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SEE, THE KING IS COMING! Matthew 24:42+44

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SEE, THE KING IS COMING! Matthew 24:42+44. You see according to your expectation 1. WHO do you expect? 2. WHAT do you expect? 3. WHERE do you expect? 4. WHEN are you expecting? 5. HOW do you expect?. HOW DO YOU EXPECT : By BELIEVING something or in something! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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SEE, THE KING IS COMING! Matthew 24:42+44
Page 1: SEE, THE KING IS COMING! Matthew 24:42+44

SEE, THE KING IS COMING!Matthew 24:42+44

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You see according to your expectation

1. WHO do you expect?2. WHAT do you expect?3. WHERE do you expect?4. WHEN are you expecting?5. HOW do you expect?

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HOW DO YOU EXPECT:- By BELIEVING something or in something!- “So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and

what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself).” Rom. 10:17 (Amp.)

- What WORD are you living according to?- BELIEVE you’re a failure → you expect to fail.

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John 1:1+21. I SEE the WORD2. I SEE God standing at His/the WORD3. I SEE God in the WORD: JESUS CHRIST4. I SEE the One with God as the LIVING WORD: FATHER GOD (John 17:3)

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The WORD was/is in the BEGINNING of your situation!

DISCERN the WORD → There are many VOICES, but that doesn’t mean your expectation should be INFLUENCED by them.

TAKE a voice and MAKE it a word for you!

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When do you EXPECT to stop expecting GOD?Matt. 25:5+6 → Slumber? → Tired? → Sleep? → You will hear the CALL of the BRIDEGROOM’S ARRIVAL.

WISE + FOOLISH virgins → both will sleep, slumber.

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WHAT do you buy with your LIFE today? (Matt. 25:8+9)

WHAT do you buy wine and milk WITH? (Is. 55:1+6)WINE = HOLY SPIRIT (Matt. 9:17)MILK = WORD (1Pet. 2:2)

FRUSTRATION because you feel something must happen NOW.Ex. 32:1+2 – WHAT do you buy with your GOLD?

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1.Buy GOLD from God! (Rev. 3:18)

2.Buy white CLOTHES from God! (Rev. 3:18)

3.Buy OINTMENT from God! (Rev. 3:18)

So That: You can HEAR – your KING behind the door. (Rev 3:20)

WHEN are you expecting Him?

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TARRY: • When the ENEMY wants to TAKE OVER. (1 Sam. 13:8-14) (Samuel and Saul)• When REASONING gets the BETTER of you. (Job)• When you want to CRY OUT and DROWN in

CIRCUMSTANCES. (Habakkuk)• When your FINANCES have to GROW. (Matt. 25:14)• When God’s GRACE must be STRETCHED. (2Pet. 3:9)

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WHERE did they go to meet the Bridegroom? (Matt. 25:1)

Let us go forth…

WHERE do you expect Him? (Heb. 13:12-14)

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WHERE do you expect Him?

1. Where HIS BLOOD is AT WORK → the CROSS!2. Where JESUS acts as MEDIATOR in our covenant with God.3. Where the SPIRITS of the RIGHTEOUS are MADE PERFECT.

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4. Where GOD acts as the JUDGE.5. Where the ASSEMBLY of the FIRST BORN is.6. Where the FESTIVE GATHERING is.7. At mount ZION and the NEW JERUSALEM.

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BEHOLD:1. Look WITHIN! (Luke 17:21-23)

2. Look at CREATION! (Job 42)

3. CREATION LOOKS to/at YOU! (Rom. 8:18+19)

4. See where you SERVE and FOLLOW HIM in FAITH! (John 12:26)

5. See where you LOVE HIM and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS! (John 14:23)

6. See where you are PREACHING the GOSPEL! (Matt. 24:14+23+26; 28:19-20)

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Will His coming be SHOCKING and FRIGHTENING to you?OR

Will His coming be SURPRISING and BREATH-TAKING to you?

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Do things in the RIGHT WAY:


And you can expect the RIGHT THINGS to happen.(MATT 5:3-12)

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If you BELIEVE that God has all the POWER, then EXPECT that He will do FAR ABOVE everything you pray or think…

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That WHICH you EXPECT comes from SOMEONE’S HAND:

• You can receive SUPERNATURAL PROVISION.• You can receive SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION.• You can OWN the KINGDOMS of the world.

BUT from WHOSE HAND did you receive it?

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WHICH HAND FORMS the mud in YOUR LIFE so that it resembles the IMAGE OF GOD?

The HAND of which “GOD” is forming your life? → Your life will start to RESEMBLE the image + likeness of THAT “GOD”.

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In my life, I EXPECT that God will do THAT which will be:


Far ABOVE EVERYTHING I could DARE to ASK or THINK according to HIS WORD and SPIRIT’S POWER that is at work in me. (Eph.3:20)

I EXPECT that I will BRING Him HONOUR for ALL ETERNITY (Eph.3:21)

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It depends on:WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW you expect!

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Do you realistically look at the day?

WATCH OUT that you do not:• MISS the SON OF GOD today• SEE the SON OF GOD today • ALLOW Him to bring breakthrough • ALLOW Him SPEAK into your life• ALLOW Him to do a MIRACLE for you, because:• You SEE the SON OF JOSEPH instead of the SON


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Expect: I AM WHO I AM! (Ex. 3:14)

What am I? → What I am is EVERYTHING!

