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Scott, Peter Dale - The Doomsday Project and Deep Events JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, And 911

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  • 7/24/2019 Scott, Peter Dale - The Doomsday Project and Deep Events JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, And 911


    The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9!!

    Japanese trans"at#on #s ava#"a$"e %W#th &'#ra Do(j#mar()s #ntrod(ct#on *or Japanese

    readers to +cott)s doomsday concept#on

    Peter Da"e +cott

    I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency

    [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and

    under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss rom which there is no


    "" Senator #rank $hurch %&'()*

    I would like to discuss four major and badly understood events the John F. Kennedy assassination,Watergate, Iran!ontra, and "#$$. I will analy%e these dee& events as &art of a dee&er &olitical &rocess linkingthem, a &rocess that has hel&ed build u& re&ressive &ower in 'merica at the e(&ense of democracy.

    In recent years I have been talking about a dark force behind these events a force which, for want of abetter term, I have clumsily called a )dee& state,* o&erating both within and outside the &ublic state. +odayfor the first time I want to identify &art of that dark force, a &art which has o&erated for five decades or moreat the edge of the &ublic state. +his &art of the dark force has a name not invented by me the -oomsdayroject, the entagon/s name for the emergency &lanning )to kee& the White 0ouse and entagon running

    during and after a nuclear war or some other major crisis.*$

    1y &oint is a sim&le and im&ortant one to show that the -oomsday roject of the $"23s, and the earlieremergency &lanning that develo&ed into it, have &layed a role in the background of all the dee& events I shall

    discuss.1ore significantly, it has been a factor behind all three of the disturbing events that now threaten 'mericandemocracy. +he first of these three is what has been called the conversion of our economy into a &lutonomy with the increasing se&aration of 'merica into two classes, into the haves and the havenots, the one &ercentand the "" &ercent. +he second is 'merica/s increasing militari%ation, and above all its inclination, which hasbecome more and more routine and &redictable, to wage or &rovoke wars in remote regions of the globe. It is

    clear that the o&erations of this 'merican war machine have served the one &ercent.4

    +he third my subject today is the im&ortant and increasingly deleterious im&act on 'merican history ofstructural dee& events mysterious events, like the JFK assassination, the Watergate breakin, or "#$$, which

    violate the 'merican social structure, have a major im&act on 'merican society, re&eatedly involvelawbreaking or violence, and in many cases &roceed from an unknown dark force.

    +here are any number of analyses of 'merica/s current breakdown in terms of income and wealth dis&arity,also in terms of 'merica/s increasing militari%ation and belligerency. What I shall do today is I think new toargue that both the income dis&arity or what has been called our &lutonomy and the belligerency havebeen fostered significantly by dee& events.

    We must understand that the income dis&arity of 'merica/s current economy was not the result of marketforces working inde&endently of &olitical intervention. In large &art it was generated by a systematic anddeliberate ongoing &olitical &rocess dating from the an(ieties of the very wealthy in the $"53s and $"63s that


  • 7/24/2019 Scott, Peter Dale - The Doomsday Project and Deep Events JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, And 911


    "#ver .orth test#*y#ng #n the Iran Contra/ear#ngs

    control of the country was sli&&ing away from them.

    +his was the time when future 8u&reme !ourt Justice ?ewis owell, in a $"6$ memorandum, warned thatsurvival of the free enter&rise system de&ended on )careful longrange &lanning and im&lementation* of a

    wellfinanced res&onse to threats from the left.9+his warning was answered by a sustained rightwing

    offensive, coordinated by think tanks and funded lavishly by a small grou& of family foundations.=We shouldrecall that all this was in res&onse to serious riots in @ewark, -etroit, and elsewhere, and that increasing callsfor a revolution were coming from the left Ain Buro&e as well as 'mericaC. I will focus today on the right/sres&onse to that challenge, and on the role of dee& events in enhancing their res&onse.

    What was im&ortant about the owell memorandum was less the document itself than the fact that it wascommissioned by the Dnited 8tates !hamber of !ommerce, one of the most influential and least discussedlobbying grou&s in 'merica. 'nd the memorandum was only one of many signs of that develo&ing class warin the $"63s, a larger &rocess working both inside and outside government Aincluding what Irving Kristol

    called an )intellectual counterrevolution*C, which led directly to the socalled )Eeagan Eevolution.*:

    It is clear that this larger &rocess has been carried on for almost five decades, &um&ing billions of rightwingdollars into the 'merican &olitical &rocess. What I wish to show today is that dee& events have also been

    integral to this rightwing effort, from the John F. Kennedy assassination in $"59 to "#$$. "#$$ resulted in theim&lementation of )!ontinuity of overnment* A!GC &lans Awhich in the Gliver @orth Iran !ontra 0earingsof $"26 were called &lans for )the sus&ension of the D.8. constitution*C. +hese !G &lans, building on earlier!G &lanning, had been carefully develo&ed since $"24 in the socalled -oomsday roject, by a secret grou&a&&ointed by Eeagan. +he grou& was com&osed of both &ublic and &rivate figures, including -onaldEumsfeld and -ick !heney.

    I shall try to show today that in this res&ect "#$$ wasonly the culmination of a seHuence of dee& eventsreaching back to the Kennedy assassination if notearlier, and that the germs of the -oomsday rojectcan be detected behind all of them.

    1ore s&ecifically, I shall try to demonstrate aboutthese dee& events that

    $C &rior bureaucratic misbehavior by the !I'and similar agencies hel&ed to make both theKennedy assassination and "#$$ ha&&en

    4C the conseHuences of each dee& eventincluded an increase in to&down re&ressive&ower for these same agencies, at the e(&ense

    of &ersuasive democratic &ower5

    9C there are sym&tomatic overla&s in &ersonnelbetween the &er&etrators of each of these dee& events and the ne(t

    =C one sees in each event the involvement of elements of the international drug traffic suggesting that our current &lutonomy is also to some degree a narconomy

    :C in the background of each event Aand &laying an increasingly im&ortant roleC one sees the-oomsday roject the alternative emergency &lanning structure with its own communications


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    network, o&erating as a shadow network outside of regular government channels.

    0(rea(crat#c 1#s$ehav#or as a Factor Contr#$(t#ng to $oth the JFK &ssass#nat#on and 9!!

    oth the JFK assassination and "#$$ were facilitated by the way the !I' and FI mani&ulated their filesabout alleged &er&etrators of each event A?ee 0arvey Gswald in the case of what I shall call JFK, and thealleged hijackers Khalid al1ihdhar and @awaf al0a%mi in the case of "#$$C. art of this facilitation was thedecision on Gctober ", $"59 of an FI agent, 1arvin heesling, to remove Gswald from the FI watch list

    for surveillance. +his was shortly after Gswald/s arrest in @ew Grleans in 'ugust and his re&orted travel to1e(ico in 8e&tember. Gbviously these develo&ments should normally have made Gswald a candidate for


    +his misbehavior is &aradigmatic of the behavior of other agencies, es&ecially the !I', in both JFK and "#$$.Indeed heesling/s behavior fits very neatly with the !I'/s cul&able withholding from the FI, in the samemonth of Gctober, information that Gswald had allegedly met in 1e(ico !ity with a sus&ected K agent,

    aleriy Kostikov.2+his also hel&ed ensure that Gswald would not be &laced under surveillance. Indeed,former FI -irector !larence Kelley in his memoir later com&lained that the !I'/s withholding of

    information was the major reason why Gswald was not &ut under surveillance on @ovember 44, $"59."

