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SearchLove London | Matt Beswick, 'Get More From Your Content'

Date post: 14-Dec-2014
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For many, there is a real fear when it comes to the more technical side of Search, but don’t worry – Matt is on a mission to help you embrace the geekery without (too much) pain. From data analysis to web scraping and APIs, you’ll learn how to kick-start your ideation process, build better content, and get more from your outreach. He’s even promised to throw in a few freebies, too!
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Get More From Your Content: Embrace Your Inner Geek. y Matt Beswick, aged 31 and a half.
  • 1. Get More FromYour Content:Embrace YourInner Geek.by Matt Beswick, aged 31 and a half.

2. I have aconfession.@mattbeswick 3. My friends and familyhave known this for aLONG time.@mattbeswick 4. Im a geek.@mattbeswick 5. From building crapbatch programs whenI was 12...@mattbeswick 6. To being part of a text-basedgame when I was 15...@mattbeswick 7. To a hacked together Facebook game thatchanged my life.@mattbeswick 8. A Story of Growth...@mattbeswick 9. ... and ridiculous levels of engagement.@mattbeswick 10. Im a FAKEgeek. 11. SELECT * FROM tableWHEREusernameLIKE%$username%@mattbeswick 12. Google Apps Scripts: Confusing.@mattbeswick 13. Eventually I makestuff work.@mattbeswick 14. So dont be scared@mattbeswick 15. THIS IS MY CALLTO ARMS@mattbeswick 16. Being a geek helps make lifeeasier.@mattbeswick 17. Being a geek saves you hugeamounts of time.@mattbeswick 18. But more importantly helpsyou get noticed.@mattbeswick 19. First. Imagine@mattbeswick 20. #searchloveselfie@mattbeswick 21. Well comeback to thatlater@mattbeswick 22. Here We Go!@mattbeswick 23. Crafting Stories@mattbeswick 24. Get Links@mattbeswick 25. Get Noticed@mattbeswick 26. Surveys FTW@mattbeswick 27. Single vs. Multiple@mattbeswick 28. @mattbeswickA List of Answers 29. Multiple Questions = Crosstabs@mattbeswick 30. Its all about the idea, andthe story.@mattbeswick 31. Take The Answers & Look For Trends@mattbeswick 32. Create a list of the most interesting findings@mattbeswick 33. Finally, get your creativesto do their thing@mattbeswick 34. Finally, get your creativesto do their thing 35. http://www.tecmark.co.uk/smartphone-usage-data-uk-2014/ 36. This is the post. BBC? TV Coverage?? 37. Lessons Learned@mattbeswick 38. 1. Unique data is great foroutreach@mattbeswick 39. 2. Youre looking for astory@mattbeswick 40. 3. Where possible, includethe data@mattbeswick 41. 4.Follow @staceycav@mattbeswick 42. Scraping@mattbeswick 43. Disclaimer: Google DontLike You Doing This@mattbeswick 44. StealingIsNaughty@mattbeswick 45. @mattbeswick 46. You could use softwarehttp://www.targetlocal.co.uk/tools/simple-serp-scraper/@mattbeswick 47. Wheres the fun in that?@mattbeswick 48. Its Geek Time!@mattbeswick 49. PHP == Good@mattbeswick 50. 1. Google URLhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&pws=0&q=searchlove@mattbeswick 51. 2. Get the HTML$html = file_get_contents($url_check);@mattbeswick 52. 3. Load the HTML@$dom->loadHTML($html);@mattbeswick 53. 4. Convert to XPath$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);@mattbeswick 54. 5. Grab the Results$xpath->evaluate("//div[@id='search']//h3/a/@href");@mattbeswick 55. Success!?http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-667657p1.html?cr=00&pl=edit-00 @mattbeswick 56. Cue Tumbleweed@mattbeswick 57. The power comes whenyou do iten-masse@mattbeswick 58. Example:Online Share Trading 59. 1. Take the top keywordsfor your client / site@mattbeswick 60. best online share tradingonline share tradingonline share trading ukshare tradingshare trading accountshare trading onlineshares tradingtrade sharesonline tradingshares tradingshares online ukshare trading @mattbeswick 61. 2. Scrape page 1 for eachof these phrases@mattbeswick 62. @mattbeswick 63. 3. Get an overall view ofwho your competitorsreally are@mattbeswick 64. @mattbeswick 65. You now know who youre up against@mattbeswick 66. Lets Take 5@mattbeswick 67. Seconds@mattbeswick 68. @mattbeswick 69. This could get messy@mattbeswick 70. SomeDataYourCodeCoolStuffAPIs(over) Simplified@mattbeswick 71. Not just forgeeks**Knowing howto code helps.