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Secret Police Hack v1.0

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  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    DEPt 01 DEPARTMENT ONETe Department o Military Counterintelligence is a military-oriented spy-hunting organization. It is detested by the Ministry o Deense, where the spiesare ofen caught.

    Operative-Technical Sector Ad ministrationOSA monitors oreign military organizations and hunts oreign spies within

    State Security and the MOD.

    Rear Services AdministrationRSA hunts Ministry o Deense moles inside State Security.

    Department 2Te Department o Counterintelligence are dedicated spy hunters. Tey have

    enormous but hidden influence and run entire State Security departments (8,

    24, hal o 11) as their personal fiedoms.

    Office of Domestic SurveillanceODS is tasked with finding both oreign and domestic spies within the home-

    lands borders. It keeps a close eye on the rest o State Security and has a vast andunknowable reach. While actual espionage agents are prime prey, ODS ofen

    runs across State Security officers with divided loyalties or bad ideas, and routesthis inormation accordingly.

    Investigative Working GroupsTere are many IWGs, all denoted by a two-digit number. Tey are multi-departmental teams tasked with operational domestic intelligence gathering.

    Nominally reporting to the Office o Domestic Surveillance and Department

    2, IWG teams were created to ease rivalries by sharing both accountability andintelligence. eams are assigned cases o interest to a variety o largely invisiblesuperiors, filtered through ODS.

    Department 3Te Department o Counterintelligence in elecommunication and ElectronicIntelligence is nominally responsible or all Ministry o State Security wiretap-ping and technical eavesdropping. It is under-staffed and perceived as wildly

    incompetent, which results in a heavy reliance on the Peoples Police CID ech-nical Services Unit. Tis creates an operational security nightmare that hasnever been ully resolved.

    Department 4Te Department o Armament and Chemical Services maintains a cozy rela-

    tionship with the Ministry o Deense and is known, semi-jokingly, as a wholly-owned subidiary o MOD. A tiny department, its mission is to monitor the arms

    industry or signs o sabotage or tampering.

    Department 6Te Department o Passport control, ourism and ransit keeps an eye on or-eigners and citizens headed abroad. Department 6 exerts great power among the

    intelligentsia and elites. Department 6 is a small, tight-knit organization that

    ocuses on oreign guests within the nation, nationals bound or other coun-tries or living abroad, and citizens who have contact with either. Department

    6 effectively controls the Homelands official entry and exit channels and has

    unettered access to oreign currency, goods, and inormation, with a cozy re-

    lationship with Department 18s money laundering Commercial CoordinationWorking Group. It must rely on the survei llance and intelligence-gatheringcapabilities o other Departments, however.


    + Rich

    + Bureaucratic choke point

    + Access to foreigners, tiny but wellplaced CI network

    - Small

    - No organic surveillance assets

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    Department 7Te Department o Counterintelligence places and runs moles within the Ministry

    o the Interior and Peoples Police. Every third border guard and street cop is aconfidential inormant or Department 7.

    Department 8Te Department o ransit Investigation and Security is a toothless ront or opera-

    tions conducted by Department 2.

    Department 9Te Department o Military Intelligence Investigation and Discipline places andruns confidential inormants within the Ministry o Deense. Department 9 gets

    its marching orders rom the much more powerul Department 1 and is, in effect,

    an extension o that agency.

    Department 10Te Department o International Relations entire mandate is monitoring theHomelands diplomatic corps.

    Office of the Diplomatic CorpsTe Office o the Diplomatic Corps runs a well-placed network o confidentialinormants in embassies o the Homeland.

    Working Group EWorking Group E hunts oreign spies - and moles rom MOD or Interior - withinthe diplomatic corps. Tis work ofen has collateral consequences in the realmso culture and the Department o the Interior, with officers crossing paths with

    peers in Departments 7 and 20 requently.

    Department 11Te Department o the Economy is a toothless ront or joint operations conducted

    by Departments 2 and 18. Te unstated agreement is that i Department 11 is usedas cover by either department, the other must at least be inormed, i not invited

    to participate. Tis tends to complicate things, but Economy is the only eidom

    Department 18 has and they jealously guard their prerogative.

    Department 12Te Department o Archives and Records oversees a vast bureaucracy devotedentirely to documenting and preserving inormation collected by the Ministr yo State Security.

    Central Processing DivisionCentral Processing stands ready to assist other State Security entities when opera-tions require tampering with, examining or altering mail.

    Post Control DivisionPost Control censors the mail. Its clerks requently originate new cases or other


    Department 13Te Department o Inormation serves as State Securitys liaison with Homelandmedia.

    Central Working Group For SecrecyCWGS monitors and censors print and broadcasts.

    Office of Media FactorsMedia Factors places and runs confidential inormants in journal ism and mass

    communication. Tis work is occasionally glamorous, since many celebrities andcultural icons earn a State Security paycheck on the side. Media Factors amouslyclashes with Department 20s Office o Cultural Affairs regularly.

    DEPT 07

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    Department 14Te Department o Cadres and raining is a service-oriented training and devel-opment organization within State Security.

    Central Leadership OFFICE of the Dynamo Sports AssociationTe Dynamo Sports Association is a State-Security-run athletic league that servesas cover or many operations and a source o confidential inormants.

    University of the Ministry for State Security

    Te University o the Ministry o State Security is a graduate law school that pro-duces candidates or judicial posts in the Homeland.

    Central Medical ServiceCMS operates a series o Ministry o State Security-only hospitals and clinics,some public and some secret.

    Department 15Te Main Intelligence Directorate is in charge o all oreign espionage.

    Department 17Te Department o Detention and Correction is the Ministry o State Security-runpolitical prison system. Much, but not all, o the system is secret.

    Department 18Te Department o Protection o the National Economy is a t ightly-integratedcomponent in the Homelands economic machine. It maintains the hollow Depart-

    ment 11 in coordination with Department 2 as a useul ront.

    Commercial Coordination Working GroupTe CCWG specializes in laundering hard currency.

    Central Evaluation and Information GroupTe CEIG is an investigative unit tasked with ensuring fiscal responsibility withinthe Ministr y o State Security. It has wide-ranging powers. Te CEIG are the fi-

    nancial police, in charge o monitoring and controlling the grey and black marketsand investigating cases o embezzlement, fiscal maleasance, and importation o

    contraband. Tere is almost no investigation in which the CEIG cannot find somearea o proessional interest. Because their investigations ofen touch the highest

    levels o society, the agents o the CEIG are hand-picked or the qualities o discre-

    tion, loyalty, and pragmatism.

    Office of Protection Military Research and Arms ProductionDespite the name, this is a bureaucratic rabbit hole that coordinates closely with

    Department 22.

    Office of Protection of Agriculture, Finance and TradeTis office (a single desk, actually) has been completely superceded by other enti-ties, but retains a title and staff o one or political reasons.

    Office of Customs AdministrationTis office places and runs confidential inormants within the Homelands customand border control agents

    Office of Confirmation of NomenclatureTe OCN is a fictitious agency that serves as cover or the Ministry o State Secu-ritys murder squads.

    Office of Special TradeTe Office o Special rade is responsible or procuring i llegal or subversive materi-

    als or the Ministry o State Security. Tis means that, in addition to operational

    needs, it is the source o illicit luxury goods or senior officers o all departments.As such it exerts considerable influence.

    DEPT 14

    + Prestigious

    + Not corrupt

    - Small

    - Hated by other Departments

    - No CI network

    + Nobody fucks with Department 15.

