loadi waa aarred to the hich < the todiea a« toe

«r tUa laaeh to ha I n e r»-

A Taat af

Adairal Time aaya the Otraata strait barrag* was one of the aunisesfui piacss of work aceoaapliafaad by the sobdnaars hi the ccaat war. He telln of this remarkable feat in next Sunday'* WssltingtOD Star, slao reiatiixr ti r fs<^ story of the sinkinc

TERMS OF SALE—All wfllbagivaa

Baakaf Bat

afflOjOOaad la esearfa

Na w f l W

lobe before

tbat aitwiai a cre<fit of 9 aegotiaUe aote, payable at ^

DOtfl bay.

of aale are

W. D. Green, Ai C.J. Maatee, Qmk JOHN LOHOAR.

Leae thTUjft By Cedar Rast. I

W. a. ATHET, Praprtator. BaKXatre Fanut.:re' h::(l all Irtada of an Austrian sobmarioa. Watch for' Applr im-'^-

" nround tnt; atoec dor-j of ina<chanc:*r or o hm- comaaadkiaa 1 ttus srtu-i* in The WaaiiingtOD Star.. -nAey inf -rrrtxi- ''promptly trmnafarre^ IT daUiaiad 1 Sufldiy. MM.Ht'iT.^'' " 'liMi seai:.

of ce\:PT rtif;!. a.' •list ,s " . ^- ,

T . i ' - t r to a it-Tt-^rripnt " r e V -* o r t i r i n s t . i c.i OCA.

•= ront