    ' more ominous &rovocation in $"59 was that of 'rmy Intelligence, one unit of which in -allas did notsim&ly withhold information about ?ee 0arvey Gswald, but manufactured false intelligence that seemeddesigned to &rovoke retaliation against !uba. I call such &rovocations &haseone stories, efforts to &ortrayGswald as a !ommunist cons&irator Aas o&&osed to the later &hasetwo stories, also false, &ortraying him as adisgruntled lonerC. ' cons&icuous e(am&le of such &haseone stories is a cable from the Fourth 'rmy!ommand in +e(as, re&orting a ti& from a -allas &oliceman who was also in an 'rmy Intelligence Eeserveunit

    'ssistant !hief -on 8tringfellow, Intelligence 8ection, -allas olice -e&artment, notified $$4thI@+!LIntelligenceM rou&, this 0eadHuarters, that information obtained from Gswald revealed he had defected to

    !uba in $":" and is a cardcarrying member of !ommunist arty.*$3

    +his cable was sent on @ovember 44 directly to the D.8. 8trike !ommand at Fort 1ac-ill in Florida, the base

    &oised for a &ossible retaliatory attack against !uba.$$

    +he cable was not an isolated aberration. It was su&&orted by other false &haseone stories from -allas aboutGswald/s alleged rifle, and s&ecifically by concatenated false translations of 1arina Gswald/s testimony, to

    suggest that Gswald/s rifle in -allas was one he had owned in Eussia.$4

    +hese last false re&orts, a&&arently unrelated, can also be traced to officer -on 8tringfellow/s =22th'rmy

    Intelligence Eeserve unit.$9+he inter&reter who first su&&lied the false translation of 1arina/s words, Ilya1amantov, was selected by a -allas oilman, Jack !richton, and -e&uty -allas olice !hief eorge

    ?um&kin.$=!richton and ?um&kin were also the !hief and the -e&uty !hief of the =22th'rmy Intelligence

    Eeserve unit.$:!richton was also an e(treme rightwinger in the community of -allas oilmen he was atrustee of the 0.?. 0unt Foundation, and a member of the 'merican Friends of the Katanga FreedomFighters, a grou& organi%ed to o&&ose Kennedy/s &olicies in the !ongo.

    We have to kee& in mind that some of the Joint !hiefs were furious that the $"54 1issile !risis had not led toan invasion of !uba, and that, under new J!8 !hairman 1a(well +aylor, the Joint !hiefs, in 1ay $"59, still

    believed )that D8 military intervention in !uba is necessary.*$5+his was si( months after Kennedy, to


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    resolve the 1issile !risis in Gctober $"54, had given e(&licit Aalbeit highly HualifiedC assurances to

    Khrushchev, that the Dnited 8tates would notinvade !uba.$6+his did not sto& the J: of the Joint !hiefs of8taff Athe J!8 -irectorate of lans and olicyC from &roducing a menu of )fabricated &rovocations to justify

    military intervention.*$2AGne &ro&osed e(am&le of )fabricated &rovocations* envisioned )using 1I ty&e

    aircraft flown by D8 &ilots to N attack surface shi&&ing or to attack D8 military.*C$"

    +he dece&tions about Gswald coming from -allas were immediately &ostassassination thus they do not by

    themselves establish that the assassination itself was a &rovocationdece&tion &lot. +hey do however revealenough about the anti!astro mindset of the =22th'rmy Intelligence Eeserve unit in -allas to confirm that itwas remarkably similar to that of the J: the &receding 1ay the mindset that &roduced a menu of)fabricated &rovocations* to attack !uba. A'ccording to !richton there were )about a hundred men in Lthe

    =22thEeserve unitM and about forty or fifty of them were from the -allas olice -e&artment.*C43

    It can hardly be accidental that we see this bureaucratic misbehavior from the FI, !I', and military, the

    three agencies with which Kennedy had had serious disagreements in his truncated &residency.4$?ater in this&a&er I shall link -allas oilman Jack !richton to the $"59 emergency &lanning that became the -oomsdayroject.

    &na"ogo(s 0(rea(crat#c 1#s$ehav#or #n the Case o* 9!!

    efore "#$$ the !I', in 4333433$, again flagrantly withheld crucial evidence from the FI evidence that, ifshared, would have led the FI to surveil two of the alleged hijackers, Khalid al1ihdhar and @awa%al0a%mi. +his sustained withholding of evidence &rovoked an FI agent to &redict accurately in 'ugust,

    433$, that )someday someone will die.*44'fter "#$$ another FI agent said of the !I' )+hey L!I'M didn/twant the bureau meddling in their businessOthat/s why they didn/t tell the FI.... 'nd that/s why 8e&tember$$ ha&&ened. +hat is why it ha&&ened. . . . +hey have blood on their hands. +hey have three thousand deaths

    on their hands*49+he !I'/s withholding of relevant evidence before "#$$ Awhich it was reHuired by its own

    rules to su&&lyC was matched in this case by the @8'.4=

    Without these withholdings, in other words, neither the Kennedy assassination nor "#$$ could have develo&edin the manner in which they did. 's I wrote inAmerican +ar achine, it would a&&ear that

    Gswald Aand later al1ihdharC had at some &rior &oint been selected as

    designated subjects for an o&eration. +his would not initially have been for the commission of a crime againstthe 'merican &olity on the contrary, ste&s were &robably taken to &re&are Gswald in connection with ano&eration against !uba and al1ihdhar LI sus&ectM for an o&eration against alPaeda. ut as Le(&loitableMlegends began to accumulate about both figures, it became &ossible for some witting &eo&le to subvert thesanctioned o&eration into a &lan for murder that would later be covered u&. 't this &oint Gswald Aand by

    analogy al1ihdharC was no longer just a designated subject but also now a designated cul&rit.4:

    Kevin Fenton, in his e(haustive book-isconnecting the -ots, has since reached the same conclusion withres&ect to "#$$ )that, by the summer of 433$, the &ur&ose of withholding the information had become to

    allow the attacks to go forward.*45 0e has also identified the &erson chiefly res&onsible for the misbehavior!I' officer Eichard lee, !hief of the !I'/s in ?aden Dnit. lee, while !linton was still &resident, had beenone of a faction inside !I' &ressing for a more belligerent !I' involvement in 'fghanistan, in conjunction

    with the 'fghan @orthern 'lliance.46+his then ha&&ened immediately after "#$$, and lee himself was

    &romoted, to become the new !hief of 8tation in Kabul.42


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    /o2 CI& and .+& W#thho"d#ng o* Ev#dence #n the +econd Ton'#n 3("* Inc#dent, Contr#$(ted to War2#th .orth 4#etnam

    I will s&are you the details of this withholding, which can be found in myAmerican +ar achine, &&.43334. ut +onkin ulf is similar to the Kennedy assassination and "#$$, in that mani&ulation of evidencehel&ed lead 'merica in this case very swiftly into war.

    0istorians such as Fredrik ?ogevall have agreed with the assessment of former undersecretary of state eorge

    all that the D8 destroyer mission in the +onkin ulf, which resulted in the +onkin ulf incidents, )was&rimarily for &rovocation.*4"+he &lanning for this &rovocative mission came from the J: of the Joint !hiefsof 8taff, the same unit that in $"59 had re&orted concerning !uba that, )the engineering of a series of

    &rovocations to justify military intervention is feasible.*93

    +he @8' and !I' su&&ression of the truth on 'ugust = was in the conte(t of an e(isting highlevel AbutcontroversialC determination to attack @orth ietnam. In this res&ect the +onkin ulf incident is remarkablysimilar to the su&&ression of the truth by !I' and @8' leading u& to "#$$, when there was again a highlevelAbut controversialC determination to go to war.