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    Department 19The Department of Traffic and TransportationTe Department o raffic and ransportation is surprisingly powerul withinState Security, keeping a finger on the pulse o the economy and utilizing transit

    as a tool or both running inormants and surveilling potential threats to theHomeland. It maintains a huge network o inormants.

    Te D is primarily concerned with cultivating and maintaining inormantswithin the highly mobile and ubiquitous transportation and service sectors. Teir

    inormants are everywhere and see everything. Department 19 has some o thebest sel-contained surveillance assets available to the State Security through the

    Office o Internal elecommunications, Working Group 17, and its network oinormants. As such the Department is eared and respected.

    Office of Air TransportCharged with placing and running confidential inormants within the domestic

    air travel sphere.

    Office of Highway and Rail TransportCharged with placing and running confidential inormants within the domestic

    surace travel sphere, including inland waterways.

    Office of Shipping

    Charged with placing and running confidential inormants within the shippingindustry.

    Office of Internal TelecommunicationsTe OI is a small but proessional wiretapping and eavesdropping organization

    with deep connections to the telecommunications industry.

    Working Group B - Travel and VisitationWorking Group B ocuses on the physical surveillance o the domestic movemento persons o interest. An elite and independent task orce pulled rom other o-

    fices and even other departments, Working Group B keeps an eye on oreigners

    in-country, leveraging other Department 19 assets. Department 2 considers themclumsy amateurs, which is unair.

    Department of 20Te Department o Culture and Religion is primarily concerned with cultivatingand maintaining inormants within the arts and religious communities through

    the Offices o Cultural and Religious Affairs respectively. In addition, the DCRmonitors, crushes, and occasionally encourages dissent within these communi-

    ties. Department 20 has no native surveillance assets but enjoys a thick network

    o highly-placed inormants, particularly on the arts side.

    Office of Cultural AffairsOffice o Religious Affairs and olerance runs a deep network o confidential in-

    ormants in the arts, academia, and among the elites. Department 13s Office o

    Media Factors is a proessional rival, although only in the niche area o journalistsand celebrities.

    Office of Religious Affairs and ToleranceOffice o Religious Affairs and olerance runs a deep network o confidential in-

    ormants among the clergy and key parishioners.

    Department 22Te Department o Counterterrorism and Special Operations has an elite para-

    militar y unit at the ready, State Securitys version o the Patriot Guards Regiment.Tese highly-trained soldiers are rarely used, but when they are people die. Tey

    have nothing but disdain or the hit men in Department 18s Office o Confirma-tion o Nomenclature.

    DEPT 19

    + Huge

    + Vast CI network

    + Well developed surveillance infrastructure

    - Ponderous bureaucracy

    - Ten agents for every opening

    + Well-connected

    + Experienced in psyops and dirtytricks

    + Close relationship with Departmen

    12, has the goods on everyone- No organic surveillance assets

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    Department 24Te Department o Internal Communication is a toothless ront or operationsconducted by Department 2.

    Department 26Te Department o Strategic Communication provides secure communicationor all o State Security and remains scrupulously neutral in inter-departmental

    squabbles. Te DSC is a research and field organization composed o experts in

    all orms o technical surveillance. Tey are widely regarded as ree-thinking egg-

    heads, wizards and nerds. Department 26 has been thoroughly emasculated byother more aggressive Departments, and is essentially a service bureau or more

    powerul players like 2, 18 and 19.

    The Internal Security Courier ServiceTe Internal Security Courier Service is essentially a private and secure post office,housed within Department 26.

    DEPT 24

    + Technical geniuses

    + Capabilities no other group possesses

    - Small- Bad political reputation

    - Co-opted and neutered by otherlarger Departments and used as bagmen

    - No CI network

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    Ministry of the InteriorTe Ministry o Interior does not like the Ministry o State Security. Interior has

    always elt that it is capable o managing most o State Securitys responsibilities

    related to Homeland security, and resents intrusions into what it sees as sovereignterritory. Te act that it is plainly wrong only makes this resentment more intense.

    Department of Transit and Border SecurityIn charge o border control. Maintains internal security border protection police.

    Full o inormants reporting to Ministry o State Security Department 18s Officeo Customs Administration.

    Department of Regional AffairsTe international-acing organ o the Ministry o the Interior dealing with neigh-boring countries.

    Office of VisitationOfficial point o contact or oreign nationals arriv ing in-country. Issues visasand is thereore well-unded with hard currency and powerul. Riddled with StateSecurity operatives.

    Office of Special ProjectsTe Office o Special Projects places and runs moles within the Ministry o State

    Security, ocusing on Departments 6, 7 and 18. Many - but not all - are well knownand either turned or managed by their erstwhile targets.

    Office of Cultural ResourcesResponsible or ostering and administering international cultural exchanges. Es-sentially a public relations agency within Interior. Deeply compromised by Depart-

    ment 20s Office o Cultural Affairs.


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    Peoples PoliceTe Peoples Police do not like the Ministry o State Security. As de acto subor-

    dinates, the Peoples Police are ofen required to work along side State Securityagents and render assistance. Tey are ofen subjected to dismissive, humiliating

    treatment, despite being highly competent proessionals.

    Custodial Divi sion (Prisons)Inmate Factors UnitRecruits confidential inormants within prison system.

    Criminal Investigative DivisionNational Affairs UnitDetectives in charge o civil crimes by and against VIPs and the political elite.In practical terms this ofen means covering up or redirecting blame or various


    Office of Legal IntelligencePlaces and runs moles within Ministry o State Security, ocusing on Departments7 and 18 (specifically the Office o Special rade, whom they despise).

    Internal Affairs UnitPolices the police. Detectives looking or wrongdoing within CID and the peoplesPolice generally. Ofen crosses paths with Ministry o State Security Department

    Technical Services UnitProvides wiretapping and eavesdropping equipment and personnel. Te mostskilled personnel and the widest general reach. Utilized heavily by State Security,who dont trust their own wizards in Depart ment 3. Officers o the CID-CUare ofen called into liaison with State Security assets or physical and technical

    surveillance, as well as traditional law enorcement unctions. Tis is particularlytrue when cases are likely to involve non-security-related criminal activity. Teseofficers have all the privileges and responsibilities o State Security field agents, aswell as normal domestic investigative and arrest powers. State Security personnel

    tend to treat them as incompetent amateurs, which is ofen unair.

    Factors UnitRecruits confidential inormants rom the general population. Te largest networko CIs in the nation.


    + Conventional arrest powers

    + Well developed surveillance apparatus

    + Outside State Security chain of command

    - Outside State Security chain of command

    - Looked down on by State Securityagents

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    Ministry of DefenseTe Ministry o Deense does not like the Ministry o State Security. Tere is nomi-

    nal cooperation between the two entities and they exchange personnel, but no loveis lost between them. MOD jealously guards its mandates, and aggressively runs

    agents within State Security, treating it like any other existential threat.

    Patriot Guards Regiment (PGR)A specialized and reduced-strength regimental command within the army.

    Infrastructure Protection CommandSpecial orces teams tasked with protecting critical inrastructure, such as nuclearpower plants and the Presidential compound.

    Personal Protection DivisionFor high ranking bureaucrats and VIPs, this unit provides bodyguards and secu-rity. It competes with State Securitys Department 22 and occasionally protectees

    with have a detail rom both.

    Central Ope rational StaffTe center o the military bureaucracy.