@mattbeswick 72. @mattbeswickGet yourlearning on 73. Building a Request@mattbeswick 74. Heres what you get 75. Which is the same as this@mattbeswick 76. Social Data? No Problemhttp://api.sharedcount.com/?url=http://www.distilled.net@mattbeswick 77. Heres What We Get@mattbeswick 78. Again, doing this for one URL isnt verypowerfulhttp://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/12/20/article-1340131-0C8A6AA5000005DC-966_634x421.jpg @mattbeswick 79. but when you do it for the masses youstart to learn things.http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-667393p1.html?cr=00&pl=edit-00 @mattbeswick 80. Twitter API Get Tweets by Search e.g. SearchLove@mattbeswick 81. How about we do this for the speakers?@mattbeswick 82. Heres some top level data for them@mattbeswick 83. What are they reading?@mattbeswick 84. And look for sites that we should be publishing on.@mattbeswick 85. Suggested Viewing Richard Baxterhttp://www.slideshare.net/seogadget/really-targeted-outreach-from-richard-baxter-seogadget 86. Everything else basically involves stealingstuff.@mattbeswick 87. Lets steal some keywords@mattbeswick 88. Take our list of competitors from earliertddirectinvesting.co.ukmoney.co.ukiii.co.ukhl.co.ukthisismoney.co.ukselftrade.co.ukOnly use NICHE competitors@mattbeswick 89. Use the SEMRush API to grab their paidand organic keywords@mattbeswick 90. In the background were doing thishttp://api.semrush.com/?type=domain_organic&key=YOUR_API_KEY&display_limit=500&export_columns=Ph,Po,Nq,Cp,Ur&domain=selftrade.co.uk&database=uk@mattbeswick 91. Which gives us this@mattbeswick 92. And in the end we have a spreadsheet!@mattbeswick 93. Lets order by total competitors@mattbeswick 94. Or by landing page to identify groupings@mattbeswick 95. Want to take it a stepfurther?@mattbeswick 96. Drop those landing pages into URLProfiler 97. Generate Screenshots@mattbeswick 98. You now know what theyre bidding on and their landing pages 99. If that doesnt generate ideas, nothing will.@mattbeswick 100. More Tumbleweeds?Flick Through & Pick Out Great LandingPages@mattbeswick 101. Were just here for the links@mattbeswick 102. Lets steal those too then.@mattbeswick 103. Our Heroes!*Knowing howto code helps.http://moz.com/products/api http://developer-support.majesticseo.com/ 104. Take our list of competitors again@mattbeswick 105. In the background$parameters["item"] = $url;$parameters["datasource"] = "fresh;$parameters["Mode"] = 1;$parameters["Count"] = 10000;$parameters["MaxSourceURLsPerRefDomain"] = 1;$parameters["MaxSameSourceURLs"] = 1;@mattbeswick 106. In the background$api_service = newAPIService(MAJESTIC_APP_API_KEY,MAJESTICSEO_ENDPOINT);$response =$api_service->executeOpenAppRequest("GetBackLinkData",$parameters, MAJESTIC_ACCESS_TOKEN);@mattbeswick 107. We get a nice big list 108. But theres LOADS of crap@mattbeswick 109. @mattbeswickExport to Excel & Filter 110. So we can now steal their keywords, andtheir links... 111. Lets talk about the bigger picture@mattbeswick 112. @mattbeswickIts that word again 113. @mattbeswickThis is what Google wantshttp://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-790342p1.html?cr=00&pl=edit-00 114. Being a liar isnt an option any more@mattbeswick 115. Combining all of the above helps you build@mattbeswicknetworks to build your brand. 116. One Last Bright Idea 117. Analyse a pagefor topicsGet that list andstore itUse it as a basisfor outreach 118. An example Textwise Response 119. DontForgetYourSpider@mattbeswick 120. Keep on crawlin!Build up asearchable databaseof sitesUse that db as abasis for outreach and also checkwho they link to.Crawl each of thosesites and check fortopicsStart with a seedlist of sites 121. heres an example of what you get...@mattbeswick 122. One Problem 123. Textbroker = $1000+/mth@mattbeswick 124. #searchloveselfie@mattbeswick 125. API Exampleshttp://www.mattbeswick.co.uk/big-list-of-apis/ 126. Matt BeswickHidden Pixel@[email protected] STUFF!http://www.hiddenpixel.com/SL2014/