    Increases #n 5epress#ve Po2er &*ter Deep Events

    'll of the dee& events discussed above have contributed to the cumulative increase of Washington/sre&ressive &owers. It is clear for e(am&le that the Warren !ommission used the JFK assassination to increase!I' surveillance of 'mericans. 's I wrote in-eep olitics, this was the result of

    the Warren !ommission/s controversial recommendations that the 8ecret 8ervice/s domestic surveillanceres&onsibilities be increased AWE 4:45C. 8omewhat illogically, the Warren Ee&ort concluded both thatGswald acted alone AWE 44C, . . . and also that the 8ecret 8ervice, FI, !I', should coordinate more closelythe surveillance of organi%ed grou&s AWE =59C. In &articular, it recommended that the 8ecret 8ervice acHuire

    a com&uteri%ed data bank com&atible with that already develo&ed by the !I'.9$

    +his &attern would re&eat itself four years later with the assassination of

    Eobert Kennedy. In the twentyfour hours between obby/s shooting and his

    death, !ongress hurriedly &assed a statuteO drafted well in advance Alike the +onkin ulf Eesolution of $"5=and the atriot 'ct of 433$C O that still further augmented the secret &owers given to the 8ecret 8ervice in

    the name of &rotecting &residential candidates.94

    +his was not a trivial or benign change from this swiftly considered act, &assed under Johnson, flowed some

    of the worst e(cesses of the @i(on &residency.99

    +he change also contributed to the chaos and violence at the !hicago -emocratic !onvention of $"52. 'rmyintelligence surveillance agents, seconded to the 8ecret 8ervice, were &resent both inside and outside theconvention hall. 8ome of them eHui&&ed the socalled )?egion of Justice thugs whom the !hicago Eed 8Huad

    turned loose on local antiwar grou&s.*9=

    In this way the e(tra secret &owers conferred after the EFK assassination contributed to the disastrous turmoilin !hicago that effectively destroyed the old -emocratic arty re&resenting the labor unions +he three-emocratic &residents elected since then have all been significantly more conservative.

    +urning to Watergate and Iran!ontra, both of these events were on one levelsetbacksto the re&ressive


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    &owers e(ercised by Eichard @i(on and the Eeagan White 0ouse, not e(&ansions of them. Gn the surfacelevel this is true both events resulted in legislative reforms that would a&&ear to contradict my thesis ofe(&anding re&ression.

    We need to distinguish here, however, between the two years of the Watergate crisis, and the initial Watergatebreakin. +he Watergate crisis saw a &resident forced into resignation by a number of forces, involving bothliberals and conservatives. ut the key figures in the initial Watergate breakin itself 0unt, 1c!ord, .ordon ?iddy, and their !uban allies were all far to the right of @i(on and Kissinger. 'nd the end result of

    their machinations was not finali%ed until the socalled 0alloween 1assacre in $"6:, when Kissinger wasousted as @ational 8ecurity 'dviser and iceresident @elson Eockefeller was notified he would be dro&&edfrom the $"65 Ee&ublican ticket. +his major shakeu& was engineered by two other rightwingers -onald

    Eumsfeld and -ick !heney in the erald Ford White 0ouse.9:

    +hat day in $"6: saw the &ermanent defeat of the socalled Eockefeller or liberal faction within theEe&ublican arty. It was re&laced by the conservative oldwater!asey faction that would soon ca&ture the

    nomination and the &residency for Eonald Eeagan.95+his littlenoticed &alace cou&, along with other relatedintrigues in the mid$"63s, hel&ed achieve the conversion of 'merica from a welfare ca&italist economy, withgradual reductions in income and wealth dis&arity, into a financiali%ed &lutonomy where these trends were



    'gain in Iran!ontra we see a dee&er accumulation of re&ressive &ower under the surface of liberal reforms.'t the time not only the &ress but even academics like myself celebrated the termination of aid to the@icaraguan !ontras, and the victory there of the !ontadora &eace &rocess. @ot generally noticed at the timewas the fact that, while Gliver @orth was removed from his role in the -oomsday roject, that &roject/s &lans

    for surveillance, detention, and the militari%ation of the Dnited 8tates continued to grow after his de&arture.92

    'lso not noticed was the fact that the D8 !ongress, while curtailing aid to one small drugfinanced !I' &ro(yarmy, was simultaneously increasing D8 su&&ort to a much larger coalition of drugfinanced &ro(y armies in

    'fghanistan.9"While Iran!ontra e(&osed the Q94 million which 8audi 'rabia, at the urging of !I' -irector

    William !asey, had su&&lied to the !ontras, not a word was whis&ered about the Q:33 million or more thatthe 8audis, again at the urging of !asey, had su&&lied in the same &eriod to the 'fghan mu/ahedin.=3In thissense the drama of Iran!ontra in !ongress can be thought of as a misdirection &lay, directing &ublicattention away from 'merica/s much more intensive engagement in 'fghanistan a covert &olicy that hassince evolved into 'merica/s longest war.

    We should e(&and our consciousness of Iran!ontra to think of it as Iran'fghan!ontra. 'nd if we do, wemust acknowledge that in this com&le( and misunderstood dee& event the !I' in 'fghanistan e(ercised againthe &aramilitary ca&acity that 8tansfield +urner had tried to terminate when he was !I' -irector underJimmy !arter. +his was a victory in short for the faction of men like Eichard lee, the &rotector of

    al1ihdhar as well as the advocate in 4333 for enhanced !I' &aramilitary activity in 'fghanistan.=$

    Personne" ver"aps 0et2een the +(ccess#ve Deep Events

    I will never forget theNew 0ork Timesfront&age story on June $2, $"64, the day after the Watergatebreakin. +here were &hotogra&hs of the Watergate burglars, including one of Frank 8turgis alias Fiorini,whom I had already written about two years earlier in my un&ublished book manuscri&t, )+he -allas!ons&iracy* about the JFK assassination.


  • 7/24/2019 Scott, Peter Dale - The Doomsday Project and Deep Events JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, And 911


    Fran' +t(rg#s

    8turgis was no nonentity a former contract em&loyee ofthe !I', he was also well connected to the moblinked

    former casino owners in 0avana.=41y early writings onthe Kennedy case focused on the connections betweenFrank 8turgis and an anti!astro !uban training cam& near@ew Grleans in which Gswald had shown an interest alsoin 8turgis/ involvement in false )&haseone* stories&ortraying Gswald as &art of a !ommunist !uban


    In s&reading these )&haseone* stories in $"59, 8turgis wasjoined by a number of !ubans who were &art of the!I'su&&orted army in !entral 'merica of 1anuel'rtime. 'rtime/s base in !osta Eica was closed down in$"5:, allegedly because of its involvement in drug

    trafficking.==In the $"23s some of these !uban e(iles laterbecame involved in drugfinanced su&&ort activities for the


    +he &olitical mentor of 'rtime/s 1EE movement wasfuture Watergate &lotter 0oward 0unt and 'rtime in $"64would &ay for the bail of the !uban Watergate burglars.