    Military Intelligence CommandHub or all military intelligence activities. Heavily infiltrated by State Securityassets.

    Special Operations CommandControls all special orces except the Patriot Guards Regiment, to their intenseannoyance.

    Exigency Analysis Working GroupPlace and runs moles within Ministry o State Security.

    Central Coordination GroupOstensibly coordinates activities o mil itary intelligence and Ministry o StateSecurity. In reality serves as a conduit or intelligence and obstruction. Officers o

    the CCG are ofen assigned to Ministry o State Security teams to serve as militaryliaison. Tese agents have all the privileges and responsibilities o State Security

    field agents, but report to their own military chain o command. In matters relatedto military personnel and materiel, they are expected to take a lead role. Among

    State Security personnel CCG staff are widely regarded as spies and bumblers andare ofen marginalized.


    + Unlimited power in military affairs

    + Outside State Security chain of com


    - Outside State Security chain of command

    - Distrusted by State Security agents

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    AGENDA Agenda Play your own town and your country, whatever that means.

    Make the world seem real.

    Make the players characters lives not boring.

    Play to nd out what happens.

    Always Say What the principles demand.

    What the rules demand.

    What your prep demands.

    What honesty demands.

    The Principles Add oppressive and mundane details.

    Address yourself to the characters, not the players.

    Make your move, but misdirect. Make your move, but never speak its name.

    Look through crosshairs.

    Name everyone, make everyone human.

    Ask provocative questions and build on the answers.

    Respond with fuckery, bureaucracy and intermittent rewards.

    Be a fan of the players characters .

    ink oscreen too.

    Sometimes, disclaim decision-making.

    Your Moves Make them uncertain.

    Separate them.

    Make the Ministr y doubt them.

    Call them in, individually and as a group, to report.

    Use the Universal Criminal Code against them.

    Inject a rumor.

    Bury them in paperwork.

    Put someone in a spot.

    Watch them.

    Announce o-screen badness.

    Announce future badness.

    Take away their stu.

    Tell them the possible consequences and ask.

    Oer an opportunity, with or without a cost.

    Turn their move back on them.

    Aer every move: what do you do?


    A Few More Things To Do

    Dont keep secrets from yourfriends, just their characters.

    Let them tell you about the gov-ernment.

    Encourage confessionals.

    Remind them they harbor secrets.

    Make maps like crazy.

    Turn questions back on the askeror the group at large.

    Digress occasional ly.

    Elide the action sometimes, andzoom in on its details other times.

    Give everyone some spotlight.

    Take breaks as needed. Take yourtime.



  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    PrepYour homework is to think up the Investigative Working Groups desk ocer - a

    personality and a name - and to build the rudiments of a couple of cases.

    Print out everything. Have a mess of le folders handy.

    Pick the secrets you like best (remembering that the most mundane are oen themost interesting), and put them in sealed envelopes. Mix these up, because thatsfun.

    Assemble one or two case les - the case documentation, blank, in a folder. Having

    two case les in play at one time is probably better.When your friends arrive, let them choose playbooks. Ask them to ll out name

    and background.

    Conduct intake interviews. Hand each player an employee record sheet and asealed envelope. Let them choose moves and nish their characters.

    Play! Start with their desk ocer assigning their rst case, or start at a bar.

    CasesAlthough the standard line is that failed prosecutions do not count against ocers,this is atly untrue. Convictions are everything. Follow-on investigations, spurredby evidence of wider conspiracies, are pure gold. No one should ever settle for a

    mundane closed case.

    General Types

    When building an initial case, start with a general type. Here are some:


    e most basic case involved monitoring a subject for signs of disloyalty.

    House Arrest

    Subject is under house arrest. Surreptitiously document each person who visitssubject. Dont let subject leave house.


    Gather information about subjects contacts with foreigners. Identify foreignagents. Document foreign subjects contacts with citizens. Assess citizens poten-

    tial for subversion and root out informants, spies and saboteurs - nd foreign

    agents contacts.


    Plant incriminating evidence on subject and coordinate his arrest with Peoples

    Police. Interview and turn subject into CI. Convince subject to take more active

    role in dissident arts group. Entrap and arrest aer exposing dissident network.


    Find out where subject is hiding arms and ammunition. Find out where the sub-

    ject is getting subversive literature. Find out where the subject sells black market

    goods, and to who.


    Gather information on subjects activities, network of friends, and psychological

    liabilities. Build a dossier that can be used against subject.Inside Job

    Monitor ocers in another Department. Monitor the elite. Monitor the military.

    Monitor border guards.


    A paperwork error, a political circle jerk, a case designed to go nowhere.



    Of course make up your own as well.

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    Ten add a complication if you like (or two!):


    Two Departments are ghting over a subject, a precedent, a CI.

    A powerful person wants an innocent target ruined for his own reasons

    Jurisdiction is muddy and paperwork is slow

    No one wants the case to succeed

    e subject is politically well connected

    Another Ministry is actively or passively protecting the subject Another Department is running a parallel operation yours will blow, or that

    will blow yours

    A mole is working to discredit or derail

    Closing the case will end some perk, or allow a bigger sh to swim away

    en name the target of the case and ll in a few details you like (make the target

    a well-heeled academic, for example). Pass the case le around and let the playersadd details, one at a time, until it is complete. Let them do most of the work and

    surprise you.

    AdvancementWhen a case is closed, every ocer can either add a move from their own playbook

    or increase a stat by one, up to +3. Aer a third case is closed, they can add a movefrom any playbook if they wish.

    DoubtDoubt is both an individual and collective resource. Players will keep track of theirown total, and the Investigative Working Group will also have a total equal to allthe individual ocers combined totals the GM tracks. Doubt occasionally ariseswhen one ocer gets involved in another ocers activities.

    A player may, at any time and for any reason, help or interfere with another ocersactions. When you do this, they must state how much theyd l ike to modify the

    next roll. Modication can be plus or minus one, two or three.

    e modifying player adds this total to their own doubt score.

    e Ministry collectively accumulates doubt (through informing PCs and cer tainmoves) and the teams total only grows. It is never spent.

    At [1x number of players total doubt] PC with most doubt will be summoned foran informal chat with the teams desk ocer.

    At [2x number of players total doubt] PC with most doubt will be interviewed byan investigator from Department 2. Others will be put on notice.

    At [4x number of players total doubt] all members of the team will appear sepa-rately before a tribunal. Tribunals do not recess without passing judgment, which

    can range from disciplinary re-assignment to formal charges under the UniformCriminal Code.

    Break ties by examining ocer backgrounds. Te ocer with the most dubious

    past loses.

    Moves that Modify Doubt

    Doubt can also be accrued or lost as the result of certain moves.

    Assign 1 doubt means assign a point of doubt to any PC and increase the collec-tive doubt pool accordingly.

    Add 3 doubt means take 3 doubt yourself a nd increase the collective doubt pool


    Shi 3 doubt means move 3 doubt from your ocer to the PC of your choice.

    Halve doubt means divide your current total in two and adjust everyones scoreas equitably as possible. If a perfect division is impossible take any extra doubtyourself.

    Doubt is a private resource. Te GMshould keep track of the WorkingGroup total but players should noopenly compare notes. Its not exactly

    secret but it is more fun if crossing ththresholds is a surprise.

    NO XP


  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    I D E N T I T Y E S T A B L IS H I N G I D A N D G R O U P

    You are ?

    Write down their name on the outside o the older.

