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Page 1: SEE, THE KING IS COMING! Matthew 24:42+44

SEE, THE KING IS COMING!Matthew 24:42+44

Page 2: SEE, THE KING IS COMING! Matthew 24:42+44

You see according to your expectation

1. WHO do you expect?2. WHAT do you expect?3. WHERE do you expect?4. WHEN are you expecting?5. HOW do you expect?

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HOW DO YOU EXPECT:- By BELIEVING something or in something!- “So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and

what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself).” Rom. 10:17 (Amp.)

- What WORD are you living according to?- BELIEVE you’re a failure → you expect to fail.

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John 1:1+21. I SEE the WORD2. I SEE God standing at His/the WORD3. I SEE God in the WORD: JESUS CHRIST4. I SEE the One with God as the LIVING WORD: FATHER GOD (John 17:3)

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The WORD was/is in the BEGINNING of your situation!

DISCERN the WORD → There are many VOICES, but that doesn’t mean your expectation should be INFLUENCED by them.

TAKE a voice and MAKE it a word for you!

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When do you EXPECT to stop expecting GOD?Matt. 25:5+6 → Slumber? → Tired? → Sleep? → You will hear the CALL of the BRIDEGROOM’S ARRIVAL.

WISE + FOOLISH virgins → both will sleep, slumber.

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WHAT do you buy with your LIFE today? (Matt. 25:8+9)

WHAT do you buy wine and milk WITH? (Is. 55:1+6)WINE = HOLY SPIRIT (Matt. 9:17)MILK = WORD (1Pet. 2:2)

FRUSTRATION because you feel something must happen NOW.Ex. 32:1+2 – WHAT do you buy with your GOLD?

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1.Buy GOLD from God! (Rev. 3:18)

2.Buy white CLOTHES from God! (Rev. 3:18)

3.Buy OINTMENT from God! (Rev. 3:18)

So That: You can HEAR – your KING behind the door. (Rev 3:20)

WHEN are you expecting Him?

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TARRY: • When the ENEMY wants to TAKE OVER. (1 Sam. 13:8-14) (Samuel and Saul)• When REASONING gets the BETTER of you. (Job)• When you want to CRY OUT and DROWN in

CIRCUMSTANCES. (Habakkuk)• When your FINANCES have to GROW. (Matt. 25:14)• When God’s GRACE must be STRETCHED. (2Pet. 3:9)

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WHERE did they go to meet the Bridegroom? (Matt. 25:1)

Let us go forth…

WHERE do you expect Him? (Heb. 13:12-14)

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WHERE do you expect Him?

1. Where HIS BLOOD is AT WORK → the CROSS!2. Where JESUS acts as MEDIATOR in our covenant with God.3. Where the SPIRITS of the RIGHTEOUS are MADE PERFECT.

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4. Where GOD acts as the JUDGE.5. Where the ASSEMBLY of the FIRST BORN is.6. Where the FESTIVE GATHERING is.7. At mount ZION and the NEW JERUSALEM.

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BEHOLD:1. Look WITHIN! (Luke 17:21-23)

2. Look at CREATION! (Job 42)

3. CREATION LOOKS to/at YOU! (Rom. 8:18+19)

4. See where you SERVE and FOLLOW HIM in FAITH! (John 12:26)

5. See where you LOVE HIM and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS! (John 14:23)

6. See where you are PREACHING the GOSPEL! (Matt. 24:14+23+26; 28:19-20)

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Will His coming be SHOCKING and FRIGHTENING to you?OR

Will His coming be SURPRISING and BREATH-TAKING to you?

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Do things in the RIGHT WAY:


And you can expect the RIGHT THINGS to happen.(MATT 5:3-12)

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If you BELIEVE that God has all the POWER, then EXPECT that He will do FAR ABOVE everything you pray or think…

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That WHICH you EXPECT comes from SOMEONE’S HAND:

• You can receive SUPERNATURAL PROVISION.• You can receive SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION.• You can OWN the KINGDOMS of the world.

BUT from WHOSE HAND did you receive it?

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WHICH HAND FORMS the mud in YOUR LIFE so that it resembles the IMAGE OF GOD?

The HAND of which “GOD” is forming your life? → Your life will start to RESEMBLE the image + likeness of THAT “GOD”.

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In my life, I EXPECT that God will do THAT which will be:


Far ABOVE EVERYTHING I could DARE to ASK or THINK according to HIS WORD and SPIRIT’S POWER that is at work in me. (Eph.3:20)

I EXPECT that I will BRING Him HONOUR for ALL ETERNITY (Eph.3:21)

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It depends on:WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW you expect!

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Do you realistically look at the day?

WATCH OUT that you do not:• MISS the SON OF GOD today• SEE the SON OF GOD today • ALLOW Him to bring breakthrough • ALLOW Him SPEAK into your life• ALLOW Him to do a MIRACLE for you, because:• You SEE the SON OF JOSEPH instead of the SON


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Expect: I AM WHO I AM! (Ex. 3:14)

What am I? → What I am is EVERYTHING!