    +he drug moneylaunderer EamRn 1iliSn EodrTgue% has claimed to have delivered Q433,333 in cash from'rtime to &ay off some of the !uban Watergate burglars later, in su&&ort of the !ontras, he managed two

    !osta Eican seafood com&anies, Frigorificos and Gcean 0unter, that laundered drug money.=5

    It is alleged that 0unt and 1c!ord had both been involved with 'rtime/s invasion &lans in $"59.=6It was Ibelieve no accident that the organi%ation of 0unt/s &rotUgU 'rtime became enmired in drug trafficking. 0unt,I have argued elsewhere, had been handling a D.8. drug connection since his $":3 &ost in 1e(ico !ity as

    G! AGffice of olicy !oordinationC chief.=2

    ut 1c!ord not only had a &ast in the anti!astro activities of $"59, he was also &art of the nation/semergency &lanning network that would later figure so &rominently in the background of Iran!ontra and"#$$. 1c!ord was a member of a small 'ir Force Eeserve unit in Washington attached to the Gffice ofBmergency re&aredness AGBC assigned )to draw u& lists of radicals and to develo& contingency &lans for

    censorshi& of the news media and D.8. mail in time of war.*="0is unit was &art of the Wartime Information8ecurity rogram AWI8C, which had res&onsibility for activating )contingency &lans for im&osing censorshi&on the &ress, the mails and all telecommunications Aincluding government communicationsC LandM &reventive

    detention of civilian Vsecurity risks,/ who would be &laced in military Vcam&s./*:3In other words, these were

    the &lans that became known in the $"23s as the -oomsday roject, the !ontinuity of overnment &lanningon which -ick !heney and -onald Eumsfeld worked together for twenty years before "#$$.

    & Common Denom#nator *or +tr(ct(ra" Deep Events: Project Doomsday and C3

    1c!ord/s &artici&ation in an emergency &lanning system dealing with telecommunications suggests acommon denominator in the backgrounds of almost all the dee& events we are considering. Gliver @orth, theEeaganush GB &oint man on Iran!ontra &lanning, was also involved in such &lanning and he had accessto the nation/s to& secret -oomsday communications network. @orth/s network, known as Flashboard,e(cluded other bureaucrats with o&&osing view&ointsNLandM had its own s&ecial worldwide antiterroristcom&uter network, N by which members could communicate e(clusively with each other and their


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    collaborators abroad.:$

    Flashboard was used by @orth and his su&eriors for e(tremely sensitive o&erations which had to be concealedfrom other dubious or hostile &arts of the Washington bureaucracy. +hese o&erations included the illegalshi&ments of arms to Iran, but also other activities, some still not known, &erha&s even against Glof alme/s

    8weden.:4Flashboard, 'merica/s emergency network in the $"23s, was the name in $"2=25 of thefullfledged !ontinuity of overnment A!GC emergency network which was secretly &lanned for twentyyears, at a cost of billions, by a team including !heney and Eumsfeld. Gn "#$$ the same network was

    activated anew by the two men who had &lanned it for so many years.:9

    ut this -oomsday &lanning can be traced back to $"59, when Jack !richton, head of the =22 th'rmyIntelligence Eeserve unit of -allas, was &art of it in his ca&acity as chief of intelligence for -allas !ivil-efense, which worked out of an underground Bmergency G&erating !enter. 's Euss aker re&orts,)ecause it was intended for Vcontinuity of government/ o&erations during an attack, Lthe !enterM was fully

    eHui&&ed with communications eHui&ment.*:=' s&eech given at the dedication of the !enter in $"5$ su&&liesfurther details

    +his Bmergency G&erating !enter Lin -allasM is &art of the @ational lan to link Federal, 8tate and local

    government agencies in a communications network from which rescue o&erations can be directed in time oflocal or @ational emergency. It is a vital &art of the @ational, 8tate, and local G&erational 8urvival lan.::

    !richton, in other words, was also &art of what became known in the $"23s as the -oomsday roject, likeJames 1c!ord, Gliver @orth, -onald Eumsfeld, and -ick !heney after him. ut in $"22 its aim wassignificantly enlarged no longer to &re&are for an atomic attack, but now to &lan for the effective sus&ension

    of the 'merican constitution in the face of anyemergency.:5+his change in $"22 allowed !G to beim&lemented in 433$. y this time the -oomsday roject had develo&ed into what the +ashington ost

    called )a shadow government that evolved based on longstanding Vcontinuity of o&erations &lans./*:6

    It is clear that the Gffice of Bmergency re&arednessAGB, known from $"5$$"52 as the Gffice ofBmergency lanningC su&&lies a commondenominator for key &ersonnel in virtually all of thestructural events discussed here. +his is a long wayfrom establishing that the GB itself Ain addition tothe individuals discussed hereC was involved ingenerating any of these events. ut I believe that thealternative communications network housed first inthe GB Alater &art of roject "32C &layed asignificant role in at least three of them the JFK

    assassination, Iran!ontra, and "#$$.

    +his is easiest to show in the case of "#$$, where it isconceded that the !ontinuity of overnment A!GC&lans of the -oomsday roject were im&lemented by !heney on "#$$, a&&arently before the last of the four

    hijacked &lanes had crashed.:2+he "#$$ !ommission could not locate records of the key decisions taken by!heney on that day, suggesting that they may have taken &lace on the )secure &hone ) in the tunnel leadingto the &residential bunker with such a high classification that the "#$$ !ommission was never su&&lied the

    &hone records.:"resumably this was a !G &hone.


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    It is not clear whether the )secure &hone* in the White 0ouse tunnel belonged to the 8ecret 8ervice or Aasone might e(&ectC was &art of the secure network of the White 0ouse !ommunications 'gency AW0!'C. Ifthe latter, we/d have a striking link between "#$$ and the JFK assassination. +he W0!' boasts on its Web

    site that the agency was )a key &layer in documenting the assassination of resident Kennedy.*53 0owever itis not clear for whom this documentation was conducted, for the W0!' logs and transcri&ts were in fact

    withheld from the Warren !ommission.5$

    +he 8ecret 8ervice had installed a W0!' &ortable radio in the lead car of the &residential motorcade.54

    +hisin turn was in contact by &olice radio with the &ilot car ahead of it, carrying -- -e&uty !hief ?um&kin of

    the =22th'rmy Intelligence Eeserve unit.59Eecords of the W0!' communications from the motorcadenever reached the Warren !ommission, the 0ouse !ommittee on 'ssassinations, or the 'ssassination

    Eecords Eeview oard.5=+hus we cannot tell if they would e(&lain some of the anomalies on the twochannels of the -allas olice -e&artment. +hey might for e(am&le have thrown light u&on the unsourced callon the -allas olice

    ta&es for a sus&ect who had e(actly the false height and weight recorded for Gswald in his FI and !I'


    +oday in 43$$ we are still living under the 8tate of Bmergency &roclaimed after "#$$ by resident ush. 'tleast some !G &rovisions are still in effect, and were even augmented by ush through residential-irective :$ of 1ay 4336. !ommenting on -:$, the +ashington ostre&orted at that time,

    'fter the 433$ attacks, ush assigned about $33 senior civilian managers Lincluding !heneyM to rotatesecretly to L!GM locations outside of Washington for weeks or months at a time to ensure the nation/s

    survival, a shadow government that evolved based on longstanding )continuity of o&erations &lans.*55

    resumably this )shadow government* finali%ed such longstanding !G &rojects as warrantless surveillance,in &art through the atriot 'ct, whose controversial &rovisions were already being im&lemented by !heney

    and others well before the ill reached !ongress on Gctober $4.


    Gther !G &rojects im&lemented includedthe militari%ation of domestic surveillance under @GE+0!G1, and the -e&artment of 0omeland 8ecurity/sroject BndgameOa tenyear &lan to e(&and detention cam&s at a cost of Q=33 million in fiscal year 4336


    I have, therefore, a recommendation for the Gccu&y movement, rightfully incensed as it is with the&lutonomic e(cesses of Wall 8treet over the last three decades. It is to call for an end to the state ofemergency, which has been in force since 433$, under which since 4332 a D.8. 'rmy rigade !ombat +eamhas been stationed &ermanently in the Dnited 8tates, in &art to be ready )to hel& with civil unrest and crowd


    -emocracylovers must work to &revent the &olitical crisis now develo&ing in 'merica from being resolvedby military intervention.