    I see here that you work for [Ministry or Department], is that cor-rect?

    Assign them a position and add the official duty sheet to their older.Tey dont get a choice in this although i they say no, apologize or yourrecord-keeping error and suggest a different job.

    INTAKE SCRIPTHave a older handy or each player, with the officer inormation sheet inside.

    When the players have finished their characters name and background inormation, conduct interviews in characteras the desk officer in the Investigative Working Group to which they have been re-assigned. Put them in the cones-sional seat - at this point you should know nothing about their character. Keep it brisk and dont ask ollow-up ques-tions. At most employ expressionless eye contact and heavy pauses. ake notes.

    Tese interviews are not private. It i s the teams first introduction to one another.

    Ask questions to fill out the officer inormation sheet. Feel ree to vary them a litt le between interviews. Te substancshould not change, and you shouldnt ask ollow-up questions. Your role here is one o taciturn orm-filler and you arestablishing an oppressive bureaucratic mood.

    Some good options are:

    Peoples Police Criminal Investiga-tive Division, echnical Services Unit

    Ministry o Deense Central Op-erational Staff, Central CoordinationGroup

    Dept. 6: Passport control, ourismand ransit

    Dept. 18: Department o Protectiono the National Economy

    Central Evaluation and InormationGroup

    Dept. 19: raffic and ransporta-tion Working Group 17 : ravel andVisitation

    Dept. 20: Culture and Religion

    S T A T S P R O F E S S I O N A L S T A T I S T I C S

    I am going to ask some questions about your professional statistics,and I want both a candid personal assessment and the rating, -1 to +3,

    from your most recent evaluation. Is that clear?

    I not, enjoy a prolonged silence and then explain. I they lie you wontknow it and youll record a alse value. Tis is fine.

    How far are you willing to go to accomplish your duties for the Minis-try?

    Te Drive stat.

    How would your fellow officers assess your technical performance?

    Te radecraf stat.

    Where do you stand in the hierarchy of your Department?

    Te Pull stat.

    Have you enjoyed good fortune in your life and career?

    Te Luck stat.

    How would your superiors assess your attention to detail and overallperformance?

    Te Focus stat.

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    P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N

    Im going to ask you some personal questions. Please be candid andforthright; you have nothing to fear. Is that clear?

    I not, enjoy a prolonged silence and then explain. You are asking ortheir choices in character creation, but i they lie your records wil lsimply be incorrect.

    What was your fathers occupation?

    Te state is highly stratified along class l ines, although it vehemently

    denies this.ell me more about your familys composition.

    Te state disapproves o large, sprawling extended amilies.

    Do you have a mentor within the department? If so, who?

    Mentorship is a key sign o ambition and, reciprocally, skil l.

    Do you belong to any associations or groups?

    Lack o a social outlet is discouraged. oo many social outlets is dis-couraged.

    B A C K G R O U N D

    T H E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L E

    Can you explain this negative note in your file to me?

    Everyone has some skeleton in their closet. Tey wi ll no doubt be eagerto share theirs. No doubt their co-workers wil l be l istening intently. Ithey dont wish to discuss it, simply note that. Te truth o their state-ment is immaterial at this point.

    Tank you for your time.

    ell them to continue to choose moves and finish their characters.

    H O S T I L E -

    N E G A T I V E

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    E V A L U A T I O N D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

    I N T E R E S T I N G

    D E P A R T M E N T S E C O N D E D F R O M


    F L A G G E D D U R I N G I N T A K E

    E V A L U A T I O N D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

    I N T E R E S T I N G

    D E P A R T M E N T S E C O N D E D F R O M

    F L A G G E D D U R I N G I N T A K E

    E V A L U A T I O N D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

    I N T E R E S T I N G

    D E P A R T M E N T S E C O N D E D F R O M

    F L A G G E D D U R I N G I N T A K E




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    E V A L U A T I O N D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

    I N T E R E S T I N G

    D E P A R T M E N T S E C O N D E D F R O M


    F L A G G E D D U R I N G I N T A K E

    E V A L U A T I O N D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

    I N T E R E S T I N G

    D E P A R T M E N T S E C O N D E D F R O M

    F L A G G E D D U R I N G I N T A K E

    E V A L U A T I O N D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

    I N T E R E S T I N G

    D E P A R T M E N T S E C O N D E D F R O M

    F L A G G E D D U R I N G I N T A K E




  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE OUTSIDERConventional wisdom would put you on a watch list, consigned to menial actory work - or someplace quieter andmore permanent. But thats not how it turned out, is it? Despite your past you are a big wheel and no one knowswhy. Tats something your ellow officers hate much more than your crimes.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    E V A L U A T I O NAssign however you like:

    +2, +1, +1, +0, -1.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneDissident, criminal, worker, military, unknown

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Extended, unorthodox, raised by state

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose one

    Foreign Language Club, Mainline church, bible study group, DynamoSports Association Fan Club, Lightning athletic league, ContemporaryLiterature Circle, Fine Art Society

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, Senior desk officer, Department head

    A P T I T U D E SYou get these two:

    S E C R E TEveryone has secrets. But you have a secret so compel-ling that it prompted the Ministry o State Security tomake you a case officer. When you reveal your secret atan opportune moment, take +1 ongoing until you actagainst the best interests o State Security in some way.

    D E E P B A C K G R O U N D Choose an area o expertise Policies and procedures o State Security radecraf Te wider world Cultural and religious figures o note History and hierarchy o State Security Political and military figures o note Te elite

    When you first encounter an important person, location,or item (your call) covered by your Deep Background youcan ask the GM any one question about it, the GM willanswer truthully. Te GM may then ask you where you

    and choose one more: C O N N E C T I O N SWhen you put out word to your criminal associatesabout some item you want or need, roll+Pull.On a 10+ someone has it, just or you.On a 79 youll have to settle or something close or itcomes with strings attached, your call.On a miss, it shows up in your office or you with un-pleasant strings attached.

    W H E E L S W I T H I N W H E E L SWhen you reveal that you had planned or this all along,roll +radecraf.On 10+ yes you did and it goes according to plan.On a 79, you set it up, yes, but the GM can introducesome hitch or delay.On a miss, you might have set it up, but things havechanged considerably since then..

    H A S T Y E X I T

    When youre in too deep and need a way out, nameyour escape route and roll+Luck.On a 10+ youre gone.On a 7-9 you can stay or go, but i you go it costs you:leave something behind or take something with you,the GM will tell you what.instead o roll+Drive. Whenyou use Hurt Someone on another players character,roll+rust instead o+Drive.

    O U T S I D E R

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE GNOMEYou are the quintessential bureaucrat. You have a deep understanding o the practical mechanisms o powerwithin the Ministry - power that is always, always backed up with rivers o paperwork. It is a river in which youswim with skill and aplomb - afer all, a misplaced orm can destroy a lie as easily as a bullet.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    E V A L U A T I O NPut +2 in Focus.Assign however you like:+1, +1, +0 -1.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneDissident, criminal, worker, military, proessional, unknown

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Nuclear, single parent, raised by state

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose oneNone, Mainline church, bible study group, Dynamo Sports Association FanClub, Contemporary Literature Circle, Fine Art Society, Citizens Round-table, Patriotic Affairs Club, Block Beautification Committee

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, ellow player character, amcient desk officer, Department head

    A P T I T U D E SYou get these two:

    F I L E A N N E X 7 CWhen you seek buried or concealed inormation rom within

    the Ministry, roll +Focus.