The EXPECTATION OF MY LIFE is in a PERSON who, by definition, is the ONLY LIFE that exists for me, which is: GOD AS LIFE.

“For me to LIVE is CHRIST [His life in me], and to DIE is GAIN [the gain of the glory of eternity].”(Phil. 1:21)

→ I expect GAIN! → a PERSON!

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Phil. 3:7 “But whatever former things I had that might have been gains to me, I have come to consider as [one combined] loss for Christ’s sake.”

Verse 8 “… and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs) in order that I may win (GAIN) CHRIST (the Anointed one)!”

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You ACCEPTED JESUS → but who is the KING in the PALACE?• Are you on the throne and He is somewhere in

the palace?

Luke 17:21 “…the kingdom of God IS within you…”

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Look INTO the kingdom and see which King is there!• In the WORD (the authority of the kingdom), the

KING must be seen. • In the WORD, as the ROCK, will be the LIVING

WATER that will become a FOUNTAIN WITHIN you.

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JESUS is the ROCK (2 Sam. 23:3, 1 Cor. 10:4)He is my Rock! (Ps. 62:7)

• STRIKE the Rock (Ex. 17:6)• SPEAK to the Rock (Num. 20:7-11)

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John 4:14 “But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him SHALL BECOME a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto (into, for) eternal life.” (Amp.)

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John 7:38 “He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his INNERMOST BEING shall flow [continuously] SPRINGS and RIVERS of LIVING WATER.” (Amp.)

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John 4:23+24 “A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH (reality).” (Amp.)

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SEARCH for the GLASSES so that you may SEE THE KING:The KINGDOM = GLASSES needed to see the King1. SEEK the KINGDOM2. SEEK His RIGHTEOUSNESS: His POSITION in His Kingdom3. SEEK the KING – Where He is right now, busy with what? (Matt 6:33)

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Find the RIGHT GLASSES to see the true King.Matt. 13:13-16BLESSED EYES (Happy, fortunate, to be envied)BLESSED EARS (Happy, fortunate, to be envied)

Seek the Kingdom (glasses): SO THAT you can SEE LIFE the WAY the KING SEES IT.

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THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE:1. A SOWER who SOWS in different places (Matt. 13:18-23)2. A MAN WHO SOWS GOOD SEED, but weeds also grow (Matt. 13:24)

3. A MUSTARD SEED (Matt. 13:31)

4. LEAVEN/SOUR DOUGH (Matt. 13:33)

5. TREASURE buried in a field (Matt. 13:44)

6. A DRAGNET that was cast into the see (Matt. 13:47)

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7. A KING who shows COMPASSION and cancels debts (Matt. 18:23)

8. An OWNER who pays LABOURERS as he wishes (Matt. 20:1)9. An OWNER with VINEDRESSERS (Matt. 21:40)

10. A KING who held a wedding banquet (Matt. 22:2)

11. TEN VIRGINS who go to meet a BRIDEGROOM (Matt. 25:1)

12. A TRAVELLING MAN who gives servants different talents (Matt. 25:14)

13. GOATS and SHEEP before the King; the SHEEP will INHERIT the Kingdom (Matt. 25:32-34)

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SEEK: Doesn’t just mean “look around”!You must DENY YOURSELF in order to SEE what you seek.

You must look with “the SIGN”: - The CROSS of JESUS CHRIST

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DENY YOURSELF: - seek• Old identity – the old man• LOSE yourself at the CROSS (Matt. 16:25)TAKE UP THE CROSS: - find• New identity – the new man• FIND yourself in HIM (Matt. 16:25)FOLLOW ME: - follow• See I Am who I Am• FOLLOW THE GREAT I AM(Matt. 16:24)

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1. A SOWER who SOWS in different places(Matt 13:18-23)ME, with MY HEART - the GROUND…• The WORD is STOLEN• The WORD is SUPERFICIAL• The WORD is CHOKED• The WORD is FULFILLED

2. A MAN WHO SOWS GOOD SEED, but weeds also grow (Matt 13:24-30)ME, as the SEED…• WEEDS IN FIRE• WHEAT IN HIS STOREHOUSE

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3. A MUSTARD SEED (Matt 13:31+32)Me, with SEED IN MY HAND – WORD of FAITH to DIE TO SELF


5. TREASURE buried in a field (Matt 13:44)Me, with MY WHOLE LIFE


7. A DRAGNET that was cast into the sea (Matt 13:47-50)Me, as the CROWN OF CREATION

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1. A KING who shows COMPASSION and cancels debts (Matt. 18:23)• Relationships

2. An OWNER who pays LABOURERS as he wishes (Matt. 20:1)

3. An OWNER with VINEDRESSERS (Matt. 21:40)

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4. A KING who held a wedding banquet (Matt. 22:2)

5. TEN VIRGINS who go to meet a BRIDEGROOM (Matt. 25:1)

6. A TRAVELLING MAN who gives servants different talents (Matt. 25:14)

7. GOATS and SHEEP before the King; the SHEEP will INHERIT the Kingdom (Matt. 25:32-34)

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