    ?et me say in conclusion that for a half century 'merican &olitics have been constrained and deformed by theunresolved matter of the Kennedy assassination. 'ccording to a memo of @ovember 4: $"59, from 'ssistant'ttorney eneral @icholas Kat%enbach, it was im&ortant then to &ersuade the &ublic that )Gswald was the

    assassin,* and that )he did not have confederates.*63Gbviously this &riority became even more im&ortantafter these Huestionable &ro&ositions were endorsed by the Warren Ee&ort, the D.8. establishment, and themainstream &ress. It has remained an embarrassing &riority ever since for all succeeding administrations,including the &resent one. +here is for e(am&le an official in Gbama/s 8tate -e&artment A+odd ?eventhalC,


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    whose official job, until recently, included defense of the lone nut theory against socalled )cons&iracy


    If Gswald was not a lone assassin, then it should not sur&rise us that there is continuity between those whofalsified re&orts about Gswald in $"59, and those who distorted 'merican &olitics in subseHuent dee& eventsbeginning with Watergate. 8ince the dee& event of $"59 the legitimacy of 'merica/s &olitical system has

    become vested in a lie a lie which subseHuent dee& events have hel&ed to &rotect.64

    eter -ale Scott, a ormer $anadian diplomat and 1nglish roessor at the 2niversity o $aliornia,

    3erkeley, is the author o -rugs Gil and War, +he Eoad to "#$$, and +he War !ons&iracy JFK, "#$$, and the-ee& olitics of War. 4is most recent book is 'merican War 1achine -ee& olitics, the !I' lobal -rug!onnection and the Eoad to 'fghanistan. 4is website, which contains a wealth o his writings, is herehtt#www.&eterdalescott.net#H.html

    5ecommended citation6 eter -ale Scott, 7The -oomsday ro/ect and -eep 1vents6 8#9, +atergate,

    Iran"$ontra, and ':&&,7 +he 'siaacific Journal;ol ', Issue &&.

    &rt#c"es on re"ated s($jects

    X eter -ale 8cott, @orway/s +error as 8ystemic -estabili%ation reivik, the 'rmsfor-rugs 1ilieu, andlobal 8hadow Blites

    X +im 8horrock, Eeading the Bgy&tian Eevolution +hrough the ?ens of D8 olicy in 8outh Korea !irca $"23Eevelations in D8 -eclassified -ocuments

    X !. -ouglas ?ummis, +he Dnited 8tates and +error on the +enth 'nniversary of "#$$

    X eter -ale 8cott, Ea&e in ?ibya 'merica/s recent major wars have all been accom&anied by memorablefalsehoods

    X eter -ale 8cott, +he ?ibyan War, 'merican ower and the -ecline of the etrodollar 8ystem

    X eter -ale 8cott, Who are the ?ibyan Freedom Fighters and +heir atrons;

    X 0erbert . i(, +he 1iddle Bast Eevolutions in 0istorical ers&ective Bgy&t, Gccu&ied alestine, and theDnited 8tates


    $+im Weiner, )+he entagon/s 8ecret 8tash,* 1other Jones 1aga%ine 1ar'&r $""4, 45.

    4J.'. 1yerson )War Is a Force +hat ays the $ ercent Gccu&ying 'merican Foreign olicy,* +ruthout,@ovember $=, 433$, link. !f. eter -ale 8cott, The 5oad to ':&&Aerkeley Dniversity of !alifornia ress,4336C, 5, etc.

    98cott,5oad to ':&&, 44, 4", "2.

    =8cott,5oad to ':&&, 44, "6.


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    :8cott,5oad to ':&&, 4$, :$:4 Kristol as Huoted in ?ewis 0. ?a&ham, )+entacles of Eage +he Ee&ublicanro&aganda 1ill, a rief 0istory,*4arper?s aga@ine, 8e&tember 433=, 95.

    5B.g. eter -ale 8cott,American +ar achine, 43=3:.

    6eter -ale 8cott, The +ar $onspiracy, 9:=.


    eter -ale 8cott,-eep olitics II, 9399 8cott, The +ar $onspiracy, 926 8cott,American +ar achine,$:4.

    "!larence 1. Kelley,9elley6 The Story o an #3I -irectorAKansas !ity, 1G

    'ndrews, 1c1eel, and arker, $"26C, 452, Huoted in 8cott, The +ar $onspiracyA4332C, 92".

    $38cott,-eep olitics, 46: 8cott,-eep olitics II, 23, $4"n 08!' !ritics !onference of $6 8e&tember$"66, $2$, link. 8tringfellow worked under Jack Eevill in the ice 8Huad of the -- 8&ecial 8ervices ureau.'s such he re&orted regularly to the FI on such close Jack Euby associates as James 0erbert -olan, a)known hoodlum and strongarm man* on the FI/s +o& !riminal list for -allas AEobert 1. arrett, FI

    Ee&ort of February 4, $"59, @'E'Y$4="3392$3345, $4 L8tringfellowM cf. @'E'Y$4=$34$4$33$4, =LhoodlumM, @'E'Y$4=$3$":$393:, " L+o& !riminalMC. !f. $= W0 53$34 Euby and -olanM. Eobertarrett, who received 8tringfellow/s re&orts to the FI, had Euby/s friend -olan under close surveillance healso took &art in Gswald/s arrest at the +e(as +heater, and claimed to have seen -- Gfficer Westbrook withGswald/s wallet at the site of the +i&&it killing L-ale K. 1yers, +ith alice6 ee 4arvey Bswald and theurder o Bicer 8.-. TippitA1ilford, 1I Gak !liff ress, $""2C, 426"3MC.

    $$It was sent for information to Washington, which received it three days later A8cott,-eep olitics, 46:8cott,-eep olitics II, 23, $4"n 8cott, +ar $onspiracy, 924C.

    $4Warren !ommission B(hibit $662, 49 W0 929. A1arina/s actual words, before mistranslation, were Huite

    innocuous )I cannot describe it Lthe gunM because a rifle to me like all rifles* AWarren !ommission B(hibit$662, 49 W0 929 discussion in 8cott,-eep olitics, $5264C.

    $98tringfellow himself was the source of one other &iece of false intelligence on @ovember 44 that Gswaldhad confessed to the murders of both the &resident and Gfficer +i&&it A-allas FI File -? 2"=9492$! aul?. 0och, )+he Final Investigation; +he 08!' and 'rmy Intelligence,* The Third -ecade, $, : LJuly $"2:M,9C,

    $=" W0 $35 8cott,-eep olitics, 46:65 Euss aker,#amily o Secrets, $$"44.


    Eodney . !arlisle and -ominic J. 1onetta,3randy6 Bur an in AcapulcoA-enton, +Z Dniversity of@orth +e(as ress, $"""C, $42.

    $5Joint !hiefs of 8taff, )!ourses of 'ction Eelated to !uba A!ase IIC,* Ee&ort of the J: to the Joint !hiefsof 8taff, $ 1ay $"59, @'E' Y434$3334$33$2, $4. !f. &&. $:$5 )+he Dnited 8tates should intervenemilitarily in !uba and could AaC engineer &rovocative incidents ostensibly &er&etrated by the !astro regime toserve as the cause of invasionN*

    $6Eobert -allek,An 2ninished ie, :52 James '. @athan, The $uban missile crisis revisited, 429Waldron and 0artmann,egacy o Secrecy, ".