    On 10+ hold 3 to be used to answer any o these questions.

    On 7-9 hold 1.

    Where is it physically located?

    Who controls it?

    Why was it hidden? What am I overlooking?

    How can I obtain it?

    Who else has accessed it? What is off kilter about this?

    T H E V A N I S H I N GWhen you use paperwork and protocol to hide inormation or

    obscure the truth, roll +Focus.

    On 10+ the source o your anxiety is buried under a mountain o


    On 7-9 its gone, but it will surace again soon or its loss or altera-

    tion was noted.

    On a miss it is not quite as gone as you would like, or it is gone

    straight into someones pocket, or worse.

    and choose one more: B O O K D U S T W I S D O MWhen another players character comes to you or ad-vice and you tell them what you think is best, they get+1 orward when ollowing your advice and you reduceyour doubt by one i they do.

    D A T A F I R EWhen you deliberately alter or destroy records to savesomebodys ass, roll +Focus.On 10+ remove 3-Guilt rom the Ministry.On 7-9 remove 1-Guilt rom the Ministry.On a miss add 3-Guilt and get caught.

    R E T R I E V A LWhen you submit someones name to the Ministry withthe proper paperwork, roll+Focus.

    On a hit, they come to you, with or without any clearexplanation why.On a 10+, take +1 orward against them.On a miss, the GM will ask you 3 questions; answerthem truthully.

    T A U N TWhen you prompt a person to action, roll +Drive.On 10+ theyve got no choice but to acquiesce.

    On a 7- 9 theyll do it i you promise something in return.PCs choose, but add 1-Doubt i they dont.

    L O G I C A LWhen you use strict deduction to analyze your surround-ings, you can Observe with Focus instead o radecraf.

    G N O M E

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE MAGICIANYour expertise is very specific and very sought-afer, which makes you popular. Te popularity, ocourse, is a thin veneer - you are used, and the case officers take the credit. I your talents werent needed

    there would be no place or you in the Ministry, but they would never let you go. Tis chilling dilemmamotivates you to keep your skills sharp.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    E V A L U A T I O NPut +2 in Tradecraf.Assign however you like:+2, +0, -1, -1.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneDissident, criminal, worker, military, proessional, unknown

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Extended, unorthodox, nuclear, single parent, raised by state

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose oneMainline church, bible study group, Dynamo Sports Association Fan Club,Lightning athletic league, Contemporary Literature Circle, Fine Art Soci-ety, Citizens Roundtable, Block Beautification Committee

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, ellow player character, senior case officer

    A P T I T U D E SYou get Specialist:

    S P E C I A L I S TYou are an expert at something. Choose a specialty: Wiretaps Bugs Photography Murder Evidence disposal Medicine Forgery Contraband Garbage analysis Something more obscure (name it)

    O N T H E S P O TAt the beginning o the session, roll+Luck. On a 10+, hold1 with +1 orward. On a 7-9, hold 1. At any time, eitheryou or the GM can spend your hold to have you alreadybe there, with the proper tools and knowledge, with orwithout any clear explanation why. I your hold was 1+1,take +1 orward now. On a miss, the GM holds 1, andcan spend it to have you already be there, but somehowpinned, caught or trapped.

    and choose two more: I S E E W H A T Y O U D I D T H E R EWhen you conduct electronic surveillance, on a hit youmay also ask one question about the person you aretracking rom the closely study a situation or personlist or ree.

    T H E C A V E

    While youre in your Minstry office/workshop, you gain +1ongoing.

    N E R D T O U C HWhenever you handle or examine an interesting object,roll+radecraf. On a hit, you can ask the GM ques-tions.On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:

    who handled this last beore me? where did this come rom? what has been done most recently with this, or to

    this? whats wrong with this, and how might I fix it?

    On a miss, the Ministry adds 1-Doubt.

    M A G I C I A N

    T E M A Z E P A MWhen you use chemical cocktails to control a persons ac-tions roll +radecraf.On a hit they have no memory o what you had them doand will bear you no ill will. PCs can do it or not; i theydont they gain 1-doubt and still dont remember.On 7-9 Tey stumble, hesitate or injure themselves in ol-lowing your orders.On a miss they need medical attention right now.

    C L O U S E A UWhen you have time and materials, you can create a dis-guise that will ool anyone into thinking youre anotherperson o about the same size and shape. Your actions cangive you away but your appearance wont.

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE BEASTSometimes analyzing hour afer ucking hour o telephone conversations is not the best way to gain the inorma-tion you need. Sometimes what is required is a threat delivered, an example made, the satisying crack o knuckleon flesh. Subtlety is all well and good, but there are always asses that need kicking and it is a task or which youare amazingly well suited.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    E V A L U A T I O NPut +2 in Drive.Assign however you like:+1, +1, +0, -1.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneDissident, criminal, worker, military, unknown

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Extended, single parent, raised by state

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose one

    None, mainline church, Dynamo Sports Association Fan Club, Lightningathletic league, Patriotic Affairs Club

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, ellow player character, senior case officer

    A P T I T U D E SYou get these two:

    L O G I C A L C O N S E Q U E N C E SWhen you threaten someone, roll +Drive

    On 10+ they back the uck off or suffer harm.

    On 7-9 the same, but only i you choose to press orward and

    suffer harm yoursel.

    E N H A N C E D T E C H N I Q U E SWhen you want a piece o inormation rom someone and have

    no limits concerning how you will obtain it, roll +Drive.

    On 10+ you get it. Hold 3.

    On 7-9 you get it, but hold 1.

    Te subject is not broken physically

    Te subject is not broken mentally

    You dont get a note in your file (Ministry holds 1 i this

    option isnt chosen)

    Te subject gives up another person or shares additional

    valuable inormation.

    and choose one more:

    T H A T G U YWhen you participate in an interrogation, even i youdont say a word or take any action at all, hold 3. Spendsyour holds, one or one, to aid or hinder other agentsduring the questioning.

    S H O O T F I R S TYoure never caught by surprise. When an enemy wouldget the drop on you, you get to act first instead.

    O N T H E L I S TWhenever you take a scar, name the person you holdmost responsible. ake +1 ongoing to all rolls versusthem, orever. (All rolls with them directly as a targetcount, o course. Rolls against their amily and riends,minions, or property may count, in the GMs judgment.GMs, remember your job is to make the world seem

    real and keep the characters lives interesting, not denythe PCs bonuses.)

    W E T P A V E M E N T A H E A DWhen you try to manipulate someone, roll+Drive insteado roll+Pull

    T O O L B O XWhen you need a tool, roll+Pull.On a 10+ Youve ucking go it, what is everybody standingaround or?

    On a 79 youll have to settle or something close or itcomes with strings attached, your call.

    B E A S T

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE PIPERIts the simplest thing in the world - people trust you, and you use that trust like a razor. Sometimes its just orshow, sometimes it provides a sensible trim, and sometimes - well, sometimes you need to cut a ew throats. Teugly calculus o human rai lty is the coin o your realm, and you are a genius at turning weakness into neatlytyped reports that send criminals, spies and agitators to the dark places.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    E V A L U A T I O NAssign however you like:+2, +1, +1, +0, -1.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneDissident, criminal, worker, military, proessional, elite, unknown

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Extended, unorthodox, nuclear, single parent, raised by state

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose twoForeign Language Club, Mainline church, Dynamo Sports Association FanClub, Lightning athletic league, Contemporary Literature Circle, Fine ArtSociety, Citizens Roundtable, Patriotic Affairs Club

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, ellow player character, senior case officer, Department head

    A P T I T U D E SYou get these two:

    J O I N U SWhen you recruit a new confidential inormant, roll+Pull.On a hit the target is yours. Explain why.On 7-9 Tere is a cost, obligation, or burden the Min-istry wont like. Te GM will tell you what.On a miss they reuse, accept the implications, andpossibly go public with your offer.