The EXPECTATION OF MY LIFE is in a PERSON who, by definition, is the ONLY LIFE that exists for me, which is: GOD AS LIFE.

“For me to LIVE is CHRIST [His life in me], and to DIE is GAIN [the gain of the glory of eternity].”(Phil. 1:21)

→ I expect GAIN! → a PERSON!

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Phil. 3:7 “But whatever former things I had that might have been gains to me, I have come to consider as [one combined] loss for Christ’s sake.”

Verse 8 “… and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs) in order that I may win (GAIN) CHRIST (the Anointed one)!”

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You ACCEPTED JESUS → but who is the KING in the PALACE?• Are you on the throne and He is somewhere in

the palace?

Luke 17:21 “…the kingdom of God IS within you…”

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Look INTO the kingdom and see which King is there!• In the WORD (the authority of the kingdom), the

KING must be seen. • In the WORD, as the ROCK, will be the LIVING

WATER that will become a FOUNTAIN WITHIN you.

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JESUS is the ROCK (2 Sam. 23:3, 1 Cor. 10:4)He is my Rock! (Ps. 62:7)

• STRIKE the Rock (Ex. 17:6)• SPEAK to the Rock (Num. 20:7-11)

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John 4:14 “But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him SHALL BECOME a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto (into, for) eternal life.” (Amp.)

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John 7:38 “He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his INNERMOST BEING shall flow [continuously] SPRINGS and RIVERS of LIVING WATER.” (Amp.)

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John 4:23+24 “A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH (reality).” (Amp.)

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SEARCH for the GLASSES so that you may SEE THE KING:The KINGDOM = GLASSES needed to see the King1. SEEK the KINGDOM2. SEEK His RIGHTEOUSNESS: His POSITION in His Kingdom3. SEEK the KING – Where He is right now, busy with what? (Matt 6:33)

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Find the RIGHT GLASSES to see the true King.Matt. 13:13-16BLESSED EYES (Happy, fortunate, to be envied)BLESSED EARS (Happy, fortunate, to be envied)

Seek the Kingdom (glasses): SO THAT you can SEE LIFE the WAY the KING SEES IT.

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THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE:1. A SOWER who SOWS in different places (Matt. 13:18-23)2. A MAN WHO SOWS GOOD SEED, but weeds also grow (Matt. 13:24)

3. A MUSTARD SEED (Matt. 13:31)

4. LEAVEN/SOUR DOUGH (Matt. 13:33)

5. TREASURE buried in a field (Matt. 13:44)

6. A DRAGNET that was cast into the see (Matt. 13:47)

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7. A KING who shows COMPASSION and cancels debts (Matt. 18:23)

8. An OWNER who pays LABOURERS as he wishes (Matt. 20:1)9. An OWNER with VINEDRESSERS (Matt. 21:40)

10. A KING who held a wedding banquet (Matt. 22:2)

11. TEN VIRGINS who go to meet a BRIDEGROOM (Matt. 25:1)

12. A TRAVELLING MAN who gives servants different talents (Matt. 25:14)

13. GOATS and SHEEP before the King; the SHEEP will INHERIT the Kingdom (Matt. 25:32-34)

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SEEK: Doesn’t just mean “look around”!You must DENY YOURSELF in order to SEE what you seek.

You must look with “the SIGN”: - The CROSS of JESUS CHRIST

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DENY YOURSELF: - seek• Old identity – the old man• LOSE yourself at the CROSS (Matt. 16:25)TAKE UP THE CROSS: - find• New identity – the new man• FIND yourself in HIM (Matt. 16:25)FOLLOW ME: - follow• See I Am who I Am• FOLLOW THE GREAT I AM(Matt. 16:24)

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1. A SOWER who SOWS in different places(Matt 13:18-23)ME, with MY HEART - the GROUND…• The WORD is STOLEN• The WORD is SUPERFICIAL• The WORD is CHOKED• The WORD is FULFILLED

2. A MAN WHO SOWS GOOD SEED, but weeds also grow (Matt 13:24-30)ME, as the SEED…• WEEDS IN FIRE• WHEAT IN HIS STOREHOUSE

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3. A MUSTARD SEED (Matt 13:31+32)Me, with SEED IN MY HAND – WORD of FAITH to DIE TO SELF


5. TREASURE buried in a field (Matt 13:44)Me, with MY WHOLE LIFE


7. A DRAGNET that was cast into the sea (Matt 13:47-50)Me, as the CROWN OF CREATION

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1. A KING who shows COMPASSION and cancels debts (Matt. 18:23)• Relationships

2. An OWNER who pays LABOURERS as he wishes (Matt. 20:1)

3. An OWNER with VINEDRESSERS (Matt. 21:40)

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4. A KING who held a wedding banquet (Matt. 22:2)

5. TEN VIRGINS who go to meet a BRIDEGROOM (Matt. 25:1)

6. A TRAVELLING MAN who gives servants different talents (Matt. 25:14)

7. GOATS and SHEEP before the King; the SHEEP will INHERIT the Kingdom (Matt. 25:32-34)