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    L$2Joint !hiefs of 8taff, )!ourses of 'ction Eelated to !uba A!ase IIC,* Ee&ort of the J: to the Joint !hiefsof 8taff, $ 1ay $"59, @'E' Y434$3334$33$2, $4.

    $")!ourses of 'ction Eelated to !uba A!ase IIC,* @'E' Y434$3334$33$2, 43. I see nothing in thisdocument indicating that the resident should be notified that these )fabricated &rovocations* were false. Gnthe contrary, the document called for )com&artmentation of &artici&ants* to insure that the true facts werenot leaked A)!ourses of 'ction Eelated to !uba A!ase IIC,* @'E' Y434$3334$33$2, $"C.

    43Puoted in aker,#amily o Secrets, $44. Gne of these, -- -etective John 'damcik, was a member ofthe &arty which retrieved a blanket said to have contained Gswald/s rifle and which the Warren !ommissionused to link Gswald to the famous 1annlicher !arcano. 'damcik was later &resent at 1amantov/s interviewof 1arina about the rifle, and corroborated 1amantov/s account of it to the Warren !ommission. +here isreason to believe that 1amantov/s translation of 1arina/s testimony was inaccurate A8cott,-eep olitics,45263, 465C.

    4$8ee James -ouglass,8#9 and the 2nspeakableA1aryknoll, @[ Grbis ooks, 4332C.

    44"#$$ !ommission Ee&ort, 4:", 46$ ?awrence Wright, The ooming Tower

    Al"Caeda and the 5oad to ':&&A@ew [ork Kno&f, 4335C, 9:4:= AFI agentC.

    49James amford,A reteDt or +ar6 ':&&, IraE, and the Abuse o America?s Intelligence AgenciesA@ew[ork -oubleday, 433=, 44=. For a fuller account of the !I'/s withholding before "#$$, see Kevin Fenton,-isconnecting the -ots Eory G/!onnor and Eay @owosielski, )Insiders oice -oubts about !I'/s "#$$8tory,* 8alon, Gctober $=, 43$$, link.

    4=Fenton,-isconnecting the -ots, 6$4, $=4=6, etc.

    4:8cott,American +ar achine, 439.

    45Fenton,-isconnecting the -ots, 96$, cf. ":. Puite inde&endently, Eichard !larke, the former White0ouse !ounterterrorism !hief on "#$$, has charged that +here was a highlevel decision in the !I' ordering&eo&le not to share information AEory G/!onnor and Eay @owosielski, )Insiders oice -oubts about !I'/s"#$$ 8tory,* 8alon, Gctober $=, 43$$C.

    46!oll, =565".

    42Fenton,-isconnecting the -ots, $3632.


    James amford,3ody o Secrets, 43$. !f. Fredrik ?ogevall, $hoosing +ar6 The ost $hance or eaceand the 1scalation o +ar in ;ietnamAerkeley Dniversity of !alifornia ress, $"""C, 433, citing Johnrados, The 4idden 4istory o the ;ietnam +arA!hicago Ivan E. -ee, $"":C, :$.

    93)!ourses of 'ction Eelated to !uba A!ase IIC,* Ee&ort of the J: to the Joint !hiefs of 8taff, 1ay $, $"59,J!8 493=#$2", @'E' Y434$3334$33$2, link.

    9$eter -ale 8cott,-eep olitics and the -eath o 8#9, 423.

    94ublic ?aw "399$ A$2 D.8.!. 93:5C discussion in eter -ale 8cott, aul ?.


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    0och, and Eussell 8tetler, The Assassinations6 -allas and 3eyondA@ew [ork Eandom

    0ouse, $"65C, ==9=5.

    99'rmy intelligence agents were seconded to the 8ecret 8ervice, and at this time there was a great increase intheir number. +he +ashington Starlater e(&lained that )the big buildu& in L'rmyM informationgatheringNdid not come until after the shooting of the Eev. 1artin ?uther King* A+ashington Star,-ecember 5, $"63 re&rinted in#ederal -ata 3anks 4earings, &. $642C.

    9=eorge G/+oole, The rivate SectorA@ew [ork @orton, $"62C, $=:, Huoted in

    8cott,-eep olitics and the -eath o 8#9, 4626".

    9:8cott,5oad to ':&&, :4:9.

    958cott,5oad to ':&&, :9:=.

    968cott,5oad to ':&&, :35=.

    92eter -ale 8cott, )@orthwards without @orth,* Social 8usticeA8ummer $"2"C. Eevised as @orth,Iran!ontra, and the -oomsday roject +he Griginal !ongressional !over D& of !ontinuityofovernmentlanning,'siaacific Journal Ja&an Focus, February 4$, 43$$.

    9"8cott,5oad to ':&&, $94.

    =3Jonathan 1arshall, eter -ale 8cott, and Jane 0unter, The Iran"$ontra $onnection, $9 A!ontrasC Eichard!oll, Fhost +ars, "9$34 Amu/ahedinC.

    =$Eichard !oll, Fhost +ars, =:6:", :9=95,

    =4'ccording to testimony from !I' -e&uty -irector ernon Walters, only )0unt and 1c!ord had ever been!I' fulltime em&loyees. +he others Lincluding 8turgisM were contract em&loyees for a short duration or alonger duration* AWatergate 0earings, 9=46C. !f. 1arshall, 8cott, and 0unter, The Iran"$ontra $onnection,=: Acasino ownersC.

    =9eter -ale 8cott, )From -allas to Watergate,*5amparts, -ecember $"69 re&rinted in eter -ale 8cott,aul ?. 0och, and Eussell 8tetler, The Assassinations6 -allas and 3eyond, 9:5, 959.

    ==eter -ale 8cott, $rime and $over"2p, 43.

    =:eter -ale 8cott and Jonathan 1arshall, $ocaine olitics, 4:94, etc.

    =5'le(ander !ockburn and Jeffrey 8t. !lair, +hiteout6 The $IA, -rugs, and the ress A?ondon erso,$""2C, 9323" 1artha 0oney,4ostile Acts6 2.S. olicy in $osta 5ica in the &'G>sAainesville, F?Dniversity ress of Florida, $""=C, 952 AFrigorificosC.

    =6+ad 8%ulc, $ompulsive Spy6 The Strange $areer o 1. 4oward 4untA@ew [ork iking, $"6=C, "5"6.

    =28cott,American +ar achine, :$:=. 0unt hel&ed &ut together what became the druglinked World'nti!ommunist ?eague. 'rtime/s !osta Eica base was on land whose owners were &art of the local W'!?


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    cha&ter A8cott and 1arshall, $ocaine olitics, 26, 443C.

    ="Woodward and ernstein,All the resident?s enA@ew [ork 8imon and 8chuster, $"6=C, 49

    :3Jim 0ougan, Secret AgendaA@ew [ork Eandom 0ouse, $"2=C, $5, citing -e&artment of -efense-irective :493.6, June 4:, $"5:, amended 1ay 4$, $"6$.

    :$eter -ale 8cott, @orth, Iran!ontra, and the -oomsday roject +he Griginal !ongressional !over D& of!ontinuityofovernment lanning, 'siaacific Journal Ja&an Focus, February 4$, 43$$. !f. eter -ale8cott, @orthwards Without @orth ush, !ounterterrorism, and the !ontinuation of 8ecret ower. Social8usticeA8an FranciscoC, ZI, 4 A8ummer $"2"C, $93 eter -ale 8cott, +he +errorism +ask Force. $overtAction Inormation 3ulletin, 99 AWinter $""3C, $4$:.

    :4eter -ale 8cott and Jonathan 1arshall, $ocaine olitics6 -rugs, Armies, and the $IA in $entral AmericaAerkeley Dniversity of !alifornia ress, $""2C, $=3=$, 4=4 AIran, etc.C Gla +unander, The secret waragainst Sweden6 2S and 3ritish submarine deception in the &'G>s, 93" A8wedenC.