    H E A R T T O H E A R TWhen you speak rankly with another officer, you can asktheir player a question rom the list below. I they answerit truthully they then get to ask you a question rom thelist below. I you are both drinking alcohol, you can bothask and answer two. Whom do you serve? What do you wish I would do? How can I get you to ______? What are you really eeling right now? What do you most desire?

    and choose one more:

    D E V I O U SWhen you use Lets Talk you may also ask How are you vul-

    nerable to me? Your subject may not ask this question o you.

    S H U T U P A N D L I S T E NWhen you raise your voice and talk sense, roll +Drive.On a hit, they listen to you. On 10+ hold 3, on 7-9 hold1. Spend your hold 1-or-1 to give advice on a avorablecourse o action (+1 orward) or warnings against a courseo action (-1 orward).

    N A M E D R O P P E R

    Use +Pull instead o +radecraf when bracing a confiden-tial inormant.

    T R U S T M EWhen you are in a position to win the targets trust, roll+radecraf.

    P I P E R

  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE HUNTERYour work is demanding but interesting, and it is always satisying to careully lay the groundwork and then see

    your efforts trap the subject like a fly in a spiders web. It is best to ocus on the work and leave the rest to others- better to be extremely good at what you do and ask no questions than the opposite.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

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    E V A L U A T I O NAssign however you like:+2, +2, +0, -1, -1.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneDissident, criminal, worker, military, proessional, unknown

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Extended, unorthodox, nuclear, single parent

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose oneMainline church, bible study group, Dynamo Sports Association Fan Club,Lightning athletic league, Contemporary Literature Circle, Fine Art Soci-ety, Patriotic Affairs Club, Block Beautification Committee

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, ellow player character, senior case officer

    A P T I T U D E SChoose any our:

    B L A C K B A GWhen you pick locks or plant evidence or disablealarms, roll+radecrafOn a 10+, you do it, no problem.On a 7-9, the GM will offer you two options amongsuspicion, ailure, and cost (personal, resource or po-litical).

    S T U D I E D D E P A R T U R EWhen youre in too deep and need a way out, name yourescape route and roll+radecraf.On a 10+ youre gone.On a 7-9 you can stay or go, but i you go it costs you:leave something behind or take something with you, theGM will tell you what.

    O B S E S S I O NWhen you spy on someone outside your current inves-

    tigational parameters, roll +radecraf.On a hit you learn something important about your il-licit subject.On 7-9 Te Ministry adds 1-Doubt.You dont want to miss.

    T H E F U N D A M E N T A L SWhen you use Grid Search you always get +1 hold (even

    on a ailure you get 1 hold).

    C H A R A C T E R S T U D YWhen you conduct physical surveillance, on a hit you mayalso ask one question about the person you are trackingrom the closely study a situation or personlist or ree.

    W A R M W E L C O M EWhen you first encounter a new team or Department,someone who ears or respects you will stand you ordrinks and take you in as one o the gang.

    H U N T E R

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    B AS I C

    A P T I T U D E SYou get all o these:

    O B S E R V E

    When you closely study a situation or person, roll +Tra-decraf. On a 10+ ask the GM 3 questions rom the listbelow. On a 79 ask 1. Take +1 orward when acting onthe answers. What happened here recently? What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout or? What here is useul or valuable to me? Whos really in control here? What here is not what it appears to be?

    P E R S U A D EWhen you try to persuade someone,tell them what youwant and roll +Pull. For NPCs: On a hit, they ask you topromise something first, and do it i you promise. On a10+, whether you keep your promise is up to you, later. Ona 79, they need some concrete assurance right now. Forellow officers: on a 10+, both. On a 79, choose 1: I they do it, they remove doubt (you say how much) I they reuse, its tempting ate What they do then is up to them.

    I N Q U I R EWhen you ask the Ministry a question, roll +Focus.On a hit, the GM will tell you something new and inter-esting about the current situation, and might ask you aquestion or two; answer them. I you already know allthere is to know, the GM will tell you that.On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail.On a 7-9, the GM will give you the most plausible prevail-ing rumor.On a miss youve caught the attention o the Ministry.

    C A U S E H A R MWhen you try to hurt someone, it doesnt work out oranybody. Choose one, some, or all: Its final Its tragic Its strange Its horrific

    T E M P T F A T E

    When you tempt ate, roll +Luck.

    On 10+ you pull it off without trouble.On 7-9 you pull it off, but add 1-doubt.

    C R O S S T H E R U B I C O N

    When the time comes totell yoursel the truth, open

    your sealed envelope and roll +Luck.On a hit you keep the contents to yoursel.On 7-9 Teres a tell; add 3-doubt.On a miss, who do you share it with?

    E M P L O Y M E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D S E C T I O N

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Name, members, notes

    THE PRINCEEven i you are a princess you are the Prince - a golden child. Perhaps you grew up within the State Security ap-paratus, a legacy, or perhaps you are the scion o a politically connected elite dynasty. Either way youve enjoyedevery advantage, attended the best schools, traveled abroad. All this largesse cuts both ways in the trenches othe Ministry.

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e

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    E V A L U A T I O NPut +2 in Pull.Assign however you like:+1, +0, +0, +0.

    D O U B TF o c u sL u c kP u l lTradecraftD r i v e

    I D E N T I T Y n a m e #

    B A C K G R O U N D F A T H E R S O C C U P A T I O N Choose oneMilitary,elite

    F A M I L Y C O M P O S I T I O N Choose one

    Nuclear, raised by state

    A S S O C I AT I O N O R G R O U P Choose two

    Foreign Language Club, Dynamo Sports Association Fan Club, Lightningathletic league, Citizens Roundtable, Patriotic Affairs Club, Block Beau-tification Committee

    N E G A T I V E N O T E I N Y O U R F I L EChoose one and add detail

    Political (Domestic protest, ille-

    gal publication, links to individu-als outside the Homeland, etc)

    Psychosexual (Incident o abnor-mal sexual behavior, attemptedsexual assault, etc)

    Social (Family disgrace, oreigntravel, academic or workplaceailure, etc)

    Criminal (Arson, assault, vandal-ism, thef, etc)

    M E N T O R Choose one and name

    None, senior case officer, Department head, parent

    A P T I T U D E SChoose any our:

    T H E N A M EWhen you mention who you are and make the wisheso your extended amily crystal clear, roll +Pull.On 10+ hold all 3, its like magic!on 7-9 hold 2 It will be done immediately It will be done completely It wont be reported

    S E N I O R O F F I C E RWhen you speak the will o the Ministry to those present,roll +Pull.On 10+ some or all will go and do the will o the Minis-try.On 7-9 theyll ask or something first. PCs can choose notto do anything, but the Ministry adds 3-Doubt i they do.

    R E P U T A T I O NWhen you first meet someone whos heard stories about

    you, roll+Pull.On a 10+, tell the GM two things theyve heard aboutyou.On a 7-9, tell the GM one thing theyve heard, and theGM tells you one thing.

    E X T R A O R D I N A R Y A C C E S SWhen you make an inquiry to the Ministry, roll+Pull in-

    stead o roll+Focus.

    L O O K I N G O U T F O R N U M B E R O N EOn a iss on Walk o Shame, apportion blame however youlike.

    G O O D T A S T EWhen you make a show o flashing around your mostvaluable possession, choose someone present. Tey willdo anything they can to obtain your item or one like it.

    P R I N C E

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    You are a deep cover intelligence agent for a foreign power.

    Choose the nation you work for. Think about how you managed to insertyourself so deeply into the State Security apparatus, and how valuable

    that is to your country.

    Your handler is the subject of your current investigation. It is crucial

    that your handler remain in place, unmolested.


    When you effectively deflect suspicion from yourself or your handler,

    shift up to 3 doubt to another officer.



    You are a member of a domestic resistance sleeper cell. Your cell leader

    is the last person your team apprehended, or, if you have not arrested

    anyone yet, the target of your current case.

    Think about your cell and who its members are. Think about who you can

    recruit, andhow you can strike a blow for freedom.


    When you maliciously harm the Ministry in some way, roll +Tradecraft

    On a hit you do it.

    On 7-9 choose two:

    There is evidence. Add 3 doubt

    There is culpability. Assign 3 doubt

    Your efforts are not as effective as planned

    Your efforts have unintended consequences


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    Your single goal is to get revenge on a powerful individual you interact

    with daily. Why isnt remotely important any more, but do think about

    who they are and what they did to you. Own it.


    Choose who you burn for revenge upon. Take +1 ongoing to all rolls ver-

    sus them, forever. (All rolls with them directly as a target count, of

    course. Rolls against their family and friends, minions, or property may

    count, in the GMs judgment. GMs, remember your job is to make the world

    seem real and keep the characters lives interesting, not deny the PCs




    Your single goal is to get yourself and/or your family safely out of the


    Think about your cell and who its members are. Think about who you can

    recruit, andhow you can strike a blow for freedom.


    When you finally pull the trigger on your escape plan, roll +Luck.

    On a hit they get out.

    On a 7-9 they do not get out cleanly, choose 3:

    * A family member is badly injured

    * Someone is killed

    * You will never hear from your family again

    * You are caught out; add 3 guilt (you can choose this option more than



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    You are a confidential informant for the Ministry of the Interior. Your

    handler is in the Department of Regional Affairs Office of Special Proj-



    When you report a valuable bit of intelligence related to Interior, roll


    On 10+ hold 3.

    On 7-9 hold 1.

    * You are rewarded with a foreign travel permit or other perks

    * You are given interesting new responsibilities (GM will tell you what)

    * You are owed a favor by your handler

    * You are given some cooling-off time away from your handler* Strings are pulled in the Ministry, remove 1 doubt



    You are an undercover agent of the Peoples Police. You report to the

    Criminal Investigative Division Office of Legal Intelligence.


    When you report a valuable bit of intelligence related to the Peoples

    Police, roll +Pull.

    On 10+ hold 3.

    On 7-9 hold 1.

    * You are rewarded with cash or luxury goods or other perks

    * You are given interesting new responsibilities (GM will tell you what)

    * You are owed a favor by your handler

    * You are given some cooling-off time away from your handler

    * You are given access to some off-the-books CID-TSU support


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    Your job is not a cover - like most people, you actually work for the

    organization you think you do.


    When you give up something precious for the Ministry, I mean really

    fucking precious, hold 3-sacrifice. Spend sacrifice 1 for 1 to:

    Remove up to 3 doubt

    Assign up to 3 doubt

    No hurry in spending that, you earned it in hot tears.



    You are an agent of the Main Intelligence Directorate. Your mandate is

    identifying foreign spies. Everything else is trivia and semantics.


    When you call on the resources of Department 15, roll +Pull.

    On 10+ Department 15 delivers.

    On 7-9 Department 15 delivers but choose one:

    * The person you want alive is dead

    * The evidence you want preserved is destroyed

    * The situation you want suppressed is outed


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    You are a mole for the Ministry of Defense. Your handler is in the Cen-

    tral Operational Staff Exigency Analysis Working Group.


    When you report a valuable bit of intelligence related to the MOD, roll


    On 10+ hold 3.

    On 7-9 hold 1.

    * You are rewarded with a promotion in military rank

    * You are given interesting new responsibilities (GM will tell you what)

    * You are owed a favor by your handler

    * You are given some cooling-off time away from your handler

    * Strings are pulled in the Ministry, remove 1 doubt



    You are an agent of the Department of Counterintelligence, Office of

    Domestic Surveillance. You have been tasked with rooting out moles from

    Interior, Defense and the Peoples Police within the State Security ap-

    paratus. State Security is riddled with them and they are not obvious.


    When you identify a suspected mole from outside the Ministry, roll


    On 10+ hold 3.

    On 7-9 hold 1.

    * You are rewarded with cash or luxury goods or other perks

    * You are given interesting new responsibilities (GM will tell you what)

    * You are owed a favor by your handler

    * A helpful rumor is started, shift 1 doubt

    * Strings are pulled in the Ministry, remove 1 doubt


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    D E P A R T M E N T S I XP A S S P O R T C O N T R O L , T O U R I S M A N D T R A N S I T

    Te Department o Passport control, ourism and ransit keeps an eye on oreigners and citizens headed

    abroad. Department 6 exerts great power among the intelligentsia and elites.

    Department 6 is a small, tight-knit organization that focuses on foreign guests within the nation, nationalsbound for other countries or living abroad, and citizens who have contact with either. Department 6 effec-tively controls the Homelands official entry and exit channels and has unfettered access to foreign currency,

    goods, and inormation, with a cozy relationship with Department 18s money laundering CommercialCoordination Working Group. It must rely on the surveil lance and intelligence-gathering capabil ities o

    other Departments, however.

    + Rich

    + Bureaucratic choke point

    + Access to oreigners, tiny but well-placed CI network

    - Small

    - No organic surveillance assets


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    D E P A R T M E N T E I G H T E E NTe Department o Protection o the National Economy is a tightly-integrated component in the Home-lands economic machine. It maintains the hollow Department 11 in coordination with Department 2 as

    a useul ront.

    C E N T R A L E V A L U A T I O N A N D I N F O R M A T I O N G R O U P

    Te CEIG is an investigative unit tasked with ensuring fiscal responsibility within the Ministry o State

    Security. It has wide-ranging powers.

    Te CEIG are the financial police, in charge of monitoring and controlling the grey and black markets andinvestigating cases o embezzlement, fiscal maleasance, and importation o contraband. Tere is almost

    no investigation in which the CEIG cannot find some area of professional interest. Because their investiga-tions ofen touch the highest levels o society, the agents o the CEIG are hand-picked or the qualities o

    discretion, loyalty, and pragmatism.

    + Prestigious

    + Not corrupt

    - Small

    - Hated by other Departments

    - No CI network


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    D E P A R T M E N T N I N E T E E NTe Department o raffic and ransportation is surprisingly powerul within State Security, keeping afinger on the pulse of the economy and utilizing transit as a tool for both running informants and surveil-ling potential threats to the Homeland. It maintains a huge network o inormants. Te D is primarilyconcerned with cultivating and maintaining inormants within the highly mobile and ubiquitous trans-

    portation and service sectors. Teir inormants are everywhere and see everything. Department 19 hassome o the best sel-contained surveillance assets available to the State Security through the Office oInternal elecommunications, Working Group 17, and its network of informants. As such the Department

    is eared and respected.