    :98cott,5oad to ':&&, $2926.

    :=Euss aker,#amily o Secrets, $4$.

    ::)8tatement by !ol. John W. 1ayo, !hairman of !ity!ounty !ivil -efense and -isaster !ommission atthe -edication of the Bmergency G&erating !enter at Fair ark,* 1ay 4=, $"5$, link.

    8i( linear inches of !ivil -efense 'dministrative Files are &reserved in the -allas 1unici&al 'rchives aFinding uide is viewable online here. I ho&e an interested researcher may wish to consult them.

    :58cott,5oad to ':&&, $2926.

    :6+ashington ost, 1ay $3, 4336.

    :2"#$$ Ee&ort, 92, 945, :::n" eter -ale 8cott, The 5oad to ':&&6 +ealth, 1mpire, and the #uture oAmerica, 44=.

    :"8cott,5oad to ':&&, 44593. ' footnote in the "#$$ Ee&ort A:::n"C says

    )+he "#$$ crisis tested the D.8. government/s &lans and ca&abilities to ensure the continuity of constitutionalgovernment and the continuity of government o&erations. We did not investigate this to&ic, e(ce&t as neededto understand the activities and communications of key officials on "#$$. +he !hair, ice !hair, and seniorstaff were briefed on the general nature and im&lementation of these continuity &lans.*

    +he other footnotes confirm that no information from !G files was used to document the "#$$ re&ort. 't aminimum these files might resolve the mystery of the missing &hone call which simultaneously authori%ed!G, and Ain conseHuenceC determined that ush should continue to stay out of Washington. I sus&ect thatthey might tell us a great deal more.

    53)White 0ouse !ommunications 'gency,* 8ignal !or&s Eegimental 0istory, link.

    5$+he Warren !ommission staff knew of the W0!' &resence in -allas from the 8ecret 8ervice A$6 W0 :"2,5$", 593, etc.C.


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    548tatement of 8ecret 8ervice official Winston ?awson, $6 W0 593 AW0!' radioC.

    59amela 1cBlwainrown, )+he residential ?incoln !ontinental 88$33Z,* -ealey la%a Bcho, olume9, Issue 4, 49, linkA&olice radioC 8cott,-eep olitics and the -eath o 8#9, 4646: A?um&kinC.

    5=In the $""3s the W0!' su&&lied statements to the 'EE concerning communications between -allas andWashington on @ovember 44 A@'E' Y$64$333$$3334 to @'E' Y$64$3333$3332C. +he 'ssassination

    Eecords Eeview oard also attem&ted to obtain from the W0!' the unedited original ta&es of conversationsfrom 'ir Force Gne on the return tri& from -allas, @ovember 44, $"59. ABdited and condensed versions ofthese ta&es had been available since the $"63s from the ?yndon aines Johnson ?ibrary in 'ustin, +e(as.C+he attem&t was unsuccessful )+he Eeview oard/s re&eated written and oral inHuiries of the White 0ouse!ommunications 'gency did not bear fruit. +he W0!' could not &roduce any records that illuminated the&rovenance of the edited ta&es.* 8eeAssassinations 5ecords 5eview 3oard6 #inal 5eport, cha&ter 5, art $,$$5, link. In @ovember 43$$ ' re&orted that en. !hester !lifton/s &ersonal co&y of the 'ir Force Gnerecordings was being &ut u& for sale, with an asking &rice of Q:33,333 A', @ovember $:, 43$$, linkC.

    5:8ee 8cott, +ar $onspiracyA4332C, 9=6=2, 92:26.

    55+ashington ost, 1ay $3, 4336.

    56-ick !heney,In y Time6 A ersonal and olitical emoirA@ew [ork +hreshold Bditions, 43$$C, 9=2)Gne of the first efforts we undertook after "#$$ to strengthen the country\s defenses was securing &assage ofthe atriot 'ct, which the &resident signed into law on LsicM Gctober 433$.* !f. )+he atriot 'ct, which the&resident signed into law on Gctober 433$,] link )Puestions and 'nswers about eginning of -omestic8&ying rogram link.

    528cott,5oad to ':&&, 495=: eter -ale 8cott, Is the 8tate of Bmergency 8u&erseding our !onstitution;!ontinuity of overnment lanning, War and 'merican 8ociety,@ovember 42, 43$3, htt$#ja&anfocus.org#eter7-ale8cott#9==2.

    5")rigade homeland tours start Gct. $,*Army Times, 8e&tember 93, 4332, link. 's &art of the 'rmy/semergency &lan 'E-B@ ?G+ in the $"53s, there were until $"6$ two brigades A=,233 troo&sC on&ermanent standby to Huell unrest.

    63)1emorandum for 1r. 1oyers* of @ovember 4:, $"59, FI 54$3"353, 8ection $2, &. 4", link. !f.@icholas Kat%enbach, Some o It +as #unA@ew [ork W.W. @orton, 4332C, $9$95.

    6$?eventhal/s official title is Aor wasC )!hief of the !ounter1isinformation +eam, D.8. -e&artment of 8tate*AlinkC. In 43$3 the D.8. 8tate -e&artment ) launched an official bid to shoot down cons&iracy theoriesN.+he

    !ons&iracy +heories and 1isinformation &ageN insists that ?ee 0arvey Gswald killed John F Kennedyalone, and that the entagon was not hit by a cruise missile on "#$$*-aily 5ecord L8cotlandM, 'ugust 4,43$3, AlinkC. +he site still e(ists here, A)!ons&iracy theories e(ist in the realm of myth, where imaginationsrun wild, fears trum& facts, and evidence is ignored.*C +he site still attacks "#$$ theories, but a &age on theKennedy assassination has been sus&ended AlinkC. !f. Eobin Eamsay, )overnment vs !ons&iracy +heorists+he official war on sick think,* Fortean +imes, '&ril 43$3, link )+he 8tate -e&artment vs \8ick +hink\

    +he JFK assassination, "#$$, and the +ory 1 s&iked with ?8-,* Fortean +imes, July 43$3, link WilliamKelly, )+odd ?eventhal +he 1inister of -i% at -ealey la%a,* !+K', 43$3, link.

    64For @i(on/s sensitivity concerning the Kennedy assassination, and the way this induced him into some of


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    the intrigues known collectively as Watergate, see e.g. 8cott, 0och, and 8tetler, The Assassinations, 96=62eter -ale 8cott, $rime and $over"upA8anta arbara, !' G&en 'rchive ress, $""9C, 99, 5=55.

    n Peter Da"e +cott6s Doomsday Concept#on

    &'#ra Do(j#mar(

    +his is 'kira -oujimaru/s introduction for Ja&anese readers to 8cott/s )-oomsday roject and -ee& Bvents.*

    In fact it is an introduction that emerged as a conversation with 8cott in the course of &re&aring the Ja&anesetranslation of the original.

    -oomsday, ) or )day of judgment,* is a term in Bnglish from medieval e(&ectations of the world/s end,based on @ew +estament references to the )days of vengeance,*L$Mwhen all will be judged after the 8econd!oming of !hrist. +hat kind of millenarian eschatology has always stirred the &o&ular imagination. eo&leonce a&&lauded the socalled &ro&hecies by @ostradamus, and now some are arguing that the world will endin 43$4 because the ancient calendar of 1aya doesn/t have years after that year.