    W O R K I N G G R O U P B

    Working Group B ocuses on the physical surveillance o the domestic movement o persons o interest.An elite and independent task force pulled from other offices and even other departments, Working GroupB keeps an eye on oreigners in-country, leveraging other Department 19 assets. Department 2 considers

    them clumsy amateurs, which is unair.

    + Huge

    + Vast CI network

    + Well developed surveillance inrastructure

    - Ponderous bureaucracy

    - en agents or every opening


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    D E P A R T M E N T T W E N T YTe Department o Culture and Religion is primarily concerned with cultivating and maintaining inor-

    mants within the ar ts and religious communities through the Offices o Cultural and Religious Affairsrespectively. In addition, the DCR monitors, crushes, and occasionally encourages dissent within these

    communities. Department 20 has no native surveillance assets but enjoys a thick network of highly-placedinormants, particularly on the arts side.

    O F F I C E O F C U L T U R A L A F F A I R S

    Office o Religious Affairs and olerance runs a deep network o confidential inormants in the arts, aca-

    demia, and among the elites. Department 13s Office of Media Factors is a professional rival, although onlyin the niche area o journalists and celebrities.

    + Well-connected

    + Experienced in psyops and dirty tricks

    + Close relationship with Department 12, has the goods on everyone

    - No organic surveillance assets


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    P E O P L E S P O L I C ETe Peoples Police do not like the Ministry o State Security. As de acto subordinates, the Peoples Policeare ofen required to work along side State Security agents and render assistance. Tey are ofen subjectedto dismissive, humiliating treatment, despite being highly competent proessionals.

    C r i m i n a l I n v e s t i g a t i v e D i v i s i o n T e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s u n i t

    Provides wiretapping and eavesdropping equipment and personnel. Te most skilled personnel and thewidest general reach. Utilized heavily by State Security, who dont trust their own wizards in Department 3.

    Officers o the CID-CU are ofen called into liaison with State Security assets or physical and technical

    surveillance, as well as traditional law enforcement functions. Tis is particularly true when cases are likelyto involve non-security-related criminal activity. Tese officers have all the privileges and responsibilitieso State Security field agents, as well as normal domestic investigative and arrest powers. State Securitypersonnel tend to treat them as incompetent amateurs, which is ofen unair.

    + Conventional arrest powers

    + Well developed surveillance apparatus

    + Outside State Security chain o command

    - Outside State Security chain o command

    - Looked down on by State Security agents


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    M I N I S T R Y O F D E F E N S ETe Ministry of Defense does not like the Ministry of State Security. Tere is nominal cooperation betweenthe two entities and they exchange personnel, but no love is lost between them. MOD jealously guards its

    mandates, and aggressively runs agents within State Security, treating it like any other existential threat.

    C E N T R A L C O O R D I N A T I O N G R O U P

    Ostensibly coordinates activities of military intelligence and Ministry of State Security. In reality serves as

    a conduit or intelligence and obstruction.

    Officers o the CCG are ofen assigned to Ministry o State Security teams to serve as military liaison.Tese agents have all the privileges and responsibilities o State Security field agents, but report to theirown military chain o command. In matters related to military personnel and materiel, they are expectedto take a lead role. Among State Security personnel CCG staff are widely regarded as spies and bumblers

    and are ofen marginalized.

    + Unlimited power in military affairs

    + Outside State Security chain o command

    - Outside State Security chain o command

    - Distrusted by State Security agents


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    D E P A R T M E N T T W E N T YTe Department o Culture and Religion is primarily concerned with cultivating and maintaining inor-

    mants within the ar ts and religious communities through the Offices o Cultural and Religious Affairsrespectively. In addition, the DCR monitors, crushes, and occasionally encourages dissent within these

    communities. Department 20 has no native surveillance assets but enjoys a thick network of highly-placedinormants, particularly on the arts side.

    O F F I C E O F R E L I G I O U S A F F A I R S A N D T O L E R A N C E

    Office of Religious Affairs and olerance runs a deep network of confidential informants among the clergyand key parishioners.

    + Well-connected

    + Experienced in psyops and dirty tricks

    + Close relationship with Department 12, has the goods on everyone

    - No organic surveillance assets


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  • 8/12/2019 Secret Police Hack v1.0


    P E R S O N N E L

    S U B J E C T n a m e P R O T E C T E D I D C O V E R P A G

    D E S K O F F I C E R

    W O R K I N G G R O U P Note Working Group members

    E X T E R N A L R E S O U R C E S Note Interior, PeoplesPolice CID, MOD members

    R O U T E F I L E

    Case officersDesk officerDepartment head Originating DepartmentDepartment 12 Office o the Minister o State Security Other:

    U N I V E R S A L C R I M I N A L C O D E

    Rights of the Accused

    Anyone accused o a major crime has the right to be repre-sented by a lawyer, the right to a speedy trial, and the right

    to appeal.Legal Precedent

    Due to the perilous situation in the Homeland and the activefforts o our enemies to destroy us, both preparation andattempt are themselves crimes.


    Since the voice o the people is our most effective tool inmaintaining our reedom, hearsay evidence is admissible incourt.

    Sections of the UCC related to Investigative WorkingGroup Officers

    Section 88 Warlike activities or the oppression o apeople (death)

    Section 96 reason (death)

    Section 97 Passing secret inormation (death)

    Section 98 Recruitment to a spy ring (death)

    Section 99 Passing non-secret inormation (12 years)

    Section 104 Sabotage (death)

    Section 106 Anti-state incitement and agitation (2-10years)

    Section 107 Formation o groups hostile to Homeland(2-12 years)

    Section 213 Unauthorized border crossing (8 years)

    Section 215 Insult to public order (5 years)

    Section 217 Illegal demonstration (8 years)

    Section 218 Illegal abortion (1-5 years)

    Section 219 Unauthorized contact (5 years)

    Section 249 Endangerment o public order (5 years)

    All other sections fall under the purview of the Peoples Policor Ministry of the Interior.


    rials must take place within a reasonable time afer arrest.Te accused are represented by Homeland-provided lawyerrials are conducted beore three-judge panels. All judgesare graduates o the University o the Ministry o State Security, which operates within Department 14.


    Prison sentences have a mandatory minimum o six monthSentences can be extended upon judicial review.


    Criminals remanded to the Peoples Police CustodialDivision or the Department o Detention and Correction(Department 17) may appeal their convictions directly to thDirector o State Security.

    D I S P O S I T I O N

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    S U R R E P T I T I O U S E N T R Y

    When you perform a surreptitious entry,chooseone member o the team to scout the location, one tohandle access and one to be operation supervisor (thesame character cannot have two jobs). I you donthave enough team members or choose not to assign ajob, treat that job as i it had rolled a 6. Each characterwith a job to do rolls+radecraf. On a 10+ the opera-tion supervisor removes the first point o doubt anyone

    gains in the operation. On a 10+ the scout will spot anytrouble quick enough to let you get ahead o it. On a10+ the access man reduces the amount o time it takesto achieve your goal (the GM will say by how much).On a 79 each roles perorms their job as expected:the operation takes about as long as expected, no onesurprises anybody.

    T H E T A I L

    When you set up a tail,roll+radecraf. On a hit, youollow the subject until theres a significant change intheir direction or mode