    Gn the other hand, not dealing with such fantasies, there is )+he !ou& d/Utat of 43$4*, a fictitious scenariowritten in $""4 at the reHuest of the then !hairman of the Joint !hiefs of 8taff, !olin owell. In this fiction,the armed forces have re&laced the civil &ower and are running social welfare and medical care, education,trans&ortation, ut in real life we see that the D8 !ongress &assed the @ational -efense '&&ro&riations 'ctA@-''C in -ecember, 43$$, and militari%ation has a&&arently been intensified.

    'nyway, we can/t hel& feeling horrified by the term )the -oomsday roject*, which according to the author,eter -ale 8cott, is a term coined by the entagon. +he ible tells us that the world will be se&arated into two&arts eternally aradise for a minority of selected &eo&le, and 0ell for the majority. When we think of theevents occurring in our world today where one &ercent of the &o&ulation is increasing in wealth and ""&ercent are losing, the name V-oomsday &roject/ seems to have too much reality for us to laugh at.

    eter -ale 8cott A$"4" C is a !anadian born &oet, a former di&lomat and a former Bnglish &rofessor at theDniversity of !alifornia, erkeley. 0e looks at history from the &ers&ective of Vdee& &olitics/, e(amining awide range of data on certain critical events that are normally ignored or lied about in official &ublications a


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    &henomenon which is often accom&anied by other classified, or &erha&s destroyed, data. eter -ale 8cott/sVdee& &olitics/ can hel& discern certain consistent &atterns underlying all of these dee& events.

    In this essay, Vdee& &olitics/ demonstrates a clear continuity in a series of dee& events in D8 &olitical and

    military issues, from the assassination of resident Kennedy on 44 @ovember $"59, the ulf of +onkinincident in $"5= that led directly the ietnam War, and the assassination of 'ttorney eneral EobertKennedy on 5 June $"52, to the Watergate scandal that shook 'merica in $"69 and 6=, the scandal ofIran!ontra in the final decade of the !old War, and the brutal wars in

    'fghanistan from $"63s to now, leading u& to "#$$ in 433$ and beyond. 'n a&&arent &attern begins to emergeas each bead of an incident is connected with another by a thread of Vdee& &olitics/.

    8cott &icks out the thread from the data and their connections with the greatest coolness and rigor, withoutassum&tions inde&endent of the factual data .+he events have continued to evolve since "#$$ to today, theend of 43$$.

    I can/t hel& thinking about a tie between these )dee& events* and the changing world which we see around ustoday. While the lives of the ""^ are being threatened in socalled Vde&ression/, great megabanks,re&resenting massive &olari%ation of wealth, are successfully dominating Buro&e and destroying sovereignstates, with the D8 credit ranking agencies acting at their command. +hey have the I1F as their headHuarters,whose head has been re&laced by an Vaccidental scandal/, while new wars on Iran and 8yria is being &re&ared.

    Ja&anese nation and society, of course, are now feeling the im&act of that )dee& &olitics*. I was startled a fewdays ago at the headlines of some Ja&anese &a&ers re&orting that rime 1inister @oda is striving Vwith all mystrength/ to &ass the +ranacific artnershi& and raise the consum&tion ta( and that 24^ of Ja&anese feelVfriendly to the D8/, more than ever, thanks to D8 hel& following the earthHuake

    -isasters. I could not resist murmuring a &arody of a famous !hinese &oem,

    VFallen our countryN, oisoned our mountains and riversN,*

    'lthough 8cott/s cha&ter in 1ark 8elden, ed.,5emaking Asia6 1ssays on the American 2ses o owera&&eared in Ja&anese nearly forty years ago, this is the first Ja&anese translation of his writing on dee&&olitics, which I find very strange. !an his )dee& &olitics* make Ja&anese investigators hesitate to engage hiswork because they fear the taint of cons&iracy theories; Gr is it &ossible that they sniff something taboo inthis term that is untouchable for Ja&anese; I don/t know, but in any event I will introduce some of his writingsat the bottom of this translation. It is regrettable that Ja&anese &eo&le are unaware of his &recious works. Iho&e this monumental essay will serve as a trigger for Ja&anese to focus their concern on )dee& &olitics*.


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    ut I must say I feel a bit frustrated about a few &oints. 0e says nothing in this essay about the VD8 neocons/who raised their heads between the Iran!ontra case and "#$$. 'nd, related to that, the role of the VIsraelAJewishC lobby/ that emerged &owerfully in the $"23s isn/t addressed.L4MIn addition, the author mentionsnothing about the criminal roles of the left media which have attacked movements for truth, something theyhave done continually from the assassination of JFK to "#$$.L9MI also dare say that we can/t know whetherthese incidents were actually committed by such alleged criminals as Gswald or al0a%mi with the connivanceof the !I' and so on, or whether they were inside jobs by agents in which the alleged criminals were falselyaccused. Gne can have sus&icions about both cases, but we find no clarification of this in the essay.L=M

    @evertheless, such incom&leteness may be inevitable since the author states,

    VI will focus today on the right/s res&onse to that challenge, and on the role of dee& events in enhancing theirres&onse./ 1oreover, it may be too difficult even for eter -ale 8cott to refer to all these things in this limiteds&ace.L:MIn sum, we should look

    at each event, considering others around it that the author didn/t mention, when we try to understand theVdee& &olitics/ of the incidents described in this essay. +his may be our best way to res&ect to a scholar who

    has continued through his works to trace carefully the Vred thread/ hidden under the darkness of modernhistory.

    't the end of this essay, 8cott makes a &recious recommendation for the Gccu&y movement. ?iving in aworld that has been militari%ed since 8e&tember 43$$, in order to &revail it is im&ortant that the movementdemand the end of the current 8tate of Bmergency and the related &rovisions of the Vatriot 'ct./ L5M

    +he issues &osed by Vdee& events/ have been of concern to some &art of this movement from the beginning.

    't &resent the movement seems to be cracking under heavy su&&ression and intimidation. ut the mostvaluable current of this movement should be re&roduced in &o&ular movements in the D8 and throughout theworld in coming years. I think it necessary that these movements evolve into those which not only demandelimination of e(cessive economic dis&arity but also &ay attention to those res&onsible for such dis&arity. I/venoticed that 22^ of the movement asks for reinvestigation of "#$$/ and "5^ for Vre&eal of the atriot 'ct/Aas of $3 -ecember 43$$C. +his would re&resent a ho&e for our future that is slight but solid Aif theinformation from this website is reliableC.

    ?astly, I have to e(&ress the dee&est gratitude to 1r. 0aruhiko 8akurai,

    who &rovided the main &art of this translation and many references, to 1s.

    8atoko @orimatsu who worked hard to assist the translation and to &ublish it, and, above all, to 1r. eter-ale 8cott and the 'siaacific Journal.

    Aby 'kira -oujimaru, in arcelonaC


  • 7/24/2019 Scott, Peter Dale - The Doomsday Project and Deep Events JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, And 911


    'dd commentFor all articles by the author, click on author\s name.!omments

    'uthors eter -ale 8cott

    L$M?uke 4$44 _` `p q ` x z` `{ ||. AKing Jamesersion )For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.C)

    L4M0owever, 8cott does discuss neocons and the Israeli lobby in The 5oad to ':&&, 494:, ::53, $333$,etc., andAmerican +ar achine, $545:, $646", etc.

    L9M8cott has, however, freHuently critici%ed leftwing structuralist analyses of 'merican foreign &olicy, fortheir failure to recogni%e &olitical divergences inside Washington. 8ee e.g.-eep olitics and the -eath o8#9, $3$$, 9=96 The +ar $onspiracyA4332C, 2$: eter -ale 8cott, )"#$$, !anada, left gatekee&ers >}elikow,* htt#www.youtube.com#watch;v
